HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201014Application.pdfj".*'-l I i'#ilil tlErORll'l"llE lDAllo PLJIll-lC tJl'll.l'l-ll1S COMMISSION ?i,:i *jT ll+ Et{ lS: I5 IN'l'l lI MAl"l'l]R OF'l'Hli AI'PI,IL-N]'ION OT Clcar Ratc Communications, lnc. ljor a Ccrtificate ol'Public Clonvenicnce and Necessity to l'rovide Local l:xchange'l'eleconrmunicatiorts Serviccs Within thc Statc of ldaho cAsrlNo ccc- 7- 2.0 -o I APpr.rca l loN"r-'oR criR't'rncA:rE oF. PUBI,tc LoNVtiN[iNCIi a]LD NrjcEssff Y lo PRo_vlp]l RIJSOI,D AND NON.IIACII,ITIHS BASI]D I-OCAI, DXCIJANCTJ SERVICIS Application is hereby nradc to the ldaho Public LJtilitics Commission fbr a Cerlificate of Public Conyenience and Necessity authorizing Clear Rate Cclmmunications, lnc. ("Applicail1" or u'Clear Rate") to providc local cxchange tclecomnrunicalions se rviccs pursuanl to lDAl'A 3 I .01 .01 . I I 4 and by Order No. .12277 irr Case No. CNil.-'l'- I I -01 . l'he following gencral infonnation and qxhibits arc furnished in supp<:r't thrrrco{: l.) Applicanl's lcgal narnc, address ol'ils principal ofTices, and telcphorrc nunrbcr arc Cllear Rate Cornmunications, lnc. 2600 W. Ilig tleaver Rd. Suitc 450 'l'roy. M1.48084 'l'elcphone: 248.556.9522 Iracsimi le: 877 .877 .5725 'l'hc applicant has no ofllcc located in the Statc of ldaho. 'l'hc Applicanl inlcnds to provide resold and non-facililics based local cxchange scrvicc utilizing the facilitics ol'ine umbcnt local exchange carricrs ("l.liCs"'). 2.) ApplicantinincorporatedintheStatcofMichiganandisingcxxlstandingunderlhclawsofthat statc. ln addition. tlrc Company is authorizsd ta do business as a lbrcign corpuration in thc statc ol ldaho. Attached as I:xhibit I to this applicatiorr is a cop1, of the Cornpany's Ccr-tificatc of lncr;rporation. A copy of tlrc Applicant's Cer"til'icatc ol'Authority to transact business in Idaht': is attachcd hcrcto as l:xhibit 2. 3.) 'l"he name and business address of Applicarrt's registered agent for service in ldaho is: Corporation Service Company 12550 West Explorer Drive, Suite 100 Boise,lD 83713 4.) 'fhe names and addresses of the len common stockholders of Applicant owning the greatest number of sharcs of common stock and the number of such srrares owned by each are: Name and Address Sharcs Owned Percentage of All Shares IssuEd & Outstanding Percentage of Voting Cantrol Clear Rate Communications, Inc. 1,000 la0%t00% Address: See company address listed in L) above 5.) T'he names and addresses and ownership of Applicant's O{ficers and Directors are: Officers: Thanc Namy Sam Namy President Vice President,'l'reasurer, Secretary Dircclors: Same liach can be reached at Applicanl's primary place of business and tetephone number as folk:ws: Clear Rate Communications, lnc, 2600 W, Ilig Beaver Rd. Suite 450'l'roy, M|.48084 'l'elcphone: 248.556.9522 6.) 