HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090819Application.pdf--e:z-(!-0:o r. El 0 Cyntha A. Melilo (ISB No. 5819) Michael C. Creaer (ISB No. 4030) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Offce: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 ww.givenpurley.com Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc.. 20n9 AUG 19 PM I: 34 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT BETWEEN CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. AND VERIZON WIRELESS Case No.: ÇV$+Oq-ò3 APICATION FOR ApPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT 1. Custer Telephone Coopetive, Inc. (~uster, thugh its attorneys Givens Puley LLP, hereby files ths Application for Approval of Negotiated Agrent (~Agrentj betee Custer and Verzon Wireless (VA W) LLC d//a Verzon Wireless; Cellco Parerhip d//a Verzon Wireless; Cellular Inc. Financial Corpration d//a Verzon Wireless; Idao RSA 2 Limited Parerhip d//a Verzon Wireless; Idaho RSA 3 Limited Parerhip d//a Verzon Wireless; Idao 6-Clark Limited Parerhip d//a Verzon Wireless; RCC Minnesta, Inc. d//a Verzon Wireless (collecively, U,Verzonj. A copy of the Agreeent is submitted herewith. 2. This Agreement was reached thugh volunta negotiations beeen Custer and Verzon and is submitted for Commssion review and apprval purt to Section 252(e) of the Telecmmuncations Act of 1996. 3. Secon 252(e)(2) of the Telecmmuncations Act of 1996 direts tht a stte Commssion may reect an agrent reached thugh volunta negotiations if the Comsson APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOATE AGREEN 63950 -'DO Pag i of4 finds that: the agreeent discrminates against a telecmmuncations carer not a par to the agreeent; or the implementation of the agreeent is not consistent with the public intert, convenence and necessity. 4. Custer respetfully submits that the Agreeent does not discrminate and is consistent the public interest, and, therefore reuests tht the Commission appve ths Agreeent expeditiously. Approval of this Agreeent will enable the pares to implement the Agreeent and provide their respecive customer with incrased local telecmmuncations serces choices. 5. The designated repesentative of each Par, for purse of reponding to inquiries in this matter is: For Custer: Custer Telephone Coopetive, Inc. Att: Gener Manager 1101 East Mai Avenue P.O. Box 324 Challs, ID 83226 With copy to: Cyntha A. Melillo Given Puley LLP 601 W. Banock Stree P.O. Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701-2720 For Verzon: Verzon Wireless Att: Direcor, Wireline Interconnecion One Verzon Place Alphar, GA 300 With copy to: Veron Wireles Att: Regatory Counsel, Interconnection 1300 I Str, NW Suite 400W Washigton, DC 2005 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOATED AGREEMENT 6395O_I.DO Page2of4 6. Ths Agreement does not affect the rights of non-pares and expeitious approval would fuher the public interest. Therefore, Custer reuests that the Commssion approve ths Agreement without a hearng. DATED ths 19th day of August 2009. ~aY!lfaCynthilo ~ Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOATED AGREEMENT 639$O(U.DO Page 3 of4 CERTlßCATE OF SER~CE I hereby cerify that on this 19th day of Augut 2009, I sered a tre and correc copy of the foregoing by deliverg it to the following individuals by the method indicated below, addressed as stated. Jean Jewell, Secetar Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 x U.S. Mail Facsimile Overght Mail Hand Deliver E-mail Verzon Wireless Att: Director, Wireline Interconnection One Verizon Place Alpharetta, GA 30004 x U.S. Mail Facsimile Overght Mail Hand Deliver E-mail Verzon Wireless Att: Regulatory Counel, Interconnecon 1300 I Street, NW Suite 40W Washigton, DC 2005 x U.S. Mail Facsimle Overght Mail Hand Deliver E-mail ~dMJ Cynt a A. Melillo APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOATED AGREEMENT 639S0(U.DO Page4of4 TRAFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMENT . BETWEEN CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.. AND VERION WIRELESS TRAFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMENT This Trafic Exchange Agreement ("Agreement") is effective as of the 1st day of March 2009 (the "Effective Date''), by and between Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Custer") with offces at 1101 East Main Avenue. P.O. Box 324, Challs, Idaho 83226, and the Verizon Wireless entities listed on the signatue page of ths Agreement, individually and collectively doing business as Verizon Wireless (collectively "VZW") each with an offce and pricipal place of business at One Verizon Way, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920. RECITAL WHEREAS, Custer is an incumbent Local Exchange Carrier in the State ofIdaho; and WHEREAS, VZW is a Commercial Mobile Radio Service provider of two-way mobile communcations services operatig within the State ofIdaho; and WHEREAS, the Paries acknowledge that Custer is entitled to maintai that it is a rural telephone company (as defmed in 47 U.S.C. 153) as provided by 47 U.S.C. 251(f). By entering into ths Agreement, Custer is not waiving its right to maintain that it is a rural telephone company and its right to maintain that it is exempt from § 251(c) under 47 U.S.C. 251(f) oftheAct; and .. - WHEREAS, Custer and VZWexchange calls between their networks and. wish to establish trafc exchange and compensation arangements for exchanging traffc as specifed below. NOW, THREFORE, in consideration of the mutual provisions contaned herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffciency of which are hereby acknowledged, Cuser and VZW hereby agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS Special meanngs are given to common words in the telecommunications industr, and coined words and acronym are common in the custom and usage in the indus. Words used in this contract are to be understood according to the custom and usage of the telecommunications industr, as an exception to the genera rule of contract interpretation that words are to be understood in their ordinar and popular sense. In addition to ths rule of interpretation, the following terms used in ths Agreement shall have the meanngs as specified below: 1.1 "Act" means the Communications Act of i 934, as amended. 1.2 "As Defined in the Act" means as specifically defined by the Act, as may be interreted from time to time by the FCC, the Commission, Idao State courts. or federal cours. 1.3 "As Described in the Act" means as described in or required by the Act. as may be interpreted from time to time by the FCC, the Commission, Idaho State cour, or federal cour. TRIC EXCHAGE AGREEME - 1 1.4 "Affliate" mean a person that (directly or indictly) owns or controls, is owned or controlled by or is under common ownership or control with, another person. For puroses of this paragraph, the term "own" mean to own an equity interest (or the equivalent thereof) of more than ten (10) percent. 