HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030728Loan Documents.pdfG I V E &P S LEY July 18 2003 lAW OFFICES 601 W. Bannock PO Box 2720, Boise, Idaho 83701 TELEPHONE: 208 388-1200 FACSIMilE: 208 388-1300 WEBSITE: www.givenspursley.com Gary G. Allen Christopher J. Beeson Jessica M. Borup William C. Cole Michael C. Creamer Thomas E. Dvorak Roy Lewis Eiguren Timothy P. Feamside Jeffrey C. Fereday Steven J. Hippler Kari T. Klein Debora K. Kristensen Anne C. Kunkel Franklin G. lee David R. Lombardi Terri Carlock Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 Re: Dear Terri: D. David lorello, Jr. Emily A MacMaster Kimberly D. Maloney John M. Marshall Kenneth R. McClure Kelly Greene McConnell Cynthia A. Melillo Christopher H. Meyer Kendall L Miller L Edward Miller Patrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery Angela K. Nelson Deborah E. Nelson W. Hugh O'Riordan Columbine Telephone Company, Inc., Case No. COL-03- Copies of Loan Documents Our File No. 1534- Michael C. Ocr Kenneth L Pursley Bradley V. Sneed H. Barton Thomas Conley E. Ward Robert B. White Raymond D. Givens James A McClure Stephanie C. Westerrneier OF COUNSEL John A. Miller, lLM. . TAX CONSULTANT lkensod '" Ke"",,V ""'V -'-'--! "..I --- 1'1C-'-' ---!'~' c...... --- C.J fT1 rr. ...-:: rr1 ,.. c:, ::!1:i-' c.n Cf! CJ1 E,;:j Pursuant to the Commission s order, enclosed please find copies ofthe following documents related to the Columbine loan in the amount of$8 333 333.00: Loan Agreement, dated July 3 2003, by and between the Borrowers and RTFC; Secured Promissory Note, dated July 3 , 2003, by and between the Borrowers and RTFC; Pledge and Security Agreement, dated July 3 , 2003, by and between Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. and RTFC; Pledge and Security Agreement, dated July 3, 2003, by and between Teton Communications, Inc. and R TFC; Pledge and Security Agreement, dated July 3rd, 2003 , by and between The Hoopes Telephone Management Limited Partnership and RTFC; Certificate as to Resolutions of Board of Directors and Incumbency, dated June 30 2003 , executed by the directors of Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. Consent Resolution of the Board of Directors Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. dated June 30, 2003 , executed by the directors of Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. Certificate as to Resolutions of Board of Directs and Incumbency, dated June 30 2003 , executed by the directors of Teton Communications, Inc. Consent Resolution of the Board of Directors Teton Communications, Inc, dated June 30, 2003 , executed by the directors of Teton Communications, Inc. Terri Carlock July 18, 2003 Page 2 10. 11. Certificate as to Resolutions of General Partner and Incumbency, dated June 30 2003, executed by the general partner of The Hoopes Telephone Management Limited Partnership; and Consent Resolution of the General Partner The Hoopes Telephone Management Limited Partnership, dated June 30, 2003, executed by the general partner of the Hoopes Telephone Management Limited Partnership. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Enclosures CfA~ Michael C. Creamer cc:Allen Hoopes (w/o enclosures) Kimberly Maloney (w/o enclosures) MCC/ ACK:kdt S:\CLIENTSIIS34\42\IPUC Loan Document Transmittal Letter GPOI.DOC 07/09../2003 10: 51 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~002--- LOAN AGREEMENT LOAN AGREEMENT ("Agreement") made as of 2003 by and between THE HOOPES TELEPHONE MANAGEMEN 1M! 0 PARTNERSHIP, an Idaho limited partnership, TETON COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a Wyoming corporation COLUMBINE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC., a Colorado corporation, MOUNTAIN LAND COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company uointly and severally II Borrower ), and RURAL TELEPHONE FINANCE COOPERATIVE, a South Dakota cooperative association ("Lender RECITALS WHEREAS, Borrower has requested Lender to make the Loan to Borrower described in Schedule 1 hereto; and WHEREAS! Lender is willing to make the Loan upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, Borrower Gointly and severally) and Lender do hereby agree as follows: CONSTRUCTION AND DEFINITION OF TeRMS AU accounting terms not specifically defined herein shaH have the meanings assignep to them as determined by generally accepted accounting principles. in addition to the terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires , when used herein, the. following terms shall have the following meanings: Adjustment Date" shall mean a date or dates, determined by the Lender based on the term (or rate period) of the applicable Fixed Rate, atter the date of th~ initial Advance to the Maturity Date. II Advance'l shall mean al1 advance a$ defined in Section 2.l12. Business Dati shall mean any day that Lender ~s open far business. Cash Margins" for any year shall mean net income plus depreciation amortization and any other non-cash charges, less any non-cash