HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021Annual Report.pdfDETNT AIY]YTTAL REPORT OF Direct Communications Rockland, lnc. NAME 150 South Main Rockland, ldaho 83271 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2021 :- (=) t"dr il:r* ::: 3:,il C:) @ li r :..' i i', l:, I t.t Eect narne of utlllty: ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31. 2021 COMPAI,IY INFORMATION DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC Addreee of princlpal office:150 South Main Rockland ldaho 83271 Telephone Number (Area Code 208 )548 - 2346 Cltles or towns served: Rockland, Arbon, Paris, Bloomlngiton, St. Charles, & Fish Hav_en Name and tltle of offloer havlng custody of the general corporate books of account: Tim May, Genefql Manager Address of office rvhere corpoate books ars kept and phone number: , 150 South Main Rockland, ldaho 83271 (208). F48 - 2345 Organized under the laws of the State of:ldaho Date of organization::1973 Form of organlzaUon (proprletorship, association, corporation):Corporation lf a Subchapter S Corporatlon, please speclff: Name and address of contolllng company, lf "ny , Names of affillated companles. Glve addreos and descrlpflon of buslness: StarTelephone Company, lnc, 150 S Maln, Rockland, ID 83271, ILEC .Dlp$._Cgmnly,-mlatPns.QdalYaley, 160 South Maln Rockland, ldaho .83271, ILEC OFFICERS Report.belolnlhe.Utle, name and offioe address of oach general officer of the utllity at the end of the ymr. If there were any changes durlng the year, shour the name, tltle, and address of the prevlous officer and the date of change. Tltle Name rlddress PresldenUGM Tim May Pp,Eq 209 Rockland, ldaho 83271 Secretary Scott Hendrickson P.O. Box 289 Rockland, ldaho 83271 Rev U02 Page I DIRECTORS Llst the narne of eaoh pelson who was a member of the Board of Dlrectors at any glven tlme durlng the year: (Fees related to meetings only.) Name and Addrsss Term Explrcd or Current Term lMll Erylre Meetlnga Aftended Thls year Feee Pald Durlng Year Ttnothy Mav Jul-25 03 Scott Hendrickson Jul-25 03 Marc Dunn Jul-25 03 PO Box 269, Rockland,tD 8ii271 Name of Chalrman of the Board:Tlm May Name of Secretary (or Clerk) of Board:Scott Hendrlckson Number of Meetings of the Board durlng the year:3 TIA}.IAGERS Llst the name of each person who performed management dutles for the Company durlng the year, and the total wages and bonuses pald b those persons: (Do not include Direc*orfees in these amounts.) Name Tifle Wageo and Bonuses Paid . Ti$ May -, ..GeneralManaoer I nformat'ron ls Confl dential RorU02 Page 2 BALANCE SHEET Assets and Other Deblts tsalano0 BOgrnnrng ofYear tsalanca at End ofYear --1p.55f,6r ---{-,4gr---Tr --ffi,Tfi- 1,604,783 1,050,070 461,E15 15,ooo 10.,114 10,497,4E6 478.182 28,1ffi,237 29,83't.599 90E,009 2,M7,415 21,OW,778 _22,A3y'.,9A4 4,3811,928 5,671,909 lncrease (Deorease) or Tltle of Account 1120 1130 1',|40 1 150 1160 1180 1181 1190 1191 1200 1201 1210 1220 1280 129r) 1300 1310 1320 1330 1350 1401 1402 ieoo 1407 1CI8 1410 14i)8' l4{,9 ' 1500 Cunpnt Assets Cash and Equivalenb Cash SpeclalCash Deposlts Worklng Caeh Advances Temporary Investments Telemmmunications Acc'ts. Receivable Accts. Rec. Allow. -Telecommunlcations Other Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Allow. - Oher l'{otes Recelvable Notes Ricelvable Allowance -T*W-4W -3Ur -fi7zr5ToI -rrczsl - -- -_1r--ftr570- --rzriroo' -SMlW lnterest Materbl & Dividends Recelvable and Supplles u -15547fiI -t- Prepayments Prepald Rents Prepald Taxes Prepald lnsurane Prepaid Dlrectory Expenses Other Prepayments Other Cunent Assets Noncurrent&sets lnvestment in Affiliated Companles lnvestryr-en! !