1.5 "Central Offce Switch" means a switch used to provide Telecommunications Services, including, but not limted to: (a) "End Offce Switch" is a switch in which the subscriber station loops are termnated for connection to either lines or trnks. The subscriber receives ternating, switching, signaling, transmission, and relate fuctions for a defined geographic area by meas of an End Office Switch. (b) "Remote End Offce Switch" is a switch in which the subscriber station loops are terminated. The control equipment providing terminatig, switching, signaling, trnsmission, and related functions would reside in a host offce. Local switching capabilties may be resident in a Remote End Office Switch. (c) "Host Office Switch" is a switch with centralized control over the fuctions of one or more Remote End Offce Switches. A Host Office Switch can serve as. an end offce as well as providing services to other remote end offces requig termiating, signaling, tramission, and rel8:ted fuctions including local switchig. (d) "Tandem Office Switch" is a switching systein that establishes trunk.to- Ir connections. Local tandems switch calls from one end office to another within the same geographic area, and access tandems switch traffic from host or end offices to and from an Interexchange Carrier. A Tandem Office Switch can provide host offce or end offce switching functions as well as the tandem functions. 1.6 "Commercial Mobile Radio Services" or "CMRS" means a radio communcation service between mobile stations or receivers and land stations, or by mobile stations communicating among themselves that is provided for profit and that makes interconnected service available to the public or to such classes of eligible users as to be effectively available to a substatial porton of the public. 47 C.F.R. § 20. 1.7 "Comiission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 1.8 "Extended Area Service" or "EAS" is as defined and specified in Custer's then curent General Subscriber Servces Tarff 1.9 "Effective Date" means the date first above wrtten. 1.10 "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commssion. 1.11 "Interconnection" for puroses of ths Agreement is the lining of Custer and VZW networks for the exchage of telecommunications traffic described in th Agreement. TRAFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEME - 2 1.12 "Interexchange Carier" or "IXC" means a carier, other than a CMRS carer, that provides or carries, directly or indirectly, InterLATA Service or IntraLATA Toll Traffc. 1.13 "InterLATA Service" means telecommuncations between a point located in a local access and tranport area and a point located outside such area. 1.14 "IntraLATA Toll Traffic," mean those station calls that originate and termnate within the same local access and transport area and that are cared outside Custer's Local Service Area. 1.15 "Local Access and Transport Area" or "LAT An means a contiguous geographic area: (a) Established before Februar 8, 1996, by a Bell operating company such tht no exchange area includes points with more than one (1) metropolitan statistical area, consolidated metropolitan statistical area, or State, except as expressly permtted under the AT&T Consent Decree; or (b) Established or modified by a Bell operatig company after Februar 8, 1996, and approved by the FCC. 1.16 "Local Service Area" means, for VZW, Major Tradig Area Number 36 (Salt Lake City) and for Custer, its local caling area contaned in Custer's then current General Subscriber Services Tarff. 1.17 "Local Traffic" is defined for all puroses under this Agreement as Local Servce Area trffc that is originated by a customer of one Part on that Part's network, and terinates to a customer of the other Part on the other Part's network with the same Major Trading Area (MTA). Local Trafc may be hadled pursuat to an approved interconnection agreement between the originating Part and a carrier which performs only a contractual transiting fuction for the originatig Pary in lieu of a direct connection between the Pares, provided that the service provided by VZW is a two-way mobile service. For purposes of determing originating and terminating points, the origintig or termnating point for Cuter shall be the end offce servig the callng or called par, and for VZW shall be the originating or terminting cell site location whch servces the callng or called par at the beginng of the calL. 1.18 "Local Exchange Carrier" or "LEC" means any person that is engaged in the provision of telephone exchange service or exchange access. Such term does not include a person insofar as such person is engaged in the provision of the commercial mobile service under § 332(c) of the Act, except to the extent that the Federal Communcations Commssion finds that such service should be included in the definition of such term. 47 U.S.c. § 153(26). 1.19 "Major Trading Area" or "MTA" mean the Major Trading Area designated by the FCC which is the service area based on the Rad McNally 1992 Commercial Atlas & Marketig Guide, 123rd edition, at pages 38-39, as fuer specified or modified by 47 C.F.R. § 24.202(a) or other applicable law. TRFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMNT - 3 1.20 "Mobile Station" mean a radio-communcation station capable of being moved and which ordinarily does move. 47 U.S.C. § 153(28). 1.21 "Non-Local Traffic" means all traffc tht is not Local Traffic as defined in § 1.17 hereof and includes IntraLATA Toll Trafc. 1.22 "NP A" or the "Number Plan Area" also referred to as an "area code" refers to the thee-digit code which precedes the NX in a dialing sequence and identifies the general calling area with the Nort American Numbering Plan scope to which a call is routed to (i.e., NP A/-XX). 1.23 "NX means the thee-digit code, which appears as the fist three digits of seven-digit telephone numbers within a valid NPA or area code. 1.24 "Par" means either Custer or VZW, and "Pares" means Custer and VZW. 1.25 "Point of Interconnection" or "POI" mean the mutually agreed upon point between the Parties' respective networks where an originating Par's traffc is deemed to be handed off to the terminating Par's network. i. ::'~ 1.26 "Rate Center" means the specific geographic point and corresponding geographic area that is associate with one ormoreNPA-NX codes that havef,been 'assigned to an incumbent LEC for its provision of exchange servces. . .'. 1.27 "Reciprocal Compensation" means an arrangement between two carriers in which each receives the same compensation rate from the other carrier for the transport and termination . on each carier's network of Local Traffic, as defined in § 1.17 above, that originates on the network facilities of the other carier. Compensation, regardless of the Part that receives it, is symmetricaL. 1.28 "Telecommuncations" means the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user's choosing, without change in the form or content of the inormation as sent and received. 47 U.S.c. § 153(43). 1.29 "Telecommuncations Act" means the Communcations Act of 1934, as amended. 1.30 "Telecommuncations Carier" means any provider of telecommuncations services, except that such term does not include aggregators of telecommunications services (as defied in 47 U.S.C. § 226(a)(2)). A Telecommunications Carrier shall be treated as a common carier under this chapter only to the extent that it is engaged in providing telecommunications services, except that the Federal Communications Commssion shal determe whether the provision of fixed and mobile satellte service shall be trèated as common cariage. 47 U.S.C. § 153(44). 1.31 "Telecommuncations Servces" means the offerig of Telecommunications for a fee directly to the public or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used. TRAFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - 4 1.32 "Terination" mean the switching of Local Trafc at the terminating carer's end office switch, or equivalent facilty, and delivery of such trafc to the called Par's premises or mobile handset. 