credits and principal on long-term debt payable in such year, as calculated on a consolidated basis for Borrower and all its Subsidiaries. Certified" shall mean that the information, statement, schedule, report or other document required to be "Certified" ShHII contain a representation of a duly authorized officer of Borrower that sl.lch information, statement, schedule, report or otrler document is true and correct and complete, Closing" shall mean the first date on which funds are advanced to Borrower hereunder. RIFC LOANAG WYBO2-9QD1 (YERG1\'~J) 3002tJ.3 09/20(l:) 10: 51 FA:\; 307 ~83 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~OO3 Coliateral'l shall mean the collateral' as such term is defined in the Pledges, and all proceeds, cash and non-cash, including insurance proceeds, of the foregoing, whether in the possession of Borrower or any other person. Commitment" shall have the meaning set forth in Schedule 1 hereto. Current Ratio" for any year shan mean the ratio of total current assets to total current liabilities, as determined by dividing totaL current assets by total current liabilities. Debt Service Coverage Ratio" or IIDSCII for any year shall mean (a) total net Income or margins plus depreciation and amortization expense and interest on long-term debt for such year, divided by (b) principal and interest on long-term debt payable in such year, as calculated on a consolidated basis for the Borrower and all its Subsidiaries. Event of Defaultll shan mean any of the events described in Section 8 hereof. Fixed Rate" shall mean the interest rate per annum provided for in Section 2. of this Agreement. Leases" shall mean any lease of property by which Borrower shall be obligated fer rental or other payments which in the aggregate are in excess of $1001000 other than such equipment leases which are In form and substance substantially in conformity with lease agreements in general use in Borrower s industry by companies of siz& and character similar to Borrower. "Lienll shall mean any statutory or common law consensual or non-consensual mortgage, pledge, security interest, encumbrance, lien, right of set-off, claim or charge any kind, hicluding, withOLJt limitation, any conditional sale or other title retention transactionv any lease transaction il'l the nature thereof and any secured transaction under the Uniform Commercial Code of any jurisdiction. "Loan'. shall mean the loan by the Lender to Borrower, pursuant to this Agreement and the Note, in an aggregate; principal amount not to exceed the Commitment. Mal(~WhClla Premium" shall mean the excess, if any, of (a) the present value of the amount of. interest that would have accrued during the applicable Fixed Rate period on that portion of the Loan to be prepaid or converted over (b) -the present value of the amount of interest Lender would earn if that portion of the Loan to be prepaid ar converted was reinvested for the ,'emainder of the applicable Fixed Rate period in U. Treasury obligations with a maturity comparabieto the remaining term of the applicable Fixed Rate period. For purpose$ of calculating the present value in (a) and (b) abovl?a the discount rate will be the rate of interest aceruing on the U,S. Treasury obligations in(b) above. Maturity Datsl! sf'lan mean the maturity date defined in the Note, FlTFC WANAt.?- WYBO2-800i ('rERGINJ) 3002.6-3 07/09/2003 10: 52 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~004 Minimum Net Worth Testll shall be calculated on a consolidated basis for the Borrower and all its Subsidiaries, and shall mean an equity to total asset ratio of at least forty percent (40%). Equity shall be determined by subtracting total liabilities from total assets. Modified Capitalization Ratio " shall mean the ratio of equity to the total amount of equity plus short and long-term indebtedness plus guarantee commitments. Net Worth" shall be calculated on a consolidated basis for the Borrower and aU its Subsidiaries taken as a whole and arrived at by subtracting total liabilities from total assets. Note" shall mean the Note executed and delivered by Borrower at or prior to Closing pursuant to Section 5.02(a) hereof, and all renewals, replacements and extensions thereof. Obllgations" shall include the full and punctual performance of all present and future duties, covenants and responsibilities due to the Lender by Borrower under this Agreement, the Note, the Other Agreements, all present" and future obligations of Borrower to the Lender for the payment of money under this Agreement, the Note, the Other Agreements, extending to all principal amounts, interest, late charges and all other charges and sums, as well as all costs and expenses payable by Borrower under this Agreement, the Note, the Other Agreements, and any and all other present and future monetary liabilities of Borrower to the Lender. whether direct or indirect, contingent or noncontingent, matured or unmatured, accrued or not accrued, related or unrelated to this Agreement, whether or not