HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016Annual Report.pdfANNUAL REPORT F--, OF ZFE -‘-a r\)(‘ — DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND D(,)C) NAME U! 150 South Main Rockland,ID 83271 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2016 Exact name of utility: ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31, 2016 COMPANY INFORMATION DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND, INC Address of principal office:'150 South Main Rockland ldaho 83271 Telephone Number (Area Code_ 208_)548 - 2345 Cities or towns served Rockland, Arbon, Paris. Bloominoto n, St. Charles, & Fish Haven Name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account: Tim Mav. General Manaqer Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number: 150 South Main Rockland, ldaho 83271 (208) 548 -2345 Organized under the laws of the State of:ldaho Date of organization 1973 Form of organization (proprietorship, association, corporation) lf a Subchapter S Corporation, please specify: Name and address of controlling company, if Corporation Names of affiliated companies. Give address and description of business: Direct Com m unciations Cedar Vallev,150 South Main Rockland, ldaho 83271, ILEC OFFIGERS Report below the title, name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year, lf there were any changes during the year, show the name, title, and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title Name Address PresidenUGM Tim May P.O. Box 269 Rockland, ldaho 83271 Vice President Secretary Jerem Smith Kio Wilson P.O. Box 269 Rockla ldaho 83271 P.O. Box 269 Rockland, ldaho 83271 Rev 3/02 Page 1 DIRECTORS List the name of each person who was a member of the Board of Directors at any given time during the year: (Fees related to meetings only.) Term Expired or Current Term Wil! Expire Meetings Attended This year Fees Paid During YearName and Address Leonard May Rockland lD Mayl Marilyn May Rockland lD May-17 Garrin Bott Rockland lD May-17 Kip Wilson Rockland lD May-17 Jeremy Smith Rockland lt May-17 Scott Hendrickson May-17 3 Rockland lD Name of Chairman of the Board Tim May Name of Secretary (or Clerk) of Board Kip Wilson Number of Meetings of the Board during the year:3 MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year, and the total wages and bonuses paid to those persons: (Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) Name Title Wages and Bonuses Paid Tim May GeneralManager lnformation is Confidential Jeremy Smith GeneralManager Rev 3/02 Page2 3 3 3 3 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please provide important information such as changes in accounting or depreciation practices, extensions or additions to the system; disposal of any substantial portion of the property of the utility; reorganization, mergers, or consolidations with other companies; leases executed; other contracts or agreements entered into; changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments; the occurrence of contingency losses or gains. Rev 3/02 Page 3 BALANCE SHEET Assets and Other Debits t alance Eegrnnrng of Year Balance at End of Year lncrease or (Decrease)Title of Account Gurrent Assets1120 Cash and Equivalents1130 Cash1140 Special Cash Deposits1150 Working Cash Advances1160 Temporary lnvestments1180 TelecommunicationsAccts. Receivable1181 Accts. Rec. Allow. -Telecommunications'1190 Other Accounts Receivable1191 Accounts Receivable Allow. - Other1200 Notes Receivable1201 Notes Receivable Allowance1210 lnterest & Dividends Receivable1220 Material and Supplies1280 Prepayments1290 Prepaid Rents1300 Prepaid Taxes1310 Prepaid lnsurance1320 Prepaid Directory Expenses1330 Other Prepayments1350 Other Current Assets Noncurrent Assets'1401 lnvestment in Affiliated Companies1402 lnvestment in Nonaffiliated Companies1406 Nonregulatedlnvestments1407 Unamortized Debt lssuance Expense1408 Sinking Funds1410 Other Noncurrent Assets1438 Deferred Maintenance & Retirements1439 Deferred Charges1500 Other Jurisdiction Assets - Net Property, Plant and Equipment2001 Telecommunications Plants in Service2002 Prop. Held for Future Telecom. Use2003 Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Short Term2004 Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Long Term2005 Telecom. Plant Adjustment2006 Nonoperating Plant2007 Goodwill Depreciation and Amortization Accounts3100 AccumulatedDepreciated3200 Accum. Depre. - Held for Future Use3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating3400 Accumulated Amortization - Tangible3410 Accum. Amort. - Capitalized Leases3420 Accum. Amort. - Leasehold lmprovements3500 Accumulated Amortization - lntangible3600 Accumulated Amortization - Other TOTAL ASSETS 2,235,413 1,555,314_T7T._o'fr300 T68i^o-90)- -zWT -r 0 652,763 -r5z0o0) 171 627 42,000 o 0 0 0 0 106,045 173.463 67 418 0 0 0 20,329 20 785 456 0.