HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130529Application.pdfYU HAND DELIVERY Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Cvnrnn A. Meuu-o PLLC l' ': i"' ' : : " ' 8385 Vl Emenelo SrnErr . Botse, Ionno 83704 (208)577-5747 . cam@camlawidaho.com ?BI: i{i1Y 23 F}{ 2: 03 ili.rriii, . ..: .. IT:Ll'ii l:::. ill:-'':':, I ii-;* :i'j j May 29,2013 Ll,tb-T- 13- D I v, \rrr Re: Custer Telephone Cooperative,Inc.'s Application for Broadband Ta>< Credit Certification Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing, please find the original and four copies of Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc.'s Application in the above referenced case. Please conform one of the copies and return it to me. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, bn(ilU'W Cynthia A. Melillo CAIyI/ Enclosures CAM to IPUC encl20l2 BB tax credit application D oRIGINAL CynthiaA. Melillo [ISB No. 5819] CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 Telephone: (208) 577-5747 Fax: (208) 361-3441 cam@camlawidaho.com Attomeys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, [NC., FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION l ' 1. r't1)I i. i-. -.J BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION caseNo. CU,a n-13-O I CUSTER TELEPHONE cooPERATM, INC.'S APPLICATION Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Custer Telephone" or "Applicant"), by and through its attorneys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029,Idaho Code. In support of its Application, Custer Telephone states as follows: 1. Custer Telephone is a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service and other telecommunications services in southem Idaho. 2. During the calendar year 2012, Custer Telephone made certain investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(I)(3)(b), Idaho Code. Exhibit A, attached hereto, describes Custer Telephone's qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Commission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-01-10. CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.'S APPLICATION. I 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: Cynthia A. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 (208) s77-s747 cam@camlawidaho.com Teresa Westergard Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 1l1l South Main Street P.O. Box 324 Challis, lD 83226 admin@custertel.net 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and, therefore, requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, Custer Telephone requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029l,Idaho Code. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 29th day of May 2013. CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.'S APPLICATION - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERYICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 29m day of May 2Ol3,I caused to be served a tue and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Sfreet P.O. Box 83720 E u.s. uaitX Hana Detveredfl Overnieht MailI Facsimile Boise,lD 83720-0074 =(&,-Q..:'iCynthia A. Melillo CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPBRATIVE, INC.'S APPLICATION. 3 Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application Companv Information l. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. Type of company: 4. Contact person: Equipment Description 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Network description: 7. Transmission rate: 8. Number and percentage of Idaho customers served: 9. Equipment list: Custer Telephone Co-op [nc. Box324, 1101 East Main Ave., Challis Idaho 83226 Telecommunications Carrier, ISP, Wireless Provider, Long Distance provider, CATV Provider Teresa Westergard, Box 324, Challisld83226 teresa@custertel.net 208-879-2281 ADSL and SDSL tlpe services Fiber optic fed DLC's with l2K non loaded copper distribution cable, Fiber to the Home electronics, Fiber optic transport electronics, Fiber optic backbone and distribution cable. 256,000 bits per sec - 10,000,000 bits per sec from a subscriber 256,000 bits per sec - 50,000,000 bits per sec to a subscriber 1,252 customers with broadband service out of 1,605 possible See attached Broadband Equipment List I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-30291. Teresa Westerqard Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. eh o IoI oQ ob0 ct3 oxE]h((, 0) '] obI) oXHa Cd (-) L.OIU' Q C)botr CO oX rI1 U) d O Lc) U))O oE.d O C) lr-o q)(lr bo oxaoEXOE] c)h0 oxr! U) d O !0) v))U 0)o0tro)CB bO (.) itix-<g.l o.qfr Xc,O>u.-o-d ad =6U'.] trox(B Oo l<-oo+{ a0 t) <)=xOH (l) botrd oXH U) (d (-) Lo)Ia)U oo0tr oXHa d U Lo) U) O q) boi(d oxH U) CB O lio 0 U Eq) a anq)(\l oNh CBz C.l oN lrg (\l o.lhL Cd5tr-o()t\ c.too.l oLd c-t N = N Ntrq)s C)oC)o N Nx)l- N N L{(.)p G;)o G) NoNh)h N O6l ) ehoU o\rnt-oo\o s+ cae'l\o6I \o @ ca\ca oo $ G sncot--N @ N ca;$\o t--$ @ O\--\nO+N$c\ vIN\OVcn s4A r-\o \o G FNdl e'ls r--tr- O\-:qo-$ @e (\l$ t-. 00 s4 oo9r-c.lco\o(.) @ tine ror-$ G C'za Lo o) =a aF AIol LlC.) 2EU=OrI]H If-* -e .qgE 4taAa*gE9 ii?: EEHfrgE>fi8 ^3oFitrF(,)l fiUH.?aa€EE.$tr: o:Qorw aFo o<INja> '2. *Uts$fi H I['- * j' ooOrtr h'8, gE Eba8 EEz6 a & o) (!frrr =7)oaz6 EO'll<{8 o ! 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'= :+t553 Xou)v)H lro LE-5ra V) 6lg'R'= v :ttFtsO5dB Work order cost summary Work order descrlp0on Work order number Total overhead Total cost to old Tom Hamilton trailer for Heather Yelton in May ffi@ 710 ONT 2.POTS I.ENTERNET .;!.1 'Jr.i:;U!H i-j ,:. llr I 'fil Lrbor and Owrhead Sunmary Lrbor Employee Name 4.00 19E.094.00 160.634.00 182.36 1n 104 127 Pryro[Date Hours fir23nu1 4512012 4t5no12 Soeclal lmolcoc VendorNare Dde check coet GTCI OH Md€riail CTCIOH Materk{ Sab:tax 24.