HomeMy WebLinkAboutVarTec Solutions.pdfComtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec SolutionstID Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Solutions TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRICE LIST VarTec Solutions Toll-free Telephone Number: (800) 871-0999 This Price List contains the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the IntraLA T A and InterLA T A Resale Telecommunications Services provided by Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Solutions within the State of Idaho. Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Effective: May 1, 2006 Idaho Pub.ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING HAY 1- 2006 Issued: March 20, 2006 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS PageTitlePage.......................................................................... Table of Contents....................................... ............................. Section I-Terms and Abbreviations......................... .......................... Section2-RulesandRegulations - ..................................................... Section3-DescriptionofService ...................................................10- Prime Telecom Option..................................... .......................... CommercialPlan ................................................................14- PrimeBusinessSelectPlanII ......................................................19- Special VI Service .................................................................. SpecialVIServiceDedicated ......................................................... PrimeBusiness-9 ................................................................ Prime Business Select III.................................. ........................... Prime Business Select IV................................. ............................ PrimeBusinessSelect3A " ...... PrimeBusinessSelect4A ............................................................PrimeBusinessCommercialService.................................................... Prime Business Select Plan II-A ....................................................... 28 WinbackProgramI .................................................................WinbackProgramII................................................................. WinbackProgramIII ................................................................ Prime Business Select II Dedicated Special Pricing -VII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. HearthProductsAssociationSwicthed .................................................. Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing III ............................... 31 Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricing II ............................... 31 Prime Business Select Dedicated Special Pricing XXXVII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Prime Business Select Switched II Special Pricing XII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricing I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Section4-Rates " .......... 33- Section5-Promotions............................................................... Section6-ContractServices......................................................75-116 Issued: August 17 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho -------..- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Authorized User - A person, firm, corporation, or any other entity authorized by the Customer communicate utilizing the Carrier s service. Customer or End User - The person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders, cancels amends or uses service and is responsible for payment of charges and compliance with the Company s tariff. Company or Carrier - VarTec Solutions, Inc., unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Commission - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Day - From 8:00 AM up to, but not including, 5:00 PM local time Monday through Friday. Dedicated Access Origination/Termination - Where access between the customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on dedicated circuits. The cost ofthese dedicated circuits is billed by the access provider directly to the end user. Company - Refers to VarTec Solutions, Inc. Holidays - The Company observes the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 2 7 2004 Boise, Idaho . """'--", . VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) LEC - Local Exchange Company Responsible Organization (Resp. Org.) - The entity that has responsibility for the management of toll free numbers in the Service Management System (SMS/800) including maintaining Customer records in the SMS/800 system. Also, the entity which accesses the SMS/800 to: (a) search for and reserved toll free numbers;(b) create and maintain toll free Customer records, including call processing records; and ( c) provide a single point of contact for trouble reporting. The SMS/800 recognizes on Resp. Drg. for each toll free number. Switched Access Origination/Termination - Where access between the customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on local exchange company Feature Group circuits and the connection to the customer is a LEC-provided business or residential access line. The cost of switched Feature Group access is billed to the interexchange carrier. V & H Coordinates - Geographic points which define the originating and terminating points of a call in mathematical terms so that the airline mileage of the call may be determined. Call mileage is used for the purposed of rating calls. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commissiol1 Ofdce of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of VarTec Solutions. Inc. 1.1 VarTec Solutions, Inc.'s services and resold facilities are furnished for intraLATA and interLA T A communications originating at specified points within the state of Idaho under terms of this price list. VarTec Solutions, Inc. installs, operates, and maintains the communications services provided here in under in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this price list. VarTec Solutions, Inc. may act as the Customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the VarTec Solutions, Inc. network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services and resold facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability ofthe necessary facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions oftms price list. VarTec Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this price list, or in violation of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id-aho P~blic Utilities Commission Of!lc€: of tiie Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Limitations (Continued) 2.4 All services and resold facilities provided under this price list are directly or indirectly controlled by VarTec Solutions, Inc. and the Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities without the express written consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. 2.5 Prior written permission from the Company is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this price list shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of service. Presubscribed service is available from equal access locations only. Travel service is available from any originating location in the state. Use Services provided under this price list may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. Issued: August 17,2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho "m . .'.... .... '---_--h..... .. .. ..- ... .".00.. VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 2.4 Payment for Service All charges due by the Customer are payable to VarTec Solutions, Inc. or any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. Any objections to billed charges must be reported to the Company within thirty (30) days ofthe invoice date. Adjustments to Customer s bills shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. Customers are responsible for all charges associated with their account, including all charges placed against Travel Card numbers. Customers claiming not to be responsible for more than five calls on anyone statement may be required to accept a Travel Card number change issued by VarTec Solutions, Inc. 2.5 Taxes All state and local taxes (i., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. Cancellation Customers must provide thirty days written notification to VarTec Solutions, Inc. prior to cancellation. Customers are responsible for all charges, including fixed fees which accrue up to the cancellation date. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Other Rules The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changing regulatory rules and standards of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Refunds or Credits for Service Outages or Deficiencies Credit allowances for interruptions of service caused by service outages or deficiencies are limited to the initial minimum period call charges for re-establishing the interrupted call. Reservation of 800 Numbers The Company will make every effort to reserve 800 vanity numbers for customers but makes no guarantee or warranty that the requested number( s) will be available. Late Payment Charges 10.1 Any charges accrued under this price list that are not paid in full within the time provided will be subject to a late payment charge of 1.5%. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ..----...... -- ..-.... ~-- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Deposits 11.1 Carrier may require a Customer to make a deposit to be held as a guarantee for the payment of charges. A deposit does not relieve the Customer of the responsibility for the prompt payment of bills on presentation. A deposit may be required addition to an advance payment. The deposit will not exceed an amount equal to: 11.2 Two (2) month's charges for a service or facility which has a minimum payment period of one month; or 11.3 The charges that would apply for the minimum payment period for a service or facility which has a minimum payment period of more than one month; except that the deposit may include an additional amount in the event that a termination charge is applicable. (A)When a service or facility is discontinued, the amount of a deposit, if any, will be applied to the Customer s account and any credit balance remaining will be refunded. Before the service or facility is discontinued, Carrier shall return the deposit or credit it to the customer s account in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Rules. (B)Deposits held will accrue interest at a rate no lower than that specified by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Ideho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ----~" VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 10 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Timing of Calls 1.1 Long Distance charges are based on the duration of each call. 1.2 Usage measurement and rounding increments for billing purposes is specified on a per-product basis as set forth in this price list. 1.3 The Company will not bill for unanswered calls. When an End User indicates that he/she was billed for an incomplete call, VarTec Solutions, Inc. will reasonably issue credit for the call. 1.4 Calls billed under the Company s commercial and business service offerings will be rounded up to the next whole minute or six second increment, whichever applies. In addition, if the computed charge for a call made pursuant to the Company commercial and business service offerings, results in a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING ' ' AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ,. .:.... )-~...,. VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 11 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Rate Periods and Holidays For time-of-day sensitive services, the following rate periods apply: MON TUBS WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 8:00 AM DAYTIME RATE PERIOD 5 :00 PM* 5:00 PM EVENING RATE PERIOD EVE 11:00 PM 11:00 PM* NIGHT/WEEKEND RATE PERIOD 8:00 AM * to, but not including Calls are billed based on the rate in effect for the actual time period( s) during which the call occurs. Calls that cross rate period boundaries are billed the rates in effect in that boundary for each portion ofthe call, based on the time of day at the Customer location. For services subject to holiday discounts, the Evening Rate Period rates apply on the following Company recognized holidays, unless a lower rate would normally apply: New Year s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day January 1 As Federally Observed July 4 As Federally Observed December 25 Issued: August 17,2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Ofh;e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho ---..., VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 12 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Determination of Mileage Usage charges for mileage sensitive services vary based on the type of service subscribed to by the Customer. For services utilizing switched access, mileage measurements for rate schedules are based on the distance in airline miles between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating stations. For services utilizing dedicated access, mileage measurements for rate schedules are based on the distance in airline miles between the VarTec Solutions, Inc. network access point associated with the station utilizing Dedicated Access Origination/Termination and the rate center associated with the called/calling station. The distance between the originating and terminating points is calculated by using the "V" and "H" coordinates ofthe serving wire centers as defined by BellCore (Bell Communications Research), in the following manner: Step 1: Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for the serving wire center or network access point serving the Customer s location and the called/calling station. Step 2: Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinates. Obtain the difference between the "H" coordinates. Step 3: Square the differences obtained in Step 2. Step 4: Add the squares of the "V" difference and "H" difference obtained in Step 3. Step 5: Divide the sum of the square obtained in Step 4 by ten (10). Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction results from the division. Step 6: Obtain the square root of the whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the distance between the originating and terminating locations of the call. Formula: Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secietary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho . ~-.- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 13 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE, (Continued) Prime Telecom Option 3.4.Prime Telecom Option is a non-operator assisted, direct dial service available to business customers. In order to receive the Prime Telecom Option, Customers must presubscribe to VarTec Solutions, Inc. and be entered into the billing database prior to utilizing the service. Customers access the service via standard Switched Access Service. Business Customers may also access the carrier via dedicated facilities. Customers are eligible for discounts based on the type of access used and total volume of usage. Intrastate service is provided in conjunction with interstate service. The Customer is either billed by the Company or the LEC. Payment is due upon receipt ofthe Company s bill. Bills are delinquent 21 days from the date ofthe bill. Service may be terminated, at the Company s discretion, without notice if payment is not received thirty (30) days from the bill issue date. Service termination, or waiver of termination by the Company, is in addition to any other right the Company may have in law or equity to collect delinquent charges. If the Customer fails to pay charges within the specified time period and terms, the Company reserves the right to change the Customer from the Prime Telecom Option to the regular VarTec Solutions, Inc. Calling Program rates, and commence billing the Customer through the local exchange carrier. Notice shall be given according to Idaho Customer Relations Rule 314. This remedy is in addition to any other right the Company may have in law or equity to collect delinquent charges. Rates are found in Section 4.2. Issued: August 17,2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho P~b!ic Utilities Commission Of lice of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR F!LlNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho -~--_. '-, ,-. VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 14 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.5 Commercial Plan The Commercial Plan is available to business Customers ofVarTec Solutions, Inc. who meet the Company s credit approval guidelines. Customers may select a Month to Month or Term Commitment Option. Customers selecting the Term Commitment Option must sign a contract with the Company. Customers will either be billed directly by the Company or by their local exchange telephone company. Commercial Plan rates apply to direct dialed, toll free (800/888) and calling card calls. A monthly recurring charge may also apply. Account Codes are available under the Commercial Plan. Account Codes assist Customers in managing and tracking their long distance usage. Customers may select validated account codes which are specific, pre-defined combinations of digits registered in the Company s switch database or non-validated codes which are a certain quantity of digits. (A)Month to Month Service Plan Calls will be rated at the rates indicated in Paragraph 4.3(A) with a volume discount applied in accordance with the Customer s monthly revenue level. The Customer s monthly revenue level consists of all intrastate, interstate and international outbound, inbound and calling card usage including surcharges. The monthly revenue level does not include any monthly recurring fees or directory assistance changes. The Customer will receive the applicable discount percentage which corresponds with the Customer s monthly revenue level as determined by the discount schedule in Paragraph 4.3(A)(3). The discount percentage will be applied to intrastate and interstate outbound and inbound usage only. The discount will not be applied to international usage calling card usage and surcharges or other fees. Issued: August 17 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho '-------'..-..- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 15 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.5 Commercial Plan (Continued) (A)Month to Month Service Plan (Continued) Calls for outbound, inbound and calling card service will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of thirty (30) seconds. (1)100% Satisfaction Guarantee Customers subscribing to the Commercial Plan Month to Month Option are eligible for the Company s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. This guarantee is valid for 90 days from the date the Customer starts utilizing the Company servIce. If the Company fails to correct the Customer s valid complaint regarding network quality or service support or if the Company fails to deliver the stated rate plan within 15 days of the Company receiving written notification regarding the problem, the Company willi) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC as a result of the Company switching its long distance service to the Company from the Customer previous long distance carrier; and 2) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC in order to switch the Customer long distance service back to their previous carrier. The Customer shall not be entitled to the refunds described above if Customer has an account balance with the Company which has aged beyond net 30 days or if Customer s complaint is not attributable to facilities of causes within the Company s reasonable control. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho -."', VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 16 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.5 Commercial Plan (Continued) (B)Term Commitment Option Users subscribing to this option will select a Term Commitment Period and a Monthly Revenue Commitment. Calls will be rated at the rates provided in Paragrap 3(B) which correspond with the Term Commitment Period and Monthly Revenue Commitment selected by the Customer. The Company will calculate the Customer Monthly Revenue Level to determine if the Customer s Monthly Revenue Commitment has been fulfilled. The Customer s Monthly Revenue Level consists of all intrastate, interstate and international outbound, inbound and calling card usage including surcharges. The monthly revenue level does not include any monthly recurring fees or directory assistance changes. Calls for outbound, inbound and calling card service will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period for billing purposes, of thirty (30) seconds. The Monthly Recurring Charges, as defined in this price list, also apply to Term Commitment Customers. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id€ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ,- --- -. f '-'--------.,-... , VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 17 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Commercial Plan (Continued) (B)Term Commitment Option (Continued) (1)Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Monthly Revenue Level does not meet the Monthly Revenue Commitment selected by the Customer in any invoice period during the Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Monthly Revenue Commitment and the actual Monthly Revenue Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. (2)Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end ofthe Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Customer s Monthly Revenue Commitment multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware ofthe Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term contract signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 IdBho Pub!ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho .-.--..,,. -- -- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 18 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Commercial Plan (Continued) (B)Term Commitment Option (Continued) (3)100% Satisfaction Guarantee Customers subscribing to the Commercial Plan Term Commitment Option are eligible for the Company s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. This guarantee is valid for the length of the Term Commitment from the date the Customer starts utilizing the Company s service. If the Company fails to correct the Customer s valid complaint regarding network quality or service support or if the Company fails to deliver the stated rate plan within 15 days ofthe Company receiving written notification regarding the problem, the Company willI) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC as a result ofthe Company switching its long distance service to the Company from the Customer previous long distance carrier; 2) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC in order to switch the Customer long distance service back to their previous carrier; 3) cancel Customer term agreement without liability for the Termination Penalty; and 4) if the above conditions apply within the first ninety (90) days of service, the Company will refund to the Customer, the amount of their first Prime Business Select invoice. The Customer shall not be entitled to the refunds described above Customer has an account balance with the Company which has aged beyond net 30 days or if Customer s complaint is not attributable to facilities or causes within the Company s reasonable control. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho ~~blic Utilities Commission ('.)'(" ~ 'n I) . '- vi filii ~ecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho --'.. -,--, VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 19 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan II The Prime Business Select Plan is available to business Customers of VarTec Solutions, Inc. who meet the Company s credit approval guidelines. The Prime Business Select II Plan is to be used by business customers for their direct use only and is not to be resold, rebilled or aggregated between multiple businesses with separate ownership or between unrelated residential users. Customers may select a Month to Month or Term Commitment Option. Customers selecting the Term Commitment Option must sign a contract with the Company. Customers will either be billed directly by the Company or by their local exchange telephone company. Prime Business Select Plan II rates apply to direct dialed, toll free (800/888) and calling card calls. A monthly recurring charge may also apply. Account Codes are available under the Prime Business Select Plan II. Account Codes assist Customers in managing and tracking their long distance usage. Customers may select validated account codes which are specific, pre-defined combinations of digits registered in the Company s switch database or non-validated codes which are a certain quantity of digits. (A)Month to Month Service Plan Calls will be rated at the rates indicated in Paragraph 4.(A) with a volume discount applied in accordance with the Customer s monthly revenue level. The Customer s monthly revenue level consists of all intrastate, interstate and international outbound, inbound and calling card usage including surcharges. The monthly revenue level does not include any monthly recurring fees or directory assistance changes. The Customer will receive the applicable discount percentage which corresponds with the Customer s monthly revenue level as determined by the discount schedule show below. The discount percentage will be applied to intrastate and interstate outbound and inbound usage only. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4.4(A) Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 20 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan II (Continued) (A)Month to Month Service Plan (Continued) The discount will not be applied to international usage, calling card usage and surcharges or other fees. Calls for outbound, inbound and calling card service will be billed in eighteen (18) second and additional six (6) second increments, with any fractional portion of call rounded up to the next highest billing increment. (1)100% Satisfaction Guarantee Customers subscribing to the Prime Business Select Plan II Month to Month Option are eligible for the Company s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. This guarantee is valid for 90 days from the date the Customer starts utilizing the Company s service. If the Company fails to correct the Customer s valid complaint regarding network quality or service support or if the Company fails to deliver the stated rate plan within 15 days of the Company receiving written notification regarding the problem, the Company willI) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC as a result of the Company switching its long distance service to the Company from the Customer previous long distance carrier; and 2) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC in order to switch the Customer long distance service back to their previous carrier. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho . ,-, -- . I VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 21 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan (Continued) (A)Month to Month Service Plan (Continued) (1)100% Satisfaction Guarantee (continued) The Customer shall not be entitled to the refunds described above if Customer has an account balance with the Company which has aged beyond net 30 days or if Customer s complaint is not attributable to facilities or causes within the Company s reasonable control. (B)Term Commitment Option Users subscribing to this option will select a Term Commitment Period and a Monthly Revenue Commitment. The Company will calculate the Customer Monthly Revenue Level to determine if the Customer s Monthly Revenue Commitment has been fulfilled. The Customer s Monthly Revenue Level consists of all intrastate, interstate and international outbound, inbound and calling card usage including surcharges. The monthly revenue level does not include any monthly recurring fees or directory assistance changes. Calls for outbound, inbound and calling card service will be billed in eighteen (18) second and additional six (6) second increments, with any fractional portion of call rounded up to the next highest billing increment. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4.4(B) Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offi'~e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 27 2004 Boise, Idaho '.' h___. ". VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 22 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan (Continued) (B)Term Commitment Option (Continued) (1)Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Monthly Revenue Level does not meet the Monthly Revenue Commitment selected by the Customer in any invoice period during the Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Monthly Revenue Commitment and the actual Monthly Revenue Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. (2)Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end ofthe Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Customer s Monthly Revenue Commitment multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware ofthe Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term contract signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho ~ublic Utilities Commission Orr!ce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 23 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan (Continued) (B)Term Commitment Option (Continued) (3)100% Satisfaction Guarantee Customers subscribing to the Prime Business Select Plan II Tenn Commitment Option are eligible for the Company s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. This guarantee is valid for the length of the Tenn Commitment from the date the Customer starts utilizing the Company s service. If the Company fails to correct the Customer s valid complaint regarding network quality or service support or if the Company fails to deliver the stated rate plan within 15 days ofthe Company receiving written notification regarding the problem, the Company willI) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC as a result ofthe Company switching its long distance service to the Company from the Customer previous long distance carrier; 2) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC in order to switch the Customer long distance service back to their previous carrier; 3) cancel Customer term agreement without liability for the Termination Penalty; and 4) if the above conditions apply within the first ninety (90) days of service, the Company will refund to the Customer, the amount of their first Commercial Plan invoice. The Customer shall not be entitled to the refunds described above if Customer has an account balance with the Company which has aged beyond net 30 days or if Customer' s complaint is not attributable to facilities of causes within the Company s reasonable control. Issued: August 17,2004 Effective: August 27 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sw.:retary ACCEPTED FOH FILING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho '--....---....., h' ' --'-- ' VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 24 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Special VI Service Special VI Service is an outbound service, available to business customers, on a limited and promotional basis, who meet the company s credit approval guidelines. Calls are originated from presubscribed locations or by dialing the Company designated "lOIO:XXX" access code. Customers must commit to a $2 500 monthly minimum under this plan. Monthly Term Commitment Requirements are indicated in Paragraph 4.4(B). All direct diall + and toll free (800/888) calls are billed in initial six (6) second and additional six (6) second increments. Any fractional portion of a call thereafter will be rounded up to the next highest billing increment. Rates are indicated in Paragraph 4.4(B) Special VI Service - Dedicated Special VI Service is an outbound service, available to business customers, on a limited and promotional basis, who meet the company s credit approval guidelines. Calls are originated from presubscribed locations. Customers must commit to a 500 monthly minimum under this plan. Monthly Term Commitment Requirements are indicated in Paragraph 4.4. All direct dial I + and toll free (800/888) calls are billed in initial six (6) second and additional six (6) second increments. Any fractional portion of a call thereafter will be rounded up to the next highest billing increment. Rates are indicated in Paragraph 4.4(A) Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 25 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business - 9.9 Service 10.Prime Business - 9.9 Service is a flat rate outbound and inbound calling plan available to large business customers. This service permits business customers to make direct dial 1 + calls and receive inbound toll free (800/888) calls from within the United State. In addition customers can also place calling card calls. All calls will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Any fractional portion of a call thereafter, will be rounded up to the next highest billing increment. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4, Prime Business Select III 11.1 Prime Business Select III service is a month to month optional plan available to all business customers who meet the company s credit approval guidelines, Customers are billed based upon the actual monthly usage. Customers will either be billed directly by the Company or by their local exchange telephone company. Prime Business Select III rates apply to direct dial, toll free, and calling card calls, All calls are billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Per minute per call and monthly recurring charges may apply. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Prime Business Select IV 12.Prime Business Select IV service is a term plan service available to all business customers who meet the Company s credit approval guidelines, but is designed for small to medium users. Customers are billed based upon the actual monthly usage. Customers must sign a twelve (12), twenty-four (24) or thirty-six (36) month term plan, Usage commitments will be set at the time of initiating the service. The Customer will be billed the minimum monthly commitment level if the actual monthly usage is below the commitment level. Customers will either be billed directly by the company or by their local exchange telephone company. Prime Business Select IV rates apply to direct dial, toll free, and calling card calls, All calls are billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds, Per minute, per call and monthly recurring charges may apply, Rates are shown in Paragraph 4, Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secietary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 2 7 20~4 Boise, Idaho ...--......-- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 26 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business Select 3A Service 13.Prime Business Select 3A Service is a combined inbound, outbound, calling card, service with Directory Assistance, Billing and Account Code Options offered to business Customers. Customers are billed at per minute rates based on Combined Monthly Usage volumes. Combined Monthly Usage is defined as the Customer s billed usage for a monthly billing period for the combined total of interstate, intrastate, international and service calling card usage for a month billing period. Directory Assistance charges, monthly recurring charges, service fees, surcharges and taxes are not included in the determination of the Customer s Combined Monthly Usage. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. This service is offered on a month-to-month basis, Prime Business Select 4A Service 14.Prime Business Select 4A Service is a combined inbound, outbound, calling card service with Directory Assistance, Billing and Account Code Options offered to business Customers. Customers are billed at per minute rates based on Combined Monthly Usage volumes. Combined Monthly Usage is defined as the Customer billed usage for a monthly billing period for the combined total of interstate intrastate, international and service calling card usage for a month billing period. Directory Assistance charges, monthly recurring charges, service fees, surcharges and taxes are not included in the determination of the Customer s Combined Monthly Usage. Customers subscribing to this service must commit to a term of 12 24 or 36 months. A service term begins on the first day of the month following service enrollment. When the Customer s Term Commitment Period expires, the Company will give the Customer notice to renew for another 12-month, 24-month or 36 month period, whichever is applicable. In the event a Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Customer s Term Commitment Period, or in the event that the Company terminates service based on the Customer s default, the Customer will be responsible for paying a Termination Charge equal to $100.00 multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Customer agreed Term Commitment period. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Issued: August 17,2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Publi:: Utilities Commission Offi::e of ihe Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 27 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business Communications Service 15.Prime Business Communications Service is a customized telecommunications service offering combining inbound, outbound and calling card services offered to business Customers. Customers are billed at per minute rates based on a Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Option for switched or dedicated access services for origination and termination of calls. Monthly Usage includes combined interstate intrastate, international and calling card usage for a month billing period. Directory Assistance charges, monthly recurring charges, service charges, and taxes are not included in the determination of the Customer s Monthly Usage. Customers subscribing to this service must commit to a term of 12 months. A service term begins on the first day of the month following service enrollment. When the Customer s 12-month service term expires, the Company will give the Customer notice to renew for another 12-month period. In the event a Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the 12-month Term Commitment Period, or in the event that the Company terminates service based on the Customer default, the Customer will be responsible for paying a Termination Charge equal to the Customer s Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Option, multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Customer s agreed 12- month Term Commitment period. For dedicated access, dedicated facilities between the Customer s premises and the Company s terminal location( s) are required. The Company will arrange for the installation of all required connecting facilities via a Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider. The installation and monthly recurring charges for any interface equipment associated with such access that is provided by the Company shall be calculated on an individual case basis, in accordance with the charges assessed by the Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ------ -- ~.- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 28 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) The Prime Business Select Plan II- 16.The Prime Business Select Plan II-A Provides Direct Dial, Toll-Free Calling, Travel Cards with Directory Assistance Billing and Account Code Options. The service is available to business Customers who meet the Company s credit approval guidelines. Customers may select a Month-to-Month or Term Commitment Option. Customers selecting the Term Commitment Option must sign an agreement with the Company. Customers will either be billed directly by the Company or by their local exchange telephone company. Prime Business Select Plan II-A rates apply to direct dialed, toll free (800/888) and calling card calls. Account Codes are available under the Prime Business Select Plan II-A. Account Codes assist Customers in managing and tracking their long distance usage. Customers may select validated account codes which are specific, pre-defined combinations of digits registered in the Company s switch database or non-validated codes which are a certain quantity of digits. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Month-to-Month Service Option Plan Calls will be rated at the rates indicated in Paragraph 4.14(B) with a volume discount applied in accordance with the Customer s monthly revenue level. The Customer monthly revenue level consists of all intrastate, interstate and international outbound inbound and calling card usage including surcharges. The monthly revenue level does not include any monthly recurring fees or directory assistance changes. The Customer will receive the applicable discount percentage which corresponds with the Customer s monthly revenue level as determined by the discount schedule shown in Paragraph 4.14(B). The discount percentage will be applied to intrastate and interstate outbound and inbound usage only. The discount will not be applied to international usage, calling card usage and surcharges or other fees. Company provides a 100% guarantee. Calls for outbound, inbound and calling card service will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4.14.2 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Ui:i!ities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 29 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Winback Pro~ram 17.1 Winback Program I is a direct-dial outbound 1+, inbound and travel card telecommunications service offering available to presubscribedlswitched business customers. Customers must commit to a 24 Month Term Commitment Period. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Winback Program 18.1 Winback Program II is a direct-dial outbound 1+, inbound and travel card telecommunications service offering available to presubscribedlswitched business customers. Customers must commit to a 36 Month Term Commitment Period. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Winback Pro~ram III 19.Winback Program III is a direct-dial outbound 1+, inbound and travel card telecommunications service offering available to presubscribedlswitched business customers. Customers must commit to a 12 Month Term Commitment Period and a Monthly Usage Commitment Level of$l OOO.OO. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Prime Business Select II Dedicated Special Pricine: - VII 20.1 Prime Business Select II Dedicated Special Pricing - VII is a dedicated outbound 1 + and inbound telecommunications service offering available only to business customers. Customers must commit to a 12 month Term Commitment Period and a minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho -- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 30 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Hearth Products Association Switched Pro~ram Hearth Products Association Switched Program is a presubscribedlswitched outbound 1 +, inbound and travel card telecommunications service offering available to members ofthe Hearth Products Association. This service allows the Customer to place long distance calls between points Within the State of Idaho. The Customer s Monthly Usage Commitment Level is based on combined intrastate interstate and international usage, excluding surcharges, monthly recurring charges and directory assistance charges. Monthly Recurring Charges Apply Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricin~ I 22.Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing I is an outbound 1+ inbound 800/8XX and calling card telecommunications service offering available only to business customers requiring presubscribedlswitched access arrangements. Customers must commit to a 12 month Term Commitment and a Minimum Monthly Usage Level. The Customer s Monthly Usage Level is based on combined intrastate interstate and international usage. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricin~ II 23.Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing II is an outbound 1+ inbound 800/8XX and calling card telecommunications service offering available only to business customers requiring presubscribedlswitched access arrangements. Customers must commit to a 12 month Term Commitment and a Minimum Monthly Usage Level. The Customer s Monthly Usage Level is based on combined intrastate interstate and international usage. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary CCEPTED FOr-:? FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho --...,-......- .-- , VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 31 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing III 24.Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing III is an outbound 1+ , inbound 800/8XX and calling card telecommunications service offering available only to business customers requiring presubscribed/switched access arrangements. Customers must commit to a 12 month Term Commitment and a Minimum Monthly Usage Level. The Customer s Monthly Usage Level is based on combined intrastate interstate and international usage. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricing II 25.Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricing II is an outbound 1+ inbound 800/8XX and calling card telecommunications service offering available only to business customers requiring dedicated access arrangements. Customers must commit to a 12 Month Term Commitment Period and a Minimum Monthly Usage Level of $10 000.00. The Customer s Monthly Usage Level is based on combined intrastate, interstate and international usage. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4.23 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idi!ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ,,-----,..__....--,~-.__ VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 32 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Prime Business Select II Dedicated Special Pricing XXXVII 26.Prime Business Select II Dedicated Special Pricing XXXVII is a dedicated outbound 1 + and inbound 800/8XX telecommunications service offering available only to business customers. Customers must commit to a 12 Month Term Commitment Period and a Minimum Monthly Usage Level of $50 000.00. The Customer s Monthly Usage Level is based on combined intrastate, interstate and international usage. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4. Prime Business Select II Switched Special Pricing XII 27.Prime Business Select II Switched Special Pricing XII is an outbound 1 +, inbound 800/8XX and travel card telecommunications service offering available only to business customers requiring presubscribed/switched access arrangements. Customers must commit to a 12 Month Term Commitment Period and a Minimum Monthly Usage Level of$l 00.00. The Customer s Monthly Usage Level is based on combined intrastate, interstate and international usage. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4.26 Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricing 28.Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricing I is an outbound 1 + inbound 800/8XX and calling card telecommunications service offering available only to business customers requiring dedicated access arrangements. Customers must commit to a 12 Month Term Commitment Period and a Minimum Monthly Usage Level of $7 500.00. The Customer s Monthly Usage Level is based on combined intrastate, interstate and international usage. Rates are shown in Paragraph 4.24 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ._-,---,.., VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 32. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) VSI Switched Business Services (N) VSI Switched Business Services offer switched outbound, inbound and travel card telecommunications service offerings to business customers in the State of Idaho. Certain service options may require Customers to commit to a Term Commitment and a minimum Monthly Usage Commitment. Certain rates and charges, including intrastate and interstate toll rates, vary based on the Term Commitment and/or minimum Monthly Usage Commitment selected by the Customer. In addition to the service descriptions below and rates and charges set forth in Section 4.27 following, all terms and conditions of service set forth in the Service Agreement or individual customer contracts apply to the services described herein. Unless otherwise indicated, an eighteen (18) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers will be billed at six (6) second increments. (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Mfairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 I~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 222004 Baise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 32. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) VSI Switched Business Services (Continued)(N) 29.Monthly Usaee Commitment Levels In the event Customer s actual Monthly Usage does not meet the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level and the Customer s Actual Monthly Usage Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. The following Monthly Usage Commitment Levels apply: Commitment Level III VII VIII Monthly Usage Minimum $0. $25. $50. $75. $100. $200. $250. $500. $750. 000. 500.(N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 222004 Boise. Idaho _._~-.,..- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 32.3 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) VSI Dedicated Business Services (N) VSI Dedicated Business Services offer dedicated outbound and inbound telecommunications service offerings to business customers in the State of Idaho. Certain service options may require Customers to commit to a Term Commitment and a minimum Monthly Usage Commitment. Certain rates and charges, including intrastate and interstate toll rates, vary based on the Term Commitment and/or minimum Monthly Usage Commitment selected by the Customer. In addition to the service descriptions below and rates and charges set forth in Section 4.28 following, all terms and conditions of service set forth in the Service Agreement or individual customer contracts apply to the services described herein. Services are provided over dedicated facilities between the Customer s premises and the Company s terminallocation(s). The Company will arrange for the installation of all required connecting facilities via a Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider. The installation and monthly recurring charges for any interface equipment associated with such access that is provided by the Company shall be calculated on an individual case basis, in accordance with the charges assessed by the Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider. In addition, calls will be subject to a Switched Overflow Rate when dedicated traffic overflows to the switched network. Unless otherwise indicated, an eighteen (18) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers will be billed at six (6) second increments. (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 222004 Boise, Idaho --"-~-- , VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 32.4 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) VSI Dedicated Business Services (Continued)(N) 30.Monthly Usa~e Commitment Levels Certain service options require Customers to commit to a minimum Monthly Usage Commitment. In the event Customer s actual Monthly Usage does not meet the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level and the Customer s Actual Monthly Usage Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. The following Monthly Usage Commitment Levels apply: Commitment Level III VII VIII Monthly Usage Minimum $0. 000. 500. 500. 000. $10 000. $15 000. $20 000. 500.(N) Issued: November 12 2004 Effective: November 22,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 222004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 32. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Audioconferencin~ Service (N) Audioconferencing Service allows a Customer to hold conversations and/or meetings with two (2) or more other involved parties. Customers of this service are able to establish simultaneous telephone contact with multiple callers by each ofthe involved parties dialing an access number predetermined by the Company. Toll Meet Me rates apply when the Customer accesses the conference using a standard toll call. 800 Meet Me rates apply when the Customer accesses the conference using a toll-free access number. Operator-Dialedrates apply to Operator Attended calls when the Conference Coordinator dials out to each participant to connect the conference. A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each call, and thereafter, Customers will be billed at sixty (60) second increments. The per minute rates and charges set forth in Section 4. apply to each participant accessing Audioconferencing Service The following Audioconferencing Service options are available: 31.1 Operator Attended Operator Attended Audioconferencing Service is initiated when the host dials into the conference operator. A Conference Coordinator assembles the audioconference ensuring that all invited participants are connected to the call and providing other support during the call. Operator Attended conferences must be scheduled in advance, and a cancellation charge applies if cancellation occurs on less than twenty- four (24) hours notice. Rates for Operator Attended are set forth in Section 4.29. following.(N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 2 2 2004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 32. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Audioconferencing Service (Continued)(N) 31.2 Quick Call Quick Call Audioconferencing Service is initiated when each participant dials directly into the conference by using a predetermined access number and passcode. A Conference Coordinator is available to provide support during the call. Quick Call conferences must be scheduled in advance, and a cancellation charge applies if cancellation occurs on less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. Rates for Quick Call are set forth in Section 4.29.2 following. 31.3 Conference On-Demand Conference On-Demand Audioconferencing Service provides instant, on-demand conferencing capability for up to fifty (50) participants. No reservations or Conference Coordinators are required for Conference On-Demand calls. Rates for Conference On-Demand are set forth in Section 4.29.3 following. (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING - .::~ NOV 222004 Boise, Idaho '---'-".. , VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 32. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Calling Card Service (N) Calling Card Service permits Customers to make calls from any non-rotary dialed telephone within Idaho to any other location by dialing 1 + 8XX + XXX + XXXX, receiving a prompting tone, then dialing in the Customer s personal identification number (PIN) assigned by the Company followed by the telephone number of the called party. Eligibility for Calling Card Programs is determined by the long distance calling option selected by the Customer. Calling card calls placed from a public pay telephone are subject to an additional per-call surcharge. Rates and charges for the Company s Calling Card Services are set forth in Section 4.30 following. (N) Issued: November 12,2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 222004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 33 SECTION 4 - RATES General Each Customer is charged individually for each call placed through the Carrier. Charges are computed on an airline mileage basis as described in Section 3.3 of this price list. Product descriptions are provided in Sections 3 and 4 of this price list. Special access channels, if utilized, are provided and billed to the Customer by the local exchange telephone company. Charges for the special access channel are determined by the local exchange telephone company and the Customer is responsible for payment of these charges to the local exchange telephone company. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~b!ic Utiiities Commission Office or the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho -.---,--- -- , VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 34 Prime Telecom Option Rates: Peak Initial Period $0.0655 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Off-Peak Add'l Period $0.0135 Initial Period $0.0655 Travel Card Service Per Minute Rate: PEAK - $0.2500 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM* Monday thru Friday OFF-PEAK - 5:00 PM to 8:00 AM* Monday thru Friday All Day Saturday and Sunday Add'l Period $0.0135 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idilho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 35 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Commercial Plan (A)Month to Month Service Plan (1)Direct Dialed and Toll Free Per Minute Rates Base Rate $0.1650 (2)Calling Card Service RatesPer Minute Rate $0.25 Calling Card Surcharge $0. (3)Discount Schedule Monthly Revenue Level Per Minunte Rate Discount 00 - $99.$0.1650 00% 100.00 - $199.1590 64% 200.00 - $499.1540 67% 500.00 - $749.1490 70% 750.00 - $999.1440 12.73% $ 1 000.00 - $ 4 999.1390 15.76% $ 5 000.00 +1290 21.82% (4)Monthly Recurring Charges The following monthly recurring charges apply for the Commercial Plan: (1)Toll Free Numbers (Per 800/888 number) $ 3. (2)Account Codes Validated Non-Validated $10. $ 5. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of tile Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho -'--.,.."-.