-n Nonaffiliate$ _Companies Nonni'giiiaifr I nvestmeirts Unamortlzed Debt lssuance Expense Slnking Furids Other NoncunentAssets Deferred Malntenanco & Rellrements. in Service Plop.Held for Use Telecom Plant :ShrirtTerm -w,gzr --7.w7[r --.lllt-----3. u -Frz5'6I'-_l- u u28,064,199 26,0&1,199 -f,szm5r -J6r,48T-T6'5t76870- -ffFr,sBr --re;B50- --'z8rsrs- -]- -_T -TTlrJ6f03U:[I -T U - ( 0 \(I 2001 2002'20b3 -TEEMT -T-1;1$sg6- -1r 2fi:4 Telecom. Plant u'nder Gonstr, - Long Term2005 Telecom.PlirntAtUustm6nt2000 Nonoperatng PlantN7 Goodwill Depreclation and Amoillzatlon Accountg3100 AccumulatedDePreoiated3200 Accum. Depre. - Held for Future UseggoO Accumulat6dDepreclation-Nirnoperatlng3400 Accumulated Amortizatlon - Tanglble3410 Accum, Amort. - Capitalized Leases3420 Accum. Amort. - Leasehold lmprovements3500 Accumulated Amortization - lntangible3600 Accumulated Amortlzatlon - Other TOTALASSETS 11I 0 0 0 -TF2ZT&r ---T--T257;sUr --0- 0 0 0 353.792 70,674,M7_-nn15762l --0' Rsrr 3102 Page 4 73,251,156 2,574,709 oc,6c! sc:d (o ar)oqtIDID (r) aoroo- @o) ool (ortst to@ od ottf,(Y) s -|E1q(r)roloor N ci G)ni oNG'$i CD#*t t*HFE' o (\I F.(DooiN o ooq c) (oq roo o)F!S (,,c,a) oloclt(nq N oN(v) ct€n *E! H Efg UTo = EesE =E <6st$ =F=Y=).o'I $PiEi[ fi Ebodl cn 1r, - Nai c) ot o E ooo F-5o.J f,o ot EEEEEE a @ $:e E E,*,ggg* ggEEEggggEEEg,*gsgg*gsg*g f, EiHEiHf; sil$*x fi fi NNRF$$H$iN$$*$nxeHE ]ro c'ioN o((to CD s. c,tr,€. o) oN o\(Y)oN oaooci(o (o 0)o)(! TL (n GI@qtoI tt@ E @ @di(o(\I 6rO o@c.{ cql @ |oo N cr NN ooc,|oq E!oo $o@o NlI)(o s sleeJqcDloc)l(o@tN l" o l"l"ffi" c)o l"l" e o a oooo, (o(v)o) C\l t1 N N c,io o6INtf.tlo({). Ilo+(r)(o. 6tN o crt()N rflfo c.iIDo c,i oo Nt(fi\({)oN H** gEb6 EEEEE fiEs oo CDo(L sq r{)N N N No ol o ODo) BEr Eir, EEEo J FoF -E E,rgg* ggEEEgggggBEg,sgsgE gE lolo(D loN :sgo l.',t\ft@ldINl(o N $l <Q t |o G) r N Cl S - (rl lO I q N r r E r N r - N fit.sf Gf r rFFFrr(YNGIC N N&&N &oo*NNNNmNFHfi H$F*$$NH$i CDo ct!f sito ;o tt @t sgoAI r$coo rg sq (f) N r4ldo(c) su?(\l CIoFfi,E ott) zIt6EIEo-lr!trrcltuF J:, ==()o z aDx!EF =IUILo !2at J 2 sgN $ro tri\t" su? st *q N l=!= NNd6 dN o)\lro(orO(E' s) 111111 NaG! otr EJIo6 !o(Uo Leo E Eo'51(E ECLo!, E T' .=!c; .9);o(UoE* tr .9t CI eo.oA E .E= E oo E .Ao Erll ooo EE INVESTMENTS Report below the lnvestments ln Accounts 1401, 1402 and 1406. ldentify each lnvestment as to the account ln which lncluded. Mlnor amounts ln Aocount 1400 may be grouped by classes. Descriptlon Date Acoulred -.a 1993-e4 Book Gost of Investments Disposed of This vear 111160 Book Gost of lnvestments Held at End RTFC 145,433 INDEPENDENT CABLE SYSTETV 2003 0 CEDARVALLEY 2004 10,300,493 S\RINGA NETWORK 2000 5,034,269 ANPI & SOLEX 2002 17,800 NEWSTREETS, INC. CoBank NRTC Soda Springs Customers 2002 20,000 2017 244,364 2017 25.614 2020 525,456 ShrTelephone 2017 15,763,717 Totals 31,281,701 RECEIVABLES ItemlzeamountsshowlnAccounts1l80,1l90and1200. Fornotesrecelvablellsteachnoteseparatelyand indude tre maturi$ date and interest rate. Mlnor amounts ln Account 1210 may be corhblned. Name of Gompanv Aqount at End gfYearNotes AccountsRecelvable Recelvable Customers 104,530 I nterexcah nge Carlgls {lQthers 396.421 Affiliates 3,464,192 tl/R - 2M Brand 306,400 IUR: De tcdar-\hlley 8,596,534 Totals 9,902,934 3,965,143 RrvU02 Page 10 $t ocn(E o- $l(f (a otr oc,({) s CD lf o\tG} s (,ri CO tNLuo ctNIoz i0).Eootr:,o c) N Ioq (f) oN(\i$ @@o $ (c,t(E = to = I Lo E c au E3o = r+ GI (oF- $ ooqo$ (o$rloIL 6tdo = u oc Ec =o = oo lo fr crjG) \troo6(r: ()qllrolr T$ = 6(, o E C EcJo = lctt6t oo <D(r) ao!