HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200414Application.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 RECEIVED 2020 April 14,PM12:40 IDAEO PABLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com March 1A,2O2O VIA Elerltonb leail Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Ghinden Bhd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Bolse, lD 83714 DCM-T-20-01 P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lO 837204074 Re:Dir€ct Communications Rockland, lnc.'s Application br Broadband Tax Crcdlt Certification for 2019 Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed br filing, please ffnd a copy of Dire€t Communications Rockland, lnc.'s Appllcatlon in the above referenced case. I have not sent a hard copy so please let me know if 1ou wlll requlre that priorto opening the case. lf you have any questions or need any additlonal inbrmation, please bd fiee to contact me. Sincerely Cynthia A. CAM/ Enclosure CynthiaA. Melillo ISB No. 5819] CYNTHIA A. IVIELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Sheet Boiss ID 837M Telephone: QOB) 577 -57 47 cam(rr camlawidaho. com Attomeys for Direct Commtrnications Rocklan4 Inc. BEXIORE THE IDAEO PI]BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CaseNo. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF DIRECT COMMI.'NICATIONS ROCKLAI'.ID, NC., FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION DIRECT COMMTINICATIONS R(rcKLAND, INC.'S APPLICATION Dir€st Commqnications Rockland, Inc. (Direct Communications" or "Applicant'), by and through its attorney, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission') order certi&ing that certain telecomnunications equiprnent is eligible for thc broadband infrastructur€ tax crodit arthorized by Section 63-3029, Idalro Codo. In support of its Applicatiorq Direct Communications states as follows: l. Direct Communications is a providcr of basic local exchange se,lvice, broadband telecommunications sen icc and other telecommunications serrrices in southern Idaho. 2. During the calendar yar 2019, Direct Communications made c€rtain investments thst constitute "quslifid broadband equipmenf'within the meaning of Sestion 63-3029(IX3Xb), Idaho Code. Bftibit A, attached hereto, describes Dir€ct Cornnrunications' qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Conrmission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-0I -10. DIRECT COMMI.JNICATIONS ROCKLAND, INC.'S APPLICATION. 1 3. Commrmications regarding this Application should be addr€ssod to the following: ClmthiaA. Melillo Clnttria A Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Stne€t Boise,ID 83704 Q08) 577-s747 camf gr camlawidaho.com Bruce Sted Dir€ct Communications Rockland Inc. 150 South Main Sheet P.O. Box 269 Rocklan4 ID 83271 Q08)s48-234s Bruce(g;directcom.com 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter an{ thenefore, rquests that the