1.33 "Transiting Traffc" is traffc that originates from one provider's network, "transits" one or more other provider's network substantially unchanged, and termnates to yet another provider's netork. 1.34 "Transport" means the transmssion and any necessar tadem switchig of Local Trac subject to § 251(b)(5) of the Act from the Point of Interconnection between the two carrers to the terminating caer's End Office Switch that directly serves the called part, or equivalent facilty provided by a carier other than an incumbent LEC. 1.35 "Type 2 Service" often referred to as a tr side connection, is a service that involves interconnection to a telephone company end offce (Type 2-B) or tandem (Type 2-A). 2. INTERRETATION AND CONSTRUCTION All references to Sections, Exhbits and Schedules shall be deemed to be references to Sections of, and Exhibits and Schedules to, ths Agreement unless the eontextshall otherwise requi. The headings of the Sections and the term are inserted for convenIence,:ufrêferencê ;. only and ar not intended to bea par of or to affect the meaning of this Agieement. Unless the "context shall otherwse require, any reference to any agreement,. other instrment,'or thrd par ~offering~ guide or practice, statute, regulation, rule or tariff is for convenience: "of mefe:rence .only and is not intended to be a part of or to affect the meanng of a rile or'tarffasaiended and supplemented from time-to-time (and, in the case of a statute, regulation, nie or taff to any successor provision). 3. SCOPE 3.1 This Agreement is intended, inter alia, to describe and enable specific traffc exchange and Reciprocal Compensation arangements between the Partes. This Agreement does not obligate either Par to provide arangements not specifically provided for herein. 3.2 This Agreement sets fort the terms, conditions, and rates under which the Pares agree to interconnect the CMRS network of VZW and the ILEC network of Custer for puroses of exchanging Local Service Area traffic, provided that the service provided by VZW to its cusomer is a two-way mobile service as defied in 47 U.S.C. § 153(27). This Agrement does not cover VZW one-way paging service traffc or fixed wireless. VZW does not currently provide fied wireless services in Custer's Local Servce Area. VZW agrees that it will provide Custer prior notice of its intent to launch fixed wireless servces in Cuter's Local Service Area. Upon Custer's recipt of such notice, the Paries agree to negotiate an appropriate agreement or an Amendment to ths Agreement, which will address the exchange of such trafc. 3.3 This Agreement relates to exchange of traffc between Custer and VZW. VZW represents that it is a CMRS provider of telecommunications services to subscribers in MTA No. 36 (Salt Lake City). Additions or changes to VZW's NPAJXXs will be as listed in Telcordia's TRAFIC EXCHAGE AGREEME - 5 Local Exchange Routing Guide ("LERG") under Operating Company Number ("OCN") 6565 in Idaho. 3.4 This Agreement is limted to Custer end user customers' traffc for which Custer ha taiff authority to car. Custer's NP AI(s) are listed in the LERG under OCN 2218. 3.5 Any amendment, modification, or supplement to ths Agreement must in writing and signed by an authoriz representative of each Par. 4. SERVICE AGREEMENT 4.1 Description of Arangements. This Agreement provides for the following interconnection and arangements between the networks of Custer and VZW. Additional arngements that may be agreed to in the futue wil be delineated in Attachment A to this Agreement. An NP AI assigned to VZW shall be treated as Local Service Area trafc and included in any EAS calling scope, or similar program, to the same extent as any other incumbent LEC's NPAIN in the same rate center provided that VZW assign numbers from such NP A/ to customers withi the Local Service Area of Custer and VZW has network facilities to serve such custmers. A.2 Indirec1lnterconnection The Paries mayjnterc(lnnect their.networks indirectly via a.third party tandem provider ("Third Pary Tandem Provider") in order to exchange Local Traffc. ThePares agree that to the extent Local Traffic is exchanged indirectly via a Third Party Tandem Provider, the originating Par is responsible for any transit fees imposed by the Third Par Tandem Provider. The Parties agree ths will in no way prejudice any position either Pary may take regarding fmancial responsibilty for charges by Third Par Tandem Providers with respect to futue agreements or regulatory or legislative proceedings. This arrangement of indirct interconnection wil be subject to renegotiation if by change of law or for any other reason the Thid Par Tandem Provider no longer offers the transiting service. 4.3 Direct Interconnection: Should trc volumes exceed one milion Miutes of Use (MOll per month for three (3) conseutive months, or upon VZW's request, Custer and VZW hereby agree to establish a diect connection to route landline-to-wireless and wireless-to-Iandline Local Trac. VZW and Custer shall work cooperatively to implement direct interconnection arangements. For direct interconnection, the POI shall be at Syringa Networks' LATA tandem in Boise, Idaho. 4.4 Once direct interconnection is estblished, both Partes wil use best efforts to route Local Servce Ar calls to the other Party over the direct interconnection facilties TRAFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - 6 except in the case of an emergency, temporary equipment failure, or blockig of existing diect interconnection facilities. 4.5 Each Part will perform local number portabilty ("LNP") database queries on its originated trafc prior to routing any of its originated traffic over the diect interconnection facilties, and wil only route traffic over the direct intercomiection facilties to the extent the local routing number ("LRN") retued from such queries belongs to the other Part. 5. COMPENSATION 5.1 Traffc Subject to Reciprocal Compensation. Reciprocal Compensation is applicable for Transport and Termnation of Local Trafc as defined in § 1.17 and is related to the exchange of traffc described in § 4 and in Attachment A, as applicable. For the puroses of biling compensation for Local Traffic, biled minutes wil be based upon actul usage recorded and/or records/reports provided by the transiting carer. Measurd usage begins when the termnating recordig switch receives answer supervsion from the caled end-user and ends when the terminating recording switch receives or sends disconnect (release message) supervision, whichever occurs first. The measured usage is aggregated. at the end of the measurement cycle and rounded to a whole minute. Biling for LocaiHTrà:fcLshallbe based onthe aggregated measurd usage less traffc recorded as local that is'deemed Non-Løcali Trac based on the default factor provided in §5.3(e).'"' The rate for Reciprocal Compensation shall be $0.025 per minute. The Pares agree to bil each other for Local Traffic as described in this Agreement uness the Local Traffic exchanged between the Pares is balanced and falls with an agreed upon theshold ("Trafc Balance Theshold''). The Paries agree that for purposes of ths Agreement, the Trac Balance Theshold is reached when the Local Trafc exchanged falls between 48% / 52% in either the wieless-to-landline or landline-to-wieless direction. When the actual usage data for three (3) consecutive months indicates that the Local Traffc exchanged, both directly and indirectly, falls with the Traffc Balance Threshold, then either Party may provide the other Par a written request, along with verifiable information supportg such request, to eliminate biling for Reciprocal Compensation per miute. Upon writtn consent by the Par receiving the request, which shall not be witheld unreasonably, there wil be no biling for Reciprocal Compensation on a going forward basis unless otherwse agreed to by both Pares, in writing. The Parties' agreement to elimiate biling for Reciprocal Compensation caries with it the precondition regarding the Traffic Balance Threshold discussed above. 