HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080404Application.pdf--c:z-(!-cio Cynthia A. Melilo (ISB No.5819) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 cam~givenspursley.com ,... D~".J ~: - 3 P¡¡,¡t¡: 30 Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. eUS -T-o'B-ö( IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC., FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE,INC.'S APPLICATION Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Custer Telephone"), by and through its attorneys, Givens Pursley LLP, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commission") order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrtrcture ta credit authorized by Section 63-3029, Idaho Code. In support of its Application, Custer Telephone states as follows: 1. Custer Telephone is a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service, and other telecommunications services in southern Idaho. 2. Durng the calendar year 2007, Custer Telephone made certn investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(1)(3)(b), Idaho Code. Exhbit A, attched hereto, describes Custer Telephone's qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by ths Commission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-OI-I0. CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. 's APPLICATION - 1 S:\CLIENTSI1734\3ICuser Broadba Application 2oo8.DO 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: Cynthia A. Melilo GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 (208) 388-1200 cam($givenspursley.com Ron Rembelski Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 1111 S. Main Street P.O. Box 324 Challs, ID 83226 ron($custertel.com 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearng on ths matter, and therefore requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that fuher proceedings are necessar, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearngs. WHEREFORE, Custer Telephone requests that the Commssion issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment ta credit authorized by Section 63-30291, Idaho Code. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED This 2Jd day of April 2008. ~al! Cyn ia A. Melilo GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.'S APPLICATION - 2 S:ICLIENTSI1734\3CuSler Broadd Application 20OS.DO CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this Ó rd day of April 2008, I caused to be served a tre and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 OP.S. Mail ~ Hand Delivered o Overnight Mail o Facsimile ~al1 Cynt ia A. Melilo CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. 's APPLICATION - 3 S:ICLIENTSI1734\3ICuSler Brobad Applicaion 2008.DO Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application Company Information 1. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. Type of company: Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. Box 324, 1111 South Main Street, Challs Idaho 83226 Telecommuncations carer, ISP, Wireless Provider, Long Distance provider, CATV Provider Ron Rembelski, Box 324, Challs Id 83226 ron(fcustertel.com 208-879-2281 4. Contact person: Equipment Description 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Network description: 7. Transmission rate: 8. Number and percentage of Idaho customers served: 9. Equipment list: ADSL and HDSL type services Fiber optic fed DLC's with 12K non loaded copper distrbution cable, Fiber to the Home electronics, Fiber optic transport electronics, Fiber optic backbone and distrbution cable. 