@ Uso Tax Vch E . 20.24+2'1.75 Fffip-06.s1+7.4e FOE-sos.o3 finBnu'l 51112012 143.09 78.39 24.O9 41.99 355.03 Frelgttt 4.71+',11.32 18.03 Wort order cort rummary Wort ord.r d-cdpfbn Wortod.'numbrr To(rl orurlrd Tohl co.t - -- -MBm0X.24FS-[, wlh OC pouersrypurt Labor and Overhead Summary Labor PryrollDate Hourc Employee# Name 115 't15 312012012 3t21t2012 2.00 137.791.00 68.89 Soeclal llwoices Vendor Name Date Chck Syringa Nehrorks Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. 4.9'1 Plow Exp. F6I6-rsa.os 312612012 28660 15,715.29 switches 4.91 PROV 5.30 5.30 Work order cost summary Work ordcr doscrlpflon Work order number Total ovcrhead Totrl coat Gigabit Ethemet Card to use as our spare Labor and orlertpad Sunmary Labor Empbyee# Name PayollDate Houre Coet Speclal lnrclces VerdorNarne Date check cost ffi.ffiztz.q Veh. Exp. Fiffi. Frelglil 45.00+ Ti- 272.8 45.00 Work order cost summary Work order dcrcrlp0on Wort order numbor Total orerlrcad Total cort Calix 714 ONT ONTfor new Lab atTCrookffi :di-r] * I .r':{, i:r*jli {.q; frg,rEi'#!', Labor and Ovorhead Summary Labor PayrollDate Hours 4.00 4.00 127 139 Employee Name u1t2012 u1t2012 182.95 143.55 Speclal lnvolces Vendor Name Cost CTCIOH Materials Sales tax Use Tax ?,2912012 ------------+ 554.63 -484.04 70.5e (--7d30- 2.91 369.38 Veh. Exp. 2.91+ Plow Exp. POAD 369.38+ Frelght 20.o2+20.02 Work ordor cost summary Work order daacrlptlon Work ordor numtEr Total ovarhe.d Tolsl cdt netrrcrk3, 3 quots(nilAdva sh6lv6 b repla@ old systom, mi$od stp'r, sparos for ths @st ring) t--FFl l-iItffi'l l-E-T-ffi l-------..-.'_t lndividual asssts/itoms:Part numbor )uantity/t etage Unit matqial @st Tobl mbdal@t LfuM wqhcad dtocdo(Totrl uii Gt Tot€l @d Act Optical amp for b@sttr amp optlcal 6mp optioal amp raman amp managod DcM managsd ocM managed DcM gHU onhanoed shelf porersupply rcdule DC emmon €quipm€nt mdulo lan module THU.helfpffir supply module DC fan mdulg sh€lf onlrolunit notwrk domst @ntrol unit optiel supeilisory channel mod sfp if sfp if optic supeNisory channol mod 109 @re xpdr 2.79 @re mdulo sfp if 2.79 sfp dvdm if 2.79 sfp dudm if ROAOM module 40 chaonel AWG mur sfpif, 1310, SR, loombps 2.666gbps SPARES Powrsupply module DC @mmon equipmenl modul€ fan modulo Porcrsupply rcduls OC fan modulo !h6lf control unit notrcrk olomfft @ntrol unit optic aupwi$ry ohann€l mod sfp if sfp if 109 core xpdr 109 @re xpdr 109 @16 xpdr 2.79 @rs modul€ 1 19 xfp if sfp if 2.79 sfp dvdm if 2.79 sfp dvdm if ROADM module optical amp for booster app opti@l amp optioal amp RAMAN amp 1,913.13 3,E26.263,'193.29 3.193.293,193.29 