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Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho,com _,1Ii_,.!: !n.,,_r ? t-i-/ ::.;'ii'' r Fil3:IT ,:_ -i ',i,_,ilI-'''-':'i":;illlii April 16,2021 WA El*tonlc tall Jan Norinrki, Commission Secretary ldaho Public l.ltillties Commission 11331 W. Chinden Bhd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Bolse, [D83714 bs'-T- ar-o' P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 CusterTelephone Cooperative, lnc. Application br Broadband Tax Credit Certification br 2020 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed fur filing, please find a copy of Custer Telephone Cooperative lnc.'s Appllcation in the above referenced case. I have not sent a hard oopy so please let me knor if lrou wlll requlre that priorto opening the case. lf you have any quostions or need any addftbnal informatbn, please feel fiee to oontact rne. Slncerely, Cynthia A. Melillo CAW EndosureCc: Sherry Maestas Re: Qmthia A. Melillo [ISB No. 5819] CYNfi{IA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Strect Boise,ID 83704 Tclephone: Q08) 577 -5747 cam@camlawidaho.com Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperativg Inc. BEFORE TITE IDAEO PTJBLIC UTILITIES COMIIIISSION CaseNo. IN THE MATTER OF T}IE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATryE, INC., FOR BROADBA}{D TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION CUSTER TELEPHONE cooPERATrVE, rNC.',S APPLICATION Custer Telephone Cooperativg Inc. ('Custer Telephond' or "Applicanf), by and through its attorneys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Application for au Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commissiod) order oertiffing that certain telecornmunications equipnent is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax sredit authorized by Section 63-3B9,Idaho Code. ln support of its Application, Custer Telephone states as follows: l. Custer Telephone is a provider of basic local exchange senrice, broadband telecommunications senrice and other telecommunications services in Idaho. 2. During the calendar year 2020, Custer Telephone made certain investrreirts that constitute "gualified broadband oquipnnelrf' within the meaning of Section 63-3029(D(3Xb), Idaho Code. Elfiibit A, attached h€reto, describes Ctst€r Telephone's Eulified broadband equipment and contains the inforrration and representations required by this Cornmission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-01-10. CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE,INC.'S APPLICATION - I 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addr€ssd to the following: ClmthiaA. Melillo qmthiaA. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Stre€t Boisq ID 83704 (208) s77-s747 cam@camlawidaho.com Shsry Maestas Orster Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 324 Ctallis,ID83226 (208) 879rm08 sherry.maestas@cust€rtel.oom Applicant does not believe that the prblic intsr€st requires a hearing on this matter and therefore, requests that the Cmissim aplrove the Application by Minute Orrder or tmdcrModifiedProce&re. IntheweotthcCorrrmissimdeGmircsthatfirtherpnoceedingsare nocessary, Applicant staods ready for immediale headngs. WHEREFORE, Custer Telephone roqucsts that fte Commission issue its order daenniniqg that the irstalld equipnnent idatified in Exhibit A constitut€s qualified broadband equip,ment eligible for the inveshent tax credit arhorized by Section 63-3029l,Idaho Code. RESPECTFLJLLY SLTBMTTED this t06 day ofApril 2021. 4. 1*-n/n,^ilil, Qmtfiaa Melillo | - CYNIIIIA A" MELILLO PLLC Attcneys for ClsterTelephme Coopaativg Inc. CT'SIER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, [NC.'S APPLICATION . 2 CIRTIFICATE OT' SERVICE I HERBBY CERTIFY tbat on this 166 day of April 2U2l,I crus€d to be seirred a tsue and cor€ct copy of the foregoiqg by thc method indicatd bdow, md ad&,essed to the following: Jan Noriyuki, Conrmission Sowtary Idaho Rrblic Utilitics Cmmission 11331 W. CtindoBlvd. BuildingS, Suite 201-A Boiss ID 83714 P.O. Box 83720 Boiss ID 83720-0/Jfl4 U.S.I\,Iail Iland Deliverod OvcrnigbtMail Faosimile Blccttonic tvlail A. cusTBR TELBIIONE COOPERAmE rNC.'S APPLICATION - 3 Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application 2020 Year End Companv Information l. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. Typeofcompany: 4. Contact pemon: Eouioment Descriotion 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Network description: 7. Transmission rate: 8. Number and percentage of Idaho customers served: Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Box324,l l0l East Main Ave., Challis Idaho 83226 Telecommunications Carrier, ISP, Wireless Provider, Long Distance provider Sherry Maestas, Box 324, Challis lD 83226 sherry.maestas@custertel.oom 208-8794008 ADSL, VDSL FTIII and Wireless seryices Fiber optio fad DLC's with l2K non-loaded Gopper distribution cable, Fiber optic backbone and tranqport electronics, Fiber to the Home distribution and elwtronics, 3G & 4G wireless data. Lowct subscribed rata,:512 Kbper sec to and 128 Kb from subscribcr Lowest advertis€d: l0 I\,Ib per sec to and lMb per sec from a subscriber Highe$ advertised: I Gb per sec to and 200 Mb per sec from a subscriber 1,528 customers with broadbund servioe out of 1,700 possible 9. Equipment list:See attached Broadband Equipment List Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. attests that the items listed in Exhibit A are necessary to the provision of broadband service and an integral part of the broadband network. I hereby certiff that I have read the applicable statutes for bnoadband investnent income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the ta:r credit under Idaho Code 63-3029I. Sherry Maestas Dirpctor of Finance Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Cuttar Tchphorc Cooplrtlr!, lrc 2020 Brot&.nd Trr ordr ApCLrtion DErlptlq Wlrclcss BB Equlp wirtls BBESrlp Wirrl.$ EB Equlp Wi.ls BB Equlp Wcl"rs BB Equlp Wtths BB EquiP WLrIE BB Equlp Wtrth$ BB Equlp WrGlclr EE Equlp Wirchrt EB Egulp WiEl6 D8 Eeuip Wr.h$ 88 Equlp W]d.s !a Equlp wrl!l.