+6ld+ (0NToIJ. t6 = (E .I(EoLo -g o @ I+o-t o G) $ u)(oln tn(o (o$ooo qt to -8Lo E olztr(E ca |oo(r) stf .t loloG)J(o F) $ $I(r) (o Ta? $C'5 ELo o.tc6B o)6(o s!t .f o 6J(r) 6(o Cr)cri(rt (ct S) N &3 oat6.G() Item INGOME & RETAINED EARNINGS STATEIIENT TotalCompany ldaho Only TotalOperating lncome (from page 15) TotalOperating Expenses (from page 17) 7100 Other Operating lncome and Expenso 7210 Operating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7220 Operating Federal lnoome Taxes 7230 Operatlng State and Local lncome Taxes 7240 Operatlng Other Taxes 7260 Proviston for Defened Operatlng lncome Taxes-Net72Oq Operatlng Taxes (Total) 7310 Divldend lncome 7320 lnterest lncome 7330 Incomefroin Slnking and Other Funds 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Constructlon 7350 GalnslLosses from the Dlsposition of Certain Property 7360 CIher Nonoperating lnoome 7370 SpeclalCharges7300 Nonoperatlng lncome and Expense 7410 Nornperating lnvestment Tax Qfedlts-Net 7420 Nonoperatlng Federal lncome Taxes 7430 Nonoperating State and Local lncome Taxes 7440 Nonoperating OtherTaxes - -7450 Provislon for Defef red No.=ngpsJalirE _lrrcome Taxes-Net 7409 .. . ltgnppenatingT.axes .. 7510 Interest on Fuhded Debt 7620 Interest Expense4apital Leases 7530 Amortizatton of Debt lssuance Expense 754O CIher lnterest Deductlone7500 lnterest and Related ltems 761O Extaordlnary lncome Credlts 7620 Exlraordlnary lncome Charges 7G30 Cunent lncome Tax Efiect of Extraordlnary ltems-Net 7&40 Provision for Defened lnoome Tax Effect of Exfaordinary ltems-Net7600 Extraordinary ltems 7910 lnoome Effet of Jurlsdictional Ratemaking Dlfferences-Net 7990 Nonregulated Net lncome 5,340,015 6,011.498 (511,783) SAME AS TOTAL (134,795) 50,950 791,825 190,197 0 0 0 0 31,617 (31,617) 583,402 149,'.144 732,W 0 225,109 111,939 337.048 0 3,099,935 1 Rw3O2 AIiOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS Page 14 Item OPERATING RE'TIENUES , Total Company ldaho Only Plant Speolflc Operations E:<ponse 0110 Network Support Expenses 0112 Motor Vehicle Expense 0113 Alrcraft Expense 6114 Special Purpose Vehlcles Expense 6115 Garagp Work Equlpment Expense 6110 OtherWork Equipmant Expense 6120 General Support Expenses 8121 Land and Bullding Expenses 6122 Furnlture and Artworks Expense 6123 Office Equipment Expense 6124 General Purpose Gomputers Expense 0?10 Qenlfpl 9ffioe Switchlng Exper.spq 6211 Analog Electronic Expense 6212 Dlgltal Electronlc Expense 6215 Electro-Mechanicsl Expense 0220 Operators Syttem Expense 8230 Central Offioe Transmlsslon Expenses 8Al Radio Systems Expensg 0232 Clrcult Equlpment Expense 63] p -lnfo1rygllo1 prlsi4gtigQ/IetmJnation Expense 0311.Statlon Apparatus Expenqg '. Q341 kirge Prtybte Branch Exchgnge fxpenp-e 0351 Public T-etephone Terminal -Equipmenl Expense 094?_9_ther Terminal Equlpment Expsnsc .. 