3,193.295,291.33 5291.331,977.57 1,9f7.571,877.57 1,8n.571,877.57 1,87f.57 668.53 858.53455.17 910.34455.17 '155.17138.68 4t8.04526.29 526.29416.05 8i)2.10384.05 384.05384.05 768.10455.'17 i455.17il7.62 97.62280.92 2fi.git1,059.69 1,059.8S,176.50 470.508.164.07 18,348.142,715.77 5,$r.5492.20 t8,t.'l01.039.37 2,078.711,039.37 2,078.717,816.09 ',15,632.r82,837.69 5,675.38 2,154.79 4,309.t '1406.6 3,596.65 3,596.65 1406.6 3,596.05 3,596.65 1406.65,959.70 5,959.70 1,106.62,27-gt 2227.37 1406.62,111.73 2,111.79 1406.62,111.79 2,11113 1406.6 752.98 752.98 1406.6512.66 1,025.33 1406.6512.68 512.06 1,106.6156.20 ,t68.59 1406.6592.7t 5g2,7t 1406.6,168.60 937.21 1406.6432.58 49.56 1406.6432.56 865.12 1406.6512.6{t 512.86 1406.6616.79 616.79 1406.6316./t() 316.'i0 1,106.61,193.54 1,193.5{ 1406.6536.69 538.69 1406.69.195.3t 18,390.62 1406.63,058.81 5,117.62 1406.6,03.85 207.69 1406.61,170.66 2.3/1.32 1406.61,170.68 2,U1.9. 1406.68,803.38 17,605.75 1406.63,196.13 8,392.26 1406.6 1063709050{3 106370905',| 10637090s2 1063709060-03 63709256 1063709258 63709260 1078700121 1040700041 10637084 t 6 '1042700011 787001 1 l 1040700023 004270000144 006370842M3 1063708412 1063708463{3 1061706193 1061706083 '1063708481 0063700200-03 1 063702200 006170580il2 61704568 61704581 106370831043 1078708789{1 0061705805-02 1040700041 1063708416 104270001 1 1040700023 0042700001{4 0063708420-03 1063708412 106370846!03 't061706193 1061706083 '1063701000{1 0063700200-03 106370022G03 1063702200 0061701 81 1{3 0061705805-02 006170456843 0061704581{3 10637083'043 106370905043 1063709051 1 063709052 106370906G03 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 't.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 483.31 403.38 403.36 668.37 249.80 237.16 237.16 84.45 'l1il.9g 57.49 52.55 66.48.105.',11 i18.5'l 97.O2 57.'19 69.17 35./A 133.85 00.19 2,0n2.$ 688.08 2329 262.* 262.8 1,97,0.57,ru:* 23.29 : 57.49 57.49 17.52 52.55 'r8.51i|8.51 57.,19 69.17 35.48 133.85 898.90 1,0312it 1,057.71 343.0,{ 36.00 1 1.65 110.11 r10.1 1 98?.29 241.60 403.38 io3.36 668.37 207.6992.20 184.40 4ss.17 '155.17'1s5.17 il55.r7138.68 138.684'16.05 i116.05384.05 384.05384.05 384.05455.17 455.17il1.62 y7.62240.92 2fi.921,059.69 ',t,059.69 7,',116.32 7,116.328,164.07 8,164.078,373.62 8,373.622,715.77 2,715.n284.99 284.9992.20 9220871.73 871.73871.73 871.737,816.09 7,816.091.913.13 1.913.133,193.29 3,193.293,193.29 3, 5.291.!(} 512-66 512.66 1406.6512.06 512.66 1406.6156.20 156.20 't,106.6468.60 't68.60 1406.6/82.56 it32.58 1406.64il:1.56 fi4.56 1,106.65t2.68 512.66 1,t06.6616.79 616.79 1406.6316.40 316.i10 1406.61,193.5it 1,193.5.a 1406.6A,USZI 8,015.22 1,106.69,195.31 9.195.31 1406.69,'131.33 e,431.33 1406.63,058.81 3,058.81 1406.6320.99 320.99 1406.6103.85 103.85 1406.6981.8,1 981.84 1406.6981.84 981.84 t106.6 8.803.38 8,803.38 1406.62,154.79 2,19.79 1406.6 3,596.65 3,596.65 '1406.6 3.596.65 3.596.65 '1406.6 5,959.70 5,959.70 1406.6 103.842.53 131.085.05 16.557.97 t16.959.37 147.643.02 Lebor and Ovrfisd Summary $paclal lnvolors VendorNamo Date chad( cost $ytrqa H€fi^orl<s Sydnga Neh,rorl<s Syringa Nsh,wrke wxBal2 29127 $1nn0n2 N1n 5,2112012 29127 Salcr tax TloTf ffi.E-xp.