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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090819Application.pdf--c:z-(! 0:o RECEI 0 Cyntha A. Melilo (ISB No. 5819) Michael C. Creamer (ISB No. 4030) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Offce: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc.. 2009 AUG i 9 PM I: 33 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No.: CUS-(-o'ì-o~ APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT BETWEN CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. AND ALLTEL COMMUICATIONS, LLC AND ID HOLDING, LLC APPLICATION FOR ApPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT 1. Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("'uster, thugh its attorneys Givens Pusley LLP, hereby files this Application for Approval of Negotiated Agreement ("Agrent" between Custer and Alltel Communcations, LLC and ID Holding, LLC (collectively, "ALLTEL j. A copy of the Agreeent is submitted herewith. 2. This Agreeent was reached through volunta negotiations betwee Custer and ALL TEL and is submtted for Commission revew and approval puruat to Section 252( e) of the Telecmmuncations Act of 1996. 3. Secion 252(e)(2) ofthe Telecmmuncations Act of 1996 dires that a state Commission may rejec an agrent reached thugh voluntar negotiations if the Commssion fi that: the agrent discinates aga a telecmmuncations caer not a par to the APPUCATION FORAPPROV AL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT 639U.lXX PAGE l OF4 agrent; or the implementation of the agreeent is not consistent with the public interst, convenence and necessity. 4. Custer refuly submits that the Agrent does not discminate and is consistent the public interest, and, therefore reuests that the Commsson apprve ths Agrement expeitiously. Appval of ths Agreeent will enable the pares to implement the Agrent an provide their respectve customer with increaed loca telecommuncations seces choices. 5. The designated representative of each Pary, for purse of resnding to inquiries in ths matter is: For Custer: Custer Telephone Coopetive, Inc. Att: Gener Manager 1101 East Mai Avenue P.O. Box 324 Challis, il 83226 With copy to: Cyntha A. Melillo Givens PuleyLLP 601 W. Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, il 83701-2720 ForALLTEL: Alltel Communcations, Inc. Att: Diretor - Wireless Internnecon One Allied Drve Mailstop: 1269-BI-F03-C Little Rock, Aran 72202 6. Ths Agrent doe not affec the rights of non-pares and expetious appval would fuer the public intert. Therefore, Cuter reuests tht the Comission appve ths Agrent without a heag. APPLICATION FOR APROVAL OF NEGOATED AGREEMENT63U.DO PAG2OF4 DATED ths 19th day of Augut 2009. c~ Qltlt Cynthia A. Melilo Attorneys for Custer Telephone CooPerative, Inc. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATE AGREEMEN 639SU.DO PAGE3OF4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby cerfy that on this 19th day of August 2009, I sered a tre and correct copy of the foregoing by deliverng it to the following individuals by the metod indicated below, addressed as stated. Jea Jewell, Secet Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washigton Stree P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-074 x U.S. Mail Facsimile Overght Mail Hand Deliver E-mail Alltel Communcations, Inc. Att: Director - Wireless Interconnection One Alled Drve Mailstop: 1269-B I-F03-C Little Rock, Arkan 72202 x U.S. Mail Facsimile Overght Mail Hand Deliver E-mail t6,JYU Cynt a A. Melillo APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEATED AGREEMENT639SU.DO PAGE 4 OF 4 TRAFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. AND ALL TEL COMMICATIONS, LLC AN ID HOLDING, LLC TRFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMENT Thi Traffc Exchange Agreement ("Agrement") is effective as of the 1st day of March 2009 (the "Effective Date''), by and between Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Custer") with offces at i 101 East Main Avenue, P.O. Box 324, Challis, Idao 83226, and Altel Communcations, LLC and il Holding, LLC (collectively, "ALLTEL") wi an offce and pricipal place of business at One Alled Drive, Litte Rock, Arkansas 72202. RECIALS WHREAS~ Custer is an incumbent Local Exchange Carier in the State of Idaho; and WHREAS, ALL TEL is a Commercial Mobile Radio Service provider of two-way mobile communcations servces operating with the State ofIdaho; and WHREAS, as of Janua 9, 2009, Cellco Parership d//a Verizon Wireless acquired AlItel Corporation and its subsidiaries including AlItel Communcations, LLC and ID Holdig, LLC. In connection with the approval of the acquisition, the Deparent of Justice and the Federal Communicatons Commssion required Verizon Wireless to divest certin markets includes some in Idaho. .A Mangement. Trustee. wàs. appointed by the United States . Distct CoUr for the District of Columbia to maage the divested markets until divestiture occurs; and WHREAS, the Pares ackiowledge that Custer is entitled to maita that it is a rual .0 . telephone company (as defined in 47 U.S.C. 153) as provided by 47 U.S.C. 251(f). By.enterig into ths Agreement, Custer is not waiving its right to mainta that it is a rural telephone company and its right to maintai that it is exempt from § 251 (c) under 47 U.S.C. 2S1(f) of theAct; and . WHEREAS, Custer and ALL TEL exchange calls between their networks and wish to establish trafc exchage and compensation arrgements for exchangin trc as specified below. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutu provisions contaied herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffciency of which are hereby acknowledged, Custer and ALL TEL hereby agee as follows: 1. DEFITIONS Special meangs are given to common words in the telecommunications industr, and coìned words and acronyms are. common in the custom and usage in the industr. Words used in ths contrct ar to be understood according to the custom and usage of the telecommuncations industr, as an exception to the general rue of contract interpretation that words are to be understood in their ordinar and popular sense. In addition to this rne of interpretation, the followig terms used in this Agreement shall have the meangs as specified below: 1.1 "Act" mean the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. TRFIC EXCHGE AGREEMENT - 1 617118_I.DOC 1.2 "As Defined in the Acf' mean as specifically defined by the Act, as may be interpreted from tie to tie by the FCC, the Commssion, Idaho State coùrs, or federal cour. 1.3 "As Described in the Act~ mean as described in or requied by the Act, as may be interpreted from tie to time by the FCC, the Commssion, Idaho State cours, or federal cours. 