HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeltaCom Inc.pdfDeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Title Page Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST This price list,DeltaCom,Inc.d/b/a EarthLink Business Idaho Price List No.2, replaces in its entirety DeltaCom,Inc.Idaho Price List INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST OF DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business Telephone Number:800-239-3000 This price list,filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,contains the rates,terms and conditions applicable to the Resale Telecommunications Services provided by DeltaCom,Inc.d/b/a EarthLink Business within the state ofIdaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 2 d/b/a EarthLink Business 2nd Revised Page 1 1375 Peachtree Street, Level A Cancels 1st Revised Page 1 Atlanta, GA 30309 Issued by: Vice President, Tax Issued: December 20, 2013 Effective: January 1, 2014 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST CHECK SHEET Pages of this price list, as indicated below, are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective pages. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original price list and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. nd nd st * - indicates those pages included with this filing Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2014 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 2 d/b/a EarthLink Business 2nd Revised Page 2 1375 Peachtree Street, Level A Cancels 1st Revised Page 2 Atlanta, GA 30309 Issued by: Vice President, Tax Issued: December 20, 2013 Effective: January 1, 2014 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST CHECK SHEET, (CONT’D.) st st st st st st st st st st st st st st * - indicates those pages included with this filing Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2014 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 3 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST TABLE OF CONTENTS Check Sheet 1 Table ofContents 3 Section 1 -Technical Terms and Abbreviations 7 Section 2 -Rules and Regulations 10 Section 3 -Description of Service 46 Section 4 -Rates and Charges 64 Section 5 -Promotions 80 Section 6 -Grandfathered Services 81 Section 7 -Miscellaneous Services 82 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 4 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: C -Changed regulation. D -Delete or discontinue. I -Change Resulting in an increase to a Customer's bill. M -Moved from another price list location. N-New R -Change resulting in a reduction to a Customer's bill. T -Change in text or regulation. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 5 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST PRICE LIST FORMAT A.Page Numbering -Page numbers appear in the upper right comer of the page.Pages are numbered sequentially.When a new page is added between pages already in effect,a decimal is added.For example,a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14.1. B.Page Revision Numbers -Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each page.These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Idaho PUC.For example,the 4th Revised Page 14 cancels the 3rd Revised Page 14.Consult the Check Sheet for the page currently in effect. C.Paragraph Numbering Sequence -There are nine levels of paragraph coding.Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 2. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.LA. 2.1.1.A.1. 2.1.1.A.l.a. 2.1.LA.La.1. D.Check Sheets -When a price list filing is made with the Idaho PUC,an updated Check Sheet accompanies the price list filing.The Check Sheet lists the pages contained in the price list,with a cross reference to the current revision number.When new pages are added,the Check Sheet is changed to reflect the revision.All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*).There will be no other symbols used on this page ifthese are the only changes made to it (i.e.,the format,etc.remain the same,just revised revision levels on some pages.) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 6 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST APPLICATION OF PRICE LIST This price list contains the regulations and rates applicable to the provision ofintrastate resale common carrier communications service by De1taCom,Inc.d/b/a EarthLink Business within the State of Idaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 7 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 1 -TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line:An arrangement that connects the Customer's location to a Company network switching center. Authorization Code or Identification Code:A numerical code,one or more of which are available to a Customer to enable him to access the carrier,and which are used by the carrier both to prevent unauthorized access to its facilities and to identify the Customer for billing purposes. Authorized User:A person,firm,corporation or other legal entity that is authorized by the Customer to utilize or be connected to the service ofthe Customer.An authorized user is other than an employee,officer or director of Customer if Customer is a company,and other than a family member of person residing with Customer if Customer is a residential user.Customer is responsible for all charges incurred by Authorized Users. Commission:Refers to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Company:DeltaCom,Inc.d/b/a EarthLink Business,unless the context means otherwise. Customer:The person,firm,corporation or other entity that orders or uses service and is responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with price list regulations.A business Customer is a telephone company subscriber whose use ofsuch telephone company service is primarily or substantially ofa business, professional,institutional or otherwise occupational nature,or where the listing required is such as to indicate business use,and is therefore charged business rates for basic telephone service.A residence Customer is a telephone company subscriber whose use ofsuch telephone company service is ofa domestic nature,and not substantially of an occupational nature,and who is therefore charged residence rates for basic telephone service. Day:From 8:00 AM up to but not including 5:00 PM local time Monday through Friday. DeltaCom:Used throughout this price list to refer to DeltaCom,Inc.d/b/a EarthLink Business. Effective Date:The date the Customer first uses the long distance service. Evening:From 5:00 PM up to but not including 11:00 PM local time Sunday through Friday. Facilities:Company's facilities consist offacilities that Company owns and/or leases and for which Company renders a bill for payment to its Customers,whether or not such Facilities are actually owned by Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 8 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 1 -TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONT'D.) Holidays:The Company's recognized holidays are January 1st,July 4th,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day,on which Evening Rates apply from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM in lieu of regular rates,ifholiday falls on a weekday. Individual Case Basis (ICB):Rates for services offered on an individual case basis (ICB)willbe structured to recoverthe Company's cost ofproviding the services.Terms ofspecific ICB contracts will be made available to the Commission upon request on a proprietary basis. Interexchange Telecommunications Service:Telecommunications service betweentwo points in two ormore exchanges. InterLATA:Calls that originate and terminate between points in Local Access Transport Areas (LATAs). LATAs are large local and regional telephone service areas that are defmed pursuant to the 1982 Consent Decree between the United States Department ofJustice and American Telephone and Telegraph Company and participating Carriers. IntraLATA:Calls that originate and terminate within the same LATA. Intrastate:Calls that originate and terminate between any two points in Idaho.Intrastate calls can be InterLATA or IntraLATA. Itemized Billing:A billing report that indicates the telephone number to which calls are made and the duration of each call. Local Service Management System (LSMS):An intermediate database system that receives downloads of Customer records from the SMS/800 and further downloads them to the appropriate SCPs. ManagementReport:A billing report that assists management in monitoring calls made by AuthorizedUsers by listing calls by Customer Identification Numbers and Project Codes. Mileage:In calculating rates based on mileage,the measurement of distance is the air miles between the offices ofthe local telephone companies that originate and terminate the calls. Night/Weekend:From 11 :00 PM up to but not including 8:00 AM Sunday through Friday,and 8:00 AM Saturday up to but not including 5:00 PM Sunday. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 9 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 1 -TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONT'D.) Responsible Organization (Resp Org):The carrier entity that has responsibility for the management of800 numbers in the Service Management System (SMS/800)including maintaining Customer records in the SMS/800 system.Also,the entity which accesses the SMS/800 to:(a)search for and reserve 800 numbers;(b) create and maintain 800 number Customer records,including call processingrecords; and (c)provide a single point of contact for trouble reporting.The SMS/800 recognizes one Resp Org for each 800 number. Service Commencement Date:The Service Commencement Date shall be the date on which the Customer's first usage occurs,rather than on the "signed"date ofthe term agreement. Service Control Point (SCP):The real-time data base system in the 800 Data Base Service network that contains instructions on how customers wish their calls to be routed,terminated or otherwise processed. Service Management System (SMS/800):The main administrative support system of800 Data Base Service. It is used to create and update Customer 800 Service records and that are then downloaded to Service Control Points (SCPs)for handling Customer's 800 Service calls and to Local Service Management Systems (LSMSs) for subsequent downloading to SCPs.The system is also used by Resp Orgs to reserve and assign 800 numbers. Subscriber:The person,firm,corporation or other entity that orders or uses service and is responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with price list regulations.A business Customer is a telephone company subscriber whose use ofsuch telephone company service is primarily or substantially ofa business, professional,institutional or otherwise occupational nature,or where the listingrequired is such as to indicate business use,and is therefore charged business rates for basic telephone service.A residence Customer is a telephone company subscriber whose use ofsuch telephone company service is of a domestic nature,andnot substantially of an occupational nature,and who is therefore charged residence rates for basic telephone service. Telecommunications Services:Telecommunications services are offered in three categories ofservice:long distance,local,and data (includes but is not limited to private line and internet services).Within each category,the Company offers a variety of products for the Customer's use.For example,T-PAC and Dune are products offered in the local service category;Dial-Up Internet and Private Line are products offered in the data service category;and,T-LD and Horizon LD are products offered in the long distance service category. Vertical Features:Services such as call validation,"Plain Old Telephone Service"(POTS)number translation and provision ofstatistical information on the Customer's 800 traffic,which maybe obtained by the Company from Local Exchange Company access tariffs on behalfofa Company inbound 800 subscriber for which the Company serves as Resp Org. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 10 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Company This price list contains the regulations and charges applicable to direct-dialed and operator-assisted intrastate common carrier communications services provided bythe Companybetween points within the State ofIdaho.Operator-assisted services are furnished subject to the availability offacilities and subject to the terms and conditions of this price list. The Company installs,operates,and maintains the communication services providedherein under in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this Price List.It may act as the Customer's agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by othercarriers or entities when authorized by the Customer,to allow connection of a Customer's location to the Company's network.The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company's services and facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless ordered on a longer term basis,and are available twenty-four hours per day,seven days per week.The minimum period of service is one month unless specifically agreed upon by both the Customer and the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 11 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.2 Use of Service 2.2.1 General.The Services may be used for any lawful purpose consistent with the transmission and switching parameters and rules ofthe facilities utilized in the provision of Service.The Customer shall not make use ofthe Services or underlying network: A.in any way that might reasonably be expected to frighten,abuse,torment,or harass another; B.for any purpose in violation ofthe law; C.in such a manner as to unreasonably interfere with the use ofthe Service by any of the Company's customers;and/or D.to transmit any material which,in the Company's sole discretion 1.violates any U.S.state regulation,including material which infringes another's intellectual property rights, 2.is threatening or obscene,libelous,defamatory or violates any right of privacy of another, 3.is discriminatory or otherwise offensive. 2.2.2 Resale.Service may not be resold without the prior written consent of the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 12 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.3 Facilities Used in Provision of Service 2.3.1 The Service is subject to the availability of suitable facilities. 2.3.2 The Customer must obtain an adequate number ofaccess lines for toll free Service to meet expected demand. 2.3.3 The Customer is responsible for placing any necessary orders and complying with price list regulations for services described herein,and for assuringthat its users comply with price list regulations. 2.3.4 The Customer shall provide for the proper installation,operation and maintenance of the Customer's equipment used in connection with the Service and shall ensure that such equipment is technically and operationally compatible with the Service and in compliance with all FCC rules and regulations. 2.3.5 Equipment provided bythe Company shall remain the property ofthe Company.Company­ owned equipment will be returned to the Company upontermination ofservice.IfCompany­ owned equipment is not returned from the Customer,the Customer will be billed the current Company listed purchase price for the equipment.The Company may substitute,change or rearrange any equipment,facility or system used in providing Service at any time. 2.3.6 The Company will deliverthe Service(s)to the Customer to the physical address setforth on an order for the Service(s)and terminate such Service(s)at the recognized point of demarcation.The point ofdemarcation shall be the point where the Company's facilities end and the Customer's premises wiring begins.The Company is not responsible for the Customer's premises wiring beyond the point ofdemarcation. 2.3.7 The Company directly controls all facilities provided under this price list. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 13 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.4 Unauthorized Use 2.4.1 The Customer is liable for all unauthorized and/or fraudulent use ofService by Users and the Company retains the right to analyze any and all information at its disposal,including credit surveys,call detail records and any other information to confirm unauthorized use. 2.4.2 The Customer shall pay for unauthorized or fraudulent use of service at the Company's highest usage charges applied to networkusage and attempted network usage,whether or not a terminating connection was achieved,plus all costs incurred by the Company to detect, discover,observe,investigate,analyze,examine and locate the party responsible for unauthorized or fraudulent use. 2.4.3 The Company reserves the right to suspend or discontinue service to specific locations,when it has a good faith reason to suspect fraudulent use of its facilities. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 14 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.5 Limitations 2.5.1 Service is offered subject to the availability offacilities and the provisions ofthis price list. 2.5.2 The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to credit allowances for service outages as set forth in 2.11 of this Price LIst.In no event shall the Company be liable to the Customer or any third party for any consequential,indirect,special,incidental,punitive or similar damages,including without limitation,any loss of profit or revenue arising from or related in any manner to service outages whether or not the Company is aware of the possibility of such damages. 2.5.3 Except as set forth in this Price List,the Company makes no other,and expressly disclaims all,warranties or representations,either express or implied,concerning the service or any content received viathe service and expressly disclaims warranties offitness for a particular use or purpose,the warranty of merchantability and any other warranty implied by law. 2.5.4 The foregoing limitations shall include,but are not limited to: A.availability or performance ofany systems or related facilities under the control of or provided by other entities,even ifthe Company acted as agent in arranging such facilities or service; B.content ofinformation passing through its network,includingthe accuracy or quality of such information; C.unlawful or unauthorized use ofthe Company's facilities or Service; D.breach of the privacy or security of communications transmitted over the Company's facilities; Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 16 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.6 Indemnification Claims against the Company,its directors,officers,employees,representatives and agents who will be held harmless from any and all claims,demands,activities,suits,actions,losses,costs,damages, liabilities,expenses (including court costs,expenses and attorneys'fees)("Claims")incurred by the Company that arise from or incident to any act,negligence or omission on the part ofthe Customer with respect to the Customer's duties hereunder or any conduct of the Customer or employee or representative of the Customer outside the scope ofthe Customer's Agreement with the Company and/or this Price list.The Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer as a result of: 2.6.1 Claims for libel,slander,defamation,invasion of privacy;infringement of copyright or patent;unauthorized use ofany trademark,trade name,or service mark;unfair competition; interference with contract,proprietary or creative right;or any other injury to any person, property or entity arising from the material,data,information or content revealed to,or transmitted,processed,handled,or used by,Company under this Price list. 2.6.2 Claims for damage to an Authorized User's or third party's premises resulting from furnishing service by Company when the damage is not a result ofthe negligent or willful acts ofCompany. 2.6.3 Claims resulting from an act or omission ofthe Customer or Authorized Users. 2.6.4 All other claims arising out ofany act or omission ofthe Customer in connection with any service or facility provided by the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 17 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.6 Indemnification (Cont'd) 2.6.5 Where any claim arises out of the Company acting as a Resp Org or where the Company's Inbound 800 Service is not made available on the date committed,or cannot otherwise be made available after the Company's acceptance ofthe Customer's order,or as provide with a number(s)Claims againstthe Company,its directors,officers,employees,representatives and agents who order,or as provided with a number ornumbers other than the one(s)committed by the Company to the Customer,or the number or numbers are not included in a third party directory assistance data base or are included in an incorrect form,or Vertical Features are not obtained or obtained in error,and any such failure or failures is due solely to the negligence ofthe Company,in such case the Company's liability,if any,is limited to the lesser of(a)the actual monetary damages incurred and proved by the Customer as the direct result of such failure or failures,or (b)the sum of $1,000.00.The Company shall not be liable at all for the use,misuse,or abuse of a Customer's inbound 800 service by third parties,including,without limitation,the Customer's employees or members of the public who dial the Customer's 800 number by mistake.Compensation for any injury the Customer may suffer due to the fault ofothers must be sought from such other parties.In the event that the Company causes the mis-routing ofcalls,the Company's sole liability shall be to provide a credit equal to the charges for the affected calls. 2.6.6 Errors or Damages Caused by System Date Limitation The Company's liability for errors or damage resulting from the inability ofthe Company's systems to process dates,such as the Year 2000,shall be limited to an amount equal to the proportionate amount of the Company's billing for the period of service during which the errors or damages occur. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 18 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.7 Validation of Credit 2.7.1 The Company reserves the right to validate the credit worthiness of Subscribers through available credit verification procedures.Credit shall be deemed established if: A.The applicant demonstrates that he is a satisfactory credit risk by appropriate means including,but not limited to,the production ofsubstantive references that may be quickly and inexpensively checked by the Company; B.The applicant has been a Customer of the Company for a similar type of service within a period oftwenty-four consecutive billings preceding the date ofapplication and during the last twelve consecutive billings for that prior service has not had service discontinued for non-payment of bill or had more than one occasion in which a bill was not paid within the period prescribed by the reasonable regulations ofthe Company on file with the Commission;provided,that the average periodic bill for such previous service was equal to at least fifty per centum ofthat estimated for the new service;and provided further,that the credit of the applicant is unimpaired; C.The applicant furnishes a satisfactory guarantor to secure payment of bills for the service requested in a specified amount not to exceed the amount ofthe cash deposit prescribed in section 2.9 ofthis price list. D.The applicant makes a cash deposit to secure payment ofbills for service prescribed in section 2.9 ofthis price list. E.An applicant for service who previously has been a customer ofthe Company and whose service has been discontinued by the Company during the lasttwelve billings ofthat prior service because ofnonpayment ofbills,may be required to reestablish credit in accordance with section 2.9;except that an applicant for residential service shall not be denied service for failure to pay such bills for classes ofnonresidential servIce. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 19 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.8 Payment Arrangements 2.8.1 Payment for Service The requirements listed below apply to all Customers ofthe Company. A.The Customer is responsible for payment of all Services and facilities,including, calls or Service originated at the Customer's number(s),originated by use ofcalling cards or the Company assigned special billing numbers,and for all installation charges,special charges and surcharges,recurring monthly fees assessed by authorized regulatory agencies or third parties from whom the Company obtains facilities to provide the Services,and all excise,sales,use or similartaxes imposed by any local,state or federal government,including assessments for government­ initiated social objectives. B.The Customer shall not attempt to avoid payment by fraudulent means or devices, schemes,false or invalid numbers,or false calling or credit cards,including,but not limited to,rearranging,tampering with,ormaking connectionsnotauthorized by the Company to any Service or component used to furnish Service,or using Toll Free Service with the intent of gaining access to a the Customer's outbound calling capabilities on an unauthorized basis. C.The security of the Customer's authorization codes is the responsibility of the Customer.All calls placed using such authorization codes shall be billedto and shall be the obligation ofthe Customer.The Customer is responsible for all calls placed via their authorization codes,or otherwise.However,the Customer shall not be responsible for charges in connection with the unauthorized use of authorization codes arising after the Customer notifies the Company of the loss,theft,or other breach ofsecurity of such authorization codes. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 20 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.8 Payment Arrangements (Cont'd.) 2.8.1 Payment for Service (Cont'd.) D.The Customer shall render payment in the amount ofand on orbeforethe date stated on the invoice.All service,installation,monthlyrecurring,andnonrecurring charges are due and payable by the due date specified on the monthly invoice and shall be considered past due ifpayment is not received by the due date.Customers will have a minimum of25 days in which to submit payment to the Company. E.The Company's sole liability with respect to the Customer's overpayment,for whatever reason,is limited to a credit in the amount of the overpayment. F.Ifthe Customer pays via bank draft or credit card draft,the Customer's account will be drafted within 14 days after the conclusion ofthe billing cycle for the full amount due.In order to cancel a bank draft or credit card draft written notification must be received by the Company at least ten (10)business days prior to the conclusion of the Customer's currentbilling cycle.Upon receipt ofnotice to cancel a bank draft or credit card draft,the Customer permits the Company to make all credit inquiries necessary to make a determination regarding the extension of credit terms to the Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 21 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.8 Payment Arrangements (Cont'd.) 2.8.2 Billing and Collection ofCharges The Customer is responsible for payment ofall charges incurred by the Customer or other users for services and facilities furnished to the Customer by the Company including but limited to:use of service by Customer,Customer's agents and/or employees or servants or customers;collect calls accepted at Customer's number;Third Party calls billed to Customer's number;and!or calling card calls or aCompany-assigned specialbillingnumber. A.When billing is based upon Customer usage,usage charges will be billed monthly for the preceding billing period.Recurring monthly subscriber service charges are billed in advance. B.When service does not begin on the first day ofthe month,or end on the last day of the month,the charge for the fraction ofthe month in which service was furnished will be calculated on a pro rata basis.For this purpose,every month is considered to have thirty (30)days. C.The Customer must notify the Company ofany disputed items on an invoice within sixty (60)days ofthe date ofthe invoice.A Customer may advise the Company that all or part of a charge is in dispute by written notice,in person,or by telephone.If the Customer does not provide notice to the Company of a dispute with respect to the amounts invoiced within sixty (60)days ofthe date ofthe invoice,the invoice shall be deemed correct and binding on the Customer for all purposes. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 22 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.8 Payment Arrangements (Cont'd.) 2.8.2 Billing and Collection ofCharges D.In the event a subscriber accumulates more than $250.00 of undisputed delinquent Company Inbound 800 service charges,the Company Resp Org reserves the right to not honor the subscriber's request for a Resp Org change until such undisputed charges are paid in full. E.Ifthe Customer and the Company are unable to resolve the dispute to their mutual satisfaction,the Customer may file a complaint with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in accordance with the Commission's rules ofprocedure.The address ofthe Commission is as follows: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise,ill 83720-0074 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 24 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONTID.) 2.9 Deposits/Advance Payments 2.9.1 Customers unable to establish or maintain their credit worthiness will be required to furnish a deposit in an amount up to the maximum allowed by Commission rules for Service. 2.9.2 The Company reserves the right to periodically review the Customer's credit worthiness and credit terms. 2.9.3 The Company also reserves the right to change credit terms and conditions based on the Customer's payment history and creditworthiness.The Company shallprovide the Customer with ten (10)days written notice prior to a change in terms and conditions of service. 2.9.4 Ifno maximum deposit has been established by law,the Customer will be required to furnish a deposit or advance payment in an amount based upon two (2)month's estimated usage. 2.9.5 The Company will pay interest on such deposit or advance payment at the rate established by the Commission. 2.9.6 The establishment ofcredit shall be governed by Commission rules. 2.9.7 Duplicate Bills A Duplicate Bill Charge will be applied upon a Customer's request for a duplicate copy of the telephone bill.The Company will assess this charge based on an individual case basis (ICB).Requests for duplicate bills can be made either verbally or in writing. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 25 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.10 Service Changes If the Customer requests to move the location to which the Company provides Service and/or requests changes to an existing Service provided bythe Company,the Company will provide Service to the new location and/or accommodate the change in Service to the extent it is technically and economically feasible to do so,as determined in the sole discretion ofthe Company.To request a move ofService from an existing location to a new location,Customer must contact the Company's Customer Care at least 45 days prior to the move.In the event ofa move ofthe location to which the Company provides Service,one or more ofthe following charges may apply: 2.10.1 Move Fee as delineated in Section 4.19; 2.10.2 any out of pocket costs incurred by the Company as a result of the termination of the Services(s)either as a result of a move or a change;and/or 2.10.3 any increase in rates allowed by applicable law. In addition,the Company may require the Customerto sign a new Term Plan Agreement for Service in the new location. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 26 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.11 Interruption of Service 2.11.1 The Customer shall notify the Company immediately in the event of any interruption in Service and shall assist the Company in restoring the Service.The Customer shall notify the Company immediately of its desire to receive a credit allowance for such interruption. Before giving such notice,the Customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not being caused by any action or omission by the Customer within his control,or is not in wiring or equipment,if any,furnished by the Customer and connected to the Company's facilities. 2.11.2 No credit shall be allowed for interruptions that result from the Customer's fault or the Company's testing or regularly scheduled maintenance or for any reason that constitutes Force Majeure as defined in Section 2.18. 2.11.3 For purposes ofcredit computation,every month shall be considered to have 720 hours. 2.11.4 No credit shall be allowed for an interruption ofa continuous duration ofless than two (2) hours. 2.11.5 The Customer shall be credited for an interruption of two (2)hours or more at the rate of 1/720th of the monthly charge for the facilities affected for each hour that the interruption continues. 2.11.6 This credit applies only to monthly recurring charges and does not affect any charges based upon the Customer's actual usage ofthe Service(s).This credit applies against future service only and shall not reduce the amount ofany outstanding balance.All limitations of liability shall apply to the total of all credits issued. Credit =_A__x B 720 "A"=Outage time in hours. liB"=Total monthly fixed,non-usage sensitive charge for affected facility. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 27 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.12 Annual Usage Commitment Level Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an Annual Usage Commitment.The Customer's Annual Usage is established by using the third (3rd)month's actual toll usage,excluding directory assistance,multiplied by twelve (12)months,and multiplying that result by 50%.By the end of the twelfth (12th)month of the Customer's Initial Term of Agreement,usage must be at or above the established Annual Usage Commitment.If the Customer's usage does not meet this requirement,in the thirteenth (13th)month,and atthe end ofthe twelve (12)month period remaining in the Initial Term orRenewal Term as applicable,the Customer willbe billedthe difference between the actual usage level and the predetermined Annual Usage Commitment.The Annual Usage Commitment as described is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge for early termination ofan Initial Term or Renewal Term,as applicable. 2.13 Agreement for Service The initial term of service provided under an Agreement for Service ("AFS")shall be set forth on such AFS.Upon expiration ofthe initial term,the AFS shall automatically renew on the same terms and conditions (including,without limitation,the rates)for successive one (1)year terms unless either party notifies the other of its intention to terminate the AFS at the end of the initial term or renewal term,as the case may be,which such notice shall be in writing and provided to the other party at least thirty (30)days prior to the expiration ofthe initial term or the renewal term,as the case may be.In the event ofsuch notice,the AFS shall terminate upon the expiration ofthe initial term or renewal term,as the case may be.The Customer must follow the process as outlined in Section2.15.6 when notifying the Company of its intent to terminate the AFS at the end of the initial term or renewal term,as the case may be. The Customer shall notify the Company in writing ifthe Customer contact person is changed.The Company reserves the right to reject any Customer termination request received from any person other than the designated Customer contact person. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 28 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.14 Refusal ofService The following may not constitute cause for refusal of service to a present or prospective customer: A.failure ofa prior Customer to pay for service at the premises to be serviced; B.failure to pay for a different class ofservice for a different entity;or C.failure to pay directory advertising charges. 2.15 Cancellation of Service 2.15.1 General If the Customer cancels or terminates an order prior to the installation of Services,the Company shall invoice the Customer and the Customer shall pay to the Company the following:(i)all standard installation charges;and (ii)all costs incurred by the Company in connection with such order,including,without limitation,installation and other costs incurred with third parties with respect to such cancelled Service and labor costs for work performed by the Company employees with respect to such order. Notice for Cancellation of Service by Customer must be provided in compliance with Section 2.15.6. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 29 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.15 Cancellation of Service (Cont'd.) 2.15.2 Cancellation by the Customer without Cause A.Discontinuance Charge.The Customer's rates and discounts,ifany,are provided to the Customer in exchange for the Customer's commitmentto obtainthe Services for the agreed upon term of the Agreement for Service ("AFS").If the Customer terminates all or any part of the Services obtained under the AFS prior to the expiration ofthe initial term or any renewal term then in effect for any reason other than Cause (as set forth in the following 2.15.3 below),then,in addition to payment for all Services rendered through the effective termination date,the Customer shall be liable to the Company for: 1.the Annual Usage Commitment amount remaining unpaid for the remainder of the Initial Term or Renewal Term;or 2.the total of all monthly recurring charges through the end ofthe Initial Term or Renewal Term,as applicable 3.any waived installation charges,the cost of any incentives and any miscellaneous charges incurred for dedicated access,including butnot limitedto engineering fees,expedite fees,carrier and local exchange order fees,change order charges,and miscellaneous configuration charges.In addition,the Company shall be entitled to the cost of collection of the forgoing amounts including,without limitation,court costs,reasonable attorney's fees and interest on past due amounts. Because damages resulting from early termination are difficult to determine,the Discontinuance Charge is a reasonable approximation ofsuch damage and shall be considered a liquidated damage and not a penalty. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 30 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.15 Cancellation of Service (Cont'd.) 2.15.2 Cancellation by the Customer without Cause (Cont'd.) B.Discounts/Incentives Received. Where the Customer received reduced rates or a discount because the Customer subscribed to more than one Service,the Customer's termination ofone Service may result in the forfeiture ofthe Customer's reduced rates or discount for that Service or Services that are not terminated,and the Customer shall be liable to the Company for the amount of discount received by the Customer for the period from the beginning ofthe term ofthe Agreement for such Services up to and including the effective date of the termination ofthe Service or Services terminated. Incentive(s)include but are not limited to free or discounted services,waiver ofany fees (i.e.,installation charges,loop charges),waived rental of equipment,etc.If Customer cancels any service provided under an Incentive in full or in part (i.e., Customer receives a discount for bundled services but cancels one of the services prior to the end ofthe Term),then Customer shall pay any fees Customer would have incurred without the Incentive.Likewise,Customer shall pay the then current rate for any equipment received under an Incentive (i.e.,data CPE:multiplexers, CSUIDSU,routers,etc.)and/or,at the Company's discretion,allowthe Company to retrieve the equipment from the Customer's premise during normal business hours. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 31 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.15 Cancellation of Service (Cont'd.) 2.15.2 Cancellation by the Customer without Cause (Cont'd.) C.Waiver of Discontinuance Charge.To qualifY for a waiver ofthe Discontinuance Charge,the Customer must request and specify,prior to service installation,under which ofthe following circumstances the waiver would be sought: 1.When a Customer,whether single or multi-location,closes its entire business and all business locations and cancels service; 2.When a Customer files for insolvency and liquidation and cancels service.If a Customer maintains the Company's service(s)under other versions,such as Chapter 11 reorganization or Chapter 13,the Customer will not qualifY for this waiver; 3.When a Customer with multiple locations closes a location due to economic conditions; 4.When a Customer with multiple locations closes a location due to a physical move and the Company is unable to provide 100%ofthe service at the new location as was utilized at the original location; 5.When the Customer is being acquired and ownership is changing.In this instance,the original Customer will receive a Waiver of Discontinuance Charge except in the event the AFS is assigned to Customer's acquirer or new ownership. The Customer must notifY the Company in writing a minimum of 60 days in advance of disconnection or termination of service under any of the above conditions.This waiver is not applicable to,and Customer will continue to be responsible for,any previously waived installation charges.Customernotice will be as described in Section 2.15.6. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 32 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.15 Cancellation ofService (Cont'd.) 2.15.3 Cancellation by the Customer with Cause If Customer is not satisfied with any service provided by the Company,Customer shall provide written notice specifying the performance deficiency in the service and allow the Company 20 business days ("Notice Period")to bring the deficient performance to customarily acceptable industry performance standards ("Cure"),or ifnot capable of Cure within such notice period,make reasonable progress toward such Cure during the Notice Period.The written notice must cite this provision and reasonably detail the deficient performance. Should the Customer and the Company agree in writing that the Company failed to provide a cure or make progress toward such cure within the Notice Period,the Company will cancel the Customer's agreement upon request ofthe Customer. If the Customer is receiving multiple types of services,or receiving services at multiple locations,the Customer's right to terminate service(s)as set forth in this section shall be limited to termination ofthe affected service(s)only or at the affected location(s)only. The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for service furnished through the cancellation date specified by the Customer or until the date written cancellation notice is received,whichever is later.The Customer must provide 30 days written notice of cancellation in advance. All written Notices under this section must be submitted by mail,registered,or certified mail,return receipt requested to Customer Care Center,Attn:Disconnect Processing Team, P.O.Box 1301 Arab,AL 35016;or by email with confirmed receipt by the Company to dcsupport@earthlinkbusiness.com;orby facsimile transmission,with confmned receipt by the Company to 1-800-488-1386 and received by the Company 30 days prior to the discontinuance becoming effective. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 33 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.15 Cancellation of Service (Cont'd.) 2.15.4 Cancellation by the Company A.Notice.Upon five (5)days written notice for business customers and ten (10)days written notice for residential customers,the Company may refuse,terminate, discontinue or limit the use of Service (either temporarily or permanently)to the Customer or withhold the provision of ordered or contracted Service,without liability: 1.if any regulated balance is past due; 2.if the Customer exceeds its credit limit and does not cure within the applicable notice period referenced above in this section after receipt of such notice,which such notice may be by phone,mail,fax or e-mail; 3.when necessitated by conditions beyond the Company's control; 4.for violation of any ofthe provisions contained in this price list and/or the Customer's Agreement with the Company,including the Terms and Conditions; 5.for violation of any law,rule,regulation or policy of any governing authority having jurisdiction over the Service; 6.by reason ofany order or decision of a court,public service commission or federal regulatory body or other governing authority prohibiting the Company from furnishing the Service; 7.for use ofobscene,profane or grossly abusive language over or by means of the Company's facilities,or failure,upon reasonably notice,to cease and refrain from such practice. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 34 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.15 Cancellation of Service (Cont'd.) 2.15.4 Cancellation by the Company (Cont'd.) B.Without Notice.In addition,the Company may immediately and without notice terminate and/or block Services without incurring liability for the following reasons: 1.fraud or abuse committed by the Customer or a user of the Customer's Service,such as; a.use ofservice or facilities ofthe Company to transmit a message or to locate a person or otherwise to give or obtain information, without payment to the charge applicable for the service; b.obtaining,or attempting to obtain,or assisting another to obtain or to attempt to obtain,telecommunications service by rearranging, tampering with,or making connection with any facilities of the representation,or false credit device,or by or through any other fraudulent means or device whatsoever,with intent to avoid payment,in whole or in part,ofthe regular charge for such service; c.use offacilities of the Company for a call or calls,anonymous or otherwise,if in a manner reasonably to be expected to frighten, abuse,torment,or harass another; 2.ifthe Customer refuses to furnish information or furnishes false information essential for billing by the Company or for the Company's determination of the Customer's credit worthiness; 3.the Customer indicates that the Customer will not comply with a request from the Company for security for the payment of Services; Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 35 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.15 Cancellation of Service (Cont'd.) 2.15.4 Cancellation by the Company (Cont'd.) B.Without Notice.(Cont'd) 4.the Customer has received notice ofcancellation from the Customer's local Service provider; 5.the Customer's usage exceeds parameters based on historical usage by the Customer; 6.abandonment ofthe Service; 7.if service is used in such a way as to impair or interfere with the service of other subscribers;such improper use includes,but is not limited to,the use of service by a subscriber or with his permission in connection with a plan or contrivance to secure a large volume oftelephone calls,to be directed to such subscriber at or about the same time which may result in preventing, obstructing,or delaying the service ofothers;or, 8.when the Company deems it necessary to take action to prevent unlawful use of its Service(s)such as blocking traffic to certain countries,or by blocking calls using certain Customer Authorization Codes or from or to certain NPA-NXX's. In the event the Company permanently terminates Service to the Customer under this section,any agreement between the Customer and the Company,including Terms and Conditions,shall terminate.The Customer shall be liable for all liquidated damages as set forth in Section 2.15.2 for all Services terminated under this Section. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 36 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.15 Cancellation of Service (Cont'd.) 2.15.4 Cancellation by the Company (Cont'd.) C.Ifthe Company,due to nonpayment,temporarily suspends service and payment is not received within ten (10)days following suspension,the Company reserves the right to discontinue service without further notice.Service disconnected by the Company and later re-installed will be subjectto all applicable installation charges and the Customer may be required to pay such charges prior to reinstallation of servIce. 2.15.5 Final Invoice Upon termination,the Company shall forward a final invoice to the Customer,which such invoice will include,without limitation,all charges (including,without limitation,recurring charges)incurred up to the effective termination date and all applicable liquidated damages. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 37 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.15 Cancellation of Service (Cont'd.) 2.15.6 Company Contact Information for Cancellation The Customer must use the following information/addresses for all cancellation and disconnect requests: A.US Mail (registered,certified or return receipt requested)-DeltaCom,Inc.d/b/a EarthLink Business,Customer Care Center,Attn:Disconnect Processing Team,P. O.Box 1301,Arab,Alabama 35016 B.Email.withconfirmedreceiptbyDeltaCom-dcsupport@earthlinkbusiness.com. C.Facsimile,with confirmed receipt by the Company -1-800-488-1386 D.Such request shall include all ofthe following that apply: 1.an itemized list of the Service(s)that Customer wishes to disconnect; 2.the Customer's account number; 3.affected circuit ill's; 4.affected telephone numbers;and, 5.the Customer contact information (i.e.,name,address,telephone number, fax number,and email address). Ifrequested by Company,the Customer mustbe able to provide confmnation that one ofthe above methods was used in providing a disconnection/cancellation notice to the Company. All notices of disconnect must be received by the Company thirty (30)days prior to the discontinuance becoming effective. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 38 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.16 Specific Regulations for Toll Free Services 2.16.1 The Company reserves the right to require an applicant for DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service to supply the following information requesting service:an initial traffic forecast, identification of anticipated busy hour,identification ofits geographical marketing target areas,and a schedule of marketing and promotional activities.The Company may also require that a new traffic forecast be submitted by the Customer quarterly after service is initiated. A.DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service is furnished upon condition that the Customer contracts for adequate facilities to permit the use ofservice without injurious effects upon it or any service rendered by the Company.The Company may terminate or refuse to furnish DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service to any applicant,without incurring any liability and without notice to the Customer,if the use of the service would interfere with or impair any service rendered by the Company. B.The Customer must obtain an adequate number of access lines for DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service to handle the Customer's expected demand in orderto prevent interference or impairment of this service or any other service provided by the Company considering:(a)total call volume;(b)average call duration;(c)time-of­ day characteristics;and (d)peak calling period.The Company,without incurring any liability and without notice to the Customer,may disconnect or refuse to furnish DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service to any Customer that fails to comply with these conditions. 2.16.2 Each DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service telephone number must be placed in actual and substantial use by the Customer."Substantial use"shall mean a pattern of use that demonstrates an intent on the Customer's part to employ the number for the purpose for which it was intended;namely,to allow callers to reach the Customer,as indicated,for example,by at least thirty (30)average monthly minutes ofuse or more.Any 800 telephone number associated with DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service that has not been placed in actual and substantial use during the first thirty (30)day period after service activation may be re­ designated as a spare number in the SMS 800 database by DeltaCom,upon written notice to the Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 39 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.16 Specific Regulations for Inbound 800 Services (Cont'd.) 2.16.3 If the Customer requests assignment of a specific 800 Service telephone number,the Company may require the Customer to submit a number reservation agreement form to the Company.At no time maya Customer have more than ten (10)numbers reserved.Any reservation shall be for no more than thirty (30)days and shall be subjectto a reservation fee that will be credited to the Customer's unpaid balance after DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service has been in actual and substantial use for a consecutive thirty (30)day period.Nothing inthis section,or in any other provision ofthis price list,or in any marketing materials issued by or on behalfofthe Company,shall give any person,including prospective customers who have reserved 800 telephone numbers hereunder or Customers who subscribe to and use DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service or their transferee or assigns,any ownership interest or proprietary right in any particular 800 number;however,upon placing as defined above, De1taCom Inbound 800 Service Customers do have a controlling interest in this 800number(s).DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service Customers may retain the use oftheir 800 number assignments,even following changes in their 800 carrier and/or Resp Org. 2.16.4 If a Customer places an order for the Company to carry Customer's already existing 800 number service,the Customer shall provide to the Company the contact names,telephone number and address of the Customer's Responsible Organization (Resp Org).Upon subscription to DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service,the Customer may execute a Letter of Authorization to transferResp Org responsibility ofits 800 number(s)to the Company Resp Org.Ifthe Customer elects to retain anon-Company Resp Org,the Customer must notifYthe Company of any changes in the Customer's Resp Org,in writing,within forty-eight (48) hours of the change.The Customer is responsible for all outstanding indebtedness for services provided by a previous Resp Org or 800 service carrier.The Company assumes no responsibility or liability with respect to any obligations ofthe Customer to such previous service providers existing at the time oftransfer to the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 40 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.16 Specific Regulations for Inbound 800 Services (Cont'd.) 2.16.5 It is the Customer's responsibility to provide answer supervision back to the Company's point ofconnection even when the DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service is connected to switching equipment or a Customer-provided communications system.In such case,the equipment or system must provide appropriate supervision so that the measure ofchargeable time begins upon answer of the call to the Customer's switching equipment or communications system and ends upon termination of the cal1. 2.16.6 Subject to execution of a Resp Org Service Agreement between the Company and the Customer,the the Company Resp Org will perform the function of Resp Org for all DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service orders unless the Customer requests another Resp Org. DeltaCom Resp Org functions include:(a)search for and reservation of800 numbers in the SMS/800;(b)creating and maintaining the 800 number customer record in the SMS/800; and (c)provision ofa single point ofcontact for trouble reporting. A.Where the Company serves as the Resp Org for a DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service Customer,the Company will,at the Customer's request,subscribe to 800 Directory Listing for the 800 number(s)assigned to the Customer.A charge for 800 Directory Listings may apply as set forth in Section 4 of this price list.In the event that a Customer transfers its 800 service to another Resp Org,the Company shall cease to subscribe to 800 Directory Listing Service on behalf of the Customer and the Customer is responsible for assuring that 800 Directory Listing Service is maintained through the new Resp Org.The Customer is responsible for payment of any outstanding 800 Directory Listing charges,including any unexpired portion of any minimum period applicable to such service,and the Company shall have no liability for any interruption or other delay,error,mistake,omission or other defect occurring in connection with the transfer of 800 Directory Listing responsibility. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 41 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.16 Specific Regulations for Inbound 800 Services (Cont'd.) 2.16.6 (Cont'd.) B.Where the Company serves as the Resp Org for a DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service Customer,it will at the Customer's request,subscribe to Vertical Features obtained from Local Exchange Company access tariffs.When a DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service Customer uses Vertical Features obtained by the Company from Local Exchange Company tariffs,the Customer shall reimburse the Company for all such charges imposed by a Local Exchange Company.These charges may not be counted toward the attainment of any volume or revenue commitment and will not be discounted. C.In the event that a Customer cancels its DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service,the Customer may elect to retain the Company as its Resp Org.Where the Company serves as Resp Org for anon-DeltaCom Inbound 800 Service customer,a charge for Resp Org service will apply. D.In the eventthat a Customer cancels its Company Resp Org or Inbound 800 Service, the Customer shall be responsible for all outstanding indebtedness to the Company and any outstanding charges applicable to any service obtained by or on behalf of the Customer by the Company. E.The Company will participate in porting toll-free numbers only if the account balance is zero and all charges incurred as a result ofthe toll-free number have been paid. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 42 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.17 Restoration of Service 2.17.1 Service suspended by the Company and later restored,will be subject to a $50.00 reconnection fee.Service disconnected by the Company and later re-installed,will be subject to all applicable installation charges,and the Customer will pay such charges prior to reinstallation of service. 2.17.2 The use and restoration of certain telecommunications services in emergencies shall be in accordance with the priority system specified in Part 64,Subpart D of the Rules and Regulations ofthe Federal Communications Commission. 2.18 Force Majeure The Company's performance hereunder shall be excused in the event of any delay or failure of performance or equipment due to causes beyond the Company's control,including,butnot limitedto, acts of God,fires,floods,earthquakes,hurricanes,or other catastrophes,national emergencies, insurrections,riots,wars,or other civil commotions,strikes,lockouts,work stoppages or other labor difficulties,criminal actions taken against the Company,cable cuts,unavailability,failure, interruption or capacity limitations oftelecommunications facilities or transmission links (digital or analog)and any law,order,regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof. 2.19 Disconnection ofExisting Service(s)and Vendor Change(s) The Customer is responsible for disconnection of services with the Customer's existing telecommunications provider.The Company is not responsible for any fees or other charges assessed against the Customer by the Customer's existing provider for termination of service obtained from such provider or the Customer's failure to terminate services with such provider.In addition,the Customer is responsible for all charges assessed by the Customer's phone system vendor and other third parties incurred in connection with the installation or alteration of the Company Services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 43 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.20 Assignments The Company directly controls all facilities provided under this price list.The Customer may not transfer or assign the Customer's Agreement with the Company,including the Terms and Conditions, or use ofany ofthe Services (including resale and subtending ofInternet service)without the written consent of the Company,which such consent shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the Company.Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption ofthe use or location ofthe service or facilities.All regulations and conditions contained in this Price list shall be binding on the Customer and his/her respective personal and legal representatives,successors and permitted assigns. 2.21 Special Service Labor and expenditures required by Customer to provide service outside the scope of normal services.This class ofservice includes,without limitation,services whereby Company is required to incur unusual costs for engineering,purchases,labor or other related costs to provide the Customer­ requested service. 2.22 Individual Case Basis (ICB)Arrangements Competitive pricing arrangements at negotiated rates may be furnished on an ICB arrangement in response to requests by customers to the Company,for proposals or for competitive bids.Service offered under this price list provision will be provided to the Customer pursuant to contract and subject to the Commission's rules and regulations.Unless otherwise specified,the regulations for such arrangements are in addition to the applicable regulations and prices in other sections of this price list.Specialized rates or charges will be made available to similarly situated customers on a nondiscriminatory basis. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 44 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.23 Modification Company reserves the right to modify its rates and service policies at any time,subject to approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and compliance with applicable notification requirements. 2.24 Taxes All state and local taxes (i.e.,gross receipts tax,sales tax,municipal and county utilities tax)are listed as separate line items,are not included in the quoted rates,and are the responsibility ofthe Customer.The Customer is also responsible for the payment ofany use,excise,access,franchise and license fees or other local,state and federal taxes,charges or surcharges (however designated) excluding taxes on the Company's net income,imposed on or based upon the provision,sale or use of services.Any taxes imposed by a local jurisdiction will only be recovered from those Customers located in the affectedjurisdiction.It shall be the responsibility ofthe Customer to pay any such taxes that subsequently become applicable retroactively. 2.25 Payphone Surcharge In order to recover the Company's expenses to comply with the FCC's payphone compensation plan (FCC 97-271)and amended by Report and Order (FCC 04-182),an undiscountable per call charge is applicable to all interstate,intrastate and international calls that originate from any domestic pay telephone used to access the Company's services. Charge per call:$0.60 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 45 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.26 Return Check Charge A return check charge in an amount consistent with applicable state law will be assessed for all checks returned by a bank or other [mancial institution for:Insufficient or uncollected funds,closed account,apparent tampering,missing signature or endorsement,or any other insufficiency or discrepancy necessitating return of the instrument at the discretion of the drawee bank or other [mancial institution. A fee of$20.00 will be charged for returned checks. 2.27 Other Charges The Company may adjust its rates and charges or impose additional rates orcharges on its Customers in order to recover amounts it is required by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities to contribute to regulatory programs.Examples of such programs include,but are not limited to, Telecommunications Relay Service,E911,Universal Service Fund,transport interconnection charges,residual interconnection charges and subscriber line charges. 2.28 Designation ofCompany Contact The Customer is required to designate a contact person to the Company who is empowered to transact all correspondence with the Company regarding the Customer's account.Specifically,the Customer Contact will be responsible for corresponding with the Company on all moves,adds, changes,disputes and cancellation requests.The Company will neither accept nor be bound by any request not submitted by the specified Company Contact.Any change by the Customer pertaining to the Company Contact must be provided to the Company in either written or verbal format. 2.29 Discounts The Company in its sole discretion may determine the method for calculating any discounts or incentives applicable to the Customer's account. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 46 Issued:October 4,2011 3.1 General Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE The Company provides direct dialed,travel card and operator assisted long distance telecommunications services originating and terminating within the State of Idaho.Rates for these services may vary by product type,call duration,mileage and time ofday.All services are available 24 hours a day,seven days a week. 3.1.1 Minimum Call Completion Rate A Customer can expect a call completion rate (number ofcalls completed/number ofcalls attempted)ofnot less than 99%during peak use periods for all services. 3.2 Timing of Calls Long distance charges are based on the actual usage of the Company's network.Chargeable time begins when the called party answers,or when the billed party ofa collect or person call accepts the charges.Chargeable time ends when either party disconnects. Unless otherwise specified in this price list the minimum call duration and rounding of calls for measurement and billing purposes is one minute. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 47 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONTID.) 3.2 Timing of Calls (Cont'd.) Computation of Charges For the computation of charges,the duration of each call is measured and rounded up to the applicable billing increment,then multiplied by the applicable rate and ifthe computed charge for any individual call results in a fraction ofa cent,the fraction is then rounded up to the next whole cent on a per call basis.For example,a service may provide that each call will be charged a minimum of 18 seconds and thereafter timed in 6-second increments;therefore,under this example,a 10­ second call will be rounded up to 18 seconds (0.3 minutes),and a 44-second call will be rounded up to 48 seconds (0.8 minutes).If,after multiplying the billing increment by the applicable rate,the computed charge for an individual call results in a fraction ofa cent,the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent (for example,$1.523 would round up to $1.53).Once the charge for each call is computed as described above,the calls are summed on the Customer's invoice. There is no billing applied for incomplete calls. The appropriate rates apply for day,evening and night/weekend calls based on the following chart. Times I Kifon I Tues I Wed I Tfiur I Fri Sat I Sun 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Daytime Period 5:00 pm to 11 :00 pm Evening Period I Eve. 11:00 pm to 8:00 am Nigfit/Weekend Period Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 48 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.2 Timing of Calls (continued) The appropriate rates apply for Peak and Non-Peak calls based on the following chart. Times I Mon I Tues I Wed I Thur I Fri Sat I Sun 8:00 am to Peak Period 5:00 pm* 5:00 pm to Non-Peak Period 8:00 am* * -up to but not including The evening rates apply to the holidays listed below unless a lower rate normally applies: New Year's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day 3.3 Calculation ofDistance January 1 Nationally Recognized Day July 4 Nationally Recognized Day Christmas Day Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance betweenrate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula belowto the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centers involved.The Company uses the rate centers and associated vertical and horizontal coordinates that are produced by Bell Communications Research in the NPA-NXX V & H Coordinates Tape and Bell's NECA TariffNo.4. Formula: I VI -V2 I 2 +I HI-H2 I 2 10 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 49 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.4 Operator Services Operator Service is provided by the Company's underlying carrier in the state ofIdaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 50 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.5 Aspect Aspect is intended only for new Customers.However,a current Customer may convert their current service to Aspect ifone ofthe following conditions applies: Ifthe Customer chooses to convert their service within the initial 90 days of their current term,ifthe Customer agrees to enter into a new term agreement,equal to or greater length than,their present term agreement; Ifthe Customer's present term is within six (6)months of expiration; Ifthe Customer has not entered into a term agreement;or If the Customer is adding multiple locations and/or new products that will result in an increase in the existing account by 50%or more,and the Customer enters into a new term of equal or greater length than their present term. Conversions will occur only at the Customer's bill cycle. All Aspect calls are rated based on flat rates and duration of the call.Calls are timed in six (6) second increments after the initial eighteen (18)seconds ofthe call.Service rates are the same for inbound and outbound calls but may be different for Customers who choose to enter into a term agreement for a period of 12,24 or 36 months.Discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 5%,7%,and 10%,respectively,oftheir total monthly usage.The term begins when the Customer's first usage occurs,rather than on the "signed"date ofthe term agreement.There is no minimum usage requirement for Customers who do not enter into a term agreement. Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number.A surcharge will apply per call billed to a calling card. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 51 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.6 Inbound 800 Service Features 3.6.1 Directory Listing This service permits an inbound 800 subscriber's 1-800-XXX-XXXX number to be placed into a third party database and made available to the general public upon request.A flat monthly recurring charge applies and an installationcharge is applicableto the initial loading of the subscriber's 800 number to the third party database. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 52 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.7 Enhanced Toll Free Services The following features may be obtained as an enhancement to an Inbound 800 Services described within this price list.The rates for the following features shall be in lieu ofthe subscriber's rates for Inbound 800 Service. 3.7.1 Enhanced Toll Free Routing Package Enhanced Toll Free Package provides customers with the following features,as described below:Time of Day Routing,Holiday Routing,Pint of Origination Routing,Toll Free Blocking and Percent Allocation.These features can be used ifthe Customer subscribes to the Enhanced Toll Free Routing Package,or purchased a la carte,as defmed below.The monthly recurring,and installation charges apply per toll free number,regardless of the number of features ordered.Change charges apply for each subsequent change request in routing. A.Time ofDay Routing This feature permitsthe inbound 800 subscriber to arrange for calls to a single toll free service number to be routed to different locations based on aCustomer-defined time of day.The number of time of day routing schedules are subject to the Company's capacity to process and store routing schedules.The monthly recurring and installation charges apply pertoll free number.Change charges apply for each subsequent change request in routing. B.Day ofWeek Routing This feature permitsthe Inbound 800 subscriber to arrange for calls to a single toll free number to be routed to different locations based on the particular day ofthe week.The subscriber can establish a different routing arrangement for each day ofthe week,with a maximum of seven unique routing schemes.The monthly recurring and installation charges apply per toll free number.Change charges apply for each subsequent change request in routing Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 53 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.7 Enhanced Toll Free Services (Cont'd.) 3.7.1 Enhanced Toll Free Routing Package (Cont'd.) C.Holiday Routing This feature permits the Inbound 800 subscriberto arrange for calls to a single toll free number to be routed to different location based on a holiday schedule or a particular day of the year.The subscriber can establish holiday routing using a Company pre­ determined listing offederal or business holidays.The subscriber is allowed three day of year entries.The monthly recurring and installation charges apply per toll free number.Change charges apply for each subsequent change request in routing. D.Point of Origination Routing This feature permits the Inbound 800 subscriber to arrange for calls to a single toll free number to be routed to different location based on the origination of the caller.The subscriber can establish pointoforigination routing using a Companymost commonly used serving area index,or by identifying specific area codes (NPA)and exchanges (NXX).The monthly recurring and installation charges apply per toll free number. Change charges apply for each subsequent change request in routing. E.Toll Free Blocking This feature permits the Inbound 800 subscriber to arrange for callsto a single toll free number to be blocked based on the origination of the caller.The subscriber can establish toll free blocking using a Company most commonly used serving area index, or by identifying specific area codes (NPA)and exchanges (NXX).The monthly recurring,and installation charges apply per toll free number.Change charges apply for each subsequent change request in routing. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 54 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.7 Enhanced Toll Free Services (Cont'd.) 3.7.1 Enhanced Toll Free Routing Package (Cont'd.) F.Percent Allocation This feature permits the Inbound 800 subscriber to arrange for calls to a single toll free number to route various percentages ofcalls to two or more locations.The subscriber must establish a call allocation pattern where each percentage is a whole number and the total allocation equals 100 percent.The monthly recurring and installation charge apply per toll free number.Change charges apply for each subsequent change request in routing. 3.7.2 Toll Free with Call Completion This feature permits the Inbound 800 subscriber to play pre-recorded audio messages to callers informing them ofspecific business conditions.The subscriber has four pre-recorded audio messages to choose from.The installation charge and monthly recurring charge applies to these pre-recorded messages.Customization ofthese audio messages (including foreign languages)will incur an additional Customized Announcement Creation installation charge. 3.7.3 Toll Free with Route Advance This feature permits the dedicated Inbound 800 subscriber to control potential congestion of toll free calls by sending the overflow calls from one dedicated line to a switched line or from one dedicated line to another dedicated line,allowing for maximum completion of incoming toll free calls.The subscriber can route advance a call to a maximum of five alternate locations.Installation,monthly recurring and change charge apply. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 55 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.7 Enhanced Toll Free Services (Cont'd.) 3.7.4 Toll Free with DNIS Delivery This feature permits a dedicated Inbound 800 subscriber with multiple toll free numbers terminating in the same location to identify the specific toll free number dialed bythe calling party.Both installation and change charges apply.Change charges apply for subsequent changes in routing,after the initial service has been installed. 3.7.5 Toll Free with Real Time ANI Delivery Real time automatic number identification (ANI)service is a dedicated inbound 800 feature which identifies the calling party's telephone number to the Inbound 800 subscriber, provided the terminating subscriber's Inbound 800 equipment is appropriately equipped and compatible to receive ANI from the company.A per call delivered charge is assessed for Real Time ANI delivery.Change charges apply for each subsequent change to the initial service installation. 3.7.6 Toll Free with Menu-Prompted Routing This feature permits the Inbound 800 subscriber to route calls based on the number dialed by the caller.Menu-Prompted Routing is a network-based voice response system that instructs the call to dial a key to be directed to the location ofchoice.The audio messagethat provided caller instructions is customizable.The subscriber can create up to three levels of voice response processing.Both installation and monthly recurring charges apply.Change charges apply for each subsequent change to the initial service installation. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 56 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.8 Directory Assistance Services 3.8.1 Directory Assistance Directory Assistance provides the calling party with the ability to obtain name,address and/or telephone number for a listed telephone subscriber.Directory Assistance is reached by dialing 1+area code +555-1212.Up to two subscriberlistings,within the area code dialed, may be obtained on each call to Directory Assistance.A Directory Assistance charge will be applicable for each Directory Assistance call whether or not the subscriber information was available (e.g.,when the requested telephone number is unlisted,non-published or no record can be found).A credit will be given for calls to Directory Assistance when: the Customer is unable to use a telephone directory because of visual or physical handicap;however,must be for personal use and billed to the handicapped Customer's residential telephone number, the Customer experiences poor transmission or is cut-off during the call, the Customer is given an incorrect telephone number,or the Customer inadvertently misdials (e.g.the caller dialed 1-205-555-1212 when they intended to dial 1-202-555-1212). Customers may receive credit by notifying the company's business office. 3.8.2 Directory Assistance Call Completion Directory Assistance Call Completion (DACe)is an optional service available for business and residential Customers accessing the Company's DirectoryAssistance Service.Directory Assistance Customers may choose to have the Company Directory Assistance Operator complete the call to the telephone number requested without requiring the Customerto redial the number.A Directory Assistance Call Completion Surcharge will apply whether ornot the call is answered by the called party or the callingparty receives a busy signal.These charges are in addition to the Directory Assistance charge for determining the telephone number requested by the Customer and in additional to any applicable Operator Service charges associated with placing the call. This service is available where facilities permit and may not be available to all customers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 57 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.9 DeltaCom Business Connections Option 1 This product is designed for customers whose monthly usage is less than $400 at the time ofsigning a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance,operator services or recurring monthly feature charges do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call.Business Connections Option 1 Switched customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or 36 month term agreement.Discounts available to the customer for the term periods listed are 0%,3%or 7%,respectively,offtheir total monthly usage. Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level"as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section2,for early termination ofanInitial Term or Renewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number and dedicated access services.Data circuits require a minimum 12-month term agreement. 3.10 DeltaCom Business Connections Option 2 This product is designed for customers whose monthly usage is between $400 and $1,499 at the time ofsigning a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance,operator services or recurring monthly feature charges do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call.Business Connections Option2 Switched customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or 36 month term agreement.Discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 13%,17%or 21%,respectively,off their total monthly usage. Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level"as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section 2,for early termination ofan Initial Term or Renewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 58 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.11 DeltaCom Business Connections Option 3 This product is designed for customers whose monthly usage is $1,500 or more at the time ofsigning a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance,operator service or recurring monthly feature charges do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call.Business Connections Option 3 Switched customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or 36 month term agreement.Discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 19%,22%or 28%,respectively,offtheir total monthly usage. 3.12 DeltaCom EnterpriseLD Switched Option 1 This product is designed for customers whose monthly usage is less than $400 at the time ofsigning a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance or operator services do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call. EnterpriseLD Option 1 Switched Customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or 36 month term agreement.Discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 5%,9%or 13%, respectively,offtheir total monthly usage. Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level",as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section2,for early termination ofan Initial Term or Renewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 59 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.13 DeltaCom EnterpriseLD Switched Option 2 This product is designed for Customers whose monthly usage is above $400 at the time of signing a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance or operator services do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call. EnterpriseLD Option 2 Switched Customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or 36 month term agreement and discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 10%,13%or 19%, respectively,offtheir total monthly usage. Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level",as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section 2,for early termination ofan Initial Term or Renewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number. 3.14 DeltaCom EnterpriseLD Dedicated Option 5 This product is designed for customers whose monthly usage is above $5,000 at the time ofsigning a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance or operator services do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call. EnterpriseLD Dedicated Option 5 customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or 36 month term agreement and discounts available to the customer for the term periods listed are 21%,25%or 28%,respectively,off their total monthly usage Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level",as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section2,for early termination ofan Initial Term or Renewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number and dedicated access services.Data circuits require a minimum 12-month term agreement. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 60 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.15 DeltaCom HorizonLD Switched Option 1 This product is designed for Customers whose monthly usage is less than $400 at the time of signing a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance or operator services do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initia118 seconds ofthe call.HorizonLD Option 1 Switched Customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or 36 month term agreement and discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 5%,9%or 13%, respectively,offtheir total monthly usage. Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level",as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section 2,for early termination ofan Initial Term orRenewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number. 3.16 DeltaCom HorizonLD Switched Option 2 This product is designed for customers whose monthly usage is above $400 at the time of signing a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance or operator services do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call. HorizonLD Option 2 Switched customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or 36 month term agreement.Discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 10%,13%or 19%, respectively,off their total monthly usage. Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level",as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section 2,for earlytermination ofan Initial Term or Renewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 61 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.17 DeltaCom HorizonLD Dedicated Option 3 This product is designed for customers whose monthly usage is less than $1,500 at the time of signing a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance or operator services do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call.HorizonLD Dedicated Option 3 customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or36 month term agreement.Discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 0%,2%or 5%,respectively,off their total monthly usage. Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level",as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section 2,for early termination ofan Initial Term or Renewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number and dedicated access services.Datacircuits require a minimum l2-month term agreement. 3.18 DeltaCom HorizonLD Dedicated Option 4 This product is designed for customers whose monthly usage is between $1,500 and $4,999 at the time ofsigning a service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance or operatorservices do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call.HorizonLD Dedicated Option 4 customers may chooseto enterinto a 12,24 or36 month term agreement.Discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 15%,20% or 25%,respectively,off their total monthly usage. Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level",as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section2,for early termination ofan Initial Term or Renewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number and dedicated access services.Data circuits require a minimum l2-month term agreement. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 62 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.19 DeltaCom HorizonLD Dedicated Option 5 This product is designed for customers whose monthly usage is above $5,000 at the time ofsigninga service term agreement.Charges for directory assistance or operator services do not contribute to the volume usage level.All calls are timed in 6 second increments after the initial 18 seconds ofthe call. HorizonLD Dedicated Option 5 customers may choose to enter into a 12,24 or 36 month term agreement.Discounts available to the Customer for the term periods listed are 21 %,25%or 28%, respectively,off their total monthly usage. Customers who enter into a term agreement must meet an "Annual Usage Commitment Level",as described in Section 2.12.The Annual Usage Commitment is used in the calculation of the Discontinuance Charge,as described in Section 2,for early termination ofan Initial Term orRenewal Term.The Customer is responsible for payment of usage charges up to the date of effective cancellation as well as any installation charges and any incentives received during the term.Monthly recurring charges apply for each toll free number and dedicated access services.Data circuits require a minimum 12-month term agreement. 3.20 Associations Program The Associations Program is available to new customers,and/or existing customers with expired term agreements,which are members ofa recognized professional or trade association.Eligible customers will receive an additional 3%discount offlocal,long distance,and Internet service,excluding taxes, nonrecurring charges,operator assistance,directory assistance,regulatory line charges and/or surcharges.Certification ofAssociation membership is required and will be verified periodically. Misrepresentation of membership could result in removal of discounts. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 63 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D.) 3.21 LD Rewards LD Rewards Switched Long Distance is a direct dialed outbound long distance and toll free service designed for existing Company Business Customers who are re-terming their long distance services. Customers who committo a minimum monthly volume level will receive rates as specified in Section 4.18.The volume level commitment is based on the Customer's total usage charges during a monthly billing period.Eligible usage includes Customer's outbound and toll free domestic calls. Per minute intrastate and interstate rates are set forth in Section 4.18 of this price list and apply exclusively to outbound and toll free domestic traffic.International,Directory Assistance and Operator Services calls are not eligible to receive the rates as specified in Section 4.18. A minimum one-year term agreement is required for this service.No additional discounts will be applied to the rates as specified in Section 4.18. No other charges,including taxes and the monthly fee,ifapplicable,will be eligible in attaining the commitment.Ifthe total monthly usage does not meet the minimum volume commitment level,the Customer will be billed an amount that will meet the minimum volume commitment level.The amount will appear as a separate line item on the customer's bill and will be identified as "Volume Level Shortfall Amount."Taxes and surcharges apply to the Volume Level Shortfall Amount. Customers with multiple locations and/or multiple accounts in a group account will be evaluated on an individual account basis. Discontinuance provisions apply as set forth in Section 2,except that,in place ofthe Annual Usage Commitment Level in the Discontinuance Charge calculation,Customers who sign aterm agreement will be charged an amount equal to the monthly volume level commitment amount multiplied by the number ofmonths remaining in the term,on a per-location basis.This discontinuance penalty applies at the time of cancellation regardless of amounts paid in excess ofprevious months'volume level commitment.In addition,the Company will seek repayment of all monthly and nonrecurring fees waived through the date of cancellation.In the event Customer is unable to continue to meet the percentage usage requirements for this product and service is terminated by the Company,no discontinuance charges will be assessed.If customer chooses to transfer service to an alternate product and service is subsequently terminated,Discontinuance Charges will apply under the new product. Calls are billed in six (6)second increments following an initial billing period of eighteen (18) seconds.International service is offered in conjunction with intrastate and interstate service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 65 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (CONT'D.) 4.2 Inbound Toll Free Service Features 4.2.1 Directory Listing Monthly Recurring Charge Installation Charge: $0.00 $0.00 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 2 d/b/a EarthLink Business 1st Revised Page 66 1375 Peachtree Street, Level A Cancels Original Page 66 Atlanta, GA 30309 Issued by: Vice President, Tax Issued: December 20, 2013 Effective: January 1, 2014 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES (CONT'D.) 4.3 Enhanced Toll Free Feature Service 4.3.1 Enhanced Toll Free Routing Package (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) 4.3.2 Toll Free with Call Completion (I) 4.3.3 Toll Free with Route Advance (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2014 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 2 d/b/a EarthLink Business 1st Revised Page 67 1375 Peachtree Street, Level A Cancels Original Page 67 Atlanta, GA 30309 Issued by: Vice President, Tax Issued: December 20, 2013 Effective: January 1, 2014 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES (CONT'D.) 4.3 Enhanced Toll Free Feature Service (Cont'd.) 4.3.4 Toll Free with DNIS Delivery 4.3.5 Toll free with Real Time ANI Delivery 4.3.6 Toll free with Menu-Prompted Routing (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2014 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 68 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (CONT'D.) 4.4 Directory Assistance Services 4.4.1 Directory Assistance Each Call 4.4.2 Directory Assistance Call Completion $0.85 A.Per Call Completion Rate $0.45 B.Usage Charges: The per minute rate shall be the per minute rate of the 1+plan that the Customer is subscribed to or enrolled in at the time of the call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 78 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (CONT'D.) 4.16 Associations Program Eligible Customers will receive an additional 3%discount offlocal,long distance,and Internet service,excluding taxes,nonrecurring charges,operator services charges,directory assistance, regulatory line charges and/or surcharges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 80 Issued:October 4,2011 5.1 Special Promotions Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 5 -PROMOTIONS The Company will,from time to time,offer special promotions to its Customers waiving certain charges.These promotions will be approved by the PSC with specific starting and ending dates,and under no circumstances run for longer than 120 in any 12 month period. 5.2 Competitive Response Promotion In order to acquire or retain Customers,the Company will match certain offers made by other interexchange carriers/resellers where the Customer can demonstrate to the Company's satisfaction that it intends to accept such offer as an inducement to subscribe to or remain subscribed to such other interexchange carrier's/reseller's services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom,Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business 1375 Peachtree Street,Level A Atlanta,GA 30309 Issued by:Vice President,Tax Idaho Price List No.2 Original Page 81 Issued:October 4,2011 Effective:October 14,2011 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 6 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES 6.1 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 14, 2011 Boise, Idaho DeltaCom, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 2 d/b/a EarthLink Business 1st Revised Page 82 1375 Peachtree Street, Level A Cancels Original Page 82 Atlanta, GA 30309 Issued by: Vice President, Tax Issued: December 20, 2013 Effective: January 1, 2014 INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES PRICE LIST SECTION 7 – MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 7.1 Service Order Charge Absent a promotional offering, service charges will apply to new service orders or to orders to change existing service. 7.2 Special Bill Handling Fee A $25.00 special bill handling fee, plus the cost of labor and materials in excess thereof, will apply to customers who request special bill handling outside of the included monthly remittance available today. 7.3 Minimum Monthly Usage Charge This charge applies to Customers who only subscribe to the Company’s long distance service and whose long distance usage falls below 400 minutes per month. This charge is in addition to the per minute charge billed by the Company for any minutes used below the minimum 400 minutes per month. Minimum Monthly Usage Charge $5.23 (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2014 Boise, Idaho