128k - 512k upstream 512k - 8Mbps downstream 5 people with broadband service out of 1000 people possible See attached Broadband Equipment List I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-30291. ~guL~I Ron Rembelski Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. Cu s t e r T e l e p h o n e C o - o p I n c . B r o a d b a n d E q u i p m e n t L i s t Ma n u f a c t u r e r / P r o v i d e r Mo d e l o r i n N o . Co s t Da t e s I n s t a l l e d Co u n t y L o c a t i o n s CA L I X AD S L 2 + D S L C a r d s $ 9 , 2 9 3 . 5 4 Ma y 20 0 7 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l i s ex c h a n g e CA L I X an d 71 0 , 7 1 4 O N T ' s a n d $ 8 0 , 4 2 2 . 3 7 Se p t e m b e r 2 0 0 7 Cu s t e r a n d L e m h i : f o r Su p e r i o r E s s e x C a b l e Fi b e r O p t i c C a b l e $ 5 5 7 . 7 6 th e M a y , E l k B e n d a n d Ch a l l i s e x c h a n g e CA L I X an d 71 0 , 7 1 4 O N T ' s a n d $ 3 0 , 2 7 0 . 5 9 De c e m b e r 2 0 0 7 Cu s t e r a n d L e m h i : f o r Pr y s m i a n C a b l e a n d Fi b e r O p t i c C a b l e a n d $ 1 , 8 4 6 , 4 9 0 . 2 0 th e M a y a n d C h a l l i s Su p e r i o r E s s e x Co p p e r C a b l e $ 1 3 1 3 . 3 6 ex c h a n g e CA L I X C7 G P O N $ 1 4 3 , 8 6 7 . 9 1 De c e m b e r 2 0 0 7 Cu s t e r a n d L e m h i : f o r th e C h a l l s , M a y a n d E l k Be n d e x c h a n g e Te l l a b s AD S L 2 + D S L C a r d s $ 9 , 8 2 2 . 7 4 Ju n e 2 0 0 7 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l i s ex c h a n g e CA L I X AD S L 2 + D S L C a r d s $ 5 , 8 2 3 . 2 7 Au g u s t 20 0 7 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l i s ex c h a n g e Te l l a b s AD S L 2 + D S L C a r d s $ 9 , 8 0 5 . 0 0 No v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 Cu s t e r : f o r C h a l l i s ex c h a n g e CA L I X an d 71 0 O N T ' s a n d $ 9 , 9 5 3 . 7 8 Se p t e m b e r 2 0 0 7 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e E l k B e n d Su p e r i o r E s s e x C a b l e Fi b e r O p t i c C a b l e $ 5 , 2 3 9 . 1 2 ex c h a n g e To t a l $ 2 , 1 5 2 , 8 5 9 . 6 4 ~A Z DW D M I M E T LI N K FR O M MA C K A Y CH A L L I S T O C L A Y T N L I N K F, l b Fla s h w e 4 3 0 SO N E T E q u i p e n t N. W FU J I T S U FW 4 0 1 0 CH A L L I S E X C H A N G E FI B E R O C - 3 ( P A T H 1 ) ~LJ .x " . . . . PL M 5 0 / 6 0 MU X UN K F R O M MA C K A Y 72 0 6 MA Y E X C H WH I T E R O C K VL X 0 2 0 Ex i s n g MA R C O N I TN X . 1 1 0 0 AT M SW I T C H Ô- ' Te B ' .. , " In r : u- o - AT M 0$ 3 FI B E R o e - a ( P A T H 2 ) 10 / 1 0 0 / 1 0 0 0 Et t e r S \ c t FI B E R O C 3 ( P A T H 3 ) CH A L L I S T O C L Y T O N H O S T I R M O T E L I N K TO T A L Oe - T R N S P O R T T O C l Y T I ~ E ~ . N T I LIN K T O S T A N L E F" . . Fl a s w 4 3 0 0 SO N E T E q u i p m e n t CL A Y T O N E X C H A N G E Cl a y t o n C . O . RS T 1 , R S T 2 , R S T . R S 4 , R S T S , R S T a , RS T , R S T S R S T 9 , R S T 1 0 , R S T 1 1 , RS T 1 2 2R 8 T 1 . 