HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090914_2700.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER RED FO RD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:NANCY HYLTON DATE:SEPTEMBER 10, 2009 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF ROBERT BRUNO dba BRUNO BUlL HOMES On September 3 2009, the Commission received a "formal" complaint (Attachment A) from Robert Bruno dba Brunobuilt Homes against Idaho Power Company. The customer is disputing a return trip charge of $50. The Company s Rule H provides for an Underground Service Return Trip Charge when crews are unable to install service initially and must return to the site to complete installation (Attachment B). Idaho Power assessed the charge because it had to return to install electrical service at a home being built by Mr. Bruno at 10112 Whitecrest in Star, Idaho. Robert Bruno was unsatisfied with the outcome of the informal procedures to resolve his complaint and has filed this formal complaint. BACKGROUND Mr. Bruno s original informal complaint was opened on July 2, 2009. He was upset that Idaho Power had charged him a $50 return trip charge. The Company s refused to install service because the conduit in the ground wasn t perfectly vertical, was not close enough to the siding and was not clamped to the siding. At the time, the house was still being painted, and Mr. Bruno indicated that clamps are usually installed after exterior painting is finished. Mr. Bruno claimed that his building practices had never been questioned by Idaho Power in the past. He said it appeared to him that Idaho Power had put new rules in place since this is the first time he s ever been denied connection or assessed the return trip charge. Mr. Bruno doesn t believe the Company is consistent in enforcing its requirements and that he was not notified when apparently new requirements were adopted by the Company. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -SEPTEMBER 10, 2009 Idaho Power provided a link to the Company s website for a copy of the brochure that outlines the requirements that builders must now follow. The brochure (Attachment C) was revised in 2008. Idaho Power stated that a letter was sent to builders and developers that belong to the Building Contractors Association of Southwest Idaho (BCA). The Company did not provide Staff with a copy of this letter and could not verify that Mr. Bruno had received either the letter or the revised brochure. The Company indicated that Mr. Bruno is currently a member of the BCA. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Robert Bruno was not satisfied with the outcome of the informal complaint. Consequently, he filed a formal complaint. See Rules 23 , 25 and 54, IDAP A , . 024 and .054. Staff recommends that the Commission issue a summons to Idaho Power and direct the Company to file a response to the complaint. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept Robert Bruno s formal complaint? Does the Commission wish to issue a Summons to Idaho Power? :2z ~ ~, Nancy / udmemoslRobert Bruno Fonnal Complaint dec memo DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -SEPTEMBER 10, 2009 BRUNOBUILT CD )\lE ";; CD ' l. " ' September 03.2009 -., rr1:;:: '~n:;':: " . n~:' ,' ::~-=: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: f\.'ls, Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary PO Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Re: Fonnal Complaint against Idaho Pow' en; ,--- Dear Ms, Jewell: I would like to Connally make a complaint against Idaho Power t()r the assessment of a $50. return trip charge applied to my job at 10112 Whitecrest in Star (Service Agreement No, 0350151331), My complaint is that Idaho Power Company is inconsistent in their application of their rules and guidelines for contractors and as a result allows contractors to become confused as to what they will or will not allo",,' in the field. As a result, my subcontractors had installed a run of conduit which \\'asn perfectly vertical or attached to the building expecting Idaho Power Company to install the meter and the pl)WCr regardless. It turns out that Idaho Power Company chose m:y particular job site to deny power to, causing me to lose severa! days of scheduling and work, losing hundreds of dollars of income and then without notification bjJled me $50 to go back and instal! the meter and the power. I have attached a photo of the meter and the conduit in its state when they refused to install the power to the house and also attache-d another photograph showing a recent job wherc they did install the power to the house. In the second photo the conduit was more vertical but clearly not attached to the