1.4 "Afiate" means a person that (direcy or indirectly) own or controls, is owned or controlled by or is under con:on ownership or control with another person. For puroses of ths paragraph, the term "own" mean to own an equity interest (or the equivalent thereof) of more th ten (10) percent. i.5 "Central Offce Switch" means a switch used to provide Telecommuncations Services, includig, but not limited to: (a) "End Offce Switch" is a swtch in which the subscriber station loops are termted for connection to either lines or trus. The subscriber receives termting, switchig, signal, transmission, and related fuctions for a defied geographic area by meas of an End Offce Switch. " (b) "Remote End Office SwiÍ(~h" is a switch in which the subscriber:statioii':'.:. ,. loops are termted. The contròl equipment providing termating, switchig, signaling, trsmission, and related fuctions would reside in a host offce. Local switching capabilities ' " Iny be .resident in a Remote End Offce Switch. . .. .. (c) "Host Offce Switch" is a switch with centralized control over the fuctions of one or more Remote End Office Switches. A Host Offce Switch can serve as an end offce as well as providing servces to other remote end offces requiring termating, signaling, tranmission, and related fuctions including local switching. (d) "Tandem Offce Switch" is a switchig system that establishes tr-to- tr connections. Local tadems switch calls from one end offce to another with the same geographic area, and access tandems switch traffc from host or end offces to and from an Interexchage Carer. A Tandem Offce Switch can provide host offce or end offce switching fuctions as well as the tandem fuctions. 1.6 "Commercial Mobile Raio Services" or "CMRS" mean a radio communcation service between mobile stations or receivers and land stations, or by mobile sttions communcatig among themselves that is provided for profit and tht makes interconnected servce available to the public or to such classes of eligible users as to be effectively available to a substtial porton of the public. 47 C.F.R. § 20. 1.7 "Commssion" means the Idaho Public Utiities Commssion. 1.8 "Extended Area Service" or "EAS" is as defined and specified in Custer's then curent General Subscriber Services Tarff. 1.9 "Effective Date" means the date fist above written. TRFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMENT - 26171l8Jix 1.10 "FCC" means the Federal Communcations Commssion. 1.11 "Interconnection" for puroses of ths Agreement is the ling of Custer and ALL TEL networks for the exchange of telecomiuncations traffc described in ths Agreement. 1.12 "Interexchange Carer" or "IXC" mea a carrier, other than a CMRS caier, tht provides or cares, directly or indirectly, InterLATA Service or IntraLATA Toll Trafc. 1.13 "InterLATA Servce" means telecommuncatons between a point located in a local access and trport area and a point located outside such area. 1.14 "IntrATA Toll Trafc," means those station calls that originate and tennate with the same local access and trort area and that are caed outside Custer's Local Servce Area 1.15 "Local Access and Transport Area" or "LATA" means a contiguous geogrphic area: (a) Established before Februar 8, 1996, by a Bell operating company such that no exchange area includes points with more tha one (1) metropolita statistiçalarea, .consolidatedmetropolitan statistical area, or State, except as expressly-:p€imtted under the. ,AT&T.Co1(sent Deree; or " '. (b) Establi~hect or modified by a Bell operating company afer Februar 8,1996, and approved by the FCC. . '. ... . . . 1.16 "Local Servce Area" means, for ALLTEL, Major Tradin Area Number 36 (Salt Lake City) and for Custer, its local calling area contained in Custer's then cunt General Subscriber Services Tarff. 1.17 "Local Trac" is defmed for all puroses under ths Agreement as Local Service Area traffc tht is origited by a cusomer of one Par on that Par's network, and terminates to a customer of the other Par on the other Par's network withi the same Major Trading Area (MA). Local Trafc may be handled pursuat to an approved interconnection agreement between the originatig Par and a carer which performs only a contrctual traniting fuction for the origiatig Par in lieu of a direct connection between the Pares, provided tht the servce provided by ALLTEL is a two-way mobile service. For puroses of. determig origiruiting and terting points, the originating or termting point for Custer sha be the end offce serving the callng or called par, and for ALL TEL shall be the originating or termnatig cell site location which servces the calling or called par at the beginng of the calL. 1.18 "Local Exchange Carer" or "LEC" mea any person that is engaged in the provision of telephone exchange service or exchange access. Such term does not include a person inofar as such person is engaged in the provision of the commercial mobile service under § 332(c) of the Act, except to the extent that the Federal Communcations Commssion finds that such service should be included in the defintion of such term. 47 U.S.C. § 153(26). TRAIC EXCHNGE AGREEMENT - 3 6l7118_l.oC 1.19 "Major Traing Area" or "MTA" mean the Major Trading Area designte by the FCC which is the servce area based on the Rand McNaly 1992 Commercial Atlas & Marketing Gude, 123rd edition, at pages 38-39, as fuer specified or modified by 47 C.F.R § 24.202(a) or other applicable law. 1.20 ''Mobile Station" mean a radio-communcation station capable of being moved and which ordinary does move. 47 U.S.C. § 153(28). 1.21 "Non-Local Traffic" mean al trc that is not Local Trafc as defied in § 1.17 hereof and includes IntraLATA Toll Traffc. 1.22 "NP A" or the "Number Plan Area" also referred to as an "area code" refers to the thee-digit code which precedes the NX in a dialing sequence and identifies the general calling area withn the Nort American Numberi Plan scope to which a call is routed to (i.e., NP AJ-XX). 1.23 "NX" mean the thee-digit code, which appears as the first thee digits of seven-digit telephone numbers with a valid NP A or area code. '::... 1'.24, ~'''Par'' means either Custer or ALL TEL, and "Parties" means Custer andc ALLTEE~ . ~ ~'. . 1.25 "Point of Interconnection" or "POI" means the mutually agreed upon point between the Parès, respectivenetwórks where an originatig Par's trafc is deerledto be . handed off to the termating Par's network. ' . 1.26 ''Rate Centet' mean the specific geographic point and corresponding geographic area that is associated with one or more NPA-NX codes that have been assigned to an incumbet LEC for its provision of exchange servces. 1.27 "Reciprocal Compensation" meas an arangement between two carers in which each receives the same compensation rate from the other carer for the transport and termtion on each carier's network of Local Traffc, as defmed in § 1.17 above, that originates on the network facilties of the other carier. Compensation, regardless of the Par that receives it, is symmetrical. 1.28 "Telecommuncations" means the trsmission, between or among points specifed by the user, of inormtion of the user's choosing, without chane in the form or contet of the inormation as sent and received. 47 U.S.C. § 153(43). 1.29 "Telecommuncations Act" means the Communcations Act of 1934, as amended. 1.30 "Telecommuncations Carer" mea any provider of telecommuncations services, except that such term does not include aggregators of telecommunications services (as defmed in 47 U.S.C. § 226(a)(2)). A Telecommuncations Carier shall be treated as a common caier under ths chapter only to the extent that it is engaged in providig telecommuncations servces, except tht the Federal Communcations Commission shall determne whether the TRAFFIC EXCHNGE AGREEMENT - 4 6171 18_l.nOC provision of fixed and mobile satellte serce shall be treated as common carage. 47 U.S.C. § 153(44). 