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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190531Application.pdfVIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Cvxrnn A. Meullo PLLC 8385 W EMeRALo SrneEr . Borsr, loano 83704 (208) 577 -57 47 . cam@ May 31 ,2019 RECEIVED ;019 HAY 3l All 9: 35 iil,\rio PUBLICl.l li ii:S COil{MISSION Curs-T - lg-ol Re:Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc.'s Appllcation for Broadband Tax Credit Certification Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing, please find the original and three copies of Custer Telephone Cooperative, !nc.'s Application in the above referenced matter. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Si Cynthia A. Melil CAM/ Enclosures CAM to IPUC encl 2018 BB tax credit application ORIGINAL Cynthia A. Melillo ISB No. 5819] CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 Telephone: (208) 577 -5747 cam@, RECEIVED i0l9 l'ffiY 3l A]l 9: 35 IDA}JO PUELIC;TiLIiIE.S COMMISSION CUSTER TELEPHONE cooPERATM, INC.'S APPLICATION Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. [trS -T - , g-o , IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC., FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Custer Telephone" or "Applicant"), by and through its attorneys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029,ldaho Code. In support of its Application, Custer Telephone states as follows: l. Custer Telephone is a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service and other telecommunications services in Idaho. 2. During the calendar year 2018, Custer Telephone made certain investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(lX3Xb), Idaho Code. Exhibit A, attached hereto, describes Custer Telephone's qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Commission's OrderNo. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-0l-10. CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE,INC.'S APPLICATION - I 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: Cynthia A. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 (208) s77-s747 Sherry Maestas Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 324 Challis, ID 83226 (208) 87e-4008 sherr.v @custerte l. net 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and, therefore, requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that fuither proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, Custer Telephone requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029l,ldaho Code. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 3l',t day of May 2019. A. Melillo CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.'S APPLICATION - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 31't day of May 2019,1 caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 xtrtr U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile A. CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE,INC.'S APPLICATION - 3 Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application 2018 Year End Companv Information l. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. 1'ypc of company: 4. Contact person Equipment Description 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Network description: 1. Transmission rate: 8. Number and percentage of Idaho customers served: Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. Box 324, 1 101 East Main Ave., Challis Idaho 83226 Telecommunications Carrier, ISP, Wireless Provider, Long Distance provider Sherry Maestas, Box 324. Challis lD 83226 208-879-4008 FTTH and ADSL type services Fiber optic fed DLC's with I2K non-loaded copper distribution cable, Fiber to the Home electronics, Fiber optic transport electronics" Fiber optic backbone and distribution cable. 256,000 bits per sec - i 0,000,000 bits per sec from a subscriber 256,000 bits per sec - 100,000,000 bits per sec to a subscriber 1,361 customers with broadband service out of 1,598 possible 9. Equipment list:See attached Broadband Equipment List Custer Telephone Cooperative. Inc. attests that the items listed in Exhibit A are necessary to the provision of broadband service and an integral parl of the broadband network. I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-30291. S,orhir{unl* Si-erry uae{lgd Director of Finance Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT DSL Equipment FTTH ONT GPON Equipment FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT GPON Equipment FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT Route|l0G FTTH ONT DSL Equipment DSL Equipment FTTH ONT DWDM FTTH ONT 2018-1-3 2016-1 3 2017-39 201746 201747 2017-57 2018-1 2018-16 2018-19 2018-32 2018-39 2018-43 2018-50 2018.66 2018$7 201868 2018-70 2018-79 2018-9 Multiple 2017-56 20184 2018-6 2017-62 2018-46 Multaple 2014-26 Multiple 201440 201 8-39-1 ilultiple 2018-31 2018-34 20'18-36 2018-38 2018-35 201A-57 2018-21 201843-1 201444 2018-51 Coming Cominq Corning Corning Corning Corning Corning Coming Corning Corning Corning Corning Corning Corning Corning Corning Corning Corning Corning Calix Calix Calix AFC/Tellabs Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Cisco Calix AFC/Tellabs AFC/Tellabs Calix ADVA Calix Oecember-2018 Oecember-2018 January-2018 January-2018 December-20'18 January-2018 Oecember-201 I June-201 I May-201 8 June-201 8 June-201 8 December-2018 Decembetr20'18 October-2018 Oecember-2018 December-2018 December-2018 December-2018 April-2018 January-2018 January-2018 February-2018 March-201 8 April-2018 April-2018 April-20'18 April-2018 May-2018 June-201 8 June-201 8 June-201 8 July-2018 July-201 I July-201 8 July-2018 July-2018 July-20'18 July-2018 August-2018 August-2018 August-2018 Descriotion Work Order Manufacturer/Provider Custer Telephone cooperative, lnc. 2018 Broadband Tax Credit Application Broadband Equipment List Model or lD No. Page 1 Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fibel Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ Fiber Optic Cable $ 5 - 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714 ONT 4POTS 2ETH $ 1 .766GX ONG sPOTS 4GE 8 DS1 S 1 - 844G INDOOR ONT 2POTS 4 GE $ 1 - 71OGX ONT 2POTS 1ETH $ 1 . 711GX ONT 2POTS ,lGE lFE $ 1 - 710 ONT 2POTS 1ETH $ 2.711GE ONT 2POTS 2GE $ 1 - 717GE ONT 4POIS 4GE $ 5.844G INDOOR ONT2POTS4ETH S 2-717GE ONT 4POTS 4GE $ 1 - 717GE ONT 4POTS 4GE $ 63 - 762GX ONT SPOTS 8GE $ 2.844G INDOOR ONT 2POTS 4ETH $ Pag€ 2 2018-53 Multiple 2018-62 201863 2018-64 201865 2014-54 2018-54 2018-80 Multiple 2018-71 Multiple Multiple 2014+1 2018-1-1 Multiple Calix Calix Ericsson Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Cost 41 0.55 3,826.01 1,035.00 850.97 2.510.72 556.50 924.23 1.774.87 1.299.85 840.10 494.73 3,162 10 1,756.1 0 '1,514.96 46,1 61 .39 1,886.09 lnstalled Date August-2018 Augus!20'18 Octobec20'18 Octobetr20'18 October20l8 October-2018 Octobetr20'18 Octobetr2018 November-2018 November-2018 November-2018 November-2018 December-2018 December-2018 Oecember-2018 D€cember-2018 Countv Locations Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Elk Bend Exchange Custer: Elk Bend Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange Custer: Challis Exchange S 936.033.81 3o/o $ 28,081.01