HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090715Application.pdfOR\G\NAL Cynthia A. Melilo (ISB No. 5819) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 cacmgivenspÙlsley.com RECEtv¡:n..¡ ,,,.......,' 2809 JUl IS PH 2= 47 IDAHO PU8U("UTILITIES COMMIĆ 'SION Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. C ü S.: - ocr .. O( IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC., FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIV, INC!S APPLICATION Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Custer Telephone"), by and thugh its attorneys, Givens Pursley LLP, fies this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") order cerifyng that cerin telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrstrctue ta credit authorized by Section 63-3029, Idaho Code. In support of its Application, Custer Telephone states as follows: 1. Custer Telephone is a provider of basic local exchange serce, broadbad telecommunications serce and other telecmmuncations serces in souther Idaho. 2. Dug the caendar year 2008, Custer Telephone made cerain invesents that constitute "quaified broadband equipment" with the meang of Section 63-3029(1)(3)(b), Idaho Code. ~bi A, attched hereto, descrbes Custer Telephone's quaified bradbad equipment and contans the inforation and repesentations require by ths Commssion's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-01-10. CUSTE TELEHONE COOPERTI, INCo'S APPliCATION - i 612S8SJDO 3. Communcations regarding ths Application should be addressed to the following: Cynthia A. Melillo GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Banock Street P.o. Box 2720 Boise, il 83701-2720 (208) 388-1200 camcmgivenspurley.com Ron Rembelski Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 1111 S. Main Street P.o. Box 324 Challis, il 83226 roncmcustere1.com 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearng on this matter and, therefore, requests that the Commission appve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission detenines that fuer proceeings are necessa, Applicant stands ready for imediate hearngs. WHEREFORE, Custer Telephone requests that the Commission issue its order detenining that the installed equipment identified in E?,higit A constitutes quaified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-30291, Idaho Code. #-RESPECTFULLY SUBMITED Ths J. day of July 2009. ~tJ", 0. l1 Cyntha A. Melillo GIVNS PURSLEY LLP Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. CUSTER TELPHONE COOPERTI, INC.'S APPliCATION - 2 612S8S_l.DO CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE II I HEREBY CERTIFY that on ths 15 day of July 2009, I caused to be sered a tre and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the followig: Jea Jewell, Commission Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 o U.S. Mail o Hand Delivered o Overght Mail o Facsimile (! jgÁd~ Cyntl Melilo CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERTI, INC.'S APPliCATION - 3 612585:.) ,DO Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application Company Information 4. Contact person: Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. Box 324, 1101 East Main Ave., Challs Idaho 83226 Telecommunications carrer, ISP, Wireless Provider, Long Distance provider, CATV Provider Teresa Westergard, Box 324, Challs Id 83226 admin(fcustere1.net 208-879-2281 1. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. Type of company: Equipment Description 8. Number and percentage of Idaho customers sered: 9. Equipment list: ADSL and HDSL type servces Fiber optic fed DLC's with 12K non loaded copper distrbution cable, Fiber to the Home electronics, Fiber optic transport electronics, Fiber optic backbone and distrbution cable. 128k - 512k upstream 512k - 8Mbps downstream 5 people with broadband service out of 1000 people possible See attached Broadband Equipment List 5. Broadband serices offered: 6. Network descrption: 7. Transmission rate: I hereby cerify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-30291. Q( ¿-"..'IV ¡.Lo/~L/ Teresa Westergard Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. Cu s t e r T e l e p h o n e C o - o p I n c . B r o a d b a n d E q u i p m e n t L i s t Ma n u f a c t u r e r l P r o v i d e r Mo d e l o r I D N o . Co s t Da t e s I n s t a l l e d Co u n t y L o c a t i o n s Co r n i n g Fi b e r O p t i c C a b l e $ 38 , 0 4 6 . 