HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220331Application.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com .i'-t i:-i,:t i i fi': l: l+ I , t. . r'i,: rl\- ' , ;,-.- '- ..,,.iiiSiQll March 31 ,2A22 WA El*ton/c Mall Jan Noriyuki, Commisslon Secretary ldaho Public Ljtllltles Commlssion 113ii1 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Sulte 201-A Boise, lD 83714 Dcrt-T'2a-o t P.O. Box 83720 Bolse, lD 83720-0074 Direct Communications Rockland, lnc.'s Application for Broadband Tax Credit Certificationtor 2021 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for filing, please find a copy of Dltec't Communlcatlons Rockland, lnc.'s Application ln the above reErenced Gase. I have not sent a hard copy so please let me know lf you will require that prior to opening the case. lf you have any questions or need any addiffonal lnformatlon, please feelftee to contact me. Sincercly Re: /rl.-l 4/th Cynthia A. Mefido CAM/ Enclosurc ClrthiaA. Melillo [ISB No. 5819] CYI{THIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Stneet Boise,ID 83704 Telephone: Q08) 577 -57 47 cam@rcamlawidaho.com Attorneys for Direct Commrnications RocHand, Ino. BEF'ORE TEE IDAEO PTIBLIC UTILITIES COMITflSSION CaseNo. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF DIRECT COMMT'MCATIONS ROCKLA}..ID, NC., FOR BROADBAND TA)( CREDTT CERTIFICATION DIRECT COMMIIMCATIONS ROCKLAIYD, INC.'S APPLTCATION Direct Cornmunications Rocklan4 Inc. (Direct Communications" or "Alrplicanf), by and 6roug! its attorney, Clmthia A Melillo PLLC, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ('Commission') order certiffing that c€rtain telecommunications equipment is eligible for thc bmoadband infrasEucture tax cnedit authorizod by Section 633029, Idaho Code. In support of its Application" Direct Communications states as follows: l. Direct Commrmications is a pnovider of basic local exchange service, broadband telccommrmications sernicc and other tclecommunications swices in southern Idaho. 2, During the calendar yeor 2021, Direct Communications made c€rtain investments that oonstitute *qualified broadband equipmenf'within the meaning of Section 63-3029(ry3)O), Idaho Code. E &ibit A attached hereto, describes Dir€st Cornmunioations' qualified broadband equipment and contains the information aud represeirtations required by this Commission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-01-10. DIRECT COMMUMCATIONS ROCKLA}ID, INC.'S APPLICATION . I 3. Communications regarding this Ap,plication should be addressed to the following: CynthiaA. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emorald Stoet Boiss ID 83704 Q08) s77-s747 cam(c,caml aw i daho. com Tim Roth Direct Communications Rockland, Inc. 150 South Main Steet P.O. Box 269 RocHand, ID 83271 (208) s89-2s73 koth(alfirectcom.com 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest roquires a hearing on this matter and therefore, requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Pmcodrue. In the event the Cornmission determines that firther proceedings are n@essary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, Direct Communications requests that the Comrission issue its order d*ermining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investueirt tax credit authorized by Section 63-30291" Idaho Code. RESPECTzuLLY SUBMITIED this 3ld day ofMrch2022. A Melillo CYI{TIITA A. MELILLO PLLC Attomey for Direct C.ommmications Rockland, lnc. DIRECT COMMI.'MCATIONS ROCKI-AND, INC.'S APPLICATION . 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 3ls day of March 2A22,I caused to be serrred a frte and oorrect copy of the foregoiry by the method indicatod below, and addressed to the following: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secrstary Idaho Public Utilities Cmmission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 P.O. Box 83720 Boise, D 8372010074 U.S.Ivlail Haad Deliver€d O\,ffni&t Mail Facsimile F rrail /*ttil,/,/, cpthia A. Melilb DIRECf, COMMUMCATIONS ROCKLA}ID, INC.'S APPLICATION. 3 Direct Communications Rockla nd, lnc. Broadband Equipment list ldaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application Company lnformation 1. Name of Company: 2. Mailing Address: Physical Location: 3. Type ofCompany: 4. Contaa Person: Direct Communications Rockland, lnc. PO Box 269 Rockland, !D 83271 150 S. Main St, Rockland, lD 83271 Telecom munications carrier Tim Roth PO Box 269, Rockland, lD 83271 (2081 s8e-2s73 Uqth@_drcctggrn.gg!D Equipment Description 5. Broadband Services Offered: DSL and Ethernet 6. Network Description: Fiber and Copper Wireline Services 7. Transmission Rate: 1,000,000,000 bits per second to subscriber 1,000,000,000 bits per second from subscriber 8. Number and Percentages of ldaho Customers Served: 5293 Broadband Customers 90% of our Regulated serving areas & 20oA of Non-regulated serving areas 9. Equlprnent Llst: See Attached Broadband Equipment List I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies 53-3029t. Tim e under ldaho Code Direct m cations Rockland, lnc. DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND, INC. PUC Broadband Tax Credit for the year 2021 Wort Order RA21C01 RA21C02 RA21C03 RA21CO4 RA21C05 RAz1D11 RA21D21 RA21D31 RA21D41 RPz0C01 RPzODOT RP2OEOl RP2()EO2 RPzOEO3 RP2()U03 RP2OUOS RPzOUOS RPzOUOT RP21C01 RP21C04 RP21C06 RP21C08 RP21C10 RP2lC11 RP21D11 RP21D21 RP21D31 RP21D41 RR20C02 RR2OE02 RR21C01 RR21C02 RR21D11 RR21D2 1 RR2TD31 RR21D41 21820C03 21820C100 21820C40 21820C51 21820C53 21820C56 21820C57 21820C58 21820C59 21820C69 21B2(rc70 21B20C73 ztB20c74 21B2oC75 ztlzw77 21B2m78 21820C80 21820C81 21820C84 Descriptlon Shawn Ush FTTH Arbon School Dastrict 3E3 FfTP Sherrllyn Munden FFTH Arbon Valley Bible Church FTTP Ju3tln wllllems FTTH Ncw Fiber Drops lst Qtr 2021 N€w Fblr Drops 2nd Qlr 2021 