1.31 "Telecommuncations Service" mean the offerig of Telecommuncations for a fee dirtly to the public or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilties used. 1.32 "Termnation" means the switchig of Local Trac at the tennnatig carier's end offce switch, or equivalent facilty, and deliver of such traffic to the called Par's premises or mobile hadset. 1.33 "Traniting Trafc" is trafc that onginates from one provider's network, "trsits" one or more other provider's network substtially unchanged, and tenates to yet another provider's network. 1.34 "Tranport" means the trsmssion and any necessar tadem switching of Local Trafc subject to § 251(b)(5) of the Act frm the Point of Interconnection between the two carriers to the termiting carer's End Offce Switch that diectly serves the called part, or equivalent facilty provided by a caer other than an incumbent LEC. .' . 1.35 "Type 2 Servce" oftn referred to as a tr side connection, is a service that involves iìtercopnection to a telephone company end office (Type 2-B) or tandem (Type2-A).- '2. .INERPREATION AN CONSTRUCTION ,.., ..-..i All references to Sections, Exhbits and Schedules shall be deemed to be references to Sections of, and Exhbits and Schedules to, ths Agreement uness the context shall oterwise require. The headigs of the Sections and the terms ar inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be a par of or to afect the meang of ths Agreement. Unless the context shal otherwse requie, any reference to any ageement, other instent or thrd par offering, guide or practice, statute, regulation, rue or taff is for convenience of reference only and is not intended to be a par of or to afect the meang of a rule or tarff as amended and supplemented frm time-to-time (and, iì the case of a statute, regulation, rue or taff, to any successor provision). 3. SCOPE 3.1 Ths Agreement is intended, inter alia, to describe and enable specific trc exchange and Reciprocal Compensation arangements between the Paries. This Agrement does not obligate either Part to provide arangements not specifically provided for herein. 3.2 Ths Agreement sets fort the term, conditions, and rates under which the Paries agree to interconnect the CMR network of ALL TEL and the ILEe network of Custer for puroses of exchaning Local Service Area traffc, provided that the service provided by ALLTEL to its cusomer is a two-way mobile service as defined in 47 U.S.C. §.153(27). Ths Agrement does not cover ALLTEL one-way paging serice trafc or fixed wiless. ALLTEL does not curntly provide fixed wireless servces in Custer's Loca Service Area. ALLTEL agrees tht it will provide Custer pnor notice of its intent to launch fixed wireless services in TRAFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMT - 5 617118JDoe Custer's Local Servce Area. Upon Custer's receipt of such notice, the Pares agree to negotiate an appropriate agreement or an Amendment to this Agreement, which will addrss the exchane of such trafc. 3.3 Tl Agreement relates to exchane of traffc between Custer and ALLTEL. ALL TEL represents that it is a CMRS provider of telecommunications servces to subscribers in MTANo. 36 (Salt Lae City). Additions or changes to ALLTEL's NPAI will be as listed in Telcordia's Local Exchange Routig Guide ("LERG") under Operati Company Number ("OCN") 5027 and 5818 in Idao. 3.4 Tl Agreement is limted to Custer end user customers' traffc for which Custer has tarifauthontyto car. Custe's NPAI(s) are listed in the LERGunder DCN 2218. 3.5 Any amendment, modifcation, or supplement to ths Agreement must in wrtig and signed by an authorized representative of each Par. 4. SERVICE AGREEMENT 4.1 Descnption of Arangements. This Agreement provides for. the followig interconnection and arangements between the networks of Custer and ALL TEL. Additional argements tht may be agreed to in the fue -will. be delineated in Attchment A -to ths Agr~ement.. An NPAI assigned to ALLTEL treated as Local.Service Area trffc and included in any EAS calling . scope, or simlar program to the same extent as any other incumbent LEC's NPAI in the :same nite--center provided that ALLTEL ,assigns numbers from such NP AI to customers within the Local Service Area of Custer and ALL TEL has netWork facilties to serve such customers. 4.2 Indiect Interconnection The Paries may interconnect their networks indiectly via a third par tadem provider ("Thrd Par Tandem Provider") in order to exchange Local Trafc. The Pares agree that to the extent Local Trafc is exchaged indirectly via a Thid Par Tandem Provider, the originatig Par is responsible for any transit fees imposed by the Third Par Tandem Provider. The Partes agee ths wil in no way prejudice any position either Part may take regarg financial responsibilty for charges by Thd Par Tandem Providers with respect to futue agreements or regulatory or legislative proceedings. Ths arangement of indirect interconnection wíl be subject to renegotiation if by chage of law or for any other reason the Third Par Tandem Provider no longer offers the tranitig servce. 4.3 Direct Interconnecton: Should trafc volumes exceed one millon Minutes of Use (MOD) per month for thee (3) consecutive month, or upon ALLTEL's reques, Cusr and ALLTEL hereby agree to establish a direct connection to route landline-to-wirless and wIeless-to-landline TRIC EXCHGE AGREEMNT - 6 617118_L.DOC Local Traffic. ALL TEL and Cuter shall work cooperatively to implement direct inteconnecton arangements. For diect interconnection, the POI shall be at Syrga Network' LATA tadem in Boise, Idaho. 4.4 Once direct interonnection is established, both Pares will use best efforts to route Local Service Area calls to the other Par over the dirct interconnection facilties except in the case of an emergency, temporar equipment failure, or blockig of existg direct interconnection facilities. 4.5 Each Par wil perform local number portabilty ("LNP") database queries on its originated trafc prior to routig any of its origiated trafc over the diect interonnection facilities, and will only route trafc over the direct interconnection facilties to the extent the loca routig number ("LRN") retued from such queries belongs to the other Par. 5. COMPENSATION 5.1 Traffc Subject to Reciprocal Compensation. Reciprocal Compensation is applicable for Transport and Termnation of Local Trafc as , ;. defined in§ 1.17 and is related to the: exchange' of trafc described in § 4 and in Attachment A, ;' -' as applicable. For the puroses of biling compensation for Local Traffic; ,biled inutes will be , based upon actual usage recorded ard/or records/reports provided by thetralsitir carer. Measute usage begi when.the terating recording switch receives anwer$llpervision from the called end-user and ends when the termnating recording switch receives or StndsÆsconnect (release message) supervision, whichever occur fist. The measued usage is aggregated at the end of the measurement cycle and rounded to a whole miute. Biling for Local Traffc shall be based on the aggrgated measured usage less trc recorded as local that is deemed Non-Local Trafc basd on the default factor provided in § 5.3( e). The rate for Reciprocal Compensation shall be $0.025 per miute. The Paries agre to bil each other for Local Trafc as described in this Agreement uness the Local Trafc exchaged between the Partes is balanced and falls withn an agreed upon theshold ("Traffc Balance Thrshold"). The Paries agree that for puroses of ths Agrement, the Traffc Balance Thrhold is reached when the Local Trafc exchanged falls between 48% / 52% in either the wireless-to-Iandline or landline-to-wireless direction. Whenthe actual usage data for thee (3) consecutive month indicates that the Local Traffc exchaged, both directly and indirectly, falls within the Traffc Balace Threshold, then either Par may provide the other Par a written request, along with verifiable inormtion supporting such request to elimate billig for Reciprocal Compensation per miute. Upon written consent by the Par receiving the request, which sha not be withheld unrasonably, there wil be no biling for Reciproca Compensation on a going forward basis uness otherwse agred to by both Pares, in wrtig. The Pares' agreement to elimte biling for Reciprocal Compensation cares with it the precondition regarding the Traffc Balance Threshold discused above. 