'f'he name and address of any corporation, association. or similar organiization holding a 5o/o or grcoter owncrship or manegement interest in Applicant are as foltows: See ansrver to 4.) abovc. 7.) I'he name and addrcss ol'subsidiaries orvner or eonrolled by Applicant are as follows: Not applicable. Applicant sccks authority to rcscll and providc non-facilities based/UNl,i-P interexchange and loca! exchange scrvices initially throughoul the State where provided by incumbent l-L)Cs, lrowever, Applicant does nol intcnd to seruice areas seryiced by any I-UCs whieh are eligible for a small or rural carrier excmption pursuant to Section 25 I of thc Fcderal 'leleconr Act of 1996. A copy of Clear Rate Llommunications' financial smtements are attached as kxhibit 3 and markcd ..CON I" I DHNl"I A I,,''. 8.) Applicant is proposing to provide service statewide 9.) Applicant will file its proposcd tariffestablishing its proposed serviccs and chargcs npon cornplelion of interconnection and upon reccipt of certification by the Commission. I 0.)Qucslions concerning this application and Applicant's taritT should be dirccted to Applicant's rcprcsentative: Mark l-ammerl Cornpliance Solutions, I nc. 24? Rangelinc Rd. Longwood, I"l. 32750 Pl:one: (407) 794-3488 I;ax: (407)260- I 033 I :ma i I : rcg.UlelS*:@!$,i"1^rxrgy-qgd,Soryr Customer c,omplaints and inquiries are to be addressed to Jason l lendrix I)irector of Consuntcr Scrviccs 2600 W. Big lSeaver [toad, Suite 450-l roy, Ml 48084 f)hone: 877 -87'? -4'199 (Customer Servicc) I l.) Applicant has initiatcd intcrconncclion ncgoliations rvith Centuryl-ink Cornnrurrioations, 12.) Applicant has revicwcd thc laws and regulations of this Commission governing local cxchange tcleconrmunications serviccs in ldaho and will provide scrvice in accordancc with all laws, rules and rcgulalit)rls to the extent they are not preernpted by the l:edcral Acl. 13.1 ipplicu::t rviilnot r*quirc edr'*rtcr l,iryrfirnts r.rr drpurit$: llrerelbre, noc$$ru$ s{:c(lullt irbcing lilcd. 1\'lli.ltl:l:()Rl . l lr;ar ltats (lonrnrrrieatrr.rnr, lnc,, requcrls lhat thc ldalro Public lJtiliricx ( ortltnis*ion ulll(i flrl (llrlcr grarltrng a l'errilicatr ol'Itublic Convenicccs *trd Neccssit;' authariz"irrg Clcur ltalr' ('onttnunirtrtiunri, Inc. tn pr*vide rcsuld anti non-facilities hased local c.tchurtgc telucanunrxr iual i{)ns srrl'ices rvith in the litate u l' klahrr. Rcspctt ul 15 suhrr inlrt lhi* ;, tt:, ot 5t FT,. :020, cil:At{ili(lN( lll Snnr Narnl Vicc l'rcsident (] l.llAR RA I'l: C()MMt;l.iI(lA'l' LIST OF Hfi{IBITS EXHIBIT I CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION EXHIBIT 2 CERTIFICATE OF AUTI{ORITY TO TRANSACT BUSINESS EXHIBIT 3 FINANCIAL INFORMATI ON * CONFI DENTIAL EXHIBIT I CERTIFICATE OF ]NCORPORATION il[ichigan Department af Consamer and Industry Senices -o fiftrniInitoo r'l BBiu 1llInl)oo SEU,U)9.2zaO'rN)l\, oON1\}OP> :(o\<c ru915N !Po5 -s,IH3a;7e;dO9,;Nool HHf"6l "aSlr 