Commission approve the Ap,plication by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the wmt the Commission det€rmines that firther proceedings are neoensary, Applicant stands ready for inrmediate hearhgs. WHEREFORE, Direc't Commrmications roquests that the Commission issue its order d*erminiqg that the installd oquipment identified in Exhibit A constihrtes qualified broadbmd equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-3B9l5ldaho Code. RESPECTFITLLY SUBMITTED this ld day of March 2020. A. Melillo CYI{TIII.A A. MELILLO PLIJC Attomey for Direct Communications Rocklan4 Inc. DIRECT COMMT MCATIONS ROCKI-AI{D,INC.'S APPLICATION - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIIY tbat on this 166 day of March 2020,1caused to be s€n/od a tnre and correct oopy of ttre foregoing by the method indicatod below, and addressed to the following: Diane Haniaru Commission Secrdary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Ctinden Blvd. Building 8, Suits 201-A Borse, ID 83714 P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 U.S. Mail Haod Delivered O\r€rnight Mail Facsimile Email A. Melillo DIRECT COMMI.'MCATIONS ROCKLA}.ID, INC.'S APPLICATION - 3 DIRECT GOMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND. ING. BROADBAND EQUIPMENT LIST ldaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application Companv lnformation 1. NameofCompany: 2. Address: 3. TypeofCompany: 4. Contact Person: Direct Comrnunications Rockland, lnc. P.O. Box 269, Rockland, ldaho 83271 PhysicalLocation: 150 S. Main Street Rockland, lD 83271 Telecommun ications carrier Bruce Steed, P.O. Box 269, Rockland, lD 83271 (208) 548 -2345 bruce@directcom,com Equlpment Description 5. Broadband Services Offered: DSL, and Ethemet 6. Network Description: Fiber and Copper Wireline Services 7, Transmission Rate: 200,000 bits per second to a subscriber 125,000 bits per second from a subscriber 8. Number and Percentage of ldaho customers served: 3674 Broadband Customers 95% of our regulated customers and 20% of non- regulated customers. 9. Equipment List See attached Broadband Equipment List I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equlpment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under ldaho Code 63-30291. . ''t,L( l Ji ,.' ili tl BEceEteed - Direct Communications Rockland, lnc. Work Orders RA19C01 RP17UO1 RP17UO2 RP19AO2 RR18AO1 21818C15 21818C16 zLBlBCt7 21818C18 21818C23 21818C24 21818C25 21818C27 21819A01 21819A03 21819C01 21819C02 21819C03 zlB19C04 21B19C06 21819C07 21819C08 21819C09 21819C10 21819C12 21819C14 21819C16 21819C17 21819C18 21819C19 21819C20 z1Bt9C22 21819C23 ztBLgCz4 2IBL9C25 ztst9c26 ztBtgc27 21819C28 21819C29 21819C30 21819C31 z1Bt9C32 21819C35 21819C36 21819C38 21819C39 21819C41 21819C43 21819C44 21819C45 21819C46 PUC Broadband Tax Credit for the 2019 Cost 9,374.55 782,t37.69 47,309.26 420,980.00 182,894.81 7,139.55 8,O71.57 48,293.53 