HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000Annual Report.pdfRECElVED @ FILED O ANNUA LR EP OF DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC. NAME 150 SOUTH MAIN ROCKLAND,IDAHO 83271 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2000 ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,2000 COMPANY INFORMATION Exact name of utility:DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC. Address of principal office:150 South Main Rockland,Idaho 83271 Telephone Number (Area Code 208 )548 -2345 Cities or towns served:Rockland,Arbon,Paris,Bloomington,St.Charles,&Fish Haven Name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account: Leonard May,President Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number: 150 South Main Rockland,Idaho 83271 (208)548 -2345 Organized under the laws of the State of:Idaho Date of organization:1973 Form of organization (proprietorship,association,corporation):Corporation lf a Subchapter S Corporation,please specify: Name and address of controlling company,if any: Names of affiliated companies.Give address and description of business: OFFICERS Report below the title,name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year.If there were any changes during the year,show the name,title,and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title Name Address President -Treasurer Leonard May P.O.Box 269 Rockland,Idaho 83271 Vice Pres.-Secretary Marilyn May P.O.Box 269 Rockland,Idaho 83271 Last update 8/99 Page 1 DIRECTORS List the name of each person who was a member of the Board of Directors at any given time during the year:(Fees related to meetings only.) Term Expired or Current Term Meetings Attended Fees Paid Name Will Expire This year During Year and Address Leonard May May-01 12 P.O.Box 269 Rockland,Idaho 83271 Marilyn May May-01 12 P.O.Box 269 Rockland,idaho 83271 Name of Chairman of the Board:Leonard May Name of Secretary (or Clerk)of Board:Marilyn May Number of Meetings of the Board during the year:12 MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year,and the total wages and bonuses paid to those persons:(Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) Name Title Wages and Bonuses Paid Leonard May President -Treasurer $82,698.91 Marilyn May Vice Pres.-Secretary $40,757.57 Last update 8/99 Page 2 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSPleaseprovideimportantinformationsuchaschangesinaccountingordepreciation practices,extensions or additions to the system;disposal of any substantial portion of the propertyof the utility;reorganization,mergers,or consolidations with other companies;leases executed;other contractsoragreementsenteredinto;changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments;theoccurrenceofcontingencylossesorgains. SEE ACCOMPANYlNG NOTES Last Update 8/99 Page 3 DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 and 1999 NOTE 1.SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES ORGANIZATION Direct Communications Rockland,Inc.(Company)is a full service telecommunications provider whose main office is located in Rockland,Idaho.The service area of the Company consists of Southeastern Idaho and South Central Idaho.The Company provides local exchange service as well as providing access services for intrastate and interstate carriers. The mission of the Company is to provide its customers with reliable,convenient and equitable telecommunications service,delivered by employees who are dedicated to customer satisfaction. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The Company is subject to the accounting and reporting rules and regulations of the Rural Utilities Service (RUS).The Company follows the Federal Communications Commission's Uniform System of Accounts prescribed for Class B Telecommunication Utilities as modified by RUS.The accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applied in the case of regulated telecommunication utilities. Rates charged to customers are established by the Board of Directors and approvedby the Idaho Public Utility Commission.The Idaho Public Utility Commission regulates allutilityactivityintheStateofIdaho. PLANT,EQUIPMENTAND DEPRECIATION Plant is recorded at cost.The cost of additions to plant includes contracted work,direct labor,materials and allocable overheads.When units of property are retired,sold or otherwise disposed of in the ordinary course of business,their average book cost less net salvage is charged to accumulated depreciation.Repairs and the replacementand renewal of items determined to be less than units of property are charged to maintenance. The provision for depreciation is based upon a straight-line method which is applied to groups of assets according to class.The rate is determined by RUS recommendation which is based on an estimation of useful lives for each asset group.The final rates are approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission. -7- DIRECT COÑMUNICATIONSROCKLAND,INC.NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFORTHEYEARSENDEDDECEMBER31,2000 and 1999 NOTE 1.SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) PLANT CONSTRUCTIONAND RETIREMENT Overhead costs are charged each month to construction and retirement on a proratedbasis.These directly related overhead costs include indirect labor,payroll taxes,insurance,transportation charges and storage expense. REVENUE RECOGNITION Local and toll services are billed or accrued currently.Revenue is recognized using theaccrualbasisofaccountinginthatrevenueisrecognizedwhentheearningprocessiscomplete. INCOME TAXES In accordance with SFAS 109,deferred tax liabilities have been adjusted to reflectdeferredtaxconsequencesatcurrentenactedratesversushistoricalratesasrequiredunderpreviousaccountingstandards.Also SFAS 109 resulted in the establishment ofcertainregulatoryliabilitiestorecognizethecumulativeeffectofratemakingactivity. Under SFAS 109 income taxes are provided for the tax effects of transactions reportedinthefinancialstatementsandincludetaxescurrentlydueanddeferredtaxes.Deferredincometaxesreflectthenettaxeffectsoftemporarydifferencesbetweenthecarryingamountsofassetsandliabilitiesforfinancialreportingpurposesandtheamountsusedforincometaxpurposes.Significant components of the Company's deferred tax assets andliabilitiesatDecember31,2000 and 1999,include the effects of accelerated depreciation,bad debt reserve and other liabilities.The deferred tax assets and liabilities represent thefuturetaxreturnconsequencesofthosedifferences,which will either be taxable ordeductiblewhentheassetsandliabilitiesarerecoveredorsettled. ALLOWANCE FOR FUNDS USED DURING CONSTRUCTION The Company is required to calculate an amount to be capitalized to Plant UnderConstructionforfundsusedduringconstruction.The calculation is made by