HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmbarq Communications Inc.pdfEmbarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications 2nd Revised Title Page 1 Cancels 1st Revised Title Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST EMBARQ COMMUNICATIONS, INC. of OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS Rates and Regulations for furnishing of Services within Idaho Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 This Price List contains the regulations and rates applicable for the furnishing of intrastate telecommunications services provided by Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications within the State of Idaho. These regulated and tariffed services offered by Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications, whether under that name, or the trade or brand name CenturyLink, are subject to the terms and conditions of this Tariff. This Price List is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Boise, Idaho. ADOPTION NOTICE Effective July 28, 2009, Embarq Communications, Inc. registered the fictitious name CenturyLink Communications. Effective October 19, 2009, Embarq Communications, Inc. began operating under the name CenturyLink Communication. As such, Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications hereby adopts, ratifies, and makes its own, in every respect as if the same had been originally filed by it, all schedules, rules, notices, concurrences, schedule agreements, divisions, authorities or other instruments whatsoever, filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, State of Idaho, by or adopted by Embarq Communications, Inc. April 24, 2006 and October 18, 2009. By this notice, Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications also adopts and ratifies all supplements or amendments to any of the above schedules, etc., which Embarq Communications, Inc. has heretofore filed with said Commission. (N) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 04-19-11 State Tariffs 04-29-11 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 29, 2011 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications 35th Revised Preface Page 1 Cancels 34th Revised Preface Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST CHECK SHEET revised pages as named below contain all changes from the original Price List pages that are in effect on Section Page Revision Section Page Revision Title Page 1 1st Preface Check Sheet Page 1 * 35th Page 1.1 15th Table of Contents Page 2 10th Page 2.1 1st Explanation of Symbols Page 3 1st Trademarks and Service Marks Page 4 3rd Section 1 Page 1 3rd Section 2 Page 1 1st Section 3 Page 1 3rd Page 1.1 2nd Page 1.2 3rd Page 2 4th Page 2.1 3rd Page 2.2 2nd Page 2.3 2nd Page 2.4 2nd Page 2.5 2nd Page 2.6 2nd Page 3 4th Page 3.1 2nd Section 4 Page 1 1st Page 2 2nd Page 3 2nd Page 4 3rd Page 5 2nd Page 6 1st Section 4 (Cont’d) Page 7 1st Page 8 1st Page 9 1st Page 10 2nd Page 11 1st Page 12 1st Page 13 1st Page 14 2nd Section 5 Page 1 4th Page 1.1 2nd Page 1.2 4th Page 1.3 1st Page 2 3rd Page 3 3rd Page 3.1 1st Page 4 4th Page 5 Original Section 6 Page 1 6th Page 2 2nd Page 3 * 5th Page 3.1 * 4th Page 4 6th Page 5 7th Page 6 5th Page 7 4th Page 8 6th Page 9 7th Page 10 5th Page 11 6th Page 12 6th Page 13 * 8th Page 14 5th Page 15 * 1st Page 16 Original Page 17 Original ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 07-02-14 State Tariffs 07-15-14 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 15, 2014 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications 14th Revised Preface Page 1.1 Cancels 13th Revised Preface Page 1.1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST CHECK SHEET The Title Page and Pages listed below are inclusive and effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages as named below contain all changes from the original Price List pages that are in effect on the date shown on each page. *Asterisk indicates changes in current Price List filing. Section Page Revision Section Page Revision Section 7 Page 1 2nd Page 2 2nd Page 3 2nd Page 4 Original Page 5 1st Page 6 4th Page 7 1st Page 8 2nd Section 8 Page 1 Original Section 9 Page 1 * 2nd Page 2 1st Page 3 1st Page 4 1st Page 5 1st Page 6 1st Page 7 1st Page 8 1st Page 9 1st Page 10 1st Page 11 1st Page 12 1st Section 9 (Cont’d) Page 13 1st Page 14 2nd Page 15 2nd Page 16 2nd Page 17 2nd Page 18 1st Page 19 1st Page 20 1st Page 21 1st Page 22 1st Page 23 1st Page 24 1st Page 25 1st Section 105 Page 1 1st Page 2 4th Page 3 2nd Page 4 1st Section 106 Page 1 4th Page 2 2nd Page 3 2nd Page 4 2nd ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-28-13 State Tariffs 04-12-13 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications 10th Revised Preface Page 2 Cancels 9th Revised Preface Page 2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page PREFACE CHECKSHEET 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS 3 TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS 4 1. APPLICATION OF PRICE LIST 1 2. TERRITORY 1 3. DEFINITIONS 1 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1 5. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES 1 6. BUSINESS SERVICES 1 6.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) 1 6.1.1 Solutions Service 1 6.1.2 Business Sense 8 6.1.3 Enhanced Voice Solutions 10 6.1.4 Business Basics 13 6.1.5 Choice Monthly Minimum 15 6.1.6 Easy Rate 16 7. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 7.1 Reserved for Future Use 1 7.2 Reserved for Future Use 2 7.3 Directory Assistance (DA) 3 7.4 Operator Service 5 7.5 Payphone Surcharge 8 8. PROMOTIONAL OFFERINGS 1 9. DATA SERVICES 1 9.1 Terms and Conditions 1 9.2 Local Access Facilities 7 9.3 Reserved For Future Use 14 9.4 Private Line Services 18 (T) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 6-15-12 State Tariffs 7-1-12 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Preface Page 2.1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 105. OBSOLETE RESIDENTIAL SERVICES 1 105.1 Legacy Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) 1 106. OBSOLETE BUSINESS SERVICES 1 106.1 Legacy Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) 1 (N) (N) (M) (M) (M) Material now appearing on this page previously appeared on 4th Revised Preface Page 2. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 07-27-07 State Tariffs 08-06-07 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 6, 2007 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Preface Page 3 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS When changes are made on any Price List page, a revised page will be issued canceling the Price List page affected; such changes will be identified through the use of the following symbols: (C) - To signify a "Change" in existing rate and/or regulation. (D) - To signify the "Deletion/Discontinuance" of rates, regulations, and/or text. (I) - To signify a rate "Increase." (M) - To signify matter "Moved/Relocated" within the Price List with no change to the material. (N) - To signify "New" text, regulation, service, and/or rates. (R) - To signify a rate "Reduction." (T) - To signify a "Text Change" in Price List, but no change in rate or regulation. (Z) - To signify a correction. The above symbols will apply except where additional symbols are identified at the bottom of an individual page. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications 3rd Revised Preface Page 4 (C) Cancels 2nd Revised Preface Page 4 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST Trade Names, Trademarks and Service Marks Used in this Price List (T) Below is a list of trade names, trademarks and/or service marks for services which are offered in this Price List. These trade names, trademarks and/or service marks are owned by CenturyLink, Inc. or a subsidiary of CenturyLink, Inc. and are used by Embarq Communications, Inc. with express permission. Trademark and service mark designations will not be listed hereafter in the Price List. However, the laws regarding trademarks and service marks will still apply. Trademarks and service marks that are owned by CenturyLink, Inc. or a subsidiary of CenturyLink, Inc. cannot be used by another party without authorization. (T) (T) (D) (D) CENTURYLINK CENTURYLINKTM CENTURYLINKSM (N) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 04-19-11 State Tariffs 04-29-11 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 29, 2011 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 1 2nd Revised Page 1 Cancels 1st Revised Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 1. APPLICATION OF PRICE LIST This Price List applies to intrastate telecommunications services furnished by Embarq Communications, Inc. ("Company") between and among points within the State of Idaho in accordance with the conditions which are set forth herein. Such services work in conjunction with interstate telecommunication services. The Company’s interstate and international schedules are located at www.CenturyLink.com/tariffs. Customers shall be entitled to the intrastate discounts to the extent set forth in their interstate Custom Network Service Arrangements as summarized in the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 4. These intrastate discounts shall apply against a Customer’s intrastate charges and shall not be applied against a Customer’s interstate charges. (T) (T) (T) ISSUED: 10-19-12 State Tariffs 11-01-12 EFFECTIVE: 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 2 Original Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 2. TERRITORY Intrastate telecommunications services are available for origination and termination where technologically and/or economically feasible within the State of Idaho. Origination of switched access products is not available in those exchanges which have not been converted to equal access. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 2nd Revised Page 1 Cancels 1st Revised Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 3. DEFINITIONS Certain terms used generally throughout this Price List for services furnished by the Company are defined below. (Z) Access Arrangement Any equipment or access facility necessary to connect the Customer’s voice/data/video equipment to a Company point-of-presence for transmission purposes. Access Channel Access Channel is the ingress channel into the data network. Access Service Request (ASR) Access Service Request is an order to provide the Customer with Data Services or to provide changes to existing Data Services. Analog Transmission Information transmitted in the form of continuously varying signal current and/or voltage. Authorized User The term "Authorized User" denotes a person, firm or corporation who is authorized by the Subscriber to be connected to the service of the Subscriber. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 1st Revised Page 1.1 Cancels Original Page 1.1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) B8ZS (Bipolar with 8-Zero Substitution) A line coding technique which permits DS-0 and DS-1 transmission with more than 15 consecutive zeros. B8ZS supports 64 Kbps clear channel transmission. Bandwidth The information-carrying capability of a channel. Analog transmission usually is expressed in kHz or MHz and digital transmission in Kbps and Mbps. Bit An abbreviation of binary digit which is the smallest unit of information in a binary notation system. Bits Per Second (bps) The number of bits transmitted in a one second interval. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 3 3rd Revised Page 1.2 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 1.2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) Carrier Any provider of intrastate interexchange telecommunications services. Casual Caller The term "Casual Caller" denotes any person who uses the Company’s Casual Caller Service from an equal access end office who does not have a current account with the Company, to include: A. Any person who has not established an account with the Company who places calls over the Company’s network from an equal access area. B. Any person located in an equal access area who voluntarily terminated their Company account as set forth in Section 4 but continues to make calls over the Company’s network. C. Any person located in an equal access area who has had their account terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in Section 4 but continues to make calls on the Company's network. D. New or allocated Customers whose accounts are not yet established in the Company’s billing system. The terms, conditions and Casual Caller rates as specified in Section 7.1 of this Tariff apply to all calls made by Casual Callers. By placing a call on the Company’s network, a Casual Caller accepts and agrees to the Casual Caller terms and conditions and rates. The Company will file Tariffs with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission that apply to Casual Callers who use dial-around 1+ Services. Company The term "Company" refers to Embarq Communications, Inc. (N) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-03-10 State Tariffs 09-15-10 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2010 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 3 4th Revised Page 2 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) Customer (a.k.a. Subscriber) The term "Customer" or “Subscriber” denotes the person, firm, company, corporation, or other entity including Casual Callers, having a communications requirement of its own which uses services under this Price List and is responsible for the payment of charges as well as compliance with the Company’s regulations pursuant to this Price List. (C) Data The representation of information as characters that are in a digital or analog form and to which meaning can be assigned. Data Speed (bps) The line speed which is commonly measured in bits per second. Digital Transmission Information transmitted in the form of digitally encoded signals. DS-0 A 64 Kbps digital transmission system equivalent to one voice frequency circuit/channel. DS-1 A 1.544 Mbps digital transmission system equivalent to 24 voice frequency circuits/channels. DS-3 A 44.736 Mbps digital transmission system equivalent to 672 voice frequency circuits/channels or 28 DS-1 facilities. Embarq Local Operating Companies (a.k.a. Embarq LOC) The term used to describe Embarq Corporation’s Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs). Entrance Facility The physical circuit arrangement which connects an Entrance Site to a Company Point of Presence. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-03-10 State Tariffs 09-15-10 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2010 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 2nd Revised Page 2.1 Cancels 1st Revised Page 2.1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST ) 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) Entrance Site A location of the Company's transmission facilities from which services can be provided for a Customer to any other Entrance Site or Point of Presence. Exchange Area The term "Exchange Area" denotes a geographically defined area wherein the telephone industry through the use of maps or legal descriptions sets down specified areas where individual telephone exchange companies hold themselves out to provide communications services. Facility (or Facilities) Any item or items of communications plant or equipment used to provide or connect to Company services. (D) (D) F.C.C. The term “F.C.C.” refers to the Federal Communications Commission. Foreign Exchange Service Provides the Customers with the capability of local dialing in a remote exchange via private line service. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-19-12 State Tariffs 11-01-12 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 1st Revised Page 2.2 Cancels Original Page 2.2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) Hertz The term "Hertz" is a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. Individual Case Basis (ICB) Individual Case Basis (ICB) determinations involve situations where nonstandard service arrangements are required to satisfy specialized Customer needs. The nature of such service requirements makes it difficult or impossible to establish general Price List provisions for such circumstances. When it becomes possible to determine specific terms and conditions for such offerings, they will be offered pursuant to such terms and conditions when set forth in writing and subscribed to by authorized representatives of the Customer and Authorized Headquarters Representative(s) of the Company. (Z) Intercity Circuit Denotes a circuit, created by the Company by means of multiplex equipment, between the Company's switches which are shared by the Customers. Shared intercity circuits will consist of identifiable and discrete circuits between a given city-pair. Intercity Mileage The mileage, measured as the shortest distance between any two of the Company's Points of Presence using the Serving Wire Centers "V" & "H" coordinates noted in NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 4 associated with said Company's Points of Presence. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 1st Revised Page 2.3 Cancels Original Page 2.3 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) IXC Denotes an interexchange carrier. Kilo Bits Per Second (Kbps) The number of one-thousand bits transmitted in a one second interval. LightLink Service LightLink Service provides a high capacity channel for the transmission of 44.736 Mbps isochronous serial data having a line code of Bipolar with Three Zero Substitution (B3ZS). LightLink Service is provided between two points located within the contiguous United States. The required format and interface specifications are contained in Technical Reference Publications 62508 and 62411, and the associated Addendum TR-INS-000342 and TR-NPL-000054. Local Access Facility The channel provided by the local telephone company (or other local service provider) to connect the Point of Presence to a Customer location. Local Access Transport Area (LATA) Geographical area designated by the Federal Communication Commission for the provision and administration of telephone service to individual Customers. Local Exchange Company (LEC) (a.k.a. Local Telephone Company) A company which furnishes local exchange telephone services. Location A physical premises to or from which the Company provides service. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 1st Revised Page 2.4 Cancels Original Page 2.4 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) Mega Bits Per Second (Mbps) The number of one-million bits transmitted in a one second interval. Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) The term “Message Telecommunications Service” is a generic name for switched long-distance (Dial-1) service. Monthly Recurring Charge The charge payable each month by the Customer to the Company for services provided on a continuous basis to the Customer. Nonrecurring Charge A one-time charge payable by the Customer to the Company for installation or temporary use of service facilities. Normal Work Hours The time after 8:00 a.m. and before 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding Company-observed holidays. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 1st Revised Page 2.5 Cancels Original Page 2.5 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) NPA Numbering Plan Area (NPA) is a geographic boundary (area code) within which no two telephones have the same seven-digit number. The area code is represented by the first three digits of a ten- digit telephone number. NXX The second three digits of a ten-digit telephone number, representing the central office or exchange from which a call originates. OC-3 A 155.52 Mbps digital transmission system equivalent to 2,016 voice frequency circuits/channels or 84 T-1 facilities. OC-12 A 622.08 Mbps digital transmission system equivalent to 8,064 voice frequency circuits/channels or 336 T-1 facilities. OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) Service OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) Service is a high speed optical transmission service supporting voice, data, and video applications in a point-to-point fashion. OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) Service offers 155.520 Mbps of bandwidth and provides the equivalent of 2,016 Voice Grade (DS-0) circuits or 84 T-1 facilities. OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) Service OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) Service is a high speed optical transmission service supporting voice, data, and video applications in a point-to-point fashion. OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) Service offers 622.080 Mbps of bandwidth and provides the equivalent of 8,064 Voice Grade (DS-0) circuits or 336 T-1 facilities. (Z) (Z) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 1st Revised Page 2.6 Cancels Original Page 2.6 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) Permanent Virtual Circuit ("PVC") A virtual point-to-point (non-switched) logical link between two specific end-points over which packetized (frames) data can be transmitted according to defined service characteristics. Point of Presence The Company's physical presence where the Company maintains intercity communications channels and local distribution facilities for the purpose of providing its services. Premises The term "Premises" denotes a building or buildings on contiguous property (except railroad rights- of-way, etc.). ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 3rd Revised Page 3 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 3 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) Primary Interexchange Carrier The long distance service provider to which a Subscriber is presubscribed for 1+ long distance service. The chosen carrier’s network is accessed by dialing 1+ the area code and telephone number. Private Line Service The Intercity Channel(s) and Point of Presence connection(s), station connections and channel option(s) furnished under this Price List to a Customer as a unit uninterrupted by any switching function(s). (Z) Qualified Residential Business customer’s employees, listed in the product section herein as qualified residential, may subscribe to the business customer’s service for satellite locations (e.g., from home). The satellite locations will receive the customer’s applicable underlying business rates as defined in this Price List. The usage of the business customer’s employees’ services will be invoiced to the business customer and the business customer will be financially responsible for payment of such employee’s usage. (Z) (Z) Rate Center The term "Rate Center" denotes a geographically specified point used to determine mileage dependent rates. Regular Billing The term "Regular Billing" denotes a standard billing invoice sent in the normal billing cycle. This billing consists of one (1) invoice for each account assigned to the Customer, or in the case of Data Services, one (1) invoice for each Customer together with explanatory detail showing the derivation of the charges. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 3 1st Revised Page 3.1 Cancels Original Page 3.1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 3. DEFINITIONS (Continued) Regular Voice Grade Facility A communications channel with a bandwidth of approximately 2,700 Hertz (300 to 3,000 Hertz). Serving Wire Center The term "Serving Wire Center" denotes the physical location within a local exchange company's central office or other service provider's facility used to determine mileage sensitive rates. There is a serving wire center associated with each Customer location and each Company location. Subscriber See “Customer”. (D) (D) Switched Data Services (SDS) (N) Switched Data Services (SDS) is the term used to describe dial-up data and video communications messages that are transmitted over the public switched network. Access to SDS is available using either the domestic and internationally defined and accepted protocol standard for Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) or the Switched 56 protocol standard. (N) T-1 A 1.544 Mbps digital transmission system equivalent to 24 voice frequency circuits/channels. T-3 A 44.736 Mbps digital transmission system equivalent to 672 voice frequency circuits/channels or 28 T-1 facilities. TransLink Service TransLink Service provides a high capacity channel for the transmission of 1.544 Mbps isochronous serial data having a line code of Bipolar Return-to-Zero (BPRZ). TransLink Service is provided between two points located within the contiguous United States. The required format and interface specifications are contained in Technical Reference Publications GR-54 and GR-342. U.S. Mainland The 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. (Z) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 Original Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 4.1 Undertaking of the Company 4.1.1 General A. The facilities of the Company will be available as soon as practicable upon receipt of an order for service. Interconnection of the Company’s facilities with the facilities of other duly authorized and regulated communications common carriers, and with International Record Carriers ("IRCs"), will be permitted. B. The obligation of the Company to provide service is dependent upon its ability to procure, construct, and maintain facilities which are required to meet the Subscriber's order for service. The Company will make all reasonable efforts to secure the necessary facilities and will amend its Price List accordingly, providing such new service will not adversely affect the Company’s present services. 4.1.2 Availability Service is offered and provided subject to the availability on a continuing basis of the necessary facilities and/or equipment. The Company reserves the right to provide services only to and from locations where the necessary facilities and/or equipment are available and the furnishing of services under this Price List is limited to the capacity of the Company’s facilities as well as facilities the Company may obtain from other carriers to furnish service from time to time as required at the sole discretion of the Company. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 1st Revised Page 2 Cancels Original Page 2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.2 Liability of the Company(1) 4.2.1 Neither the Company nor its vendors, suppliers or licensors are liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with any: (A) act or omission by the Customer, or by another person or company; (B) providing or failing to provide services, including deficiencies or problems with any equipment, the network or the services; (C) content or information accessed while using the services, such as through the Internet; (D) interruption or failure in accessing or attempting to access emergency services, including through 911, E911 or otherwise; or (E) events due to factors beyond the Company’s control, including acts of God (including, without limitation, weather related phenomena, fire or earthquake), war, terrorist attacks, riot, strike, or orders of governmental authorities. 4.2.2 If, for whatever reason, the Company is found to be responsible to the Customer for monetary damages relating to any services obtained through the Company under this Price List, the Company’s liability will not exceed the amounts the Customer was charged for the affected services during the affected period. 4.2.3 The Company will make no refund of overpayments by a Subscriber unless the claim for such overpayment, together with proper evidence, is submitted within two (2) years from the date of the alleged overpayment. In calculating refunds, any applicable discount will be adjusted based on the total monthly usage after all credits or adjustments have been applied. 4.2.4 Limitation of Liability The Company will not be liable for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages for any cause of action, whether in contract or tort. Consequential, incidental, and indirect damages include, but are not limited to, lost profits, lost revenues, and loss of business opportunity, whether or not the other party was aware or should have been aware of the possibility of these damages. This limitation of liability does not apply to claims arising from Subscriber’s indemnification obligations listed herein. (1) The included Price List language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. (Z) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 4 2nd Revised Page 3 Cancels 1st Revised Page 3 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.2 Liability of the Company (Continued) 4.2.5 Disclaimer of Warranties Except as expressly provided in this Price List, all services are provided “as is” and the Company disclaims all warranties, express or implied and in particular disclaims all warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and warranties related to equipment, material, service, or software. The Company also makes no warranty that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free, and Customers will hold the Company harmless for all such problems. Customers may not rely on statements of warrant about the Company’s services; such statements are not authorized by the Company and are not a warranty by the Company. 4.3 Use of Service Neither Subscribers nor their authorized users may use the services furnished by the Company for fraudulent or destructive purposes, including, but not limited to, unauthorized or attempted access, alteration, abuse or destruction of information; or use services furnished by the Company in such a manner that causes interference with another’s use of the Company’s network. Neither Subscribers nor their authorized users may use the services furnished by the Company for any unlawful purpose, including service configurations of switched services which, as a result of sharing thereof, are the equivalent of a service configuration which exceeds the scope of the Company’s applicable authorization. Subscribers will promptly cooperate with the Company to prevent unauthorized access by third parties of the services furnished by the Company. Use and restoration of the service furnished by the Company will be in accordance with Part 64, Subpart D of the Federal Communications Commission Rules. Customers are responsible for notifying the Company when new lines are added to their account. New lines will not receive the rates associated with the Customer’s account until the Company has been notified to add those lines to the Customer’s account. Calls placed over such new lines will be rated as Casual Caller service calls until the lines have been added to the Customer’s account. The use of any feature including, but not limited to, call forwarding, on a planned and continuing basis to allow an originating caller to avoid long distance charges is prohibited. (N) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-03-10 State Tariffs 09-15-10 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2010 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 2nd Revised Page 4 Cancels 1st Revised Page 4 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.3 Use of Service (Continued) 4.3.1 Limitations of Service The Company may deny, for any lawful reason, the Customer’s request for service, or limit or allocate the facilities available to or utilized by any service, if necessary, to manage its network in an efficient manner; meet reasonable service expectations; furnish service to existing and future Customers based on forecasted Customer requirements; or for any other lawful reason. The Company may, without notice, (consistent with governing laws or regulations) block traffic to local telephone exchanges (“NXX exchanges”), individual telephone stations, groups or ranges of individual telephone stations, or calls using certain Customer authorized codes, whenever the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent (1) the unlawful use of service; (2) nonpayment for service; (3) the use of service in violation of this Price List; or (4) network blockage or the degradation of service furnished to the Customer or other Customers. 4.4 Minimum Service Period A minimum period for service will be one month (30 days) for all services except where special construction is required or as described elsewhere in this Price List. 4.5 Ownership of Facilities Title to all facilities provided by the Company in accordance with these regulations remains with the Company. 4.6 Application for Service The Company may require a Subscriber to sign an application form furnished by the Company and to establish his credit as provided in these Regulations, as a condition precedent to the initial establishment of such service. Company’s acceptance of an order for service to be provided to an applicant whose credit has not been duly established, may be subject to the provisions as described elsewhere in this Price List. The Company may also require a signed authorization from the Subscriber for additions to or changes in existing service for such a Subscriber. An application for service cancelled by the Subscriber or the Company prior to the establishment of the service applied for is subject to the Cancellation For Cause or Disconnection of Service (Customer Cancellation of Service) provisions as described elsewhere in this Price List. Additional terms and conditions associated with application for service, if applicable, are specified elsewhere in this Price List for the particular services affected. (T) (Z) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 1st Revised Page 5 Cancels Original Page 5 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.7 Payment of Charges 4.7.1 Application of Charges A. Monthly Recurring Charges For billing of fixed charges, service is considered to be established upon the day in which the Company notifies the Subscriber of installation and testing of the Subscriber's service. Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this Price List, monthly recurring charges will be billed in advance and are due upon receipt. The rates charged to a Subscriber will be the rates in effect on the last day of the Subscriber’s billing cycle. After the minimum service period, the full monthly recurring charge applicable for any service provided under this Price List will apply for each month, or partial month, per account. Except as may be otherwise specified in this Price List, there will be no pro-ration of this charge for a partial month's service when a Customer cancels service. B. Minute of Use Rates Except as otherwise specified in this Price List, charges will be billed monthly in arrears and are due upon receipt. Subscriber will be billed for all usage accrued beginning immediately upon access to the service. Subscribers will be billed for usage occurring during their specific 30-day billing cycle, which for purposes of computing charges shall be considered a month. Unless specified otherwise for a particular service, all calls for which a minute of use rate applies will be billed in one-minute increments. Fractional minutes are rounded up to the next minute. If the computed charge for a call includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the whole cent (e.g., $1.244 is rounded up to $1.25). (C) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-10-09 State Tariffs 09-20-09 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 20, 2009 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 Original Page 6 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.7 Payment of Charges (Continued) 4.7.2 Returned Check Fee A charge equivalent to the applicable state return check charge may be applied whenever a check or draft presented for payment of service is not accepted by the institution on which it is written. 4.7.3 Adjustments for Taxes and Fees When any municipality, other political subdivision, local agency of government, or Idaho Public Utilities Commission imposes upon and collects from the Company a gross receipts tax, occupation tax, license tax, permit fee, franchise fee or regulatory fee, such taxes and fees shall, insofar as practicable, be billed pro rata to the Company’s Customer receiving service within the territorial limits of such municipality, other political subdivision, local agency of government, or public utility commission. The Company may adjust its rates and charges or impose additional rates and charges on its Customers in order to recover amounts it is required by governmental or quasi-government authorities to collect from or pay to others in support of statutory or regulatory programs. Examples of such programs include, but are not limited to, the Universal Service Fund, the Primary Interexchange Carrier Charge, and compensation to payphone service providers for use of their payphones to access the Company’s services. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 Original Page 7 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.7 Payment of Charges (Continued) 4.7.4 Late Fee Subscribers billed directly by the Company may be assessed a late fee of 1.5% on balances carried over to a subsequent invoice, where capabilities exist. The late fee will be applied to the entire unpaid balance of the Customer's monthly invoice, including taxes. The late fee will not be applied to any disputed portion of the unpaid balance if the dispute is resolved in the Customer’s favor. A late fee is not applicable to subsequent rebilling of any amount to which a late fee has already been applied. Late charges are to be applied without discrimination. Subscribers billed by a local exchange company (LEC) on behalf of the Company are responsible for any late-payment charges that the LEC may employ in its billing process. 4.7.5 Disputed Charges Disputes concerning any charges invoiced must be raised prior to the due date of the invoice. Customers may request an adjustment for wrong number calls. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 Original Page 8 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.8 Deposits Each applicant for service will be required to establish credit. Any applicant whose credit has not been duly established to the sole and exclusive satisfaction of the Company may be required to make a deposit to be held as a guarantee of payment of charges at the time of application. In addition, an existing Subscriber may be required to make a deposit or increase a deposit presently held. 4.8.1 A deposit is not to exceed the estimated charges for two (2) months' service plus installation. 4.8.2 A deposit will be returned: A. When an application for service has been cancelled prior to the establishment of service. The deposit will be applied to any charges applicable in accordance with the Price List and the excess portion of the deposit will be returned; or B. At the end of six (6) months of satisfactory credit history; or C. Upon the discontinuance of service, the Company will refund the Subscriber's deposit or the balance in excess of unpaid bills for the service. 4.8.3 The fact that a deposit has been made in no way relieves the Subscriber from complying with the regulations with respect to the prompt payment of bills on presentation. 4.8.4 The Company will pay interest on deposits pursuant to the rules and regulations of the State of Idaho. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 Original Page 9 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.9 Interruption of Service It shall be the obligation of the Subscriber to notify the Company of any interruption of service. Before giving such notice, the Subscriber shall ascertain that the trouble is not being caused by any action or omission of the Subscriber or is not in the wiring or equipment connected to the terminal of the Company. 4.10 Cancellation For Cause Pursuant to Commission regulations, the Company, by giving at least seven (7) days’ written notice to Subscriber or applicant, may immediately cancel the application for and/or discontinue service without incurring any liability for any of the following reasons: A. Non-payment of any sum due to the Company for service for more than thirty (30) days beyond the date of rendition of the bill for such service. B. Non-payment of any sum due to the Company for service for more than thirty (30) days beyond rendition of the bill on any Company account regardless of whether the application or service being canceled is related or unrelated to the account or service for which the sum is past due. C. A violation of or failure to comply with any regulation governing the furnishing of service. D. An order of a court or other government authority having jurisdiction which prohibits the Company from furnishing service. E. Failure to post the deposit required by the deposit notice as specified elsewhere in this Price List. F. Customer places repeated harassing phone calls to the Company including calls in which the caller uses abusive language. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 1st Revised Page 10 Cancels Original Page 10 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.11 Disconnection of Service (Customer Cancellation of Service) By giving advance verbal or written notice, Subscriber may disconnect service at any time following the one month (30 days) minimum service requirement as described elsewhere in this Price List. The Company will have up to thirty (30) days to complete the disconnect. Subscriber will be responsible for all charges for thirty (30) days or until the disconnect is effected, whichever is sooner. This thirty (30) day period will begin on the day of receipt of notice from the Subscriber. (T) 4.12 Service Hours Service is available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. 4.13 Restricted Service Under certain circumstances, as described below, a Customer’s long distance service may be suspended, and the Customer routed to a receivable operator if the Customer has incurred significant pre-bill charges and one or more of the following apply: A. The Customer does not have credit information available from one of the major credit reporting agencies; B. The Customer has poor credit based on industry standards; C. The Customer has not paid a bill in a timely manner; or D. The Customer’s usage resembles fraudulent usage. If the Customer is routed to a voice response unit, the Customer will be advised that their service has been restricted. The Customer will be provided the option of either: 1) making a prepayment using a credit card or 2) dialing a toll free number to speak with a collection representative. The receivables operator or collection representative will explain the reasons for the restricted service and the requirements for the Customer to resume unrestricted service. For example, if the Customer has not paid a bill in a timely manner (in compliance with the requirements of Payment of Charges as specified elsewhere in this Price List), payment of the outstanding bill will be requested. The Company also may request a deposit or a demonstration that the Customer incurred similar charges with another carrier and paid such carrier in a timely manner. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 Original Page 11 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.14 School and Library Discounts Pursuant to FCC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 97-157 (Universal Service Order), schools and libraries may be eligible for reduced rates funded by the federal universal service fund. 4.14.1 General The Universal Service Support Mechanism was established to ensure affordable telecommunications service to all Americans including low-income consumers and eligible schools and libraries. Public and private schools (grades Kindergarten - Twelve) and public libraries, may be eligible for discounts (Support) through the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism (E-Rate Program) in connection with the purchase of The Company’s services and equipment (Service). In addition, these Customers may be eligible for state or local corollaries to the E-Rate Program. 4.14.2 Application for Support A. E-Rate Program The Customer will abide by all E-Rate Program rules for receipt of Support. The Customer is responsible for applying to the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company (or other authorized E-Rate Program administrator) for Support from the E-Rate program each year the Customer is eligible for the Support. The Customer will notify the Company in writing within 30 days of its receipt of a Funding Commitment Decision Letter from the SLD along with a copy of the notice and other relevant documentation as requested by the Company. B. Other Funding Sources The Customer is responsible for applying for Support from state and/or local administrators (Funding Sources). The Customer will notify the Company in writing within 30 days of its receipt of a Support commitment from such Funding Sources and will include a copy of its application, Funding Source Support documentation, and other relevant documentation as requested by the Company. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 Original Page 12 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.14 School and Library Discounts (Continued) 4.14.3 Receipt of Support A. E-Rate Program The Customer will pay, in full, all invoices issued by the Company prior to the Company’s receipt of notification from the Funding Source acknowledging the Customer’s receipt of Service. Upon notification, the Company will apply discounts to the Customer’s invoices or reimburse the Customer according to the Funding Commitment Decision Letter. The Customer is responsible to apply for SLD reimbursement (instead of receiving discounted Company bills) for all eligible customer premises equipment rentals or other financed arrangements. The Company reserves the right to require the Customer to seek SLD reimbursement (instead of receiving discounted Company bills) if the Customer has not received its Funding Commitment Decision Letter from the SLD by December 31 of the funding year. All discounts or reimbursements will be retroactive to the date authorized by the SLD funding year. The Company will either apply a credit to the Customer’s account or provide the Customer with a check corresponding to the appropriate amount of Support based on Service received. B. Other Funding Sources The Customer will pay, in full, all invoices issued by the Company prior to the Company’s receipt of notification from the Funding Source acknowledging the Customer’s receipt of Service. Upon notification, the Company will apply discounts or reimburse the Customer for Service delivered corresponding to the Funding Source acknowledgement. These discounts or reimbursements will be retroactive to the date authorized by the Funding Source funding year. The Company may reimburse the Customer with a credit to the Customer’s account or with a check corresponding to the appropriate amount of Support based on Service received. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 Original Page 13 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.14 School and Library Discounts (Continued) 4.14.4 Failure to Obtain Support A. The Customer will reimburse the Company if the FCC, SLD or Funding Sources fail to do so or if the FCC, SLD or Funding Sources reclaim any portion of Support sent to the Company on Customer’s behalf. Customer will not be responsible for Support withdrawn due to the Company’s material failure to provide Service. B. The Company is not responsible for the Customer’s compliance with FCC, SLD or Funding Source rules and regulations, the Customer’s applications for Support, or any decisions or actions by the FCC, SLD or Funding Sources with respect to the Customer. C. For Service agreements of more than one year, the Customer may not terminate the Agreement based solely on its failure to receive Support. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 4 1st Revised Page 14 Cancels Original Page 14 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4.15 Mileage Between Rate Centers The mileage between rate centers (for switched voice and data services) and Points of Presence (for Data Services) is calculated based on V & H coordinates as obtained by reference to National Exchange Carriers Association (NECA) Tariff No. 4. Method of Calculation The airline mileage between two service locations is calculated as follows: Mileage = (V1 – V2)2 + (H1 – H1) 2 10 Where V1 and H1 are the V and H coordinates of point 1 and V2 and H2 are the coordinates of point 2. The mileage is rounded up to an integer value to determine the airline mileage. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 5 3rd Revised Page 1 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 5. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES 5.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) are available to residential customers whose local service is provided by an Embarq LOC company. Customers must select the Company as their primary exchange carrier. These rates will apply as long as the customer remains an Embarq LOC customer. A customer’s phone line may not be classified as a “business”, “public” or “semi-public” line. If the Company determines the service is not being used for individual residential service, or if use of the service in any other way violates the conditions of the service to which the customer is subscribed, the subscriber will be ineligible for this service and the Company may terminate the subscriber’s account immediately, upon notice. MTS is not available in group or multi-family housing, including but not limited to housing associated with educational institutions or military barracks. Dial-1 usage does not include usage associated with calls which are pay for use, including calls to 900, 976, 555 and 700 numbers; calls to Directory Assistance and operator assistance, including emergency interrupt and toll free service. Operator Services and Directory Assistance are available with MTS under the terms and conditions specified in Section 7 of this Tariff. Calls placed using Operator Services are charged at the applicable rates for those services in lieu of the rates specified herein, unless otherwise specified in the rates section for a particular service. (N) (N) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) 5.1.1 Solutions Service Solutions Services are add-ons to the Company’s interstate Solutions Service. These services are available only through Embarq LOC to Embarq LOC residential Customers who have selected the Company as their Primary Interexchange Carrier. Customers must subscribe to Solutions Service for both the interstate and intrastate long distance service. Applicable interstate rates are located in the Company’s interstate Residential Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. T The Solutions Service rates will apply as long as the Customer subscribes to all of the qualifying services. Customers who discontinue any or all of the qualifying services will no longer be eligible to subscribe to a Solutions Service and will be switched, upon notice, to Standard Weekends as set forth in Section 5.1.2 of this Tariff, unless specified otherwise elsewhere in this Tariff for a particular service. (T) (T) (T) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 08-15-08 State Tariffs 08-25-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 25, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 5 (T) 2nd Revised Page 1.1 Cancels 1st Revised Page 1.1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 5. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) 5.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 5.1.1 Solutions Service (Continued) A. (C) Solutions w/$.11 LD A Customer who subscribes to Solutions w/$.11 LD pays a per minute rate for all interstate and/or intrastate Dial-1 usage and a monthly recurring charge. When a Customer subscribes to multiple lines, at least one of every two lines must meet the eligibility requirements specified below. For example, when a Customer subscribes either three or four lines to this service, at least two of those lines must meet the eligibility requirements. The Customer’s lines may be at the same or different locations provided that the eligibility requirements are met. Customers who discontinue any or all of the qualifying services required to maintain eligibility will be switched, upon notice, to Standard Weekends as set forth in this 5.1.2. (C) (T) (T) (T) (T) ISSUED: 12-19-12 State Tariffs 01-01-13 EFFECTIVE: 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 5 4th Revised Page 1.2 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 1.2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 5. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) 5.