4 9 De c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l s WO # 2 0 0 7 - 5 5 Ex c h a n g e AD V A Ne w D W D M L a m b d a $ 17 , 4 6 2 . 8 3 Fe b r u 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l s WO # 2 0 0 7 - 9 2 Ex c h a n g e Ca l i x 71 0 , 7 1 4 O N T ' s $ 69 , 9 9 7 . 0 0 De c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r a n d L e m h i : f o r Su p e r i o r E s s e x C a b l e Fi b e r O p t i c C a b l e $ 1 , 1 0 2 , 1 3 6 . 2 9 th e M a y a n d C h a l l s AD C Ca b i n e t s $ 58 , 3 3 4 . 7 4 ex c h a n g e WO # 2 0 0 8 - 1 Ca l i x AD S L 2 + P O T S 2 4 P o r t $ 5, 8 2 3 . 2 7 Fe b r u a r y 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l i s WO # 2 0 0 8 - 2 Ex c h a n g e Te l l a b s SH D S L C a r d s $ 3, 7 9 5 . 1 3 Fe b r u a r 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l s WO # 2 0 0 8 - 3 Ex c h a n g e Wi l c o m AD S L S p l i t t e r C a r d $ 71 1 . 7 9 Fe b r u a r y 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l s WO # 2 0 0 8 - 4 Ex c h a n g e Te l 1 a b s AD S L 6 + 6 w / A D S L 2 + $ 7, 9 5 0 . 0 0 Ja n u a r y 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r : f o r C h a l l s WO # 2 0 0 8 - 2 5 Ex c h a n g e Te l l a b s OC I 2 C - X C V R U p g r a d e $ 59 , 2 6 1 . 4 3 Au g u s t 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l s WO # 2 0 0 8 - 3 5 an d C l a y t o n E x c h a n g e Ca l i x CO & R e m o t e F T T H $ 1 2 4 , 6 7 9 . 9 0 Se p t e m b e r 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l s WO # 2 0 0 8 - 3 6 El e c t r o n i c s an d C l a y t o n E x c h a n g e Tu r i n Ch a l l i s t o C l a y t o n F i b e r $ 61 , 4 8 3 . 7 2 No v e m b e r 2 0 0 8 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l i s WO # 2 0 0 8 - 3 7 Op t i c T r a n s p o r t E q u i p m e n t an d C l a y t o n E x c h a n g e To t a l $1 , 5 4 9 , 6 8 2 . 5 9 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Ste hens Gulch Subdivision Steve Bauchman and Dean Petersen) 2007-55 34,268.91 1 yes ok 38,046.491 yes Unit material cost Labor and Total unit cost Act overhead allocated 393.95 3,573.78 2.99 3,967.73 2423.1 3,383.63 30,695.13 4.01 34,078.76 2423.1 Total overhead Total cost Individual assets/items: Cable BFO 12 Cable BFO 36 1,326.00 8,508.00 3,777.58 34,268.91 7.00 38,04.49 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee Payroll Cost #Name Date Hours 113 Ron Rembelski 8/14/2007 3.00 152.73 104 John Bruggenkamp 10/2212007 3.00 129.60 136 Mike Arrizubieta 10/2212007 3.00 80.40 104 John Bruggenkamp 11/13/2007 0.50 22.29 113 Ron Rembelski .11/9/2007 1.00 99.57 136 Mike Arrizubieta 11/1312007 0.50 17.11 104 John Bruggenkamp 1217/2007 1.00 46.77 136 Mike Arrizubieta 12/4/2007 1.00 33.27 127 Boone Petersen 6/17/2008 4.00 150.22 104 John Bruggenkamp 8/19/2008 10.00 453.09 105 Jen Butterfeld 10/1/2008 6.00 244.91 118 Mike Sheppeard 10/7/2008 10.50 500.96 127 Boone Petersen 1017/2008 5.00 195.70 Total labor 48.50 2,126.62 Special Invoices Vendor Cost Name Date Check Midstate Consultants 9/28/2007 22476 1,148.97 Midstate Consultants 10/12/2007 2254 522.00 Midstate Consultants 1211812007 22777 2,318.99 Midstate Consultants 12118/2007 22777 9.46 Midstate Consultants 12/20/2007 22810 1,091.80 Midstate Consultants 9/20/2007 22450 2,124.60 CTCI Materials OH 1/4/2008 20,033.44 CTCI Materials OH 1/15/2008 3,387.36 Pilchuck Diversified Services 9/25/2008 23846 7,225.00 CTCI Materials OH 10/27/2008 299.53 CTCI Materials OH 11/19/2008 475.00 Bil from Challis CRK Companies Credit for Constructin Charges Total Amount biled to CRK for Construction $ 27,067.40 -27,067.40 -8,489.30 Total Special Invoices 30,146.85 Sales tax 255.16Use Tax 255.16 Veh. Exp. 3.24+18.41 +5.60+5.80+11.30+24.74+76.75 145.84 Plow Exp. POAD 21.52+49.32+18.74+22.07+146.09+309.48+985.61 1,552.83 Freight 41.61PROV4.71 +15.86+21.04 Total labor and overhead 34,268.91 ..".. r' Total cost subtract the 2nd duct Adjusted total 50% Payable - Challs Crk Subtract construction costs Balance Due $ 38,046.49 $ (2,489.79) $ 35,556.70 $ 17,778.35 $(27,067.40) $ (9,289.05) Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Adding new lambda to DWDM ADVA network (MOV AZ for Syrnga network12007-92 I Individual aset/items:Partnurnber 1,103.831 ye ok 17,462.831 ye Unit material cot ACT. 2.00 7,98.00 15,98.00 1,076.91 8,518.45 17,036.91 1406.6 2.00 199.50 399.00 26.92 212.96 425.92 1406.6 Total overhead Totl cost XPDRMTHBD,2.5G, CH39, Wlfec,1546.12nm XCVR, SFP, NR, SM, 1310nm 1501158-11-01 1652267-01-01 8,179.50 16,359.00 1.103.83 8.731.42 17.462.83 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # Employee Name Payroll Hours CostDate Total labor Special Invoices Vendor Name Date 216/2008 Cheçk 22965ADVA Cot 115.37 II Total Special Invoices 115.37 Saies tax 988.46Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. POAD Freight Misc. 988.46 Total labor and overhead 1,103.83 . 16,474.37 -16359 115.37 Work order cost summary Work order description 2008 Outside plant construction contract for Clayton and May Work order number 12008-1 I Total overhead 1.018.373.72 I yes ok Total cost 1.230,68.03 I yes Individual assetslitems:Unit material cost Labor and ACT. overhead allocated 714 ONT 4 POTS 2-ETHERNET 1.00 487.29 487.29 2.339.73 2.827.02 2.827.02 2232 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 2.00 413.50 827.00 3.970.85 2.398.93 4.797.85 2232 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 4.00 413.50 1.654.01 7.941.75 2,398.94 9.595.76 2232 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 13.00 413.50 5,375.50 25.810.54 2.398.93 31.186.04 2232 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ENTERNET 5.00 413.50 2,067.50 9.927.13 2,398.93 11.994.63 2232 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 4.00 413.50 1.654.00 7.941.70 2.398.93 9.595.70 2232 69.997.00 BFOl21 65.940 0.95 62,643.00 300.781.22 5.51 363,424.22 2423,1 BFOl20IW 11.310 1.07 12.101.70 58.106.48 6.21 70,208.18 2423.1 BF0241 24.654 1.02 25.147.08 120.744.05 5.92 145,891.13 2423.1 BF0361 16.780 1.09 18.290.20 87,820.64 6.32 106,110.84 2423.1 BF0481 12,482 1.13 14.104.66 67.723.72 6.56 81,828.38 2423.1 BF0721 16,54 1.30 21.507.20 103,267.11 7.54 124,774.31 2423.1 BF0961 24,292 1.48 35.952.16 172,624.79 8.59 208,576.95 2423.1 BF096IW 154 1.48 227.92 1,094.36 8.59 1,322.28 2423.1 1,102.136,29 Squaw Creek RST site 288 fiber sclapc splitter cabinet 1.00 5.557.96 5.557.96 26,686.62 32,244.58 32,244.58 2232 FD3-AE288JOOGBBP2 1 x 32 SPLITTER MODULE 1.00 1,427.55 1,427.55 6,854.40 8,281.95 8,281.95 2232 FPS-MPP1AJJ LOWER GUARD GATE SITE FIBER CROSS CONNECT CABINET 1.00 3.069.58 3,069.58 14.738.63 17.808.21 17,808.21 2232 58.334.74 F3X-E 144JGBAAOOOO 1.230.468.03 12,619.40 212.094.31 1.018.373.72 73.211.64 1.230,468.03 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor EiTyee PayrollName Date Hours Jen Buterfeld 4/112008 5.00 Ron Rerlski 41112008 17.00 Jen Buterfeld 512912008 4.00 Ron Re~lski 512912008 4.00 JD Bennett 512912008 2.00Mike Shepperd 5122&29108 5.00Mike Arizueta 5116&20108 7.00Ray Varny 51161008 6.00 Ron Re~lski 61312008 14.00 JD Bennett 611812008 1.00Mike Shepprd 611812008 5.00 Boone Petern 6/301008 26.00 Mike _eta 6/012008 35.50Ray Varny 6/012008 10.50 Jen Butrfeld 712912008 4.00 Ron Re~lski 713112008 16.00 Mike Sheppar 713112008 47.50 Boone Petersn 713112008 25.00Mike _eta 71112008 8.00Ray Vary 7172008 4.00See attche labor for Auust 152.00See a1che labor for Sepl~r 121.00See a1ched Iebor for Ocbeit 70.00 See attched labor fo Novenir Of 74.00See atache labor for Decenær Of 107.00 770.50 Cost 220.59 944.63 194.06 355.26 74.49 206.00 218.68 121.41 969.55 40.31 209.62 995.11 1,189.13 211.33 184.69 98.21 1,931.15 950.37 284.70 80.43 6,304.91 4,880.73 2,903.92 3,540.85 4,249.37 32,205.50 # 105 113 105 113 115 118 136 139 113 115 11B' 127 136 139 105 113 118 127 136 139 PLRLC Totallabor Special Invoic Vendr CostNameDateChck MidStae Consultant 311312008 23115 2,803.00 MidStae Consulnt 31312008 23171 2,673.09 MidSte Consulnt 41112008 23206 2,059.50 Custer Coun Road & Brige 411112008 23245 25.00 MidState Consulnt 4/31008 23265 3,573.96 MidState Consularn 516100 23319 398.25 FedEl 5/6008 23323 34.86 Custer Couny Recrdr 5112008 23341 36.00 Pett Cash/Cuter Co Recordr 51161008 23384 18.00 DOIILM 51151200 2336 1,021.00 DOI/BM 5122/008 23375 379.00 Mide Consulant 5122/008 23386 2,342.76 FedEl 6l3008 23403 55.89 MidStae Consnt 6113100 23468 6,322.26 MidStae Consulant 61251200 23504 17,926.30 Aled Builders