HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140610Application.pdfCvxrnn A. Mrr-uo PLLC 8385 Vl EmEnero SrRegr BolsE, Ionno 83704 (2O8\ 577 -57 47' cam@camlawidaho.com RECIl\1i: ti ?0ll' JUll l0 Alt 8: h3 u r t Jr?ff{soctij'ririH s r cn Cq s -T'lLl -o I June 10, 2014 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean Jewell ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re:Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc.'s Application for Broadband Tax Credit Certification Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing, please find the original and three copies of Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc.'s Application in the above referenced matter. !f you have any questions, please feelfree to contact me. CAM/ Enclosures CAM to IPUC encl 2013 BB tax credit application D oRIGINAI Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Custer Telephone" or "Applicant"), by and through its attorneys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") order certifuing that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029,Idaho Code. In support of its Application, Custer Telephone states as follows: 1. Custer Telephone is a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service and other telecommunications services in southern Idaho. 2. During the calendar year 2013, Custer Telephone made certain investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(I)(3Xb), Idaho Code. Exhibit A, attached hereto, describes Custer Telephone's qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Commission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-0I-10. Cynthia A. Melillo [ISB No. 5819] CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 Telephone: (208) 577-5747 Fax: (208) 36t-3441 cam@camlawidaho.com IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC., FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION ()trntrt\.11:', tlb\/t,,t\:"t ?0ltr JUH l0 At{ 8, h3 IDAH0 i:'iir,".r,, UT lLlTlES COFI i'{lSS I Cri CaseNo. CtlS-f lLl-Ol CUSTER TELEPHONE cooPERATM, INC.'S APPLICATION CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.'S APPLICATION - I 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: Cynthia A. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 (208) s77-s747 cam@camlawidaho.com Teresa Westergard Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 111I South Main Street P.O. Box 324 Challis,lD 83226 admin@custertel.net 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and, therefore, requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, Custer Telephone requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029l,Idaho Code. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 10ft day of June 2014. CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. A. Melillo CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.'S APPLICATION. 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 10ft day of June 2Ol4,I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 trxtrtr U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile a A. Melil CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.'S APPLICATION - 3 Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC Broadband Eouipment List Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application 2013 Year End Cr*.r -l c= t- =g*FI-TTJ*'. E flTiC,:;* f)O'-' r,.o iTi-',;U'r"illi::', -t . ::;:T,:t' :B ''.:, Companv Information l. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. Type of company: 4. Contact person: Equipment Description 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Networkdescription: 7. Transmission rate: 8. Number and percentage of Idaho customers served: 9. Equipment list: Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC. Box324, Challis Idaho 83226 y,1' ' q, Physical Location l: 1 101 East Main Ave. Challis, IDB322Q| Physical Location 2 : 400 Shoup Street, Salmon, ID 83467 Telecommunications Carrier, Cable Modem HSI, Fixed Wireless HSI, CATV Provider Teresa Westergard, Box 324, Challis ld 83226 admin@custertel.net 208-879-2281 Cable Modem HSI, Fixed Wireless HSI Fiber Optic Fed CATV System that provides Cable Modem Service. Fiber optic transport electronics. Fiber optic backbone and distribution cable. 256,000 bits per sec - 1,000,0000 bits per sec from a subscriber 256,000 bits per sec - 6,000,000 bits per sec to a subscriber 935 custorners with broadband out of 2,000 possible See attached Broadband Equipment List I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment incorne tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under ldaho Code 63-30291. Teresa Westergard Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC 7?elbtrD ?*Dtr eh o 6lI F] oU ob0 c)XE] u) () li() U))U o (g C) cda li() V))O o.;lo-b0 onctr().E# P& E,I€E-^ - x'd.= Xrrl X =i:-fIJS fgmUOZrlr'il ii .:: .';o () -q.tr9PAAaalts ==6DOQrll (.) b0tr Cg oxt! U) (d O L(.) U) O o cgE o Cda ti() v))O o)o ts Lc)I)(.) G)o0 C)xrI] U) (d () i-ic) U))U 0)bo OXH U) 63 O !0) U))O obo C)xrI] U) (! 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Enod€A -48vdo Fan Tray u/o switch -48vdc Fan Tcy TROU 700Mhz EndeB 9412 Rack t,lount 700Mhz 24vdc 3 sstor Enod€g 8 Simultan@us Aotiv€ usoB (104 total) PCDM eftMro Liconse (pd oall m6sur6menl data) LA 5 to LA6 upgrad€ DPS Alming Equipmonl N€Guardian NG420 Wlllow Cra6k 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 12.00 4.00 1.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 '13.00 1.00 1.00 7,670.05 12,156.18 14,587.,11 5,€/0.17 21,312.5 1,1,896.26 3,308.99 21,821.89 1,589.10 f78.00 35.219.20 3,711.74 1,0s3.54 5,089.39 v,o2a.27 3,612.15 1,053.5,f 5,089.39 u,028.27 3,612.r5 1,053.5'l 5,08e:3s 3,604.71 : u,024.27 3,612.15 1,053.54 5,089.39 3.604.71 : u,028.27 3,612.15 3,604.71 1406.5 1406.5 1406.5 1406.5 '1406.5 1406.5 4,732.19 1,732,.197,500.00 7,500.009,000.00 9,000.00870.00 3,,180.0015,000.00 15,000.00 9.190.55 9.190.552,041.55 2,041.55s,'r05.41 15314.2281.70 980.43120.00 480.00 21,747.71 21,747.7'l't77.58 2,308.54650.00 650.003,140.00 3,14000 7.7N.75 7.79.75116.56 116.5688.s7 88.57't,239.12 1,239.',12 20.994.43 20.994.43171.43 2,28.59650.00 850.003,140.00 3,140.00 2,224.00 2,2.1.N : 20,994.43 20.994.43171.43 2,224.59650.00 650.003,140.00 3,140.00 2,224.00 2,n1.00 : 20,994.43 20.S94.43 '171 43 2,228.59650.00 650.003,140.00 3,140.00 2.224.00 2,224.00 : 20,994.43 20,994.4317'1.43 2,228.59 2.224.00 2,224.