HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210608Application.pdfRECEII'ED 2021Mry 14, PM 2:19 IDAEO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION G,**r=r-girAF, May L4,ZOZ1 Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 1131 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A VIA: E-Mail Uu'T: 2-t-o I Re: Silver Star Communications Tariff Advice Filing (lssued MaV 14,2O2tl Dear Jan: Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications (the "Company") hereby submits its Tariff Advice Filing containing certain changes to its IPUC Local Exchange Service Tariff No. 3 and reflecting a June L5,2OZl effective date. The changes represent (1) typographical error corrections and (2) a change in practice to the manner in which facilities extensions are handled. A legislative redline is submitted identifoing the changes along with a clean version. The Company has provided customer notice by posting the proposed amended tariff to its website httos://www.si lversta r.com/reeulatorv/. The Company respectfully requests an effective date of June t5,zOZt Please direct any questions or concerns to my attention. Sincerely, t; Michelle Motzkus Legal & Regulatory Administrator 307.883.5690 / I SilverStar.com I PO Box226 | Freedom, WY 83120 1877.883.2471 Columbine Telephone Company, tnc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS 104101 US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 8.1 ID. PUC TARIFFNO.3 CANCELS NO.l REVISED NO.2 SHEET NO.--J SHEET NO.-_! SHEETNO. 5 Pase No. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) 8. ENGINEERING AND LABOR SERVICES .... Engineering Services 8.1.1 Normal Engineering Services 8.1.2 Additional Engineering Services 8.1.3 Charges for Normal and Additional Engineering 8.2 Normal and Additional Labor.. 8.2.1 Normal Labor Services 9 9.4 9.5 9.7 9.8 Plant Addition/Facilities Extension .............. Engineering and Labor Services .....67 7I 7I 72 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 67 8.2.2 Additional Labor Services .67 8.2.3 Normal and Additional Labor Charges .....67 RATES AND CHARGES9.1 General Regulations....................... 9.2 Exchange Ordering and Installation Services ................ 9.3 Local Exchange Service...... Local Exchange Special Service.. Premise Extension Service........... 9.6 Special Service Arrangements............ .68 .68 .68 .68 69 69 70 70 70 709.9 Digital Transport Service 10. TELEPHONE SERVICE ASSISTANCE 10.1 Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program flTSAP)10.2 Lifeline Assistance Program 11.DIGITAL TRANSPORT SERVICEI1.1 General.....ll.2 Terms and Conditions.......... I 1.3 Rates......... 12.EXHIBITSl2.l Exchange Area Map... Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS l04l0l US Highway 89 P.O.Box226 Freedom, WY 83120 Issued: Ivday 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator ID. PUC TARIFFNO.3 CANCELS NO. I -REVISED NO.2 SHEETNO. 5E SHEET NO. 5E SHEETNO. 58 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Construction Charees Construction charges for line extension consist of additions to plant beyond existing leads. Construction charges for line extensions not exceeding 500' are applied to all subscriber applicants to prevent unreasonable burdening the general body of existing subscribers. All line extensions will be owned by the Company. 7.1 General Description(A) Constnrction charges for line extensions as set forth in this section apply in connection with all types of service when established by means of an extension to the Company's plant consisting of buried or overhead construction, including extensions by means of poles, or other methods, if determined feasible by the Company, to be owned by the Company, or jointly with others and by means of contacts or contact space on poles of others. The Company shall determine the type of construction to be used. (B) The word "cost" when used in this section, means the "installed plant cost" consisting of labor, materials, equipment hire, rental or use of Company owned equipment, and/or contract services such as road pushes, road crossings, dry road boring, backhoe use or trenching, engineering and any other overhead expense associated with the construction. The "cost" will include any fee or charge exacted by any municipality, county, state or federal government or private party for street crossings, rights-of-way, use of roads, land or facilities. 7.2 Undertakins of the Telephone Company - Single Applicants(A) The locations for construction of line extensions are determined by the Telephone Company and the distances (including drop wire) are measured along the route so selected. (B) Construction to serve two (2) or more customers, whether on public right- of-way or private easements, may be used for serving subscribers in general. Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS 104101 US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator ID. PUC TARIFF NO.3 CANCELS NO. I . REVISED NO.2 SHEET NO. 59 SHEETNO. 59 SHEETNO. 