~--._:_-- ) VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 36 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) 4.3 Commercial Plan (Continued) (B)Term Commitment Option (1)Direct Dialed and Toll Free PER MINUTE RATES Monthly Revenue 12 Month 18 Month 24 Month Commitment Term Term Term $ 100 $0.1390 $0.1340 $0.1290 $ 200 1340 1290 1240 $ 500 1290 1240 1190 $ 750 1240 1190 1140 000 1190 1140 1090 000 1090 1040 0990 (2)Callin Card Rates Per Minute Rate $0.20 Calling Card Surcharge $0.25 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id,aho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 --'-'~,--" , Boise Idaho -, ---'--' , --- f VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 37 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) 4.4 Prime Business Select Plan II (A)Month to Month Service Plan Direct Dialed and Toll Free Per Minute Rates Base Rate $0.1600 Discount Schedule Monthly Revenue Level Per Min.Discount Rate 00 - $ 99.$0.1600 00% 100.00 - $249.1550 12% 250.00 - $ 499.1500 25% 500.00 - $749.1450 38% 750.00 - $999.1400 12.50% $ 1 000.00 - $ 2,499.1350 15.62% 500.00 - $ 4 999.1300 18.75% 000.00 - $ 9 999.1250 21.88% $10 000.00 - $24 999.1200 25.00% $25 000.00 - $49 999.1150 28.13% $50 000.00 +1100 31.25% Calling Card Service (A)Standard Issue Per Minute Rate Calling Card Surcharge $0. $0. (B)Premium Issue II Per Minute Rate: Per Call Surcharge: $0.25 $0. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the .secretary ACCEPTED FOR F!LlNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho , , " -_ VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 38 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) 4.4 Prime Business Select Plan II (Continued) (A)Month to Month Service Plan Monthly Recurring Charges The following monthly recurring charges apply for the Prime Business Select Plan II:(I) Toll Free Numbers (800/888)(2) Account Codes Validated Non-Validated $3. $10. $ 5. (B)Term Commitment Option (1)Direct Dialed and Toll Free PER MINUTE RATES Monthly Revenue Month Month Month Month Commitment Term Term Term Term 100 $0.1375 $0.1325 $0.1275 $0.1200 $ 200 1325 1275 1225 1150 $ 500 1275 1225 1175 1100 $ 750 1225 1175 1125 0.1050 $ 1 000 1175 1125 0.1075 1025 $ 2 500 1125 1075 1025 0975 $ 5 000 0.1075 1025 0975 0925 $10 000 0.1 025 0975 0950 0900 $25 000 0975 0950 0925 0875 $50 000 0950 0925 0900 0850 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho --n -- --n- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 39 4.4 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan II (Continued) (B)Term Commitment Option (Continued) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Calling Card Rates Term Commitment up to $74 999 Per Minute Rate Calling Card Surcharge $0.25 $0. Term Commitment from $75 000 to $99 999 Per Minute Rate Calling Card Surcharge $0. $0.25 Term Commitment from $100 000 to $124 999 Per Minute Rate Calling Card Surcharge $0. $0.25 Term Commitment from $125 000 to $149 999 Per Minute Rate Calling Card Surcharge $0.20 $0. Premium Calling Card, Term Commitment $150 000 + Per Minute Rate: Per Call Surcharge $0.20 $0. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 'd~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaiY ACCEPTED FOf( F!UNG AUG 27 2004 Boise, Idaho --. ---_.~.. - VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 40 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Special VI Service The per minute rate for this service will be the same as those defined in Section 4. (B) ofthis price list. Special VI Dedicated The per minute rate for this service will be the same as those defined in Section 4.12. Prime Business - 9.9 Service Per Minute Rate:$0.099 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho -.".....---,-----~--, VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 41 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select III Usage Rates (A)Direct Dial & Toll Free Monthly Usage Per Minute Rate $0 - $199.$0.1300 $200.00 - $499.$0.1300 $500.00 - $749.$0.1300 $750.00 +$0.1300 (B)Callin Card Per Minute Rate:$0. Per Call Surcharge:$0.25 (C)Director Assistance Per Call:$0. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary CCEPTEO FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 42 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select IV Usage Rates (A)Direct Dial & Toll Free TERM PLAN MONTHLY TERM 12 Months 24 Months 36 Months COMMITMENT $100.$0.1250 $0.1250 $0.1250 $200.$0.1250 $0.1250 $0.1250 $500.$0.1250 $0.1250 $0.1250 $1000.$0.1250 $0.1250 $0.1250 (B)Callin Card Per Minute Rate:$0. Per Call Surcharge:$0.25 (C)Director Assistance Per Call:$0. Prime Business Select Plan II Dedicated - Special 10.1 Per Minute Rate:$0.0550 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of til8 Sticretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho 0' -..- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 43 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select 3A Service 11.1 Usage Rates: COMBINED PER MINUTE MONTHLY USAGE RATES $0 - 99.$0.1400 $100 - $199.$0.1400 $200 - $499.$0.1400 $500 - $999.$0.1400 Over $1000 $0.1400 Prime Business Select 3A Calling Card Usage Rates: Per call surcharge:$0.2500 Per minute rates:$0.2500 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ----....--- - VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 44 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select 3A Service (Continued) 11.2 Usage Rates:(Continued) 11.3 Monthly Recurring Service Charges and Fees: Inbound Service Charge Directory Assistance Service: Diskette Billing Magnetic Tape Billing Optional Management Invoice Reports Accounting Codes (Non-Verified Package) Accounting Codes (Verified Package) Customer Accounting Code Package 11.4 Billing Increments: $3.00 per 800/888#, per month $0.7500 per call $10.00 per diskette, per month $10.00 per tape, per month $2.00 per report, per month $5.00 per package, per month $10.00 per package, per month $45.00 per package, per month Each call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 11.5 Prime Business Select 3A Calling Card: Each calling card call completed will have an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 11.6 Service Hours: Rates apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Offlce of the Secretary PTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 -.----..-- - Boise, Idaho ---. - VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 45 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select 4A Service 12.Usage Rates: COMBINED PER MINUTE PER MINUTE PER MINUTE MONTHLY USAGE RATES RATES RATES 12-Month Term 24-Month Term 36-Month Term $0 - $199.$0.1350 $0,1350 $0.1350 $200 - $499,$0.1350 $0.1350 $0.1350 $500 - $999.$0.1350 $0.1350 $0.1350 Over $1000 $0,1350 $0.1350 $0.1350 Prime Business Select 4A Calling Card Usage Rates: Per call surcharge:$0.2500 Per minute rates:$0.2000 Issued: August 17 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~blic U~ilitj~s Commission Office of The )eCrerMYCEPTED FOr? FiUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho '---.."" VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 46 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select 4A Service (Continued) 12.Usage Rates:(Continued) 12.Monthly Recurrin~ Service Charges and Fees: Inbound Service Charge Directory Assistance Service: Diskette Billing Magnetic Tape Billing Optional Management Invoice Reports Accounting Codes (Non-Verified Package) Accounting Codes (Verified Package) Customer Accounting Code Package 12.4 Billing Increments: $3.00per800/888#, per month $0.7000 per call $10.00 per diskette, per month $10.00 per tape, per month $2.00 per report, per month $5.00 per package, per month $10.00 per package, per month $45.00per package, per month Each call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/1 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 12.5 Prime Business Select 4A Callin~ Card: Each calling card call completed will have an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 12.6 Service Hours: Rates apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boi3e. Idaho -~,-- ,, VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 47 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Service 13.Per Minute Usage Rates:(Switched & Dedicated Access Service) Minimum Monthly Usage Switched Minimum Monthly Usage Dedicated Commitment Options Access Commitment Options Access (Switched Access)(Dedicated Access) Per Minute Per Minute Rate Rate OPTION $25 $0.1350 OPTION 1 500 $0.0650 OPTION 2 $50 $0.1300 OPTION 2 000 $0.0650 OPTION 3 $75 $0.1275 OPTION 3 500 $0.0650 OPTION 4 $100 $0.1250 OPTION 4 000 $0.0600 OPTION 5 $125 $0.1225 OPTION 5 000 $0.0600 OPTION 6 $150 $0.1200 OPTION 6 $10 000 $0.0550 OPTIONS 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 $175 $0.1200 OPTION 7 $15 000 $0.0550 13.Travel Card Usage Rates: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Options 1 $.2000 Options 1 $.2500 Options 4 $.2000 Options 4 1500 Options 6 $.1800 Options 6 1500 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 48 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Service (Continued) 13.Monthly Recurring Service Charges: Inbound Service Charge Directory Assistance Service: Diskete Billing Magnetic Tape Billing Optional Management Invoice Reports Accounting Codes (Non-Verified Package) Accounting Codes (Verified Package) Customer Accounting Code Package 13.4 Billing Increments: $3.00 per 800/888#, per month $0.6500 per call $10.00 per diskette, per month $10.00 per tape, per month $2.00 per report, per month $5.00 per package per month $10.00 per package per month $45.00 per package, per month Each call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments rounded up to the next whole six second (1/1 0 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 13.5 Service Hours: Rates apply 24 hours a day, 7 days week Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Ideho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 49 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan II-A Service 14.Rates (A)Direct Dialed and Toll Free Per Minute Rates Base Rate $0.1600 14.Month-to-Month Service Option Plan - (Continued) (B)Discount Schedule Monthly Revenue Level Discounted Per Minute Rate $0.00 - $99.$0.1600 $100,00 - $249.$0.1550 $250.00 - $499.$0.1500 $500.00 - $749,$0.1450 $750.00 - $999.$0.1400 000.00 - $2 499.$0.1350 500.00 - $4 999.$0.1300 000.00 - $9 999.$0.1250 $10 000,00 - $24 999,$0.1200 $25 000.00 - $49 999.$0,1150 $50 000.00 $0.1100 (C)Travel Card Service (1)Standard Issue Per Minute Rate: Per Call Surcharge: $0.25 $0. (2)Premium Issue II Per Minute Rate: Per Call Surcharge: $0. $0. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 50 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan II-A Service (Continued) 14.Month-to-Month Service Option Plan (Continued) (D)Monthly Recurrin~ Char~es The following monthly recurring charges apply for the Prime Business Select Plan II- (I)Toll Free Numbers (800/888) (Per 800/888 number Account Codes Validated N on-Validated $ 3. (2) $10. $ 5. (E)Directory Assistance (Per Call)$0. (F)100% Satisfaction Guarantee Customers subscribing to the Prime Business Select Plan II-A Month-to- Month Option are eligible for the Company 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. This guarantee is valid for 90 days from the date the Customer starts utilizing the Company s service. If the Company fails to correct the Customer s valid complaint regarding network quality or service support or if the Company fails to deliver the stated rate plan within 15 days ofthe Company receiving written notification regarding the problem, the Company will 1) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC as a result of the Company switching its long distance service to the Company from the Customer previous long distance carrier; and 2) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC in order to switch the Customer long distance service back to their previous carrier. The Customer shall not be entitled to the refunds described above if Customer has an account balance with the Company which has aged beyond net 30 days or if Customer complaint is not attributable to facilities of causes within the Company reasonable control. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho -o. -- "no. - VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 51 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan II-A Service (Continued) 14.Term Commitment Option Plan Users subscribing to this option will select a Tenn Commitment Period. Calls will be rated at the rates provided below which correspond with the Tenn Commitment Period selected by the Customer as well as a Monthly Revenue Usage Level. The Customer s Monthly Revenue Usage Level consists of all intrastate, interstate and international outbound, inbound and calling card usage including surcharges. The Monthly Revenue Usage Level does not include any monthly recurring fees or directory assistance changes. Calls for outbound, inbound and calling card service will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes of six (6) seconds. Monthly Recurring Charges, as defined earlier in this section of the tariff, also apply for Term Commitment Customers. (A)Direct Dialed and Toll Free Calling PER MINUTE RATES Monthly Revenue Month Month Month Month Usage Level Term Term Term Term $0.00 - $99.$0.1375 $0.1325 $0.1275 $0.1200 $100.00 - $249.$0.1375 $0.1325 $0.1275 $0.1200 $250.00 - $499.$0.1325 $0.1275 $0.1225 $0.1150 $500.00 - $749.$0.1275 $0.1225 $0.1175 $0.11 00 $750.00 - $999.$0.1225 $0.1175 $0.1125 $0.1050 00$0.00 - $2 499.$0.1175 $0.1125 $0.1075 $0.1025 500.00 - $4 999.$0.1125 $0.1075 $0.1025 $0.0975 000.00 - $9 999.$0.1075 $0.1 025 $0.0975 $0.0925 $10 000.00 - $24 999.$0.1025 $0.0975 $0.0950 $0.0900 $25 000.00 - $49 999.$0.0975 $0.0950 $0.0925 $0.0875 $50 000.00 +$0.0950 $0.0925 $0.0900 $0.0850 Issued: August 17,2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho ~ub!ic Utilities Commission Odice of tlw. SeGretaryACCEPTED FOi~ FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 52 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) 14 Prime Business Select Plan II-A Service (Continued) 14.Term Commitment Option Plan (Continued) (B)Calling Card Rates (1) (2) (3) (4) (C) Term Commitment up to $74 999 Per Minute Rate: $0.25 Per Call Surcharge: $0. Term Commitment from $75 000 to $100,000 Per Minute Rate: $0.20 Per Call Surcharge: $0.25 Term Commitment from $100 000 to $125 000 Per Minute Rate: $0. Per Call Surcharge: $0.25 Term Commitment over $125 000 Per Minute Rate: $0.20 Per Call Surcharge: $0. Directory Assistance (Per Call)$0. (D)Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to $100.00 multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware ofthe Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FiUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ---_.. p----.. ,. .:_- ' - - I VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 53 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan II-A Service (Continued) 14.Term Commitment Option Plan (Continued) (E)100% Satisfaction Guarantee Customers subscribing to the Prime Business Select Plan II-A Term Commitment Option are eligible for the Company s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. This guarantee is valid for the length of the Term Commitment from the date the Customer starts utilizing the Company s service. Ifthe Company fails to correct the Customer s valid complaint regarding network quality or service support or if the Company fails to deliver the stated rate plan within 15 days of the Company receiving written notification regarding the problem, the Company willI) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC as a result of the Company switching its long distance service to the Company from the Customer s previous long distance carrier; 2) refund to the Customer all PIC change charges assessed by the Customer s LEC in order to switch the Customer s long distance service back to their previous carrier; 3) cancel Customer s term agreement without liability for the Termination Penalty; and 4) ifthe above conditions apply within the first ninety (90) days of service, the Company will refund to the Customer, the amount of their first Prime Business Select Plan II-A invoice. The Customer shall not be entitled to the refunds described above if Customer has an account balance with the Company which has aged beyond net 30 days or Customer s complaint is not attributable to facilities of causes within the Company reasonable control. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 54 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Winback Program 15.Billing Increments Inbound and outbound calls will be billed in six (6) second increments, after an initial period for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 15.2 Per Minute Rates Monthly Term Per Minute Commitment Period Rate $0.1200 Early Termination Penalty does not apply 15.Travel Card Usage Rates Per Minute Rate $0.2000 Per Call Surcharj!e $0.2500 15.4 Travel Card Billing Increments Each travel card call completed will have an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 15.5 Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 15.6 Directory Assistance Per Call Charge $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id"ho P~biic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho .'. VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 55 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Winback Program 16.Billing Increments Inbound and outbound calls will be billed in six (6) second increments, after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 16.2 Per Minute Rates Monthly Term Per Minute Rate Commitment Period $0.1200 Early Termination Penalty does not apply 16.Travel Card Usage Rates Per Minute Rate $0.2000 Per Call Surcharj!e $0.2500 16.4 Travel Card Billing Increments Each travel card call completed will have an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 16.5 Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 16.6 Directory Assistance Per Call Charge $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 56 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Winback Program III 17.Billing Increments Inbound and outbound calls will be billed in six (6) second increments, after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 17.2 Per Minute Rates Monthly Term Monthly Usage Per Minute Commitment Period Commitment Level Rate $1,000.$0.1200 Early Termination Penalty does not apply 17.Travel Card Usage Rates Per Minute Rate $0.2000 Per Call Surchar2e $0.2500 17.4 Travel Card Billing Increments Each travel card call completed will have an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 17.5 Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 17.6 Directory Assistance Per Call Charge $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho . . VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 57 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select II Dedicated Special Pricing - VII 18.1 Per Minute Rates Monthly Term Monthly Usage Per Minute Commitment Commitment Level Rate Period $0 - $2,499.$0.0500 500.00 - $4 999.$0.0500 000.00 - $7,499.$0.0500 500.00 - $14 999.$0.0500 $15 000.00 - $24 999.$0.0500 $25 000.00 - $49 999.$0.0500 $50 000.00 - $74 999.$0.0500 $75 000.00 - $99 999.$0.0500 $100.000/0ver $0.0500 18.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. 