HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200316Application.pdfgiTAFIt n[ fi ilv[ L) ri.:iiilX,n I $ PFI 2: 39 'l{l March 9,2020 /'\ !. r VIA EMAIL AND FIRST CLASS MAIL ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-4 Boise, lD 837L4 ATTN: Diane Hanian, Secretary Re Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. Application for ldaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit (Year 2019) Case No. COL-T-20-02 Dear Diane Enclosed is the Application of Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. for approval of broadband investments made during 2019. Questions concerning the Application should be directed to my attention at the email or phone number shown on the Application. I Regards, Michelle Motzkus Legal & Regulatory Administrator Enclosures cc: Daniel Klein SilverStar.com PO Box 226, Freedom, WY 83120 877.883.2471 Company lnformation L. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. Type of company: 4. Contact person: Equipment Description 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Network description: 7. Transmission rate: ldaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application Calendar year 2019 Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. 104101 U.S. Highway 89, Freedom, Wy 83120 Telecommunications Carrier, lnternet Wholesale provider Michelle Motzkus, Legal & Regulatory Administrator 307-883-5690; ma motzkus@si lversta r. net 8. Number/Percentage of ldaho Customers Served:4,695 Broadband customers; population counts vary depending on the source: ranging from 4,581to over 10,000 (estimated 2014 census). Applicant estimates that more than 50% of its customers have access to its broadband network within its designated service areas. 9. Equipment !ist:See attached Broadband Equipment List. I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under tdaho Code 63- rson H. E d Chief Financial Dated: 3 ADSL, VDSL, FTTX (where available) DLCs with non-loaded copper distribution cable 1to 50 Mbps upstream (lGbps location dependent) The listed equipment shown on the exhibits to this Application constitute an integral part of the relevant broadband network, necessary to provide broadband services and broadband network as described in ltems 5 and 6 herein. q cer b 2019 Broadband Equipment List Columbine Telephone Company, lnc Total s912311A6 M a n uf actu re r/Provide r Proiect Description Cost Dates lnstalled Countv See attached detail 1802007,1802008, 1802013, L8020L7 , 1802018, 1804102, 190400, 1904024, 7904082, 1904084, 1904085, 1904097, 1904,12, L904L20, t90412L,1904149, 1904152, 1904199, 19O42O5, f904211, 19O42r2, L904239, Broadband lnternet Access/Fiber Services Extension, tiber Construction, Routine Maintenance/Upgrades s160,398.64 January through Oecember 2019 Bonneville See attached detail 78O2OL2, 1802OL4,1802016, L9O4L64, Broadband lnternet Access/Fiber Services Extension, Fiber Construction, Routine Maintenance/Upgrades S90,338.61 June through December 2019 Caribou See attached detail 1802001, 1804059, 1804157, t804162, 1804164, 1804L72, L804173,1804181, 1804188, 1804189, 1804191, LAO4L92, L804197-200,1804203, 1804205, L804209-222, L804224, t804225, L804227,1804230, 1804235, t804237, L804242, t804243, t8M254, t804264, L80427 0, 1904001, 1904008, 1904012, 1904014-18, L904020, 1904021, L904022, 1904025-38, 7904040-42, t904044, 1904045-47,1904049, 1904051, 1904052, 1904054, 1904055, 1904057-59, 1904061-63,1904066, 1904057,1904059, L904073-78,1904081, 1904083, 1904086,1904087, 1904090,1904091, 1904093, 1904094-95,1904100-104, 1904105-108, 1904110, 1904113-119, 7904t23, 1904L25-t27 , 1904129-L32, 1904134- 138, L904r4t,1904143, 1904144-151, 1904153-155, 1904158, 1904161, t904162, 1904165, 19M155, L904167, 7904L7 2-77 7, t90417 9 -L81, 1904183, 1904185-197, 1904200-204, 7904207,1904209,1904213, 19042L5, L9042t6, L9042t9-231,1904233, 1904235,7904237-24O, f9O4243-249, Broadband lnternet Access/Fiber Services Extension, Fiber Construction, Routine Maintenance/Upgrades s681,639.81 January through December 2019 Teton 2232.0t2 INTEGRATED PLANT 1/31/20t9 $10,618.0s 1804102 Eonneville 2423.O12 K,6122 413012019 $992.72 1904004 Bonneville 2423.0t2 K,6122 s13u2019 $1,123.03 7904024 Bonneville 2423.0r2 rc.6122 sl3Ll20t9 $732.6t 1904082 Bonneville 2423.012 rc.6122 sl3Ll20t9 $s17.s6 190408s Bonneville 2423.012 rc6122 7131/2019 $7r7.28 1904084 Bonneville 2232.012 CISCO ASR 9OOO 36 PORT 1OGE UNE CARD SFP+8l3t/2019 $6,326.03 r9M097 Bonneville 2423.O12 BC6/22 8/3t120t9 $1,580.77 1904152 Bonneville 