HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190531Application.pdfCvnrnn A. Meuu-o PLLC 8385 Vl E^reRAlo SrRrer . BorsE, loano 83704 (2OB) 577 -57 47 . cam@ camlawidaho.com May 31 ,2019 RECEIVED i0l9 t{AY 3 t Ail 9: 35 iD,qi"ic pugltc.TiLITISS COMMISSION VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 LTY3-T-- lq-o I Re Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC's Application for Broadband Tax Credit Certification Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing, please find the original and three copies of Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC's Application in the above referenced case. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Cynthia A. CAM/ Enclosures CAM to IPUC encl 20'18 BB tax credit application (CTBS) ORIGINAL Cynthia A. Melillo ISB No. 5819] CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ID 83704 Telephone: (208) 577-5741 cam@camlawidaho.com RECEIVED i0l9 HAY 3l All 9: 35 'irJ$Eloctul?fii8t'o* Attorneys for Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CaseNo. Lf B-T-lg-ol IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION CUSTER TELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC'S APPLICATION Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC ("CTBS" or "Applicant"), by and through its attorneys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029,ldaho Code. In support of its Application, CTBS states as follows: 1. CTBS is a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service and other telecommunications services in Idaho. 2. During the calendar year 2018, CTBS made certain investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(D(3Xb), Idaho Code. Exhibit A, attached hereto, describes CTBS's qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Commission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-01- 10. CUSTER TELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC'S APPLICATION - I 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: Cynthia A. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 (208) s77-s747 cam@camlawidaho.com Sheny Maestas Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC P.O. Box 324 Challis, ID 83226 (208) 87e-4008 sherry@custertel.net 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and, therefore, requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, CTBS requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029l,Idaho Code. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 3l't day of May 2019. A. Melillo CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC Attorneys for Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC CUSTER TELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC'S APPLICATION - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 3l't day of May 2019,1 caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Ovemight Mail Facsimile A. Melillo CUSTER TELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC'S APPLICATION - 3 trxtrtr Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application 2018 Year End Companv Infbrmation Equipment Description l. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. 'l'ype of company 4. Contact person: 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Network description: 7. Transmission rate 8. Numbcr and percentage of Idaho customers served: 9. Equipment list: Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC. Box 324, Challis Idaho 83226 PhysicalLocation 1:1101 EastMainAve. Challis, lD 83226 Physical Location 2: 400 Shoup Street, Salmon, ID 83467 Telecommunications Carrier. Cable Modem HSl. Fixed Wireless HSI, CATV Provider Slrerry Maestas, Box 324, Challis ld 83226 shen'y@custcficl.net 208-879-4008 Cable Modem HSI, Fixed Wireless HIS, FTTH HSI Fiber Optic Fed CATV System that provides Cable Modem Service. Fiber optic transpofi electronics. Fiber optic backbone and distribution cable. Irixed Wireless Network. 256,000 bits per sec - 10,000,000 bits per sec from a subscriber 256,000 bits per sec - 100,000,000 bits per sec to a subscriber 1,530 customers with broadband out of 2.000 cstirnated possible See attached Broadband Equiprnent List Custer'felephone Broadband Services LLC attests that the items listed in Exhibit A are necessary to the provision ofbroadband service and an integral part ofthe broadband network. I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-30291. Sherry Maestas Director of Finance Custer Telephone Broadband Selvices. LLC Page I Custer Telephone Broadband Seryices, LLC Broadband Tax Credit Application 2018 Broadband Equipment List DsscriDtion FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH FTTH Fixed Wireless Equipment FTTH ONT Fixed Wireless Equipment FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT OW0M Equipment GPON Equipment FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT FTTH ONT ManufacturerrProvider Coming Coming Corning Corning Corning Corning Coming Coming Coming Corning Corning Coming Coming Coming Coming Coming Coming Coming Corning Coming Coming Coming Coming Coming Corning Alpha Calix Cambium Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix ADVA Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Calix Model or lD No. Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Aerial Fiber Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable UPS Micro3S0XL 2. 711GX ONT 2POTS 1GE lFE Canopy 450i Radio & Antennas ,I .711GXONT2POTS lGE lFE 2 - 762GX ONT SPOTS 8-ETH 3. 71,IGX ONT 2POTS lGE 1FE 1 . 714 ONT 4POTS 2ETH 1 . 71,IGXONT 2POTS lGE,IFE 1OG XPDR E7 GPON 2 . 71,IGX ONT 2POTS lGE 1FE 1 .717GE ONT 4POTS 4GE 1 - 765GX RACK MOUNT ONT +24VDC 1.844G INDOOR ONT 2POTS 4ETH 6 - 844G INDOOR ONT 2POTS 4ETH 1 . 710 ONT 2POTS lETH 1 - 762GX ONT SPOTS 8-ETH Countv Locations Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhir Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon ExchanOe Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchanqe Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi; Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Work Order 2017-UB 2017-498 201 8-10B 201 8-10B 2016-268 2017-228 2017-228 2017-228 2018-33B 201 8-1 5B 2018-15B 201 8-1 5B 2018-308 2018-1 8B 2017-328 2017-329 201 8-1 B 20'18- 18 2018- 1 8 20'18-18 20'18-168 2018-31 B 2018-358 2018-37B 2017-458 Multiple 20'17-258 2017-168-1 2018-6B Multiple 20'18- 1 08-1 2018-49B-1 20'18-198 2014-18-2 Multiple 2014-238 201A-258 lrultiple 2018-268-1 2018-328 Cost 366.64 1,248.'18 9,674.42 695.88 728.35 '13,695.14 777.23 191.56 305.66 740.61 1,771.71 25't.68 5,935.87 1,963.88 9,553.18 6.614.72 89,226.29 37,808.23 103,325 00 77,121.13 2,OO7.21 6,217.44 5,195.31 3,531.84 't,744.25 1.962.74 31.213.71 545.96 5,590.69 2,391.46 777.53 1,'177.60 20.1fi.12 26,853.92 857.03 1,1'11.20 4,012.35 610.77 3,018.25 422.06 2,257.44 lnstalled Date February-2018 May-20'18 August-20'18 August-20'18 octobetr20'18 DecembeL20l 8 December-20'18 December-2018 December-201 8 Decembetr20 1 I Decembetr20'1 I Decembetr201 I DecembeL2018 December2018 July-2018 Octobe12018 October-20'18 Decembetr201 I Decembetr20'1 I Decembe120'1 8 DecembeG2018 December2018 December-20'18 Decembe12018 December-2018 January-2o 1 8 February-20'18 March-2018 April-2018 April-20'18 J uly-201 I July-2018 Augus!2018 Augus!20'18 August20'18 October-2018 October-20'18 Octobetr20'18 Octobetr20'18 November2018 November-2018 N ovem be tr20'1 8 Page I Custer Telephone Eroadband Services, LLC Broadband Tax Credit Application 2018 Broadband Equipment List Description Microwave Equipment FTTH ONT FTTH ONT Fixed Wireless Equipment Fixed Wireless Equipment Fixed Wireless Equipment Work Order 201&178 2018-1 5B-'l Multiple 2018-45 2018-5B 2018-58 M anuf acturer/Provider Model or lD No. Microwave Transmission Equip 950 series '1 . 71 1GX ONT 2POTS 1GE 1 FE 18 . 844G INDOOR ONT 2POTS 4ETH 3 - 700 Mhz Radio BEC 6800 60 - Canopy Radie450 38 - Canopy Radic450B Cost 97,31 5.80 343.52 12,038.64 1,386.63 13,239.21 lnstalled Oate December20'1 I December20l I December2018 Decembetr2018 December20'18 December20'18 Countv Locations Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchanoe Lemhir Salmon Exchange Lemhi: Salmon Exchange Lemhir Salmon Exchange Nokia Calix Calix BEC Cambium Cambium $ 14,389.20 Total Broadband Assets $622,556.43 3Yo Total Credit s 18,676.69 Page 2 $ $ $ $ $