HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140610Application.pdfcvxrHlr A. Meuu-o PLLC R t * H l\-/ [r i]' 8385 Vl EmEnalo Srneer Botse, IoAHo 83704 (208)577-5747 ' cam@camlawidaho.com ?0lE JUH l0 At't B; h6 IDAHC F'iil:L''o' ^, .. UT ILITi T:S COM Ii ISSI C Ti c16'T- t4'oJ June 10,2014 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean Jewell ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re: Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC's Application for Broadband Tax Credit Certification Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing, please find the original and three copies of Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC's Application in the above referenced case. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, /C4aq,/._il" Cynthia A. Melillo CAM/ Enclosures CAM to IPUC encl 2012 BB tax credit application (CTBS) D oRIGINAI Cynthia A. Melillo [ISB No. 5819] CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 Telephone: (208) 577-5747 Fa,x: (208) 361-3441 cam@camlawidaho.com Attorneys for Custer Telephone Broadband r-l : r r. !i. I r-' --l iii-!\_.rr',._., ?illri JUi{ l$ Eii B: hG llr4L.'-; f],l'1 ''-'11,,, i,--- r "..,1 llr UT i L i'i i i:l Ii, i,: i*; i ;] 3 i-.i,; Services LLC BEX'ORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CUSTER TELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION case No. CT B 'T- l+ - o Z CUSTER TELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC'S APPLICATION Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC ("CTBS" or "Applicant"), by and through its attorneys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible forthe broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029,Idaho Code. In support of its Application, CTBS states as follows: 1. CTBS is a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service and other telecommunications services in southern Idaho. 2. During the calendar year 2013, CTBS made certain investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(D(3)(b), Idaho Code. Exhibit A, attached hereto, describes CTBS's qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Commission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-o1-10. CUSTER TELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC'S APPLICATION - I 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: Cynthia A. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 (208) s77-s747 cam@camlawidaho.com Teresa Westergard Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 1111 South Main Street P.O. Box 324 Challis, lD 83226 admin@custertel.net 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and, therefore, requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, CTBS requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029l,Idaho Code. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 10ft day of June 2014. CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC Attorneys for Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC CUSTERTELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC'S APPLICATION - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 10ft day of June 2Ol4,I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 fl u.s. tvtait X Hana Detvered E Overnight Mailf] Facsimile CUSTERTELEPHONE BROADBAND SERVICES LLC'S APPLICATION - 3 ldaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application 2013 Year End Companv Information l. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. Type of company; 4. Contact person: Equipment Description 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Network description: 7. Transmission rate: 8. Number and percentage of Idaho customers served: 9. Equipment list: Custer Telephone Co-op Inc. Box324, 1l0l East Main Ave., Challis ldaho 83226 Telecommunications Carrier, ISP, Wireless Provider, Distance provider Teresa Westergard,Box324, Challis lD 83226 teresa@custertel.net 208-879-2281 ADSL and SDSL type services Fiber optic fed DLC's with 12K non loaded copper distribution cable, Fiber to the Home electronics, Fiber optic transport electronics, Fiber optic backbone and distribution cable. 