59 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Construction Charges7.2 Undertaking of the Telephone Company - Single Applicants (Cont'd)(C) Plant extensions (along public roads or on private property) not exceeding 500' will be fumished at a flat fee cost, per application. Where the total extension exceeds 500', the applicant will pay to the Company prior to construction the actual cost of plant extension exceeding the 500' plus the flat fee cost. (D) Line extension charges assessed to applicants will be based on the Rules as set forth herein. In case of disagreement or dispute regarding the application of these rules, or in circumstances where the application of these rules appear impracticable or unjust to either party, the utility, applicant, or applicants may refer the matter to the IPUC for ruling. (E) When construction is required to serve a new applicant, a survey is made of all prospective subscribers who might be served from the new construction or an extension thereof, and who might benefit by being included in the project. (F) All applicants are grouped in a single project when there is not more than one-half (Yz) mile of construction between successive applicants. Separate projects are established whenever the construction between any two (2) successive applicants exceeds one-half (%) mile. Two or more projects are combined, however, whenever this results in lower charges (or no increase in charges) for all of the applicants involved. (G) The Company will provide the applicarfi, at any premises, only a single line extension and drop wire allowance regardless of the number of services ordered at that premises. Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS 104101 US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administator ID. PUC TARIFF NO. 3 CANCELS NO. I . REVISED NO.2 STIEETNO. 60 SHEETNO. 6q SHEETNO. 60 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Construction Charqes7.3 Undertaking of the Telephone Company - Group Applicants(A) Applicants ordering service at more than one premises are treated as separate applicants at each premises for purposes of this schedule; however, a single applicant may only receive construction allowance for one of those premises. The construction allowance for each individual applicant is as set forth in 7.2(C) above. (B) For the purpose of determining project charges, the collective construction allowance for the group is subtracted from the overall Line Extension costs required for service. The total project cost is then divided equally among all applicants. Exceptions:(l) No applicant is required to pay a higher charge than he would if the project were established for him alone. Any difference between this charge and the average charge for the group is absorbed by the Company. (2) Charges for extensions to plant on private property, including drop wire, are assumed by applicants on whose property such extensions are made and these charges are not included in the overall charges for the project. (C) When a new applicant can be served from a completed project, within three (3) years from the date service was initially established for such project, the charges for the entire project are recomputed to include the new applicant. The new applicant pays a prorated amount of the line extension charge based on the number of months (a fraction of a month is counted as a fulImonth) remaining in the original three (3) year term. The time is computed from the date service is established for the new applicant. (D) Where additional construction is required for an applicant to be served for a project less than three (3) years old, the cost of the project is computed as above if such recomputation does not increase the charges to those customers served from the existing project. Otherwise, a new project will be established. Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS l04l0l US Highway 89 P.O.Box226 Freedom, WY 83120 ID. PUC TARIFF NO. 3 CANCELS NO. I REVISED NO.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE SHEETNO. 64 SHEETNO. 64 SHEETNO. 64 7 Construction Charges, (Cont'd)7.7 Mobile Home Parks 7.8 7.9 Issued: May 14 ,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator A developer who prepares a tract of land for the purpose of parking mobile homes, needs to sign the Trailer Park Agreement for Underground Distribution System, and the mobile home developer is required to provide a trailer stake or pedestal post at the back side, between every two (2) mobile home parking lots for the purpose of attaching the protector on the trailer stake or pedestal post outside of the mobile home. In no case will telephone service be provided when the protector is attached to the mobile homes. Obligations of the End User(A) In all cases of construction, the end user is responsible to provide the trenching which is subject to Company approval. In the event the end user elects the Company to undertake the construction, both an appropriate hourly engineering and labor charge applies for the Company's supervision and completion of the project. The demarcation point shall generally be the building or premises receiving service. (B) Line extensions are payable in advance. In the event of overcharge, refunds to applicants will reflect the difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost of the line extension. [n the event of undercharge, the Company shall bill the applicant for the actual amount construction costs exceeding the estimated extension costs beyond l0%. Any adjustments between the estimated costs advanced by the applicant and the reasonable actual cost shall be made, billed to or refunded to the applicant within ninety (90) days after completion of the extension. Payment Arrangements and Credit Allowances Payment for Construction Charges is due in fullat the estimated cost prior to the start of construction. Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS l04l0l US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator ID. PUC TARIFFNO.3 CANCELS NO. I REVISED NO.2 SHEET NO. 65 SHEETNO. 65 SHEETNO. 65 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Construction Charges, (Cont'd) 7.L0 Rate Regulations(A) A flat fee charge shall apply for all extensions and additions to plant necessary to provide telephone service along existing exchange telephone circuits of this utility that are less than 500' as set forth in Section 9.7 below. (B) Construction costs for plant extensions will be paid by the applicant, per 7.7(B) above. (C) Costs for Special Service Arrangements shall be determined on an individual case basis (ICB). 9 Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS 104101 US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 9.7 ID. PUC TARIFF NO. 3 CANCELS NO.1 REVISED NO.2 Rate LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Rates and Charges9.6 Special Service Arrangements - Per month** Drigss. Victor. Tetonia: Line Treatnent Per Arrangement Irwin. Wayan: Line Treaftnent Per Arrangement SHEETNO. 70 SHEETNO. 70 SHEETNO. 70 Source 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 $7.s0 ICB ICB ICB 9.8 9.9 * Applicable Exchange Order Charges apply**Company's current hourly rate. Issued: May l4,2A2l Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator Engineering and Labor Services(A) Engineering Services(1) Normal Engineering Services-At Current Rate (2) (3)Drop staking Fee-Refundable Upon Service Two times the current normal engineering services Rate per hour (B) Labor Services - Maintenance Visit(l) Normal Labor Services-At Current Rate (2) Additional Labor Services-At Current Rate Digital Transport Service Each DTS circuit, monthly recurring 8.1.3 Overtime Engineering Services-At Current Rate 8.1.3 Plant Addition/Facilities Extension (A) One-time Charge, under 500'$3s0.00 8.2(c) 8. r.3 8.2.3 8.2.3 $130.00 I1.3 Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS l04l0l US Highway 89 P.O.Box226 Freedom, WY 83120 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 9 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 I l.l tt.2 1 1.3 12.EXHIBITSl2.l Exchange Area Map Issued: iillay 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Adminisfrator ID. PUC TARIFF NO. 3 CANCELS NA.I REVISED NO.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Normal Engineering Services Additional Engineering Services Charges for Normal and Additional Engineering... SHEET NO.--J SHEET NO.-J SHEETNO. 5 Page No. 8. ENGINEERING AND LABOR SERVICES8.1 EngineeringServices .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 8.2 Normal and Additional Labor.....67 8.2.1 Normal Labor Services .67 8.2.2 Additional Labor Services 8.2.3 Normal and Additional Labor Charges ...67 .67 RATES AND CHARGES .......9.1 General Regulations.....9.2 Exchange Ordering and Installation Services .....................9.3 Local Exchange Service......9.4 Local Exchange Special Service..... .................69 9.5 Premise Extension Service ..69 ...68 ...68 ...68 ...68 Special Service Arrangernents .......70 Plant Addition/Facilities Extension ................70 Engineering and Labor Services ......................70 Digital Transport Service..... ..........70 (z) (c) IO. TELEPHONESERVICEASSISTANCE.......7t l0.l Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP).... ..................71 10.2 Lifeline Assistance Program... .......72 I I. DIGITAL TRANSPORT SERVICE 74 ..75 75 Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS l04l0l US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 7.2 Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator ID. PUC TARIFF NO. 3 CANCELS NO. I . REVISED NO.2 SHEETNO. 58 SHEET NO. 5E SHEET NO. 58 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Construction Charges Constnrction charges for line extension consist of additions to plant beyond existing leads . Construction charges for line extensions not exceeding 500' are applied to all subscriber applicants ,urith=abnenrrally @ir€rn€nts to prevent unreasonable burdening the general body of existing subscribers. All line extensions will be owned by the Company. 7.1 GeneralDescription(A) Construction charges for line extensions as set forth in this section apply in connection with all types of service when established by means of an extension to the Company's plant consisting of buried or overhead construction, including extensions by means of poles, or other methods, if determined feasible by the Company, to be owned by the Company, or jointly with others and by means of contacts or contact space on poles of others. The Company shall determine the type of construction to be used. (B) The word "cost" when used in this section, means the "installed plant cost" consisting of labor, materials, equipment hire, rental or use of Company owned equipment, and/or contract services such as road pushes, road crossings, dry road boring, backhoe use or trenching, engineering and any other overhead expense associated with the construction. The "cost" will include any fee or charge exacted by any municipality, county, state or federal govemment or private party for street crossings, rights-of-way, use of roads, land or facilities. Undertaking of the Telephone Company - Single Applicants(A) The locations for construction of line extensions are determined by the Telephone Company and the distances (including drop wire) are measured along the route so selected. (B) Construction to serve two (2) or more customers, whether on public right- of-way or private easements, may be used for serving subscribers in general. Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMIJNICATIONS l04l0l US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 ID. PUC TARJFFNO.3 CANCELS NO. I -REVISED NO.2 SHEETNO. 59 SHEETNO. 59 SHEET NO. 59 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Construction Charges7.2 Undertakine of the Telephone Company - Single Applicants (Cont'd)(C) Plant extensions (along public roads or on private property) not exceedine 500' will be furnished at a flat fee cost. per application. Where the total extension exceeds 500'. the applicant will pay to the Company prior to construction the actual cost of plant extension exceeding the 500' plus the flat fee cost. ivate the Telephene eernpany) shall not exeeed $ l;600,0e per applieatien (€r the tetal exten'ien exeeeds $l;600,00; er the eurrent; existing eempany tetal ameunt exeeeding the estabrished aid te eenstruetien in effeet prier te eenstrue+ie* (D) Line extension charges assessed to applicants will be based on the Rules as set forth herein. [n case of disagreement or dispute regarding the application of these rules, or in circumstances where the application of these rules appear impracticable or unjust to either party, the utility, applicant, or applicants may refer the matter to the IPUC for ruling. (E) When construction is required to serve a new applicant, a survey is made of all prospective subscribers who might be served from the new construction or an extension thereof, and who might benefit by being included in the project. i€e' (F) All applicants are grouped in a single project when there is not more than one-half (%) mile of construction between successive applicants. Separate projects are established whenever the construction between any two (2) successive applicants exceeds one-half (%) mile. Two or more projects are combined, however, whenever this results in lower charges (or no increase in charges) for all of the applicants involved. (G) The Company will provide the applicant, at any premises, only a single line extension and drop wire allowance regardless of the number of services ordered at that premises. (c) (r) Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administator Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS 104101 US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Adminisfator ID. PUC TARIFF NO. 3 CANCELS NO. I . REVISED NO.2 SI{EETNO. 6q sr{EETNO. 60 SHEETNO. 60 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Construction Charges7.3 Undertakine of the Telephone Company - Group Applicants(A) Applicants ordering service at more than one premises are treated as separate applicants at each premises for purposes of this schedule; however, a single applicant may only receive construction allowance for one of those premises. The construction allowance for each individual applicant is as set forth in 82.2(C) above. (B) For the pu{pose of determining project charges, the collective construction allowance for the group is subtacted from the overall Line Extension costs required for service. The total project cost is then divided equally among all applicants. Exceptions:(l) No applicant is required to pay a higher charge than he would if the project were established for him alone. Any difference between this charge and the average charge for the group is absorbed by the Company. (2) Charges for extensions to plant on private property, including drop wire, are assumed by applicants on whose property such extensions are made and these charges are not included in the overall charges for the project. (C) When