HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090420_2535.pdfTO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:GERRY GALINA TO DATE:APRIL 16, 2009 RE:CASE NO. CAP-08- COMPLIANCE FILING TARIFF As part of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 30762, the Commission directed Capitol Water Corporation to submit updated tariff sheets consistent with this Order. The Company was specifically directed to revise its rate schedules and rules and regulations based on the model tariff and create a separate tariff schedule for Boise City and Idaho Department of Environmental Quality fees. The rates and charges authorized by the Order shall become effective May 1 , 2009. As directed by the Commission, the Company filed the following items on April 13 2009: revised Schedule 1 , revised Schedule 2, new Schedule 3 for Other Recurring and Non- Recurring Charges, revised Schedule 4, and revised General Rules and Regulations for Capitol Water. Staff reviewed the tariff sheets initially submitted by the Company to ensure that the language and rates reflect Commission directives as stated in Order No. 30762. Staff found an error in revised Schedule 2 and some items that need clarification in the new Schedule 3. Staff contacted the Company to discuss and resolve the issues. The Company made the appropriate corrections and adjustments. Staff confirms that the revised language and rates in the tariff comport with Commission Order 30762. Staff recommends approval of the tariff. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the ta~ submi effective on May 1 , 2009? i:udmemos/capwO8.2 compliance filing.doc by Capitol Water to be DECISION MEMORANDUM APRIL 16, 2009