256,000 bits per sec - 10,000,000 bits per sec from a subscriber 256,000 bits per sec - 50,000,000 bits per sec to a subscriber 1,141 customers with broadband service out of 1,548 possible** NOTE: Reduction to Customer base is due to 2013 reduction in the Cooperative's Membership See attached Broadband Equipment List I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equiprnent listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-30291. 4 ,/* o /'/, [r.?/' / t/ 6-/6'/r' Teresa Westergard Custer Telephone Co-op_lnc. R,eV ts-LD IrAb{ a o GIg)o F] U tro H (g U)() lr.oo(+i bU '=(d troC)XlrD ot C€a c) lr.o c)+{ bo.. al tr()UX 'l El o E a o) Ik.oo(li co..c EOoxJE] a q) lr.o c)+i EO troOXF.]rI] o E a q.) lr.o()qi bo.. .-l tr()OXF]rI] a C) !.o q)(|r bo '=d tro()X F.] g] otr (ga() lr-oo(+i bo trooxJE] oF da G) tr,oo+r bo.. d tro()xJra tr a (.) 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FC95&ErDr FC1681SFE1 P{rotcPtR0622ils{7.{iE({o HArSB@lAnzlt FC008tFe4 FCAofiETl - -- E tr lmd FOe$tFLEl Coa$o Oid oct/Oo12 Hb. mlt.b br.d FC068|EL/aM SFP1{!0@OCt2t310l,R LC 23&loli rC06700060ScloEdFlbrchdl$loLRLC FC957O50aO 1ZB1 1.frl811112811&1 1ZB1 1;2,r11.Ui112Il1lu31 1.2R1 10 2 2I 0!n.00 481.?5 1,512 1212.@ 80.00 21726 20-gt 425 t,@.50 34023 trt6,2t l{lro ato(Ir lio.i Sdmoo CO b Crtry @ lab 4m ord. Labor and Gnrhcad $mrmry Lrbor Emdqpe Pavnotl# NilE Date Hours co6t See Lbr Dist 12117-1U20 43.00 2,358.11 Speclal lnvolcet Nam6 Dato ch6ok cost Mo&rn Enbryiso Solutons lnc. Sl3ftO12 12701 Sylngn tletruorks 3t2312012 127U 76.{8 34,1t{.11 $ (6,640.00) eqiprnent mqled b front pagp$ (398.40) taxmo,Ed to bofrom of page $ (25,5S6.50) €quipm€nt sold b CTCI for SONET prqd $ (1,529.21) Taxmorcd b CTCI$ 0.00 GTBSOH Matedels S:finSa ].,ldlrorks Sales tar 398.40 UeoTax 121.59 @. PlowExp. POAD Freiglrt 1AgPO12 12t31t2012 13147 14.74 1,371.15 398.40 121.59 Mlsc. ob@@ts{Nd669o-qdt @a6 EBKpffi F-& qE 88 EEEESEEqBqfiqEfiqqE $$$.F$*ssB$EB*BgsE 11}Q aa88 So-NON uEgEEEEEEEEEogsEssoai@@@o@666ooFNN5r!988eP88888888888E88-.8[9fePPPPHP888PflEE6 t u' c t 6 G 3D e e J)al lt 3},l}s l) E8 EE Sq fi R8 EqqfrAqE5s$8+soE.ESetFtPt!r Fr-cl 6a clF i cl G, F o F? (q oIIg giso RoGC!ii.e'oercEE *Eg ie t E$$EEE g'E*E,s*$iscEEHfi,,* l-EIETl$sl-sl-- EI{D& st;3}€i **i.r,),* *taal *$+.4* (t&i{i Ga Ga Ga 6t ol cr $ o ro Ga d, Ir> r lo ta N F - f Work order cost summary Work order descriilion Work order number Total overhead Total cost ffirsalmonAream m ffi l.T3-] lndividual assets/items:Part No.Quantityi Footage Unit material cost Total material cost Labor and overhead allocatec Total unit cosl Total cost Act Kirtley Creek 12dbi omniantenna 5.4ghz PTP BH 230 Dell PC2808 switch 5.4ghz AP 430 series lnverter/Charger lnsite Tower 5.4ghz AP 430 series CMM4 SPARE CMM4 5.7 PTP230 40Mbps backhaul 12 dbi omni antenna 5.4ghz PTP BH 230 ANT.OD58-12 MOT.HK1977A APO.548OAPUS APSTOOHF APO.548OAPUS MOT.1092 APO.548OAPUS BHU.HK1979 ANT.OD58-12 APSTOOHF APO.548OAPUS MOT.1092 BHU.HK1979 ANT.OD58-12 MOT.HK1977A 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 108.95 1,473.88 134.14 2,081.25 250.00 2,081.25 1,475.00 450.00 1,178.00 2,775.00 2,615.00 134.14 108.95 250.00 2,081.25 167.40 450.00 1,178.00 250.00 1,475.00 2,615.00 108.95 1,473.88 450.00 1,178.00 167.40 250.00 108.95 1,473.88 134.14 2,08',t.25 250.00 8,325.00 1,475.00 900.00 1 ,1 78.00 2,775.O0 2,615.00 134.14 108.95 250:00 6,243.75 167.40 s00.00 1,178.00 250.00 1,475.00 2,615.00 108.95 1,473.e8 900.00 1,178.00 '167.40 250.00 103.35 1,398.16 127.25 1,974.33 237.16 7,897.31 1,399.22 853.76 'l,117.48 2,632.44 2,480.66 127.25 103.3s 237.16 5,922.99 158.80 853.76 't,117.48 237.16 1,359.22 2,480.66 103.35 1,398.16 853.76 1,117 .48 158.80 237.16 212.30 212.9 1.1406.42,872.04 2.872.04 1.1406.4261.39 261.39 1.1406.4 4,055.58 4,055.58 1.1406.4487.16 487.16 1.1406.4 ME-3800-SM31 o-LC Media converter SFP LC SM MATCHED PAIR CARMEN CREEK 5.4ghz AP 430 series 5.7 PTP230 40Mbps backhaul Dell PC2808 switch 12 dbi omni antenna lnverter/Charger SYRINGA LODGE 5.4ghz AP 430 series 4,055.58 16,222.31 1.1406.4 2,874.22 2,874.22 1.1406.4 876.88 1,753.76 1.1406.4 2,295.48 2,295.48 1.1406.4 5,407.44 5,407.44 1.1406.4 5.09s.66 s.095.66 1.1406.4261.39 26't.39 1.1406.4212.30 212.30 1.1406.4487.16 487.16 1.1406.4 4,055.58'.12,166.74 1.1406.4326.20 326.20 1.1406.4 876.88 1,753.76 1.1406.42,295.$ 2,295.48 1.1406.4487.16 487.16 1.1406.4 2,874.22 2,874.22 1.1406.4 5,095.66 5,095.66 1.1406.4212.30 2',12.30 1.1406.4 2,872.04 2,872.04 1.1406.4876.88 1,753.76 1.1406.4 2,295.48 2,295.48 1.1406.4326.20 326.20 1.1406.4487.16 487.16 1.1406.4 NETGEAR 16 port Gig switch ME-3800-SM31 o-LC Media converter SFP LC SM MATCHED PAIRlnverter/Charger APS700HF ME-3800-SM31 o-LC Media converter SFP LC SM MATCHED PAIR NETGEAR 16 port Gig switchlnverter/Charger APS700HF 26,960.44 38,716.69 36,727.67 52,535.82 75,444.36 i"l.U"*""'"" # Neme Date Houts 2ndry LBR Se Labtr Dlst pg 14 Se Labfr Oist pg 31 2ndry LBR 2ndry LBR 2ndry LSRSe Labtr Dlst pg 35 S@ Labd Dist pg 31-32S* Labd Dlst pg 31-32 S€ Labtr Dist pg 3$36 2ndry LBR 2ndry LBR 131 Str Labs Dist pg 31 2ndry LBR 2ndry LBR Se Labd Oist 2ndry LBR 2ndry LBR 2ndry LBR Se Labs Dlsl 20156 Labtr Dist 2ndry LBR Se Lavor Dist 7116t2012 7t1212012 7112nO12 8n12012 8nno12 8nno12 8t112012 8t112012 9l4DO12 9t4n012 91412012 9t4D012 1!3nO12 un1-01ne 211n013 a1PO13 02lo4l-02t21 4nno13 41212013 4PnO13 0305-03v28 318/2013 04/0&04/3c 6/32013 0t130t15 183.00 4.00 1'13.00 15.50 16.44 478.85 1,012.17 80.50 1.85 5.28 382.49 '1,981.51 4,010.65 1,160.38 75.67 3.71 79.'t0 1,076.34 6.01 23.47 2,513.09 21.47 10.81 40.71 7,305.05 166.35 4,539.92 5.21 670.32 12.00 24.O0 106.00 26.00 2.00 27.00 63.00 6n9nu2 1286'4. d29no12 't2864 6n9Do',t2 1286/. 6n9no12 t2864 -------+ $ 179.09$ (108.95) 70.14 <-- $ 70.14 ---........----> 8,9il.77$ (8,222.90) 731.87 <- $ 731.87 9,571.80$ (8,325.00) 1,246.80 <-- $ 1,246.80 + $ 14.149.25 $(11.275.00)z874.2s<-- -i'ZfriE 425.83 433.51 93.00 242.44---------------- 268.28 switche 88.40 19.46 8.22 34.'t5 148.69 2,475.77 208.23- -__--_-t> 372.18$ (334.80) 37.38 <- $ 37.38 50.73 -_) $ 6'640.74$ (2,700.00) $ (3,534.00)406.74- $ 406.74 __ ---------> 1,094.74 $ (1,000.00) 94.741_- $ 94.74 ----------------> 3,158.55 $ (2,947.76) 210.79 €- $ 210.79 600.00 40.00 27.11 2',t1.47 41.43 7t\1nO12 7119nO12 7t16nO12 7/31n012 8121Do',t2 8nw2012 u28nu2 8129t2012 9812012 9i312012 3B/2013 u8n013!8nu3 128f/. 128E,2 12889 12888 12928 12930 12930 't2937 12939 '12956 '13236 13225 13225 2125/20134t1n013 13308 !11n013 13272 2t28f2013 t3265 2n412013 1326't 3t2',12013 13272 4/3or20't3 13154t9DO13 13378t312013 13395 Tdd$p.dJttuolc.s 10,895.83 S.les itx U$Tu veh.Exq. 4.72+4'1.05+6.77+.03+3.41 55.98 53.57 Spcclrl lnvole3 VsdorName Date chek c6t Amaon.m 611512012 12859 14.68 3dBNetwo*s 3dBNetwqks 3dBNetwqks 3dBNetworks Salm6 River El@tric 3dBNelworks cDw Ace Hardware Dell cDw cDw D&S Electric A@ Hardwae 3dBNetworts Wells Fa,go CDW CDW CTBS OH Matsials Wells Fargo Border Stat6 3dBNetwo*s Vantage Point Bsder Stat6 Allied Builds Salmon Ace Hardware Sahon Ace HardwaE Plil Exp. T616- sg.sz+ Frelght atEa Tot lhborrndoErha.d 96.727.67 Work odsreoct 3ummary Workorder dererlp8on lilortordsrnsmt r Total ovcrhaad Tot ild - - Dump Hlll plus tha f,bor olcc{ronhg - Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Employee