HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190827Petition.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208) 577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com RECEIVED 2019 AU0 27 Pt{ l: 3 | August 27,2019 l*i\l-iO nUBL|O JT r r- i? i Es-coMh{ lssl@,$,1 Via Hand Delivery Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, lD 83720-0074 RE Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Petition for Amendment of Certificated Service Area Boundary Dear Ms. Hanian Attached for filing with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission is an original and seven copies of a Petition for Amendment of Certificated Service Area Boundary for Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. lf you have any questions regarding this filing or if you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, /(, Cynthia A. Melil Cc: Dennis Thornock (via electronic maif) Enclosures ORIGINAL Cynthia A. Melillo ISB No. 5819] CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, lD 83704 Telephone: (208) 577 -57 47 cam@camlawidaho.com Attorneys for Petitioner Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. FOR AMENDMENT OF ITS CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY cASE No: Cus --T- tq-ol REC E IVE D ?il9 flU$ 27 Pil l:3 | ,_.^!::,1 :l-l ", i ": , , -, , r*,' ;t.; ,r: ,,i AMENDMENT OF SERVICE AREA CN C+trL)Jt PETITION FOR CERTIFICATED BOUNDARY Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., an ldaho mutual non-profit corporation ("CTC|"), by and through its attorneys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, respectfully petitions the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an Order approving this Petition for Amendment of Certificated Service Area Boundary. ln support of which, CTCI states as follows: 1. CTCI is a mutual, non-profit telephone corporation organized under the laws of the State of ldaho and exempt from regulation by the Commission. CTCI's principle place of business is in Challis, ldaho and CTCI maintains a full-service wire center in Challis and remote special access wire centers May, Elk Bend and Clayton. CTCI provides basic local exchange telecommunications services, MTS, WATS, access services to inter-exchange carriers, special access services, broadband and other telecommunications services that its customers may request or require from time to time. 2. On April 10,2007, the Commission issued Order Nos. 30290 and 30291 granting CTCI's applications for an amended certificate for an exclusive service area for telecommunications service pursuant to ldaho Code 62-610E (previously ldaho Code 62-615), and simultaneously issued CTCI the First Amended Certificate No. 308, a copy of which is PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE - I attached as Exhibit A to this Petition. 3. CTCI has discovered that certain areas historically served by CTCI are not within the certificated service area stated in the First Amended Certificate No. 308. The areas are depicted in the map attached to this Petition as Exhibit B, and they are legally described on Exhibit C to this Petition. These areas have always been serviced by CTCI, they are not within the service area boundaries of any other certificated telecommunications carrier, and they are not in the vicinity of any line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed. 4. CTCI is willing to continue to serve, and is best able to serve, the customers in the areas depicted in Exhibit B, and legally described in Exhibit C. 5. An explicit legal description for the amended certificated service area boundary being requested is attached hereto as Exhibit D. The legal descriptions encompassing the requested boundary changes are shown in bold font. 6. The requested Certificate amendment will not atfect the service area boundary of any other certificated telecommunications carrier and will not injure or interfere with the operation of any line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed. 7. CTCI requests that all notices and communications concerning this Petition be directed to the following individuals at the addresses given below: Dennis Thornock, General Manager Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. P.O. Box 324 Challis, lD 83226 (208) 879-5200 dennis@custertel.net With a copy to: Cynthia A. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, lD 83704 (208) 577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com CTCI hereby respectfully requests an Order of this Commission granting the PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE - 2 amendments to the First Amended Certificate No. 308 to incorporate the service areas described in Exhibit D attached hereto, and granting such further relief as the Commission deems just and reasonable. REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE Because this Petition seeks minor boundary changes, will not affect the service area boundary of any other certificated telecommunications carrier, and will not injure or interfere with the operation of any line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed, CTCI further respectfully requests this Petition proceed under the Commission's Rules 201 through 204 tor Modified Procedure. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 27th day of August 2019. A. Melillo CYNTHIAA. MELILLO PLLC PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE .3 1,*Jw./,/.1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 27th day of August 2019, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon the following individual(s) by the means indicated: Original and Seven Copies Filed: Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Diane. hanian@puc.idaho.qov trtrXtrtr U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Express Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile Electronic Mail a A. Melillo PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE - 4 EXHIBIT A First Amended Certificate No. 308 [Attached] PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE - Exhibit A BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF CUSTER TELEPHOI\E cooPERATM, INC.'S PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF ITS CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY IN THE MATTER OF CUSTER TELEPHOI\IE cooPERATM, INC. AND MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.'S JOINT PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF THEIR RESPECTIVE CERTTFICATED SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES cAsE NO. CUS-T-07-01 cAsE NO. CUS-T-07-02 FIRST AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 308 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the present and future public convenience and necessity requires and will require Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., its successors and assigns to own, hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and maintain and operate facilities for the provision to or for the public of telecommunications services to the inhabitants of the area legally described on Appendix A and Appendix B to this Certificate; to exercise aU rights and privileges which have been granted to said Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., its successors and assigns by any franchise or permit conferred or hereinafter conferred upon said by any city or village, or by any county, or by the State of Idaho, or by any political subdivision thereof in the area hereinbefore set forth. This Amended Certificate is predicated upon and is issued pursuant to the findings of the Commission in OrderNos. 30290 and 30291. FIRST AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 308 1 E xr_t tB rT- n DATED at Boise,Idaho this /O'^ day of AprilIOOT P PRESIDENT lft a^f E;,u MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER MACK A. REDFORD, ATTEST: J D. Jewell O:CUS-T-07-0 I _CUS-T-07-02-Amend Cert 308 FIRST AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 308 2 DESCRIPTION B oundary o f Custet Telephone Cooperative, Inc.'s Certificated Service Teritory Inciuding Yankee Fork, Morgan Creek and Slate Creelc Areas The exteriot boundary of those arqas gtaphically depicted on the drawings attached hereto as Exhibit 3, incorporating the Challis, Clayton, Elkbend, and May Exchanges, and generally descdbed as follows: (fownship and Range line teferences based on the Boise Meridian): Commencing at the point of beginning at the most southwestedy point of the Clayton Exchange located at the SW corner of section 7, T9N, R17E; then north to tl:e N!7 corner of section 6, T10N, R17E; then west to the NW corner of section 3 T10N, R16E; then south to the SE comer of section 9, T10N, R16E; then west to the SW corner of section 9, T10N, R16E; then south to the SE comer of section 17, T10N, R16E; then west to the SW cotrrer of section 17, T10N, R16E; then north to the NE corner of section 6, T10N, R15E; then west to the SW corner of section 31, T11N, R15E; then north following the section line as adiusted to the IrlW corner of section 18, T13N, R15E; then east to the NE corner of section 16, TIjlN, R15E; then south following the section line as adiusted to the SE comer of section 16, T1lN, R15E; then eastto the NE corner of sectiot22, T11N, R15E; then south to the SE comer of section 22, T11N, R15E; then east to the Page 1 of6 APPENDIX A Case No. CUS'T-07'01 First Amended Gertificate No' 308 point of intetsection with Thompson Creek at the NE cornet of section 25, Tl1N, R16E; then northwesterly in the irregular line following Thompson Creek to the S\U7 cornet of section 33, T12N, R16E; then north to the N!7 corner of section 21, T12N, R16E; then east to the NE comet of section 24, T12N, R16E; then south to the SE comer of section 25, T12N, R16E; then east to the NE corner of section 32, T12N, R17E; then south to the SE corner of section 32, T12NI, R17E; then east to the S\ilil corner of section 34, T12N, R18E; then north to the point of joinder of the Clayton Exchange with the Challis Exchange at the NW cornet of section 3, T12N, R18E; then north following the section line as adjusted to the N!7 comer of section 10, T14N, R18E; then west to the SW corner of section 6, T14N, R18E; then north to the NW comer of section 6, T14N, R18E; then east to the SW comer of section 31, T15N, R19E; then north to the NW corner of section 19, T15N, R19E; then east to the NE corner of section 21, T15N, R19E; then north to the NE cornet of section 16, T15N, R19E; then west to the NW comer of section 16, T15N, R19E; then north to the NE comet of section 5, T15N, R19E; then west to the N'W cotner of section 5, T15N, R19E; then north to the NE cornet of section 31, T16N, R19E; then west to the NW cornet of section 31, T16N, R19E; then notth to the IrN[ cornet of section 18, T17N, R19E; then east to the NE corner of section 17, T17N, R19E; then south to the SW comer of section 28, T16N, R19E; then east to the SE Page2 of6 corner of section 28, T16N, R19E; then south to the SW cornet of section 34, T16N, R19E; then east to the SE comer of section 34, T16N, Rt9E; then south to the NW comer of section 11, T15N, R19E; then east to the NE corner of section 12, T15N, R19E; then north along the section line as adiusted to the N'$7 corner of section 6, T15N, R20E; then east to the NE comer of section 4, T15N, R20E; then north to the NW comet of sectiot 34, T16N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 34, T16N, R20E to the pornt of joinder of the Challis Exchange with the May Exchange; then north to the NW corner of section 26, T16N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 26, T16N, R20E; then notth to the point of ioinder of the May Exchange to the Elkbend Exchange, at the NS7 cornet of section 13, T16N, R20E; then north to the N'W cornet of section 1, T16N, R20E; then west to the S![ corner of section 35, T17N, R20E; then north along the section line as adiusted to the N\W corner of section 14, T19N, R20E; then east to the NE cotner of section 17, T19N, R22F;; then south to the halfway point on the northetn boundary of section 5, T17N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 5, T17N, R22E; then south to the SE cornet of section 32, T17N, R22E; then west to the Stil0 corner of section 34, T17N, R21E; then south to the point of joinder of the Elkbend Exchange with the May Exchange at the SE corner of section 9, T16N, R21E; then south to the SE comer of section 4, T15N, R21E; then east to the NE corner of section 7,T15N,R228; then south to the SE corner of Page 3 of6 section 7, T15N, P.22E; then east to the NE corner of section 16, T15N, Ft2ZEl, then south to the SE cornet of section 16, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 22, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE comet of section 22, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE comer of sectiot 26, T15N, R22E; then soutlr to the SE comer of section 26, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 31, T15N, R23E; then south to the SE corner of section 6, T14N, R23E; then east to an approximate 3/86 point on the northern boundary of section 8, T14N, R23B; then south to an approximate 3/86 point on the southern boundary of section 8, T14N, R23E; t}en east to the NE corner of section 13, T14N, R23E; then south to the SE corner of section 24, T14N, R23E; then east to a halfixtay point on the nofihern boundary of section 30, T14N, R24E; then south to the halfway point on the northern boundary of section 31, T14N, R24E; then east to the NE comer of section 31, T14N, R24E; then south to the SE corner of section 6, T13N, }.24F,; then east to the NE comet of section 8, T13N,R24E- then south to the SE comer of section 17, T13N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 21, T13N, R24E; then south to the SE corns of section 28, Tt3N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 34, T13N, R24E; then sou& to the SE corner of section 34, T13N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 2, T12N, R24E; then south to the SE cornet of section 14, T12N, R24E; then east to the NE cotner of ftal$ section 24,T72N,R24 7/28; then south to the SE corner of (ralf) section 36, Page 4 of6 T1zl'itr, R24 1lZE;; then west to the SW comer of section 31, T12I{, R23E; then north to the N'$7 comer of section 6, T12N, R23E; then west to the S\U7 corner of section 35, T13N, R22E; then notth to the NW corner of section 35, T13N, R22E; then west of the S$7 comer of section 27, T13N, R22E; then north to the NrUT comer of section 27, Tt3N, R22E; then west to the SW cornet of section 19, T13N, R22E; then north to the NW cornet of section 6, T13N, F.22E;; then west to the SS0 comer of section 35, T14N, R21E; then north to the NW comer of section 11, T14N, R21E; then west to the SW cornet of section 4, T14N, R21E; then north along the section line as adjusted to the NrW corner of