5.2 Traffc Subject to Switched Access Compensation. Access chages apply to all Non-Local Trafc originated on VZW's network and delivered to Custer for termiation to its customers as described in § 4 and Atthment A, as applicable. VZW shall compensate Custer at Custer's applicable access tariff rates for all VZW- originated Non-Local Traffc only to the extent that such VZW-originated Non-Local Traffic is not handed off to an Interexchange Carer for delivery to Custer. TRIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - 7 5.3 Calculation of Payments and Billng. (a) VZW will compensate Custer for Local and Non~Local Trafc delivered to Custer for termination to its cusomers, as prescribed and at the rates provided in §§ 5.1 and 5.2. Custer will compensate VZW for Local Traffc originated by Custer customers on Custr's network and delivered to VZW, for termation to its customers, as prescribed in § 4 and at the rate provided in § 5. i . (b) Custer shall prepare a monthly biling statement to VZW, which will separately reflect the calculation of Reciproca Compensation, Switched Access Compensation, if applicable and total compensation due Carner. Billng shall be based on actual measured usage, when available. If actul measure usage is not available, the Parties agree the usage form the Thd Part Transit Provider may be used for biling by Custer. (c) VZW shall prepare a monthy billng statement to Custer reflecting the calculation of Reciprocal Compensation due VZW. Billng shall be based on actual measured usage, when available. Alternatively, if VZW does not measure the land-to-mobile usage data, then VZW may bil using a factor that is based on each Par's proportion of the originating Local Traffc to total Local Traffic exchaged between the Paries. This estimated percentage is referred to as the Traffc Factor and is listedbeiow.The'Páriesagre:t~rellew the Tr~ffc ,('?Factor on a periodic basis and, if watrantedby the actual usage; rèvisèddtleTraffc Factor appropriately. Land40-Mobile 25% Mobile-to-Land 75% (d) Custer will prepare its bill in accordace with its existing CABS / SECABS billng system. The Parties wil mae an effort to conform to current and future OBF (CABS BOS) stadards, insofar as is reasonable. In addition, the Parties will abide by all signalin stadards as described in § 7.78. VZW wil prepare its bil in accordance with its existig process for biling Reciprocal Compensation using the following formula: VZW shall use the Carier mobile-to-Iand Miutes of Dse ("MODs) to calculate the land-to-mobile MOUs by dividing the mobile-to-Iand MODs by 75% to arrive at 100% of the total trafc. The mobile-to-land minutes are then subtracted from the 100% value to arve at the 25% land-to-mobile miutes VZW would bil Carer. (Ex.: 100,000 MODs are detened to be mobile-to-Iand. 100,000 is divided by 75% to arive at 133,333 MODs total traffic exchanged. 100,000 is then subtracted from 133,333 to arve at the land-to-mobile MODs of 33,333 that VZW will bil Carier.) VZW may elect to have Carrer render a "net bil" to VZW by applying the net rate of $0.0167 (reciprocal compensation rate of $0.025 net of adjustment for land-to-mobile traffc based upon a 75/25 traffc factor to the tota MODs of trffc originated by VZW and terminated to Carrier) as measured by Carier or provided by the Thid Par Transit Provider in lieu of VZW submitting invoices TRAFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - 8 to Carrer for Reciprocal Compensation for land40-mobile trafic as described above. If net biling has been implemented, VZW shall provide Carrier at least sixty (60) days prior written notice when changing its election to perform its own biling. In the event the traffc exchanged between the Pares is de minimis such tht the tota minutes exchanged between the Paries is less than 5,000 minutes of use for a one-month period, Carrier may elect that the de minimis level of trafc shall be trported and termted on a bil and keep basis. (e) Recognzig tht Custer has no way of measuring the Non-Local Trafc, and in the event that VZW doses not track the usage inormation required to identify the Non- Local Traffic originated or terminated by Custer, both Paries agree to use a default factor of zero percent (0%) as an estimate of Non-Local Trafc. The actual recorded usage shall be the basis for biling when available and verifiable. (f) Each Part may request to inspect, during normal business hour, the records which are the basis for. any montly bil issued by the other Par and to request copies thereof provided that the requested records do not exceed twelve (12) months in age from the datethemonthlybilcontainirgsâid tecordinforma.tidnwas issued. F.' (g) No Par shall bil the other Party for trafc that is older than twelve (12) months or that predates tbs Agreement. 6. NOTICE OF CHAGES If a Par contemplates a change in its network, which it believes wil materially affect the inter-operability of its network with the other Par, the Par makng the change shall provide at least ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change to the other Par, provided, however, that this provision shal not apply to changes necessitated by emergencies or other circumstances outside the control of the Part modifying its network. 7. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES 7.1 Each Part is individually responsible to provide facilities within its network which are necessa for routing, transporting and, consistent with § 5, measurng and biling traffc from the other Par's network and for delivering such traffic to the other Par's network in an acceptable industr standard format, and to termate the traffc it receives in that acceptable industr standad format to the proper address on its network. The Pares are each solely responsible for parcipation in and compliance with national network plans, including The National Network Securty Plan and The Emergency Preparedness Plan. Neither Par shall use any service related to or use any of the services provided in this Agreement in any maer that prevents other persons from using their service or destroys the normal quality of service to other carriers or to either Par's customers, and subject to notice and a reasonable opportnity of the offendig Par to cure any violation, either Par may discontiue or refue service if the other Part violates this provision. TRAFIC EXCHNGE AGREEMENT - 9 7.2 Each Par is solely responsible for the services it provides to its cusomers and to other Telecommunications Carriers. 