Supp 719/008 23554 29.19 Ermrq Logistics 7114/008 23570 260.49- MiSte Consultant 7114/00 23574 15,961.97 MidState Consulants 7151200 23606 20,701.18 Mitate Consultant 8141200 23638 18,073.06 CTI OH Maerl 815100 754.10 Embrq Logistics 816100 23868 160.83 _ MiState Consulnt 812712008 23733 15,329.74 CTI OH Material 8126100 3,161.15 MiState Consulant 919/008 23767 16,196.24 Cuter Coun Accessrs 916100 cash 18.00 MidState Consultant 919/008 23767 17,118.40 CTCI OH Material 912512008 6,457.79 MidStae Consultant 913012008 23884 4,458.70 Ermrq Logistics 101712008 23877 227.08 MidState Consulant 101712008 23682 1.475.00 SREC 101712008 23885 974.32m~101712008 23880 850,361.11 MidState Consultant 10120/008 23941 91.00 CTCI OH Material 1012712008 1,438.22 MidState Consuitant 111112008 23983 625.00 SREC 111112008 23984 438.58 FedEl 111112008 23990 23.30 Embrq Logistics 111512008 23999 119.76 _ Perming frm 200-4 55,365.06 CTI OH Maerial 1111912008 2,185.93 MidState Consulnt 11120/008 24067 2,900.50 Berr Electc 1112012008 24070 1,537.96 MldState Consultnt 1112612008 2408 35.00 Berr Electric 1112612008 24088 914.22 Central Idaho Trade 12161008 24102 292.70 Jjqtill1a¥~~~1211212008 24150 44,755.85 MiState Consulan 11312009 24233 178.69 CTCI DH Material 12/612008 2,991.16 MÀÌ'Äf%AD LAOR MOVED TO FRONT SHEET RA (189,973.92) Totl Special Inoi 935 105.83 Sales ta 45.25+175.44+565.55+408.82+99.24 Us Tax 101.28+343.12+13.62+191.36+255.24+1.36 Veh. Exp. 44.84+56.09+261.41+171.09376.09341.14+2' PlowExp. 18.88 POAD 222.8+1180.26+2994.89+3051.90+4673.16+42E F"'ìght Proo 24.35+102.57+81.23+72.22+74.94+91.75+60.51 780.22 1294.30 905.98 2150.79 16.88 26813.19 Totl labor and overhead 1 018373.72 Lål)oÎ\andØv~rlad'$uI1Ul1arý LaborEiTyee PayrollName Date Hours~~= 7~;::~ ~:: .Ron'7 1.007 4.00811 18,00 Se Alc 09101-301 38,00 Cost 177.30 99.96 74.99~: 1,518.93 # 105 113 113 113 PLRLC PLRC Totallabor 67.00 2.913.71 Seeciallnvoics Vendr Name Check Co Totl Special Inoic.. i 1,688.04 ¿,~~~¡~) MATERIAl . 5,718.59 (5557.98) MATERIA-160.63 Totalllbor and overhead for 2007.16 19101.03 . 3,189.34 (3069.58) MATERIAl-119.76 CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. TABULATION BY TAXCODE WORK ORDER # 980-2004-55 TAX DISTRICT Total unit UNIT DESCRIPTION cost Total CPR value BA22 BD3A 5.51 66,567.15 6.21 5.92 34,380.93 6.32 6.56 7.54 66,203.39 8.59 8.59 LEMHI 5 20 $15.00 12.00 $27.00 $540.00 167,151.47 LEMHI 5 0 $45.00 15.00 $60.00 $0.00 LEMHI 5 0 $1,200.00 $125.00 $1,325.00 $0.00 LEMHI 5 0 $2,300.00 $ 3,600.00 $5,900.00 $0.00 LEMHI 5 33 $16.00 $15.00 $31.00 $1,023.00 LEMHI 5 0 $45.00 $1.00 $4.00 $0.00 LEMHI 5 120 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $5,760.00 LEMHI 5 895 $45.00 $3.00 $4.00 $42,960.00 LEMHI 5 170 $45.00 $3.00 $4.00 $8,160.00 LEMHI 5 0 $90.00 $3.50 $93.50 $0.00 LEMHI 5 30 $45.00 $$45.00 $1,350.00 LEMHI 5 0 $9.00 $$9.00 $0.00 LEMHI 5 10 $6.00 $6.00 $12.00 $120.00 LEMHI 5 114 $3.00 $0.50 $3.50 $399.00 LEMHI 5 3890 $1.82 $0.42 $2.24 $8.713.60 LEMHI 5 18672 $1.9 $0.83 $2.62 $4.920.64 LEMHI 5 1832 $2.40 $0.29 $2.69 $4,928.08 LEMHI 5 5 $550.00 $672.00 $1,222.00 $6,110.00 LEMHI 5 9 $650.00 $1,210.00 $1,860.00 $16,740.00 LEMHI 5 10 $20.00 $$20.00 $200.00 LEMHI 5 1 $250.00 $65.00 $315.00 $315.00 TOTAL $178,446.42 CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. TABULATION BYTAXCODE WORK ORDER # 980-2007-16 CLAYTON EXCHANGE (THOMPSON CREEK MINE) Total unit cost Total CPR value 5.51 38,006.88 6.21 2.060.93 5.92 6.32 6.56 7.54 8.59 208.576.95 8.59 1.322.28 CUSTER 11 $$$27.00 $459.00 249.967.03 CUSTER 11 $45.00 $$60.00 $0.00 CUSTER 11 $ 1,200.00 $125.00 $1.325.00 $1.325.00 CUSTER 11 $ 2,300.00 $ 3,600.00 $5.900.00 $5.900.00 CUSTER 11 $16.00 $15.00 $31.00 $1,178.00 CUSTER 11 $45.00 $1.00 $46.00 $0.00 CUSTER 11 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $16.560.00 CUSTER 11 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $17.664.00 CUSTER 11 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $3.840.00 CUSTER 11 $90.00 $3.50 $93.50 $33.660.00 CUSTER 11 $45.00 $$45.00 $0.00 CUSTER 11 $9.00 $$9.00 $7.056.00 CUSTER 11 $6.00 $6.00 $12.00 $24.00 CUSTER 11 $3.00 $0.50 $3.50 $0.00 CUSTER 11 $1.82 $0.42 $2.24 $0.00 CUSTER 11 $1.9 $0.83 $2.62 $76.021.92 CUSTER 11 $2.40 $0.29 $2.69 $538.00 CUSTER 11 $550.00 $672.00 $1.222.00 $0.00 CUSTER 11 $650.00 $1,210.00 $1.860.00 $27.900.00 CUSTER 11 $20.00 $$20.00 $40.00 CUSTER 11 $250.00 $65.00 $315.00 $0.00 TOTAL $238.897.84 CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE. INC. TABULATION BYTAXCODE WORK ORDER # 980-2004-55 MAY EXCHANGE TAX DISTRICT Total unit cost Total CPR value 5.51 9,810.36 6.21 5.92 6.32 6.56 81,828.38 7.54 8.59 8.59 CUSTER 7 13 $15.00 12.00 $27.00 $351.00 91,638.74 CUSTER 7 0 $45.00 15.00 $60.00 $0.00 CUSTER 7 0 $1,200.00 $125.00 $1,325.00 $0.00 CUSTER 7 0 $2,300.00 $ 3.600.00 $5,900.00 $0.00 CUSTER 7 14 $16.00 $15.00 $31,00 $434.00 CUSTER 7 0 $45.00 $1.00 $46.00 $0.00 CUSTER 7 0 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $0.00 CUSTER 7 30 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $1,440.00 CUSTER 7 100 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $4,800.00 CUSTER 7 0 $90.00 $3.50 $93.50 $0.00 CUSTER 7 30 $45.00 $$45.00 $1,350.00 CUSTER 7 0 $9.00 $$9.00 $0.00 CUSTER 7 7 $6.00 $6.00 $12.00 $84.00 CUSTER 7 140 $3.00 $0.50 $3.50 $490.00 CUSTER 7 0 $1.82 $0.42 $2.24 $0.00 CUSTER 7 11892 $1.79 $0.83 $2.62 $31,157.04 CUSTER 7 1180 $2.40 $0.29 $2.69 $3,174.20 CUSTER 7 1 $550.00 $672.00 $1,222.00 $1,222.00 CUSTER 7 6 $650.00 $1,210.00 $1,860.00 $11,160.00 CUSTER 7 0 $20.00 $$20.00 $0.00 CUSTER 7 0 $250.00 $65.00 $315.00 $0.00 TOTAL $73.042.42 CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. TABULATION BY TAXCODE WORK ORDER # CLAYTON EXCHANGE (THOMPSON CREEK MINE) & MAY EXCHANGE (FUREY LANE, HOOPER LANE, BIG CREEK TO WHITTER) TAX DISTRICT COMBINED UNIT DESCRIPTION COUNTY TAXDIST.QUANTITY LABOR MATERIAL L&B TOTAL COST BA22 COMBINED COMBINED 66 $45.00 $65.00 $110.00 $7,260.00 BD3A COMBINED COMBINED 67 $75.00 $41.6 $116.36 $7,796.12 BF0121 COMBINED COMBINED 65940 $0.73 $0.22 $0.95 $62,643.00 BF0120IW COMBINED COMBINED 11310 $0.85 $0.22 $1.07 $12,101.70 BF024I COMBINED COMBINED 24654 $0.73 $0.29 $1.02 $25,147.08 BF036I COMBINED COMBINED 16780 $0.73 $0.36 $1.09 $18,290.20 BF0481 COMBINED COMBINED 12482 $0.73 $0.40 $1.13 $14,104.66 BF0721 COMBINED COMBINED 16544 $0.73 $0.57 $1.30 $21,507.20 BF0961 COMBINED COMBINED 24292 $0.73 $0.75 $1.48 $35,952.16 BF096IW COMBINED COMBINED 154 $0.73 $0.75 $1.48 $227.92 BM2(5/8)(8)COMBINED COMBINED 103 $15.00 $12.00 $27.00 $2,78LOO BM2A COMBINED COMBINED 1 $45.00 $15.00 $60.00 $60.00 BM21(CLA YTON RST#3)COMBINED COMBINED 1 $1,200.00 $125.00 $1,325.00 $1,325.00 BM2HSQUA W CREEK)COMBINED COMBINED 1 $2,300.00 $ 3,600.00 $5,900.00 $5,900.00 BM53F COMBINED COMBINED 161 $16.00 $15.00 $31.00 $4,991.00 BM60(2")P COMBINED COMBINED 10 $45.00 $1.00 $46.00 $460.00 BM60(4')P COMBINED COMBINED 765 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $36,720.00 BM60(4")DP COMBINED COMBINED 1373 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $65,904.00 BM60(4")PT COMBINED COMBINED 620 $45.00 $3.00 $48.00 $29,760.00 BM60( 4") ROCK BORE COMBINED COMBINED 360 $90.00 $3.50 $93.50 $33,660.00 BM61 (4") COMBINED COMBINED 335 $45.00 $-$45.00 $15,075.00 BM71 COMBINED COMBINED 784 $9.00 $-$9.00 $7,056.00 BM83 COMBINED COMBINED 44 $6.00 $6.00 $12.00 $528.00 BM2K COMBINED COMBINED 470 $3.00 $0.50 $3.50 $1,645.00 UD(lXl-1.25) 36" COUNTY COMBINED COMBINED 38960 $1.82 $0.42 $2.24 $87,270.40 UDOX2-1.25) 36" COUNTY COMBINED COMBINED 103756 $1.79 $0.83 $2.62 $271,840.72 UD(lXl-.75)24"DROPS COMBINED COMBINED 6220 $2.40 $0.29 $2.69 $16,731.80 UHF(24X36X36)T COMBINED COMBINED 22 $550.00 $672.00 $1,222.00 $26,884.00 UHF(36X36X60)T COMBINED COMBINED 43 $650.00 $1,210.00 $1,860.00 $79,980.00 WUD COMBINED COMBINED 60 $20.00 $-$20.00 $1,200.00 WUHF COMBINED COMBINED 1 $250.00 $65.00 $315.00 $315.00 TOTAL $895,116.96 $62,643.00 $12,101.70 $25,147.08 $18,290.20 $14,104,66 $21,507.20 $35,952.16 $227.92 $ 189,973.92 $ 249,967.03 $ 593,379.05 $ 167,151.47 $ 91,638.74 $ 1,102,136.29 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost Individual asselsmems: Combination ADSL2/2+ and POTS, 24 port Calix Combo Card2-24 2JEa. 12008-2 372.371 5,823.271 ye ok yes Unit material cost Labor and overhad allocated 2.00 2,725.45 5,450.90 372.37 2,911.64 5,823.27 2,725.45 5,450.90 372.37 2,911.64 5,823.27 ACT 2232.1 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # Employee Name Payroll Hours CostDate Total labor Special Invoices Vendor Name Date 2/6/2008 Check 22961Calix Cost $ 42.75 II Total Special Invoices 42.75 Sales tax 329.62Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. POAD Freight Misc. 329.62 Total labor and overhead 372.37 ~ $ 5,493.65 $ (5,450.90) $ 42.75 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cos1 Individual assetslitems: 0110-0228 G.SHDSL ATM UNl6-port Channel unit PT-791 R G.SHDSL 791 R router Tellabs SHDSL Project 12008-3 473.751 3.795.131 yes yes ok 3.176.00 145.38 Unit material cos1 1.733.38 3.321.38 453.01 20.74 1,814.51 3,629.01 166.12 166.122.00 1.00 1.588.00 145.38 473.75 1.980.62 3.795.13 ACT. . 2232.1 2232.1 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # 113 Employee Name Ron Rembelski Payroll Date Hours 2/4/2008 4.00 Cost 210.70 Total labor 4.00 210.70 Special Invoices Vendor CostNameDateCheck Embarq 2125/2008 23041 11 145.38 material SingleSource Communications 2129/2008 23058 . $ 3,196.00 $ (3,176.00) 20.00 ..$20.00 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number New wilcom splitter cards for Challs12008-4 I Total overhead 40.291 711.791 yes ok yeTotal cost Individual assets/items: Labor and overhead allocated ACTUnit material cost PS410001 24 port card ADSL2+ DC Block 2.00 335.75 671.50 40.29 355.90 711.79 2232.1 335.75 671.50 40.29 355.90 711.79 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # Employee Name Payroll Hours CostDate Total labor Special Invoices Vendor Name Date 216/2008 Check 22958Power & Tel Cost Total Special Invoices . Sales tax 40.29Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. POAD Freight Misc. 40.29 Total labor and overhead 40.29 . 671.50 material Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost Individual assetslitems: 0130-0097 ADSL 6+6 wI ADSL2+ 10 new 6+6 ADSL2+ Tellabs cards from Embarq12008-25 I 450.00 I 7,950.00 I yes ok yes Unit material cost Labor and overhead allocated 10.00 750.00 7,500.00 450.00 795.00 7,950.00 750.00 7,500.00 450.00 795.00 7,950.00 ACT. 2232.1 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # Employee Name Payroll Hours CostDate Total labor Special Invoices Vendor Name Date 6/1312008 Check234Embarq Cost Total Special Invoices Sales tax Use Tax 450.00 Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. POAD Freight Mis. 450.00 Total labor and overhead 450.00 ~ 7,500.00 material Work order cost summary Work order description Tellabs Challis LET 1 and Cia on LET2 Native ATM Upgrade Work order number 2008-35 Total overhead 7,531.431 yes ok Total cost 59,261.431 yes Individual assets/items:Uni1 matenal cost Labor and ACT. overhad allocated Clayton LET2 ELU-3 UPGRAE 0130-0094 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.08 1.260.15 2232 EBC-3 UPGRAE 0130-0095 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.08 1,260.15 2232 OC12C-XCVR UPGRADE 0130-0096 8 1,000.00 8,000.00 1,164.73 1,145.59 9,164.73 2232 2RST1 OCI2C-XCVR UPGRAE 0130-0096 2.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 291.18 1,145.59 2,291.18 2232 2RST2 OCI2C-XCVR UPGRAE 0130-0096 2.00 1,000.00 2,00.00 291.18 1,145.59 2,291.18 2232 2RST3 OC12C-XCVR UPGRADE 0130-0096 2.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 291.18 1,145.59 2,291.18 2232 2RST4 OCI2C-XCVR UPGRAE 0130-0096 2.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 291.18 1,145.59 2,291.18 2232 Challs LET1 ELU-3 UPGRADE 0130-0094 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.08 1,260.15 2232 EBC-3 UPGRADE 0130-0095 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.08 1,260.15 2232 OC12C-XCVR UPGRADE 0130-0096 12 1,000.00 12,000.00 1,747.09 1,145.59 13,747.09 2232 L-PSU Local Power Supply 0101-0019 2 365.00 730.00 106.28 418.14 836.28 2232 RST1 ELU-3 UPGRADE 0130-0094 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.08 1,260.15 2232 EBC-3 UPGRADE 0130-0095 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.08 1,260.15 2232 OC12C-XCVR UPGRADE 0130-0096 2 1,000.00 2,000.00 291.18 1,145.59 2,291.18 2232 RST2 OC12C-XCVR UPGRADE 0130-0096 2.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 291.18 1,145.59 2,291.18 2232 RST3 ELU-3 UPGRADE 0130-0094 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.08 1,260.15 2232 EBC-3 UPGRADE 0130-0095 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.08 1,260.15 2232 OC12G-XCVR UPGRADE 0130-0096 2 1,000.00 2;000.00 291.18 1,145.59 2.291.18 2232 RST4 OC12C-XCVR UPGRADE 0130-0096 2.00 1,000.00 2.000.00 291.18 1,145.59 2,291.18 2232 RST6 ELU-3 UPGRADE 0130-0094 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.08 1.260.15 2232 EBG-3 UPGRADE 0130-0095 2 550.00 1,100.00 160.15 630.8 1,260.15 2232 OC12C-XCVR UPGRADE 0130-096 2 1,000.00 2,000.00 291.18 1,145.59 2,291.18 2232 RST7 OC12G-XCVR UPGRADE 0130-0096 2.00 1,000.00 2,00.00 291.18 1,145.59 2,291.18 2232 17,865.00 51,730.00 7,531.43 20,465.99 59.261.43 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # 105 115 134 136 139 Employee Name Jen Butterfeld JD Bennetts Darrell Wahlstrom Mike Arrzubieta Ray Varney Payroll Date Hours 7/31/2008 10.00 7/31/2008 5.00 7/31/2008 1.50 7/31/2008 2.00 7/31/2008 2.00 Cost 494.04 255.24 78.33 71.20 40.20 Total labor 20.50 939.01 Soeciallnvoices Vendor CostNameDateCheck Tellabs 7/9/2008 23552 ~ $ 55,588.80 $(55,000.00) matenal 588.80 ..$588.80 Embarq 7/25/2008 23601 659.56 Embarq 7/25/2008 23601 1,213.18 Embarq 8/4/2008 23628 ~$744.00 $(730.00) matenal 14.00 ..$14.00 Total Special Invoices 2,475.54 Sales tax 3335.32 3,335.32 Use Tax 39.57+72.79+44.64 157.00 Veh. Exp.33.56 33.56 Plow Exp. POAD 561.79 561.79 Freight PROV 29.21 29.21 Total labor and overhead 7,531.43 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Calix Clayton CO and Squaw Creek RST3 Upgrade and Challs CO Second Shelf12008-36 I yes ok Total overhead 26.341.121 124,679.90 I yesTotal cost Unit material cost Labor and overhead allocated ACT, Individual assets/items: Challs CO RAP, Resource Arbitration Processor 2 0C48, 1 port IR 1310 C7 shelf Co package 2.00 2.00 1.00 2,725.45 5,996.25 1,542.45 5,450.90 11,992.50 1,542.45 1,460.08 3,212,32 413.16 3,455.49 7,602.41 1,955.61 6,911.00 15,204,82 1,955.61 2232 2232 2232 Clayton CO GIGE 2P Gigabit Ethernt, 2 ports GE, 4 ports FE 1.00 4,496.25 4,496.25 1,204.37 5,700.62 5,700,62 2232.1 OC48, 1 port IR 1310 2.00 5.996.29 11.992.58 3.212.34 7,602.46 15.204.92 2232 Etheme1 Interfce Adapter 1.00 450.45 450.45 120.66 571.11 571.11 2232.1 ADC Powerwrx 451 circuit breaker panel 1.00 723.45 723.45 193.78 917,23 917.23 2232 VGP Voice Gateway Processor 2.00 4,496.25 8,992.50 2,408.74 5,700.62 11,401.24 2232 AMP, Administration and Maintenance Processor 1.00 996.45 996.45 266.91 1,263.36 1,263.36 2232 Combo ADSL2/2+ and POTS 24 Ports 1.00 2,725.45 2,725.45 730.04 3,455.49 3,455.49 2232.1 T1, 6 port 2,00 2,179.45 4,358,90 1,167.58 2,763.24 5,526.48 2232 RAP, Resourc Arbitration Processor 2 2.00 2,725.45 5,450.90 1,460.08 3,455.49 6,910.98 2232 C7 shelf Co package 1.00 1,542.45 1.542.45 413.16 1.955.61 1,955.61 2232 RST1 APC Rectifier 500w 10.4amp 2.00 460.00 920.00 246.43 583.22 1.166.43 2232 OC48, 1 port IR 1310 2.00 5.996.25 11,992.50 3,212,32 7,602.41 15,204,82 2232 RAP, Resource Arbitration Proessor 2 2.00 2,725.45 5,450.90 1,460.08 3,455.49 6,910.98 2232 AMP, Administration and Maintenance Processor 1.00 996.45 996.45 266.91 1,263.36 1.263.36 2232 Combo ADSL2I+ and POTS 24 Ports 3.00 2,725.45 8,176.35 2,190.12 3,455,49 10,366.47 2232,1 cabinet Relief Kit (1 shelf)1.00 3.635.45 3,635.45 973.80 4,609.25 4,609.25 2232 OLT, Optical Line Termination, GPON, 4 port 1.00 3,635.45 3,635.45 973.80 4,609.25 4,60.25 2232 GPON Optical Interface Module 2.4/1.2G 1490/1310 1.00 2,816.45 2,816.45 754.42 3,570.87 3,570.87 2232 59.587.04 98,338.78 26,341.12 75,548.08 124,679.90 Labor and Overhead Summarl-i I I Labor I I Emplovee Pa 011 Cost#Name Date Hours 105 Jen Bennett 7/172008 5.00 205.85 105 Jen Bennetts 9/10-18/08 20.50 918.36 113 Ron Rembelski 9/9/2008 4.00 236.83 115 JD Bennetts 9/17/2008 6.00 228.01 Total labor 35.50 1,589.05 I I I I SDecial Invoices I Vendor CostNameDateICheck Tellabs 7/9/20081 23552 920.00 matenal I I Calix 714/2008 23569 30,395.47 I -30251.65 I 143.82 -143.82 I Calix 7/14/2008 23569 41,867.30 I -41729.38 I 137.92 137.92 I Calix 7/14/2008 23569 19,098.33 I -18985.85 I 112.48 112.48 I Calix 7/25/2008 23597 3,676.85 Calix 7/25/2008 23597 2,823.18 (2,816.45)material (3,635.45)material 48.13 48.13 CTCI OH Materials 9/2212008 54.40 Calix 10/3/2008 23869 16,185.73 Tellabs 11/5/2008 24001 349.03 Total SDeciallnvoices 17,031.51 Sales tax 55.20 55.20 Use Tax 1823.73+2512.04+1145.90+220.61 +169.39+4Q 6.280.10 Veh. Ei".8.19+85.99 94.18 PlowExD. POAD 151.84+1083.51 1,235.35 Frelciht PROV 7.12+48.61 55.73 Total labor and overhead 26,341.12 Work order cost summary Work order description Turin Networks Clayton Node Work order number 12008-37 Total overhead 18,189.131 yes ok Total cost 61,483.721 yes Individual assetslitems:Unit material cost Labor and Total unit costoverhead allocated Challs CO OC-48 1 LR 1550 SFP 3.00 1,050.00 3,150.00 1.323.39 1,491.13 4,473.39 2231 OC-48 x 1 SFP Base PLM 3.00 2.180.00 6,540.00 2,747.62 3,095.87 9,287.62 2231 DS1 x 84 port PLM 3.00 2,700.00 8,100.00 3,403.01 3.834.34 11.503.01 2231 Clayton CO OC-481 LR 1550 SFP 2.00 1,050.00 2.100.00 882.26 1,491.13 2.982.26 2231 TE2020 Main Shelf Fan Tray 1.