section 33, T15N, R21E; then west to the S!7 corner of section 30, T15N, R21E; then notth to the NW corner of section 18, T15N, R21E; then west to the point of ioinder of the May Exchange with the Challis Exchange at the S'\tr7 cornet of section 11, T15N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 22, T15N, R20E; then west to the SS7 Comer of section 20, T15N, R20E; then south along the section line as adjusted to the SE corner of section 18, T14N, R20E; then east to the NE comer of section 2A, T14N, R20E; then south to the SE comer of section 29, T14N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 33, T14N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 9, T13N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 15, T13N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 22, T13N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 26, T13N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 35, T13N, Page 5 of6 R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 1, T12N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 36, T12I{, R20E; &en west to the point of ioinder of the Challis Exchange to the Clayton Exchange at the SW corner of section 33, T12N, R19E; then west to the SW corner of section 31, T12N, R19E; then south to the SE corner of section 12, T10N, R18E; then east to the NE corner of .section 18, T10N, R19E; then south to the SE corner of section 19, T10N, R19E; then west to the SW comet of section 19, T10N, R19E; then south to the SE corner of section 1, T9N, R18E; then west to the SW cotner of section 2, T9N, R18E; then south to the SE comet of section 10, TgN, R18E; then west to the point of beginning at the SW corner of section 7, T9N, R178. Page 6 of6 DESCRIPTION Boundary o f Cus ter Telephone Cooperative, Inc.'s Certificated Service Teritory I ncolp orating Sunbeam addition The exterior boundary of those areas graphically depicted on the drawings attached hereto as Exhibit 3, incoqporating the Challis, Clayton, Elkbend, and May Exchanges, and genetally described as follows: pownship and Range line references based on the Boise Meridian): Commencing at the point of beginning at the most southwestedy point of the Clayton Exchange located at the SW corner of section 7, T9N, R17E; then north to the NW corner of section 6, T10N, R17E; then west to the SW comer of section 31, T11N, R15E; then noth to the SE comer of section 25, Tl1N, R14E; then west to the SW corner of section 50, Tl1N, R14E; then notth to the NW comet of section 19, TllN, R14E; then east to the NE corner of section 24, TllN, R14E; then east to the NE corner of section 22, T11N, R15E; then south to the SE comer of section 22, T11N, R15E; then east to the point of intersection with Thompson Creek at the NE cornet of section 25,771N, R16E; then northwestedy io the iregular Ine following Thompson Creek to the SW comer of section 33, T12N, R16E; then north to the N'W conler of section 21, T12N, R16E; then east to the NE comet of section 24, T12N, R16E; then south to the SE comer of section 25, T12N, Page.l of 5 APPENDIX B Gase No. CUS-T{7-Oz First Amended Certificate No. 30E R16E; then east to the NE comer of section 32, T12N, R17E; then south to the SE corner of section 32, T12N, R17E; then east to the SW corner of section 34, T12N, R18E; then north to the point of ioinder of the Clayton Exchange with the Challis Exchange at the NW corner of section 3, T12N, R18E; then north following the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 10, T14N, R18E; then west to the SSI corner of section 6, T14N, R18E; then north to the NW corner of section 6, T14N, R18E; then east to the S\07 corner of section 31, T15N, R19E; then north to the NW corner of section. 19, T15N, R19E; then south to the N'W comet of section 11, T15N, Rt9E; then east to the NE cotnet of section 12, T15N, R19E; then north along the section line as adiusted to the N'W comer of section 6, T15N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 4, T15N, R20E; then notth to the NW corner of section 34, T16N, R20E; then east to the NE comer of section 34, T16N, R20E to the point of ioinder of the Challis Exchange with the May Exchange; then north to the NW corner of section 26, T16N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 26, T16N, R20E; then north to the point of joindet of the May Exchange to the Elkbend Exchange, at the NW comer of section 13, T16N, R20E; then north to the NW corner of section 1, T16N, R20E; then west to the SW comet of section 35, T17N, R20E; then north along the section line as adiusted to the N!7 corner of section 14, T19N, R20E; then east to the NE cornet of section 17, T19N,R22E; then south to the halfivay point on the Page 2 of5 nofihern boundary of section 5, T17N, R22E;; then east to the NE comer of section 5, T17N, R22E; then south to the SE comer of section 32, T17N, R22E; then west to the SW comer of section 34, T17N, R21E; then south to the point of ioinder of the Elkbend