HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171215Application.pdfLil ?Bx.'#s?lJ ORIGINAL RECEIVED ?0l10EC l5 At{ 9: 06 , 1, i i*1:i .i',i-*u*fh\8 *' o* Suite 800 1 919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20006-3401 Michael C. Sloan 202.973.4227 (tel) 202.973.4499 (Fax) michaelsloan@dwt.com VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL December 14,2017 Diane Hanian Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Boise, lD 83702 C PZ- -T- t8- a t Re: Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC Request for Numbering Resources Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission are an original and seven copies of the Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC ("Comcast") Appeal of Denial of Numbering Resources. Comcast requests that the Commission direct the Pooling Administrator to make numbering resources available to Comcast so that it may serve its customers. I have also enclosed an additional copy of this letter to be date stamped and returned to me in the enclosed, self-addressed, postage prepaid envelope. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, M-Aef,r^^L Michael C. Sloan Encl. Michael C. Sloan 191 9 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006-3401 michaelsloan@dwt.com RECEIVED ?0!i 0[c t5 Ail g: 06 ILl,r!.iI0 f'Uil,I IC l-i'i :l I i ii::i Ciif,lt4iSSl0N Attorneyfor Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CoMCAST PHONE OF IDAHO, LLC APPEAL OF DENIAL OF NUMBERING RESOURCES Comes now Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC ("Comcast"), through undersigned Counsel, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ 52.15(gX+) and 4T15-0300066 Thousands-Block Number Pooling Administration Guidelines (Section 1l.2, "Safety Valve Process"), and appeals the decision of the Telephone Number Pooling Administrator denying Comcast numbering resources in Idaho. The Safety Valve Process authorizes state commissions to override a Pooling Administrator's denial of a telecommunications carrier's request for numbering resources when there is a verifiable need. Safety valve relief is appropriate here because the Pooling Administrator denied Comcast's request on the grounds that Comcast is not a certificated provider of basic local exchange service in Idaho.l While technically correct, the ruling does not reflect applicable law with respect to wholesale carriers' rights and obligations in Idaho. Comcast does not have a I E*hibit A (Pooling Administrator's Response denying requested numbering resources (Nov. 10, 2017)). In the Matter of Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC Appeal of Determination of the Number Pooling Administrator Decision Denying Comcast's Request for Numbering Resources Case No. CPI-T-l1-_gl 4845-6963-3368v. I 0106080-0001 8 I certificate because the Commission does not issue certificates to wholesale carriers. As the Commission has explained, Idaho law does not require wholesale telecommunications carriers, such as Comcast, to obtain certification in order to operate. Wholesale carriers are free to provide service in Idaho without certification, so long as they comply with other legal requirements, because the Commission lacks jurisdiction to issue certificates to wholesale carriers. The lack of certification does not diminish wholesale carriers' rights to obtain interconnection with ILECs, access to numbering resources, and other rights granted by, among other things, Sections 251-252 of the federal Communications Act and applicable state law. Given that the criteria that the Pooling Administrator has relied upon is effectively just a proxy for gauging a carrier's authority to operate in a given jurisdiction,2 reversal of the Pooling Administrator's decision is appropriate. Indeed, safety valve relief was created specifically to provide carriers with an equitable remedy in"catch-22" situations just like this. Comcast requests that the Commission instruct the Pooling Administrator to assign to Comcast numbering resources so that Comcast can obtain a unique Location Routing Number (LRN) in the Ketchum exchange for the appropriate routing of traffic. Comcast does not necessarily require a new NPA-NXX block. Rather, an LRN can come from an existing block in any NPA-NXX assigned in a given rate center that is homed to the tandem that Comcast's switch will subtend. Comcast has reviewed the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) and it appears there are unassigned blocks in one or more previously opened NXXs in the Ketchum rate center from which Comcast could draw an LRN. Comcast has already contacted the Pooling 2 47 CFR $ 52.15 (gX2) states that service providers must provide, as part of their applications for initial numbering resources, evidence demonstrating that they are licensed and/or certified to provide service in the area in which they seek numbering resources. 