HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070724Supplementary information.pdfECL -(-07-0 From: will MacHugh (mail to: wmachugh~el topia. com) Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 1:24 PM To: Wayne Hart Cc: Neil Price Subject: Re: Eltopia CPCN Application - . :. ~;" :. I ,,-- ; ; ,' . i.-" The registered agent of the company is: Registered Agent Solutions , Inc. 5481 Kendall Street Boise, Idaho, 83706 The certificate for our authorization to do business in the state of Idaho is attached as a PDF. If you need any help with it, please let me know, Please let me know if there is anything else that we need to get ourapplication on file. Thanks! will MacHugh 253 /~1 'i'SJ!4:t~APPLICA TJON FOR'0 "", (~ j REGISTRATION OF FOREIGN . .-( jl LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (Instructions on back of application) 1, The name of the limited liability company is: Eltopia Communications, LLC =.i 2, If the name of the limited liability company is not permissible or is not available in Idaho the name the foreign limited liability company will use in Idaho is: WA State 3, The jurisdiction under whose laws the limited liability company is organized is: and the date of its formation was: 8/1 g/2005 4, The name and address of the registered agent in Idahois: Registered Agent Solutions, Inc, 5481 Kendall Street, Boise, Idaho 83706 5. The address of the limited liability company s office in the jurisdiction under whose laws iUs organized is: 2304 Ringold Road, Eltopia, WA99330 6, The address of the limited liability company s principal office, if other than the address in #5 above , is: 7, The address to which correspondence should be addressed is: PO BoX 240 , Eltopia, WA 99330 8. Signature of a manager, if any, or a member if there are no managers. " "- , " , i - " '-. ' I) -1glgnatur~ \" JL~, d f"J\vi';~\~ JCLT ).- C. N ~ '" E'" ~ ~ Q ' --' "--' '" ~ VVob For", TypedN~me Will Lee MacH ugh Manager 8 Member 0 SecretsI)' of State use only IM'Ji1 "~"'r' ";" u,J!;.l,d:.HRY fiF S"'!1'r;:- ::-- /' " .a5f 2f!J:10"'-:4 c.,i::- h_ Eih 5Bf;j - i ~'-" ~ 0t.:J ' ii f0 t,;!;; " :: " ,x-111 1.1164004 - -~-. ~'" - , '""/ ""' r,- j1j 2fl;83 '" -2';;~0 ~cqHJRGLLC# 2 ~. ~ EX~EDITE C # 3 tAJ&43&3