2423.Ot2 BC25124 813U2019 $553.49 1904152 Bonneville 2232.012 FLATPACK S POWER SHELF 913012019 $7,001.0r 1802018 Bonneville 2232.0r2 ABA 3.0; ADSL BroadBand Accelerator (ABA) Standard Reach, Dual Port Card, Line Powered, Local Mgmt,913012019 $679.91 1904112 Bonneville 2232.012 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE. OI 913012019 $774.96 1904121 Bonneville 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 913012019 $t,s36.27 t904t2t Bonneville 2232.012 E7.2 VDSU-48C CARD REV 2 913012019 $7,96s.36 1904149 Bonneville 2232.012 $949.19 t904149E7.2 FIELD INSTAII PKG 913O12019 Bonneville 2423.012 rc,6n2 t0l3t/2019 $833.11 1904199 Bonneville 2423.Or2 t0l3u2ot9 $469.39 1904205 BonnevilleBURIED CABLE 6/22 2232.0r2 83.48C R2 VDSL2 COMBO,48 PORT, UNIVERSAL POWER 1113012019 $17,743.57 1802001 Bonneville 2232.012 ELTEK MICROPAC RECNFIER 48V 25OW 1113012019 $640.89 1802001 Bonneville 2232.O12 ELTE& CONTROLLER AND LVBD, 1 CONT POS, BAT DIST 2 BRKR 1113012019 $132.76 1802001 Bonneville 2232.012 CoMPACK CONTROLLE& -49VDC, LVD STANDARD 1U30lz0t9 $476.11 1802001 Bonneville 2232.O12 1r13012019 $9,s26.05 1802013 BonnevilleE7.2 VDSL2.48C CARD REV 2 2232.012 ODC.IOO.EL 48X COMBO, LOCAL AC PWR, 1X E7.2 & 6OAH BAT BS tLl30l20t9 $1 1,633.97 1802013 Bonneville 2232.O12 E7.Z FIELD INSTALL PKG tLl30l20t9 $3,43s.12 1802017 Bonneville 2232.Ot2 E7.2 VDSL2.48C CARD REV 2 tll30l2019 $26,277.70 1802017 Bonneville 2232.012 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE . 02 r!3012019 $663.16 19M211 Bonneville 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE LU30l20t9 $1,437.18 190421 I Bonneville 2423.012 BC6122 LU3OlZOtg $7s2.28 1904212 Bonneville 2232.012 tzl3u20t9 $2r,307.34 r802007 BonnevilleE3-48C R2 VDSL2 COMBO, 48 PORT, UNIVERSAL POWER 2232.012 E3.48C R2 VDSL2 COMBO, 48 PORT, UNIVERSAL POWER t2l3u20t9 $20,032.58 1802008 Bonneville 2232.012 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS,4 GE - 02 t2l3Ll20t9 $1,3s1.37 1904120 Bonneville 2423.2t2 1904120BURIED FIBER OTNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE tzl3rl20t9 $725.77 Bonneville 2423.012 BC6122 1213t12019 $892.01 1904239 Bonneville $160,398.64 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OTNC 24 613012019 $4,861.13 1802012 Caribou 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 24 613012019 $3,288.13 1802012 Caribou 2232.012 ABA 3.0; ADSL BroadBand Accelerator (ABA) Standard Reach, Dual Port Card, Line Powered, Local Msmt,613012019 $732.94 190,1064 Caribou 2423.O12 913012019 $7s9.43 19041tr CaribouBURIED CABLE 6/22 2232.012 ELTEK MICROPAC REfiFIER 48V 25OW tLl30l20t9 $1,332.20 1802014 Caribou 2232.012 11130/2019 $27s.46 1802014 CaribouELTE( CONTROLLER AND LVBD, 1 CONT POS. BAT DIST 2 BRKR 2232.Or2 COMPACK CONTROLLER, .49VDq LVD STANDARD 11130/2019 $990.12 1802014 Caribou 2232.O12 UBIQUM AIR FIBER 11 GHZ UCENSED MW &ADIO SISO RADIO ttl30l20L9 $6,644.r4 1802014 Caribou 2232.0r2 E348C R2 VDSL2 COMBO,48 PORT, UNMPSAL POWER ttl30/20t9 $33,707.98 1802014 Gribou ttl30/2019 $2,403.38 1802015 Caribou2232.012 WISP SWITCH 2232.0t2 UBIQUM AIR FIBER 11 GHZ UCENSED MW RADIO SISIO RADIO Lt/3O12019 $s,699.35 1802016 Caribou 2232.012 Ltl30l20t9 $2,689.03 r802016 CaribouE7-2 FIELD INSTALL PKG 2232.012 E7.2 VDSU.48C CARD REV 2 LU30l20t9 $22,282.39 1802015 Caribou 2232.012 48 V 18OO W FLATPACK S RECTIFIER tu30l20t9 $2,632.61 r802016 Caribou ttl30l20t9 $2,040.31 1802016 Caribou2232.012 FLATPACK S POWER SHELF $90,338.61 2232.012 72 Panel Inser For Fdh 3000 W 100' Stub u3u20t9 $2,33O.47 1804181 Teton u3u20t9 $316.s7 1904001 Teton2232.012 M4E-l Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter 2232.Or2 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS,4 GE - 01 u3u20t9 $6s3.81 1904001 Teton 2232.012 u3u20t9 $132.03 19M008 Teton844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, I USB -UPS Power Interface 1904008 Ieton2423.212 BURIED RBER OPIIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE u3u20t9 $ss.48 2423.0r2 rc.6122 Ll31l20t9 $404.22 1904012 Teton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE u3u20t9 $277.20 1904014 Teton 2232.012 8,14G-1 Glgacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, r USB -UPS Power Interface u3Ll20t9 $s80.92 1904014 Teton 2232.012 8,14G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, I USB -UPS Power Interface u3U20t9 $20.40 r9M016 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE u3tl20t9 $11.41 1904016 Teton 2232.0t2 E7-2 VDSL2-48C CARD REV 2 Ll3tl20t9 $6,118.6s 1904018 Teton 2232.012 E7.2 VDSL2.48C