HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230821Supplemental Comments of the Commission Staff.pdfCLAIRE SHARP DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 37 PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0357 IDAHO BAR NO.8026 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF MILLENNIUM )NETWORKS,LLC'S NOTICE OF THE )CASE NO.MNL-T-23-01ACQUISITIONOFCERTAINASSETSOF)CTL-T-23-03 CTC TELECOM,INC.) )SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS )OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMMISSION STAFF ("STAFF")OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and throughits Attorneyof record,Claire Sharp,Deputy AttorneyGeneral,submits the following supplemental comments. BACKGROUND On May 26,2023,Millennium Networks,LLC,d/b/a Silver Star Communications ("Millennium"or "Company")filed a notice to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")of its acquisition of most of CTC Telecom,Inc's.("CTC")1 assets in Ada County,Idaho.Notice at 1. Millenium represented that it entered into an Agreement on April 19,2023,to acquire almost all the assets of CTC within Ada County.Petition at 1.CTC is a telecommunications 'CTC is the acronym used for CTC Telecom,Inc.in the Petition.The Commission uses CTL to identify CTC Telecom,Inc.for purposes of its case management software.For purposes of this Order,we will use CTC. STAFF COMMENTS l AUGUST 21,2023 company providingbasic local exchange telecommunication services in Idaho under CPCN No. 348.Id;see also Order No.28059.Millenium is a telecommunications company operating under CPCN No.494.Id.;see also Order No.31027. Millenium represented it acquired "telecommunications equipment and facilities, certain customer and vendor contracts and certain other rights and agreements between CTC and third parties or government agencies"under the Agreement.Petition at 1.Millenium stated it plans to offer local exchange services in and around Ada County and represented its existing CPCN allows for the provision of these services in the planned area.Id.at 2. On July 12,2023,Commission Order 35852 opened a new case for CTC (to be processed concurrentlywith Millennium's Petition),provided Notice of the Petition,established a July 27, 2023,public comment deadline and an August 4,2023,Company reply deadline. Since Order No.35852,Millennium and CTC (collectivelythe "Companies") independently reached out to the Commission Staff's Counsel and asked for additional time to respond to the discovery propounded by the Commission Staff ("Staff").In addition,CTC expressed concerns about the relevance of the information requested and wished to discuss those concerns with Staff. On July 27,2023,Staff filed its comments which were intended as interim comments due to incomplete discovery. On July 31,2023,Counsel for Staff,Staff,Millennium,and CTC discussed Staff's discovery request and the Companies'concerns.Staff's Counsel conferred with the Companies and proposed establishing new,supplemental comment and reply deadlines,to allow Staff to consider the additional information which will be filed in this case.Doing this would require establishing a supplemental deadline for public comments and a new deadline for the Companies'reply.Staff expected additional information from Millennium and CTC by August 3,2023. On August 1,2023,Staff presented a Decision Memorandum to the Commission explaining the need to modify comment and reply deadlines in this case.The Commission granted Staff's request to establish supplemental public comment and new Company reply deadlines. On August 2,2023,the Companies filed their responses to Staff interim comments.In their responses,they objected to Staff discovery requests on the ground that no Idaho code STAFF COMMENTS 2 AUGUST 21,2023 provides the Commission with the authority to review the asset sale.Additionally,the Companies contended that the Idaho Code $61-328 is whollyinapplicable to telecommunications companies. On August 9,2023,the Commission issued a Notice of Supplemental Comments Deadlines establishing supplementalpublic comment deadline of August 21,2023,and a new Companies'reply deadline of August 28,2023.see Order No.35879. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the Companies'objections to responding to production requests.Staff has also examined the Companies statutory obligations and Commission Orders associated with the processing of assets transfer cases.Staff believes that it is in the public interest that the Companies be compelled to respond to Staff production requests.The assets being transferred are used by the Companies to provide services to the customers.The full agreement that was entered into by the Companies on April 19,2023,is crucial for Staff to determine whether or not the transaction is in the public interest. Investment of Authority Pursuant to Idaho Code §61-501,the Commission has been vested with the power and jurisdiction to supervise and regulate every public utility in the State of Idaho.The Companies are public utility Companies providing utility services as defined in Idaho Code §61-121.Thus, as such,Staff have concluded that the Commission has jurisdiction over the business conduct of the Companies. The Idaho Code §62-622 provides that Competitive Local Exchange Carriers ("CLEC") services are not price regulated by the Commission.However,the Commission has the authority to determine the non-economic requirements for all telephone corporations providing basic local services,includingbut not limited to service qualitystandards,provision of access to carriers providing MTS,filing of price lists,customer notice,and customer relations rules.Additionally, the Commission has the authorityto resolve disputes between or among telephone corporation(s) and provider(s)of services exempted from regulation under Idaho Code §62-603(13)(Idaho Code §62-609)and to investigate and resolve complaints made by subscribers to STAFF COMMENTS 3 AUGUST 21,2023 telecommunications services which are subject to the provisions of Title 62 (Idaho Code §62- 616). It is based on this invested authoritythat the Commission issued the Companies with the Certificate of Public Convenience And Necessity (CPCN)certificates and also the Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("ETC")designation in the State of Idaho.CTC holds CPCN Certificate No.348 which was granted by Commission Order No.28059 in Case No.CTL-T-99- 01.CTC was designated an ETC by Commission Order No.30867 in Case No.CTL-T-09-01. Millennium,on the other hand,holds CPCN Certificate No.494 which was granted by Commission Order No.31027 in Case No.MNL-T-09-01. CPCN -ETC Pursuant to Idaho Code §61-528 and Commission Orders No.26665 and No.35126,one of the sine qua non conditions for the issuance of a CPCN certificate and the granting of the ETC status is that a company must submit financial data sufficient to establish it possesses adequate financial resources to provide the proposed services.These are assurances and descriptions of their financial qualifications to be able to provide services to their customers. The Companies provided those assurances and descriptions in their initial applications for CPCN certificates and ETC designation.This is why they are holders of both the CPCN certificates and CTC is a holder of the ETC status.Therefore,based on this,the Commission has authorityover the conduct of the companies. The sale of assets by CTC to Millenium,the movingout of the Ada County area by CTC, and the moving into the Ada County area by Millenium all constitute material changes that are different from what was initially declared in the Companies'applications for the CPCN certificates and ETC status.These material changes do require a Staff review so that records can be updated,verifications to compliance with CPCN and ETC requirements can be conducted and confirmed,and most importantlypublic interest issues can be addressed.The Companies' refusal to respond to Staff production requests does not assist Staff in this endeavor. STAFF COMMENTS 4 AUGUST 21,2023 Idaho Code §61-328 The examination of assets transfer transactions by Staff is usuallyconducted using Idaho Code §61-328 as a guide.Staff would usuallylook at:1)whether the transaction would follow the public interest,2)whether the cost of and rates for supplying service would be increased because of the transaction,and 3)whether the transferee has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain the system in the public service. In their filing responses,the Companies stated that Idaho Code §61-328 is wholly inapplicable to telecommunications companies,as this applies only to Electric Utilities. However,this argument does not align with the Commission's use of this code for evaluating the transfer of assets between public utilities.This is particularlythe case in water utilities.In Order No.34416 of Case No.BCS-W-19-01/DIA-W-19-01,the Commission stated that "The Commission has an established practice of evaluating the transfer of water systems under the criteria found in Idaho Code §61-328.Diamond Bar and Bar Circle are privatelyheld water companies and public utilities as defined in these laws."Order 34416 pg.4. Conclusion In sum,based on the material provided,the Idaho Statuses,and the Commission Orders, the Companies refusal to adequatelyrespond to Staff production requests hinders Staffs ability to express an opinion on the Asset Purchase Agreement,dated effective April 19,2023,that the Companies entered into and also to address the public interest issue. STAFF COMMENTS 5 AUGUST 21,2023 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes that it is in the public interest that the Companies be compelled to respond to Staff production requests.In particular,the full agreement that was entered into and the accounting treatment of the transaction are both crucial information for Staff to determine whether or not the transaction is in the public interest. Respectfullysubmitted this 21st day of August 2023 C .Claire Sh Deputy AttorneyGeneral Technical Staff:Johan Kalala-Kasanda i:umisc/connnents/mnlt23.l_ctlt23.3 supp comments STAFF COMMENTS 6 AUGUST 21,2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 21th DAY OF AUGUST 2023, SERVED THE FOREGOING SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO MILLENNIUM NETWORKS,LLC AND CTC TELECOM INC.,IN CASE NO.MNL-T-23-01/CTL-T-23-03,BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF,TO THE FOLLOWING: MICHELLE MOTZKUS RICHARD WIGGINS LEGAL &REG ADMIN CTC TELECOM,INC. MILLENNIUM NETWORKS LLC P.O.BOX 88 P.O.BOX 226 130 SUPERIOR STREET FREEDOM,WY 83120 CAMBRIDGE,ID 83610 E-MAIL:mamotzkus@silverstar.net E-MAIL:rwiggins@ctetele.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE