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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130408Application.pdfCommunications
805 Central Expressway South
Suite 200
April 4, 2013 Allen, Texas 75013
Phone 972-908-4415
Fax 214-383-2737
Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0074 CI—C--r-173 -01
Dear Ms. Jewell:
Attached for filing and approval are one original plus three copies of an interconnection
agreement between Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho and. Ednetics, Inc.
Please call me at (972) 908-4415 if you have any questions.
Kim Douglass
Compliance - Regulatory Affairs
7U13 APR -8 PH 12: 12
Agreement Number: 1 3-edneticctcid-OO1
Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho
Generic Agreement Page 1
Version: 03114/12
Agreement Number: 13-edneticctcid-001
Table of Contents
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Agreement Number: 13-edneticctcid-001
This Agreement For Local Interconnection ("Agreement") made this J .. day of fJ)4, 2013, is by and
between Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho, a Delaware corporation, having its principal
place of business at 180 South Clinton Avenue, Rochester, New York 14646 ("Frontier") and Ednetics,
Inc., an Idaho corporation, having its principal place of business at 971 South Clearwater Loop, Suite 1000,
Post Falls, Idaho 83854 ("Carrier"). Frontier and Carrier may also be referred to herein singularly as a
"Party" or collectively as "the Parties".
Frontier is a telecommunications company authorized to provide telecommunications services in the
State of Idaho; and
Carrier is a telecommunications company authorized by the Commission to provide local exchange
telecommunications services In the State of Idaho; and
The Parties have in good faith negotiated, and agreed on local Interconnection terms and conditions as
set forth below; and
In consideration of the mutual provisions contained herein and other good and valuable consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Carrier and Frontier hereby covenant and
agree as follows:
Except as otherwise specified herein, the following definitions will apply to all sections contained in this
Agreement. Additional definitions that are specific to the matters covered Ina particular section may
appear in that section.
2.1. Access Service is a service that connects interexchange carriers to their End Users located
within a local access and transport area (LATA). Access service is used in originating and terminating
intraLATA/interLATA toll telecommunications.
2.2. Access Service Request (ASR) means the industry standard forms and supporting
documentation used for ordering Access Services. The ASR will be used toldentify the specific trunking
and facilities request for Interconnection.
2.3. Act means the Telecommunications Act of 1934, as amended from time to time.
2.4. Automatic Number Identification (ANI) refers to the number transmitted through the network
identifying the calling party.
2.5. CLLI Codes means Common Language Location Identifier Codes
2.6 Commission means the governing state regulatory commission, board or authority (PSC, PUG,
2.7. Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) means a telephone company certified by the
Commission, for Frontier's franchised area, to provide local exchange service within Frontier's franchised
area, and which has a Local Exchange Carrier Tariff approved by the Commission.
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2.8. .Q1. is a digital signal rate of 1.544 Megabits per second ("Mbps").
2.9. P82 is a digital signal rate of 44.736 Mbps.
2.10 End Use means the ultimate user or consumer of the telecommunications services being sold or
resold by either Party.
2.11 End User Location means the physical location of the premises where an End User makes use of
the telecommunications services.
2.12 End User Of Record means the entity responsible for placing orders or requests for service;
requesting additions, rearrangements, maintenance or discontinuance of service, and making payment in
full of charges incurred such as toll, directory assistance, etc.
2.13 Enhanced Services shall refer to services, offered over common carrier
transmission facilities, which employ computer processing applications that act on the format, content,
code, protocol or similar aspects of the subscriber's transmitted information; provide the subscriber
additional, different, or restructured information; or involve subscriber interaction with stored information.
In addition and with out limiting the foregoing, Internet, information services, voicemail, and so-called
"chat line" services are Enhanced Services, of which the voice or TDM component both originates and
terminates within the local calling area as defined by Citizens tariffs, lithe voice or 1DM component
does not both originate and terminate within such local calling area, the traffic shall not be covered by
this Agreement and shall be subject to interstate or intrastate access tariffs depending on the geographic
points of voice or TDM origination and termination.
2.14 Exchange Message Interface (EMI) is the standard used for exchange of telecommunications
message information between telecommunications providers for billable, non-billable, sample, settlement
and study data. EMI format is contained in ATIS/OBF-EMI-01 6, an Alliance of Telecommunications
Industry Solutions (AIlS) document, which defines industry standards for exchange message records.
2.15 Interconnection in this Agreement is as defined in the Act.
2.16 Internet Service Provider (lSP Bound Traffic means traffic delivered by a local exchange
carrier, indirectly or directly, to a provider of Internet Services, of which the voice or 1DM component
both originates and terminates within the local calling area as defined by Citizens tariffs, lithe voice or
1DM component does not both originate and terminate within such local calling area, the traffic shall not
be covered by this Agreement and shall be subject to interstate or intrastate access tariffs depending on
the geographic points of voice or TOM origination and termination.
2.17 Local Exchanae Routing Guide (LERG) is Telcordia reference document used by carriers to
identify NPA-NXX routing and homing information as well as network element and equipment
2.18 Local Traffic shall refer to calls originated by one Party's End Users and terminated to the other
Party's End Users within the local exchange area or extended area service toll free calling area as
defined in Frontier's tariffs. Local calls must be actually originated by and actually terminated to parties
physically located within the same local calling area regardless of the NXX assigned to the calling and
called parties.
2.19 Local Service Provider Guide (the "Guide") means the document provided to Carrier by Frontier,
included by reference herein, which outlines the process and procedures for ordering and maintaining
carrier services. This document maybe updated from time to time by Frontier. This document Is to be
used as reference only and is not a part of this agreement.
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2.20 Network Interface Device (NID) is a device that connects the inside wire at the End User
Location to a telephone network.
2.21 Point of Interconnection (P01) means the physical location(s) at which the Parties' networks meet
for the purpose of exchanging Local Traffic.
2.22 Reciprocal Compensation is as Described in the Act.
2.23 Transit Service is the delivery of certain traffic between Carrier and a third party ILEC, CLEC or
CMRS provider by Frontier over a separate trunk group between Carrier and Frontier where appropriate
trunks exist between Carrier and third party through Frontier's tandem. The following traffic types will be
delivered: (I) Local Traffic originated from Carrier to such third-party and (ii) Local Traffic originated from
such third-party to Frontier's tandem and terminated to Carrier.
2.24 A Wire Center Is the location of one or more local switching systems, a point at which End Users'
loops converge.
2.25 VNXX Traffic The Parties will not pay reciprocal compensation on traffic, including Enhanced
Services traffic, when the traffic does not originate and terminate within the same Frontier Local Calling
Area, regardless of the calling and called NPA-NXXs and, specifically, regardless of whether an End
User Customer is assigned an NPA-NXX associated with a rate center that is different from the rate
center where the End User Customer is physically located. This traffic is also known as "VNXX traffic."
Frontier's agreement to the terms in this paragraph Is without waiver or prejudice to Frontier's position is
that it has never agreed to exchange VNXX traffic with Carrier.
3.1 Frontier may, in order to safeguard its interest, require Carrier to make a deposit to be held by
Frontier as a guarantee of the payment of rates and charges, unless satisfactory credit has already been
established. Any such deposit may be held during the continuance of the service as security for the
payment of any and all amounts accruing for the service. A deposit will be returned with interest, at the
Commission prescribed deposit rate, if and when Carrier pays its undisputed bills on time for 24
consecutive months.
3.2 Such deposit may not exceed two (2) months' estimated billing.
3.3 The fact that a deposit has been made in no way relieves Carrier from complying with Frontier's
regulations as to advance payments and the prompt payment of bills on presentation nor, does it
constitute a waiver or modification of the regular practices of Frontier providing for the discontinuance of
service for non-payment of any sums due Frontier.
3.4 Frontier reserves the right to increase the deposit requirements when, In its sole judgment, the
conditions justify such action; such conditions include but are not limited to: current deposit does not
cover two (2) months billing, history of late payment, or reconnection after disconnection for non-
payment, or a significant probability of a bankruptcy filing by Carrier.
3.5 In the event that Carrier defaults on its account, service to Carrier will be terminated and any
deposits held will be applied to its account.
4.1 Carrier must provide the appropriate Frontier representative the necessary documentation to
enable Frontier to establish a master account for Carrier. Such documentation will include a completed
Carrier Master Account Questionnaire, proof of authority to provide telecommunications services within
Frontier territory, proof that tariffs are on file and approved by the applicable Commission, and a tax
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exemption certificate, if applicable. Frontier will have no obligation to begin taking orders for service
until after the necessary documents have been provided to Frontier, and the necessary deposit
requirements are met.
5.1 Carrier will be the End User of Record for all services purchased from Frontier. Except as
otherwise specified herein, Frontier will only take orders from, bill and expect payment from Carrier for
all services. Carrier will be Frontier's single point of contact for all services purchased pursuant to this
5.2 Frontier will continue to bill the End User for any services that the End User specifies it wishes to
receive directly from Frontier.
5.3 Frontier maintains the right to actively market and serve directly any End User within Frontier's
serving area. Frontier will continue to directly market its own telecommunications products and services
and in doing so may establish independent relationships with End Users of Carrier.
5.4 Service is furnished subject to the condition that it will not be used for any unlawful purpose.
Frontier may refuse to provide service to Carrier when it has reasonable grounds to believe that service
will be used in violation of the law.
5.5 Service will be discontinued by Frontier if any law enforcement agency advises that the service
is being used in violation of the law.
5.6 Frontier may refuse to provide service to Carrier when it has reasonable grounds to believe that
service will jeopardize the reliability or efficiency of Frontier's network or interferes with or prevents other
persons from using their service, or otherwise impairs the quality of service to other carriers or to End
5.7 Carrier will be the single point of contact with Frontier for all subsequent ordering activity
resulting in additions or changes to services except that Frontier will accept a request directly from the
End User for conversion of the End User's service from Carrier to Frontier or will accept a request from
another Carrier for conversion of the End User's service from the Carrier to the other Carrier.
6.1 Coordination of Transfer of Service. To serve the public interest of End Users, the Parties agree
that, when an End User transfers service from one Party to the other Party, it is necessary for the Parties
to coordinate the timing for disconnection from one Party and connection with the other Party so that
transferring End Users are not without service for any extended period of time. Other coordinated
activities associated with transfer of service will be coordinated between the Parties to ensure quality
services to the public.
6.2 Procedures for Coordinated Transfer of Service Activities. The Parties agree to establish
mutually acceptable, reasonable, and efficient transfer of service procedures that utilize the industry
standard LSR format for the exchange of necessary information for coordination of service transfers
between the Parties. Frontier may describe some of these procedures in its Guide. Reference to Frontier
Guide is for convenience of the Parties and is not intended to be a part of or to affect the meaning of this
Agreement, including, but not limited to, provisions with respect to implementation of the cooperative
coordination of transfer of service activities described herein. If any provision contained in this
Agreement and the Guide cannot be reasonably construed or interpreted to avoid conflict, the provision
contained in this Agreement shall apply.
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6.3 Coordinated Transfer of Service Activities. There will be no premium charges between the
Parties or compensation provided by one Party to the other Party for the coordinated transfer of service
activities between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday excluding holidays. Frontier
may charge Carrier for the coordinated transfer of service activities scheduled outside of the specified
hours in accordance with Frontier's tariff.
6.4 Letter of Authorization. Each Party is responsible for obtaining a Letter of Authorization (LOA)
from each End User initiating transfer of service from one Party to the other Party if necessary. The
Party obtaining the LOA from the End User will furnish it to the other Party upon request. The Party
obtaining the LOA is required to maintain the original document, for a minimum of twenty-four (24)
months from the date of signature. If there is a conflict between an End User and Carrier regarding the
disconnection or provision of services, Frontier will honor the latest dated Letter of Authorization. If the
End User's service has not been disconnected and services have not yet been established, Carrier will
be responsible to pay the applicable service order charge for any order it has placed. If the End User's
service has been disconnected and the End User's service is to be restored with Frontier, Carrier will be
responsible to pay the applicable nonrecurring charges as set forth in Frontier applicable tariff to restore
the End User's prior service with Frontier.
6.5 Transfer of Service Announcement. Where an End User changes service from one Party to the
other Party and the End User does not retain his or her original telephone number, the Party formerly
providing service to the End User will provide a transfer of service announcement, where transfer of
service announcement capability Is available, on the vacated telephone number. This announcement
will provide details regarding the new number that must be dialed to reach this End User. The service
announcement will be provided, where available, by the Party formerly providing service to the extent
and at the price specified In the applicable Frontier tariff.
6.6 Disconnect and Transfer of Service Announcement Coordination for Service Transfers with
Chance of Number. When an End User changes service from one Party to the other Party and the End
User does not retain his or her original telephone number, the Party from which the End User is
transferring will honor requests for disconnection and service announcement initiation, where available,
from the Party to which the End User is transferring. The Party to which the End User is transferring
service will provide to the other Party the End User's name, address, current telephone number, new
telephone number, and date service should be transferred using the industry standard LSR format. The
Party from which the End User is transferring will coordinate with the other Party the disconnection and
service announcement initiation to coincide with the service transfer request date. The service
announcement where available will be provided on the vacant number upon disconnect coinciding with
the service transfer date. The Parties agree that the installation date will precede the disconnection date.
6.7 Disconnect and Coordination of Number Portability for Service Transfers without Chance of -
Number. When an End User changes service from one Party to the other Party and the End User retains
his or her original telephone number(s), the Party from which the End User is transferring will honor
requests for disconnection and local number portability, where available, from the Party to which the End
User is transferring. The Party to which the End User is transferring will provide the other Party the End
User's name, address, current telephone number, and the Location Routing Number (LAN) for LNP, and
the date service should be transferred using the industry standard LSR format. With LNP, the Parties
will coordinate the disconnection, the connection, and number portability activities in accordance with the
North American Numbering Council (NANC) flows.
6.8 Combined Transfer of Service Recuests. Each Party will accept transfer of service requests
from the other Party for one End User that includes multiple requests for transfers where the End User
will retain one or more telephone numbers.
6.9 Bulk Reauests for Transfer of Service. From time to time, either Party may benefit from the
transfer of service for groups. The Parties agree to process bulk transfer of service requests for End
Users having the same billing account number.
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6.10 Access to the Network Interlace Device (NlD. Each Party will allow the other Party access to
the End User side of the NID consistent with FCC rules. The Party to which the End User Is transferring
service may move all inside wire from the other Party's existing NID to one provided by the Party to
which the End User is transferring service. Where a NID is of the type which provides for End User
access to one side of the NID, the Party to which the End User is transferring service may elect to
remove the inside wire at the connection(s) within the End User side of the MD. Where a NID is of an
older type not allowing access to the End User side of the NID, the Party to which the End User is
transferring service must make a clean cut of the inside wire at the closest point to the NID.
6.11 Expedited Order Charge. Expedited order requests will be accepted where reasonable and
practical but will be assessed an expedited order charge; The expedited order charges are listed in
Attachment 7, Pricing.
6.12 Service Date Modificationsl Carrier Not Ready. Carrier may request a change in due date at
least 24 hours prior to the originally scheduled due date. Supplemental charges will apply when a
request for a new due date is received after the LSR has been confirmed via firm order commitment
(FOC). Supplemental order charges are listed in Attachment 7, Pricing. Alternate workforce is required
when an increase in the complexity of the service order results in a higher per hour rate. If the new
service date is changed to an earlier date, than expedited order charges will apply. If the request for
modification to the service date occurs within twenty-four (24) hours of the scheduled due date, Carrier
will be subject to charges for work and labor-related expenses already completed. If the due date
change is requested due to a class of service change, additional and/or alternate workforce may be
required and associated charges Will apply. These charges will apply on a per occurrence basis.
7.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Section, and the reasonable security requirements of
each Party and except as may be otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, each Party (the
"Auditing Party") may audit the other Party's (the "Audited Party") books, records and other documents
that relate solely to the Parties' billing to the other Party under this Agreement and to the Identification of
traffic subject to this Agreement, once each year at the conclusion of each calendar year, In order
evaluate the accuracy of such other Party's billing and invoicing. The Parties may employ other persons
or firms for this purpose. Such audits shall take place at a time and place agreed to by the Parties no
later than thirty (30) days after notice thereof to such other Party.
7.2 Each Audited Party shall use reasonable efforts to promptly correct any billing error that is
revealed in an audit, including reimbursing any overpayment in the form of a credit to the Auditing Party
on the invoice for the first full billing cycle after the Parties have agreed upon the accuracy of the audit
results. Any disputes concerning audit results shall be resolved pursuant to the Dispute Resolution
Section of the General Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.
7.3 Each Audited Party shall cooperate fully in any such audit, providing reasonable access to any
such auditors, providing reasonable access to any and all appropriate employees and relevant books,
records and other documents reasonably necessary to assess the accuracy of its bills.
7.4 Each Auditing Party may perform a single additional audit of the Audited Party's relevant books,
records and documents during any calendar year if the previous audit uncovered incorrect net variances
or errors in invoices in favor of the Audited Party having an aggregate value of no less than five percent
(5%) of the total amount payable by the Auditing Party during the period covered by the audit.
7.5 All audits shall be conducted at the sole cost and expense of the Auditing Party.
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7.6 Upon (I) the discovery by either Party of the overcharges not previously reimbursed to the other
Party or (ii) the resolution of disputed audits, each Party shall promptly reimburse to the Party thereto the
amount of any overpayment together with interest thereon at a rate of 0.5% per month.
The Parties agree that in the event of a default or any other dispute arising hereunder or in connection
herewith, the aggrieved Party shall first discuss the default or dispute with the other Party and seek
resolution prior to taking any action before any court or regulator or before authorizing any public
statement about or disclosure of the nature of the dispute to any third party. In the event that the Parties
are unable to resolve a default or other dispute, the Parties shall then submit the matter to the
Commission or another mutually agreed upon mediator for non-binding mediation. If mediation is
unsuccessful, recourse may be had by either Party to the Commission, if it has jurisdiction over the
breach or dispute or to an appropriate court having jurisdiction over the Parties and the dispute. Each
Party shall bear the cost of preparing and presenting its case through all phases of the dispute resolution
procedure herein described.
If the performance of the Agreement, or any obligation hereunder is prevented, restricted or interfered
with by reason of any of the following:
9.1 Fire, explosion, flood, earthquake, hurricane, cyclone, tornado, storm, epidemic, breakdown of
plant or power failure;
9.2 War, revolution, civil commotion, acts of public enemies, terrorism, blockade or embargo;
9.3 Any law, order, proclamation, regulation, ordinance, demand or requirement of any government
or any subdivision, authority, or representative of any such government;
9.4 Labor difficulties, such as strikes, picketing or boycotts;
9.5 Delays caused by other service or equipment vendors;
9.6 Any other circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the Party affected;
then the Party affected, upon giving notice to the other Party, will be excused from such performance on
a day-for-day basis to the extent of such prevention, restriction, or interference (and the other Party will
likewise be excused from performance of its obligations on a performance so prevented, restricted or
interfered with); provided that the Party so affected will use reasonable efforts to avoid or remove such
causes of nonperformance and both Parties will proceed to perform with dispatch whenever such causes
are removed or cease.
10.1 This Agreement, and any amendment or modification hereof, will be submitted to the
Commission for approval in accordance with Section 252 of the Act. In the event any governmental
authority or agency of competent jurisdiction rejects any provision hereof, the Parties shall negotiate
promptly and in good faith such revisions as may reasonably be required to achieve approval.
10.2 In the event the FCC or the Commission promulgates rules or regulations, rates or issues orders,
or a court with appropriate jurisdiction issues orders, which make unlawful or changes the intent of any
provision of this Agreement, the Parties shall negotiate promptly and In good faith in order to amend the
Agreement to substitute contract provisions which are consistent with such rules, regulations or orders.
In the event the Parties cannot agree on an amendment within thirty (30) days from the date any such
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rules, regulations or orders become effective, then the Parties shall resolve their dispute under the
applicable procedures set forth in the Dispute Resolution Section of this Agreement.
10.3 The Parties acknowledge that terms of this Agreement were established pursuant to FCC and
Commission orders. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed an admission by the Parties regarding
the interpretation or effect of these rules or orders or an admission by either party that the existing rules
or order shall not be changed, vacated dismissed or modified.
10.4 The Parties jointly agree to cooperate In the filing of this Interconnection Agreement and share
equally the expenses associated with obtaining Commission approval.
This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding and supersedes prior agreements between the Parties
relating to the subject matter contained herein and merges all prior discussions between them, and neither
Party will be bound by any definition, condition, provision, representation, warranty, covenant or promise
other than as expressly stated in this Agreement or as is contemporaneously or subsequently set forth in
writing and executed by a duly authorized officer or representative of the Party to be bound thereby.
12.1 This Agreement will become effective upon the first business day following the date this
Agreement has been approved by the Commission and will continue for a period of one (1) year unless
terminated earlier under the conditions set forth herein. This Agreement will be automatically renewed
for successive periods of six (6) months after the initial term unless either Party provides the other Party
with no less than ninety (90) day's prior, written notification of, in the case of Frontier, its intent to
terminate this Agreement, or, In the case of either Party, its desire to renegotiate at the end of the initial
or any successive period. If Carrier does not respond to Frontier's written notification of the intent to
terminate the Agreement prior to the expiration of the Agreement term, the Agreement will terminate and
not renew at the end of the Agreement term. Either Party may send a request to renegotiate this
Agreement upon its termination and the Parties intend that the negotiation and arbitration processes of
the Act will be applicable to such a request. The date of the notice to negotiate a successor agreement
will be the starting point for the negotiation window under Section 252 of the Act. The Parties intend that
a renegotiated or arbitrated Agreement will be effective as of the date of termination of this Agreement
and any new negotiated or arbitrated rates will be subject to true-up as of the termination date of this
12.2 Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement each Party shall promptly pay all amounts
(including any late payment charges) owed under this Agreement.
12.3 Termination upon Ordering and Implementation Inactivity. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained herein, Frontier may terminate this Agreement in the event Carrier has not (a) placed
any initial orders for any of the services to be provided pursuant to this Agreement and (b) implemented
any said services to Carrier customers within one (1) year from the Effective Date of this Agreement.
13.1 Carrier will carry or cause to be carried the following insurance coverage which will be paid for and
maintained at all times during the term of this Agreement. Such coverage will be provided through an
insurance provider with an A.M. Best financial rating of "A" or better. Frontier shall be named as an
additional insured on all applicable policies as specified below except for Workers' Compensation.
(i) Commercial General Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of liability of $2,000,000.00
combined single limit for each occurrence for bodily injury including death, and property damage.
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Such coverage under the Contractual Liability section will be broad enough to cover the terms
and conditions of the Indemnification clause included with this Agreement. Coverage for
explosion collapse and underground ("x, c, U") will be included.
(ii)Business Automobile Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of liability of $2,000,000.00
combined single limit for each occurrence for bodily injury, including death, and property
damage, covering any automobile used and or operated by, or on behalf of the Carrier on
Frontier's Real Property.
(iii)Workers Compensation Insurance with statutory limits and Employer's Liability Insurance
with limits of $500,000 each accident, $500,000 disease - each employee, $500,000 disease -
policy limit.
(iv)Excess Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of $10,000,000. The limit of liability under
this Insurance may be increased accordingly to satisfy the minimum limit requirements under the
Commercial General Liability, Business Automobile Liability and Employer's Liability Insurances.
(v)Property Insurance in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of replacing Carrier's Equipment
on Frontier's property or located at or used at Frontier's facility. Such insurance policy will
provide that the insurance company will waive all rights of recovery by way of subrogation
against Frontier in connection with any damage covered by the policy.
(vi)Upon the commencement of this Agreement and upon renewal of any policy referenced,
satisfaOtory evidence of compliance with such Insurance requirements will be issued to the
Frontier. The insurance companies referenced on such evidence will give the Licensor at least
thirty (30) days advance written notice of any material change to, and/or cancellation of any of
the policies referenced in such evidence.
(vii)All Insurance must be in effect on or before the occupancy date and shall remain in force as
long as Carrier's facilities remain within any spaces governed by this Agreement. If Carrier fails
to maintain the coverage, Frontier may pay the premiums thereon and Carrier shall reimburse
Frontier for such payments.
(viii)Carrier shall present a certificate of insurance reflecting the coverage specified in 6. 1.1 (a),
(b), (c), (d) and (e) above prior to the commencement of the work called for in the Agreement.
Carrier shall arrange for Frontier to receive thirty (30) days advance notice of cancellation from
its insurance companies.
(ix)Failure to comply with the provisions of this Section will be deemed a material breach of this
No provision of this Agreement shall be deemed waived, amended or modified by either Party unless
such a waiver, amendment or modification is in writing, dated, and signed by both Parties.
15.1 No waiver of any provisions of this Agreement and no consent to any default under this
Agreement shall be effective unless the same shall be in writing and property executed by or on behalf of
the Party against whom such waiver or consent is claimed.
15.2 No course of dealing or failure of any Party to strictly enforce any term, right, or condition of this
Agreement in any Instance shall be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment of such term, right
or condition.
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15.3 Waiver by either Party of any default by the other Party shall not be deemed a waiver of any
other default.
Each Party agrees that it will perform its obligations hereunder as an independent contractor and not as the
agent, employee, or servant of the other Party. Neither Party nor any personnel furnished by such Party will be
deemed an employee or agent of the other Party nor be entitled to any benefits available under any plans for
such other Party's employees. Each Party will at all times during the term of this Agreement retain full control
of the employment, direction, compensation and discharge of all employees as is consistent with and
necessary to preserve its independent contractor status. Each Party will be solely responsible for all matters
relating to payment of its employees Including compliance with social security taxes, withholding taxes,
worker's compensation, disability and unemployment insurance, and all other regulations governing such
17.1 Each Party's liability to the other Party for any loss relating to or arising out of any act or
omission in its performance under this Agreement, whether in contract, warranty, strict liability, or tort,
including (without limitation) negligence of any kind, shall be limited to the total amount that is or would
have been charged to the other Party by such breaching Party for the service(s) or function(s) not
performed or improperly performed.
17.3 No liability shall attach to either Party, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, servants or
employees for damages arising from errors, mistakes, omissions, interruptions, or delays in the course of
establishing, furnishing, rearranging, moving, termination, changing, or providing or failing to provide
services or facilities (including the obtaining or furnishing of information with respect thereof or with
respect to users of the services or facilities) in the absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct.
18.1 Each Party will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other Party from any liabilities, claims
or demands (including the costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees on account thereof) that may
be made by third parties for (a) personal injuries, Including death, or (b) damage to tangible property
resulting from the sole negligence and/or sole willful misconduct of that Party, its employees or agents in
the performance of this Agreement. Each Party will defend the other at the other's request against any
such liability, claim, or demand. Each Party will notify the other promptly of written claims or demands
against such Party of which the other Party is solely responsible hereunder.
18.2 Each Party will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other Party and/or acquire any license
or right for the benefit of the other Party, arising from any claim, demand or proceeding (hereinafter
"Claim") by any third party alleging or asserting that the use of any circuit, apparatus, or system, or other
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facilities, or the use of any software, or the performance of any service or method, or the provision or use
of any facilities by either Frontiers or Carrier under this Agreement constitutes direct or contributory
infringement, or misuse or misappropriation of any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, or any
other proprietary or intellectual property right of any third party. Each Party's indemnification obligation
will be to the extent of infringement by the indemnifying Party
18.3 The Indemnified Party will notify the indemnifying Party promptly in writing of any claims,
lawsuits, or demands by third Parties for which the indemnified Party alleges that the indemnifying Party
is responsible under this Section and if requested by the indemnifying Party, shall tender the defense of
such claim, lawsuit or demand.
(1)In the event the indemnifying Party does not promptly assume or diligently pursue the
defense of the tendered action, then the indemnified Party may proceed to defend or
settle said action and the indemnifying Party shall hold harmless the indemnified Party
from any loss, Cost, liability, damage and expense.
(2)In the event the Party otherwise entitled to indemnification from the other elects to
decline such indemnification, then the Party making such an election may, at its own
expense, assume defense and settlement of the claim, lawsuit or demand.
(3)The Parties will cooperate in every reasonable manner with the defense or settlement
of any claim, demand, or lawsuit.
18.4 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, in the case of claims or loss alleged or
incurred by an End User Customer of Carrier arising out of or in connection with services provided to the
End User Customer by Carrier, Carrier shall defend and Indemnify Frontier and its officers, directors,
employees and agents against any and all such claims or loss by Carrier's End User Customers.
19.2 It is the express intent of the Parties that each Party be solely responsible for all claims of its End
Users, including, without limitation, any credits or adjustments that may be issued or required to be
issued to its End Users.
Any assignment or delegation by either Party to any non-affiliated entity or to any affiliated entity that is
not certificated as a local exchange Carrier of any right, obligation or duty, or of any other interest
hereunder, In whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other Party shalt be void. A Party
assigning or delegating this Agreement or any right, obligation, duty or other interest hereunder to an
affiliate that is certificated as a local exchange Carrier shall provide written notice to the other Party. All
obligations and duties of any Party under this Agreement shalt be binding on all successors in interest
and assigns of such Party. No assignment or delegation hereof shall relieve the assignor of its
obligations under this Agreement.
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This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Act, the FCC's Rules and
Regulations, and the Commission Rules and Regulations, except insofar as state law may control any
aspect of this Agreement, in which case the domestic laws of the state, without regard to its conflicts of
laws principles, shalt govern.
Subject to Section 10, Regulatory Approval, if any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid for any
reason, such invalidity will affect only the portion of this Agreement, which Is invalid. In all other respects
this Agreement will stand as if such invalid provision had not been a part thereof, and the remainder of
the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
23.1 Nothing herein contained shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint venture by or between
the Parties.
23.2 The provisions of this Agreement are for the benefit of the Parties and not for any other Person.
This Agreement will not provide any Person not a Party to this Agreement with any remedy, claim,
liability, reimbursement, claim of action, or other right in excess of those existing by reference In this
24.1 In consideration of the services provided by Frontier under this Agreement, Carrier shall pay the
charges set forth in this Agreement and in applicable tariffs. In consideration of the services provided by
Carrier under this Agreement, Frontier shalt pay the charges set forth in this Agreement. Invoices with
charges set forth in this Agreement and in applicable tariffs shall be sent to:
Susan Lamb
Regulatory Compliance
Ednetics, Inc.
971 S. Clearwater Loop, Suite 1000
Post Falls, ID 83854
Telephone: 208-619-2679
Fax: 208-619-4161
Frontier Communications
Attention: Access Billing
P.O. Box 92713
Rochester, NY 14692
24.2 A monthly billing statement with a consistent, regular bill date shall be prepared by each Party
and will reflect the calculation for amounts due under this Agreement. All bills dated as set forth above
will be due thirty (30) days after the bill date or by the next bill date (i.e., the same date in the following
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month as the bill date), whichever is the shortest interval, except as provided herein, and are payable in
immediately available funds. If such payment date would cause payment to be due on a Saturday,
Sunday or Legal Holiday, payment for such bills will be due on the last business day preceding the
Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday. When a bill has been delayed, the due date will be extended by the
number of days the bill was delayed, upon request of the receiving Party.