New Fiber Drops 3rd Qtr 2021 New Fiber Drops 4$ Qtr 2021 Liberty Malnline Fiber (CARES) Liberty FTIP Drops (CARES) Montpeller Docsls 3.1 Equlpment and lnstallatim Parls DWDM Equipment & lnstallation Montpeller DWDM Equlpment & lnstallatlon Fish Hrven FTTP Up3rade Aspen Meadows Malnllne Flber Upgrade Bloomington FTTP Upgrade Con3tructlon St Charle5 to Fish Havcn Ovcrblow and FTTP Upgrade Conestoga Wagon Co FTIP Bloomington Fiber Extension Uberty IDS Church FTIP BloominSton FTIP Extension Z Platt I FTTP Plat C FITP New Flber Dtops lst Qtr 2021 New Flber Drops 2nd qtr 2021 New Fiber Drops 3rd Qtr 2021 New Fiber Drops 4th Qtr 2021 Clayton Munk FTIH Preston DWDM Equlpment & lnstallation Rayne Robinson FTTII Devon Tomtinson fTIH New Flber Drops lst Qtr 2021 New Flber Dmps 2nd Qtr 2021 Neur tlber Drop3 3rd Qtr 2021 Nal Fiber Drops 4th Qtr 2021 Central Eguipment FTrP Amerititle Fiber from HH across Chubbuck Rd ISU Flber to Hospital on 15th Philbin & Chrinn JolntTrench Duct Pencr. FTTP Satterlleld Reslty FTTP in TEmple Dlstrlct Health West-458 Memorlal Dr. Health West - E80 W Quinn Road Health West - 1fl10 N 8th Ave Pro Rentals & Sales lnc. City of Pocatello Park ShoP ISU Alumni House FTTP lsu west campus€ APartments FTTP Hubbard ApertmenB FfTP Barrlc'r Skl & Sports FTTP Tltle Flnanclal Corp (Pocatello) FTTP H&HDivc&TravclFTIP Allstate - Pocatello Yellowston€ FTIP lsu sth st Apartments FTIP Cost 7,637.27 1,975.25 759.74 1,769.S1 2,818.34 801.07 140.50 1,538.27 72.0O 330,12E.44 58,154.47 93,156.52 4,413.U E9,087.51 35,126.94 334,187.68 77,973.72 184,036.18 2,117.58 24,220.02 9,015.08 11,500.32 51,410.39 s,823.s3 3,09r.73 35,091.30 7,664.92 2,418.91 3,972.1L 45,850.97 1,899.76 248.96 772.M 1,084.32 620.8s 2,074.62 30,634.26 t4,t77.58 4,614.13 957.61 10,078.70 85,285.17 13,528.37 11,453.75 11,410.83 16,379.04 6,346.38 12,357.80 12,064.31 49,333.05 22,111.92 7,461.98 25,807,78 6,084.91 4,173.16 Dates lnstalled 913012027 9n0no27 El3L12027 913012027 Lil3O/2021 313112027 613012021 sl9ol202t lu3L/202t tu3tnozt L2l3t n027 713u2a27 sl3tl202t 5l3Ll202t 1Ol31,l20Zl 1u3y2O2t LLl30lzozt 1013l/202t Lttlol2o2t 9l3Ol2O2L t2l3u20?j 7u3012021 LZls!l2O2t 12l3tl2O2t il3u2o2t 613012021 elf,c,l202t t213712021 913012021 L213il2021 813112021 1u30/2021 3l3tl2O21 61301202r elxolto2l t2l3U2O2t 7l3u202t 3l37l2o2t 713712021 8R7l202t 313712021 8n71202t 3ntl2O21 3lz7l2o2t 3ttllzozt 3t3rl2021 sB1.l202t ttltlzozt 3htnozt 7BLnO2t LEL|2O2t lfitn02t snllzozl tt3tl202t 3,BLl202t zlB2oCBs zl320cE5 aB2oca, 21820C90 21810C91 2182rcg2 aB20c93 21t20c94 4820c95 2il20c95 a82(rc97 21820@8 aB20c99 atz0E01 z1B20lr01 z1BZ1A01 z182il02 2102u03 zlB2tA0it zl82lAO5 aD21A06 aB2lqrl TLBzLc,iz aB21q)3 z182104 a821q)5 21821C06- ZLB1IoJ7 21821C08 21821CG) ztBztcrrt 21821C100 a82lct1 zl.3,ztcttl z1B21Clt3 u&2tc12 zlsztctz3 21821C13 zl82lCt4 21821C16 z7B2tcJ.7 21821C18 uBzLCtg ZLSZIC,;O z7B27Qt ztunc,,z 27X27o'X zl821C24 zTu2tas z782,.c2'5 