5.2 Trac Subiect to Switched Accss Compensation. TRC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT-7 611118JDoe Access charges apply to all Non-Local Trafc origiated on ALLTEL's network and delivered to Custer for termation to its customers as described in § 4 and Attchment A, as applicable. ALL TEL shal compensate Custer at Custer's applicable access taff rates for all ALLTEL-origiated Non-Local Trafc only to the extent tht such ALLTEL-originated Non- Local Trac is not handed off to an Interexchage Carer for delivery to Custer. 5.3 Calculation of Payments and Biling. (a) ALLTEL will compensate Custer for Local and Non-Local Trafc delivered to Cuer for termation to its customers, as precrbed and at the rates provided in §§ 5.1 and 5.2. Custer will compensate ALLTEL for Local Trafc originated by Custer customers on Cuser's network and delivered to ALLTEL, for tennnation to its customers, as prescribed in § 4 and at the rate provided in § 5.1. (b) Custer shall prepare a monthly biling statement to ALL TEL, which wil separately reflect the calculation of Reciprocal Compensation, Switched Access Compensation, if applicable and total compensation due Carer. Billig shall be based on actual meased usge, when available. If actual measure usage is not available, the Partes agree the usage form the Third Par Transit Provider may be used for biling by Custer. (c) ALLTEL shallptepàre,a'monthy biling statemenUoCuster reflecting the' - calculatioI1:of Reciprocal Comp'ensation due ",' ALL TEL. Bì1ing shall' be'based on actual .. i" ! ',measurd usage, when available. Alternatively, if ALL TEL does not measue the land-to-mobile' 'usgedata then ALLTEL ifåy bîl using a fàctor that is based on each Par'spropørton oflle origig Local Traffc to total LocaLTrafcexchan.ged between the Parties. Ths estated percentageis referted to as the Traffc Factor and is listed below. The Partes agree to review the Trafc Factor on a periodic basis and, if warted by the actual usage, revised the Trafc Factor appropriately. Land-to-Mobile 20% Mobile-to-Land 80% (d) Custer wil prepare its bil in accordance with its exiing CABS I SECABS biling system. The Paries will make an effort to conform to curent and futu OBF (CABS BOS) stadards, insofar as is reasonable. In addition, the Paries wil abide by all signaling standards as described in § 7.78. ALLTEL will prepare its bill in accordance with its existing process for biling Reciprocal Compensation using the following formula: ALLTEL shall use the Carier mobile-to-land Miutes of Use ("MODs) to calculate the land-to-mobile MODs by dividing the mobile-to-land MOUs by 80% to arve at i 00% of the tota trafc. The mobile-to-Iand miutes are then subtracted from the 100% value to arive at the 20% land-to-mobile miutes ALLTEL would bil Carrier. (Ex.: 100,000 MODs are detered to be mobile~ to-land. 100,000 is divided by 80% to arrve at 125,000 MODs total traffc exchanged. 100,000 is then subtracted from 125,000 to arve at the land-to- mobile MODs of 25,000 tht ALLTEL wil bil Carer.) TRAFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMENT - 8 617118JDOC ALL TEL may elect to have Carer render a "net bil" to ALL TEL by applying the net rate of $0.01875 (reciprocal compensation rate of $0.025 net of adjustment for land-to~mobi1e trc based upon a 80/20 trafc factor to the total MODs of traffc originted by ALLTEL and tennted to Carer) as measured by Caer or provided by the Third Par Tranit Provider in lieu of ALL TEL submittng invoices to Carier for Reciprocal Compensation for land-to-mobile trafc as described above. If net biling has been implemented, ALL TEL shall provide Carer at least sixt (60) days prior written notice when changing its election to perform its ownbillg. In the event the trafc exchanged between the Pares is de minimis such that the total minutes exchanged between the Partes is less than 5,000 minutes of use for a one-month period, Carer may elect that the de minimis level of traffc shall be transported and termted on a bil and keep basis. (e) Recogniing that Custer ha no way of measuring the Non-Local Trafc, and in the event that ALL TEL doses not track the usage inormation requied to identify ,thø... Non-LocaTracoriginated or teninated by Custer, both Paries agree to use a defawttaqtQr of zero PeJcent (0%) as an es'tniateöfNon:'Locål Traffic. The actual recorded usgeshallòe-the basis for bili.g when àvailable and verifiable. - . -(t) EachPái may request to inspect, durg normal busmesshotis,Jtht records which are the basis for any monthly bill issued by the other Par and torequestcopieS .. thereof provided tht the reqùested records do not exceed twelve (12) months in age from the date the monthy bil containg said record information was issued. (g) No Par shall bil the other Par for traffc that is older tha twelve (12) month or that predates this Agreement. 6. NOTICE OF CHNGES If a Par contemplates a change in its network, which it believes will materially afect the inter-operabilty of its network with the other Par, the Par makg the chage shall provide at least ninety (90) days advace wrtten notice of such change to the other Par, prvided, however, that ths provision shal not apply to chages necessitated by emergencies or other circumstces outside the con:rol of the Pary modifying its network. 7. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIS OF THE PARTIES 7. i Each Par is individuay responsible to provide facilties with its network which are necessa for routin, trsportg and, consistent with § 5, measuring and biling trc from the other Par's network and for deliverig such traffc to the other Par's network in an acceptable industr standad formt, and to termnate the traffc it receives in tht acceptable industr stdard formt to the proper address on its network. The Pares are each solely responsible for paricipation in and compliance with national network plans, including The National Network Security Plan and The Emergency Preparedness Plan. Neither Par shall use TRAFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT ~ 9 617118_I.nOC any serce related to or use any of the serices provided in ths Agreement in any maner that prevents other persons from using their servce or destoys the normal quaity of service to other carriers or to either Par's customers, and subject to notice and a reasonable opportty of the offending Par to cure any violation, either Par may discontinue or refue serice if the other Par violates ths provision. 