@ : 38,600.00 38,600-00 12.102.24 12,402.21 1406.5 19,656.18 19,656.t8 1406.523,*7.11 23,57.11 1406.52,28.12 9,'120.17 1406.5 39,312.35 39,312.35 1406.5 24.086.81 24,086.8t 'r406.s 5,350.5i1 5,350.54 1406.5 13,380.37 10,141.11 1406.5211.13 2,569.53 1406.5aro:* 1,258.00 1406.5 56.996.91 56.996.91 1406.5/165.41 6,050.28 1406.51,703.54 1,703.54 1406.58,229.39 8,229.39 1406.5 rr.aso:* ,o.r*.na ,o,r*.ra188.92 305.48 305.,18143.56 2p.13 2p,132,008.39 3,217.51 3,217.51 1406.5 '1406.5 1406.5 1406.5 1406.5 1406.5 1406.5 1406.5 fi,o22.70 fi,Oz.7o449.29 5,W.711,703.a| 1,703.548.229.39 8.229.39 3,60,0.71 5,828.71 5,428.71 EnodeB 9412 Rsck i/ount 700Mhz 24vdc 3 s@tor EnodoB 8 Simultan6us Active usoB (104 total) PCDM $flEr€ Lic€oss (per call measurement data) LA 5 to LA6 upgrad€ DPS Alaming Equipment N€Guardian NG420 tMndv Devll $,022.70 *,U2.7049.29 5,840.7i1'1,703.5,t 1,703.548,?29.-* A,229.39 5,424.71 5,428.71:_ 6,022.70 55,022.70419.29 5,8/,0.711,703.5,1 l,l03.g 8,229 39 8,229.39 5.828.71 5,828.7'.1 55,022.70 55,022.70 1406.5*r.:" ,*o: ,406.5 5.828.71 5.828.71 1406.5 at,u*.* *,u*.* rnn',.r, por DLT 1.00 13.00 1.00 '1.00 1406.5 't406.5 1406.5 1406.5 1.00 13.00 1.00't.00 127,760.95 6t2412013 ln S€ruice 113,317.22 12t412013 ln Seruice EnodoB 9412 Rack Mount 7001\,1h2 24vdc 3 setor Enod€B 8 Simultan@us Active us66 (104 total) PCDM softwar€ Lic€ns€s (per call moasuremont data) LA 5 to LAO upgrado DPS Aldming Equipmenl N€tGuardian NG420 94'12 Rack l,,4ount 700Mhz 24vdc 3 s€ctor Enod€B 8 Simultansus Active us6B (104 total) DPS Alaming Equipmenl Notcuardian NG420 NISC SwitchTalk and lnt{ration 232.061.13 2fi.ffi.27 353.177.90 il5.627.19 609.678.17 1 S@ bbor Oisi. 131 2ndry LBRS6 L.bor Dki. 2lnry LBR 113 131 2ndry LBR 2ndry LBR 131 2lnry LBR 2ndry LBR56 Lrbor Di!t. 2ndry LBR 2ndry LBR 2ndry LBR56 Labo. 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LLC JDR Telo@m SoMbB, LLccow OkEtOn.w,d.db201U10 cowDtd OtuwdMdb2013-10 Ahat+!rcdt USA lm. AT&T liobft'lyPil6r PEd&t SfliB, lNc.Alcatelll@( USA |rc. Alcatel.LM usA trc. Alcatd"l-ld usA trc. Abatd-LlH USA |rc. Sydrm Wicl6 BdcllPoH MU-Stato Co@ltanis A[k!d Buius Tallq MU-S:lat6 CoeltantsAlcatel-LM usA |rc. Mi,.siete Co@lt nts Amphml Tall€v MU-Steto Co@ltsntg Tallev JDR Tde@m Sddoc, LLC Al€t€l-Lu@d USA |rc. cDw otd CTCI OH Matdi.b SYriwWlrcle W6lls Famo BrhhtPolil JDR T€le@m SoMioB, LLC UPS NrSC Kimblo Oil. lNC. FedEr JOR Td6@m Solr(bE, LLC Alceto}L@il l.rSA |rc. Alcatol-Lucem USA |rc. Alcato}LEr{ USA lm. Alcatel.Lmil USA |rc.Alcat+LEri USA |rc.Sy*HWiBlB DPS Td@m OPS Td€6mDPSTfu DPS Tel@m Alcatd-Lld USA |rc. CTCI OH Matdb UPSAH gdt * CTCI OH Matdbb NrSC CTCI Oll Metdiab JOR T€l@m SoMin. LLCAblilldUSAlrc. SrcLl lrcl@. VordotName Deto chek cd JDR Tol@m SoldloN. LLC 711412011 27624 580 00 Tdl !E dd tlrd6 2gi.(}l2!i S.b.t r I746.22€50.S0+t685.43+7815.1I t sT.r 1d14D011 27949 12t29h54 28305 3t312012 2*47 113t2012 2070a 4/191ilJJ12 28747 4n7DO12 2878/ 518/2012 28a3a 5E1nO12 2AC22 al2at2012 29047 d15r2012 2fi37 1,413.75 r6.09 1,120.75 1.1 60.00 1,336.58 l61t7.7Ct 0,,16it.37 (4,732,10) Sffito forl Fqo(1,7t2.19t 10,,173.08 1.250.00 704.21 -!-l2ZE29i9L quiPm*1.575.m.- 3 1,575.00 1t25ng12 N1 3 28,m.S _!_l!9P994qLsft\raB8.110.50'-. --....3 8.110.50 I ('t16.0a8.33) 13.304.67 <----- 3 13.3)4.67 d1no12 29130 8r'19r2012 29440gl21ni12 20,116 fJml2012 29!,3D 1011u2012 2C5391o5no12 2s/13 1U1At2012 29671 1U5DO12 2g!73 1012212012 2fii7 1015r20t2 20530 10119D012 2fi25 1fJJ3012012 254101U31nU2 2gd2e 1(,112012 20!05 10/3112012 20671 11t20ti20',12 1215DO12 20733 11129t2012 29630120/2012 29729 12131n012 29818 112At2013 2*U 3,J25t2013 301't6 3131DO13 301885l23nfi3 30387 6111DO13 &4796/302013 30598 612712013 30506 6/2@013 30737 7BnO13 306ill 7EnO13 30631 7t3112013 fi772 ux2t2013 308538WnO13 306530tz2no13 30853 ot22!2013 30853 anno13 30820 9/3Or2013u21t2013 30976 e60r2013 31020 fp7no13fin6r'201t 3tte7 12r3J1i2013 12nAnO13 31307lMO11 31ti.l9 5.000.m 5,t6.0'l 1.505.00 19.76 1,1.,t53.25 8:).56 $ (180.00) 28.80<-..-. -- I 28.80 ,{23.0O 19.1 60.r8 2.308.3,1 56.(x) 706.3S 17,468.10 1,365.3,{ 538.20 17.51 10,218.10 250.00 a26.71 761.25 2S.86 12,m0.0O *itchtalk 99.87 58.58 i,423.74 32,8/J2.OO $ (2.6@.00) 156.m<-.-'--- . 3 156.00 2.888.10 6,1 0,1.00 16,3,l8.m 1.530.m i 2'371.72.- '--- --" -> I 2,371;12I 2,371.12 -------+ s__3p1fLs 9,446.83 (8.886.00)590.8a=.--.. $ 5m.88 @,5S.t7 7.12 31.76 21-n 71.42 (70.9€) 8,000-15. .*----,- -,-+ I 66,19r.363 fis.(m.m) sAM Rli --l-l!2.5€o49lLA637,631-36 s- -- - 3 37.63i.36 11.707.33 rr.h-E- 1o1or9 !Egy_110.68+80.45+5.73 107.06 fill hb d mrlrd 353,'lll.00 1r''' Wo.k odffcqttsunmity Wb.t oilr..d.|crt0m UrortodxilBSar Totrl omrhad To0il co.t WPA{006&ACF{DIiH} AnEma DPS N@ll0 t{e{6aurdian Otd*X 3SGCPA OEil9ET ANO OTPC?zs Trmsfsr 3i',itr t l-Json &morrilagB r0(I ifonoPoL 1000 Gsllon plopsr!. trr* FromIrc20tl4lN8 Cd)don 12x20 pEca.t Mlding Dllb Tolem Fsflrrs!,rlmi +24vdc poiverpLnt 2008 En flys FoiE Arf6 ODm 1020 dt B.ttgl6 Elclron i/heo hdoorcdl lltg +?Mo (il(R|I'r (04 cE), eyDo (s6 cE)) tP8lt ucENsG NTE1'7OEA GET'ET) clsoogt,l RourER - s66.00 2,n4$ 20,8S0.26 3a.293.I,r 1,800.00 9,500.00 345.66 500.00 31S00.00 1,0@,00 .f50.00 1515.00 haich€ry abolB Stanl€y - 6:0O 'r.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1it06.5 t406.5 1406,5 1408..5 1.106,5 '14065 1406.5 14i185 14{85 Irl06,i 1406.5 1{O6.5 L.bd lid Ocrtr.d sll|tmry L!bo. # Neme Oale llouG 104 1t21t2012 4.00 168.61 113 't 13 1U 't 1sfi3 2ndry Spd1U 113 2ndry SprdS6 bbor dit.Se hbor di{.2dryspd 2ndrySpdSe hbo. di8t"S* bbor di{. 2ndry Sprd 2rdry SDrd Se hbddir. 