7.3 Each Par is responsible for managing NX codes assigned to it. 7.4 Each Par is responsible for obtaing Local Exchange Routing Guide ("LERG") listings of the Common Language Location Identifier ("CLLI") assigned to its swtches. 7.5 Each Par agrees to adhere to the blocking requirements for interconnection (P.01) as provided in Telcordia documentation GR145 - Core Compatibilty for Interconnection of a Wireless Service Provider and a Local Exchange Company Network. 7.6 SS7 Out of Band Signaling (CCS/SS7) shall be the signalig of choice for interconnectig trus where techncally feasible for both Parties. Use of a thid~par provider of SS7 tr for connectig VZW to the Custer SS7 systems is perntted. Such connections will meet generally accepted industry technical standards. Each Part is responsible for its own SS7 signaling and therefore, neither Part wil bil the other SS7 signaling charges. 7.7 Each Party shall be responsible for its own independent connections to the 911Æ911 network. Áli originating .t~ffc shall contain basic call information witlthe Initial, . Address Message (lAM) such .as the. callng number, charged number, GeJiericiAddr~ss Pareter Ported Dialed Number (GAPPDN), Translated Called Number Tndicatorof Forward Call Indicators. (Fei Bit-M) either the Jurdictional Information. Parameter (JIP)OFthe Originatig Location Routing Number (LRN). The TIP or OriginatingLRN must. be tmiq'Uèto the Mobile Switching Center (MSC). Altering of data parameters withi the lAM shall not be permttd. 8. TERM AND TERMATION 8.1 Subject to the provisions of § 14, the initial term of this Agreement shall be for a two-year term ("Term"), which shall commence on the Effective Date. This Agreement shall automatically renew for successive twelve (12) month periods, unless not less than six (60) days prior to the end of the Term or any reewal term, either Par notifies the other Par of its intent to terminate this Agreement or negotiate a new agreement. In the case of a notice to terminate, the other Party may request negotiation of a successor agreement prior to the end of the then-curent term of this Agreement. If either Party requests the negotiation of a successor agreement, during the period of negotiation of the successor agreement as described above, then during the period of negotiation of the successor agreement each Par shall continue to perform its obligations and proyide the services described herein until such time as the successor agreement becomes effective. The rates, terms, and conditions applying durg the interim period between the end of the then-curent term of ths Agreement and the effective date of the successor ageement is executed shall be trued-up to be consistent with the rates, terms and conditions of the successor agreement reached thrugh negotiation or arbitration. TRFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMET - 10 If the Parties are unable to negotiate a successor agreement withn the statutory time frame set for negotiations under the Act, then either Pary has the right to submit this matter to the Commission for resolution pursuant to the sttutory rules for arbitration under the Act. If the Partes are unble to negotiate a successor agreement by the end of the statutory time fre, or any mutually agreed upon extension thereof, and neither Par submits this matter to the Commssion for arbitrtion, then the Agreement shall terminate at the conclusion of the statutory time frame or at the end of the extension to the statutory time frame. 8.2 Upon termnation or expiration of this Agreement in accordance with ths Section: (a) Each Part shall comply immediately with its obligations as set fort herein; (b) Each Part shall promptly pay all amounts (including any late payment charges) owed under ths Agreement; (c) Each part's indemnification obligations shall suive termition or expiration of ths Agreement. 8.3 Either Par may termnate this Agreement in whole örinparinthffevent ofa default of the other Par, provided, however, that the non-defaulting Par nótifies'thedefaulting Par in writing-of the alleged defaùlt and the defaulting - Par does not. implement mùtually acceptable steps to remedy such alleged default with thirty (30) days.afterreceipt!of writtn n.otice thereof. 9. BILLING AND PAYMENT 9.1 The Paries agree tht disputed and undisputed amounts due under this Agreement shall be handled as follows: (a) If any porton of any amount due to a Par (the "Biling Par") under this Agrment is subject to a bona fide dispute between the Paries, the Party biled (the "Non- Paying Par") shall, with thir (30) days of its receipt of the invoice containng such disputed amount, give written notice to the Biling Par of the amounts it disputes ("Disputed Amounts") and include in such notice the specific detals and reasons for disputig each item. The Non- Paying Pary shall pay when due all undisputed amounts to the Biling Par. The Pares will work together in good faith to resolve issues relating to the disputed amounts. If the dispute is resolved such that payment of the disputed amount is required, whether for the original amount or for the settlement amount, the Non-Paying Part shall pay the full disputed or settlement amounts with interest at the lesser of (i) one and one-half percent (1 ~%) per month or (n) the highest rate of interes that may be charged under Idaho applicable law. In addition, the Billing Par may intiate a complaint proceeding with the appropriate regulatory or judicial entity, if unpaid undisputed amounts become more than niety (90) clys past due. (b) Any undisputed amounts not paid when due shal accrue interest from the dae such amounts were due at the lesser of (i) one and one-half percent (l ~%) per month or (ii) the highest rate of interest that may be charged under applicable Idaho law. TRFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMEN - i J (c) Undisputed amounts shall be paid with thrt (30) days of receipt of invoice from the Billng Par. 9.2 All invoices under this Agreement shall be sent to: Verizon Wireless Custer Telephone Company, Inc. Direct Telecomi Offce and Accounting Manager Verizon Wireless Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 15505 Sand Canyon Ave., Bldg D-l 1101 East Main Avenue Irve, CA 92618 P.O. Box 324 949-286-7442 Challs,ID 83226 10. SEVERABILITY The services, arrangements, terms and conditions of this Agreement were mutually negotiated by the Paries as a total arangement and are intended to be non-severable. However, if any provision of ths Agreement is held by a cour or regulatory agency of competent jursdiction to be unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement shall remain in ful force and effect and shall not be afected unless removal of that provision results in a mate?al. change to ths Agreement. . If a material change as descrbed in ths. páragraph occurs as a result of action by acòur or regulatory agency , the Pattes shall negotiate in .good faith Tor replacement language. If replacement lahguge~aròt be~greedup()nj ..within!a reasonable time period, either Partyniay invoke dispute resolution procetluresas set forth in this Agreement. 