7.2 Each Par is solely responsible for the servces it provides to its customers and to other Telecommuncations Caers. 7.3 Each Par is responsible for managing NX codes assigned to it. 7.4 Each Par is responsible for obtaing Loca Exchange Routig Guide ("LERG") listgs of the Common Laguage Location Identifier ("CLLI") assigned to its switches. 7.5 Each Par agrees to adhere to the blockig requirements for interconnection (P.Ol) as provided in Telcordia documentation GR145 - Core Compatibilty for Interconnection of a Wireless Serice Provider and a Local Exchange Company Network. 7.6 SS7 Out of Band Signaling (CCS/SS7) .shallbe the signaling. of choice for where technc~ly feasible lor bpth. Parties. Use ofa~nl.pRr1?¡ovider orSS7 trforconnecting ALL lEt to the CustergS7 8y~tems ispermitted~.Such.c()l1ctions ' will.meetg~nerally accepted industr techncal standards....... Eaph.Par is resPQnst~le fçr its()\V SS7 signalig and therefore, neither Par wil bil the other SS7 signingcbarges~ , . 7.7 Each lar slial be responsible for its own inâependentcoooections to the 911Æ911 network. 7.8 AlI origiting trafc shall contain basic call inormation with the Intial Addrss Message (lAM such as the calling number, charged number, Generic Address Pareter Ported Dialed Number (GAPPDN), Translated Called Number Indicator of Forwd Call Indicators (FCI Bit-M) either the Jurisdictiona Information Parameter (TIP) or the Origintig Location Routing Number (LRN). The TIP or Originatig LRN must be unque to the Mobile Switching Center (MSC). Altering of data parameters with the lA shall not be permitted. 8. TERM AN TERMATION 8.1 Subject to the proviions of § 14, the intial term of th Agreement shall be for a two-year term ("Ter"), which shall commence on the Effective Date. This Agreement shall automatically renew for successive twelve (12) month periods, uness not less than sixty (60) days prior to the end of the Term or any renewal term, either Par notifies the other Part of its intent to teate this Agreement or negotiate a new agreement. In the case of a notice to termte, the other Par may request negotiation of a successor agrement prior to the end of the then-curent term of ths Agrement. If either Par requests the negotiation of a successor ageement, during the perod of negotiation of the successor agreement as described above, then durng the period of negotiation of the successor agreement each Part shall continue to perform its obligations and TRAF1CEXCHAGE AGREEMENT - 10 617118JDOC provide the seices described herein until such tie as the successor agrement becomes effective. The rats, term, and conditions applying during the interi period between the end of the then-curent ter of ths Agreement and the effective date of the successor agreement is executed shall be tred-up to be consistent with the rates, term and conditions of the successor agrement reached though negotiation or arbitration. If the Parties are unable to negotiate a successor agreement with the statutory tie frame set for negotiations under the Act, then either Par has the right to submit ths matter to the Commssion for resolution pursuant to the statutory rues for arbitration under the Act. If the Pares are unable to negotiate a successor agreement by the end of the statutory tie frame, or any mutually agreed upon extension thereof, and neither Par submits this matter to the Commssion for arbitration, then the Agreement shall termate at the conclusion of the statutory tie frame or at the end of the extension to the statutory tie frame. 8.2 Upon termnation or expiration of ths Agreement in accordace with ths Section: (a) Each Par shall comply imediately with its obligations as set fort herein; (c) Each pår's indemnficatioIl. obligations shall surive ternatioiior expiration oHhis Agrent. , . (b) Each Par shall promptly pây all amounts (includig any late payment ~èhaiges) owed under tils Agreement; .... .- :-~. ". . .. . 8.3 Either Par may termate this Agreement in whole or in part in the event of a default of the other Part, provided, however, that the non-defaulting Par noties the defaulting Par in wrtig of the alleged default and the defaulting Par does not implement mutually acceptable steps to remedy such alleged default withi th (30) days afer receipt of written notice thereof. 9. BILLING AND PAYMNT 9.1 The Pares agree that disputed and undisputed amounts due under ths Agreement shall be handled as follows: (a) If any portion of any amount due to a Par (the "Biling Par") under this Agreement is subject to a bona fide dispute between the Partes, the Par biled (the ''Non- Paying Par") shal, with thrt (30) days of its receipt of the invoice contang such disputed amount, give written notice to the Billng Par of the amounts it disputes ("Disputed Amounts") and include in such notice the specific detas and reasons for disputig each item. The Non- Paying Par shall pay when due all undisputed amounts to the Billg Par. The Pares will work together in good faith to resolve issues relating to the disputed amounts. If the dispute is resolved such th payment of the disputed amount is required, whether for the original amount or for the settement amount, the Non-Paying Par shall pay the full disputed or settlement amounts with interest at the lesser of (i) one and one-half percent (1 ~%) per month or (ii) the highest rate of interest that may be charged under Idaho applicable law. In addition, the Billig TRFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - I I 617118JDOC Par may I1tiate a complaint proceeding with the appropriate reguatory or judicial entity, if unpaid undisputed amounts become more tha niety (90) days past due. (b) Any undisputed amounts not paid when due shal accr interest from the date such amounts were due at the lesser of (i) one and one-half percent (1 ~%) per month or (ii) the highest rate of interest that may be chaged under applicable Idaho law. (c) Undisputed amounts shall be paid withn th (30) days of receipt of invoice from the Biling Par. 92 All invoices under ths Agreement shal be sent to: ALLTEL Custer TeleDhone Company, Inc. Alltel Communcations, Inc.Office and Accountig Manger c/o Control Point Solutions Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 3655 Nort Point Pkwy, Suite 200 1101 East Main Avenue Alphaetta, GA 30005 P.O. Box 324 Att:Eria Owens Challis, ID 83226 . 10. . SEVERAILITY "' The services, arangements,. term and conditions of ths Agreement' were. · mutully negotiated by the Paries as a total arangement and are intended to. be non-sevetablt" However, if any provision of this Agreement is held by a cour or reguatory agency.of competent jursdiction to be unenforcable, the rest of the Agreement shall remain-in fil force and effect and shall not be affected uness removal of that provision results in a material change to this Agreement. If a material chage as described in ths paragraph occurs as a result of action by a cour or regulatory agency, the Paries shall negotiate in good faith for replacement language. If replacement language canot be agreed upon within a reasonable tie period, either Par may invoke dispute resolution procedures as set fort in ths Agreement. 