Exchange with the May Exchange at the SE comer of section 9, T16N, R21E; then south to the SE comet of section 4, T15N, R21E; then east to the NE corner of section 7, T15N, R22E; theo south to the SE comer of section 7, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE cotner of section 16, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE cornet of section 16, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE comer of section 22, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 22, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE comer of sectjon 26, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 26, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE comer of section 31, T15N, R23E; then south to the SE comer of section 6, T14N, R23E; then east to an approxirnate 3/86 point on the noflhem boundary of section 8, T14N, R23E; then south to an approximate 3/86 point on the southern boundary of section 8, T14N, R23E; then east to the NE corner of section 13, T14N, R23E; then south to the SE corner of section 24, T14N, R23E; then east to a hal6nay point on the notthern boundary of section 30, T1.4N, R24E; then south to the halfiray point on the northern boundary of section 31, T14N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 31, T14N, P.24E; then south to the SE corner of section 6, T13N, P24E;; then east to the NE cotner of section 8, T13N, R24E; then south to the Page 3 of5 SE corner of section 17, T13N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 21, T13N, R24Ei then south to the SE corner of section 28, T13N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 34, T13N, R24E; then south to the SE comer of section 34, T13N, R24E; then east to the NE comer of section 2, T12N, R24E; then south to the SE comer of section 14, T12N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of ftalf) section 24, T12N, R241/2E;; then south to the SE comer of (ha18 section 36, T12N, R24 l/zB;; then west to the S!7 corner of section 31, T12N, R23E; then north to the NW comer of section 6, T12NI, R23E; then west to the SW cornet of section 35, T13N, R22E; then north to the NW corner of section 35, T13N, R22E; then west of the S\7 comer of section 27, T13N, R22E; then north to the NW comer of sectiot 2T, T13N, R22E; then west to the Sltrf correr of section 19, T13N, R22E; then north to the NW corner of section 6, T13N, R22E; then urest to the SIUT cornet of section 35, T14N, R21E; then north to the NlJ7 corner of section 11, T14N, R21E; then west to the SW cornet of section 4, T14N, R21E; then north along the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 33, T15N, R21E; then west to the SW cotner of section 30, T15N, R21E; then north to the N$[ comet of section 18, T15N, R21E; then west to the point of ioinder of the May Exchange with the Challis Exchange at the S'W cornet of section 11, T15N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 22, T15N, R20E; then west to the S\W Corner of section 20, T15N, R20E; then south aloag the section Iine as adlusted to the SE Page 4 of5 corner of section 18, T14N, R20E; then east to the NE cornet of sectiot 20, T14N, R20E; then south to the SE comer of section 29, T14N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 33, T14N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 9, T13N, R20E; then east to the NE cornet of section 15, T13N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 22, T13N, R20E; then east to the NE cotner of section 26, T13N, R20E; then south to the SE cornet of section 35, T13N, R20E; then east to t}e NE comer of section 1, T12N, R20E; then south to the SE comet of section 36, T12N, R20E; then west to the point of joinder of the Challis Exchange to the Clayton Exchange at the SW comet of section 33, T12N, R19E; then west to the S\U7 corner of section 31, T12N, R19E; then south to the SE comer of section 12, T10N, R18E; then east to the NE cornet of section 18, T10N, Rt9E; then south to the SE corner of section 19, T10N, R19E; then west to the SW corner of section 19, T10N, R19E; then south to the SE comer of section 1, T9N, R18E; then west to the StUil comer of section 2, TgN, R18E; then south to the SE cotnet of section 10, T9N, R18E; then west to the point of beginning at the SW comet of section 7, TgN, R178. Page 5 of5 EXHIBIT B Depiction of Service Areas to be Added to CTCI's Certificated Service Area Boundary [Attached] PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE - Exhibit B 30 ?9 EB ?1 ?6 31 3?34 .EJJ 6 5 4 ? _LE_GINp N Ic I EXISTING BOUNDARY .---aarrrr-aaaG! ; PROPOSED ADDITIONi---.