2 R S T 2 , 2 R S T 3 , 2 R S T 4 , 2 R S T 6 , 2 R S T 6 , 2 R S T 7 CO P P E R D I S T R I B U T I O N W I T I N 1 2 K F E E T O F R S T &! IA U O a o 0 1 2 TO C U S T O M E R S WI T H I N 1 2 K F E E T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ EL K B E N D E X C H A N G E IC A le 7 ~2 ~ . A U 0 8 0 1 2 T O C U S T ~l q I N 1 2 K F E E T - TO C U S T O R S WI T H I N 1 2 K F E E T CA L I X $ 2 7 . 6 3 1 . 6 CO P P E R D l S R I B U T J O N $ 1 . 3 1 3 . 3 'C A L I X 7 iC O ~E J - - CH i . i . I S B R O A B A N D E Q U I P M E 2 0 0 7 TE L L A B S F O R 2 0 0 4 $ 1 9 , 6 2 7 . 7 4 FIB E R O P T I C C A B L E $ 1 . 8 5 2 , 2 . 0 8 Br m b a O ' i e Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhad Total cost Individual assetsitems: 710 ONT 2-Pots 1-Ethemet 710 ONT 2-Pots 1-Ethemet 4 Pr Cable BFO 4 Pr Cable BFO 710 ONT 2-Pots 1-Ethemet 710 ONT 2-Pots 1-Ethemet 714 ONT 4-Pots 2-Ethernet 710 ONT 2.Pots 1-Ethernet 710 ONT 2-Pots 1-Ethemet .714 PNT 4-POTS 1-Ethemet 71 b ONT 2-Pots 1-Ethernet 1.00 7.00 664.00 262.00 32.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ONTlnstalIs & Fiber S Iicin 2007-1 52.726.471 ye ok 80,980.131 yes Unit material cost Labor and Total unit cost accunt overhead allocted code 508.80 508.80 949.51 1,45.31 1,458.31 2232 508.80 3,561.60 6,646.59 . 1,45.31 10,208:19 2232 0.21 139.51 260;36 0.60 399.87 2423.1 0.21 55.09 102.80 0.60 157.89 2423.1 508.80 16,281.60 30,384.43 1,45.31 46,666.03 2232 508.80 5,08.00 9,495.13 1,45.31 14,583.13 2232 546.33 54.33 1,019.55 1,565.88 1,565.88 2232 508.80 50.80 949.51 1,45.31 1,45.31 2232 508.80 508.80 949.51 1,458.31 1,458.31 2232 54..33 54.33 1,019.55 1,565.88 1,565.88 2232 508.80 508.80 949.51 '1,458.31 1,45.31 2232 . - 4,654.68 28,253.66 52,726.47 13.341.16 80,980.13 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee Payrll Cost#Name Date Hours PLRLC See Attached 2/1/2007 159.00 5,996.46 PLRLC See Attached 3/1/2007 173.00 6,994.67 PLRLC See Attched 4/1/2007 183.00 6,874.09 127 Boone Peterson 3114/2007 5.00 181.79 PLRLC See Attched 511/2007 89.50 3,683.59 118 Mike Sheppeard 5172007 2.00 88.94 118 Mike Sheppeard 5132007 7.00 311.25 118 Mike Sheppeard 519/2007 1.00 44.46 118 Mike Sheppeard 5/16/2007 2.00 88.94 118 Mike Sheppeard 5/24/2007 4.00 177.87 127 Booe Peterson 6/1/2007 4.00 168.37 PLRLC See Attched 7131/2007 20.00 778.62 PLRLC See Attached 8/31/2007 18.50 683.47 Total labor 668.00 26,072.52 Special Invoices Vendor CostNameDateCheck Alled Builders Supply 218/2007 21547 226.68 Salmon River Elecc 2/8/2007 21552 416.00 Salmon River Elecc 2/16/2007 21599 182.00 CTCI Material OH 1130/2007 960.14 Alled Builders Supply 3/812007 21673 6.63 Allie Builders Supply 3/812007 21673 5.10 Allie Builder Supply 31812007 21673 39.26 Allie Builders Supply 3/8/2007 21673 23.30 Alled Builders Supply 3/8/2007 21673 30.03 Alled Builders Supply 3/8/2007 21673 2.14 Robìnson Electc (Invoice)3/8/2007 21672 3,146.88 CTCI Material OH 2/28/2007 3,142.58 Allied Builders Supply 4/6/2007 21788 464.37 Round Valley Supply 4/6/2007 .21793 219.91 CTCI Material OH 4/6/2007 4,483.92 Robinson Electric (Invoices)4/27/2007 21881 862.40 Robinson Elecric (Invoices)4/27/2007 21881 370.90 Robinson Elecric (Invoices)4/27/2007 21881 97.72 CTCI Material OH 4/30/2007 2,236.78 Alled Builders Supply 5/4/2007 21908 9.41 Round Valley Supply 217.64 CTCI Material OH 5/31/2007 682.76 Robinson Elecc (Invoices)6/8/2007 22039 345.13 Alled Builders Supply 6/8/2007 