11. INDEMNIFICATION i 1.1 Each Par (the "Indemnfyng Par") shall indemnfy and hold haress the other Par ("Indemnified Par") from and against loss, cost, clai liabilty, daage, and expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) to customers and other thid paries for the followig: (a) Damage to tangible personal propert or for personal injur proximately caused bý the neglgence or willful misconduct of the Indemnfying Part, its employees, agents or contractors; (b) Notwithstadig ths indemnfication provision or any other provision in the Agreement, neither Par, nor its parent, subsidiaries, afliates, agents, servants, or employees, shal be liable to the other for Consequential Damages (as defined in § 12.2). TRFIC EXCHAGE AGREEME - 12 61711S_L.DOC 11.2 Th Indemnfied Par wil notify the Indemnng Par promptly in wrting of any claims, lawsuts, or demads by cusomers or other thd pares for which the Indemnfied Par alleges tht the Indemnfying Par is responsible under ths Section, and, if reuested by the Indemnfyg Par, will tender the defene of such claim, lawsut or demand. (a) In the event the Indemng Par does not promptly assue or diigently pursue the defense of the tendered acton, then the Indemned Par may proceed to defend or settle said action and the Indemnfying Par shal hold haress the Indemnfied Par from any loss, cost liability, damage and expense. (b) In the event the Par otherwse entitled to indemfication from the other elects to decline such indemnfication, then the Par mang such an election may, at its own expense, assume defense and settlement of the clai, lawsuit or demand. (c) The Pares will cooperate in every reasonable maner with the defense or settlement of any claim, demand, or lawsuit. 12. LIMTATION OF LIABILITY 12.1 No liabilty shall attach to either Par, its parents, subsidiares, afiates, 'agent, servants, employees, offcers, directors, or parers for daages arsing frm,ei:ors; ,JDst~es, omissions, inteptions, or delays in the course of establishing, fuishig.reaaiging, movilg, .tenating, changin, or providing or failing to .provide services or facilties( obtaning.ovfuishig of inormation with respect thereof or with respect.tousersoftbe servces or-facilities) in the absence of gross negligence orwilfu misconduct; 12.2 Except as otherwe provided in § 11, no Par shall be liable to the other Par for any loss, defect or equipment failure caused by the conduct of the first Par, its agents, seants, contractors or others actig in aid or concert with that Par, except in the cae of gross negligence or willf misconduct. 12.3 In no event shall either Par have any liability whatsoever to the other Par for any indirect, special, consequential, incidental or puntive damages, includig but not limted to loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss in connection with or arising from anytg said, omitted or done hereunder (collectively, "Consequential Damges"), even if the other Par has been advised of the possibilty of such daages. 13. DISCLAIR EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIED HEREIN, NEITHER PARTY MAS ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARIE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LID TO AN WARTY AS TO MERCHAABILITY OR FITNESS FOR INTENDED OR PARTICULAR PUROSE WITH RESPECT TO SERVICES PROVIED HEREUNER. ADDITIONALLY, NEITR PARTY ASSUMES AN RESPONSIBILTY WITH REGAR TO THE CORRCTNESS OF DATA OR INORMTION SUPPLIED BY TH OTHER PARTY WHN TH DATA OR INORMTION IS ACCESSED AN USED BY A THI-PARTY. TRAFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - 13 617118JDO 14. REGULATORY APPROVAL The Paries understad and agree that ths Agreement will be fied with the Commsion, and to the extent reuid by FCC rules may thereafer be filed with the FCC. Each Par covenants and agrees to fully support approval of ths Agreement by the Commssion or the FCC under § 252(e) of the Act without modification. The Pares, however, reserve the right to seek reguatory relief and otherwse seek redress from each other regarding performance and implementation of ths Agreement. In the event the Commssion or FCC rejects ths Agreement in whole or in par the Pares agree to meet and negotiate in good faith to arve at a mutualy acceptable modifcation of the rejected portones). Furer, ths Agreement is subject to change, modification, or cacellation as may be required by a regulatory authority or cour in the exercise of its lawfl jursdiction. The Pares agree that their entrance into ths Agreement is without prejudice to any positions they may have taen previously, or may tae in futue, in any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public foru addrssing any mattrs, including mattrs related to the same tyes of arangements covered in ths Agreement. 15. CHAGEINLAW The/Pares acknowledge that theresp~tive.'rightsandobligations of each Par.asset furt'in. ths Agreement are based. on the text. of the Act and the:,rues ,.aid.regulatioIls ., ,. .'promulgated thereunder by the FCC and theComiission as of the Effective.PateffApplinable Rules"). ... In the . event of any amendment iOdthaAci,. any effective legislativeactiOn./or:any effective reguatory or judicial order, rue, regulatioIl, . arbitratiorraward, dispute resolutiml, procedurs under this Agreement or other legal action purortng to apply the provisions of the Act to the Pares or in which the FCC or the Commssion makes a generic determation that is generally applicable which revises, modifies or reverses the Applicable Riles (individually and collectively, "Amended Rules''), either Par may, by providig wrtten notice to the other par, require that the afected provisions of ths Agreement be renegotiated in good faith and ths Agreement shall be amended accordingly to reflect the pricing, term and conditions of such Amended Rules relatig to any of the proviions of ths Agreement 16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Except as provided under § 252 of the Act with respect to the approval of ths Agreement by the Commssion, the Pares desire to resolve disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement without litigation, to the extent possible. Accordingly, except for action seeking a temporary restaing order or an injunction related to the puroses of ths Agreement, or suit to compel compliace with ths dispute resolution process, the Paries agre to use th following dispute resolution prcedures with resect to any controversy or claim arsing out of or relating to this Ageeent or its breach. 16. i Informal Resolution of Disputes. At the wrtten reques of a Par, each Par wil, withn th (30) days of such request, appoint a knowledgeable, responsible representative, empowered to reolve such dispute, to meet and negotiate in good faith to resolve any disput arsing out of or relating to this Agreement. Th.e Pares intend that non-lawyer, business TRFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMENT - 14 617118_L.DOC representatives conduct these negotitions. The location, format, frquency, duration, and conclusion of these discussions sh be left to the discretion of the representatives. Upon agreement, th representatives may utilize other alterntive dispute resolution procedurs such as mediation to assist in the negotiations. Discussions and corrspondence among the representatives for puroses of these negotiatioil shall be treated as Confdential Inormtion developed for puroses of settement, exempt from discovery, and shall not be admssible in the arbitration described below or in any lawsuit without the concurence of all Pares. Documents identified in or provided with such communcations, which are not prepared for puroses of the negotations, are not so exempted and may, if otherwse discoverable, be discovered or otherwse adssible, be admtted in evidence, in the arbitrtion or lawsuit. 