HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160602Supplement to Application.pdfAnr'/ ,lt t lt 7, Co'* M Dca -t- 1a.-6 ( DI RECT COM M UN ICATIONS ROCKLAN D PUC Broadband Tax Credit for the ar 201 5 Work Orders RA15D11 RA15UO2 RP15AO1 RP15D10 RP15D11 RP15D2O RP15D21 RP15D3O RP15D31 RP15D4O RP15D4L RPl,5U01 RR14EO1 RR14U12 RR15AO1 RR15D1O RR15D11 RR15D2O RR15D21 RR15D31 RR15D41 RR15UO1 RR15UO2 RR15UO4 RR15UOs RR15U06 RRr.5U07 RR15U08 RR15U09 RR15U10 2P1.4A04 zP14A05 ZP15AO1 7P1.5A02 zP15A03 ZP15AO4 ZP15AO6 ZPLSAAT zP15A08 zP15U01 zR15A01 zR15A02 zRr"5403 zR15A04 ZR15AO5 ZR15AO5 Descrption Fiber Drops, Arbon, 1st Qtr 2015 Arbon Hawkins Basin FTTH lnstalls Paris Elementary School Fiber Copper Drops - Paris - 1st Qtr 2015 Fiber Drops - Paris - Lst qtr 2015 Copper Drops Paris Area 2nd Qtr 2015 Fiber Drops Paris Area 2nd Qtr 2015 Copper Drops - Paris - 3rd Qtr 2015 Fiber Drops - Paris - 3rd Qtr 2015 Copper Drops - Paris - 4th Qtr 2015 Fiber Drops - Paris - 4th Qtr 2015 Bear Lake West to Utah Border - Fiber Run Massacre Rocks DLC Replacement Rockland FTTH R-Corner Construction Meadows FTTH Copper Drops - Rockland - Lst Qtr 201"5 Fiber Drops - Rockland - 1st Qtr 2015 Copper Drops Rockland Area 2nd Qtr 2015 Fiber Drops Rockland Area 2nd Qtr 201.5 Fiber Drops - Rockland - 3rd Qtr 2015 Fiber Drops - Rockland - 4th Qtr 2015 Rockland FTTH East Fork Canyon OSP Rockland FTTH EF Canyon lnstallations Arimo to Virginia Fiber Build Virgina to Downey Fiber Build Arimo Town Transport Fiber Downey Cross Connect Cabinet Rockland R-Corner FTTH lnstalls McCammon Hut Upgrades ATC Fiber Ring Equipment SE Health District - Montpelier SE Health District - Preston Grace High School Fiber Bear Lake High School Fiber ITD Montpelier Fiber Build to Westside School for ENA Ethernet ITD Preston Fiber Valley Wide Fertilizer Plant Preston Fiber AT&T Georgetown Fiber Relocation North Gem HS Fiber Build Simplot AF Wireless Service Marsh Valley HS Fiber Build Marsh Valley SD Office Fiber Build Downet Elementary Fiber Build Lava Elementary Fiber Build Mountain View Elementary Fiber Build Cost 927.08 2,911.67 6,466.85 2,A24.37 4,680.83 3,262.95 5,731,.48 11,640.58 4,422.94 7,748.31 1,,412.83 1,3,947.53 L,073.36 64,195.00 19,590.25 149.51 13,799.51 1,215.30 17,715.80 1,745.L4 1,,039.23 57,113.73 7,672.?0 132,018.95 129,298.06 69,571.97 34,566.52 7,325.34 5,5L5.11 70,827.34 12,613.53 8,205.42 18,112.15 2.5,495.49 t7,066.49 'J,,657.94 3,760,65 1-8,845.25 703.04 12,434.9t 509.14 8,428.28 7,978.9L L7,211,.86 9,683.43 9,709.93 Dates lnstalled 12131/201s 72/31/201s 8/3t12015 12/3il2A$ t2l3u20ts 6/30/201s 6/30/z}ts efi1/2a1.s e/30l2o1s t2l3u2A7s 72/3L/201s efio/2a]5 t2/3u2o1s t2/37/207s 61301201s L2/31/2A1,s 72/31/207s 6BA/201s 6/30/2O7s eBa/2075 t2/31/2O7s 7l3u2j1s 12/31.1201s 7/37/2A7s 7 /311207s 8/3U201s 7l3tl201s L2l3Ll2O1s sl30/2a]5 721311201s 3l3t/201s 3131/201s 3l3L/20ts 3l3Ll20ts 9l3Ol20ts 7/31./201s t2l3t/201.s t2l3uzots 9l30/201s 3fiLl2A$ 6/30/zots 7/31/2OLs 8/3L/zOLs 7l3LlzOLs 7 /31./201s e/301201s zR15A07 zR1sA08 zR15A09 zR15A10 zR15A11 ZR15A12 zR15AL3 ZR15D11 zR15D21 zR15D31 zR15D41 ZR15UO1 zR15U02 zR15U03 2230.30 2230.30 2232.20 2232.20 2232.20 2232.27 2423.10 72,000.41 4,797.73 4,742.97 1,430.16 3,098.17 8,414.90 123,354.55 2,501.98 2,t04.27 6,991.31 4,522.93 4,550.90 18,307.65 1.10,090.95 4,02L.!t 27,294.O0 3,462.97 2,800.06 10,568.13 6,684.32 4,858,57 L,232,444.A5 7/3tl2}7s 6BOl2a1.s 8l3tlzots 813u2A$ 9l30/zOtS 12/3LlzALs tzl3u2o1s 6l30/20t5 6/30/201s eBol2a15 72/3112015 el30/zars 8/3tl20Ls 12l3uZOls 1/231201s 72/23/zots 9l2slza15 721231201s t2lBlTa$ t2l23l20Ls 6/191201s lnkom Elementary Fiber Build Tim Deeg FTTH ITD McCammon Fiber ITD Downey Fiber ITD American Falls Fiber AT&T lnkom Narrows CellTower Fiber AT&T lnkom Ski HillCellTower Fiber Non-Reg Fiber Drops 1st Qtr Non-Reg Fiber Drops 2nd Qtr 201.5 Non-Reg Fiber Drops 3rd Qtr 2015 Non-Reg Drops 4th Qtr 2015 Safelink Connection at AF Hut Grace Ethernet Cabinet American Falls Transport Fiber to Dam MRV OS9124w/dc power ASR 1006 w/dual power, dualesp 10g MM XFP GNB Marathon Batteries 2 Strings lnstall Battery Rack MRV OS9124 Cisco 4500X w/dual PSU GPG-144-C1E-AA1-B 200 ft-FxDS r"t- tr*; )i \J\ o; 13c)E(goJ:) Eso5't: c>o.; 6oJ oco ni ss-oHNo(oaN(n aY:oYo3!@8ci ox lrJ >6.:Ng@Eo3'-o !(u o) 0) o c coo()';*.S d' OLoQ)o€OtL Ia J<oz*<tr<i6NIL!Luo o,ot-ooo{drfIA tie*otoN Fr5rD ooou!(!o o o G F oao(.) 6 (, 6 F ggtoo!0, G E olu 6 oF of oF oE o I o3 !E^OtotL oo OO - UJJE gkkD &tc6 H330 "'66O (Da=o bl:lZ" g'6nE 6 ro to o Z E)E): E E E E E 5h='h='^!=E EEEE , iEtEEq;,iiu siiii z?agi;6EEENIE E3333 E[=2fi63'I 9u.:gP'i===='Fa9=66X;Etr6mE ;:333 6n65ddg3:?f5: 33III 8H*o',u-< ?--o-(Oio-C)(Orns-covoov =-wt.\q ;cloryoqNil? @voNr oN-NNcO aN-(O(O(Oq)Co,5->99o E>3393 EgNN(oNoN * o^i - ! 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P; =g 5 E Ho,f#t-"odY- 6-trFdUMr3 [3o3 oO oo9o)JI"o oza5ai Jt Zz d.2tU rio=E3OEYE5:BHg0 Eo- ts*c,N ,i.i @c,OoON*6e;5o sh Lee-Warner From: Sent: lo: Subject: Download Speed Grace Seaman Thursday, June 02, 2OL6L:49PM Shirley Lee-Warner FW: Fwd: i?.ECtlvE ?$16 Ji.Jlt -2 PH 3:37 ,- t.:li'i li\l._ir:tv, '; , -:r:"rr[liSSl0N Please add to Case No. DCM-T-16-01. From: Bruce Steed [ma ilto :bruce@d i rectcom.com] Sent: Thursday, June 02,2OtG 11:52 AM To: Grace Seaman <G race.Seaman@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: Fwd: Grace, I have included a screen shot of our web page. It has the speeds we offer and over what mediums we have. Please let me know if I could be of more help, Thanks Bruce Steed Accountant Direct Communications (208) 548 -234s Gig Mbps Mbps Mbps Mbps How Many Devices Can I Stream HD Video to at the Same Time? (Flecommendation onlY) As many as you can dream.1 100 50 25 20 Upload Speed 100Mbps 50Mbps 25Mbps 5Mbps "10 Regular Price $199.9s $9e.95 $79.95. $69.e5 Product Type Fiber Fiber Fiber, Cable Fiber DSL, Cable2Mbps$69.95 Fiber, DSL (Rockland & Arbon15 Mbps tl tl!iiiiI lMbps t*-,-*i**_** _;- - -l- Ir z i $5e.e5 il Fiber, IDSL i(Bear i loMbps i i i I ff i'i,illi.* YoJ" - I ?- | Y:ll- -: - 9i:':-- l1ri;lI'liFiber, IilillFroer'iI o Mbp-?--l -*pr .1.---- - r i-r::L-i-"-..?e iL___ *-i_