2ndry SprdS* hbor di{. t2J21ltS33 5.m 404.1831512012 t.00 71.6s6t25t2012 8.00 238.00E/25t2012 5.00 S2. t 61t16t2010 6.00 110.24 E28f2013 7.003/2u?IJ13 6.00 1Dt20138/tE8r20 i3.00o7t0147f23 2.50 931201 3 €mlmt 30/312013 37.50o011009t21 10.00 11t1f$13 11tMO131oJt2-1o/29 00.00 12X2t201312t2t2013 57.00 E6/2013 30850an7ao13 go27 u5t2013 307538/8/2013 30749 ,,608.25 1,475.24 1,5a2.71 1,251.62 8.6,1 2m.o7 40.o7 13.56 645.8,11,5.9 1.05 68.S'l 1,744.0,1 574.73 1.32 8.56 ,1,852.3S 17.22 2,Ats.32 3,632.3't 132.51 151-17 11,862.79@.$ 172.ffi 57924 tmhllldd VddorNems Data chock cort JDR Td@m Solrti$. LLC 3/3n012 2&5/Bl 942.50 Mld.Slat6 CoBrla6 !OEO12 2850'l ,152.00 Mil€hte CoB'lalt6 ,10t2012 28626 1 ,456.mMU€iate CoBl{ails 3li2*m12 28886 3,7e.12 ldaho O+r. of t ndt q11m12 2A7fi 250.00 Mil-Sbt6 CoBlalt6 111*2012 2An2 1 ,37i .m Mld€l,atc Cmie# 1t27m12 2A7,ia 2,350.m Mirsiate CoB.t B 5118fN12 288,12 1 12.00Mil€leb CoBiarts eftn012 2AsI1 2,650.60Milstatocdsilants 7BnO12 28030 1,155.@ Mil.Si.ts Ccrlt nb AAAnOl2 2S008 ,{20.00 Mu.Slat€Cmrfranb 7113r'2012 ?s11€ 15.13 Mir-Slsto Cc'nbnts 112712012 2e1t2 400.46 MU-Slete CoNltar|ts 911812012 20348 357.00Mld"SlatoooBultatu 111212012 29504 532.00 Mld-Sbt€ CoNltants 'l111d12o12 20645 418.12 MU.Slat€ Cmultatu llil5l20'13 m94A 57.00Crndofsdmo Egl/2013 30171 140.,16 Mk.Si.t€ C@ltanb 4i8no13 301:l5zl 56.00MiishtocqErltatu t8r2013 30307 504.05 Mld€tat CqEited 418/12013 3O23A 3(X).mili.hoTEwbtbnost. StZmOlt 303@ 50.00MilsbtecdH{arils 5117f2O13 30407 960.mFGdq 5n3t2o13 30387 D.12Mtlstatoco.Bil.tu 5l31l2ffi 3(xO7 57.m JOR Td@.n Solr.doc, Ll-o 61112013 30,t?o 688.75SelM Ris Elodb 6f25/2013 AXgl iS.3:17.91 Alkid BUU* SrDfy Co. 7l*2O13 30507 14.42Tetry A/i9/2013 tEql 7,653.0:l Milstrto CoNltartu AtNnOlS 30597 142.OO Mir-St tc CdBltanb 6ri5/20'13 4}568 243.1i State of LCrho Ocpt. of Land. 6l27l2g1t 30513 250.00 Mld-Sieto CoMlt nt3 6l2ol2o1a 3q85 2,257.00 Amphercl Aildm softnbB at2ol2o13 3{x81 -- "-- --} i 6,700,10$ (s.7s9.60)S9O50r"-"" $ SS050 CTCI OH MatdbbDw&ThorEck Rbtn Ris |rc. Swhsi Erewtbn WadoSlaim Chrd('s WeUitr shop Milslate Co.slantrMffiH6CdHletu DPS Td@m Matqbb TdiE & lm€dbn RobkEn Eldiq lm. Swhed EsEtbn Cmmi6 Rocky Mountaln Amdifibs Swigdl EEElbn G€fi/s Body RryhtrEn Camrbs LaEn c{mfbs trEn CanEUflaF ldatD O#hd of LandgLarn Tffi SEi.lirts LLC Le@n Camo{rflege 0&S Elodrical Suppv Co. Salmm RiwPEFm SaIlMRiBP@re A[ird Builds Ssply Co.GdyEeEtiml.lrc.wo[. Fam J.C. Ard@n Co. tdeib Tffi Cddrdbn Cmp CCI TBlwil & CErc |rc. cTcl OH Marqbb&lnm RiB Elodrio Wdb FamRobM El€.tric. |rc. UPS Ct{d('s W€ldir Shop ChEk s We{dim Shop 7lfino13 7 .217lmo13 30553 13-20 71fit2013 m673 36.075.m 7t1*2013 30651 10,1A7.57 7t10t2013 30604 1 .(m.308/&2013 30736 t.tg8.C) St@or 3 30860 4,,183-00e,6r2013 !()860 2,18.50sr6/2013 30853 a 2,371,12 -.$--eU1!9LdF117.12<----.''-- 3 117.72 I 22,111.8 -!129!!029IsdE.s 12s1.82 sr3r20t3 m040 131.77s,@013 3D88:l 20.m0.17g12no13 $0(D 2,070_mg11no13 3n939 2.m0.00 *27ti2o13 30973 ____-._,...,....,+ 26200.3,. s1127 t2013 $073 322t3.71 Iw d21no13 30060 300.00e1w12013 3150 (2,000.m)g:27X2013 30073 2.m0.00el2lDo1! 3006S 1S3.08 -!Jr.@I108.@ e-.- 3 100.@ to6l,/2013 311€3 1,V2A.17i(y31/2013 31147 05.32 10t2112013 3l't16 35,8@.50l(y16/2013 3108,1 718.5,01on1no13 310S0 600.m l(y18/2013 3106,4 l7,soo.mlorc2ol3 310$ 2,,O0-0o11r0G11/18 18.79 11118],2013 31277 15.559.22 1116n013 U2A 425.81fi/18r20'13 31?26 1.882.3S{1et2013 31210 7 .2A14412013 31,1,18 1,912.s0 . 121A12013 v$A 1,215.42 L.borand owtEd ellctod lbm2011-24 Labs end oEhd all@lod l@ 2011-21 L.bor drd oEiEd .i@t d l6m 2011-24 L.borad oatEd aloetGd rbm2011-21t horad oEtEd al@tGdftDm 2Ol1-24 L.bor ed oElEd alcld lM 2O1'l-21 Lebor ard owlEd eb€t d fom 201 l-24 lJs Td Veh. Ee.711.21 22+L64+2255+1.@+1.08+37.00+34.80+38.42+102.37+.22+21.55+2.16+275.53+2.79+l7,{.88 Pld Erd ffi......._ 7.1{% €1 O.30r6,t.57+621 .06+545.26+1 (E4.80+31 3.53+3i19.8A+650.26+2,t1 .7&1 870.80+1 I 09.06 FEhH llls. ffihiteRock Iro'66------------- l--208-.dfl lml Work order cost summaryiloikcde esCnFum -Work ord€r number Total overhead Total cost lndividual assets/items:Part Number Quantity/t ootage Unit material cosl Total material cost Labor and ov€rhead allmate(Total unil cost Total cost Act. CHALLIS 4100 Chassis CPU Card Fan Tray DS1 Card (28 Port) Ethernet Card (10 Port) DSI Backplane Adapter 56 Port Ethernet Backplane Adapter 16 P OC 48 SFP LR1 60km OC48 SFP LR2 86km OC48 Plugable base unit DSl Card (28 Port) CHALLIS REGEN 4'100 Chassis CPU Card Fan Tray DSI Card (28 Port) Ethernst Card (10 Port) DS1 Backplane Adapter 56 Port Ethernet Backplane Adapter 16 P OC 48 SFP LR1 60km OC48 SFP LR2 86km OC48 Plugable base unit CLAYTON 4100 Chassis CPU Card Fan Tray DS1 Card (28 Port) Ethernet Card (10 Port) OSI Backplane Adapter 56 Port Ethernet Backplane Adapter 16 P OC 48 SFP LR1 60km OC48 SFP LR2 86km OC48 Rugable base unit OC48 Plugable base unit MAY 4100 Chassis CPU Card Fan Tray DSl Card (28 Port) Ethernet Card ('10 Port) DS1 Backplane Adapter 56 Port Ethernet Backplane Adapter '16 P OC 48 SFP LRI 60km OC48 SFP LR2 86km OC48 Plugable base unit OC48 Plugable base unit ELK BENO 4100 Chassis CPU Card Fan Tray OS1 Card (28 Port) Ethernet Card (10 Port) DS1 Backplane Adapter 56 Port Ethernet Backplane Adapter 16 P OC 48 SFP LR1 60km OC48 SFP LR2 86km OC48 Plugable base unit OC48 Plugable base unit SPARES 4100 Chassis CPU Card Fan Tray DSl Card (28 Port) Ethernet Card (10 Port) DS1 Backplane Adapter 56 Port Ethernet Backplane Adapter 16 P OC 48 SFP LR1 60km OC48 SFP LR2 86km OC48 Plugable base unit DS3 Unit, 3 port Combo Dual OC3/OC'12 service unit sfp based Backplane adapter 28 DS'l/DS3 SFPI-0060 OC12 1310 LR LC 25 db sain SGigE or FiberChnl 1310 LR LC FC9681SFE1 P41 00ECPl R0832A FC9681FAN4 FC968 t ED12 FC9681 EGXl FC9681 ECDl FC9681 ECE2 FC9s700'r40 FC95700150 FC968'lEL81 FC9681 ED12 FC9681SFE,I P41 00ECPl R0832A FC968,I FAN4 FC9681 ED1 2 FC9681 EGXl FC9681 ECDI FC9681 ECE2 FC95700140 FC95700150 FC9681E181 FC9681 SFEl P4100ECPlR0832A FC9681 FAN4 FC9681 ED1 2 FC9681 EGXI FC9681 ECOl FC9681 ECE2 FC95700140 FC95700150 FC9681 EL81 FC9681 EL82 FC9681 SFEl P4100ECP1R0832A FC9681 FAN4 FC9681 ED1 2 