CARD REV 2 !3!2019 $6,100.76 1904020 Teton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter,2 POTS,4 GE, Dual wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface 2/28/2Ot9 $463.77 1904026 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 2/2812019 $21s.94 1904026 feton 2232.Otz 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface 2128120t9 $448.23 1904027 feton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OTNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 2/2812019 $226.94 1904027 feton 2232.O12 763GX-R Rack Mount ONT, 8 POTS, 8 GE 2128l2ot9 $3,053.46 1904029 feton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 212812019 $494.91 1904034 feton 2232.0t2 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, I USB -UPS Power Interface 212812019 $s4s.0s 1904034 feton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OFNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 2128120t9 $340.49 190.+036 feton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interf"ce 212812019 $738.88 1904036 Teton 2423.012 w6122 313tl2oL9 $77.32 1804164 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 313U2019 $s41.98 r904M2 Teton 2232.O12 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface 313U20t9 $8s0.96 1904042 Teton 2423.012 Bc6122 +l30l2ot9 $96.s1 1904015 Teton 2423.0t2 sc25124 4130120t9 $1,836.23 1904015 Teton 2423.012 K.6122 +13012019 $37.63 19M021 Teton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OtrNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 4130120t9 $s78.96 1904035 Teton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface 4/30/2019 $s9s.76 1904035 Teton 2232.012 NSB190RT RED, Northstar, 12V, 190Ah Battery 4130120t9 $3,s07.33 1904038 Teton 2423.012 BC6122 qB0l2ot9 $889.57 1904040 Teton 2232.012 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS,4 GE - 01 413012019 $8s2.41 t904047 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 4/30120t9 $1,101.70 1904u7 Teton 2423.O12 rc,6p2 413012019 $1,098.88 1904049 Teton 2232.O12 M4G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interfac€413012019 $952.04 1904051 Teton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 4/30120t9 $474.46 1904051 Teton 2232.O12 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface 4l3Ol20t9 $918.86 1904057 Teton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 413012019 $416.72 1904057 Teton 2232.Or2 BATTERYDAQ SENTRY NBI FOR 2 STRINGS 5l3tl2ot9 $862.ss 1804157 Teton 2232.0r2 48 V 18OO W FLATPACK S RECTIFIER sl3Llz0t9 $1,215.05 1804157 Teton 2232.OtZ FLATPACK S POWER SHELF sl3rl20t9 $943.48 1804157 Teton 2232.0t2 ELTEK SMARTPACK S CONTROLLER sl3Ll20t9 $717.97 1804157 Teton 2232.012 NORTHSTAR 110 AH BATTERY (REP[ ACES 100Fr)sl3u20t9 $2,371.98 1804157 Teton 2423.012 rc.6122 sl3u20t9 $1,384.88 1804254 Teton 2232.012 E7-2 VDSL2-48C CARD REV 2 sl3u20t9 $7,670.09 1904030 Teton 2232.012 E7-2 VDSL2-48C CARD REV 2 sl3tl20t9 $s,791.68 1904031 Teton 2232.012 E7.2 VDSL2-48C CARD REV 2 sl3rl2019 $10,4s2.67 1904032 Teton 2232.O12 8,+4G-1 Gigacrnter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power InterFace 513112019 $8s7.98 1904045 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE s/3112019 $782.66 1904045 Teton 2232.O12 M4G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface sl3tl20L9 $1,037.60 19040s2 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE sl3tl2019 $426.63 1904052 Teton 2423.O12 BC6122 s13tl20t9 $7s8.46 1904055 Ieton 2232.O12 8,14G-l Gigacrnter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface sl3tl2or9 $230.94 1904058 Ieton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OTNC T2 sl3tl20L9 $176.72 19040s8 Ieton 2423.012 K,6122 5/3tl20r9 $903.86 1904059 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE sl3tl20r9 $s62.68 1904061 Teton 2232.012 711 GE ONI 2 POTS, 2 GE-CE sl3tl2o19 $773.26 1904062 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE sl3t/2ot9 $488.84 1904062 Teton 2423.012 rc,6122 sl3tl2019 $906.14 1904063 Teton 2232.012 8,+4G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface 5l31l2Ot9 $s47.90 r904057 Teton 2423.012 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FIAT TONEABLE s/3Ll2Ot9 $268.40 1904067 Teton 2423.212 BURJED FIBER OTNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE sl3Ll20t9 $944.0s 1904069 Teton 2232.012 711 GE ONI 2 POTS, 2 GE-CE sl3tl20t9 $848.98 1904069 Teton 2423.012 rc.6/22 sl3tl20t9 $630.83 1904075 Teton 2423.0t2 BC6122 sl3u20t9 $s31.s8 190,1078 Teton 2423.0r2 rc.6122 sl3Ll20t9 $s66.0s 190408r Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE sl3Ll20t9 $929.s1 1904083 Teton 2423.012 K.sol24 sl3Ll20t9 $1,603.52 1904085 Teton 2423,012 BC6122 sl3t/2019 $761.20 1904087 Teton 2232.012 Haze, l2V,105Ah Baftery 6130120t9 $3,267.Ls 1804173 Ieton 2232.O12 48 V 18OO W FLATPACK S RECNFIER 6/30/2Or9 $1,83s.2s 1804173 Teton 2232.012 FLATPACK S POWER SHELF 6/3012019 $1,425.0s 1804173 feton 2423.Otz Bc6122 6l30l2ot9 $193.31 180423s feton 2423.012 K,2s/24 613012019 $1,677.78 1804235 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OFNC 12 613012019 $3,854.99 1904054 Teton 2423.012 rc,6122 613012019 $868.44 1904077 Teton 2423.012 Bc6122 6/3012019 $88s.79 1904090 Teton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, I USB -UPS Power Interface 6130120t9 $324.r1 1904095 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 613012019 $991.33 r904095 Teton 2232.012 844E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter 6130/20t9 $314.6s 1904096 Teton 2232.O12 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS,4 GE - 01 6l30l20t9 $627.91 1904096 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 613012019 $s80.17 1904096 Teton 2232.O12 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS,4 GE - 01 6l3OlZOtg $981.91 1904102 Teton 2423.012 K,6122 613012019 $7s2.20 1904103 Teton 2232.Otz 716 GE-I INDOOR ONI 2 POTS, 4 GE - 01 613012019 $839.28 1904104 Teton 2232.012 844E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter 613012019 $420.s7 19Mr04 Teton 2232.012 8ul4c-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power InterPace 6130/2019 $1,48s.19 1904107 Teton 2423.O12 rc6122 7l3Ll20t9 $952.29 1804059 Teton 2232.012 E7.2 VDSL2-48C CARD REV 2 il3!2019 $8,932.03 1904041 Teton 2232.012 E7-2 VDSL2-48C Card Rev2 713U20t9 $8,092.21 1904066 Teton 2232.012 E7-2 Field Install Pkg l3tl20t9 $966.20 1904055 Teton 2423.012 w.6122 l3u2ot9 $s73.30 t904076 Teton 2232.O12 717GE ONT, 4 POTS,4 GE.CE 7l3tl20L9 $826.72 1904094 Teton 2423.012 K,6122 7l3tl2ot9 $728.30 1904101 Teton 2232.O12 711 GE ONT, 2 POTS, 2 GE.CE 713U2019 $s9s.94 1904106 Teton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 713112019 $684.38 19(N105 Teton 2232.012 844G-1 Gisacenter, 2 @TS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, I USB -UPS Power Interface l3rl20t9 $1,66s.62 1904108 Teton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 7l3t/2019 $1,143.48 1904108 Teton 2423.012 rc.6122 43t12019 $540.r3 19M110 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OtrNC 4 F]-AT TONEABLE l3u20te $367.1 1 1904113 Teton 2232.012 844E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter l3u20t9 $230.20 1904113 Teton 2232.072 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE - 01 7l3tl20t9 $471.08 1904113 Teton 2232.012 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE . OI il3U20t9 $610.3s 1904115 Teton 2232.012 8zl4E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter 7l3rl20t9 $30s.84 1904116 Teton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 7l3U2Ot9 $843.7r 1904116 Teton 2423.012 rc.6122 l3t/2019 $1,1s4.s4 1904125 Teton 2232.012 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE . 01 il3112019 $7s6.92 1904126 Teton 2232.012 844E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter u3tl2019 $380,86 1904126 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE l3u20t9 $780.69 r904126 Teton 2423.012 w.6122 7/3U20t9 $868.19 r904129 Teton 2423.O12 w6122 7l3t/20r9 $774.36 1904131 Ieton 2423.0t2 rc.6122 l3!20t9 $268.26 1904132 Ieton 2423.012 rc.6122 813tl2ot9 $933.88 t804264 Ieton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 48 8l3tl20L9 $r8,02o.77 1904017 Teton 2423,2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC T44 8l3U20t9 $36,608.30 1904033 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 48 813U2019 $1r,981.21 1904033 Ieton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 24 813U2019 $7,309.s7 1904033 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 24 8/3112019 $642.70 1904033 Ieton 2232.012 717GE ONT, 4 POTS, 4 GE.CE 8l3U2OL9 $606.s2 t904074 Teton 2423.012 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 813U2019 $460.32 1904114 Teton 2232.012 711 GE Ot{T, 2 POTS, 2 GE.CE 813U2019 $821.79 19041 14 Teton 2232.Or2 E7-2 FIELD INSTALL PKG 813112019 $74s.s9 1904118 Ieton E7-2 VDSL2.48C CARD REV 2 sl3u20t9 $s,831.s9 1904118 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 8/3112019 $465.04 1904119 Teton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface 813U20te $78s.41 1904119 Teton 2423.O12 BC6/22 813U2019 $1.003.64 1904123 Teton 2423.0L2 BC6122 8l3tl20t9 $674.1 I 1904123 Teton 2232.012 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE . 01 8l3tl20t9 $439.s5 1904t27 Teton 2423.272 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FIAT TONEABLE sl3tl2019 $383.0s 7904727 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 813U20t9 $3s7.22 1904130 Teton 2232.012 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE. 01 813Ll20t9 $793.73 1904130 Teton 242r.012 6 PAIR NID WITH 2 LOADED 813U2019 $831.22 1904141 Teton 2232.012 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE - 01 813t/2019 $478.02 1904146 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 813tl20te $749.37 1904146 Ieton 2423.Otz w6122 813112019 $963.97 7904747 Teton 2232.0r2 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE - 01 8l3tl2019 $1,032.45 1904153 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 813U2019 $619.18 1904153 Teton 2232.012 844E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 8/31/2019 $491.30 1804230 & 1 Teton 2423.212 813U2019 $2,834.s4 1804230 & r Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FIAT TONEABLE 8/31/2019 $2,542.95 1804230 & 1 Teton 2423.0t2 K.6122 913012019 $1,054.1 I 1804270 Ieton 2232.Ot2 766 ONT MODULE 913012019 $6,967.18 1904022 Teton 2232.072 762 GX ONT MODULE 913012019 $s,677.39 7904022 feton 2423.0t2 BC6122 913012019 $704.73 1904073 feton 2423.072 BC 6122 913012019 $6,077.62 1904091 Teton 2423.012 rc.2s/24 9l30l20t9 $11,21r.07 1904091 Teton 2232.012 24 PORT POE CATALYST SWITCH 9l30l2or9 $12s.00 1904100 Teton 2232,012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface 9l30/2Ot9 $7ss.26 1904115 Teton 2423.212 OPTI FTT DROP FIBER ADC 250'9/30/20t9 $414.83 1904115 Teton 2232.Or2 716 GE{ INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS,4 GE - 01 913012019 $840.56 t904717 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 913012019 $417.13 19041 17 Teton 2232.0t2 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE - 01 913012019 $s29.08 19(X134 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 9130120t9 $s19.96 1904134 Teton 2232.012 711 GE ONT, 2 POTS, 2 GE-CE 913012019 $241.50 1904135 Teton 2232.012 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE - 01 913012019 $803.1s 1904t37 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 9130/2019 $s97.60 1904t37 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 913012019 $2s6.10 1904143 Teton 2232.Or2 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE - 01 9/30/2Or9 $540.78 1904143 Teton 2232.Ot2 711 GE ONT, 2 POTS, 2 GE.CE 9/30/2Ot9 $594.14 7904744 Teton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 913012019 $424.73 1904744 Teton 2423.272 BURIED FIBER OPTIC24 913012019 $1,362.77 7904744 Teton 2423.272 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 913012019 $279.6r 1904145 Teton 2232.072 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual WFF|, I USB -UPS Power Interface 913012019 $688.79 1904145 Teton 2423.072 rc.6122 913012019 $2,370.13 1904148 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 9l30l2Ot9 $454.08 1904150 Teton 2232.0r2 715 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE - OT 9130/2019 $892.s2 1904150 Teton 2423.012 sc6122 913012019 $781.14 1904151 Teton 2423.012 rc.6P2 913012019 $1,827.88 1904165 Teton 2423.012 K.6122 9l30/2019 $663.s7 t904174 Teton 2473.012 rc.6122 913012019 $s07.64 1904175 Teton 2423.212 OPN FIT DROP FIBER ADC 3OO'913012019 $456.96 1904177 Teton 2232.012 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE. 01 9l30l2or9 $697.27 1904177 Teton 2423.O12 rc.6122 913012019 $6ss.62 1904t79 Teton 2423.012 BC6/22 9/30/2019 $738.49 1904180 Teton 2423.O12 BC6122 9130/2019 $32s.s7 1904181 Teton 2232.Otz 711 GE ONT, 2 POTS, 2 GE-CE 913012019 $839.97 1904185 Teton 2423.012 K,6/22 9l30l20L9 $494.32 1904191 Teton 2423.0r2 BC6122 913012019 $s49.69 1904t92 Teton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 24 tol3tl2019 $2,s06.28 1804162 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 48 LOl3tlzotg $4,370.16 1804162 lreton 2232.O12 GE-2P/FE-4P ro13tl2ot9 $28s.00 lgo4o44 iteton 2232.O12 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual WFF|, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface tol3rl20t9 $349.64 1904045 lteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t0l3u20t9 $276.14 1904046 lreton 2232.012 716 GE-I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS,4 GE - 02 tol3u20t9 $1,76s.19 1904093 lteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t0l3u20t9 $314.84 1904138 lreton 2232.0r2 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE - 01 t0l3tl20t9 $s33.10 1904138 lreton 2232.012 E7-2 VDSL2.48C CARD REV 2 t0l3u2ot9 $6,943.s4 1904158 lreton 2232.0r2 E7-2 FIELD INSTALL PKG r0l3t/2019 $919.23 1904158 lteton 2232.0t2 717GE ONT,4 POTS, 4 GE-CE L0l3u20L9 $2,189.20 lgcpl67 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t0l3t/2019 $2,473.75 tg}4167 lteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OtrNC 24 L0l3u20L9 $4,866.7s tgCF:67 lteton 2423.012 w6122 L0/3U20t9 $5ss.64 tg}4t76 lreton 2232.012 716 GE-I INDOOR ONr, 2 POTS, 4 GE - 01 L0l3u20t9 $9s0.09 1904183 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t013112019 $392.41 1904183 lteton 2232.012 844G-l Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Inteface t013tl20t9 $s71.11 1904186 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t0l3u2or9 $4s0.86 1904186 lteton 2232.012 E7.2 FIELD INSTAI.I PKG 1013u2019 $933.13 lg}4l87 lreton 2232.Otz E7.2 VDSL2.48C CARD REV 2 t0l3Ll20t9 $7,008.43 1904187 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 288 t0l31/2019 $1s,8s2.70 1904188 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 12 tol3L/2019 $2,O42.33 1904188 lreton 2423.012 K.6122 rol3tl20t9 $1,055.85 1904189 ireton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual wFFi, r USB -UPS Power Interface rol3tl20r9 $1,070.9s 1904193 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE r0l3tl20r9 $722.76 1904193 lteton 2423.012 K.6122 10/3U20t9 $1,396,46 1904195 lreton 2423.012 w,2sl24 tol3u20t9 $2,226.44 1904196 lreton 2423.012 9,6122 t0l3tl20t9 $919.,+6 1904197 lteton 2423.012 BC6122 t0l3u20t9 $321.78 19O42Ol lreton 2232.Or2 717GE ONT, 4 POTS, 4 GE.CE t0l3Ll20t9 $329.31 1904202 lr"to, 2423.O12 rc.2s/24 t0l3u20t9 $4,188.99 1904203 lteton 2423.0t2 rc.6P2 10131120t9 $670.26 1904203 lteton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t0l3Ll20t9 $737.21 lgcF,2cH lreton zz3z.otz 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS,4 GE - 02 t0l3Ll20t9 $1,s21.03 7gO42O4 lreton 2232.Or2 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, I USB -UPS Power Interface t0l3u20t9 $40s.76 190421s lreton 2423.Or2 w,6122 1013112019 $143.47 1904216 lteton 2232.012 576 FIELDSMAART PON CABINET tLl30l20t9 $18,49s.22 t8}4l72 lreton 2232.072 762 GX OI.IT MODULE tL/30/2019 $2,99s.24 1804188 lteton 2423.272 BURIED FIBER OFNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE tLl30l2019 $832.34 1804188 lreton 2232.O12 717GE ONT,4 POTS, 4 GE-CE ttl30l2ot9 $2,3s3.4s 1804189 lteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OTNC 4 FLAT TONEABI.E ttl30l2ot9 $2,031.65 1804189 lteton 2423.212 717GE ONT,4 POTS,4 GE.CE ttl30l20r9 $r,879.74 1804192 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE Ltl30l20r9 $262.13 1804192 lreton 2232,012 717GE ONT,4 POTS, 4 GE-CE Ltl3ol20L9 $278.04 t8}4tg7 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE LU30l20t9 $66.37 1804197 lreton 2232.012 844G-l Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, f USB -UPS Power Interface ru30l20r9 $r,938.77 1804198 lreton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE ttl30lz0L9 $t,206.57 1804198 lreton 2232.012 717GE ONI 4 POTS,4 GE-CE 1U3012019 $2,632.O2 1804199 lreton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE tu30l20t9 $3,33s.32 1804199 lteton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter,2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Intertuce ru30l20t9 $1,216.86 1804200 lreton 2232.012 M4G-1 Gigacenter,2 POTS,4 GE, Dual WFF|, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface ltl30lz0t9 $1,216.8s 1804200 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FI.AT TONEABLE tU3012019 $820.99 18O42OO lteton 2232.O12 717GE ONT, 4 POTS,4 GE.CE ttl30l20t9 $1,454.04 1804203 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE tt/3012019 $477.32 1804203 lteton 2232.012 717GE ONT,4 POTS,4 GE.CE tu30l20t9 $1,094.81 1804206 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OTNC 4 FI-AT TONEABLE ttl30/2019 $239.20 1804206 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE tu30l20L9 $280.77 1804209 lreton 2232.012 717GE ONT,4 POTS,4 GE-CE tt/3012or9 $1,144.09 1804209 iteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE Ltl30l2or9 $490.2t 1804210 lreton 2232.012 717GE ONT, 4 POTS, 4 GE.CE r113012019 $r,192.78 1804210 feton 2232.012 7T7GE ONT,4 POTS,4 GE.CE tu30/2019 $1,2s9.1s 18(N211 feton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE ru3012019 $478.80 180421 1 feton 2232.012 717GE ONT, 4 POTS,4 GE.CE ttl3ol2oL9 $1,.f60.61 1804212 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE ttl3olz0t9 $790.42 1804212 Teton 2232.012 717GE ONT, 4 POTS,4 GE.CE tu30l20t9 $1,360.71 1804213 Teton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE ttl30l20t9 $676.92 18042r3 Teton 2232.0t2 717GE ONT, 4 POTS, 4 GE.CE 1113012019 $1,231.s2 t@42L4 Teton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE ttl30l2ot9 $356.2s L&4214 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OtrNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 1113012019 $248.00 1804215 Teton 2232.012 717GE ONT,4 POTS, 4 GE.CE Ltl30/2019 $96s.16 1804215 Teton 2232.012 762 GX ONT MODULE 1113012019 $2,5s2.88 r804216 Teton 2232.O12 760 ONT ENCLOSURE ttl30l20t9 $339.8r 18042r6 Teton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 12 rtl30l20t9 $180.07 1804216 Teton 2232.O12 762 GX OI,IT MODULE tu30l20t9 $1,s94.62 7AO42t7 Teton 7232.0r2 760 ONT ENCLOSURE tLl30l20t9 $2r2.26 r8M277 Teton 2423.2r2 BURIED RBER OTNC 12 ttl30l20t9 $1,333.8s t804277 Teton 2232.072 717GE OI,IT, 4 POTS, 4 GE-CE tu30l20t9 $960.45 18M218 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE [U30120t9 $494.74 1804218 Teton 2232.012 8.14G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual WFF|, I USB -UPS Power Inteface ru30l20L9 $50s.71 1804219 Teton 2232.0t2 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface tt/3ol2ot9 $746.s8 1804220 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABT.E Ltl3ol2ot9 $1,782.06 1804221 Teton 2232.012 717GE ONT,4 POTS,4 GE.CE LU30l20t9 $,r48.45 1804221 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE tU30l20t9 $93t.77 1804222 Teton 2232.012 717GE ONT, 4 POTS, 4 GE.CE tu30l20t9 $s04.86 1804222 Teton 2232.012 717GE ONT,4 POTS,4 GE-CE ttl30l20t9 $1,187.00 1804224 Teton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 1113012019 $367.s8 t&4224 Teton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE ttl30l20t9 $954.41 t@4225 Teton 2232.0r2 717GE ONT, 4 POTS, 4 GE-CE tt130/2019 $1,773.89 18M225 Teton 2232.012 E7-2 VDSL2*48C CARD REV 2 Ltl30l20L9 $8,s67.67 1804242 Ieton 2232.0r2 ODC-IOO.EL 48X COMBO, LOCAL AC PWR, lX E7-2 & 6OAH BAT BS tt/30/2019 $10,702.80 1804242 Teton 2232.012 711 GE ONT MODUT-E, 2 POTS, 2 GE-CE Lt/3012019 $3,666.23 1904037 Ieton 2232.012 762 GX ONT MODULE [U3012019 $3,788.62 1904037 Teton 2232.012 717GE ONT, 4 POTS,4 GE.CE rtl30l20t9 $2,670.68 t904037 Ieton 2232.O12 766 ONT MODULE tu30l20t9 $6,107.70 1904037 feton 2423.012 K.6122 tLl30l20t9 $608.87 1904154 feton 2423.O12 K,2sl24 tu30l20t9 $1,138.73 1904154 feton 2232.0r2 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE - 02 tu30l20t9 $ss1.22 1904162 feton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OFNC 24 ttl30l20t9 $1,312.73 1904162 feton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OFNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE trl30l20t9 $649.13 1904162 feton 2Z3Z.oLZ 8zl4E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter tt/30l2ot9 $283.20 1904162 feton 2232.0r2 717GE OI.IT, 4 POTS, 4 GE-CE tu30l20t9 $630.94 1904166 feton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE tL|3012019 $62s.19 1904166 feton 2232.012 711 GE ONT, 2 POTS, 2 GE-CE [t13012019 $1,015.64 1904173 feton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 24 rtl30l2oL9 $2,982.41 t9mt73 feton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLATTONEABI.f ru30l20t9 $757.36 1904173 Teton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual WFFi, I USB -UPS Power Interhce t!3012019 $61r.66 1904200 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE LU3Ol20L9 $303.83 1904200 Teton 2423.0r2 rc,6122 Ltl30l20t9 $2,591.80 1904207 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OtrNC 12 1113012019 $266.07 1904209 Teton 2232.012 711 GE ONT, 2 POTS, 2 GE.CE LU30l2019 $6s1.75 1904209 Teton 2232.O12 766 GX-R-ONT MODUTE / RACK MOUNT rtl3olz0t9 $1,s33.69 1904213 Teton 2423.212 zuRIED FIBER OPNC 24 1U3012019 $693.s4 1904213 Teton 2423.012 K.6122 LU30l2ot9 $244.3s 1904219 Teton 2423.012 K,6/22 1U3012019 $1,316.38 1904220 Teton 2423.O12 BC25124 rtl30l20t9 $t,224.44 1904220 Teton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter,2 POTS,4 GE, Dual WFF|, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface ttl30l20t9 $r,014.22 1904727 Teton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE ttl30l20t9 $482.10 1904221 Teton 2423.272 BURIED FIBER OTNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE ttl30l20t9 $2s6.91 7904222 lreton 2232.012 717GE ONT, 4 POTS, 4 GE.CE ttl30l20t9 $827.44 1904222 lteton 2232.012 844E-1 Package Includes Giga Crnter And Power Adapter tl/30l2Ot9 $347.95 tg}4222 lreton 2232.0t2 $390.67844E-l Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter Ltl30/20t9 lgo42z3 lteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 1113012019 $948.77 lg}4224 lleton 2232.0t2 717GE ONT, 4 POTS, 4 GE-CE ttl30l2019 $908,s4 Lgo422s lreton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE tu30/2019 $21O.27 7904227 lteton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual WFF|, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface 1113012019 $s28.76 tg}4227 lreton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, I USB -UPS Power Interface tt/30l2oL9 $446.77 tg}4228 lreton 2423.012 K,6122 rt/30/2019 $872.97 1904230 lreton 2423.012 K,6122 1U3O12019 $1,497.89 rg}4237 lreton 2423.O12 Bc6122 tu30l20t9 $540.68 1904233 lteton 2423.0r2 rc.6122 tu30l20t9 $828.24 1904237 lreton 2423.072 rc.6122 1113012019 $901.88 1904238 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE ttl3ol2019 $230.08 lgo424o lteton 2232.O12 844G-1 Gigacenter,2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface tu30l20t9 $514.52 tgO424O lreton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter,2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface tzl3!2019 $367.6s 1804191 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OTNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t2131/2019 $2,439.43 1804191 lreton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 48 143U?Or9 $t,24s.72 1804227 lteton 2423.212 w,100124 t2l3tl20t9 $16,6s7.94 1804227 lreton 2423.212 3OO-PAIR X.CONN INSERT 1213U20t9 $s,462.s0 1804243 lteton 2423.212 600 PAIR SINGLE DOOR CROSS CONNECT CABINET W 710 CONNECTOR STUBS t2l3L/2019 $21,752.27 1804243 lreton 2423.2t2 BURIED FIBER OTNC 1ZI4 tzl3u20t9 $41,770.9L 1804243 lreton 2423.272 BURIED FIBER OFNC 24 t2/3tl2oL9 $770.40 1804243 lreton 2423.072 BURIED CABLE 2OO/24 Lzl3tl2OL9 $r,487.49 tgO4OtT lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 432 1213U20L9 $24,803.08 1904028 lteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FI.AT TONEABLE t2l3u20t9 $464.42 1904136 lteton 2232.0t2 844E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter t2l3L/2019 $191.86 1904136 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OTNC 24 1213112019 $4,890.s1 1904136 lteton 2232.012 Cisco 3650 24 Port PoE 4xlc Uplink Base t2/3U20t9 $1,166.19 1904155 lreton 2232.012 844G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS, 4 GE, Dual WFFi, I USB -UPS Power Interface tzl3t/2019 $228.67 1904161 lr"ton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE L2l3U20L9 $68.s4 1904161 lreton 2423.212 FDT 288 OUT RBER CABINET 1213u2019 $21,2s6.36 Lgo4L72 lTeton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OTNC 288 tzl3u20t9 $8,203.10 7904772 lteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OfrNC 288 1213U2019 $9,769.92 tg}4772 lreton 2423.012 BC6122 tzl3tl2ot9 $1,206.39 1904226 lteton 2232.012 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS, 4 GE. 02 1213112019 $739.16 lg}422g lreton 2423.212 1213112019 $2,160.00BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE tg}422g lreton 2232.O12 844E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter t2l3u20t9 $339.46 7go422g iteton 2232.O12 717GE ONT, 4 POTS, 4 GE.CE 1213112019 $1,302.00 1904235 lreton 2423.2r2 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t2l3u2019 $422.29 1904235 lreton 2232.O12 844E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter L2l3U2Ot9 $131.6s lgo4243 lreton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t2/3U2019 $379.91 tg}4243 lreton 2232.O12 $270.s7711 GE ONT, 2 POTS, 2 GE.CE 1213t12019 1904243 lreton 2232.012 M4G-1 Gigacenter, 2 POTS,4 GE, Dual Wi-Fi, 1 USB -UPS Power Interface tzl3u2019 $739.28 Lgo4244 lteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 4 FLAT TONEABLE 1213112019 $513.74 LgO4244 lteton 2423.0r2 K,6122 tzl3u20t9 $433.14 7904245 lteton 2232.0t2 M4E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter t2l3t/2019 $923.23 tg}4246 lreton 2423.O12 tzl3tl2ot9 $s09.8s tg}4247 lreton9,6122 2232.072 716 GE.I INDOOR ONT, 2 POTS,4 GE - 02 1213112019 $606.87 tgo4248 lteton 2423.212 BURIED FIBER OFNC 4 FLAT TONEABLE t2l3tl20r9 $1,140.40 tg}4248 lreton 2232.012 tzl3tl2ot9 $29s.81 lg}4248 lreton844E-1 Package Includes Giga Center And Power Adapter 2232.O12 M4E-1 Package Includes Giga Crnter And Power Adapter 1213U2019 $283.48 rg}424g lreton lgoer,o:s.er