22021 4.52 Beny Elecric 6/8/2007 22047 147.00 CTCI Material OH 6/30/2007 97.93 CTCI Material OH 7/31/2007 93.55 Ray'S Heating, Cooling, & Elecrical 8/2212007 22321 765.97 CTCI Material OH 7/31/2007 35.44 CTCI Material OH 32.76 CTCI Materal OH 32.76 Beny Electric 9/28/2007 22481 105.44 Totl Special Invoices 19.487.15 Sales tax Use Tax 55.79+184.04+209.67+121.41 +37.29+9.81 +7.658.25 30.53+2.13 Veh. Exp.87.97+375.54+6.96+254.68+567.01 +4.32+60.1,397.55 PlowExp. POAD 1415.23+1438.10+1085.98+735.86+16.88+11 5,111.00 Freight Misc. Total labor and overhad 52,726.47 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost Individual assetstems: 24 port Combination ADSL2/2+ card 100-00574 Valere Rectifer Module 20 Amp 2007-4 Calix Rectifers and 24 1,191.171 9,908.971 yes ok yes Unit material cost Labor and overhead allocated 3.00 2,725.45 8,176.35 1,117.19 3,097.85 9,293.54 1.00 541.45 541.45 73.98 615.43 615.43 3,266.90 8,717.80 1,191.17 3,713.28 9,908.97 Account Code 2232.1 2232 Labor Labor and Overhead Summary # 136 Employee Name Mike Arrizubieta. Payroll Date Hours 4/20/2007 1.00 Cost 26.69 Total labor 1.00 26.69 Special Invoices Vendor Name Calix Date 31812007 Check' 21665 Cost 1,149.93 Total Speial Invoices 1,149.93 Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp.6.34 6.34 Plow Exp. POAD 8.21 8.21 Freight Misc. Total labor and overhad 1,191.17 9,867.73 total -8717.80 material 1,149.93 overhea Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number I FTTH for May2007-5 Total overhead 1,497,242.631 1,878,074.151 Individual assetslitems:Quantity/Footag e Unit material cost yes ok yes labor and Total unit cost ACToverhead allocated 2,000.35 2.509.15 2.509.15 2232 2,000.35 2.509.15 2.509.15 2232 4,000.70 2.509.15 5.018.30 2232 2.000.35 2.509.15 2.509.15 2232 2.147.90 2.694.23 2,694.23 2232 5.135.46 2,147.23 6,441.69 2232 3,423.64 2,147.23 4.294.46 2232 1.711.82 2,147.23 2.147.23 2232 1.711.82 2.147.23 2.147.23 2232 1.047.04 3.38 1.313.36 2423 Total cost 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 714 ONT 4 POTS 2-ETHERNET 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ETHERNET 1.00 1.00 2.00 . 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 508.80 508.80 508.80 508.80 546.33 435.41 435.41 435.41 435.41 508.80 508.80 1,017.60 508.80 546.33 1.306.23 870.82 435.41 435.41 CABLE BFC 25X22 at BlC site 388.00 0.69 266.32 BF0121 69322 BF0120IW 18886 BF0241 56404 BF0481 53978 BF0721 22822 BF072IW 21082 BF0144IW 8872 BF01921 26116 1.07 74,174.54 291.617.89 5.28 365.792.43 2423.1 1.07 20,208.02 79,448.02 5.28 99.656.04 2423.1 1.16 65,428.64 257,233.30 5.72 322.661.94 2423.1 1.30 70,171.40 275,879.51 6.41 346.050.91 2423.1 1.48 33,776.56 132,792.86 7.30 166.569.42 2423.1 1.48 31,201.36 122,668.43 7.30 153.869.79 2423.1 2.01 17,832.72 70,109.50 9.91 87.942.22 2423.1 2.36 61,633.76 242,313.69 11.64 303,947.45 2423.1 4,335.79 380,831.52 1,497,242.63 21.381.97 1,878,074.15 Laor and Ov.rlMJl Summar labor eioye Payrl Cos.Na Dale "" All Se 81110 PLRLC 8/31/20 20.00 816.75 All Se 10121 PLRLC 10~2 183.00 5,617.52 All se 101110 PLRLC 10/3112 141.00 5,109.70 104 Jon Bruenkamp 11/3O 8.SO 255.44 104 Jon Bruggenks 11/30120 1.00 ".04 134 Darrl Wahls 1113l 8.00 203.05 104 Jon BrukalT 12/5l 4.00 155.47 104 Jon Brump 12/5l 1.00 ..... 