FC968't EGXl FC9681 ECDl FC9681 ECE2 FC95700140 FC95700150 FC968'l EL81 FC9681 EL82 FC9681 SFEl P4100ECP1 R0832A FC9681 FAN4 FC9681 EO1 2 FC9681 EGXl FC9681 ECDl FC9681 ECE2 FC95700140 FC957001 50 FC9681E181 FC9681 EL82 FCg681 SFE'I P41 OOECPl RO832A FCg681 FAN4 FCg681 ED1 2 FC9681 EGXl FCg681 ECDl FC9681ECE2 FC95700140 FC95700150 FC9681EL81 FC9681 EO31 FC9681 EL4M FCg681 ECD2 FC95700060 FC95705040 $481.75 481.7s$1.312.25 1.312.25$224.00 224.00$641.00 641.00$972.00 972.00$64.00 64.00 $1 10.00 1 10.00$778.50 1,557.00 $o.oo$2,067.7s 4,135.50$706.00 't,412.00 $438.00 438.00 $1,292.00$224.00 224.00 $64'1.00 $972.00 $64.00 $1 10.00$778.50 778.50$1,376.00 1,376.00 $2,067.75 4,135.50 $438.00 438.00 $1,292.00$224.00 224.00$641.00 1,282.00$972.00 972.00$64.00 64.00$110.00 110.00 $707.00 1,4'14.00 $1,376.00 $1,880.00$2,379.00 4,758.00 $438.00 438.00 $1,292.00$224.00 224.00 $641.00 1,282.00$972.00 972.00$64.00 64.00$110.00 110.00$707.00 1,414.00 $1,376.00 $1,880.00$2,379.00 4,758.00 $438.00 438.00 91,292.00$224.00 224.00$641.00 1,282.00$972.00 972.00$64.00 64.00$110.00 110.00$778.50 778.50$1,376.00 1,376.00 $1,880.00$2,379.00 4,758.00 $438.00 $1,292.00$247.25 247.25 $64'1.00$972.00 972.00$64.00 64.00 $1 10.00$778.50 778.50$1,376.00 't,376.00 92,067.75 2,067.75410.50 1,231.50'I,069.50 3,208.507',t.25 71.25346.25 't,038.75 u6.25 U6.25 728.96 728.96 2231 1,985.63 1,985.63 2231338.95 338.95 223',1969.93 969.93 2231 1,470.78 1,470.78 223196.84 96.84 2231166.45 166.4s 2231 1,177.99 2,355.97 2231 3, t28.8't 6,257.62 2231 1,068.28 2,136.56 2231 662.76 662.76 2231 s3&9S g3&9S 2231 1,177.99 1,'t77.99 2231 2,082.09 2,082.09 2231 3,12841 6,257.62 2231 662.76 662.76 2231 33&95 33&95 2231969.93 1,939.86 223',1 1,470.78 1,470.78 223196.84 96.84 2231166.45 166.45 2231 1,069€0 2,'13959 2231 3,s99.78 7,199.56 223'l :: 662.76 662.76 2231 338.9s 338.95 2231 969.93 1,939.86 2231 1,470.78 1,470.78 223196.84 96.84 2231166.45 166.45 2231'f,069.80 2,139.59 223',1 3,599.78 7,199.56 2231 :: 662.76 662.76 223',1 338.95 338.95 2231 969.93 1,939.86 2231't,470.78 1,470.78 223196.84 96.E4 2231166.45 166.45 2231 1,177.99 1,177.99 223'l 2,082.09 2,082.09 223'l 3,599.78 7,199.56 2231 -: 374.t3 374.13 2231 , ,ori.r, 1,470.78 223196.84 96.84 2231 1,',t77.99 1,177.99 2231 2,082.09 2,082.09 2231 3,',t28.81 3,128.81 2231 621.',15 1,863.44 2231'l,6'18.31 4,854.94 2231107.81 107.81 2231 523.93 1,571.78 2231523.93 523.93 2231 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.OO 2.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 ',.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.O0 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 247.2',1 673.38 114.95 328.93 496.78 32.84 56.45 798.97 2,122.12 724.56 224.76 "i* 399.49 706.09 2,122.12 224.78 ,'ti.nu 657.86 498.78 32.84 56.45 725.59 2,441.56 224.76 't't4-95 657.86 498.78 32.84 56.45 725.59 2,441.56 - 224.76 1'14.95 6s7.86 498.78 32.84 56.45 399.49 706.09 2,441.56 - 126.88 498.78 32.84 399.4S 706.09 1,061.06 631.94 1,646.44 36.56 5JJ.UJ 177.68 5s,871.2s 57,789.75 29,654.69 57,565.06 87,4,14.44 E!e!-re# Name Oate l-louts 105 't05 105 S@ Labor Oisl 2ndry dist Se Labor Disl S@ Labor Disl 2ndry dlst Lrbq lnd Ovorhotd Summary 31292013 2.m 11A.71 ,2/2013 2ndrydist 3.73an@4M 2.fi 162.0705/2$05/31 25.00 1,156./B71212013 fi9.08611}6127 109.00 5,591.9507/01-07/03 19.50 932.328t1t20',t3 3.rr VendorName Date chek coEt h@.*r r,m.* ffi 2ff r 5.71_ 3$9S.I5LJ$a.e63,53,1.96 < Sydnga Networks Syrlnga Networks Syringa Netrcrks Syringa Netuorks SyrirEa Networks SyrirEa Networks Syringa Networks SyrirEa Networks SyrirEa Netmrks SyrirEa Nelrcrks Syrirya Networks Syringa Networks Sfinga NetworlG Syringa Networks Syringa Networks Wells Fargo CTCI OH Materials Syrlnga Networks Syringa Networks Syringa Networks Wells Faeo Sydnga Networ*s Syringa Netnorks UPS Border States Border States Wells Farco Amerifiber Swima Networks Border States 411812013 30291 4n92013 3029'l 4t3oi2013 30291iU30/2013 30291 412512013 30291 411812s13 30291 11.3ot2013 302914l2gx13 30291 4125t2013 30291 411812013 30291 .U392013 3029'l4l1AnO13 3(j291 4l3ot20't3 30337c8/2013 30353 3.337.28 -2866.001 47',t.28471-2a-- 1,868.50 -1638.001 228.&?,28.50<F - 1,379.37 1,379.37 2G2.11 -224.@1 38.41 ?t8.11 <F 3,603.30 -3163.001 14r,.3011430<:=-=====- r,379.37 251.15 -U4 27.4527.45-- 251./6 -24 3.4527-15-'ts 729.88 -438.00 291.682a1.8- 1,379.37 1,781.17 -4242.6 539.475!9.47- 1,379.37 7,762,08 -2866.00 4,896.084,896.0E- 5t2512013 5116t2013 dt2013 5t3'1/2013 513112013 6/19201 3 30353 1,866.50 -1638.00 228.fi22e.*-- 30354 ,t36.69 11.6630467 2,567.68 .2412.00 't55.68 155.68 <.--,- -.- 30467 106.3630467 15,151.13 -14274 887.13887.13<-- 612612013 30495 69.t5 612612013 30494 10.9661 12013 30494 10.96al22no13 30548 At27l2l2o'13 30413 3,ll.0l719t2013 30814 121.&71w2013 30669 129.39711612013 2,1806 (3,985.61r) 8/8/2013 30744 20.51Cctof gs$m RUS &ladbdrd Lsl 10t211N13 92435Woilfrs2m$ilTotdsocaldhvolc.. lc',4,ls ssl-siii- GTu Gfr':E p. 5.7 +.O7 +8.51 +7 3. 57 +292.25+33.29 PlilElp. FoAp 1 62. 32+ 1 33.94+908.2 4 +2628.61 +&8.24 FrelEht 413.39 1J11.35 PROV 431.1'l 4. t 3+6.35+36.93+31 3.23+70.47 Work ord6r cost summary tEnSpon 9M@3 Wo* ordor numbr Total overherd l-iE!s-Eo-]I_;T;_I t.....