HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090713_2631.pdfTO: DECISION MEMORANDUM COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM:DON HOWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE:JULY 9, 2009 SUBJECT:STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS TO AMEND THE COMMISSION' UTILITY CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES (31.21.01) AND TO REPEAL THE COMMISSION'S UTILITY CUSTOMER INFORMATION RULES (31.21.02), DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0901. In this Decision Memorandum, Staff is recommending that the Commission move the last three substantive rules in the Commission s Utility Customer Information Rules (IDAPA 31.21.02) to the Commission s Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAP A 31.21.01). Last year the Commission moved Rules 102 and 105 from the Information Rules to the Commission Rules of Procedure (31.01.01). Moving the last three substantive rules would then allow the Commission to repeal the Customer Information Rules. Staff recommends moving Customer Information Rules 101 , 103 and 104 to the Utility Customer Relations Rules. Staff proposes that 101 be relocated to Rule 702; that Rule 103 be substituted for Rule 201.04; and Rule 104 be moved to Rule 208. The relocated rules are attached for your review. CO MMISSI ON D ECISI 0 N Does the Commission wish to move Rules 101 , 103 and 104 from the Customer Information Rules (31.21.02) to the Customer Relations Rules (31.21.01)?Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the transfer of the three rules? Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice that it proposes to repeal the Utility Customer Information Rules? Does the Commission wish to have its Notices published in the next AP A Bulletin? Don Howell Deputy Attorney General gdk/N:31-21O1-O901 Decision Memo DECISION MEMORANDUM IDAPA 31 TITLE 21 CHAPTER 01 31.21.01- CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES FOR GAS, ELECTRIC AND WATER UTILITIES REGULATED BY THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES CO MMISSI ON 201.ISSUANCE OF BILLS - CONTENTS OF BILLS (Rule 201). Bills shall be issued on a regular basis. Bills must contain the following information: 01.The Billing Date. (3-30-01) (7-93) 02.The Time Period Covered by the Bill.(7-93) 03.Metered Service Billing. If metered service is the basis for billing, the beginning and ending meter readings, where the bill is based on actual readings, or a clearly marked statement that the bill is estimated, if the meter was not actually read, and the quantity of service provided, when applicable.(7-93) 04.Billing Comparisons of Consumption Data. Comparisons of current and pre','ious consumptions, when required by IDi\.PA 1 93) !!:. Each gas and electric utility shall compare on each customer s regular billing the customer s actual consumption of gas or electricity with the customer s actual consumption of gas or electricity for the corresponding billing period in the previous year. If the billing periods being compared contain a different number of days, the utility shall adjust the data to take into account the different length of the billing periods and show the comparison as an absolute change in therm use or kilowatt hour use per day. Each water utility with more than five thousand (5,000) customers shall compare on each customer s regular billing the customer s actual consumption of water with the customer actual consumption of water for the corresponding billing period in the previous year. The usage comparison shall be expressed in gallons or cubic feet based upon total consumption for each billing period or average consumption per day during each billing period. 05.The Due Date of the Bill.(7-93) 06.Itemization of All Charges. An itemization of all charges, both recurring and 07.Any Amount Transferred from Another Account. (7-93) (7-93) nonrecurrmg. 08.Any Amounts Past Due.(7-93) 09.Payments or Credits. Any payments or credits applied to the customer s account since the last bill. 10.The Total Amount Due. (7-93) (7-93) 11.Address and Telephone Number. The mailing address and toll-free telephone number(s) available to customers in the service territory for answering billing inquiries. (3-30-01) (BREAK IN CONTINUITY OF SECTIONS) 208.DEGREE-DAY INFORMATION (Rule 208).L-1 Upon request, each gas and electric utility shall make degree-day adjusted data available to customers for comparisons of the kind made in Rule 201.04.L-1 209 299.(RESERVED). (BREAK IN CONTINUITY OF SECTIONS) 702.EXPLANATION OF RATE SCHEDULE (RULE 702).L-J Each gas, electric, and water utility shall transmit annually to each of its customers and give to each new customer at the time of initiation of service a clear and concise explanation of the existing rate schedule for the class of services selected by that customer. 703.999.(RESERVED).