24.3 Billing: The Parties agree that disputed and undisputed amounts due under this Agreement shall
be handled as follows:
24.3.1 It any portion of an amount due to a Party (the "Billing Party") under this
Agreement is subject to a bona fide dispute between the Parties, the Party billed (the Billed
Party) shall within thirty (30) days of its receipt of the invoice containing such a disputed amount
give written notice to the Billing Party of the amount it disputes ("Disputed Amounts") and include
in such notice the specific details and reasons for disputing each item. The Billed Party shall pay
when due all undisputed amounts to the Billing Party, and shall include a copy of the dispute with
the payment of the undisputed amount.
24.3.2 In the event that a billing dispute is resolved in favor of the Billed Party, any payment of
the disputed amount withheld pending settlement of the dispute shall not be subject to the late
payment penalty.
24.3.3 In the event that a billing dispute is resolved in favor of the Billing Party, any payments
withheld pending settlement of the dispute will be subject to the late payment penalty as set forth
24.3.4 Undisputed amounts shall be paid when due as set forth in Section 24.2 above. If any
payment or portion thereof is either received by the Billing Party in funds that are not
immediately available to the Billing Party or not received by the bill due date, a late payment
penalty shall be due to the Billing Party. The late payment penalty shall be 1.5% per month or
18% annually, or the maximum allowed by law, whichever is less.
24.4 Both Parties shall use the Dispute Resolutions procedures as described herein.
25.1 In the event of breach of any material provision of this Agreement by either Party, the non
breaching Party shall give the other Party written notice thereof, and:
25.1.1 If such material breach is for non-payment of amounts due hereunder, the breaching
Party shall cure such breach within ten (10) days of receiving such notice. The non-breaching
Party shall be entitled to pursue all available legal and equitable remedies for such breach.
Amounts disputed in good faith and withheld or set off shall not be deemed "amounts due
hereunder" for the purpose of this provision. Neither Party shall withhold or set off undisputed
In addition, if such material breach is for non-payment of amounts due hereunder and
such amounts have not been disputed, the non-breaching Party may:
(1)refuse additional applications for any service provided under this
(2)refuse to complete any pending orders for additional services any
time thereafter, and/or;
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(3) on thirty (30) days' written notice by overnight delivery or certified
U.S. mail, with a copy to the Commission, to the person designated to
receive such notice, discontinue the provision of existing services at any
time thereafter.
25.1.2 If the non-breaching Party does not refuse additional applications for additional services,
and the non-payment continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the non-breaching Party
from refusing additional applications for services without further notice. If the non-breaching
Party discontinues provision of the additional services, all applicable charges, including
termination charges, shall become due. If the non-breaching Party does not discontinue the
provision of services on the date specified In the thirty (30) days notice, and the nonpayment
continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the non-breaching Party from discontinuing
the provision of services without further notice.
25.1.3 Frontier reserves the right to refuse an application for additional services made by any
entity that owns or is substantially owned, directly or indirectly, by or is under common control
with, Carrier, so long as Carrier or any such entity is indebted to Frontier for services previously
furnished, until the indebtedness is satisfied. In the event that services are provided to Carrier or
an entity that owns or is substantially owned, directly or Indirectly, by or is under common control
with, Carrier, such services may be terminated by Frontier unless Carrier satisfies the
indebtedness owing to Frontier within thirty (30) days after written notification. Such notification
shall be made by certified U. S. mail to the person designated by Carrier to receive such notices.
25.1.4 If such material breach is for any failure to perform in accordance with this Agreement,
other than for non-payment of amounts due hereunder, or if either Party is otherwise in violation
of the law, the non-breaching Party shall give notice of the breach and the breaching Party shall
cure such breach within sixty (60) days of such notice, and if breaching Party does not, the non-
breaching Party may, at its sole option, terminate this Agreement. The non-breaching Party shall
be entitled to pursue all available legal and equitable remedies for such breach.
26.1 All proprietary or confidential information ("Proprietary lnformatiáh") disclosed by either Party
during the negotiations and the term of this Agreement will be protected by both Parties in accordance
with the terms provided herein.
26.2 As used in this Agreement, the term "Proprietary Information" will mean written, recorded,
machine readable or other information provided in tangible form to one Party by the other Party
regarding the above referenced subject matter and which is marked proprietary or confidential with the
appropriate owner corporation name, e.g., "Frontier Proprietary". Information disclosed orally will not be
considered proprietary unless such information is reduced to writing by the disclosing Party and a copy is
delivered to the other Party within thirty (30) business days after such oral disclosure. The writing will
also state the place, date and person(s) to whom disclosure was made.
26.3 Each Party agrees that it will not disclose any Proprietary Information of the other Party in whOle
or in part,- including derivations, to any third party for a period of three (3) years from the date of
disclosure unless the Parties agree to modify this Agreement to provide for a different nondisclosure
period for specific materials. Neither Party will be liable for inadvertent or accidental disclosure of
Proprietary Information of the other Party provided that:
26.3.1 each Party uses at least the same degree of care in safeguarding such Proprietary
Information as It uses for Its own proprietary information of like importance, and such degree of
care will be reasonably calculated to prevent such Inadvertent disclosure;
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26.3.2 It limits access to such Proprietary Information to Its employees and agents who are
directly involved in the consideration of the Proprietary Information and informs its employees
and agents who have access to such Proprietary Information of its duty not to disclose; and
26.3.3 upon discovery of any such inadvertent disclosure of Proprietary Information, it will
endeavor to prevent any further Inadvertent disclosure.
26.4 Information will not be deemed proprietary and the receiving Party will have no obligation with
respect to any such information which:
26.4.1 is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act, fault -or negligence of the
receiving Party; or
26.4.2 was known by the receiving Party or by any other affiliate or subsidiary of the receiving
Party prior to disclosure, or is at any time developed by the receiving Party independently of any
such disclosure; or
264.3 was disclosed to the receiving Party by a third party who was free of obligations of
confidentiality to the disclosing Party; or
26.4.4 is disclosed or used by the receiving Party, not less than three (3) years following its
initial disclosure or such other nondisclosure period as may be agreed in writing by the Parties;
26.4.5 is approved for release by written authorization of the disclosing Party; or
26.4.6 is disclosed pursuant to a requirement or request of a governmental agency or disclosure
Is required by operation of law; or
26.4.7 is furnished to a third party by the disclosing Party without a similar restriction on the
third party's rights. -
26.5 Since either Party may choose not to use or announce any services, products or marketing
techniques relating to these discussions or information gained or exchanged during the discussions, both
Parties acknowledge that one Is not responsible or liable for any business decisions made by the other in
reliance upon any disclosures made during any meeting between the Parties or in reliance on any results
of the discussions. The furnishing of Proprietary Information to one Party by the other Party will not
obligate either Party to enter into any further agreement or negotiation with the other.
26.6 Nothing contained in this Agreement will be construed as granting to one Party a license, either
express or implied, under any patent, copyright, or trademark, now or hereafter owned, obtained,
controlled, or which is or may be licensable by the other Party.
26.7 All publicity regarding this Agreement and its Attachments is subject to the Parties' prior written
26.8 Unless otherwise agreed upon, neither Party will publish or use the other Party's name,
language, pictures, or symbols from which the other Party's name may be reasonably inferred or implied
in any advertising, promotion, or any other publicity matter relating directly or indirectly to this
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This Agreement will not provide any third party, Including, but not limited to any End User of Carrier, with any
remedy, claim, liability, reimbursement, cause of action, or other right in excess of those existing without
reference to this Agreement.
The headings in this Agreement are for convenience and will not be construed to define or limit any of the
terms herein or affect the meanings or interpretation of this Agreement.
This Agreement may be executed In counterparts. Each counterpart shall be considered an original and
such counterpart shall together constitute one and the same instrument.
Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices or other communication hereunder shall be deemed to
have been duty given when made in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the United States
mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered by prepaid overnight express
mail, and addressed as follows:
Susan Lamb
Regulatory Compliance
Ednetics, Inc.
971 S. Clearwater Loop, Suite 1000
Post Falls, ID 83854
Telephone: 208-619-2679
Fax: 208-619-4161
Frontier Communications
Attn: Director, Carrier Services
180 South Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14646
Frontier Communications
Attn: legal department, interconnection
180 S. Clinton Ave, 7th Floor
Rochester, NY 14646
If personal delivery is selected to give notice, a receipt of such delivery shall be obtained. The address
to which notices or communications may be given to either Party may be changed by written notice given
by such Party to the other pursuant to this Section.
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The Parties have caused this Local Interconnection Agreement to be executed on their behalf on the
dates set forth below.
Ednetics, Inc. Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho
Typed:Shawrwanbv Typed:Steøhen Levan
Title:- President Title: SVP Carrier Sales & Service
Date:- February 5, 2013 Date:"i - '- 'I
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Agreement Number: 13-edneticctcid-001
The Parties hereto, agree to interconnect their facilities and networks for the transport of Local Traffic as
SECTION 1. Interconnection Trunking Arranuements
1.1 The Parties will interconnect their networks as specified in the terms and conditions contained
herein. POls set forth in this Attachment, maybe modified from time to time by either Party with the
written consent of the other Party, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Carrier will agree to
establish each P01 at a technically feasible point on Frontier's network. In order to establish direct
Interconnection, a P01 is required at one or more of the following locations:
a)POI at the Frontier local tandem office where available which will provide switched
Interconnection to Frontier End Users served by subtending host and remote offices.
b)P01 at the Frontier Host Office, which will provide switched Interconnection to
Frontier's End Users' served by that host office and subtending remote offices.
1.2 In order for Carrier to establish a P01, a request will need to be submitted using the P01 Request
Form located at
1.3 Each Party will be responsible for the engineering and construction of its own network facilities
on its side of the P01, however, should Frontier be required to modify its network to accommodate the
Interconnection request made by Carder, Carrier agrees to pay Frontier reasonable charges for such
modifications. If Carrier uses a third party network to reach the P01, Carrier will bear all third party
Carrier charges for facilities and traffic in both directions on its side of the POI.
1.4 Carrier will be responsible for establishing separate trunk groups for:
1.4.1 Local Traffic including ISP Bound Traffic and locally-dialed Enhanced Services traffic.
1.4.2 Access Services to enable lnterexchange Carriers to originate and terminate traffic
from/to Carrier or for Carrier and Frontier to exchange traffic other than Local Traffic.
1.4.3 Transit Service traffic when connected to a Frontier tandem.
1.4.4 CarrIer's services as an lnterexchange service provider are subject to Frontier's access
1.4.5 Connecting Carrier's switch to the applicable E911 routers. If Carrier purchases such
services from Frontier, they will be provided at full applicable tariff rates. For all 91 1/E91 1 traffic
originating from Carrier, it is the responsibility of Carrier and the appropriate state or local public
safety answering agency to negotiate the manner in which 91 1/E91 1 traffic from Carrier will be
1.5 The Parties mutually agree that all Interconnection facilities will be sized according to mutual
forecasts and sound engineering practice, as mutually agreed to by the Parties. The Parties further
agree that all equipment and technical Interconnections will be in conformance with all generally
accepted industry standards with regard to facilities, equipment, and services.
1.6 Interconnection will be provided via two-way trunks. The only compensation or other
responsibility for payment for terminating traffic from the P01 onward shall be Reciprocal Compensation,
if applicable and/or Transit Service charges where a Frontier tandem is used to reach a third party's
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network and/or Switched Access charges where Carrier Is acting as an Interexchange Carrier. The
mutually agreed upon technical and operational interfaces, procedures, grade of service and
performance standards for Interconnection between the Parties will conform with all generally accepted
Industry standards with regard to facilities, equipment, and services. All Interconnection facilities and
trunking will be ordered using industry standard ASR as referenced in Frontier's Local Service Provider
1.7 Carrier will not expect Frontier's local end office switches to act as a tandem on the Carrier's
behalf nor will Frontier expect the Carrier's local end office switches to act as a tandem on Frontier's
1.8 This Agreement is applicable only to Frontier's serving areas. Frontier will not be responsible for
Interconnections or contracts relating to any Carrier's Interconnection with any other service provider or
telecommunications carrier.
1.9 If Carrier provides service using an NPA-NXX assigned to a rate center where Frontier provides
extended area service or an applicable regulatory authority approved optional calling plan, and Carrier
chooses to indirectly interconnect by using the tandem switching facilities of a third party, Frontier will
have no obligation to route and rate traffic to Carrier's NPA-NXX as an EAS call or pursuant to an
optional calling plan unless Carrier has established a trunking and transiting arrangement for this traffic
with Frontier and the other telecommunications carrier(s) utilizing the trunk and providing transiting
service for the traffic.
1.10 If a Carrier End User customer ports a number from Carrier to another carrier and Frontier routes
a call to that ported number to Carrier, Carrier will route the call to the new carrier and may assess
Frontier a charge not to exceed Frontier's charge for an non-queried call.
1.11 Signaling Systems and Administration
1.11.1 The Parties will, where Frontier has the capability, interconnect their networks using SS7
signaling associated with all Interconnection trunk groups as defined in Telcordia GR-246 "Bell
Communications Research Specification of Signaling Systems 7 (SS7) and GR-905, "Common
Channel Signaling Network Interface Specification (CCSNIS) Supporting Interconnection,
Message Transfer Part (MTP), and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) User Part (ISUP)
"including ISDN User Part ('ISUP") for trunk signaling and Transaction Capabilities Application
Part ("TCAP") for CCS-based features in the Interconnection of their networks. For glare
resolution, Frontier will have priority on odd trunk group member circuit identification codes, and
carrier will have priority on even trunk group member circuit identification codes, unless
otherwise mutually agreed.
SECTION 2. Testing and Trouble Responsibilities
The Parties agree to:
2.1 Cooperatively plan and implement coordinated repair procedures for the local Interconnection
trunks and facilities to ensure trouble reports are resolved in a timely and appropriate manner.
2.2 Provide trained personnel with adequate and compatible test equipment to work with each
other's technicians.
2.3 Promptly notify each other when there is any change affecting the service requested, including
the date service is to be started.
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2.4 Coordinate and schedule testing activities of their own personnel, and others as applicable, to
ensure its Interconnection trunks/trunk groups are installed per the Interconnection order, meet agreed
upon acceptance test requirements, and are placed in service by the due date.
2.5 Perform sectionalization to determine if a trouble condition is located in its facility or its portion of
the Interconnection trunks prior to referring any trouble to each other.
2.6 Provide each other with a trouble reporting number to a work center that is staffed 24 hours a
day!7 days a week.
2.7 Based on the trunkirig architecture, provide for mutual tests for system assurance for the proper
recording of AMA records in each company's switch. These tests are repeatable on demand by either
Party upon reasonable notice.
2.8 A maintenance service charge applies whenever either Party requests the dispatch of the other
Party's personnel for the purpose of performing maintenance activity on the Interconnection trunks, and
any of the following conditions exist:
2.8.1 No trouble is found in the Interconnection trunks; or
2.8.2 The trouble condition results from equipment, facilities or systems not provided by the
Party whose personnel were dispatched; or
2.8.3 Trouble clearance did not otherwise require a dispatch, and upon dispatch requested for
repair verification, the Interconnection trunk does not exceed maintenance limits.
2.8.4 If a maintenance service charge has been applied and trouble is subsequently found in
the facilities of the Party whose personnel were dispatched, the charge will be canceled.
2.8.5 Billing for maintenance service is based on Frontier's respective tariff.
SECTION 3. Interconnection Forecasting.
3.1 Semi-annually Carrier will provide Frontier a one (1) year forecast for expected trunk utilization.
Orders for trunks that exceed forecasted quantities for forecasted locations will be accommodated as
facilities and/or equipment are available.
3.2 The forecasts will include the number, type and capacity of trunks as well as a description of
major network projects anticipated for the following six months. Major network projects include trunking
or network rearrangements, shifts in anticipated traffic patterns, or other activities that are reflected by a
significant increase or decrease in trunking demand for the following forecast period.
3.3 If a trunk group is under 75 percent of centum call seconds capacity on a monthly average basis
for each month of any six month period, either Party may issue an order to resize the trunk group, which
will be left with not less than 25 percent excess capacity. The grade of service for all final facilities
between Frontier's central office and Carrier's will be engineered to achieve P.01 grade of service.
SECTION 4. Reciprocal Compensation for the Transport and Termination of lnterchanaed
4.1 The Parties agree to exchange ISP Bound Traffic on a bill and keep basis between the Parties
such that neither Party owes the other Party any compensation for the origination, transport or
termination of such traffic. The preceding sentence applies only to the exchange of traffic between these
Parties and a separate determination of what ISP Bound Traffic was exchanged between Frontier and
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any other party adopting this Agreement under 47 U.S.C. § 252(i) shall be required in order to determine
the appropriate compensation of ISP-Bound Traffic between Frontier and any such other party.
4.1.1 Neither Party expects to terminate material amounts of Local Traffic to the other Party,
and to the extent the Parties terminate Local Traffic they expect the volume of Local Traffic each
Party terminates to be comparable, thereby justifying the use of combined trunks for Local
Traffic and ISP Bound Traffic under Attachment 1, Section 1.4. As such It will not be possible to
identify Local Traffic and the Parties will reciprocally compensate each other using bill and keep.
4.2 The Parties will exchange Enhanced Services traffic other than ISP-Bound Traffic on a bill and
keep basis.
4.2.1 The fact that ISP Bound Traffic and de minimus amounts of Local Traffic are
compensated for on a bill and keep basis shall not change the compensation set forth in this
Agreement for any other traffic or services, including but not limited to facilities for
Interconnection under Section 1 of this Attachment 1, Access Services traffic, wireless traffic,
and Transit Service traffic.
4.3 All other Traffic, regardless of the protocols used in connection with such traffic, other than ISP
Bound Traffic, Local Traffic, Enhanced Services traffic, 911 traffic and Transit Service traffic, shall be
terminated to a Party subject to that Party's tariffed access charges.
4.4 VoIP Traffic exchanged pursuant to this Agreement will be governed by the default
provisions of USF/ICC Transformation Order FCC 11-161 (rel. November 18, 2011) as such
order may be revised, reconsidered, modified or changed in the future When such revisions,
reconsiderations, modifications or changes are effective, such provisions shall be automatically
incorporated into this Agreement. For clarity, and subject to any future revisions,
reconsiderations, modifications or changes in the USFLICC Transformation Order, interexchange
VoIP-originated traffic terminated to either Party is subject to interstate access charges, and local
VoIP-originated traffic terminated to either Party is subject to the reciprocal compensation
provisions of this Agreement. The Parties agree access charges will comply with all FCC
mirroring and default phase-down requirements.
SECTION 5. Transit Service
5.1 Carrier shall compensate Frontier for Transit Service as follows:
Carrier shall pay Frontier a Transit Service charge as set forth in Attachment 7, Pricing for Transit
Service originated by Carrier to any third party carrier, or terminated to Carrier from a third-party
Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier.
5.1.1 Each Party acknowledges that Frontier does not have any responsibility to pay any
charges for termination of any transit traffic originating from a non-Party's network.
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1.1 Carrier agrees to provide to Frontier or its publisher, as specified by Frontier, all subscriber list
information (including additions, changes and deletions) for Carrier's End Users and those of any
resellers of Carrier services, located within Frontier's operating areas. It is the responsibility of the Carrier
to submit directory listings in the prescribed manner to Frontier prior to the directory listing publication
cut-off date, which is posted at under Carrier Services then Directory Services.
1.2 Frontier will include Carrier's End User primary listings in the appropriate sections of its
telephone directories (residence and business listings). Listings of Carrier's End Users will be inter-filed
with listings of Frontier's End Users and the End Users of other LECs, in the local section of Frontier's
1.3 Carrier will identify any of these subscribers that are "non-published" End Users. Carrier will
provide Frontier with the directory information for all its End Users in the format specified in the Frontier
Local Service Provider Guide. Subscriber list information will include the End User's name, address,
telephone number, appropriate classified heading and all other pertinent data elements as requested by
Frontier including ACNAJCIC or CLCC/OCN, as appropriate with each order, to enable Frontier the ability
to identify listing ownership. Carrier will provide all subscriber listings at no charge to Frontier or its
1.4 Carrier's End Users standard primary listing information in the telephone directories will be
provided at no charge.
1.5 Carrier is responsible for all listing questions and contacts with its End Users including but not
limited to queries, complaints, account maintenance, privacy requirements and services. Carrier will
provide Frontier with appropriate internal contact information to fulfill these requirements.
1.6 Frontier will accord Carrier directory listing information the same level of confidentiality, which
Frontier accords its own directory listing information. Carrier grants Frontier full authority to provide
Carrier subscriber listings, excluding non-published telephone numbers, to other directory publishers and
will indemnify Frontier and its publisher from and against any liability resulting from the provisioning of
such listings. In exchange for Frontier providing this subscriber list service, Frontier will charge, bill,
collect and retain any monies derived from the sale of Carrier listings to other directory publishers.
1.7 Frontier will distribute its telephone directories to Carrier's End Users in a manner similar to the
way it provides those functions for its own End Users in Frontier's service territory. For Carrier End
Users whose listings are not maintained in a Frontier database, Carrier shall provide the information
needed for the distribution of listings in book form to such End Users.
1.7.1 Carrier is responsible for sending to Frontier at the posted date an approximate directory
count for its End Users for the purpose of ensuring an adequate quantity is printed.
1.7.2 Carrier is responsible for providing information that includes distribution address and
book quantities to Frontier. Frontier will place the same restrictions on the Carrier's End Users
as it does for itself when assigning book quantities.
1.8 Carrier will adhere to all practices, standards, and ethical requirements of Frontier with regard to
listings, and, by providing Frontier with listing information, warrants to Frontier that Carrier has the right
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to place such listings on behalf of its End Users. Carrier agrees that it will undertake commercially
practicable and reasonable steps to attempt to ensure that any business or person, to be listed, is
authorized and has the right to provide the product or service offered, and to use any personal or
corporate name, trade name, or language used in the listing. Carrier shall be solely responsible for
knowing and adhering to state laws or rulings regarding listing information and for supplying Frontier with
applicable listing information. In addition, Carrier agrees to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify
Frontier from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, suits, or other actions, or any liability
whatsoever, suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any person arising out of Frontier's listing of the
information provided by Carrier hereunder.
1.9 Frontier's liability to Carrier in the event of a Frontier error in or omission of a listing will not
exceed the amount of charges actually paid by Carrier for such listing. In addition, Carrier agrees to
take, with respect to its own End Users, all reasonable steps to ensure that its' and Frontier's liability to
Carrier's End Users in the event of a Frontier error in or omission of a listing will be subject to the same
limitations that Frontier's liability to its own End Users are subject to.
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1.1 Soace - For the purposes of this agreement Space shall refer to either partitioned (caged) or
unpartitioned space (cageless), unless specified otherwise and mutually agreed upon. An enclosed
secure area, designated by Frontier within a Frontier Central Office, of a size and dimension specified by
the Carrier and agreed to by Frontier. Partitioned Space is subject to a minimum size requirement of
one- hundred (100) square feet of assignable space or such lesser amount agreed to by both parties.
Frontier shall design and construct at Carrier's expense, subject to Carrier's pre-approval of the price, a
cage or room to establish a clear division between Frontier's and Carrier's area, and for purposes of
securing the space for the Carrier's equipment. Un-partitioned space will have a minimum size of one
equipment bay, which shall be deemed the equivalent of 15 sq. feet.
1.2 Cable Soace - Any passage or opening in, on, under, over or through the Central Office cable
structure (e.g., electrical metallic tubing, cable vault or alternate splicing chamber, etc.) required to bring
cable to the Space.
1.3 Conduit Space - Any reinforced passage or opening In, on, under, over or through the ground
between the feeder route conduit system ("Manhole "0") and cable vault location capable of containing
communications facilities, and includes: cable entrance facilities; main conduit; ducts; inner ducts; gas
traps; underground dips such as short sections of conduit under roadway, driveways, parking lots and
similar conduit installations that are required to bring the Carrier provided fiber optic feeder cable into the
Frontier Central Office.
1.4 Carrier's Facilities - The telecommunications cables and equipment owned or leased by the
Carrier, whether installed by Frontier or the Carrier that are for the sole use of Carrier in connection with
equipment installed within Its Space.
1.5 Design and Construction Work - All work by Frontier, including but not limited to, space design
and preparation, the rearrangement of existing facilities, design and construction of Partitioned Space
enclosure, design and placement of required support structure or any other activity required to
accommodate the installation of Carrier's facilities in the Frontier space(s) covered under this
Agreement. Similar work required by Carrier after initial installation solely because of the existence of
the Carrier's Facilities shall be referred to as "Additional Design and Construction," and shall be at
Carrier's expense, subject to Carrier's pre-approval of the price of the work to be performed.
1.6 Cross Connect Fee - A monthly fee charged to Carrier to compensate Frontier for the cable
connection from Frontier's facilities to the point of termination for Carrier's collocation facilities.
1.7 Manhole - An underground enclosure where conduit(s) are terminated and which provides ready
access to conduit system.
1.8 Other Carriers - Any person, corporation, or other legal entity other than Carrier herein, to whom
Frontier has extended or hereafter shall extend an authorization to occupy its Central Office(s) or conduit
1.9 Post-Installation Inspection - The work activities performed to visually observe Carrier's
equipment and cable facilities and equipment installation during and shortly after the completion of the
installation of such equipment and facilities to determine that all occupancies conform to the standards
required by this Agreement as set forth in Frontier's Safety Manual.
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2.1 The sole use of Space by Carrier is to place equipment owned or leased, installed, operated and
maintained by Carrier, which interconnects with Frontier facilities for the exchange of Local Traffic or for
access to UNEs. Carrier may not locate its switching equipment in the Space. Carrier may not
interconnect equipment or facilities in its Space with equipment or facilities within another Carrier's
Space without the specific written consent of Frontier which permission shall not be unreasonably
withheld. Any violation of this paragraph shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.
2.2 A Carrier may provide or make available to any third-party space within the Carrier's Partitioned
Space only upon prior written notice to Frontier and only if Carrier remains ultimately responsible for any
such third-party action and the third-party Carrier enters into applicable agreements, including a
collocation agreement with Frontier which will be substantially similar to this Agreement but without
charge for physical real estate space within Carrier's Partitioned Space. Any violation of this paragraph
shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.
2.3 Carrier may place in Space the equipment which meets the standards specified in Frontier's
Safety Manual, or compliant with NEBS standards (which ever holds the higher standard). In addition,
Carrier, as specified in Frontier's Safety Manual, Is also permitted to place in Partitioned Space ancillary
equipment such as cross-connect frames, as well as storage cabinets and work surfaces (e.g., tables).
To help ensure the availability of sufficient space for all Carriers, Carrier may order for office
communications within the Space from Frontier, business message rate service under Frontier's
applicable tariffs. Carrier will provide, install and maintain in Space any repeaters, which may be
necessary as a result of the physical distance between Space and the Central Office terminations of
Frontier facilities and services. Carrier's equipment and installation of Carrier's equipment must comply
with all applicable Federal, State, and Local environmental, health and safety requirements (hereafter
"EHS requirements"), as well as Frontier's Policies and Practices relating to fire, safety, health,
environmental, and network safeguards as set forth In Frontier's Safety Manual. Carrier agrees its
equipment and installation activities will not materially impact Frontier's services or facilities. Carrier
shall bear all cost of modifying and maintaining its equipment and the Space as required to comply with
the EHS requirements, and policies and practices set forth in Frontier's Safety Manual.
3.1 Occupancy for all spaces will be granted upon completion of the Design and Construction Work
including "cut down" of Frontier Cabling at the Point of Termination based on the requested DS-3, DS-1,
and voice grade Interconnections identified by Carrier in the applicable Application for Collocation
(Exhibit B). Frontier will provide occupancy of the space(s) at each affected Central Office on time as
specified in the specific Collocation Schedule for that particular Central Office. However, if Frontier fails,
for any reason beyond its reasonable control, to provide occupancy of the space(s) at the specified
time(s), Frontier shall not be liable to Carrier for such delay. In the event that Frontier Is delayed in
providing occupancy to Carrier for any reason other than the acts or omissions of Carrier, Carrier shall
not be obliged to pay the license, power or house service fees for such space(s) under this Agreement
until the date Frontier provides occupancy to Carrier. Except for Force Majeure events or the acts or
omissions of Carrier, in the event of delay in Frontier's provision of the Space continues for sixty (60)
days after the time set forth in the Collocation Schedule, Carrier shall have the option of canceling such
collocation request. Carrier shall pay Frontier, charges it has incurred in preparing Carrier's Space up to
the point of cancellation.
3.2 Frontier shall have the right, for good cause shown, upon a minimum of four (4) months notice,
to reclaim any Space, Cable Space or Conduit Space, if necessary, in order to fulfill its obligations under
the applicable law to provide telecommunications services to its End Users. In the event of such
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reclamation, Frontier shall use its best efforts to provide Carrier with alternative space if feasible. In the
event of a dispute under this Agreement, the dispute shall be resolved per the Dispute Resolution
Section outlined In the General Terms and Conditions. Provided Carrier has brought such dispute in
good faith, Frontier shall take no action to remove Carrier before resolution of the dispute.
3.3 Frontier shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time with respect to any Space
and associated Cable or Conduit Space(s) where the Central Office premises becomes the subject of .a
taking by eminent authority having such power. Frontier shall notify Carrier that a taking by eminent
domain of Frontier premises may occur or is contemplated for those facilities where Carrier has an
interest under this Agreement. Frontier shall also provide Carrier with written notice of the outcome of
such eminent domain procedure and identify the schedule by which Carrier must proceed to have
Carrier's equipment or property removed from the Space(s) and associated Cable, and Conduit Space
Carrier shall have no claim against Frontier for any relocation expenses, any part of any award that may
be made for such taking or value of any unexpired initial term or Renewal Periods that results from a
termination by Frontier under this provision, or any loss of business from full or partial interruption or
interference due to any termination. However, nothing herein shall be construed as preventing Carrier
from making its own claim against the eminent authority ordering the taking of the Central Office
3.4 Carrier may terminate this Agreement as to any Space or portion thereof; Partitioned Space must
be relinquished in (20) square feet Increments and Cageless Space must be relinquished in one bay
increments. Cable and Conduit Space, D.C. Power and Emergency A.C. Power described in Exhibit A
may be reduced or relinquished by giving ninety (90) days prior written notice to Frontier. However, any
remaining Partitioned Space licensed under this Agreement may not be less than one-hundred (100)
square feet, unless a lesser amount was originally occupied or agreed to by both parties. Any remaining
Cageless Space licensed under this agreement, must be no less than one bay. Carrier is responsible for
the costs of such partial termination.
3.5 The term of the occupancy of the collocated space will coincide with the term of this Agreement.
4.1 Application for Occupancy - Carrier shall complete a written application for occupancy of any
Space, Cable Space or Conduit Space (Exhibit B).
4.1.1 Carrier must provide Frontier, along with completed applications described above, an
appropriate and applicable application fee for each Central Office Space requested. This
amount will be charged against the price set forth in the applicable collocation schedules in
Exhibit A for administration, engineering, design and construction related to a Carrier application
(the "Price"). Frontier will process applications for occupancy on a first-come, first-served basis
as determined through the receipt of the application fee. Upon receipt of Carrier's first
application fees, Frontier will make available to Carrier any Frontier-specific documentation
required as indicated.
4.2 Pre-Construction Survey and Desicin and Construction
4.2.1 Frontier will conduct a Pre-Construction Survey for each Carrier request for Space,
Cable Space, Conduit Space and power for which occupancy is requested to determine the
availability of such spaces to accommodate Carrier's facilities In determining the availability of
power and space in Frontier's conduit system and Central Office(s), Frontier will consider, and
give preference to, Its reasonable present and foreseeable needs for such power and space in
order to fulfill its obligations to provide its tariff ed services to its End Users.
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4.2.2 Frontier will notify Carrier whether or not the request can be met. If space in the Central
Office at issue is available, Frontier will provide to Carrier a Collocation Schedule (Exhibit A).
4.2.3 Carrier shall have thirty (30) calendar days from the receipt of a Collocation Schedule to
pay the total amount of the Price. The Estimated Interval for Turnover of Space(s) (Exhibit A)
will run from the payment by Carrier of the Price.
4.2.4 Frontier shall design and construct at Carrier's expense, subject to Carrier's pre-approval
of the Price as set forth on the applicable Collocation Schedule (Attachments A), a cage or room
space, as applicable, to establish a clear division between Frontier's or another Carrier's area
and Carrier's area, and for purposes of securing the space for the Carrier's equipment. Frontier
reserves the right to partition its equipment at its own expense from Carrier's Space.
4.2.5 Frontier shall designate all spaces to be occupied by Carrier's Facilities under this
4.2.6 In the event Frontier determines that Frontier's or any other entity's cable facilities in
Conduit Space or Cable Space or Frontier's Central Office equipment need rearrangement to
accommodate the facilities of Carrier, Frontier will include these costs in the Price. Reasonable
efforts will be made to minimize the cost of such rearrangements. Carrier agrees to meet with
Frontier on an as needed basis to review the Design and Construction Work plans and schedules
for the Space, and installation of Carrier's equipment within its Space.
4.3 Acceptance and Turnover of Sace(s
4.3.1 Frontier will notify Carrier in writing of the completion of the Design and Construction
4.3.2 Prior to beginning installation work or occupancy, Carrier must sign the Design and
Construction Completion Notice applicable to the Frontier Central Office at issue indicating
acceptance of the Design and Construction Work as specified in each Collocation Schedule.
Carrier access to the Spaces will be provided only after the execution of the Design and
Construction Completion Notice.
4.3.3 Carrier is responsible for procuring all cables from Manhole "0" to the Space, including
fiber optic cable into the Central Office cable vault, and within cable support structures between
the cable vault and the Space.
4.4 Temoorarv Staging Area
4.4.1 Frontier commits to providing Carrier with access to temporary staging areas and other
Central Office building facilities necessary for delivery, installation, replacement or removal work
for equipment and facilities located or to be located within Carrier's Space provided such access
does not unreasonably interfere with Frontier's operations. Before beginning any such activity,
Carrier agrees to obtain Frontier's written approval of its proposed work scheduling in order to
coordinate use of all necessary temporary staging areas and other building facilities. Frontier
may request additional Information before granting approval and may require minor scheduling
changes. Frontier's approval of scheduling will not unreasonably delay work and its approval for
the use of temporary staging areas and other building facilities by Carrier will not be
unreasonably withheld.
4.4.2 During any use of Frontier's facilities by Carrier, its employees, agents or contractors,
Carrier is responsible for protecting Frontier's equipment, facilities and personnel within the
staging areas and along the staging route. Carrier will use its best efforts to store equipment and
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materials within Space when work is not in progress (e.g., overnight). Interim storage of
equipment and materials overnight will be permitted in the staging area(s) with Frontier's prior
written consent. However, Carrier shall bear all risk of loss for Carrier's equipment and materials
whether stored within or outside of the Space, except to the extent resulting from the gross
negligence of Frontier or its employees. Carrier will meet all EHS requirements, and all Frontier
fire, safety, security, environmental and housekeeping requirements as set forth in Frontier's
Safety Manual. Frontier may revise Frontier's Safety Manual from time to time in its discretion
for application to all of Frontier's facilities, and will provide copies of any revisions to Carrier.
Carrier will comply with Frontier's Safety Manual as revised. The temporary staging area will be
vacated and delivered to Frontier in a broom-clean condition upon completion of Carrier's
installation work.
4.5 Inspections of Carrier's Facilities
4.5.1 Frontier has the right to inspect the completed installation of Carrier's equipment and
facilities. Carrier shall have the right to be present at such inspection.
- 4.5.2 Frontier reserves the right to make subsequent Inspections (of any part or all) of Carrier's
equipment and facilities occupying Space(s) and associated Cable Space and Conduit Space.
4.5.3 If Carrier is found to be in violation of Frontier's requirements for construction in or use
of the Premises, then Carrier shall pay the reasonable costs of the Inspection and shall have a
reasonable period of time to bring its facilities within Frontier's requirements. In the event of an
emergency, Frontier will provide Carrier a post-inspection report detailing the reasons for the
emergency and the results of the inspection.
5.1 Upon request for Space, Carrier must provide Frontier with an application fee per Exhibit A prior
to the commencement of any activity.
5.2 Carrier shall pay to Frontier at the specified time the monthly fees set forth In Collocation
Schedules (Exhibit A). Failure to make such payment constitutes a material breach of this Agreement
5.3 Billing for the fee(s), other than Design and Construction Work charges, delineated in Exhibit A
will commence on the Occupancy Dates set forth in Exhibit A.
5.4 Carrier shall reimburse Frontier for all reasonable repair or restoration costs incurred by
Frontier associated with damage or destruction caused by Carrier's personnel, Carrier's agents or
Carrier's suppliers/contractors or Carrier's visitors.
7.1 Specifications
7.1.1 Carrier's facilities shall be placed, maintained, relocated or removed in accordance with
the applicable requirements and specifications of the current editions of the National Electrical
Code (NEC), the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and rules and regulations of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and any governing authority having jurisdiction, including state counterparts to OSHA and EPA.
All Carrier entrance facilities, splices and equipment must comply with EHS requirements, and
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Frontier's Policies and Practices, as set forth in Frontier's Safety Manual. Where a difference in
specifications may exist, the more stringent shall apply.
7.1.2 Carrier's facilities shall not physically, electronically, or inductively Interfere with any of
Frontier's or Other Carrier's or tenant's pre-existing facilities. In adding additional facilities,
Carrier and Frontier agree to cooperate with each other to avoid Interference with Frontier or any
other Carrier's or tenant's facilities. Despite such efforts, in the event Carrier's facilities interfere
with Frontier or any other Carrier's or tenant's facilities, the Parties shall work together in good
faith to correct the interference.
7.1.3 While many of the standards and technical requirements for Carrier's cable, equipment
and facilities are set forth in (7.1.1) above, Frontier reserves the right to reasonably specify the
type of cable, equipment and construction standards reasonably required in situations not
otherwise covered in this Agreement. In such cases, Frontier will furnish to Carrier written
material which will specify and explain the required construction. If Carrier disagrees with
Frontier's explanation, Frontier agrees to meet in good faith to determine alternative equipment
or construction standards that would be mutually acceptable.
7.1.4 Frontier and Carrier will jointly determine the length of cable needed to reach from
Manhole "0" to Carrier's Space. Special arrangements will be agreed upon to meet unusual
conditions. Added or special rearrangements requested by Carrier will result in additional
charges to Carrier. All maintenance of fiber optic cables will be performed by Carrier and/or
vendors employed by Carrier at Carrier's expense. All installation, restoration and maintenance
work on Carrier's facilities between Manhole "0" and the Space will be performed by Carrier
and/or vendors employed by Carrier at Carrier's expense. This work will be performed in a
timely and efficient manner. Ten (10) days prior to such maintenance, Carrier shall provide
Frontier notice that maintenance will occur and Inform Frontier of the maintenance schedule.
Carrier shall be accompanied by a qualified Frontier representative in all Manhole "0" to Carrier's
Space locations at Carrier's expense.
7.2 Entrance Facilities
7.2.1 Manhole "0" - Frontier reserves the right to prohibit all equipment and facilities, other
than cable, from its entrance manholes. No splicing will be permitted in Manhole "0k, the
Frontier Cable vault or any location other than the Space. Carrier must provide a length of
underground fiber optic cable in Manhole "0" specified by Frontier of sufficient length to be pulled
through the Central Office conduit and the Central Office cable vault and into the Space, without
the need for splicing. Carrier is responsible for the placement of the fiber optic facility within
Manhole "0", and all work performed in or near the Manhole must be done in accordance with
EHS requirements, and Frontier's policies as set forth in Frontier's Safety Manual. This
installation shall be coordinated with and inspected by Frontier. Carrier shall be accompanied by
a qualified Frontier representative in all Manhole locations at Carrier's expense. Carrier shall
notify Frontier's Network Operations Center of its intention to enter an Frontier Manhole "0" with
no less than forty-eight (48) hours' advance notice informing Frontier of the Manhole UØH
involved, the anticipated time and duration of entry and the names of entering employees. All
maintenance work on Carrier's fiber optic cables will be performed by Carrier and/or vendors
employed by Carrier at Carrier's expense. Ten (10) days prior to such maintenance, Carrier shall
provide Frontier notice that maintenance will occur and Inform Frontier of the maintenance
7.2.2 Conduit Soace- Carrier and/or vendors employed by Carrier will install the fiber optic
cable provided by Carrier in the Conduit Space at Carrier's expense. Carrier, at its expense, shall
be accompanied by a qualified Frontier representative during all fiber optic cable installations
involving Conduit Space. Carrier will be required to provide a good faith three-year forecast for
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planning and duct allocation purposes. Frontier will consider any future requests for additional
facilities based upon the availability of such facilities at the time the request Is made. Frontier
may provide shared conduit with dedicated inner duct. Carrier will not be permitted to reserve
space in the Central Office conduit. If new conduit Is required, Frontier will negotiate with Carrier
to enter into a further agreement to address the specific location. Frontier reserves the right to
manage its own Central Office conduit requirements and to reserve vacant space for reasonable
facility additions planned for its primary use.
7.2.3 Cable Space -Central Office Cable Vault -Frontier will provide space for installing
electrical metallic tubing ("EMT") within the Frontier cable vault. Where reasonably deemed
necessary by Frontier, pull boxes and/or metallic flexible tubing will be installed to allow a
secured and continuous path. These facilities will be installed by Frontier and/or vendors
employed by Frontier at the expense of Carrier. A separate EMT conduit will be Installed for
each Carrier with no more than one Carrier occupying a single EMT. Frontier will identify all
Carrier entrance facilities accordingly. Carrier and/or vendors employed by Carrier will Install the
Carrier-provided fiber within the EMT conduit at the expense of Carrier. Carrier shall be
accompanied by a qualified Frontier representative in all fiber optic cable Installations Involving
EMT conduit cable vault locations at Carrier's expense. To avoid unnecessary reinforcements or
rearrangements, Carrier agrees to size the fiber optic facilities to meet three-year forecasted
demand, where feasible.
7.2.4 Cable Space-Central Office Risers and Cable Racks -Frontier will provide space for
installing EMT between the Frontier cable vault and the Space. Where reasonably deemed
necessary by Frontier, all boxes and/or metallic flexible tubing will be installed to allow a secured
and continuous path. These facilities will be installed by Frontier and/or vendors employed by
Frontier at the expense of Carrier with no more than one Carrier occupying a single EMT.
Carrier and/or vendors employed by Carrier will install the Carrier-provided fiber optic cable in
the conduit between the cable vault and the Space at the expense of Carrier. Carrier shall be
accompanied by a qualified Frontier representative in all fiber optic cable installations involving
Cable Space at Carrier's expense. Fiber cables must comply with EHS requirements and
Frontier Policies and Practices relating to fire, safety, health, environmental and network
safeguards as set forth in Frontier's Safety Manual. Fiber cable sheaths must be adequately
grounded within the Space to the nearest practicable Central Office ground.
7.2.5 Power - Frontier will provide power for Carrier's equipment, pursuant to charges set forth
on Exhibit A. At Carriers expense, Frontier and/or vendors employed by Frontier shall install the
equipment needed to deliver power from the D.C. Power Board to the Space and a ten-position
ground bar shall be connected to the closest practicable Central Office ground. The D.C. Power
plant will be subject to the normal voltage reductions common to battery plants occurring during
commercial power failures. Where available the D.C. voltage for the Space will return to the
nominal voltage level concurrent with, or prior to, restoration of a nominal voltage level for
Frontier's own equipment once the back-up generator system Is operational and placed back on-
line,. Should Carrier's power requirements increase to the point that Frontier must purchase
additional power plant to meet their demands, Carrier shall be responsible for compensating
FrOntier for the cost to purchase and install such additional plant. However, In the event that
Frontier or other Carriers also have a need for additional power requirements to be supplied by
such additional plant, the purchase and installation costs of such plant shall be allocated on a pro
rata basis, based upon the parties' need for and use of such additional plant. Exhibit A shall be
amended accordingly. If emergency A.C. Power is available, and if Carrier requests, Frontier
shall provide such power to Carrier, pursuant to Exhibit A. Upon Carrier's request, Frontier will
Investigate the feasibility of providing Protected A.C. Power. If Protected A.C. Power is
available, Frontier shall provide such power to Carrier, pursuant 1d Exhibit A. Carrier shall also
have the right to supply its own battery back-up power within the Partitioned Space, subject to
Frontier's approval of the necessary equipment, which approval shall not unreasonably be
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withheld. Any battery back-up power supplied by Carrier shall be installed, operated, and
maintained in accordance with Frontier's Safety Manual.
7.2.6 All Collocation Soace - Frontier is responsible for providing Space in accordance with
this Attachment. Carrier will properly ground the fiber cable within the Space to the nearest
practicable Central Office ground. To avoid safety hazards, H Taps and C Taps are required
connections for power leads and power distribution. Either fusion or mechanical splicing Is
acceptable for optics. Carrier will be responsible for accepting delivery, installation and
maintenance of its equipment within the Space. Carrier may not construct improvements or
make alterations or repairs to the Space without the prior written approval of Frontier, which
Frontier will not unreasonably withhold.
7.2.7 Point of Termination - Frontier will designate DSX-3 and DSX-1 panel positions on OSX
frames and distribution block locations on Frontier MDF as the Point of Termination for
associated COAX, ABAM and analog cables extending from Space and used for interface with
the Frontier network. Frontier and/or vendors employed by Frontier will provide, install and
repair at Carrier's expense, all cables, racks and Central Office termination equipment necessary
to provide the interface required for connection to the Frontier network on the Frontier side of the
Space. Carrier will pay any costs incurred by Frontier whenever Frontier personnel are required
to identify a trouble as being on Carrier's side of the Point of Termination. Frontier will not
perform maintenance on equipment on Carrier's side of the Point of Termination
7.2.8 Non-Compliant Installations - If at any time Frontier reasonably determines that either
the equipment or the installation does not meet the requirements outlined in this Agreement and
Carrier fails to correct any non-compliance with these standards within twenty (20) Business
Days after written notice to Carrier, Frontier may have the equipment removed or the condition
corrected at Carrier's expense. If, during the installation phase, Frontier reasonably determines
any Carrier activities or equipment are unsafe, non-standard or in violation of any applicable
Frontier requirements, or fire, safety, environmental or policy set forth in Frontier's Safety
Manual, Frontier has the right to immediately stop the work or place it on hold for no longer than
reasonably necessary to address the situation. Frontier must notify Carrier of the stoppage and
Frontier's basis for doing so. However, when such conditions pose an immediate threat to the
safety of Frontier's employees, interfere with the performance of Frontier's service obligations, or
pose an immediate threat to the physical security or integrity of the conduit system or the cable
facilities of Frontier, Frontier will utilize its reasonable efforts to immediately notify Carrier, but
may perform such work and/or take such action that Frontier deems necessary without prior
notice to Carrier. The reasonable cost of said work and/or actions shall be borne by Carrier.
Frontier reserves the right, after giving Carrier sixty (60) calendar days notice, to require the
removal of products, facilities and equipment reasonably determined by Frontier to be no longer
in compliance with EHS requirements, NEBS and Frontier safety standards. Carrier shall within
such sixty (60) day period, remove such products, facilities and equipment from its Partitioned
Space, or otherwise bring its facilities into compliance.
7.2.9 Carrier agrees to abide by all Frontier Security policies, procedures and practices, and all
applicable Federal, State and Local environmental, health, safety and security requirements, for
non-Frontier employees with access to Frontier Central Offices. Any violation of this Section
shall be deemed a material breach. Carrier and its employees, agents or representatives shall take reasonable and
prudent steps to ensure the adequate protection of Frontier property, equipment and
services. Carrier will supply Frontier Security with a list of its employees who require
access. Prior to supplying the list, Carrier will perform a background check of each
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individual on the list to determine whether the individual has a criminal record. Carrier
will provide Frontier Security with information regarding the criminal record of any
individual on the list, and Frontier Security may In its sole discretion exclude any
individual with a criminal record. Frontier Security may require certain additional
information to ensure positive identification of such individuals. Frontier Security will issue non-employee identification cards for each Carrier
employee listed In accordance with Section and Section who will require
frequent or regular access. Identification cards will not be issued to Carrier's vendor or
contracted installer. Carrier's vendor or contracted installer shall be given access into the
Frontier location housing Carrier's Space and escorted to Carrier's Space by an
authorized Carrier employee with a proper identification card. Identification cards must
be worn and openly displayed at all times, white in any Frontier location housing Carrier's
Space. Carrier will not be granted access without displaying an identification card.
Carrier is responsible for notifying Frontier Security immediately, both verbally by calling
585-777-7773 and in writing to 111 Field St. Rochester, NY 14620, of any employee on
the access list that no longer requires said access. Carrier must notify Frontier Security
immediately in the event any listed employee's employment is terminated, by calling
585-777-7773, which Is staffed 24 hours a day seven (7) days a week. Carrier is
responsible for the collection and return, to Frontier Security, of ID cards of employees
removed from the list. Carrier Is responsible for returning all ID cards, to Frontier
Security, upon termination of this Agreement. Carrier's employees are restricted to a specific access route, designated by
Frontier Security, from the designated Central Office exterior door to the Space.
Carrier's employees shall have access to its physical colloôation space 24 hours a day, 7
days a week without requiring either a security escort of any kind or requiring a Frontier
employee or representative to be present during Carrier's entry into the premises.
Carrier's employees and contractors shall make reasonable efforts to enter Frontier's
Central Offices during the 6:00 a.m.-1 0:00 p.m. working hours Monday through Friday.
For non-emergency access to Central Offices where Frontier's equipment is accessible
to Carrier's personnel, Carrier's employees may enter Frontier's Central Offices between
10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and on weekends only after notifying
Frontier of its intention to enter a Frontier Central Office with no less than 2 hours
advanced notice. Frontier will provide Carrier with a list of Central Offices where such
advanced notice is required for access outside of Frontier's working hours. No advanced
notice will be required for access to a Central Office where Frontier's equipment is not
accessible to Carrier's personnel and there is a separate entrance. Prior to emergency
access, Carrier shalt give Frontier notice at or about the time that Carrier's employees
are dispatched to the Central Office. In all cases, Carrier shall make such notification by
contacting Frontier's twenty-four (24) hour Security Command Center at 585-777-7773
and informing Frontier of the Central Office involved, the anticipated time of entry, and
the names of entering employees. In all cases where Carrier requires entry into
Frontier's premises outside of normal business hours, Carrier must contact the Security
Command Center upon arrival at the premises. If Carrier arrives at the Central Office and the access cards has not been
activated within ten (10) minutes after Carrier's notification, Carrier shall escalate the
issue to Frontier's escalation contact. Frontier will provide security to protect and monitor the Space consistent with
that required for similar Frontier facilities.
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Agreement Number: 13-edneticctcid-001 Where Carrier provides the security device for its Space, Carrier will provide
keys or other provisions for access to Frontier Security in the event of an emergency and
to perform the required housekeeping and equipment inspection activities under the
terms and conditions specified In this Agreement. Frontier shall be responsible for
ensuring that its employees will not be allowed access to the Space unless authorized
under this Agreement. Carrier will provide Frontier Security with an emergency response list of persons
to be notified of an environmental, safety or security emergency in any Frontier facility
containing Carrier Space. It is the Carrier's responsibility to update the list as necessary. During the installation phase, or for subsequent maintenance, Carrier will have
access to its Space and any room or area required by them, to necessitate the
installation. Carrier maybe escorted in areas outside its Space by qualified Frontier
employees or Frontier Security personnel for these occasions. In the event that there shall be a labor dispute involving any person working in
or about the Frontier buildings that Carrier's employees have access to, Frontier Security
shall take reasonable steps to ensure that Carrier's representatives have uninterrupted
access to the building for the purpose of performing all functions under this Agreement. Frontier Security may from time to time change its security, environmental,
health and safety arrangements. Carrier will pay its proportional share of the costs of
these changes based upon the percent of square footage occupied by Carrier in
proportion to the total square footage impacted or protected by the change in
arrangements. Carrier shall at all times maintain compliance with federal, state and local laws
as well as Frontier policies, practices and procedures as set forth in Frontier's
Environmental, Health and Safety Manual. Carrier shall at all times maintain its space in
such a way as to not create a fire hazard, including, but not limited to, minimizing the
use and storage of combustibles and flammables while on Frontier's premises. Carrier will provide Frontier with a certification or acceptable form or written
representation that all listed employees and contractors have, completed environmental,
health and safety training to meet all legal requirements, and to enable them to perform
their job safely, and In compliance, while on Frontier premises. Such certification or
written representation must be provided to Frontier prior to issuance of a non-employee
Identification card. Carrier shall be responsible for providing all of its employees and
contractors with adequate personal protective equipment to perform the job safely.
7.3 Relocations and Rearrangements
7.3.1 As a last resort, Frontier may require Carrier to move from its Space to Space in another
location within the same Central Office If necessary for Frontier to fulfill its obligations under the
applicable law. Frontier shall provide Carrier notice of the need for such a move. Frontier will
negotiate a schedule with Carrier under which such relocation shall be effected. Frontier will
bear the costs of relocating the Space, Point of Termination and associated Frontier cabling.
Carrier will be responsible for relocating Its equipment and facilities. Frontier and Carrier will
work together in good faith to minimize any disruption of Carrier's services as a result of such
relocation. Should Carrier wish to move equipment from one location to another, Carrier will be
responsible for removing and transporting its equipment to the new site and installing it. Frontier
will treat the relocation as a new Installation under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
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7.3.2. Should Frontier reasonably need to install additional facilities in any conduit system in
which Carrier occupies Conduit Space for the purpose of meeting its own service requirements
or for providing for another Carrier, Frontier will, after notifying Carrier in writing of the basis and
schedule proposed, rearrange Carrier's facilities in the conduit system so that the additional
facilities of Frontier, or other Carrier, may be accommodated.
7.3.3 In an emergency affecting the safety of personnel, involving out of service End Users or
integrity of the Frontier Network, Frontier will attempt to notify Carrier, but nevertheless may
rearrange Carrier's facilities occupying a conduit, manhole, cable vault, riser system or cable
support structure without prior notification. Such rearrangement will be at Carriers expense if
such emergency is a result of Carrier's occupancy of the space(s) under this Agreement or as a
result of any act or omission on the part of Carrier, its employees, agents or vendors.
7.3.4 Where Carrier intends to modify, move, replace or add to equipment or facilities within
or about the Space and requires special consideration (e.g., use of freight elevators, loading
dock, staging area, etc.), Carrier must request and receive written consent from Frontier.
7.4 Access Rights of Frontier
7.4.1 Carrier will provide emergency access to its Space at all times to allow Frontier to react
to emergencies, to inspect pursuant to the terms and limitations of this Agreement and to ensure
compliance with Frontier policies and standards related to fire, safety, health and environmental
safeguards as set forth in Frontier's Safety Manual.
8.1 Carrier agrees that its employees and vendors with access to Frontier Central Office(s) shall at
times adhere to the rules of conduct established by Frontier for the Central Office and Frontier's
personnel and vendors and provided to Carrier as set forth in Frontier's Environmental, Health and
Safety Manual. Frontier reserves the right to make changes to such policies, practices and procedures
to preserve the integrity and operation of the Frontier network or facilities, or to comply with applicable
laws and regulations.
8.2 Hazardous Materials. Collocator will identify and will notify Company in writing of any Hazardous
Materials Collocator may bring onto the property and will provide Company copies of any Inventories or
other data provided to State Emergency Response Commissions ("SERCs°), Local Emergency Planning
Committees ("LEPCs') or any other governmental agencies if required by the Emergency Planning and
Community Right to Know Act (41 U.S.C. 11001, at sea.). Collocator, its agents and employees will
transport, store and dispose of Hazardous Materials in accordance with all applicable federal, state or
local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Collocator will promptly notify Company of any releases of
Hazardous Materials and will copy Company on any notification of or correspondence with any
governmental body as a result of such release.
8.3 For purposes of this Section, "Hazardous Materials" will mean any toxic substances and/or
hazardous materials or hazardous wastes (including, without limitation asbestos and lead antimony
batteries,) as defined in, or pursuant to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR Part 1910,
Subpart Z), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. Section 6901, at sea.), or
regulations adopted pursuant to those statutes, the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. Section
2601 et sea.) or any other federal, state or local environmental law, ordinance, rule or regulation. The
provisions of this Section will survive the termination, cancellation, modification or rescission of this
8.4 Collocator will provide Company copies of all Material Safety Data Sheets ("MSDSs") for
materials or chemicals regulated under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 C.F.R.
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1910.1200) that are brought onto the property. All such materials will be labeled in accordance with 29
C. F.R. 1910.1200, and applicable state regulations if such regulations are more stringent.
8.5 If Company discovers that Collocator has brought onto Company's property Hazardous Materials
without notification, or is storing or disposing of such materials In violation of any applicable
environmental law, Company may, at Company's option and without penalty, terminate this Attachment
or suspend performance hereunder. Collocator will be responsible for, without cost to Company, the
complete remediation of any releases or other conditions caused by its storage, use or disposal of
Hazardous Materials. Collocator will also be responsible for removing and disposing of all Hazardous
Materials on its Premises at the termination of this Attachment. If Company elects to terminate this
Attachment or discontinue the performance of services hereunder due to the storage, use or disposal of
Hazardous Materials, Collocator will have no recourse against Company and will be responsible for all
costs and expenses associated with such termination or suspension of service in addition to being
responsible for any remedies available to Company for defaults under this Attachment.
8.6 Collocator will indemnify and hold harmless Company, its successors and assigns against, and in
respect of, any and all damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses, including, without limitation, all
legal, accounting, consulting, engineering, and other expenses, which may be imposed upon, or incurred
by, Company or asserted against Company by any other party or parties (including, without limitation,
Company's employees and/or contractors and any governmental entity) arising out of, or in connection
with, Collocator's use, storage or disposal of Hazardous Materials on the Premises.
8.7 Various Prohibited Uses. Collocator will not do or permit anything to be done upon the
Premises, or bring or keep anything thereon that is in violation of any federal, state or local laws or
regulations (including environmental laws or regulations not previously described), or any rules,
regulations or requirements of the local fire department, Fire Insurance Rating Organization, or any other
similar authority having jurisdiction over the Building. Collocator will not do or permit anything to be
done upon the Premises that may in any way create a nuisance, disturb, endanger, or otherwise interfere
with the telecommunications services of Company, any other occupant of the Building, their patrons or
End Users, or the occupants of neighboring property, or injure the reputation of the property. Collocator
will not, without the prior written consent of Company: (i) install or operate any lead-acid batteries,
refrigerating, heating or air conditioning apparatus or carry on any mechanical business in the Premises;
(ii) use the Premises for housing, lodging or sleeping purposes; (iii) permit preparation or warming of
food, presence of cooking or vending equipment, sale of food or smoking in the Premises; or (iv) permit
the use of any fermented, intoxicating or alcoholic liquors or substances in the Premises or permit the
presence of any animals except those used by the visually impaired. Company may, in Its sole
discretion, withhold such consent, or Impose any condition in granting it, and revoke its consent at will.
8.8 Cleanliness and Obstruction of Public Areas. Collocator will not place anything or allow anything
to be placed near the glass of any door, partition or window that Company determines is unsightly from
outside the Premises; or take or permit to be taken In or out of other entrances of the Building, or take or
permit to be taken on any passenger elevators, any item normally taken through service entrances or
elevators; or whether temporarily, accidentally, or otherwise, allow anything to remain in, place or store
anything in, or obstruct in any way, any passageway, exit, stairway, elevator, or shipping platform.
Collocator will lend its full cooperation to keep such areas free from all obstruction and in a clean and
sightly condition, move all supplies, furniture and equipment directly to the Premises as soon as
received, and move all such items and waste, other than waste customarily removed by employees of
the Building.
9.1 Company will have the following rights, and others not specifically excluded in this Attachment,
exercisable without notice and without liability to Collocator for damage or injury to property, person or
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business (all claims for damage being hereby released), and without effecting an eviction or disturbance
of Collocator's use or possession or giving rise to any claim for offsets, or abatement of rent:
9.2 To designate any and all spaces to be occupied by Collocator's facilities and equipment under
this Attachment;
9.2.1 To change the name or street address of the Building;
9.2.2 To install and maintain signs on the exterior and interior of the Building or anywhere on
the property;
9.2.3 To have pass keys or access cards with which to unlock all doors in the Premise,
excluding Collocator's safes;
9.2.4 To enter the Premises for the purposes of examining or inspecting same and of making
such repairs or alterations as Company deems necessary (Collocator hereby waives any claim
for damage, injury, interference with Collocator's business, any loss of occupancy or quiet
enjoyment of the Premises and any other loss occasioned by the event except where such
damages result solely from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Company);
9.2.5 To use any means Company may deem proper to open Premises' doors in an
emergency. Entry into the Premises obtained by Company by any such means will not be
deemed to be forcible or unlawful entry Into or a detainment of or an eviction of Collocator from
the Premises or any portion thereof;
9.2.6 To utilize the space within the Building in such a manner as will best enable it to fulfill its
own service requirements;
9.2.7 To require all persons entering or leaving the Building during such hours as Company
may from time to time reasonably determine to identify themselves to a watchman by
registration or otherwise and to establish their right to leave or enter, and to exclude or expel any
solicitor or person at anytime from the Premises or the property. Company assumes no
responsibility and will not be liable for any damage resulting from the admission or refusal to
admit any authorized or unauthorized person to the Building, provided that such damage is not
the result of gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Company;
9.2.8 To approve the weight, size and location of safes, computers and all other heavy articles
in and about the Premises and the Building, and to require all such items and other office
furniture and equipment to be moved in and out of the Building or premises only at such times
and in such a manner as Company will direct and in all events at Collocator's sole risk and
9.2.9 At any time, to decorate and to make, at its own expense, repairs, alterations, additions
and improvements, structural or otherwise, in or to the Premises, the property, or any part
thereof (including, without limitation the permanent or temporary relocation of any existing
facilities such as parking lots or spaces), and to perform any acts related to the safety, protection
or preservation thereof, and during such operations to take into and through the Premises or any
part of the property all materials and equipment required, and to close or suspend temporarily
operation of entrances, doors, corridors, elevators or other facilities, provided that Company will
limit inconvenience or annoyance to Collocator as reasonably possible under the circumstances;
9.2.10 To door permit to be done any work in or about the Premises or the property or any
adjacent or nearby building, land, street or alley;
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9.2.11 To grant to anyone the exclusive right to conduct any business or render any service on
the property, provided such exclusive right will not operate to exclude Collocator from the use
expressly permitted by this Attachment, unless Company exercises its right to terminate this
Attachment with respect to all or a portion of the Premises;
9.2.12 To close the Building at such reasonable times as Company may determine, subject to
Collocator's right to admittance under such reasonable regulations as will be prescribed from
time to time by Company.
9.2.13 Company will have the right to upgrade or replace its equipment at the subject central
office. In the event that Company determines to make such equipment upgrades or
replacements, it will give Coliocator six months advance notice of such changes. It will be
Collocator's responsibility to ensure that Its equipment remains compatible with Company's
upgraded or new equipment.
9.2.14 To perform all work, using Company employees or contractors, necessary to ready the
Premises for Collocator's use;
9.2.15 To exercise all other rights reserved by Company pursuant to the provisions of this
Attachment; and
9.2.16 To inspect the installation of equipment in the Premises prior to the connection of
equipment to Company facilities.
Collocator is aware the Building in which the Premises is located may contain or have contained
asbestos or asbestos containing building materials, and Collocator hereby releases and agrees to hold
Company harmless from any and all liability to Collocator or any of its employees, agents or invitees as a
result thereof.
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This Collocation Schedule is made this_ day of _____, 2013, and subject to all definitions, terms and
conditions of the ENTIRE AGREEMENT dated , 2013, between FRONTIER and
A. Collocation Rates and Charges:
FRONTIER Central Office Location:
Physical Collocation: KRQ MB
1. Collocator Not Ready Charge:
2. Applications Fee:
3. Augment Fee(expanding space):
4. Engineering & Implementation Fees:
A.Initial Application(1ST App)
B.Subsequent Application
C.Cage Expansion & Additional Cabling
D.Additional Cabling Only
E.Power Augment Only
5. Service Access Charge Cable & Frame Termination:
A.Voice Grade, Per 150 Connections to MDF
B.DS1, Per 28 Connection to DSX
C.Per DS3 Connection to DSX
D.Co Cable Racking
6 Security Charge
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A.Security Charge (per locations)
B.Additional Card
Page 2 of 6
(Physical Collocation-Continued)
7. Multiplexing Node(Cage) Preparation:
A.100 Square Feet
B.Per 20 Square Foot Addition
8. Lighting/AC Charge
A. Lighting/AC Charge
9. Land & Building:
A.100 Square Feet
B.Per 20 Square Foot Increments
10. DC Power —48(Per Amp Fused, Per Feed):
A.Power Installation Per Amp
B.20-200 Amps
11. Service Access Charge Cable & Frame Termination:
A.Voice Grade, Per 150 Connections to MDF
B.DS-1, Per 28 Connection to DSX
C.05-1, Per 28 Connection to DCS
D.Per DS3 Connection to DSX
E.Per 0S3 Connection to DCS
12. Conduit Space Rental Rate
13. Entrance Fiber Structure:
(Per Foot, Per Innerduct)
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14. Escort Service:
A. Escort Service-1 /4 hour
Caaeless Collocation: NRC
1. Carrier Not Ready Charge:
2. Application Fee:
3. Engineering & Implementation Fees:
A.Initial Application (1S1 Application)
B.Subsequence Application
C.Additional Cabling Only
D.Power Augment Only
4. Service Access Charge Cable & Frame Termination:
A. Voice Grade, Per 150 Connections to MDF
Page 3 of 6
B.DS1, Per 28 Connection to DSX
C.Per DS3 Connection to DSX
D.CO Cable Racking
5. Security Charge:
A.Security Charge (per location)
B.Additional Card
6.Land & Building (Per Equipment Bay):
7.Lighting/AC Charge
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8 DC Power —48(Per Amp Fused, Per Feed):
A.Power Installation Per Amp
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Cageless Collocation-Cont
9. Service Access Charge Cable & Frame Termination:
A.Voice Grade, Per 150 Connections to MDF
B.DS1, Per 28 Connection to DSX
C.DS1, Per 28 Connection to DCS
D.Per DS3 Connection to DSX
E.Per DS3 Connection to DCS
10. Conduit Space Rental Rate:
11. Entrance Fiber Structure:
(Per Foot, Per Innerduct)
12. Escort Service:
A. Escort Service- 1/4 Hour
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Total fee represents the non-recurring and monthly charges as described above.
$______ Total Non-Recurring $______ Total Per Month
B. Turnover of Space(s)
1.Physical Collocation where space is available.
The estimated interval for turnover of space(s) is negotiable upon-receipt of a valid service
request (completion and acceptance of Collocation Application) through the date of notification to
the Carrier of the cable assignment information.
2.All Other Collocation Arrangements.
The estimated interval for turnover of space(s) is negotiable upon receipt of a valid service
request (completion and acceptance of Collocation Application) through the date if notification to
the Carrier of the cable assignment information.
C. Term
The term of this Agreement Schedule shall commence as of the occupancy date set forth in this
Schedule and shall terminate ______year(s) from this date unless otherwise terminated by either
party. In no event shall the term be less than three (3) years.
Ednetics, Inc. Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho
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C.O. Address CLLI
Contract # Compliance. Date
Collocator Occupancy Date
The Frontier portion of this Collocation project has been completed in accordance with the specifications
approved for this job. The space is now ready for occupancy. All associated work is complete.
Occupancy fees as delineated In the contract established for the job commence with the signing of this
Exceptions to construction work:
- Amount of space requested sq feet
- DC Power requirements
- AC Power____________________________
- # of DSO requested
- # of DS1 requested
- # of - DS3 requested
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Agreement Number: 1 3-edneticctcid-OO1
Form A
Collocation Application
Date Sent Date Rcv'd
(FRONTIER use only)
Revision # ______(Please see Section DC)
I. Collocator Information
City State Zip
2.Contact Name(for questions related to this application)
Telephone # # address_____________
3.24 hour emergency contact telephone #
4.Desired Service Date (in accordance with FRONTIER standard
5.Central Office CLLI Code____________
Street Address City
ACTL Code (To be provided/registered by CLEC)
6.Billing Information
Billing Manager Name
Company Name
Street Address
City State Zip
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II. Type of Collocation Reauested
A. New Collocation Arrangement
Please indicate the type(s) of collocation you are willing to consider, your order
of preference, as well as your desired and minimally acceptable space
requirements for each option selected on the chart below. Frontier Telephone will
use this information to best meet your immediate collocation requirements. Please
rank the order types by starting with the number 1, indicating your first.
Type of Collocation Order of Requirements Desired Mm
Requested Preference
Physical-Caged Number of Square
Cageless Number of Square
B. Augment to an Existing Arrangement
1.Type of Arrangement (physical/cageless)
2.Augment Type - Check all that apply
Cable Terminations for DS3, DS1, DSO, Fiber
Pulling in additional fiber facilities
I ] Addition/Removal of equipment
I ] Contiguous Space-Indicate nbr of sq feet or bays desired_____________
3.11 Character CLLI Code of the existing arrangement
C. Reason for revision:__________________________________________
Note: Revisions must be received within 5 business days of the
original application to avoid change in the start and
completion dates of the collocation arrangement/augment.
Tie Cables to be cabled are those that will be run between the demarcation point (CLEC
space and the FRONTIER Distributing Frame) to support the equipment listed on this
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application. Terminations within the CLEC space are the responsibility of the CLEC. An
application requesting an augment must be submitted for additional tie cables to be cabled.
Please indicate the quantity of each type of termination for each type of collocation
requested in Section hA for all desired and minimum configurations. Certain tariffs and
products have minimum ordering increments and will be cabled and billed accordingly. *ft
DSO's are ordered, must be In 150 pair increments.
Type of
Min Min Mm
Please indicate your requirements for .-48V Battery & Ground, A & B Supplies for each type
of collocation requested for both your desired and minimum configurations. Please Indicate
number of Primary Feeds (A & B) and the number of Fused Amps required per Feed.
Type of Number of Primary DC Feeds (A & B) Number of AMPS
Collocation (Qty of '1' equals one A & B feed pair) Drain/Primary Feed
(Qty of '30' equals 30 amps
fused on A and 30 amps fused
on B - Do not add together)
Desired Min Desired Mm
[ Augment
Note: When indicating the number of primary feeds required, a quantity of "1" equals one
A & B Feed Pair. When indicating the number of amps drain per primary feed, a quantity of
"30" equals 30 amps fused on A and 30 amps fused on B. DO NOT ADD TOGETHER.
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1. List of equipment and framework (relay racks) to be installed by Collocator
Please specify the manufacturer and model number, DC power drain in AMPS, heat
dissipation, dimensions (size), and quantity) for each piece of equipment and relay rack to
be installed. Please attach a list of all plug-ins and a copy of the product's technical
description. This information is REQUIRED.
0 DC
Dimensions Power Heat
Manufacturer/Model # (cageless scenario QTY Drain Dissipation
C Ttt oi$u,.hia+a.I gu4soinmAmt I^aAlAmIn In Amrio _____________________ (Trtt& rif amna
3. NEBS Conformance Requirements
All framework (relay racks) to be installed or placed in Frontier Telephone Offices must be tested
to, and are expected to meet the NEBS family of requirements.
NO All frames/relay racks must conform to NEBS. Equipment, frames/relay racks are not
compliant if constructed of non-steel and/or non-welded equipment frame materials. Installation of
non-compliant frames/relay racks in any collocation arrangement in any Frontier Telephone Central
Office is prohibited.
Please provide the applicable Service Group (SG) for all your respective laser equipment located
within Frontier's Central Offices. These SG's are based on the power levels and can be found in
the ANSI Standard 136.1 "For The Safe Use of Lasers".
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1. Please indicate the method you will be usina to establish your collocation
3. Cable Requirements Support
A.Number of cables to be placed:
B.Size of Cables (diameter):
C.Type of Cable: (manufacturer's
1.Engineering Vendor
Telephone Number
2.Outside Plant Vendor (Cable Placement)
Telephone Number
3.Outside Plant Vendor (Cable Splicing)
Telephone Number
4.Equipment Installation Vendor
Telephone Number
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A Certificate of Insurance must be provided for all new sites prior to occupancy.
Certificate Attached: Yes No - if Yes, please provide expiration date:
If No, date Certificate to be provided:
Please submit this application, all supporting documentation and applicable application fee to:
Collocation Project Manager
Frontier Communications
180 South Clinton Avenue
Rochester, N.Y. 14646
NOTE: Failure to provide all requested information and associated documentation may result In
delays in the processing of this application.
By submitting an application for collocation, the CLEC is accepting (as a matter of contract)
the terms of the filed tariff, or collocation contract, until such tariff, or contract Is superceded by
an effective tariff, or contract.
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Tom er Method of Procedure
Contracting Company. MOP Number (Assigned by Frontier):
Frontier Order Number (IF, FRED,etc.): OfflcCLLl Code:
Contracting Company Address: Project Start Date (MM-DD.VYVY):
Project Completion Date (MM-DD-VVVY):
MOP Prepared by Date Submitted: Phone Number:
Contracting Supervisor on the Job: Contact Numbers (call/pager): FrontIer Representative Pertonning Walk-
Contact Numbers (CeWPageO:
Approved to Start Work: YES NO Date for Work to Begin:
Approval Signature and Date:
Reasons for NO Approval:
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Contractors performing the work In this MOP have reviewed and are in conformance with Initial the safety and service protection requirements specified in Frontiers Safety and
Procedural Handbook pertaining to, but not limited to the following categories:
Contractor Frontier
Personal Safety (clothing, eye protection, protective headgear, etc.)
Fire Protection (material storage, housekeeping, location of fire extinguishers, etc.)
Housekeeping (trash removal intervals, etc.)
Building Conditions (lighting, stairways, rolling ladders, etc.)
Tools and installation Equipment (ladder safety, electrical tools, etc.)
List specific building locations (walls, floors, equipment, etc.) requiring protection and the protection to be provided:
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List any designated storage or staging location(s) for tools and other equipment during the construction Interval:
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ATTACHMENT 4— Local Number Portability
SECTION 1. Local Number Portability (LNP)
1.1 Carrier agrees to follow the procedures in Frontier's Local Service Provider Guide for the
porting of numbers.
1.2 Terms and Conditions
Frontier will only provide LNP services and facilities where technically feasible, subject
to the availability of facilities, and only from properly equipped central offices.
An LNP telephone number may be assigned by Carrier only to Carrier's End Users
located within Frontier' rate center, which is associated with the NXX of the ported number.
Six months after LNP becomes available, Interim Service Provider Number Portability
(ISPNP) will cease to be available and all existing ISPNP arrangements will terminate.
1.3 Obligations of Parties
Both Parties will participate in LNP testing in accordance with North American
Numbering Council (NANC) standards.
Both Parties will follow recommended National Emergency Number Association (NENA)
standards for LNP until such time the standards are superceded by federal, state, or local legislation.
Carrier is required to send to Frontier a completed Bona Fide Request Form for LNP
deployment in non LNP capable offices. See Exhibit A.
Carrier is responsible to coordinate with the local E911 and Public Services Answering
Point (PSAP) coordinators to insure a seamless transfer of End User emergency services.
Carrier is required to meet all mutually agreed upon testing dates and implementation
schedules. Both Parties will perform testing as specified in industry guidelines and cooperate in
conducting any additional testing to ensure interoperability between networks and systems. Each party
shall inform the other Party of any system updates that may affect the other Party's network and each
Party shall, at the other Party's request perform tests to validate the operation of the network.
Each Party is responsible for the following:
Adhere to all Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) and North American
Numbering Council (NANC) requirements and in providing its own access to regional NPAC.
For providing its own access to the Service Order Administration (SOA).
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Notes: 1 List each switch targeted for LNP by its specific CLLI code.
2 Enter associated Rate Center information from LERG, including: Rate
Center Name and Associated V&H Terminating Point Master Coordinates;
Source of the LEAG information: Destination Code Record (DAD) Screen.
° Circle or highlight V if requesting all eligible NPA-NXX codes in that specific switch to
be opened. Circle or highlight N if only certain NPA NXX codes are being requested.
Then provide list of desired NPA NXX(s).
Note: Targeting of specific NPA-NXX codes should be carefully considered. A
traditional ILEC may serve a single rate center with multiple switches (CLLI5 and
NXX codes) while Carrier may serve multiple rate centers with a single switch.
In the latter case, use of a specific NXX code will determine the rate center.
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Acknowledgment of
LNP Bona Fide Request (BFR)
DATE: (date of resopnse)
TO: (reauester/Carrier name/ID)
(contact name/address(number)
reQuester switch(es)/CLLI)
FROM: (name of service provider)
(address of provider)
(contact name/number)
Switch request(s) accepted:
CLLI Accepted LNP Effective Modified Effective Ineligible NPA-NXXs
Date or Date
(CLLI 1)
(CLLI 2)
(CLLI 3)
(CLLI 4)
Switch request(s) denied/reason for denial:
(CLLI 2)
(CLLI 3)
Authorized company representative signature/title:
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1.1. Bridged Tan Removal is the physical act of "cutting off" part of the metallic facility along the
cable route to remove cable not in the direct electrical path. The original loop could have made multiple
appearances along the cable route and the service subscribed to by the End User may have limited
tolerances to total bridged-tap on a circuit.
1.2. Cable Loading is the process of adding load coils to a metallic cable facility.
1.3. Cable Unloading is the process of removing load coil(s) from a metallic cable facility.
1.4. Conditioning of an unbundled local loop includes, without limitation, cable unloading, cable
loading, bridged tap removal, or any combination of these.
1.5. Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) is a system that enables multiple End Users to share a single digital
transmission line running between a remotely located multiplexing unit and a central office.
1.6. Main Distribution Frame (MDF) is hardware that connects cable pairs to the line and trunk
equipment terminals of a switching system.
1.7. Unbundled Local Loot) is the transmission path from Frontier MDF, or its equivalent, up to and
including the Frontier Network Interface Device (MD) at End User premises.
2.1 Unbundled Network Elements (UNE) are provided in accordance with the specifications
described herein. Frontier sole obligation is to provide and maintain Unbundled Network Elements in
accordance with such specifications. Frontier shall not be required to provide or combine Unbundled
Network Elements to any extent beyond what is required by law. Frontier DOES NOT WARRANT THAT
characteristics may vary depending on the length of the unbundled local loop and may vary due to
characteristics inherent in the physical network. Unbundled Local Loop specifications described in this
agreement apply only to the Unbundled Local Loop as defined herein. Frontier, in order to properly
maintain and modernize the network, may make necessary modifications and changes to the UNE5 in its
network on an as needed basis. Such changes may result in changes to transmission parameters.
2.2 Unbundled Network Elements may not be used to provide any service that would degrade or
otherwise adversely affect Frontier network services, e.g., introduce harmful voltages or electrical
currents in excess of standards used in common industry practice. Frontier will provide Carrier each
Unbundled Local Loop type according to the technical parameters specified for each Unbundled Local
Loop in Section 3.0 below. Frontier will determine the medium over which the Unbundled Local Loop is
provisioned to meet the appropriate technical parameters, except that, if Carrier requires a specific type
of Unbundled Local Loop to meet the technical requirements of a proposed service, Frontier will consider
the request on a case-by-case basis.
2.3 Unbundled Network Elements are only available to the Carrier for use in its provisioning of local
exchange service to its End Users. Any combination of unbundled elements which when combined
equates to a substantially similar service provisioned through the retail tariff, will be offered and priced as
resale not as the cumulative of unbundled elements. -
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2.4 It is Carrier's responsibility to provision and provide E91 1 Services to its End Users that are
provisioned utilizing Frontier Unbundled Network Elements.
2.5 In the event any modification of Frontier facilities is required to Implement an unbundled local
loop at any given location, additional charges will apply. Frontier is not required to construct or provide
Unbundled Network Elements where facilities do not currently exist.
2.6. To the extent that Frontier files a tariff that specifies terms, conditions, or rates for the
performance of any action or obligation that would otherwise be governed by this Agreement and such
tariff is duly approved by an appropriate governmental agency with jurisdiction over Its subject matter,
the terms, conditions, and/or rates of this Agreement will be superseded by the tariff.
2.7. Carrier shall access Frontier Unbundled Network Elements specifically identified in this
Agreement via Collocation at the Frontier Wire Center where those elements exist and each LINE shall
be delivered to Carrier's collocation at applicable rates set forth herein.
3.1 Frontier will make the following UNEs available to Carrier pursuant to this agreement.
• 2-Wire Analog Loop
• 4-Wirel Analog Loop
3.2 The 2-Wire Analog loop is a two wire voice grade facility that supports 300 to 3000 Hz. A 2-wire
analog loop may Include load coils, bridge taps, etc.
3.3 The 4-Wire Analog Loop is a four wire voice grade facility that supports 300 to 3000 Hz. analog
service with send and receive transmission paths. A 4-wire analog loop may include load coils, bridge
taps, etc.
If Carrier requests Unbundled Local Loop conditioning or if conditioning is required to provide one of the
Unbundled Network Elements described in this agreement, Frontier will condition the unbundled local
loop at Carrier's expense. Frontier will determine separate charges for each request. Carrier agrees to
pay the quoted charges prior to commencement of work.
Placement of repeaters may be required or requested for Unbundled Network Elements. Frontier will
make this determination, but Carrier may request placement of repeaters to meet its specifications.
Additional charges will apply to the placement of repeaters. Frontier will determine separate charges for
each repeater placement. Carrier agrees to pay the quoted charges prior to commencement of work.
Ninety days prior to submitting any Unbundled Local Loop service orders, Carrier must provide to
Frontier forecasts of the numbers of Loops that Carrier plans to order from Frontier at the exchange
level. Thereafter, Carrier will update the forecasts on a quarterly basis. The form for submitting initial &
subsequent quarterly forecasts is the Estimated Volumes for Unbundled Local Loop page of the Carrier
Master Account Questionnaire.
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To ensure correct provisioning, Frontier highly recommends that Carrier and Frontier have a technical
meeting prior to Carrier ordering Unbundled Network Elements
7.1. Certain of Frontier geographical areas are currently served via Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) or
Remote Switching Technology. If Carrier requests one or more Unbundled Network Elements in these
areas, Frontier will notify Carrier of the lack of available facilities. Carrier may request alternative
arrangements if they are available. Additional charges may apply. Frontier will determine separate
charges for each request. Carrier agrees to pay the quoted charges prior to commencement of work.
8.1 Carrier agrees to follow the procedures in Frontier's Local Service Provider Guide for ordering
and maintenance of UNEs.
8.2 Each Party is responsible for its own End User base and will have the responsibility for resolution
of any service trouble report(s) from its End Users. Frontier will work cooperatively with Carrier to resolve
trouble reports when the trouble condition has been isolated and found to be within a portion of Frontier's
network. Carrier must provide to Frontier test results and shall test its End User's trouble prior to Frontier
performing any repair functions. When Carrier has reported the trouble and such trouble is not in
Frontier's network, Frontier will apply to Carrier a maintenance service charge based on Frontier's
respective tariff. Carrier agrees to follow the procedures defined in the Guide for trouble reporting.
8.3. Carrier must submit to Frontier a disconnect order for any Unbundled Local Loop that is
relinquished by the End User because of cessation of service. Unbundled Local Loop facilities will be
returned to Frontier when the disconnection order is complete. In the event of transfer of the End User's
service from one provider to another, the new provider will issue a request for transfer of service,
resulting in the appropriate disconnection and reconnection of service.
8.4. When ordering Unbundled Network Elements, Carrier is responsible for obtaining or providing
facilities and equipment that are compatible with the service.
9.5 Carrier will have responsibility for testing the equipment, network facilities and the Unbundled
Local Loop facility.
Rates for Unbundled Network Elements are specified in Attachment 7, Pricing.
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ATTACHMENT 6— Resale of Local Services
Section 1. QEEIli!IION
1.1 Resale means an activity wherein Carrier subscribes to the retail telecommunications services of
Frontier and then re-offers and provides those telecommunications services to the public under its own
company name.
2.1 Telephone numbers associated with Frontier's retail telecommunication services offered for
resale are assigned to the service furnished. Carrier has no property right to the telephone number or
any other call number designation associated with services furnished by Frontier, and no right to the
continuance of service through any particular central office. Frontier reserves the right to change such
numbers, or the central office designation associated with such numbers, or both, consistent with
telephone number conservation and administrative practices, such as NPA splits, generally prevailing in
the local exchange telecommunications industry.
3.1. Carrier agrees that its resale of Frontier services will be as follows:
3.1.1. Except as specified in Section 3.6 below. The telecommunications services available at
a wholesale discount for resale by Carrier will be limited to retail services made available to End
Users and uses conforming to the class of service restrictions in Frontier's Local Exchange
Service Tariff and pursuant to all rules and regulations related to the provision of local exchange
services promulgated by the applicable Commission.
3.1.2. If telephone service is established and it is subsequently determined that the class of
service restriction has been violated, Carrier will be notified and billing for that service will be
retroactively changed to the appropriate class of service. Service charges for changes between
class of service, back billing, and interest as described in this subsection will apply at Frontier's
sole discretion. Interest will apply at the rate of 1.5% per month or 18% annually, or the
maximum allowed by law, whichever is less, compounded daily for the number of days from the
back billing date to and including the date that Carrier actually makes the payment to Frontier
may be assessed.
3.2. Resold services can only be used in the same manner as specified in Frontier's Tariff. Resold
services are subject to the same terms and conditions as are specified for such services when furnished
to an individual End User of Frontier in the appropriate section of Frontier's Tariff. Specific Tariff
features, e.g., a usage allowance per month, will not be aggregated across multiple resold services.
Resold services cannot be used to aggregate traffic from more than one End User.
3.3. Carrier may resell Frontier's services only within the specific Frontier's service area as defined in
Frontier's Tariff.
3.4. A subscriber line charge (SLC) or any federally mandated or state approved charge to End Users
included in Frontier's tariffs will continue to be paid by Carrier without discount for each local exchange
line resold under this Agreement.
3.5. Law enforcement agency subpoenas and court orders regarding End Users of Carrier will be
directed to Carrier. Frontier will bill Carrier for implementing any requests by law enforcement agencies
regarding Carrier End Users. Frontier will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies with subpoenas
and court orders for assistance with Carrier's End Users.
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3.6. Carrier may resell the tariff ed retail local exchange services of Frontier subject to the terms and
conditions specifically set forth herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following are not available for
a)Calling Card
b)Employee Concessions Services
C) Promotional offers less than 90 days
d)Grandfathered Services
e)LifeLine and Link Up Services
f)Inside Wire
g)Installment billing options
h)Enhanced Services, excluding voice mail
i)End User Premise Equipment
j)911 and E911 Services
k)Interconnection Services
I) Legislatively or Administratively Mandated Specialized Discounts (e.g., educational
institution discounts)
3.7 Carrier agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Local Service Provider Guide, which
is incorporated by reference herein.
Carrier is liable for all fraud associated with service to its End Users and accounts. Frontier takes no
responsibility, will not investigate, and will make no adjustments to Carrier's account In cases of fraud
unless such fraud is the result of intentional misconduct or gross negligence of Frontier.
3.8 Telecommunications services provided directly to Carrier for its own use and not resold to End
Users must be Identified by Carrier as such, and notwithstanding any available wholesale discount,
Carrier will pay retail prices for such services.
4.1 Services resold by Frontier will be maintained by Frontier, up to and including the Network
Interface Device.
4.2 Carrier or its End Users may not rearrange, move, disconnect, add additional services, remove
or attempt to repair any facilities owned by Frontier, other than by connection or disconnection to any
interface means used.
4.3 Carrier accepts responsibility to notify Frontier of situations that may arise, resulting in service
4.4 Carrier will be the single point of contact for all repair calls on behalf of Carriers End Users.
4.5 Carrier will contact the appropriate repair centers in accordance with procedures established by
4.6 For all repair requests, Carrier accepts responsibility for adhering to Frontier' prescreening
guidelines prior to referring the trouble to Frontier.
4.7 Frontier will bill Carrier for handling troubles that are found not to be in Frontier network
pursuant to its standard time and material or dispatch charges as set forth in Frontier' Tariff.
4.8 Frontier reserves the right to contact Carrier's End User if deemed necessary, for maintenance
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purposes in an emergency or as a result of a service call which Carrier may initiate.
4.9 Carrier acknowledges that any chat line services being offered by Carrier over Frontier's
facilities shall only be provisioned by Frontier on a blockable UN)Q( central office code.
5.1 When notification is received from Carrier that a current End User of Frontier will subscribe to
Carrier's service, standard service order intervals for the appropriate class of service will apply.
5.2 When an existing End User of Frontier switches to Carrier, Carrier must provide Frontier with the
End User line numbers and applicable feature detail, as set forth in the Local Service Provider Guide.
The procedures for temporarily denying or permanently disconnecting service to an End User are as
6.1 Frontier will temporarily deny service to Carriers End User on behalf of, and at the request of
Carrier. Upon restoration of the End User's service, restoral charges will apply and will be charged to the
master account of Carrier.
6.2 All requests by Carrier for temporary denial, restoration, or permanent disconnection of an End
User for nonpayment must be in writing and must be on, or accompanied by, the appropriate ordering
form. Carrier is responsible for compliance with regulatory requirements for termination and temporary
disconnection of service to End User(s).
6.3 Carrier will be solely responsible for notifying the End User, in advance, of the proposed
temporary denial or permanent disconnection of the service.
6.4 Frontier will advise Carrier when it is determined that annoyance calls are originated from one of
their End User's locations. Frontier will be indemnified, defended and held harmless by Carrier and/or
the End User against any claim, loss, or damage arising from providing this information to Carrier. It is
the responsibility of Carrier to take the corrective action necessary with its End Users who make
annoying calls. Failure to do so may at Frontier's option result in Frontier disconnecting the End User's
The procedures for discontinuing service to Carrier are as follows unless otherwise defined by the
7.1 Where Carrier discontinues its provision of service to all or substantially all of its End Users, the
Carrier must send advance written notice of such discontinuance to Frontier, comply with any applicable
Commission regulatory requirements and to each of the Carrier's End Users. Such notice must include a
verification that the Carrier has notified its End Users of the discontinuance, and must state the date on
which such End User notice was mailed. If the End User fails to make other arrangements within fifteen
(15) days of the date of notice provided by the Carrier, Frontier will serve the End User at its retail rates
as if the End User had applied for new service, subject to Frontier's retail connection charges and other
requirements applicable to other new End Users including but not limited to payment of deposits,
advance payments and prior amounts owing to Frontier.
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Attachment 7— PRICING
1.1.1 ISP Bound, pursuant to the Section 2.16 in the General Terms and Conditions, and Local
Wi reline to wi reline traffic will be terminated by the Parties on a Bill and Keep basis.
1.1.2 Transit Service—per MOU $ 0.0061854/MOU
1.1.3 Wireline to Wireless traffic
or Wireless to Wireline traffic $0.01 1/MOU
1.1.4 Carrier will provide accurate Calling Party Number ("CPN") and/or Automatic Number
Identification (°ANI") on at least ninety-five percent (95%) of all traffic delivered to the
P01. In addition each party shall pass Charge Number (CN) unaltered where it is different than
CPN.Where CPN and/or ANI is not provided, Carrier agrees to pay the applicable
intrastate terminating access charges for such traffic.
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1.2 Unbundled Local Loop Rates
Monthly Recurring Charges
2-Wire Analog Loop
4-Wire Analog Loop
Nonrecurring Charges
End User Loop Information - Per loop
Pre-Qualification Charge (per loop) $ 27.18
Cancel/Reject Charge $10.00
Order Change Charge *See Supplemental PON Charges
Due Date Charge **See Supplemental PON Charges
Expedited Orders ***See Miscellaneous Charges
Network modification requests such as, but not limited to, conditioning (Cable Loading or Unloading,
Load Coil Rearrangement and Bridged Tap Removal) and Placement of Repeaters will be priced on an
individual case basis.
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1.3.1 Nonrecurring Charges:
A nonrecurring charge will apply when converting a Frontier account to a Carrier account or
when changing an End User from one Carrier to another.
1.3.2 Basic Residential Line Service and Basic Business Line Service and Public Access Line
Service that is subject to resale will be discounted at 12% from the published rates In the state
local tariff for the rate center where service is being requested.
1.4 SuDDlemental PON Charges
1.4.1 A supplement is any new iteration of a local service request.
Supplement # 1
Cancel - Indicates that the pending order is to be canceled In Its entirety.
Charge - $14.38
Supplement # 2
New desired due date - Indicates that the pending order requires only a change of desired due
Supplement # 3
Other - Any other change to the request.
Supp 2 & 3 Charges are as follows:
Order Type Residence Business Residence Business Residence Business
Resale Resale Porting Porting ULL/UNE ULL/UNE
Charge Per $11.01 $17.83 $11.01 $17.83 $8.86 $14.34
*Expedite Charge will be applied ($35.20 per telephone number) for any Portirigs stopped on the
DD & subsequently reappointed with a new Due Date.
1.5.1 Exoedite Charae - Applies on any work requested before the next available due date or
before the standard interval for that service.
The expedite charge is applied for each telephone number being expedited.
Residence $35.20
Business $35.20
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Additional Labor Charges also apply if the work is done after hours or on the weekend.
1.5.2 Preferential/Vanity Numbers
Residence $42.33
Business $84.45
1.5.3 Concurrence Charge
The CLEC Is responsible to create subscription versions in the NPAC prior to the 18-hour
window. In the event that the CLEC does not create the subscription version(s) within the
prescribed time frame, the CLEC is responsible to notify Frontier during regular business hours
of the need to concur. Failure to do so may result in a delayed porting. A concurrence charge is
applied for each telephone number needing concurrence.
Residence $11.01
Business $17.83
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