averagingthefundsusedduringconstructionandcapitalizingtheusedfundsatanaveragerateof6.35%which is the Company's borrowing rate from Rural Telephone FinanceCooperativeandRUS.The amount recorded in 2000 was $250,358 and $88,037 in 1999. -8- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC.NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 and 1999 NOTE 1.SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) PREPAID EXPENSES Prepaid expenses are expenses that are paid in advance or provide a benefit that extendsbeyondDecember31.Such expenses include property insurance,employee insurance andworkman's compensation insurance. INVENTORIES .Inventories of materials and supplies are valued at moving average cost.Items determined to be obsolete are written off. PROVISION FOR DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS ,A provision for doubtful accounts is maintained.Additions are estimated based onhistoricalanalysisofwrite-offs and collections as a percentage of sales and accountsreceivablebalances. CLEARING ACCOUNTS ,Transportation,heavy work equipment and stores expense are cleared each month ofactualexpenses.Transportation equipment is cleared by miles used and heavy equipment and stores are cleared by hours used. ACCRUALS Taxes are accrued each month with energy sales and individual purchases. ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES The preparation of financial statements in conformitywith generally accepted accountingprinciplesrequiresmanagementtomakeestimatesandassumptionsthataffectcertainreportedamountsanddisclosures.Accordingly,actual results could differ from those estimates. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Company follows Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.107,DisclosuresaboutFairValueofFinancialInstruments.The Statement extends fair value disclosure practices by requiring all entities to disclose the fair value of financial instruments,both assets and liabilities,recognized and not recognized in the balance sheets,for which it ispracticabletoestimatefairvalue.The fair value of a financial instrument is the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties,other than a forced or liquidation sale. -9- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONSROCKLAND,INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 and 1999 NOTE 1.SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (continued) The fair value of the Company's financial instruments approximatescarryingvalue.Fair values were estimated based on quoted market prices and on current rates offered to the Company for debt with similar terms and maturities. CREDIT RISK ,Financial instruments which potentiallysubject the Company to concentrations of credit risk consist principally of debt agreements.Concentrations of credit risk with respect to trade receivables are limited due to the Company's large number of customers. DEFERRED CREDITS , Deferred credits consist entirely of deferred tax liabilities which are considered to be long-term. INVESTMENT IN AFFILIATED COMPANIES Investment in affiliated companies represents an investment in stock of the CIT Communications Inc.,System Seven,RTFC Capital Certificates,NRTC 220 MHZ Wire, and other items.The investments are recorded at cost. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS All highly liquid investments with a maturity of six months or less from date of purchase are considered cash equivalents. Such items include money market savings accounts and certificates of deposit. TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS All investments are reported in accordance with SFAS 115 and are classified as trading securities.Trading securities are debt and equity securities that are held principally for the purpose of selling them in the near future.The Company reports these securities at fair market value,with unrealized gains and losses included in earnings. -10- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 and 1999 NOTE 1.SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) BUSINESS COMBINATIONS On October 17,1996,Direct Communications Lakeside,Inc.,a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of Direct Communications Rockland,Inc.acquired service areas from US WEST Inc. The purchase of these areas included the ability to service existing and future subscribers along with the plant associated with such service areas.The purchase price was $2,960,904,in addition to $137,416 for RTFC Certificates,and $5,121 for property taxes for a total cost of $3,103,441.To finance the purchase,Direct Communications Lakeside, Inc.entered into a note agreement with Rural TelephoneFinance Corporative (RTFC)for $2,748,324 with the remaining amount being paid by Direct Communications Lakeside, Inc.The acquisition was treated as a purchase and the accounts have been recorded in the books of Direct Communications Lakeside,Inc.at the fair market value at the date of purchase.Effective January 1,1999,the two companies were legally merged,with Direct Communications Rockland,Inc.being the survivingcompany. NOTE 2.PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Telephone plant includes the following: 2000 1999 Construction in process $517,114 $1,728,745 Inservice: Land 98,236 80,955 Buildings 1,440,658 461,534 Switching equipment 2,516,287 2,331,495 Outside plant 11,291,362 6,874,131 Furniture and office equipment 414,319 301,664 Vehicles and work equipment 895,959 745,704 17,173,935 12,524,228 Non-operating plant: Subscriber lists,rights of way,etc.1,176,943 1,176,943 Total plant $18,350,878 $13,701,171 Non-operating plant is amortized over a period of 5 to 15 years. -11- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC.NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFORTHEYEARSENDEDDECEMBER31,2000 and 1999 NOTE 3.LONG-TERM DEBT Long-term debt consists of: 2000 1999 Case Finance $42,777 $50,610 First Security Bank 11,457 15,598CaterpillarFinanceCo.25,708 37,894 Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative- Construction Loan (LOC)4,293,070 3,765,922 Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative 2,575,027 2,740,173 Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative 408,455 428,292 2%RUS mortgage note 793,930 845,594 5%RUS mortgage note 4,835,592 407,009 Unadvanced funds (21,115)(21,115) Stockholder note 71,849 13,036,750 8,269,977 Less current maturity (4,851,476)(4.273,358) $8,185,274 $3,996,619 The annual requirements for debt service on long-termdebt are as follows: Principal Interest (estimated) 2001 $4,851,476 $730,200 2002 379,221 725,100 2003 350,506 710,000 2004 367,708 700,000 2005 383,148 700,000 Thereafter 6,704,691 3,352,345 Total $13,036.750 $6,917,645 Substantially all property and equipment of the Company are pledged as security for the long-term debt under certain loan agreements with the Rural Utility Service (RUS)and Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative.These mortgage notes are to be repaid in equal quarterly installments covering principal and interest expiring by 2012. The mortgage to the United States of America,underlying the RUS notes,contains certain restrictions on the declaration or payment of cash dividends,redemption of capital stock,or investment in affiliated companies. Cash paid for interest during the years ended December 31,2000 and 1999,totaled $728,808 and $321,658,respectively. -12- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 and 1999 NOTE 3.LONG-TERM DEBT (continued) The Company has entered into a debt agreement with Rural Utility Services for $9,062,600 in hardship loan funds to finance (1)connection of new subscribers,(2) upgrade central office equipment,(3)purchase and install a broadband switch,(4) construct fiber and copper outside plant,(5)construct new headquarter facilities,(6) construct new toll facilities,(7)purchase vehicles and work equipment,and (8)construct an ETV facility.The funding sources are to include Rural Utility Services (RUS)and Rural Telephone Bank (RTB).The funds loaned by the Rural Telephone Bank will require an advance sufficient to cover a 5%investment in RTB Class B stock.$7,664,000 will be funded by RUS and $1,398,000 will be funded by RTB.The interest rates will vary based on the timing of the loans with the first $5,000,000 from RUS bearing a rate of 5%.The Company sought and received approval from RUS to obtain interim financing for the fiber project and headquarter facility construction from the Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative (RTFC)in the amount of $4,900,000 at a variable rate. At December 31,2000,the variable rate of the interim financing from RTFC was 7.7%. The amount outstanding at December 31,2000,amounted to $4,293,070.This amount is reported as current long term debt in the financial statements because it is expected to be paid off with the long term financing noted above.At December 31,2000, $4,475,923 of the RUS commitment has been drawn down.This amount has not been converted to long term debt with repayment terms.Only interest was paid in 2000. Since the repayment terms are unknown,they have been included in the thereafter category in the annual debt service section of this footnote. The note payable to Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative in the amount of $247,186 began October 1996 and ends April 2009.The interest rate is variable but is considered by the Cooperative to average 4.65%.This rate is secured by a shared first lien on all assets and revenues of the Company.The balance outstanding at December 31,2000, was $208,455.The Company also has a line of credit with RTFC of $200,000,all of which is outstanding at December 31,2000 and 1999.See Note 10. The last note payable to Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative began in October 1996, and was used to purchase service area from US West.Payments began in 1997.The note has been broken down into five separate payment schedules because the interest rate varies for each schedule.The rate ranges from 6.3%-7.5%.This note is secured by a shared lien on all assets and revenues of the Company.The maturity of the last payment schedule is December 31,2012. The note payable to First Security Bank is payable in monthly installments of $507.14, including interest of 8%.Payments began May 1997 and ends April 2003. The note payable to Caterpillar Finance Co.is payable in monthly installments of $1,209.01,including interest of 7.14%.Payments began December 1997 and end November 2002.The note is secured by a backhoe. The note payable to Case Financing is due in monthly installments of $865,including interest of 8.9%.Payments began July 1999 and end June 2005.The note is secured by an MX 110 tractor with loader. -13- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONSROCKLAND,INC.NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFORTHEYEARSENDEDDECEMBER31,2000 AND 1999 NOTE 3.LONG-TERM DEBT (continued) The note payable to stockholder is due in monthly installments of $3,216,includinginterestof7.7%.Payments began February 2000 and end January 2003.The note isunsecured. NOTE 4.INCOME TAXES Income taxes reflected in the Statement of Income consist of the following: 2000 1999Operatingincometaxes Federal income taxes - Current tax expense (benefit)$(33,970)$18,700Deferredtaxexpense22,019 6,401 State income taxes - Current tax expense (benefit)(8,012)7,504Deferredtaxexpense2,936 2,452Investmenttaxcredit,net (3,372) Total income tax expense (benefit)$(17,027)$31,685 Cash paid for income taxes or estimated income taxes for 2000 and 1999 totaled $23,200and$36,538,respectively. The Company has state investment credit carryovers of approximatelÿ $374,983 whichexpirefrom2004-2018. The Company has a tax benefit from a state net operating loss carryover of $5,501expiringin2020. Deferred Federal and State tax liabilities and assets are comprised of the following: 2000 1999 Total deferred tax liabilities $167,386 $142,431Totaldeferredtaxassets Net deferred tax liability $167,386 $142,431 Long-termportion $167,386 $142,431Currentportion Net deferred tax liability $167,386 $142,431 -14- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 AND 1999 NOTE 4.INCOME TAXES Included in deferred items reported in the balance sheet as follows: Deferred credits $167,386 $142,431 The tax provision differs from the expense that would result from applying the Federal statutory rates to income before income taxes because of permanent differences related to officer life insurance premiums,the effect of state income taxes,and amortization of investment tax credits and excess deferred taxes. NOTE 5.RETIREMENT PLANS The Company has a non-contributorydefined benefit plan covering most employees.Themulti-employer retirement programs are with the National Telephone Cooperative Association (NTCA)and have been approved by the Internal Revenue Service.Pension costs,expensed and capitalized,for 2000 and 1999 were $34,806 and $31,597, respectively.The Company makes annual contributions to the plan equal to amounts accrued for pension expense.The Company also participates in a profit sharing savings plan administered by NTCA.This plan is a contributoryplan based on 11%of eligible salary.All eligible employees are covered by the plan.The annual contributions were $55,718 in 2000 and $60,256 in 1999. NOTE 6.COMPENSATION AGREEMENT In 1979 the Company entered into a compensation agreement with a former stockholder and employee,providing for payments of retirement benefits of $4,800 annually, beginning January 1,1980,and continuingfor the lifetime of the employee,but,in any event,for a period certain of ten years.Such benefit shall be increased annuallyby the proportional increase in the Consumer Price Index for the metropolitan area of Boise, Idaho.The amount paid under this contract was $7,980 for 2000 and $7,315 for 1999. NOTE 7.RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The Company had various transactions with CIT Communications,Inc.The Company's president and majority shareholder has an approximate 5.95%interest in CIT. a.The Company has invested $160,861 in the common stock of CIT,which is an approximate 10.5%interest.