z1u1c28 21821C30 z1B21Gt1 z1u1c32 zltl:l1Gl3 21821C34 21821C35 21821C36 ZIB?LC3T z1B2rC38 13"588,(D 3,4:!L15 +582,ii4 16,otz.Ul 3$n.4 35134 3,410.37 2,950.50 2q97L92 1+389,s7 f,650.49 15,025.03 t3,125.23 36,184.35 3118&78 t7J63.79 z4"920.E) 15,63&21 58,2t8.79 z'in "74217LA4S 4,435.r1 1,791.55 21892.65 6,,153.62 5,481.28 110,880.89 10,9!10.71 21,833.24 t2,797J7 22,86351 20s.84 E 912.69 1,549.1i' L1,27717 68,626.79 lL687.18 '6/125.45 .0"314,89 ,.6p62.6s 21,021.31 5,51137 8,223.03 9,656.13 12,69).65 2,905.47 7229.t7 56,31!r.32 2,96538 3,4r5.E1 2,(M3.9{ r112.11 697.50 8,556"88 5,36959 5.840,60 18,455.35 2,674.77 \u4.67 365.98 8t3u2O2L ustnD2r!$ltmt 6lW1202L EtsVlozr 7t?wo27 ?Bt/2ozt il3lnolt 3FLtZO27 sl3LkOZt 8131.t2027 s/3tkoer il3ttz02t 7l3tt2o2t thlnozt l0l3,il2o2t 3Btn02t LOls].lZOaT LZl31"t2O2t U3v2o2r il3tlaual sErnozt sEtkoz,- 6t3ot2o2t sBrnozt 313L12027 tu3ot2o27 ilsrno2l 313Lt2027 il*Ln0?j eBoho?I Lu30,lzou, 38.42027 Lil301202L LufinozL e/30,no2,. 12BTnou 5131,12027 ?BA202t Thuaozt 3na2o27 TBUzozL sl3ol2021 efiokozl, 7E{2O2L EELl2Dzt sttttzozt 8FU202L sBtl202t 813U2O27 EBLT,o,zI ww27 381"no27 6rillm27 Et?frkOzt sf,J,tzozt ,tztkozt 8l3nno?,L sBtnozt 5,lSilzozt chubbuct Clty Hrll FTIP Chlldren's Dentlnry of PocaEllo FffP ft uerbom Assoc. End.Eerl ng Sarnd Sourpc Lava Hlllsldc $ltes lSU Ubnry flbcr M &AMedlcal FTTP IES Custom Stafing lDS Church . Tyhee tIrS Ourdl - Bdnthultt Rlversdlc lnn (lam) FnP Lava HotSprlqs Foundatlon FTIP [rv€ HdSprlntr Olymplc Pool FTIP Lava Docsls 3.t Eactrqrlcs and lnstrll SEI csHnet Br/pas0 & Srrvlce Rercutlru Gould S Flber Owrbtow Flberto TruFlbarCablnat on Booth Rd Neuday Flberllne frorn Whhakerto Hlllne Chubbu* ialnbow h Bttlldlng Befruh Phllbln Rd Flber Ertenslon Flber to TruFlbGr Grlena Ceblnet larwon LrwOficcs FIID Flrst Cholce lnsunncc FTIP IDS Chunh - Vlctory Ave - Pocatello LDS Chrrch - James Ave - Pmtello tDS Chunh - Hrwthome - Pocatelto New D.y $Hlvlslon FTTP tDS Orufth - l,tlhttaler- tbcatello FTIP IDSCunh -Chapel - Pocatdb Dells tlorlt Appllarrc Center FTTP ttra8on lrrteel lounge FTIP lCcU {S sdr) Pocstello FTTP Holy spftt Csthdlc Churdr FTTP Drvid Ewns and AssodaErFTI?-I22 Vlsta Dr Corotc ]lollorv SubdMslgr Rber Jolnt rrrndr-hlom Westf, eld Estab SubdMdon HOA FITP Porrmuf AphtlfnP(S5$) 11 Gdar Hllls FTIH Call Cr€cl mopcrty tfc FrTP Flber to Oty d Pocaello Trffilc Ughts llouolngAlllarre (N 6$Awl FTIP lbuslngAlllancr (il 5thAve) FTI? damond Peak Hee itt Ote 850 FTIP llamond Peak Heahlr Carc 5685 FTIP D{amord PeakHerlthGarc 4875 FTIP Ilamond Peek He.lth CatE 580 FITP Edgc Wrter Resort FTIP f &ACamplng FTIP Health Pto FTIP Mycrs Anderson Arddffi FilP Larr Publlc Ubrary FTIP Westflled E$ates- !1758 Kertslngton FTIH Wectf,eU Btstes - 14851 Kenslngton FTIH l€ Poc. Homs 2 $tlte& FITP catvary Chryd (Pocatello) FTIP lDs Chunh (lndependencg Avet FIIP havttt Orthodon&i FTIP Westflcld Est tes 1147501 FTTH Wesffleld Estrtes 1t850 (enCngton FTIH z1821Gl9 219210|(, zlBztlCAL ztBztctz. ?ABatc,6 us27c,,7 21821C48 tLSLLCfi 21821C50 21821C51 21821C53 zo2tcs4 zlBz1(55 21821C56 zLE.2Lc5.7 21821C58 2182lctg zrBz1c60 ttBttcll zr8ac6E zto2jcil zlB21C66 21821C67 z1B21C68 zJ;827r/1 ztsz1.c?2 a[21cr3 a,n,:r/4 a821C7S au1c80 z1B21c81 a8z1c84 z1U1C86 zL7t2t:@7 z1B4c88 z$alc89 21021C90 21821C91 218t1C92 z1EC1Gt6 z1Bllcr7 z1B21Gl8 z1B21C!'9 z1FzIrcO4 21F20@8 aF20(I)9 21EDEOl zlF2!AO1 21F21C01 ,J,F?J:gJ,z 21Hr1C03 zl'Fztg}l z1F21G)5 L1t2lc06 aF21CO7 21F2108 ar21c11 z7t21ic,'2 Z7F7LCI6 zllnor0.T Ebsrto AT&TWrellne ln tlowneY (Syrltlgr) OU LtftSffilon on HlUne lhrtcher Properds FfTP Brnnod Demlopmont FTIP Frercntur[ 25 FTIP Menul H€ahfi spEddbti FrrP Ttresoda Barn (OuhSu*l FrrP Nct Prophet, LtC FITP Germlmo'r lrampolne Park FTIP Fildtol lndustrlrl Patu Frn liiestfreld Ertaus (11905) FTTH ftyof Foc:tefo Knft Rd FfT? DIG - Norttrldo Crosllu Unlt B ' FTTP D!(L- t{orthslde Croslng t dt c - FTT? Dru- 2731 Journev WaY - FTIP Westfield Eebtrs (1{8211 FIIH PoclEllo Wcllncsc Oinlnc FTIP Socky Mountaln Real Bt6te FrfP Just4 Xldt Ulcnt Caru FTI? Valey Oll GomPary FTI? Rahbon Lano Ofllce FTIP TrVsor [C FIIP Crty sf Oruubock Prlmrry Servle Flbcr Nathen layne ln3tltuts ofColtnstology FTIP EMI Heelth tTlP Grsce luthenn Sctoolr FIIP Red Cndar lilaalth Mvlsors FITP We6tfl .ld Esriles (147901 Fril WesEleld Ertrtes (14950) FTIII SGs, ln SdtfiG3 Shop FIIP IBE\IV local tl49 FIIP Portncuf Hcahh Hber Jol nt Tr*rdt Glorla Hornll FTTP Dell's Homc Applhne lbme Officc FTIH wQrtmd EsulEs u49351 FrrH wBtfrdd E3trb (1il89o) Fnu tlordr$te Brldge Eber Bulld Flberto TruFlbcr Grttne Ave Cablnet Sat BE Servlal FIIP s,ldmultlon FIIP Dru U.CfiTtl m 5119 JoumeY WaY Pocatcio LatdscaPlnf FTIP DXt LtC-FTnl on 5710 l{odhslde Crosslng Rd fB Flberfronr Odord to Dayton (CARES) O(tord Malnllno Flb€r (CARESI Zom 8il1 Pr$ton Preston Docals 3.1 Elost onlcaand lnshll PtE ton We$ Stat8 Sttaot orr.ItulE Drvld lhnrlon FtTll Day Bulldan FTTP Charles Hyer FTTH Dl$ whots$la (Frankln) FTTP wc6t SHe Schoo! Dittrld 202 Flbcr Molre N.p. AIto ErB (Prctton)Aorlal Flbcr Producdon Tcdrndoglcl FITP Ireg RoberB FTI}I tlorthr*st Farm CrEdh Servlce! lPreiton) FTIP Rod Ward FTI}I Atn.eWllldnron FTIH ilms Eant (Rlrby) FTIP 14350 16,26e,2r 8,29&30 L279.rs 1209.56 5,722,U 2,61t6.{1 \{p]6,8 2,492.26 &slt3.94 3!11.01 3,310.41 1,697.4S e99,11 2,461.15 1,027.55 2,154.19 ,,959.16 10,414.68 1,255.63 1q€2.09 +769.06 8p94.78 10800,r8 482!l.14 24|588.71 ds69.23 329.20 1,a59.41 23,826.2O 2,322.1O 3,532.45 L223.90 1.3s5.22 514.48 909.75 20p07.10 28p43,ss 25,Ct9,22 7,L61,44' 63.28 52.82 48.s9 (2.573.421 27,693.t[8 670l'7 48,036,32 l3,n+u 275^58 348.21 709.70 795.71 880.07 LqD,55 Tr7.st 31!,.71 474.