HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030612Audit Letter.pdfIDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIEScommiSSion Dirk Kempthome, Governor O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Paul Kjellander, President Marsha H. Smith, Commissioner Dennis S. Hansen , Commissioner June 11 2003 Chad Turner Colmnbine Telephone Compan,y, Inc. dba Teton Telecom PO Box 226 Freedom, VVJ( 83120 RE: Case No. COL-03- Dear Mr. Turner: In Order No. 29245, the Commission directed the Staff to conduct an audit to verify the 2002 "gross operating intrastate revenues" of Columbine Telephone Company. Columbine asserted that it had over-reported its gross intrastate revenues and that the correct revenue n1r\ll11t "T " ct 1 Oh 1 "C;;:t -FF f1 r\hln1 1,111""rrrr\r\-n"""t111 111t"'t", rpVPll11PU~~... u",~ ,/~~ ~.. . ...... y. u-'-, '-'HA"'H'-"HV 5-'-'-' '-'yv-,- UH H-'-U . .v__v_--~- for 2002 should be $3 705 876 (see attached workpaper). Staff agrees that Wyoming revenues where included in Columbine s original reported gross operating intrastate revenues." Staff also found that Columbine had netted revenues and expenses in Account 5010 Public Telephone Revenue. Staff finds that the nettirig of expenses and revenue in a revenue account does not meet the FCC, NECA or this Commission s definition of revenues. The Company has provided Staff with the revenue amount of $3 060. Staff accepts this amount for the year 2002. Staff recommends that in future years the Company set up expense accounts and records revenues and expenses as two separate items. Columbine excluded from its reported revenues the Idaho share ofNECA USF funds in the amount of$1 742 218. Staff has included this amount as Idaho "gross operating intrastaterevenues." NECA USF funds and Idaho State USF funds are traditionally used by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as rate case revenues to support local basic rates. . NECA USF funds are also included in gross intrastate revenues to determine the need for Idaho State USF funds. NECA states "High Cost Loop Support provides intrastate support for the cost of the 'last mile of connection primarily for rural companies in service areas where the cost to provide this service exceeds 115 percent of the national average." (NECA Presentation for NARUC Staff Subcommittee on Accounts, March 25 2003 , page 107). Because the NECA USF funds are recognized as revenue by both this state and the federal regulators, it should be reported as Idaho gross operating intrastate revenues. Located at 472 West Washington Street, Boise , Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 Chad Tumer Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. June 2003 Page 2 Staff finds that with the above two adjustments your 2002 "gross operating intrastate revenues" were $3 705 876. Based on the assessment rate for the 2003 regulatory fee of .2384 percent (.002384), Columbine s regulatory fee for 2003 should be $8 834.81. Given that Columbine has already submitted a check in the amount of $4 500., Columbine will need to submit the additional $4 334.81 for the 2003 regulatory fee no later than November 15, 2003. Please make the check or money order payable to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if the Company disagrees with the Staff's determination or if you have any questions. I can be reached at 208-334-0356. If the Company and Staff cannot agree on the amount of the 2002 intrastate gross operating revenue, I must notify the Commission so that it may schedule a hearing in this matter. Sincerely J~ Ccv&ocR Terri Carlock Audit Section Supervisor umisc/colt03.2 Itr Co l u m b i n e T e l e p h o n ~ C o m p a n y , I n c 20 0 2 R e v e n u e Pe r A n n u a l R e p o r t 10 P e r 10 P e r Ac c t . D e s c r i p t i o n TO T A L CO L U M B I N E ST A F F 50 0 1 B a s i c a r e a R e v e n u e 94 , 54 4 37 0 13 1 46 4 67 5 37 0 13 1 37 0 13 1 50 1 0 P u b l i c T e l e p h o n e R e v e n u e 44 1 51 9 ) 07 8 ) 51 9 ) 06 0 50 4 0 L o c a l P r i v a t e L i n e R e v e n u e 80 1 62 3 69 , 4 2 4 62 2 62 2 50 6 0 O t h e r L o c a l E x c h a n g e R e v e n u e 66 4 22 2 , 4 5 5 23 5 11 9 22 2 , 4 5 6 22 2 , 4 5 6 50 6 9 O t h e r L o c a l E x c h a n g e S e t t l e m e n t s 23 7 91 0 74 4 61 2 98 2 52 2 39 4 74 4 61 2 50 8 4 S t a t e A c c e s s R e v e n u e ( I n t r a s t a t e ) 08 6 18 8 11 5 20 0 20 1 13 9 61 6 13 9 61 6 52 3 0 D i r e c t o r y 33 9 36 , 4 0 4 74 3 85 2 85 2 52 6 4 O t h e r i n c i d e n t a l R e g u l a t e d R e v e n u e 02 9 57 6 60 5 02 6 02 6 52 7 0 C a r r i e r B i l l i n g & C o l l e c t i o n I n t r a s t a t e 65 9 16 , 29 0 94 9 29 0 29 0 36 8 , 4 7 3 67 1 68 7 04 0 16 0 CP E 06 1 99 8 99 8 In s i d e W i r e 98 8 - 8 0 12 6 12 6 Ke y S y s t e m 08 7 15 . 08 7 15 . 08 7 14 5 29 6 1 , 95 9 07 ~ 70 5 87 6 00 2 3 8 00 2 3 8 67 0 . 4 4 83 4 , 8T A F F DI F F E R E N C E Re m o v e d e x p e n s e s Ad d b a c k N E C A U S F