Name Payroll Date Hours 3.00104711212012 123.65 Total labor 3.00 123.65 Special lnvoices VendorName Date check cost CTBS OH Materials Syringa Networks Syringa Networks Mid-State Consultants Syringa Networks Wells Fargo (Amerifiber) Sales tax 730.43 730.43 Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. FOAD- Freight misc- $ 12,958.93 $ (12,228.50) Equipment to front page $ 730.43 Taxto boftom ofpage 7t17t2012 8t18t2012 9t2st2012 9t18t2012 1011812012 1t2412013 12955 12983 20.16 438.30 231.00 453.69 547.98 12967 13016 13148 Total labor and overhead 2,545.21 Work oder cost aummary Work ordcr dcrcrlpdon Work order number Total elrtoad Total cost - - Labor and otrsrhod Srmmary Labor Payroll Data Hours Emplryoe Name 204 204 SEE LBR. DIST. 201 127 Spedd lrwoles zNDRYSPRD 11114P012 11113 - 111'.t5 1Aqn12 1AA*1AU 1.4 38.18 1,v1.74 189.61 32A-79 1.00 29.00 4.00 7.00 Vondor Name Date Check HAVEMAN'S HARDWARE RA\TS HEATING CTBSOH MATERIALS CTBS OH MATERIALS Salsa tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. 55.81+ Fiffi. ffi Frelglrt TROf 11/m12012 111'.t412s12 11tnnuz 1216f2012 56.72 212.18 71.68 411.29 55.81 13071 13065 Work older cost rummary Wort od.rd@rlptlon Wortorderntflrrhr Tobl oYrrftcad Tot lco6t - - Nowfr.rerd dtrtbV6rbn buroron dump hfl Labor and Overheod Summary Labor Employee Narne PayrollDate Hourc 136 See Lbr Dist 241 127 136 2ndry Lbr 2ndry Sprd 12119-12126 01/08-01109 01/0&01/09 01/0&01/09 0.fi 7,m.90 358.26 /155.10 39it.24 2.4 8.50 10.00 10.@ Special lnvoles VondorName Date check cost CTBS OH Materials Sales tax Use Tar Veh. Exp. 2.40+ PIow Exp. T6to- Freight Fmr -+ $724.23 _ $ (103.90) cable$ 620.33 -T-626F 1tl5t1931 2.40 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost rere ffir--t lndividual assets/items:Quantity/F ootage Unit material cost Total material cost Labor and ovorhead allocated Total unit cost Total cost Act. Calix C7 RAP 3 AMP C7 shelf GPON SFP EGW 2.GEI2-FE OLT 4-port VGP T-1 6-port Spare RAP EGW 2.GE/2-FE OLT 4-port 2.00 1.00 't.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2,455.90 897.90 1,389.90 2,725.45 4,546.50 3,275.90 2,995.00 900.00 2,455.90 4,546.50 3,275.90 10,278.30 4,911.80 897.90 1,389.90 2,725.45 9,093.00 3,275.90 5,990.00 1,800.00 2,455.90 4,546.50 3,275.90 805.24 147.20 227.86 446.81 't,490.7'.1 537.05 982.01 295.09 402.62 745.36 537.05 2,8*.52 5,717.04 1.2232 1,045.10 1,0,15.10 1.2232 1,617.7A 1,617.76 1.2232 3,',t72.26 3,172.26 1.2232 5,291.86 10,583.71 1.2232 3,812.95 3,812.95 1.2232 3,,|86.00 6,972.0'1 1.22321,04755 2,09509 1.2232 2,858.s2 2,858.52 1.2232 5.291.86 5.291.86 1.2232 3,812.95 3,812.95 1.2232 't.00 1.00 1.00 39,743.15 40,362.25 6,617.02 34,295.34 6,979.27 Labor and Overhsad Summary Labor Emdoyee Narne PayrollDde Hqrrs See Lb D'rst Zrdry Lbr 2ndry Lbr 2ndry Lbr 2ndry Lbr 1nm13 108.50 aui2013 2t1DO13 u1nu3 a1no|3 5,423.37 41.98 69.47 5.3i) 3.66 Spociel lwolces VendorNarn€ Date check c$t GALX 1n4r2v2 13152 GALX 1En013 13162CALX 1n6nm3 13152 TRITOWERTELECOMCORP 11',t5t20'.t3 13154 TRITOWERTELECOM CORP U8NO13 13154 6,521.12 equip,ment 2,082.90 equiprnent 8.02 8,455.91 equiprnent (2,50O.00)It hs tc shqi, up i^,lca becausehecd onthe front pqe uere put in at tullpice. 2,469.30 303.26 7,962.64 equiprent CTBS OH Materids CALIX discDuntftom Cdix Salss tax Use Tar Veh. Exp. FEwE-xp' Freiglrt FFOv il15nO13glgnu3 1328/. 792-63 , I o = 8 Et5oE ! Ec 3 !r I E !tI I T EaTJ 3_E ;E!If,9 CEi![€ U! ilmH EECi: EEioaE Eii i rEII E E i$it{3{i*.ii rl ii..-:E--:.;,!;.;: :]{rii EEEEEEEiiiBiiqq6?660- NNNdNNNNNNNNNNN Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # Date Hours See Lbr Dist. 204 2t1t2013 44.50 1,628.53 021011-02101 2.50 95.10 Total labor 47.00 1,723.63 Special Invoices Vendor Name Date Check CTBS OH Materials 01/15-0'1/31 768.24 CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials CTBS Journal Entry #AJE 29 02120-0a28 03/1$03/30 04t09-04t29 05/1&0s/30 06/05-06/20 07111-07122 08/08-08/21 9t6t2013 1014t2013 11t27t2013 12127t2013 12t31t2013 (8e.7e) 854.30 407.58 757.70 28.56 4'.t7.17 580.38 396.99 463.09 1,986.18 389.05 7,941.65 Sales tax Use Tax 1,270.40 -171lg*5&22+.l15.5o+49.5o+115.5o+82.62+66.1o+8o.o1+32.6-2a6619+2$$.61+84.49 Veh. Exp. '1.27+ Plow Exp. POAD Freight tl,tisc. 1.27 and overhead Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead Total cost rere ffi t--t lndividual assets/items:Quantity/F ootage Unit material cost Total material cost Labor and ovefiead allocated Total unit cost Total cost Act 6,768.44 6,768.M 1.2232Calix 766GX-R ONT 3.1 77.60 3,177.60 3,177.60 3,'t77.60 3,590.M 6,768.44 6,768.M 3,590.84 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor PayrollDate llours Employee Name See Lbr Dist. 2ndry Lbr 2ndry Lbr 201 See Lbr Dist. ou2a41fitg 211120132nnu3 u12no13 oul142128 770.1618.00 5./15 2.204.00 171.5717.00 846.67 Special lnvolcos VendorName Date check cost CTBS OH Materials Salmon Ace Harduare CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials Ray's Heating 1t31t2013 3/U2019 2r2U2013 d23t2014 4/3n0l.3 13223 - > $ 4,323.37 $ (3,177.00) $1|14i77 $ 1,1/15.77 12.79 411.74 10.07 203.63 10.79 Sales tax ffi GEIto.zs+ FiowEn ETD- Freight TR6T- Wort order coct summary Wort ordcr de*rlpdon Wort order number Total overlread Totrl cort Salmon RiverMohl - - -0.32 0.17 o.17 1.2421.1 1.2421.1 1.2421.1 Labor and Ovortaad Summiry Labor Employee Name PayrollDate Hours 2ndry Lbr Labor Dist Labor Dist Labor Dist 2ndry Lbr 145 42n&i02128 oz2ffi2127 0u01-0u08 d*2a13 5t24t2013 10.99 1,318.67 357.25 1,63r'..82 0.08 33.96 29.00 8.s0 36.00 1.00 Speclal lnvolces VendorNarne Date check Cost CTBS Overhead Materials Salee tax T;;T Veh. Exp. 18.88+ Effi F6I6- Frelght FET $ 1,824.36 $ (177.83) $ (31.10)$ (64.87) 1,sso.s6 +'T]F56-- -Tffi Wott odercost summary Wort ordarde.cdp0on Work order nrmber ToblovtrM Total co8t Calk 714 ONT SEA4F SEA4Fwaste - - 't.00 3At.00 'm.00 Labor and Overhead Summary 2ndry sprd 201 See labor dist '145 145 4t22013 311812013 4t2t2013 812712013 1012312013 5.401.50 62.397.00 334.970.50 17.712.OO 71.04 Total labor 11.00 491.51 Special lnvoices Vendor Name CTBS OH MATTERIALS Ray's Heating and Electric CTBS OH MATTERIALS 4t2t2013 312012013 13277 1012412013 -_--_______-_-> 201.21 -66.88 134.33 <_Tl33 437.96 -------------> 514.40 -485.2829.12<- 29j'2 Sates tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. 2.54+ FiowEx-F. Freight ffiv- 2.54 and Work oder cost summary Wort ordorde*rlpdon Wort odor number Total owfiead Totd coct - - - Calk 710 ONT 2-Pl1-E PaylollDatE tloum Zndry Sprd Lbr Dist qizm)l3 03i',204u27 0.51 3i]7.457.50 Spsclal IlWlcas VondorName Dete chek cost CTBS OH Metedals Ray's tleatirg and Elacfic ffi Ute Tax Veh. Exp. Fi6dEip- ffib- Frclght ffiIi- 4EnO13 3l-21n013 13277 ____-+, 842.60 .{13.034N.57?-@ 308.66 Work order cost summary Work order description Work order number Total overhead )er to Salmon River Prooane anr 2013-j and burch oil bulk olant andjg[ma4g and Jacksonbuilt ffirc lndividual assets/items:Quantity/F ootage Unit material cost Total matorial cost Labor and overhead allocated Total unit cost Total cost Act Aerial FO4 Aerial FO4 Calix 714 ONT Calix 7'10 ONT Aerial FO12 Aerial FO4 Calix 714 ONT Calix 710 ONT Calix 7'10 ONT 200.00 590.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.17 484.59 413.03 rl84.59 413.03 413.03 48459 413.03 47.81 66.88 484.59 413.03 413.03 rgs]r 398.58 1,957.92 1,66830 193.1 7 270.22 1,957.92 1,668.80 1,668.80 33.44 98.65 oa4 0.84 2,442.51 2,08't.83 1.61 0.84 'tae.ss 't.zqzl.t 497.23 1.2421.1 2,M2.51 1.22322,08'tJ3 1.2232 2n.98 1.2421.1 337:t0 1.2421.1 2,442.5't 2,M2.5',t 1.2232 2,081.83 2,081.83 1.2232 2,081.83 2.081.83 1.2232 '150.00 400.00 0.32 0.'17 2,209.09 2,455.05 9,919.32 11,134.64 12,374.37 t Labor and Overhead Summary Labor # Date Hours cost 118 104 2ndry Sprd 2ndry Sprd See Labor Dist See Labor Dist 2ndry Sprd See Labor Dist 't't8-145 1 t8-145 145 5t2t2013 5t2120',13 04t01-04t30 41412013 61312013 05/03-05/1 6 06/06-06/20 08/05.08/29 10125-10129 41.12 12.60 45.50 2,002.759.00 368.38 5.79 64.50 2,936.855.00 220.159.50 383.736.00 213.14 $ 1,673.99$ (33.44) $ (e8.65) $ (484.59) $ (413.03) $ 644.28 41312013 13377 4125120',t3 13321 411612013 13335 o5113-05124 5/t5t20'.13 13380 5t15t2013 13380 5t3112013 13395 Special lnvolces VendorName Date Check cost CTBS OH Materials 04/09-04/18 Rays Heating Well's Fargo Rays Heating CTBS OH Materials Ray's Heating RaYs Heating Salmon Ace Hardware Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. 11.11+.22+30.65 4t.98 Plow Exp. POAD 482.23+482.23 Freight PROV 22.88+22.88 ---------------- $ 644.28<- 243.37 77.84 345.27 $ 1,068.40 234.66 't58.42 6.11 $2,493.74$ (47.81)$ (66.88) $ (484.59) $ (413.03) $ (413.03)<-- $ 1,068.'S0 Total laborand ovedread 9,919.32 Work order cosl summary Work order de3cription Work ordor numbor Total ovorhoad Tobl coll uipmst to talk to Challis l--i?3-6-8-371 I-d?P8-53e-'l l.GT;k-l t---./*--l lndividual asseb/items:Part f,uantity/l @tag€Unil material @sl Total material @at Labor and )verhead allodlq Total unit @st Total @sl Act FSP 3000R7 gRU Commons and Shelvo.gHU Enhanced Shelfwith Shelf Cover and no S( Porer Supply l\,loduls DC for 9HU Sholf. 1000W, Common Equipment Mdul6 for 9HU Sh6lf, HW Fan Modul€ for gHU Sholf, HW Rel 2.00 FSP 3000R7 7RU Commons and Sh6lvo! 7HL, Sparo Shelf, Rear Porer Acc6s. HW Rel 2 Porer Supply Module DC for 7HU Sh6lf with R€. Fan Module for THu Sholf. HW Rel 4-01 1078700121 104070004'l 1063708416 1042700011 00787001 11 0040700021 0042700001-04 't.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 13.00 1.00 2.00 668.53 312.93 384.05 138.68 17.07 17.07 1 35.1 3 172.10 161.11 98.87 107.10 ,ri.r, 28.05 117.17 140.97 1,1,1.63 245.33 57.13 4.39tt' 247.16u'-'u 2.796.46 - 1'18.67 444.42 444.82 trt-_,0 984.99 1,644.09 2,0',10.25 61.33 98.87 98.87 7.01 117.17 140.97 699.12 224.41 224.41 492.49,rr:o 1.225.X 44.79 250.22 't,0d4.72 612.68 22.40 62.56 . 840.63 393.49 482.92 174.fi 21.46 21.46 169.92 't.207.28 ^'.t' 3.414.89 : 1 15.93 - 1.096.1,1 1,096.14 1.2231 1.2231 1.2231 1.2231 668.53 625.86 384.05or:* 528.29 476.50 38,1,05 840.63 786.97 482.92*r.ra ,gu.ou 66't-.77122.66 299.5898.87 482.92 FSP 3000R7 Shared Common! and Componont. Sholf Conlrol Unit, 2.5 HU high for small slots, Hr 006370842G03 SFP lF. 850nm. lntra-Ofrico Rsach, for 1G FC, 21 0061705844-03 Nolrcrk Element Control Unit (NCUll) with high 1063708412 Oplical Sup€dbory Channel Modulo with 2 plug( 106370846303 SFP lF, 1 51onm, Vsry Long Reach, 1 2SMbiUs or'1061 706193 Optical Sup€rvisory Channol Filter Module, 1510 1063708481 Oummy card sHU 0063709901Dummycard2.sHu 0063709902 Passive Unmanag€d 1HU Fiber Managom€nt Trr 1078700066 FSP 3000R7 Soltwaro and Licenses Right to use CWDM and DWOI\4 usino Cor€, Aoc 0091 70001 0 Right to use Add-Drop or Dual T€rminal @nfiguft '1091700015 FSP 3000R7 WDM Channel Modules . Core Typo 2-Port 2.7G Core Module, Dual Torminal XPDR c'1063702200 FSP 3000R7 Plugqable Client Optica SFP |F,1310nm, Standard Reach, 100 Mbivs-2.( 006170580H2 FSP 3000R7 Plussable DWDM Optics Up to 2.7G SFP DWDM lF, Ultra Long Rsach, Cl 00617fi502-03 Up to 2.7G SFP DWOM lF, Ultra Long R6ach, Ci 0061 70450!03 1.00 960.121.00 199.14 l,oof---_.___________ 5.00 92.20 2.00 2.00 611. I3 471.73 1.699.77 234.25 27.24 24O.92 orr.n, nou.ag 1.2231u.zs 137.01 1.2231572.U 572.v 1.2231688.59 688.59 1.223135X.24 706.47 1.223'l599.16 1.198.33 1.223'.1 661.77 1.2231599.16 1.2231482.92 1.2231 1.2231 : 768.10 108.96 455.17 il?.62 561.84 953.00 221.91 't7.07, .:u 960.12 199.14 10,863.08 461.00 . 