HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050729Application.pdfLC Vc. Conley Ward (ISB No. 1683) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 cew~gi venspursley. com fLED inns fi H ""0 -"' ,,,ij 'h,)t.. . (.~ ~ rf 3: 48 ...; ~~ . Ii 0 PUB Lie u i ;(.1 i IES CO1"';rllSS10N Attorneys for Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. S :\CLIENTS\ 1233\ 180\Custer Application.DOC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE CO-OP INC. FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION Case No. US-~~ 06'--0/ CUSTER TELEPHONE CO- INC.S APPLICATION Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. ("Custer Telephone ), by and through its attorneys, Givens Pursley LLP, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029, Idaho Code. In support of its Application, Custer Telephone states as follows: Custer Telephone is a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service, and other telecommunications services in southern Idaho. During the calendar year 2004, Custer Telephone made certain investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(1)(3)(b), Idaho Code. Exhibit A, attached hereto , . describes Custer Telephone s qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Commission Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-01-10. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: CUSTER TELEPHONE CO-OP INC.S APPLICATION- Conley E. Ward GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 (208) 388-1200 cew~givenspursley .com Ron Rembelski Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. 1111 S. Main Street O. Box 324 Challis, ID 83226 ron~custertel. com Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter, and therefore requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, Custer Telephone requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-30291, Idaho Code. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED This 29t day of July 2005. ley-E. Ward GI ENS PURSLEY LLP Attorneys for Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. CUSTER TELEPHONE CO-OP INC.S APPLICATION - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 29th day of July 2005, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile CUSTER TELEPHONE CO-OP INC.S APPLICATION - 3 EXHIBIT A Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application Company Information 4. Contact person: Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. Box 324, 1111 South Main Street, Challis Idaho 83226 Telecommunications carrier, ISP, Wireless Provider, Long Distance provider Ron Rembelski, Box 324, Challis Id 83226 ron~custertel. com 208-879-2281 1. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. Type of company: Equipment Description 8. Number and percentage of Idaho customers served: 9. Equipment list: ADSL and HDSL services Fiber optic fed DLC's with 12K non loaded copper distribution cable 128k - 512k upstream 512k - 1.5Mbps downstream 5 people with broadband service out of 1000 people possible See attached Broadband Equipment List 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Network description: 7. Transmission rate: I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-30291. Ron Rembe1ski Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. Cu s t e r T