3,370.95 29,t52.64 72,328.72 18,933.43 17,153.67 56,467.74 15,159.25 23,371.05 31,151.03 2,991.00 6,305.91 7,267.94 8,020.56 5,037.02 5,323.03 3,390.27 6,974.48 14,382.03 2,991.51 2,250.46 29,392.63 28,825.95 4,417,40 2,616.34 12,045.45 3,910.30 L3,282.22 7,750.23 10,391.33 9,643.63 118,692.31 2,981.83 5,199.68 7,085.75 10,539.50 6,903.47 5,275.42 3,521,48 70.,212.5O 29,852.66 45,727.O8 19,700.83 s2,649.fi Dates I Kim Grover FITH - Myler Rd St. Charles to Eloomington Fiber Construction St. Charles to Fish Haven Fiber Construction Bloomin$on FTTP Buildout Lower Rock Creek FTTP Upgrade Mr. Mower Fiber Jack Parsons Concrete Fiber J & J Auto Body Fiber Advantage Plus - Chubbuck Fiber SDC Fiber - Pocatello Highland Medical Park Fiber - Pocatello Auto lmaBe Fiber - Pocatello The Deon Apartments Fiber Cumberland Mainline Fiber Chubbuck Hut to Hawthorne Rd Fiber Red Llon Fiber Fiber from Pole tine to Garrett Way Physical Therapy Specialists Madera Flber Blace Sign Fiber Parle Jewelry Fiber VanDyk MortBage Fiber Portneuf Health - 7th Ave Fiber Lithia Chrysler Jeep Dodge Fiber Time Laboratories Fiber MOD Pizza Fiber Riverside 6olf Course Fiber Marsh Valley Dental Fiber Nick's Fireplace Fiber Mastercraft Pool & Spa Fiber Pocatello Ready Mix Flber MichaelG Summers DDS Pocatello Fiber Black Swan lnn Flber SAIA Fiber Juniper Hills Country Club Fiber Cltizens Community Bank - Pocatello Citlzens Community Bank Chubbuck - Qulnn Rockly Mountain Supply Espie Estates - Stuart Ave FTTH Modern Signs Plus Sprlnt Cell Tower - Lava Hot Sprlngs Citizens Community Bank S. Arthur Fiber Bulld Harper's Auto Fiber Build Johnson Family Chiropractic Fiber Build Premier Properties Fiber Build Sport Motors Flber Bulld Bear River Electric Fiber Build Farm Bureau - Home Office Fiber Build Yellowstone Town Homes Fiber Build ATCO Structures and Logistics Fiber Build Cumberland FTIH 91301207s Lal3U2O79 Lzl3llZO7e L2l3U2a19 t2ltt/2019 sl3tlaote 3131i?0te 2lzBlzOLs 5l3tl2ote 12l3u207e sl3LlzOLs sl31l2OL9 2128lzOLs L2l3tl20L9 t2l3uzOLs 4/3Ol20Le 7l3tl20l9 2128l2O7e 61301201s 613012079 813U20t9 3l3tl20t9 3l3u2ote sl3u2o7s 6l30lzote 3l3tl201s 713u2019 sl3tl2o7s 5l30l2079 8l3tl20Ls sl3t/2019 t2l3rl20t9 4l30l20ts 6l3ol20ts 613012019 6l30lz0te 6130l207e LOl3u207e L2l3tl20t9 3l3t/2079 L2131/2019 6l3Ol207e 6l3Ol2019 7lillza7e 61301207e 7l3tlzote 713U207e r2l37l2O7e L213L12079 tol3Llzols 1.2l3u2O7e DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND zLB,947 ZL879C/8 ztBtgu9 zlB19C50 z1B19C51 21819C53 21B19C9t zlB19C55 z1B19Cs6 zLBt9C57 21819C61 21819C52 21819C64 21819C56 21819C67 21819C69 zLBtgCt2 zlBlgr/6 21B19C87 21819D11 zlB19D2L zlFl9A01 zffLgAA2 21F19AG, z1F19m1 zffL9e,o2 21F19q)3 ztFlggJ4 ztFL9CO6 21M19401 21M19A03 z1M190l ztM19@3 22B18C01 22B19AO1 z2Bt9fi2 22819C03 z2919c,,6 72B79CO7 22819C08 22819C09 z,Ltgcto z2gtgctt nBL9C72 ?2913u.t aP18A01 z2PL8CO2 22P18C04 22P18C06 z7?L9C0t zzPt9CO2 22P19C03 zzPlg004 22P19C05 