18.3 Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Monthly Usage Commitment Level does not meet the Monthly Usage Commitment Level selected by the Customer in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Monthly Term Commitment Level and the actual Monthly Usage Commitment Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. Issued: August 17 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FlUNG AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho -... VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 58 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select II Dedicated Special Pricing - VII (Continued) 18.4 Billing Increments: Each direct-dialed and inbound 800 number call completed will have an initial minimum of six (6) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (111 0 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 18.5 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State of Idaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate $0.1800 Per Call Surcharge $0.1 000 18.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1 II 0 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 18.7 Monthly Recurring Charge:$3.00/per 800/8XX number 18.8 Directory Assistance $0.75/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 IdiJho Public UtiJities Commission Office of the Swetary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho :".. . I VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 59 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Hearth Products Association Switched Pro!!ram 19.1 Per Minute Rates Monthly Usage Per Minute Commitment Level Rate $0 - $499.$0.1200 $500.00 - $999.$0.1200 000.00 - $2 499.$0.1200 500.00/0ver $0.1200 19.Billing Increments: Each direct-dialed call and inbound 800/8XX call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 19.Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed Within the State of Idaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate $0.2000 Per Call Surcharge $0.2500 19.Travel Card Billin!! Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 19.5 Monthly Recurring Charge: 19.Monthly Account Charge: 19.Directory Assistance $3.00/per 800/8XX number $5. $0.75/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Effective: August 27, 2004 Idaho P;:blic Utilities CommissionOf,,~e,.9f the Secretary ACCEP reD FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 60 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricin~ I 20.Per Minute Rates (Outbound and Inbound) Monthly Term Minimum Per Minute Commitment Monthly Usage Rate Period Level 500.$0.1200 20.Billing Increments Each direct-dialed call and inbound 800/8XX call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent 20.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id*lno Public .Utilities Commission Of-"rA 10." . f lns ecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho -.- .. -- ___.. VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 61 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing I (Continued) 20.4 Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Actual Monthly Usage does not meet the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level and the Customer s Actual Monthly Usage Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. 20.5 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Per minute rates and a per call surcharge apply for Travel Card calls originating and terminating within the State. Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.1800 $0.1500 20.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 20.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 20.Directory Assistance $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 62 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing II 21.1 Per Minute Rates (Outbound and Inbound) Monthly Term Minimum Monthly Per Minute Commitment Period Usage Level Rate 000.$0.1200 21.2 Billing Increments Each direct-dialed call and inbound 800/8XX call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1 II 0 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 21.3 Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret3fY ACCEPTED FOF? FiUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho .---...-... ......--.. -;_... . VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 63 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing (Continued) 21.4 Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Actual Monthly Usage does not meet the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level and the Customer s Actual Monthly Usage Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. 21.5 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Per minute rates and a per call surcharge apply for Travel Card calls originating and terminating within the State. Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.1800 $0.1500 21.6 Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 21.7 Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 21.8 Directory Assistance $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 64 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing III 22.Per Minute Rates (Outbound and Inbound) Monthly Term Minimum Monthly Per Minute Commitment Period U sage Level Rate 500.$0.1200 22.Billing Increments Each direct-dialed call and inbound 800/8XX call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 22.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware ofthe Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FlUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 65 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Switched Special Pricing III (Continued) 22.4 Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Actual Monthly Usage does not meet the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level and the Customer s Actual Monthly Usage Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. 22.5 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Per minute rates and a per call surcharge apply for Travel Card calls originating and terminating within the State. Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.1800 $0.1500 22.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments , rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 22.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 22.Directory Assistance $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Ideho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 66 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricing II 23.Per Minute Rates (Outbound and Inbound) Monthly Term Minimum Per Minute Rate Commitment Monthly Usage Period Level $10 000.$0.0500 Switched Access Overflow Rate - utilized when dedicated traffic overflows to the switched network. The Switched Access Overflow per mInute rate is $0.0950. 23.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office or the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FfUNG AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 67 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricin!! II (Continued) 23.Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Actual Monthly Usage does not meet the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level and the Customer Actual Monthly Usage Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. 23.4 Billin~ Increments Each direct-dialed call and inbound 800/8XX call completed will have an minimum of six (6) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/1 0 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. initial 23.Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Per minute rates and a per call surcharge apply for Travel Card calls originating and terminating within the State. Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.1800 $0.1500 23.Travel Card BUlin!! Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 23.Monthly Recurring Char!!e $3.00 per 800/8XX number 23.Directory Assistance $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id"'~n Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho "':~'~' VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 68 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricing 24.Per Minute Rates (Outbound and Inbound) Monthly Term Minimum Monthly Per Minute Rate Commitment Period Usage Level 500.$0.0500 Switched Access Overflow Rate - utilized when dedicated traffic overflows to the switched network. The Switched Access Overflow per minute rate is $0.0950. 24.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. 24.Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Actual Monthly Usage does not meet the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level and the Customer s Actual Monthly Usage Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho "-. ..-. .:--_. VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 69 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Communications Dedicated Special Pricing I (Continued) 24.4 Billing Increments Each direct-dialed call and inbound 800/8XX call completed will have an initial minimum of six (6) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction ofa cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 24.5 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Per minute rates and a per call surcharge apply for Travel Card calls originating and terminating within the State. Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.1800 $0.1500 24.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (111 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 24.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 24.Directory Assistance $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 1d-3ho Public Utilities Commission Off c, ' .' ~ ~ - ... Ilie ~ecre_aryACCEPH:D FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho . " VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 70 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select II Dedicated Special Pricing XXXVII 25.Per Minute Rates (Outbound and Inbound) Monthly Term Minimum Monthly Per Minute Rate Commitment Period Usage Level $50 000.$0.0500 Switched Access Overflow Rate - utilized when dedicated traffic overflows to the switched network. The Switched Access Overflow per minute rate is $0.0950. 25.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. 25.Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Actual Monthly Usage does not meet the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level and the Customer s Actual Monthly Usage Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Ict-aho ~liblic Utilities Commission OTi:ce Of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 71 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select II Dedicated Special Pricing XXXVII (Continued) 25.4 Billing Increments Each direct-dialed call and inbound 800/8XX call completed will have an initial minimum of six (6) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction ofa cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 25.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 25.Directory Assistance $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Ici~h!1 P,:blic Utilities Commission OHic8 of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 72 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select II Switched Special Pricing XII 26.Per Minute Rates (Outbound and Inbound) Monthly Term Minimum Monthly Per Minute Rate Commitment Period Usage Level $100.$0.1200 26.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. 26.Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Actual Monthly U sage does not meet the Minimum Monthl y Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level and the Customer s Actual Monthly Usage Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 27 2004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Prime Business Select II Switched Special Pricing XII.(Continued) 26.4 Billing Increments Each direct-dialed call and inbound 800/8XX call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. Ifthe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 26.5 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State in addition to the per call surcharge listed below. Per Minute Rate $0.1800 Per Call Surcharge $0.1 000 26.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 26.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 26.Directory Assistance $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission I)I-e n-' t" ,,- ~:;,::...:--,:,I .ilJ 8cre.aryACU::r'to FOR FlUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho '-.. VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Switched Business Services (N) 27.Monthly Recurring Charges Customers will be billed the following fees for optional services associated with the VSI Switched Business Services as described in Section 3.29: Toll Free Number Verified Account Codes Non-verified Account Codes Optional Management Invoice Reports $3.00 per month/per number $10.00 per month $5.00 per month $2.00 per month/per report (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary CCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 2 2004 Boise. Idaho ..~- VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Switched Business Services (Continued)(N) 27.Service Options - Rates and Char~es $0.0395 Interstate Plan (AGH) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate Availabilitv 12 months , VII, VIII, X $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30. $0.0499 Interstate Plan (w99) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate A vailabilitv 12 months VIII, IX, X, XI $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 Savin~s Plan (W52) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate A vailabilitv 12 months , III, IV, V, VII $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30. VIII, IX, X, XI (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Nay 222004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Switched Business Services (Continued)(N) 27.Service Options - Rates and Charges (Continued) $0.0625 Interstate Plan (W62) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate Availabilitv 12 months , VII, VIII $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 AST A Platinum Plan (ASP) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate Availabilitv 12 months III $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.3 12 months $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.3 AST A Platinum Plan is only available to members ofthe American Society of Travel Agents. ASTA Preview Program (ZBl) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate Availabilitv 12 months $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 ASTA Preview Program is only available to members of the American Society ofTravel Agents. (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 2 2004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73.4 SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Switched Business Services (Continued)(N) 27.Service Options - Rates and Charges (Continued) $0.0475 Interstate Plan (W47) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate A vailabilitv 12 months , VI, VIII, IX $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 , XI Switched Advanta STG Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate Availabili 12 months III $0.0550 $0.0550 See Section 4.30.3 Switched Advantage Plus (ESA) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate A vailabilitv 12 months $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.3 (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 222004 8oise, Idaho '" -. VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Switched Business Services (Continued)(N) 27.Service Options - Rates and Charges (Continued) $0.0350 Interstate Plan (SI3) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate Availabilitv 12 months , VIII, IX, X $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 24 months $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30. $0.0390 Interstate Plan (SI2) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate A vailabilitv 12 months , VIII, IX, X $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30. 24 months $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30. ePartners Switched Preview Program (W59) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate Availability 6 months $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30. 12 months III $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 (N) Issued: November 12 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Mfairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Nay 222004 Baise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Switched Business Services (Continued)(N) 27.Service Options - Rates and Charees (Continued) ePartners Switched Proeram (SI3) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate A vailabilitv 12 months $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 ePartners Switched Proeram II (SI2) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate A vailabilitv 12 months $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30. $0.0450 Interstate Plan (W45) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate A vailabilitv 12 months , VIII, IX, X $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30. (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Mfairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 222004 Boise, Idaho - - -' "'0 VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page No. 73. Cancels Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Switched Business Services (Continued) 27.Service Options - Rates and Charges (Continued) $0.0475 Interstate Plan (E47) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate Availability 12 months $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 $0.0490 Interstate Plan (W 49) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Product Period Levels Rate Rate A vailabilitv 12 months ill, V, Vll, Vill $0.1200 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 , X, XI (D) (D) Issued: April 21, 2005 Effective: May 1, 2005 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas (972) 478-3000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2005 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Dedicated Business Services (N) 28.Monthly Recurrin~ Char~es Customers will be billed the following fees for optional services associated with the VSI Dedicated Business Services as described in Section 3.30: Toll Free Number Verified Account Codes Non-verified Account Codes Optional Management Invoice Reports $3.00 per month/per number $10.00 per month $5.00 per month $2.00 per month/per report (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 222004 Baise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Dedicated Business Services (Continued)(N) 28.Service Options - Rates and Charges $0.0250 Interstate Plan (DI3) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate Availabilitv 12 months , V $0.0600 $0.1275 $0.1665 See Section 4.30.2 36 months $0.0600 $0.1275 $0.1665 See Section 30.2 $0.0220 Interstate Plan (D14) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate A vailabilitv 12 months , IV, V $0.0525 $0.1220 $0.1665 See Section 30.2 24 months $0.0525 $0.1220 $0.1665 See Section 4.30. 36 months $0.0525 $0.1220 $0.1665 See Section 4.30.2 (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22~ 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 I"aho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary CEPTED FOR FILING NaV 2 2 2004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Dedicated Business Services (Continued)(N) 28.Service Options - Rates and Char~es (Continued) $0.0199 Interstate Plan (DI5) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate Availabilitv 12 months III, IV, V IX $0.0480 $0.1170 $0.1665 See Section 30. 24 months III $0.0480 $0.1170 $0.1665 See Section 4.30.2 36 months III $0.0480 $0.1170 $0.1665 See Section 4.30. Dedicated Freedom Plan (DFP) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate A vailabilitv 12 months $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 (N) Issued: November 12,2004 Effective: November 22,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING . . .;~- NOV 222004 Boise" Idaho '-'-'."-" VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Dedicated Business Services (Continued)(N) 28.Service Options - Rates and Charees (Continued) Dedicated Preview Proeram IDDP) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate A vailabilitv 6 months $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.1200 See Section 4.30. 12 months , VI, VIII $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.1200 See Section 30.2 Dedicated Premier Proeram (J)P1) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate A vailabilitv 12 months , V, VI, VIII $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.1200 See Section 30.2 (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 222004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Dedicated Business Services (Continued)(N) 28.Service Options - Rates and Charges (Continued) ePartners $0.0250 Interstate Plan (DB) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate A vailabilitv 12 months , II, III $0.0600 $0.1275 $0.1665 See Section 30.2 24 months , II, III $0.0600 $0.1275 $0.1665 See Section 4.30. 36 months , II, III $0.0600 $0.1275 $0.1665 See Section 4.30.2 ePartners $0.0220 Interstate Plan (DI4) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate A vailabilitv 12 months , II, III $0.0525 $0.1220 $0.1665 See Section 74. 24 months , II, III $0.0525 $0.1220 $0.1665 See Section 4.30.2 36 months , II, III $0.0525 $0.1220 $0.1665 See Section 30.2 (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Mfairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~bJic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 2 2 2004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Dedicated Business Services (Continued)(N) 28.Service Options - Rates and Charges (Continued) ePartners $0.0199 Interstate Plan (DI5) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate Availabilitv 12 months , II, III $0.0480 $0.1170 $0.1665 See Section 30.2 24 months , II, III $0.0480 $0.1170 $0.1665 See Section 30. 36 months , II, III $0.0480 $0.1170 $0.1665 See Section 4.30.2 ePartners Dedicated Preview Program (EP Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate Availabilitv 6 months $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.1200 See Section 4.30.2 12 months , V, VI $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.1200 See Section 30.(N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 222004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page No. 73. Cancels Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) VSI Dedicated Business Services (Continued) 28.Service Options - Rates and Charges (Continued) AST A Dedicated Preview Program (ZA1) Term Monthly Usage Outbound Inbound Switched Calling Card Commitment Commitment Per Minute Per Minute Overflow Per Product Period Levels Rate Rate Minute Rate A vailabilitv 6 months $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.1200 See Section 30. 12 months , VI, vn $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.1200 See Section 30. ASTA Dedicated Preview Program is only available to members of the American Society of Travel Agents. (D) (D) Issued: April 21 , 2005 Effective: May 1, 2005 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas (972) 478-3000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ....) VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Audioconferencing Service 29.Operator Attended Switched Access Rates Toll Meet Me 800 Meet Me Operator-Dialed Per Minute Rate $0. $0. $0.36 Dedicated Access Rates Toll Meet Me 800 Meet Me Operator-Dialed Per Minute Rate $0.23 $0. $0. 29.Quick Call Switched Access Rates Toll Meet Me 800 Meet Me Per Minute Rate $0. $0.29 Dedicated Access Rates Toll Meet Me 800 Meet Me Per Minute Rate $0. $0. (N) (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Mfairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 22004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Audioconferencing Service (Continued)(N) 29.3 Conference On-Demand Switched Access Rates Toll Meet Me 800 Meet Me Per Minute Rate $0. $0.29 Dedicated Access Rates Toll Meet Me 800 Meet Me Per Minute Rate $0. $0.27 29.4 Other Charges Cancellation Charge - A cancellation charge of$1 00.00 applies to each reservation if not cancelled twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled conference. Overbooking Charge - An overbooking charge of $5.00 per port applies to each unused port on a conference bridge. (N) Issued: November 12, 2004 Effective: November 22, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 2 2004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page No. 73. Cancels Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Calling Card Seryice 30.Calling Card Program A CYBL) Customers of Calling Card Program A will be billed at the following rates and charges: Intrastate per minute rate $0.1000 (D) A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter Customers will be billed at six (6) second increments. 30.Calling Card Program B CYO8) Customers of Calling Card Program B will be billed at the following rates and charges: Intrastate per minute rate $0.1500 (D) A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter Customers shall be billed at six (6) second increments. 30.Calling Card Program C (Y18) Customers of Calling Card Program C will be billed at the following rates and charges: Intrastate per minute rate $0.1800 (D) A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter Customers will be billed at six (6) second increments. Issued: April 21, 2005 Effective: May 1, 2005 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas (972) 478-3000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - ZOOS Boise, IdaM VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) Payphone Surcharge A $0.60 per call charge is applicable to completed calls that originate from any payphone within Washington and access the Company s services yia 800/888 numbers. This charge is in addition to the tariffed per minute usage rates and any applicable monthly service fees and surcharges associated with utilizing the Company s service and is unrelated to the specific service accessed from the payphone. Issued: April 21, 2005 Effective: May 1,2005 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas (972) 478-3000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ' MAY 1 - 2005 Boise. Idaho (N) (N) Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Solutions Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) 0299 Switched Product (N) 0299 Switched Product is available to business Customers who meet the Company s credit approval guidelines and are served by one of the following incumbent local exchange companies: Qwest and Verizon. Customers of this service must sign a customer acceptance form with the Cbmpany which requires a $100 minimum monthly usage commitment and a 12-month term commitment. $.0299 Switched Product rates apply to direct dial, toll free (800/8XX) and calling card calls. A monthly recurring charge may also apply to certain features as noted below. Account Codes are available under the $.0299 Switched Product to assist Customers in managing and tracking their long distance usage. Customers may select validated account codes which are specific , pre-defined combinations of digits registered with Company switch database, and only those pre-defined codes can be used to complete a call, or Customers may select non-validated codes of a specific length and any code of that specific length can be used to complete a call. 32.1 Per Minute Rates Customers of the $.0299 Switched Product will be billed at the following per minute usage rate regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Direct-Dial Outbound Inbound 800/8XX $ . 1190 $ . 1190 An (eighteen) 18 second minimum will apply to each completed direct-dial outbound call, and thereafter, Customers will be billed in 6 second increments. A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each inbound 800/8XX completed call, and thereafterCustomers will be billed in 6 second increments. (N) Issued: August 2, 2006 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Effective: August 12, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ,*~:,"' AUG 1 2 20Uo Beiser Idaho L._ _.... Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a V arTec Solutions Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) 0299 Switched Product (Continued)(N) 32.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Term Commitment Period or in the event that the Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Customer s Monthly Revenue Commitment multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term contract signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. 32.Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Monthly Revenue Level does not meet the Monthly Revenue Commitment in any invoice period during the Term Commitment Period, for that invoice period Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge which is equal to the difference between the Monthly Revenue Commitment and the actual Monthly Revenue Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time payment is due for service provided to the Customer. 32.4 Calling Card Customers of the $.0299 Switched Product will be billed at the following rate for calling card calls: Per minute rate:$0.1200 A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed calling card call, and thereafter, Customers will be billed at six (6) second increments. (N) Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Effective: August 12, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FIUN AUG 1 2 2006 Issued: August 2, 2006 Beise. Idaho Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a V arTec. Solutions Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 73. SECTION 4 - RATES (Continued) 0299 Switched Product (Continued)(N) 32.Non-Recurring and Monthly Recurring Charges Customers will be billed the following fees for optional services: Toll Free Numbers (800/888) Establish New Toll-Free Number Non- Verified Account Codes Verified Account Codes Optional Management Invoice Reports Paper Electronic 00 per month, per number 00 per number 00 per month, per code $10.00 per month , per code 00 per month, per report $10.00 per month, per report 32.Directory Assistance $ 1.40 per call (N) Issued: August 2, 2006 Effective: August 12, 2006 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 'daho ~fbIiC Utilities Commission ACCEPce of the Secretary ED FOR FlUNG AUG 2006 Beise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No.7 4 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS Promotions - General From time to time the Company will, at its option, promote subscription or stimulate network usage by offering to waive some or all of the nomecurring or recurring charges, reduce commitment or term requirements or to reduce rates for eligible Customers of target products. Such promotions will be made available to all similarly situated Customers in the target market area. Copies of such promotions will be sent to the Idaho Public Utlities Commission. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretClf1!ACCEPTED FO!i FiUNG AUG 2 t 2004 Boise, Idaho . ". .. . - . I VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 75 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) PROTECH ACCESS ONE SERVICE 1.1 Protech Access One Service is an outbound service offered to Customers that presubscribe to the Company s service through specific sales agents ofthe Company. Service is provided to business Customers. Protech Access One Service will be billed in six (6) increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. 1.2 Per Minute Rates: Initial Minute: Each Additional Minute: $0.1290 $0.1290 Protech Access One - Toll Free Protech Access One Toll Free is an inbound calling service utilizing switched access facilities. This service permits the Customer to receive incoming calls from all locations within Idaho. With Protech One Toll Free Service, the Customer is charged for the call, not the calling party. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of eighteen (18) seconds. Per Minute Rates: Initial Minute: Each Additional Minute: $0.1290 $0.1290 Travel Card Per Minute Rates: Initial Minute: Each Additional Minute: $0.1990 $0.1990 Per Call Surcharge:$0.0000 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho --. I VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 76 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) MASTER DEALER PROGRAM The Master Dealer Program is available to business customers through an authorized agent ofVarTec Solutions, Inc. Calls are originated from presubscribed locations. This service permits the Customers to make direct dialed 1 + calls from locations within Idaho. Calls are bill in (6) six second increments with a minimum calling period, for billing purposes of (18) eighteen seconds. These rates apply to direct dialed, toll free (800/888) and calling card calls. There are no monthly fees or recurring charges. Calls are billed individually and rated by time of day, duration, and day of week. Switched Interstate Rates Per Minute Rates $0.1200 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho ~~blic Utilities Commission Otflce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ~_.....-. ' . I VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 77 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) 6.4 COMTEL Prime Business 6.4.COMTEL Prime Business service is offered to business Customers of VarTec Solutions , Inc. through a master agent of the Company. This service provides Customers the option of outbound 1 + and inbound toll free service based upon the monthly commitment level chosen by the Customer. COMTEL Prime Business service is available to business Customers ofVarTec Solutions, Inc. Customers must sign a 12 month term plan at the minimum levels listed below. The Customer will be billed the minimum monthly commitment ifthe actual monthly usage is below the commitment level. The language ofthe contract will identify the termination penalty the Customer will pay ifthe contract is terminated early. All calls will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. COMTEL 975 Customers must commit to minimum monthly usage of$250. The customer will be billed for the minimum commitment level if account monthly usage is less than the commitment. (A)Per Minute Rates (1)Outbound Service (2)Inbound Service COMTEL 925 $0.0975 $0.0975 Customers must commit to minimum monthly usage of$300. The customer will be billed for the minimum commitment level if account monthly usage is less than the commitment. (A)Per Minute Rates (1) (2) Outbound Service $0.0925 Inbound Service $0.0925 Issued: August 17 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho "0 ... ~-.. VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 78 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Global Systems Prime 975 Global Systems Prime 975 service is offered to business Customers of VarTec Solutions, Inc. through a master agent of the Company. This service provides Customers the option of outbound 1 + and inbound toll free service. Global Systems Prime 975 service is available to business Customers of VarTec Solutions, Inc. Customers must sign a 12 month term plan. The language of the contract will identify the termination penalty the Customer will pay if the contract is terminated early. All calls will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Per Minute Rates (A)Outbound Service $0.0975 (B)Inbound Service $0.0975 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.~"o PI)blic Utilities Commission J I Fiee of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 79 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Affinitv Association Program - llAA 8.4 Affinity Association Program - llAA service is available to members of the TIAA association, only. This service is a customized telecommunications offering combining inbound, outbound and calling (travel) card services. Customers are billed at a flat per minute rate for both switched and dedicated access. Dedicated Access Service requires a Minimum Monthly Commitment of $2 500. For dedicated access, dedicated facilities between the Customer' s premises and the Company s terminal location(s) are required. The Company will arrange for the installation of all required connecting facilities via a Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider. The installation and monthly recurring charges for any interface equipment associated with such access that is provided by the Company shall be calculated on an individual case basis, in accordance with the charges assessed by the Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider. Customers requesting to sign up for this service must provide documentation to the Company showing the Customer is a member in good standing with the IIAA association. Per Minute Usage Rates Switched Service 1 + Outbound Service Toll Free Inbound Service $0.1200 $0.1200 Dedicated Service 1 + Outbound Service Toll Free Inbound Service $0.0600 $0.0600 Calling (Travel) Card Service: Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Per minute rates and a per call surcharge apply. Travel Card Service Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Type Switched Customer $0.2000 $0.2500 Dedicated Customer $0.1800 $0.1000 8.5 Directory Assistance Charee $0. Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/1 0 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. Service Hours Rates apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission OfficI'; of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 80 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) 975 Service Program 975 Service Program is available to business customers through an authorized agent of the Company who generates $250 in monthly combined intrastate and interstate revenue. Customers must commit to a 12 month Term Plan. Calls are originated from presubscribed locations. This service is a customized telecommunications offering combining inbound outbound and calling (travel) card services. Per Minute Rate: The following rate applies to direct dialed, toll free (800/888) and calling (travel) card calls. There are no monthly fees or recurring charges. Calls are billed individually and rated time of day, duration, and day of week. $0.1200 Per Minute Calling (Travel) Card Service Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Per minute rates and a per call surcharge apply. Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.2000 $0.2500 9.4 Directory Assistance Charge $0. Billin!! Increments : Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. Service Hours: Rates apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idilho ~~blic Ut!Hties Commission .Qrflce of the SecretaryACCtPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 81 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES Continued) 975 Service Program (Continued) Deficiency Char~e In the event Customer s Monthly Revenue Level does not meet the Monthly Revenue Commitment selected by the Customer in any invoice period during the Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Monthly Revenue Commitment and the actual Monthly Revenue Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. Termination Penalty Charge In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Term Commitment Period, or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Customer s Monthly Revenue Commitment multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term contract signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Offici) of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho ........... .:....... VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 82 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Brand Equity Service 10.Brand Equity Service is a switched/presubscribed telecommunications service offering combining inbound, outbound and travel card services to designated brand equityparticipant(s). This service offering is to be branded or co-branded under the trade and/or service marks owned by the brand equity participant(s) and the Company. Participants must select one of the following options listed below. 10.2 Inbound and Outbound Per Minute Rates OPTIONS MONTHLY USAGE PER MINUTE RATES COMMITMENT $10 $0.1200 $25 $0.1200 $50 $0.1200 $75 $0.1200 $100 $0.1200 $125 $0.1200 10.Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F!UNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 83 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Brand Equity Service (Continued) 10.4 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State of Idaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Call Surcharge:$0.2500 Per Minute Rates:$0.2000 10.5 Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 10.Directory Assistance $0.75/per call charge 10.Monthly Recurring Service Charges Inbound Service Charge Account Fee $3.00 per 800/8XX, per month $1.95* *Excluding the first month of service, customers subscribing to the Brand Equity Service whose combined intrastate, interstate and intemationallong distance usage is less than $50.00 per month, excluding taxes, surcharges and directory assistance charges, will be assessed this fee, per month. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idflho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOF~ FI liNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 84 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Dealer Service Program 11.Dealer Service Program is a 1 + outbound, inbound and calling card telecommunications service offering available only to presubscribed/switched business customers. Customers may select a Month-to-Month or a 12-Month Term Commitment Option. Customers selecting the 12-Month Term Commitment Option must sign an agreement with the Company. The Customer s Monthly Minimum Usage Commitment Level consists of all intrastate, interstate and international outbound, inbound and calling card usage including surcharges. The Monthly Minimum Usage Commitment Level does not include any monthly recurring fees or directory assistance charges. This service program is available on a Company direct bill basis only. Inbound and outbound calls will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. 11.Monthly Minimum Usage Options OPTIONS MONTHLY MINIMUM USAGE COMMITMENT LEVEL $10. $20. $30. $40. $50.00/0ver 11.Per Minute Usage Rates OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 OPTION 4 OPTION 5 $10.$20.$30.$40.$50.00/0ver $0.1600 $0.1600 $0.1600 $0.1600 $0.1600 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FiUNG AUG 27 2004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 85 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Dealer Service Program (Continued) 11.4 Calling (Travel) Card Service Customers subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Calling card calls will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of thirty (30) seconds. The following per minute rates and per call surcharge apply to all calling card calls. Per Minute Rate $0.2000 11.5 Monthly Recurring Charges The following monthly recurring charges apply for the Dealer Service Program Month-to-Month Service Option Plan and Term Commitment Option Plan: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Toll Free Numbers (800/8XX) Optional Management Reports Diskette Billing Mag Tape Billing Account Codes Validated Non-Validated Customer Package Account Fee 11.6 Directory Assistance (Per Call Charge) $3.00per month/per 800/8XX number $2.00 per month/per report $10.00 per month $10.00 per month $10.00 per month $ 5.00 per month $45.00 per month $5.00 per account $0.7000 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id'3ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 86 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) FBBA Business Calling Program 12.FBBA Business Calling Program is a flat rate outbound and inbound calling plan. This service permits business customers to make direct dial 1 + calls and receive inbound toll free (800/888) calls from within Idaho. In addition customers can also place calling card calls. All calls will be billed in six (6) second increments after initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Any fractional portion of a call thereafter, will be rounded up to the next highest billing increment. 12.2 Access Methods and Usage Rates: (A)Direct Dial Access: FBBA Business Calling Plan customer s will be charged $0.0900 per call per minute for all intrastate calls. (B)Toll Free (800/888): FBBA Business Calling Plan customer s subscribing to toll free service will be charged $0.0900 per minute for all terminating calls. The FBBA Customer will be charged for the call rather than the call originator. (C)Travel Card Access FBBA customers will be charged the Travel Card Rates based on a customer selected term commitment, as they apply to Prime Business Select II in Section 4.3 (2) of this price list. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idi!ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 27 2004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 87 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Global-Tel Long Distance Service 13.1 Global-Tel Long Distance Service is an outbound service offered to Customers that presubscribe to the Company s service through specific sales agents ofthe Company. Service is provided to business Customers. 13.Global-Tel Long Distance Service Per Minute Rates Day Evening Night/Weekend $0.1090 $0.1090 $0.1090 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FO1~ FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 88 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Affinity Association Program - AST Affinity Association Program ASTA offers members of the ASTA association combined outbound 1 + and toll free inbound services. Customer need only sign up for this service and they do not have to make any minimum monthly or term commitments. All calls will be billed in six (6) second increments, after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Interstate service is associated with intrastate services and must be ordered together. Customer requesting to sign up for this service must provide documentation to the Company, showing the Customer is a member in good standing with the ASTA association. (A)Travel Card Service Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Per minute rates and a per call surcharge apply. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utiiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOii FiUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 89 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Prime Business Select V 15.Prime Business Select V service is a term plan available to all business customers who meet the Company s credit approval guidelines, but is designed for large end users. Customers are billed based upon the actual monthly usage. Customers must sign a twelve (12), twenty-four (24), or thirty-six (36) month term plan. Usage commitments will be set at the time of initiating service. The Customer will be billed the minimum monthly commitment level or the actual monthly usage is below the commitment level. Customers will either billed directly by the company or by their local exchange telephone company. Prime Business Select V rates apply to direct dial, toll free, and calling card calls. All calls are billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. 15.Usage Rates (A)Direct Dial & Toll Free TERM PLAN MONTHLY TERM 12 Months 24 Months 36 Months COMMITMENT 500.$0.1200 $0.1200 $0.1200 000.$0.1200 $0.1200 $0.1200 $10 000.$0.1200 $0.1200 $0.1200 $25 000.$0.1200 $0.1200 $0.1200 $50 000.$0.1200 $0.1200 $0.1200 (B)Calling Card Per Minute Rate:$0. Per Call Surcharge:$0. (C)Directory Assistance Per Call:$0. Issued: August 17,2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FO:~ FILING AUG 27 2004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 90 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Prime Business Select Plan II - Special Pricing 16.1 Prime Business Select Plan II - Special Pricing is a combined 1+ outbound and toll-free inbound switched access service. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of six (6) seconds. 16.2 Per Minute Rate Monthly Usage Per Minute Rate $0 - $1,499.$0.1000 500.00-$74 999.$0.0800 $ 7 5 000.00-$ 99 999.$0.0750 $100 000.00-150 000.$0.0725 16.Directory Assistance Rates Per Minute Rate:$0. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sf'.cretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho . - VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 91 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Prime Business Industry Program 17.Prime Business Industry Program is an affinity associated program for various business and social groups that either commit to or recommend VarTec Solutions Inc. service to the association membership. The association membership will receive special term and rate conditions when they subscribe to VarTec Solutions, Inc. servIce. Auto Dealers Program is a Prime Business Industry Program designed for Factory Authorized Auto Dealers. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Customers must sign a term commitment for one year and a monthly revenue commitment of $250. Per minute rates and per call surcharges apply based upon call type. Intrastate service is available as an add on to interstate service. Rates (A)Per Minute Rates: (B)Travel Card Service: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge (C)Directory Assistance $0.1200 $0.2000 $0.2500 $0.7500 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of tile Secretary '-"'~D-::r '::()D LING'vL_r i L., t ...1\ i AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 92 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) UNUM Agent Program 18.The UNUM Agent Program is available to business Customers through an authorized agent ofVarTec Solutions, Inc. Calls are originated from presubscribed locations. This service permits the Customers to make direct dialed 1+, toll free (800/888) and calling card calls from locations within the United States Calls are billed in (6) six second increments with a minimum calling period, for billing purposes of (18) eighteen seconds. Rates Direct Dialed Outbound Service:$0.1200 Toll Free Inbound Service:$0.1200 Travel Card Service Per Minute Rate:$0.2000 Per Call Surcharge:$0.2500 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secfetarv ACCEPTED FOR FfUNG AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 93 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Affinity Association Program - ASTA SPECIAL CONTRACT II 19.Affinity Association Program - AST A Special Contract II is a presubscribedlswitched business service offering that combines outbound 1 +, toll free inbound Directory Assistance and travel card services. Customer must commit to a Monthly Usage Level. All calls will be billed in six (6) second increments, after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Interstate service is associated with intrastate services and must ordered together. Customer requesting to sign up for this service must provide documentation to the Company, showing the Customer is a member in good standing with the AST A association. 19.Per Minute Rates (Inbound and Outbound) MONTHLY USAGE LEVEL PER MINUTE RATE $0.01 - $49.$0.1200 $50.00 - $499.$0.1200 $500.00/0VER $0.1200 19.Directory Assistance Per Call Charge $0.7500 19.4 Monthly Recurring Account Charge $5.00/per account 19.5 Monthly Recurring 800/8XX Charge $3.00/per 800/8XX number 19.Travel Card Service Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Travel Card calls will have an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments. Per call surcharge apply for Travel Card calls originating and terminating within the State of Idaho. Per Minute Rate $0.2000 Per Call Surchar2e $0.2500 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 27 2004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 94 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) AffinitvAssociation Program - SPECIAL CONTRACT III 20.AffinityAssociation Program - ASTA Special Contract III is a presubscribed/switched business service offering that combines outbound 1 +, toll free inbound Directory Assistance and travel card services. Customer( s) need only sign up for this service and they do not have to make any minimum monthly or term commitments. All calls will be billed in six (6) second increments, after an initial period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Interstate service is associated with intrastate services and must be ordered together. Customer requesting to sign up for this service must provide documentation to the Company, showing the Customer is a member in good standing with the AST A association. 20.Per Minute Rates anbound and Outbound) PER MINUTE RATE $0.1200 20.Directorv Assistance Per Call Charge $0.7500 20.4 Monthly Recurrin2 Account Charge:$5.00/per account 20.Monthlv Recurrin2 800/8XX Charge:$3.00/per 800/8XX number 20.Travel Card Service Customer subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Travel Card calls will have an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments. Per call surcharge apply for Travel Card calls originating and terminating within the State ofIdaho. Per Minute Rate $0.2000 Per Call Surcharge $0.2500 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idi!ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 95 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Prime Business Select II Switched Special Pricing 21.1 Prime Business Select II Switched Special Pricing is a presubscribed/switched outbound 1+, inbound, Directory Assistance and travel card telecommunications service offering available only to business customers. Customers must commit to a 12 month Term Commitment Period in order to receive the following per minute rates: 21.2 Per Minute Rates (Inbound and Outbound) Monthly Term Per Minute Rate Commitment Period $0.1200 21.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. 21.4 Billing Increments Each direct-dialed and inbound 800 number call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/1 0 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission('ff ',.f '.J " OJ i.,Je vccretaryACCEF'TED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 96 SECTION 6- CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Prime Business Select II Switched Special Pricing (Continued) 21.5 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State of Idaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate $0.2000 Per Call Surchan~e $0.2500 21.6 Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/1 0 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 21.7 Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00/per 800/8XX number 21.8 Directory Assistance $1.40/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of th(! SwT:tary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 97 22. Brand Equity Dedicated Service - I SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Brand Equity Dedicated Service - I is a dedicated outbound 1 +, inbound and travel calling card telecommunications service offering available only to customers subscribing to associated Brand Equity Service offerings. This service offering is to be branded or co- branded under the trade and! or service marks owned by the brand equity participant( s) and the Company. Customers must committo a Monthly Usage Level of$2 500., $5 000. or $7 500.00. The Customer s Monthly Usage Level is based on combined intrastate interstate and international usage. 22.2 Per Minute Rates 22. 22.4 22.5 OPTIONS Monthly Usage Per Minute Level Rate 500.$0.0550 000.$0.0550 $7 500.$0.0550 Billin!! Increments: Each direct-dialed and inbound 800 number call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. Travel Calling Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State of Idaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.1000$0.1800 Travel Calling Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 22.Monthly Recurring Charge:$3.00/per 800/8XX number 22.Directory Assistance:$0.75/per call charge Issued: August 17,2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 98 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) 23. Brand Equity Dedicated Service - Brand Equity Dedicated Service - II is a dedicated outbound 1+, inbound and travel calling card telecommunications service offering available only to customers subscribing to associated Brand Equity Service offerings. This service offering is to be branded or co- branded under the trade and/or service marks owned by the brand equity participant( s) and the Company. Customers must commit to a Monthly Usage Level of $10 000. $15 000., $25 000.00 or $50 000.00. The Customer s Monthly Usage Level is based on combined intrastate, interstate and international usage. 23.2 Per Minute Rates 23. 23.4 23. OPTIONS Monthly Usage Per Minute Level Rate $10 000.$0.0550 $15 000.$0.0550 $25 000.$0.0550 $50.000.