a new applicant can be served from a completed project, within three (3) years from the date service was initially established for such project, the charges for the entire project are recomputed to include the new applicant. The new applicant pays a prorated amount of the line extension charge based on the number of months (a fraction of a month is counted as a full month) remaining in the original three (3) year term. The time is computed from the date service is established for the new applicant. (D) Where additional construction is required for an applicant to be served for a project less than three (3) years old, the cost of the project is computed as above if such recomputation does not increase the charges to those customers served from the existing project. Otherwise, a new project will be established. (z) Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMI.JNICATIONS l04l0l US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator ID. PUC TARIFF NO. 3 CANCELS NO. I REVISED NO.2 SHEET NO. 64 SHEETNO. 64 SHEET NO. 64 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Construction Charses, (Cont'd) 7.7 Mobile Home Parks A developer who prepares atract of land for the purpose of parking mobile homes, needs to sign the Trailer Park Agreement for Underground Distribution System, and the mobile home developer is required to provide a trailer stake or pedestal post at the back side, between every two (2) mobile home parking lots for the purpose of attaching the protector on the trailer stake or pedestal post outside of the mobile home. In no case will telephone service be provided when the protector is attached to the mobile homes. 7.8 Obligations of the End User(A) When a eharge is applieable for eenstruetien en either a publie read er Telephene eenrpany it is praetieal for hinr/her te de so; sueh trenehing in In all cases of construction, the end user is responsible to provide the trenching which is subject to Company approval. In the event the end user elects the Company to undertake the construction, both an appropriate hourly engineering and labor charge applies for the Company's supervision and completion of the project. The demarcation point shall generally be the building or premises receiving service. (B) @ine extensions are payable in advance. In the event of overcharge, refunds to applicants will reflect the difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost of the line extension. In the event of undercharge, the Company shall bill the applicant for the actual amount construction costs exceeding the estimated extension costs beyond l0%. Any adjustments between the estimated costs advanced by the applicant and the reasonable actual cost shall be made, billed to or refunded to the applicant within ninety (90) days after completion of the extension. 7.e2 Pa]rment Arrangements and Credit Allowances Payment for Construction Charges is due in full at the estimated cost prior to the start of construction. (c) (z) Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIONS l04l0l US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 ID. PUC TARIFFNO.3 CANCELS NO. I REVISED NO.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE srrEETNO. 65 SHEETNO. 65 SHEETNO. 65 7 Constnrction Charges, (Cont' d) 7.919. Rate Regulations (A)A flat fee charse shall aoolv fbr extensions and additions to plant necessary to provide telephone service along existing exchange telephone circuits of this utilitv that are than 500' as set forth in Section 9.7 (c) below-Pxtensiens ane aaaitl (A) Construction costs for plant extensions will be paid by the applicant. per 7.7(B) above. (B) Costs for Special Service Arrangements shall be determined on an individual case basis (ICB). (c) Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 9. Rates and Charees9.6 Special Service Arrangements - Per month** Driggs. Victor. Tetonia: Line Treatment Per Arrangement Irwin. Wayan: Line Treatment Per Arrangement (B) Labor Services - Maintenance Visit (1) Normal Labor Services-At Current Rate (2) Additional Labor Services-At Current Rate Dieital Transport Service Each DTS circuit, monthly recurring Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. dba SILVER STAR COMMI.'NICATIONS l04l0l US Highway 89 P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 9.9 * Applicable Exchange Order Charges apply **Company's current hourly rate. Issued: May 14,2021 Effective: June 15,2021 By: Legal & Regulatory Administrator ID. PUC TARIFF NO. 3 CANCELS NO. I REVISED NO.2 Rate $7.s0 ICB ICB ICB SHEETNO. 7Q SHEETNO. 7O SHEETNO. 78 Source 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 9.7 PlantAddition/FacilitiesExtension (A.) One-time Charee. under 500' $350.00 8.2(C) 9.8 Engineering and Labor Services (A) EngineeringServices(l) Normal Engineering Services-At Current Rate 8.1.3 (2) Overtime Engineering Services-At Current Rate 8.1.3 (3) Drop staking Fee-Refundable Upon Service Two times the current normal engineering services Rate per hour 8.1.3 (cxzxr) 8.2.3 8.2.3 $130.00 11.3