--] lndividual €ssts/fr 6ms:Pad #ootag6 Uni mateial @sl bhraM Tolal unlt @d Tot l @st FSP 3000R7 gRU Cmmons ahd Shelw3gHu Enhan6d Sh€fwith Shelf Cowrand no SCU, CEM, or PSUS, HV Pow€r SupplyModul€ DC for gHU Sh6f, 1000W, HW Rel 2.00 Common Equipm€nt l\rodule forgHU Shell HW Rel 2.00 Fan Modul€ for gHU Shelf, HW Rel 2.00 FSP 3000R7 Shamd Commohs and Cmponont3 Sh6fControl Unit, 2.5 HU high forsmall slob, HW REI 3.01 SFP lF, 850nm, lntE-Offi@ R6ach, for 1G FC, 2G FC, and GigE, HW F Netuork Element Contrcl Unit (NCUJI) with high p€iloman@ prcces$ OptielSupoNi$ryChann6l Module with 2 pluggabl€ netuo* poft, H' SFP lF, 151onm, V6ry Lono Resch, 12sMbivs onlf, for u$ with OSCM Opti@l Superui$ry Chennsl Filter Module, 1510 nm, HW R6l 2.01 Dummycard 2.5HU Passiw Unmansoed 1HU Fiber Manesomsnt Tray, HW Rel 2.00 FSP 3000R7 Sortuare and Llconss Right lo ue CWDM end DWD|II usinq Core, Ac@s, snd Ent6md$ @ Right to uso Add-Drcp or Dual Teminal @nfiguEtion on chsnn6l erds FSP 3000R7!ryDM Channel Modulos - Core TyF 2-Pod 2.7G &re Module, Dual Tominsl XPDR or 2-Pod MuxPOR, SFt FSP 3000R7 Plugg!ble Cli.nt Optlcs SFP lF, 131onm, Sbndad Re6ch, 100 Mbivs-2.666 Gbius, HW Rel 2.C FSP 3000R7 Pluqsabb DmM Optica Up to 2.7G SFP DWDIV1 lF, Ulta Long R6ach, CH #D02, 1530.33 nm, ( Up to 2.7G SFP DWDM lF, Ulka Lono R6ach, CH #D03, 1531.12 nm, ( 107A700121 1040700041 1m3708416 1M2700011 006370842M3 0061705M3 163704412 1 06 370846&03 I 061 706103 1063708481 63709902 1078700068 91 700010 1 091 700015 1063702200 0m1705805{2 006 1 704502-03 00617M503-03 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1_00 2.OO 2.00 1.00 2.OO 4.00 6.00 2.00 310,m 200.30 17e.14,Y' 174_14 50.54 211.13 254.O1 2E0,6t 442.O4 7.92,,Y ffi.9 s237 5,038.7A - 256:60 808.69*.:un 1,576.85 : 1,774.7A 2,062.37 3,422.14 $668.53 $312.03 $384.05 $138.68 $384.05 384,06$27.24 108.96$45s.17 455.17$547.62 547.62$280.02 561.84$476.50 053.00$17.07 17.07$135.13 27026 $0€0.12 900.12$199.14 1SS.14 $2,715.77 10,S3.08 : $a2.20 55"20 $871.73 1,743.4$871.73 1,743.4 $1,699.77 3,30e.54 -$1,913.13 9,826.26$3,i93.29 6,3mJ6 $3,9M.4S 7.808.98 : : 14m.6 t406.6 t4m.6 t4m.6 502.19 562.10 1406.639.S 159.50 14m.6066.30 066.30 14m.6801.63 801.63 14m.6411.22 82.45 14m.6oe7.52 1,3e5.04 14m.624.99 24.W 1406.6197.41 39532 14m.6 1,,005.48 1,405.4 1406.6291.5'1 201-6'1 1406.6 3.975.S 15,901.84 1406.6::134:97 809.80 1406.6 1,270.04 2,552.15 1406.€1,276.@ 2,552.15 1406.6 2,488.20 4,976.39 1406.€:: 2,AN.52 5,601.9 1406.6 4,674.44 9,ffi.05 1406.6 5,715.56 11.431.r2 1406.6 978.62 e74.62458.08 916.16502.10 502.19203.01 609.02 668.53 625.86 384.05 416.04 FSP 3000R7 Dtl/Dt Fllter cmponents, {l/Eou96l ch.nnel Plans (And ll FtlbE), For CentEl Olticc Applications 1063708731-01 2.00&Pod Channel Splitei for Chann6ls I 9590 to 19520, CMnnol Grcup ' FSP 3000R7 Optical AmplifieBOplidl Amplifisrfor Boosterappliction, Sinqls Skge, 20dBm maimur Oplicl Amplifigi Oouble Stag6, 20 dBm maximum output power, vada FSP 3000R7 DisFBion Componsation Manaqsd rcM forthe SHTHU end SHlHU using disFBion @mpens 1.00 1.00 2.OO 2.OO 2.OO 2.OO 1m3709050-03 1m3709052 6370S230 2024a26 12476?7 'e887@ Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Payroll Emolovee # Date Hours cost 1 15-1 18 06/17-06/19 5.00 233.00 105 115115 2ndry Dist 105/1 15 See Lbr Dist 81612013 1.00 48.66 911612013 2.00 99.68 12t2t2013 31.77 't21212013 44.50 2,633.26 Total labor 52.50 3,0,t6.37 Specia! lnvoices Vendor Name CostCheck Syringa Networks Syringa Networks Syringa Networks CTCI OH Materials UPS Amerifiber Syringa Networks 6t19t2013 30601 10rt7t2013 31 101 612812013 30555 1',U27t2013 111212013 31186 1112212013 31229 1212612013 31380 1t312014 31385 $ 46,011.08 917.47 $(42,876.27) 4,0s2.28 <- $ 4,052.28 3,059.07 69.65 60.27 94.94 7,784.00 7.59UPS Total Special lnvoices 1s,127.80 Sales tax Use Tax veh. Exp. 13.4+2.73+.04+4.91+2.19+136.37 Plow Exp. 159"64 1/03311 20.59+21 .27 + 48.34+ 1 21 3.6 1 2.86+3.21 +6.99+'l 37.1 8 Freight Workordor coat aummary ISorL ord.r da.oilptlon $lortorter nuntor Tqtalorirhoad Tot l coat 2005 Fibarbond 1? x 3U tm room Prccsst Bildlng # 24{ Genffio 601(W gaEretor #4044289 Arnpn€nal WPA{006}8CF-EDIN-0 l,lsrooni +24v-do 2006mp pori,cr plaot GllB 100331,111 +24vdc Batteris OPS l',lelgaudian !.1G420 Le.s{h Carrcxrf,sgp 4S lronoPlne (4O monopol€) 1.O0 1.00 6.@ 1.00 1.00 1.00 r.00 - - 33,750.00 10,000.00 986.60 ,l4O.50 9,600.00 2,224fi %,8n.00 31.000.00 '1,000.00 /150"00 1,515.00 - 1/l{}6.5 1406.5 1406.5 1406.5 140€.5 1405.5 1406.5 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1406.5 1i106,5 11106.5 1106^5 Labor.nd Ov.rhoEd Summ6ry I .Mr Emao@# oare '"fJ'r. c@t 06/10{d1: 07t1747124 u1no13 ul12013 a/1/20'13 0&01-0&09 09/12{9/3C 1U1nO13 1U1nO13 tl4r2u3 10/01-1028 12t2120'13 1110r't112'l 1t2t2014 12l06-',t2l',t2 Srclal lnvol6. VgndorName Dat€ check c@t F€d6x 5t2312013 30387 31.08 113 1 36/139'131 2ndry Dl8t.105 2ndry Dist.127 2ndryDbt. S@ Lbtr Dist S@ Lbr Dist136 2ndtyDist.127 2ndrYDist.113 2ndryDist. Ss Lbr Diet13'l 2ndryolst. S@ Lbr Dlet136 2ndryolst. S@ Lbr Dist C6u Sit6 Soluiion!, LLC JDR Td@m Solutions, LLC City of Stanloy Amph€nol Cynrhia A. li,lellllo PLLC wado SuryoYng Talley Tall6y Salmon Rlv€. Eletric C@p. Talloy Tall€y Robinson El6tric, lnc. WMS€ry|@ Robin$n El6tric, lnc. Swhert Ex€vadon Stinker Sb,6 Thompson Ct6k Mlno Sdmn Rivd Eletlc C@p. Tri TMr Td@m Corp. Tall6y Wells Fatgolrlsl Teh Stinkd StoB Allied Bulld@ Supply Co. Cell Sit6 Solutlons, LLC Syringa Wirel686 CTCI OH Malerlals CTCI OH Matodals GNB lndu6tlal PoEr OPS Td@m wolls Fai0o Robinson Eloottic, lnc. Swigert Ex@vadon Salmon Rivor Elstrlc C@p. Swiq€rt Exwston LaMn Camouflag€ L6Eon Camuflage Larcn Camullagg LaMn Caruutlag6 UPS Alli€d Buildots Supply Co. w€ll3 Fsmo LaEon ToEr Speclallsts 6.00 475.28270.il 12,957.58 74.65 39,17 17.9222.@ 1,005.4217.00 729.il 0.34 0.30 7.563,1.00 1,620.94 16.0538.50 1,965.97v.2228.00 1,474.59 t13/2013 fi347dl12013 30479fl2fl2013 30502d25n013 30595 6t12t20',13 30565 5I,t2013 30556d182013 30593 6t17120't3 30593 7110t2013 30586 7115t2013 30659 711512013 30689 7t16n013 30655 712512013 30661 7t17t2013 30655 7n5/2013 306517n12013 30648 7ly)l20',t3 30691 7n42013 306837n6r2013 307347nd2013 *7157nd2013 30746d1n013 307337i31n013 30736 c16/2013 yJ774 7/31n013 30,72 7l$n013 8r2U2013 8t2U2013 30888 8n2n013 30853 8t16t2013 308138n1no13 308278Q7nU3 30818 81272013 {@48/t2013 307s39l't112013 30S73 1,123.75 396.12 $ 6,951.13 $ (5,799.60) 1,151.53 <- $ 1,151.53 607.50 1,892.90 4,950.28 55.',t2 1,024.70 959.66 1,253.80 337.50 9,000.00 864.80 12,440.66 6tr.31--. -""-" - -) $ '16693_ s (440.50) u.14 367.@ 7.31 1.024.41 2i10.61 213.70 > s32,33000 S24.,169.11 2,427.25 131.48 8.76'"""."-._ $10,612.36I (9.606.00)1.006.36<- 5 1.006.36 s!&L00L 147.72 +------ 147.72 3,636.41 25s.00 1?,il4.25 I 13.8s 30939 ..> 2,000.00 30973 -------- 218.96 31037 ----31014 13.6431020 233.1731m5 (664.81)s156 + (2.000.00).ffidr fl16.87,.00)16.592.07- 1a5*.07 8.2s 2,190.94 960.84 17,500.00 1,200.00 645.54 93.25 uPs 10/32013 Talfoy 1U912013Tallry 10n8/2013 ldaho ToEr Conel Co 1011112013 CCI Transport & CEne lnc. '10/92013 Wolls F6i0o 10124120'13 Atliod BulldoB Supply Co. 10/3'112013 Coll Siio Solutlons, LLC t16it2013 CTCI OH Matorials 11D7n013 Jeck Lalimor '111412013 Wolls Fargo 10/16/2013 Alli€d BulldoE Supply Co. 1 180/2013 CTCI OH Matodsls '12!2712013 JoR Tel@m Solutions, LLC 6/2g1 900 Wel[s Faqo 12/i27n013 Labor and ov€ftoad albcd€d frcm 201 1-24 Labor and ovo.h€ad allocatsd fDm 201't-24 Labor and ovorftggd allocatod tDm 20'l 1-24 Labor and ovgrh6ad allocated fmm 201'l-24 9,/11no13 918/2013 9/1&2013 9r28i2013 9302013 10/8/20'13 1014D013 30976 31097 31076 31064 31063 31084 31147 31149 u,215.U (,13.750.00) 20.465,(N4------ -- 20,465.04 1.5231167 10,200.0031232 (494.52)3126/. (52.98) 36.3631397 181.2531341 584.26 11,852.79 382.35 172.06 579.26 Tdlmldffi 148.n6.,18 S.lo. tax u;; rE- IifrlEi]- I o.og.lo1.8oi60.06+.,r0+41.74'.8't *s{.62.1.-@!4_ Pld Exp, F6TD] t 9.02.9572.69+467.90+338.41 * q}s.go*t q9.@- Freloht .fl t z.zs"esz.83+20.49+sg.4o+9s.24*1 06.34.i 6.@ Work order cost summary Work order dBcrlption Work order numbel Total overhead Total cost l-TTt64e.-Fi'l I-T66;dis,:45-l ffir--l lndividual assets/items:Quantity/ F@tage Unil material cost Totd metedal cost Labtrad ovsrisad allocate(Total unit ffit Totalmt Act ONAN 3sGGPA 35K\ / Genset and 225OTPC transfeGwitch 1000 gallon propane tank 1996 Fiberbond Precast 12 x 20 building Ene6!6 Powersafe OOM 10033 1600ah 2007 batteries Argus 400 amp +24vdc Power Plant with -48vdc conrerleE Argus CMS 01 -48vdc convorter module Amphenal WPA{o063€CF-EOIN-t25 antennas From WO 2011.24 Ericsson Metro lndoor cell site +24vdc (1XRTT (64 CE), EVDo (06 CE)) IPBH LICENSE NTBWToBA (CEM64) CISCO 901 ROUTER '1.00 1.00 20,860.26 1,800.00 9,000.00 250.00 250.00 1 10.00 1,095.60 20,E6026 1,800.00 g,ooooo 250.00 250.00 330.00 t,+ 31,000.00 31,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00450.00 45t!.00 1,515.00 1,515.00 32,006.29 52,86,6.55 52,866.55 '1406.5 2.7fi.n 4.56l.n 4.&1.77 1406.5 13,808.87 22,808.87 22,808.87 1406.5383.58 633.58 633.58 1406.5383.58 633.58 633.58 1406.s 5o6.3iii 27A.7A 8i:t6.33 1406.s '1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10,066.00 47,563.89 78,503.89 78,563.89 1406.s 1,534.32 2,534.32 2,534.32 1406.s690./t4 1J4|.M 1jq.44 1406.5 2,324.49 3,839.49 3,839.49 1406.5 2,776.@ 16,659.60 'r406.s 67 330 86 73 nrA A6 11' MO 57 {7n R17 AA {R5 n7A 41 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Payroll Emolovee # Date Hours Cost 2ndry Dist. 712120'13 35.75 118 Labor Dist. 2ndry Dist. 2ndry Dist. 2ndry Dist. Labor Dist. Labor Dist. 2ndry Dist. 136 Labor Dist. Labor Dist. Totallabor 286.50 17,444.17 Special lnvoices VendorName Date check cost 06t26-06t27 97.50 5,152.12 07t0s-07t29 114.00 5.270.24 811120',13 81112013 9t3t20't3 08t0'l-0812: 09/05-09/19 1011t2013 11t4t2013 10115-10122 11113-11125 194.61 13.29 0.77 1,07',t.73 2,586.42 5.00 0.49 959.25 2.154.50 19.00 56.00 CCI Transport & Crane lnc. 612512013 30594 9,350.00 Bobcat Services 6125120'13 30564 13,996.79 John Bruggencamp 612612013 30536 62.86Talley 611712013 30593 244.58Talley 611812013 30593 9,889.74 Ray's Heating, Plumbing, Elec. 612812013 30590 109.65 Christensen & Griffith 61412013 30747 8,800.00 Chuck's Welding Shop 71312013 30735 1,199.93 Robinson Elechic lnc. 711012013 30639 636.83 Salmon River Electric 711712013 30683 22.57 Tri Tower Telecom Corp Round Valley Supply Allied Builders Supply Syringa Wireless CTCI OH Materials CTCI OH Materials Tri Tower Telecom Corp Cummins Rocky Mountain Getty's Body Repair Salmon River Electric Salmon River Propane Tri Tower Telecom Corp Border States Allied Builders Supply Power Product Services, lnc CTCI OH Materials Robinson Electric lnc. Wells Fargo CTCI OH Materials Syringa Wireless 712312013 30734 7128t2013 30738 713112013 30736 7t3',U2013 30772 713012013 812812013 8t1412013 30788 81812013 30749 9t1212013 30908 9t10t2013 30924 9t12t2013 30924 $ 451.56$ (330.00)$ 121.56121.56<.*-_ 84.79 47.58 17 ,521.22 12.95 44.06 182.32 1,054.76 €- 1',t,852.79 382.35 172.06 579.26 -> $ zz,ttt.aa $ (20,860.26) 1 ,25't.62 €-- $ 1 ,251 .62 2,070.00 s3.25 $ (1,800.00) 5S5.50€----_- $ 595.50 182.32 515.41 66.41 306.85 18.35 3,282.89 645.54 25.O1 9,500.00 building 4.84 688.75 $ 7,628.36 $ (6,s73.60) $ 1,0s4.76 Allied Builders Supply 1113012013 JDR Telecom Solutions, LLC 1212812013Amphenol 512212013 Labor and overhead allocated lrom 2011-24 Labor and overhead allocated lrom 2011-24 Labor and overhead allocated lrom 2011-24 Labor and overhead allocated from 2011-24 Veh, Exp. 261.41 +51.86+ 1.34+1 37.50+.5 1 +58.45+1.98+1 25.64 Plow Exp. POAD -23st2}*'raoz.13+404.i2+1100.30+384.51+oB1.80 F.eigltt 9t20t2013 10t8t2013 9130t2013 10t8t2013 1014120'.t3 10nt2013 10116t2013 1111812013 10t30t2013 30938 31030 31020 31034 31072 31084 31217 31264 31 397 30366 Sales tax Use Tax 63SS9 6,784.14 205.46+412.09+60.86+195.75+66.66+126.37 1.067.19 11 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost ffiproadffi rerc ffi I--t lndividual assets/items:QuanUty/F ootage Unit material cost Toial matarial cost Labor and ov€fiead dlocaH Tolel unit cost Total cost Ac[ BFO24 BFOt2 2,054.00 362.00 0.36 0.31 749.69 113.14 s,sgt.zz 904.18 3.Al 8,740.96 2423.12.81 1,017.32 2423.1 0.68 862.83 6,8S5.45 6.09 7,7*.28 Labor and Otrerttead Summary Labor payrdlgmdoyee* oate "iours cct 136 2ndyDnil 6Bf2073 6.951O4 2rdryDist 127 136 See Lbr Dis[ 127127 2ndry Dist 't27 145 6t3t2013 5tr9/2013 6ngnu3 05/204531 61312013 10nnu3 09/16{9117 10n5no1c 31.r6 267.37 240.20 1,019.55 188.31 0./to3.00 145.842.00 71.04 6.00 6.00 24.