16.2 Formal Dispute Resolution. Ifnegotiations fail to produce an agreeable resolution with ninety (90) days, then either Par may proceed with any remedy available to it pursuant to law, equity or agency mechansms; provided, that upon mutual agreement of the Pares such disputes may also be submitted to binding arbitrtion. In the case of an arbitration, each Par . shal bear its own costs. The Paries shall equally split the fees of any mutually agreed upon arbitration procedure and the associated arbiter. 16.3 Contiuous Serice. The Pares sh continue providing services to each other during t~ependency. of any~ispute resolution proceure, and the Pares shall contiue to perform . their payment obligations iic1udirig ing payments in. accordace with ; tils Agreement: 17. MISeEr.LANOUS~ 17.1 Authorization. (a) Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. is a corporation duly organzed, valdly existig and in good standing under the laws of the State of Idaho and has full power and authority to execute and delivery th Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder, subject to any necessar regulatory approval. (b) The Verin Wireless entities listed on the signatue page of ths Agreement are duly organd, validly existig and in good stading under the laws of the respective states in which they are organzed. Each has fu power and authority to execute and deliver ths Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder, subject to any necessar reguatory approval. 17.2 Compliance. Each Pary shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and loca laws, rues, and regulations applicable to its performce under ths Agreement. Nothg in ths Agreement shall be consted as requig or permitting either par to contravene any madatory requiement of federa or state law, or any regulations or orders adopted pursuant to such law. 17.3 Independent Contractors. Neither ths Agreement, nor any actions taen by ALL TE or Custer in compliance with ths Agreement, shall be deemed to create an agency or joint ventu relationship between ALL TEL and Custe, or any relationship other than that of co- carers. Neither ths Agreement, nor any actions taken by ALLTEL or Custer in compliance TRFIC EXCHAGE AGREEME - i 5 61n18JDO with this Agreement, shall create contractu, agency, or any other type of relationship or th par liabilty beteen ALL TEL and Custer end users or others. i 7.4 Force Majeure. Neither Par shal be liable for any delay or failur in pedormce of any par of ths Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault or neglgence including, wìthout limtation, acts of natue, acts of civil or milita authonty, governent regulations, embargoes, epidemics, terrorist acts, riots, insurections, fies, explosions, eartquakes, nuclear accidents, floods, work stoppages, equipment failure, power blackouts, volcanc acion, other major envinmenta distubances, unusualy severe weather conditions or any other circumtances beyond the reasonable control and without fault or negligence of the par afected (collectively, a "Force Majeur Event"). If any Force Majeure Event ocurs, the Par delayed or unable to perform shall give immediate notice to the other Par and shall take al reasonable steps to correct the Force Majeure Event. Durg the pendency of the Force Majeure Event, the duties of the Parties under ths Agreement afected by the Forc Majeure Event shall be abated and shall resume without liabilty thereafter. 17.5 Confdentiality. (a) Any inonntion such as specifications, drwings, sketches, business inormation, forecast,.. models, samples, data, computer programs and ot1tr softare anq documentation .. of. one Pa).. (ä~dDisêlosing' Par") '.' that is' fushed or maøeavailable .ot otherwise . disclosed to the 'other Par or any of,.its employees; contrctors, Or agents..,(its "Representatives" aId i with a Par, a "Receiving Par") pursuat tothis Agreement (''Proprietar Inforiation'~) shal be deemed the propert of the Disclosing Par.. Proprieta Information, if wrtten, shall be clearly aIdconspicuouslymarked "Confdential" "Proprietary" or other simar notice, and, if oral or visual, shall be confrmed in wrtig as confdential by the Disclosing Par to the Receiving Par with ten (l0) days afer disclosure. Unless Proprieta Information was previously known by the Receiving Par free of any obligation to keep it confdential, or has been or is subsequently mae public by an act not attibutable to the Receivig Par, or is explicitly agreed in wrting not to be regarded as confdential, such inormation: (i) shall be held in confdence by each Receiving Par; (ii) shall be disclosed to only those persons who have a need for it in connection with the provision of services required to fulfll ths Agrement and shall be used by those persons only for such puroses; and (iii) may be used for other puroses only upon such term and conditions as may be mutually agreed to in advance of such use in wntig by the Pares. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, a Receivig Par shall be entitled to disclose or provide Propnetar Inormation as required by any govenuental authority or applicable law, upon advice of counsel, only in accrdance with § i 7.5.b ofthis Agreement. (b) If any Receivig Par is required by any governental authority or by applicable law to disclose any Proprietar Information, then such Receivig Par sha provide the Disclosing Par with wnttn notice of such requiement as soon as possible and prior to such disclosue. The Disclosing Par may then seek appropriate protective relief from all or par of such reuient. The Receiving Par shal use all commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with the Disclosing Par in attempting to obtai any protective relief which such Disclosing Par chooses to obtai. TRFIC EXCHAGE AGREEMENT - 16 617118JDO (c) In the event of the expiration or termation of ths Agreement for any reason whatsoever, each Par shall retu to the other Par or destroy al Propriet Inormation and other documents, work papers and other material (including all copies thereof) obtained from the other Par in connection with ths Agreement and shall use al reasonable effort, includig instrcting its employees and others who have had access to such inormtion, to keep confdential and not to use any such inormation, uness such inormation is now, or is hereafer disclosed, though no act, omission or fault of such Par, in any maer mag it available to the general public. 17.6 Governng Law. Ibs Agreement shall be govered by Federal law, where applicable, and otherwse by the domestic laws of the State of Idaho without reference to confct of law proviions. Notwthstanding the foregoing, the Paries may seek resolution of disputes under ths Agreement by the FCC, the Commssion, or the Idaho State cours or federal cour, as appropriate. _ 17.7 Taxes. Each Par purchasing services hereunder shall payor otherwise be responsible for all federal, state, or loca sales, use, excise, gross receipts, transaction or similar taxes, fees or surcharges levied agaist or upon such purchasing Par (or the providig Par when such providing Par is permitted to pass along to the purhasingParsuch\taes, fees or surcharges),.