of the same character or class as Borrower s obligations under this Agreement and the Note, whether or not secured under any other document, instrument or statutory or common law provision, as well as all renewals, refinancings consolidations, recastings and extensions of any of the foregoing. Other Agreements II shall mean any and all promissory notes, security agreements, assignment$, subordination agreements pledge or hypothecation agreementsv mortgages. deeds of trust, laaees, contracts, guaranties, instruments and documents now and hereafter existing between the Lender and Borrower, executed and/or delivered pursuant to this Agreement or guaranteeing, securing or in any other manner relating to any nf the Obligations, inC!Llding the instruments and documents referred to in Section 5.02 hereof. Payment DateH shaH mean the last day of each of the monthS referred to in Schedule 1 hereto. Payment Notice" shall mean the notice furnished to the Borrower at least quarterly indicating the preoise amount of principal and/or interest due an the next €!ilsuing Payment Datal sueh Ilotice to be sent to the Borrower at least ten (10) days before such Payment Date. perscm ll shall include natural persons, corporationsv associations, partnerships, joint ventures. trust(;j , governments and agencies and departments thereof, and every other entity of every kind. RTFO LOANAG W'(802.A.SOO1 (YEFiGINJ) 30026- 07/09/2003 10: 52 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~0(J5 Pledges" shall mean the pledge and security agreements described in Schedule 1, Pledgors shall mean The Hoopes Telephone Management Limited Partnership, Silver Star Telephone Company, and Teton Communications, Ino.. Subordinated Capital Certificate" or Iisec" shall mean a subordinated certificate representing an investment in the Lender purchased by the Borrower in connection with the Loan. Subsidiary" at any time means any entity that is at the time beneficially owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the Borrower, by one or more of such entities or by the Borrower and one or more of such entities. Termination Oate" shall mean that date which is four (4) year(s) irem the date hereof. Times Interest Earned Ratio" or "TIER" for any year shall mean (a) total net income or margins plus income taxes plus interest payable on long-term debt for such year, divided by (b) interest on long-term debt payable in such year, as measured on a consolidated basis for the Borrower and all its Subsidiaries. Total Plant" shall be calculated on a consolidated basis for the Borrower and all its Subsidiaries and shall mean the total of all assets included in property, plant and equipment pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles and shall exclude any ~IOQdwill or plant acquisition adjustments. Variable Rate" shall mean the variable rate established by 1he Lender from time to time for loans similarly classified pursuant to Lender's policies and procedures then in effect. LOAN 01 Loan. The Lender agrees to make the Loan to Borrower subject to all trIa terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Other Agre~ments" 0:i! Advances. The Lender awees to make, and the Borrower agrees to request. Oil the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Advances from time to time at the office of the Lender in Herndon! Virginia, or at such other place as the Lender may designate, not to exceed the Commitment. The Borrower shaH give the Lander at least one Business Day prior written notice of the date on which each Advance is to be made. On thG Termination Date the Lender may stop advancing funds and reduce the Commitment tel the aggregate amount theretofore advanced. The obligation of the Borrower to repay the Advances shall be evidenced by the Note. Payment~ Amortization and Interest Aate. (a) Payment.Hie BOirower shall pay on each Payment Date quarterly ins1allments, in an amount as determined by the Lencler~ O't principal and/or interest as shown in the Payment Notioe, If not sooner paid, any balance of the principal amount and interest accrued thereon and aU other amounts due hereunder shaH be due and FlTFC LOANAG WYDO2-SOO1 (YERGII\lJ) ::JO026- ----21L0 9/200:t l0: 52 FAX :)07 383 2575 SILVER STAR cm.m 141 006 payable on the Maturity Date. Payment of principal hereunder shall commence after the first full quarter following the initial Advance 01 funds as set iorth in Schedule 1 and shall continue to be 'made on each subsequent Payment Date until the Maturity Date or such earlier date as all amounts due hereunder and on account of the Note shall have been paid in full. Payment of interest hereunder is due on each Payment Date in which a principal balance is outstanding. Principal will be amortized in accordance with the method stated in Schedule 1 hereto. The Lender will use, for purposes of calculating the amortization of principal, one of the following interest rates, as applicable: (i) (n) If the Borrower elects the Fixed Rate, the Fixed Rate in effect on