----5E68- -1w3,944,788 -Ts'mzd- -fr -5,568-7rr -- 138 114 5 868 723 0 't2,720 162 -mrcr -- 0 0 o27,979,104 27,900 735 139,131 91,476 4,559,578 1,176,943 -€38.m3il -fr 19,300,214 20,651,610 1,351,396 2,354,848 2,757,419 -@57r -0-17,925,389 31,945,933 14,O20,544 -1u;36s)- -fr o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rev 3/02 Page 4 BALANCE SHEET Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity Title of Account 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 4080 41 00 4110 4120 41 30 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Notes Payable Advance Billings and Payments Customer Deposits Current Maturities - Long -Term Debt Current Maturities - Capital leases lncome Taxes - Accrued Other Taxes - Accrued Net Current Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Current Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Accrued Liabilities Other Cunent Liabilities Long-Term Debt Funded Debt Premium on Long-Term Debt Discount on Long-Term Debt Reacquired Debt Obligations Under Capital Leases Advances from Affiliated Companies Other Long-Term Debt Other Liabilities & Deferred Credits Other Long-Term Liabilities Unamort. Oper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Unamort. Nonoper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Net Noncurrent Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Noncur. Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Deferred Credits Other Juris. Liab. & Def. Credits - Net Stockholders' Equity CapitalStock Additional Paid-ln Capital Treasury Stock Other Capital Retained Earnings 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 TOTAL LIAB. & OTHER CREDITS Rev 3/02 Balance Beginning of Year 131,941 Balance at End of Year lncrease or (Decrease) 27 604 660,791 528,850 0 (27,604) 0 1,197,946 0 (626,937) 0 89,669 (36,137) 0 0 14,517,618 11,830,572 0 1,864,649 38,764 425,697 (826,132) 14,015,706 2,682,726 0 31,945,933 0 567 635 626,937 0 0 125,906 2,687,046 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,825,885 425,687 (826,132\ 11,332,980 17,925,389 Page 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (o oo)G(L No(o otr (or-t- F-t\ooN o (\tsro-(\t$ o(o(o $(f) -- 6roo)lo@o) F-N o z =ooo z o- o cf)lo @-(o (')ro @-(o E'E oEoo-e'= E.qE .^ o, E'3 Ed .ege5 cEE= € o T €$csiEEE,'ggEBEE,*gu*i;ggi*BE ar (f'=E # Bls HAEEEaTE .9 56.x *'EEEBESEE}HHEEE .9 g- * (o $ ro (O F N <rl $ r N l^c) o F N F - F r N F - N c.l s (o r r r N oE r i r F F r N N N N r - r N d) d) r N tf tO (O r N N N N N Cq { @ @ O)E r r r r - r r - r- NN NN N N (Y) (.)(Y)(O(Y) $ $$ $ t * lil S(o(o@{ <I cIT N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N oo,o.ot--- oO)o-or-- o c.l F-ro!f- co Ncf)F-- o)r.r) @f.*t- rO(o co- F- (o(oo.lvrJ)o- N o(o lr)- F-$ of.-@-(oo@- N (o @@.(o @@co. (f) @F-@- ro(o ry @l.*@- lr)@o{ ol.*@- @c{N O)O)co- lr)N l.*q NoN Nt-lr)_ Nt-|r). (f)o)$_oF* cf)oqoF- $orO-o(go{ N sforO_o(o ry(\I (9 @lr)-(oN$- F-O)to- F-(f) (ooo). ro@o{ (oF- @"o (oF-@- @ 1r)Nlr,t*N r()Nrr). F,N <f)@N.(o @@ N+ @- N$ O)(ooq (oN (o rONt-o)(O oN(.)- No) oNo- No) Os He$EUJLoo o? $:EF"E F !,- -9Er{ E.EE; tr& btr IIJo =z J.rGq.o trOe'R I ;f,o t.E E E EE(Jo. =E=oaJ EH, u- H=E=$I E'Bbooooi z J F\-e2 ao- ruo U) Or firt o? t:EF"EF 8,. @ z --!rE) trgo H fEE 2 5o->25 :Oo 9iI - e L>ik '9 3-otoE *.= =i ! = =6 <to =oo-o<uJo Ju, E sgE * fiBE z o zfooo zIo.J o -E E-= EEPE g€Eu f; eee; .fr#;E ;'=E d E93E -q268, =,fi^H:.+ g ",9 o ,g grg*=ggggggsggEgEE,tEgEE=gf,fi' oo Lo @ .E g o. otro o.9tr E Eo(,oo oo 6 Gtr No (f) o G. F N (O t tr) @ - N d)'<t r N l() O E N - F E r: N r r N CO $ !O E r E N Q - i i - ; r N N N N F F - N C) d) - N !t lr) (o - N N N N N c) $ Cg CQ Qr F r r -- r--- NNN NN NCO(r)c)c.)COt !q$t $$ S S (o@ @NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Noo)(s(L @o@- ro(o oN (\tto) F-(0 Nsr@(\isf o(f,o.l\to)(f)- oooo(f)$I- $o)o)- N ooooooooo)(oN F-(oo{(\l (o€o (f) ooN@(f) co(ao) o(oN(r) roo NN1r) r (oo)$.ot* ooo F-(r)Ir osft-lo(o-- t-t-q @ oloo{ CAN oo)r.r)(0- r-(olo OLo_ G *,Efoo Nsf@.c!$ 9955 EEEEI* o)(o. N.+co oc',o(L $o @- Nst- sq (o @o)(o @(oN sqo (ot* roN sq N rN(o c.i @ o)o oN sqoN N(9r ro(o ro co_t-(o sq (f) lf)o o)(oo- (f)lo r()N su? C\t o)oo)- o)(o- olrjo, sqo g g,- =.= l! E 59c, o' zI 6]Utr IJJoo UJF 2--r 0r':lo=9=<o,o=.)o< UJd z uJ ILo La z N(\oo(f). o) Fo -E ,,,y 6eg,E gfifi, # S#Er s;;E ;;EE . ; :s3E #=gHg-,$$gEgESEEEEEE rErEg-Eg E E ,-$,S E E S 8 E F# sE s E E EF 8 # $ s E 5 E $ E E sq lo CN o o F-(o\r o# €o c o:iE E* =oEoo h o g- =E =gE 'E,b o Nsfo)-r*(o- su? $t C\Nr()_ (\l (v) st lO (O r N (v) $ - N lO O - N r r r r N - - N d).t (O r ri s i e - C.,l N N N r F F N c.) Ci) - N tf lO (O s N N N N $l (f) $r - F r r - r - r (\l N (\l N (\l N (O (v) CD C.) C/) $ $ S t t st sl $N N N N N N N N N (\I N C! N N N N N N N N (\I c\I N N N N N N o)(f) c.iroc\{ N $ro @ OJo) (oo @_(9 F sq(\I (f)o)sf-oI- sq t-F*(o€ oo(f) e.iN No(o o)t C =ooC)o -cooq) Lo ooLco o'6 o) o-oE olp ! .= .9. oaGo(Lt tro .q(,o CLoot,osf E =oo .soo trul o .9,o ->(Etr OLPu E(E tr'EUJLqio e9 E. E E FE EE* EEs o, oo)o(L tr .9.st gE oo o 9-o.: G .E E9 fi'E,b!0 J F\-ott1 ao- ruo a No(') ot .9o'6EECLOqrEo .,6-E gf'=o !2)oE 4--.8 ^E'r oE E-= gE'95 9EEE Fi eC; =E€E SoEE o fi t, gagu= ggggfi ggggE ggE, r gg g Er g ia.,,., t lO (g r N Cr) .st F N tf) O r N r r - - N - - N Cr) .+ (O - -E i - r r F (\l N N N e r r N CD (V)r N $ tf) @ - N N N N N Cr)$E r r - r e F r r r N N (\l N (\l N (Y) (9C.) (9 (A $ t $ \t \t st sf ${ oI (\ N $I N N N (\I (\I N N N N (\I N (\I N (\I N $I N N N N OI N N N l|llIllllll ||||||tllll ntrootr .9 (g o CLooI o zI 6 UJto. IIJoolrJ ==- 6.to=q=<o-o=ea< IIJtrFz UJl!oaa z caoooo Eooo o ooLc.9o'6 oLo-oE E)E :=E.s .9. o)a(!oE* FoF INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401, 1402 and 1406. ldentify each investment as to the account in which included. Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. Description Date Acouired - 1993-94 Book Cost of lnvestments Disposed of This vear Book Cost of lnvestments Held at enO of Veat 274,066RTFC & FREC I NDEPENDENT CABLE SYSTE]V 2003 1 11,160 CEDAR VALLEY 2004 1,260,091 SYRINGA NETWORK 2000 2,445,210 ANPI&SOLEX&OTHER 2002 27,587 NEWSTREETS INC 2002 20,000 Totals 4,138,114 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1 180, 1 190 and 1200. For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Name of Companv Amount at End of YearNotes AccountsReceivable Receivable Customers 72 768 Interexcahnge Carriers & Others 277 837 Affiliates N/R - 2M Brand 458,784 1350000 12222084N/R - DC Cedar Vallev Totals 0 14,381,474 Rev 3/02 Page 10 NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable, list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Name of Greditor Date of Note lnterest Rate Due Date Face Amount Totals ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Report below all Accounts Payable amounting to more than $100.00 Name of Greditor see attached Amount Totals 0.00 t$t o,r(, da oeoq oooo oqo@ ItN otIo do loq (oa oqoe oooe eo c,o srq o)1r)r ro toq (oo (t\({) (9q oqoe o0 c;Q oociq t()qr-F-(o lo d (a6 No rrto(oe oqoo oo c;@ oo c;@ $to rrio(o6 N€to dNo oooo I ro\Ne oqoe oq (v)c) 6.r_ o oqoo oqoo ooov, eq (*) G)c)- e> oqoo ooo6 oooe oqce Noq sf@ .tN I loN.ol4 lf)t- c.j (o lf) F*\qo) loo)oN(9 Noto dNo r*Irlot*-N oq (f) (f)(fr- E -?i'69(LoF E859HcFzsgRb NFr5 (otr5tUEdEINFFzo tro Fo (o 5(oN NR t-o E-U'cg(LoFz ,oi H.=oYtrtr IJJo (oEbo FNE (o o -$r.u ;^Uxo(\t LUd) LLo Fo (orou)N NR Fo .i'=(E(LoFtIeo.Y IJJ CI o (o oN N (o oN (r) N F Iotut6a(otr)o9to $F2@o tiI V'o'c g(L(L oFooo =.o.9 noo= LLO o(o(o =NN4 ozSS 6 (o(o 9EEz@oi;qa6=SIoo -(,z d) EA'oSIoFtogo:-'=z:Uo@"aboNYz N6 (o otrEUJNLTzNIJJ Footr oYz d](o -oeN&SYorl- d) EU'69(LaFoa8{J9oco0 tdCl=)_vREIa_.2U2S Oqads fr068 Cl ERi EO 6r-coi(!)zoat I.JJoz (o ^5KN E8z ovE€Foetre2i_uJo J(oJ KOFoN IJJg- Ei-i.:l- J Hs { oQj5 oFo]U =j5<Eo-eo}<8I3:bJrJ loN6tf)OR88rnCD@>NCf) co G oF 9bo'trso-(D6 TE oL tr(o.9E6so-o E'(o.9Eds!O-- :(oFE =N6S o =(E o o CL F IEo oo- o (Eo oE (uz oEco>cizaO r'Fo;EEtr-o ;E ED .CGOO. '=E oz .Yxo 59o- 4)B6 9k6otr=tr)f.E= 8Eo.()<Fo IJJt cl =o-o*lOT oE =Nl! tf t8 odt(oo oooo oqoe oqog q rot(oe c)(v)dt(r)o oqoe oooo oc c;e 1.-oq ro$(o (a)q rDt({)6 ot+oc,@ oqco q ooc;q ooc;e oqo@ ooqn NN -J\co ooc,o q oociolf)@ oooo oqoe oqoo oqoo oqootoe oooorC,6 oqoa oqoo oqo4 oqoolo oqoeto0 q N @ oqog, oqoe oqoo oqootr) q Glo ooc,@ ooc,@ oqo6 (a(ari$(f) oa!+@oa Nq NIr EA'69(La)Fo d! e,'6 0- =O (oF56C\l ii'69(Lb F UI E3YoEE o t(o EE 9,'(E'6 g(L(L OFz ss ficcto- ll(o (O ,-rvoo!NN I6 N (o oN (f) N9-t (L lto to (oro CDNil&,i,Ni-6 (\l (o oN (a ul Glo- to LLo Fo (o oC\N SR ho N(\I (o(o ooNN < <1 <r, YC\INat.llt(L t!o Fo @(ooo -9!N:'i (o (oSNNFo oI'69(Lb Fz EEoF:o ue8Rfl o Fz<o 6 =5osl-rirQoNt-oIU(, LLo Fo (o 5oN 8R t-o th9-'69(LOFFl!.0t o.xuYocZ o(ol!bo Fs6 (o 5rS*5YN6-z d)tro Fo (o 5o)N NR F O o'og(LOF u.l9lzx=:o lr<oO (\IF o N (o oN > (f)ltJ fo-Z- =oo LLo tso (o o6N NR t-6 tiv'o !q(Lb Fz8g0= =()o<o= =rLXo t-Sb (o_5Z,No= EX oO 1ro Fo (o 5;-NNf Fo (E oF Pbo'trso-Og EE oo- tr(o.956so-o l,(o.9E6sG- =(ot,b =N6S of IEo o CL F Go oo- o .Eo o E(I,z o!,tro>ciz e.g b9ttstr-o N6OG ED -CG(,O- '=E oz -Yx(J;eLo B= 9k69El 2of.tr= eEo- (J<FouJdo =o.o\t 'riiT otE =Nl!$ G=<d o o(oe oqoe oqoo oo cto C" o(o@ u:,(o ote(\L Ne oooe cc $e oooe oqo@ oocte lo o;lo e oooe oqoo ooct6 oq\t\t ro otro C o) t-NNe ooc,a ooc,a cqoq lo oiror\ o)I NNe oq N@(\l6 oooo oqoo oo cto o) F-(\tN ooN(oNo oooe ooo6 o) o(o t(,(o oto(\l N a ooou?u?q $$(r)O) O) l- @(Y)$qu?n F*$F*l- lf) F*OI()F*e.i @ oc+\t@ ==p(E(E(U(L(L(L ooo).o .9 .ooooccc Ei'69(LoF oozo'6t' ='ooJ(oo IdN 6zuJ --N F).- tO -^ rJJO: FJAJoi( o.z= =-o oOcn o[l FFttuFf(L oo (o loo(Y)(\l(Y)rA C'I =Soo uG oF o =j o-o.DoIc,Fo UJ I.IJ EI ooo (o(o(orrr--.o o o(JNNNz jororor JFFr&.t.AHHH\\\()$\t(otsss-NNNIrrrtu uJ uJJ Q---C)oooo?qqNOl\(r)r.t9!P8N:J(o(oro(lro@@atotr)loOaaaooE$o EiE€FotrJeJE*CI oPi,RB NF'o (o(/)5qatri(<NI-o Fa lJ.o to E-un€Fos2od :o F(oo.F I?o{ JY- t!Z-A =<o v HH Er-E Oi\ C.)YN J t!o F6 (o 5 NHYN h6 oU'6.g(LoFaot<z.=oil.zo-:O (oorOKol!o.F o<o 6o=z(\lEbn6lU)N ooalto Fo @5,^NYro!dNl-6 o a! oFoz Yoot l!o F6 pppoootL(L(L ooo).9 .9 .9oootrcE (o(o(orrroooNGIN NNC\ FFF (o (o l\ooo^NNNLI\\\----Z- <at <?, OaN-N=QrrOoot tLo Foq6(o(o(o -FFoootl)NNN:.x(f,(o(Y)YNN(\IaFF-Fo E oF 9bc'trso-6)g EFLoo- t,(o.9E6so-c tr(o.956so.- --@grb =Nds o:, Go ocL F IEo oG o (Eo o E(Ez ot,co>dz e.go;trtsc-o (a6o (it ED .C(E() E ozI EE6uo-g, B6 LLP< E2 CD :).E=eEqo<Fo LrJt6 =o.ot ,nis NEPXl!to-=<d (o(od(ot-(oe eqoo oo l- ct@ oooo ooo6 oqee oc? (9Ne oqoo oooe eo c;q oq t'*t-(f) oc? @N@ oaN@!f- Noe ooc;q (o(o (o 00No oco@ ooo6 oooo ooqnNO(f) l{)(o@ cD@N1r) (o(o (o€Ne oa oqoe cqce cqoe (oq(o @N o e €oq c)a)_ (t) e oooe oqce oooo (oq (Y)(otdo eqee oo c;e, oa? (o(\t oa$tc, -.t^(\aoo oeoe oooe (oq(a(o sf-(o oq (9a C;t- c,oq o(Y)- c)o ooq F-@(f)- (f) o'69(L6F tro8 '.A';o;o:O- o(o'E HEl! N (o oN o,(\l CN.9-.9oo)L(L L.9 CoLLr lt'=(E(Lo z .9 0LouJ:x IIJ @oN (\t (o oNo(f) (\l z tllJ -*slll rooo)op ffiE(L(JXtIJ oU'(! g(Lb FoJ OJ o96R6 FNfJ9e 9J:lu iN<=l-(f)-\osozoFfJodpolo HEdE tU oI V'o 'o !q(L(L OF!, oo=.9.o o99 t, =: ot,tr(o(o fFH EL C)ss e(o(oo EoossEi(oNPN(\IE,.- Norrpcllz o) Eobo OrF-N B**Soo>NNto ov'(! S(LoFo8eYYc(J ZNj(o,Ax5 2HN OtJtEas 6 O<o I ES = z Cr) rr,5N o =- bnu)-oFouJto(o 56N frEt'o o'= (!(LoF ooZ'0 uiez (996oN N (o oN (9 N Oz uiz J(,OZ Io)(oE3=ro-rO6oo Eif€F ooZ(-)9dCI o9;R3 o!6 .(o oQ-zO =Nds-ts-o tLooqa o oo3eaa o Es9b5Pt LL (E oF Pbo'trso.Og EF Loo- t,(o.9E6s!o.c E(o.956s!O-- E(o9b =NdS o (Eo o GL (Eo oo- o (Eoo E TEz o!,co>ciz aO r'Io;ECtr-o tEoaEED -c(EC'O- '=E oz -Yxo E8o-U:. .a= LLPK E2EDf.E=8Bt:o UJu6 Eo. o,*ro* N .L. =Ntt- t o-=<d o a,i6' C,)6 oo c;o ooo@ oqoo q (,) @o)q N(r)t o_ (r)q oqoa @lorio(o@ oqoo oqoe ooct@ o)(9cOt-S€).sf-t-NlOstqqq9ol:a?\qqolq O$l\(v)ONN@O)Nr@$l-O-10$ON(ONO-(Y)(A1oNs(9 (olo(.to(o6 oo(o CD @_ NN@ oqoo oqoe oooa rq (f,oo) $tc)t o- (r)e oooo oqoo (o '.qC9o(o oo((t CDo_ NN@ oq(oo)co- NN oI'og(Lb Fo o=o1'o lr- :8.F(O TJF NF otN IJJrF a(oZU-z.ofNLEi(/) =ENF- tuF FattuF-z<o (\t 5S?.\, (o .[i g Fz pppppppp=pEp 4oo(Eo(U(!Goooo$-l:(L(L(L(L(L(LtL(L(L(L(L(L OFtooooooooooooE'6'6'6'6'6'6'6'6'6'6'o'6 OccEccc_cccccc:oI eFF-FrFrFrrratoooooooooooo =NNNNNN6INNNNN !b'69(LOFoFo.oo9ic.g !,fle Ebg A-\(E,rES E-otr =(OO,n-L:9 t-:{OLr-l-cq1 ocNoor=LLE$F-Ooo)co E(, @_rO>. o)5o?Ddrudto oI'69(Lo F CL)oo(.,))L'6(, =-ell(Eqo() H.s =trSE (o oo-S= (')9sOSo =(!oo.c =Loo NNNNC!NNNNNNNrr- (c)(o(o(c)(o(o(o(c)t*t-Nt- TTFFTFFFTT-FooooooooooooNNNNN(\INNNNN(\I rrNNN(A(Y)@st$l()lONNNNNNN(\IOOOO\\\\\\\\\\\\NNNNNNNN-Frr(Y--rrrrrrOOOO [! o(L ^(o(o(o(o(oYco<o(o(o(o(ovrrr-rINNNNNNoToINC!NN {--FFFrrF-Oo)<.(OONC)F-C)$stt-rr) -st(osfF*e|(f)$ro-@rtoNo)OIOe(Ol-N(ON(oO)O)OO)(O@OlO-(OO)lONONrO)CAO)O)O)(Y)(Olf)-ra c? l: o 6 o l- 0o N F- F* o, o)-NSONS-lONrr'<tlf);;ooooooo(\loooo+NNNN$lN$tOlC\tNN(\t+NOINNC!NNc\I$INN(\Iq.o _tr):. (oXsf<5JOz. <9]U(, E oF 9bo'trso-(t)gIE Loo. l,(o.9Eds!o-o tr(o.956s!G- E(o05 =(\r(3S o ([ o oo Go oo. o Go o E(Ez o!,tro>dz aO r'I0;EEtr-o ro6olBED .CG(Jo- '=E oz -Y.:o6Uo-g)B6 LL9k-e2 C,,f.s=8Eo-()<Fo UJtro =G C')Tlo* N)- =Nt!to-=<d @(ot 0^ o cqce o\.E'o q oo GJo (,\oo q oqog o) o)c?qo$co o)tr)$(o oqo4 oo+NN4 ooc;e ot*do oqoq oooe ootN(\lq rt 0q(9o\ o oooe coctq ooo6 ta? co loe oqo@ ooct@ oooo sroq (f)o\ ta?(? !(,o t(,(orotoe, oqoo ooo6 oqoo tt(.)d ro rodlll,l(,@ oolo (\t @ oooe oqoe oqce o(o{ o_ e eqo@ oqoo oqrtNN toq G)o\ @ t-lodroro oolo cI a ooqq(oto(\t(\t o) EE 9,'6'6 S(L(L OFzoo I.o.o Fd= = 4i--- (JDo-D-.o Xl-\ r - t,XRR OE. E,our()C\IC\IFi-- PE-. =\bb oEES O eiiii Ir-/rrE o= goe=o E..o..ord)rt rfro c\l (\Orrcgrr-))6z= = EiEgFtroE 8=-eo IIJ(oYFR{ =to -lrJ- oF.^ afr= noq f UE -OF- d] =-oa fruJo(o(o$-ooNO - (t)(,N U)?ulJ o9-'69(LOFzs69Z =z 2= ozt( tqf<N ()o- e0( r.* l.r.+5 0ts! uJ;8 Hb5 5!{=illLLo =I ov'o -g(LoFoJ8J E2z(o uIEJINvaqs a 1<o z9H x,2d E<s!tuNJFo(!) ot zt m (o !?oes6Nc: r J oI'og(LoFo 9l =".=OF L Jo(oo u.lol-N= J N ltJ Eos o ZO tr5 -{Nd-a [!FJJuJF a (o.f= =61l(f)ASoY ov'og(LoFoo=o'6(Ji=_Jo9ooFN= SH o: a ZO -N9P 1- =oC)oFl I,Uo - EEo'o'o S(LtL oF UI88 -p99 dEEO tr LrJu:= =5'* X rlZ (vFil<o<o z>-r)>oooss! x1NN Ez N- trr- !ud--Fa=2lo t UJFz oS5 9H -J ooONr$LlJ r-oF - Nlo<o Essz E oF 9bo'trso.6)6 EE oo- tr(o.956s!o-o !,(o.956sGr =(o9br-N dS o J IEo oo F (go oo- o (Eo o E(!z oEtro>ciz e.g oiEEtr-o (oEo (it ED -EGC' E oz -Y 8Ho-o B6 o2 "1 0EZs)f.E=86t:o IIJt6 =o. C,)T!o* orE =Nl!t o-=<d oq No)l(r- e eooe otI @Ne oqcq oqoq oocio t d N@ oqoe oqo@ ooo@ (\IIr(oN t d N6 ou? N ote oqo@ ooo@ oqo@ o(oc!qro o,(f) (f)(\t ou? N N6 roo)ta oeoo ooo6 oqe@ oq N N Iool\t @ oq @Nodq oooo oo r.i(oot 6 oqoe oqo6 oo c;o oooo oqoo oq No,lrr- 4 oq No)ro- NI (oNQ oooq oooo loq $ oo odNode oqo6to_sf ood(o(\l e oq ro(ool oI'6StLoFoo=o'6l,;ur:8,F(ooJoo6r= (,Ni.o- b JflE o' ES bs-:)oz otra J(L t;'=Gd6Fo o)'ilEz c (o oN N t- oN N o .iI I -'o'6 S(L(L OF oooZ.9 .o99 t t-a(o(o =55 g NN- oFtz Nlof5P5SF.ftz N6l (o(o oo(\tN (f) cr).NNO--z t Lia (o =[o9ee -O(oo|oc.{oOrO.f<o965efoF LrJz PE =FFS z Ei'oS(LOFoUI8e ! IIJoa frR *,\ vvE^ ?E- 2 UE stq oo5 *,>\v>N UJh- zz ozolrJzu) Nu)(r)c)o:6zzOzIUz Eo'<u9(LoF IJJ ,ot 2ES =66Us ? {ot tr6eddN tra' ut{.^t)5 0FS i tFo1 J zIF z o'og(LOF o. OJ E9 oP;,ooNo =N (o oNt*o- (\r_.|(\r a o aao ovE€Fo 8='60 Ll- E9kRTo S= t-5Nob<s EsIFFF TL LLo (OrelO?EJ(L -(oEE EH EoE8iL oI b i.r E o Ebo'=so.CI)g EE oo. lr(o.9E6s!o-o !,(o.986sO-- E9ebiN dS of Go oCl. F oo oo- o Go o EGz ot,tro>Giz aO r'Io;t,E o t-Eo(EED .trruoO- '=E oz -Y:o EPo-(o B6 9k E2g,D.E=8Et:o IJJu cl =o- o)*lo* 6t .L. =Nll \t o-=<d to t-(o e oo cte ccoe oooe u) t-(o e a)N+(o de oo €,q oqo@ oqcq ({)Nt(o rte (') tNo oqco ocoe oooo oO*F-$IqU?U?C?$N@N(o(oor@o)No, o)_ (o (v) tNe o)a00(9U' eqoe oooe oqov, (f) +N o)a00(9@ oqee ol o) @ oqoo oq0a 1l,rQ NroG ooc;q oqoa oqoq t-o? o, r(, U? Ntoa 1r) l-(o O)ao(f) C') oto tou?r(\tto Ei'og(LoFa E=9ol- :() =(o= eH =g^ Ek: u9. f, =H 3z> uJ 8s'-,t Fat. I.JJ Ja N N69>>zJa ,i (E oFtut =oo.z z =o =Y(,ot =ppppo(E(U(s(o(L(L(L(L(L ooooo.9 .o .9 .9 .9oooooccccc (o(o(o(o(o oooooNNNNN EiE€FIot'OF'5(J LI UIsiotNfotEc., e,Fr IJJ 59 e,urR f#E p =Nttut tFLL t @ 5R0OrFC)F(\rlJ.- r t EA'69(LoFYoz()J F.frboN N F* oN o Yoz J tlFztuo (9OrNt-el{)(fi- 5$a ah'69(LoFo8o'6t }F oUJ(oboN N (o ool N Na? (,t Fa I,JJfa (ooExN fr$lo EtiE€Fo86'6F !o a,a9 trl 9..B+o6S o =ul!! <o cru- ^'R =8N Eos _dO- =trJ Eo6to$(OrrOoroa)(L TL -NNNNN4-FtuEco<oNF-F-<-FF--C)oooooLEEEEEzl-O(()sfO =N(f)OO-7\\\\\:{NNrrrl-e-OOOz:)9So(o<o@2ciNNNN )--rrr Xa-NroroXNrrrNLJoooootr????? -NtO(Y)tOaloN(o@(oXooecDrxloCa(o(o(0 =(r)l\lO@ttr)v(o(f)(f)o)(f)^-o(oorcoo)9rr)(oor(f)o)ot E oF 9bo'trso.O6 EFLoo- t(o.956so-o t,(o.9E6sL- =(oErb =t\rdS o J Go oCL F Go oo- o (Eo o EGz o!,tro>ciz e.g o;t,E o (DEo (it ED .CaEoO- '=E oz -Yxo 5Po-|4, .e6 8.ke= CD=.==8E1(J<Fo IUto =o- C')1to* NE =6rltt o-=<d @ d(oNd loq oqoo oqo sf@ oqoa oqoe, oo c;o oqo te, ol NIJ:' od@ oooe, @c!o(r) o)_ NNo oqoa oeooo^ Nq oqoe G' C'toIN@ ooct6 sooci s6tqo soqo s @C')oio) @\@oe o0o@ c0o@ oqoq ooc,q oqoa oqoe ooo@ oqoa oqoe, oqooo c.i q,dtf(\t N@ oao)rO d rOe, 6 (E oFto CLod oqot-sl ol Nl(, od6 q Nro @ oqo(v) or^ (\N@ O(OtOl*qo?c.lqO-$trl-tOO)s- t+_ o- o-l'-OOF(oolr) oqoeo- No r@d$c.t N U''og(Lo ooo 3ou:z 6(oo H= pppp 2ooG(!.::,(LtL(L(L oFooooooEoooo=9999 5ccccv c)(E(o (o (o (o .LFooooNNNN N (o oN (.) .No-O oda =(,I = thv'o -g(LoFooo ^ .o llJ uJ- k 'P EEa ='a=2or 2 -r1uJ!J(o c,< ,\ \v(\ ul>Ol odN rUJTZadJU *+ =5E f =(\r=@Jooo5E -Qiszf NNNNrrrr (o(o(ot- oooo6INNN\\\\F- O) O) l'\NNC',le\\\\NNNrrr_o oo =l raooLF roQc"l<oot-!:?@0O@@!: F* r- r- r-UNC!NN {--e-tF 5,ooD l\rF23 @ oI'og(Lo F E'Itr9l ';.Yo9tc:,o E'(9tr5qNI.E NE =(oo o)o.cqlrONZNfsaEcoJ E Efar(OOrooo)N =N =N2-fa al,v'og LO F =88'oJ cF =(oJ FRfr =NO F= I- -oZNo=()o luJ bF fFztu o o) ilEOo) = t! oF 9bo'trso-cDg EE Loo- tr(o.95dso.o tr(o.95as!E- Y-@ Erb =NdS o =G'o oo F (Eo oo- o (Eoo EGz oEtro>oz e.g b9Etrtrro oEOG ED .C(E(JlL'=E oz -Yx(J E9o-U) E= 9< o_- IEZ ED=.s=etqo<Fo IJJe,6 =o. (r)\f 'ii1 N=IEl!t IE Nr o CD(UrL No (f) ot (f)(\tsr t-(o c\i(f) t-roN sfoN sl$ort(o s$q (r) ooN (Y)o1.-lor ooo_ooo_(or G)NoN (oroGI jcGd)oo cl ElElLIol -lololLTol El €ltt EII IIEI &I OI EI -?IEI EI8l Et C') EEIctt EEI3>lo !,1vol - E.NIHdbllL FEI<Et<t xo .tr1 EbEI =l o9l Ebgl o.9 etg€l oU .Eo rtlEol(Jot Efoooo ooo) Lotsooo o,L.; o!opco Lo -cIEfc cfooo(5oi-5 -EE-o: or0coo- =lfo9v o) c,-o-9otc> B'6,euiHgol ,E a .rt-c=#o E .E:'-op>o-1roJooo.c '= E.gooO)s:A€;-cE(J'EGOoU)bEg6OE _a9-e.E Jd8sLooos> -LiDGf= o (art!,cc,o Nrt d(oNrt droNrtdtNtd Ntto trfoo(, o UJo =tUI Iozo CAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class. Show totals separately for common and preferred. For each class of preferred stock, show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative or noncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year. lnclude number of shares, consideration received, premium or discount, and expenses incurred. Class & Series of Stock Number of Shares Authorized Par Value oer Share Outstanding per Balance Sheet Shares Amount COMMON VOTING STOCK 100 000 12,500 43,956 COMMON NONVOTING STOCK 900,000 112,500 395,600 Rev 3/02 Page 13 Item INGOME & RETAINED EARNINGS STATEMENT TotalCompany ldaho Only Total Operating lncome (from page 15) Total Operating Expenses (from page 17) 7100 Other Operating lncome and Expense 7210 Operating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7220 Operating Federal lncome Taxes 7230 Operating State and Local lncome Taxes 7240 Operating Other Taxes 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating lncome Taxes-Net 7200 Operating Taxes (Total) 7310 Dividend lncome 7320 lnterest lncome 7330 lncome from Sinking and Other Funds 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 7350 Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property 7360 Other Nonoperating lncome 7370 Special Charges7300 Nonoperating lncome and Expense 7410 Nonoperating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7420 Nonoperating Federal lncome Taxes 7430 Nonoperating State and Local lncome Taxes 7440 Nonoperating Other Taxes 7450 Provision for Deferred Nonoperating lncome Taxes-Net 7400 Nonoperating Taxes 7510 lnterest on Funded Debt 7520 lnterest Expense-Capital Leases 7530 Amortization of Debt lssuance Expense 7540 Other lnterest Deductions7500 lnterest and Related ltems 7610 Extraordinary lncome Credits 7620 Extraordinary lncome Charges 7630 Current lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net 7640 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net7600 Extraordinary ltems 7910 lncome Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Differences-Net 7990 Nonregulated Net lncome 4,859,269 3,923,233 965,266 SAME AS TOTAL 78,072 62,098 102,865 1,208,302 19 583 0 0 553 20,136 178,358 38,879 0 217,237 144,906 0 144,906 0 2,378,535 2,682,729 Rev 3/02 AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS Page 14 Item OPERATING REVENUES TotalGompany ldaho Only s001 5002 5003 5004 501 0 5040 5050 5060 5069 5081 5082 5083 5084 51 00 5230 5240 5250 5261 5262 5263 5264 5269 5270 5301 5302 Local Network Services Revenues Basic Area Revenue Optional Extended Area Revenue Cellular Mobile Revenue Other Mobile Services Revenue Public Telephone Revenue Local Private Line Revenue Customer Premises Revenue Other Local Exchange Revenue Other Local Exchange Settlements Network Access Services Revenues End User Revenue (SLC) Switched Access Revenue (lnterstate) SpecialAccess Revenue State Access Revenue (lntrastate) Long Distance Network Services Revenues Long Distance Message Revenue - All Misce! laneous Revenues Directory Revenue Rent Revenue Corporate Operations Revenue Special Billing Arrangements Revenue Customer Operations Revenue Plant Operations Revenue Other lncidental Regulated Revenue Other Revenue Settlements Carrier Billing & Collection Revenue Uncollectible Revenues Uncollectible Revenue - Telecommunications Uncollectible Revenue - Other 284,975 40,377 76,461 3 718 144 572,666 123,355 32 494 1,797 SAME AS TOTAL 9,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 4,859,269 Please identify the following revenues: NEcAUSF$-6400B3.00-.Towhataccountweretheybooked? State USF $ 20]401.00_. To what account were they booked? 5082.22 5084.60 Rev 3/02 Page 15 OPERATING REVENUES Item TotalCompany ldaho Only Plant Specific Operations Expense 6110 Network Support Expenses 6112 Motor Vehicle Expense 61 13 Aircraft Expense 6114 Special Purpose Vehicles Expense 6115 Garage Work Equipment Expense 6116 Other Work Equipment Expense 6120 General Support Expenses 6121 Land and Building Expenses 6122 Furniture and Artworks Expense 6123 Office Equipment Expense 6124 General Purpose Computers Expense 6210 Central Office Switching Expenses 6211 Analog Electronic Expense 6212 Digital Electronic Expense 621 5 Electro-Mechanical Expense 6220 Operators System Expense 6230 Central Office Transmission Expenses 6231 Radio Systems Expense 6232 Circuit Equipment Expense 6310 lnformation Originationffermination Expense 6311 Station Apparatus Expense 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange Expense 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense 6362 Other Terminal Equipment Expense 6410 Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 6411 Pole Expense 6421 Aerial Cable Expense 6422 Underground Cable Expense 6423 Buried Cable Expense 6424 Submarine Cable Expense 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense 6426 lntrabuilding Network Cable Expense 6431 Aerial Wire Expense 6441 Conduit Systems Expense TOTAL PLANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE SAME AS TOTAL 3,783 31 842 7 617 28,325 39,550 2,404 528,042 286,903 928,466 Rev 3/02 Page 16 Item OPERATING REVENUES TotalCompany ldaho Only PIant Nonspecific Operations Expense 651 0 Other PropertyiPlanUEquipment Expenses 6511 Property Held for Future Telecomm. Use Expenses 651 2 Provisioning Expense 6530 Network Operations Expense 6531 Power Expense 6532 Network Administration Expense 6533 Testing Expense 6534 Plant Operations Administration Expense 6535 Engineering Expense 6540 Access Expense 6560 Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 6561 Depreciation Expense-Telecom. Plant in Service 6562 Depreciation Expense-Property Held for Future Use 6563 Amortization Expense - Tangible 6564 Amortization Expense - lntangible 6565 Amortization Expense - Other Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses Customer Operations Expense 6610 Marketing 661 1 Product Management 6612 Sales 661 3 Product Advertising 6620 Services 6621 Call Completion Services 6622 Number Services 6623 Customer Services Total Customer Operations Expense 6710 6711 6712 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6790 Gorporate Operations Expense Executive and Planning Executive Planning General and Adm inistrative Accounting and Finance External Relations Human Resources I nformation Management Legal Procurement Research and Development Other General and Administrative Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable Total Corporate Operations Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 51,809 SATVIE AS TOTAL 167,963 134 105,057 1 16,543 1,394,238 1,835,744 121 658 299 1 93,1 66 315,123 318,984 276,600 489 14,035 11,154 222,639 843,900 Rev 3/02 Page 17 3,923,233 roo(f)NPBE_Foa 6.=op c')* Edtd -sDNo.,=o€'ura6 E(! tLI xailE< E2 o) ;5 f*E(u(LI '.>=Ph>J+ r-oo cor o(,)(o(L _l IEo .gEoz LoEo ! ..1) -o =o-coz €'= U'L.' o)o=ED= 'E !2.1 d B9ebx-oOEoz (o sl ot*caN (f) rf,-b = EF>Jt oo)EPI-o(l) =oo& No(o ot _l(olt,i'i ILIr$l6c)I(l)l PeOE -q)aAo'Eoo-a(!E EAEpA-oitrtroEDO* =-a o =fLEOPobE EE =E=Eozt .l"l lq.r' Oqb .. C, -ctgEtr! oG--EtsEg"gEuororccco).o .o :tutulIi5i5 .t> _L:ro>0-oc =opo9g# '6 o YtuFN Ioo. F ao;iEof to .E .9t, oo Eot ooooc (0 cN J(Y) o .Ct Eo(,oo o o(E F o IJJolrI!o u,Fz IJJo rr)@ .r> l(E>(LoOoFCO-rEoOEo6u -ctJ+lt'=llEol-:lt/)llo'-jEEIdtrc.D'ILJJ9-rt.!x=GJgPP-.,E l.b PgFEEYOO-O-E€ E E =(L()() olol =l.sl;,;ol9ot .LtrlJJlbolE EI.Eol U)ol 5<lo _lG.o,cl(5 e :lEo'-- I-YooOEE EE-EOIUIU ooooo o Eo oao o tr .9 oo '6 oGo Iro o)o-.g)otu Eo ec E*l tlI =l Iol -' El.bol U)ol o<lo ot-(oNol,Elloxl I-Y -l cno(o0g:-oEoo< zodIt oo>9bBe=eE8-til = R Eic-oo'6,=!locro.zcc0zoru 5 CLCLr(EI Exl€g'-l =o ^lo= lo't e -lEOETDEEi90(1)o@-E Eo'= a o)o:=Lo oLco)o tioEo oLcq)o oo Eoz st-(o (f)t\_PHE!! 6.cop u,* Edt4 a3$Eg9'aJ-a6 >\N Lo(L Ir r, -b@ =PEJ.=^>J+ x@tvE<$z o(o EH3 -o .Y =<t@& o)F* @t-(f)o) @roo)oTL IN(a I.U o .ocoz o E o) .aE)o-EozE=3oL..oto e.ED:'89.q6 I9ebx-oOEoz 6tN (orf) (oo)ro $ o) C)(0 ro st oN *l."l j, po-o.Eoo-o o U)oL =Go o o-oEftr (E oF oL =oo oco ooo (E != =ao..EEDOta Eoob Eg o_5otsffQZ l"l lq' :'C)qb .. C) ct,gEtri o(E--.cEEg"gguoo B5 5.OFF =(Uolii5i5 (oo)rr) (E o)>9kProLv v P9'E6.0,.=oc-Eo 5r'6=!iooo.vlcd]zoUJ o(0oF-(oE3o(L I '.>E(1)L =c(D>J+ .f> f(UEOoc =O-s ',9,o ..= '6 o -Ot =@ F uJ Ioo. F oo) ;iE E TL to (E .9E' .E oo EoE ooooc = (o oN (9 olt Eoooo ooIE F o IJJoEl!o trFz UJo oo(f: .! >. :r(E>(L Io Iooc =tltq)F coo. Eoo ol Iooc =E() o coo. Eoo -l ooc =oco-co.o)EF .9E =TL <ol(ol(ol- l-olf l1,tglo la^ 8t ldll lo ;l cg.ElJ -eJl be BIE E()l f c(lO = _lo-.o*rL#ls'= a xlI € E E'+8t(P9.:iEETolur.!o ooo(,o o Eo o3o o tro (E(, '6 oG(, ooo Eoo..gfg IU !o (E oc oooN c .9)oo)o ol(Elo rElol olcl =lololololol<t CLCLrrElExl!E'*l -glo? o' EE'Esi90(uoa-t oOoFC. OJl, -goZor6E, iri t,5"1 I-Y -l O) E.gEoo< 9.t (L No(o ox. -co= =a ooso oLcoo o)o Lo6L tr o) C) oo Eoz sfN o)cf)el 33_ F or!q d.Eop QF Bdt4 or 3NEg2aa6 o>hF Lo(L I $, -b- =Pb>J!i EtrE<82 (f)o)O)6grr)oo =o@& o a og)$(L :l!p .9Eoz Lo Eo-c.9E =o-coz !=3 9... o)l/,c.E":'89 Ed Ito9Eo{Jotaz o { F-(o =*l6c)I(Dl (l)o OE -q)aa(!'E(l)o -a6€EU'EpO=ootro PS E Go9r-rbE EE =E5Eozt -l"llq':' oqb..o€t,gEs= (!aE--.cEEoooX.E .Euoor B5 5o' 'f33 t-(o aEe:e, E 8-tE = 3 ECcvoo'6, = !laoO.9icco zoUJ (9-o);lotFo(L I ,.b =Ph>J!i .tr> f(s>rL o o o .EJo9.tt| 9,o.=?U)'a tr t,o G .9t,.s o .9, Eo o o.ng tr (o oN J(9 o .Cl Eoooo o or! F o IJJo lllro dFzulo (f)or oo Io ,lq)c =ao)F coo. Eoo .l IooC =EoEo coo. Eoo -l o o)c =o)co-co-o)EF .9E)(L rif TL.f E o)aj (L xoLcoooE)EE ooooo o Eo o o o tr .9 G() '6 o -go oo(f) Eoo.gf(ttup 0) (o ac oo$ tr .9)oo)o x ol(Elol(El C'I sl =lololololol<t >aCLr(El EXI!g =o II ( -lgEE;, E-tr -!!l o ooaTt ololfl .sl a;ol Iot .LEI JJl bt,l c EIEtJl ool f<lo _lo_l.9trLP I E'= H irg 5J o o ..1 EEEEouJruo I lroxl I-Y -r C)oQOo -=Eoo< .ho-IEo=3at,$ q) tio F U'o;iE EtL oz JYoot .t >. f(E>(LoOo?cor!-9oYo6t 6lo (?) ot co'= a o)(.)i=Lo o c0)o oo o oLcoo oo EGz ro(Y)(r) o(r)$ (o€(r) Bl3l3l o)r cD. (Y)(\I oNo?o o $.o roro- @(\l o$[ori tsp>.= ^< J {tlLI0)l'ElLI(Elol -lolslol (E El .o5l F UololEl o.LI Hot jl'El aol balE (slol_tolFl o o aDGLc o) og)o(L -lol*l cootoz E,footr uJ =oFo =o oo UJFUI o- =ooo J olrotr IIJo =fz tsp>.=ot { J :lclol_t(UlololJl ba-o c,EO =oZ-v +rEE $E ? 96 E<b5 (\to (r) ot.(orror\rr(oONdi oo, Lo oxIzaox6itr -l-l*l o,@N(otor ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2016 CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COMPLIANCE Rule IDAPA Rule IDAPA Please provide copies of: Summary of Customer Relations Rules for Teleohone Coroorations ldaho Teleohone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers Yes- No X lncluded in directory Yes- No X Date of notification Jun-16 Rule IDAPA 31 .41 .01 .403.02 Record of Complaints: Number received by ComPanY Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes Charges on Bill Denial/Termination Quality or Availability of Service Carrier Selection/Assignment Miscellaneous Rev 3/02 0 Alternate method of notification Posted on our website and included as annual bill mess 4 0 4 0 0 Page 20 CERTIFICATE State of ldaho County of WE, the undersigned Tim May and_R. Michael of the Direct Communicatiqns Rockland. lnc.utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every our knowledge, information and belief. in set forth, to the best of (General Manager) (Chief Financial Officer) Subscribed and Sworn to Methis _17_ dayof _April_, _2017_ Notary Public My Commission expires (Year)ZZ Rev 3/02 gdUexcel/jnelson/anulrpts/telannualrpt Page21 SS BRIAN LEE ilotrry Pubfic Slrtc ol ldaho