133 Brian Cor 12/5l 3.00 ;4.4g 133 Bran Cor 12/5l 1.00 47.22 130 M1kektbieta 12/5l 4.00 76.71 130 Mike Arie 12/5l 1.00 28.71 All se 0531127 PLRI 5/1127 34.00 1,20.56 104 Jon Brukamp 31817 7.00 43.84 113 Ron Rem 3/7127 1.00 SO.39 113 Ron Reml 411217 3.00 189.67 113 Ron Rem 5131127 2.00 113.24 118 Mike Shepn:6/1127 1.00 44.48 SEE ATTACHED 0e1-3O7 48.SO 2.50.15 see ATTACHED 07101-31107 101.00 4.50.47 SEe ATTACHED 081-31107 185.50 7.35.46 seE ATTACHED 091-37 169.50 7.714.27 see ATTACHED 1011-31107 140,00 8,2.95 seE ATTACHED 11101-207 31.00 1.331.72 127 Boo Peten 12/18-207 1700 670.27 Totllaba 1101.00 44943.27 Spec!!' 'nv0lusvandName DatCTCI Materi 'íRig Riveine. 9/14/CTCI Mates 9/CTCI Materis 101712ChUis Redl Mx 1118CTCI Mateals 11/30CTCI Mateals 1211f2CTci Materils 121112Unite Staa De of hite 31127Midstle Coit 3J127Mistle Cosu 411112007Bureu of Land Maagnt 4127127Miatte Conlt 4127127CTCI Materials 5131127Midat Cosultts 5/10i7Bureu of Land Mame 4127127Emrq 511817Embrq 511817-.ed Ex 5l7M1dstte Consultants 517Emrq 6107~stæ ~~~ Mm7SREC 6I7TaYl MTN SurvVinQ 6~7MÎst Cosultants lJ7Mdte Consultnts 7/1217Fed Ex 7167II Sa 8~7Md Cosultnt 8~7Mistte Consullants 817Midstate Consultnt 8~7CTCI Pi c::m ;:::; CTCI OH 811/27Fe Ex 817Midsi Co 817eTCI OH 917Round vallv SUy 9J007Rond Vallev 6uy 9161207Allied Build 91127SREC 912007Midst Consultnts 91817Mist Cosunts 9J127CTCIOH 10131127Emb 1015J7Round Valv SUPy 10/5/7Jens Oi 10/1217Jenso Oi 10/121007 M1dst Consultnts 1011217Codal 1011017IiSa 111t007Midslate Consultnts 1110127Misla Consultnts 11l07Fed Ex 11197Fed Ex 1119127Berr Ele 11JQ7BeIT Elec 11~97Remove materis fr JD Dav inBerr Elec 12~7Allie Builder 1217Mite Consunts 12/1817Mite Consunts 12/1817Mite Connts 12J7JO Daley an Sos 121417Mite Consunts 12/1127genv El 1211127Mi Consunts 1~3Fed Ex 1~3SREC 1~3CTCI Matel OH 114/20.CTCI Mateal OH 1/151Midte Constants 1~3Midte Cosunts 1~3JD Daley an Sos 1/31JD DaIeV an Sodamaøes 1~2Transnø cost frm 20-48CTCI OYea far dam sheD houseinø Che Cosl 205 82.51 11,723.00237.n 10.859.60 41,34 7.267.84 7.ga3.OS 62.41 38.00 756,00 297.00 100.00 8800 6,838.27 2.84.804.004.85.46 37231 2310 3.043.30 1.62.58 4.30.541.421.001.30.50 4,36.23 8.30,27SO." 239368.43 11,418.04 15.26,50 20,924.46 30.00 318,08.253.841.98 48.18 23,642.36 3,40.50 1.141." 281.35 30.0019,198.52 19,938.12 2,8C.92351.9220.35 10.95 18.42 20.031.34 17.47 3n,742.1016.483.68 13.218.21 20.00 30.7150.30 571.43 (374,427.00) RA ca matels co to frnt pa2,35.64 32.13 4.310.71 13.32.46 2828.8042.34.og888.2 2.22.802.156.00 13.40 2.00 1,Q8.01 1,451.902.88.00 1,821.91 71,343.95 (43,444,20)105,037.23 39.04 mi tl$2,629.79 Pe mile 677.27 2120 217372175 21830 218712188 21950 2187121_21_222199221.222722 22105 228922100 221842248 22542254 22337 223512230 2238 2238 22402240224022478 22476 2245 8l196122227227222222102235223522.222222 22745 227242277 22772210221 222122722732222'" 227 22182233 CK 170 T91 Spcia! Inyjp 1 437 Q21 M ~ 376.25+238.52+22.60 83 37 ~ 21.12+4.13+1191.6011.88+436.07+477.793 2558.52 ~ 39.92315.33137.65+43.36+37.857390+11 258184 elp Exp. 15.9+30.77+680.77+401.4810.7315.11+52 1 56 32 .m 126.19+77.82+92.451'98.87+28.84+46.21+2 883_63 E..ighl ~ Rondnø i8 on cove sh Total la an ovrhad (000) 1497242,03 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number 10 New ADSL 2+ Tellabs 2007-26 Total overhead 572.741 9,822.741 yes ok yesTotal cost Individual