HomeMy WebLinkAboutComtel Telcom Assets LP dba VarTec Telecom.pdfPage Title First Revised Title Page Replaces Original Title Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING -:.~ . APR 1 -- ZO07 Boise, Idaho Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecom d/b/a Clear Choice Communications . . - """ (Acceptance Stamp) P. TITLE PAGE IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFF This tariff contains the description, regulations, and rates applicable to the furnishing telecommunications services provided by Comtel Te1com Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecom and d/b/a Clear Choice Communications (!\) with principal offices at 433 East Las Colinas Boulevard, Suite 1300 Irving, Texas 75039. This tariff applies to services furnished within the State ofIdaho. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, where copies may be inspected, during normal business hours. (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 The name, address and telephone number for the person who is responsible for providing information with respect to the operating procedures of Comtel Te1com Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecom and d/b/a Clear Choice Communications(!\) are listed below. ISSUED:March 21,2007 By: EFFECTIVE:April 1,2007 Becky Gipson Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 433 East Las Colin as Boulevard, Suite 1300 Irving, Texas 75039 (972) 910-1900 Page ACCEPTED FOR FlUNGSecond Revised Page 1 Replaces First Revised Page 1 MAY 20 2008 Comtel Telcom Assets LP Boise, Idaho d/b/a VarTec Telecom (Acceptance Stamp) d/b/a Clear Choice Communications CHECK SHEET Paee Revision Paee Revision Paee Revision Paee Revision Title First Original Original Original Second*Original Original Original Second*Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original 100 Original Original Original Original 101 Original Original Original Original 102 Original Original Original Original 103 Original Original Original Original 104 Original Original Original Original 105 Original Original Original Original 106 Original Original Original Original 107 Original Original Original Original Original Original 80.First Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original * New or Revised ISSUED:May 6, 2008 EFFECTIVE:May 20, 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary By:Becky Gipson Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 433 East Las Colin as Boulevard, Suite 1300 Irving, Texas 75039 (972) 910-1900 Page PTED FOR FlUNG Second Revised Page 2 MAY 20 2008Replaces First Revised Page 2 Boise. Idaho Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a V arTec Telecom (Acceptance Stamp) d/b/a Clear Choice Communications CHECK SHEET (Continued) Page Revision Paee Revision Paee Revision 108 Original 136 Original 109 Original 137 Original 110 Original 138 Original 111 Original 139 Original 112 Original 140 Original 113 Original 141 Original 114 Original 142 Original 115 Original 143 Original 116 Original 117 Original 118 Original 119 Original 120 Original 121 Original 122 Original 123 Original 124 Original 125 Original 126 Original 127 Original 128 Original 129 Original 130 Original 131 Original 132 Original 133 Original 134 Original 134.First 135 Original * New or Revised ISSUED:May 6, 2008 EFFECTIVE:May 20, 2008 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commissitn Office of tilt! Secret'8ry ACCE By:Becky Gipson Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 433 East Las Colinas Boulevard, Suite 1300 Irving, Texas 75039 (972) 910-1900 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Page 3 Original Boise. Idaho (Accentance St~mD) .. ....... T ABLE OF CONTENTS Section e No. Title Page ...,...,...,..............,.....................,....." '" Title Check Sheet " ............ Table of Contents.........................,............. ..............,........ Concurring Carriers ............,..,.................,......................... Connecting Carriers .......................,................................... Other Participating Carriers .......,..." ......,.......,.................,.,..... TariffForrnat ...." ..........".....,...........................,............ 1.0 Definitions ..,....,.,....,................................,.............1.1 DefinitionsofTerrns ....,..................................,......1.2 Glossary of Acronyms and Trade Names .,.............,........,.,... Rules and Regulations ..........,...........,..........."......',..,.. 19 2.1 UndertakingofVarTecTelecom Inc ,.." .." ..............,.....,... 19 1 General..." ...."........,...,.......................,... Limitations ...........,...................,..,.......,..... Use of Service ..,...................,...,.,...........,.......... 21 Carrier Liability ...,..............." ..............,..........,... TerrnmalEquipment .,.,......." ....,...,.,................,." Payment for Service and ServIce Dispute Resolution. . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , , . . .. Payment for Service ...,..,.................." ,............. Customer Liability .......,........" .,.......".......,...,, 5.3 ServiceDisputeResolution ..................,...,......,.,..,ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 2.4 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 .. . Page 4 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 __Oh_- Boise, Idaho .. (Ac~entaii~e-Stamo) Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomQ\) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsQ\) Establishment and Re-establishment of Credit . . , . . , , , . . , , . . . . , . , . . . . . .. 6.1 Service Suspended for Non-Payment. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . .. Service Restoration Charge .,....,." ,..........,...",....... 6.3 Five Day Limitation for Re-Establishment ...,.........".,.... 26 Customer Deposits ........,.." ......,..............,...,......... Notices ,.,....." ...,........,.....".,.,..",..,....."...... Notice to the Customer " ..,.,.,............,.,.............. Notice from the Customer .,....." ,..,.......,...",.."... Rendering and Payment of Bills " .......,....,............,......... Returned Check Charge ..." ......."............,.".,....., 2 .Extra Copies of Bill...."....,...,..........,.......,...... 289.3 AlterativePaymentProcessing ........" ....,.,........,.,.... Fraud .." ,."..........,..,.......",.,...........,...".... Non-Compliance with Carrier s Rules .................." ...,.....,... Telephone Calls with Intent to Annoy ......" ,.,...,....".,..... Discontinuance and Restoration of Service, , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , . . . . ., 13.1 Intentional Abuse of Service " ......",..."...,.......... 13.2 Disconnection of Service for Cause, , , . , . , , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., InstallationandTerrnination .." ..."..",..........,.,.,." ,....... 32 Ownership of Equipment ......." ......".,.,.....,........ Taxes .........,." ..,.....,.....,..............",.., AdditionalSurchargesandFees..,....." ,...,..................... 17.1 Adjustments for Municipality Payments . , , . . . , . , , , , . . . , . . . . . . . '. 17,2 Idaho Universal Service Fund Charge ,.,..,." ........,........, 17,3 Adjustments for County or Other Local Taxing Authority . , , , . , . . . ., 17.4 GrossReceiptsTax ..............,.............,....,......, 34 17,LatePaymentFee." ...".....,..............,.....,..,... VarTecTelecomQDDescriptionofServices...................,...............,1 General........,.,....,........" ............................ Section TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) e No. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 5 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Boise, IdahoComtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) e No. Introduction ....,.........,....,................." ........ 1.2 Timing of Calls ........." ........................,........ ServiceArea......,...." ....................".......... 1.4 Calculation of Distance .........,.......,.....,......,....... Special Promotions .......,....,..................,.,.......1.6 TravelCardAvailability ............,...,..........." ....... Prepaid Calling Card ,..,......." ....,.,......,.........,.,....... Travel Card Service ....,..........................,......,........ DirectoryAssistance .,..........." .....................",....... NewDimeLineQDService.............,....,....................,... CallManageService ..,............,..........,.......,..,......... HomeDirectQDService..,.,......,......" ................,"...... Business800sMService...................,..." ...........".,.... DimeLineQDService ............................................... FiveLineQDService ...,......................." ........."...... DimeClubQDProgram ....................,...,............" ...... 11.1 OnePlusService .........,.............................,... 11.2 Call DirectQD Service ,...........,..................."...... 49 11.3 Travel Card Service ............,......." .....,.........,... 11.4 Dime ClubQD Affinity Edition .......................,.,....... DimeWorksQDService.........................." ...........,... DimeWorksQD800Service .,.......,......,...,........,.,."....,. 51 VarTec Signature SeriesQD Services .............,." ,...........,.,... DimeCollegeTravelCardService ..........,............." ..,.,..,. VarTecVarsityLinesMService ..............,..,....." ,........,... TollSaverQDIIService ,..." ,...,.,......................".,...,.. AspIreQDService......." ,................,.",.,..."............ UniversalTravelCardService,.............,...,..........,...,.,... SmallChangeQDService....." .......,............,..,....."..,.,. 20.1 Small ChangeQD Affinity Edition ..........,.,..................21 Conference Calling Service ,.,............" ..",..........,..... 22 NewHomeDirectQDService ...............,..." .............." 23 Long Distance Saver Service ..,......,...." .,..,.,...........,." 24 VarTecVoice Services ...,............,.............,......,.,.,. 60ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 Section 3.4 3.14 3.20 . " , (Acl~efitance -StahlD) ,-- TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 6 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 .