-.r-rl.rrr f-n TF f'l Toserraomnetl-l tt '\-/-i: cooperdivd, Irc. WDfr@ REVISION AREA #1 DETAIL I ^/,1l 't \,\ RlBI l L 3 - -) 30 ?9 2B ?7 36 31 33 T 15N 34 1 6 .)4 3 LEGEND N A I-u- EXISTING BOUNDARY ffi PRoPosEDADDTToN fn qF f [oserrereonoae1-t l, (ty il Coqeruivd,tnc. frad@ REVISION AREA #2 DETAIL )) ?a ?7 ?6 (:) 33 36 4 \ 3 t LEGEND -U- EXISTING BOUNDARY N A I! : PROPOSED ADDITIoNh-------------i fn qtr ,41 Zcrsora.o-"'\U i Sy,_r Coqemtivd, Inc. madtu REVISION AREA #3 DETAIL \ lR18t l5 !r )t(.v ?0 ?T ???3 ?4 ?9 2B ?6 -EL) 3?33 at / JJ 36 LEGEND N A I EXISTING BOUNDARY : ; PROPOSED ADDITION fi T fx [oserraeotre\Ll i .tZ :r CooperAind, Inc. ad@ REVISION AREA #4 DETAIL 36 31 3?33 34 1 6 4 3 1?f B 9 10 LEGEND N ,{ 0 I EXISTING BOUNDARY : : PROPOSED ADDITION fi T fi Tos."ra"a-. \-r-4, Zr rUZ:f CooeaAivd, Inc. ,E-oda REVISION AREA #3 DETAIL T1 4N 5 7 B 9 10 (ll 1?7 18 t7 T9N 1e, 13 18 t9 20 21 a3 24 19 30 ?9 26 25 30 3A 35 36 313132 LEGEND N A I EXISTING BOUNDARY : i PROPOSED ADDITIONh-rrr-.-i-r.--. l^'t 'lP fn [oserraeotm'\t1 i riZ:r Coqeothrd,lnc. t td@ REVISION AREA #6 DETAIL I I i',\ t-I .#5 I A---*IL-1 +--. I ;4 I . il r'- ;- --- !+f:- (l-ffi I -/- ) T tltrND t,ur*- cro a"ut^ro m^ -- Cwc T.bhC@dva. h.CERTIFICATED AREA 10F 1 \Ul*\l ..-/-lJ: I-l d,. J\ :,1 ^)i\i-..1 \i. \ \f-r,'=+=+J-'/ \ - /,b j ffii T \ f a"ft I i t 42 #3 j- I \ _4. : t -d \1 -1. I \ikf N-t,tr )Jf-l \ v,/I J\F-+,t,t1,"', ) lt -l/ /Y- f; 4 i,J i.,(r' .\I Lit/ ii-: L]-- -1n I EXHIBIT C Legal Description of Service Areas to be Added to CTCI's Certificated Service Area Boundary [Attached] PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATM - Exhibit C DI]SCRIPTION Boundary of Custer'l'elephone Cooperative, Inc.'s Certifi cated Service Territory New Sections to be filed with the PUC There are six new areas that Custer'I'elephone Coopcrative, Inc. wants to add to their existing Certificated Service Territory. All six areas are from the un- certificated territory that adjoins their present certificated area. f'hese parcels are described as they appear along the legally described boundary from the point of beginning and are dcscribed as a closed parcel. These parcels will be numbered one through six. Number One: Beginning at the N$7 corner of section 3, T13N R18li; then west to the S\X/ corner of section 33, T14N, R18E; then north to the N$7 corner of section 33, T14N, R18Ir; then east to the NE corner of section 33, T14N, R18ll; then south to the point of beginning at the N\)7 comer of section 3,T13N R18ll. A total of onc square mile is bcing addcd. Number Two: Reginning at thc NE corner of section 6, T14N, R18E; then north to the NSf corner of scction 32, TL5N, R18E, then east to the Ntr corner of section 32,T15N, R18E; then south to the SE corner of section 32, T15N, R18E; then west to the point of beginning at the NE corner of section Exhibit No.0 Case No. 6, T14N, R18E. A total of one square mile is being added Page I of3 Number Three: Begrnning at the SW corner of section 34, T15N, R18E, then north to the NW corner of section 34,'11.5N, R18E, then east to the NE corner of section 35,T15N, R18E, then south to the SE, corner of section 35, 'I15N, IL18tr, then west to the point of beginning at the SW corner of section 34,T15N, R18E. A total of two square miles are being added. Number Four: Beginning at the N$7 corner of section 34, T16N, R20E; then north to the N$7 corner of section 27, T1.6N, R20ll; then east to the NE corner of section 27, T16N, R20E; then south to the SII corner of section 27, 'I16N, R20E; then west to the point of beginning at the NW comer of section 34,'1'1.6N, R20E. A total of one square mile is being added. Number Five: Beginning at the NE corner of section 6, 'l'14N, R23E; then east to the NE, corner of section 5, T14N, R23E; then south to the SE corner of section 5, T14N, R23E; then west to the SE corner of section 6, T14N, R23E; then north to the point of beginning at the NE corner of section 6, Exhibit No. Case No. (_ T14N, R23E. A total of one square mile is being added Page 2 of3 Number Six: Beginning at the NE corner of section 1,4, T9N, R17E; then south to the SE corner of section 14, T9N, R17ll; then west to thc SS7 corner of section 14, T9N, R17E; then south to the SE corner of section2T, T9N, R17t1, then west to the SS7 corner of sectiot 2T, 'f9N, R17ti; then south to the SE corner of section 33, T9N, R17E; then west to the SS7 corner of section 33, 'I9N, R17E; then north to the NW corner of section 28, 'I9N, R17E; then east to tlrc Nli corner of section23, T9N, R17E; then north to the NII corner of section 15, T9N, R178, then east to the point of beginninEs at the NE corner of section 14, T9N, R17E. A total of six square miles are being added. This is a grand total of twelve new square miles being added. Exhibit No. Case No. e- Page 3 of3 EXHIBIT D Legal Description of CTCI's Certificated Service Area Boundary lncluding the New Parcels [Attached] PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE - Exhibit D DE,SCRIP]]ON Boundary of Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc.'s Certificated Service Territory Including New Parcels The exterior boundary of those areas graphically depicted on the drawings attached hereto as Exhibit 3, incorporating the Challis, Clayton, Elkbend, and NIay p,166anges, and generally dss.ribed as follows: (Township and Range line references based on the Boise Meridian): Commencing at the point of beginning at the most southwestedy point of the Clayton Exchange located at the S$7 corner of section7, T9N, R17Ii; thcn north to the NW corner of section 6, T10N, R17E; then west to the NW corner of section 3 T10N, R16E; then south to the SII corner of section 9, T10N, It16tr; then wcst to the SS7 corncr of section 9,'l'10N, R16li; then south to the SE corner of section 1,7,T1,0N, R16E; then west to the SW corner of section 17, T10N, R16E; then north to the NE corner of section 6, f'10N, R16E, then west to the SN7 corner of section3l, T11N, R15E; then north to the SE corner of section 25, T1,1N, R14E; then west to the SW corner of section 30, T11N, R14li; then north to the N'W corner of section 19,'I11N, R14li; thcn east to thc NIi corner of scction 24. 'I'11N, lt14lr; thcn north following the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 18, f'13N, Exhibit No.D Case No. Page I of7 It15li; then cast to the NI'l corner of scction 16,'l'13N, R15li; thcn soutl-r following the section line as adjusted to the SE corner of section 16, T11N, It15E; then east to the NFj corner of section22, T'11N, R15E; then south to the SE corner of scction 22,T1,1N, R15Fl; thcn east to the point of intersection with Thompson Creek at the NE corncr of section 25, T11N, R16E; then northwestedy in the irregular line following Thompson Creek to the SS7 corner of section 33, 'I'12N, R16E; then north to the NW corner of section 21, T12N, R16E; then east to the NE corner of section24, T12N, R16E; then south to the SE corner of section 25,'l'12N, R16E; then east to the NE corner of section 32,'I'12N, R17lr; then south to the SE corner of secti<>n 32, T12N, R17E, then east to the SW corner of section34, f'12N, R18E; then north to thc point of joinder of the Clayton Exchange with the Challis Irxchange at the NS7 corner of section 3, '1'12N, R18Ir; (#1) then north following the section line as adiusted to the NW comet of section 3, T13N R18E; then west to the SW corner of section 33, T14N, R18E; then north to the NW corner of section 33, T14N, R18E; then east to the NE corner of section 33, T14N, R18E; then north to the NW corner of section 10, T14N, R18E; then west to the SW corner of section 6, T14N, R18E; then north to the NW corner of scction 6,'l'14N, R18li; (#2) then east to the NE corner of section 6, T14N, R18E; then north to the NW cornet of section 32, T15N, R18E; Exhibit No. D Case No. Page 2 of 7 then east to the NE corner of section 32, T15N, R18E; then south to the SE corner of section 32, T15N, R18E; (#3) then east to the SW corner of section 34, T15N, R18E; then north to the NW corner of section 34, T15N, R18E; then east to the NE comer of section 35, T15N, R18E; then south to the SE comer of section 35, T15N, R18E; then east to the SW corner of section 31,,T15N, R19li; then north to the N$7 corner of section 19, T15N, R19E,; then east to the NE corner of section 21, T15N, R19E; then north to the NE corner of section 16, T15N, R19li; then west to the NW corner of scction 1,6,T1,5N, ll19l'); then florth to thc NII corner of scction 5, T15N, R19E, then west to the NW corner of section 5, T15N, R19E; then north to thc NII corner of section 31, T16N, R19li; then west to thc N\X/ corner of section 31,,T16N, R19E; then florth to the NW corner of section 18, T17N, R19Il; then east to the NIt corner of secti<>n 1.7, T17N, R19li; then south to the SN7 corner of section 28, T16N, R19Il; then east to the SE corner of section 28,T1.6N, R19E; then south to the S$7 corner of section 34, T16N, R19E; then east to the SE corner of section 34,T1,6N, R19E; then south to the NW corner of section 11,,T15N, R19E; then east to the NE corner of section 1.2, T15N, R19E; then north along the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 6, T1,5N, R20E; then east to the NE corfler of section 4, T15N, R20E; (#4) then north to the NW corner of section 27, T16N, Exhibit No.0 Case No. Page 3 of7 R20E; then east to the NE comer of section 27, T16N, R20E to the point of ioinder of the Challis Exchange with the May Exchangel then east to the NE corner of section 26, T16N, R20E; then north to the point of joinder of the Nfay Exchange to the Elkbend Exchange, at the NW comer of section 1,3,T16N, R20E; then north to thc NW corner of section 1, T16N, R20li; then west to the SW corner of section 35,'I'17N, R20E,; then north along the section Iine as adjusted to the NW corner of section 14, T19N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 1.7, T19N, R22F.; then south to the halfivay point on the northern boundafl, of section 5, 'I'17N, R22ll; then cast to the N[i c<trncr of section 5, 'l'17N, R22E; thcn south to the SIr corner of section 32,'l'17N, R22tr-; then west to the SW corner of section34, 'I17N, R21E; then south to the point of joinder of the I'llkbcnd Irxchange with thc N{ay Exchange at the SE corner of section 