- 4895.34+1 4.9$I335CI.42 A.22+1.49 $ (1 31,085.05) equipment8,087.63- $ 8,087.63 8,260.71 1.t1 103.10 Ptew Erp. Tm--tos.io -----F Wort ffdar cost rummaryWqi o.d.? d.&rlrtld Wort ord.. numbat T&l onrh.ad Tot.l co.t l_-?'iFl l--i7f7&71 I_T;_I l-{--] lndivilBl a$e,Iim.:Psi Nmbd Unl mt rbl @d Toa.lrtd6al -15#"-l rodu,rrod Tdl@d A.t@Eg. Ch.llL lRU600 Rfsec A$y l.kb I Ant OTxRr Uneql Rx 3RU. Sp, L6 Ghz EV10&SL-SL-100 lRU600 Rfr6cA!.y Hsb 'l Ant oTfir Unoql Rr 3RU. Hp, U5 Ghz EVIOGH5-H5-100 ECLIPSE, INTELLGENT NODE UN,T, 2RU EXT, INCL. IDCE, FAt\ EXX-00G202 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 22?1 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 223'l 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 2231 223'l 1.00 't.00 1.00 1.00 2.@ 1.00 4.00 2.@ t.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 t.o0 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 't.00 1.00 t.0o r.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 r.00 1.00 2.O0 t2,153.75 t2,153.75t5.303.75 t5,303.753.75A.21 3.75621248.50 2,48.!0276.50 553.002ta.75 216.75s2s.25 2.0e0.00787.50 1,575.q'4,50O.0O i4,500.(x,s0.00 ,*:, 74.56 7ia-5615,303.75 i5,in3.753,758.21 3,75E t2,€-50 248.502?0.50 553.q'21A.75 216.1552325 I,(x6.507E7.50 1,576.m22s0.00 2250.00856.80 056.q)s0.00 r*j 71.56 7i1.50 12.153.75 t2,153.753.75A.21 3,75E,,2,18.50 2$fi278.50 653.0021A.75 218.15523.25 1.04t.5{l787.50 1.575.002.250.00 2r5o.u)856.80 150.80o-oo ,*i 4.331.25 ,4,331.25 4,331.25 4,331255,006.25 5,e0C.255,906.2s 5,e00252{8.50 2i16.50276.sO 270.50ua.75 218.?5523.25 52?25787.50 ?E7.50 laa8t r9,38a.56 t0,382.50e.ro2.37 21.N12 21,M.122235.31 5.ogr52 5.0Ct.52lar.gt 3eE30 300.30328.el ,r,O.eO 801.9,l3o.'ll 3,aa.EO 3,aAEo124.8 80..47 3,37.68cl0.,l r55.Ee 2511.192,/J,A51 f ,11651 t,170.51ror:r ,*: *:* iaa.:ts 118.01 l18.elqtoil.3? 21,,p,,.-12 24,104.122235.31 5,06.52 5,ee052147.tl' 3eo.ilt 3ec.x?8.e1 ,!(,.06 88l.gll30.li 3/la.86 3,la.Ea&2.U 9.17 t,!6.e4(BC.78 r55.6e 2,5t1.7Or,338.20 3.58018 3,58tr05oe.0l l.36ll.al 1,360.,1tt07.00 1ll:i53 2af.oo i|.-35 li8.gl728.$ re,3@.s62r3li3r 5,8r.52ta7.o 308.s,ilAei ,ar0.e0r30-il 348-84w.4 gtlsc.78 r255.8e1,336.26 3,5EE205oe.6l 1,306.,a1to7-04 la3-53 itE.et tep&r.56 5,S052 3C0.30 68t.ot :til8.E6 r,E08.oa2.5il.r4 3,58820 t,3aE.ar 28t.OC 2,570.1a 2F70.ta 3,5r2.e 3,512.gI ta7.d, lO'1.'ao tilo.rtl112,8-30 RAC EoE, OPSK-256OAM, HhhGah, ibXPIC,Acm &Slrr€ EXR-6@-002 OAC 6.3 Gi0lbl Eth.rn€l Swfch C.rd EXtlt6r-oo2 tlodo SW Lb.