~,.., Boi~1 Idaho (Acceptance StaI11D) Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communications Section 3.25 3.26 3.28 3.29 3.31 3.35 3.36 3.38 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) e No. 24.1 VarTec VoicesM Long Distance Service. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , .. 24,2 VarTec VoicesM Travel Card Service. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 3.24.3 VarTec VoicesM Call DirectOO Service. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . , .. 24.4 VarTecVoicesM Toll Free Service ......,............,........,. VarTecLibertyLine Services...,......,....,......................, 25.1 VarTec LibertyLinesM Long Distance Service . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , " 3.25.2 VarTec LibertyLinesM Travel Card Service , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , " 25.3 VarTecLibertyLine 800Service ......,...................,... FiveLineiID TravelCardService ......,.,...,.......,......" .......,, FiveLineiID CallDirectiID Service ...............,......,.............,. TelephoneExpress Services..." ...........",...................., 3.28.1 Telephone Expressoo Long Distance Service . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . .. 28.2 Telephone Expressoo Travel Card Service . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28.3 Telephone Expressoo 800 Service ,.,..." ..,................,... 28.4 Telephone ExpressiID Call DirectiID Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , .. 5Talk CallDirectiID Service "" 66 5Talk Calling~ardService ..........,..................,.......,.. Your DimeLineiID Service ..,....,......,....." ....,............,... Operator Services..,....,..............." ............., ,......... 5TalksMService....." ,.,...."..........."....,................ 5TimeiID Service .,..,..................................." ........ 9TimesMService ....,." ,.......,..".,...,...."................ 3~/39~Service ........,.,....,.....,........." ....."........ Platinum Plan ." ..,....................,....................,.,, OneChoiceiID LongDistanceServices..,....,.......................... VarTecTelecomQDRateSchedules .,........." ,.,..,."........,......... 1 General,...,.." ..."........,....."......,.....",,......., Rate Periods .." ,.,........"..."...,.............. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 7 OrIginal Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomO\) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Section 4.2 4.4 Boise, Idaho _. . fAceentanee-StamD) --..- TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) e No. 1.2 Time of Day Periods ..............,......................... HolidayDiscounts ...............,.......................... 1.4 RoundingFractionalCharges....,.,..................,....,... 1.5 Extra Copies of Bill.....,....,....,............,.......... Restoration of Service Charge .....,........................... 1.7 Returned Check Charge ........,...,............,............ Service Trip Charge ..." ,................,...,..,........... 1.9 EmergencyCalls ..,...........,...,.............,.......... 1.10 PayphoneUseCharge ..................,..,.." ............. 1.11 LatePaymentFee................................,........ 1.12 Alternative Payment Processing Fees . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , .., 80 Prepaid Calling Card " ..................,..............,.......... Travel Card Service ......,.....,.........,..............,......... DirectoryAssistance .,......,...........,.,....................... NewDimeLineQDService.....,.........,.............,............. CallManageService " ..."....".....,...,.,...................... HomeDirectQDService..................,.......................... Business800sMService..,......,.....,....." ,..,......,........., DimeLineQDService .....................................,......... FiveLineQDService ..,..." ..,...........,...,.......,..,..,....... DimeClubQDProgram ,..............,............................. DimeWorksQDService.....,............,.,.............,..,...,... DimeWorksQD800Service " ,," '" 89 VarTecSignatureSeriesQDServices .,................,...,.,.......... DimeCollegeTravelCardService "'" 92 VarTecVarsityLinesMService ..,........" ,................,....... 4.16.1 VarTec Varsity LinesM Call Home Plan. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , ... 93 TollSaverQDIIService ." .,.."....,..,.,.......,.......,........ ISSUED: March 20, 2006 ' - EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 8 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communications Boise, Idabo . --- ..... , (Accentance-StamD) Section 4.23 4.30 4.32 4.34 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) e No. AspireQDServIce..........,........................,.............. Universal Travel Card Service....,.............,......,..... ..." Small ChangeQD Service ............" ....."....................... Conference Calling Service .,....,..,........................." NewHomeDirectQDService ,........,......,..........,............ Long Distance Saver Service ......." ,..............,..........." VarTecVoice Services ...,..........,...............,............ 24.1 VarTec VoicesM Long Distance Service. . . . . . . . . . , . , , , , . . . . . . , . .. 24.2 VarTec VoicesM Travel Card Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ., 24.3 VarTec VoicesM Call Direct ServiceiID , . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . , , . . . . . . , . .. 24.4 VarTec VoicesM Toll Free Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. 100 VarTecLibertyLine Services ......" ..,........................,.. 100 25.1 VarTec LibertyLinesM Long Distance Service . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . .. 100 25,2 VarTec LibertyLinesM Travel Card Service . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . .. 101 25.3 VarTec LibertyLine 800 Service . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . , .. 101 FiveLineiID TravelCardService ......,................." ......" 102 FiveLineiID CallDirectiID Service ........,...................." ...... 102 TelephoneExpressiID Services,............,......,......" .....,.... 103 28.1 Telephone ExpressiIDLong Distance Service . . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . . .. 103 28.2 Telephone ExpressiID Travel Card Service . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . .. 103 28.3 Telephone ExpressiID 800 Service ,." .......,........"..... 104 28.4 Telephone ExpressiID Call DirectiID Service . . . . , . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . .' 104 5Talk CallDirectiID Service ........................,...." .,..." , 105 5 TalksM Calling Card Service ...........,....,..........." ,...., 105 Your DimeLineiID Service ..,......,.....,..............." ,.,...... 106 Operator Services.,..,.." ,.......,...........,......... ..,....,. 106 5 TalksM Service ,..,.,..,.............,....,........,..,." ...., 108 5 TimeiID Service ........" ,..............,..........,..".,.." 108 9TimesMService,.......,..........,..........,....." ...,.,.... 109 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006ISSUED: March 20, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 9 OrIginal Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Boise, IdahoComtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Section 4.38 (A'ccepfance-Stamo) , ... TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) e No. 3~/39~Service ....,................." .......................... 109 Platinum Plan.......................,.................... .,.....110 OneChoiceiID LongDistanceServices...,.....,...........,....,......110 Clear Choice CommunicationsSM Description of Services . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , .. 112 1 General,.." ,.,...,..,.,......................,................ 112 Introduction .........,..,..........,.,................,...112 Timing of Calls " '" 112 5.1.3 .Service Area...........,...........,.................,.., 1131.4 Calculation of Distance .......,............................,.."114 1.5 Special Promotions ............,..........,................ 116 1.6 TravelCardAvailability ............,..,................,...117 BasicOnePlusService ....." ,.......,........,.,.......,........ 117 Basic Travel Card Service ............,............................118 Basic Travel Card Service ,...." ..........,..,.................... 118 Directory Assistance Service .................,..............,.."119 Operator Service "120 5 TalksM Service ..,.,......." ............,..."........,..,.. 122 12 TalksM Service .............." ....,.....................,.... 123 10TimesMService......" ......................"............,.. 124 9 TalksM Service ....,...." ,.............,.................... 125 Newl0TimesMService ........" ............................" 126 5 TirneiID Service ...,...,." ...............,.",...........,.... 127 ClaSSIc Travel Card Service.,.,........,.....,.........,.... .......128 Capital Travel Card Service....." .......,................ ,...... 128 Classic 800 Service .." ......".....,..,..,...,.................. 129 Capital 800 Service ......,...............,..,.,.,................129 5.3 5.4 5.11 5.14 5.16 Clear Choice CommunicationsiIDRate Schedules. . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 130 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006ISSUED: March 20, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page OrIginal Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Boise, IdahG Accentance-Siamp) _- _. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section e No. General ............,...............,......................,.. 1301.1 Rate Periods .........................,....................130 Time of Day Periods .....,..................."...,.....,.. 1311.3 HolidayDiscounts ,........." .,.,.,.....................,. 131 1.4 RoundingFractionalCharges............" .,...".......... 1325 .Extra Copies of Bill,.........."..................,....... 1321.6 Restoration of Service Charge ...........,...,.." ...,........ 