~xcept- for. any- tax on either .Pãry'scorporate ..existence, . stati.,.orinco~e, Wheneverpdssible;these aiounts shall be_ biled as a separte iterr ontbe invoice. Totleextènt . .asaeìs. clåimet. to .be fo~ resale tax exemption, the purchasing Par shall furnìshthe. providing la..a proper iesale taexèIlption certficate as authorized.. 01' t,e~uired. by statut~. or ~ati(jn bY' thejutisdiction providing said resale ta exemption. Failùtetotimelyprovide. Buch,sefor . resale tax èxemption certificate wil result in no exemption being available to the purchasing Par. 17.8 Assignent. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Pares and shal continue to be binding upon all such entities regardless of any subsequent chage in their ownershp. Excet as provided in ths paragraph, neither Par may assign or trsfer (whether by operation of law or otherwse) ths Agreement (or any right or obligations hereunder) to a non~afliated par without the prior wrtten consent of the other Par which consent will not be uneasonably wield; provided that either Par, to the extent necessar to ensure continued application of ths Agreement to the curent carer service tenitory, may assign ths Agreement to a corporate Afiliate or an entity under its common control or an entity acquirg all or substantially al of its assets or equity by providig prior wrtten notice to the other Par of such assignent or trsfer. Any attempted assignment or transfer that is not permtted hereby is void ab initio. Without litig the generality of the foregoing, ths Agreement shal be binding upon and shal inur to the benefit of the Pares' respective successors and assign. 17.9 Non-Waiver. Faiure of either Par to insist on performance of any term or condition of ths Agreement or to exercis any right or priviege herunder shan not be consted as a continuig or futue waiver of such term, condition, right or priviege. 17.10 Notices. Notices given by one Par to the other Par under ths Agreement shal be in writing and shal be (i) delivered personally; (ii) delivered by express delivery service; or (ii) mailed, certifed mail, retu receipt requested to the followig addresses of the Paries: TRAFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - 17 617118_l.DOC To:ALLTEL To: Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Altel Communcations, Inc.Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Att: Director - Wirless Interconnection Att: General Manager One Allied Drive 1101 East Main Avenue Mailstp: 1269-BI-F03-C P.O. Box 324 Litte Rock, Arkans 72202 Chais, ID 83226 Phone: 501-905-8000 Fax: 501-905-6307 With a copy to: Cynthia A. Melilo Givens Pusley LLP 601 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, 10 83702 Qr tosiichoíhraddressaseitíer Pa,Siu designate by proper notice. . "Notiçes will~e deem~ givena,'o:/)hc.earIier of:fi),tbé ~te of,actualreceipt; (ii) the next busin,ess daywb,n nottçeis' .sentvia.oY~righi express,Iml or persona 1 delivery; or (iii) thee (3) days. !ier mai1ingin; t1e .caseof~rtified.U.S,. Mail. .. . 17.11 . Publicity and Use of Trademarks or Service Marks. Neither par nor its subcontrctors or agents shall use the other Par's trademarks, servce marks, logos or other proprietary trade drss in any advertsing, press releases, publicity mattrs or other promotional materals without such Par's prior writtn consent. 17.12 Joint Work Product. This Agreement is the joint work product of the Paries and has been negotiated by the Pares and their respective counsel and shal be fairly interpreted in accordance with its terms. In the event of any ambiguities, no inerences shall be drwn agait either Par. 17.13 No Third Par Beneficiaries; Disclaier of Agency. Ths Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Pares and their permtted assigns, and nothng herein expressed or implied shal create or be constrd to create any thid-par beneficiar rights hereunder. Except for provisions herein expressly authorizing a Par to act for another, nothg in ths Agrement shall constitute a par as a legal representative or agent of the other Par; nor shall a Par have the right or authority to assume, create or incur any liabilty or any obligation of any kid, express or implied, againt, il the name of, or on behalf of the other Par, uness otherwise expressly permtted by such other Par. Except as otherwse expressly provided in ths Agreement, no par undertakes to perform any obligation of the other Par, whether reguatory or contractual or to assume any responsibilty for the maagement of the other Par's business. 17.14 No License. No license under patents, copyrights, or any other intellectual prope right (other than the limted license to use consistent with the terms, conditions and TRAFIC EXCHGE AGREEMET - is 617118JDO restctions of this Agreement) is granted by either Par, or shall be implied or arse by estoppel with respect to any tranactions contemplated under ths Agrement. 17.15 Teclmology Upgrades. Nothg in this Agrement shal lit either Pares' abilty to upgrade its network though the incorporation of new equipment, new softe or otherwse, provided it is to industr standards, and that the Par initiatig the upgrde shall provide the other Par wrtten notice at least ninety (90) days prior to the incorporation of any such upgrade in it's network which wil materially impact the other Par's service. Each Par shall be solely responsible for the cost and effort of accommodating such changes in its own netork. 17.16 Entire Agreement. The term contaied in this Agreement and any Schedules, Exbits, tars and other documents or instrents referred to herein are herby incorporated into this Agreement by reference as if set fort fully herein, and constitute the entire agreement between the Paries with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior understandings, proposals and other communcations, oral or wrtten. Neither Par shall be bound by any preprited terms additional to or different from those. in ths Agreement that may appea subsequently in the other Par's form docwnents, purchase orders, quotations, acknowledgr~llts,invoices or other communications. Ths Agreement may only be m()difiedby a Wri,tigsi.gnedlWat;oficer.ofeach Par. . (End of Te:xt; Signatue Page Follows) TRFFIC EXCHGE AGREEMENT - 19 6171 18JDOC IN WI1NSS WHREOF, the Pares hereto have caused ths Agrement to be executed as of the dates listed below. Alltel Communications, LL CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIV, INC. ID Holding LLC By WWC Licenses, LLC, Its Managing Member BY:~cL~ Name: DeNIS L. /HOa: Title: $GNFef ,iAN~ aate: 8/18/01~ . B~~ Name: Walter L. Jones, Jr. Title: West Area Vice President - Network l ~ Date: ì J z,s.Z ,.r l AUtêiqimmunicati~ns, LLC by the M~i:agement :Irustee (for the Divested Propertes) By: 13~!J ~ Name: Barbara P. Bonds Title: Trut Counsel Date: 8/7 ) of TRAFFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMT - 20 617118JDO ATTACHNT A Reserved for Fute Use AITACHNT A C:\Nd'l\PDM1\6171IS_I.DOC