11. INEMNIFICATION 11.1 Each Pary (the "Indemnfying Par") shall indemnfy and hold hamless the other Par ("Indemfied Par") from and against loss, cost, claim liability, damge, and expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) to customers and other thid paries for the following: (a) Damage to tangible personal property or for personal injury proximately caused by the negligence or wilful misconduct of the Indemnifying Par, its employees, agents or contractors; (b) Notwithstading this indemnification provision or any other provision in the Agreent, neither Par, nor its parent, subsidiares, affiliates, agents, servants, or employees, shall be liable to the other for Consequential Damages (as defmed in § 12.2). 11.2 The Indemnifed Party wil notify the Indemnifying Par promptly in wrting .of any claims, lawsuits, or demands by customers or other third pares for which the Indemnified Part alleges that the Indemnifying Par is responsible under this Section, and, if requested by the Indemnfying Pary, wil tender the defense of such claim, lawsuit or demand. (a) In the event the Indemnifying Par does not promptly assume or diligently pursue the defense of the tendered action, then the Indemnified Par may proceed to TRAFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT -12 defend or sette said action and the Indemnifying Party shal hold haress the Indemnified Pary from any loss, cost liabilty, damage and expense. (b) In the event the Par otherwise entitled to indemnfication from the other elects to decline such indemnification, then the Par making such an election may, at its own expense, assume defense and settlement of the claim, lawsuit or demand. (c) The Paries wil cooperate in every reasonable maner with the defense or settement of any claim, demand, or lawsuit. 12. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 12.1 No liabilty shall attch to either Par, its parents, subsidiaries, afliates, agents, servants, employees, officers, directors, or parers for daages arising from errors, mistaes, omissions, interrptions, or delays in the course of establishig, fushg, rearanging, moving, termiating, changing, or providing or failing to provide services or facilities (including the obtaiiúng nr funishing of information with respect thereof or with respect to users of the servces or facilities) in the absence of gross negligence or wilful misconduct. '. J2.2 Except as otherwse provided in § .11'inOI?aryshalll?e liable to the other Par fOrJll,y.1ass, d~fect .or equip1IentJaiure.callsed by the .conductpf the ,first Par". i~iagents, servants'c;ontractors or others actig in aid or concert with that Pary, except itrthe case of gross ne~ligeJlc;e or willfnlmisconduct. 12.3 lrino event shall either Par have .any liabilty whatsoever to the other Par for any indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages, including but not limted to loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss in connection with or arsing from anyting said, omitted or done hereunder (collectively, "Consequential Damages"), even if the other Party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 13. DISCLAIMER EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED HEREIN, NEITHER PARTY MAS ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARNTIES, EXPRESS OR IMLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARTY AS TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR INENDED OR PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO SERVICES PROVIED HEREUNDER. ADDITIONALLY, NEITR PARTY ASSUS ANY RESPONSIBILITY WITH REGARD TO tHE CORRCTNESS OF DATA OR INFORMTION SUPPLIED BY THE OTHR PARTY WHEN THIS DATA OR INFORMATION is ACCESSED AN USED BY A TmRD-PARTY. 14. REGULATORY APPROVAL The Partes understand and agree tht ths Agreement will be fied with the Commssion, and to the extent required by FCC rules may thereafer be fied with the FCC. Each Part covenants and agrees to fuly support approval of ths Agreement by the Commssion or the FCC under § 252(e) of the Act without modifcation. The Parties, however, reserve the right to seek regulatory relief and otherwse seek redress from each other regarding performance and TRFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - 13 implementation of ths Agreement. In the event the Commssion or FCC rejects this Agreement in whole or in part, the Paries agree to meet and negotiate in good faith to arive at a mutually acceptable modifcation of the rejected portiones). Furter, this Agrement is subject to change, modification, or cancellation as may be required by a regulatory authority or court in the exercise of its lawfl jurisdiction. The Partes agree that their entrance into ths Agreement is without prejudice to any positions they may have taken previously, or may tae in future, in any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public foru addressing any matters, including mattrs related to the same types of arngements coverd in ths Agreement. 15. CHANGE IN LAW The Paries acknowledge that the respective rights and obligations of each Party as set fort in ths Agreement are based on the text of the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder by the FCC and the Commission as of the Effective Date ("Applicable Rules"). In the event of any amendment to the Act, any effective legislative action or any effective regulatory or judicial order, rue, regulation, arbitration award, dispute resolution procedures under this Agreement or other legal action purorting to apply the provisions of the Act to the Pares Of 'in which the FCC or the Commission makes a generic' detetitiOtltnatis generally ápplicable which revises,cIDO(fiesor reverses the Applicable Rules (individnallYi~d ".colléCtívely,,,Anended Rules''', either Part may, by providing written notice totlieotllerpar,' requithtthe,afected provisions of this Agreement be renegotiatedingood':faith'ånd this Agreement shall be amended accordingly to reflect the pricing, terms and cOl1ditiOl1of'8uch Alended Rules relating to any of the provisions of this Agreement. 16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Except as provided under § 252 of the Act with respect to the approval of ths Agreement by the Commission, the Parties desire to resolve disputes arsing out of or relating to ths Agreement without litigation, to the extent possible. Accordingly, except for action seekig a temporary resaing order or an injunction related to the puroses of this Agreement, or suit to compel compliance with this dispute resolution process, the Pares agree to use the following dispute resolution procedures with respect to any controversy or claim arsing out of or relating to this Agreement or its breach. 16.1 Informal Resolution of Disputes. At the wrtten request of a Par, each Par wil, withn thrt (30) days of such request appoint a knowledgeable, responsible representative, empowered to resolve such dispute, to meet and negotiate in good faith to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement. The Parties intend that non-lawyer, business representatives conduct these negotiations. The location, format, frequency, duration, and conclusion of these discussions shall be left to the discretion of the representatives. Upon agreement, the reprsentatives may utilize other alternative dispute resolution procedures such as mediation to assist in the negotiations. Discussions and correspondence among the representatives for puroses of these negotiations shall be treated as Confidential Inormation developed for purposes of settlement, exempt from discovery, and shall not be admssible in the arbitration described below or in any lawsuit without the concurence of al Parties. Documents TRC EXCHGE AGREEMET - 14 identified in or provided with such communcations, which are not prepared for purposes of the negotiations, are not so exempted and may, if otherwise discoverable, be discovered or otherwse admissible, be admtted in evidence, in the arbitration or lawsuit. 