1321.7 Returned Check Charge .........,.............." ........... 1331.8 Service Trip Charge .......................,." ....,...." 1331.9 EmergencyCalls "134 10 PayphoneUseCharge "1341.11 .LatePaymentFee.....................,..,.....,..,....... 1346.2 Basic One Plus Service ................,...........................1351 Intrastate........,..,...........,.,..............,........1352.2 Timing of Calls .............................".....,....,. 1356.3 Basic Travel Card Service ,............" ,..............,......., 1366.4 Basic 800 Select Service ...,......................,................136 5 DirectoryAssistanceService....,.......,." ,..,.,.................. 136 Operator Services .,...'.'....................,.................,. 137 5 TalksM Service .,..,.." .,...,...,..",......,.........,........ 139 12 TalksM Service .,..............,.....,.....,..........,........139 9 10TimesMService " '" 140 10 9 TalksM Service .............." ,...,..,.,....................... 140 11 New 10 TimesM Service ,..............,........" ..,.,..,..,...... 141 12 5TimeQi)Service.,.,...........,........." ..............,........ 141 13 Classic Travel Card Service ."....,.............,..,............... 142 14 Capital Travel Card Service .....",..,.....,...........,........... 142 6.15 Classic 800 Service ." ,....."..",............,."........,...... 143 6.16 Capital 800 Service ,.............,.............,.,.......,........143 ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) BOi:.e, Idaho (Accentalite 'S"lamn) CONCURRING CARRIERS NONE CONNECTING CARRIERS NONE OTHER P ARTICIP A TING CARRIERS NONE ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 ' " Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Boix. Idaho -. lAcceotance$tamp) TARIFF FORMAT Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right hand comer of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially and from time to time new leafs may be added to the tariff, When a new page is added between existing pages, a decimal is added to the preceding page number. For example, a new page added between Page No.s 3 and 4 would be numbered 3. Explanation of Symbols - When changes are made in any tariffleaf, a revised leaf will be issued canceling the tariff leaf affected, Changes will be identified on the revised leaf( s) through the use of the following symbols: (C) (D) (I) (M) (N) (R) (S) (T) (Z) to signify changed regulation. to signify discontinued rate, regulation, or text. to signify increased rates. to signify material relocated from one leaf to another without change. to signify new rate, regulation, or text. to signify reduced rate. to signify reissued material. to signify a change in text, but no change in rate or regulation. to signify a correction. In addition to symbols for changes, each changed provision in the tariff shall contain a vertical line in the right hand margin of the leaf which clearly shows the exact number of lines being changed. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Boise, Idaho -~_.._.. 1.0 Definitions Definitions of Terms Access Line - One of several types of circuits used to carry long distance calls all or part way between customer premises and long distance company switches. When calls are originated or received over customers' regular local lines or over customers' special W A TS Access Lines, long distance companies buy Feature Group access lines to carry calls between their switch or POP and the local telephone company switch. Customers may originate orreceive calls over special dedicated access lines directly from the customer premises to the long distance company POP. Accounting Code - A number, usually two, three or four-digits, entered when dialing a telephone call that tells a long distance company to allocate and subtotal the call to a particular subaccount. Calls are listed and summarized by account code on Customers monthly bill. Answer Supervision - An electrical signal fed back up the line by the local telephone company at the distant end of a long distance call to indicate positively that the call has been answered by the called telephone. Activates the billing equipment to start timing calls completed over FGB or FGD access trunks at the distant end. Authorization Code - A number, usually ten or fourteen digits, entered using a tone telephone to identify the caller as a customer of the long distance service. Used primarily to verify the caller as a customer and to bill calls. Calling Card - A billing convenience whereby the Customer may originate calls from any tone telephone, The Customer dials an 800 number and an authorization code followed by the terminating telephone number. In cases ofLEC billing, the terms and conditions of the local telephone company will apply to payment arrangements, By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY I - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) 6oi!e. Idaho ".,. (Accentanee' S\amp) 1.0 Definitions (Continued) 1.1 Definitions of Terms (Continued) Carrier - Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecom d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsQD unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Commission - Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Customer - The person, firm, corporation or other entity which initiates a call on Carrier network, or accepts billing for the call on Carrier s network, subject to the terms and conditions of Carrier s tariff regulations. Day - From 8:00 a.m. up to, but not including, 5:00 p,local time Monday through Friday. 800 Service - Inward W A TS service, Users dial a special interstate or intrastate " 800" number and are connected to the customer s telephone at the Customer s expense. The 888" service will provide expanded 800 toll-free offerings. Hereinafter , " 800" service is used to refer to "800" or "888" service. Equal Access - The ability to choose along distance company to be the primary carrier for interLATA long distance calls, Evening-From 5:00p.m. up to, but not including, 11:00p.local time Sunday through Friday. Interexchange Carrier (IXC) - A long distance company that carries calls between LA T As or telephone exchanges within LA T As, where permitted. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Boise. Idaho --._..~... .-' ' (Acceotaht-eStamo) 1.0 Definitions (Continued) 1.1 Definitions of Terms (Continued) InterLA T A - Calls or circuits between different Local Access and Transport Areas. IntraLA T A - Calls or circuits totally within the same Local Access and Transport Area. Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) - LA T As represent the area within which local telephone companies may provide telephone service. IntraLA T A calls can be either local or long distance, Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) - A local telephone company, either one of the Bell Operating Companies or one of the independent local telephone companies, Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) - Regular telephone service comprised of Direct Distance Dial and Operator-Assisted calls. Basic long distance service. Night/Weekend-From 11:00p.m. up to, but not including, 8:00 a.m. local time Sunday through Friday, all day Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. up to, but not including, 5:00 m. local time. Off-Hook - Occurs when telephone receiver is lifted from resting place, engaging, answering or otherwise activating circuit. Pay Telephone - A telephone instrument equipped with a device that allows a charge to be made for each call. Primary Interexchange Carrier (pI C) - The long distance company that a user, whose local exchange has converted to Equal Access, has selected to be his long distance carrier, ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 ' - Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Boise, Idaho -'-'", --... '- ..,..- tAcceutaiIceJstamp) 1.0 Definitions (Continued) 1.1 Definitions of Terms (Continued) Private Branch Exchange (pBX) - A private telephone system (switch) used by medium and large companies. Connected to the public telephone network and performs a variety ofin-houseroutingandswitching. User usually dials "9" to get outside the system of the local lines. Rate Center - A geographic point ITom which the vertical and horizontal coordinates are used in calculation of airline mileage for the purposes of rating a calL Subscriber - The person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity who designates the company as its primary interexchange carrier (PIC) for long distance telecommunications service. Thus, the Subscriber has a pre-existing business arrangement with the Company and is also a customer. Tandems - Those master LEC Central Offices (COs) which are designated as pooling or collection points for interLA T A calls ITom their respective sub-tending or subordinate COso Once collected, these interLATA calls are delivered to each of the subscribing IXCs through various types of Feature Group circuits (e., Feature Group "for call termination. 1 OXXX - Available only to Equal Access customers, To send calls over a carrier other than the one that would automatically get the customer " 1 +" calls, the customer dials "10- XXXII 01- XXXX" then the " 1 +" the long distance number. "XXX/XXXX" is the three/four digit Carrier Identification Code of the carrier the customer wants to use. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Boise, Idaho (Accentance'Stamo) 1.0 Definitions (Continued) 1.1 Definitions of Terms (Continued) Wide Area Telecommunications Service (W A TS) - AT&T's name for their original first generation long distance service. Either In- W A TS (800 number) inward dialing from any phone inaspecified geographical area, or Outward (OutWats) dialing to any phone in a specified area from one specific telephone. 