@ 4.00 Spsclal lnvolces VenduName Date check Cost CTCI OH Ma&erlals runaffOer Arneriflber CTCIOH Materids Sales tax Use Tax 'iEfrEl- zo.6s+1 o.12+.07+7.92 Fioffi iI a.o7+.28+s.2o+o.sg F6I6-ass.oo+96.47+72.s1 $ (82,+.20)3.275.21ffits.2t 4.76 431.77 6rcn413 9n6nu3 9/192013 12130.1U31 $4,099.41 ---------------- $40.94$ (38.63) 2.31 1- $ 2.31 88.79m 1,004.58 57.41 Frelght 35.45+1 1 .49+10.47 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost '10 ADSL2+ Tellabs/AFC 6 port cards rere ffi t-6-] lndividual assets/items:Quantity/F ootage Unit material cost Total mabrial cost Laborand orerh€8d allocded Total unltcost Totel cost Total cosl 526.78 5,267.78 2232.1Tellabs/AFc ADSL2+ 6 port carc 317.78495.00 4,950.00 Labor and (}prlpad Srmmary Labot PqpdlDda HourE CostEmpbrce# Spet{al lnvolces VmdonName Date check cost PIGS Tdecorn Sabs tax Use Tax Ve?u Ery. Plw Exp. tr18/2013 3ffi03 $ (4,e50.00)317.78* S 317.78 Frclgti Work order cost summary Work ordor dascrlption Work ordor numb€r Total ovorhead Total cost Calix VDSL2 24 port card @t n?;a 6g*: t canl Labor ffid Orrhead Stmmary Emplotree # Spee}rl lwoles Dat6 chmkq1uD73 30497 -----)$ 3,187.&, $ (2i996.25) 191.58 €- $ 191.58 Sales tax Usc TaN Veh. BE. Plw Exp. Frtlght Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost m l2 new VDSL2 6 x 6 cards for AFC/Tellabs rere ffi tEt lndividual assetsfi tems:Quantity/F ootage Unit material cost Total material cost Labor and ovedcad allocated Tdal unlt cost Total cost Act. 2232.11,194.24 2,388.,18144.42,244.NTellabs AFC VDSL2 6+6 cards 1,122.00 2,244.W 1M.4 1,194.24 2,388.48 2.00 Labor and 0lrerfied Sunmary Labor PEOdlDate Houm GoetEmplovc# Spoclal lrrples VendorHame Date Chec.k kt KGP Logbths Sales tax Ueo Tax Voh. Exp. T;tum: TtEnoB 30609 $ 2,388.48 $ (2,244.00) 144.& ?- $ 144./$8 Frolght o Work order cost summary Work order description Work order numbet Total overhead Total cost 1 l-1 r.-io-55Ta-Zl ffi t-_l lndividual assets/ilems:Quantity/F ootage Unit material cost Total material c!st Labor and overhead allcated Total unit cost Toial ccl Act Elk Bend CO Transition Netmrks Optical Line Converter Transition Netmrks Optical Line Converter Porer Supply Transiton Networks Optical Line Converter OC-12 SFP 1300nm Transition Networks Optical Line Converter OCl2 SFP 131onm FtomWO20'|1-24 Ericsson Metro lndoor c€ll site -48vdc (1)(RTT (64CE), EVDO (s CE)) IPBH LICENSE Remoto MFRM, extended fiber lisence NTBWT0BA (CEM64) CISCO 9O1 ROUTER RSTl 35'pole MlNl-RE cabinet Transition Netwrks Optical Lin6 Converter Transition Netrcrks Optical Line Converter Porer Supply Transition Neturcrks Optical Line Converter OC-12 SFP 'l300nm Transition Notwrks Optical Line Converter OC-12 SFP l310nm RST2 35'pole MlNl-RE cabinet Transition Netrcrks Optical Line Converter Transition Netrcrks Optical Line Converter Power Supply Transition Netrcrks Opucal Line Converter OC-12 SFP 1300nm Transition Netrcrks Optical Line Converter OC-12 SFP 1310nm Spare Transitjon Netmrks Optical Line Converter Transition Networks Optical Line Converter Porer Supply Transition Networks Optical Line Converter OC-12 SFP 1300nm Transition NetuDrks Optical Line Converter OC-12 SFP 131onm 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 526.34 1,052.68157.82 315.64199.99 399.98501.99 1,003.98 31,000.00 31.000.00 1,OOO.OO l,OOOOO2,875.00 2,87s.00450.00 450.00 1,515.00 1.515.00 387.12 250.00 526.34 157.82 '199.99 50'1.99 387.12 250.00 526.34 157.82 ,99.99 sot.99 387.12 250.00 526.34 157.82 199.99 501.99 387.12 250.00 s26.34 157.82 199.99 50'1.99 1,373.46 41'.|.82 s21.86 1,309.92 40,446.49 1,so;.73 3,751.09 587.13 1,976.66 1,213.07 2,42414 1406.5363.73 727.46 1406.5400.92 921.84 1406.51,156.95 2,313.90 1406.5 71,446.49 71,446.49 1406.5 a*o;.7s z,goi.te 1406.s 6,626.0S 6,626.09 1406.5 1,037.13 1,037.',13 1406.5 3,491.66 3,491.66 'r406.5 892.21 892.21 1406.s576.18 576.18 1406.s1,213.07 ',1,213.07 1406.5363.73 363.73 1406.s460.92 460.92 1406.5 1,156.95 1,'t56.95 'r406.s 892"21 852.21 1406.5576.18 576.18 1406.5 1,213.07 1,213.07 1406.5363.73 363.73 1406.s460.92 460.92 1406.51,156.S5 1.156.95 1406.s 1,213.07 1,213.07 1406.5363.73 363.73 1406.5460.92 460.92 1406.s'1,156.95 1,156.95 1406.5 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 505.09 326.18 686.73 205.91 260.93 6il.96 505.09 326.18 686.73 205.91 260.93 6il.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 526.34 157.82 199.99 501.99 526.34 '157.82 199.99 501.99 686.73 205.91 260.93 654.96 43,658.80 45,044.94 58,771.28 100,621.55 103,816.22 erpry"" * o"t" P"fJlro co"t 105 2ndry Dist 7nno13 45.11 LBR DisL136 2ndry Dist LBR DisL LBR DisL136 zndry Dist136 2ndry Oist LBR Dist. LBR Dist. LBR Dist. ldaho Tower Const. Company CDW Direct Salmon River Eleclric Talley CTCI OH Materials CDW DiEct Syringa Wireles CDW Oirect Labor and Ovarhsad Summary Labor 6nil20't3 9,3t2013 08/19{8/2€ 09/04{9/2( 10t1120't3 't1t412013 10/0&10/2a 11tO|-11De 12102-121',t( r5.50 34.00 8.00 67.00 99.50 31.00 787.31 1.46 1,543.13 314.20 1.20 0.12 3,2'16.48 4,739.72 1,621.17 S^..lrl lnw^lrat VendorName Date chsck cost JDR Telecom Solutions, LLC 6t'l'la013 30479 906.25 Allied BuildeE D&S Electical Supply Co. Talley Talley Allied Buildets CTCIOH Materlals CDW Direcl 8i31l2013 30858 9/'t8/2013 309709D712013 30972 9127t2013 309729/30/2013 31020 'tol16-10t24 10118t2013 31056 1011w20't3 31076 1012412013 31086 10124t2013 3109810/30/2013 31103 10t2412013 31093 10/30/2013 31118 1112712013 1U29n013 31211 11D2nO13 3',tz',t1 1'll4l20't3 312',t',1 10.98 965.73 6,591.68 439.66 16.82 53.88_'_____+ $ 562.93$ (526.34) 36.59 <--_ $ 36.59 555.03 --''''')8rc.60 $ (789.10) 84.50 <- $ 84.50 12,000.00 1,074.45$ (999.95) 74.50 <-'- $ 74.50 _-- --> 851.66$ (774.24\77-42<- $ 77.42 't.22 67.83-----=---> 2,25'1.83 $ (2'105.36)'146.47+ $ 146.47 Talley CDW Direcl 500.00 ,--,_ ___ 2,687.05 $(2,509.95).t77.10 <- S 177.10 Allied BuildeE 1113012013 Salmon Ace Hardwars 1113012013 CTCIOH Materials 12127D013Amermber 1112512013 Salmon River Electdc Coop. 