@, a(x) Mbp3 btal Redb P.Yo.d C.p.ctv EZE-08008 Gh.bi Eth.md Sh, Eldhd 1o00BaGT. Plus-h lirOOUl. (ABC EXG-26'-SFP-GE-E NOOE PROTECTDN CARD DAC 10X V2 (Pot cLd) ADdisry & Alam 'l/O O.'tbn C.rd NODE PROTECTION CARDOrc tOX \2 (Prctd.d) EX$00r EXE16r-O0r E)(^.oo'l EX$(x)r EXt!.1 6t -oo 1 U,llldCml DSX-I Pen6l 32 t m IRUoOO Rfs6c Aily Hsb 'l Art trTxtu Unoql Rr 3RU, Hp, U5 Ghz EVIOGH5-H5-100 ECLIPSE, INTELLIGENT NODE UNIT. 2RU EXT. INCL. IOCE. FAA EXX-OOG2O2 EX$@1 EXt>.r6r.001 a(4o01 D't ir-'t c't 0't 8 oil+1c10't8 NODE PROTECTION CARO DAC l6X \2 (Botdcd) Aodhry & A.m r/O OBbn Card RAC 60E, QPSK-250 QAM. Hhh Gah. No )GlC. Acm a SrcE EXR-660-{X}2 OAC G.3 GiEbr Eho6t Switclr Csrd EXDIEt-002 tlodc SW Lic@. 200 Mbps bbl Radb P.rold CsFcily EZE-08004 Wal F@ rnd Alem Pand (PWX{2IRGCSO1oPS)LOC-P1,VX-o21 RGCSDI oPS Gh.bl Eltlcmct Sh, El.ctriEl 10008e!+T, Pl'rg.h MOOUIo (ABC EXG-261-SFP-GE-E P.h.irm@l DSX-I P.nd 32 l.m lRt6{rc ils6c A$V t$b t turt oTrRx Uneql R 3RU, Sp, LO Ghz EVIO&SL-SL-I0O ECLIPSE. INTELLIGENT NOOE UNIT.2RU EX'. INCL. IOCE. FAA DO(-O@202 Auiliary & ALm l/O Optbn Card E)(A-oOi RAC 60E, OPSK-250 QAM, Hhh Gain, No XPIC, Acm lt Sync-E EXR-660"002 DAC Ge3 Gh.bl EtlcrEl Switch Card EXD rSr-002 t{odc SW Lbo$, 200 MbF bEl R.db P.yl@d CeFcity EZE-O8OO4 Wd F@.nd A.6 P.ml (P1r/X{21RGCSOloPS)LOC-P1,VX-o2 1 RGCSO'l oPS Giqabl Ethcrn6( Sh, El.ctkal 'looOBe*T, Pt'Jg-h iilooulo (AAC EXG26I-SFP-GE-E sp.n3 RFU, SP, tRU600, L6 GHZ 18, 590G6200 MHZ tRU 600 \2 ER$Lot-'tor RFU, SP, lRU600, L0 GHZ H8.6r5G6450 MllZ. tRU 600\a ER$102-101 RFU, HP. IRU@o, 5.8/t_6 GHZ LB, 5725.6200 MHZ, tRU 600 V2 ERH-U51-'01 RFU, HP, rRU000. 5.&16 GHZ HB, 5785.6450 MHZ, rRU 600 \2 ERH-U52-i01NOOEPROTECTIONCARD EX$OO'I oAC toxV2(Poracd) Exll8l-oor Autbry&A.m 1/O Optbncsrd EXA-001 RAC @E, OPSK-258 aAU, Hklh Gah, No XPIC, Acm & Sre-E EXR4@002 OAC Gc3 GiFbt Eh.m€( Sw-ach Cerd EXD.181{02 1.00 1.00 1.00 r.00 r.00 1.00 1.00 1.00tm 0,qr7.30 c,e07.3e6,eo7.o !,e07.3ee,,a'lg.l7 e,419.170,11e.17 e.41e.t7306.30 306.304.O.eO ai0.e63,|a.86 il4.64834.,17 W.47r255.8C 1255.80 106.015-35 rr2.Oql.d) G6.d7r.t0 t@.o71,j2 '?a.tu.to Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee Name Date Payroll Hours Cost 105 113 113 See labor dist. 105 136 105 105 136 139 105 105 't05 See labor dist. See labor dist. 136 See labor dist. 4t24t2012 4t2412012 4t2612012 06/05-06-2S 2ndry dist. 2ndry dist. 2ndry dist. 07/06-07/1 6 71612012 71612012 2ndry dist. 08t15-08121 2ndry dist. 09/04-09/28 2ndry dist. 10t02-10t30 2ndry dist. 1112012012 3.50 177.493.00 221.651.00 73.8919.00 1 ,036.90 60.39 0.74 39.744.50 27',t.742.00 76.552.00 85.53 46.3612.50 640.17 77.0377.50 4,111.47 47.4418.00 1,049.06 0.202.00 78.36 Special lnvoices VendorName Date Check cost KGP Logistics Syringa Wireless