1.2 Glossary of Acronyms and Trade Names ANI - Automatic Number Identification co - Central Office CCC - Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsQD FCC - Federal Communications CommissIOn FGD - Feature Group " IXC - Interexchange Company LATA - Local Access and Transport Area LEC - Local Exchange Carrier MTS - Message Telecommunication Service NP A - the three-digit Area Code or Numbering Plan Area ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Boise, Idaho (Acccutanc Si~mo) 1.0 Definitions (Continued) 1.2 Glossary of Acronyms and Trade Names (Continued) NXX -the three-digit Local Exchange Code PBX -Private Branch Exchange PIC Primary Interexchange Carrier PIN Personal Identification Number PUC -Public Utilities Commission of the State of Idaho Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai), d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsQD W ATS - Wide Area Telephone Service ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Boi3e. Idaho -"" '", . ' (AcceDtance ~mu) RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking ofVarTec Telecom 1.1 General VT's services and facilities are furnished for communications originating at specified points within the State of Idaho under the terms of this tariff. VT installs, operates and maintains the communications services provided herein in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff. VT may act as the Customer s Agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such a service arrangement. VT's services and facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise stated, and are available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1 , 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 20 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Boise. Idaho , - Acceotance Stamp~ RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Undertaking ofVarTec Telecom (Continued) 1.2 Limitations (A) Service is offered subj ect to the availability of the necessary facilities and! or equipment, and subject to the provisions of this tariff. VT reserves the right to negotiate special terms and conditions (e., special promotions) with a particular Customer providing agreement is reached and signed with the Customer. (B) VT reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this tariff, or in violation of the law. (C) VT does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or forfailure to establish connections. (D) All facilities provided under this tariff are directly controlled by VT and the Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities without the express written consent of Carrier. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption ofthe use or location ofthe service or facilities. (E) Prior written permission from Carrier is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of servic€: ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai) Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Boise, Idaho Acceotance s.t~unD) RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Undertaking ofVarTec Telecom (Continued) Limitations (Continued) (F) For any telephone number which accesses VT" s service on a per call basis via the Company" s CAC( s) for 1 + calling and is subscribed to a service listed in this tariff for which the customer is required to be entered into the VT billing database prior to use, VT reserves the right to remove the telephone number from the billing database in the event that a period of ninety (90) consecutive days passes during which the telephone number does not access VT's service viaaCAC(s), In the eventthatacustomeris removed from the VTbilling database, upon next use ofVT's service , the customer s VT service will be the current default service (i., the service listed in this tariff that does not require the customer to be entered into the VT billing database prior to use). The customer will be billed automatically for this use according to the tenus of the current default service. (G) The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation ofliability imposed by the Company should upheld in a court oflaw. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognIzes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause, Use of Service Service provided under this tariff may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. VT reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changing regulatory rules and standards of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1.2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities CommIssion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai)(Acceptance Stamp) Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Carrier Liability (A) (B) VT's liability for any claim or loss, expenses or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) arising out of mistakes, for any interruption, delay, error omissions, or defects in any service, facility, or transmission provided under this tariff shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate monthly subscription fee charged to the Customer for the period of service or the facility provided during which such interruption, delay, error, omission, or defect occurs. Any adjustment shall apply only to the period the interruption, delay, error omission, or defect continues beyond twenty-four (24) hours after notice of the interruption, delay, error, omission, or defect is received by Carrier. No other liability shall in any case attach to Carrier on account of interruptions, delay, error omission, or defect of service, For the purpose of computing a credit, a month is considered to have thirty (30) days, VT shall not be liable for claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect special, or consequential damage), for any interruption, delay, error, OlTI1ssion, or defect in any service, facility, or transmission provided under this tariff, if caused by any person or entity other than Carrier, by any malfunction of any service or facility provided by any other carrier, by an act of God, fire, war, civil disturbance or act of government, or by any other cause beyond Carrier s direct control. EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006ISSUED: March 20. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Boise, IdahoComtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecomai) d/b/a Clear Choice Communicationsai)(Acceotance. Stamp) RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Carrier Liability (Continued) (C) (D) (E) VT shall not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by Customer against any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect special, or consequential damage) for defamation, libel, slander, invasion of privacy, infringement of copyright or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark trade name or service mark, unfair competition, interference with misappropriation or violation of any contract, proprietary or creative right, or any other injury to any person, property or entity arising out of the material, data information, or other content revealed to, transmitted, processed, handled, or used by Carrier under this tariff; for connecting, combining, or adapting Carrier facilities with Customer s apparatus or systems; for any act or omission of the Customer; for any personal injury or death of any person or for any loss of or damage to Customer s premises or any other property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused directly or indirectly by the installation, maintenance location, condition, operation, failure, presence, use, orremoval of equipment or wiring provided by the Carrier, if not directly caused by negligence of the Carrier; or for failure to provide service. No Agent or Employee of any other carrier shall be deemed to be an Agent or Employee of Carrier, except independent sales agents who may from time to time be employed by another carrier. VT shall not be liable for any defacement of or damages to the premises of a Customer resulting from the furnishing of service which is not the direct result of Carrier s negligence, EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006ISSUED: March 20, 2006 . ' By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceotance Starim) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES General 1.1 Rate Periods All VT services that are rated based upon time of day are subj ect to the following rate periods: (A) (B) (C) (D) ISSUED: March 20, 2006 DAY PERIOD - The Day Period applies to a call originating at a time from 8:00 a.m. up to, but not including, 5:00p.m. time Monday through Friday. EVENIN G PERIOD - The Evening Period applies to a call originating from 5:00p.m. up to, but not including, 11:00p.onSundaythrough Friday. NIGHT AND WEEKEND PERIOD - The Night and Weekend Period applies to a call originating from 11 :00 p.m. up to, but not including, 8 :00 m. on Monday through Sunday. The Night and Weekend Period also applies all day Saturday and from 8:00 a.m. to, but not including, 5 :00 , Sunday. All times in Paragraphs (A) through (C) above refer to local time in the area in which the call originates. EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 76 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 -- 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, ldaM V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) General (Continued) 1.1 Rate Periods (Continued) (E)Calls initiated during one time period and ending during a different time period will be billed for the usage during each time period at the rates applicable to that time period. 1.2 Time of Day Periods MON I TUE I WED I THUR I FRI SAT SUN 8:00 am FULL RATE PERIOD 4:59 pm 5:00 pm EVENING RATE PERIOD EVE 10:59 pm 11:00 pm NIGHT/WEEKEND RATE PERIOD 7:59 am ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 . . Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Boise, Idaho (Acceptance.Jrno) Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) General (Continued) 1.3 Holiday Discounts Rates Applicable on Certain Holidays: On Christmas Day (December 25), New Year s Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day and Labor Day the rate applicable is the Evening rate unless a lower rate would normally apply. 