3,148.47 18,870.85 5,571.73 3,094.84 8,t41.24 14,549.50 13,863.43 4,451.08 9,309.36 10 403.33 29,351.30 10,739.98 2,943.29 10,538.82 12,233.13 8,984.29 2,35O,72 4,033.10 9,305.73 76,683.6t 13,179,99 4,429.39 8,846.O7 t7,760.45 2,593.29 3,406.06 1s25.32 3,593,42 3,238,46 68,612.40 44,459.92 3,669,18 3,975,7t 7,L70,36 19,226.56 3,87t.29 4886.er 6,037.20 2,O52.37 2,590,53 10,208.86 4,176,39 3,533.92 3,222.76 t2,L47.O2 155,951.37 4A.62.Os 1&948.26 7,'15/..62 16,293.82 6,515.07 7,O53.11 2,917.33 6,678.68 7l3tl2O79 t2l3tl207e 613OlzoLe sFolz0te u3Llzlte elnl2o79 el30l20te 5l3r.l2o7e Lzltl.lzote Lzllil2ot9 L2l3v20ts 9lsolzole eBUzote Lllsol2ote Lzl3t/2o79 Lzl31.l2A,9 LOlrtlzote Lu3ol207e Lzl3tl2OLs sl3tl2ot9 t2l3tlzuts L2l3tlzo7s Lzl3tl2ut9 8l3.uzote sl3tlzote sl3Llz0t9 flhalaote 5l3tlzoLe L2l3uzorg 8137l20re 12lsazoLe slsazoLg 813,/zote sl3y2O7e L2BA2OL9 t2l3u20Le sl3llzote El3olzots 5l3LlzoLs u3Ll20t9 tllsolz0,3 ttl3ol20L9 ttlsolzote ttl3ol2ot9 L2l3u2A19 t2l3tl20t9 slstlTote 4l3OlzOLe 4l30l20te sll].lzole sllllz0]ls +ltolzotg 4t3Olzo,;s sBLlzALs Maag Prescrlptlon tlber BulH Mountain States Transformer Fiber Stan's Pro Tows Fiber Move West Clinlc Fiber GoodwlllFiber RMES Flber Hith Desert PhysicalTherapy Fiber Relocation Phoenlx Management Flber Fiber Bulld to Goody's Dell Flber to Stlfel Nlcolaus Flber to Brent Gordon Law Fiber to Alameda Vislon Center Fiber to Barln Group Flber Bulld to Clty of Pocatello Maintenance Shop Fiber Build to Textbook Exchange Blackrock Accessorles Fiber Physical Therapy Spec, of ld{hubbuck fiber CenturyUn k-PACIFICORP-[ava-Fi ber Peterbulh-Poc-Flber New Drops lst Quarter New Fiber Drops 2nd Qtr 2019 Preston Country Club Estates FTIP Preston Golf Course Aerlal Overbulld Camercn Rounds Preston Subdivision Flber Dayton Churrh Fiber J&S Senlor Living Fiber Dlrect Detalling - Franklin Flber Preston Seminary Fiber Preston Auto Parts Fall Rlver Cross Connect Flber Build North Rexburg to Sugar City Fiber Edstrom Constructlon Fiber C&B Operatlons Fiber Build Advantage Plus Montpeller Flher Bennington FTIH Malnllne John & Jennifer Peterson - Montpeller Fiber Bear Lake Counry Ambulance - Montpelier USAVE Corwenlence Flber Bulld US Bank - Montpelier Flber Flberto Culligan - Montpeller Bear Lake Motor Co, Flber-Montpelier Diamond H Trallers Flber Nussbaurn Auto Flber Natural Rock Designs Fiber New Drops lst Quarter Rlverbend Estates Mainline Flber Discoll Truck Center Flber Advantage Plus Amerlcan Falls Fiber Aberdeen Sprlngfield Canal Company Fiber lndian Springs Fiber Ryan Shanahan Fiher American Falls Eye Center Fiber Power County Dental Fiber WillRowe Fiber zzP19CO6 zzPL9CO7 22P19C08 zzPt9CO9 z2Pt9C10 z2PLgctt zzP79CL2 zzPL9C!3 z2Pt9gt4 22P19C15 zlP79CL7 zzPt9C20 z2Pt9C22 ZzP19DL7 zzP79D2L 23c19C01 24819A01 24819C01 z4BL9CO2 24819C03 24819C04 24819C05 24819C06 z4Bt9CO7 24819C08 24819C09 24819C10 24819C11 z4st9cL2 24B19C15 24819C16 z4Bt9C77 24819C18 