building \vhich is suppose-d to be one of their steadfast rules and one ofthe reasons they didn t install rov.'er to the job site this complaint is about. Obviously they can t decide when to enforce their rules and in my mind they should not be able to arbitrarily charge a customer a fee whenever they damned \vell please. I have photographs of several locations 1A,'here the pow'er company has installed power to homes with crooked conduit or unattached conduit, showing that they pick and choose who they want to help and who they want to hurt on any given day, In addition, I have attached a photo of their habit of littering our job sites \Vh jeh their management has told me 1 cannot hold them responsible for without asking their permission! It is my opinion and the opinion of many' a power company customer, both residential and commercial, that this utility company has the attitude that they don t care because they don t have to. r want the $50 charge abated along with any interest or penalty charges which they may have tried to Robert Bl'uno BrunoBuilt, Inc. cc.. Better Business Bureau BRUNOBUILT, tNC, 947 E. Winding Cr~~k Eagle, Idaho 831&16 ~~_.,,"_. Office: 208.938.2.357 Fall: 2.011.938.2359 www,t),fli,lnQ!)l,IlllCQIt) r--;) c::::J'...0 (.I);;::JrT1 r-tI c'.)IT! =1: ;;" -.I Attachment A Page 1 of 6 Page I of3 Robert From: Smith , Matt (MSmith~idahopower,comJ Sent: Tuesday, July 07 , 20091:41 PMTo: RobertCc: John&on, Guy Subject: RE: RE- Dear Mr- Bruno,! originally told you when j spook to you on Thursday July,2 that I would check into why it was turned down, I did that and I was told the conduit was not against the siding and the clamp was not installed to secure the conduit. I shared this with you when '.'oJe talked this morning and I did say I was told it was aprox 8" away and you disputed that. I then said I would check again and I did, I responded back that the 8 " was more a guess and that was from the foundation and not the siding and j apologized for that. I also e-mailed you a picture of the conduit and why it was turned down. I talked to your excavator and he said it was Yo. or 4 inches from the siding but he agreed that that was too far, I also have talked to your electrician to get his perspective and he thought it was bec8J.Jse the clamp was missing. We do want the clamp installed and we do sometimes push wire before the damp is installed but the main reason this was turned down was the distance from the siding and we also s.tated that the damp was missing, He agreed that it should have been doser, You also stated that the siding was stucco and that's why the clamp was not installed and why it was away from the siding, this is not correct as the picture shows. I as J stated before I stand behind the work of my employees and if we make a ITijs~ake as we do on occasion! wl11 correct the issue and resolve the dispute- You also stated that we "always leave the wire ends and trash at your work site, If this does happen please contact me and we will resolve the issue because we expect our employees to clean up their mess. I would encourage you to review the Reduced charge Option for Underground Electrical Service at http://www.r(iC:lhQP_\III_eJJ~QmI Matt W. Smith Lines Leader, Capita! Region Idaho Power Company (208) 388-2053 msmith (g!ida hopowec com From: Robert (maIlto:Robert(Q)brunobuiltcomJ sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 11:02 AM To: Smith, Matt Subject: RE: For the record Mr Smith, you told me today that the conduit was 8 inches away from the house and that is why the power wasn t pulled. You also told me as a result I was billed a return trip charge, Your crews told me they wouldn t pull the power because the conduit wasn t clamped down to the house Something that is a common practice- (Not having a clamped riser until trim out) Get your stories straight You WOI1 t make a good witness if you don't Robert Bruno Brut'loBuilt ~ Inc, 947 E Winding Creek Drive Eagle, lD t;3616 938-1357 9/3/2009 Attachment A Page 2 of 6 Page 2 of 3 from: Smith, Matt (mallto:MSmith(Q)idahopower.com) sent: Tuesday, July Ol, 2009 9:27 AM To: Robert Subject: Matt W Smith Lines Leader, Capital Region Idaho Power Company (208) 388-2053 msmith~idahopower.com a=.M~- This transmissioll may collt,,;n ",formatIOn thaI "P""t!~ged,coll!idenlial and/ol exel'l1p! from dlsdcsure under apphe2ble Ja\\', liyou are not the Intended re",lplent, ~'ou ;If~ h~"~b)' il()titi~d that oilY dis~I"'ur~, COP\,j,'l'.' disll'ih,Jtioll , (y; II::': ofth~ ;11fo""31'OOI oo"",i'II),1 h~,.