$ 8B Equlp Wichs 88 Equlp Wrth$ EB Equlp Wmhs 88 Equip WlruJc.s BB Equip Wrdlts BB Equlp Wr.L3r BB Equlp FTTH Ot{T FTTH OI{T FTTH OIIT FTTH OilT FrrH oifi FITH ONT FTTH OI{T FITH OIIIT ffTH ONT FTTH ONT FTI}I OI{T FITH OiII FTTH O{iIT FNHo,$ FTTH ON'T FTTH OI{T FTTH ONT FTIH OI{T GPON ESIpm.nt €PON Eqdpmmt GPOtil EqdFi.nt 6PON Equlpmut 6PON Equlpmem Co6t I 7"s60.00I 9,2!coo 5 35,i|8t33I 22E1.t36 s 30,46093s 24.60019s 46,00249s 54,610.70S 3J42,67s 997.67 s 3,142.67 S 997.c,s I,tTt.tts 1,345.24$ 1:5s.825 4,w.47s 8160.56 5 9,176.475 r5,rE235s 5p19.12I 5r2jss 372,82s 55025I 576.17s 640.15 9 :s8.40 5 z?tlns 933.75 s 1,9:1652I 3Er,9Zt 931.61$ 3,11L/r39 4r5:l.4s5 BTazS 2,o55rls 36,093J5 S 1,13s.47s {6,9!9.ES3 27,t27.$s 2r,u7,a03 2Ltzr.&s 2tu7.4oI 41,24r.42 4l,3.lmTt td2 llYqt ordcr Manuhctwr/Pmddcr 201900s2 Erlcss 2020@5 Comsp. 20190131 6mscop! 20190131 Comspc 201901s1 l{dd. 201908r Nokh 20190131 EdcEd 20190131 Erhrson 20190131 Cbo 20190131 Cb6o 2019081 Ch.o 20190131 Clr6 2O19OM Mcr. 20190131 EhcL 20190131 PomrProdqct3 20190131 Porcr Productt 20l90M PorcrProducB 20150131 Rryap 20190131 Nort l 2Ol9O1!11 Po6rPrcdrctr 202(mst olh 202000?6 olh 20200026 cllh 202@071 C.lh 2020m2 crllr 20200U9 Ollr 20200@3 c.lL 2020m8 C.fr 202@2 c,ll 2020010 0h 202000a olh z@rtXXr/B Olix 202@69 olb. 2o2m:, clth 2020102 Ah( 2o:xmoEi c.lh 202qrl34 olb( 202m02 Crllx 202@48 CrlL 20AXDa8 C.lh 20rqrr8 c& 2O2O@|E C.lh m2O648 Crllx E tlodslslDtlo.4 tTEwrab$&.e St tlm Bflllol(xtg/l 1 @i,MS@PE MTOSOC DAIYDMTOR FO8 C}IAU 7 OMNIANIENNN 5 OTI,INI ANTENNAS II{\'ERTED 1 A|RSCAI.EBEU 2 I{OXIA REMOIE RADIO HEADr ERlc Soltl EASEEANo 6s30 2 ERIGSEONMH444g 1 CIS@ Ncs 520 Swltctr I CTSCO NCS520 METROACCESS LICENSE I C6@Nc552OSPARE I CISCO NG520ll/btro AE6s Ll@n..r Sp.rcI M.s. Sport C.Hnrtt Eltrk rlctllicrch$i! 1 Controllcr 3 50 lmp rtctlict 8 170rh b:ttcry 2 R.yop OlrP 1 CDMA gIS 1 PCIA'EN DISTRET,IK)N RAO(I 71lGE OilT 2POIS 26E-CE -CHIS I 711GE OiaT 2Pcfis 26E-CE -CH|S 1 7116( OtiIT 2POI5 lGE tFE -OtS 2 TIICXONT2POTSl6E IFE-CHI5 1 711GX C,aitT 2POIS 1GE lFE +IS t 7la oilr4 PoIs2.ETHERNET-CIilS 8 31:16.1 GIGAI{JB 2PqI5 4GE UPS PIA'R {HIsr 3r:G.1 6rc IUB2POrS4GE UFS PWR-CHS 4 812G.1 6tGAn ! 2FOIS .tGE UPS n Yi +t !i 1 844G-16|6ACEM!R 2FOE 4GE -Cilts 1 8/t4G1 GTGACE]IIIIR 2POIS 4GE -c}il.s 5 t4ilo'l CTGACE|i|TER zPOTS 4GE -C1{5 7 ErIGT GrcACENIER 2POTS 4GE.OI.s 2 844G-l 6I6ACENIER 2Pqr5.+6E.Ols { 844e1 6rc cEItER2POISrtGE-Glls 75 8{4G.I GIGACEIIIIER IPOIS4GE{HI.S 2 8'4GI GIGACEflTEN 2POIS 4GE.CHIS6t 844G1 6l6ACEinER 1POTS itGE 4ilS 1 E -Z GPON€ 12 ord daytonI E -2 GPoNa a 6rd Bk Brnd t E -2 GFOI,[8 A erd lhy t E7-2GPOi{€12erdSpro 2 E -2 N6FoNz.lclrdcl4,ton lEt lrd t,lt Cilntv loc.tifi! .lul-20 Ont r: Chyton M[.fc All3-20 O5trr: Orytff Erd[ntc D.c20 Cun r: CEryton Uchmtt D.c.zO Od.r: ctyton Erch][r D.c-20 Ort r: Chyton ErchrnS€ Dre20 Cuctcr: Ch6on ErchrlEa Dro20 Curtrr: chyton Ecdr,|r Dro-20 orter: cltyton Erclran3a D.c-20 qltt.ri cbyton BC]r.r!G D!c-20 Cunlr: Chyton E di.nte DGc-20 qrdrr: Clryton Odlrnla D.c-2O CBtGr: Chyton Exchrni. Dcc-2O OEtir chyton Ech.ntG D.c-2O Orrt r: Cllyton Erch.ryG D.c20 OJrtur: O.yton Ech.nSc D.c-20 Curt'r: O.yton Elchllra DGC-2O O8tcr: Chyton Erchrltc D.elo cLEtcr: Chytfi Erch.ry 0ac.20 Or6trr: Oryton Elch.nrc Oft-2O Curt"r: Oryt6 Bclrrlc Mrf2o Ortcr: Chrllb Erdrn3c Jun-20 qltt.r: Chrlllr Bc{rrqc M.y-20 Cu(.r: Ch.llls Echrrtc Jun-2O Cu3t r: Cfullir a.llng! D.c-20 Cunrt Chllb Eduqr Oc-20 Curtrr Chrlllc EdrrEc scF20 C$tcr: Orllls Ercfu rye o.c-20 lfi$l: at E nd Bchrnjo O.e20 Om.n Ch.lllr Echrryr Ln-20 Cur!.r: Chdk Ed|llIC &r-20 Conlr: Ch.llb Brduc: rr.f20 ql'!.r: Ctlrll' Echlrl. ,uF20 Orecchllltfurrrl.. ir*20 Curt c Ch.lli, &ct n|r AB-2o cutEr: Chllllt Ed|llr3G S.p20 curttn Chllb E.ch.ll. Nor20 OEtln Chlllis Edrry? O.c.20 qEtln Ch.lllt El.h.ng! Dcc-2O Custcn CLyton Erclunte D.c-2O lamhi: Ek lGnd B.dr.rtc D:e20 LmhL Mry Erdrrgc D.c-zo olstlr: Of,llb ErdErEG D.o,20 Orsr drFon Edrrnfc ctBlEr Tchphom cooPcntiw, lm. 2020 Brqdbcnd T.r Cndt Apdlc*lon Dlrgidea GPO.II Equlpm.nt GPOI{ C.Upm.m 116! ElquiprrcDt Bthipmnl OSL EqulprBtrt Buri.d FlbGrcrbla Budcd flbrr c.bb Brlcd FibcrOblc &rdcd tibrr Oblc Eurh FlbrrCrbh luit.d Flb.robb e.,rlcd FlbGrclbh &ricd Flbcr0bh Burild Hblrc.Uc Burlcd Flhcr crble Burlcd Fibcr crbh Bt/drd Flb.r CrbL Build Flb6 Crbh turtod Fb.f c.bh turir:d fberCrHc 8{rrLd OUt Euricd AU. Burlad c,hle Euriad crua Burlcd Crblc Buri.d c.bb BurieddG Buri.d Obl! luidCeHc EuLdcrHr Eurt d cruc Burlcd Oblc Burlrd Oblo Wo* (hdrr ManufrctuHrPBridu 20arm€ o[r 202I,m48 olh 20200017 AF(/fdhbc Z02o@17 AFc/r.lbbu 2O2Om93 AFCf|. ll$c 20200053 cornina 2o20m2!i CornlrE 202.00il8 cornlru 20200132 Comln3 2oit0013l Ootnlng 2020@1 Confia 2020056 Omlry 2Ol9O14l ornlna 2020m1 ComlnS 20200001 corni,f 20100081 comitl 20190Ll Coml,t 20200001 Cornl[ 2O2(DO1 Conlry 20ADO1 comlrt 20200121 G.nrnl clbh l020OO2:t 6Gn r.l C.U. 20200074 6en"nl c.H! 2o2m0B GGrcnlc.Uc 20200106G.n nlc.bh 20:l@09, Grmnlc.blE a2q!{r95 G.rEr.lc.bh 2OZDUI Gcnml crbb ztrxrolm G.mElobh 20200099 6.n6nl c.Ur 2o2{xxIi9 G.n.nl c.bb 2ozD111 Gtr.nlcrblc 2018.41 €.n.ol Crbh @ ItiiodrlorlDtlo.I E-2ll6POtQ4cr'dM.y I E7-2tlGPOlO4c.rdsp.E 5 ADS[2.6TGAFCCARDS 10 VD5T2+6X6 BONDEDAfCCARDS 10 vusu+Gx6 BoNDED AFC CtnDS 200 BFil BuriGd Flb.ropthclblc 65,4 lFO4 Burl.d Rb.roptlc C:bla 310 BFO4 Burild Flbcroptlc C.blc 270 8fro4 8{rrlcd S.r OF(& C.U. 418 8FO4 Buricd EbrOpdcObh a63E4 BFOU Burhd Flb.r OprE clblr 1,050 BFO24 ludrd Flb.r Opdc CrUc 2,350 BFO24 Burlrd Flb.roptk C.blc 3,786 BFO24 Buri.d Fb.roptk c.bL 24246 BFO288 Burl.d Flb.r Optlc crblo lOO !FO4 Burild ffb.roptlcc.bl! 1,170 BFO4 Buricd Flb.rOptlc ctuc 33,580 BFOI Buricd Flbcr OFdc OUc 2,2(P BfO48 Bui.d Fib.r OptkC.Ht 2,292 EFO95i Ad.d Hbd O@ Obh 418 Bud.dC.UlBFCU-22 334 Bud.dCrUc-BF,C'22lm Burlcd C$1.-BFCE22 122 Burtcd Crblc-lFrcGzz 124 BuriGd Ob|G-BFC&22 168 SurLd ObbBFC&22 2lX, Euricd C.UG-BFCA,22 206 BurbdC.blc{FCE22 297 Suiicd CIbICLBFG:UI il45 Bljdldc.bL+fcGzl Ttil Burildc.UFBFCG22 1,404 BudcdCrHFEfO&22 3,0{6 Burlcd clu.{rcez2 Tobl Bro.db.nd Asrrtt h8fllf4!!!f Countvlootlo6 Dac-20 tcmhl: Mry Edrlf,c Drc-20 GrEn Ch.llir 6rhan6a Fcb,20 Cur!.r: Chrllb EdtrIl3. FGb-20 Antrr: Ch.lk Erdwc Dce20 CuEtffi Challb Brchrnac Mrp20 Grnr; CfulIa Erchr4a Jutr-2o lrmhl: ElkLnd Edrln8. S.p-20 Cunrr: drl[3 Erch.ntc t{o-20 tucrr: Chdb &chrqc t{ov-20 Gur:n Chd[r Erdujc D!e20 @!tcn Ch.llit EachalI. D!c2O o,n!r: Cbytfi Edl.at. D3c-2o trmhl: Et Bsrd Erchenfe Dre20 Cuser: Chrllie Bchlnac D.c-20 c$t r: Chrllis EtclEn0. DGc-20 qr$cr: Chyton trchanE. Drc-20 bmhi: Elk Band Erch3r!! Dc-20 Qltrn Chrllr Erhrqc O.+.20 qlltln Ch|lb A.htn3! DGC-m Orn e ChrllB Echlr. tlw-20 Ortrr; Cfultc E dtrlr3e Jun-2O C6!tr: Ch.llb Odt.n3r ,un-20 qat! : chllb E(drn3c ]un-10 OInd: C]r.lli. 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