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 5.1.1 Solutions Service (Continued) A. Solutions w/$.11 LD (C) (Continued) To be eligible, the Customer must subscribe to one of the following Embarq LOC services: 1) Solutions-Residence Package Home II Solution with one of the following features: Home Phone Warranty, LineGuard or Voicemail; 2) Solutions-Residence Package Personal II Solution; 3) Solutions-Residence Package Safe and Sound II Solution; 4) Solutions-Residence Package Core Solution with LineGuard*; 5) Solutions-Residence Package Clear Solution with LineGuard*; 6) Solutions-Residence Package Progressive Plan with Voicemail; 7) Solutions-Residence Package Standard Home Phone II with one of the following features: Home Phone Warranty, LineGuard, Data LineGuard, Privacy ID or Voicemail; or 8) Solutions-Residence Package Essential Home Phone. (a) Dial-1 Rate Per Minute $0.11 ( * Effective June 27, 2009, this option no longer qualifies new customers for Solutions w/$.11 LD. (D) (T) (C) (D) (D) (T) ISSUED: 12-19-12 State Tariffs 01-01-13 EFFECTIVE: 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Idaho P.C. Price List No. Section 5 1 st Revised Page 1. Cancels Original Page 1. (T) INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) Messaqe Telecommunications Service (MTS)(Continued) Solutions Service (Continued) B. Personal Solutions with International A Customer who subscribes to Personal Solutions with International pays a monthly recurring charge each month and a Per Minute rate for all interstate andlor intrastate Dial-1 usage. The Customer will also receive selected lower international rates. When a Customer subscribes multiple lines to Personal Solutions with International, at least one of every two lines must meet the eligibility requirements specified below. For example, when a Customer subscribes either three or four lines to this service, at least two of those lines must meet the eligibility requirements. The Customers lines may be at the same or different locations provided that the eligibility requirements are met. To be eligible for Personal Solutions with International, the Customer must subscribe to one of the following Embarq LOC services: 1) Solutions-Residence Package Personal II Solution with two of the following features: Voicemail LineGuard , Privacy 10 or Home Phone Warranty; 2) Solutions-Residence Package Clear Solution with LineGuard; 3) Solutions-Residence Package Core Solution with Voicemail and LineGuard; 4) Solutions-Residence Package Core Solution Plus with two of the following features: Voicemail, LineGuard or Home Phone Warranty; or 5) Solutions - Residence Package Special Plan Bundle. (1)Dial-1 Rate Per Minute $0. (2)Monthlv Recurrinq Charqe ( I ) The monthly recurring charge which affords Customers the ability to place intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company interstate Residential Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: 07-28-State Tariffs 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 EFFECTIVE: 08-07- Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secr€tary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 7 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Idaho P.C. Price List No. Section 5 3rd Revised Page 2 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 2 (T) INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) Messaqe Telecommunications Service (MTS)(Continued) Solutions Service (Continued) Bonus 30 (SB4) Bonus 30 Customers will receive up to 30 minutes of state-to-state, in-state andlor intraLATA Dial-1 long distance usage at no charge each month. Unused minutes cannot be carried over to the next month. Any usage above the 30 minutes will be charged a specific time-of-day flat rate for all intrastate and interstate Dial-1 calls. There is no monthly recurring charge associated with this product. When a Customer subscribes multiple lines to Bonus 30, at least one of every two lines must meet the eligibility requirements specified below. For example when a Customer subscribes to this service for either three or four lines, at least two of those lines must meet the eligibility requirements. The Customers lines may be at the same or different locations provided that the eligibility requirements are met. To be eligible for Bonus 30, Customers must subscribe to one of the following Embarq LOC services: 1) any calling feature, 2) Voicemail, or 3) the Solutions- Residence Package Safe and Sound II Solution The following rate periods apply: Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday All Hours All Hours All Hours (1 )Dial-1 Rates Per Minute, for Usage up to 30 Minutes $0. Per Minute, for Usage above 30 minutes- All Hours, Monday through Friday ( I ) Per Minute, for Usage above 30 minutes- All Hours, Saturday and Sunday ( I ) (2)Monthlv RecurrinQ Charqe The monthly recurring charge which affords customers the ability to place intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company interstate Residential Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. Effective October 1 , 2008, subscription to this service no longer qualifies new customers for Bonus 30. ISSUED: 07-28- Idaho Public Utilities COrrleFFeCTIVE: State Tariffs Office of the SecretarY O8.:-07 5454 West 110th Street ACCEPTED FOR FILING Overland Park, Kansas 66211 AUG 7 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Idaho P.C. Price List No. Section 5 3rd Revised Page 3 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 3 (T) INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 5. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) Messaqe Telecommunications Services (MTS)(Continued) Solutions Service (Continued) 8 Cents Plan (C) (C)A Customer who subscribes to 8 Cents Plan will pay a flat Per Minute rate on all Dial-1 domestic intrastate and interstate calls, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A monthly recurring charge is applicable. When a Customer subscribes multiple lines to 8 Cents Plan , at least one of every two lines must be provided by Embarq LOC. For example, when a Customer subscribes to this service for either three or four lines, at least two of those lines must be provided by Embarq LOC. The Customer s lines may be at the same or different locations provided that the eligibility requirements are met. (C) (1 )Dial-1 Rate Per Minute, for Usage up to 30 Minutes $0.( I ) (2)Monthlv Recurrinq Charqe The monthly recurring charge which affords Customers the ability to place intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company interstate Residential Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FIliNG AUG 7 - 2010 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: 07 -28-State Tariffs 5454 West 11 Oth Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 EFFECTIVE: 08-07- Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Idaho P.C. Price List No. Section 5 1 st Revised Page 3. Cancels Original Page 3. (T) INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TARIFF 5. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) Messaqe Telecommunications Services (MTS)(Continued) Solutions Service (Continued) E. International Lonq Distance A Customer who subscribes to International Long Distance will pay a flat Per minute rate on all Dial-1 domestic intrastate and interstate calls, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A monthly recurring charge is applicable. To be eligible for International Long Distance Customers must subscribe to an international calling plan offered by the Company. Customers who subscribe to International Long Distance and subsequently cancel their qualifying international calling plan needed to maintain eligibility for International Long Distance will be switched to 8 Cents Plan as set forth elsewhere in this Tariff.(C) (1 )Dial-1 Rate Per Minute $0.( I ) (2)Monthlv Recurrinq Charqe The monthly recurring charge which affords the customer the ability to place intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company interstate Residential Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING AUG '( - 2010 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: 07-28-State Tariffs 5454 West 11 Oth Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 EFFECTIVE: 08-07- Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 5 4th Revised Page 4 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 4 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 5. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) 5.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 5.1.2 Standard Weekends (T) (D) (D) Customers who are subscribed to Standard Weekends will pay a specific time-of-day flat rate for all intrastate and interstate Dial-1 calls and a monthly charge. Customers subscribed to any Solutions Service who discontinue any or all of the qualifying services and/or features and consequently no longer meet the eligibility requirements for that service will be switched to this product. Customers may discontinue this product at any time by subscribing to another residential service for which they meet the eligibility requirements. The following rate periods apply: Monday – Friday All Hours Saturday All Hours Sunday All Hours (a) Dial-1 Rate Per Minute, Monday - Friday $0.41 Per Minute, Saturday 0.26 Per Minute, Sunday 0.11 ISSUED: 12-19-12 State Tariffs 01-01-13 EFFECTIVE: 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 5 Original Page 5 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 5. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) 5.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 5.1.3 Easy Talk 50 (N) A customer who subscribes to Easy Talk 50 will pay a monthly recurring charge (MRC) and will receive up to 50 minutes of state-to-state, in-state, and/or intraLATA Dial-1 long distance usage at no additional charge each month. Unused minutes cannot be carried over to the next month. Any usage above the 50 minutes will be charged a specific time-of-day flat rate for all intrastate and interstate Dial-1 calls. When a customer subscribes multiple lines to Easy Talk 50, at least one of the lines at each location must meet the eligibility requirements. The monthly recurring charge applies per account, per location. (a) Per Minute Rates PER MINUTE RATE for usage up to 50 Minutes $0.00 for usage above 50 minutes All Hours, Monday through Friday 0.169 for usage above 50 minutes All Hours, Saturday and Sunday 0.169 (b) Monthly Recurring Charge Monthly Recurring Charge - The monthly recurring charge which affords Customers the ability to place intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company’s interstate and international Residential Schedule No. 1 ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 6-15-12 State Tariffs 7-1-12 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 5th Revised Page 1 Cancels 4th Revised Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) Message Telecommunications Services, except for Business Sense, are add-ons to the Company’s interstate offerings and accordingly, Customers must subscribe to Message Telecommunications Services for both the interstate and intrastate long distance service. These services are available only through Embarq LOC to Embarq LOC and the Company’s competitive local exchange service business Customers who have selected the Company as their Primary Interexchange Carrier. Applicable interstate rates are located in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. A Customer’s phone line may not be classified as a “residential,” “public,” or “semi-public” line or in housing associated with educational institutions. The term “Dial-1” does not include: 1) calls which are pay-for-use, including but not limited to calls to 900, 976, 555 and 700 numbers, 2) calls to Directory Assistance, 3) operator service calls, including emergency interrupt and intercept call completion, 4) inbound toll free service calls, 5) Switched Data Services (“SDS”) calls or 6) international calls. Operator Services and Directory Assistance are available with all services under the terms and conditions specified in Section 7 of this Price List. Calls placed using Operator Services are charged at the applicable rates for those services in lieu of the rates specified herein, unless otherwise specified in the rates section for a particular service. 6.1.1 Solutions Service If the Company determines the service is not being used for business service or in any other way violates the restrictions of this service, the Subscriber will be ineligible for the service and the Company may terminate the Customer’s account. The Solutions Service rates will apply as long as the Customer remains a Company and an Embarq LOC Customer and subscribes to all of the qualifying services. Customers who discontinue any or all of the qualifying services will no longer be eligible to subscribe to a Solutions Service and will be switched, upon notice, to Business Sense as set forth in Section 6.1.2 of this Price List. (M) Material moved within this page. (M) (T) (T) (M) (M) (M) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 11-04-08 State Tariffs 11-14-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 14, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 1st Revised Page 2 Cancels Original Page 2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.1 Solutions Service (Continued) A. Reserved For Future Use (T) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 6 5th Revised Page 3 Cancels 4th Revised Page 3 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.1 Solutions Service (Continued) B. Business Simple Rate Effective November 4, 2011, Business Simple Rate is not available to new customers whose accounts have been established in or converted to the Company’s new billing and provisioning platform, and is limited to existing lines in service for current customers whose accounts have been converted. Customers must: 1) subscribe to a monthly minimum usage level of $35.00 (I) or $50.00 and 2) selec There is no monthly recurring charge associated with this product. Customers whose total monthly long distance usage charges do not meet the monthly minimum usage level will be assessed the difference between their total long distance usage charges and their subscribed monthly minimum usage level. Toll Free Service is available with this product. A monthly recurring charge for toll Free Service applies. (1) Dial-1 Rates Calls will be subject to an eighteen (18) second minimum. After the initial eighteen (18) second minimum, calls will be billed in six (6) second increments. Monthly Minimum Usage Level $35.00 (I) $50.00 Per Minute $0.06 $0.055 (2) SDS and SDS Toll Free Rate Calls will be subject to an eighteen (18) second minimum. After the initial eighteen (18) second minimum, calls will be billed in six (6) second increments. Per Minute 0.2130 0.2130 (3) Monthly Recurring Charge ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 07-02-14 State Tariffs 07-15-14 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 15, 2014 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 6 4th Revised Page 3.1 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 3.1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.1 Solutions Service (Continued) B. Business Simple Rate (4) Toll Free Service Option Monthly Minimum Usage Level $35.00 (I) $50.00 Per Minute $ 0.06 $0.055 The monthly recurring charge for Toll Free Service which affords Customers the ability to receive intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in www.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 07-02-14 State Tariffs 07-15-14 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 15, 2014 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 5th Revised Page 4 Cancels 4th Revised Page 4 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.1 Solutions Service (Continued) C. Business AnyTime Business AnyTime offers business customers a flat rate for Dial-1 and SDS (1) Services. Toll Free Service is available with this product. A separate monthly recurring charge for Toll Free Service applies. All calls are rated in full-minute increments. Partial minutes will be rounded up to the next full minute. (1) Dial-1 Rate Per Minute $0.12 (I) (2) SDS and SDS Toll Free Rate (1) Per Minute 0.2130 (3) Monthly Recurring Charge The monthly recurring charge which affords Customers the ability to place intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule. (4) Toll Free Service Option Per Minute 0.12 (I) The monthly recurring charge for Toll Free Service which affords Customers the ability to receive intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule. (1) Effective September 20, 2009, the SDS and SDS Toll Free options are no longer available to new customers. (C) (C) (T) (T) ISSUED: 10-19-12 State Tariffs 11-01-12 EFFECTIVE: 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 6th Revised Page 5 Cancels 5th Revised Page 5 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.1 Solutions Service (Continued) D. Block of Time for Small Business Block of Time for Small Business offers small business customers a block of minutes for a flat monthly fee. This block of minutes can be used for Dial-1 direct dial outbound long distance voice services in the interstate and intrastate jurisdictions. Block minutes will be applied in the following order to qualified domestic Dial-1 outbound (all blocks), Toll Free Service and qualified residential usage (blocks 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,500, 5,000 and 10,000) usage. Block minutes cannot be applied to Operator or Switched Data Service ("SDS") (1) calls. Each customer may purchase only one block of minutes for their monthly long distance usage. Toll Free Service is available with blocks 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,500, 5,000 and 10,000. A separate monthly recurring charge for Toll Free Service applies. No international usage can be applied to the block minutes. The Company will charge Customers for any usage in excess of the block minutes (overage minutes) selected at the rates set forth herein. Block minutes that have not been used at the end of the Customer's billing cycle will not carry over to the next month. Switched Data Service (SDS) (1) will not contribute to the block of minutes. The Customer may elect to have employee usage at satellite locations be subscribed to Block of Time for Small Business under the Customer's account via Consolidated Invoicing. No more than ten satellite locations' (e.g., customer's employees' homes) usage can be subscribed under the Customer's account. These satellite locations will receive the applicable per minute rates, including block overage rates, associated with Block of Time for Small Business. The Customer will be financially responsible for the satellite locations' Block of Time for Small Business charges. (1) Effective September 20, 2009, Switched Data Service (SDS) is no longer available to new customers. (C) (C) (N) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-10-09 State Tariffs 09-20-09 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 20, 2009 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 4th Revised Page 6 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 6 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.1 Solutions Service (Continued) D. Block of Time for Small Business (Continued) (1) Dial-1 Rates, Toll Free Service and Qualified Residential Rates (a) Monthly Recurring Charges Minutes Included in Block Monthly Charge 500 $ * 1,000 * 2,000 * 3,500 * 5,000 * 10,000 * * The monthly recurring charge which affords Customers the ability to place intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. (b) Overage Rate The following per minute rate applies for qualified interstate and intrastate minutes above the customer’s monthly block of time: Overage Per Minute $0.10 (2) SDS and SDS Toll Free Rate (1) (C) All calls will be subject to an eighteen (18) second minimum. After the initial eighteen (18) second minimum, calls will be billed in six (6) second increments. Per Minute $0.2130 (1) Effective September 20, 2009, the SDS and SDS Toll Free options are no longer available to new customers. (N) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-10-09 State Tariffs 09-20-09 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 20, 2009 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 3rd Revised Page 7 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 7 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.1 Solutions Service (Continued) D. Block of Time for Small Business (Continued) (3) Toll Free Service Option The monthly recurring charge for Toll Free Service which affords Customers the ability to receive intrastate, interstate, and international long distance calls is located in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. (D) (D) (T) (T) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 12-21-07 State Tariffs 01-01-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 5th Revised Page 8 Cancels 4th Revised Page 8 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.2 Business Sense Business Sense is a packaged telecommunications service which offers small business Customers a flat rated switched product using either domestic and/or international calling for their outbound and Switched Data Service (1). There is no monthly recurring charge associated with this product. Toll Free Service is available with this product. A monthly recurring charge for Toll Free Service applies. This service is available to any Embarq LOC or Company competitive local exchange service business Customer who contacts the Company or is contacted by the Company and requests this service plan. Customers may subscribe to another business service by contacting an Embarq LOC representative. Customers subscribed to any Solutions Service who discontinue any or all of the qualifying services and/or features and consequently no longer meet the eligibility requirements for that service will be switched to this product. Customers may discontinue this product at any time by subscribing to another business service for which they meet the eligibility requirements. Business Sense Customer’s employees may subscribe to the Customer’s Business Sense service for up to 10 satellite locations (e.g., from home). The satellite locations (up to 10) will be eligible to receive the Customer’s underlying Business Sense rates, for satellite locations. (1) Effective September 20, 2009, this option is no longer available to new customers. (C) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-10-09 State Tariffs 09-20-09 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 20, 2009 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 6th Revised Page 9 Cancels 5th Revised Page 9 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Services (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.2 Business Sense (Continued) A. Dial-1 Rates Per Minute $0.59 (I) B. SDS and SDS Toll Free Rate (1) Per Minute 0.2400 All calls will be subject to a thirty (30) second minimum. After the initial thirty (30) second minimum, calls will be billed in six (6) second increments. C. Monthly Recurring Charge No monthly recurring charge applies. D. Toll Free Service Option Per Minute 0. 59 (I) The monthly recurring charge for Toll Free Service which affords Customers the ability to receive intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule. (1) Effective September 20, 2009, the SDS and SDS Toll Free options are no longer available to new customers. (T) ISSUED: 10-19-12 State Tariffs 11-01-12 EFFECTIVE: 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 6 5th Revised Page 10 Cancels 4th Revised Page 10 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.3 Enhanced Voice Solutions Effective November 4, 2011, Enhanced Voice Solutions is not available to new customers whose accounts have been established in or converted to the Company’s new billing and provisioning platform, and is limited to existing lines in service for current customers whose accounts have been converted. (N) (N) Enhanced Voice Solutions is a flat-rated service designed to meet the communications needs for mid to large business customers. Only associated customer locations are eligible to use Enhanced Voice Solutions services. If the Company determines the service is not being used for business service or in any other way violates the restrictions of this service, the Subscriber will be ineligible for the service and the Company may terminate the Customer’s account. Calls placed using Operator Services are charged at the applicable rates for those services in lieu of the rates specified herein for Enhanced Voice Solutions. Enhanced Voice Solutions has minimum annual commitment (MAC’s) levels with each level having one through three-year commitment terms. Enhanced Voice Solutions is available to single and multi-location customers for outbound calls which originate using switched access facilities and terminate using shared use facilities. A term plan will automatically renew for an equivalent term and minimum annual commitment level at the rates in effect under the prior term plan, unless either the Company or the Customer provides written notification to cancel the plan, with such notification being received by the notified party not less than 45 days prior to the expiration of the term. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-26-11 State Tariffs 11-4-11 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 5th Revised Page 11 Cancels 4th Revised Page 11 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.3 Enhanced Voice Solutions (Continued) An Enhanced Voice Solutions customer must commit to one of the following minimum annual commitment levels of contributory usage charges: (1) $3,000, (2) $6,000, (3) $12,000, (4) $36,000, or (5) $60,000. Enhanced Voice Solutions is available on a one-year, two-year or three-year basis. Contributory usage charges are aggregated across outbound, toll free, switched data (inbound and outbound); all locations and all jurisdictions (intrastate, interstate and international) in order to meet the minimum annual commitment level. The Company reserves the right, after the conclusion of the first three billing months of the Enhanced Voice Solutions customer’s contract, to move the customer to a lower commitment level that is more directly comparable to the customer’s current usage. Enhanced Voice Solutions customers terminating all Enhanced Voice Solutions services prior to fulfilling their term commitment will be assessed a termination liability in an amount equal to the underutilized portion of the MAC plus the full MAC for any remaining 12 month periods in their term plan agreement. The termination liability will be billed in one lump sum. Customers will not incur this termination liability for their former term plan commitment if they request a new MAC equal to or greater than the previous level and agree to sign a new term plan agreement for a period equal to or greater than the term of their current plan. The customer will, however, be assessed the termination liability if they terminate all Enhanced Voice Solutions service prior to fulfilling their new term commitments. (T)(N) The rates in effect upon the commencement of the customer’s term plan will remain in effect for the duration of the term plan. If the Company decreases the rates for Enhanced Voice Solutions during the term plan, the Customer will receive the lower rates on their first invoice following the effective date of the rate decreases. The Customer may add associated locations at any time during the term. All usage from subsequently-added associated locations will be exempt from any rate increases for the remainder of the term. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-24-08 State Tariffs 11-03-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 3, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 5th Revised Page 12 Cancels 4th Revised Page 12 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.3 Enhanced Voice Solutions (Continued) Calls will be subject to an eighteen (18) second minimum. After the initial eighteen (18) second minimum, calls will be billed in six (6) second increments. Term Commitment All Commitment Levels 1 Year Rate 2 Year Rate 3 Year Rate A. Dial-1 and Toll Free Rates $3,000 Per Minute $0.0600 $0.0575 $0.0550 $6,000 Per Minute $0.0575 $0.0550 $0.0525 $12,000 Per Minute $0.0550 $0.0525 $0.0500 $36,000 Per Minute $0.0550 $0.0525 $0.0500 $60,000 Per Minute $0.0550 $0.0525 $0.0500 B. SDS and SDS Toll Free Rates (1) All MAC Levels Per Minute $0.1000 $0.1000 $0.1000 C. Monthly Recurring Charge There is no monthly recurring charge associated with the Dial 1 portion of the service. The monthly recurring charge for Toll Free service which affords customers the ability to place intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. (1) Effective September 20, 2009, the SDS and SDS Toll Free options are no longer available to new customers. (C) (N) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-10-09 State Tariffs 09-20-09 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 20, 2009 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 6 8th Revised Page 13 Cancels 7th Revised Page 13 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.4 Business Basics Business Basics offers small business Customers a flat rate for Dial-1 and SDS (1). Toll Free Service is available with this product. A monthly recurring charge for Toll Free Service applies. To be eligible for Business Basics, business customers must: 1) subscribe to any Solutions Package; 2) be a multi-line Customer with at least one local exchange service line or trunk provided by Embarq LOC or the Company, with a minimum of four lines presubscribed to this service*; or, 3) be a multi-line Customer with at least five individual business lines or at least two key trunks provided by Embarq LOC or the Company. Customers who subscribe to this service and subsequently cancel their qualifying service needed to maintain eligibility will be switched, upon notice, to Business Sense as set forth in Section 6.1.2 of this Price List. Business Basics Customers’ employees may subscribe to the Customer's Business Basics service for up to 10 satellite locations (e.g., from home). The satellite locations (up to 10) will be eligible to receive the Customer's underlying Business Basics rates for satellite locations. Unless, otherwise indicated, all Business Basics calls are rated in full-minute increments. Partial minutes will be rounded up to the next full minute. A. Dial-1 Rate Per Minute $0.12 Monthly Charge $1.00 * This option is grandfathered as of April 9, 2007 and is available only to existing customers. (1) Effective September 20, 2009, Switched Data Service (SDS) is no longer available to new customers. (D) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 07-02-14 State Tariffs 07-15-14 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 15, 2014 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 6 3rd Revised Page 14 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 14 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.4 Business Basics (Continued) B. Toll Free Service Option Per Minute $0.10 The monthly recurring charge for Toll Free Service which affords Customers the ability to receive intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. C. SDS and SDS Toll Free Rate (1) Per Minute $0.2520 All calls will be subject to a thirty (30) second minimum. After the initial thirty (30) second minimum, calls will be billed in six (6) second increments. (1) Effective September 20, 2009, the SDS and SDS Toll Free options are no longer available to new customers. (C) (N) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-10-09 State Tariffs 09-20-09 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 20, 2009 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 6 1st Revised Page 15 Cancels Original Page 15 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.5 Choice Monthly Minimum Choice Monthly Minimum is a direct dialed long distance offer designed for business customers that has a monthly minimum dollar commitment. This service is provisioned in conjunction with the interstate Choice Monthly Minimum service under which the Company provides interstate long distance calling. This service is an add-on to the interstate Choice Monthly Minimum service that includes a monthly minimum dollar commitment. The Choice Monthly Minimum service is only available on an intrastate basis when the customer has subscribed to the interstate Choice Monthly Minimum service. All other terms, conditions and customer eligibility under this service are specified in the Company’s Business Schedule No. 2. The monthly minimum dollar commitment set forth below will apply for this intrastate plan. This charge is identical to, and shall not be in addition to, any monthly minimum dollar commitment applicable to the corollary interstate Choice Monthly Minimum for long distance calling. If the customer’s invoiced usage charges are less than the required minimum monthly usage commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay a short fall charge equal to the difference between the monthly commitment and the actual amount billed. Dial-1 and International Direct Dialed usage will contribute to the monthly minimum*. Calls are measured and billed for an initial period of 30 seconds and timed in 6- second increments for usage over 30 seconds. The call rating is rounded to the nearest full cent. Rate quotes are provided in 60 second increments. If the computed charge for a call includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the whole cent (e.g., $1.244 is rounded up to $1.25). This plan includes an option to add toll free (inbound calling) service. The toll free service is only available upon purchase of the Choice Monthly Minimum service. Toll free service has a monthly charge for each toll free number. The toll free usage and monthly charge do not contribute to the monthly minimum dollar commitment. Rates and Charges Monthly Minimum Outbound and Inbound $20.00 (I) Per Minute Rate $0.05 Charge for each Toll Free Number: The monthly recurring charge for each Toll Free Number is billed ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 07-02-14 State Tariffs 07-15-14 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 15, 2014 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Original Page 16 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.6 Easy Rate Easy Rate is a direct dialed long distance offer designed for business customers that make higher volume long distance calls. This service is provisioned in conjunction with the interstate Easy Rate service under which the Company provides interstate long distance calling. This service is an add-on to the interstate Easy Rate. The Easy Rate service is only available on an intrastate basis when the customer has subscribed to the interstate Easy Rate service. The monthly charge set forth below will apply for this intrastate plan. This charge is identical to, and shall not be in addition to, any monthly charge applicable to the corollary interstate Easy Rate service for long distance calling. Calls are measured and billed for an initial period of 18 seconds and timed in 6-second increments for usage over 18 seconds. The call rating is rounded to the nearest full cent with a minimum$0.01 charge for usage. Rate quotes are provided in 60 second increments. If during the month the minute of use block is exceeded, the overage per minute rate will apply to the overage minutes. This plan includes an option to add toll free (inbound calling) service. The toll free service has a monthly charge for each toll free number. If an international plan is not selected by the customer then the International Basic Service rates apply. Contributory usage charges are aggregated across monthly charges excluding the monthly charge for each toll free number, block overage usage charges (which includes Dial-1 and toll free), and International Direct Dialed are included in order for the customer to meet the minimum commitment level. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-6-11 State Tariffs 10-16-11 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 16, 2011 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Original Page 17 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 6. BUSINESS SERVICES (Continued) 6.1 Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 6.1.6 Easy Rate (Continued) Directory Assistance, features, equipment, non-recurring charges, Operator Services, surcharges, taxes, and any other access charges (including, but not limited to, Carrier Universal Service Charges and Presubscribed Line Charges) not specified above are not contributory to meeting the minimum annual commitment level. All other terms, conditions, customer eligibility, annual and term commitments, term renewals, and termination charges under this service are specified in the Company’s Business Schedule No. 2. Rates and Charges Monthly Charge Block of Minutes Overage Per Minute Rate $100 2,300 $0.0435 $250 5,900 $0.0424 $500 12,200 $0.0410 $750 18,900 $0.0397 $1,000 26,200 $0.0382 $1,500 40,700 $0.0369 $2,000 56,300 $0.0355 $2,500 73,200 $0.0342 $5,000 152,800 $0.0327 Charge for each Toll Free Number: The monthly recurring charge for each Toll Free Number is billed per month without regards to usage and is located in the Company’s Business Schedule No. 2. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-6-11 State Tariffs 10-16-11 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 16, 2011 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 7 2nd Revised Page 1 Cancels 1st Revised Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 7. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 7.1 Casual Caller Service (N) 7.1.1 General Casual Caller Service is offered and provided subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and/or equipment, to any person who uses the Company’s service from an equal access (FGD) end office who does not have a current account with the Company, to include: A. Any person who has not established an account with the Company who places calls over the Company’s network from an equal access area. B. Any person located in an equal access area who voluntarily terminated their Company account but continues to make calls over the Company’s network. C. Any person located in an equal access area who has had their account terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in Section 3 but continues to make calls on the Company’s network. D. New or allocated Customers whose accounts are not yet established in the Company’s billing system. Subject to network availability, Casual Caller Service may be used twenty-four hours a day for calls placed to numbers in the North American Dialing Plan areas by dialing “1015046 +” to access the Company’s network. Casual Caller Service may not be used to complete “011” calls to international locations. By placing a call on the Company network, a Casual Caller accepts and agrees to the regulations and rates specified in this section. Operator Service and Directory Assistance are not available with Casual Caller Service. If the Company charges a Customer Casual Caller rates in error, or through an error by the local telephone company, the account will be credited for the erroneous charges. 