e l e p h o n e C o - o p I n c . B r o a d b a n d E Q ! ! j p m e n t Li s t Ma n uf a c t u r e r ! P r o v i d e r Mo d e l o r I D N o . Co s t Da t e s I n s t a l l e d Co u n t y L o c a t i o n s MO V A Z RA Y E X P R E S S $ 3 4 1 74 8 . Ma r c h 2 0 0 4 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C l a y t o n DW D M T E R M I N A L S an d C h a l l i s e x c h a n g e Su p e r i o r E s s e x Co p p e r d i s t r i b u t i o n c a b l e $ 1 6 13 8 . Oc t o b e r 2 0 0 4 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l i s ex c h a n g e Su p e r i o r E s s e x Fi b e r O p t i c C a b l e $ 4 8 48 0 . Oc t o b e r 2 0 0 4 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l i s ex c h a n g e AF C Si e r r a 2 0 0 C a b i n e t $ 8 2 52 6 . Oc t o b e r 2 0 0 4 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l i s ex c h a n g e AF C DS L C a r d s $ 8 77 2 . Ju n e 2 0 0 4 Cu s t e r : f o r t h e C h a l l i s ex c h a n g e To t a l $ 4 9 7 , 66 7 . Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Syringa Movaz DWDM 2002-O1-DWDM Act.2003 Total cost ~ 44,224.38 ~ ~ 341 748.66 t no ok Total overhead yes Individual assets/items:Quantity/F Unit material cost Total Discount Total Unit material Total material Labor and Total unit costootagefor items cost with discount cost overhead allocated . Total cost Challis Shelf Assy.750.550.950.950.735.842.685~78 Shelf processor with BITS 400.320.880.880.765.548.13,645. OLD (optical line driver) w/EDFA-20 &VOA 15,400.160.55,440.55,440.240.15,920.63,680. 40 Lambda MUXlDEMUX filter,250.11,036.42,643.85,286. Filter filler card 5G XCVR with VOA 1550.375.2,475.275.22,275.310.12,792.25,585. 5G XCVR with VOA 1533.47 12,375.2,475.275.22,275.310.12,792.585. Service interface filler card 124. Transceiver filler card OC48 SIM single port 950.990.910.910.324.117.10,234. OC-3/12 SIM 4 port card 950.990.910.910.324.117.10,234. NE Software Cable Assy, Optical Challis Spares Dedicated in place Shelf processor with BITS 4,400.440.960.960.588.548.548. OLD (optical line driver) w/EDFA-20 &VOA 15,400.540.13,860.13,860.060.15,920.15,920. 5G XCVR with VOA 1550.375.237.11,137.11,137.655.12.792.12,792. 5G XCVR with VOA 1533.47 11,806.806.11.806.754.13,561.18 13,561. OC48 SIM single port 950.495.4,455.455.662.20 .117.117. OC-3/12 SIM 4 port card 950.495.4,455.455.662.117.117. Clayton Shelf Assy.750.275.2,475.2.475.367.842.842. Shelf processor with BITS 4,400.440.960.960.588.548.548. OLD (optical line driver) w/EDFA-20 &VOA 15,400.080.720.27,720.120.15,920.31,840. Filter filler card .113~72 Service interface filler card Transceiver filler card 32.. 31.248. NE Software Cable kit, OLD interconnect Discount Correction of $ .40 (0.40) 31,746. 177 663.297,524.297,523.44,224.185,020.341,748. (11,806.28) 285,718. Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee Payroll CostNameDateHours 105 Jen Butterfield 02/17/2004 290. 105 Jen Butterfield 02/17/2004 217. 105 Jen Butterfield 02/19/2004 217. 105 Jen Butterfield 02/24/2004 72. 105 Jen Butterfield 02/24/2004 163. Total labor 23.962. ecial Invoices Vendor CostNameDateCheck # Martin Group (DWDM)02/05/2002 500. Martin Group Martin Group (Contract ADJ' Martin Group Martin Group 05/08/2003 OS/23/2003 06/27/2003 07/23/2003 139. 86.40 50. 