$2,814 for newsletters and satisfaction surveys was paid to CIT in 2000. -15- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 AND 1999 NOTE 7.RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (continued) The Company has entered into the followingrelated party transactions during 2000 and 1999: 1.Direct Communications Internet,Inc. This Company is a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of Direct Communications Star West,Inc.and charges the Company for internet services,which the Company in turn charges to its customers who have signed up for these services.The net effect on the Company is zero because the Companies record the income for the charges and expense the charges from the internet provider.The income and expense are eliminated at year end.The amount paid during 2000 and 1999 amounted to $23,271 and $34,422. 2.The Company entered into an agreement with Direct Communications Long Distance,LC,which is 100%owned by Direct Communications Starwest. Inc.The agreement is for long distance services to the Company.$74,344 was paid in 2000 and $66,111 was paid in 1999. 3.Direct Communications Star West,Inc. This Company is owned 50%by the officers of the Company.Services are provided to the Company for after hours calling,personnel management, marketing and rent of the building used by the Company.The amount paid during 2000 and 1999 amounted to $44,861 and $47,821. 4.Other transactions include rent,marketing services and computer consulting. The amount spent in 2000 was $42,445. NOTE 8.LINE OF CREDIT The Company has an unsecured line of credit from the Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative (RTFC)with a maximum limit of $200,000 expiring September 2001.The credit line bears interest at prime plus 1.5%.During the years ended December 31,2000 and 1999,there were borrowings of $200,000 against this line of credit.The line of credit agreement provides that no payment of cash dividends can be made while a loan balance remains outstanding without RTFC approval,and the balance outstanding must be reduced to $-0-for 5 working days of each year based on the date of the first outstanding advance.At December 31,2000,the balance was $200,000 and at December 31,1999,the balance was $200,000. -16- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 AND 1999 NOTE 9.CONCENTRATIONS OF CREDIT RISK -CASH BALANCES The Company maintains most of its cash accounts in commercial banks located in Idaho. Accounts are guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)up to $100,000.A summary of the total insured and uninsured cash balances follows: 2000 1999 Total cash held (bank balance)$811,710 $623,508 Portion insured by FDIC (438,553)(419,364) Uninsured cash balances $373.157 $204,144 NOTE 9.CONCENTRATIONS OF CREDIT RISK -CASH BALANCES (continued) Credit sales are made to the Company's customers in the ordinary course of business. Generally,these sales are unsecured. NOTE 10.ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE The Company had the followingaccounts receivable at December 31,2000 and 1999. 2000 1999 Unbilled amounts $18,220 $18,220 Billed to customers 116,247 88,414 Bad debt reserve (10,745)(10,745)123,722 95,889 Interexchange carriers and other 381,952 328,881 $505,674 $424,770 NOTE 11.TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS Temporary cash investments consist of amounts invested in certificates of deposit,mutual funds and stocks.They are categorized as trading securities. 2000 1999 Amortized Fair Amortized Fair Cost Value Cost Value Trading securities $61,692 $61,692 $54,364 $54,364 -17- DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND,INC.NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFORTHEYEARSENDEDDECEMBER31,2000 AND 1999 NOTE 11.TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS (continued) The unrealized gain (loss)on trading securities was $(8,750)and $(4,296)for the yearsendedDecember31,2000 and 1999,respectively.Realized gains (losses)in 2000 and1999were$5,787 and $15,293. NOTE 11.COMPREHENSIVE INCOME The Company had no components of comprehensive income required to be disclosedunderStatementofFinancialAccountingStandards(SFAS)130. -18- BALANCE SHEETAssetsandOtherDebits Balance Balance IncreaseBeginningatEndorTitleofAccountofYearofYear(Decrease)Current Assets 1120 Cash and Equivalents 1130 Cash 16,579 146,356 129,777 1140 Special Cash Deposits 2,415 478,222 475,807 1150 Working Cash Advances 90 90 0 1160 Temporary Investments 137,972 72,843 (65,129) 1180 Telecommunications Accts.Receivable 106,634 134,467 27,834 1181 Accts.Rec.Allow.-Telecommunications (10,745)(10,745)O 1190 Other Accounts Receivable 328,527 381,603 53,076 1191 Accounts ReceivableAllow.-Other 1200 Notes Receivable 1201 Notes Receivable Allowance 1210 Interest &Dividends Receivable 354 349 (5) 1220 Material and Supplies 65,408 163,754 98,346 1280 Prepayments 1290 Prepaid Rents 1300 Prepaid Taxes 668 23,180 22,512 1310 Prepaid Insurance 31,609 8,454 (23,155) 1320 Prepaid Directory Expenses 1330 Other Prepayments 1350 Other Current Assets Noncurrent Assets 1401 Investment in Affiliated Companies 542,694 578,174 35,480 1402 Investment in Nonaffiliated Companies 1406 Nonregulated Investments 1407 Unamortized Debt Issuance Expense 1408 Sinking Funds 1410 Other Noncurrent Assets 9,787 9,787 0 1438 Deferred Maintenance &Retirements 1439 Deferred Charges 1500 Other Jurisdiction Assets -Net Property,Plant and Equipment 2001 Telecommunications Plants in Service 10,795,483 16,656,821 5,861,338 2002 Prop.Held for Future Telecom.Use2003Telecom.Plant under Constr.-Short Term 1,728,745 517,114 (1,211,631)2004 Telecom.Plant under Constr.-Long Term 2005 Telecom.Plant Adjustment2006NonoperatingPlant 1,176,943 1,176,943 02007Goodwill Depreciation and Amortization Accounts 3100 Accumulated Depreciated 4,898,353 5,689,056 790,7033200Accum.Depre.-Held for Future Use 3300 Accumulated Depreciation-Nonoperating 3400 Accumulated Amortization -Tangible 3410 Accum.Amort.-Capitalized Leases 3420 Accum.Amort.