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 588.17 1.988.17 1.988.17 2231 TE2020 Main Shelf 23"1.00 1,257.50 1.257.50 528.31 1.785.81 1.785.81 2231 TE2020 Main CeT w/2.5GVT Fabric 2.00 2,662.00 5.324.00 2.236.74 3.780.37 7.560.74 2231 OC-48 x 1 SFP Base PLM 2.00 2,180.00 4,360.00 1,831.74 3.095.87 6,191.74 2231 ETS2 CCT 2.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 1.008.30 1.704.15 3,408.30 2231 ETS223"1.00 360.00 360.00 151.24 511.24 511.24 2231 DS3/EC1 Fan Tray 1.00 330.00 330.00 138.64 468.64 468.64 2231 FastE x 12 PLM 1.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 1,092.32 3,692.32 3,692.32 2231 Patch Panel (Panduit) 24 port RJ-4 FastE 1.00 400.00 400.00 168.05 568.05 568.05 2231 DS1 x28 PLM 2.00 1,750.00 3,500.00 1,470.44 2,485.22 4,970.44 2231 DSX-DR DSX1 panel front 56 term 1-56 1.00 1,473.09 1,473.09 618.88 2,091.97 2,091.97 2231 22,592.59 43,294.59 18,189.13 32,084.30 61,483.72 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # 105 115 105 115 Employee Name Jen Buttenield JD Bennetts Jen Buttenield JD Bennetts Date 8/18-8/22 8/20-822 11/19-11/20 11/13-11/20 Payroll Hours 20.00 23.50 6.00 8.00 Cost 896.59 930.55 362.12 428.66 Total labor 57.50 2,617.92 Special Invoices Vendor CostNameDateCheck Turin Networks 6/25/2008 23502 . $ 36,817.56 $(33,721.50) material 3.096.06 4 $3,096.06 overhead Turin Networks 8/4/2008 23633 732.14 1750.00 Credit Embarq 9/9/2008 23756 . $1,696.56 $ (1.473.09) 223.47 4 $223.47 Turin Networks 9/18/2008 23811 $ 14,605.58 $ (8,100.00) 6.505.58 4 $6,505.58 UPS 10/17/2008 23933 13.23 Total Special Invoices 10.570.48 Sales tax Use Tax 2209.05+105.52+13.41+88.39+507.33 2,818.18 146.49Veh. Exp. 107.63+38.86 Plow Exp. 1,936.82POAD1346.25+590.57 Freight 99.24PROV69.01+30.23 Total labor and overhead 18,189.13 MO V / l DW D M EQ U I P M E N T liN K FR O M MA C K A Y -- Fu ì i t Fl a s h w a v e 4 3 0 0 SO N E T E Q u ì P m e n t EX I S T I N G CE N T R A O F F I C E BF 0 9 6 CH A L I S T O C L A Y T O N L I N K NE W FU J I T S U FW 4 0 1 0 ).- ~ - ~ ~ ~ - , . LI N K FR O M MA C K A Y Ex s t i n g FL M 5 0 / 1 5 0 MU X MA Y E X C H A N G E 72 0 6 AT M DS 3 ~_ ~ _ ~ . c : 10 / 1 0 0 / 1 0 0 0 Eth e r S w i h TU R I N I W I T E R O C K YL 0 2 0 CO TU R I N / W H I T E R O C K VL 0 2 0 CA L I X C7 ÈJ A L I X C7Bl C - '- CH A L L I S B R O A D B A D E Q U I P M E N T 2 o o 8 . i d ou r t h o u s e FI B E R O C - 3 ( P A T H 1 ) Ex i t i n g MA C O N I TN X . l l 0 0 AT M SW I T C H FI B E R O C - 3 ( P A T H 2 ) FIB E R O C - 3 ( P A T H 3 ) I I I I lI I I I Ii- I I CH A L L I S E X C H A N G E ~.o ~- ' LJ LJ A L I X L J I X C7 C 7 CO - B l C . . . " AF C LE T 3 DS l A G R E G A T I O N F O R CL A Y T O N NE T T O NE T II' D 4 o o 0 TO C U S T O M E R S WIT H I N 1 2 K F E E T CA L I X C7 CO TO C U S T O M E R S WI T H I N 1 2 K F E E T RS T 2 _ _ AU D 8 0 0 0 1 2 TO C U S T O M E R S WIT H I N 1 2 K F E E T I æ . I Fu j í t s u Fla s h w a v e 4 3 0 0 SO N E T E q u i P m e n t CL A Y T O N E X C H A N G E Cl a y t n C . O . I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ir- I I I I I I I Ir- I I I II I I I I I I I II I I I I I I - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I E L K B E N D E X C H A N G E 1 i 1 1 ,i TE l L A S LE T 1 LIN K T O S T A N L E Y TE L L A S LE T 2 2R S T 1 , 2 R S T 2 , 2 R S T J , 2 R S T 4 , 2 R S T 5 , 2 R S T 6 , 2 R S T 7 LJ A L I X C7 CO C: A L I X C7 BL C TU R I N YL 0 2 0 CA L I X $ 2 5 8 , 8 3 4 . 9 1 AD V A / M o v a z $ 1 7 , 4 6 2 . 8 3 TE L L A B S T u r i n F I B E R O P T I C C A B L E $ 7 1 , 7 1 8 . 3 5 $ 6 1 , 4 8 3 . 7 2 $ 1 , 1 4 0 , 1 8 2 . 7 8 CA L I X C7 Bl C ~ -- Bro a d b a n d O v e r v e w