6410 Cable and Wlre Faclllties Expenses 6411 Pole Expense 6421 Aerial Gable Expense' 6422 Undergmund Cable Expense 6423 Buried Cable Expense @24 Submarlne Cable Expense 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense 6426 lntrabullding Network Cable Ecpense 6431 Aerlal Wlre Expense 6441 Condult Systems Expense SAME AS TOTAL 7',1,620, 125.691 32.879 47,il6 24,984 803.210 908,646 TOTAL PI.ANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE 2.014.476 RwU02 Page 16 o @ ht (r) o e H$-l"l'l-l (f, _p68-s o.Eop IF Edt4 l-' r" gIE E =loolgBI Ba t+ =l-EI otoFE OJpeoE &6 ho>.9 EEfis.=oE-EO EE'EE.8r ozolu .co =oIEo E Loo 6&cooto E(Ez o-aO{[i-EC=.,o6 o oC'}oIL :l!,ooEoz Lo R€oE =CLCoz.c.E e..0)OEI Bo.Ed >oEE BEoz @ Nt ot. *l..lrtrl Elroo ol,;oooo'Eoo6€5orEEnidE.. Ep P8 tt =Ehotst EE =EEE JIlq':t O EE E ,fi€* EE59L: =(E(Eri56 ro(o $l !lul u Ioq alD IEoo .Eo9, Eof€{o figo= E:1olJl Ed fr o'l oJ f.l, olr E Eoo oo6 c, =,c8"xptrEdE' .3 .e. EE x IE+ -l g, 0) .E ooF E(o CL Eoo I lro .E EoEo q([ CL Eoo orlt\l l-dlf,rlE ol flE E' c'E $ flEcH -ls-:rC --l^E E:r&ovf. Efifig teF =Jui ootoo € o Eo-6go E tro5IEo s C) oo il otrulol6tololtrlJI ol 8t fl !,o.CLr6lr{Eg'-l E€ r;r EEeIEElgooOOItr Edd zood uC xED o-oo(Y) !oo)ct oF-pH$N 6.8oEl It Edtrol (()(0 H $ -l -l"l-l o !+AI (o ro$ oE 8,.(E o- *l-r ..tt6) 1r,=coz opoE.e.o CL oz 5 =9...o.OEok Ei }Poht{ -66Eaz (oNNID EF Iol roe-l$l cE-l cl g5ogoslt# E tr IEIriElrEqrl r 3 -p' E' ;i(LJfgri8E5 H EE P EHBB lo CDN El*' H d$E900..1 8$H# 6toa ou nlIt rEI =Fti N,e ..1geol,-o})rto'troo IEEE,O'EE oEdt.. E"p .E€ t EdEobE EE E EEE Jlq':tOqb gEEEi!.EtsEooofitt 8.8.8EIF=ooEi55 (oNAI hol>.9 EETs.= o c-EO 5E'E,E.EE dlzoru |o(f)oAR a0+ frg,,EdE2 oo EBRx!, =U,@&Iot- Bct) E = I g u)+o) aIE .Eoo Eo E€{o fig95tr-rolrl tHltJ; Gi,Loo Eoto o o! EFoOoFCoJEgod &6 E4EE PL ttIC'o o Eo o ottro I nrg6 !oCL.gJET UJ!, -9Eos H,l El I flFoto<lo 8-l r rdgoo< .5oqtc, IEX€g'-l =6 A,g< -s'EE-19 .E"E 8 EIJOItr -co 3ooo 6 E tr0)o Et o iiUEot&troo oo E6z o oo)(Eo o pl sl*l ul al ul =l *l CDrc,(o Cri tsp ^& 5g ot'Et rulot =l$lEl E Et Pudgl Hf;'trt v,obttt c, E-tolFl G, .so(EL E NN(r) tsgr! .--g< J (!l ol Eol-tba.o c,troio +EE E EE? F $6 E<ti !o -1. lst*l (Ec,ts c, =E, =o atEul =oF.D =o E ctur luJA =oooJ o rLoEuo =D = c\lo ,l L6 :m o CD E ^E!,f;5 ge oIlL $lo C) c,t!t(((oro{ CERTIFIGATE State of ldaho County of Power WE, the undersigned Tim May and R. Michael of the Direct Communications tillty, on our oath do sanerally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of sald utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a conect statement of the business afiairs of said utlity for the period covered by the return in respecl to each our knowledge, information and belief. and every matter and set forth, to the best of Manager) ss ) ) ) -)1.. (Chief Financial Officer) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this _15_ day of _April , 2022 Public M (" My Commission expires Rev 3/02 gdUexceUjnelson/anulrpts/telannualrpt Page21 rYcomsgs+*MDOIRESa a (o o (,q)(Eo EIJ 6lGINd@ oaNoN (\t(r,ro" Nlo t clN(v) tt-(o_ lo@(\t .{,ootnlnl (r)o) do(o 6/'(o do o +rtN (\lo) lott Ncr\@ I,-oo od) o, @at,.d nodN to(o !t rqrr!r,t l.'N Nc)qNN(r, o UJ hl c;N C.,lloo od o(o1()d ro a oF' dro (oo o +ol U'j G'o) N\oolo o 0. o 60ooo ooota) o)@c! o)t (v)(o(Y)d (a(oqt\o loN(o- (oN C'NodN rot(.' roNot .{o)tct (r,roo(\l ro It ra)NaoN(r, o =€o. EoECI't o oooo(, o)t\ o toNd F'€(.)- a0 o(\tq(,,(v) o,Nlt. C')rt c!