$0.0550 Billing Increments: Each direct-dialed and inbound 800 number call completed will have an initial minimum of six (6) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/1 0 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction ofa cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. Travel Callin2 Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State ofldaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.1000$0.1800 Travel Calling Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 23.6 Monthly Recurring Charge:$3.00/per 800/8XX number 23.Directory Assistance $0.75/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id~ho Public Utilities Ccmmission Office of the Secret8,v ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 99 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) 10 Prime Business Dedicated Service 24.1 Q Prime Business Dedicated Service is a dedicated telecommunications service offering inbound, outbound and travel card services to business customers only. Customers are billed at per minute rates based on a Monthly Usage Commitment Level for dedicated access services for origination and termination of long distance calls. Customers subscribing to this service must commit to a minimum term of 12 months and a Monthly Usage Commitment of$2500, $5000, or $7500. In the event a Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the 12-month Term Commitment Period, or in the event that the Company terminates service based on the Customer s default, the Customer will be responsible for paying aT ermination Charge equal to the Customer s Monthly Usage Commitment Option, multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Customer s agreed 12-month Term Commitment period. In the event Customer s Monthly Revenue Level does not meet the Monthly Revenue Commitment selected by the Customer in any invoice period during the Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Monthly Revenue Commitment and the actual Monthly Revenue Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. Dedicated facilities between the Customer s premises and the Company s terminal location(s) are required. At the customer s request, the Company will install or arrange for the installation of all required connecting facilities via a Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider. The installation and monthly recurring charges for any interface equipment associated with such access that is provided by the Company shall be calculated on an individual case basis, in accordance with the charges assessed by the Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider. Service orders are subject to network availability. Issued: August 17 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 100 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) 10 Prime Business Dedicated Service 24.2 Outbound and Inbound Per Minute Rates: PER MINUTE RATES Monthly Revenue 12 Month TermCommitment $ 2 500 $0.0550 $ 5 000 $0.0550 $ 7 500 $0.0550 24.Billing Increments: Each direct-dialed call and inbound toll free call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 24.4 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State of Idaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surchan!e $0.1800 $0.1000 24.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 24.Monthly Recurrin2 Charge:$3.00/per 800 number 24.Directory Assistance:$0.75/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 101 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) 1099 - Prime Business Select 2000 25.1 Q99 - Prime Business Select 2000 is a telecommunications service offering inbound outbound and travel card services to new Commercial Prime Business Service customers only. Customers are billed at per minute rates based on a Monthly Usage Commitment Level for switched access services for origination and termination of long distance calls. Customers subscribing to this service must commit to a minimum term of 12 months and choose from the Monthly Usage Commitment Levels indicated below. In the event a Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the 12-month Term Commitment Period, or in the event that the Company terminates service based on the Customer s default, the Customer will be responsible for paying a Termination Charge equal to the Customer s Monthly Usage Commitment Option, multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Customer s agreed 12-month Term Commitment period. In the event Customer s Monthly Revenue Level does not meet the Monthly Revenue Commitment selected by the Customer in any invoice period during the Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Monthly Revenue Commitment and the actual Monthly Revenue Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. Monthly Recurring Charges apply 25.2 Outbound and Inbound Per Minute Rates. PER MINUTE RATES Monthly Revenue 12 Mouth TermCommitment $0 - $500.$0.1200 $501.00 - $1 000.$0.1200 001.00 - $2 500.$0.1200 Over $2 500.$0.1200 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No.1 02 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) 1099 - Prime Business Select 2000 (Continued) 25.Billing Increments: Each direct-dialed call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/1 0 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 25.4 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State of Idaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate $0.2000 Per Call Surcharge $0.2500 25.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. lithe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 25.Monthly Account Charge:$5. 25.Monthlv Recurring Charge:$3.00/per 800/8XX 25.Directorv Assistance:$0.65/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise. Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 103 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Brand Equity Service II 26.Brand Equity Service II is a switched/pre subscribed telecommunications service offering combining inbound, outbound and travel card services to designated brand equity participant(s). This service offering is to be branded or co-branded under the trade and/or service marks owned by the brand equity participant(s) and the Company. Participants must select one ofthe following options listed below. 26.2 Inbound and Outbound Per Minute Rates OPTIONS MONTHLY USAGE PER MINUTE RATES COMMITMENT $100 $0.1600 $125 $0.1600 $150 $0.1600 26.Billin~ Increments Inbound and outbound calls will be billed at an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 26.4 Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Usage Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id'aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 27 2004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 104 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Brand Equity Service (Continued) 24.Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s Monthly Usage Commitment Level does not meet the Monthly Usage Commitment Level selected by the Customer in any invoice period during the Monthly Usage Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Monthly Term Commitment Level and the actual Monthly Usage Commitment Level. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. 24.6 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the Continental United States in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Call Surcharge: Per Minute Rates: $0.2000 $0.2000 24.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 24.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 24.Directory Assistance $0.75/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG AUG 27 2004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No.1 05 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Brand Equity Service III 25.Brand Equity Service III is a switched/presubscribed telecommunications service offering combining inbound, outbound and travel card services to designated brand equityparticipant(s). This service offering is to be branded or co-branded under the trade and/or service marks owned by the brand equity participant(s) and the Company. Participants must select one ofthe following options listed below. 25.2 Inbound and Outbound Per Minute Rates OPTIONS MONTHLY USAGE PER MINUTE RATES COMMITMENT $0- $99.$0.1600 $100/0ver $0.1600 25.3 Billing Increments Inbound and outbound calls will be billed at an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 25.4 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the Continental United States in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Call Surcharge:$0.2000 Per Minute Rates:$0.2000 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary """"" Ti-'r.' INGl,!: I r: r' r( I L AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No.1 06 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Brand Equity Service III (Continued) 25.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 25.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 25.Directorv Assistance $0.75/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No.1 07 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Prime Business Select Switched 26.1 Prime Business Select Switched Service is a presubscribed/switched outbound 1 + inbound and travel card telecommunications service offering available to business customers. Customers must commit to a 12 month Term Commitment Period and select one of following Options listed below: Monthly Recurring Charges Apply 26.Per Minute Rates (Outbound and Inbound) Option Monthly Term Monthly Usage Per Minute Commitment Level Rate Period $0 - $499.$0.1200 $500.00 - $999.$0.1200 $1000.00 - $2,499.$0.1200 $2500.00/0ver $0.1200 26.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to $100.00 multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public lItiiitiros Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No.1 08 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Prime Business Select Switched Service (Continued) 26.4 Billing Increments Each direct-dialed and inbound 800 number call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent. 26.5 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State of Idaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.2000 $0.0000 26.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/1 0 of one minute) increment. lithe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 26.Monthlv Account Charge $5.00/per month 26.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00/per 800/8XX number 26.Directory Assistance $0.7500/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretNv ACCEPTED FOR rfUNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No.1 09 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Brand Equity Domestic Service V 27.Brand Equity Domestic Service Ys a switched/presubscribed telecommunications service offering combining inbound, outbound and travel card services to designated brand equity participant(s). This service offering is to be branded or co-branded under the trade and/or service marks owned by the brand equity participant(s) and the Company. A Brand Equity participant is defined as any business entity or individual within an industry, professional or business classification, or a commercial organization with affiliate franchisees independent agents, independent distributors or other multiple commercial representatives who enter into an agreement with Company for the marketing of this service. Monthly Recurring Charges Apply 27.2 Inbound and Outbound Per Minute Rate $0.1600 27.Billin~ Increments Inbound toll free and outbound 1 + calls will be billed at an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 27.4 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed within the State ofIdaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate $0.2000 Per Call Surchan!e $0.2000 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 110 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Brand Equity Domestic Service V (Continued) 27.Travel Card Billing Increments Travel card calls will be billed at an initial minimum of thirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. lithe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 27.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00 per 800/8XX number 27.Monthly Account Charge $1.75/per month 27.Directory Assistance $0.7500/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 111 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) AST A Select Dedicated Program 28.AST A Select Dedicated Program is a dedicated outbound 1+, inbound and travel card telecommunications service offering available to members of the AST A Association. Customers must commit to a 12 month Term Commitment and a minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level of$2 500. The Customer s minimum Monthly Usage Commitment is based on combined intrastate, interstate and international usage, excluding surcharges monthly recurring charges and directory assistance charges. 28.2 Per Minute Rate Monthly Term Monthly Usage Per Minute Commitment Commitment Level Rate Period 500 $0.0550 Switched Access Overflow Rate - utilized when dedicated traffic overflows to the switched network. The Switched Access Overflow per minute rate is $0.0950. 28.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. 28.4 Deficiency Charge In the event Customer s actual Monthly Usage does not meet the minimum Monthly Usage Commitment selected by the Customer in any invoice period during the Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Customer s actual Monthly usage and the Monthly Usage Commitment Level indicated above. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 B.;ise, lli, VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 112 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) AST A Select Dedicated Program (Continued) 28.Billing Increments Each direct-dialed and inbound 800 number call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. lithe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 28.6 Travel Card Service Customers subscribing to this program will be provided with a travel card that allows them to make calls while away from the home or office. Per minute rates and a per call surcharge apply for Travel Card calls originating and terminating Within the State ofIdaho: Per Minute Rate $0.1800 Per Call Surchar~e $0.1000 28.Travel Card Billing Increments Each travel card call completed will have an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 28.Monthly Recurrin~ Charge $3.00/per 800/8XX number 28.Directory Assistance $0.75/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Pl~b!ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarll ACCEPTED FOH F(UNG AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 113 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Hearth Products Association Dedicated Program 29.Hearth Products Association Dedicated Program is a dedicated outbound 1+ inbound and travel card telecommunications service offering available to members of the Hearth Products Association. This service allows the Customer to place long distance calls between points Within the State of Idaho. Customers must commit to a 12 Month Term Commitment Period and a minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level. The Customer s Monthly Usage Commitment Level is based on combined intrastate, interstate and international usage, excluding surcharges, monthly recurring charges and directory assistance charges. 29.2 Per Minute Rates Monthly Term Monthly Usage Per Minute Rate Commitment Period Commitment Level 500.$0.0550 29.Termination Penalty In the event the Customer terminates service with the Company prior to the end of the Monthly Term Commitment Period or in the event that Company terminates service based upon Customer s default, Customer will pay a Termination Penalty to the Company equivalent to the Monthly Usage Commitment Level multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Monthly Term Commitment Period. The Termination Penalty will be due immediately upon termination of service. The Customer will be made aware of the Termination Penalty as it will be described in the term agreement signed by the Customer at the initiation of service. 29.Deficiencv Charge In the event Customer s actual Monthly Usage does not meet the minimum Monthly Usage Commitment Level in any invoice period during the Monthly Term Commitment Period, the Customer will pay a Deficiency Charge, for that invoice period, which is equal to the difference between the Customer s actual Monthly Usage and the Monthly Usage Commitment Level indicated above. The Deficiency Charge will be due at the same time that the payment is due from the Customer for service provided on the invoice. Deficiency charges will not be assessed prior to the third invoice period. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 l!kIho P~blic Ytilities Commission Office 01 the Secretary ACCEPTED FOr-? FIliNG AUG 272004 Boise Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 114 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Hearth Products Association Dedicated Program (Continued) 29.Billing Increments Each direct-dialed call and inbound 800/8XX call completed will have an initial minimum of eighteen (18) seconds and any time beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1/10 of one minute) increment. lithe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 29.6 Travel Card Per Minute Rates Customers subscribing to this service will be provided with a travel calling card that allows them to make long distance calls while away from the home or office. The following per minute rates apply for all travel card calls placed Within the State of Idaho in addition to the per call surcharge listed below: Per Minute Rate $0.1800 Per Call Surchar1:!e $0.1 000 29.Travel Card Billing Increments Calls will be billed at an initial minimum ofthirty (30) seconds, and anytime beyond that minimum will be billed in addition using six (6) second increments, rounded up to the next whole six second (1110 of one minute) increment. lithe computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction will be rounded up to the next whole cent. 29.Monthly Recurring Charge $3.00/per 800/8XX number 29.Directory Assistance $0.75/per call charge Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 27 2004 VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 115 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Prime Business Select Association Program 30.Prime Business Select Association Program is available to certified non-profit Associations, Chambers of Commerce and other non-profit business trade groups. Members of such organizations who enroll in the Prime Business Select Association Program are eligible to receive program-specific discounted rates for direct dial calling card and inbound toll free (800/888) long distance services. All Prime Business Select Association Program calls will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period of eighteen (18) seconds. (A)Requirements The Association Program requires a monthly total usage commitment of $10 000. This minimum is not applicable for the first six (6) months of the association for participation in this program. 30.2 Direct Dial and Toll Free Access Prime Business Select Association Program customers will be charged per minute for all direct dial interstate calls. Per Minute Rate:$0.1200 30.Calling Card Access Prime Business Select Association customers will be charged $0.20 per minute for all intrastate calling card calls plus an additional $0.20 per call surcharge. Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27, 2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of tile SeCietary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 272004 Boise, Idaho VarTec Solutions, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page No. 116 SECTION 6 - CONTRACT SERVICES (Continued) Affinity Association Pro~ram - AST 31.1 Per Minute Rates - Switched Service 1 + Outbound Service Toll Free Inbound Service $0.1200 $0.1200 31.2 Per Minute Rates - Dedicated Service ($2,500 commitment) 1 + Outbound Service Toll Free Inbound Service 31.3 Travel Card Service Per Minute Rate: Per Call Surcharge 31.4 Travel Card Service: $0.0650 $0.0650 $0.2000 $0.2500 $0.7500 Issued: August 17, 2004 Effective: August 27,2004 Issued By: Becky Gipson Director - Regulatory Affairs VarTec Solutions, Inc. 1600 Viceroy Drive Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 424-1000 Idaho Public Utilities CGmmission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 27 2004 Boise, Idaho