Syringa Wireless Aviat Aviat Aviat 1111612012 29840 s2,419.85 Sales tax 612512012 29023 8131t2012 29322 9t1812012 2941',1 91512012 29425 8t24t2012 29425 190.29 41.17 <- I ,109.38 759.59 5,532.40 ----------------> 5,071.31 39,906.00 467.51 5,300.75 3oll5 $'117,015.79 $ (111,944.48) $ 5,071.31 m-- \trh-. Exp-l 20.42+38.96+ 1 .03+6.33+31 .60+340.07+28 .62+.48 Plow Exp. POAD Tzagqon.TT+33s.os+s14.71+2a4s.96+654.09+4s.34PROV 248.71+44.76+7.68 'r- Wot* ordcrcostsummary Wod( ord.r d..crlpdon Wortodcr numbrr fortdorcrhoed Tdd cost tf c,itfl .E[b t da tslbc up }rnk . fu.kbrfrsh nurl6rlr4 - - - Labor and Owrhead Summary Labor See Labor Dist Ray's Heating CTCIOH Materials 06/06-06/08 33.00 1,256.41 2ndry Dist,49.33 6nnu2 28967 1,970.00 7EnU2 1,801.97 <- 360.17 Speclal lnvolces VendorName Date check cost CUSTER CNTY ROAD & BRIDGE 4nONU2 28843 25.00 1,841.43 -39.46 1,801.97 Central ldaho Trades 7t1612012 29142 Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. 67.67 67.67 Plow Exp. 6.81+7.83 14.64 @POAD 1016.27 Freight PROV. 69.09 69.09 lYork odrreort aummily Wort ord.rd..c$don Wortordarfirnbaa Tohlorrfnd Totd Goct BFO 12 BFOSO BFO t'[4 8FO 288 710 oftrT - - - 542.00 694.00 1,&0.o 4,590.00 1.00 Labor and Overhead Sunmary Labor PaydlOat€ Hours Ernfloyee# Narp See Lbr Dist pg 2 sea Lb Dist pg 3 118 Spcclal lnvolces 914f2012 'tu1t20't2 10101-10rO5 5/t.00 49.00 20.00 2,151. 2,323.U 900.68 Vendor Narp Mts€tateCons. lddp Transportaton Deil Mid-State Cons. CTCIOH Mderids CTCI OH Materlals Rq/s Heating Rlvere West Conffirs, lnc. KGP KGP CTCI OH Materials CTCIOH Materids ,1,18.@ 50.00 30.55 1,495.54 929.83 7,375.00 4,911.00 ?23.87 229.32+ $ 13,603.43 $ (1 1,452.83)2,150.60€- $ 2,150.60 2,116.27 7EnO12 6n4nu2 7n3r20128mnu2 10r2nu2 8l6no1.2 9lwno12 9nnu2 9nno12 10/1 1-10/198 12nnu2 29039 28984 29148 29433 29487 2939s 29395 Sales tax Use Tax \trEEEl- t 36.s+21 s.o1 +31.80 Tiow Epl- t s.8s+20.s3+92.89+0.32 ffiE- zO1 7.68+1 468.1 8+726.29 Frelght PROV. 55.65+89.87 383.31 @ @ 145.52 Wort or&rcortaflnm.ry Wo.lr or{hr da$rldonSffiodailifitar Toiilovlll.d Tddco.t - -- I 1lC )$ f, 1310, 8R g.gsagbor ooorT0lEll{3109e(!,(pdrtrrlocli.ntf 0003700200{3 284_00 8,18f.07 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee Name PayrollDate Hours Cost Speclal lnvolces Vendor Name Syringa Networks 7t12U2012 2918/.$ 18,107.42 $ (16,898.12) 1,209.30 <_ $ 1,209.30 .il' :_J i : .t;. ,.,ir ,1, r,,, !:: .. , j ir: Sales tax usef Veh-E;- Ew Exp-. T6r fisEt ftsc-. Work order cosl fummary Woat ordtr d.tcrletlon tlrod. od.f, nunb.r Totd dartard TotI co.t lFM(,,c,2 OC-a8 1550l-R2 g(Im FC9620C8C2 Tor2€lilr sYficlRoNE noN uNtT Fc9580gr3l SFA2€F3I-3@GSTSTSWTTCHM TRTX FCgsdXiF3r sFA2-VF2t i02oc vTt .S SWTCH MArRX CFgsqrVF2'l lFA2{Sr OGT9aSR r3r0 FC9580.98r rFA2-1,0c3 2 PORT OC-a8 r3r0 LR FCgsilJC3 |FA2-L3F5OC3l3l04 PORT lR[R 7Oo FCg,m3F5Trtrrf,udo3uitlport FC968lEru1 OC'a8 Plt4dL SFP B!.e Udt FC9681EL8i 5,297.00 655.@rqsr.m 8,30'l.O 8,4al.o 8,978.O 2,653.O 7r9.@ 2,068.00 41@ ln Chdlls tEt Syrlr[8 wlll L46 b8d( ffi 1/06.6 l/m.6 14&.6 t4{8.6 r46.0 r406.0 1406.6 r400.6 1400.6 Lq, i.ot.ot.o t.@ t.(x)Lm t.m t.(n Labor and Overhead Srrnmary Labor PryrollDate Hours Employee Name Cost Speclal lnvolcec Vendor Name Syringa Syringa 7t23t2012 29155 713112012 2g',t8/.$ 5,625.59 $ (53,061.00) 3,266.68 €- $ 3,266.68 Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. ffiD- Freight Misc. Wort ordar coat aummary Wilhon&.d-crt0onWdtordaailnta. Tot l ov-t .d TOIJ CAt - - E T.L!8AFCvDSl2 C+0 of,d Labor and Overhead Summary Labor PayrollDate Hours Employee Name 5.00 7.00 3.00 115 115 115 136 7t31t2012 2ndy sprd 08/01-08|/09 u2312012 250.66 7.70 u1.10 112.2',1 Special lnvolces VendorName Date check cost KGP Logistics 712412012 29'157 $ 1,199.92 $ (2,2,8.00) cards 155.74*$ 155.74 Sales tax Use Tax Veh.Exp. .66+3.72+25.28 Plow Exp. 257.74+411.78 29.66 669.52 Freight 11.4+13.92 25.32 Wort order cost rummary Yt ork ordar dGcdpdon lvork ord.r nunbar Tot l or.rhard Tot l co.t Calix VDSUI combo cad 24 port 1m-01255 1.00 @t hbor and Onrhead Stmmary Lsor # Nans Date Houts wl SD.cld kildm Vendor Nalo qffin1z 2qls5 -> 3,187,42 -2996.25 1s0.2 < --iE6:iE 8d..tax UcoTu \ffi. Fffi. 8il6- FrclgH Wodr oder oost aummsry Wort orderdcacdp0on Work ordcr numbcr Total orurhcrd Tot lcoct CalhT'l0ONT 2fots l{enrnot 1.00 SEB 4 fiber 3m.00 rwibtrr.E ot{T b lrroultaln Relrch - - - Labor and Overhead Summary Labor CostPayrollDate Hours Empbyee Name Special lrwolces Vendor Name C;entral ldaho Trades CTCIOH Materials u2u20't2 293J7 911112012 261.00 $ 1,291.95$ (s0.16) $ (411.4e)830.30 $ 830.30 Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. Flo,r., Exp. POAD 1.-r . .rl Freight Work order co;t summary Work ordar d..crlpton Wort ordcr numbcr Tolal overhold Total co3t BFO 4 710 oNT M @ 0.17 411.49 648.00 1.00 'lirl..:'.rF-:rli;*.,i :r i l.e'l c. ..' l;il#iili',Ej!:si&# i !::j ,$:lgif 'l - ,ir,itFi.,'E-,, '-::'., :lrrx: .: l-$orrrd Otrrtrd&mnary L$ol ruro[Odo Hours Emdqlcg# Nffireffiffimfeg$4 1U1m12 m.@ 995.41 SE Ghl knrclcrc' Vendori,tranro Dato ch6k cost m[EiFfiinbs CTolOH Metsrlgb Sdrtu tlnTar Vc E)tp, 87.77+ Phr Erp. 37.91+ ffi-S74.Sg+ Fdgfr ffiu.17+ W$m12 29430 38/+.90 fltfino1z +$1,365.28 $ (519.84) $ 845.42 +-- $ 848.42 87.77 37.S1 574.53 u.17 I Ia Pt Iil I ilq(, E o utoxU e Io ht6oF Y rlG!l 5l 6'l il*l 9l-l or.l o-6-5!p- ?il.i I Q- - .id tI- - 5o(,Itscoc,uoE 6 AadNdE6 E+d6N6i 668ts{-. 'EO'-Eo- Qqr- '-.?r-? t??o?F ! - ------ d d oo66- q a6o'a0IJpo uCl e!oxuo2uo 5U Ik I ot E aIIo6 t * F3,2f= sI Iooe 6c E5x:*31-d Pl z< => O d@tr B 9 Ioxoo J{I(,H B/ 3tr I s. do d E qGSZr-