the Adjustment Date; or If the Borrower elects the Variable Rate, the Variable Rate in effect when amortization begins; or If the Borrower elects to convert from one interest rate program to another pursuant to the provisions hereunder, the interest rate then in effect for the elected program. At the Lender s option, all payments shall be applied first to late payment charges due, as hereinafter provided, then to interest accrued to the date of such payment, and then to the reduction of principal balance outstanding. (Hi) No provision of this Agreement or the Note shall require the payment, or permit the oollection, of interest in excess of the hig~lest rata permitted by applicable law. (b) Interest Rate.Eaoh Advance shall be initially made at the Variable Rate. Interest shall be computed from the actual number of days elapsed on the basis of year of 365 days until the first Payment Date following the initial Advance. Thereafter, interest shall continue to be computed for the actual number of days elapsed on the basis of a year of 365 days unless a Fixed Rate is applicable to the Loan~ in which case interest shall be computed on the basis of a 30~day month and 360.day year. (i)Variable Rate If Advances are made at the Variable Rate, It shall apply until the Maturity Date, except as provided herein below. Fixed Rate If the Borrower elects a Fixed Rate, such Fixed Rate as is available and in effect for loans similarly classified pursuant tCJ Lenders policies and procedures then in effect at the time of the election shall apply to such Advanoe until the Adjustment Date. Upon notice given by the Borrower five (5) Business Days prior to such Adjustment Date, Bormwer may elect to reset the interest rate to such Fixed Rate as is available and in effect at the time of such Adjustment Date. Such reset Fixed Rate shall apply to that portion of the outstanding principal balance of the Loan elected to have a Fixed Rate from the Adjustmer'lt Date until a !law Adjustment Date or tIlt:=: I\liaturity Date. If Borrower does; not elect to reset the Fixed Rats\ the Variable F~ate shall apply to the outstanding principal balance of the Loan that had been bearing interest at the Fixed (ii) RTFO \..OANAG WY802.A.90tJ1 (VEFIGINJ) 30026. 07/09/2003 10: 53 FAX 307 883 2575 (iii) (A) (8) SILVER STAR COMM (OJ 007 Rate prior to such Adjustment Date, from such: Adjustment Date to the Maturity Oats. Conversion to Different Interest Proaram Variable Rate to Fixed Rate, Subject to the conditions set forth herein, the Borrower may convert from the Variable R~te to the Fixed Rate for any portion or all of the principal amount of the Commitment then outstanding at any time provided the Lender off~rs a Fixed Rate at suchtime for similarly classified loans. Fixed Rate to Variable Rate.The Borrower mky convert from a Fixed Rate to the Variable Rate: (1) on an Adjustmen~ Date or (2) at any other time, provided that the Borrower shall pay Lender any applicable Make-Whole Premium. 04 Prepayment. In the event the Borrower prepays all or part of the Loan, the Borrower shall pay any prepayment fee as the Lender may prescribe pursuant to the terms of this Section 2.04. AU prepayments shall be accompanied by payment of accrued and unpaid interest on the amount of and to the date of the prepayment. All prepayments shall be applied first to fees, second to the payment of accrued and unpaid interest, and then to the unpaid balance of the principal amount of the Loan. If the Loan bears interest at the Variable Rate the Borrower may prepay the Loan or any portion thereof, as the case may be, at any time subjec1 to the terms hereof and said prepayment fee shaH be in an amount equal to fifty (50) basis Ipaints times the amount being prepaid. If the Loan bears interest at the Fixed Rate, t~e Borrower may prepay the Loan only on an Adjustment Date or any such other date p~ovided that the Borrower shall pay a prepayment fee in an amount equal to fifty (50) basis points times the amount being prepaid plus any applicable Make-Whole Premium. 05 10% Subordinatsd Cc:tpital Certifioates. The Fiorrower shall purchase sees that in the aggregate shall not exceed the amount speoified in Schedule 1 hereto. Unless otheIWis9 requested ii! writing by the Borrower prior tq the initial Advanbe and approved by the Lender) the Borrower agrees to purchase sees either: (a) with each Advance in the amount of ten percent (10%) of each such Advahce, and each such see shall be paid for with proceede of such Advance, or (b) b~ making payments with Borrower s own funds in twenty (20) aqua! quarterly installments, commencing with the first full quarter following the initial Advance, If the Borrower! elects to pay for sees other than from Loarl funds, th$ amount of the Col1'lmiimentl will be correspondingly reduced by said amount when the sees are tully paid. :If the Borrower obtains Advances hereunder other than for the purpose ot,purchasing sees and fails tD pay fer the SCC$~ then the Lender rnay make Advances far the ac:c:punt of the Borrower to purchase the sees. The Lender agrees to deliver the sees Ion or about the date onwhich the SeGs t1ave been paid for in full. The SeGs shall bear no interest and shall mature in accordance with the terms thereot :3 ,SECU rHTY As security for the payment and perfmmance of all of the Obligations, Pledgers have entered into the Pledges pledging and granting to the Lender a prior and continuing security interest in the Collateral that may be secured by i the Pledgas that shall RTFC LOA NAG 'vV'Y802"A-900i lYEI1G.INJ) 30C!2Q. 07/09/200.3 10: 53 FAX 30i 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~OO8 continually exist until all Obligations have been paid in full. If reasonably required by the lender at any time, Pledgers shall make notations, satisfactory to the Lender, on its books and records disclosing the existence of the Lender s security interest in the Collateral. Pledgers agree that, with respect to the Collateral, which is subject to Article I:) of the Uniform Commercial Cods, the Lender shall have, but not be limited to, all the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code. The Lender shall have no liabiiity or duty! either before or after the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder, on account of loss of or damage to, or to collect or enforce any of its rights against, the Collateral . or to preserve any righ1s against account debto~s or other parties with prior Interests In the Collateral. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES To induce the Lender to enter into this Agreement, Borrower represents and warrants to the Lender as of the date of this Agreement that: 01 Good Standing. Each Borrower is duly organized as the entities described in the first paragraph of this Agreement, validly existing and in good standing under the laws, of the state of its organization, has the power to own its property and to carry on its business, is duly qualified to do business, and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in whioh the tral1saotion Df its business makes such qualiiication necessary. 02 Authority. Each Borrower has the power and authority to enter into this Agreement, the Pledges and the Note, to make the borrowing hereunder, to execute and deliver all documents and instruments required hereunder and to incur and perform the obligations provided for herein and in the Note, all of which have been duly authorized by all necessary and proper organizational governance action, and no consent ~r approval of any person, including, as applicable and without limitation, stockholders, members and partners of Borrower! and any public authority or regulatory body,Wtlich has not been obtained is required as a corldition to the validity or enforceability hereof or thereof. 03 Binding Agreement. This Agreement has been duly and properly executed by Borrower, constitutes the valid and legally binding obligation of Borrower and is fully eni'orceable against Borrower in accordance with its terms, subject only to laws affecting the rights of creditors generally, the exercise of judicial discretion In accordance with general principles of equity or because waivers of statutory or common law rights or remedies may be limited. 04 No Coniiic:ting Agreaments- ihs execution, delivery of and performance by Borrower of this Agreement, the Pledges and the Note, and the transactioriS contemplated hereby or thereby, will nOt: (a) violate any provision of law, any order, rule or regulation of any court or other agency of government, any award of any arbitrator, the- charter or by~law$ of Borrower, or any Indenture, tcmtract, agreement mortgage , deed of trust or other instrument to which Borrower i$ a party or by which it or any of its property is bound; or (b) be in conflIct with, result in a. breach of or constitute (with due notice and/or lapse ot time) a default under, any such award, indenturs, contract! agreementj mortgage, deed of trust or other instrument, or result In the creation Or' irnposltion or any Lien (other than contemplated hereby) upon any (If the property or assets of Borrower, nTFC LON,JAG WY802-A-900" (YERGINJ) 300'26-3 07/09/2003 10:54 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM !4IO09 05 Litigation. There are no judgments) claims, actions, suits or proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of Borrower, threatened against or affecting Borrower or its properties, at law or in equity or before or by any federal, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or Instrumentality, which may result in any material adverse change in the business, operations, prospects, properties or assets or in the condition, financial or otherwIse, of Borrower, and Borrower Is not, to its knowledge, in default with respect to any judgment, order, writ, injunctIon, decree, rule or regulation of any court or federal, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board , bureau, agency or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, which would have a material adverse effect on Borrower. 