16.2 Form Dispute Resolution. Ifnegotiations fail to produce an agreeable resolution with niety (90) days, then either Par may proceed with any remedy available to it pursuant to law, equity or agency mechasms; provided, that upon mutual agreement of the Paries such disutes may also be submitted to binding arbitration. In the case of an arbitration, each Part shall bear its own costs. The Paries shall equally split the fees of any mutually agreed upon arbitration procedure and the associated arbiter. 16.3 Continuous Service. The Partes shall continue providing services to each other during the pendency of any dispute resolution procedure, and the Pares shal contiue to perform their payment obligations including making payments in accordace with this Agreement. 17. MISCELLANOUS 17.1 (a) Cu.sterTelephone Cooperative, Inc. is a corporation duly organized, vaHdlyexisting. aid in good standing ,under the laws of the Sta.teof Idahoaid hasf'ull power ;and ~:lthority. to execute and delivery ths Agreement. and to perform its obligations hereunder, subjectto any necessar regulatory approvaL. (b) The Verizon Wireless entities listed on the . signature page of this Agreement ar duly organzed, validly existing and in good stding under the laws of the respective states in which they are organzed. Each has full power and authority to execute and deliver ths Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder, subject to any necessary regulatory approval. 17.2 Compliance. Each Part shal comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rues, and regulations applicable to its pedormance under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be constrd as requiring or permitting either part to contravene any mandatory requirement of federal or state law, or any regulations or orders adopted pursuant to such law. 17.3 Independent Contractors. Neither ths Agreement, nor any actions taen by VZW or Custer in compliance with this Agreement, shall be deemed to create an agency or joint ventue relationship between VZW and Custer, or any relationship other tha that of co-carers. Neither this Agreement, nor any actions taken by VZW or Custer in compliance with this Agreement, shall create contractual, agency, or any other type of relationship or thd part liabilty between VZW and Custer end users or others. 17.4 Force Majeure. Neither Par shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance of any par of th Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence including, without limitation, acts of nature, acts of civil or militar authority, governent regulations, embargoes, epidemics, ten-orist acts, riots, insurrections, fires, TRFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMENT - 15 explosions, eartquaes, nuclear accidents, floods, work stoppages, equipment failure, power blackouts, volcanc action, other major environmental disturbances, unusually severe weather conditions or any other circumstaces beyond the reasonable control and without fault or negligence ofthe par affected (collectively, a "Force Majeure Event"). If any Force Majeure Event occurs, the Par delayed or unable to perform shall give immediate notice to the other Part and shal take all reasonable steps to correct the Force Majeure Event. During the pendency of the Force Majeure Event, the duties of the Pares under ths Agreement afected by the Force Majeure Event shall be abated and shall resume without liabilty thereafter. 17.5 Confdentiality. (a) Any information such as specifications, drawings, sketches, business information, forecasts, models, samples, data, computer programs and other softare and documentation of one Part (a "Disclosing Par") that is furnished or made available or otherwise disclosed to the other Par or any of its employees, contractors, or agents (its "Representatives" and with a Part, a "Receiving Part") pursuat to ths Agreement ("Proprietary Information") shal be deemed the propert of the Disclosing Par. ProprietaryInformation, if written, shall be clearly and conspicuously marked "Confdential" or "Proprietar" or other simlar notice, and, if oral or visual, shall be confrmed in writing as confidential by the Disclosing Par to the Receiving Par within ten (10) days after disclosure: Unless Proptietary Information ..was previously. kn()~n. by the. Receivig. Part.free.. ufiäry . obligation to keepitconfideritial, or has' been or is subsequently made public by an act not attnbutablèto theReceivingPirt; oris explicitly agreed in writing not to be regarded confidential, such information! .. (i) shall be held in confidence by each Receiving Par; (ii)shall .... i be disclosed to only those persons who have a need for it in connection with the. provision of services required to fulfill this Agreement and shall be used by those persons only for such purses; and (iii) may be used for other puroses only upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed to in advance of such use in writing by the Pares. Notwithstading the foregoing sentence, a Receiving Part shall be entitled to disclose or provide Proprietay Information as required by any governental authority or applicable law, upon advice of counsel, only in accordance with § 17.5.b of this Agreement. ""Cr';' (b) If any Receiving Party is required by any governental authority or by applicable law to diclose any Proprietar Information, then such Receiving Par shall provide the Disclosing Par with written notice of such requirement as soon as possible and pnor to such disclosure. The Disclosing Party may then seek appropriate protective relief from all or pa of such requirement. The Receiving Part shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with the Disclosing Party in attempting to obtain any protective relief which such Disclosing Part chooses to obtain. (c) In the event of the expiration or teration of this Agreement for any reson whatsoever, each Par shall return to the other Pary or destoy al Proprietary Information and other documents, work papers and other material (including all copies thereof) obtained from the other Par in connection with ths Agreement and shall use all reasonable effort, including instrctig its employees and others who have had access to such information, to keep confdential and not to use any such inormation, unless such information is now, or is TRAIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - 16 hereafter disclosed, though no act, omission or fault of such Par, in any manner makig it avaiable to the general public. 17.6 Governng Law. This Agreement shall be governed by Federal law, where applicable, and otherwise by the domestic laws of the State of Idaho without reference to confict of law provisions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Pares may seek resolution of dispute under this Agreement by the FCC, the Commssion, or the Idaho State cours or federal court as appropriate. 