4845-6963-3368v I 0I06080-0001 8I -2- Administrator about working together to identify a suitable block in the rate center pool and, if found, assigning it to Comcast. The Commission can be assured that Comcast will take all available measures to conserve numbering resources in Ketchum. Background Comcast is a wholesale provider of telecommunications services. Its customers are principally interconnected voice over Internet protocol ("VoIP") service providers, for whom Comcast provides "PSTN interconnection" - i.e., a service that enables VolP end-users to place calls to and receive calls from end-users on the PSTN and other VoIP providers - as well as numbering resources, access to emergency calling ("8911") and other services (collectively referred to herein as "PSTN interconnection").3 This wholesale service business model was approved by the FCC more than a decade ago, in the Time Warner Declaratory Ruling, where the FCC ruled that such service constitutes common carriage which entitles a carrier to interconnection and other rights under Sections 251-252 of the Communications Act.a This ruling has been implemented by numerous state utility commissions who have approved the applications of wholesale Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) seeking state authorizations to provide service and/or interconnect with otherwise reluctant Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (lLECs). s 3 Comcast's Local Interconnection Service Guide is available at: https ://www.xfi nitv.com/corporate/about/phoneterm sofServ ice/circu it- switched/CDPLocallnterconnectionService.htm l. a Time Warner Cable Requestfor Declaratory Ruling, Memorandum Opinion andOrde\22 FCC Rcd 3513 (2007) (emphasis supplied). s See, e.g., Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC v. Lewis River Tel. Co. d/b/o TDS Telecom, Order 05, Arbitrator's Report and Decision, Docket No. UT-083055 (Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission July 20, 2009); Comcast Phone of New Hampshire Petition for Arbitration of Rates, Terms and Conditions of Interconnection with TDS, Final Order (Order No. 4845-6963-3368v I 0106080-000 I 8 I -J- In keeping with this authority, and consistent with Comcast's status in more than 40 other states and the District of Columbia, Comcast filed, on August 15, 2016, an "Application for Registration to Provide Facilities-Based Wholesale Local Telecommunications Service Throughout Idaho."6 In November 2016 Comcast was contacted by Commission staff, who requested that Comcast withdraw the application.T Staffcited Commission Order No. 31012, which construes the Commission's statutory authorityto issue CPCNs as limited to providers of traditional retail Iocal exchange service - i.e., as not extending to providers of exclusively wholesale services, like 25,005) (New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission Aug. 13, 2009); Application of Communications Corp. of Michigan, d/b/a TDS Telecom, for arbitration of interconnection rates, terms, and conditions with Comcast Phone of Michigan, LLC, et al.,Order, Case Nos. U- 15725 and U-15730 (Michigan Public Service Commission March 5,2009); Petition of Comcast Phone of Indiana, et al., Final Order, Cause No. 43621 INT 01 (lndiana Utility Regulatory Commission Sep. 3, 2009); Petition of Comcast Phone of Georgia, LLC, et al., Order on Disputed Issue, Docket No. 28670 (Georgia Public Service Commission Nov. 2,2009); Petition of Comcast Phone Florida, LLC, Order No. PSC-09-0839-FOF-TP, Docket No. 080731-TP (Florida Public Service Commission Dec. 21, 2009); Cambridge Telephone Company, et al., Order, Docket No.05-0259, et al., (Illinois Commerce Commission July 15, 2005); Sprint Comm. Co LP v ACE Comm. Group, et al., Order on Rehearing, Docket No. ARB-05-2 (Iowa Util. Bd., Nov 28,2005); Sprint Comm. Co. L.P., Order Resolving Arbitration Issues, Cases 05-C-0170- 0183 (New York PSC May 24,2005); Sprint Communications Company, L.P., Order Ruling on Objections and Requiring the Filing of a Composite Agreement, Docket No. P-294, Sub 30 (North Carolina Utilities Commission Dec. 31, 2008); Re: The Champaign Tel Co., Case No. 04- 1494-TP-UNC, et al. (Ohio PUC, Apr. 13, 2005); Petition of Sprint Communications Co. LP, Order, Docket No. 32582 (Texas PUC August 14, 2006); Petilions of Vermont Telephone Compony, Inc. and Comcast Phone of Vermont, LLC, et al. Final Order, Docket No. 7469 (Vermont Public Service Board February 2,2009). 6 See Exhibit B (attached). 7 Exhibit C (December 13,2016 Email from Grace Seaman (Utilities Analyst, Idaho PUC) to Michael Sloan (counselto Comcast)). 