1.4 Rounding Fractional Charges Unless otherwise specified in this Tariff, when the application of the rates set forth in this Section results in a fractional charge for an individual call, the total charge for that particular call will be rounded up to the next higher cent. 1.5 Extra Copies of Bill Extra copies of a Customer s monthly bill will be provided by the arrier at the rate of$.25 per copy, per page. A minimum charge of$I.00 will apply. ISSUED: March 20,2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Page Original Boise, Idaho (Acceotance Stahto) .-. ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) General (Continued) 1.6 Restoration of Service Charge In the event service is temporarily suspended by VT for non-payment such service will be restored upon payment of all charges due. A restoration of service charge will be applicable for each authorization code temporarily suspended. Where servIce is presubscribed to VT's servIce a restoration of service charge will be applicable for each line temporarily suspended. Customers not re-established within five (5) days from date of suspension will be treated as new customers and appropriate Nonrecurring Charges and an advance payment will apply. Rate Business Residence $50. $25. 1.7 Returned Check Charge When payment in the form of a bank check for services rendered is returned to the carrier, the Customer will be assessed a service charge of $20.00 to cover the cost of handling the check. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 79 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceotance St~mo) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) .. ","~.-.. General (Continued) Service Trip Charge In the event the Subscriber or Customer reports a service difficulty or trouble report that reqUIres an on-premise visit by Carrier and the service difficulty or trouble reported is not a result of Carrier-provided equipment and/or no service difficulty or trouble is found in Carrier-provided equipment, a Service Trip Charge of$50.00 may be charged to the Subscriber or Customer for the visit by Carrier. 1.9 Emergency Calls Customer shall configure its system so that 911 emergency calls, where available and similar emergency calls will be automatically routed to the emergency answering point for the geographical location where the call originated without the intervention ofVT. 911 calls are not routed but are completed through the local network. No billing applies to emergency calls. 1.10 Payphone Use Charge A $0.60 per call charge is applicable to calls that originate from any payphone within Idaho and access VarTec s services via an 800 number (e., Business 800SM, Travel Card, Prepaid Calling Card or Home DirectrID calls). The Payphone Use Charge is in addition to the tariffed per minute usage rates and any applicable monthly service fees and surcharges associated with utilizing V arTec' s service and is unrelated to the specific VarTec service accessed from the payphone. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise. Idaho (Accentance Stkmn) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) General (Continued) 11 Late Payment Fee The late payment fee shall be the portion of the payment not received two business days prior to the next billing cycle, multiplied by 1.5%. For unpaid balances of $10.00 or more, a minimum late payment fee of $5.00 shall apply. 12 Alternative Payment Processing Fees The following fees apply for Customers who make payment for services rendered using alternative payment processing options. Per use charges apply for individual transactions. Customers may elect to enroll in VT' s Recurring Payment Plan whereby the Customer s payment is automatically processed by VT each month through the Customer s selected alternative payment processing option. One-time Payment (per use) Online Payments (per use) Recurring Payments Credit Card N/C N/C N/C ACH Payment N/C N/C N/C ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 80. First Revised Page 80. Replaces Original Page 80. Idaho Public Utilities Commissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 20 2008 Boise, Idaho Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a V arTec Telecom d/b/a Clear Choice Communications (Acceptance 8ta,up) . -. ... 0 V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) General (Continued) 1.13 Minimum Usage Fee Customers of any and all services described in Section 3 will be assessed a Minimum Usage Fee, per account, in each billing cycle in which their qualifying VarTec charges do not meet the minimum usage amount for their bill type. The Minimum Usage Fee is the difference between the minimum usage amount (i. $7.50 or $10.00 based on bill type) and the Customer s qualifying charges in a billing cycle. Customers billed directly by VT will be assessed a Minimum Usage; . Fee if their qualifying charges total less than $10.00 in a billing cycle. Customers billed through their local telephone company will be assessed a Minimum Usage Fee if their qualifying charges total less than $7.50 in a billing cycle. The Minimum Usage Fee will not apply to Customers ofVT's local exchange services or to customer accounts with no call usage in a given billing cycle when the account is assigned to a rate plan without a monthly fee or to one with only a monthly access fee, a fee which is billed only if the customer has used the service during the billing cycle. (1) (I) Qualifying charges to be applied toward calculating the monthly usage minimum will be derived only from the following VarTec charges: all long distance, calling card, toll free, operator assisted and directory assistance usage charges, Carrier Cost Recovery Fee as well as any monthly access fees or monthly recurring charges associated with the customer s rate plan. ISSUED:May 6, 2008 EFFECTIVE:May 20, 2008 By:Becky Gipson Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 433 East Las Colin as Boulevard, Suite 1300 Irving, Texas 75039 (972) 910-1900 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FJLlNG MAY 1 - 2006 Boise, Idaho Page Original (Acceptance Stamp) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Prepaid Calling Card Service - Intrastate Usage Rates The following per minute usage rates will apply to all intrastate calls utilizing a VT Prepaid Calling Card regardless of mileage and/or time of day: $.40. This service will no longer be promoted or sold after September 1 , 1998. Timing of Calls All calls have a minimum call length of sixty (60) seconds and are billed in sixty (60) second increments. Enhanced Prepaid Calling Card Service - Intrastate Usage Rates The following usage rate will apply to all intrastate calls utilizing a VT Enhanced PrePaid Calling Card regardless of mileage. Day/Evening/Night/Weekend $.3333 All calls have a minimum call length of sixty (60) seconds and are billed in sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1.2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceotance StJmo) ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Prepaid Calling Card Service - Intrastate Usage Rates (Continued) Prepaid Calling Card Service II - Intrastate Usage Rates VT's Prepaid Calling Card Service n is intended for Customers that make prepaid calling card calls in excess of three (3) minutes in duration. This service offers the same features as the Prepaid Calling Card Service listed in Section 3., but with a ten cent ($.1 0) per minute intrastate usage rate and a ninety cent ($.90) per call surcharge regardless oftime of day and/or day of week. All calls will have a minimum call length of sixty (60) seconds and will be billed in sixty (60) second increments thereafter. 2.4 New Prepaid Calling Card Service - Intrastate Usage Rates The New Prepaid Calling Card Service offers the same features ofVT' s Prepaid Calling Card Service listed in Section 3.2 but with a $.25 per minute usage rate regardless of mileage andlortime of day. All calls have a minimum call length of sixty (60) seconds and are billed in sixty (60) second increments. Travel Card Service - Usage Rates The following surcharge per call and per minute rates are for Travel Card Services. Individual Accounts - Per minute rate is $0.25 Corporate Accounts - Per minute rate is $0. Group Accounts - Per minute rate is $0. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1- 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho --'--. . . (AccentanceStamp) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) 4.4 Directory Assistance Service - Intrastate Usage Rates VarTec Customers will be billed a per call charge of$. 75 for each intrastate directory assistance call. The directory assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether the directory assistance bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number. New DimeLine(g) Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT's New DimeLineCID Service will be billed at the following per minute usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/EveninglNight/Weekend 1000 A three (3) minute minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. As of February 1 , 2003, a monthly usage fee of$1.95 will be billed to all Customers of VT' s New DimeLineCID Service in each calendar month in which the Customer uses VT' s New DimeLineCID Service. CalIManage Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers of the CallManage Service will be billed at the following per minute intrastate usage rates: Day/EveninglNight/W eekend $.1000 A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Boise, Idaho (Acceotance-Stamo) Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommUliicationsOi) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Home Direct~ Service Customers ofVT will be billed at the following per minute rates: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend -1900 A monthly recurring service fee of one dollar ($1.00) may be charged to all Customers Home Direct~ Service. Also, Customer may be charged an account set-up fee often dollars ($10.00). Business 800SM Service Customers ofVT will be billed at the following per minute rates: Day Evening Night/Weekend 1795 $.1495 1395 A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at six second increments. In those areas where the LEC cannot support sub-minute billing increments, however, such calls will be billed in full minute increments. A monthly recurring service fee of five dollars ($5.00) will be charged to Customers of Business 800SM Service. Additionally, at customer s request, VT will provide custom routing features (e., specific NPA blocking or time of day routing) for an initial set-up fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) per 800 number plus a three cent ($.03) surcharge per call. Customer will be charged an additional fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) for any subsequent routing modifications. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise. Idaho (Acceotance-Stamo) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) DimeLineQ!:) Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT's DimeLine(ID Service will be billed at the following per minute usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/NightlWeekend 1000 The fIrst DimeLine(ID call that a Customer makes to any location within the United States which is ten (1 0) minutes or less induration will be billed at five cents ($.05) per minute regardless of mileage and/or time of day. Thereafter, every other (i., alternating) call made to any location within the United States which is ten (1 0) minutes or less in duration will be billed at five cents ($.05) per minute regardless of mileage and/or time of day. Thus, assuming a Customer makes an even number of calls that are ten (10) minutes or less in duration to locations within the United States during a billing cycle, fifty percent (50%) of those calls would be billed at five cents ($.05) per minute. Calls to Directory Assistance do not qualify for the five cent ($.05) per minute rate. This rate will apply to current and future Customers. A three (3) minute minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. After the initial month's billing cycle, a monthly recurring service fee of five dollars ($5.00) will be charged to all Residential Customers of VT's DimeLine(ID Service. Customer s utilizing VarTec s DimeLine(ID Service and originating calls from an ANI designated as a business line by the applicable LEC will incur a monthly recurring service fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00). ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR fiLING MAY 1- 2006 Boise. Idaho --.-... .... tAcceotance StarilP) ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) FiveLineQ!) Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT's FiveLineQD ServIce will be billed at the following per minute usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/EveninglNight/W eekend 0500 A ten (10) minute minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. As of February 1 2003 , a monthly usage fee of$2.95 will be billed to all existing Customers ofVT's FiveLineQD Service, and all new Customers as of this date will be billed the monthly usage fee of$2.95 after the initial two (2) months from their fIrst use ofthe service (e., if a new Customer uses the FiveLineQD Service for the firsttime on March 16 2003, the fIrst monthly usage fee would be assessed for May 2003 usage). The monthly usage fee will be billed in each month in which the Customer uses VT's FiveLindID Service. The monthly usage fee is waived for all Customers ofVT's bundled local exchange services listed in Section 3.2 ofIdaho Local Telecommunications Tariff. EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006ISSUED: March 20, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities CommissIOn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) 8oise, Idaho (Acceptance ~;tamo) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Dime ClubQY Program - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT's Dime Club~ Program will be billed a monthly recurring service fee of $4.95. A three (3) minute minimum will apply to each completed One Plus call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. Customers ofVT's Dime ClubQY Program will be billed the following per minute usage rates: Day/Evening/Night/W eekend 1000 The first Dime Club~ One Plus call that a Customer makes to any location within the United States which is ten (1 0) minutes or less in duration will be billed at five cents ($.05) per minute regardless of mileage and/or time of day. Thereafter, every other (i. alternating) One Plus call made to any location within the United States which is ten (1 0) minutes or less in duration will be billed at five cents ($.05) per minute regardless of mileage andlortime of day. Thus, assuming a Customer makes an even number of One Plus calls that are ten (10) minutes or less induration to locations within the United States during a billing cycle, fifty percent (50%) of those calls would be billed at five cents ($.05) per minute. Calls to Directory Assistance do not qualify for the five cent ($.05) per minute rate. This rate will apply to current and future Customers. A per call surcharge of$.50 will apply to Customers utilizing VT's Dime Club Call Direct~ Service. A per call surcharge of$. 75 will also apply to Customers utilizing VT' s Dime ClubCID Travel Card Service. A one (1) minute minimum will apply to each completed call on the Dime Club~ Call DirectQY and Travel Card Services, and thereafter, Customers of both services shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 ' Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Accevtanc6St.amv) V ARTEC TELECOM RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Dime Works(ID Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers utilizing Dime Works(ID Service will be billed the following intrastate per minute usage rates: Day/EveninglNightIW eekend 1000 A per call surcharge often cents ($.1 0) will apply to Customers utilizing VarTec s Dime Works(ID Service. Where the LEC can support sub-minute billing increments, a thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter, Customers will be billed in six (6) second increments. In service areas where the LEC cannot support sub-minute billing increments a sixty(60) second minimum and sixty (60) second increments will apply. Customers of this service will incur a monthly recurring service fee equal to fifteen dollars ($15.00), regardless of the number oflines subscribed to this service, to utilize VarTec Dime Works(ID Service. However, customers having average billables in excess of$1 ,000 per month will have this monthly recurring service fee waived byVT. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities CommissioR Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise. Idaho (Acccotanc-e--Sthmp) V ARTEC TELECOM~ RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Dime Works~ 800 Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers utilizing Dime W orks~ 800 Service will be billed the following intrastate per minute usage rates: Day/Evening/Night/W eekend 1000 A per call surcharge of twenty-five cents ($.25) will apply to Customers utilizing VarTec Dime Works~ 800 Service. Where the LEC can support sub-minute billing increments, a thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter, Customers will be billed in six (6) second increments. In service areas where the LEC cannot support sub-minute billing increments a sixty(60) second minimum and sixty (60) second increments will apply. Customers will incur a monthly recurring service fee often dollars ($10.00) per ANI utilizing VarTec s Dime Works~ 800 Service. However, customers having average billables in excess of$1 ,000 per month will have this monthly recurring service fee waived byVT. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 90 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 ~ 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceotance staron) .."".- . ARTEC TELECOM(1!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) VarTec Signature Series(1!) Services - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVarTec Signature SeriestID Services will be billed the following intrastate per minute usage rates: 14.1 VarTec Signature I Service Customers utilizing VarTec s Signature I Service will be billed the following intrastate per minute usage rates: Day/Night/Evening/Weekend 1095 A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter Customers will be billed in six (6) second increments. Additionally, at Customer s request, VT will provide custom routing features (e. specific NP A blocking or time of day routing) for an initial set-up fee ofthirty dollars ($30.00) per 800 number plus a three cent ($.03) surcharge per call. Customers will be charged an additional fee ofthirty dollars ($30.00) for any subsequent routing modifications. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho - '(AcceDtam.c~.st~mD) V ARTEC TELECOM(ID RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) VarTec Signature Series(ID Services - Intrastate Usage Rates (Continued) 14.1 VarTec Signature 800 Service Customers utilizing V arT ec s Signature 800 Service will be billed the following intrastate per minute usage rates: Day/Night/Evening/Weekend 0995 A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter Customers will be billed in six (6) second increments. A monthly recurring service fee of$I.95 will be charged to all Customers of VarTec s Signature 800 Service. 14.2 VarTec Signature Travel Service Customers utilizing V arT ec s Signature Travel Service will be billed the following intrastate usage rates. Day/Evening/Night/Weekend 2500 A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. 14.3 Waiver of Service Fees Customers of V arT ec Signature Series(ID Services whose average monthly usage exceeds $1 000.00 will have the monthly recurring service fees associated with VarTec Signature Series~ waived. ISSUED: March 20.2006 . . EFFECTIVE: May 1.2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 -- 2006 Boise. Idaho Page 92 Original (Acceutanoo:Stalmo) V ARTEC TELECOMQ!