1.743.46 1,743.46 t*'." 279.U 1.223121.46 '.1.223'l*r,ra 1.2231 1.207,28 '1.2231*r,., -1.2231 13,659.54 1.223'l : 579.67 1.2231 : 2,192.28 1.2231 2,192.28 1.2231 FSP 3000R7 DWDM Fill€r Component., 40U801/961 Channel Plans (And 1l Filleri), For Central Orlice Application. 8-Port Channel Splitter, for Channels 19590 to 11 1063708731-01 FSP 3000R7 Optlcal Amplifierr Optical Amplifler for B@ster application, Singl€ S 1 063709050-03 Optical Amplifier, Double Stage, 20 dBm maximL '1 063709052 FSP 3000R7 Dispersion Compon6ation Manaq€d OCM for the SHTHU and SH 1 HU using 63,709,230.00 2.00 2.00 2,137.U 4,274.68 3,826.26 6.386.58 2.00 2.00 : 3,S04.49 7.808.98 . 234.25 234.25384.05 384.05384.05 384.0527.24 27.24455.17 455.17547.62 U7.422A0.92 280.922,715.77 2,715.77a71.73 A71.73871.73 871.73'1,9'13.13 1.913.133,193.29 3,193.29 2.380.00 4.760.0087.00 ',t74.00243.00 972.002,068.00 4,13400 2.380.00 2.380.0087.00 87.00243.00 243.00 ,,ooi.u, 4,811'.2s 1.22314,01t33 8,030 67 1.2231 4,909.62 9.819.23 1.2231:: 299.58 299.58 1.2231442.92 482.92 1.2231482.92 482.52 1.2231y.25 U.25 1.2231572.y 572.U 1.2231688.59 688.59 1.2231353.24 353.24 1.22313,414.89 3,414.89 1.22311,096.14 ',t,096.14 1.22311,096.14'1,096.14 1.22312,405.62 2,405.62 1.22314,01s.33 4,015.33 1.2231 2,992.68 5,985.36 1.2231109.40 218.79 1.2231305.56 1,222.22 1.2231 2,600 36 5,200.72 1.223-l 2,992.68 2,992.68 1.2231109.40 109.40 1.223130156 30556 1.2231 .. SPARES Po@r Supply Module DC for 7HU Shelf with Re€ Fan Module for 7HU Shelf, HW Rel 4.01 Shelf Conkol Unit, 2.5 HU high for small slots, Hr SFP lF, 850nm, lntra-Offico R6ach, for 1G FC, 2, Netwrk Element Control Unit (NCU-Il) with hioh Optical Suporuisory Channel Modul€ with 2 plug! SFP lF, 1510nm, VeryLong Reach, 12sNIbiUs or 2-Port 2.7G Core Module, Dual Torminal XPDR ( Up lo 2.7G SFP DWD[4 lF, Ultra Long Reach, Cl Up to 2.7G SFP DWDM IF, Ult.a Long Roach, Cl Oplical Amplifior for Booster applicalion, Singlo: Oplical Amplifier. Double Stag6, 20 dBm maxrmL FUJITSU ES OC.48 LU WITH BITS OUTPUT sFP OC-3 1310 SFyIR LC sFP OC-48 1310 SR LC OC.48 PLUGGABLE SFP EASE UNIT SPARES ES OC-48 LU WITH BITS OUTPUT sFPOC-31310SFylR LC sFP OC-48 1310 SR LC 004070002't 0042700001-04 0063708420-03 0061705844-03 1063708412 106370846$03 106't706193 1063702200 0061704502-03 006170450303 1063709050-03 1063709052 FC9681E182 FC95700020 FC95700120 FC9681E181 FC9681E182 FC95700020 FC95700120 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00'L00 2.OO 2.00 4.00 2.OO 1.00 1.00 1.00 40,785.87 6S,41 1.82 1 7,868.57 51,285.31 87,280.39 Payroll Employee # Date -Hours Cost 1 15 s11312013 1 .00 47 .93 Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Totallabor 1.00 47.93 Special lnvoices Syringa Network 512912013 13393 VendorName Date check cost Syringa Network Syringa Netvr,ork Syringa Netvrork Syringa Netvork Syringa Netv'rork Amerifiber Syringa Network 6t28t2013 13452 611912013 13484 611912013 13430 612812013 13452 1011712013 13693 11122120',t3 13743 128.16 1212612013 13820 7,784.00 Total Special lnvoices 17,820.64 Sales tax Use Tax Eh. E-xtr FiowExp. POAD Freight PROV 6,045.86 (--- Wort order cost summary Workorder doacrlfllon Work otder numbor Total oycrtnd To[al coat - - Labor and Orcrhead Summary u1nu3 07103-07/30 4.72 47.50 2,',t28.37 Vendor Name Ched( CTES OH n atenab Ra/s Hoating CTBS OH Matarials lrJo,frtol3 TtinnuS 8/8/2013 119.71 573.59 059.73 422.00 $ 1,336.41 $ (1s5.4S)$ (67.4e) $ (413.70)$ 659.73 Codale Eleclric Supply, lnc.s12d2013 13657 Sales tax 'iiFi5x Teh-E- TionEp.- EIE.-:- Frrlght ffir **t ,F,,Emolovee# Dato Hours cost 127 2ndryspd U112013 9.43 127 Lbr Dist Soeclal lnvolcas 2ndry sprd Work order coet aummary Wod( oderdslcrlp$on Wort order number Total owrhead Totd a6t - - - Calix760 GX ONT Labor and Oaerhead Summary Labor Payroll Employee # Date 'Hours @st 127 07t12m7n4 10.00 4ii5.40 2ndry Dist Soeelal lnvolces u112013 Vendor l,lame Check CTBS OH MatCrials Use Tax Difference ffi Use Tax Veh. Exp. Tioffip.- F6I5- Frelght uu20't3 --# 4,775.81 -3450.63 removed 7661,925.18__@Tr (137.03) PROV I!&rk grder csrt rummary fvodt eNd.rfiaedF0onUfurLoCri nrrilar Todow.M To0d c@t Mffia5JPIP2$Ba*ha,rado MOT.HKI0TA - w.. Erpordry rEd h h.y - I Labor and Ollerhead Summary tabor PayollDate Hours CostEmployee# Speclal lnvolcee Vendor Name 3dB Networks Salee tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. Plow Exp. T616- Frclght TR_ 7tit6ti2g13 13496 #$ 1,625.00 $ (1,473.00) 152.00 <-_ $ 1s2.00 Work order cott summary VYort ordor de*rlpdon Work order number Totalooftcrd Totdco3t I - - - Calk EGnd€d Reach GPON SFP Laborard Omrhsd Summary Labor PE/dlDate llcurs CctEmplovae # $peclal lmdcm VandorName Date check coet 4/U1S@ t38rc ----+3,381.'tg -3180./ts201.8+-'iF Saleetax Uee Tax G.-- FiouE POAT) Frelgtrt ffiv- Work order coct summary Work order desqlpdon Wort order numbcr Total orcrhed TotC coot wflb€rdretoAT&T ln lr E ofl Dump Hill - - - / Labor and Orrerhead Summary Labor '"Tj'ro costFmnlovan # Dale F Amerifiber lnc. Allled Builders Supply Co. Wells Falgo D&S Elec'trical Supply Co. D&S Electical Supply Co. CTBS OH Materials 113 127 Plow Exp. T616- EisEi- ffi- 2ndry Lbr Dist 111412013 Spaclal lnvolces VendorName Date check cost D&S Elec'trioalSupply Co. $n1n01'3 13605 130.38 elgnoB 6.00 2(A.72 912ffi013 13664 40.59 9/302013 31020 9.84 9t17t2013 13609 508.46 9/6/2013 13577 101.86 911012013 13678 40.81 12n7-1431 $ 155.07 $ (57.31)97.76* $ 97.76 Effi ffi Veh-. ftp-- Wort oder coct rummary tuort odcr dccrlpdon Wortordcr numbcr To[al owdrad Totd@t - - lnn lUotdwltr 700 ONT - Callx 760 ONT 118 Labor ard Overhead 8ummary Labor -r . Cct 1W4n01.3 7.50 Speclal lnvolceo VffdorName Date ch€ck cost Allod Bullders SupdyCo. 980/2013 31020 70.50 Salnnn Ace Hrdvvae CTBSOH Materlals CTBSOH Materftds 10/9/2013 13655 2.41 10/162013 un7nus $ 2,670.46 $(1,067.75) ONT 1,602.71 (- $ 1,602.71 10,4'28 (70.22) Hbq Sales tax Uce Tar Veh. Exp. Fiosrffi.- Efu- ffim- FE6_ rcrc ffi Irl Work order cost summary Work order descrlption Work order number to Jacovac 13-248 lndividual assets/items:Quantity/F ootage Unit material cost Total material cost Labor and overfuad allocat€d Total unitcost Total cost Act 3,088.47 9.09 3,16.32 1.2423.1BFO 4 o.17 57.85 3,088.47 9.09 3,146.32 Labor and otnrhoad Sunmary t bor Speclal lnvoices VendorName Date check cGt CTBSi OH Materiab 11t06-1'.vi27 2,248..9 (57.85) Fiber w E=ir Veh. Exp. Plw E:O. Frelght Wd(ordir68t Wcl(c*rurlllar Totrl dv*hlld Tltdst - -lvlotsllh $.a PiPzs arBts b.cl6ad (BolH EilDsl MoT.rKtg7ll'r CALX 714 ONT /I+OTS, 2€THEFNET 1.00 t.m Labor and Overhead Summary Labor Payroll Employee # Date 'Hours uost See Lbr Dist 1012812013 14.00 628.63 See Lbr Dist2O4 2ndry Lbr Dist 111412013131 2ndry Lbr Dist 111412013131 2ndry Lbr Dist 121212013 131t132 10t21-10t31 15.00 563.86 6.28 25.67 37.11 11101-11107 22.OO 950.01 Specia! lnvoices Vendor Name Date 3dBNetworks CTBS OH Materials 1011612013 13687 11118t2013 $ 1,706.60 $ (1,473.00)233.60 $ 233.60 514.40 $ (485.28) 29.12 <_ $ 29.12 Total Special lnvoices 262.72 Sales tax Use Tax Veh. Exp. 14.33+ Plow Exp. Freight PROV 1433 Wort order cost summary lVort order dascrlpdon lYork order number Total ot erh€d Tot lco6t - - CALX710oNT2-V, 1€ Labor and Orcrhead Summary [abor Payroll Employee # Date Hours Gosl See Lbr Dist. 1 1/0&1 1/13 19.00 969.50 Speclal lnvoices VendorName Date check Cost CTBS OH Materials CTBS OH Materials s;iie3r Use Tax Veh. Exp. FiowEF.- 1111812013 12n7t2013 115.72 $ 1,070.12 $ (4,t6.99)623.13 $ 623.13 PROV