(o o)Nao o@o)+r\ .o |o (r) otlF't oot(o N No o Gloo€ D N F oo (i, e{oN (t ott Eo(,oo t,oEE LrJ Go ot oII co E oooo 6 Eos 6o l\loo?rt Noq (Dcoqc) N @-(r)F'CD I[)l.ttIo|af (ort+rioc? o)Noait\!t (D o? la)$lo) (n N\@lo o$ '.j(oN Nq N|l) (a Ert-slo ocost rJ)N @ tt-ro(D (otc\t(oln o)ttdt) u)a.l.r!N 3o.J o 6 toao ogloa,(, ts @-c)C)(D o l{,F't) c)rr)d?lo(v)o) al(, C'NN NNto- o)@ G'N(\triJolo ar.No aooq N oot-!tN ro(o(\t E ut€ N tloat, ta)NtDra .oar!oJt oF 3{oF. Eoto2 'o otlooo NL)olt Noqo@ry(r) nnlodot-o tC"qo(o(i, 6oFtlog) FCD(')-tt(a6t .i}N\(oro N(\l\ro@N o acNoN ooqo (oqo tt,l6toa' +a{t CO !fNta,ei FA D !r)loN N o,tr!s 6o oto 6oiLo o .Jolt' =o $tNol. @6 o o @ro(v)li d) (r)lo9o c(q No. t6 o c,o o c,!? (\lt\c) sr\(.) trioN o N $rtDo-|o tqo,oc @ool(\tlo@ st@!t c.i!t(r). C')Nad)o tso,or.t\(('oJ o nDc to ttt oo, drr, o€(o- lf)(v, ooN{(o oot- CDt\ I P t D tt EEG.t(,oE oco IE.JE E Eoo to 5 di =z =G-o(J otrJ oz N (7't 1l)@ t\@ o)o 6l (t,t lr)(o N o o)oN c{NN (o(!$N ()(\t c,(\t t\a.l oN (D(\{ oo-oz a.{N oao ll(v)(,(o olo (EL)ora,o(,oro oro (o t LrJ o =fo. =-dolr NC' EEG E oa)(, oolt Eo o.Et,ooo c. ===t, o{,5Eo oEBE 6oao <,o dl 6ooJ xxo6 Eg @ <t) UJ c(, E(, 0)oa uJ ool E'tr IIJ oJU'hoo(,o xcoo6 oFz+oFo!,Eo '= U) E'6 0,oU' c,oatrthaho, = oF xx rf, Q).EJ It G (L tr(, E0, G'U? tro o -goo OUo =dl da =xxNlo oc :EEo !, eo(,lt,.:o otr(,t c,c Eooo o.2 =(l,Eo i0,t 0,.ct o -gootrf, lttoC'J xo(f,lo oto3Eo a,d 6 o oooEooxIIJtrc 6 ooo 0,oooEo6'o.o tr -g(L xxst(o >tx (o og .9 E()oo .9'6 o)oocoz c!(L xxro(o tro 6NEoE oU E .9o'6oooo x@roG' otr.9 E0)oo (, Eo6fo xx(0(l' oc.9 (E ooo 0, Eoeoo xxr\a6 oltr (EIo o,Eo 6ooEoo.xt! 6 o ,,i oxG oE Eooo .A0,x(EF EIDtrIto o N tr0,E =O x(!F ()s (EooJ o, (E U) o(')NL c E,C) xa!F ll, EooE E {1,E'ol.L oN$lN o(,xoF(, Eoos Eo 0,(,o (,z olt)(\tN o Eo,oxGF coEoIt, E (,z o (\lF ooxG E o o EooEotr Gooo oz @ ostoE"oo- roo NNqlo ct(oo o(i' o oo(o c, ooo)o,c,g) (o qN@N No!toN r,Nrt-n0)r.t o(,od N !t6, l|)N ao!t N rolo E) Ejo roroo- N o,!t C'ro t No)!t (oN6! roc, (o!oqt 19oD loD o(oo) aotarl C\. .D(oo, rato (o @oro T)cr)otoN ro ro tDs o GI!tootN(o- @ oc,o+stl\-((, o(no@N (v)o(t)o6(o ot-rf ll) lo,,o l' !t o (r) oo,(,-o E.qt oNN6.o)o E-t(0 @ oo\ra) ID Nt,o !r, Nof$d NartaoItoot (o o(0d, ot u? Ec.{ F,\o!a t)N dDN =(\lo-(ao FJN I Nloo- CDc)o)ot 0 (0(q(o-!t(v)o- N(\ttf. Fc{(it- o tr ryo(o o Od 6l o tt lo GI t\o o) oro rat N l,o tr tro(, tr =.:,al, o66oo .EdoB6 o 0,(,'E q)o ,c troo doogoF oo tro Eof E- tro Ef0o Eo o- rooo clooEc, -g=E,oo .tio3 oo Eo E !,0) -gJ Efoo xx@c)xxti x(6F!,0,E C., 0,o Ef(,o ottc)!t6o o.gocrfq) EE(! .9.qoo =oN6t coE.s,oI,IJooooo (E3C,lIJ oo(!.0 0) (Et oto I oo6oo6trot6 o E o @ oc)(, cno(L $.\i N oc)cr,. qttG' ljU'!t Nro o!trodolo .\a(o do{ 6{ r,'NoNartc- Dtl)roo ror' !t!t r0Nod o\{16 oabotN oroo{N o cl oN o 'o.DN E @roart Ncl(o .o'6lo CIt!tct U'NNt (D ('. la @N-(r'c) to6o r.iN NNot GO6t to,j (oo\o (.) loo|o. t o6ro @(l,d) Eo. G. N !to c,lo(o.t NNoil N o)oo at,ro ao ..' o)tao,C'artt ror., 'lq,lo c,(tl N|r'qN st6lortN(o- $l t (D.\t(o(o (o- F o- o(.to- (v)(\,l6l (o @-(\l ra)i)o-$to(o (r)@od NtE)N(r,+nt t lo-(q 69 r,)oul C')lo(') 'ri aoo(o- C') F)- (o o_ av)O)€o- N (\I CDrioo- oN\r,!tt oo,\c,oo) o)(l'\NooJ (o (D T'GIo)NC'ao oIC'Nq N ra)6ro otton? ut oq(,t6to 6{ rooloNloND 6)oort(oo6i Naa6lNo !to s(o o(r,oa'NN (o ao N arroqo oo -!t a o t u) G' Gl oo6o (r) NoI cq nN I lrt D o ar)!tcl.il(, Eo)dc,o ar; o o o Nlo6l (\aot\ @It(\t (l,(oao- G)o- ctro (\l-(Do (C' a')_r,) o(ot\-(v)t-IF @@@-(06l o ro a,iorlt o o o oroo-tu)ao-tt N(\l Or- @AI ot\(')- Foc.l o(\lu? (q!t ro oro@-NC)tt- st(\\(a(os{a) 0o@- Ntf- N o Br.go\ I I I I Ic? $o .d(r. N c)i ro @ ,\@ o)o N (r)+ro (o F.(o CD ci(\I N 6i(\t riN .+6l riN @AI t\ol oN oN oo o Ero UTo UIo E lrJo =zI6_ oo =oG tooc3o 6 oEo(, xx N Eo Eetgutot) 5 E Eoo xxNd o Eooa o EIo F o o -9 E,.gE,o'to EoECGF c.lF o i.9oo o:.EEC''to Eo!cot; NF o o.gEo.: o 6ooJc)F o 0,6f .=o-.vc EFi(,x UJ c.l iF o (,o =d0,o JceF oxt! (\l tF () a,of tro? ()trJ ljoth.clfq? (a +F C) (,6f !,(,o o.9J (,oltf.4 (a +F o c)6f ,soI ItreFx (')q!tF o |l,of <,(,o Io !ceFx (')qst F o xo.ttreF o,o E(,E. oot av)+F o [!oo 0, o lrlo() 6o ijco E .9 =E uJ E oq o o Eo 6 Eo E xxc,N uJ(LoEo, G =E,ot F o Fo;o)Eo 9 6o 'rio E tolro E€ .9Ea!(J xxte{ coEEoo o,.EJ 0)6 o6.ct3 U? F? F (-) -!,d)o rl,cJ d,6 ooo5U) O,!I F o (,o =coa IceFi()xIJJ N F o o,6ftioo JEeFjoxuJ (\t F o {,af ,troa vceFx c/, F o oofdoo xtr EFx(t F o xc EF 0,oEC't oot+ F- o lr =ooo oEo lt =cto Go uo6o o o xxto o0,6GI 6'aoo oco, E(, ec\ .E!,IooooJ o -g€C'Icotr gooo oE5?o oo Eoo .E t .Eo. Eo(,goF E o (o o$(,o)(go €6qloot o(r) Grr- $dl sdoG' G'G'6)6i(o\N o\oolo F' 6tct\oao (rltoq or E (oN(\l o1.,q lD N a.!rodlo ctt\ C'(, o,'!t F,ro otooio o)@aodo roc.(ocoq oloq, |oo\ ol$tt-clolr). it CD.\t(o<, (olo rfio)o!N Nart(o Gial)al c.i ao(?)lo. €(\lot ol.)ott+\at, ro|oo. ar)too. !t6)t(o oglnl6I,i o(o dr.o)Cr)t t o);fro tNro.t6e{ (o(\l6dG\N Nar,.D rrtoq!t o r o)- roao C\t ro6{(\l6t\ I ot\oq r,)6ol N a aoodoo.(,, Nra,qg)(,o ol I I I I 0 N (a !t lo (l'r\@ o o (\l o1l) tro G.!EoE .6 eo s() Eooo Eoo og IJ!,oooE!, .E3 Et(,oc o.o ='6oltEIofo 6(,c(l,o x o o|.Eto'=o 0,o o Ec(,() xN o o E0,oo oI0,oo xN o c.9o.a Eoc EF 6,o o E tro)() x6l o .ri5oIJJ;E0)k .d,oc.9o Eoc ;c) o oQ) ='6 (Elr E =o0 -9llIEo xt o Eo G .JooooEo .E: Et(,(, 6o =6oo Eo oNto E !!, t!EE5t,(, o0,oo(,J G'aoo oto oco Eo o CI .EEoE(,a.Ed)J oNrto o -g€oltr.E E ooroo cIt, Eo =E tro '.4 =Eo I(oo Eo GN o E E., 6E E3(,t 6o @ o !f,(, C')GI G'roq ca oaa,q at, Nro dG' o)!l6 c,i€ (oo rtct(rt L, o oroNto rofi, loE' roo (o N Ittd(r) E"o!t o dtN r0I)(,,. N rt ooc,d GIN G' N oN Nt o o) Nl.'E}d c,o d .''Nrl I (i, N c,@ro0i r.,o,t!t 6)o,@ EF).NN N o,lDA! o,t N ooro non- |o aoo-o oo\o .oqo 6aoaorf(, N6!t-t NtN N\o,(t, ro o c)Nao F'3. ro 6 t.Dot ,,N(',,!t o o,oN o)UId o N.o tft\ri t\(C'1l) ot oot\dN(o t\oo)-ottro to $ttoFl tclo CD. @ (\l@q(0@(v) tr)o) do oa\on !t @(oNotN(l oI odo) !too oo)odo)tt ooT'Ngl G'c)a. o o GId on,la,ottat o,lao,o, c, ti,ra)nrolao c,No)t o@ct N Nroo N to roN@ aoaorootdl NNra) o)o No6 n,., o d o .d(o atqoao $o66 ',, $q6l ooc) a,g, c;o ooF? roo (rlo,- @ q, Eri sloo!t g)r'!tl,'N It\to-t\(o Eo)+ I a6l CDd(nt\ I I(o do E.ooD. a o aCDlo- 6t(oL) aC') d@ Io6l Nroto tN{(a ar) I I I(o(o Fjro6l I IoU'droN I I I I No!tr.isj N (?,t ro G't\@ o o (\l (v)+to @ N @ o)oc.,l C.,l NN olo @ CD olo @ (Ii IJ,o a!t. TI =(I JJIc oco coool, Eto g .Ea. xx E*x 6 o.gEoolr Io,o 6 otr0,ooNd 6 cD .E o='a 0,oEo Eco,o x 6l6 o E0,o U) o (E c,o.o oc.{N6 c.9o.o Eoc EFoo o Ecoo x(oN6 ._d,t, IJJ: E0,ts E; oco r! Eo :c xx(",6 o(, =o @tL 0).= =c6gIl(!o xx!t6 (, itto E6E 6 oF oEo 6to(, itt0tCoz E!r xxlo6 C, .Eco'.4 o o- c.,l lo@ ahc.9(!IotI 6)z x(t,ro@ ooulJop(!.Looo,oo o!tro@ (, Eon1'Coz c6E G oF co 6N Eo E ct Co 6t)oooo x@l.i6 o.cEoGlr ooo =U) .E oc(,o (cl()6 C'.g o'= (r, oo o E c0,o (l)1l)@ o Eo6 o o EIo G'ro@ c.oo.!2 Eoc EF(,o o Ec0,o <,ro6 .sfoIJJ Eot cr) oc.9(! Eos (o r.()@ .All, =ooll-o.=3 c0(, lloo (olo@ o0,oooJ (E =o(!o (o@r.)@ ancoEo o o' E !,os(,6ooJ (v)(0rr)6 ogpocGs t(l,1,)6 co Eo =a tr.9=..2 =Eo ro(C)r,)6 Eo G.!to E dtro 6Eo ooo 6o <l o @(, E')o(L o)\ (o t o-!t roC'qa' ro (r, NN +nl\N atctto NDort o.rlo-oo oq o)o ND D o o6 (ooo ao o)ot-ro ro !t ocl sdu) oc,cd ao .DN oNqoN (o ro d, (n(\lo oND ti.o,arl tGIu) r,tdt !to, 6iN N r\ao-(., (')c)- c)a.,c) t ot"N tar)k (r,(\t@ ; st(\lcl{c)N t)N 'd|r) c)o@- @o (ot(')- l,,@(a at- lo Nq .Ynt art ;NodC)t a\a (o oNao 6roN oq c'N Nt oI) o6 6i.{ N o(r, GIc) F aQ({,c, t NN ta.,\N o).\to Gll\l(it G'N G'oq ocri,\ !t NN\roloN EI tItqoNq (D(D(.' 1() I o I I nao @-o @G)(Y)+ so- I FNt-rf 0(oIt-lo I I I I q al(,(o" I AI@-(a(\t I rtF'o I(Do-o!iro E Or-N(\lro o o)6)ritoq I o o ct root.d 6t{ N (o $1I,(o N ao CD o $t (v)t r/)@ I\@ CD oN N $l(\t c)c.,l \tN lo6l G)(!NN oN oiN o)o)(0lo o N ou) to E oo [.1oz UJLxIIJ(,z x. LrJLo oto Eooo o Eoofo xx@6 o)c {,fG = x (o6 o|l,o'E q, ah o EIo x(\(o@ o o Tc,,= ,9.o,o eoo EE x6l@@ E.9:Eoo -goo.cE.Eltf(L-oo E6 xc.{(o6 c.90)oLl- E,: .E ,9.of(L aoo EE x(\l@6 IDofE uJ deo (,!,o 0)o.E oar) (a(\t(o6 il,of,t,tr]Uco oq) oo o0 troE tE(L (o6t@@ (,ofEc UJI(tE E').E to (q(\t(o6 txo oe.L o!,oo.9eIDU) (a(\l@o trxoc.oo(, oo CU C(, E oo- (o C.,l(o6 txoI =og ., E iE (t,N(o@ tr.9 E 6 .E E!, ,=oo (o6t(o@ do o- (,v.9F oF c,oo i0,t (v)(\t(o@ (,o(L 66() =a6ooJ c,oo j 0,t a)c.,l(o@ Eo c6 in q,Eo E'oo toE (v)6l(o@ o) EdloJU' ctoo j 0,t .",6,t(o@ oo IJJJo EEx'6o(L J,eOEq5 fi.0d6 (.) (.)6rlN(o l(o616 o oU ao G)(,).E oo n) Eoo,o o, o F)N(o@ ttEo E0,ao o Eo L IJ 6 o oco etoo coq oo xx @ o,.Egc.Eo. 06 o =o0,x UJ x N@ o Eo :E E!, o! 6(,c(,o x6tN@ ootroo.x UJ trlt E0, d,(t)o uJ @c{l\@ oco G oooo EoCI o(, 6o uooEoaxlrJBE 6ooo oEo II c.o.9 eo-oo(,oo E =uuJ Ec =LLoo.E Q'o 6an o,.ucf 0,ocG .9,oa c.9ooctrooo,s 0,=-J (,.Co E o 6ootoCIx UJ IDtr t! oCIo G o @ oN(,o)(E(L oF).o, oF?ol t(\t a(t€c)G) ora)c)-o tt\(D o,ntc) t ol o)N1., coN\ N loo do av, Nr\-rt(o N $ (oc)oo trtodro o)t,r0 C'olo otro (otclj lotl,'J (o@O,lo0?, 6)o)ro@$- c) r,6t 'o F,\qo 00lo NN @or\. |oN loD ta)N cttc).!t Et..'d (o(?) 6.j<,c) ooj loc) ri@a) |rit) 0r' (r)qtN !ioolNt(n o o- NN o oN Et-t(?) (o6)ttnt N@@.G'NN N(Y)t-otC\l olo CD. GI\tF ora)oot ooc! o)3 NI)9, o)ao Nolo- @$ o|oot oo!t!tN oa,t{N o C.,lG'"Ncr,t" 6)ottJN o) ot ro- a ol U) C.,l(oqoo loloo !t o E. o)N oID ''ar,N ooq G' ooqo No(Y)+Fo{N oG'N6 CDI<i(oN. 6l ooo6o(.! N (0iooi+ o)on?le EN N@tf-+tit toqts oo) ciro o o 0 o 0o) c;ro ts(<,N.c{G'(, @\t CD. 07,!t st6to od ro o FTNDo lo o(l, d(t o Ntaqoo+ oF)rt, rr) o o F'ratt !a N (r)t rJ)(o i\@ CD o N ro t lo (o t\6 c)lo (o N o F lrJoou.lx o =Eduro.o oox6F EoEtl,o c,t$t ooo (L ot(\If\ al,o d,oo,doooo ort(\tF 0,0)lJ-of,IL o!iNt\ tn0,o)tJ- Q' .t2Eotr Ell- ot6lF o-co ost(\tN lt6'x6 6 (,Co(9 6o Eo Ef.9a!o oalxa! o EoIJs xxN F lJ. c0tq d,o()dlo Eoos (,z o(I,t oEoEq, _xlroooJ o ooE 6o .Ctto + <iQ'oEE ooodtF U) oEo o +6)oa, .E dg oocxE Eo sq @ .E c0,E =o EooG)Nt\ + dll,ot,tt 0,v,(!6F IL oc,o (o +N d)oo =dE .cIl6xdF El! s N t! ttLoooo oF E(, E6o oo (\|N tro a!.cE lrJxo 3o 6 6 oo .E e_ o L5o*l! oolN (o o(o oo,(! o- oEo EtooE6st E5ooc.Eo Goooo ,\o o\o oG)N u?o o(aN u?o oG)N u?o oooloIc ooolaIo oooI)Io t,)C'(,F 'qo @c)oo@qo or(oo)a{o c; Eo 6.,oo roGI6 ooF oN qo o 6.'6 E {' 666ts ooooqo oFi\c)qc oFFartG!o ot\,\(v)(\lo orot)!tFEo t1,)o(oG'ge ooocoqc o)@ao. o (tN oF(o t\o(o o[)or,t\oc; c o6o !, E o !t6ro c,lo oooroc!o ooora,c-{e ooora6!o oool,)qo oooro0qc c)ooo!',qo ,\aoFFoao (D!to)(Y)(oolo o looro ao No)ro od o,\rr-,\ t(t Fo@- ,\loro roto .!o ooN c,t Eo(,oo EoEtuI Go o o E, 6E 6o oEo e.,o.o 0 oo.oIo e eC'ooog coooG'q eooooq eooooq eooC'G'q eocooq e coooc,q c eoooC'q cooocq c e c e F@t m(ot(o,\a eo I6tao EoNo ta e ntN =6!c, I I IGac; e e EE6.t(,ot otro 6(,E E Eoo to':o ti =2 z o.