7.1.2 Rates Per Minute Rate $0.50 (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-03-10 State Tariffs 09-15-10 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2010 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 7 2nd Revised Page 2 Cancels 1st Revised Page 2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 7. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 7.2 Reserved for Future Use (C) (D) (D) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 12-21-07 State Tariffs 01-01-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 7 2nd Revised Page 3 Cancels 1st Revised Page 3 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 7. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 7.3 Directory Assistance (DA) 7.3.1 General The Company provides the service of connecting Customers to a nationwide Directory Assistance operator for a per-call charge for intrastate information requests. Customers can receive up to two numbers per request. In order to obtain two numbers, the Customer must request two numbers once the Customer reaches the live operator. The fee applies whether or not the Directory Assistance operator furnishes the requested telephone number(s), e.g., the requested telephone number is unlisted, non-published or no record can be found. Requests for information other than telephone numbers will be charged for as requests for telephone numbers. National Directory Assistance Service gives a Customer the option of completing a call to the called station telephone number received from the Directory Assistance operator without hanging up and originating a new call. National Directory Assistance Service is offered when a Customer requests intrastate Directory Assistance. A call completion charge applies in addition to the Directory Assistance per-call charge if the Customer accepts the offer. When two numbers are requested from Directory Assistance only the second call can be completed. The call completion fee will not apply if the call cannot be completed. When a Company Operator assists with a Directory Assistance call the appropriate operator handling charges will apply in addition to the Directory Assistance charge. Requests will be limited to two (2) per call. A credit allowance for Directory Assistance will be provided upon request if the Subscriber experiences poor transmission quality, is cut off, receives an incorrect telephone number or misdials the intended Directory Assistance number. (D) (D) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 12-21-07 State Tariffs 01-01-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 7 Original Page 4 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 7. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 7.3 Directory Assistance (DA) (Continued) 7.3.2 Rates and Charges A. Direct Dialed Calls (1) Per-call charge $1.99 (2) Call completion charge-automated 0.50 B. Operator Assisted Calls (1) Per-call charge $1.99 (2) Call completion charge 0.50 (3) Operator Service charges See Section 7.4 ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 7 1st Revised Page 5 Cancels Original Page 5 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 7. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 7.4 Operator Service 7.4.1 General Operator Service is available to Customers for operator-assisted calls. Access to the Company’s Operator can be from either tone-generating and/or rotary-dial telephone instruments and is obtained by dialing one or more of the following dialing methods, depending upon the LEC access arrangements and/or area of origination. When calling from a payphone, hotel, motel, or other transient location, refer to the telephone instrument for dialing instructions. Customers who are presubscribed to the Company as their Primary Interexchange Carrier may dial "00" to reach a Company operator; or dial "0+ the called telephone number (NPA+ NXX-XXXX)" for long distance calling assistance from equal access (FGD) areas. (D) (D) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 05-22-08 State Tariffs 06-01-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 7 4th Revised Page 6 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 6 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 7. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 7.4 Operator Service (Continued) 7.4.2 Rates and Charges The following rates will apply to operator handled calls placed within the State of Idaho. Calls placed by Customers utilizing these services will be charged their respective usage rates plus the applicable Call Placement Charge(s). A. Call Placement Charges Call Placement Charge Class Of Service (Transient(1) and Non-Transient) Customer-Dialed Operator Automated Assisted (2) (1) Sent Paid (3) (a) Station-to-Station $5.50 $6.65 (b) Person-to-Person 5.75 6.90 (2) Collect Billing (a) Station-to-Station 5.50 6.65 (b) Person-to-Person 5.75 6.90 (3) Third-Party Billing (a) Station-to-Station 5.50 6.65 (b) Person-to-Person 5.75 6.90 (1) Includes payphones, hotels, motels, or other transient locations. (2) This charge applies when the Customer has the ability to dial all the digits necessary for call completion but dials instead "00-" to reach the Company’s operator to have the operator complete the call or when a “00+ customer-dialed call requires intervention by an operator for billing verification.. This charge will be applied to all Operator Service calls completed by an operator except for calls which: 1) cannot be completed by the Customer due to equipment failure or trouble on the Company’s network, or 2) default to an operator for assistance while using a toll free collect service. (3) This option is only available in areas where network capabilities allow. (T) (T) (C) ( I ) ( I ) ( I ) (C) (T) (T) (C) (C) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-03-10 State Tariffs 09-15-10 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2010 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 7 1st Revised Page 7 Cancels Original Page 7 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 7. Miscellaneous Services (Continued) 7.4 Operator Service (Continued) 7.4.2 Rates and Charges (Continued) A. Call Placement Charges (Continued) (T) Call Placement Charge Class Of Service (Continued) (Transient(1) and Non-Transient) (C) (4) Busy Line Verification(2) $ 9.99 (T) ( I ) (5) Emergency Interruption(2) 19.98 (T) ( I ) B. Usage Rates Per Minute of Use 0.89 (C) (1) Includes payphones, hotels, motels, or other transient locations. (T) (2) The Busy Line Verification charge applies when the Company provides operator assistance to determine if there is an ongoing conversation at a called station. The Emergency Interruption charge applies in lieu of the Busy Line Verification charge when the Company also provides operator assistance to interrupt an ongoing conversation, regardless of whether the interruption is successful. (T) (C) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 09-03-10 State Tariffs 09-15-10 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2010 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 7 2nd Revised Page 8 Cancels 1st Revised Page 8 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 7. Miscellaneous Services (Continued) 7.5 Payphone Surcharge 7.5.1 General Payphone Surcharge will be applied to all completed intrastate long distance calls placed from a public/semi-public payphone when: A. An alternate billing method is used for commercial credit card, collect or third- party calls. B. Long distance calls are placed via a designated toll free number, (e.g., Prepaid Calling Cards). C. Directory Assistance calls are made. The Payphone Surcharge will be applied in addition to all other applicable surcharges, Operator Service Call Placement Charges or usage rates. The following per-call surcharge will be applied to all completed intrastate calls made from a public/semi-public payphone, as described preceding. 7.5.2 Rates and Charges Dial around compensation $0.55 (C) (C) (C) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 12-21-07 State Tariffs 01-01-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 8 Original Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 8. Promotional Offerings The Company may from time to time engage in special promotional service offerings designed to attract new customers or to increase existing subscribers’ awareness of a particular Price List offering. These offerings may be limited to certain dates, and/or times. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-31-06 State Tariffs 04-24-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 24, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 9 (T) 2nd Revised Page 1 Cancels 1st Revised Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 9. DATA SERVICES Data Services is grandfathered by the Company as of April 12, 2013, and is only available to existing customers. These services will no longer be available to new customers. There is no change to rates or to the service and existing customers may retain the service as long as the Company continues to offer it. (N) (N) 9.1 Terms and Conditions In addition to the terms and conditions specified in Section 4 of this Price List, the terms and conditions specified following apply to Data Services. 9.1.1 Application for Service Application for Service is the Company order process that includes technical, billing and other descriptive information provided by the Customer which allows the Company to provide requested communications services for the Customer and Customer's authorized users. Upon acceptance by the Company, the Application for Service becomes a binding contract between the Customer and the Company for the provision and acceptance of services. An Application for Service may be changed by Customer upon written notice to the Company, subject to acceptance and confirmation by the Company, provided that a charge shall apply to any change when the request is received by the company after notification by the Company of the acceptance and confirmation. Such charge shall be the sum of the charges and costs for access facilities and other services and features and the lesser of (i) the monthly recurring rate for each service component that has been canceled as a result of the change times the appropriate minimum service period, plus the applicable installation or non-recurring charges, and (ii) the costs incurred by the Company in accommodating each change, less net salvage. Costs incurred by the Company will include the direct and indirect cost of facilities specifically provided or used; the costs of installation, including design preparation, engineering, supply expense, labor and supervision, general and administrative, and any other costs resulting from the preparation, installation and removal effort. If the Customer or applicant delays activation of his service during the period thirty (30) days preceding the scheduled installation date for a period of more than one (1) week, normal charges for local distribution facilities (LDF) shall apply from the scheduled date of installation. In the event that the Customer-induced delay exists for more than thirty (30) days after the scheduled installation date, the Company may consider the delay a cancellation of application for service. If special construction has been started prior to cancellation, a charge equal to the costs incurred in the special construction, less net salvage, applies. In determining the charge, cancelled service is treated as discontinued as of the date on which it was to have started when the Company incurs any expense in connection therewith or in preparation therefore which would not otherwise have been incurred, provided that the Customer or applicant had advised the Company in writing not to proceed with the installation or special construction. If the Company should assume a termination liability or other obligation for an access facility, that liability or obligation shall be the responsibility of the Company’s Customer. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 03-28-13 State Tariffs 04-12-13 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 2 Cancels Original Page 2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.1 Terms and Conditions (Continued) 9.1.1 Application for Service (Continued) A. Cancellation of Application for Service When the Customer or applicant has requested the Company to cancel the application for service prior to service installation, cancellation charges will apply. Cancellation charges for both the underlying services and Local Access Facilities will be based on the stage at which the Access Service Request ("ASR") is at, either the Pre-Access Service Request ("Pre-ASR") or the Post-Access Service Request ("Post-ASR") stage. The Pre-ASR stage is when the ASR is complete but has not yet been sent to the Local Exchange Company ("LEC") or the Alternate Access Vendor ("AAV"). The Post-ASR stage is when the ASR is complete and has been sent to the LEC or AAV. The amount of the cancellation charge will vary according to the category of service ordered and at which stage the cancellation occurred (Pre-ASR or Post-ASR). Categories of services are: (1) the Service Component based on IXC ordered and; (2) the Access Component based on type of access ordered. See Service Cancellation Charges in this Price List. (Z) B. Change of an Application for Service An Application for Service may be changed by the Customer upon written notice to the Company, subject to acceptance and confirmation by the Company provided that a charge shall apply to any change when the request is received by the Company after notification by the Company of the acceptance and confirmation. Such charge shall be the sum of the charges and costs for Private Line Service incurred by the Company in accommodating each change including the direct and indirect costs of facilities specifically provided or used; the costs of installation (including design preparation, engineering, supply expense, labor and supervision, general and administrative) and any other costs resulting from the preparation, installation and removal effort. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 3 Cancels Original Page 3 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.1 Terms and Conditions (Continued) 9.1.2 Obligations of the Customer In instances where the Company is connecting its service to the Customer's own Customer-provided communications system or equipment or to any service or equipment provided by others, the Customer must ensure that the equipment or system must provide answer supervision upon the delivery of the call to the switching equipment or to the equipment connected to the communications system. When service is directly connected to a communications system at a Customer's premises, answer supervision must be provided when the call terminates in or passes through the first Customer premise equipment on that communications system, such as but not limited to when a call is (1) answered by a local station; (2) answered by an attendant; (3) routed to a recorded announcement; or (4) routed elsewhere by the switching system. The Customer must obtain an adequate number of facilities for Company Services to handle the Customer's expected demand in order to prevent interference or impairment of this service and or any other service provided by the Company considering (1) total call volume; (2) average call duration; (3) time-of-day characteristics and (4) peak calling period. The Company, without incurring any liability, may disconnect or refuse to furnish any toll free service to a Customer that fails to comply with these conditions. In case of disconnection, the Customer will be notified at least five days in advance of the disconnect. Notification may be by mail or in person. In compliance with the obligations imposed on the Company by the FCC, Customer represents and warrants, on behalf of itself and its affiliates, subsidiaries, and agents, that it is not a reseller and that it does not intend to resell the services or engage in other activity that would require the Company to verify Customer's authorization as a reseller as required by 47 CFR 64.1195. If Customer or its affiliates, subsidiaries, or agents breach these representations or warranties, this agreement will terminate immediately and subject Customer to the liability imposed for termination by the Company for material breach. These provisions are not intended to prohibit resale, but are intended to prevent misrepresentations by resellers in an attempt to circumvent the rules or regulations of the FCC, or other governmental bodies with jurisdiction over the provision of communications services for resale. (T) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 4 Cancels Original Page 4 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.1 Terms and Conditions (Continued) 9.1.3 Minimum Service Period The minimum service period is one year. 9.1.4 Connection with Other Communications Services A Customer may connect communications services provided by other duly authorized and regulated common carriers to the Company's service. A Customer may also connect with privately owned communications systems, subject to the technical limitations established by the Company. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 5 Cancels Original Page 5 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.1 Terms and Conditions (Continued) 9.1.5 Alternative Access Facilities The Company will undertake to provide Alternative Access Facilities as requested and ordered by the Customer when such facilities are available and approved by the Company. At the discretion of the Company, such alternative access facility arrangements also may be utilized in lieu of LEC facilities. Access provided via alternative access facilities will be charged according to the rates and charges set forth in this Price List unless Special Service Arrangements are involved as described in Section 9.1.8 following. (Z) 9.1.6 Expedited Service Charge At the request of the Customer, the Company will coordinate the expedite of circuit delivery from the access provider for any access facilities ordered and maintained by the Company. In such instances, an expedited service charge will be assessed on an individual case basis. 