HomeMy WebLinkAboutDIRECT COMMUNICATIONS.pdfDIRECT COMMVNICA TIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION t. P?ROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7~)2. SECRETARY SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES TOGETHER WITH RULES AND REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO TELEPHONE SERVICE PROVIDED IN THE TERRITORY SERVED BY DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS WITHIN THE STATE OF IDAHO AS FOLLOWS: S: IT ARIFF\ID \4 SOlD RAFI\4 S 0 IPU CJ A D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.U.C. No. 3 4th Revised Sheet No. 2 Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet No. 2 SECTION INDEX Title 1 Index 2-7 Definitions 8-12 General Rules and Regulations 13-21 Application 13 Explanation of Symbols 13 Obligation of Company 14-15 Use of Service and Facilities 15-16 Establishment and Furnishing of Service 17-18 Telephone Directories 18 Establishment and Maintenance of Credit 18-19 Minimum Contract Periods and Termination of Service 19-21 Payment for Service and Facilities 21 Special Service and Facilities 21 Resale of Services 21 Local Measured Rate Service 22-23 Network Access Line Service 24-25.A Idaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge 26 Idaho Telecommunications Relay Service Program 27 Low-Income Assistance Program 28-30.1 (T) Service Connection, Move and Change Charges 31-32 Tribal Link Up 33-34 Off-Premise Extension Service 35 Temporary Suspension Service 35.1 Safety Line Service Bundle 35.2-35.3 Interexchange Private Line 36 Directory Assistance Service 37 Issued: November 2, 2016 Advice Letter: 16-01 Effective: December 2, 2016 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 21, 2016 Dec. 2, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.C. NO. Original Sheet No. Cancels Sheet No. SECTION INDEX (Continued) Directory Listings Direct-Inward-Dialing (DDS) Service Custom Calling Features Advanced Custom Calling Features Centrex Service Payphone Service Automatic Dialing and Announcement Devices (ADAD) Construction Charges Connection with Subscriber-Owned Equipment Trunk Hunting Service Arrangements Busy Verification/Interrupt Service Long Distance Message Restriction-Local Exchange Service Community Volunteer Fire Reporting Systems Basic Emergency 911 Service Wireless Carrier Facilities Radio Carrier Facilities Concurrences Exchange Maps s: IT ARIFF\ID\4 801D RAFI\4 8 0 IPU C3 A DD IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL J2. ~~f.~ SECRETARY 38- 40- 42- 44- 51- 61- 68- 74- 76-76. 77- 79- 82- 90- 100 101 102 DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. Cancels Sheet No. SUBJECT INDEX Subject Access Lines Access to Premises Additional Listings, Directory Adjustments of Charges Advanced Custom Calling Features (ACCF) Alterations Alternate Call Number Listings Application and Explanation of Symbols Application for Service Automatic Dialing and Announcement Devices (ADAD) Availability of Facilities Basic Emergency 911 Service Busy Verification/Interrupt Service Centrex Service Changes, and Moves Change in Telephone Number Community Volunteer Fire Reporting Systems Concurrences Connecting Company Lines, Use of Connections with Subscriber-Owned Equipment Construction Charges Construction, Special Types Credit Cards, Issuance Credit, Establishment of Credit, Discontinuance of Service for Failure to Establish Custom Calling Features (CCF) S: IT ARlPP\IDI4 8 OlD RAFI\4 8 0 IPU CJ ADD C IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 MAY 1- ' ~/7eL J2. SECRETARY 24- 38- 44- 38- 82- 77- 51- 101 74- 68- 68- 42- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. Cancels Sheet No. SUBJECT INDEX (Continued) Subject Defacement of Premises Definitions Deposits Deposits, Interest to be Paid On Direct-Inward-Dial (DID) Service Directories, Telephone Directory Error and Omissions Directory Listing Directory Assistance Service Discontinuance of and Refusal to Establish Service Establishment and Re-Establishment of Credit Deposits . Equipment, Tampering with Exchange Maps Explanation of Symbols Extended Area Service Extra Directory Listings Government Objections to Service Impersonation of Another Indiscriminate Use of Facilities Initial Service Periods and Termination of Service Installation Costs, Unusual Interconnection Policy Interruption of Service Intraexchange Private Line S: IT ARIFF\ID14 BOlD RAFI\4 80 IPU CJ A DDC IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL )2 SECRETARY Sheet No. 40- 38- 18- 18- 102 38- 19- 19- IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 7, 2012 April 1, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 7, 2012 April 1, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL j2 SECRETARY DEFINITIONS Access Line The circuit which travels from the Central Office to the subscriber s premise terminating at the protector which provides direct access to the local exchange and the toll switching networks. Analog Signal An electrical path provided by the Telephone Company between two or more locations. Connection for the carrier s switch or point of connection to the Service Wire Center. Central Office A switching unit providing telecommunications services to the public, designed for terminating and interconnecting lines and trunks Channel The electrical path provided by the Telephone Company between two or more locations. Channel Performance Conditioning to extend signaling on a two-wire analog channel when the Service Wire Center is not the Dial Tone Office. Circuit A Channel used for the transmission of electrical energy in the furnishing of telephone service. Connecting Company A corporation, association, partnership, or individual owning or operating one or more exchanges and with whom traffic is interchanged. Connectivity The equipment at the Dial Tone Office which connects the channel to the Telephone Company switch. Contract The service agreement between a subscriber and the Company under which services and facilities are furnished in accordance with the provisions of the Tariffs applicable. Customer Provided Equipment (CPE) Devices, apparatus and their associated wiring provided by a subscriber for use with facilities furnished by the Company. Dedicated Transport When the Serving Wire Center is not the Dial Tone Office, Dedicated Transport is the transmission path for the switched traffic between the two offices. S; IT ARIPP\ID \4 B olD RAFI\4 80 IPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.C. NO. Original Sheet No. Cancels Sheet No. iDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7~ J2 ~SECRETARY DEFINITIONS (Continued) Dial OutIJulsing Analog equipment at the Dial Tone Office which transmits the digits of the dialed number to the Carrier on land to mobile calls. Dial Tone Office The Telephone Company central office in which the numbers assigned to the Carriers are housed which may be different than the Serving Wire Center. Direct Dialing The capability for a subscriber to dial anywhere in the United States with a series of numbers without operator assistance. Exchange Area The territory served by an Exchange. Extended Areas Service (BAS) Area throughout which an exchange service subscriber makes local calls. Extension and P .x. Station Mileage The charges made for the additional circuit required to furnish such stations beyond the allowable distance ftom the main station or P.x. switchboard. Extension Station An additional station connected on the same circuit as the main station and having the same telephone number as the main station. Extra Listing Any listing of a name or information in connection with a subscriber s telephone number beyond that to which he is entitled in connection with his regular service. Foreign Exchange Directory Listing An alphabetical and directory listing in the directory of an exchange other than the exchange in which a subscriber is furnished local service. Individual Line An exchange line designed for the connection of only one access line. Installation Charge A non-recurring charge made for the placing or furnishing of telephone equipment, which may apply in place of or in addition to Service Connection Charges and other applicable charges for service or equipment. S; IT ARIPP\ID 14 BOlD RAFI\4 80 IPU CJ ADD DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No.1 a Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7eL J2 ~~'(AL..SECRETARY DEFINITIONS (Continued) Interexchange Carrier (IXC) Denotes an entity or corporation engaged for hire in intrastate communication between two or more exchanges. Kev Svstem An arrangement of key-equipped instruments capable of providing intercommunication and multi-trunk communication with the general exchange and interexchange network. Local Channel That portion of a channel which connects a station to the interexchange channel; it also applies to a channel connecting two or more stations within an exchange area. Local Exchange Service Telephone service furnished between subscriber s stations located within the same local service area. Local Message A communication between subscribers' stations within the same Exchange Area. Local Service Area That geographical area throughout which a subscriber obtains telephone service without the payment of a toll charge. Main Station A suitable telephone instrument or station which is connected to a network access line through a Central Office and has a unique telephone number. Mobile Unit Number The number assigned by the Carrier to its patron s wireless message receiving and/or sending device. This may either be a telephone number or another number used only by the carrier network. Network Interface Device A company provided jack or its equivalent. It is the point of connection between the telephone company owned wiring and wiring owned by the customer. Number Activation The act of translating telephone numbers in the Dial Tone Office to allow routing to the appropriate trunk group. Number Reservation The assigning of sequential numbers without activation of the assigned numbers. NXX The three digit prefix (to a standard seven digit local telephone number) of 10 000 telephone numbers within a given area code (NP A) of North American Numbering Plan. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 BOlD RAFI\4 80 IPU CJ ADD DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 11 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~~ j2. ~SECRETARY DEFINITIONS (Continued) Point( s) of Connection (POC) The connection point(s) between the Carrier and the Telephone Company; the technical interface(s), test point(s) and point(s) for operational division of responsibility. Premises All of the building or the adjoining portions of a building occupied and used by the subscriber; or all of the buildings occupied and used by the subscriber as a place of business or residence, which are located on a continuous plot of ground not intersected by a public highway or thoroughfare. Primary Station Synonymous with Main Station. Private Branch Exchange (PBX) An arrangement of equipment used by a subscriber and connected directly to a central office by means of trunk access lines, from which connection is made to stations at various locations or customer premises, thereby providing telecommunications between these stations and also communication with the general exchange system. Private Line A circuit provided to furnish communication only between the two or more telephones directly connected to it, and not having connection with either central office or P.x. switching apparatus. Public Access Line (PAL) Public Access Line (PAL) Service is provided for use with payphone service and provider pay telephone at locations accessible to the pubic, subject to the availability of existing central office facilities. Public Tele~hone An exchange station, either attended or equipped with a coin-collecting device which is installed for the convenience of the public. Radio Carrier Facilities Facilities offered to FCC Part 22 carriers, also referred to as Radio Common Carriers, and to FCC Part 90 carriers, also referred to as Private Carriers. Right Of Way Real property or an interest in real property, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to a telecommunications facility. Serving Wire Center The tenn "Serving Wire Center" denotes the Telephone Company central office from which dial tone for local exchange service would nonnal1y be provided to the customer s premises. S; IT ARIFF\ID14 B OlD RAFI\4 BO IPU CJ AD D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 12 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7"'-)2. ~SECRETARY DEFINITIONS (Continued) Subscriber A person or agency subscribing for telephone service. As used in this Tariff, a separate subscriber is involved at each location, or continuous property, where service is furnished. One individual or firm therefore may be considered as two or more separate subscribers, even in the same Exchange. The privileges, restrictions, and rates established for a subscriber to any class of service are limited to the service at one location; an no group treatment of service at separate locations furnished to one individual or firm, is contemplated or to be implied, except when definitely provided for in the schedules. Tariff The document filed by the Company with the Public Utilities Commission which lists the communication services offered by the Company and the associated rates and charges. Telecommunication Facility Any telecommunication cable, line, fiber, wire, conduit, innerduct, access manhole, handhole, hut pedestal, pole, box, transmitting equipment, receiving equipment, power equipment or other equipment, system and device used to transmit, receive, produce or distribute via wireless, wireline electronic, or optical signal for communication purposes. Telecommunication Facility Provider Any owner or operator of a telecommunication facility. Telephone Station A suitable telephone instrument, consisting of a transmitter, receiver, and associated apparatus, so connected as to permit transmitting of and receiving telephone messages. Toll Message A message from a calling station to a station located in a different local service area. Toll Service Telephone service rendered by the Company between patrons in different local service areas in accordance, with the rates and regulations specified in the Company s Toll Tariff. Trunk A telephone communication channel between (a) two ranks of switching equipment in the same central office, (b) between central office units in the same switching center, or (c) between two switching centers. S;I T ARIPF\ID\4 8 OlD RAFI\4 80 IPU C J ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 13 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~neL J2 SECRETARY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS APPLICATION The rules and regulations specified herein apply to the intrastate services and facilities of the Direct Communications, hereinafter referred to as the Company. Failure on the part of the subscribers to observe these rules and regulations of the Company, after due notice of such failure, automatically gives the Company the authority to discontinue the furnishing of service. In the event of a conflict between any rate, rule, regulation or provision contained in these General Rules and Regulations and any rate, rule, regulation or provision contained in the specified tariffs, the rate, rule, regulations or provision contained in the specific tariffs shall prevail. These tariffs cancel and supersede all other tariffs of the Company issued and effective prior to the effective date of these tariffs. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (C) (D) Signifies a changed regulation. Signifies a discontinued rate, treatment or regulation. (I)Signifies an increased rate or new treatment resulting in increased rate. (N) (R) Signifies a new rate, treatment or regulation. Signifies a reduced rate or new treatment resulting in reduced rates. (T)Signifies a change in text but no change in rate, treatment or regulation. s; IT ARlPP\IDI4 801D RAFI\4 80 IP U CJ A DDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS P. U.C. NO. Original Sheet No. 14 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' j2. ~SECRETARY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) OBLIGATION OF COMPANY Availability of Facilities The Company s obligation to furnish telephone service is dependent upon its ability to secure suitable facilities and to provide such service without unreasonable expense. Interruption of Service An allowance will be made upon notice and demand to the Company for interruption of service not due to subscriber negligence. The company will credit a customer s account by an amount equal to the monthly rate for one month of basic exchange service (Network Access Line Service), if the customer reports an out-of-service condition which has deteriorated service to the extent that the customer cannot make local calls or cannot receive local calls or cannot use the service for voice-grade communications because of cross talk, static or other transmission problems, and service is not restored (1) within sixteen hours after the report of the outage if the customer notifies the Utility that the service outage creates an emergency for the customer or (2) within twenty-four hours after the report of the outage if no emergency exists, except that outages reported between noon on Saturday and 6:00 p.m. on the following Sunday must be restored within forty-eight hours or by 6:00 p.m. on the following Monday, whichever is sooner. The credit will not apply to "out-of-service" conditions resulting from the willful neglect, misuse or abuse by the customer. The credit will not apply to out-of-service" conditions where the outage is in the customer s inside wire or customer s premises equipment. This credit will not apply to "out-of-service conditions resulting from natural disasters, or circumstances beyond control and knowledge of the utility. This credit also will not apply to "out-of-service" conditions where service has been temporarily or permanently discontinued for nonpayment of bills. Directory Errors and Omission The Company endeavors to correctly list customers, their telephone numbers and other information in the local telephone directory. The Company will waive the tariff rate for special directory services in cases in which the company is responsible for directory listing errors. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 801D RAFI\4 8 0 IPU C J A D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 15 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION" ~PROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL J2 ~--(~~ SECRETARY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) OBLIGATION OF COMPANY (Continued) Transmitting Messages The Company does not transmit messages. If, because of transmission difficulties the operator repeats messages between subscribers, the operator is deemed acting as an agent of the subscriber. Use of Connecting Company Lines Lines of other connecting companies may be used to reach points outside the Company area when suitable arrangements can be made. Defacement of Premises The Company will repair or replace any defacement or damage of property due to installation, existence, or removal of Company property, when the damage is the result of negligence of the Company. Adjustment of Charges In case of overbilling, a refund will be made by the Company for the full amount of excess charges when the amount can be determined; when the amount cannot be determined from available records, the maximum refund will not exceed the estimated overbilling over a three year period. In case of underbilling, the company reserves the right to backbill for the deficiency charges up to a period of three years. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES Ownership and Use of Equipment All equipment and lines furnished by the Company are the property of the Company even though located on the subscriber s premises. Company agents or employees shall have the right to enter said premises at any reasonable hour to install or maintain equipment, make collections, or remove equipment. The Company may refuse to install or maintain any service at locations which are hazardous to Company employees. If such service is furnished, the subscriber may be required to install and maintain such service, holding the Company hannless from any claims for damage by reason of the installation and maintenance of this service. S; IT ARlPFIIDI4 8 OlD RAl'I\4 B OIPU CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 16 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- ' J2.. ~ ~~~ SECRETARY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) USE OF SERVICE AND FACILmES (Continued) Interconnection Policy Subscriber-provided terminal equipment may be used and subscriber-provided communication systems may be connected with the facilities furnished by the Company for telecommunications services subject to regulations outlined in other parts of this tariff. In case any unauthorized attachment is made, the Company shall have the right to disconnect, suspend, or terminate the service. Use of Subscriber Service Subscriber telephone service is furnished only for the use by the subscriber, his family, and associates. The Company may refuse to install or permit such service to remain on premises of public or semi-public character. The equipment may be installed at such locations provided the service is located so it is not accessible for public use. Tampering with Equipment The Company may refuse to furnish telephone service when company equipment shows any evidence of tampering for the purpose of obtaining service without payment of charges applicable to the service rendered by the Company. Use of Improper Language or Impersonation of Another The Company may refuse service to anyone who uses or permits abusive or obscene language over Company facilities or impersonates another individual with fraudulent or malicious intent. Governmental Objections to Service The Company may refuse service or discontinue service to anyone upon objection to such service by or behalf of any governmental authority. Indiscriminate Use of Facilities The Company may refuse to furnish service or require upgrading of services provided to any subscriber who allows indiscriminate use of Company facilities except in case of emergencies. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 8 OlD RAFI\4 80 IPU CJ ADD C #017'7 DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 17 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 MAY 1- ' 12 SECRETARY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISI-llNG OF SERVICE Application for Service Application for service must be made on the Company s standard fonD, which becomes a contract when accepted in writing by the Company or upon establishment of service. The subscriber may be required to pay in advance all charges for the first billing period and connection charge if applicable. The conditions of such contracts are subject to all provisions of this and other applicable tariffs. Requests for additional service may be made verbally, if provided in the original contract, and no advance payment will be required. A move within the exchange area is not considered to terminate the contract and orders for such may be made verbally. Telephone Numbers The customer has no property right in the telephone numbers assigned by the company and no right to continuance of service through any particular central office. A customer may retain the number through the use of local number portability providing all costs to forward the number are paid by the customer or the customer local exchange carrier. The company may change the telephone number or c:entral office designation of a customer whenever it considers it desirable in the conduct of its business. When existing service is continued for a new customer, the telephone number assigned to the fonDer customer may be retained by the new customer only: (a) if the fonDer customer consents and properly notifies the company in writing; and (b) if arrangements acceptable to the company are made by the new customer to pay all outstanding charges against the service to the company. Alterations The subscriber agrees to notify the Company of any alterations which will necessitate changes in the Company s wiring; and the subscriber agrees to pay the Company current charges for such changes. Payment of Service The subscriber is required to pay all charges for services rendered by the Company, both exchange and toll in accordance with provisions contained elsewhere in this tariff. The subscriber is responsible for all charges for service rendered at his telephone, including collect charges. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 801D RAFI\4 80 IPU CJ AD D C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 18 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EF!!ECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7~ 12 SECRETARY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) ESTABLISHED AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE (Continued) Maintenance and Repairs The Company shall bear the expense of all repair and maintenance of its facilities except where damage or destruction of its facilities is due to the gross neglect of the subscriber. The subscriber may not rearrange, remove, or disconnect any Company facilities without consent of the Company. Line Extensions Lines will be extended to pennanent customers in accordance with the guidelines established in the Construction Charge section. Where required by the conditions, applicants may be required to provide to the Company suitable private right-of-way parallel to the public highway. Unusual Installation Costs When special conditions or special requirements of the subscriber involve unusual construction or installation costs, the subscriber may be required to pay a reasonably proportionate share of such cost. Title to all facilities constructed and paid for wholly or in part by the subscriber is vested in the Company. Rights of Way and/or Easements The applicant shall, and hereby does, grant to the Company or Telecommunications Facility Provider, a right-of-way and easement over, across and under the property of Applicant to construct, operate and maintain the communications lines and the system of the Company to the place requested for services. The Applicant further grants the Telecommunications Facility Provider access to the right of way for the installation operation, and maintenance of Telecommunication Facility. TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES The Company will furnish to its subscribers; without charge, only such directories as it deems necessary for the efficient use of the service. Other directories will be furnished at the discretion of the Company at a reasonable charge. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 801DRAFI\4 8 0 IPU C J ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 19 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/76.. )2. SECRETARY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF CREDIT Deposits The Company adopts by reference the Telephone Customer Relations Rule codified under IDAPA 31.41.01and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Copies of these Rules and Regulations are on file in the business office and are available for public inspection. Interest to be Paid on Deposits Simple interest, at the rate provided by the Idaho Public Utility Commission, shall accrue from the date of deposit until the date of refund or application to the customer s telephone bill. Reconnection Charge Where service has been terminated by the company in accordance with IPUC Rules and Regulations, the regular non-recurring charges shall apply for reconnection of sefVIce. Issuance of Credit Cards Credit cards will be issued only to those persons living within the Company s service area. Issuance of a credit card will require the establishment of credit as outlined in the Telephone Customer Relations Rule codified under ill AP A 31.41.01. MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIODS AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE Minimum Contract Periods Except as hereinafter provided, the minimum contract period for all services and facilities is one month at the same location. The length of contract period for directory listings, where the listing actually appears in the directory, is the directory period. The directory period is from the day on which the directory is first distributed to the subscribers to the day the succeeding directory is first distributed to subscribers. The Company may require a minimum contract period longer than one month at the same location in connection with special (non-standard) types or arrangements of equipment, or for unusual construction necessary to meet special demands, and involving extra cost. s; 1TARIFF\ID14 801D RAFI\48 0 IPU CJ A D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 20 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL )2 ~ ~b~.A-SECRETARY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIODS AND TERMINATIONS OF SERVICE (Cont' Termination of Service - Subscriber s Request Service may be terminated prior to the expiration of the minimum contract period upon notice being given to the Company, and upon payment of any applicable termination charges, in addition to any applicable charges due for service which has been furnished. In the case of service for which the minimum contract period is one month termination will require that charges due for the balance of the minimum period be paid. In the case of directory listings where the listing has appeared in the directory or where a non-listed or non-published listing has been properly omitted, the charges are due to the end of the directory period, except that in the following cases charges will be continued only to the date of the termination of the extra listing or proper omission with a minimum charge of one month. (1)The Contract for the main service is terminated. (2)The listed party becomes a subscriber to some other class of exchange semce. (3)The listed party moves to a new location. (4)The listed party dies. F or special equipment, the charges will be based on the individual circumstances in each case as agreed upon at the time of installation. Contracts for periods longer than one month covering services whose installation required line extensions may be terminated upon payment of all charges that would accrue to the end of the contract period, or the contract will be transferred to a new applicant who is to occupy the same premises and will subscribe to the service effective on the day following termination by the original subscriber. Service may be terminated after the expiration of the initial contract period, upon the Company being notified, and upon payment of all charges due to the date of termination of the service. S; IT ARIFF\ID14 B OlD RAFI\4 BOIPU CJ A DOC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 21 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' J2 ~SECRETARY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIODS AND TERMINATIONS OF SERVICE (Cont' Termination of Service By The Company The Company adopts by reference the Telephone Customer Relations Rule codified under IDAPA 31.41.01 and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Copies of these Rules and Regulations are on file in the business office and are available for public inspection. PAYMENT FOR SERVICE AND FACILITIES The subscriber shall pay for service and facilities monthly in advance, except all various units of government, and shall pay for Toll Messages (including charges for messenger service), Teletypewriter Exchange Service Message, and Moves and Changes when billed. Failure to receive a bill does not relieve the subscriber of the responsibility for payment in accordance with the provisions set forth herein. All bills for service are due and payable at the office of the Company on or before the fifteenth day following the post marked date of the statement of the month in which the bill is rendered. SPECIAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES Special services and facilities not ordinarily used in the furnishing of telephone service and not otherwise provided for by the tariff schedules of the Company may be furnished or leased pursuant to special contract for such special service or facility for such period as may be agreed upon, provided such special service or facility or the use made thereof is not unlawful and does not interfere with the telephone service furnished by the Company. Special services are provided for each individual application as a custom-engineered system to satisfy and provide for the needs of that customer. Applicable charges will be determined by the revenue requirements of the utility for each individual system. In the event any such special service or facility or the use made thereof interferes with the furnishing of the telephone service by the Company, the Company may terminate such contract and cease to furnish such special service or facility after thirty days written notice to the subscriber; and provided further that the commission may terminate such contract whenever, in its opinion, public interest requires such termination. s; IT ARIFF\ID\4801D RAFI\4 8 OIPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 22 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7a. )2 SECRETARY LOCAL MEASURED RATE SERVICE Rates and Charges Measured Service Usage Rates Rate Per Minute First 90 minutes/month N/C After first 90 minutes/month $0. Measured Service Access Line Rates Monthly Rate Residence Individual Line $16. Measured Service Usage Charges Measured service usage charges are based upon rates shown above and are applicable to local messages completed on a dial station-to-station basis. The rate for each minute is the rate in effect at the beginning of each minute. Measured service usage charges accumulate on a monthly basis commencing on the billing date. Calls to directory assistance are not subject to measured service usage charges. Measured Service Components Minutes of Use Measured Service Usage rates as shown elsewhere in this tariff are for each minute or any fraction thereof after the first 90 minutes/month for which there is no charge. Description Measured service is an exchange service for which a regular monthly charge is billed to the customer for access to the local and toll networks. In addition to the monthly charge local usage charges will apply for outgoing calls completed on a local basis. Measured service requires special CO equipment and is furnished only in exchanges where facilities are available. S; IT ARlFF\!DI4 B OlD RAm4 B 0 IPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 23 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7~ J2. -Yk. -l~ SECRETARY LOCAL MEASURED RATE SERVICE (Cont' Regulations Measured service is available for customers on a residential individual line basis only. Regular flat rate, and measured service will not be provided on the same customer preIll1ses. The customer has no property rights to the continuance of service through any particular wire center and the Company may change the wire center designation of a customer whenever it deems it necessary in the conduct of its business. Wire center service area transfers and wire center additions do not constitute a rate change. Timing of Local Messages Chargeable time begins when connection is established between the calling station and the called station. Chargeable time ends when the calling station hangs up, thereby releasing the network connection. If the called station hangs up, but the calling station does not chargeable time ends when the network connection is released by automatic timing equipment in the telephone network. Chargeable time does not include time lost because of faults or defects in the connection. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4BOID RAFI\4 8 OIPU C3 ADD C IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 19, 2010 Jan. 1, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 25 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL J2 SECRETARY NETWORK ACCESS LINE SERVICE (Continued) Business Rates Apply: At any location where activities are of a business, trade, or professional nature. At any location where the listing of service at that location indicates a business, trade, or profession. Where only one network access line is provided at a location which is both a residence and a business. At schools, hospitals, libraries, churches, and other similar institutions. Residence Rates Apply: In private residence where business listings are not provided and telephone service is not used for the conduct of business. In the place of residence of a clergyman, physician, or other medical practitioner provided the subscriber does not maintain an office in the residence. Extended Area Service: Extended Area Service (EAS) will be provided between the exchanges listed on the next page without additional charges. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 8 OlD RAFI\4 8 OIPU CJ AD DC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS LP.u.C. No. Original Sheet No. 25. Cancels Sheet No. Direct Communications Exchanges EAS Rockland Arbon Paris NXX Exchanpes 548 335 945 548 Rockland 335 Arbon 945 Paris 946*Garden Citv UT 671 Albion 824 Almo 638 Elba 645 Malta 349 Raft River 436 Aceauia 531 Minidoka 862 Oakley 438 Paul 434 436 Runert 532 Norland 677 678 Burlev 654 Declo 677 678 Hevburn 527 Arco 588 Mackav 766 Malad 767 Howe 554 Moore 698 Holbrook 226 American Falls 648 Bancroft 782 785 Blackfoot 747 Davton 897 Downev IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7a. J2. ~~v SECRETARY Direct Communications Exchanges EAS Rockland Arbon Paris 346 Firth 646 Franklin 425 Grace See Below Idaho Falls 775 Tnlcom 776 Lava Hot 745 Lewisville- 781 McCammon 847 Montnelier See Below Pocatello 852 Preston See Below Rexburp 745 Riobv 538 Riri e 684 Riverside 228 Roberts 357 Shelley 547 Soda 427 Thatcher 652 Ashton 354 DriPps 483 Irwin 558 T~land Park 624 St. Anthonv 698 Stone 458 Teton 456 Tetonia 787 Victor 547 Wavan Idaho Falls: 521 522 523 524 525 526 528 529 533 534 535 589 979 Pocatello: 232-239 241,242 251 989 Rexburg: 351 356 359 969 L = Local Exchange Calling X = Extended Area Calling * Area Code 435 DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.C. NO. 3rd Revised Sheet No. 26 Cancels 2nd Sheet No. 26 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ocr)- 'OCT 1 - IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND SURCHARGE ~Ili~ SECRETARY RA TES Monthly Surcharge Residence Business $ *$ * (T) (T) CONDITIONS A surcharge assessed on all access lines to contribute towards funding for an Idaho Universal Service Fund. The surcharge rate will remain in effect until otherwise modified, canceled, or changed by the Commission. * The surcharge rates are those that are established by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). ADVICE L TR NO. 02- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 27 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~r1eL )2. OJ~, "'-- SECRETARY IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICE PROGRAM RATES Monthly Remittance Residence Business CONDITIONS A remittance assessed on all access lines to fund an Idaho Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Program. The remittance rate will remain in effect until otherwise modified, canceled, or changed by the Commission. Currently per IPUC Order No. 26541, the remittance is included in local access line rates. S;IT ARIFF\ID\4 B OlD RAFI\4 80 IPU C3 A D DC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.U.C. NO. 3 5th Revised Sheet No. 28 Cancels 4th Revised Sheet No. 28 LOW-INCOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Low-Income Assistance Programs consist of two programs, Lifeline Assistance and the Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP). These programs were developed to reduce rates for low income customers. The Company participates in both of these assistance programs to increase the availability of telecommunications services to all consumers in its serving areas. Applicable to qualifying low-income subscribers to single party residential service of the Company. Residents of Tribal Lands can also qualify for the Federal portion of the Lifeline program based on terms and conditions for Tribal Lands. 1. RATES A. Lifeline is a reduction or credit applied to the local services provided to qualifying low-income consumers. The reduction to the normal residential one-party rates are as follows: Residential Access Lines Monthly Credit Federal Lifeline Support 47 CFR § 54.403 (C) (Credit first applies to the $6.50 Federal End User Common Line Charge. Additional credit above $6.50, if applicable, applies to basic service.) (C) State Local Rate Support $2.50 The Company shall provide Lifeline Assistance as defined in FCC 47 C.F.R. 54.401 (a) on a non-discriminatory basis to all qualifying low-income customers. The Company's Lifeline service offering shall comply with all applicable federal laws, including but not limited to, 47 C.F.R. Part 54, Subpart E; the FCC's Lifeline Reform Order (Report and Order released February 6, 2012, WC Docket No. 11-42, et. al.), the FCC's Lifeline Modernization Order (Third Report and Order released on April 27, 2016, WC Docket No. 11-42, FCC 16-38, et. al.), and any subsequent revision. B. General ITSAP provides for additional state credits against the recurring monthly rates for the provision of local residential service for eligible residential subscribers. C. Regulation The total cost of providing the intrastate credit for Lifeline Assistance shall be funded from a uniform monthly surcharge to each business and residential access line. This surcharge was effective with the implementation of the Lifeline Program, and is subject to change. D. Eligibility Requirements 1. The state credit is only available to residential subscribers if their income falls at or below 135% of Federal Poverty Guidelines. 2. A qualifying customer must be Head of the Household. Issued: October 28, 2019 Advice Letter: 19-01 Effective: December 1, 2019 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.U.C. NO. 3 3rd Revised Sheet No. 29 Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet No. 29 LOW-INCOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (Cont'd) (T) 1. RATES (Cont'd) (T) E. Tribal Lifeline (T) 1. Tribal Lifeline will consist of up to an additional $25 per month, per primary residential (M) connection for qualifying low-income individuals living on qualifying tribal lands. (M) 2. Tribal Lifeline benefits apply to the primary local residential access line. (D) (D) (M) – Previously shown on Sheet No. 28. Issued: November 2, 2016 Advice Letter: 16-01 Effective: December 2, 2016 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 21, 2016 Dec. 2, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.U.C. NO. 3 3rd Revised Sheet No. 30 Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet No. 30 (D) (D) Issued: November 2, 2016 Advice Letter: 16-01 Effective: December 2, 2016 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 21, 2016 Dec. 2, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.U.C. NO. 3 4th Revised Sheet No. 30.1 Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet No. 30.1 LOW-INCOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (Cont'd) (T) 2. IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (ITSAP) (T) SURCHARGE A. Rates Monthly Surcharge Residence * Business * B. Conditions 1. A surcharge assessed on all access lines, except qualifying Lifeline recipients, contribute towards funding for the Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program (ITSAP). 