HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180119Application.pdfLi! ?'axr#rslJ M-Acf,,,^* RECEIVED ?$lB JAH t9 At{ 9: 30 ,,',,i?iii loiiti*l lB*,0* Suite 800 1 91 9 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20006-3401 Michael C. Sloan 202.973.4227 (Tel) 202.973.4499 (Fax) michaelsloan@dwt.com VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL January 18,2018 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington' Boise, ID 83702 Lrz-T- t8'02* RE: Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC Applicationfor Registration to Provide llholesale Loc al Te leco mmunications S e rvic es Dear Ms. Hanian: Included herein please find the Application of Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC ("Comcast") for Registration to Provide Whole Telecommunications Services in the State of Idaho. Comcast respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approve Comcast's application for registration as a provider of wholesale local telecommunications services within the State of ldaho. I have also enclosed an additional copy of this letter to be date stamped and returned to me in the enclosed, self-addressed, postage-prepaid envelope. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need any further information. Respectfully yours, Michael C. Sloan 48 I 6-2585-3786v. I 0 I 06080-0001 79 RECEIVED BEFoRE rHE rDAHo puBl,rc urrl,rrrEs coMMrsSfrt NAl+ I I fil{ g: 30 Application for Registration of Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC To Provide Facilities-Based Wholesale Local Telecommunications Service Throughout ldaho Michael C. Sloan Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1919 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 P: (202) 973-4227 Email : m ichaelsloan@dwt.com CaseNo. C Pi- r- tg -o ^ Beth O'Donnell Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC Director, Regulatory Affairs One Comcast Center, 55th Floor 1701 JFK Blvd. Philadelphia PA 19103 P: (21s)286-s187 Email : Beth_ODonnell@Comcast.com ) ) ) ) ) !..1 ii: irLjilLlc ':' i,l0r,lMlSSl0N APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION TO PROVIDE WHOLESALE LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES Pursuant to IDAPA 3 I .01 .01 . I I 4 and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 32277 in Case No. GNR-T-II-01, Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC ("Comcast Phone" or "Company") respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve the Company's application for registration as a provider of wholesale local telecommunications services within the State of Idaho. All correspondence, notices, inquiries and other communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: In support of this Application, Comcast Phone submits the following information: 01. Name, Address and Form of Business: (a) Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC is a limited liability company organized in the State of Delaware. The main address of the Company is: One Comcast Center Philadelphia, PA 19103 Exhibit A includes a copy of the Company's Certificate of Formation, and the Secretary of State certificate. 4844-3799-6890v I 0 106080-0001 79 The Company's Registered Agent in Idaho is: C T Corporation System 921 S. Orchard Street, Suite G Boise, ID 83705 (b) Officers and Directors Officers and Directors of Comcast Phone are provided as Exhibit B. (c) Stockholders/Owners Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC is wholly 100% indirectly owned by Comcast Corporation, Inc. 02-04. Not applicable 05. Tariff and Customer Contact The contact for resolution of customer complaints is: Don Laub VP Regulatory Affairs 183 Inverness Drive West Englewood, CO 801l2 (Tel):720-268-8022 Don_Laub@cab le. comcast.com The contact for resolution of customer complaints with the Commission is also Don Laub. Mr. Laub is also responsible for responding to Commission inquiries concerning rates and price lists or tariffs. 06. Interconnection Agreements Comcast Phone has obtained an interconnection agreement with Qwest Corp. dlbla CenturyLink, which was filed with the Commission on August 10, 2017 and approved on August 24,2017. See Commission Order No. 33855 (Case No. QWE-T-17-02). 2 4844-3799-6890v. I 0 I 06080-000 I 79 07. Compliance with Commission Rules Comcast Phone has reviewed all of the Commission rules and agrees to comply with the rules applicable to the competitive wholesale providers of local telecommunications services.l The Company respectfully requests a waiver of rules not applicable to such service providers. 08. Conservation of Telephone Numbers The Applicant acknowledges that, if it obtains numbering resources in Idaho, it willbe subject to the numbering conservation measures, including mandatory one thousand block pooling, donation back to the pool of unused or underutilized thousand number blocks, and submission of applicable utilization forecast reports at the one thousand block level for each rate center within its service territory. Wherefore, Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC respectfully requests that the Commission 1. Approve Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC's application for registration to provide wholesale localtelecommunications services within the State of Idaho;and 2. Grant such other relief as it deems necessary and appropriate Respectfully submitted, Comcast Phone of ldaho. LLC lsl Brian A. Rankin Brian A. Rankin Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC One Comcast Center, 55th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 I The authority sought here is consistent with that granted to wholesale providers in several recent Commission decisions. See, e.g., Application of Native Network, Inc. to Register as a Wolesale Telecommunications Provider in ldaho, Order No. 33819, Case No NNI-T-17-01 (Idaho Public Service Commission July 25,2017); Application of Extenet Systems, Inc. to Register as a W'holesole Telecommunications Provider in ldaho, Order No. 33572, Case No ENS-T-16-01 (ldaho Public Service Commission August 17,2016). 4844-3799-6890v I 0 I 06080-000 I 79 J State of ldaho CERTTFICATE OT EXISTENCE oF' COMCAST PHONE OF IDAHO, LLC File Number W-86946 I, LAWERENCE DENNEY. Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certifo that I am the custodian of the limited liability company records of this State. I I-'URTHER CERTIFY That the records of this office show that the above-named limited liabiliry company' was organized under the laws of DELAWARE and frled for authorization to transact business in ldaho oa9l1612A09. I FURTHER CERTI}'Y That the limited liability company's certificate of authority has not been canceled. Dated: 512412016 8:06 AM SECRETARY OF STATE Authentic Access ldaho l)ocument ( ) Tag: b5ae5t5ft8d74087b450caead564a94120522l065374lfll5dt33a3cl8afatite056c235b2ada6b5d Office of the Secreta ry of State fawore PAGE 7 Tfic first Stote r, ,JEFFREY W. BULLOCK, SSCfiSTaRY OF STATE OF TEE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTTW TIIE ATTACITED -r.9 A TRUE N;tD CORRECT COPY OF ItHg CERITZFICATE OT FORMATION OF "COACAST PHONE OF TDAAO, LLC", FrtED rN TEIS OFFICE ON TfrE TANTH DAy OP SEPTEMBER, A.D- 2009t AT 7:26 o'CLOcK P-rit. ,effrey w.Bullock, Secretary of state: 7579682 You mav vcritv t,lis c.rtiftcaxe onlineat coft. de Taiar; . qov,/aut-hver . shtaJ A DATE:09-70-09 4729222 8700 090845435 Stat€ of blawaresec!€fary of Sf.abDiwision of CorprationsDeIivErEd 07:46 ilr 09/70/2009ItrLED 07:26 PM 09/70/2009*r, 090845435 - 4729222 EILE CERTIFICATE OF TORMATION oF COMCAST PHOFTE OE IDAEO. LLC This Certificate of Formation of Comcast Phonc of Idaho, LLC, datcd Scptember 10, 2009, is being duly cxccuted and filcd by Margaret Francione, as an authorizcd pcmonr to form a limited liabilrty company r.nrder the Dclaware Limited Liability Conryrny Act (6 Dcl. C. $ I 8-201 , et Scq). FIRST: Thc name of the limited liability company formcd hereby is: Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC. SECOND: The name and address of the registered agant for service of proccss in the Statc of Delaware is Comcast Capital Corporation, 1201 N. Market Stree! Suite 1000, Wilmington, DE 19801, New Castle County, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the rmdersigncd has orecuted this Certificatc of Formation as of the datc first writtcn above. Person EXHIBIT B Officers and Directors All officers and directors can be reached at the Company's headquarters location: One Comcast Center, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Roberts, Brian L., Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, President, Comcast Corp. Watson, David N., Chief Executive Officer & President Comcast Cable Jenckes, Marcien, President - Advertising Stemper, William R., President - Business Services Kimball, Bridget D., President - CCAD, Senior Vice President - Software Development and Engineering Baer, Joy, President - Strata Operations Werner, Tony G., President - Technology and Product Butz, Gregory R, President - Wireless Cavanagh, Michael J., Chief Financial Officer and Senior Executive Vice President Croney, Steven T., Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President Schwartz, Samuel H., Chief Business Development Officer and Executive Vice President - Business Development Herrin, Charles D., Chief Customer Experience Officer Hofmeyr, Jan, Chief Network Officer and Senior Vice President Satchell, Christopher, Chief Product Officer and Executive Vice President Davis, Noopur, Chief Product and Information Security Officer Cohen, David L., Senior Executive Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Executive Vice President, General Counsel Charytan, Lynn R., Executive Vice President and General Counsel Cable Clark, David, Executive Vice President Clark, David, General Manager - Advanced Advertising Kiriacoulacos, Peter (Comcast) Executive Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer Rigdon, Gregory S., Executive Vice President - Content Acquisition Karinshak, Thomas Allen, Executive Vice President - Customer Service Brassel, Edwin, Executive Vice President - Enterprise Business Intelligence Eatroff, Robert, Executive Vice President - Global Corporate Development and Strategy Strahan, William J., Executive Vice President - Human Resources Lang, Richard A., Executive Vice President - Sales and Marketing Operations Strauss, Matthew E., Executive Vice President - Xfinity Services Alcott, Scott P., Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer Dordelman, William E., Senior Vice President and Treasurer Gitchell, Sarah, Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Chief Counsel - Content Acquisition Koles, Kathryn, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel Laine, Julie, Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer Lewis, Jr., Gerard J., Senior Vice President, Chief Privacy Officer and Deputy General Counsel Loretan, Thomas R., Senior Vice President and Executive Creative Director Marcus, David L., Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Chief Litigation Counsel Murdock, Daniel C., Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer and Controller Smith, Jeffrey E., Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel - General Operations Soehren, Martha S., Senior Vice President and Chief Talent Development Officer Dougherty Buchholz, Karen, Senior Vice President - Administration Heslip, John E., Senior Vice President - Access Networks and Technical Operations Wallach, Brian Andrew, Senior Vice President - Advanced TV Sales Sirota, Marc S., Senior Vice President - Applied Analyics, Enterprise Business Intelligence Arat4 Todd, Senior Vice President - Brand Marketing Intermaggio, Peter, Senior Vice President - Brand Marketing and Communications Hess, Mark E., Senior Vice President - Business and Industry Affairs Gaiski, Christopher J., Senior Vice President - Business Operations, Care and CX 2