4845-6963-3368v I 0I06080-0001 8I -4- Comcast.8 Staffmade plain, however, that Order No. 31012 does not prevent wholesale carriers from offering services in ldaho. To the contrary, as staff noted, OrderNo.31012 simply states that "a CPCN is not required for telephone corporations offering non-basic local exchange services or to obtain interconnection with the network of an ldaho ILEC."e In other words, wholesale providers may offer their services in Idaho but are not required to be certified in order to do so. As the Commission explained, "a CPCN is not a prerequisite to operate as a wholesale telecommunications provider or for interconnection in Idaho."l0 Comcast subsequently complied with staffs request and withdrew its application.ll Comcast also began preparing to provide service by, among other things, negotiating an interconnection agreement with Centurylink. The agreement was filed with the Commission (pursuant to 47 U.S.C. $ 252(e)) and, in its order approving the agreement, the Commission specifically noted the following: Our approval does not negate either party's responsibility to obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity f they offer local exchange services, or to comply with Idaho Code $$ 62-604 and 62-606 if they provide other non-basic local telecommunications services as defined by Idaho Code $ 62-603.12 8 Ti*e V[arner Cable Information Services (Idaho), LLC Applicationfor a Cerrificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange and Interexchange Services in Idaho, OrderNo. 31012, Case No. TIM-T-08-01 (lD PUC Feb.23,2010). e Id. at2 (emphasis added). 'o Id. at 5. 32277, An Investigation of an Appropriate Certification Process for Telecommunications Companies that do not Provide Basic Local Exchange Service,lD PUC Case No. GNR-T-11-01 (June 30,201 l). rr See Exhibit D (attached). " Sw Exhibit E (Commission Order No. 33855, Application of Qwest Corp. d/b/a Centurylink QC for Approval of an Interconnection Agreement with Comcost Phone of ldaho, LLC Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. $ 252(e), Case No. QWE-T-I7-02 (ldaho PUC Aug. 24,2017)). 4845-6963-3368v. I 0 I 06080-0001 81 -5- Thus, the Commission explicitly recognized Comcast's authority to operate in the state and the effectiveness of its interconnection agreement with CenturyLink, despite the lack of a CPCN. Comcast also requested numbering resources. However, the Pooling Administrator denied Comcast's request, citing Comcast's technical lack of a state-issued certificate or license as grounds for doing so.13 Therefore, because Comcast has authority to operate and offer its services in Idaho, Comcast asks the Commission to grant safety-valve relief to allow Comcast to obtain numbering resources, in keeping with the Commission's policy promoting competition in the telecommunications market. Argument The states are ultimately responsible for the allocation of telephone numbers and the management of numbering resources. In order to preserve this state authority, the FCC adopted the safety valve relief mechanism to allow carriers that are denied numbering resources by the Pooling Administrator to request relief from the states on a case-by-case basis. In its 2003 Third Report and Order, the FCC stated that a carrier "...should be able to get numbering resources when there is a verifiable need...."14 Likewise, Section 52.15(g)(5) of the FCC's rules states that "the state commission also may overturn the NANPA's decision to withhold numbering resources from the carrier based on its determination that the carrier l3 As a purely legal matter, the lack of a certification requirement in Idaho is similar to the "blanket authority" that federal law grants providers of domestic interstate telecommunications service. Under blanket authority, carriers may provide interstate service without receiving prior authorization from the FCC. See 47 CFR $ 63.01. Likewise, in ldaho, wholesale carriers do not require certification from the Idaho Commission. Thus, the certification requirement - which is nothing more than evidence of authority to operate - that the Pooling Administrator requires before issuing numbering resources is (arguably) already satisfied. ta Numbering Resource Optimization, et al., Third Report and Order and Second Order on Reconsideration, CC Docket No. 96-98 et al., 17 FCC Rcd. 2196, para. 64 (Dec. 28, 2001). 4845-6963-3368v. 1 0l 06080-0001 8 I -6- has demonstrated a verifiable need for numbering resources and has exhausted all other available remedies." ls Comcast has satisfied both requirements. Comcast needs numbering resources in order to provide service in Idaho. Comcast has also exhausted other available remedies. Comcast has discussed the matter with the Pooling Administrator, which advises that it cannot grant Comcast's grant for numbering resources without guidance from the Commission. Accordingly, Comcast seeks this relief. Submitted this l4th day of December 2017. Respectfully, lil"QcPl,,^* Michael C. Sloan Christopher Cook l9l9 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006-3401 (202\-e73-4227 michaelsloan@dwt.com Attorneyfor Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC 's 47 c.F.R. g 52.1s(g)(s) 4845-6963-3368v. I 0 I 06080-0001 8 I 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Cc: john.auerbach@ neustar.biz Friday, November 10,2017 9:13 AM Jayswal, Shivprasad (Contractor); Panchal, Jimish (Contractor); Gondaliya, Maulik (Contractor); RIMS@neustar.biz; Code Request PA_Part3@neustar.biz 208-KETCHUM-lD-1045126 DENIED PAS - Part 3 Confirmation Pooling Administration System Dated l0 November2DlT Tracking Number Thousands-Block Number Pooling Administration Guidelines (TBPAG) - Part 3 Revised: January 4,2016 Pooling Administrator's Response/Confi rmation 2O8.KETCHUM.!D. 104.5126 Date of Application: Date of Receipt: Service Provider Name (LERGTM Routing Guider) oCN: Parent Company OCN: NPAC SOA SPID: 1110912017 Effective Date: 1110912017 Date of Response COMCAST PHONE OF IDAHO, LLC - ID 11t10t2017 979H 979H Pooling Administrator Contact Information : John Auerbach Phone Signature of Pooling Administrator John Auerbach Name (print) Email: 925-363-8706 Fax 925-363-7684 NPA-NXX or NPA-NXX.X: iohn.auerbach@neustar.biz Block Assigned: Block Reserved : 1 Block Reservation Expiration Date : Block/Code Modified: Block/Code Disconnected : Block Contaminated (Yes or No): If yes, enter the number of TNs contaminated (1-1000): Switch Identification (Switching/POI)2: Rate Center: BOISIDMAXMD KETCHUM X Form complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-07: The evidence of certification you submitted with your request for initial resources is not valid according to the FCC NRO Order 00-104. Refer to the Thousands-Block Number Pooling Administration Guidelines Section for acceptable documentation. Request Withdrawn. Explanation: Assignment Activity Suspended by Administrator. Explanation: Remarks: lf you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands-Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. rTelcordia@ is a registered trademark and LERGTM Routing Guide and iconectivrM are trademarks and the Intellectual Property of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. dba iconectiv. 'This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls.This must be the Common Language@ Location Code (CLLITM Code; of the switching entity/Pol shown on the Part lA form. Common Language* is a registered trademark and CLLI is a trademark and the Intellectual Property of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. dba iconectiv. 2 tr Tajmr Rahimic 202-9734283 tel 202-9'134483 lw< STAMP & RETURN TajmaRahinric@dfi.com August 25,2016 (.rt( .te C) Re: Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed original plus seven copies of the Application for Certification on behalf of our clienl, Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC. We are also enclosing a copy of this letter and the first page of the application. We would appreciate it if you could return to us in the enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washinglon Boise,lD 83702 iifr! ?'axl'#r?lJ Since;rgly, :) fr, Ct Ltlt Suite 800 l9l9 Pennsylvania Avcnue N.W Washington, D.C. 20006-3401 =C,r\ .,..1r'*1(;) l-i;|'.)()gr ril =m\g cf cno Tajma Rahimic Anchorage Bellevue Los Angeles NewYork Portland San Francisco Seattlo Shanghai Washington, D.C wwdw1 com Thank you. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Application for Registration of Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC To Provide Facilities-Based Wholesale LrtcaI Tcluu:onrttrutticat iotts Scl'r,icc'l'hrrughout lclaho . -:] ,;, !(1 APPLICATION ITOR RITGISTRATION TO PROVIDB FACILITIIIS-BASBLII WHOLESALE I,OCAI,'IBLT]COMMUNICATIONS SERVICI.9. (= Pursuant to IDAPA and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission OrderNo 32277 in Case No. GNR-T-II-01, Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC ("Comcast Phone" or "Company") respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve the Company's application for registration as a facilities-based provider of wholesale local telecommunications services within the State of ldaho. All correspondence, notices, inquiries and other communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Michael C. Sloan Tajma Rahimic Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1919 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 P: (202) 973-4227 F: (202) 973-4499 Email: michaelsloan@dwt.com Email : taj marahimic@dwt.com ln support of this Application, Comcast Phone submits the following: 01. Name, Address and Form of Business: (a) Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC is a limited liability company organized in the State of Delaware. The main address of the Company is: One Comcast Center, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Exhibit A includes a copy of the Company's Certificate of Formation, and the Secretary of State certificate. ;*Jii'] rn Cf ) ) ) ) ) Case No. A ' i-t t\)cn DWT 293 927 29v2 0 I 06080-000 I 79 Sloan, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Grace Seaman <Grace.Seaman@puc.idaho.gov> Tuesday, December 73, 2OL6 4:42 PM Sloan, Michael Idaho PUC Case No. CPI-T-16-01 Mr. Sloan, I am sending this email in response to our conversation last month regarding Comcast's Application for Registration to Provide Facilities-Based Wholesale Local telecommunications Services in ldaho. As we discussed, the ldaho Commission does not have jurisdiction over VolP and Access services. Further, a registration does not convey any right-of-way privileges, nor does the Commission get involved in right-of-way negotiations. For these reasons, I am unable to process this Application and ask that you withdraw the Petition. Thank you, Grace Seaman I Utilities Analyst I ldaho PUC T: 208.334.0352 | F:208.334.3762 qrace.seaman@puc. idaho.qov 472W. Washington I PO Box $720 | Boise, lD 83720-0074 CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE: This messoge, including ony ottochments, is solely for the use of the individuol or entity intended to receive it. lt moy contoin confidentiol ond proprietory informotion ond ony unouthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited, f you ore not the intended recipient(s) or if you hove received this messoge in error, pleose contoct the sender by reply email ond permonently delete it. 1 Sloan, Michael Sent: To: Cc: From: Attachments: Sloan, Michael Wednesday, July 05, 20L7 3:34 PM 'diane.hanian@puc.ida ho.gov' 'Grace.Seaman@puc.idaho.gov'; Beth O'Donnell (Beth_ODonnell@Comcast.com); Robert Munoz (robert_munoz@comcast.com); Rahimic, Tajma; Don Laub (Don_Laub@cable.comcast.com) CPT-T-16-01 Comcast Application Letter to Withdraw Application - Comcast Phone of Idaho 4829-4475-8603 v.pdf Subiect: Dear Ms. Hanian: Please find attached a letter from Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC withdrawing the above-captioned application. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide you with any additional information. Respectfully yours, Michael Sloan MichaelC. Sloan I Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1919 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 800 | Washington, DC 20006 Tel: (202) 973-4227 lFax: (202) 9734499 Email: MichaelSloan@dwt.com I Website: www.dwt.com AnchoragelBellevuelLosAngeleslNewYorklPortlandlSanFranciscolSeattlelShanghailWashington,D.C. 1 Suite 800 19'19 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20006-3401 Michael C. Sloan 202.973j227 Tet) 202.973.4499 (Fax) michaelsloan@dwt.com VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL luly 5,2017 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise, lD 83702 Email : diane.hanian@Buc.idaho.eov RE: lilithdrawal of Application in Case No. CPT-T-1G01, Comcost Phone of ldaho, LLC Dear Ms. Hanian: Comcast Phone of Idaho, LLC ("Comcast Phone"), hereby withdraws the Application for Registration to Provide Facilities-Based Wholesale Local Telecommunications Services ("Application"), which it filed with the Commission on August25,2016. Following the filing of the Application, Comcast Phone learned that a grant of authority by the Commission is not necessary for Comcast Phone to provide the telecommunications services that intends to provide in ldaho. Consequently, in consultation with Commission staff, Comcast Phone withdraws the Application. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information. Respectfully yours, Li! ?ayl"#:rlJ ,l;l"QcPl,,^* cc MichaelC. Sloan Grace Seaman Don Laub Robert Munoz Beth O'Donnell 4829-4475-8603v. I 0l 06080-0001 79 From: To: Subject: Date: Diane Holt Sloan. Michael RE: CPT-T-16-01 Crmcast Application Wednesday, July 05, 2017 5:10:10 PM Received Diane Hanian Commission Secretary d iane.holt@puc. idaho.gov 208-334-0338 Idaho Public Utilities Commission From: Sloan, Michael [mailto:MichaelSloan@dwt.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 L:34 PM To: Diane Holt <Diane.Holt@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: G race Sea man <Grace.Seama n @ puc.ida ho.gov>; Beth O' Don nell (Beth_O Don nell @Comcast.com ) <Beth_ODonnel I @ Comcast.com>; Robert M u noz ( robert_m unoz@comcast.com) <robert_m unoz@comcast.com>; Ra h im ic, Tajma <Taj ma Ra him ic@dwt.com>; Don Lau b ( Don_Laub@cable.comcast.com ) <Don_Laub@cable.comcast.com> Subject: CPT-T-16-01 Comcast Application Dear [\21s. Hanian Please find attached a letter from Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC withdrawing the above-captioned application. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide you with any additional information. Respectfully yours, Michael Sloan Michael C. SIoan I Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1919 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 800 | Washington, DC 20006 I el. (202) 97 3-4227 | F ax: (202) 97 3-4499 Email: MichaelSloan@dM.com I Website: www.dwt.com AnchoragelBellevuelLosAngeleslNewYorklPortlandlSanFranciscolSeattlelShanghailWashington,D.C. Office of the Secretary Serl'ice Date August 24. 201 7 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE }IATTER OF THE APPLICATION oF QWEST C0RPORA'IrON DBA CENTURYLTNK QC TOR APPROVAL OF AN IN'TERCONNECTION AGREBMENT WITH COMCAST PHONE OF IDAHO, LLC PURSUANT TO {7 tr.S.C. $ 2s2(e). CASE NO. QWE-T-t7-A2 ORDER NO. 338s5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) On August 11. 2017, Qwest Corporation dba C'enturyt,ink QC ("Centuryl,ink") applied to the Commission for an Order approving their lnterconnection Agreement with Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC ("Conrcasl"). With this Order. the Commission approves the Interconnection Agreement. BACKGROUND Under the provisions ol' the fcderal Telecommunications Act of 1996. interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Cornmission fbr approval. 47 LJ.S.C. $ 252(e)(l ). 'l'he Commission may reject an agrecment adopted by negotiations only if it flnds that the agreement: (l) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreemenU or (2) implenrentation of the agreement is not consistent with the public intercst, convenience and necessity. 47 U.S.C. $ 252(eX2XA). As the Commission noted in Order No. 28427. companies voluntarily entering into interconneclion agreements "may negotiate tenns, prices and conditions that do no1 comply with either the I]CC rulcs or with the provision of Section 251(b) or (c)." Order No. 28427 at 1l (emphasis in original). 1'his comports with the IrCC's statement that "a slate commission shall have authority to approve an intcrcomrection agreement adopted by negotiation even if the terms of the agreement do not comply with the requirements ol'IPart 51]." 47 C.F.R. $ 5l .3. THE APPLICATION The Appticant asked the Commission to approve its proposed Interconneclion Agreement. 'l'he Applicant states that the proposed Interconnection Agreement \f,,as voluntarily negotiated and establishes rates, terms and conditions for interconnection, unbundled network elements (UNE), ancillary serv'ices and resale of telecommunications services. ORDIT,R NO. 3i855 I STAFF RECOMN{ENDATION Staff reviewed the Application and Interconnection Agreement and believes the tenns and conditions are not discriminatory or contrary to the public interest. Staf f also believes the Interconnection Agreement is consistent w'ith the pro-competitive policies of this Commission. the Idaho Legislature, and the federal Telecommunications Act ol' 1996. Accordingly, Staff recommended that the Commission approve the Interconnection Agreement. COMMISSION DECISION Under the terms of the Telecommunications Act, interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Commission for approval. 47 U.S.C. $ 252(e)(l ). The Commission's review is linrited. The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiation onl), if it finds that the agreement discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a pany to the agreement or implementation of the agreernent is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. /r/. Based upon our review of the Application, Interconnection Agreement and Staff"s recommendation, the Commission finds that the Interconnection Agreement is consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity and does not discriminate. 'lherefore, the Comnrission finds that the Inlerconnection Agreement at issue should be approved. Our approval does not negate either party's responsibility to obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity if they offer local exchange services, or to comply with ldaho Code $$ 62-604 and 62-606 if they provide other non-basic local telecommunications services as defined by ldaho Code $ 62-603. ORDER IT IS I'IEREBY ORDERED that the Interconnection Agreement betu'een Qwest Corporation dba Centurylink QC and Comcast Phone of ldaho, LLC, Case No. QWE-T-17-02, is approved. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See ldaho C'ode $$ 61- 626 and 62-619. 2oRDtsR NO. 33855 DONE by' Order of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise. Idaho this i "t lL day of August 2017 PA ENT K;ifi:,, (ro,^ rn lsf t x n nfFp n, c6[,t=la I s s I oNE R /1** ERIC ANDERSON. COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary hlsl{):QWI:-'l'- I 7-02 JORDER NO. 33t]55