9.1.7 Out-of-Hours Work Charge This charge is to cover the additional costs incurred by the Company when performing standard price listed services outside of normal work hours. This charge applies to each hour expended rounded to the nearest half hour. It applies in addition to the standard Price List charges for the work requested. (Z) (Z) 9.1.8 Special Service Arrangements The rates and charges set forth in this Price List provide for furnishing service by means of facilities selected by the Company. Custom service is involved where one or more of the following conditions are present: (Z) A. At the request of the Customer, the Company provides service by means of facilities or a type other than that which the Company would otherwise use to provide service to the Customer. This type of custom service might involve Customer-specified routing or expedited construction. B. At the request of the Customer, the Company provides technical assistance of a design or consulting nature, beyond that of just properly matching Customer's equipment with that of the Company's facilities. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 6 Cancels Original Page 6 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.1 Terms and Conditions (Continued) 9.1.9 Provision of Service with Non-Fiber Access Facilities Private Line Services may be provided using non-fiber access facilities at the request of the Customer. However, in such cases, the Company may not meet the performance objectives and applicable standards for service set forth in this Price List. Under no circumstances shall the Company be responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the provision of service using such facilities, including without limitation any loss of Customer income or profits. The Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any and all claims, actions, costs, expenses and damages associated with or arising out of Customer's use of such facilities. (Z) 9.1.10 Discontinuance of Service without Liability A Customer will not be penalized for discontinuing a private line agreement if: A. A revision in the Private Line Services Price List provisions results in higher plan rates for the plan to which the Customer has committed. The Customer may request affected circuits be disconnected up to 30 days after the effective date of the higher Price List rates without penalty. Otherwise, the Customer's existing agreement remains in effect and the new rates will be billed. (Z) (Z) B. The Customer selects a new plan having a longer term. 9.1.11 Trouble Shooting at Customer's Premises This charge is to cover the cost to the Company of a visit to Customer's premises to determine what equipment is the cause of a malfunctioning channel. This charge applies in cases where the Company identifies the trouble to be caused by Customer-provided equipment and is unrelated to any malfunction of the Company's service. The charge applies from the time the Company’s personnel are dispatched until the problem is identified. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 7 Cancels Original Page 7 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.2 Local Access Facilities 9.2.1 General Description In order to subscribe to the Company's data products with dedicated access, the Customer must gain entry to the Company's network by means of Local Access Facilities. Such Local Access Facilities will generally be ordered from local telephone companies in the Customer's name, by the Company, as agent. The Company will bill the Customer for these facilities. Any special construction or non-standard charges assessed by the local telephone company supplying the Local Access Facility will also be the responsibility of the Customer. On occasions when alternative facilities are necessary (those provided in lieu of Company-designated access provided facilities), the Company will charge the Customer according to the rates and charges set forth in this Price List unless Special Service Arrangements are involved as described in Section 9.1.8 of this Price List. (Z) (Z) The Company's scope of work for alternative access facilities may include, but are not limited to, detailed assessment or engineering studies, alternative vendor interface and installation supervision. Central Office Connection charges apply in all cases in which a Customer wishes to connect to the Company network. The applicable charges are determined based on the type of access interconnected. Access Coordination will apply in those cases where the Company acts as the Customer's agent and orders Local Access Facilities. The applicable charges are determined based on the type of access ordered. Local Access Facilities for 56 Kbps, T-1, T-3, OC-3, and OC-12 access require a minimum commitment period of one year, unless otherwise defined through a vendor- provided term plan offering (ordered by the Company on behalf of the Customer via a letter of agency from the Customer). Any termination liabilities incurred by the Company as a result of such plans shall be solely the responsibility of the Customer. Charges for Local Access Facilities are applied based upon the applicable local exchange company’s rates and charges. The Company reserves the right to restrict interconnection at either the wire center serving the Company POP or the Company POP itself. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 8 Cancels Original Page 8 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.2 Local Access Facilities (Continued) 9.2.2 Service Components and Rates A. Central Office Connection Monthly Installation Recurring Charge Charge 56 Kbps Access (1) (1) T-1 Access (1) (1) T-3 Access (1) (1) OC-3 Access (1) (1) OC-12 Access (1) (1) (1) The Company’s Monthly Recurring and Installation Charges for Local Access Facilities mirror its interstate Local Access Facilities charges. See the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 3 located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 9 Cancels Original Page 9 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.2 Local Access Facilities (Continued) 9.2.2 Service Components and Rates (Continued) B. Access Coordination Fee Monthly Installation Recurring Charge Charge 56 Kbps Access (1) (1) T-1 Access (1) (1) T-3 Access (1) (1) OC-3 Access (1) (1) OC-12 Access (1) (1) C. Access Facility Charges Monthly Installation Recurring Charge Charge 56 Kbps Access (1) (1) T-1 Access (1) (1) T-3 Access (1) (1) OC-3 Access (1) (1) OC-12 Access (1) (1) (1) The Company’s Monthly Recurring and Installation Charges for Local Access Facilities mirror its interstate Local Access Facilities charges. See the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 3 located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 10 Cancels Original Page 10 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.2 Local Access Facilities (Continued) 9.2.2 Service Components and Rates (Continued) D. Miscellaneous Services This section includes miscellaneous services provided in conjunction with the Company’s primary service offerings. (1) Trouble Shooting At Customer's Premises This charge is to cover the cost to the Company of a visit to Customer's premises to determine what equipment is the cause of a malfunctioning channel. This charge applies in cases where the Company identifies the trouble to be caused by Customer provided equipment and is unrelated to any malfunction of the Company's service. The charge applies from the time the Company personnel are dispatched until the problem is identified. Per Hour Minimum (1) (1) (1) The Company’s Nonrecurring Charges for Trouble Shooting At Customer's Premises mirror its interstate Trouble Shooting At Customer's Premises. See the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 3 located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 11 Cancels Original Page 11 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.2 Local Access Facilities (Continued) 9.2.2 Service Components and Rates (Continued) D. Miscellaneous Services (Continued) (2) Out-of-Hours Work Charge This charge covers the additional costs incurred by the Company when performing standard services outside of normal work hours. This charge applies to each hour expended rounded to the nearest half-hour. It applies in addition to the standard charges for the work requested. Per Hour (1) (3) Moves and Rearrangements The Customer may move locations or order his service arrangement (e.g., tie line, foreign exchange, etc.) changed with or without a move. Rearrangements shall also include adding, changing or deleting circuits or services embedded in a Local Access Facility. It is the Customer's obligation to notify the Company in writing at least 90 calendar days in advance when a move or rearrangement is to be made. If the Company is given inadequate notification, the Company will not be liable for issuing credit for the period between the date the Customer desires the moved or rearranged service and the date the move or rearrangement is actually made for the Customer's use. Nonrecurring Charge Rate per Channel-End (1) (4) Record Change When a Customer requests a record change, the Customer will be billed a nonrecurring charge for each record change occurrence. A record change is described as any Customer-requested change in the permanent records of a Customer that does not require any physical or technical adjustments to the service, such as a name change or billing address change. Nonrecurring Charge Each occurrence (1) (1) The Company’s Nonrecurring Charges for Out-of-Hours Work Charge, Moves and Rearrangements, and Record Change mirror its interstate Out-of-Hours Work Charge, Moves and Rearrangements, and Record Change. See the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 3 located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 12 Cancels Original Page 12 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.2 Local Access Facilities (Continued) 9.2.2 Service Components and Rates (Continued) D. Miscellaneous Services (Continued) (5) B8ZS Pricing At the request of the Customer, the Company will provide B8ZS arrangements, where available from the Local Exchange Company. Such arrangements will be provided, at a charge based on local access company charges. The Company’s Monthly Recurring and Installation Charges for Local Access Facilities mirror its interstate Local Access Facilities charges. See the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 3 located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. (6) Entrance Facility Charges When a Customer is involved in an access arrangement which utilizes Entrance Facilities provided by the Company, but for which the Customer makes direct payment of access charges to a local service provider, the Company will assess a charge in order to recover for the investment in Entrance Facilities. Such arrangements will be provided at rates and charges based on applicable local exchange company charges. Nonrecurring Monthly Charge Recurring Charge Entrance Facility Charges (1) (1) (1) The Company’s Monthly Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges for Entrance Facility Charges mirror its interstate Entrance Facility Charges. See the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 3 located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 13 Original Page 13 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.2 Local Access Facilities (Continued) 9.2.2 Service Components and Rates (Continued) E. Cancellation Charges Nonrecurring charges apply when Local Access Facilities are cancelled: Access Facility NRC 56 Kbps N/A T-1 (1) T-3 (1) OC-3 (1) OC-12 (1) (1) The Company’s Nonrecurring Charges for Cancellation Charges mirror its interstate Cancellation Charges. See the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 3 located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 9 (T) 2nd Revised Page 14 Cancels 1st Revised Page 14 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.3 Reserved For Future Use (T) (D) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 6-15-12 State Tariffs 7-1-12 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 9 (T) 2nd Revised Page 15 Cancels 1st Revised Page 15 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.3 Reserved For Future Use (Continued) (T) (D) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 6-15-12 State Tariffs 7-1-12 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 9 (T) 2nd Revised Page 16 Cancels 1st Revised Page 16 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.3 Reserved For Future Use (Continued) (T) (D) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 6-15-12 State Tariffs 7-1-12 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 9 (T) 2nd Revised Page 17 Cancels 1st Revised Page 17 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.3 Reserved For Future Use (T) (D) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 6-15-12 State Tariffs 7-1-12 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 18 Cancels Original Page 18 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.4 Private Line Services 9.4.1 General Description Private Line Service is a non-switched, non-usage sensitive, point-to-point service which is dedicated exclusively to one Customer. The Company offers Private Line Service within the contiguous United States between Company Points of Presence (POP) on a fiber optic network. This terrestrial service provides for two-way simultaneous transmission of signals at data speeds of 1.544 Mbps up to 622.08 Mbps. Local Access Facilities may limit the performance specifications that the end user can anticipate. Private Line Services offered are: - TransLink (T-1/DS-1) - LightLink (T-3/DS-3) - OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) - OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) A. TransLink Service TransLink Service provides a high capacity channel for the transmission of 1.544 Mbps isochronous serial data having a line code of Bipolar Return-to-Zero (BPRZ). TransLink Service is provided between two points located within the contiguous United States. The required format and interface specifications are contained in Technical Reference Publications GR-54 and GR-342. The performance objectives for TransLink Service between the Company’s Points of Presence are as follows: %Network Airline Miles Availability % Error Free Seconds 0 - 250 Miles 99.97% 99.89% 251 - 1,000 Miles 99.96% 99.85% 1,001+ Miles 99.95% 99.83% TransLink Service requires Local Access Facilities as described in Section 9.2 and is subject to the availability of T-1 access by the local exchange company. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 19 Cancels Original Page 19 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.4 Private Line Services (Continued) 9.4.1 General Description (Continued) B. LightLink Service LightLink Service provides a high capacity channel for the transmission of 44.736 Mbps isochronous serial data having a line code of Bipolar with Three Zero Substitution (B3ZS). LightLink Service is provided between two points located within the contiguous United States. The required format and interface specifications are contained in Technical Reference Publications 62508 and 62411, and the associated Addendum TR-INS-000342 and TR-NPL-000054. The performance objectives for LightLink Service between the Company’s Points of Presence are as follows: Airline Miles % Availability % Error Free Seconds 0 - 250 Miles 99.99% 99.90% 251 - 1,000 Miles 99.99% 99.80% 1,001+ Miles 99.98% 99.70% LightLink service requires T-3 Local Access Facilities as described in Section 9.2 and is subject to the availability of T-3 access by the local exchange company. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 20 Cancels Original Page 20 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.4 Private Line Services (Continued) 9.4.1 General Description (Continued) C. OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) Service OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) Service is a high speed optical transmission service supporting voice, data, and video applications in a point-to-point fashion. OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) Service offers 155.520 Mbps of bandwidth and provides the equivalent of 2,016 Voice Grade (DS-0) circuits or 84 T-1 facilities. The performance objectives for OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) Service between the Company’s Points of Presence are as follows: Airline Miles % Availability % Error Free Seconds 0 - 250 Miles 99.999% 99.97% 251 - 1,000 Miles 99.998% 99.96% 1,001+ Miles 99.997% 99.95% OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) Service requires OC-3 Local Access Facilities as described in Section 9.2 and is subject to the availability of OC-3 access by the local exchange company. D. OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) Service OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) Service is a high speed optical transmission service supporting voice, data, and video applications in a point-to-point fashion. OptiPoint- 12 (OC-12) Service offers 622.080 Mbps of bandwidth and provides the equivalent of 8,064 Voice Grade (DS-0) circuits or 336 T-1 facilities. The performance objectives for OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) Service between the Company’s Points of Presence are as follows: Airline Miles % Availability % Error Free Seconds 0 - 250 Miles 99.999% 99.97% 251 - 1,000 Miles 99.998% 99.96% 1,001+ Miles 99.997% 99.95% OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) Service requires OC-12 Local Access Facilities as described in Section 9.2 and is subject to the availability of OC-12 access by the local exchange company. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 21 Cancels Original Page 21 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.4 Private Line Services (Continued) 9.4.2 Optional Service Features A. Clear Channel Capability Clear Channel Capability provides Customers the use of the full 64 Kbps per DS-0 channel and allows DS-0 and DS-1 transmissions with more than 15 consecutive zeros. Clear Channel Capability is supported for: - TransLink (T-1) Clear Channel Capability is supported only by the use of the Bipolar with Eight Zero Substitution (B8ZS) line coding technique. Clear Channel Capability requires B8ZS on the T-1 Local Access Facilities. Customer premises equipment must also be B8ZS- compatible. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 22 Cancels Original Page 22 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.4 Private Line Services (Continued) 9.4.3 Term Plan Customers may subscribe to Private Line Services under one, two or three year term plans. The rates in effect for Private Line Services and Local Access Facilities at the time the Customer commits to a term plan will be fixed for the duration of the term plan. The term will begin on the first day of the month following the date the service is installed and available. Upon expiration, the term will be automatically extended at the term plan rates for successive ninety (90) day periods, unless sixty (60) days prior to the end of the term or each such extension either (a) the Customer or the Company provides written notice to the other that it does not want such extension, or (b) the Customer subscribes to another term plan for which the rates of the new term will apply. If additional Customer sites are added to a Customer's Private Line Service after the initial subscription to a term plan, such sites will be incorporated into the Customer's term plan and will have the same termination date as the Customer's original term plan. Existing Customers may subscribe to a new term plan for Private Line Services of the same or greater value prior to the end of the Customer's existing term plan without incurring any termination liability if the new term plan extends beyond the old term plan termination date by at least one year or if the new term plan is for three years. 9.4.4 Termination Liability To terminate Private Line Services the Customer must provide the Company with thirty (30) days prior written notice. Customers terminating service prior to fulfilling their term commitment will be assessed a termination liability in an amount equal to a lump sum of fifty percent (50%) of the monthly recurring charges for each circuit cancelled multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term plan. Customer will not have any termination liability if another Company service of the same or greater monthly price and volume and a term no less than the remaining months of the term plan or one (1) year, whichever is greater, is ordered at the same time the notice of termination is received. Customer will also be liable for a pro-rata amount of any waived installation charges based on the number of months remaining in the term plan. If service is terminated by the Company for cause and the Customer has subscribed to service under a term plan, the Customer will be charged the termination liability associated with the term plan. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 23 Cancels Original Page 23 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.4 Private Line Services (Continued) 9.4.5 Service Components and Rates A. Channel Mileage Charges The charge for intercity communications channels is based on mileage and channel bandwidth. Mileage is the intercity mileage between Company's Points of Presence as located in cities wherein the Company holds itself out to provide service. Each circuit connected between two Customer interface points will be construed as an individual circuit for rate compilation purposes. The Minimum monthly recurring charge applies unless the actual intercity mileage when multiplied by the banded per mile monthly recurring charge exceeds the Minimum monthly recurring charge. (1) TransLink 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year MRC MRC MRC Minimum $336.06 $282.29 $262.13 0-299 Miles 1.47 1.24 1.15 300-399 Miles 1.08 0.93 0.86 400-499 Miles 0.88 0.75 0.70 500-599 Miles 0.54 0.48 0.44 1,000 + Miles 0.39 0.35 0.33 (2) LightLink 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year MRC MRC MRC Minimum $1,332.32 $1,211.20 $1,162.75 0-299 Miles 6.47 5.88 5.64 300-399 Miles 4.95 4.58 4.31 400-499 Miles 4.14 3.84 3.68 500-599 Miles 3.33 3.09 2.96 1,000 + Miles 2.18 2.06 2.02 ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 24 Cancels Original Page 24 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.4 Private Line Services (Continued) 9.4.5 Service Components and Rates (Continued) A. Channel Mileage Charges (Continued) (3) OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year MRC MRC MRC Minimum $3,400.37 $3,091.25 $2,859.40 0-299 Miles 16.73 15.56 14.40 300-399 Miles 13.05 12.14 11.53 400-499 Miles 10.94 10.18 9.67 500-599 Miles 7.60 7.07 6.72 1,000 + Miles 6.18 5.89 5.45 (4) OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year MRC MRC MRC Minimum $9,124.35 $8,404.00 $8,163.89 0-299 Miles 48.60 44.77 43.49 300-399 Miles 38.24 36.18 35.14 400-499 Miles 33.17 31.38 30.48 500-599 Miles 24.45 23.13 22.47 1,000 + Miles 20.30 19.73 19.17 9.4.6. Optional Features A. Clear Channel Capability The Company’s Monthly Recurring and Installation Charges for Clear Channel Capability mirror its interstate Clear Channel Capability charges. See the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 3 located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 9 1st Revised Page 25 Cancels Original Page 25 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST (Z) 9. DATA SERVICES (Continued) 9.4 Private Line Services (Continued) 9.4.7 Service Cancellation Charges The following nonrecurring charges apply for service orders cancelled at the request of the Customer or applicant. In instances where the Customer applicant has cancelled an order and one end of the Access Component is in the Pre-ASR stage and another end is in the Post-ASR stage, the applicable Service Component will be assessed the Post- ASR charge. Service Pre-ASR Post-ASR TransLink $ 815.00 $1,720.00 LightLink 1,260.00 2,450.00 OptiPoint-3 (OC-3) (1) (1) OptiPoint-12 (OC-12) (1) (1) (1) The Company’s Nonrecurring Charges for Service Cancellation Charges mirror its interstate Service Cancellation Charges. See the Company’s interstate Schedule No. 3 located at www.embarq.com/tariffs. ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 10-27-06 State Tariffs 11-06-06 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 06, 2006 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 105 1st Revised Page 1 Cancels Original Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 105. OBSOLETE RESIDENTIAL SERVICES Operator Services and Directory Assistance are available with all Obsolete Residential Services under the terms and conditions specified in Section 7 of this Tariff. Calls placed using Operator Services are charged at the applicable rates for those services in lieu of the rates specified herein for Obsolete Residential Services, unless otherwise specified in the rates section for a particular Residential service. Unless otherwise noted herein, Message Telecommunications Services are available only to a maximum of two residential phone lines, per location and calls are billed in one minute increments (fractional calls are rounded up to the next minute). MTS Services are add-ons to the Company's interstate offering and are available only to those residential customers who have selected the Company as their primary interexchange carrier. The interstate portion of the MTS Services monthly recurring charge is located in the Company's interstate Residential Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. Customers must subscribe to both the interstate and intrastate portions of the MTS Services to which they subscribe. 105.1 Legacy Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) Legacy Message Telecommunications Services are grandfathered by the Company as of April 29, 2006, and are only available to existing customers. Residential services available to new customers are located in Section 5 of this tariff. 105.1.1 Consumer Sense I (Basic Service) Consumer Sense I is an intercity service which is available for use by subscribers twenty-four (24) hours a day. The subscriber will use the following dialing pattern to gain access to the Company's fiber optic network: (1) In Feature Group D (FGD) exchanges, subscriber's telephone line(s) presubscribed to the Company are programmed by the local exchange company (LEC) to automatically route "1+" calls to the Company's network. (N) (N) (N) (N) (T) (N) (N) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 08-15-08 State Tariffs 08-25-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 25, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Idaho P.C. Price List No. Section 105 4th Revised Page 2 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 2 (T) INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 105. OBSOLETE RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) 105.Leqacv Messaqe Telecommunications Service (MTS)(Continued) 105.Total Connect Total Connect is a residential intrastate and interstate service. Customers who sign up for Total Connect service will receive 50 minutes of Dial-1 usage at no charge. Beginning October 14, 2002, customers enrolling in this service must choose the Company as their intrastate carrier. Any minutes of Dial-1 usage above the 50 minutes will be charged a flat per minute rate. Customers must subscribe to Total Connect for outbound Dial-1 service. The customers account may not have more than two residential phone lines associated with the customer s account, and the customer is limited to two Total Connect accounts. If a customers account has two lines, the 50 minutes of Dial- 1 usage provided under this service is shared. A. Dial-1 Rates (a)Usage to 50 Minutes Per Month Per Minute $0. (b)Usage Above 50 Minutes Per Month Per Minute $0.(R) B. Monthlv Recurrinq Charqe The monthly recurring charge which affords customers the ability to place intrastate and interstate long distance calls is located in the Company interstate Residential Schedule located at www2.embarq.com/tariffs. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FiUNG AUG 7 - 2010 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: 07-28-State Tariffs 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 EFFECTIVE: 08-07- Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 105 2nd Revised Page 3 Cancels 1st Revised Page 3 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 105. OBSOLETE RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) 105.1 Legacy Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 105.1.3 Solutions – 9 Cent Plan A Customer who subscribes to Solutions – 9 Cent Plan pays a per minute rate for all interstate and/or intrastate Dial-1 usage and a monthly recurring charge. When a Customer subscribes multiple lines to Solutions - No MRC, at least one of every two lines must meet the eligibility requirements specified below. For example, when a Customer subscribes either three or four lines to this service, at least two of those lines must meet the eligibility requirements. The Customer’s lines may be at the same or different locations provided that the eligibility requirements are met. Customers who discontinue any or all of the qualifying services required to maintain eligibility will be switched, upon notice, to Standard Weekends as set forth in Section 5.1.2 of this Price List. (C) (C) (T) (D) (D) (T) ISSUED: 12-19-12 State Tariffs 01-01-13 EFFECTIVE: 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 d/b/a CenturyLink Communications Section 105 (T) 1st Revised Page 4 Cancels Original Page 4 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 105. OBSOLETE RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Continued) 105.1 Legacy Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 105.1.3 Solutions – 9 Cent Plan (Continued) To be eligible for Long Distance - 9 Cent Plan, the Customer must subscribe to one of the following Embarq LOC services: 1) Solutions-Residence Package Clear Solution with LineGuard; 2) Solutions-Residence Package Personal II Solution with two of the following features: Home Phone Warranty, LineGuard, Voicemail or Privacy ID; 3) Solutions-Residence Package Core Solution with Voicemail, and LineGuard; 4) Solutions-Residence Package Core Solution Plus with two of the following features: Voicemail, LineGuard or Home Phone Warranty; 5) Special Plan Bundle; or 6) Solutions Residence Package Standard Home Phone II with two of the following features: LineGuard, Data LineGuard, Voicemail, Home Phone Warranty or Privacy ID. (a) Dial-1 Rate Per Minute $0.09 (C) (D) (D) (D) ISSUED: 12-19-12 State Tariffs 01-01-13 EFFECTIVE: 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 106 4th Revised Page 1 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 1 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 106. OBSOLETE BUSINESS SERVICES Operator Services and Directory Assistance are available with all services under the terms and conditions specified in Section 7 of this Price List. Calls placed using Operator Services are charged at the applicable rates for those services in lieu of the rates specified herein, unless otherwise specified for a particular service. 106.1 Legacy Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) Legacy Message Telecommunications Services are grandfathered by the Company as of April 29, 2006, and are only available to existing customers. Business services available to new customers are located in Section 6 of this Price List. Legacy Message Telecommunications Services are add-ons to the Company’s interstate offering and accordingly, Customers must subscribe to Legacy Message Telecommunications Services for both the interstate and intrastate long distance service. These services are available only through Embarq LOC to Embarq LOC or Company competitive local exchange service business Customers who have selected the Company as their Primary Interexchange Carrier. Applicable interstate rates are located in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule located at www2.embarg.com/tariffs. A Customer’s phone line may not be classified as a “residential,” “public,” or “semi-public” line or in housing associated with educational institutions. The term “Dial-1” does not include: 1) calls which are pay-for-use, including but not limited to calls to 900, 976, 555 and 700 numbers, 2) calls to Directory Assistance, 3) operator service calls, including emergency interrupt and intercept call completion, 4) inbound toll free service calls, 5) Switched Data Services (“SDS”) calls or 6) international calls. 106.1.1 Reserved for Future Use 106.1.2 Reserved for Future Use 106.1.3 Reserved for Future Use 106.1.4 Reserved for Future Use 106.1.5 Reserved for Future Use (M) Material now appearing on this page previously appeared in Section 6, 3rd Revised Page 10. (M) (T) (T) (M) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 11-04-08 State Tariffs 11-14-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Par, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 14, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 106 2nd Revised Page 2 Cancels 1st Revised Page 2 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 106. OBSOLETE BUSINESS SERVICES 106.1 Legacy Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 106.1.6 Calls All Day Calls All Day services are designed to meet the communications needs of small- sized business customers of switched outbound, toll free and switched data services, regardless of the number of business locations. Calls All Day services are flat rate priced with a single rate for outbound, toll free and switched data interstate, intrastate and international services. The call period for Calls All Day is 24 hours a day, every day. Calls All Day services are available on a non-term basis. The following services are available under Calls All Day: Outbound (Dial-1) Toll Free SDS Toll Free SDS Calls All Day 50 Legacy customers will incur a monthly service charge of $12 in any month in which the customer’s total monthly contributory usage charges do not meet $50.00 in usage. Calls All Day Legacy 25 WB customers have a minimum monthly commitment level of $25.00. If the customer does not meet the minimum monthly commitment with contributory usage charges, the customer will be invoiced for the difference. (D) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 12-21-07 State Tariffs 01-01-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 106 2nd Revised Page 3 Cancels 1st Revised Page 3 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 106. OBSOLETE BUSINESS SERVICES 106.1 Legacy Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 106.1.6 Calls All Day (Continued) Calls All Day contributory usage charges are aggregated across outbound, toll free, and switched data services, including all calling options, all locations and all jurisdictions (intrastate, interstate and international) in order to meet the minimum monthly commitment level. In addition, the customer’s employees’ Calls All Day contributory usage charges, at up to 10 satellite locations (e.g., from home), will contribute to the customer’s minimum monthly commitment level. The customer will be financially responsible for the satellite locations’ Calls All Day usage charges. Feature charges, Directory Assistance per call surcharges, Operator Service usage and per call surcharges, calculated before all available discounts have been applied, are also contributory to the minimum monthly commitment level. Per minute usage rates for Calls All Day customers are set below. Calls All Day for intrastate use is sold as an add-on service to the Company’s interstate Calls All Day offering. Accordingly, recurring and non-recurring charges are set forth in the Company’s interstate Business Schedule www2.embarq.com/tariffs. (C) (T) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 12-21-07 State Tariffs 01-01-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho Embarq Communications, Inc. Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Section 106 2nd Revised Page 4 Cancels 1st Revised Page 4 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PRICE LIST 106. OBSOLETE BUSINESS SERVICES 106.1 Legacy Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) (Continued) 106.1.6 Calls All Day (Continued) A. Rates and Charges Each call will be billed an eighteen (18) second minimum. After the initial 18 second minimum, calls will be billed in six (6) second increments. If an operator assists in call placement, the applicable operator service charge and usage rates will apply in lieu of the Calls All Day surcharge and usage rate. (1) Calls All Day 50 Legacy (AC1, ACP, AI0) (a) Dial-1 $0.1000 (b) Toll Free 0.1000 (c) SDS and Toll Free SDS 0.2130 (2) Calls All Day Legacy 25 WB (ACW, AIW) (a) Dial-1 $0.1000 (b) Toll Free 0.1000 (c) SDS and Toll Free SDS 0.2130 (D) (D) (D) (D) ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: 12-21-07 State Tariffs 01-01-08 5454 West 110th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho