HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090713_2633.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER RED FORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:TJ GOLO DON HOWELL DATE:JULY 9, 2009 RE:A VISTA'S REQUEST FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL FARM ENERGY RATE ADJUSTMENT CREDIT TARIFF ADVICE NO. 28. On June 30, 2009, A vista Utilities filed a tariff advice requesting authority to modify its Tariff Schedule 59 - Residential and Small Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Credit. The Company s proposed revision of Schedule 59 reflects a rate adjustment related to the Residential Exchange Program (REP) benefits that A vista will receive from Bonneville Power Administration (BP A) as a result of a settlement dated June 23 , 2009. The settlement resolves the long-standing dispute A vista had with BP A over the "Deemer Account" under the 1981 Residential Exchange contracts. Settlement of the Deemer issue will increase the REP credit for Avista s customers beginning with BPA's fiscal year 2009 (October 1 2008 - September 30 2009). Avista reported that its share of the REP benefits applicable to Idaho s eligible residential and small farm customers is approximately $4.9 million. THE APPLICATION The increased Exchange credit to be received from BP A for FY 2009 is a result of the settlement agreement between Avista and BPA over the "Deemer" issue. Under the terms of the Settlement Record of Decision (ROD), Avista s deemer balance is reduced from $85.6 million to $55 million as ofFY 2002. This means that the $55 million deemer balance was extinguished in FY 2008 and Avista s only remaining liability to BPA is the alleged Lookback amount (currently pending appeal). DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -JUL Y 9, 2009 The current 0.057~ per kilowatt-hour rate Exchange credit was approved by this Commission effective November 1 2008. The current REP credit was based on an assumed level of payments from BPA of$2.35 million related to BPA's 2009 fiscal year. The settlement of the Deemer issue increases the REP benefit amount for the 2009 fiscal year to $8.9 million. Avista proposes that the existing REP credit be increased from 0.057~IkWh to 0.289~/kWh and be "passed through" to customers during the period of August 1 2009 through October 31 , 2010. The proposed rate credit is 0.232~/kWh more than the existing rate credit. Assuming that the Commission approves the stipulated rate increase in the rate case, the new REP credit ofO.289~/kWh will result in a net monthly decrease of$0., or a 0.99% decrease for a residential customer using 1 000 kWh per month. The actual decrease will vary based on customer usage. The proposed rate credit will have no effect on A vista s net income. The proposed rate credit would also reduce the Company s Idaho electric revenue by approximately $4.4 million. On November 7, 2008, Order No. 30672 in Case No. A VU-08-06 ordered that the Staff and the Company meet to resolve the inclusion ofuncollectibles and regulatory fees in the revenue conversion factor. Staff and Company have agreed to remove regulatory fees from the revenue conversion factor. The revenue conversion factor in the present filing only reflects uncollectibles. An adjustment to reflect the exclusion of regulatory fees of $1 393 from amortizations related to the credit rate that was made effective November 1 , 2008 was not made as the amount is deminimus and would be to the detriment of customers. STAFF REVIEW The Company submitted workpapers supporting the calculation of the REP credit. This filing reflects estimated payments for the 2009 and 2010 fiscal year. The total benefit amount applicable to Idaho s customer is approximately $4.9 million. The proposed rate credit is 0289~ per kilowatt-hour. The REP calculation starts with the benefit amount of $4 926 884 applicable to Idaho customers. A vista adjusted this amount to include: (1) the over-refunded balance at the end of the existing rate, July 31 , 2009; (2) August and September 2009 amortization at old rate; and (3) the revenue conversion factor of 0.997472, making the total amount ofREP credit 394 192. The conversion factor is the difference of revenue of 1.00 minus the uncollectible DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -JUL Y 9 2009 fees of 0.002528. The Company s projected kilowatt-hours for all qualifying residential and small farm customers during the period of August 1 , 2009 through October 31 , 2010 is 519 025 000 kilowatt-hours. The total credit amount is divided by the projected energy used to obtain the proposed credit amount ofO.289~/kWh. Staff believes the proposed credit amount of 289~/kWh is reasonable. The Company initially submitted the proposed tariff modifications to the Commission and requested it to be processed under Modified Procedure. However, Staff recommends that this filing be processed as a tariff advice under procedural Rule 134 because the rate adjustment is a "pass-through" credit from BPA. 16 U.C. 9839c(c)(3). Public comments will not affect the amount of REP credit. The Company has issued an individual notice to the customers. Staff believes that the proposed credit amount by the Company is accurate. Consequently, Staff asserts that processing this filing as a tariff advice is reasonable. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission approve the new tariff rate ofO.289~/kWh effective August 1 , 2009. Staff further recommends that this matter be treated as a tariff advice under Rule 134 to process the filing and "pass-through" the benefits of the REP credit to the customers in a timely manner. The Commission exercises no jurisdiction over the calculation of the total amount of REP credits. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve Avista s proposed 0.289~/kWh "pass-through" revision to its Tariff Schedule 59 - Residential and Small Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Credit with an effective date of August 1 , 20097 Don Howell u:dmemos/A VU electric service res and small farm energy rate adj DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -JULY 9, 2009