* 2s4.2{ 24L20 4,778.21 el30h0P.1 fifionozL sbtl?fizt elwn@l 5FU2@L etfilaml eF{zan L{tolz@L 8Ey20,.t 7tltla0zL 61301202t ,sl3a2uz7 9I30Nm.L etsw@L elNt2v2,L 8t3L,,s2L slyonozT LOBUa02T slsttzut 913012021 el?tnot7 efiofi0?t 9l3Olzo27 flFA202L a$i2021 LOl3a2O2t 8RA2O27 sBLlz02t il?onozrt2Btkozt el30no21- fllNr2o27 1ol3w27q{no27 u3u2027 8/3,42027 L0B,/zOZt LOl31.t202t flt90,lzazr ],Jlsol2o2t sl3olzcEt eltolzozt eBol2027 uy'3/Ll2oz1. Lzllttmu, 10FqA021 il31t2O7L LU30,f2O27 ru30,l2s2t tilxol2027 rilfi|2027 tu3,ol2o27 7OlSu2O27 llr3onozT 9l3Ol2O27 fiRono2t 7U3Oa02L ,rfianozt fileol2027 3Bttz02t ril2ffi,a ZU2(EB zu20c10 umc,JT zlm@z 21J21c03 zu2tcod aJ21@5 zu21c06 z1M19AO4 21M20q)s z1M20CO6 aMz0c07 aM20c18 z1M20c19 z1$21401 aM21C01 zlM21C0Z zlt 21CUl ztlt21co4 zlM21C05 aM2tq)6 21M21C08 21M21C10 aM21C1t aM21CU z1M2lCUl zlt 21Cl5 zTMzLCLt zlM21Ct8 zlMzlcrl z2B20C0S 22B:toc10 22Be0c11 u\?pct3 z2B,20tr.17 z2B:Ztlo1 z2B2tC02 zeBzl@3 zzBztcm z29;,,tco6 z2qhrcjJd- 72,}2.m05 z2EtlEOt zztlrfiz zzqtl:gJ,g ttP2l@4 z,PzLo5 ztP21CO6 z,'P2t@7 ?2PzI(xJa a?Ztclt zZPZtcI3 z3c20clxr ztcl(m7 73(,.0c12 z3c2trcxl 23c20c,"5 riEIlJEL7 23c20E01 2,7O8.75 7,46E.74 5,471.15 5t72,,,23 6,6+9.85 19,{22.8S 49,741,37 10p08.8s 4,011.72 161159.U 67&(B 129,709.41 193,11(I@ e863.06 143,666.e) 15,482.60 1,538.78 $,m3.79 95.10 21833.81 4,639.37 11,682.99 20,65A92 1t?53.5s 3,78{.95 5,526.51 2,02a,8 7\799.12 3,070,01 40,50 7;ttz.78 (13102.80) (e02.6e) 125,00.96. 73ffi,71 4,0L422 5,580.21 1,746,.20 4,16t.79 1,611.33 52&(r/ 1,565,7E 24330,14 6,139,71 1,517.36 4,75t.8 1,959.52 2,S59.29 3,357.38 ta60 1,45936 785.11 El8,(E 12,8:14.(E 9EEtE 1!' 3;t4t,u 29,675,il 1,,419.W 5,!145-r' s4595.27 913/J,12021 sFr2ozr ?ELN@I 8,FA2Oz7 aBr,lzazL sBu2o21 eltolz@.| 7afilZozt gftA20ZL Sttuzozt iloBU2q,1 9lsol2tzt elyJlzw1, 7B{zmt 9B0n02L el3/Jhozt 8,BU202t slzuz:o2l 6t30,l20.,J- asazoz]. el3ol202L sl30l2u2t 7i3;'lZaz7 tolzttzozt L,/30'nozt sl3onozTalrwzT sBonozt sBolzozt L0/9.U2azt u,lilnozT Dl3ue27 x2l3!2O2t t2l3uZO21 {3.il2021 Lt3tJZOZt EBU2O27 tl3ll202t 7B1nO27 il3u2o2L $hVzozt sBLnO2t 7l3U2O2t el3olzozr 8l3rno2:. glSohozt 6RokoTL TBttaoztn#nozt eBtlzwt LOFtnOZt flr30,fiozl t0Bwozt eF0no21 sBtnozt 313'|/2o2l ,h,,jozt LOFAz02t 313!2ozL sBu2oz1 Tlth Flnanclal Corp FITP(Rl3by) tifld Horyerof Rlth FTTP Scotty'r True Value FTI? Journeys DDq {Mdn St) FTTP Joumer.ys DDA (Frernofi Aw) FTIP Rl&yCJtyTown Hell FTTP Edggr Booflng FTIP Twlhr Counsall ng Scrvkcs FITP Itle One (Rleby) FTIP Hlbbard Gblnet & Prtsewe at Henr'ly's Fork Flber The EyecsrE Center - Rerourt FIIP lGnncth Squarr Apartment FT[? Rei6urg @ Modfi cadan & Set+p Sl lverupod Tournho mes FTTP Iltle Flnanclal (RerOurB) FTIP CO Flber Move Bqlld O Porter ttfi Rcturg Sentrlr Lrc FnP 8YU ld.hoAuto Body Bulldlq FTt? Cruekslde Co$rgEs FITP Mesa Falls ApartmerB FTIP Blake tllllls Apb @ 21 S 3rd Wcst-Ruburg Homestcrd Ar{stod tMng fTIP Apdetr€e Apattm€nE FITP BnntuoodOondos FTIP fu ndance Apartrnents FITP R€xburg Urert Dwelopment Jolnt Tmndr Tcqhee Apartncms (430) Ffl? Nortrtown Vlllage AparmenE FTIP frmsn Property Holdlngs FTIP S4Enct IIC FIIP Hlbbard subdMshn f2 FITH Ov{d - Bem Flber Miln for CARES YtiarOborc/otnde CARES Flber Matn Montpeller5th SEEet HborTomrds lInde (CAnESl 'nde Flnanclal (Monpellcr) FTIP Todd Hultlehr Offie {ltlon@ller) FnP B.ar bk Hospttal FlberOverbulld B,eer Lake Raaity Aerlrl Flber MonQellcr t{ews Emmlner FTIP Sbven Hammmd. DDSPA FTTP Wrttr ldaho Ptoperty, UC FIIP Ermst lop€z FTTP Amcrfcrn Fais C-lty Hber to Prrk WIF (CARES) Potandon hodue FTIP JeffMaynard FTT}I Valley Wde Cooperdvr FTIP llealth Wcst (Amcrican Frlls) FTIP Bock Geek VeterlnEry FflP Soft Touch Car Wash FnP DfrE lrngson FTIH-1153 Falls Arc Superlor Phydcal Ttrcrrpy Pouro and Foun FTTP-216ldaho St.{F TF EntBrprl$s LLGFTIP-155 Mams SI-AF Advantagp Plus FCU - Sodr FTIP Hlghlmd M lllng-Bancroft Orlbou County Prosecutorrs OfBca FTTP Soda SpilUs Oty Saryices Eulldlng FTTP Vaugh Srnlth Constuctlon FTIP gancroftClWShop Soda Sprlnge DocCe 3.1 Ehctronlcs ard lnstalladon 2,c21q]1 z3etco2 zso,lcfit BeICD't 4rc2t@E ulcz1cl0 z,c21dl ?3C27c,2 zEllcl3 z3cllcts zrcz1c18 z|B20A01 24820C10 24820C15 z4B2oCt5 uumtT 24BA0C20 z4w20[21 24320c01 z4&1101 u&21w2 24841qt3 24821C04 24821@5 Z'lB:l1cll6 z4fl,it,.Clfi z482lC(B Z'|82rc10 zl8arc1l 7AW21C12 z4B:llc1:l uLztcl{ aB21c16 z4B21cl7 z.4B21C18 z4B2tca9 ugztclo z4B2lc21 z4.B2tc23 uB2tc,.A z482tc,5 u82Lc25 z4B:11C30 z8B2(E02 2m2008 zsglmu 28820c{}5 7,8,2tr;W 2t820c08 ZEB2(EOg 28920c10 2882mfl 28821C01 z8B2lC(E 28821@4 28821c06 28821ut6 L88.zt@il 28821cD8 z8B2lm 10,100.09 289.25 8,7t2,L2 2,409,76 2,65L25 t2t.8s zffr9.s2 L7,424.52 8'id41 6,35L31 20,876.13 10,793.80 \ns,il L3,72t8L 21,@&L6 6n30.28 6,n546 3,097.11 ?a,280.65 2,656.26 3,7(H.43 7,606.54 7,{g,il 155.48 4,009.98 7851.5:1 4,28954 \311A2 10p42s3 10p64.44 6B4E.s2 1,245.65 9332 s,8r5.4il 9,$7L2L 3,1:18.63 m.59r.7E 616.68 1t4:rE.79 2,383.27 106p82.37 13.620.6',7 870.05 7.W.8 2,686.98 3,77&10 3,4{18.28 1v88751 2,605.98 7p20.93 17,173.il 2,294.S1 3,630.G| 21933 4pt{.9s ttl@.43 5,L7L18 4,335.67 323.74 to63rs et30,1202t 9t?r0nolr el3r,lzmt sttuzozL 9FOlzo2t Lu3,J,n02t 9l?,Jl2o2t sAakan 9FONc[l- el3nlz02L L2BtlZOZL 9lilt?ozL u3u2O2L u3u202L enolzozt 7R!2021 sl3tZOZt sl3/Jnoz,- 5t3il2o2L 3BLnou. ?B,,tmlt il3tnoal ?l31/702t r0l3u202L sl3ol202t et3o,ko21 9lyckozt 3ntnu2t 10/31n021 LU30I20D'L 10/3V2021 tll3012$21 913012021. el30n02t eftono27 slfin027 sl30k02,- 6lsonazt etfin02L 9Bonozl lJ/sLk0EL 9l?,0kozt MBTn02,t et30/lzozl 9l30ns2t elrolzc,,L e|fi|2021 sl3fJl202t eiyl,n02L stWzPt sl?,otzo,?,t 9lnnun elfihazt elfinozL elsrJtzoE.r 9lS0ltozL el30l202t il3il2o21 st?Nzozt r1/30inazt RtrattPrlce Frm &rru FTTP Crrlban countyJall {Comblned Publid FIIP &rlban Jaclh FTIP Carlbqr Memorlal Hocdttl FITP Lalhtln Footuurn FTIP London Drug FTIP Soda SprlnF (t{ooper Avc} LOS Orurdr FTIP Gracc LDS Churth FTIP Brncroft LIE churdl FnP tDS(hur*r (53rd E Soda) FI|P NaUran llaleFTlP-30l Bondr lago R&Grrcs Sou$AbcrdestFrI? lrdond BanI ,Itbcrdccn FTn SHIH MDU Hber shdhySdrool HbGrHnE Grret Wrstrm Mah Blac*foot FTIP ZConrutilng FTIP Lpn Bndshaw FTIH Abardcrn Docrls 3.1 Ehctronlcsard lrutall lhllevWds Coop (Aberdeenl FTIP GEIN l.rndscape & Deslgn FnP Conquctt htllnre AgcncY FITP NS Auto P.ttt (Bladdoo0 FITP Chils Mlller FTIH Rocly Motrtah Agronomlcs FTIP MsrdyEdd$on FTTH Wendywllllamc FIIH Tooleryr FTTP Aberdeen [NChurdr FTIP PC lmprusslons FTI'P Get Found Fnt FTT? thgham county lendf,ll aldg2 FTn |(,ylth foftsrFTtrl Dale ktter FIrH Mlchrcl Ehlen FTIH Todd J€nsen FIIH Grump Momter WodrhoP FTfi Southcart Fhilc,lal (Blkfo FTIP Tlde Fnanc&l GorD Ftlfi, FffP Xrlstrn Sparla FTfH Hbcr fi,om she ll.y sD Bu Grra3a to Hlgh school sEruS Employee FCU (BlkQ FTl? Abcrdcen Poflca aerhl flber from allcry lanyEvanc FTIH Ton Mrddo* FTIH l(aran Matdn FTTH Juctln aDd ]bllle Albe*sott Dlane.lcnicn FTIH TmFhup FilH Alen Xolsdt FIIH JoJo lnYEstmenB FTIP Fred StewartFTIH Robert DanHrften FTIH fGl/ln cruhlrn FTnl Asron ChrJstcnscn FTIH Matt HumphmYs FTIH Kent Eltter FTIH Fergurcn Enbnrlses FTIP tanntfer Drale FTIII B€cfy Melkle FITII 28821C10 zEBz1cl1 z,,B27c1i2 z8B21Cl3 28821C1r 28821C15 zE811C16 ?,,,,t[0.2 z,r,ilrg,3 s012320286.001 1mF52848 lnv-536t1!l 1rG53761 ln*,55i106 75,EI04- 1nF55421 9u0(p5:BZ 9120@9tO3 6,554.73 451.s8 2,7,o.U 5,373Jf 2p76.59 4p33.99 3,(B1,9 102.84 3$a2 4913.10 7,W.98 1,624-23 L,7y.O2 20,230.m 4,L47.49 2,€t3.78 1+8i15.75 el3ot2o2t LOBIaO1T etJ0hozt et3okozt sBonozl. el30,n02t 10Ftao21 t7/s1/202t ]llfinozt 3nenuzt il2tlztzt z/LEl2o2t TnSnO2J. finsl2otrt 4n&no2,7 Lqxnozl il812027 4nfio2,^ iandy Humphreyr Ffl}l Andmw 9eughtar FTIH CrdCrv.lllFrnr Fcnrndo \blonto fTlll Robert Sduanman FTIH Jcfft{lnlclnann FilH l(Vanl FIIP Bmrdwry Aprilmcntr1857 W Btoadrwy !F Elsvado leb+FTIP6301 5 Dottt Andrus Dr-lF lrby-Prdt Panet V*drta - llexus 7X Vardrte - Osco 10oGE Optlmhd UrE Card Vardrtr - Orco 100GE CfP 101(M, tl dnnnd, IrDM - OEM compsflbh Vadate - Gl4fl! tcftr 48+ort ggablt Ethemct SFP Callx - E7-Z GE-24 csrd Vrrdata . iilkrudklU Rrctmount il( flfablt ethcmot SFPI, Etc. N)VA - tlsta Tn]rtmlsslqr Cards ADVA - Drt Tr.nsmlshn Crrdr $ r+ogzroz $ $ $ sI s $ $ $ s $ s $ $ $ 5 $ l$ 4s2,36s.s I INVSIgE UIGgIY 8{5lfty mtr.llbv.comIrrirr'dJcillgn, DIRECT 09MtilUMoAnONs PO EOX200 RQCil(L r,lD lD 882-7r.0000 il3 !C3r5 . StoPu ,gtilrR.fq.8B?to,POEdE'l8Efl EAtIAg D( ?62191 tllrrtor.!ilreqeort DoH /rq iuo PLEASE. RELllT PirYL!f fiT TO: ORDEIl NUiiDERliJVOlCi: DA'i'l: Tt viL!i'o:l l\AY . (rlJLr:it: t;:) IU. "-ui;L lil 5 EI=oLr.r,;:ilI10KL:li: tl2-g ta-?/.:CAP M9PE LEFT.g$lERlt{91, F'IIIP cu:;Tol.Jr- ir t.l J:,!ilIti CUSlol,iEt{ 0}(irl it Ntll!irfl{onDUito t]\J0lJ(i:r[t9L liul,'0:R ouT,)'- :ALtSpEtiscl,J lt,isl0L sAtESPFnS{'ilJ SHIP VI'4 Lltit:ilt:rcil !i,ull rrJRr;[ii cr)Yl sl]iP aTr i it[l u.']tr t,f{c FXT ,ir,ioutit' AMOUNT t]LIE : j: iL r' t, ,i' ,,,::,: { i.:.'.. : t-: .'. i:..:l ,.:' :li r..i . ., :.:. :.i... .:':i ,:f. Ff;I, drrrinopqq$, 0untD : . , . . 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