-Leasehold Improvements 3500 Accumulated Amortization -Intangible 3600 Accumulated Amortization -Other TOTAL ASSETS 10,034,809 14,648,357 4,613,548 Last Update 8/99 Page 4 BALANCE SHEET Liabilities &Stockholders'Equity Balance Balance Increase Beginning at End or Title of Account of Year of Year (Decrease) Current Liabilities 4010 Accounts Payable 205,405 58,478 (146,927) 4020 Notes Payable 4030 Advance Billings and Payments 35,950 35,949 (1) 4040 Customer Deposits 1,250 1,750 500 4050 Current Maturities -Long -Term Debt 4,273,358 4,851,476 578,118 4060 Current Maturities -Capital leases 4070 Income Taxes -Accrued 700 (700) 4080 Other Taxes -Accrued 30,647 29,357 (1,290) 4100 Net Current Defer.Oper.Income Taxes 4110 Net Current Defer.Nonoper.Income Taxes 4120 Other Accrued Liabilities 77,352 117,905 40,553 4130 Other Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt 4210 Funded Debt 3,892,517 8,033,483 4,140,966 4220 Premium on Long-Term Debt 4230 Discount on Long-Term Debt 4240 Reacquired Debt 4250 Obligations Under Capital Leases 4260 Advances from Affiliated Companies 4270 Other Long-Term Debt 104,102 151,791 47,689 Other Liabilities &Deferred Credits 4310 Other Long-Term Liabilities 4320 Unamort.Oper.Invest.Tax Credits -Net 4330 Unamort.Nonoper.Invest.Tax Credits -Net 4340 Net Noncurrent Defer.Oper.Income Taxes 142,431 167,386 24,955 4350 Net Noncur.Defer.Nonoper.Income Taxes 4360 Other Deferred Credits 4370 Other Juris.Liab.&Def.Credits -Net Stockholders'Equity 4510 Capital Stock 50,000 50,000 0 4520 Additional Paid-In Capital 4530 Treasury Stock 4540 Other Capital 4550 Retained Earnings 1,221,097 1,150,782 (70,315) TOTAL LIAB.&OTHER CREDITS 10,034,809 14,648,357 4,613,548 Last Update 8/99 Page 5 AN A L Y S I S OF TE L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S PL A N T IN SE R V I C E TO T A L Co m p a n y Ba s i s Ba l a n c e Pl a n t Tr a n s f e r s Ba l a n c e Be g i n n i n g Ad d i t i o n s Re t i r e d an d En d of Ye a r Du r i n g ye a r or So l d Ad j u s t m e n t s of Ye a r An a l y s i s of Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Pl a n t in Se r v i c e 21 1 1 La n d 80 , 9 5 5 17 , 2 8 1 98 , 2 3 6 21 1 2 Mo t o r Ve h i c l e s 20 4 , 7 4 1 15 , 0 0 0 15 , 5 0 0 20 4 , 2 4 1 21 1 3 Ai r c r a f t 21 1 4 Sp e c i a l Pu r p o s e Ve h i c l e s 40 , 9 0 9 40 , 9 0 9 21 1 5 Ga r a g e Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 8, 3 5 8 90 , 8 8 4 99 , 2 4 2 21 1 6 Ot h e r Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 49 1 , 6 9 5 59 , 8 7 1 55 1 , 5 6 6 21 2 1 Bu i l d i n g s 46 1 , 5 3 4 97 9 , 1 2 4 1, 4 4 0 , 6 5 8 21 2 2 Fu r n i t u r e 53 , 7 0 0 53 , 7 0 0 21 2 3 Of t 1 c e Eq u i p m e n t 67 , 5 5 2 9, 2 9 7 76 , 8 4 9 21 2 4 Ge n e r a l Pu r p o s e Co m p u t e r s 23 4 , 1 1 2 49 , 6 5 8 28 3 , 7 7 0 22 1 1 An a l o g Ele c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 22 1 2 Di g i t a l Ele c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 1, 4 8 0 , 2 1 3 70 , 2 2 6 1, 5 5 0 , 4 3 9 22 1 5 El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Sw i t c h i n g 22 2 0 Op e r a t o r Sy s t e m s 22 3 1 Ra d i o Sy s t e m s 22 3 2 Ci r c u i t Eq u i p m e n t 85 1 , 2 8 3 11 4 , 5 6 5 96 5 , 8 4 8 23 1 1 St a t i o n Ap p a r a t u s 23 2 1 Cu s t o m e r Pr e m i s e s Wi r i n g 23 4 1 La r g e Pr i v a t e Br a n c h Ex c h a n g e s 23 5 1 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 61 , 0 6 4 61 , 0 6 4 23 6 2 Ot h e r Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 24 1 1 Po l e s 20 , 9 4 6 20 , 9 4 6 24 2 1 Ae r i a l Ca b l e 24 2 2 Un d e r g r o u n d Ca b l e 24 2 3 Bu r i e d Ca b l e 6, 7 9 2 , 1 2 1 4, 4 1 7 , 2 3 2 11 , 2 0 9 , 3 5 3 24 2 4 Su b m a r i n e Ca b l e 24 2 6 In t r a b u i l d i n g Ne t w o r k Ca b l e 24 3 1 Ae r i a l Wi r e 24 4 1 Co n d u i t Sy s t e m s 26 8 1 Ca p i t a l Le a s e s 26 8 2 Le a s e h o l d Im p r o v e m e n t s 26 9 0 In t a n g i b l e s 1, 1 7 6 , 9 4 3 1, 1 7 6 , 9 4 3 TO T A L PL A N T AC C O U N T S 11 , 9 7 2 , 4 2 8 5, 8 7 6 , 8 3 8 15 , 5 0 0 17 , 8 3 3 , 7 6 6 La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 6 AN A L Y S I S OF TE L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S PL A N T AC C O U N T S ID A H O Op e r a t i o n s On l y Ba l a n c e Pl a n t Tr a n s f e r s Ba l a n c e Be g i n n i n g Ad d i t i o n s Re t i r e d an d En d of Ye a r Du r i n g Ye a r or So l d Ad j u s t m e n t s of Ye a r An a l y s i s of Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Pl a n t in Se r v i c e 11 p ca P os s e V e h i c l e s SA ME AS TO T A L 21 1 5 Ga r a g e Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 22 1 1 B le d n\ N s o r k Eq u i p m e n t CO MP A NY 21 2 2 Fu r n i t u r e 21 2 3 Of f i c e Eq u i p m e n t 21 2 4 Ge n e r a l Pu r p o s e Co m p u t e r s 22 1 1 An a l o g El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 22 1 2 Di g i t a l Ele c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 22 1 5 El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Sw i t c h i n g 22 2 0 Op e r a t o r Sy s t e m s 22 3 1 Ra d i o Sy s t e m s 22 3 2 Cir c u i t Eq u i p m e n t 23 1 1 St a t i o n Ap p a r a t u s 23 2 1 Cu s t o m e r Pr e m i s e s Wir i n g 23 4 1 La r g e Pr i v a t e Br a n c h Ex c h a n g e s 23 5 1 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 23 6 2 Ot h e r Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 24 1 1 Po l e s 24 2 1 Ae r i a l Ca b l e 24 2 2 Un d e r g r o u n d Ca b l e 24 2 3 Bu r i e d Ca b l e 24 2 4 Su b m a r i n e Ca b l e 24 2 6 in t r a b u i l d i n g Ne t w o r k Ca b l e 24 3 1 Ae r i a l Wi r e 24 4 1 Co n d u i t Sy s t e m s 26 8 1 Ca p i t a l Le a s e s 26 8 2 Le a s e h o l d Im p r o v e m e n t s 26 9 0 In t a n g i b l e s TO T A L PL A N T AC C O U N T S La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 7 AN A L Y S I S OF EN T R I E S IN AC C U M U L A T E D DE P R E C I A T I O N Ac c o u n t 31 0 0 TO T A L Co m p a n y Ba s i s Ba l a n c e Cr e d i t s Re t i r e m e n t s Ba l a n c e Be g i n n i n g De p r e c i a t i o n Du r i n g an d En d of Ye a r Ra t e * Ye a r Ad j u s t m e n t s of Ye a r An a l y s i s of En t r i e s in Ac c u m u l a t e d De p r e c i a t i o n 21 1 2 Mo t o r Ve h i c l e s 13 9 , 7 0 0 25 . 0 % 30 , 7 2 4 15 , 5 0 0 15 4 , 9 2 4 21 1 3 Ai r c r a f t 21 1 4 Sp e c i a l Pu r p o s e Ve h i c l e s 17 , 6 8 5 10 . 0 % 3, 2 5 0 20 , 9 3 5 21 1 5 Ga r a g e Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 8, 3 5 8 12 . 5 % 1, 0 9 6 9, 4 5 4 21 1 6 Ot h e r Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 25 8 , 6 0 5 12 . 5 % 45 , 8 1 5 30 4 , 4 2 0 21 2 1 Bu i l d i n g s 13 3 , 7 2 8 3. 0 % 17 , 1 1 9 15 0 , 8 4 7 21 2 2 Fu r n i t u r e 12 . 5 % 1, 4 2 7 1, 4 2 7 21 2 3 Of f i c e Eq u i p m e n t 56 , 3 3 6 12 . 5 % 2, 4 5 7 58 , 7 9 3 21 2 4 Ge n e r a l Pu r p o s e Co m p u t e r s 22 8 , 5 7 4 20 . 0 % 3, 6 0 2 23 2 , 1 7 6 22 1 1 An a l o g El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 22 1 2 Di g i t a l El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 88 2 , 4 7 4 12 . 