HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100924Application.pdfft ~°r!!I~r.RECE
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September 23,2010
2200 W. Airfeld Drve
P.O. Box 619002
DFW, Texas 75261
Phone 972-456-7551
Fax 972-456-8719
Email: kimberly.a.douglassaYft.com
Ms. Jean Jewell
Commission Secreta
Idaho Public Utilties Commission
472 West Washington Street
Boise, Idaho 83710-0074
C"t- T-lO-6:i
Re: Agreement for Cellular and 2-Way Mobile Radio Services Traffc between Citizens
Telecommunications Company of Idaho and Alled Wireless Communications
Dear Ms. Jewell:
Attached for filing and approval are one original plus thee copies of an agreement for cellular
and 2-way mobile radio services trafc between Citizens Telecommuncations Company of
Idaho ("CTC-Idaho") and Alled Wireless Communcations Corporation. The agreement adopts
in its entirety the agreement between Alltel COmluncations Inc., formerly United States
Cellular Corporation and CTC-Idaho that became effective on December 21,2004 in Case No.
CTC- T -04-2.
If you have any questions regarding this agreement, please contact me at 972-456-7551.
Kim Douglass
Senior Staf Consultant
Compliance - Governent and Reguatory Affairs
l 0- AlIedCTCID-OOJ?t:
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Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho
Alled Wireless Communications Corporation
This Opt-In Agreement setS forth the terms of local interconnection and the exchange of cellular
and 2-way mobile radio serces traffc (CMRS) in the State of Idaho (the "Agreement") and is
effective upon execution ("Effective Date"), subject to the approval of the Idaho Public Serce
Commission. The Agreement is by and between Citizens Telecommunications Company of
Idaho, ("Frontier"), a Delaware corporation, with offces at 180 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester,
NY 14646 and Allied Wireless Communications Corporation, ("Alled") with offices at 1001
Technology Drve, Little Rock, AR, 72223._ Frontier and Alled being referred to collectively as
the ("Paries").
NOW THEREFORE, the Pares agree as follows:
The Paries agree that this Agreement shall supercede and replace in full any and all prior
agreements, written, and oral, between the Parties for the transport and termination of CMRS
traffc in the State of Idaho.
The Paries agree that the Agreement shall consist of the Interconnection and Traffic Interchange
Agreement for Cellular and other 2- Way Mobile Radio Services by and between Allel
Communications Inc., formerly United States Cellular Corporation and Citizens
Telecommunications Company of Idaho, for the legal entities of Frontier's listed in the opening
paragraph, which became effective December 21, 2004. That Agreement shall herein be refered
to as the "Adopted Agreement". The Paries fuher agree the Adopted Agreement is hereby
amended as follows:
This Agreement shall be in force for the period commencing with the Effective Date set
forth above and continuing until terminated pursuant to the terms of the Agre.ement.
1. Allied shall be substituted in place of "US Cellular" in the Adopted Agreement.
Any notice to Allied as may be required under the Adopted Agreement shall be
provided as follows:
To Alled:
Adoption Agreement - 1
l 0- AlIiedCTCID-OOO
Allied Wireless Communications Corpration
Attn: Cindy Steele, Procurement
1001 Technology Drive
Little Rock, AR 72223
If to Alled Bilg Disputes:
Alled Wireless Communications Corpration
ATT: John Bratton, Wholesale Cost Management
1001 Technology Drve
Little Rock, AR 72223
Any notice to Frontier shall be provided as follows:
Frontier Communications
Attn: A VP Carer Serices
180 S. Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14646
Telephone: (585) 777-7124
With a copy to:
Frontier Communications
Attn: Associate General Counsel
180 South Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14646
If to Frontier for Biling Disputes:
Frontier Conttmications
Attention: Access Biling
P.O. Box 92713
Rochester, NY 14692
Adoption Agreement - 2
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Title:if - 8N~ 4; cts
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l 0- AlledCTCID-OOO
Citiens Telecommunications Company
of Idaho
Typed: Stephen Levan
Title: VP, Carer Sales and Services
Date: 7 . ~. '()
Adoption Agrment - 3