9, T16N, R21E; then south to thc SE corner of section 4, T15N, R21E; then east to the NII corner of sectionT,'I'1.5N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 7, T1.5N, R22tr; then east to the NE corner of section 16,T1.5N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 1.6, -I'15N, R22F,; then east to the NE corner of section 22, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 22, 'I15N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 26,T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 26, T15N, R22F.; then east to the NE corner of section 31, 'I15N, R23E; (#5) then Exhibit No.? Case No Page 4 of 7 south to the NE corner of section 6, T14N, R23E; then east to the NE corner of section 5, T14N, R23E; then south to the SE corner of section 5, T1,4N, R23E; then west to an approximate 3/8'h point on the northern boundary of section 8, T14N, R23E; then south to an approximatc 3f 8't' point on the southern boundary of section 8, T14N, R23E; then east to the NE corrlcr of scction 13, T14N, R23li; then south to the SI,l comcr of sccti<>n 24, T14N, R23F,; then east to a halfway point on the northern boundary of section 30, T14N,R24tr; then south to the halfway point on the northern boundary of section 31, T14N,R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 31, T14N, R24E; then south to the SE corner of section 6,T1.3N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 8, T13N, R24E; then south to thc SI,l corncr of section 17,T13N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 21, f'13N, R24Ii; then south to the SE corner of section 28, T13N,R24F,; then east to the NE corner of section 34, T13N,R24F,; then south to the SE corner of section 34, 'I13N, R24F4 then east to the NE corner of section 2, T12N,R24E; then south to the SE corner of section 1,4, T12N, R24F,; then east to the NE corner of (half) section 24,T72N,P.24 1/2F.; then south to the SE corner of (half) section 36, T12N, R24 1,/2F,;thenwest to the SW corner of section 31, T12N, R23E; then north to the N\i7 corner of section 6, T12N, R23E; then west to the S\)f corner of section 35,T1,3N, R22E; then north to the N$7 corner of section 35, T13N, Exhibit No.D Case No. Page 5 of7 R22F.; then west of the SW corner of section 27, 'l'13N, l\22h; thcn north to the NW corner of section 27, T13N, R22E; then west to the SW corncr of section 19, T13N,R22F,; then north to the N\il7 corner of section 6, T13N, R22E; thcn west to the SW corner of section 35, T14N, IUlE; then north to the NrV comer of section 11,'f14N, R21E; then west to the SW corner of section 4, T14N, R21tr; then north along the section line as adjustcd to the NW corner of section 33,T15N, R21E; then west to the SW corner of section 30, T15N, R21E; then north to the N\X/ corner of section 18,'f15N, R21ll; then west to the point of joinder of the NIay F)xchange witl-r the Challis Exchange at the SW corner of section1.1., T15N, R20E; then south to the SE, corner of section 22,T1.5N, R20E,; then u/est to the SW Corner of section 20, T15N, R20E; then south along the section line as adjusted to the SII corner of section 18, T14N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 20, 'I14N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 29, T14N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 33, T14N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 9, T13N, R20E,; then east to the NE corner of section 15, T13N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 22,T1,3N, R20tr; then east to the NE corner of section 26, T13N, R20E,; then south to the SE corner of section 35, 'l'13N, R20E,; then east to the NE corner of section 1, T12N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 36, T12N, R20E; then west to the point of joinder of the Exhibit No.D Case No. Page 6 of 7 Challis Exchange to the Clayton Exchange at the SW corner of section 33, T12N, R19E; then west to the S'W corner of section 31, T12N, R19E,; then south to the SE corner of section 12, T10N, It18E; then east to the NE corner of section 18,'l'10N, l{19E; then south to the SE corner of section 19, T10N, R19E; then west to the SS7 corner of section 19, T10N, R19E; then south to the SE corfler of section 1, T9N, R18E; then west to the SW corner of section 2, T9N, R18E; then south to the SE corner of section 10, T9N, R18E; (#6) then west to the NE corner of section 14, TgN, R17E; then south to the SE corner of section 14, T9N, R17E; then west to the SW corner of section 14, T9N, R17E; then south to the SE cornet of section 27, T9N, R17E; then west to the SW corner of section 2'1, T9N, R17E; then south to the SE corner of section 33, T9N, R17E; then west to the SW corner of section 33, T9N, R17E; then north to the NW corner of section 28, T9N, R17E; then east to the NE corner of section 28, T9N, R17E; then north to the NE corner of section 1.5, T9N, R17E, then wcst to the point of bcginmrg at the S$(/ cornct of scction 7, 1'9N, It17E Exhibit No.D Case No. PageT of7