1dOOlsOrq Js Filing Endorcement hb b u Wt ttt tk ArrrCLE{ Of INLVfr'freAnOr't ' ,nanr f* .DYINCED TELECOM TTCilM/.LOGr AIfc(',/Il,T, ,t{C ID NUNBFII Cltrtc rcM ty ftcrbaile tl,tst*lu/lrt ctt l2rll t, rc0l b hrdy a,ln d Flbt an tlrll ,r, 20Ol $ tlc *!altrJ*tt*, 7t &rxl*rt h flf.rfd*. * lha ibcffi, fui tntspl iledtt l- -$h n kP $otdYdlubrdhht docrtlgrt ln tttttlarrrx rb$, I bw Lrr*lco u ttlld d &rl tL. Sd ol tllr lr**r,ttt,btbClOofl*,Nt$, aqqAfl,,O'. "k"rfrtBltr.d.l.*i} Bw ol0otatwelSa*a Dhr&" iNCHlcAN OEPARNNE}{T OF GOX]UIERCE " COHPIORATION At{O 8ECUtrNT8 BUREAU g.L Ht/td Hf;mi!nid r-rm-(]x gx x-o!4p!l Rl,i $fiCllz zG)()rrN H8()p,c-ctr(o:a.rp (r, (}gs @ i\)Tl o)3rur!(ll '8s8;ic)o'1\,N)(:)Or- N)i"8iio0r,TJ on(ooo{r 0ndq J5 cr,8ro llr.al!r) .lrtllc yoo l!or: r AHTICLES OF INCORPONANOil For urr by Oomrrtla Profll Cqorrtlons (Plcara ned lnhrmeton altd hctn cfot1s on he lrsl psge) Puwant to l}e parasfu d Ad 2U, Pr.ffia Arlc at 1972, thn w*lldgtrd *rrrrtztbn exr./rrs Ap lri/otrlitu l{nhhsr ArnclJ I The rr*** ollhc corponUm b: Advancrd Tclccon Trchnology Dlceountr Inc. AHNct.E 'ltr purpoeo sr purpossa lor whitfi lhr emoralon b tam.d it lo.ngngt h erry ac0rrty utfrh tr. glrycc lotnirlcfiffipor{blrt rray be roB''ed undarrhe Brdnees Coporldon Act ol tActrfm. rtrncLt tr ?he tdd artrlalzod shsr&r: t. Corrrnoo$henr PrshnedSharq 60, oo0 z A stabmont ot ell ar any ol lhr nlrdvr dglilr, prdlnnan rld Snitom d ,r lh*as d .rdr dt c b as toilort: toEePh M, Kalltbrt, 369. 29992 [oathuesteru Hi Sulbr C, Farnington llllla, l.{l {8334 ARNCLE IV HEIniilu =do^Ji0! xd fru9zza rf,nctE v o INoNo I N)(f N)C) Thanema(s) rd addcer(eg) olthr lncorponb(s) b (ttl et hlom: llame Reddarrcr orBurlnxs,toirsgs Thanc iloect Ntny 190? Brookvood lvrnurr Royal Ork, Ht 480?3 N)s (r) 5@ T'3 Iao-o @o , N()N() I{ Io I l\)os i\)O).U Iao!ao I N() N)(3 IJ{J I C) I ABflCLE vl (Oltbnal" n bh il nol.FpllF-bLl B ordudroldo(iE b. ot anglofiruil or I o CD (r, o s tn comprombs or BrarTarent ard fie tcoqardador\ has boGn,ndc. dun bt bMq on al ttn crsdtorl s dess o, crrdltora or on rharutladors sd abo m thb corFndotr ARTICI-E Vr (O0'Ionrt O.rb lf nd rpglldb) 1, Theaddrcss oltl* tcg&il.rfi orfica 3; I90? Erookvood Avonuo, Royal Oalr , trfict$gan 480? 3 (SordAddrred (ClV) 2. Thc meiling addrus! of thr mgirtcredorfico, lf dillercntthen abolo: (aPCodcl , ificn0on {$rdAdcrorP.O.(c|v)@PC.d.) 3. Thenamc Grlft6 rt*Urrlegcnl rttharcgiqlcrudotfioa 6' Thane ooEef Nemy oranmecmmt orr planol norlE ltsrilondO$oryordonir pmpoOd d{ts ol thml o, bet?.arr fir spor.don arld iu on apflcetlon olttds orpomrbn or stsilttoncd ln ruoh mernor as tho colrt ryplcttirn olanodrcr shar€holderr orclarcol b rrrd lts cqultyhrledahn ot crtdbrt. or oa fie or lreorgan&rtion,heeqfpr{ca whlc[r Of ltc ctpdito6 grdcss ol creffoo or o( thr conpromisa 6 rrrmoarmotr raryonhrllxr, bbr nfoten!ry g,l ln\.1rqol thr gtrmn ordgsl compmnilioo?erfEn$emem mlporaton ol trpm, r colrt ol $ardtoUgtlptos(, oron G tcorB.qrnce otbrtreetx!b drirfr hrviq not fess hrn hG mhtnn rum[or sf vol6 Std b et rrrrra,8n or o[beorfi.Asl bc Ekan $.r.ftr rrbtrpoclslrrdry mrypetmltd wnhoultld I oollt]t3rl h bnh 6nfic 80nodo0,Y(ll,x,rltt'lo,!.d00pdor ilLarirHr eI rhrglodled b rctEm ttoSn rr bdarafilpcturdddrrr enrcnlr drbd nd nno lhsr tO to E (c tE ision tl Ofvtnd b lho of bwLscr. or an dtcrr r rgrnt of be t rmsgety adYDtEd Thisrrgrirrhdbo md.bscorper&tt rfiluon onlcntr aftel hrr tm ddr d dtrdtlr to td<s Org oryorda adlon rsfurgdb(ffi b.r$n s co.Errl b orb dlsconl tom r dayrbehrcthe rufir dtb doiftod b, i n mbcrof o t&rdonlh. Pronrpt ndccd gh,6nb d0r sprr*e dion urlftout amca&obyhrs$rtrrnat*tflt r,ilmr wto *udd hrvr bera cl&d b nodc. olfic $rnlnldrr mrctng f tr rc0on hr, bco,t al ttgirtrrrdtrl. rdunilori, who harp ndconrcrud ln rrthg i! ot ltr tlee spaoe bclow hr rdd0msl Attldes or hr srliudion ol preuiorr Artdr* Pkram kbnti eny Ar{de bdrg firff.u{d or a&d. Atedt ddtit'nd petlr llneeded. I I\)N()C'Nf$o9> ={ot<tr ggul iBA-u. TH3a iD=9; $ff |\)C)()r HH-tC)6l ItjO0lrBp{opO ]-tg)O i l. (ltr|, thr lrcorpomhr(3) rryr mr (ou0 lllrru(.) ttdr tro 6iy 6 Iffl1 2001 Michigan Departmenl of Consum$ und Industry Senices >8 ffiE ItItr,IJJrkvrU*71ruct2 warzX)()r rN)so>arc(cffiSN <'..rOlis@i\) To) 3-'ror( U), av.. -YC)l(.or ru) '!?o'NN "3i"6l;bg)lr8s<rOo or!{r Filing Endorsement Thls tsu Cotifithu thcCERnflcATE OFANENDMEN| 'COXRORAflON for c L EA r ntrg oou Lt w I o4fl oNg, I l{c. IDNUNBEKO'','C rcctivcd by laaladlc b.rrr,rabtlon oa,luly tt 2001 it hetcby andoncd Filtl att Jub 3' zWl by tho A&abtistator. fk dor;arrulrt b cfixtva on ck &tcffi, tu4r,s a ratfud tatc b stud [at*c fu*rlq* la tdnny lc*aat, I h*s Llra uw ta ay hond i d olbcl rte Sal of *c D.pt rr.r* b tha Aty of Lratr@ thb trd e, otJuly, r00r. tElklEblrt !-*bt{fX B*tuofMS*tba Db.aor FRSI :RTTD Inc FRX hO. :24&l52B2B Jul, 63 m1 Az:A*n fr. *bfim:Triilr(}N TO@& ffiCNcrnn{nCfiNw.4)O,rN)t\Pcr\)N.E%, !{o<c ru4tu!+()s5%i-Ib) 3-6r<u).a, CILJodd Noort\x\)Q6 -:.r\):Fo: ll.oc) O)rs;,(IlOgO-\oSq Js rtll,ne ,Ltsout Ury Eht ltec.df q Pocurr.nl wlll D. rUkrnadlllr{tblrnf docur:nt l0 dt. nrrrr aarl xldrort you mlf tbovo, ,rl[ bc rnrr'bd lo lhc rgbt rd ufllcr CERTIFICATE OF ATIENDMENT TO THE ANTICLES OF IilCORPORATIOT{ For uss by Domrrtlc Profit rnd ilonprcilit Goryorauont (Plosss read Inhrmatbn and lnstruc0ons on tha last pagre) Fl.r,lwnt to ,f,l p/ot/r$,oot a{ Ad 2.84, Puhlk Ac:ls ot 1972 (profit e,'Wrttlotu), at Acl $2, ntulh Ad{e ol figZ(nanpvfr oorporothru). tlrc {mdtr$&trod cg?onllm crocu$s q?c ,bflorvdrry'OortJttuts: t ol thc A,tictrc of lnco?oouon lr hcroby amerusd to road ss lollsurs: -f t^( ha.rtre tc L $^. .,,€fo +J\on is: C I e-.^e, fto{. /.:r-r*'rn I . ^{". or15 , ?vt a . BUREAU OT COUIERCIAL AENVSES orL Iti. rlo6{rt}Imlb 3lf.c[v. on 't..Eta os. braa. &ei.qr,entdtecil.odrrxl0lh mdryt ri.r,rdt ad dato h anabd ln rho dotrfiilil. u caporeUon lr:jiJ;L..Ltog.1 \I rco.v*l, ?*t.c. ()A6 )El L t2. Thc ldontlflool on numbor a*lgnod by tro Eureau l*: 1. Iti prulcnt noma of the A.)r..y.ra) *l&ea.r 07/03/2001 02:08PM ulC) |*ltnt\) I C'\u) c,) OC) () \o Hr$ r'J C) FJ C) I ,.r 3 C) N-) 3 7 fl)t (). U' r/) t-l (n(,(n fr:nting, ltiirhigun Ihls is to Cerlify That CLEAR RATE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. was validly incorporated on April 4 , 2001 as a Michigan DOMESTIC PROFIT CORPORATION, and said iorpordtion is validly in existence under the laws of th,s s,ale This certificafe is lssued pursuanl to the provisions of 1972 PA 284 lo allesl to the fact that the corporatiorr is in good slanding in Michigan as of fftr's date and is duly authorized to transact business and for no other pu{pose. This ceftificate ls in due form, made by me as the proper officer, and is entitled to have full faith and credit given it in every courl and o{fice wilhin the United Slafes. ln le:;timonl,whcrca"/, I ltctte hercunlo set my hand, in the City of Lansing, this 14th day of September , 2020. Linda Clegg, lnterim Direclor Se4l by electronic fransmisslon Corporations, Securities & CornmercialLicensing Bureau Certificate Number: 20093429140 Verify this certificalo at: URL to oCertificate Verification Search http://www.michigan.gov/corpverlfycsrtificate. lEcpnrtmtnt of tircnsin uliltorg flffairrcnd Ttr ** Itf,0{rl.l${s & EXHIBIT 2 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO TRANSACT BUSINESS Office of the Secretary of State State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OF CLEAR RATE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Filing Number: 3950348 l, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby ce11ifu that an application for Foreign Registration Statement, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Uniform Business Organization Code, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY, by virtue of the authority yested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Registration to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: 30 July 2020 Lawerence Denney Secretary of State Processed by: Business Division EXHIBIT 3 FINANCIAL INFORMATION _ CONFIDENTIAL COHrI TNIIAL ,TO 8€ T(EP| UHffiR SSAL cLrrn RlTf G0$*ulrtElilo0a3, Hc STIr'NGT EI{EET o8ce*6#ft tr. xolt t0,t9 ogcIrEEn A33f;T$ e unftxr{t l,3sGI3 Omh llol lccorrl Ercrivrblg Totrl lnv.ilqt? 0{hry Cuncol Ar*elr Tot l O{rlorcurrrnt Affib TQTAL CUNRE'{T A8'TTE lrEl f llto A,ssf lt }OIAL OTHER ASEETE rolAr As3tl$ LIAB&rng3 a r,oulTY Ll[BrLrlr8 tufiSexr tl,taruilEt rccoulrt8 pAYAELE TOTIL OTllEt CUftFE {T LlAA,trrEgror& cuftfttt{r LtABrurEE IOIAL Lolrc fEtx Lnf,&rE8 10T*L Ll*8rl.rlrf,s EQU'TY RGtrincd trrnlrlgr Crplul $toct t hffoft o*lor DlrFlbutlonr taol hco.nar(Loa*! IOIAL EQUIYY roTAt" LtASrLfTrsS E EOUtff