HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201113Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDTIM TO COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMII{ISSIONER RAPER COMNISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STATT' LEGAL FROM:MATT HUNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: NOYEMBER 12,2020 SI}BIECT:IN TIM MATTER OF CLEAR RATE COMMUMCATIONS, INC.'S APPLICATION FOR A CERTTFICATE OF PUBLIC CONYENIENCE Al\tD I\TECESSITY TO PROYIDE RESOLD AND NON-FACILITIES BASEDLocAL EXCHANGE sERYrcEs rHRoucHour IDAHO; GASE No. CRC-T-20-01. On October 14, 2020, Clear Rate Communications, Inc. ("Company") applied for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide resold and non-facilities based local exchange service throughout Idaho. THE APPLICATION The Company is a Michigan corporation authorized to do business in Idatro as a foreign corporation. Application at l. [t plans to "provide resold and non-facilities based local exchange service utilizing the facilities of incumbent local exchange carriers" statewide. Id. at l-3. The Company filed confidential financial statements. Id. at 3, Exhibit 3. The Company asserts it is in negotiations with CenturyLink Communications for an interconnection agreement. Id- at 3. The Company states it will file a proposed tariffonce it receives certification by the Commission and has an interconnection agreement in place. Id. T\e Application includes a customer contact for complaints and inquiries. .Id. The Company asserts it will comply with Commission rules. 1d. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Commission Staffrecommends the use ofModified Procedure with a 2l-day comment deadline andTday reply deadline. t// DECISION MEMORANDUM I COMIVISSION I}ECISION Does the Commission wish to process the Company's Application by Modified Procedure with a 2l4ay comment deadline and 7-day reply deadline? Hunter Deputy Attorney General I:U.t8TnIELEPIIONEICRC-T-2X}Org.CI20OI dEEam Et-dd 2DECISION MEMORANDI'M