24819C19 24819C20 z4Bt9C21 aBL9C22 z4Bt9C23 a4BL9C24 24879C27 Z4BL9C28 z4B79CZ.g 24819D11 28818C03 28819C06 28819C13 28819C19 zR17A06 Steakware Vardata 4,O18.73 4,97!,07 3,089.21 3,644.03 2,951.10 14,9!L.02 2,729,L3 55,989,40 5,568,75 4,289.41 4,322,86 5,573.48 t4,841.45 7,740.49 6,186.71 1,831.42 278,9t6.L7 2,233.09 3,400.99 5,900.51 32,420.58 3,568.77 13,917.10 13,774.76 76,97L.79 17,501.65 3,718.31 13,872.33 L9,976.39 2,960.61 9,693.45 2,906.13 5,977.72 10,418.56 8,159.62 L,377.19 t4,592.9! 2,091.39 14,365.28 2,612.88 2,939.95 7,769.44 t6,497.07 29,778.77 12,819.99 17,728.46 17,743,47 183,319.80 5,14/.32 8,781.56 4l30l2O7e 4l30lz0te sl3u20Ls 713U207s 6l30l20te 713u2019 4l30l207s 1213u2O19 813tl2079 7l3tl2o7s 7l3u20t9 rLl3OlzOLg L2131,12079 L2l3tl2Ot9 Lzl3Ll2Ot9 6130l20ts L2l3Ll2O7s 613ol2O7s 6l3ol2O7s 6l1Ol2079 5l3Ol2O1s 6Bol2A7s 6l3Ol2o7s 7l3u2o7e sl3Llzote 72l3Ll2O7e 7l3yzote 6130/2019 7l3tl20Le Lzl3tl2Ot9 813Llz0te 5l3Ol2O1s 8l3Ll2ot9 1.Ol3Ll2Ot9 1O13712019 6130/2A1e tLl30lzOLs 'tl3Ll20ls tol3tlzoLs 12131/2079 t2l3Ll2O7e ttl3ol2079 L2l3Ll2ots 6l30lz0ts 8l3t/20Le 1L/3012079 L21311201s sl3uzole 121612079 712/207e Launa Snow Fiber Schow's Fiber Jason Povey Fiber Vincent Harris Flber Southeastern ldaho Public Health Fiber Farm Bureau - American Falls Fiber Home Run Realty Fiber Riverbend Estates FTTH Falls Denta! Fiber Build Poulson's Ace Hardware Fiber Build Les Schwab Tire Fiber - American Falls Fiber to (oompin Brothers Farms Flber to ABC Auto New Drops lst Quarter New Fiber Drops 2nd Qtr 2019 Sterling Delbridge Fiber Firth to Blackfoot Flber Frontier ne-ln Fiber Simpson Dental Offices Fiber Pocatello Ready Mix - Blackfoot Fiber Shelley Library Fiber Farm Bureau - Blackfoot Fiber Michael G Summers DDS - Blackfoot Fiber Fiber to BBK Farms DL Evans Bank - Blackfoot Fiber - New Simplot Facility in Aberdeen Pro Rentals and Sales Fiber Build Agri Stor Fiber Build Blackfoot Community Center Fiber Build Sprint CellTower Fiber - ldaho St Kate & Cole Clinger FTIH Thresher Wheat Fiber (Parkway) Elevated Life Family Chiropractic Fiber Fiber to D7 Treatment Fiber to Loomls Peak LLC Fiber to Double M Ag & lrrigation Fiber to Connections Credit Union Fiber to Green Gold Development Fiber Build to Title Financial Fiber Build to Pomeroy lT Solutions City of Blackfoot WWTP-Fiber Sheet MetalWorkers #60 JATC tiber-Firth New Drops 1st Quarter Gold Emblem Produce Fiber Harker Design Fiber Build Melaleuca home office Fiber Peterbuilt - ldaho Falls, FTTP Chubbuck Fiber Hut Power Plant & Electronics Cloud Core Router Cisco ASR 1000 Series 3,312,193.36 tsil&rlri! lll+r[ir i!8.ll0 !rgy'gs6 I fh ib.rr'Cl ,tll3llltrirlt t0t-tla.Ottttat atlt$.alla EB :TNI'UIC! rr-83923?Ltlz6l20t9 rilmmmI Dlrtot Cottrllrllmr 'tL! 1L€l 1!0 I rlltnle4lrlt :D 3!t?1tr|lM lEilltrlrlt ltoll ltt-17?0 !d.D tlm*lm8nl!tocu.ill ID 3la?luE aD !nta3lclt (l0ll tll.SUA &rn0 I .' 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