~in l;t1duditl1\ an)' ",Ii~"cc lh~"~I)!lJ i~ STRICTI. Y f'ROHlRrTED Jf \'Oll re"",\'oo thIS transmi",ion in ",mr, please lI"medlately eonlacl the ""nder and d",lroy the mat""al 1Il 115 entIrety. whelk, m elecllonic or hard wp~' tOnnal Thalll Y"", 9/3/2009 Attachment A Page 3 of 6 /7fr "5 :C; I~ /1f. Ie "~JJY,v ~-f' :T() f~1/? t?rt:l~ 'pV;t,1 /1f (~!r" CJ /? S'~ I7!r C' lA-I IT U/'t J Ow ?'o )/fP 07v I) ~e; 'ti.,-o fitj-,(C 7J 1(" -ciS ;f--,v /) ~- fril~M. //'b Tc 17(0 &t: ilf N*~ Af,ITA-c #etJ r'j/-C;v /7fffv )lf $'7 IT; 4-f~;iT /;/A"I;e J-~(~/~MS 10 lu~T/J-t/1 4- ~4( lec;c 77iw 5 / /16tH' G~ p/f ,(jvvV' tp ();:: h ? /f L()7V:..0 i;1.e A/ cC' /r Attachment A Page 4 of 6 1\... '-..; Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H- Cancels Oriqinal Sheet No. H- IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective May 30, 2008 June 1 , 2008 Per O.N. 30558 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.C. No. 29 Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) g. Temporary Service Return Trip Charqe . If the conditions stated in Section 5.f. of this rule are not satisfied prior to the Customer s request for temporary service, a Temporary Service Return Trip Charge of $35.00 will be assessed each time Company personnel are dispatched to the job site , but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. h. Unusual Conditions . Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers will pay the Company the additional costs associated with any Unusual Conditions included in the Work Order Cost related to the construction of a Line Installation or Relocation. This payment, or portion thereof, will be refunded to the extent that the Unusual Conditions are not encountered. Unusual Conditions payments for Line Installations will also be refunded, under the provisions of Section 6, if the Unusual Conditions are encountered. In the event that the estimate of the Unusual Conditions included in the Work Order Cost exceeds $10 000 , the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider may either pay for the Unusual Conditions or may furnish an Irrevocable Letter of Credit drawn on a local bank or local branch office issued in the name of Idaho Power Company for the amount of the Unusual Conditions. Upon completion of that portion of the project which included an Unusual Conditions estimate, Idaho Power Company will bill the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider for the amount of Unusual Conditions encountered up to the amount established in the Irrevocable Letter of Credit. The Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider will have 15 days from the issuance of the Unusual Conditions billing to make payment. If the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider fails to pay the Unusual Conditions bill within 15 days, Idaho Power will request payment from the bank. i. Joint Trench.Applicants, Additional Applicants , and subdividers will pay the Company for trench and backfill costs included in the work order prepared for an unshared trench. In the event that the Company is able to defray any of the trench and backfill costs included in the work order through the sharing of the trench with other utilities , the trench and backfill cost savings will be refunded. j. Underqround Service Return Trip Charqe When a residential Customer agrees to supply the trench, backfill , conduit, and compaction for an underground service, an Underground Service Return Trip Charge of $50.00 will be assessed each time the Company installation crew is dispatched to the job site at the Customer s request, but is unable to complete the cable installation. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 30558 Effective - June 1 , 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Attachment B IrwtO POWER~ Reduced Charge Option for Underground Electrical Service Revised June 2008An IDACOR P Company Program Explanation The Reduced Charge Option is available for new 1-0 underground electrical services and allows the customer to install the conduit for the service cable. When the installation is complete inspected, and all requirements have been met Idaho Power will then install the cable and meter at a reduced charge. Be sure to connect to the proper equipment. Refer to the Definitions section or contact Idaho Power for clarification. Call Dig-Line for locations at least 2 business days before digging. l)ial 811 Know what's below. Call before you dig.Nationwide Conformance Each installation is subject to review and inspection at any time by Idaho Power for conformance to these specifications. If a non-conformance is discovered such as the conduit length, route, depth, etc., or if you are not ready when the installation crew arrives, the cable WILL NOT BE INSTALLED and you will be charged $50.00 for each return trip. After the non-compliance is corrected, contact Idaho Power to reschedule the installation. Contact Idaho Power if: This is your fIrst time using this program. Your service exceeds any of the design limits. . A conduit stub cannot be found. . You require service from a pole. Reduced Charge Option, DFE 071 Revised June 2008 Design Limitations 200 Amp. For self-contained meter bases up through 200 amps that meet the following limitations, you do not need to contact Idaho Power until you are ready for your service to be installed. Use 2" gray, ULIisted, Schedule 40 PVC Use 2" conduit, bends, and fittings unless Idaho Power specifically tells you to use 3" 125' maximum service length This is the horizontal distance measured along the service route between Idaho Power s equipment and the meter, . Up to 1350 of conduit bends. Don t inciude the bends at the meter or Idaho Power s equipment in the 1350 limit. 400 Amp. For larger self-contained meter bases up through 400 amps, you must contact Idaho Power for approval in advance to ensure a proper design. 3" conduit All services to meter bases larger than 200 amps require 3" conduit, bends , and fittings. Additional Requirements Conduit bends. Only use gray colored manufactured bends with a radius of at least 24" Do not form your own bends! 24" Radius , - - approx, - - - - - 44"l---/ Trench and Backfill. Backfill Material No rocks larger than 2" No trash or rubbish Page 1 of 5 Attachment C Page 1 of 5 Reduced Charge Option Revised June 2008 WARNING! Non-confonnances may have to be coITected at the builder s expense, Important Information DON'T heat the conduit in any way to shape it or to fonn bends, DON'T leave open trenches. Any open trench must be adequately barricaded or protected to ensure public safety as required by local state, or federal rules and regulations, Keep open trenches to a minimum. DON'T change conduit sizes in the run. DO compact the trench particularly near the meter where settling could pull the conduit down and damage the meter base. Although compacting the trench is the builder responsibility, the homeowner is responsible for any future settling. DO make square conduit cuts. Remove buITS from the inside and outside edges. DO glue conduit j oillts. All joints must be completely seated and pennanently glued with Pye cement. DO keep dirt and debris out of the conduit. DO keep proper trench separations, Keep a 12" horizontal and vertical clearance between the electrical conduit and all other utilities and any structures. DO keep proper meter separations. The electric and gas meters must be separated as shown. IDAHO POWER. '" IDACO," C~pc" Ownership and Maintenance Idaho Power assumes ownership of the builder- installed conduit when the electrical service cable is installed. However, the builder is responsible for the condition of the conduit and trench until the ownership of the home is transferred to the fIrst buyer. After the cable has been installed, Idaho Power will own and maintain: All conduit and fittings installed below the fmished grade. The entire length of electric cable and the connections at Idaho Power s equipment. The meter. NOTE. Idaho Power will connect the cable to the meter base but the homeowner will own and maintain the connections, After the cable has been installed, the builder or homeowner will own and maintain: All conduit and fittings installed above the finished grade. The trench and any landscaping, The meter base and its connections to the electric cable. All wiring and electrical connections on the customer s side of the meter. Meter Base Guidelines Refer to the Meter Base Identification Guidelines located on \vww.idahopower,com. Meter Base Requirements The meter base must accept 3" conduit if 3" conduit is used for the service. The meter base and conduit must be on the outside of an outside structure wall and remain accessible to Idaho Power. Exceptions must be approved in advance! Page 2 of 5 Attachment C Page 2 of 5 Reduced Charge Option Revised June 2008 Locate the meter on the side ofthe house toward the front. Don t place the meter behind a fence. Don t put the meter at the back of the house. Don t put the meter here NOTE, Placing the meter in front of the fence will keep the meter reader out of the back yard, The center of the meter must be 5'6" (+/- 6" above the finished grade. Meters installed on a pedestal require a minimum height on' WARNING! Slip Coupling Support Bracket Any conduit above ground must meet applicable electrical code requirements, (+/- 6") w Finished Grade Keep this conduit straight Suggestion, Block out a section of the footing for an easier installation, .." IOACC", Cempo" NOT PERMITTED Keep the riser straight Don t form the PVC conduit with