2. The surcharge rate will remain in effect until otherwise modified, canceled, or changed by the Commission. * The surcharge rates are those that are established by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). Issued: November 2, 2016 Advice Letter: 16-01 Effective: December 2, 2016 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 21, 2016 Dec. 2, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 31 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL J2 Jk, ~~t.~-SECRETARY SERVICE CONNECTION, MOVE AND CHANGE CHARGES RATES: Applicable to the Rockland and Arbon Exchanges Business $10. $10. $40. Service Order Line Connection Premise Visit Residence $10. $10. $40. CONDITIONS These charges are intended to cover the expense incurred by the Company in conjunction with the following: Establishment of service; Change in location of a service to other premises; Transfer of service from one customer to another; Change of telephone number at customer s request; Installation of auxiliary equipment; Restora1 of service disconnected for nonpayment or failure to establish credit. Charges shown are in addition to installation charges shown under other Tariff schedules. Charges shown in this schedule are based on work being performed during regularly scheduled working hours of the Company s employees. Work performed with overtime labor costs will be performed at direct cost to the customer. No charges will apply under the following circumstances: Service to which no monthly rates apply. DEFINITIONS Service Order Applicable to work done in receiving, recording and processing information necessary to execute a customer s request for the establishment of service. It is also applicable for customer s request for additions, moves or changes to existing service. Premises Visit Applicable if a Company employee must visit the customer s premises to move or change a service drop or standard network interface at the customer s request. Not applicable when a Company employee is on the customer s premise for any other business purpose. Line Connection Applicable for work done in the Central Office or work involving Central Office equipment necessary to provide a network access line or make changes to an existing network access line. If service requires work in more than one Central Office area, this charge applies for each office. S; IT ARIPF\ID \4 801D RAI'1\4 B 0 IPU C J A DD DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 32 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONf.PPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' )2 ~.(~"""" SECRETARY SERVICE CONNECTION, MOVE AND CHANGE CHARGES (Cont'd) RATES: Applicable to the Paris Exchange Service Order Line Connection Premise Visit PABX $41.00 $76. $40. Business Residence $13. $30. $40. $13. $30. $40. S; IT ARIFF\ID\48 OlD RAFI\4 8 01PUC3 ADDC IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 7, 2012 April 1, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 7, 2012 April 1, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 35 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 '99 MAY 1- ~/7eL J2 SECRETARY OFF-PREMISE EXTENSION SERVICE RATES Continuous Property Installation Charge Actual Cost Monthly Rate No Charge Continuous Property - Additional Network Interface Applicable Non-Recurring Charges $4. Non-Continuous Property Each Location Applicable Non-Recurring Charges Flat Rate Residential Access Line Rate CONDITIONS Off-premise extension service, where the extension is located in a different building on the same continuous property as the main access line termination, may be installed by the Company. The installation charge will be negotiated between the subscriber and the Company. The subscriber is responsible for the maintenance of any subscriber owned wiring. No recurring monthly charge will apply in this situation. Continuous property extensions are defined as those where the drop to the additional access point comes directly from the premises of the main access line termination and does not come out of the distribution cable. Continuous property extensions requiring an additional network interface are defined as those where the drop to the additional access point comes out of the distribution cable and requires an additional network interface. When off-premise extension service is provided on Non-Continuous property, each location is treated as an access line termination and the applicable access line rates will apply at each location. Installation will be performed based on all applicable Non-Recurring service connection elements. S ;IT ARJPF\II)14 8 OlD RAP1\480 IPU CJ AD D IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective April 23, 2007 May 7, 2007 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Feb. 7, 2011 Feb. 20, 2011 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Feb. 7, 2011 Feb. 20, 2011 Jean D. Jewell Secretary DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 36 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION1\f'PROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 MAY 1- ' ~~ J2 .(,*,. -- SECRETARY INTRAEX CHANGE P RIV A TE LINE RATES Installation Monthly Rate Per Channel Termination Actual Cost Business Access Line Rate CONDITIONS The Company will furnish and maintain Private Lines, where facilities are available and within the Exchange Area, for communication between stations not connected to the telephone network. The channel terminal rate will apply for each termination within the exchange area. S;I T ARIPP\ID\48 01DRAFI\4 8 0 IP U C3 ADDC DIRECT COMMVNICA TIONS C. NO. 1 st Revised Sheet No. 37 Cancels Original Sheet No. 37 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FEBlO 'MAR 1 - ' ~. seCRETARY DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE (411)(T) RATES Per each Directory Assistance Call $ . (I) CONDITIONS The above charge will apply to each call to a directory assistance operator requesting information for locations within or outside the state.(T) The charge will apply regardless of whether or not the operator is able to supply the requested information. A maximum of two requests for information will be allowed per directory assistance call. Charges for Directory Assistance are not applicable to calls placed from: Public telephones Semipublic telephones Customers who have a reading, physical or visual handicap and thus are unable to use the directory. In the event a customer obtains directory assistance service through fraudulent means, in addition to any other action authorized by this tariff, the Company may assess appropriate Directory Assistance charges on the customer s regular telephone account. (D) Issued: January 24, 2003 Advice Letter: 03- Effective: March 1 , 2003 DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 38 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~n.:t.. )2. ~ '-~ SECRETARY DIRECTORY LISTINGS RATES Monthly Rate Additional or Alternate Listing - Business - Residence Cross Reference or Duplicate Extra Lines, per line Non-List 1.00 Non-Publish 1.50 Foreign Exchange CONDITIONS The regulations for directory listings, as provided in this section, apply only to that section of the directory containing the regular alphabetical list of names of subscribers. Primarv Listing One listing without charge, termed the Primary Listing, is provided as follows: For each separate subscriber service. When two or more main station lines or PBX trunk lines are consecutively operated, the first number of the group is considered the primary listing. Non-listed telephone numbers are listed in the information file, but are not listed in the Company s directory. They will be given out upon request. Non-published numbers are not listed either in the directory or the information file and are not to be given out to anyone unless authorized by court of law. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 SOlD RAFI\4 soIPU C3 A D DC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 39 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7eL 12 SECRETARY Restrictions DIRECTORY LISTINGS (Continued) Names in directory listings shall be limited to the following: In connection with residence service:(a) The individual names of the subscriber, or(b) The individual name of a member of the subscriber s family, or(c) The individual name of a permanent member of the subscriber s household Dual (joint) listings for customers who share the same surname and reside at the same address. (d) (d) In connection with business service.(a) The individual name of the subscriber, or(b) The name under which the subscriber is actually doing business, or(c) The name under which a business is actually being conducted by someone other than the subscriber and which the subscriber is authorized by such other to use, or The individual names of the officers, partners, or employees of the subscriber, or The names of departments when such listings are deemed necessary from a public reference viewpoint. (e) The Company may require that the subscriber provide the Company with written permission for the insertion or continuance of listings. The Company may refuse to accept or may delete listings of a business which the subscriber claims to represent. The Company may refuse to accept or may delete a listing which includes the trade name of another. S; IT ARlPP\IDI4 B OlD RAFI\4BO IP U CJ A D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 40 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23'99 MAY 1- ' Y~/?a- j2 L~~~~SECRETARY DIRECT -INWARD-DIALING (DID) SERVICE RATES NONRECURRING CHARGES MONTHLY RATE DID Service Each in-only trunk circuit termination $50.$50. Each 2-way, 4-wire analog trunk circuit termination 50.50. DID Telephone Numbers Nonsequential telephone number, each 1.00 DID block of twenty sequential telephone numbers, per block 20. Block Compromise Charge Removal of a telephone number from a sequential number block, (other than temporary removal) per sequential number block.450. Temporary removal of a telephone number from a sequential number block, (for temporary transfer of calls only) per sequential number block.50. Change Charges The following rates and charges are applied to rerouting of telephone numbers to another trunk or trunk group or when changing the number of digits outpulsed to the PBX or to change DTMF signaling to DP or VIce versa. NONRECURRING CHARGES Rerouting of telephone numbers per number $1.00 Changing number of digits outpulsed per change $50. Changing signaling, per change 50. S; IT ARIFP\IO\4 BolD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 41 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL J2 SECRETARY DIRECT-INWARD-DIALING (DID) SERVICE (Cont'd) DESCRIPTION Direct-Inward-Dialing (DID) Service is a special trunking arrangement which permits incoming calls from the exchange network to reach a specific PBX (Private Branch Exchange) station directly without an attendant's assistance. CONDITIONS This feature may be provided, in addition to regular, FCO or FX rates and charges, where CO facilities are available and the PBX system or customer-provided switching equipment capabilities permit. One primary directory listing in the main directory of the serving CO is provided for each PBX system. The provision of this feature requires that the customer subscribe to a sufficient number of trunk facilities to adequately handle the volume of incoming calls. Sequential numbers may be assigned if blocks of numbers are available and at the discretion of the Company. Rates and charges associated with sequential numbers are specified in the rate section above. A DID sequential number block is a group of twenty (20) telephone numbers in numeric order. The last digit of the first number within the block is a zero (0), and the last number within the number block must include an odd number in the sixth digit and a nine (9) in the last digit. Customers requesting that numbers in a sequential number block be removed from the block will be charged a Block Compromise Charge as specified in the rate section above. DID Service is offered with switching vehicles served by trunk service. Answer Supervision is required from the customer s switching vehicle. Direct Inward-Dialing Services are available only to customers who are served from a central office equipped to provide such services. From time to time the Company may offer promotional programs where the non-recurring charges may be waived. S; IT ARIFF\ID\48 OlD RAP1\4 80IPU C3 ADD C IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION.APPROVED EFFECTIVEDIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 42 Cancels Sheet No. JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~..--. J2. ~~ ~-"'- SECRET CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (CCF) RATES: Applicable to the Rockland and Arbon Exchanges Monthlv RateResidence Business Custom Calling Feature (CCF) Call Waiting Call Forwarding Conference Calling (3-Way) Speed Calling - 8 Numbers Speed Calling - 30 Numbers Fixed Calling Line Busy Call Diversion Package of two CCF Package of three CCF Package of four CCF Package of five CCF 1.50 1.50 1.50 20% discount 30% discount 40% discount 50% discount RATES: Applicable to the Paris Exchange 20% discount 30% discount 40% discount 50% discount Monthly RateResidence Business Custom Calling Feature (CCF) Call Waiting Call Forwarding Conference Calling (3-Way) Speed Calling - 8 Numbers Speed Calling - 30 Numbers Line Busy Call Diversion Call Forward Fixed No Answer Package of two CCF Package of three CCF Package of four CCF Package of five CCF $5. $3. $3. $2. $3. $0. $1.35 20% discount 30% discount 40% discount 50% discount CONDITIONS $7. $5. $5. $4. $5.47 $3. $4. 20% discount 30% discount 40% discount 50% discount Custom Calling Services are available only to those customers who are served from a Central Office equipped to provide such services. From time to time the company may offer promotional programs where the non-recurring charges may be waived. When a service is programmed for both Conference Calling and Call Waiting only one of the two may be activated at anyone time. S; IT ARIPP\ID \4 solD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C3 AD D C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 43 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~~ j2. SECRETARY CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (CCF) (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) When a service is programmed for both Call Waiting and Call Forwarding only one of the two may be activated at anyone time. A service may be programmed with any combination of the six custom calling services except that services with Line Busy Call Diversion may not be programmed for Call Waiting or Conference Calling. DEFINITIONS Speed Calling - permits placing local and long distance calls to preselected telephone numbers by dialing an abbreviated code. To add a number to the calling list the customer uses his own telephone. Call Waiting - a distinctive tone infOTIIlS the telephone user that another call has been placed to his line. By briefly depressing the hookswitch, the user will be connected to the second caller while holding the first, subsequent depressions of the hookswitch will allow the user to alternate between callers. Conference Calling - permits a telephone user to add a third party to an existing local or long distance call. It will also permit a telephone user to consult privately with a third party while holding the original call. Call Forwarding - permits transfer of all incoming calls automatically to any dialable number. The number can be selected by the customer each time Call Forwarding is activated or the call directed to the previously selected number. If the alternate location is not a free call the customer will be billed for each call forwarded. Fixed Calling - after dial tone is obtained, if the caller does not commence dai1ing within a predetermined length of time, a call will automatically be placed to a number previously selected by the subscriber. Line Busy Call Diversion - permits calls to automatically be transferred to a predetermined alternate number whenever the primary number is busy. The alternate number can be any dialab1e number and can be modified only at the Central Office. If the alternate location is not a free call the customer will be billed for each call diverted. Call Forward Fixed No Answer - permits calls to automatically be transferred to a predetermined alternate number whenever the primary number does not answer after a preset number of ringing cycles. The alternate number can be any dialab1e number and can be modified only at the central office. If the alternate location is not a free call, the customer will be billed for each call forwarded. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 8 OlD RAF1\48 0 IPU C3 AD D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 44 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- P J2 --(~" SECRETARY ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF) RATES:Applicable to the Rockland and Arbon Exchanges Monthl Rate Per Usa e Rate Residence Business Residence Business Residence Business Max Max Advanced Custom Calling Features (ACCF) Automatic Callback $3.$3. $ . Automatic Recall $3.$3. Call Forward Busy Incoming $2.$3. Call Forward Don t Answer $2.$3. Call Forward Don t Answer Incoming $2.$3. Call Forwarding Busy $2.$3. Call Pick Up $2.$3. Call Pick Up Directed $2.$3. Caller ID - Number Only $4.$5. Caller ID - Name and Number $5.$6. Caller ID - Per Call (*67) Blocking N/C N/C Caller ID - Per Line Blocking $1.00 $2. Caller ID - Per Call Unblocking N/C N/C Cancel Call Waiting (*70)N/C N/C Call Trace Automatic (COT)1.00 1.00 Manual N/C N/C Dial Call Waiting $2.$2. Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting Access $2.$3. Do Not Disturb $2.$3. Make Busy $2.$3. Selective Call Acceptance $2.$3. Selective Call Forwarding $2.$3. Selective Call Rejection $4.$4. Stop Hunt $1.00 $1.00 Usage Sensitive Call Forwarding Usage Sensitive 3-Way Calling VoicelData Protection $2.$3. VoicelData Protection Usage Sensitive Wake Up Service $2.$2. S;I T ARIFF\ID14 SOlD RAFI\4 so IPU C3 A DD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 44. Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFPECTfVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' J2 SECRETARY ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF) RATES: Applicable to the Paris Exchange Advanced Custom Calling Features (ACCF) Per Usage Rate Max Automatic Callback $3.$6. Automatic Recall $3. Call Forward Busy Incoming $2. Call Forward Don t Answer $2. Call Forward Don t Answer Incoming $2. Call Forwarding Busy $2. Call Pick Up $2. Call Pick Up Directed $2. Caller ID - Number Only $2. Caller ID - Name and Number $4. Caller ID - Per Call (*67) Blocking N/C Caller ID - Per Line Blocking Service Order Charge Caller ID - Per Call Unblocking N/C Cancel Call Waiting (*70)N/C Call Trace Automatic (COT)1.00 Manual N/C Dial Call Waiting $2. Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting Access $2. Do Not Disturb $2. Make Busy $2. Selective Call Acceptance $2. Selective Call Forwarding $2. Selective Call Rejection $4. Stop Hunt $1.00 Usage Sensitive Call Forwarding Usage Sensitive 3-Way Calling VoicelData Protection $2. VoicelData Protection Usage Sensitive Wake Up Service $2. Monthl Rate S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 BolD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C J A DDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS P. U.C. NO. Original Sheet No. 45 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7.a.. J2 SECRETARy ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF) (Continued) CONDITIONS Advanced Custom Calling Features are available only to those subscribers who are served from a Central Office equipped to provide such services. Certain Advanced Custom Calling Features are not available with party line service. Calling Name and Number Deliver, Blocking and Anonymous Caller Rejection require an additional piece of Customer Provided Equipment (CPE) to fully activate features. Selective Call Forwarding, Selective Call Rejection, Selective Call Acceptance, and Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting provide customers with four different options for treating incoming calls. Each feature is capable of holding a list of up to 12 directory numbers (DNS) that should receive screening treatment. Once a: customer has programmed the list and turned on the feature, theswitch will screen each incoming call and direct the call to the treatment specified by the feature. For those Advanced Custom Calling Features billed on a per usage basis excluding Call Trace, amaximum amount as listed above will be billed once the per usage charges reach or exceeds the maXImum. From time to time, the Telephone Company may offer special promotions to its customers. Theseofferings will generally consist of a reduced price, a waiver of installation charges, or a free service with a purchase of another service. These offerings may be limited to certain dates and locationsand will be for limited time periods. When such as offering is made, the Commission will be notified and a copy of the offering notice will be provided to them. OBLIGATION OF COMPANY 1. Limitation of Obligation with Respect to Privacy Concerns The Company shall be held harmless by the subscriber in cases where the subscriber s telephone number is transmitted via the Caller ID CLASS Feature to another subscriber who subscribes to that service, and the subscriber has not blocked the transmission of his telephone number. 2. Obligation of the Subscriber Under no circumstances should any subscriber to the Caller ID Advanced Custom Calling Feature use telephone numbers delivered to him for purposes of marketing any service, or for the sale of those numbers to any interested party. Permitted uses of the number infonnation received through the Caller ID service include: billing and collection, routing, screening, and completion of the originating subscriber s call ortransaction, or for services directly related to the originating subscriber s call or transaction. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 SOlD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C3 A DDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 46 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7eL J2. ~ ~bf.~ "'-SECRETARY ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF) (Continued) OBLIGATION OF COMPANY (Cont' Caller ID infonnation can be used only to market goods and services to existing customers, and onlyto market goods and services to existing customers that are directly related to those the existing customer already uses. Notification of illegal procedures having been given herein, the Company shall be held hannless by all parties in cases where subscribers of the Company use this infonnation in an unauthorized manner, asdescribed above. DEFINITIONS Automatic Callback - allows the subscriber to automatically return a call to the number of the phone that last called. By dialing the access code (*66) push-button or 1166 rotary, the callback feature will automatically dial the last calling number. The feature can be deactivated by dialing (*86) push-button or 1186 rotary. Automatic Recall - allows the subscriber who calls a busy number to dial an access code (*69) push- button or 1169-rotary to be alerted, by way of a distinctive ring, when the number is no longer busy. When the user picks up their phone, they will be connected automatically to the previously busy number. To deactivate the Automatic Recall feature, the user can dial (*89 ) on a push-button phoneor 1189 on a rotary phone. Call Forward Busy Incoming .. allows a subscriber to have incoming calls (those which originate outside the group) forwarded to another number when the called number is busy. The subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (#90) push-button (1190 rotary), and deactivate the feature by dialing (#91) push-button (1191 rotary). Call Forward Don t Answer - allows a subscriber to have all calls (incoming or intragroup) forwarded to another number if the subscriber does not answer after a preset number of ringing cycles as set by the Company. The subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*92) push-button or 1192 rotary and deactivate the feature by dialing (*93) push-button or 1193 rotary. Call Forward Don t Answer Incoming - allows a subscriber to have incoming calls (those which originate outside the group) forwarded to another number if the subscriber does not answer after a preset number of ringing cycles which are set by the Company. The subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (#92) push-button and deactivate the feature by dialing (#93) push-button. S ; IT ARlFF\ID\4 SOlD RAFI\4 S 0 IPU C3 A DDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 47 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7.A. J2 SECRETARY ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF) (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Call Forwarding Busy - allows a subscriber to have all calls (incoming or intragroup) forwarded to a predetermined alternate number when the called number is busy. The subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*90) push-button or 1190 rotary and deactivate the feature by dialing (*91) push-button or 1191 rotary. The alternate number can be any dialab1e number and can be modified only at the Central Office. If the alternate location is not a free call, the subscriber will be billed for each call diverted. Call Pick Up - allows a subscriber to answer calls that are directed to other phones within their pickup group. The access code to activate the feature is (*8) for a push-button phone. Call Pick Up Directed - allows a subscriber to answer a call directed to another line which has been answered or is ringing by dialing a preset access code (#60) and the telephone number of the line to be answered. Both the originating line and the line to be answered must be equipped with the feature. Call Trace Automatic (COT) - allows a subscriber to have the last incoming number automatically traced. The results of the trace are not provided directly to the subscriber; they are output to the telephone company. The Company, at the subscriber request will forward the results to the police after a case number has been assigned by the police. The access code for this feature is (*57) push- button or 1157 rotary. Call Trace Manual (COT) - allows a subscriber to request the telephone company to trace incoming calls. This is usually in response involving law enforcement entities. Caller ID - Name and Number - allows for the automatic delivery of a calling party s name and telephone number (including nonpublished and nonlisted telephone numbers) to the called customer after the first ring but before the call is answered. The name and number are displayed on customer provided equipment. The name displayed shall be the name associated with the calling telephone number as shown on the Company s records. The Company, in its discretion, may abbreviate or limit that name for display purposes. The Company does not assure name accuracy, and it shall not be liable to any party for errors, omissions or mistakes. The Company s sole and obligation shall be to reasonably correct errors in names when notified in writing of such errors. S;I T A8IFF\ID14 solD RAFI\4 s 0 IPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 48 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~ru:... )2. x. SECRETARY ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF) (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Caller ID - Name and Number (Cont'd): The calling telephone name and number is only available in those areas where appropriate signaling network connections exist to forward the calling party's name and number. The calling name and number is also not available when incoming calls have been handled by an operator or charged to credit cards. Number delivery for calls originated from a PBX will display the main PBX number only. If the caller s number is a multi-party line, or is blocked, the number will not be displayed. Caller ID infonnation transmitted via Caller ID may not be sold or given to another party without the caller s consent. Caller ID infonnation may only be used for: a) routing or completion of calls, b) billing of calls, c) account management purposes, d) services directly related to the call or transaction, e) verification of calling party identity and f) marketing products or services that are directly related to those previously acquired by the subscriber from the number delivery services subscriber. Caller ID subscribers failing to comply with any of these conditions will have their service terminated. Caller ID - Number - same as "Name and Number" except only the calling party s number is delivered. Caller ID Per Call (*67) Blocking - allows a subscriber to block delivery of his/her name and number when calling someone with Caller ID capabilities. The activation code for this feature is (*67) push- button or 1167 rotary. This feature is provided free of charge to all subscribers receiving telephone service from suitably equipped central offices. Caller ID - Per Line Blocking - provides a pennanent indicator on a customer s line. Once block is established on the customer s line, the private status can be deactivated by the customer on a per call basis. Caller ID - Per Call Unblocking - allows a subscriber who has Caller ID - Per Line Blocking to unblock delivery of his /her name and number when calling someone with Caller ID capabilities. The activation code for this feature is *82 (1182 rotary). This feature is provided free of charge. Cancel Call Waiting - allows the subscriber to cancel Call Waiting before or during one telephone call. The access code to cancel Call Waiting is (*70) push-button or 1170 rotary. Dial Call Waiting - allows a subscriber with a line equipped with the feature to direct a Call Waiting tone or a Distinctive Ringing signal to a line equipped with Distinctive Ringing. The feature is activated by dialing a preset access code (# 81) (1181 rotary) and the telephone number of the line to which the signal is directed. S; IT AR1FF\IDI4 8 OlD RAFI\4 B 0 IP U CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 49 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONt- PPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7eL J2 ~~v "'--- SECRETARY ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF) (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Distinctive Ringing / Call Waiting Access - allows a subscriber to receive a Distinctive Ringing signal or an audible Call Waiting tone from a line equipped with Dial Call Waiting. If the call line is idle, a Distinctive Ringing signal will be heard. If the called line is busy, the called line receives a Call Waiting tone. The access code for this feature is (*81) push-button or 1181 rotary. Do Not Disturb - allows subscribers to prevent incoming calls from ringing at their stations. Only callers who have the subscriber s Personal Identification Number (PIN) can override the Do Not Disturb feature. To activate the feature, the subscriber can dial (*78) push-button or 1178 rotary. To deactivate the feature, the subscriber can dial (*79) push-button or 1179 rotary. Subscribers with push-button phones can change their PIN by dialing the access code (#87) push-button or 1187 rotary . Fixed Calling - after dial tone is obtained, if the caller does not commence dialing within a predetermined length of time, a call will automatically be placed to a number previously selected by the subscriber. If the number is long distance, the subscriber is liable for any charges. Make Busy - allows the line to appear busy, even when not engaged. To activate the feature, dial (*58) push-button or 1158 rotary. Dialing (*59) push-button or 1159 rotary will deactivate the feature. Selective Call Acceptance - allows subscribers to specify a list of numbers from which they are willing to accept calls. Calls from numbers not contained on the list are routed to an appropriate announcement. The access code for this feature is (*84) push-button or 1184 rotary, and is used to add or delete numbers from the list of acceptable calls. Selective Call Forwarding - pennits the subscriber to create a list of calling numbers that are to be call forwarded. If a call is received from a Directory Number on the screening list, the call isforwarded to the designated forward-to number. All other calls are treated nonnally. The access code for this feature is (*83) push-button or 1183 rotary. Stop Hunt - allows a subscriber to stop an existing hunt sequence at a designated point or line. The access code to activate the feature is (*50) push-button or 1150 rotary. To deactivate the feature dial (*51) push-button or 1151 rotary. Usage Sensitive Call Forwarding - causes all calls attempting to terminate to a subscriber s line to be directed to an alternate line, whether the subscriber s line is busy or idle. The feature differs from standard Call Forwarding in that the subscriber is charged on a usage basis rather than a flat rate basis. The access code to activate the feature is (*72) push-button or 1172 rotary To deactivate the feature the access code is (*73) push-button or 1173 rotary. S; IT ARIFF\IIJ\4 8 OlD RAF1\4 B 0 IPU CJ AD D C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 50 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL )2 Jh. .(~ SECRETARY ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF) (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Usage Sensitive 3-Way Calling - allows a subscriber to add a third party into an existing conversation by dialing an access code (*71) push-button or 1171 rotary. The feature differs from standard 3 Way Calling in that the subscriber is charged on a per usage basis rather than a flat rate basis. The access code to activate the feature is (*74) push-button or 1174 rotary. To deactivate the feature the access code is (*75) push-button or 1175 rotary. Voice/Data Protection - allows a subscriber to inhibit intrusion features (e., Call Waiting and Operator Verification) when the subscriber s line is busy. Voice/Data Protection prevents data transmission errors typically caused by the interruption tones associated with such features. The subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*97) push-button or 1197 rotary and deactivate the feature by dialing (*98) push-button or 1198 rotary. Voice/Data Protection Usage Sensitive - allows a subscriber to inhibit intrusion features (e. Call Waiting and Operator Verification) when the subscriber s line is busy. Voice/Data Protection prevents data transmission errors typically caused by the interruption tones associated with such features. This feature differs from standard Voice/Data Protection in that the feature remains in effect for the duration of only one call upon activation, and the subscriber is charged on a per usage basis. The subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*94) push- button or 1194 rotary. Wake Up Service - allows a subscriber to dial an access code, receive a second dial tone, and then dial a time at which a wake-up call is desired. At the entered time, a call is automatically attempted to that line and, when the call is answered, a tone or an optional announcement is applied to that line. The subscriber can access the feature by dialing (*76) push-button and can cancel the request by dialing (*77) push-button. S; IT ARJFI'\ID\4 8 OlD RAFI\4 8 0 IP U CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS P. U.C. NO. Original Sheet No. 51 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApoROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL J2 ~ / (.--- SECRETARY CENTREX SERVICE RATES Full Service Centrex Per Line Package 1 - Choose up to 10 Features Package 2 - Choose up to 25 Features Package 3 - Choose up to 35 Features Package 4 - Choose up to 45 Features Monthly Rate $ 10. $ 20. $ 25. $ 30. Non-Recurring Rate $100. $100. $110. $120. These rates, as listed above, are in addition to the Network Access Line Service rates listed elsewhere in this tariff. When Centrex Service is provided, any manual operations at the customer s premises are performed by, and at the expense of the customer. Upon request, the Company will correct a failure caused by customer initiated software changes, will update software records, or make subsequent line and/or feature additions on a time and material basis at labor rates as specified. Labor Period (1) Basic Time Business Day, Per Technician (2) Overtime, Outside the Business Day, Per Technician (3) Premium Time Outside the Business Day, Per Technician First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof $30.$15. $45.$22. $60.$30. Basic time rates apply for the time the Company is open for business, Monday through Friday. Overtime rates apply any time outside the business day and all day Saturday. Premium rates apply all day Sunday and on all Company approved holidays. S; IT ARlPP\IDI4 SOIDRAFI\4 so IP U CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 52 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL )2 SECRETARY CENTREX SERVICE (Continued) FEATURES Full Service Centrex Features Account Code Capability Alternate Answering Call Flip-Flop Call Forwarding (Busy, All, No Answer, Within Group) Call Hold Call Park Call Pickup Caller ID Combined Dial Pulse-DTMF Lines . Direct-inward -dialing Direct -outward-dialing Station-to-Station dialing Call Transfer (DID TO DOD) Call Waiting Cancel Call Wairing Consultation Hold Dial Access to Attendant Automatic Call Back (Station, Trunk Camp-on) Call Diversion To Attendant Data Line Security Dictation Access and Control FX Facilities Access Fully Restricted Service Hunting (Regular, Circular, Preferential) Night Service (Fixed, Flexible) Speed Calling Group Toll Restricted Service Speed Calling Individual (Long) Time of Day Routing S; IT ARIPP\ID \4 solD RAFI\4 S 0 IPU CJ A D Convenience Dialing Dialing Access to Private Facilities Distinctive Ringing Do Not Disturb Flexible Intercept Hunting Terminal (Pilot) Intercom Last Number Redial Make Busy (Terminal/Group) Music-on-Ho1d Paging Access Single Digit Dialing Speed Calling Individual (Short) Station Transfer Security Stop Hunt Three-Way Calling Wake-up Reminder Station-to-Station dialing Authorization Codes Automatic Route Selection Call Waiting (Originating) Custom Dialed Account Recording Directed Call Pickup Executive Busy Override Expensive Route Warning Tone Hunting (Uniform Call Distribution) Off Hook Queuing Remote Access to Business Group Features Station Message Detail Recording DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 53 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1 - ' ~/7eL J2. SECRETARY CENTREX SERVICE (Continued) CONDITIONS Centrex is a central office-based telephone system allowing multiple users at a customer premise the ability to receive and make both intercom calls within the system and other calls outside the system. The Telephone Company will provide Centrex service only from central offices capable of providing the service. A Centrex system can consist of 2 to 200 lines. Each user will have his or her own line, which will also have an extension number assigned to it for abbreviated intercom dialing. Features are ordered per Centrex line. Most CLASS features are available with Centrex. The rates and charges shown in this section apply to Centrex users. Other services, not listed in this section, as provided for in the tariffs of the Telephone Company, may be furnished in connection with this service at the rates specified in those tariffs. Centrex systems require twenty business days to install. After installation, most feature changes require five days to complete. Centrex is billed on a per line and per feature package basis. Centrex charges are in addition to usage sensitive charges. If remote units are required to provide switching capabilities for intracommunication purposes they will be located on Telephone Company provided sites located on the customer s premises. Any remote units and all system cabling used in association with Centrex service are provided by and remain the property of the Company. The Company will furnish one alphabetical Centrex and one classified directory listing on a per Centrex Service summary business account, without charge. In addition, the Company will furnish one alphabetical listing for each individual Centrex number, without charge. Additional listings are offered subject to the provisions set forth in this tariff. Each request for establishment of a Centrex system must be placed in writing by the customer. Should the customer elect to cancel such a request after acceptance by the Company and before the start of the initial contract period described below, he may do so subject to notice in writing and payment to the Company for all resulting nonrecoverable labor and material costs. Centrex Service is available only to retail customers. No resale of this service is permitted. S; IT ARIFF\ID \48 OlD RAFI\4 BO IPU C J ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 54 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7""" )2. SECRETARY CENTREX SERVICE (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) Suitable and sufficient space for any remote units required shall be leased by the Company from the customer. Suitable space includes provisions for atmospheric control, which encompasses the following environmental requirements: (1) Dust free, (2) controlled temperatures ranging from 50 degrees to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, with consideration given to heat loss and/or gain of the equipment, and (3) relative humidity of 20% minimum and 55% maximum. Commercial power necessary to operate the remote units, if required, located on the customer s premises shall be provided by the customer. Rotary dial stations are not capable of accessing all Centrex features shown, preceding in this section. A Centrex line may be extended to a location outside the same continuous property of the Centrex customer to any location within the wire center at the regular charge for a Centrex line, if a separate telephone number is assigned to this line. If the telephone number assigned to the extended line is the same as a telephone number at the nonnallocation Off-Premise Extension Service, as set forth in of this Tariff, will apply to the line. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY The obligation of the Telephone Company for interruptions in or failure of service provided under the Centrex Tariff is provided for in of this tariff. The Company makes no guarantee and assumes no liability whatsoever for the customer provision of Centrex features and its associated facilities to its patrons, including the inability of the customer to collect any amount purportedly owed to it by its patrons for any reason whatsoever which amounts include, without limitation, any amount associated with disputed toll calls and/or toll fraud. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 8 OlD RAFI\4 8 OIP U CJ ADDC IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 '99 MAY 1- ' J2 SECRETARY DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 55 Cancels Sheet No. CENTREX SERVICE (Continued) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Feature Descriptions S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 801D RAFI\48 0 IPU C3 ADD C Account Code Capability - This feature allows business group station users to enter an account code access plus a three (3) to eight (8) digit account code number prior to dialing. Alternate Answering - This feature allows incoming calls to Centrex service to be automatically forwarded to another line in the group if the called number is busy or does not answer. Authorization Codes - This feature allows a station user to override the assigned restriction level for a single call. Automatic Call Back (Station. Trunk Camp-On)- This feature allows a station user encountering a busy station to be automatically notified when the station or trunk becomes idle. Automatic Route Selection - This feature provides directed routing to the users preferred trunk route list (FX, WATS, Tie Lines, etc. Call Diversion to Attendant - This feature allows busy diversion and/or no answer diversion if off-hook or does not answer after predetermined ring, to divert to attendant. Call Flip-Flop - This feature allows a user to have two calls in progress with the capability to alternate between them. The initiator converses with one while the other is on hold. Call Forwarding (Busy. All. No Answer)- This feature provides the option of fixed and/or variable forwarding of a station s incoming calls to a predetermined number. All calls, or only calls reaching a no answer or busy condition, may be forwarded. Fixed forwarding is established and changed by the Company, whereas variable forwarding is established and changed by the station user. Call Hold - This feature allows a station user to place a call in progress on hold. 10.Call Park - This feature allows a station user to park a call and then retrieve it again from the same or a different station. DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 56 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7""" J2 .(.~~ SECRETARY CENTREX SERVICE (Continued) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 solD RAF1\4 s 0 IPU CJ ADDC 11.Call Pickup - This feature allows a station user to answer incoming calls to another station within his defined pickup group. 12.Call Transfer (DID to DOD, Incoming Only. Internal)- This feature allows a station user to contact a third party while on a call, establish a three-way conversation and then drop off allowing the two other parties to remain connected (Call Transfer-All). The call transfer function may be restricted to incoming calls only or to calls within a particular customer group. 13.Call Waiting - This feature provides a burst of tone to inform a busy station user that another call is waiting. 14.Call Waiting (Originating)- This feature allows a station user to initiate the call waiting feature to a busy station within his customer group. 15.Cancel Call Waiting - This feature provides the ability to disable the Call Waiting Feature for the duration of a call. 16.Combined Dial Pulse - DTMF Signaling - This feature provides for either dial pulse or tone signaling. 17.Consultation Hold - This feature allows the initiator of a three-way call or transfer to speak privately with the third party before completing the connection. 18.Convenience Dialing - This feature, similar to Single Digit Dialing, allows Centrex customers to call a specific party within the group by dialing a one-digit or two-digit code. 19.Customer Dialed Account Recording (CDAR)* - The CDAR feature allows a customer to add an account number to their own Automatic Message Accounting (AMA) record for allocation of charges on billable outward calls. 20.Data Line Security - This feature prohibits interruption to a busy line by any sort of secondary call. 21.Dial Access to Attendant - This feature allows stations connected via tie line access to dial attendant access code DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.C. NO. Original Sheet No. 57 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION~PPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7o:L J2 SECRETARY CENTREX SERVICE (Continued) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) S; IT ARIFF\ID \4 801D RAFI\4 8 0 IPU CJ AD D C 22.Dialing Access to Private Facilities - When a customer has private facilities that are directly terminated to customer premise equipment the customer accesses the facility by dialinglkeying a code unique to that facility. 23.Dictation Access and Control - This feature provides for station access to customer provided dictation equipment. Special equipment, priced on an individual case basis, is required for this service at the customer s premises. 24.Direct Inward Dialing (DID) - This feature allows incoming calls from the exchange network to reach a specific station without attendant assistance. 25.Direct Outward Dialing (DOD) - This feature allows station users to place external calls to the exchange network without attendant assistance. 26.Directed Call Pickup - This feature allows a station user to answer any incoming call within his customer group by dialing the access code and the ringing station number. 27.Distinctive Ringing - This feature provides different ringing patterns for internal and external calls. 28.Do Not Disturb - This feature gives a station user the capability of making the telephone line appear busy. Incoming calls may be diverted to a different station or may receive a busy signal, even though the end-user is not using his or her telephone. 29.Executive Busy Override - This feature allows a station user to access a busy station. 30.Expensive Route Warning Tone - This feature provides a warning tone indicating a route determined to be expensive for a given location has been selected. 31.Flexible Intercept - This feature provides the automatic routing to intercept calls which cannot be completed because of imposed restrictions, misdialing, etc. 32.FX Facilities Access - This feature provides access to and from a remote exchange network via dedicated trunk facilities. 33.Fully Restricted Service - This feature prohibits access by a station to facilities other than stations within the same customer group. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITiES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFrECTIVEDIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 58 Cancels Sheet No. JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' J2. ~ ~~ SECRETARY CENTREX SERVICE (Continued) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) S; IT ARlPP\IDI4 SOlD RAFI\4 so IPUC3 ADD C 34.Hunting. Circular - Circular hunting is performed in a sequential manner only when a member s number in the hunt group has been dialed/keyed. Hunting proceeds to the last member in the group, wrapping around to the first member and ending with the member before the one that was dialed/keyed. 35.Hunting. Preferential - This hunting feature operates on the basis of providing a separate preferential hunting list to one or all members of the hunt group. When a preferred member s number is dialed/keyed and found busy, its preferential hunting list is accessed to determine the hunting sequence that will occur. 36.Hunting. Regular - Regular hunting is performed in a sequential manner only when a member s number in the hunt group has been dialed/keyed. Hunting ends at the last member in the group. 37.Hunting. Terminal (Pilot)- This feature is performed only when the pilot number has been dialed/keyed. Hunting. Uniform Call Distribution (ACD)- The ACD feature allows incoming trunk calls to be directed to, and distributed among, a select group of stations. 38. 39.Intercom - This feature allows a station to call other stations within the group by dialing a code, normally one or two digits. 40.Last Number Redial - This feature allows a station user to redial the last number dialed by utilizing an access code. Make Busy (Terminal/Group)- This feature allows the terminal in a hunt group or an entire hunt group to appear busy to incoming calls. Special equipment priced on an individual case basis, is required for this service at the customer premIses. 41. 42.Music-on-Hold - This feature allows the customer to provide music to the calling party when he has been placed on hold. Special equipment, priced on an individual case basis, is required for this service at the customer s premises. 43.Night Service (Fixed. Flexible)- This feature provides for the routing of calls at night to a predetermined station number. The station may be permanently assigned (fixed) or night answer stations may be programmed each day (flexible). Off-Hook Queuing - This feature allows a station user to remain off-hook and wait for an idle trunk so he may complete his call. 44. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEDIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 59 Cancels Sheet No. JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7eL J2. SECRETARY CENTREX SERVICE (Continued) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 BOlD RAFI\4 BO IPU C3 A DDC 45.Paging Access - This feature provides access to a customer provided loudspeaker system. Special equipment, priced on an individual case basis, is required for this service at the customer s premises. 46.Remote Access to Business Group Features - This feature allows authorized users to call in from the exchange network and gain access to a business group including all features associated with that group. Special equipment, priced on an individual case basis, is required for this service at the customer s premises. 47.Single Digit Dialing - This feature allows speed calling between selected stations in separate groups using a one-digit code. 48.Speed Calling Group - This feature allows more than one station to have access to a shared speed calling list. The shared list may be either short or long. 49.S\Jeed Calling Iridividual (Long)- This feature allows a user to dial an individual list of selected numbers using an access code and two digits. 50.Speed Calling Individual (Short)- This feature allows a user to dial an individual list of selected numbers using an access code and one digit. 51.Station Message Detail Recording - This feature provides the capability to accumulate call detail information from each station. Special equipment, priced on an individual case basis, is required for this service at the customer pre1ll1ses. 52.Station-to-Station Dialing - This feature allows station users to call each other using station extension numbers. 53.Station Transfer Security - This feature provides that a call, which has been transferred by one station to a second station which does not answer, will recall the transferring station. 54.Stop Hunt - This feature allows a station user to stop when a particular line is reached in a hunting sequence. 55.Three-Way Calling - This feature allows a station user to add a third party to the conversation. (See Consultation Hold and Call Transfer). DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 60 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7eL J2 ~ (,~ SECRETARY CENTREX SERVICE (Continued) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 56.Time of Day Routing - This feature provides for route selection based on the most economical path for a particular time of day. 57.Toll Restricted Service - This feature allows the customer to block station calls placed to the toll network or to divert them to the attendant. 58.User Transfer - This feature, available to Centrex customers, is identical to Call Transfer - All. 59.Wake-up Reminder - This feature allows station users the ability to program their telephone to ring distinctively at a specific time. .; IT ARIPFIID\4 B OlD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C3 AD D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS P. U.C. NO. Original Sheet No. 61 Cancels Sheet No. RATES CONDITIONS HO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION10 APPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- ' ~~ J2. Jk i~~SECRETARY P A YPHONE SERVICE (public Access Line Service - PAL) Payphone Service Instrument Implemented Flat Rate Installation Charge Non-Recurring MonthlyCharge Rate Applicable Nonrecurring Charges Flat Rate Business Access Line Rate Central Office Implemented Flat Rate Applicable Nonrecurring Charges Flat Rate Business Access Line Rate Features and Functions Answer Supervision and Coin Collection and Return Special Number Assignment Selective Class of Call Screening $ 2. $ 5. $2. Payphone Service includes lines to which coin, coinless, card reader or a combination of coin/card reader telephones may be attached. Payphone Service is a business exchange access line composed of the serving central office line equipment, all outside plant facilities needed to connect the serving central office with the customer s premises, and the Network Interface Device (NID) at the demarcation point. These facilities are Company-provided and maintained and provide access to and from the telecommunications network for long distance service and local calling. A maximum of one customer-provided instrument implemented pay telephone may be connected to anyone instrument or CO implemented coin line. General Rules and Regulations found in this tariff are applicable to the provision of Payphone Service. Directory listings may be provided under the regulations governing the furnishing of listings for business subscribers. A Network Interface Device will be installed at a location determined by the Company which is accessible to the customer. The Network Interface Device (NID) is a company-provided jack or its equivalent. It is the point of connection between the telephone company owned wiring and wiring owned by the Customer. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 SolD RAFI\4 SOIPU C3 ADD C IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEDIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 62 JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7"- J2 SECRETARY PAYPHONE SERVICE (Cont' CONDITIONS (Cont' Applicable Nonrecurring Charges plus actual costs apply for the installation, move orrearrangement of the Network Interface Device (NID) on the customer s premises to establish orreestablish network access. The Company shall not be liable for shortages of coins collected and deposited at the subscriber equipment. The limit of the Company s liability for end user fraud of whatever nature occurring at or in association with the subscriber s equipment shall be governed by provisions of this Tariff andrule or regulations of the Commission. In case of conflict between the tariff provisions and Commission rules and regulations, the rule or regulations shall prevail. Extensions to a payphone service provider are not permitted. 10. The Multiline business Subscriber Line Charge, found in the interstate access tariff, is applicable to all payphone Instrument and CO Implemented coin lines. 11. Special Number Assignment is available where technically feasible and requested numbers are available. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER The customer shall be responsible for the installation, operation and maintenance of the customer-provided instrument, plus all ancillary equipment, such as booths, shelves, lighting,directories, etc., used in connection with this service. The telephone instrument, plus all ancillary equipment, must comply with the requirements of all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning disabled, handicapped and/orhearing impaired persons. a. The customer shall be responsible for the payment of charges for all local and toll messages originating from or accepted at this type of service, including any Directory Assistance Calls. b. Customer s are responsible for any federal, state, or local taxes on the Customer Owned Pay Telephone or calls made from that phone. S; IT ARJF1I\ID\4 BOlD RAFI\4 so IPU C3 AD D C IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFrECTIVE DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 63 JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- J2 ~SECRETARYPAYPHONE SERVICE (Cont' RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont' 4.' S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 8 OlD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C3 ADD C The customer-provided instrument must be registered in compliance with Part 68 of the FCC's Rules and Regulations or be connected behind an FCC registered protective coupler under Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations and have the following operational characteristics: Must be able to access the operator at no charge and without using a coin. Must be able to access Directory Assistance. Must be able to complete local and toll calls. Must be able to access 911 emergency service, where available, at no charge and without usmg a com. Must be able to access toll free 800/888 Service at no charge and without using a coin. Must allow any End User to reach their preferred Long Distance Carrier by dialing the appropriate Long Distance Carrier Access Code. These codes must conform to the industry standard formats of 1OXXX and 101XXXX. Instruments must be labeled or there must be posted in close proximity to the instrument information including: Name, address and (local or toll free) telephone number of the private pay phone owner; Procedure for reporting service difficulties and method of obtaining refunds; A statement that the instrument is not owned by the Local Exchange Company and that charges for calls made on the instrument are not regulated; Dialing instructions; Operational characteristics such as pre-payor post-pay; Emergency dialing information including dial tone first, coin-free 911 or other emergency access; and Where calls are timed, the time limits per call. DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 64 P A TIRONE SERVICE (con ~~ J2 SECRETARY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont' Customers who elect not to subscribe to Selective Class of Call Screening will be fully responsible for all calls billed to customer s exchange access line. The Telephone Company shall have no responsibility to adjust any such charges and/or release customer from paying any such charges. Customer will hold the Telephone Company hannless from and against any liability or loss resulting from all calls billed to customer s exchange access line. The customer is responsible for compliance with the FCC's Rules and Regulations and the State Commission s Rules and Regulations regarding the use of customer-provided pay telephones. VIOLATION OF REGULATIONS Where any customer-owned pay telephone is in violation of this Tariff, the Company will take whatever action is necessary to protect the network and will promptly notify the customer in writing of the violation. The customer shall discontinue use of the customer-owned pay telephone or correct the violation and notify the Company in writing within five (5) days after receipt of such notice that the violation has been corrected. Failure of the customer to discontinue such use or to correct the violation will result in the suspension of the customer service until such time as the customer complies with the provisions of this Tariff. INSTRUMENT IMPLEMENTED P A YPHONE SERVICE Instrument Implemented Payphone Service is offered for use with a customer provided pay telephone. All attachments of a customer provided instrument to the network must be made pursuant to the rules and regulations set forth in this Tariff and as required by State and Federal cormmSSlons. CENTRAL OFFICE (CO) IMPLEMENTED COIN LINE Central Office Implemented Coin Line provides coin signaling. It is a line side connection from the local exchange switch to the point of demarcation at the customer premise. Features are additives to the operation of a flat rate access line that provide for CO Implemented coin line service. The Company offers those features that are provided by the functionality of the Company s switches. These include coin supervision, coin control (collect and return of coins, if applicable), and answer supervision. The company does not offer operator services. CO implemented coin line features that are implemented by the functionality of an operator service provider, such as coin rating, coin refund, repair referral, and operator call screening, are the responsibility of the Payphone service provider (Customer). S; IT ARIFF\ID \4 SOlD RAFI\4 S 0 IPU CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 65 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~neL J2 JI.e.. SECRETARY PAYPHONE SERVICE (Cont'd) CENTRAL OFFICE (CO) IMPLEMENTED COIN LINE (Cont'd) Validation may be performed through Originating-Line Screening (OLS). OLS enables operator service providers to determine whether there are billing restrictions on the exchange access line from which a call originates. OLS service delivers codes on operator assisted calls to identify calls originating from privately owned payphones, inmate locations, and hotels/motels, etc. Rates for this service are found in the appropriate interstate access tariff, when facilities and services are available. CO Implemented Coin Line features, including coin line signaling, coin collect and return (where applicable) and answer supervision, are provided by the Telephone Company per the technology available from the Company s facilities. It shall be the responsibility of the CO Implemented Coin Line payphone owner to assure technical and operational compatibility with the coin line features offered by the Telephone Company. FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS DEFINITIONS Answer Supervision and coin collection and return features provide signaling on the line notifying the line that the called party has answered and an electrical signal on a CO Implemented Line indicating to the payphone equipment to collect or return coin(s) to the calling party. These features are additives to the CO Implemented Coin Line. Special Number Assignment is a specific number requested by the customer. This service is available where facilities are available and it is technically feasible to provide. This feature is an additive to the CO Implemented Coin Line or to the Instrument Implemented Payphone Service. Selective Class of Call Screening will be provided where such facilities are available at the customer s option. Selective Class of Call Screening treatment enables the customer to restrict outgoing operator-handled calls, placed over the Telephone Company s network, from the service point to only those calls which are charged to a called telephone, a third number or a calling card. Billed Number Screening - allows the customer to identify to the Telephone company that they will not accept any Third-number and/or Collect calls for billing to their telephone number. The Company places information regarding this screening restriction into a database that is normally accessed by operator service providers prior to such calls being completed. When customers have indicated that they do not wish to accept billing for any Third-number or Collect calls, the database will not validate charging for such a call. The operator service provider can then decide whether to complete the call based on this information provided by the database. Billed Number Screening can be ordered to screen third-number billed calls, collect calls, or both. S; IT ARIPP\ID \4 s OlD RAFI\4 so IPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO.Original Sheet No. 66 Y'2 , '~'-~. SECRETARY PAYPHONE SERVICE (Cont'd) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EF!!ECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1 - ' Central Office (cO) hnplemented Coin Line - access line that provides coin signaling. Demarcation Point - the point of connection, provided and maintained by the telephone company, at which the station wiring becomes dedicated to an individual customer s use. For an individual customer dwelling, this point of connection will generally be the modular jack incorporated into the customer side of the Network Interface Device (NID). The drop wire and the network protector will continue to be provided by, and remain the property of, the telephone company. The demarcation point is usually the point at which the telephone company wiring connects with the customer s wiring. Network Interface Device (NID)- a device wired between the telecommunications protector and the inside wiring to isolate the customer s equipment from the network. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 8 OlD RAFI\4 8 OIPU CJ AD DC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 67 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION' ,:,oROVED EF~ECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' J2 ~~"c.-.seCRETARY Automatic Dialing and Announcement Devices (ADAD) An automatic dialing an announcement device (ADAD)dials telephone numbers it has been programmed to dial and plays a recorded message when a call is answered. There are two types of ADAD: those used for solicitation calls and those used for non-solicitation calls. RATES Per Access Line Monthly Business Access Line Rate CONDITIONS Certification Before any ADAD, other than one that will be used to deliver a message in response to an emergency, may be connected to the telephone network, the potential user must verify in writing to the Company that the ADAD(s) will have the capacity to comply with the requirements of these tariff provisions and that the user will use the ADAD(s) only in compliance with these provisions. Regulations A. The potential user must notify the Company in writing of the intended use of the ADAD(s). The notice shall list the calendar days and clock hours during which the ADAD(s) will be used and shall estimate the message attempts per hour and the average length of completed messages. B. The ADAD user (customer) must notify the Company in writing within 30 days of any changes in the ADAD operation that results in either an increase or decrease in the number of message attempts per hour and/or the average length of completed message C. The use of automatic dialing and announcement devices (ADAD) that do not automatically disengage the called party's line when the called party hangs up its receiver are absolutely prohibited, except for their use in security and alarm systems or other systems in which the called party has previously agreed to the ADAD's call and has consented to its line being engaged in this manner. D. ADADS are prohibited from making unsolicited calls before 9:00 AM or after 9:00 PM. E. ADADS are prohibited from calling public safety numbers such as police, fire and emergency services. ADADS are prohibited from calling unlisted, unpublished or inward W ATS numbers. ADADS are prohibited from calling more than one number held by a given called party. S; IT ARIFF\ID14 BolD RAFI\4 BOIPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 68 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1 - ' ~/7~ J2. ~ SE~RETARY CONSTRUCTION CHARGES GENERAL Line extensions consist of additions to plant beyond existing leads, and do not include additions to plant along existing telephone utility leads. Line extension charges are applied to subscriber applicants with abnonnal1y long extension requirements to prevent unreasonably burdening the general body of existing subscribers. All line extensions will be owned and maintained by the Company. Line extension charges set forth in this schedule apply in connection with all types of service when established by means of an extension to the Company s plant consisting of "buried wire" or pole construction, including extensions by means of poles to be owned solely by the Company or jointly with others and by means of contacts or contact space on poles of others. The Company shall determine the type of construction to be used. In lieu of the charges otherwise applicable, the applicant, ifhe so elects, may initially clear the right of way, furnish materials, transportation or labor in accordance with the nonnal construction standards of the Company. In all instances the ownership of facilities shall be entirely vested in the Company. The locations of line extensions are determined by the telephone company and the distances (including drop wire) are measured along the route so selected. Construction to serve two or more customers, whether on public right-of-way or private easements, may be used for serving subscribers in general. The total extension to plant (along public roads or on private property) to be furnished without charge shall not exceed 1000 feet per application. Where the total extension exceeds 1000 feet, the free footage allowance is first computed for the private property portion of the extension prior to computing any allowance for the construction along public roads. In addition to the Line Extension Allowance, customers shall receive up to 300 feet of drop wire construction without charge. Contracts, covering periods not more than three years of telephone service, may be required by the Company as a condition precedent to establishment of the service when line extensions are necessary. Such contracts will not require advance or unusual payments in excess of those otherwise required by this schedule, and shall not interfere with the Company s right to collect amounts as provided elsewhere in its tariff schedule. S :IT ARJFII\ID\4801D RAFI\4 8 0 IPU CJ A D DC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 69 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' J2 SECRETARV CONSTRUCTION CHARGES (Cont'd) GENERAL (Cont'd) Line extension charges assessed to applicants will be based on Rural Electrification (REA) Rules and Regulations when applicable. In case of disagreement or dispute regarding the application of any provisions of this rule, or in circumstances where the application of this rule appears impracticable or unjust to either party, the utility, applicant, or applicants may refer the matter to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for ruling. The estimated cost of the line extensions are payable in advance. In the event of overcharge, refunds to applicants will reflect the difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost of the line extension. In the event of undercharge, the Company shall bill the applicant for an amount not to exceed 10% of the estimated extension costs. Any adjustments between the estimated costs advanced by the applicant and the reasonable actual cost shall be made within sixty days after completion of the extension. When an applicant is so located that it is necessary to use private and/or public right-of- way to furnish service, and the Company is unable to obtain the required right-of-way without cost, the applicant may be required to pay the costs incurred in securing the right- of-way in addition to other charges. LINE EXTENSIONS RATES Line Extensions and Additions within the Base Rate Area: Extensions and additions to plant necessary to provide telephone service No Charge Line Extensions and Upgrades outside the Base Rate Area: Upgrades to plant along existing exchange or toll telephone circuits of this utility, including 1000 feet of drop wire construction.No Charge S; IT ARlFP\IDI4 8 OlD RAFI\4 8 0 1PUC3 ADDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 70 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/?~ )2 ~~~~ SECRETARY CONSTRUCTION CHARGES (Cont'd) LINE EXTENSIONS (Cont'd) Line Extensions and Upgrades outside the Base Rate Area: (Cont' d) Extension to plant beyond existing exchange or toll telephone circuits of this utility, including poles and buried wire. (1)Free Footage Allowance: The Company will construct at its expense a maximum of 1000 ft. of line extension per applicant of which not more than 300 ft. of this free footage may be on private property or along a private road. The Company will also construct at its expense a maximum of 300 feet of drop wire per applicant.No Charge (2)Extensions to plant and drop wire construction exceeding free footage allowance: Actual Cost For line extensions of unusually long length or high cost, the Company may also estimate the cost of providing radio telephone service. The Company applicant may request either line extension or radio telephone service and the applicant will pay the actual cost for the chosen option in excess of the free allowance which would be provided under the line extension option. GROUP OF APPLICANTS When construction is required to serve a new applicant, a survey is made of all prospective subscribers who might be served from the new construction or an extension thereof and who might benefit by being included in the project. Free footage allowances are made only for those prospective subscribers making a written application for service. All applicants are grouped in a single project when there is no more than one-half mile of construction between successive applicants. Separate projects are established whenever the construction between any two successive applicants exceeds one-half mile. Two or more projects are combined, however, whenever this results in lower charges (or no increase in charges) for all of the applicants involved. S; IT ARIFF\ID \4 SolD RAFI\4 S 0 IPU C3 A DO C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.C. NO. Original Sheet No. 71 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7a. J2. SECRETARY CONSTRUCTION CHARGES (Cont'd) GROUP OF APPLICANTS (Cont'd) An applicant at any premises receives only a single line extension and drop wire allowance regardless of the number of services ordered at that premises. Applicants ordering service at more than one premises are treated as separate applicants each premises for purposes of this schedule. For the purpose of determining project charges, the collective free footage allowance for the group is subtracted from the overall Line Extension footage required for service. The total project cost is then divided equally among all applicants. Exceptions: (1) No applicant is required to pay a higher charge than he would if the project were established for him alone. Any difference between this charge and the average charge for the group is absorbed by the Company. (2)Charges for extensions to plant on private property (including drop wire) are assumed by applicants on whose property such extensions are made and these charges are not included in the overall charges for the project. Likewise, the free footage allowance on private property is not included in the collective allowance for the project. CHARGES TO SUBSEQUENT APPLICANTS When a new applicant can be served from a completed project, within three years from the date service was initially established for such project, the charges for the entire project are recomputed to include the new applicant. The new applicant pays a prorated amount of the line extension charge based on the number of months (a fraction of a month is counted as a full month) remaining in the original three-year term. The time is computed from the date service is established for the new applicant. Where additional construction is required for an applicant to be served from a project less than three years old, the cost of the project is computed as above if such recomputation does not increase the charges to those customers served from the existing project. Otherwise, a new project will be established. S; IT ARIFF\ID14 solD RAFI\4 so IPU CJ A DD DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 72 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 '99 MAY 1- ' ~/7~ )2 SECRETARY CONSTRUCTION CHARGES (Cont'd) CHARGES TO SUBSEQUENT APPLICANTS (Cont'd) When a project is recomputed as described above, existing subscribers will be refunded a prorated amount of the difference between the original charges and the recomputed charges based on the remainder of the three-year tenn. Recomputation of the charges due to the addition of new applicants is made on the assumption that there have been no disconnects. Where construction on private property is subsequently treated as being on public roads, or where a private road is dedicated to the public use, within three years of completion of the original project, the time extension charges shall be recomputed and refunds made to the initial applicants where applicable. DISCONNECTS AND REUSE OF FACILITIES When one or more subscribers on a project disconnect within the three year tenn, no refund is made of the line extension charge to the disconnected subscribers. Charges to remaining subscribers are not affected by disconnects. When a subscriber disconnects service or moves off the project and service is established for a new applicant at the same location, any adjustment in charges is a matter for negotiation between the original subscriber and the new applicant. Where a subscriber is disconnected for any reason and subsequently re-applies for service from the same premises or another premises on the same project, the subscriber will not be required to pay any additional line extension charges in addition to his total original obligation. REAL ESTATE SUBDMSIONS Line extensions into real estate subdivisions will be made by the Company provided 60% of the estimated total cost of such extension is advanced to the Company by the subdivider. The amount so advanced will be refunded to the subdivider when 50% of the estimated total telephone services are connected within the subdivision during a period of five years from date of agreement. The subdivider shall notify the Company in writing when the 50% hook-up has been attained. Final evaluation will be made by the Company. RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS 1. Within the applicant s subdivision, the Company will construct, own, operate and maintain facilities only along public streets, roads, and highways which the Company has the legal right to occupy, and on public lands and private property across which rights-of-way and easements satisfactory to the Company may be obtained without cost or need for condemnation by the Company. S; IT ARlPP\IDI4 SOlD RAFI\4 BO IPU CJ A D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 73 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- ' ~/7..... )2 OJv---SECRETARY CONSTRUCTION CHARGES (Cont'd) RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS(Cont'd) Rights-of-way and easements, within the subdivision, satisfactory to the Company, must be furnished by the applicant in reasonable time to meet construction and service requirements before the Company shall be required to commence its installation. Such rights-of-way and easements must be cleared of trees, tree stumps and other obstructions and graded to within six inches of final grade, by applicant, at no charge to the Company. Such clearance and grading must be maintained by the applicant during construction by the Company. TEMPORARY OR SPECULATIVE SERVICE Line extensions and/or additions to provide service to an applicant engaged in temporary or speculative business will be made on the condition that applicant pays to the Company the total cost of the construction and removal of the line necessary in furnishing the service, less the salvage value of the material used. If a subscriber maintains for thirty-six consecutive months a service installation which was originally established on a temporary or speculative basis, and if his business or operation at the end of that time has proven its pennanency to the satisfaction of the Company, there will be refunded to the subscriber an amount equal to the difference between the payment made and the nonnal1ine extension charge which would have been applicable at the time the subscriber s service was installed. In no event shall service installation be classed as temporary or speculative for more than six years. Refund provisions apply at the end of not more than six years. SAVING CLAUSE Arrangements may be made, other than as provided for above in this schedule, in the following cases subject to prior authorization of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission: Where the applicant requests a particular type of construction or a specific route for extensions to meet the applicant's special requirements and where the construction or route so requested differs from the nonnal standards of the Company and is not required by law. Line extensions involving underground crossings of railroads, highway or power lines submarine cable, or along river crossings. Where construction is required to provide service on a seasonal basis, or to provide Foreign Exchange Service, or to meet other unusual conditions. Any other line extension and/or additions involving unusual or disproportionately large construction expenditures as compared to the usual line extension. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 SOlD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU CJ ADD C IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 1'.':':'"t~f'WED EFF;?c-~TIVe DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 74 Cancels Sheet No. JUN 23 'MAY 1- . /2 ~.~ SECRETARY CONNECTION WITH SUBSCRIBER-OWNED EQUIPMENT RATES Rate Local line access will be supplied at the rates described in the "Network Access Line Service" section of this Tariff. Service Call If a trouble report results in a service call and the trouble is found to be in the customer- provided equipment $10. CONDITIONS General Customer-provided terminal equipment or communication systems (CPE) used in conjunction with telephone service shall not interfere with any of the service offerings of the Company; endanger Company employees or the public, damage or require the alteration of Company facilities, interfere with the proper functioning of Company facilities, or impair the operation of the telephone network. Upon notice from the Company that the CPE is causing or is likely to cause such hazard or interference, the customer shall make whatever changes are necessary to correct the problem. The Company shall not be responsible for the installation, operation maintenance of any CPE. The customer shall be responsible for the payment of all Company charges for visits by the Company to the customer premises where a service difficulty or trouble report results from customer-provided equipment or facilities. Where CPE is connected to Company facilities, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing, operation and maintenance of such facilities in a manner suitable for telephone service. The Company shall not be responsible for the through transmission of signals generated by the CPE or, for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission, or the reception of signals by CPE. The Company shall not be responsible to the customer if changes in any of the facilities operations or procedures of the Company render any CPE obsolete or require modification or alteration of such equipment or otherwise affect its use or performance. S, IT ARIFFlIDI4 SOlD RAFI\4 so IPU CJ ADDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 75 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7eL J2 ~~)fV""'SECRETARY CONNECTION WITH SUBSCRIBER-OWNED EQUIPMENT (Continued) Where CPE is used with telephone service in violation of any of these conditions, the Company will take whatever action is necessary to protect the network and will promptly notify the customer of the violation in writing. The customer shall discontinue use of the equipment or correct the violation. Written confinnation of the corrective action taken will be supplied to the Company within 10 days following receipt of notice of the violation by the customer. Failure of the customer to comply with these requirements shall result in suspension of the customer s service until the customer complies with the provision of this Tariff. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 8 olD RAFI\4 80IPU C3 A DD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS I.P.C. NO. Original Sheet No. 76 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EF?'2CT!VE JUN 23 MAY 1 - ' )2 SECRETARY TRUNK HUNTING SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS RATES: Applicable to the Rockland and Arbon Exchanges Monthly Rate Hunting Service per line or Trunk in a group so arranged $3. CONDITIONS Trunk hunting service arrangement is equipment located in the Telephone Company s central office arranged to select the next available line of a customer s group of hunting lines, when the line associated with the called number of the customer is busy. When a customer requests that specific sequential numbers be reserved for his future use with additional lines, there will be a monthly charge of 1/3 business access line rate. S; IT ARlPP\ID148 01DRAP1\4 BO IPU CJ AD DC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 76. Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7eL )2. ~b(." SECRETARY LINE / TRUNK HUNTING SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS STANDARD HUNTING SERVICE RATES: Applicable to Paris Exchange Standard Hunting Service Nonrecurring Charge Monthly Rate Residence, per line $8. Business, per line or trunk Service Order Charge CONDITIONS This is an optional arrangement available to customers with two or more individual line or trunk services. Where facilities pemrit, such lines/trunks will be arranged so that incoming calls to a busy line/trunk will overflow to other available lines/trunks for that customer. The following types of hunting arrangements are available: series and multiline (basic hunting), circular and preferential. The rate for each individual line/trunk arranged for Standard Hunting Service is in addition to the regular access line/trunk rates. The nonrecurring charge applies for business customers to establish, change to or from or to rearrange Standard Hunting Service, except when changing from series to multiline or vice versa. The above rates and charges are for each access line/trunk arranged for Standard Hunting Service. They are applicable to all but the last line so arranged. Standard Hunting Services are available only to customers who are served from a central office equipped to provide such services. From time to time, the Company may offer promotional programs where the nonrecurring charges may be waived. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 SOlD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C3 A DD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 76. Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~~ J2 SECRETARY LINE / TRUNK HUNTING SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS OPTIONAL FEATURES-CIRCULAR HUNT RATES: Applicable to the Paris Exchange Optional Features-Circular Hunt Nonrecurring Charge Monthly Rate Residence, per line $3. Business, per line or trunk Service Order Charge DESCRIPTION Circular Hunt is an option of Hunting Service that allows for hunting to start at the dialed number and continues in ascending order to the last number in the hunt group. Hunting then proceeds to the first number of the hunt group and continues through the group until an idle line is reached or the number just preceding the dialed number is reached. CONDITIONS The rates and charges for Circular Hunt are in addition to the rates and charges for Hunting Service. Only one nonrecurring charge will apply for business customers when both are ordered at the same time for the same customer, on the same line. S; IT ARIfF\ID\4 B OlD RAFl\48 0 IPU CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 76. Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/7"'- j2 .Jk ~~...... SECRETARY LINE / TRUNK HUNTING SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS OPTIONAL FEATURES-PREFERENTIAL HUNT RATES: Applicable to the Paris Exchange Optional Features-Preferential Hunt N omecurring Charge Monthly Rate Business, per line or trunk Service Order Charge $1. DESCRIPTION Preferential Hunt is an option of Standard Hunting Service that enables incoming calls to a specific number within a hunt group to hunt over a unique hunting sequence of lines within the hunting group. The unique hunting sequence is other than that encountered when a caller dials the first telephone number in the hunt group. CONDITIONS The rates and charges for Preferential Hunt are in addition to the rates and charges for Standard Hunting Service. Only one nomecurring charge will apply when both are ordered at the same time, for the same customer, on the same line. S; IT ARlPP\IDI4 SOlD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU CJ A DDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 77 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTJUTIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' J2 ..J.h.--(~SECRETARY BUSY VERIFICATION/INTERRUPT SERVICE RATES Rate Verification, per request $1.50 Interrupt, per request DESCRIPTION Customers may obtain assistance in determining if a called line is in use (herein called verification) or in interrupting a conversation in progress (herein called interrupt) by calling the "0" operator. CONDITIONS A ~erification charge applies each time the operator verifies a called line and hears voice communication. An interrupt charge applies each time an operator interrupts a conversation that is in progress on the called line. Verification and interrupt service is furnished where and to the extend that the facilities permit. The customer shall indemnify and save the Company hannless against all claims that may arise from either party to the interrupted call or any person. If an operator both verifies the condition of the line and interrupts conversation on the same request, the interrupt charge only applies. The charge for interrupt applies whenever the operator interrupts the conversation even though one or the other parties interrupted refuses to terminate the conversation in progress. Charges for verify/interrupt service may be billed to a calling card, special billing number or third number. Charges may not be billed on a collect basis. The charges for verify/interrupt service are in addition to any applicable rates, i., operator assistance charges or calling card message charges. Time-of-day discounts or the unused Directory Assistance allowance will not be applied against these charges. , as a result of an interrupt, the line is cleared, and the calling party's request, the operator completes the call, the applicable operator assistance charges, and/or calling card message charges apply in addition to the interrupt charges. 10.The verify charge will not apply if the number verified is not in use and the operator completes the call. Applicable operator assistance charges apply. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 BolD RAFI\4 BO IPU C3 AD D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 78 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7P- )2. SECRETARY BUSY VERIFICATION/INTERRUPT SERVICE (Cont'd) CONDITIONS (Cont'd) 11.No verification or interrupt charge will apply if the requesting customer identifies that the call is from an authorized Public Emergency Agency. An authorized Public Emergency Agency is defined as a government agency which is operated by the Federal, State or local government and has the capability and legal authority to provide prompt aid to the public in emergency situations. 12.No charge will apply when the operator encounters a trouble condition or has reason to believe a trouble condition exists. 13.Requests which originate from stations equipped with CUSTOMNET Call Screening will be completed and billed subject to applicable screening restrictions in addition to the terms and conditions specified herein. 14.Verification and interrupt service is furnished to coin and non-coin customers. 15.Person-to-Person service is not offered. S; IT A8IFF\ID\4SOID RAFI\4 SOIPU C3 ADDC IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEDIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 79 Cancels Sheet No. JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~~ 12 ~.l:4~SECRETARY LONG DISTANCE MESSAGE RESTRICTION-LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE RATES: Applicable to the Rockland and Arbon Exchanges Monthly Rate Long Distance Message Restriction - Residence - Business $2. $3. RATES: Applicable to the Paris Exchange Monthlv Rate Long Distance Message Restriction - Residence - Business $2. $2. Blocking for 1OXXXl+I10XXXOll+$0. CONDITIONS Long Distance Message Restriction - Local Exchange Service is an arrangement which permits Local Exchange Service line users to dial local service area calls but prevents the origination of long distance calls. Long Distance Message Restriction - Local Exchange Service is provided for use only on individual network access line service and only where the customer has other network access line service on the same premises arranged for unrestricted use of the telecommunications network. The acceptance of collect call messages is not restricted by this arrangement. Blocking for 1 OXXXI + / 1 OXXXO 11 + prevents 1 OXXX1 + and 1 OXXXO 11 + calls from being completed. Blocked calls will be routed to an announcement. Blocking Service is offered subject to the availability of existing central office facilities. Provision of 1 OXXX1 + / 1 OXXXO 11 + Blocking does not alleviate customer responsibility for completed toll calls. Other Toll Restrictions type services are available to customer subscribing to 1 OXXX1 + / 1 OXXXO 11 + Blocking. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 8 OlD RAFI\480 IPU CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 80 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTIUTIESCOMY!SSIONAPPROVED a;rECTIVE JUN 2 3 '99 .. 1- '99 ~4- J2 (l:c~~SECRETMY MESSAGE RESTRICTION-LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont'd) CONDITIONS (Cont' Message Restriction-Local Exchange Services are available only to customers who are served from a central office equipped to provide such services. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 8 olD RAFI\480 IPU CJ A D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 81 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 MAY 1- ' ~/7a.. 12 ~SECRETARY COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER FIRE REPORTING SYSTEMS RATES Monthly Rate Installation Move Charge Basic system including one main station $7. Applicable Non-Recurring Charges Additional stations, each 1.50 Applicable Non-Recurring Charges CONDITIONS The service offered in the Rate preceding is designed for use by unattended volunteer fire departments. A party calling the listed fire reporting number activates a conference circuit which rings volunteer firemen s telephones, enabling the caller to report the fire or emergency to answering firemen. Remote answering terminals permit firemen away from home, upon hearing the fire siren, to call a designated telephone number which will connect them to the fire reporting system. This feature requires a non-published 1-party business line. It will handle up to three simultaneous calls. The siren control circuit is a private line, suitable for supervisory control, from the fire reporting system common equipment to the siren. s; IT ARIPFIIDI4 SOlD RAFI'\4 801PU CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 82 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- ~/7eL J2. SECRETARY BASIC EMERGENCY 911 SERVICE DESCRIPTION 911 Emergency Communications System Service (911 Service) is a telephone exchange service whereby a Public Safety Answering point (PSAP) designated by the customer may receive calls signaled to the telephone number 911. The service provides the capability to answer emergency calls originated by persons within the serving area who dial 911. 911 Service provides for routing 911 calls originated by telephone with given central office prefix codes to a single PSAP vial the switched network to dedicated or non- dedicated access lines. The choice of the service arrangement is the customer , subject to availability of facilities. The 911 Code feature permits the public to dial 911 and have the central office route the call to the PSAP. The dedicated access line option provides a circuit from the originating end office to the PSAP. The following optional features are available where operating conditions permit: Forced Disconnect Enables a PSAP attendant to terminate, at any time, an existing 911 call regardless of the action of the calling party. Forced disconnect prevents the dedicated facilities (lines or trunks) to the P ASP from being tied up by calling parties who remain off-hook. After the P SAP attendant releases from a 911 call, the dedicated 911 trunk or line facility to the PSAP is automatically released and made available for other 911 calls. Forced disconnect may be used to disconnect any established 911 call connection to a PSAP. Idle Tone A reorder tone at 120 IPM is a tone that is given to alert the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) attendance that the originating party has gone off-hook after the 911 call was established to the Company but before the PSAP attendant answered the phone. This feature allows the PSAP attendant to distinguish between calls that are abandoned before they are answered and calls where the calling party is unable to speak for some reason. Switchook Status This is a feature which automatically provides a visual indication of the switchook status of the originating station after the PSAP attendant answers the call. It provides the visual indications, in connection with the customer s terminal equipment, to allow the PSAP attendant to know whether a 911 call put on hold is still on hold or has disconnected. Additionally, a control circuit is required in connection with the customer provided visual lamp indicator. S ;IT ARIFPIID\4 8 OIDRAFI\480 IPU CJ A D DC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 83 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- ' ~/7eL J2 .Jh. SECRETARV BASIC EMERGENCY 911 SERVICE (Cont' DESCRIPTION (Cont' Called Party Hold Allows the PSAP attendant to hold the connection established for a station from which a 911 call was originated, regardless of calling party actions. Called party hold enables the call to be traced to determine the calling party location. Actions by the calling party will not affect the connection being held. The connection is held until the PSAP attendant releases the call or until trunk time-out. Activation of ringback will restart the timing. Emergency Ringback Allows the PSAP attendant to ring back a calling station whether the station is on or off hook. Features other than those described in 4. preceding, may be provided on an individual case basis. The non-dedicated access line option forwards the call from an originating end office over the message network to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). No additional features are available with this option. DEFINITIONS 911 Service Area The geographical area that contains the service central office and originating end offices in which the 911 customer will have the capability to respond to all 911 calls and initiate appropriate responses. Avoidance Provides the routing of a facility to avoid a customer specified geographic area. Called Party Hold (CPR) A feature of 911 Service that enables a Public Safety Answering Point (pSAP) attendant to retain control of an incoming 911 call connection even if the calling party hangs up. Customer Location Location of the primary Public Safety Answering Point. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 B olD RAFI\4 so IPU CJ A D DC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 84 Cancels Sheet No. MHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONPPROVED EFFECTIVE ;.., . JUN 23 'MAY 1- ~4"- j2 ~~.. ~ - SECRETARY BASIC EMERGENCY 911 SERVICE (Cont' BASIC 911 (Cont DEFINITIONS (Cont' Diversitv Provides separate facility paths to avoid routing all of a customer s traffic through a single transmission facility. Emergency Ringback A feature that allows the P SAP attendant to call or ring the line of an incoming 911 call that appears to have gone on-hook (hungup). CPH is required for this feature. Forced Disconnect A feature that allows the PSAP attendant to release a connection regardless of the action of the calling party. This prevents blockage of the incoming 9111ines service the PSAP. Idle Tone Application A feature that allows the PSAP attendant to distinguish between calls abandoned before they are answered and instances in which the calling party is unable to speak for some reason. If the call is abandoned, a distinct tone is heard. If the caller is still on the line but unable to speak, no tone is heard. Meet Point A predetermined point in the provision of a circuit, between two or more operating companies , where the Company provides a portion of the facilities to a point and another telephone company continues in order to provide end-to-end service to a customer. Originating End Office A central office that serves the caller originating a 911 call. Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) An answering location of 911 calls originated within a given service area. PSAPs are designated as primary and secondary. The primary PSAP receives all calls directly from the public; secondary PSAPs only receive calls from a primary PSAP on a transfer or relay basis. Serving Central Office The central office from which a primary PSAP is served. S; IT ARIFFlIDI4 BOlD RAYI\4 B OIPU CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 85 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/?A. j2 SECRETARY BASIC EMERGENCY 911 SERVICE (Cont'd) DEFINITIONS (Cont'd) REGULATIONS Switchook Status A feature that provides the PSAP attendant audible and visual signals indicating whether a 911 call put on hold is still on hold or has disconnected. The 911 customer may be a municipality or other state or local government unit, or an authorized agent of one or more of these units. The customer must be legally authorized to subscribe to the service and respond to public emergency calls from the central office service areas arranged for 911 calling. If Company facilities are not available to provide 911 service, modifications may be made to our facilities as necessary on an individual case basis. The actual cost of these modifications will be charged to the customer in addition to the published rates. In a dedicated access line arrangement, the customer will be required to purchase exchange lines from the originating end office to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and when necessary, applicable mileage rates from the originating end office to the service central office, to allow the direct routing of end office calls over those lines. For the non-dedicated access line option, the customer must purchase exchange lines from the serving central office, as noted below, for receipt of calls forwarded from each remote end office. A combination of dedicated and non-dedicated lines may be provided to one PSAP, operating conditions permitting, but only one option is available per originating end office. The customer must subscribe to enough lines at the PSAP to receive 911 calls on lines other than its administrative lines. In no case shall there by less then two 911 lines per originating end office. The mileage rates per mile apply to the airline distance measured between the service wire center through which the service is provided. The airline miles between serving wire centers are measured using the V and H coordinates method, as set forth in the Exchange Carrier Association TariffF.C. No. All general rules and regulations contained in other tariff/catalog sections of this Company apply, as appropriate, to the provision of 911 Emergency Service. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 s OlD RAFI\4 so IPU C3 A D DC IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEDIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 86 Cancels Sheet No. JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/?::L J2 Jh..~~L--",,-SECRETARY BASIC EMERGENCY 911 SERVICE (Cont'd) REGULATIONS (Cont'd) 911 are the only digits which may be used as an abbreviated emergency telephone number. The 911 emergency telephone number may not be used as a replacement for general telephone service. The public safety agencies will subscribe to other exchange service as provided in other tariff/catalog Sections of this Company to satisfy telecommunicating needs other than receipt of 911 calls. The service is furnished to the customer for the purpose of receiving reports of emergencies from the public. 911 Service is classified as business service and is arranged for one-way incoming service to the appropriate PSAP. 10.911 Service is provided solely for the benefit of the customer operating the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). The provision of 911 Service by the Company shall not interpreted, construed, or regarded, either expressly or implied, as being the benefit of or creating any Company obligation toward any third person or legal entity other than the customer. 11.911 service will not be suspended or disconnected for non-payment without a ninety day written notification to the customer, the company, and the State of Idaho, Executive Department, Emergency Management Division. 12.The Company will furnish facilities to enable the customer s personnel to respond to 911 calls, but will not answer and forward those calls. 13.The Company shall not be responsible for providing 911 Service to less than an entire central office (switching entity) and will only provide one type of 911 Service within a given central office, i., the 911 Service will not be activated in only one of two or more pr~fixes in the same central office. 14.The rates and charges for 911 Service include only the usual inspection or monitoring of facilities, which are done on a routine basis, to discover errors, defects and malfunctions in the service. The customer shall make such operational tests as, in the judgment of the customer, are required to determine whether the system is functioning properly for its specific use. The customer shall promptly notify the Company in the event the system is not functioning properly. Any additional testing requested by the customer will be handled and priced on an individual case basis. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 8 OlD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C3 A DD C IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEDIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 87 Cancels Sheet No. REGULATIONS (Cont'd) JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~/?"- J2 SECRETARY BASIC EMERGENCY 911 SERVICE (Cont'd) In any central office where 911 Service has been activated, the Company will provide the same level of reliability and quality as it provides for all oth~r telephone services in that central office. 15. 