assetslitems:Unit matenal cost Total matenal cost Labor and overhead allocated Total unit cost Account Code Tellabs ADSL2+ 6+6 card 0110-0247 10.00 925.00 9,250.00 572.74 982.27 9,822.74 2232.1 925.00 9,250.00 572.74 982.27 9,822.74 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # Employee Name Payroll Hours CostDate Total labor Special Invoices Vendor Name Date 5/18/2007 Check 2196Embarq Cost Total Special Invoices Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. POAD Freight Misc. 556.00 16.74 Total labor and overhad 572.74 9,822.74 total 9250 equipment 556 use tax 16.74 shipping Work order cost summary Work order description Calix ODC.2000 Cabinet for McCoy Lance FTH Project Work order number 12007-44 I Total overhead 20,084.781 yes ok Total cost 143,867.91 1 yes Individual assets/items:Uni material cost Labor and ACToverhad allocted May CO OC- 1 port packetlsonet LR 1550nm 2.00 7,496.25 14,992.50 2,432.65 8,712.58 17,425.15 2232 0C-8 1 port packetlsonet LR 1550nm spare 1.00 7,496.25 7,496.25 1,216.33 8,712.58 8,712.58 2232 GPON OL T 4 Port 1"00 2,250.51 2,250.51 365.16 2,615.67 2,615.67 2232 Gpon Optical Interace Module 2.00 1,34.51 2,681.02 435.02 1,558.02 3,116.04 2232 McMoy Lane BLC OC- 1 port packetlsonet LR 1550nm 2.00 7,496.25 14,992.50 2,432.65 8,712.58 17,425.15 2232 Valere Rectifir Module 20 amp 3.00 541.45 1,624.35 263.56 629.30 1,887.91 2232 ODC-2000Package(C7 shelf, Fan tray, Protector 1.00 26,900"00 26,900.00 4,36.74 31,264.74 31,264.74 2232 Battery heater 1.00 632.45 632.45 102.62 735.07 735.07 2232 Resource and Arbitration Processor 2 RAP 2.00 2,725.45 5,450.90 88.45 3,167.68 6,335.35 2232 Administration and Maintenance Processor AMP 1.00 996.45 996.45 161.68 1,158.13 1,158.13 2232 Combination ADSL2I+ POTS 24 ports 1.00 2,725.45 2,725.45 442.23 3,167.68 3,167.68 2232 Fiber Distributon Holder 6 position 1.00 268.45 268.45 43.56 312.01 312.01 2232 30 amp generatr connelor 1.00 268.45 268.45 43.56 312.01 312.01 2232 Fiber splice tray holder 10 position 1.00 204.75 204.75 33.22 237.97 237.97 2232 Fiber ditribution Cassette 12 position LC connector 3.00 500.50 1,501.50 243.63 581.71 1,745.13 2232 Fiber splice tray heat shrink 3.00 53.69 161.07 26.13 62.40 187.20 2232 GPON OLT 4 Port 1.00 2,250.51 2,250.51 36.16 2,615.67 2,615.67 2232 Gpon Optical Interface Module 2.00 1,34.51 2,681.02 43.02 1,558.02 3,116.04 2232 Batter String kit 100 ah 2.00 1,269.45 2,536.90 411.96 1,475.43 2,950.86 2232 ADC FD3-AE288JOOGBBP2 fiber distributon cabinet 1.00 6.090.00 6,090.00 98.15 7,078.15 7,078.15 2232 ADC FPS-MPP1AJJ 1 X 32 splitter module 1.00 1,511.51 1,511.51 245.25 1,756.76 1,758.76 2232 Burtead Lane BLC GPON OLT 4 Port 1.00 2,250.51 2,250.51 365.16 2,615.67 2,615.67 2232 Gpon Optical Interfce Modul 3"00 1,340.51 4,021.53 652.52 1.558.02 4,674.05 2232 Challs CO GPON OLT 4 Port b spare 1.00 2,250.51 2,250.51 365"16 2,615.67 2,615.67 2232 Gpon Optical Interace Module spare 1.00 1,340.51 1,340.51 217.51 1,558.02 1,558.02 2232 Morgan Creek BLC ADC FPS-MPP1JJJ 1 X 8 spliter 1.00 632.12 632.12 102.57 734.69 734.69 2232 ADC FPS-MPP1NJJ 1 X 4 splitter 1.00 274.82 274.82 44.59 319.41 319.41 2232 GPON OL T 4 Port 1.00 2,250.51 2,250.51 365.16 2,615.67 2,615.67 2232 Gpon Optical Interfce Module 2.00 1,34.51 2,681.02 435.02 1,558.02 3,116,04 2232 Elk Bend CO GPON OLT 4 Port 1.00 