0 % 18 6 , 7 7 2 1, 0 6 9 , 2 4 6 22 1 5 El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Sw i t c h i n g 22 2 0 Op e r a t o r Sy s t e m s 22 3 1 Ra d i o Sy s t e m s 22 3 2 Ci r c u i t Eq u i p m e n t 66 5 , 4 5 0 12 . 0 % 48 , 4 0 2 71 3 , 8 5 2 23 1 1 St a t i o n Ap p a r a t u s 23 2 1 Cu s t o m e r Pr e m i s e s Wi r i n g 23 4 1 La r g e Pr i v a t e Br a n c h Ex c h a n g e s 23 5 1 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 61 , 0 6 4 61 , 0 6 4 23 6 2 Ot h e r Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 24 1 1 Po l e s 20 , 9 4 6 10 . 0 % 20 , 9 4 6 24 2 1 Ae r i a l Ca b l e 24 2 2 Un d e r g r o u n d Ca b l e 24 2 3 Bu r i e d Ca b l e 2, 1 7 0 , 5 5 7 6. 5 % 38 6 , 1 6 1 2, 5 5 6 , 7 1 8 24 2 4 Su b m a r i n e Ca b l e 24 2 6 In t r a b u i l d i n g Ne t w o r k Ca b l e 24 3 1 Ae r i a l Wi r e 24 4 1 Co n d u i t Sy s t e m s TO T A L 4, 6 4 3 , 4 7 7 72 6 , 8 2 6 15 , 5 0 0 5, 3 5 4 , 8 0 3 *P l e a s e li s t in d i v i d u a l de p r e c i a t i o n ra t e fo r ea c h ac c o u n t . La s t Up d a t e 8/9 9 Pa g e 8 AN A L Y S I S OF EN T R I E S IN AC C U M U L A T E D DE P R E C I A T I O N Ac c o u n t 31 0 0 ID A H O Op e r a t i o n s On l y Ba l a n c e Cr e d i t s Re t i r e m e n t s Ba l a n c e Be g i n n i n g De p r e c i a t i o n Du r i n g an d En d of Ye a r Ra t e * Ye a r Ad j u s t m e n t s of Ye a r An a l y s i s of En t r i e s in Ac c u m u l a t e d De p r e c i a t i o n 21 1 2 Mo t o r Ve h i c l e s Pu o; ( i ñ ? SA M E AS TO T A L 21 2 1 Bu i l d i n g s rn c Ee q u i p m e n t CO M PA NY 21 2 4 Ge n e r a l Pu r p o s e Co m p u t e r s 22 1 1 An a l o g El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 22 1 2 Di g i t a l El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 22 1 5 El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Sw i t c h i n g 22 2 0 Op e r a t o r Sy s t e m s 22 3 1 Ra d i o Sy s t e m s 22 3 2 Ci r c u i t Eq u i p m e n t 23 1 1 St a t i o n Ap p a r a t u s 23 2 1 Cu s t o m e r Pr e m i s e s Wi r i n g 23 4 1 La r g e Pr i v a t e Br a n c h Ex c h a n g e s 23 5 1 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 23 6 2 Ot h e r Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 24 1 1 Po l e s 24 2 1 Ae r i a l Ca b \ e 24 2 2 Un d e r g r o u n d Ca b \ e 24 2 3 Bu r i e d Ca b l e 24 2 4 Su b m a r i n e Ca b l e 24 2 6 In t r a b u i \ d i n g Ne t w o r k Ca b l e 24 3 1 Ae r i a l Wi r e 24 4 1 Co n d u i t Sy s t e m s TO T A L *P l e a s e lis t in d i v i d u a l de p r e c i a t i o n ra t e fo r ea c h ac c o u n t . La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 9 INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401,1402 and 1406.Identify each investment as to the account in which included.Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. Book Cost of Book Cost of Investments Investments Disposed of Held atDescriptionDateAcquiredThisyearEndofYear CIT COMMUNICATIONS 1991 160,861 RTFC CERTIFICATES 1993,94,&96 174,990 SYSTEM SEVEN 1994 19,688 ASSOCIATED NETWORK PART 1998 5,100 NRTC'S 220 MHz WIRELESS 1999 192,535 SYRINGA NETWORK 2000 17,000 NECA SERVICES 2000 8,000 Totals 578,174 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1180,1190 and 1200.For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate.Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Amount at End of Year Notes Accounts Name of Company Receivable Receivable CUSTOMERS 123,722 INTEREXCHANGE CARRIERS 381,952 Totals 505,674 Last Update 8/99 Page 10 NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable,list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Interest Name of Creditor Date of Note M Due Date Face Amount NONE Totals ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Report below all Accounts Payable amounting to more than $100.00 Name of Creditor Amount SEE ATTACHED LISTING Totals Last Update 8/99 Page 11 ACCOUÑTS PAYABLE NAME OF CREDITOR AMOUNT AT &T Pars 8,945.10 Bear Lake North RV Park 214.05 Bear Lake Motor Company 142.20 City of Soda Springs 202.92 Computer Technology,Inc.1,305.57 Direct Internet 4,687.64 Direct Communications Long Distance 5,596.01 Phone Cards 320.20 Employee Flex Plan 980.36 Federal Excise Tax 1,811.30 Givens &Pursley 2,104.12 GVNW,Inc.2,011.18 Global Equipment Co 189.23 Idaho State Tax Witholding 1,199.00 ldaho Universal Service Fund 441.54 Illuninet 724.25 Paris County Store 844.26 Power County Clerk (E911)465.17 R.L.Taylor Excavating Co.180.00 Schmidt Oil 2,391.78 Sprint North Supply 2,448.70 U.S.West 1,283.76 Unbilled Toll 18,220.00 V-1 Oil Company 278.86 Wiggins &Co.1,325.00 All others under $100 165.40 Total Accounts Payable 58,477.60 LO N G - TE R M DE B T Ac c o u n t s 42 1 0 , 42 4 0 , 42 5 0 , 42 6 0 , 42 7 0 an d 43 1 0 Li s t th e re q u i r e d da t a fo r ea c h ob l i g a t i o n in c \ u d e d in th e s e ac c o u n t s , gr o u p i n g th e m by ac c o u n t nu m b e r an d sh o w i n g to t a l s fo r ea c h ac c o u n t . If an y ob l i g a t i o n s ma t u r e se r i a l l y or ot h e r w i s e at va r i o u s da t e s , gi v e pa r t i c u l a r s in a no t e . Da t e Da t e Fa c t Pr e m i u m l Di s c o u n t Cl a s s & Se r i e s of of Am o u n t Ou t s t a n d i n g Ye a r in t e r e s t fo r ye a r of Ob l i g a t i o n Is s u e Ma t u r i t y Au t h o r i z e d Ye a r - E n d To t a l Am o r t i z e d RK Am o u n t FI R S T SE C U R I T Y BA N K 19 9 9 20 0 3 20 , 7 9 3 11 , 4 5 7 10 . 0 0 % 1, 3 9 3 CA T E R P I L L A R FI N A N C E 19 9 7 20 0 2 60 , 8 1 1 25 , 7 0 8 7. 1 4 % 2, 3 3 6 RT F C 19 9 4 20 0 9 46 5 , 3 0 5 40 8 , 4 5 5 4. 6 5 % 34 , 3 7 4 RT F C 19 9 5 20 1 2 3, 0 3 0 , 2 0 2 2, 5 7 5 , 0 2 7 VA R I E S 20 4 , 8 9 7 RU S 19 7 9 20 1 1 1, 6 0 8 , 4 2 1 79 3 , 9 3 0 2. 0 0 % 15 7 , 3 1 3 RU S 19 9 0 20 1 2 5, 0 8 0 , 5 8 3 4, 8 3 5 , 5 9 2 5. 0 0 % CA S E FI N A N C E 19 9 9 20 0 5 54 , 0 0 0 42 , 7 7 7 8. 9 0 % 1, 6 8 3 RT F C - Co n s t r u c t i o n Lo a n 19 9 9 20 0 1 4, 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 4, 2 9 3 , 0 7 0 VA R I E S 31 9 , 5 8 7 LE O N A R D MA Y 20 0 0 20 0 3 10 0 , 0 0 0 71 , 8 4 9 7. 