'l2l4nfl3 JDR Telemm Solutions, LLC 1212812013 Labor and overhead allocated frcm 201 l-24 Labor and overhead allocated from 201 1-24 Labor and overhead allocated from 201 1-24 Labor and overhead allocaled lrcm 2O11-24 Labor and overhead allocated from 201 1-24 31264 '.t13.7331253 4',t.21 48.4731322 269.4831316 69.0531397 688.75 I 1,852.79 382.35 1,099.25 172.06 579.26 Sales tax Use Tax EfrlEipl- nt.sz*92.81 +.1 8+1 9.65+1.65+'r 86.18+4.83+3r---75ssi Fo -- szs.as +723.'t 4 + 1 s3.42+1 1 71.g8+Zl r 3.62+.r SrJli?O-At Freight so.tg*1og.g7+27.93+177.74+285.12+'t7t.1g Bo7J4 Work older cost summaly Work onler dsccrlpdon Work ordor number Totrl orcrhoad Tobl cort EDCG KIT (Con 2, CM2, TrM) IPBH LICENSE 1XRTT canier Usance (64 CE) NTBWToBA (cEM64) Alarr{ttgSofrware DPS Auto Databaslng ASCII SP/4RE clsco9ol RoUTER - - 1,500.00 1,000.00 r9,500.00 .150.q) 6;450.00 1,515.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.t08.5 1406.5 ,.106.5 'lrto6.5 1406.5 1406.5 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Payroll Employee # Date 'Hours Cost 1 15 711112013 7.00 335.83 Totallabor Special lnvoices Check 7.00 Vendor Name Labor and overhead allocated from 2011-24 573.52 764.70 7,455.79 172.06 2,467.29 579.26 Total lnvolces 12 Sales tax Use Tax 11.95+ Plow Exp. FGD 110.68+1 10.68 Freight 25.30+25.30 a.!-" llVork oder eoct lummiry tilort ordqrdorcrlnilon Wortordcr numbcr To{d onrfioad TotC cost - - 1,500.00 r,000.00 19.500.00 450.00 1,515.00 - 1.00 2.W 1.00 1.00 r.00 105 105 115 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Payroll Employee # Date 'Hours Cost 105 2ndry Dist. 81112013 4.57 07111-O7112 10.50 598.06 1112612013 8.50 446.68121512013 7.00 332.50 Special !nvoices Name Date check cost CTCIOH Materials Labor and overhead allocated lrom 2011-24 Labor and overhead allocated lrom 2011-24 Labor and overhead allocated from 2011-24 Labor and overhead allocated from 2011-24 Labor and overhead allocated from 2011-24 1112712013 16.08 573.52 764.70 7,455.79 172.06 579.26 .40 Sales tax Use Tax Flow E-xp. 166+231.83+360.79 Freight FRov 97.97+26.20+40.00 67.72 758.62 104.17 and Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost rc ffi ffi l-aE-] ffiboveJan Phiiipsat lron creek in Elk Bendffi lndividual assets/items:Quantity/F ootage Unit material cost Total material cost Labor and overfiead allocated Total unit cost Total cost BFOl2 BFO,I2 Calix 765G ONT o.27 0.27 1,675.10 845.18 53.02 1,675.10 3,024.55 189.74 5,994.49 i.rt s,aos.zs1.23 242.76 7,669.59 7,669.59 1,675.64 2,573.30 9,208.77 7,672.04 11,782.07 Labor and orlorhead Sumrnary tabor -----@-Employs# Date 'Hours k LaborDist 0711647n5 20.00 7G8.32 Labor Dist 08/01-08/m 12.N SDocla! lnvolces V€ndor Nama Das-co of ldaho, lnc. CTCI OH Materials Alliod Builders Sales tax Usa Tax Veh. Fxp. 34.14+32.76 FiffiEiiI s2.es+1. 1 8+s. 1 s ffi6-zos.so+233.96 Freiglrt FR6 z2.2o+s.21 7t29ti2013 30777 axPo13 813112013 30858 4,422.40 -----+ $ 5,868.75$ (845.18)$ (53.02) $(1,675.10)3,295./t5<-- $ 3,295.4s 4.13 66.90 39.32 439.46 75.49 Work ordcr coet summary Work odrrdedptlon Work ordcr nunbor Total oarhaad Total cct ffi INEW DUCT AND FIBER TO STATE LAND TOVI'ER IN STANLEY - - -1r,468.00 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Payroll Employee # Date 'Hours Cost See Lbr Dist. 91312013 282.00 12,128.06 2ndry Dist 2ndry Dist 2ndry Dist 101112013 101112013 1011t2013 09/03-09/30 95.00 4,631.99 10/01-10/31 32.50 1,386.22 10t31t2013 1112712013 91412013 1212712013 -----+ $ 4,062.65 $ (3,576.04) fiber486.61€- $ 486.61 51.97 2,226.00 24.24 1.95 1.88 1.68 See Lbr Dist. See Lbr Dist. Total labor 409.50 18,151.78 Speclal lnvoices VendorName Date Check Cost Westfall Logging, lnc. Allied Builders CTCI OH Materials CTCI OH Materials MTE Communications CTCI OH Materials 811212013 4,635.00913012013 94.82 Total Special lnvoices 24.080.06 Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. 769.82+2.30+229.58+.69+77.92 Plow Exp. 27.83+121.12+172.25+11.53 POAD 3583.7 7 + 1 41 4. 1 0+384.52 Freight Fnov s03.56+288.36+88.94 1,080.31 3nn --5,38'239 l7Btuo tal labor and overhead 5C Work order coct summary Work oder deocrlpdon Workordor number Tohlowrhcad Total co8t - - - BaldMn dace tabor and Orrerhead Summary Labor Payroll ^^-L See Lbr Dist 911012013 14.00 Speclal lnvoices CTCI OH Materla[s 9t17PO13 Vendor Name $ 1 ,1 19.05 $ (105.67) 1,013.38 $1,013.38 548.15Cenbal ldaho Trade ,'1l4nu3 Sales tax 'irse'- ffip. os.s1+.32+34.98 PlowExp. 2.38+'t0.31+25.80 POAD 159.53+169.24 100.21 328.77 10133 Freight 76.88+24.45 Work order cost summary 201Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost rcre ffi t--t lndividual assets/items:Quantity/F ootage Unit material cost Total material cost Labor and overhead allocated Total unlt cost Total cost Act From WO 2011-24 EDCG KIT (Core 2, CM2, Tl lM) IPBH LICENSE 1XRTT carrier Lisence (64 CE) NTBWToBA (CEM64) ctsco 901 RoUTER 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 't.00 1,500.00 't,000.00 19,500.00 450.00 1 ,515.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 19,500.00 900.00 1,5'15.00 2,094.26 2,W4.26 573.52 764.70 7,455.79 344.1',! 579.26 2,073.52 2,073.52 1406.5 1,382.35 2,764.70 1406.5 26,955.79 26,955.79 1406.5 622.06 1,244.'t1 1406.5 1406.5 23,965.00 25,4't5.00 9,717.38 33,127.97 35,132.38 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee # PayrollDate Hours Speclal lnvoices Vendor Name Date Labor and overhead allocated lrom2011-24 I I J 573.52 764.70 7,455.79 344.11 579.26 Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. Freight PROV Wort order cost summary Work ordcr d€Gcrlpdon Wort ordcr numbsr Total ovurhead totel coct - - IPBH LICENSE 1XRTT oanier Lisence (64 CE) NTBWToBA (CElt64) clsoog0r RourER 2.00 1.00 1.00,l I Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee #Cost Totallabor Speciallnvoices Name Date check cost PayrollDate Hours Labor and overhead allocated from 2011-24 I tv Sales tax Tseil Veh--xp. Plo-wExp-. POAD Fretght ,-* 764.70 7,455.79 172.06 579.26 and overhead II! Ii !lsl .ll d1 $ l-s 3.lb9la l2 .9 lrII t-atttt lH-t-IJHI IT ll- taEl: till'lfiot- I'JtdIJ ITtolo IElolctoIElE'IEIJlq. l.toto160lett.: lod t3IJlE- nI oF 1 s58t:Fs3 -664ts66{6?NtiO66EicccJsi --- o--o, tq|! t' $.t ssrEtFitti$tIIia"ldC.{.{.{ O60OOOO I $6I AI == tI Od Iw 1 It-t ld rH I 0 d Eo 3o65J) E a0z-oxua2uoIJI @@itrtr d E .7I r E: f= t\lr IiE I I qEl v o o T = = E El 2<a= .E ESIe