2,250.51 2,250.51 365.16 2,615.67 2,615.67 2232 Gpon Optical Interfce Module 2.00 1,34.51 2,681.02 435.02 1,558.02 3,116.04 2232 McKim Creek BLe GPON OL T 4 Port 1.00 2,250.51 2,250.51 365.16 2,615.67 2,615.67 2232 Gpon Optical Interface Module 2.00 1,340.51 2,681.02 435.02 1,55.02 3,116.04 2232 93,220.88 123,783.13 20,084.78 108,346.70 143,867.91 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee# Name See Attached105 Jen Butterfeld105 Jen Butterfeld105 Jen Butterfeld 115 JD Bennett 115 JD Bennett See Attched105 Jen Butterfeld105 Jan Butterfeld 118 Mike Sheppeard Payrll Date Hours 06/01-30/07 21.00 9/4/2007 2.00 9/13/2007 7.00 9/13/2007 0.50 9/1312007 6.009/1312007 0.50 10/01-31/07 24.5011114/2007 2.00 1215-20/07 34.50 12/14-20/07 12.00 Cost 1,047.54 78.91 276.17 29.59 230.50 28.81 1,036.82 90.69 1,714.49 466.95 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost Individual assets/items: calix 24 portADSL2+ Combo card 100-00574 2 ADSL Combo cards for Calix 12007-46 2.00 372.371 5,823.271 Unit material cost yes ok 2,725.45 5,450.90 yes Labor and overhead allocted Total unit cost 37237 2,911.64 5,823.27 2,725.45 5,450.90 372.37 2,911.64 5,823.27 Account Code 2232.1 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # Employee Name Payroll Hours CostDate Total labor Special Invoices Vendor Name Date 7/26/2007 Check 22221Calix Cost Total Special Invoices Sales ta 329.62Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. POAD Freight Misc. 329.62 42.75 Total labor and overhad 372.37 5,493.65 total 42.75 shipping 540.90 equipment Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost Individual assets/items: CABLE BFO 4PR SIM FIBER 0 710 ONT 2-POTS 1-ENTERNET Rattle Snake Bridge Area FTH Build out12007-661 13,863.731 15,192.901 Unit material cost 2,616.00 2.00 0.18 435.41 458.35 870.82 yes ok yes labor and Total unit costoverhead allocated 4,780.77 2.00 5,239.12 9,082.96 4,976.89 9,953.78 435.59 1 .329.17 13.863.73 4.978.89 15.192.90 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # PLRLC PLRLC PLRLC Employee Name See Attached See Attached See Attached Payroll Date Hours 09/01-30/07 80.50 10/31/2007 47.50 12/4/2007 15.00 Cost 2,885.89 1,920.56 663.11 Total labor 143.00 5,469.56 Special Invoices Vendor CotNameDateCheck Challis Redi-Mix 10/5/2007 22532 36.04 CTCI MATERIALS OH 10/31/2007 4,494.58 Berry Electric 11/9/2007 22656 808.08 Berry Electric 11/20/2007 22745 180.00 CTCI MATERIALS OH 1/1412008 474.69 Total Special Invoices 5,993.39 Sales ta 269.67 269.67 Use Tax Veh. Exp.370.18+145.60+41.97 557.75 Plow Exp.345.98+36.30+36.21 418.49 POAD 623.92+390.33+140.62 1,154.87 Freight Misc. Total labor and overhad 13,863.73 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost Individual assetsitems: Tellabs ADSL2 6+6 cards 0130-0059 10 New ADSL 2+ Tellabs AFC 2007-75 Ok555.00 I 9,805.00 I Unit materiai cost yes yes Labo and overhad alloted 555.00 980.50 9,805.0010.00 925.00 9,250.00 925.00 9.250.00 555.00 980.50 9.805.00 ACT 2232.1 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # Employee Name Payroll Hours CostDate Total labr Special Invoices Vendor Name Date 11/9/2007 Check 22621Embarq Cot Total Special Invoice Sales tax 555.00Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. POAD Freight Misc. 555.00 Total labor and overhead 555.00 . 9,250.00 material