7 0 % 7, 2 2 6 La s t Up d a t e 8/9 9 Pa g e 12 CAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class.Show totals separatelyfor common andpreferred. For each class of preferred stock,show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative ornoncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year.Include number of shares,consideration received,premium or discount,and expenses incurred. Number Outstanding per of Shares Par Value Balance SheetClass&Series of Stock Authorized per Share Shares Amount COMMON 50,000 $1.00 50,000 $50,000.00 Last Update 8/99 Page 13 INCOME &RETAINED EARNINGS STATEMENT Item Total Company Idaho Only Total Operating Income (from page 15)2,431,966 Total Operating Expenses (from page 17)1,978,841 SAME AS7100OtherOperatingincomeandExpense15,059 TOTAL7210OperatingInvestmentTaxCredits-Net 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes (33,970) 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes (8,012)7240 Operating Other Taxes 58,7147250ProvisionforDeferredOperatingIncomeTaxes-Net 24,955 7200 Operating Taxes (Total) 7310 Dividend Income (25,023)7320 Interest income (8,259)7330 income from Sinking and Other Funds 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (250,358)7350 Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property 7360 Other Nonoperating Income (3,417)7370 Special Charges 23,2437300NonoperatingIncomeandExpense 7410 Nonoperating Investment Tax Credits-Net 7420 Nonoperating Federal Income Taxes 7430 Nonoperating State and Loca\Income Taxes 7440 Nonoperating Other Taxes 7450 Provision for Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes-Net 7400 Nonoperating Taxes 7510 Interest on Funded Debt 157,3137520InterestExpense-Capital Leases 7530 Amortization of Debt Issuance Expense 7540 Other Interest Deductions 573,195 7500 Interest and Related items 7610 Extraordinary Income Credits 7620 Extraordinary Income Charges 7630 Current Income Tax Effect of Extraordinary Items-Net 7640 Provision for Deferred Income Tax Effect of Extraordinary Items-Net 7600 Extraordinary Items 7910 Income Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Differences-Net 7990 Nonregulated Net Income AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS (70,315) Last Update 8/99 Page 14 OPERATING REVENUES Item Total Company Idaho Only Local Network Services Revenues 5001 Basic Area Revenue 446,687 5002 Optional Extended Area Revenue SAME5003CellularMobileRevenue 5004 Other Mobile Services Revenue AS 5010 Public Telephone Revenue TOTAL 5040 Local Private Line Revenue 5050 Customer Premises Revenue 5060 Other Local Exchange Revenue 39,153 5069 Other Local Exchange Settlements Network Access Services Revenues 5081 End User Revenue (SLC)64,298 5082 Switched Access Revenue (Interstate)1,579,054 5083 Special Access Revenue 5084 State Access Revenue (Intrastate)244,599 Long Distance Network Services Revenues 5100 Long Distance Message Revenue -All Miscellaneous Revenues 5230 Directory Revenue 5240 Rent Revenue 5250 Corporate Operations Revenue 5261 Special Billing Arrangements Revenue 5262 Customer Operations Revenue 5263 Plant Operations Revenue 5264 Other Incidental Regulated Revenue 42,585 5269 Other Revenue Settlements 5270 Carrier Billing &Collection Revenue 23,636 Uncollectible Revenues 5301 Uncollectible Revenue -Telecommunications (8,045) 5302 Uncollectible Revenue -Other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 2,431,966 Please identify the following revenues: NECA USF $1,331,120 .To what account were they booked? 5082.11,5082.21,&5082.22 State USF $221,847 .To what account were they booked? 5084.60 Last Update 8/99 Page 15 OPERATING REVENUES Item Total Company Idaho Only Plant Specific Operations Expense 6110 Network Support Expenses 6112 MotorVehicle Expense 3,378 6113 Aircraft Expense SAME 6114 Special Purpose Vehicles Expense AS 6115 Garage Work Equipment E×pense TOTAL 6116 Other Work Equipment Expense 6120 General Support Expenses 6121 Land and Building Expenses 40,306 6122 Furniture and Artworks Expense 1,068 6123 Office Equipment Expense 6124 General Purpose Computers Expense 34,586 6210 Central Office Switching Expenses 6211 Analog Electronic Expense 6212 Digital Electronic Expense 99,270 6215 Electro-Mechanical Expense 6220 Operators System Expense 6230 Central Office Transmission Expenses 5,812 6231 Radio Systems Expense 6232 Circuit Equipment Expense 49,109 6310 Information Origination/Termination Expense 6311 Station Apparatus Expense 4,462 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange Expense 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense 6362 Other Terminal Equipment Expense 6410 Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 6411 Pole Expense 6421 Aerial Cable Expense 6422 Underground Cable Expense 6423 Buried Cable Expense 280,225 6424 Submarine Cable Expense 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense 6426 Intrabuilding Network Cable Expense 6431 Aerial Wire Expense 6441 Conduit Systems Expense TOTAL PLANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE 518,216 Last Update 8/99 Page 16 OPERATING REVENUES Item Total Company Idaho Only Plant Nonspecific Operations Expense 6510 Other Property/Plant/Equipment Expenses 6511 Property Held for Future Telecomm.Use Expenses SAME6512ProvisioningExpense4,867 AS6530NetworkOperationsExpense 6531 Power Expense 16,308 TOTAL 6532 Network Administration Expense 6533 Testing Expense 998 6534 Plant Operations Administration Expense 6535 Engineering Expense 17,5886540AccessExpense336560DepreciationandAmortizationExpenses79,377 6561 Depreciation Expense-Telecom.Plant in Service 726,8266562DepreciationExpense-Property Held for Future Use 6563 Amortization Expense -Tangible 6564 Amortization Expense -Intangible 6565 Amortization Expense -Other Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses 845,998CustomerOperationsExpense 6610 Marketing 6611 Product Management 6612 Sales 6613 Product Advertising 9,2556620Services 6621 Call Completion Services 6622 Number Services 2,9156623CustomerServices138,652 Total Customer Operations Expense 150,822 Corporate Operations Expense 6710 Executive and Planning 6711 Executive 188,894 6712 Planning 6720 General and Administrative 6721 Accounting and Finance 187,149 6722 External Relations 4,1016723HumanResources13,3996724InformationManagement 6725 Legal 56,4406726Procurement 6727 Research and Development 6728 Other General and Administrative 13,8236790ProvisionforUncollectibleNotesReceivable Total Corporate Operations Expense 463,806 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,978,841 Last Update 8/99 Page 17 CE N T R A L OF F I C E DA T A as of De c e m b e r 31 , 20 0 0 (u n l e s s ot h e r w i s e in d i c a t e d ) Na m e of Ce n t r a l Of f i c e : AR B O N Pr e f i x (e s ) : 33 5 Ce n t r a l Of f i c e Sw i t c h Ty p e : SI E M E N S ST R O M B E R G - CA R L S O N DC O - RL S Ch e c k al l th a t ap p l y : Ch e c k on e : Ch e c k on e : St a n d Al o n e Di g i t a l l El e c t r o n i c X Ho s t An a l o g El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Re m o t e l Ot h e r : Ac c e s s Li n e Ca p a c i t y Ac c e s s Li n e s in Us e De s i g n : 18 0 Cu s t o m e r Li n e s : 97 (I n c l u d e Ce n t r e x , PA L , Se m i - P u b . ) In s t a l l e d / E q u i p p e d : 13 8 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Lin e s Co m p a n y Of f i c i a l Lin e s Co m p a n y Te s t Li n e s k Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n of Cu s t o m e r Ac c e s s Re s i d e n c e Bu s i n e s s Mu l t i - Sin g l e Li n e Mu l t i - Sin g l e Li n e To t a l Li n e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Ce n t r e x Li n e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Re s i d e n c e 1- P a r t y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Re s i d e n c e N. A . R . 