17.7 Taxes. Each Par purchasing services hereunder shall payor otherwise be responsible for all federal, state, or local sales, use, excise, gross receipts, trasaction or similar taxes, fees or surcharges levied against or upon such purchasing Pary (or the providing Par when such providing Par is permitted to pass along to the purchasing Par such taxes, fees or surcharges), except for any tax on either Par's corporate existence, status or income. Whenever possible, these amounts shal be billed as a separate item on the invoice. To the extent a sale is claimed to be for resale tax exemption, the purhasing Par shall furnish the providing Par a proper resale tax exemption certificate as authorized or requied by statute or regulation by the jurisdiction providig said resale ta exemption. Failure to timely provide such sale for resale ta exemption certificate wil result in no exemption being available .t04he,purchasing 17.8 .'Â.ssignent.ThisAgreement shall be binding upon the Parties and shall continiie tôbe bindiguponi alL such entities regardless of any subsequent change in ;theif.ownership: Except as provided in this paragraph, neither Pary may assign .o trasfer (whether by operation of law or otherwise) this Agreement (or any right or obligatíons hereunder) to ~. non-affliated par without the prior wrtten consent of the other Par which consent will not be uneasonably withheld; provided that either Par, to the extent necessary to ensure continued application of this Agreement to the curent carier service territory, may assign this Agreement to a corporate Affiliate or an entity under its common control or an entity acquiring all or substantially all of its assets or equity by providing prior written notice to the other Pary of such assignment or tranfer. Any attempted assignment or transfer that is not permtted hereby is void ab initio. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Paries' respective successors and assigns. 17.9 Non-Waiver. Failure of either Part to insist on performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise any right or privilege hereunder shall not be constred as a continuig or fure waiver of such term, condition, right or privilege. 17.10 Notices. Notices given by one Party to the other Par under ths Agreement shall be in writing and shall be (i) delivered personally; (ii) delivered by express delivery service; or (iii) mailed, certfied mail, return receipt requested to the following addresses of the Partes: To:VZW To: Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Verizon Wireless Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Attn: Mar Bacigalupi Attn: General Manger 2785 Mitchell Drive, MS 8-1 1101 East Main Avenue TRAFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMNT - 17 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 P.O. Box 324 Challis, ID 83226 With a copy to:With a copy to: Verion Wireless Cynthia A. Melilo 1300 I Street, NW Suite 400W Givens Pusley LLP Washigton, DC 20005 601 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Att: Regulatory Counsel, Inteconnection Boise, ID 83702 Or to such other address as either Par shall designate by proper notice. Notices wil be deemed given as of the earlier of: (i) the date of actual receipt; (ii) the next business day when notice is sent via overnight express mail or persona delivery; or (iii) three (3) days afer maiing in the case of certfied U.S. Mail. 17.11 Publicity and Use of Trademaks or Service Marks. Neither Part nor its subcontractors or agents shall use the other Part's trademarks, service marks, logos or other proprietar trade dress in any advertising, press releases, publicity matters or other promotional materials without such Pary's prior written'consent. 17. i 2 JointWôrk Prodtlct.!fs Agreement ist~~ joint worlcproductófile Paries and, has been negotiated by the Partes and their respective còunsel and shall be fairly interpreted in .' accordance with its teri. In the everitöfany ãibigtties, no inetenêes shall be drawn againsteither Par. . 17.13 No Third Pary Beneficiares; Disclaimer of Agency. This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Parties and their permitted assigns, and nothg herein expressed or implied shall create or be construed to create any thid-par beneficiar rights hereunder. Except for provisions herein expressly authorizig a Party to act for another, nothng in this Agreement shall constitue a par as a legal representative or agent of the other Part; nor shall a Pary have the right or authority to assume, create or incur any liability or any obligation of any kind, express or implied, against, in the name of, or on behalf of the other Part, uness otherwise expressly penntted by such other Pary. Except as otherwse expressly provided in ths Agreement, no part undertakes to perform any obligation of the other Par, whether regulatory or contractual, or to assume any responsibilty for the mangement of the other Par's business. 17.14 No License. No license under patents, copyrights, or any other intellectual proper right (other than the limited license to use consistent with the terms, conditions and restrictons ofthis Agreement) is granted by either Party, or shall be implied or arise by estoppel with respect to any transactions contemplated under this Agreement. 17.15 Technology Upgrades. Nothing in ths Agreement shall limit either Partes' abilty to upgrde its network though the incorporation of new equipment, new softare or otherwse, provided it is to indus stadards, and that the Paity intiating the upgrade shall provide the other Par wrtten notice at least ninety (90) days prior to the incorporation of any such upgrade in it's network which will materially impact the other Pary's servce. Each Part TRAFIC EXCHANGE AGREEME - 18 shall be solely responsible for the cost and effort of accommodating such changes in its own network. 17.i 6 Entire Agreement. The terms contaied in ths Agreement and any Schedules, Exhbits, tarffs and other documents or instrments referred to herein are herby incorporated into ths Agreement by reference as if set fort fuly herein, and constitute the entire agreement between the Paries with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior understadings, proposals and other communcations, oral or written. Neither Par shal be bound by aIy preprinted terms additional to or different from those in this Agreement that may appear subsequently in the other Par's form documents, purchase orders, quotations, acknowledgments, invoices or other communications. This Agreement may only be modified by a wrting signed by an offcer of each Pary. (End of Text; Signatue Page Follows) TRAFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEME - 19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Pares hereto have caused ths Agreement to be executd as of the dates listed below. VERIZON WIRELESS Verizon Wireless (VA W) LLC d//a Verizon Wireless Celleo Partership d//a Verizon Wireless Cellular Inc. Financial Corporation d//a Verizon Wireless Idaho RSA 2 Limited Parership d//a Verizon Wireless By Verizon Wireless (VA W) LLC, Its General Parer Idaho RSA) Limted Partership d//a VerizonWireless . Br ",erizori\Vireless (VAW) LLC,Its General Pârer Idâlö6-ClfukLimtedParnershipdl/a Verizon Wireless By CommNet Cellular Inc, Its Manging Agent RCC Minnesota, Inc.~ Name: Walter L. Jones, Jr. Date: TRAFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMET - 20 CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATI, INC.BY:l)~/~ Name:~NNß L. /NJeoc Title: GeN¡;A;L I'AN/tEe Date: 7/f,lo1 ATTACHMENT A Reserved for Futue Use ATTACHMNT A C:I_I\DMSllll\5909ilL 2.DOC