-oo otrJ ^t (7'tt h (0 N o o o (\t c)sl ()(o F o o)oot N C.,l6l ct,at rtN loat (oN NN @C.,l (r, C.'l o(r,(v) ooz o)o6t N ta.l ro6l (0 c.l N6l o(o(\l !€(\I (,6c.{ G(DN !oN Go(a lloF)(v)N(!) i UJ o- =0. =-tol!E o Eo oEoooo o o o E Eo0.tro l! ocoa E .Ed fo =q,o =oon)3 .E =fJo ooa!lJ- Jo a(Elc(E- l!o-oooodl ((, 0)-oEo)o(l,o l!o-ooo(! d) lroU'(,'6I Eoo tr0,Efo IJJot,(, =.s(, =Eo) =uJoEo .9)g trl Ect) od, J.c ctuE.sfo IJJ (E i5(r) F o tro,E =o oootL =tUo o,=oI Eoo c0,Eao fo Itol .Eoa ItrfF 0)cDco (,xllJ o G'(, Eog fo ooEot ooI fo ooC'oo (EfouJ ot,coC)q,oto3!to!,cG U' o (E 0,oo =o =(, .s o'=o Eo,!,trGF fo =tro .!!.() coox 6oo Eo Eo3 .E =tro(!eocoox ooo E6 6o. I o oq,C =ooC'o(.t totrslocl c, @ ooo CIooJ!,o (tr GCIooc:) .!!oodtc.9 Go -9 otr ol:6 oo,co oc,t:Eooo ct oof l,tr IJJ tr.9o -goo 06 c(, E Go txoc.9o -9oo c5 cC' E oo- o a,Ecoo oE ooo EoaD oofEtrllJ (,o(L oEooo Eoo g.xo oo(L oEo 0,o.E (,o oo.E oo eIg Eo E6 oo =!,cIJJ L =oEo.g c0 txoI'5os <,, .E iE .D0,c,(otho(, =oFot+(Lq, ()e0- ci'6 ooo)6.Ao(, =IEooJo IrJ oC,)oooq, {.oool,l-ootrooxllJoo dt ooc,oo E'6 0,o.o o0oJ(L oo(0ll- I ooC0,oxuJooo.E q, U' o Ec,oo oo ot,c IJJ ID6f oo0,5.c ={,o6'o(, (o ooo.D(!o- E C.'lat.! ao6 o!t c.ioN o,Nut tqo tt c! at, $ (r, rato$t oo laal loo g ra, $rodt @oo, 6sg c) olo dt N eo{ C,)(D(od o(,td l4to(\to!t lo (r'N a Rn. r,irt lntor?N (o oo o CDoo_ 6o+ t-o GIotrtcD @ (olr,(o-({, ro Gl'!t+((it!i I 6 Irirrl Norlo.D N (o o gotr a I a ilEIIHIIIIEEflEIIEEIfl (o o 6l (, ID.Eo. tt-(r)@(o odl'(a ,j o, I(o t-F'o + NNo lao d o o!:t oaI IrlNtJ, rfd ao G! GI a o ro N ItO d B t (r:t .r,ort} 6 oo 6NrAt taodrli' ortNt.'6l ild + ro oit o CNf, 6 Fit I !t 6!l 14!I crt ro a.) (\. N $F.(\l oN6 Io at)\Dt (DN d oI C\i!t I Et dilt G. a.OI o ou) oo6o- crt(Do ra) a I l j nt Bri qNo aa N oo.Y+ 6'{\I 6NN E({ dNN gN tit tI:! riorin a fo lr'F' (o o(o oo)(!o- Vendor lD Vendor Na Current A&8C100 A And B Cc s13,000.00 BANK2oo BANKCARE s50,002.25 BolS2001 Boise Cent Sgre.oo BorT0200l BorTek Uti 520,950.00 CAL|301 Calix, INC 549,054.59 CAR|304 Caribou Co 5287.9L CENT317 CenturyLin St,3ot.sg C1w03001 City of Amr 51,630.00 C|TY325 City of Roc 5315.47 C|TY326 City of Sod 53,981.08 C|TY341 City of ldal 58,383.42 COBA3001 CoBank 510,000.00 CODA332 Stuart C lrt 530,300.24 DASC400 DAS-CO Of 52,264.40 D1GL409 Digline,lnc 5700.70 D|RE415 Direct Con 5929.81 DlRE417 Direct Con stt0,60o.o0 D|TC420 Ditch Witcl s3,049.53 Exp05001 Express Se SS,+tg.sg EXPE510 Experian SsSz.oo FALL5001 Fall River F 53,794.39 FAST604 Fastenal 5285.92 FS.COM60TFS.COM $5,t13.82 GENU6001 Genuine Ci Ss,t8q.zq Gl3S701 Glass Conn 510,400.00 GREA708 Great Ame 5315.88 |DAH905 ldaho Pow 53,489.76 tnte09001 |NTEGR|TY s47,059.50 lNTE912 tnterstate' 51,795.15 KMRIIool KMR CONS 5L2,9O2.4O LARO1200 Barnard's ( 5L,347.91 LDAS1200 LDASecuri 5205.00 MCCL1300 McClure Er 52,100.00 Mega1300 Mega Hert 59,7L7.92 M|DS1307 Mid-States 5792.00 MOSS1301 Moss Adar 53,808.33 NEUS1405 Neustar lnt itrc.qt OPTI1501 optix Med 53,282.50 PEDR1605 Pedro Riva s500.00 ROCK1808 Rocky Mot 54,548.19 SERV1910 Serviam Ll 5L,257.66 TELC2004 iconectiv, I 5125.65 TOTA2010 Quadient t 5548.71 UN|V2101 Universals 543,851.73 uPs 2102 UPS s201.00 Util21001 Utitity Tecl 555,153.75 Util21002 Utility Vac- VALL2201 Valley Offir VARD2202 Vardata, Ll VOlC2200lVoice Depr S48,785.00 st37.O2 S14,G11.08 S8,708.50