16.The customer will be responsible for making arrangements to handle all 911 calls that originate from telephones served by originating end offices in the 911 service area whether or not the calling telephone is situated on property within the geographical boundaries of the customer s public safety jurisdiction. Application for 911 Service must be executed in writing by each customer. In addition the customer must submit a copy of the State ofIdaho approved Emergency Telephone System Plan. If application for service is made by an agency, the Company must be provided in writing with satisfactory proof of appointment of the agent by the customer. 17. 18.The customer must furnish the Company its agreement in writing to the following tenus and conditions: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) S;I T ARIPP\ID\4 s OlD RAFI\4 SOIPU C3 AD D Al1911 calls will be answered on a twenty-four hour day, seven-day week basis. The customer has responsibility for dispatching the appropriate emergency service vehicles within the 911 service area, or will undertake to transfer all dispatching such services, to the extent that such services are reasonably available. The customer will develop an appropriate method for responding to calls for nonparticipating agencies which may be directed to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) by calling parties. Furthennore, a written assurance is required from all agencies indicating their concurrence in the arrangement. The customer will subscribe to local exchange service, and where necessary, private line service, at the PSAP location for administrative purposes, for placing outgoing calls, for transferring or dispatching 911 calls, and for receiving all other calls. The customer will maintain an adequate number of circuits to handle the traffic volume. DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 88 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- ~/7eL )2. ~~~v"'--SECRETARY BASIC EMERGENCY 911 SERVICE (Cont'd) REGULATIONS (Cont 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 19.The calling party will not be charged for calls placed to the 911 number. Any appropriate toll charges associated with 911 calls will be billed to the 911 customer. Neither the calling party nor the 911 customer is billed for message unit charges associated with measured service or calls placed from a coin phone. It is the customer s obligation to assure that any customer provided terminal equipment is compatible with 911 service and features. The Company may refuse to provide certain features if, in the Company s judgment they are not compatible with the customer s terminal equipment. Trunk conditioning charges may apply under certain circumstances. For example, if there is a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) installed to back up the primary PSAP the charges could apply, on an individual case basis. Where facilities permit, the customer can request diversification and redundancy, of any or all interoffice and/or local loop facility routes. Additional charges for such facilities or the construction and provisioning thereof, will be the responsibility of the customer and will be assessed on an Individual Case Basis. Where facilities permit, the customer may request Avoidance of any point in the interoffice facilities and/or local loop facilities and/or the central offices service that 911 system. Additional charges for such facilities, or the construction and provisioning thereof, will be the responsibility of the customer and will be assessed on an Individual Case Basis. 26.Basic Emergency 911 Services are available only to customers who are served from a central office equipped to provide such services. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4801D RAFI\4 B OIPU C3 A DDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 89 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EfFECTIVE JUN 23 '99 MAV 1- ' Jl .(~~... SECRETARY BASIC EMERGENCY 911 SERVICE (Cont' RATES Nonrecurring Charges Monthly Rate 1. .Basic 911 Dedicated Line (A)911 Code Recognition, per Central Office equipped ICB (B)911 business line from serving end office to Public Safety Answering Point Line Conn. Charge Business Measured Rate Service (C) Basic 911 Optional Features $200.$21.00 (D) Automatic Number Identification, per line equipped 600.16. (E)Interoffice mileage, intra and interexchange (1)Company exchanges - from originating end office to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) serving central office or meet point with connecting local exchange carrier Fixed charge, per line Interexchange, per mile Intraexchange, per mile 395.44. s; IT ARIPP\ID\4801D RAFI\4 B OIPU C3 A DDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 90 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~~ J2 Jto. ~~~...... SECREtARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES RATES AND CHARGES Nonrecurring Charges Monthly Rate 1. Manual Systems , out or 2-way channel for calls to or from the Carrier s attendant.$100.$35. In channel to the Carrier s attendant and outward channel handled automatically by the Carrier s system.$100.$35. 2. Automatic - No DID End-to End (Overdial) arrangement, one channel required for interchanged calls to or from paging devices or mobile units.$100.$35. Line-Per-Terminal arrangement, one channel required for interchanged calls to or from each paging device or mobile unit.$100.$35. 3. Direct Outdial Channel Direct Outdial arrangement, one channel required for interchanged calls from mobile units.$100.$35. S; IT ARJPF\ID14 B olD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU CJ A DDC ... ---pO, ~ DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 91 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- ~neL )2. .(~1.--SECRETARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES (Cont' RATES AND CHARGES (Cont' Type 1 N omecurring Charge Monthly Rate Channel (1 (1)wire 1-way in (land to mobile) Loop with Reverse Battery, Trunk Side Termination $335.$11.00 I-way our (mobile to land) Loop Start, Line Side Termination 335.11. 00 I-way out (mobile to land) Ground Start Line Side Termination 335.11.00 I-way out (mobile to land) Loop with Reverse Battery, Trunk Side Termination (3) 335.11. 00 (1)Subject to availability, the service may be provided with Multi-frequency (MF), Dial Pulse (DP) or Dual Tone Multi-frequency (DTMF) Signaling. (2)Subject to availability, the customers may choose between Immediate Start, Wink Start or Delay Dial. S;IT ARIPI'\ID\4 SOIDRAFI\4 SOIPU C3 AD D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 92 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~.-?a. J2 SECRETARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES (Cont'd) A. RATES AND CHARGES (Cont' Type 1 (Cont'd) Nonrecurring Charge Monthly Rate Channel (1 2) (Cont (2)4-wire (E&M Signaling, Trunk Side Termination) (1 I-way in (land to mobile)$335.$47. 335.47. 335.47. I-way out (mobile to land) 2-way b. Dedicated Transport (1)wire/4-wire Over 0 to 8 Miles Fixed Per mile 85.19. Over 8 to 25 Miles Fixed Per Mile 85.19. Over 25 to 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile 85.29. 2.45 Over 50 miles Fixed Per Mile 85.55. Answers and Disconnect supervision is returned to the Carrier on Trunk Side Terminations only.(1) (2)Customers have the option of purchasing this service or the comparable service from Original Sheet No. 42. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 BOlD RAFI\4 so IPU C3 A D DC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 93 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~~~ J2 ..()&~ SECRETARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES (Cont'd) A. RATES AND CHARGES (Cont'd) Type 1 (Cont'd) Nonrecurring Charge Monthly Rate c. Channel Performance (1) wire Loop Start Ground Start Loop with Reverse Battery $12. 19. d. Connectivity Connection Charge per channel 25. e. Dial Outpulsing Dial Outpulsing Charge Applies on each I-way in (land to mobile) channel and on each 2-way channel wire wire $16. 16. 19. 19. (1)This charge only applies when the Dedicated Transport charge applies. S;IT ARIFF\ID\4 SOlD RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C3 ADDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 94 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~n~ J2 SECRETARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES (Cont A. RATES AND CHARGES (Cont'd) Type 1 (Cont f. Usage (1)Measurement Type 1 usage minutes or fractions thereof, the exact value of the fraction being a function of the switch technology where the measurement is made, are accumulated, by account over the billing period for each central office the traffic terminated at and then rounded to the nearest minute at the end of the billing period. - Only completed calls will be billed. - Measurement is initiated when the Company returns Answer Supervision to the Carrier. (a) Traffic terminating to the Company (or other company end offices in an EAS arrangement with the Company) end offices on a local basis. - Charge per Minute of Use on all mobile to land calls Switching $0.04000 Transport $0.04221 - The Transport Charge applies in addition to the Switching Charge. S; 1TA8IPF\ID\4 BOlD RAFI\480 IPU C3 AD DC , . DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 95 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~r7~ J2 ~--(~v"""SECRETARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES (Cont'd) A. RATES AND CHARGES (Cont' Type 1 (Cont'd) f. Usage (Cont'd) (1) Measurement (Cont' d) (b) Traffic terminating to other Telephone Company end offices on an EAS basis. Charge Fixed rate per minute of use $0.15636 + (c) Traffic terminating to other Telephone Company end offices on a toll basis. Charge Fixed rate per minute of use **+ g. Number Activation N omecurring Charge Monthly Rate Charge for activating numbers: - Per block of 20 numbers - Per block of 100 numbers $100. 500. $15. 45. These charges apply in addition to switching and transport charges. Toll charges of the preselected interexchange carrier apply. S ;IT ARIPP\ID\4 BOlD RAFI\4 SOIPU C3 ADDC DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 96 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ' ~~ j2 SECRETARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES (Cont'd) B. DESCRIPTION The following services are offered to all wireless carriers desiring access to the Company s service area for the purpose of receiving and terminating wireless calls. Service is available to and from FCC Part 22 Carriers, hereinafter referred to as Carriers, through connecting arrangements provided by the Company in accordance with the provisions set forth herein. Part 22 Carriers are defined as Radio Common Carriers which are not engaged in the business of providing 1andline local exchange service. Type 1 Interconnection described below is also provided to FCC Part 90 Carriers, hereinafter referred to as Carriers. Part 90 Carriers are defined as Private Carriers, which are not engaged in the business of providing landline local exchange service. 1. The Company interconnects with Carriers via the following methods: a. Manual Systems - an interconnection arrangement whereby the Carrier utilizes an attendant to complete calls. b. Automatic - No DID (1) End to End (Overdial) Arrangement - an interconnection arrangement whereby the end user calls one telephone number to reach the Carrier s switch. After hearing a sound from the switch, the caller dials (two to eight) additional digits to reach the Carrier s subscriber mobile unit or pager device. (2) Line-Per- Terminal Arrangement - an interconnection arrangement whereby an individual telephone number and its own line are assigned to each Carrier s subscriber s mobile unit or pager device. c. Direct Outdial Arrangement - an interconnection arrangement for mobile to land calls which may be used in conjunction with analog Type 1 channels for land to mobile calls. d. Type 1 - Type 1 is an interconnection arrangement. The Type 1 interconnects between the Carrier s switch or Point of Connection (POC) and the Company s switch which is the Dial Tone Office. 2. The connections allow the interchange of calls between the Carrier s network and the Company public switched network. 3. All traffic types are routed over these connections. s;lT ARlPP\ID14801D RAFI\4 B 0 IPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 97 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION!,oP'~D.vED EFFECTIVE JUN23f MAY 1- ' 12 ~--(~~ seCRETARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES (Cont'd) C. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The rates and charges which refer to rates and charges for individual line flat business, flat business two-way trunks, foreign exchange service, directory listings, etc., shall be those rates and charges currently in effect for those services as shown elsewhere. 2. Where the control point of the Carrier, i., the termination location of the interconnecting facilities, is located outside the base or urban zone rate area, zone connection charges or foreign exchange service charges will apply, except for Carriers subscribing to Type 1 Interconnection. 3. Interconnection is available only where facilities permit and are technically feasible. 4. Interconnection is available to Carriers with traffic that is both land to mobile and mobile to land (two-way, such as Mobile) and those with traffic that is land to mobile only (such as Paging). 5. The Company provides the transmission medium; signaling and supervision; and routing for mobile to land calls. 6. Customer choice of interface options (Analog, 2-wire or 4-wire) is dependent on Telephone Company facilities, technical limitations and engineering parameters. Transmission method and service are dependent on the transmission medium and customer-specified interface. 7. Type 1 Interconnection Service will be designed by the Carrier to provide a minimum blocking level in accordance with Bellcore document SR-000191 Trunk Traffic Engineering Concepts and Applications. After initial design and installation, the Carrier is responsible for ordering trunks to maintain an appropriate blocking level. 8. Type 1 is available to all Carriers; however, individual flat business lines or flat two-way trunks are available for the interconnection arrangement as referenced in this Tariff. 9. The NXX resides in the Telephone Company End Office which is the Dial Tone Office of the Carrier s switch or POc. This is usually the Serving Wire Center. 10. The minimum service period for this service is one month. 11. The facilities provided for connection and interchange of traffic shall not be used, switched or otherwise connected together by the Carrier for the provision of through calling from a landline telephone to another landline telephone. S; IT ARIFF\ID\4 solD RAFI\4 BOIPU C3 AD D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 98 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 '99 MAY 1- ' j2 -l~v~SECRETARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES (Cont'd) C. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont'd) 12. Unless specified within, specific administrative procedures, connection and operating arrangements and charges for the facilities provided by the Company to the Carriers for the purpose of connection and interchanging traffic, i., liability, use of service, payments of charges and deposits, allowance for interruptions, maintenance, and interference or impairment are set forth in various applicable sections of the Company s intrastate Tariffs or Catalogs. Where the state franchise area or state authorization of the Carrier is different from the reliable service area (as defined by the Code of Federal Regulations), the terms and conditions of connection and interchange of traffic may be modified to recognize the extent of such state franchise or authorization. 13. The following charges/procedures found in Sections 2, 5, or 12 of the Idaho Rural Exchange Carriers Tariff No. 2 (Intrastate Access Service) are applicable to Carriers subscribing to Type 1 Interconnection: Additional Engineering Overtime Installation Programming Services Additional Labor Maintenance of Service Credit Allowance for Service Interruption Minimum Periods Cancellation of a Service Order, Cancellation after 30 days Access Services Provided by More Than One Telephone Company Late Payment Charge Payment of Rates, Charges and Deposits Nonrecurring Charges 14. All other products and services are available to Carriers in accordance with applicable regulations, rates and charges as specified in other sections of this Tariff or in other tariffs of the Telephone Company. 15. The connection and interchange of traffic does not constitute a joint undertaking with the Carrier for the furnishing of any service. The Telephone Company shall be responsible only for the installation, operation, and maintenance of its facilities. Telephone Company facilities are not represented as adapted to the use of other than Telephone Company provided equipment or services. The responsibility of the Telephone Company shall be limited to the provision of facilities under this Tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such facilities in a proper manner. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 SOlD RAFII4 BO IPU CJ ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 99 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES C~~A;\~ISSION APPROVED E,\-cCTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- ' 12 .f-~~-'"SECRETARY WIRELESS CARRIER FACILITIES (Cont C. TERMS AND CONDmONS (Cont'd) 16. The Carrier may request directory listings for its customers in the Telephone Company directory in accordance with the Company s tariff. Additional listing charges apply beyond the first listing. 17. On mobile to 1andline calls to Directory Assistance (DA) and calls to Interexchange Carriers using trunkside Switched Access Services, standard charges for these services apply in lieu of Type 1 switching and transport charges. 18. On some mobile to 1andline calls, such as to local Operator Assistance, additional charges will apply as specified elsewhere. 19. The Telephone Company retains the right to request a copy of the Carrier s FCC Part 22 or Part 90 license. 20. End User Common Line Charge is not applicable to interconnections provided to Part 22 Carriers. Part 90 Carriers are required to pay the End User Common Line Charge. 21. Toll charges per the tariff of the customer s Toll Carrier of Choice apply to interconnection arrangements other than Type 1. 22. All numbers are assigned and administered by the Telephone Company. The Carrier performs sub administration (assigning specific numbers to individual subscribers). 23. A three-year forecast is required from all customers reserving 1000 or more numbers. 24. In the event a customer request for the reservation ofnurnbers would require the Telephone Company to install a new central office code, the Telephone Company reserves the right to request a three year forecast from the customer. If the assignment of a new central office code is not justified, the Telephone Company reserves the right to limit the quantity of numbers reserved. 25. A request for numbers may be denied due to technical feasibility and/or availability. 26. Enhanced Services, such as voice mail, may not be offered to Carrier customers on a stand alone basis over these interconnection arrangements. Enhanced services may be offered to Carrier customers along with their mobile or paging service. S;IT ARIPP\ID\4 BOlD RAFI\4 8 0 IPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No. 100 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC uTIUTIES COMMISSiONlD'~VED EH~ECT!VE JUN 23 '99 MAY 1- J2. ..J-h .(A...A.-SECRETARY RADIO CARRIER FACILITIES N omecurring Charge Monthly Rate RATES The following is available to all Carriers. Block Compromise per number Permanent removal of a number from a sequential number block Temporary removal of a number from a sequential number block $100.$5. 55. S; IT ARIPP\ID\4 SOlD RAFI\4 so IPU C3 ADD C DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No.1 0 1 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAY 1- ~/7eL J2 ;'~~"'-- SECRETARY CONCURRENCES MESSAGE TOLL TELEPHONE SERVICE ACCESS SERVICES Direct Communications is an issuing carrier in the Idaho Rural Exchange Carriers Access Service Tariff No. 2 utilized for the provision of access service. S; IT ARJFF\ID14 BolD RAFI\4BOIPU C3 AD D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS . I.C. NO. Original Sheet No. 102 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'MAV 1- '99 ~/?eL )2 A~~"""SECRETARY EXCHANGE MAPS The following exchange maps are attached to this tariff: Arbon Rockland Paris S;I T ARlPP\IDI4 B OIDRAFI\480IPU C3 AD D DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C. NO. Original Sheet No.1 03 Cancels Sheet No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 23 'MAY 1- '99 ~.-?"- J2 ~-'):~'- SECRETARY s; IT ARIPF\ID\4801D RAFI\4 8 0 IPU CJ A DDC R. 2B E. R. 2.9 E. '7..2E. R.33 E. R.34 i7S -.. - ._---- .-.. T8S . . -..-.... T9S pew E" ~ (01.1 NiY TIOS ROC K l.A N D EXCHANGETIIS \ - T/2.S 113 S J - ~-- . TI4S TI5S .. .. .... r::l~i:B J ~().Yt1rj ON elDA ! co \A. .. -l__.._ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2:3 MAY 1- ' ~nA. J2. ~~Q"'"'--SECRETARY -.. - 35 , . ----.- .. ARRON ~-I .. ---,-----....------ EXCHANG-E . \ . P9~_CR (~o '-. ._. BANJo; CKCO ._... j ON~".I\ c. ~ . I -I . . . \ __.._ 1- .-- -. .._-----.. - - .. .. -_. ... .-.... - . _.. . IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUN 2 3 'feW 1- ' ~~ 12 ~;:c,. '"'-- SECRETARY PAR I S EXCHANGE AREA "k ~ "- .' -r-.T - I A'TC1r'~~ . ~ . ' E-~- -'----.' ~ - ~\ \: \ ~.~~~ , ~. "..._-:.....' - c"," , "", ," ' r--. ~L~ \.-./ ,:=!,.~ , 0 !o. ~\ i ~ , -: - :\...-' I ' .".." ,-- I i\ , ,.. ..,.- -.- ' '-= ~ ~T'~i:: .5~' ~ ~ jl f ..~r- , " i /" 'F ,. , ~ - 1-"-'" - ' , j T'i J '" , ,_""'- V\:\ :\"j::-~j.=- \...... I ' "., ,---... " ,1:h_ .. --.\ ....-~,-- ~A. 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