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Dime College Travel Card Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT's Dime College Travel Card Service will be billed at the following per minute rate regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend 1000 Customers of the Dime College Travel Card Service will also be billed a per call surcharge of$.50. A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. VarTec Varsity Line Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT will be billed at the following per minute usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend 1500 AmontWyrecurring service fee of$I.95 will be charged to all Customers ofVarTec Varsity Line Service. A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1 , 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 -- 2006 Boise, IdahoComtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi)(Acccotance Stamn) " ... V ARTEC TELECOM(!!) RATE,SCHEDULES (Continued) VarTec Varsity Line Service - Intrastate Usage Rates (Continued) 16.1 VarTec Varsity LinesM Call Home Plan The V arT ec Varsity LinesM Call Home Plan is intended for Customers ofVT's College and Alumni Programs which are available through participating colleges and alumni organizations. Customers of the V arT ec Varsity LinesM Call Home Plan will receive the same service and rates as the V arT ec Varsity LinesM as listed in Sections 3.16 and 4.16; however, Customers of this service will not be eligible to receive the one cent calls described in Section 3.16 and will not be billed the monthly recurring fee listed in Section 4.16. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 94 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, IdahO V ARTEC TELECOM(!!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) TolISaver(!!) II Service - Usage Rates (Continued) 17.1 Intrastate 0 - 10 1310 0510 0793 0300 0610 0210 11 - 16 1810 0810 1099 0493 0860 0360 17 - 22 2310 1310 1470 0793 1110 0610 23 - 30 2810 2210 1795 1339 1360 1060 31 - 55 3410 .2610 2185 1665 1660 1260 56 - 70 .3910 .3210 .2510 .2055 1910 1560 71 - 124 .3910 .3210 2510 .2055 1910 1560 125 - 292 .4410 .3510 2835 2250 2160 1710 293 +.4410 .3510 .2835 .2250 2160 1710 17.2 Rounding Fractional Charges When the application of the rates set forth in this Service result in a fractional charge for an individual call, the total charge for that particular call will be rounded down to the next lower cent. ISSUED: March 20 2006 EFFECTIVE: Ma 1 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities CommiSSion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Accentance.Stamp) V ARTEC TELECOM~ RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Aspire~ Service Customers ofV arTec s Aspire(ID Service will be billed at the following per minute intrastate usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/NightIW eekend 1295 A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at six (6) second increments. Universal Travel Card Service Customers utilizing VarTec s Universal Travel Card Service will be billed the following intrastate usage rates. Day/Evening/NightIW eekend 1900 Customers ofVT' s Universal Travel Card Service will incur a monthly recurring service feeof$I.95. In addition, apercall surcharge of$.75 will apply to each completed call placed on the Universal Travel Card Service. A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities CommissioOffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY I - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceotance Stamo); V ARTEC TELECOMQY RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Small ChangeQY Service Customers ofVarTec s Small ChangeQD Service will be billed at the following per minute intrastate usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend 1200 A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. Conference Calling Service Customers ofVT's Conference Calling Service will be billed at the following per minute usage rates for each and every involved party that participates in the conference call: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend $.4000 A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter, Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceotance Stamp) 4~0 ARTEC TELECOM(ID RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) 22 New Home Direct(ID Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT' s New Home Direct(ID Service will be billed at the following per minute usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend $.1500 A monthly recurring service fee of one dollar ($1.00) will be charged to all Customers of New Home Direct(ID Service. A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. Long Distance Saver Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers of the Long Distance Saver Service will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates regardless of time of day: Day/Evening/Night/W eekend 1000 A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed at sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1.2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public UtiHties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Stamp) V ARTEC TELECOM(!!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) VarTec Voice8M Services - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers of VarTec Voice 8M Services will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: 24.1 VarTec Voice8M Long Distance Service Customers utilizing the V arT ec Voice 8M Long Distance Service will be billed at the following intrastate per minute usage rates: DaylNightlEveningIW eekend 0700 A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. As of February 1 2003 , a monthly usage fee of$I.95 will be billed to all existing Customers of the VarTec Voice 8M Long Distance Service, and all new Customers as of this date will be billed the montWy usage fee of$1.95 after the initial two (2) months from their first use of the service (e., if a new Customer uses the VarTec Voice 8M Long Distance Service for the first time on March 16, 2003 , the first monthly usage fee would be assessed for May 2003 usage). The monthly usage fee will be billed in each month in which the Customer uses the VarTec Voice Long Distance Service. The monthly usage fee is waived for all Customers of VT's bundled local exchange services listed in Section 3.2 of Idaho Local Telecommunications Tariff. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Stamo) V ARTEC TELECOMCID RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) VarTec Voice8M Services - Intrastate Usage Rates (Continued) 24.2 VarTec Voice8M Travel Card Service Customers utilizing VarTec Voice 8M Travel Card Service will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend 0700 A per call surcharge of $.75 will apply to each completed call placed on the VarTec Voice 8M Travel Card Service. In addition, a sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter, Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. 24.3 VarTec Voice8M Call DirectC!9 Service Customers utilizing V arT ec Voice 8M Call DirectC!9 Service will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: Day/Night/EveninglWeekend 0700 A monthly recurring fee of$1.00 will be charged to all Customersofthe VarTec Voice 8M Call DirectC!9 Service for each activated PIN. In addition, a sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter, Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 100 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceutance Stamp) V ARTEC TELECOMQ!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) VarTec VoicesM Services - Intrastate Usage Rates (Continued) 24.4 VarTec VoicesM Toll Free Service Customers utilizing VarTec VoicesM Toll Free Service will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: DaylNight/Evening/Weekend 0700 A monthly recurring fee of$I.00 will be charged to all Customers of the VarTec Voice SM Toll Free Service for each toll- free/800 number utilizing the service. addition, a sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. VarTec LibertyLinesM Services - Intrastate Usage Rates Business Customers of the VarTec LibertyLinesM Services will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: 25.1 VarTec LibertyLinesM Long Distance Service Customers utilizing the V arT ec LibertyLinesM Long Distance Service will be billed at the following intrastate per minute usage rates: DaylNight/Evening/Weekend 1000 A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter Customers will be billed in six (6) second increments. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 101 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Accentanee:Stamo) ARTEC TELECOM\!!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) VarTec LibertyLinesM Services - Intrastate Usage Rates (Continued) 25.2 VarTec LibertyLinesM Travel Card Service Customers utilizing VarTec LibertyLinesMTravel Card Service will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend 1000 A per call surcharge of$.35 will apply to each completed call placed on the VarTec LibertyLineSM Travel Card Service. In addition, a sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter, Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. 25.3 VarTec LibertyLinesM 800 Service Customers utilizing VarTec LibertyLinesM 800 Service will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: DaylNight/Evening/W eekend 1000 A monthly recurring fee of$1.00 will be charged to all Customers of the VarTec LibertyLinesM 800 Service for each toll- free/800 number utilizing the service. In addition, a thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call and thereafter, Customers will be billed in six (6) second increments. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 102 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (AccevtanGe' St-dmo) V ARTEC TELECOMQ!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) FiveI.ineQ!) Travel Card Service Customers utilizing VT's FiveLineCID Travel Card Service will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/Night/W eekend 0500 A per call surcharge of$.75 will apply to each completed call placed on VT' s FiveLineCID Travel Card Service. In addition, a ten (10) minute per call minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second incremel1 s. FiveLineQ!) Call DirectQ!) Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT' s FiveLineCID Call DirectCID Service will be billed at the following per minute usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/Night/W eekend 0500 A monthly recurring service fee of$1.00 per account will be charged to all Customers FiveLineCID Call DirectCID Service. A ten (10) minute per call minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed in sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 103 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAY 1 - 2005 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) . d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise. Idaho (AcceDtance Stamo) V ARTEC TELECOMQ!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Telephone Express ()j) Services - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers of the VarTec Telephone Express ()j) Services will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: 28.1 Telephone Express ()j) Long Distance Service Customers utilizing the Telephone Express ()j) Long Distance Service will be billed at the following intrastate per minute usage rates: DaylNight/EveningIW eekend 1000 A thirty (3 0) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter Customers will be billed in six (6) second increments. 28.2 Telephone Express ()j) Travel Card Service Customers utilizing Telephone ExpressCID Travel Card Service will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: Day/Evening/Night/W eekend 1000 A per call surcharge of $.3 5 will apply to each completed call placed on the Telephone ExpressCID Travel Card Service. In addition, a sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter, Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 104 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise. Idaho (Acceotance Sfamb) V ARTEC TELECOMQ!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Telephone Express (!\) Services - Intrastate Usage Rates 28.3 Telephone Express (!\) 800 Service Customers utilizing Telephone Express (!\) 800 Service will be billed at the following intrastate usage rates: Day/Night/Evening/Weekend 1000 A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter Customers will be billed in six (6) second increments. 28.4 Telephone Express (!\) Call Direct(!\) Service Customers utilizing Telephone ExpresscID Call DirectcID will be billed atthe following intrastate usage rates: Day/Night/Evening/W eekend 1000 A thirty (30) second minimum will apply to each completed call and, thereafter Customers will be billed in six (6) second increments. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 105 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Siamo) V ARTEC TELECOMQ!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) 5TalkSM Call Direct~ Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT' s 5Talk SM Call DirectQ9 Service will be billed at the following per minute usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend 1500 A three (3) minute per call minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter Customers shall be billed in sixty (60) second increments. 5TalkSM Calling Card Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers utilizing VT' s 5 Talk SM Calling Card will be billed at the following per minute usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/Night/Weekend 1500 A per call surcharge of$.75 will apply to each completed call placed on VT' s 5Taik Calling Card. In addition, a three (3) minute per call minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed in sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: Mav 1. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 106 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 ~ 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) 8oi!l8. Idaho V ARTEC TELECOMCID RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Your DimeLinei!i1 Service - Intrastate/Interstate Usage Rates Customers ofVT' s New DimeLine i!i1 Service will be billed at the following per minute usage rates regardless of mileage and/or time of day: DaylEvening/NightIW eekend 1000 A one (1) minute minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed in sixty (60) second increments. Operator Services - Rates and Charges 32.1 Per Minute Rates Customers ofVT's Operator Services will be billed at the following intrastate per minute rates: Operator DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Type RATE PERIOD RATE PERIOD RATE PERIOD Automated Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Operator Minute Minutes Minute Minutes Minute Minutes & Live $0.$0.$0.$0.$0.$0.Operator A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter calls will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 , . Page 107 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 ~- 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise, IdebG (Accentance Stamp) V ARTEC TELECOM(ID RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) Operator Services - Rates and Charges (Continued) 32.2 Per Call Surcharges In addition to the above per minute rates, Customers ofVT's Operator Services will be billed the following per call surcharges based on the selected calling and billing options: Calling Option Per Call Surcharge Operator Station-to-Station Sent Paid Operator Station-to-Station Sent Collect Operator Station-to-:-Station Third Number Billed Operator Station-to-Station Calling Card Person-to-Person Sent Paid Person-to-Person Sent Collect Person-to-Person Third Number Billed Person-to-Person Calling Card Operator Dialed Surcharge $3.45 $3.45 $3.45 $3.45 $9. $9. $9. $9. $1.50 One or more surcharges will apply to all Operator Services calls which use anyone or a combination of these calling and billing options. ISSUED: March 20, 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 108 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 -- 2006 Boise, IdahoComtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) -(Acceutance Stamp) V ARTEC TELECOMQ!) RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) 5 TalksM Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT's 5 TalksM Service will be billed at the following per minute intrastate rate: Day/ Evening! Night! Weekend 1500 A three (3) minute minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed in sixty (60) second increments. A monthly usage fee of$2.95 will be billed to all Customers ofVT's 5 TalksM Service in each month in which the Customer uses VT's 5 TalksM Service. 5 Time (g) Service Customers ofVT's 5 Time (g) Service will be billed at the following per minute intrastate rate: Day/ Evening! Night! Weekend 0500 A five (5) minute minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed in sixty (60) second increments. A monthly access fee of five dollars ($5.00) will be billed to all customers utilizing this service after the initial month's billing cycle. EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006ISSUED: March 20. 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 109 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2006 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec TelecomOi) d/b/a Clear Choice CommunicationsOi) Boise. Idaho (Accentance.Stamo) V ARTEC TELECOMCID RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) 9 TimesM Service Customers ofVT's 9 Time sM Service will be billed at the following per minute intrastate rate: Day/ Evening! Night! Weekend 0900 A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers shall be billed in sixty (60) second increments. A monthly access fee of three dollars and ninety-five cents ($3.95) will be billed to all customers utilizing this service after the initial month's billing cycle. 3~/39~ Service - Intrastate Usage Rates Customers ofVT's 3~/39~ Service will be billed at the following per minute usage rate regardless of mileage and/or time of day: Day/Evening/NightIW eekend 0300 A sixty (60) second minimum will apply to each completed call, and thereafter, Customers will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. A per call surcharge of$0.39 will apply to each completed call placed on VT's 3~/39~ Service. ISSUED: March 20. 2006 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2006 By:Becky Gipson Director, Regulatory Affairs 2440 Marsh Lane Carrollton, Texas 75006 (972) 478-3000 Page 134. First Revised Page 134. Replaces Original Page 134. Idaho Public Util,ities Commissien iOffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ' MAY 20 2008 Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecom d/b/a Clear Choice Communications Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Stamp) CLEAR CHOICE COMMUNICATIONSrID RATE SCHEDULES (Continued) General (Continued) 1.12 Minimum Usage Fee Customers of any and all services described in Section 5 will be assessed a Minimum Usage Fee, per account, in each billing cycle in which their qualifying Clear Choice Communications charges do not meet the minimum usage amount for their bill type. The Minimum Usage Fee is the difference between the minimum usage amount (i., $7.50 or $10.00 based on bill type) and the Customer s qualifying charges in a billing cycle. Customers billed directly by CCC will be assessed a Minimum Usage Fee if their qualifying charges total less than $10.00 in a billing cycle. Customers billed through their local telephone company will be assessed a Minimum Usage Fee if their qualifying charges total less than $7.50 in a billing cycle. The Minimum Usage Fee will not apply to customer accounts with no call usage in a given billing cycle when the account is assigned to a rate plan without a monthly fee or to one with only a monthly access fee, a fee which is billed only if the customer has used the service during the billing cycle. (I) (I) Qualifying charges to be applied toward calculating the monthly usage minimum will be derived only from the following CCC charges: all long distance, calling card, toll free, operator assisted and directory assistance usage charges, Carrier Cost Recovery Fee as well as any monthly access fees or monthly recurring charges associated with the customer s rate plan. ISSUED:May 6, 2008 EFFECTIVE:May 20, 2008 By:Becky Gipson Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 433 East Las Colinas Boulevard, Suite 1300 Irving, Texas 75039 (972) 910-1900