50. Martin Group Martin Group 10/23/2003 17303 302. 11/26/2003 17414 100. 11/26/2003 17414 022. 12/09/2003 17479 022. 02/20/2004 17709 022. Martin Group Martin Group Martin Group Movaz 03/17/2004 17787 '319,639.08 total ~-~ ~2.~tequipment ~~.. ~~~~~doverhead~1I1il1iii_Jii.~1iI~.~~Ik Martin Group Martin Group Martin Group 04/06/2004 17834 04/21/2004 17913 196. 04/21/2004 17913 683. 05/07/2004 17976 022. 43.120. 11,806.28 EquipmentMovaz TotalSpeclallnvolce$ Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp.33. Plow Exp. Freight POAD 107. 33. 107. otallabor and overhead 44,224. Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total cost 55,037.82 , 64.619.59 ~ yesTotal overhead yes -c- Individual assets/items:Quantity/F Unit material cost Total material Labor and Total unit cost Total costootagecostoverhead allocated. BFO 96 (Orius InV# 305836)336.188.41,292.48,480. 12 X 22 BFC 25 x 22 BFC 074.843.10,590.12,434. 25 x 22 BFC 100.59.344.404. 50 x 24 BFC 636.452.598.050.16,138. 581.55,037.20.64,619. Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee Payroll CostNameDateHours 102 Bruce Bruno 06/14/2004 42. 102 Bruce Bruno 06/2212004 214. 102 Bruce Bruno 06/24/2001 86. 104 John Bruggenkamp 06/21/2004 63. 104 John Bruggenkamp 06/22/2004 159. 104 John Bruggenkamp 06/23/2004 190. 104 John Bruggenkamp 06/24/2004 222. 104 John Bruggenkamp 6/25-6/30 30.034. 105 Jen Butterfield 6/21-6/22 289. 107 Scott Brower 6/21-6/30 56.871. 113 Ron Rembelski 6/22-6/28 174. 118 Mike Sheppeard 6/21-6/30 50.659. 127 Boone Petersen 6/23-6/30 40.381. 105 Jen Butterfield 07/01/2004 76. 104 John Bruggenkamp July-50.797. 107 Scott Brower July-34.327. 118 Mike Sheppeard July-67.323. 127 Boone Petersen July-72.249. 102 Bruce Bruno August-40. 104 John Bruggenkamp August-56.815. 105 Jen Butterfield August-O4 136. 107 Scott Brower August-36.219. 118 Mike Sheppeard August-47.618. 127 Boone Petersen August-46.1,428. 102 Bruce Bruno October-160. 104 John Bruggenkamp October-272.36 107 Scott Brower October-O4 33. 113 Ron Rembelski October-35. 118 Mike Sheppeard October-322. 104 John Bruggenkamp October-O4 98. 104 John Bruggenkamp October-65. 107 Scott Brower October-68. 118 Mike Sheppeard October-O4 126. 127 Boone Petersen October-99. T otaIlabOr 654.22,701. Special Invoices Vendor CostNameDateCheck # Vernon Steel, Inc.07/09/2004 18154 623.40 Allied Builders 07/09/2004 18155 21. Challis Redi-Mix 07/09/2004 18182 174. Orius 07/29/2004 18242 056. Allied Builders 08/06/2004 18255 Orius 08/26/2004 18321 250.92 OH crci Materials 07/29/2004 368.26 OH crci Materials 08/24/2004 41. Challis Redl-Mix 09/03/2004 18358 381. Westfall Logging 09/09/2004 18385 150. Blue Mountain Refuse 09/09/2004 18387 34. Blue Mountain Refuse 09/09/2004 18387 crci Materials 09/27/2004 173. crci Materials 11/20/2004 316. Total pecial invoices 26.596. Sales tax 97.97.40 Use Tax 705.69+2.708. Veh. Exp.308.1 +2.71 +304.09+ 189.25+36.97+37 .878. Plow Exp.84.74+98.09+158.41 +3.44+7.352.49 POAD 1191.3+11.86+1330.18+977.00+99.49+87.48 697. Freight Misc. T otaIlabor and overhead 55.031. Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number New AFC Corrigan Lane 2004-66 (2003) yes Total cost 859.031 82,526.681 Total overhead yes Individual assets/items:Quantity/F Unit material cost Total material Labor and Total unit cost Total costootagecostoverhead allocated CHALLIS co LET2 EXPANSION 0101-0046 EBC-875.751.237.994.988. 0120-0145 OC12C-XCVR 732.465.470.967.935. 0101-0045 ELU-875.751.237.994.983. 0101-0019 L-PSU 321.642.87.364.729. 0110-0150 POTS 360.1 ,082.146.409.229. 0310-1867 1U FAN TRAY KIT 0210-0117 DMAX1120 SHELF 0130-0029 OC12C-XCVR BB-575.9.450.282.788.10,732. 0110-0150 L-POTS 360.082.146.409.229. 879.2RST4 GARDEN CREEK 0130-0029 OC12C-XCVR BB-575.150.427:37 788.577. 879-2RST5 SKI HILL 0130-0029 OC12C-XCVR BB-575.150.427.788.577. 879.2RST1 BAUCHMANS 0130-0029 OC12C-XCVR BB-575.300.854.788.154. 879-2RST2 FORT NERK 0130-0029 OC12C-XCVR BB-575.300.854.788.154. 0101-0046 EBC-875.751.237.994.988. 0101-0045 ELU3 875.751.237.994.988. 879.2RST3 PATS CREEK 0130-0029 OC12C-XCVR BB-575.150.427.788.577. 879.2RST8 CORRIGAN LANE 0312-0015 RECTIFIER 858.716.232.974.948. 0310-2051 HEAT EXCHANGER 320.320.00 ,179.499.1 ,499. 0110-0239 ADSL 6+6H 0110-0196 POTS 321.965.130;96 365.096. 0120-0145 OC12C-XCVR 732.465.470.967.935. 0101-0065 CPU3 139.279.309.294.588. 0101-0004 MTU 536.536.72.609.63 ' 609. 0101-0006 R-PSU 497.994.134.564.129. 0310-0162 FUSION TRAY 279.279. 0310-2082 SIERRA200 CABINET 308.308.41.349.79 349. 0312-0031 BATTERY WARMER 484.484.65.549.549. 0320-0991 CROSS CONNECT 10,115.10,115.372.11,488.11 ,488. 0310-2083 BATTERY 100AH 584.584.214.798.91 , 1,798. 0110-0196 POTS 321.643.87.365.40 ' 730. AF1224S-18 18" SIERRA 200 RISER 895.00 ' 895.121.016.43 .016. 38,425.72,667.859.43,639.82,526. ,~\ Labor and Overhead SummaJY Labor Employee Payroll CostNameDateHours 105 Jen Butterfield 06/23/2004 66. 105 Jen Butterfield 06/24/2004 33. 105 Jen Butterfield 06/25/2004 66. 105 Jen Butterfield 06/28/2004 99. 105 Jen Butterfield 06/29/2004 66. 105 Jen Butterfield 06/30/2004 165. 104 John Bruggenkamp 06/28/2004 71. 105 Jen Butterfield 07/13/2004 76. 105 Jen Butterfield 10/01/2004 25.973. 118 Mike Sheppeard 10/01/2004 386. Total labor 004. Special Invoices Vendor Name Round Valley AFC Allied Builders Wade Surveying DMAC Allied Builders Salmon River Electric Sprint North Supply AFC Date Check # 07/09/2004 18168 277. 07/09/2004 18160 682. 07/09/2004 18155 2. 07/29/2004 18218 698. Total Meterials and Overhead ./ (895.00)Total Materials from Invoice18212~ .=---- iL~II!t Total Overhead from Invoice :t:t::~1~J~f 07/29/2004 08/06/2004 08/06/2004 08/06/2004 08/06/2004 51. Cost 18255 46.18267 42. 18266 609. ./ Total Materials and Overhead /" (41,512.20)Total Materials from Invoice18259_~~1t!1Total Overhead from Invoice 2;;;:2i~~ ~;j AFC HEAT EXCHANGERS 0810612004 CREDIT (10,357.66) FROM AFC AFC Challis Redi Mix Sprint North Supply AFC Sprint North Supply Round Valley Round Valley Allied Builders Robinson Electric, Ine AFC Kimble Oillne AFC AFC AFC AFC Total Special lnvolc88 Sales tax 95. Use Tax 36.6+4,19+25. Veh. Exp.21.49+2.15+2.71+55. Plow Exp. POAD 83,1+8.33+11.86+150. Freight 275, Misc. 08/26/2004 08/26/2004 09/03/2004 09/0312004 09/03/2004 09/09/2004 09/09/2004 09/09/2004 09/27/2004 09/27/2004 10/07/2004 10/07/2004 10/22/2004 11/19/2004 11/19/2004 Total Materials and Overhead (23.448.15)Total Materials from Invoice 18306 ' '. ~~~~~: jTotaIOverheadfromlnvoice 0J;~~~"'-- 18315 18354 348. 69. 18351 Total Materials and Overhead (1,584.00) Total Materials from Invoice ~~~714J!AijTotal Overhead from Invoice ...-- 18377 114. 18377 10, 18370 139. 18434 400.18422 70,18484 8. Total Materials and Overhead \3,502.40)Total Materials from Invoice 18476 lc/c" "~~~lTotal Overhead from Invoice ~,= Total Materials and Overheed 725.90) Total Materials from Invoice 18529 ,- '' ,---:~~_ i,~~Total Overhead from Invoice ~. , J;;j "'-- 18610 18610 930. 673. 080. 95. 66. 82. 253. 275. 859.Tot8IJabor and overhftd Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number r New ADSL 6X6 Heavy AFC Cards 12004-19P Total cost 503.071 772.871 Total overhead yes yes Individual assets/items:Quantity/F Unit material cost Total material Labor and Total unit cost Total cost ootage cost overhead allocated ADSL 6X6 Bilingual Hvy/Lite Let Pots Channel Unit 017 . 360. 105. 164. 371. 131. 079. 382. 476. 296. 378.269.503.462.772. Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee Name Date Payroll Hours Cost Total labor Special Invoices Vendor Name Cost Total Special Invoices Sales tax 496.496. Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. POAD Freight Misc. Total labor and overhead 503. -- - - 1 - - - - 1 0 0 - J- - - - AF C 3R S T 1 NE W IM O V A Z CW D M EQ U I P M E N T UN K F , " O M MA C I ~ A ' FJ , , :: ~ : : u 43 0 0 I SO I ' E T E q u i p " " " " EX I S T i N G CE N T R / ' L O F F I C E NE W B F O 9 B -- - - --- - - - ~ - - -- - - - . . ~ "" . "- "- . . ! ~ 1' - .. - - -- - - -- - - - -, . - . . E , j . "r . ; ) CIS C O I , -- - - - - LIN K FR O M FL ~ 1 5( ; / 1 5 0 I E x i s l i c 72 0 6 -- - , " " ,\ \ ~ ' " , ! O S 3 -- - j~ . . _ _. . Co u r t h o u s e MA C K A Y ,H u t ( MO V A Z F O R 2 0 0 4 $ 3 4 1 , 74 8 . AF C F O R 2 0 0 4 $ 9 1 , 29 1 . 5 5 FI B E R O P T I C C A B L E F O R 2 0 0 " $ 4 8 . 48 0 . TO T A L $ 49 7 , 18 7 . CH A l L I S B R O A D B A N D EQ U I P M E N T O. ~ -- - - -- . . . . . . . AR t ; / ' / F ; S T 1 . R5 T 2 , : . 1 $ 1 3 . FIB E R 0 0 - :1 ( P A T H 1; L E T f ! I J RS T 4 , R S T . 5 , ;;R E T e . -- - - + c- 3 ' ... . . R S T 7 cu - - - - - - - - - - - - .. m a . e 7 CH A L L I S TO C L A Y T O N li N K NE W FU J I T S U FW 4 0 1 0 MA H C O N : TN X - 11 0 J AT M SW I T C H FI B E R O C - 3 ( P A T H -" " " " " " ... . . . . . . .. . . . . ' - ... . . . . . .. . . , " PA T H 0 , FI B E R 0 ; " - CO P P E R D I S T R I B U T I O N F O R 2 1 M $ 1 6 , 13 8 . QM l L i S E X C H A N G E oc - : n c u Af l ! : LE T - : J Z -- - - -- - . . . / 2 R s n ZR 5 T 2 / 2 R S T J . 2" " , 5T 4 .i 2R S T o , 2 " , : 5 T 6 . \ 2 R s r r / -- - - - NE W AF C 2R S T 8 WI T H I N 12 K f t . OF R S T Ai' ( ~ : l" " ' , O C . \ ' " , \ ' \ " :.. . . .- - ' ;: : : : ; - - " " " ,.. . "" ' - DS L A G R E G A r . ~O N F O R :: ~ ~ : O N - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - , -- - - CH A L L I S TO C L x , r T O N HO S T I R E M O T E LIN K OC - 3 r q , \ N ! l . ' P O I H T O CL A Y T O N NE W MO V A Z DW D M EQ U I P M E N T LI N K TO S T A N L E Y Fu j i t s u Fla s h w " , ' e 4 3 0 0 I Ct A Y T O N E X C H A N G E Cl a y t o n C . O. / -- - - - ./ RS T 1 , R S T 2 , RS T 3 ' - AF C -- - + ( R S T ' 1 R S T 5 , R S T 6 , RS T 7 " - RS T 8 R S T 9 . RS T 1 0 . R S T ; I " R S T 1 2 -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - LE T 1 AF C LE T 2 -. . c: : = ~ OC - OC -