1- P a r t y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Bu s i n e s s & Bu s i n e s s Be g i n n i n g of Ye a r 92 92 7 7 99 Ne w Co n n e c t s 5 5 1 1 6 Di s c o n n e c t s 7 7 1 1 8 En d o f Y e a r 90 90 7 7 97 Fo r e i g n Ex c h a n g e : Di r e c t o r y Li s t i n g s : Di a \ To n e fr o m th i s C. O . : 0 Nu m b e r of Cu s t o m e r s wi t h No n p u b l i s h e d or No n l i s t e d : 3 Di a l To n e fr o m an o t h e r C. O . : O Cu s t o m Ca l l i n g : Nu m b e r of cu s t o m e r s wi t h at le a s t on e fe a t u r e : 44 To t a l nu m b e r of fe a t u r e s su b s c r i b e d to : 6 La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 18 CE N T R A L OF F I C E DA T A as of De c e m b e r 31 , 20 0 0 (u n l e s s ot h e r w i s e in d i c a t e d ) Na m e of Ce n t r a l Of f i c e : PA R I S Pr e f i x (e s ) : 94 5 Ce n t r a l Of f i c e Sw i t c h Ty p e : SI E M E N S ST R O M B E R G - CA R L S O N DC O Ch e c k al l th a t ap p l y : Ch e c k on e : Ch e c k on e : St a n d Al o n e X Di g i t a l X El e c t r o n i c X Ho s t An a l o g El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Re m o t e Ot h e r : Ac c e s s Li n e Ca p a c i t y Ac c e s s Li n e s in Us e De s i g n : 15 2 0 Cu s t o m e r Li n e s : 92 8 (I n c l u d e Ce n t r e x , PA L , Se m i - P u b . ) In s t a l l e d / E q u i p p e d : 14 4 2 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Li n e s i Co m p a n y Of f i c i a l Li n e s 3 Co m p a n y Te s t Li n e s 6 Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n of Cu s t o m e r Ac c e s s Re s i d e n c e Bu s i n e s s Mu l t i - Sin g l e Lin e Mu l t i - Si n g l e Li n e To t a l Li n e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Ce n t r e x Li n e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Re s i d e n c e 1- P a r t y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Re s i d e n c e N. A . R . 1- P a r t y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Bu s i n e s s & Bu s i n e s s Be g i n n i n g of Ye a r 80 3 80 3 10 1 10 1 90 4 Ne w Co n n e c t s 79 79 9 9 88 Di s c o n n e c t s 55 55 9 9 64 En d of Ye a r 82 7 82 7 10 1 10 1 92 8 Fo r e i g n Ex c h a n g e : Di r e c t o r y Li s t i n g s : Di a l To n e fr o m th i s C. O . : 1 Nu m b e r of Cu s t o m e r s wi t h No n p u b l i s h e d or No n l i s t e d : 17 Di a l To n e fr o m an o t h e r C. O . : 0 Cu s t o m Ca l l i n g : Nu m b e r of cu s t o m e r s wi t h at le a s t on e fe a t u r e : 25 6 To t a l nu m b e r of fe a t u r e s su b s c r i b e d to : 1 La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 18 CE N T R A L OF F I C E DA T A as of De c e m b e r 31 , 20 0 0 (u n l e s s ot h e r w i s e in d i c a t e d ) Na m e of Ce n t r a l Of f i c e : RO C K L A N D Pr e f i x (e s ) : 54 8 Ce n t r a l Of f i c e Sw i t c h Ty p e : SI E M E N S ST R O M B E R G - CA R L S O N DC O Ch e c k al l th a t ap p l y : Ch e c k on e : Ch e c k on e : St a n d Al o n e X Di g i t a l X El e c t r o n i c k Ho s t X An a l o g El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Re m o t e Ot h e r : Ac c e s s Li n e Ca p a c i t y Ac c e s s Li n e s in Us e De s i g n : 72 0 Cu s t o m e r Li n e s : 34 0 (I n c l u d e Ce n t r e x , PA L , Se m i - P u b . ) In s t a l l e d / E q u i p p e d : 64 8 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Li n e s O Co m p a n y Of f i c i a l Lin e s 9 Co m p a n y Te s t Li n e s k Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n of Cu s t o m e r Ac c e s s Re s i d e n c e Bu s i n e s s Mu l t i - Si n g l e Li n e Mu l t i - Sin g l e Li n e To t a l Lin e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Ce n t r e x Lin e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Re s i d e n c e 1- P a d y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Re s i d e n c e N. A . R . 1- P a r t y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Bu s i n e s s & Bu s i n e s s Be g i n n i n g of Ye a r 27 7 27 7 96 96 37 3 Ne w Co n n e c t s 26 26 2 2 28 Di s c o n n e c t s 59 59 2 2 61 En d o f Y e a r 24 4 24 4 96 96 34 0 Fo r e i g n Ex c h a n g e : Di r e c t o r y Li s t i n g s : Di a l To n e fr o m th i s C. O . : Nu m b e r of Cu s t o m e r s wi t h No n p u b l i s h e d or No n l i s t e d : 4 Di a l To n e fr o m an o t h e r C. O . : 1 Cu s t o m Ca l l i n g : Nu m b e r of cu s t o m e r s wi t h at le a s t on e fe a t u r e : 11 6 To t a l nu m b e r of fe a t u r e s su b s c r i b e d to : 10 La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 18 NU M B E R OF CA L L S CO M P L E T E D BY CU S T O M E R S DU R I N G (Y e a r ) 20 0 0 . Av e r a g e # Lo c a l Ca l l s To l l Ca l l s Or i g i n a t e d (T o t a l of al l Ca r r i e r s ) of Cu s t o m e r Nu m b e r Av g . / Av g . / Lo c a l Ex c h a n g e Li n e s in Us e (1 0 0 0 s ) Li n e in t r a s t a t e In t e r s t a t e To t a l Li n e 1 AR B O N 97 4, 2 7 4 20 , 1 6 1 24 , 4 3 5 25 2 2 RO C K L A N D 34 0 23 , 0 0 5 12 3 , 7 1 9 14 6 , 7 2 4 43 2 3 PA R I S 92 8 18 , 6 9 4 39 3 , 2 2 5 41 1 , 9 1 9 44 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 19 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES YEARENDEDDECEMBER31,2000 . CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COMPLIANCE Rule IDAPA Rule IDAPA Please provide copies of: Summary of Customer Relations Rules for Telephone Corporations Idaho Telephone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers Yes No X Included in directory Yes X No Date of notification Paris in January,Rockland &Arbon in June Alternate method of notification Local newspaper annually Rule IDAPA Record of Complaints: Number received by Company 133 Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes Charges on Bill 92 Denial/Termination Quality or Availability of Service 15 Carrier Selection/Assignment 26 Miscellaneous Last Update 8/99 Page 20 CERTIFICATE State of Idaho ) )ss County of ) WE,the undersigned Leonard May and Bruce Steed of the Direct Communications Rockland,Inc.utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction,from the original books,papers,and records of said utility,that we have carefully examined same,and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth,to the best of our know e lief. (icer) (Officer in Charge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this //day of I ,(Year)D¤¤l . Notary Public My Commission expires 1 -A B ,(Year)JROD 4 . gdklexcel/jnelsonlanuirpts/telannualrpt Last Update 8/99 Page 21