heat or add extra bends Transformers Most transfonners have 2" or 3" conduit stubs as shown below. Expose the end of the stub and connect your new conduit. If the stub marker cannot be found, contact your Idaho Power representative. Don t dig under the transformer! Street Idaho Power Conduit Stub Transformer Street c:=::=? Builder Conduit Approx, i-5' Conduit Stub Marker Idaho Power's Conduit Stub Page 3 of 5 Attachment C Page 3 of 5 Reduced Charge Option Revised June 2008 Handholes Most handholes do not have conduit stubs. Plumb the conduit into the nearest comer of the handhole using a 450 or 900 bend with the end 2" above the handhole floor. Plug or cap the open end ofthe conduit to keep out dirt and debris. If there is a conduit stub, expose the end and connect your conduit to it. Street Street Handhole 30" min Builder450 bend Conduit Street Handhole Builder Conduit WARNING! Call Dig-Line for locations at least 2 business days before digging. Dilli 811 Know what's below. Call before you dig.Nationwide '" mACGRP Cem,a", Contact Idaho Power if your service involves a pole. Special Requirements for Poles You must meet with an Idaho Power representative prior to digging the trench detennine: 1. If the pole is adequate for your service, 2. Which side of the pole you must route the conduit toward. Trench all the way to the base of the pole, If the pole becomes unstable, contact Idaho Power immediately! When backfilling the trench, leave 6' to 8' open adjacent to the pole. Any open trench must be adequately barricaded or protected for public safety. After Idaho Power connects the pole riser and conduit, it is the builder s responsibility to backfill and compact any remaining trench, Call Idaho Power to determine which side of pole to route the conduit toward /i /1 ~ , i i18" Leave 6' to S' of Open Trench Barricade as Needed 30" min 36" max B"Ude', Seal the End of the Conduit Page 4 of 5 Attachment C Page 4 of 5 Reduced Charge Option Revised June 2008 Important Idaho Cost Information The cost infonnation below has been extracted from the "Rule H Line Installation Tariffs . You may view the tariffs on http://idahopower.com/aboutus/reQulatorvinfo/tariffPdf.asp?id=32&,pdf . Copies are available by contacting Idaho Power or the respective Public Utilities Commission, Underground Services (400 amp max. The non-refundable charge for a new Schedule or Schedule 7, llildergrollild 1-0 service consists of a Base Charge plus a Distance Charge. These costs do not apply to services with meter bases larger than 400 amps. Base Charqe From underground ..............,.............,........$40, From overhead (2" pole riser) ...,..............$395, From overhead (3" pole riser) ,.,.........,.....$520, Distance Charqe With 1/0 service cable............................,.,$2,15/ft With 4/0 service cable....,...,........,.............$3.601ft With 350 service cable........................,....,$4,65/ft NOTE. Use the following Distance Charges if Idaho Power provides the trench and conduit: Distance Charqe OPCo trench & conduit) With 1/0 cable .......................,..................,$6,90/ft With 4/0 cable .............................,............,$7,50/ft With 350 cable ...,.......................,.............,$9,601ft There may also be additional charges for unusual trenching conditions, Temporary Services The non-refundable charge for installing a 1- temporary service is: From underqround ..........,...,................., $140. The customer-provided meter pole must be securely set within 2' of the hand hole or padmounted transformer. From overhead ....................................... $120, The customer-provided meter pole must be securely set in a location that will allow the temporary service conductor to be attached to the permanent meter location by merely relocating it. A maximum of 100' of #2 Tx conductor is allowed. TEMPORARY SERVICE NOTES. Electrical facilities provided by the customer must be properly grounded, electrically and structurally safe, provide adequate clearances and ready for connection, The customer must obtain all permits required by the applicable state, county, or municipal governments before calling Idaho Power and provide copies or verification , as required. . The site must be inspected, if required. All conditions must be met before the service will be connected, (If any condition is not met, the service will not be connected and the customer will be billed $35.00 per trip each time Idaho Power dispatches personnel to connect it.) NaTE. These costs are subj ect to change. Call Idaho Power for current pricing. Contact Idaho Power for Ore2on Cost Information IDAHO POWER. M IDACO" C~p."' Page 5 of 5 Attachment C Page 5 of 5