HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070214Application.pdfi,l ::CEI' Michael C. Creamer (ISB No. 4030) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Office: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 www.givenspursley.com 2007 FES i Lf ~)i'i 3: 45 iC;,HU f.tiJ, TilJ"! :E~::' (;0;":,,,:IS8)!), BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No.Cus O~-O( IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE INC. FOR AMENDMENT OF ITS CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Custer ), through its attorneys Givens Pursley LLP hereby petitions the Commission for an Order approving this Petition for Amendment of Certificated Service Area Boundary. In support whereof, Custer states as follows: Custer is a mutual, non-profit telephone corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho and exempt from regulation by the Public Utilities Commission Commission ). Custer s principle place of business is in Challis, Idaho and it maintains central offices in Challis, May, Elk Bend and Clayton. Custer provides basic local exchange telecommunications services, MTS , W A TS, access services to inter-exchange carriers, special access services, broadband and other telecommunications services that its customers may from time to time request or require. On May 16, 1989, the Commission issued Order No. 22519 granting Custer application for a certificate for an exclusive service area for telecommunications service pursuant PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY - 1 to Idaho Code 62-615 (since amended), and simultaneously issued Custer Certificate No. 308 , a copy of which is attached as Rxnihit A to this Petition. Subsequent to issuance of Certificate No. 308, Custer has received requests to extend telecommunications services in three distinct areas: the Yankee Fork, Morgan Creek and Slate Creek areas depicted in the map attached as Rxninit R to this Petition. These three areas are outside Custer s current certificated service area. They are not within the service area boundaries of any other certificated telecommunications carrier, and they are not in the vicinity of any line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed. Custer is willing to serve, and is best able to serve, customers in the Yankee Fork Morgan Creek and Slate Creek areas depicted in Rxnihit R. An explicit legal description for the amended certificated service area boundary being requested is attached hereto as Rxnihit C. The legal descriptions encompassing the requested boundary changes are shown in bold font. A compact disc containing the legal descriptions in Microsoft Word format accompanies this petition. The requested Certificate amendment will not affect the service area boundary of any other certificated telecommunications carrier, and will not injure or interfere with the operation of any line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed. Custer requests that all notices and communications concerning this Petition be directed to the following individuals at the addresses given below: Dennis Thornock, Manager Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 1111 South Main O. Box 324 Challis, ill 83226 (208) 879-5200 (208) 879-5211 (fax) PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY - With copy to:Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP 601 West Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ill 83701 (208) 388-1200 (208) 388-1201 (fax) WHEREFORE, the Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. respectfully requests an Order of this Commission granting the amendments to Certificate No. 308 to incorporate the Yankee Fork Morgan Creek and Slate Creek areas as described in Exnihit C attached hereto, and granting such further relief as the Commission deems just and reasonable. REQT JEST FOR MODTFffiD PROCEDT IRE Because this Petition seeks minor boundary changes, will not affect the service area boundary of any other certificated telecommunications carrier, and will not injure or interfere with the operation of any line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed Custer further respectfully requests that this Petition proceed under the Commission s Rules 201 through 210 for Modified Procedure. DATED this Ii..(~of February 2007. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Michael C. Creamer Attorneys for Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY - OffIce of the Secretary '-~ aervlce Date MAY 1'6 1989 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE INC. FOR A CERTIFICATE FOR AN EXCLUSIVE SERVICE AREA FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE. CASE NO. CUS-89- CERTIFICATE NO. 308 IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the ' present and future publ ic convenience and necessi ty requires and will require Custer Telephone Cooperative,Inc. ,its successors and assigns to own, hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and maintain and operate facilities for the provision to or for the public of telecommunications services the inhabi tants the area legally described on Appendix A to this Certificate; to exercise all rights and privileges which have been granted to said Custer Telephone Cooperative,Inc. ,its successors and assigns by any franchise or permit conferred or hereinafter conferred upon said Custer Telephone Cooperative,Inc. ,its successors and assigns by any city or village, or by any county, or by the State of Idaho,any political subdi vision thereof the area hereinbefore set forth. THIS CERTIFICATE is predicted upon and issued pursuant to the findings and order of this Commission, the same being Ib.~ Order No. 22519 issued on the ,)6th day of May, 1989. CERTIFICATE NO. 308 Exhibit A IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII DONE by Order of the Idaho Public utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this /~~ day of May, 1989. AA/\ ~~ ~ ~ SHE COMMISSIONER ~~'- RALPH NELSON, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: ~/?CZ L~,~/RN J. WAL ERS, SECRETARY MS:vs/O-562 CERTIFICATE NO. 308 DESCRIPTION Boundary of custer Telephone Cooperative' s Certificated Service Territory Township and Range line references based on the Boise Meridian Commencing at the point of beginning at the most southwesterly point of the Clayton EXchange located at the SW corner of section 7, T9N, R17Ei then north to the NW corner of section 6, TlON, R17Ei then west to the SW corner of section 31, Tl1N, RlSE; then north to the NW corner of section 19, TlIN, RlSEi then east to the NE corner of section 22, TIlN, RISEi then south to the SE corner of section 22, TllN R1SEi then east to the point of intersection with Thompson Creek at the NE corner of section 2S, TllN, Rl6Ei then northwesterlY in an irregular line following Thompson Creek to the SW corner of section 33, T12N, R16Ei then north to the NW corner of section 21, TI2N, Rl6Ei then east to the NE corner of section 24, T12N, R16Ei then south to the SE corner of section 25, T12N, R16Ei then east to the NE corner of section 32, T12N, R17E; then south to the SE corner of section 32, Tl2N, R17Ej then east to the sw corner of section 34, Tl2N, Rl8E; then north . . APPENDIX A O!rtee;r 'No: 22519-1- to the point of joinder of the clayton Exchange with the Challis Exchange at the NW corner of section 3, Tl2N, Rl8E; then north following the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 10, T14N, R18E; then west to the SW corner of section 6, T14N, R1SE; then north to the NW corner of section 6, T14N, Rl8E; then east to the SW corner of section 31, T15N, R18E; then north to the NW corner of section 19, T15N, R19E; then east to the NE corner of section 22, T15N, R19E; then north to the NW corner of section 11, T15N, R19E; then east to the NE corner of section 12, T15N, R19E; then north along the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 6, T15N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 4, T15N, R20Ei then north to the NW corner of section 34, T16N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 34, T16N, R20E to the point of joinder of the Challis Exchange with the May Exchange; then north to the NW corner of section 26, T16N, R20Ei then east to the NE corner of section 26, T16N, R20Ei then north to the point of joinder of the May Exchange to the Elkbend Exchange, at the NW corner of section 13, T16N, R20E; then north to the NW corner of section 1, T16N, R20E; then west to the SW corner of section 35, T17N, R20Ej then north along the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 14, T19N, R20Ej then east to the NE corner of section 17, T19N, R22Ej then south to a halfway point on the northern boundary of section 5, T17N, R22Ei then east -2-APPENDI X A Order No. 22519 to the NE corner o~ section 5, T17N, R22E; then south to the SE corner o~ section 32, T17N, R22E; then west to the SW corner of section 34, T17N, R21E; then south to the point of joinder of the Elkbend Exchange with the May Exchange at the SE corner of section 9, T16N, R21E; then south to the SE corner of section 4, T15N, R21E; then east to the NE corner of section 7, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 7, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 16, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner o~ section 16, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE corner o~ section 22, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner o~section 22,T15N,R22E;then east to the NE corner o~sect ion 26,T15N,R22E;then south to the SE corner of section 26,T15N,R22E;then east to the NE corner o~ section 31, T15N, R23E; then south to the SE corner of section 6, T14N, R23E; then east to an approximate 3/8th point on the northern boundary of section 8, T14N, R23E; then south to an approximate 3/8th point on the southern boundary of section 8, T14N, R23EJ then east to the NE corner o~ section 13, T14N, R23Ej then south to the SE corner o~ section 24, T14N, R23E; then east to a hal~way point on the northern boundary of section 30, T14N, R24Ei then south to a halfway point on the northern boundary of section 31, T14N, R24Ei then east to the NE corner of section 31, T14N, R24E; then south to the SE corner of section 6, T13N, R24E; then east to the NE corner -3- APPENDIX A Order No~ 22519 of section 8, T13N, R24Ei then south to the SE corner of section 17, T13N, R24Ei then east to the NE corner of section 21, T13N, R24Ei then south to the SW corner of section 28, T13N, R24Ei then east to the NE corner of section 34, T13N, R24E; then south to the SE corner of section 34, T13N, R24Ei then east to the NE corner of section 2, T12N, R24Ei then south to the SE corner of section 14, T12N, R24Ei then eas~ to the NE corner of (half) section 24, T12N, R24 1/2Ei then south to the SE corner of (half) section 36, T12N, R24 1/2Ei then west to the SW corner of section 31, T12N, R23Ei then north to the NW corner of section 6, T12N, R23Ei then west to the sw corner of section 35, T13N, R22Ei then north to the NW corner of sect ion 35,T13N,R22Ei then west of the SW corner of section 27,T13N,R22Ei then north to the NW corner of sect ion 27,T13N,R22E;then west to the sw corner of section 19,T13N,R22Ei then north to the NW corner of section 6, T13N, R22Ei then west to the SW corner of section 35, T14N, R21E; then north to the NW corner of section 11, T14N, R21E; then west to the NW corner of section 4, T14N, R21Ei then north along the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 33, T15N, R21E; then west to the SW corner of section 30, T15N, R21Ei then north to the NW corner of section 18, T15N, R21Ei then west to the point of joinder of the May Exchange with the Challis Exchange at the SW corner of section 11, T15N, R20E; then -4- APPENDIX A Order No. 22519 south to the SE corner of section 22~ T15N~ R20E; then west to the SW corner of section 20~ T15N~ R20E; then south along the section line as adjusted to the SE corner of section 18~ T14N~ R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 20~ T14N~ R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 29 ~ T14N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 33~ T14N~ R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 9 ~ T13N~ R20E; then east to the NE corner of section l5~ Tl3N~ R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 22~ Tl3N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 26~T 13N,R20E;then south to the SE corner of section 35~Tl3N~R20E;then east to the NE corner of section Tl2N~R20 E;then south to the SE corner of section 36~ Tl2N, R20E; then west to the point of joinder of the Challis Exchange to the Clayton Exchange at the SW corner of section 33~ T12N, Rl9E; then west to the SW corner of section 31, T12N~ R19E; then south to the SE corner of section 12, TlON, Rl8E; then east to the NE corner of section 18~ T10N, Rl9E; then south to the SE corner of section 19~ T10N, Rl9E; then west to the SW corner of section 19, T10N, R19E; then south to the SE corner of section 1~ T9N~ R18E; then west to the SW corner of section 2, T9N, R18E; then south to the SE corner of section 10, T9N~ R18E; then west to point of beginning at the SW corner of section 7, T9N, R17E. APPENDIX A Order No. 22519 -5- Exhibit B L1ia:: a:: Ii! ~ ! ~ 0 ""'I;:""s.i~!l1!B DESCRIPTION Boundary of Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc.'s Certificated Service Territory Including Yankee Fork, Morgan Creek and Slate Creek Areas The exterior boundary of those areas graphically depicted on the drawings attached hereto as Exhibit 3, incorporating the Challis, Clayton, Elkbend, and May Exchanges, and generally described as follows: (Township and Range line references based on the Boise Meridian): Commencing at the point of beginning at the most southwesterly point of the Clayton Exchange located at the SW corner of section 7 , T9N, R17E; then north to the NW corner of section 6, T10N , R17E; then west to the corner of section 3 T10N, R16E; then south to the SE corner of section 9 T10N, R16E; then west to the SW corner of section 9, T10N, R16E; then south to the SE corner of section 17, T10N, R16E; then west to the corner of section 17, T10N, R16E; then north to the NE corner of section , T10N, R16E; then west to the SW corner of section 31 , T11N , R15E; then north following the section line as adjusted to the NW comer of section , T13N, R1SE; then east to the NE corner of section 16, T13N, R1SE; then south following the section line as adjusted to the SE corner of section 16 , TUN, R1SE; then east to the NE corner of section 22, TUN R15E; then south to the SE corner of section 22, T11N, R15E; then east to the Exhibit Page 1 of 6 point of intersection with Thompson Creek at the NE corner of section 25 Tl1 N R16E; then northwesterly in the irregular line following Thompson Creek to the SW corner of section 33, T12N, R16E; then north to the NW corner of section 21 , T12N, R16E; then east to the NE corner of section 24 T12N, R16E; then south to the SE corner of section 25, T12N, R16E; then east to the NE corner of section 32, T12N, R17E; then south to the SE corner of section 32, T12N, R17E; then east to the SW corner of section 34, T12N R1SE; then north to the point of joinder of the Clayton Exchange with the Challis Exchange at the NW corner of section 3, T12N, R1SE; then north following the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 10, T14N R1SE; then west to the SW corner of section 6, T14N, R1SE; then north to the NW corner of section 6, T14N, R1SE; then east to the SW corner of section , T15N, R19E; then north to the NW corner of section 19 , T15N , R19E; then east to the NE corner of section 21, TI5N, RI9E; then north to the NE comer of section 16, TI5N, RI9E; then west to the NW comer of section 16 , TI5N, RI9E; then north to the NE corner of section 5, TI5N, RI9E; then west to the NW corner of section 5, TI5N, RI9E; then north to the NE comer of section 31, TI6N, RI9E; then west to the NW corner of section 31, TI6N, RI9E; then north to the NW corner of section 18, TI7N, RI9E; then east to the NE corner of section 17, TI7N, RI9E; then south to the SW comer of section 28, TI6N, RI9E; then east to the Page 2 of 6 corner of section 28, T16N, R19E; then south to the SW comer of section 34, T16N, R19E; then east to the SE corner of section 34, T16N, R19E; then south to the NW corner of section 11 , T15N, R19E; then east to the NE corner of section 12, T15N, R19E; then north along the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 6, T15N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 4, T15N, R20E; then north to the NW corner of section 34, T16N R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 34, T16N, R20E to the point of joinder of the Challis Exchange with the May Exchange; then north to the NW corner of section 26 , T16N , R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 26 T16N, R20E; then north to the point of joinder of the May Exchange to the Elkbend Exchange, at the NW corner of section 13, T16N, R20E; then north to the NW corner of section 1 , T16N, R20E; then west to the SW corner of section 35, T17N , R20E; then north along the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 14, T19N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section , T19N, R22E; then south to the halfway point on the northern boundary section 5, T17N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 5, T17N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 32, T17N, R22E; then west to the SW corner of section 34, T17N, R21E; then south to the point of joinder of the Elkbend Exchange with the May Exchange at the SE corner of section 9 T16N, R21E; then south to the SE corner of section 4, T15N, R21E; then east to the NE corner of section 7 , T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of Page 3 of 6 section 7 , T15N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 16, T15N , R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 16, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 22, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 22 T15N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 26, T15N, R22E; then south to the SE corner of section 26, T15N, R22E; then east to the NE corner of section 31 , T15N , R23E; then south to the SE corner of section 6, T14N R23E; then east to an approximate 3/8th point on the northern boundary of section 8, T14N, R23E; then south to an approximate 3/8th point on the southern boundary of section 8, T14N, R23E; then east to the NE corner of section 13 , T14N, R23E; then south to the SE corner of section 24, T14N R23E; then east to a halfway point on the northern boundary of section 30 T14N, R24E; then south to the halfway point on the northern boundary of section 31 , T14N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 31 , T14N R24E; then south to the SE corner of section 6, T13N , R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 8, T13N, R24E; then south to the SE corner of section , T13N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 21 , T13N , R24E; then south to the SE corner of section 28 , T13N , R24E; then east to the NE corner of section 34, T13N, R24E; then south to the SE corner of section 34, T13N R24 E; then east to the NE corner of section 2, T12N, R24 E; then south to the SE corner of section 14, T12N, R24E; then east to the NE corner of (half) section 24, T12N, R24 1/2E; then south to the SE corner of (half) section 36 Page 4 of 6 T12N, R24 1/2E; then west to the SW corner of section 31 , T12N, R23E; then north to the NW corner of section 6, T12N, R23E; then west to the SW corner of section 35, T13N, R22E; then north to the NW corner of section 35, T13N R22E; then west of the SW corner of section 27, T13N, R22E; then north to the NW corner of section 27 , T13N, R22E; then west to the SW corner of section 19 , T13N, R22E; then north to the NW corner of section 6, T13N R22E; then west to the SW corner of section 35, T14N, R21E; then north to the NW corner of section 11 , T14N , R21E; then west to the SW corner of section 4, T14N, R21E; then north along the section line as adjusted to the NW corner of section 33, T15N , R21E; then west to the SW corner of section , T15N, R21E; then north to the NW corner of section 18, T15N, R21E; then west to the point of joinder of the May Exchange with the Challis Exchange at the SW corner of section 11 , T15N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 22, T15N , R20E; then west to the SW Corner of section 20 T15N, R20E; then south along the section line as adjusted to the SE corner of section 18, T14N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 20, T14N R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 29 , T14N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 33 , T14N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section , T13N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 15, T13N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 22, T13N, R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 26 , T13N , R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 35 , T13N Page 5 of 6 R20E; then east to the NE corner of section 1 , T12N, R20E; then south to the SE corner of section 36 , T12N, R20E; then west to the point of joinder of the Challis Exchange to the Clayton Exchange at the SW corner of section 33 T12N, R19E; then west to the SW corner of section 31 , T12N, R19E; then south to the SE corner of section 12, Tl0N, R18E; then east to the NE corner of section 18, Tl0N, R19E; then south to the SE corner of section 19 , Tl0N R19E; then west to the SW corner of section 19, Tl ON, R19E; then south to the SE corner of section 1 , T9N, R18E; then west to the SW corner of section , T9N, R18E; then south to the SE corner of section 10, T9N, R18E; then west to the point of beginning at the SW corner of section 7, T9N, R17E. 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