06 Financial Condition. The financial statements of Borrower as at the date set forth in Schedule 1 hereto, heretofore delivered to the Lender, are complete and correct, fairly present the financial conditIon of Borrower and have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting prinCiples applied on a consistent basis, There are no liabilities of Borrower, direct or indirect, fixed or contingent, as of the date of such statements that are not reflected therein. There has been no material adverse change in the financial condition or operations of the Borrower from that set forth in said financial statements except changes previously di,sotosed in writing to the Lender prior to the date hereof. 07 TElX~S. Borrower has paid or caused to be paid all federal, state and local taxes to the B),.1ent that such taxes have become due, unless the Borrower is contesting In good faith any such tax. Borrower has filed or caused to be filed all federal, state and local tax returns that are required to be filed by Borrower. 08 Title to Prop~rtiesl Borrower has good and marketable title to all of its real properties and owns or has olher rights in all of its other properties and assets free and clear of any liens, except (a) the lien of the Pledges and prior mortgages to Lender, and taxes or assessments not yet due; (b) deposits or pledges to secure payment of worlcmen s compensation, unemployment insurance, old age pensions or other social security; (0) deposits or pledges to secure performance of bids, tenders, contracts (etherthan contracts for the payment ot borrowed money), leases, public or statutory obligations, surety or appeal bonds, or other deposits or pledges for purposes of like general nature in the ordinary course of business; and (d) liens permitted under Section 02(0) of this Agreement atter the date- l1ereof. 09 Licenses arid Permits. Borrower has duly obtained and now holds all licenses, permits, certifications, approvals and the like necessary to own and operate its property and business that ar~ requIred by federal, state and local laws of the jurisdictions in which 8orrc)wer conducts its business and each r~mains valid and in full torce and effect. 10 Subsidiaries. Borrower has no !:iLlbsidiaries other than Subsidiaries heretofore disclosed to the Lel1der, or hereafter formed or Mquired with the prior written consent of the Lender. 4~ 11 Cartain Iru::iebtE\!dness. Ther~ is no indebtedness of Borrower owing to any employee I officer, stockholder, merT1ber, partner or director of the board of Borrower other than accrued salaries, commissions and the like and any indebtedness subordinated to the Obligations pursuant hereto. RTFC LOAHAG WYBO2.A.900'1 ('rEFlGINJ) ~-\oO26.3 07/09/2003 10: 54 FAX 30i 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM 14:1010 12 eorrowai s Legal Status. (a) The Borrower s exact legal name is that indicated on the signature page hereof, (b) the Borrower is an organization of the type and organized in the jurisdiction set forth on the first page hereof, (0) Sohedul~ 1 hereto accurately sets forth the Borrower s organizational identification number or accurately states that the Borrower has none and (d) Schedule 1 hereto accurately sets forth the Borrower's place of business or , if more than one, its chief executive office as well as the Borrower s mailing address if different. 13 Required Approvals. No license, consent, permit or approval of any governmental agency or authority is required to enable the Borrower to enter into this Agreement or to perform any of its obligations provided for herein except as disclosed on Schedule 1 hereto and except with respect to regulatory approvals which may be required in connection with the lender's enforcement of certain remedies hereunder. 14 ERISA. Eaoh pension pian of Borrower and its Subsidiaries providing benefits for employees of Borrower or such Subsidiary covered by Title IV of the Employee Retirement Income Security Aot of 19i 4, as amended, and the regulations thereto (U EAISA"), is in compliance with ERISA in all material respects, and no material liability to the Pension Beneftt Guaranty Corporation or to a multiemplayer plan has been, or is expected by Borrower or its Subsidiaries to be, incurred by Borrower or such Subsidiary. CONDITIONS OF LENDING The Lender shall have no obligation to make Advancee to Borrower hereunder unless each of the following conditions shall be satisfied as provided below; 01 Legal Matters. All legal matters incident to the consummation of the transactions hereby contemplated shall be satisfactory to counsel fer the Lender and to such local counsel as counsel for the Lender may retain. 0:2: Documents. There shall have been delivered to the Lender, fully completed and duly executed (when appHcable), the following, satisfactory to the Lender and its counsel: (a) (b) (c) (d) . RTFC LOAI~AG VIfY802..A.9ODi ('iERGINJ) 30026-3 This Agreement and the t\lote. Certified copies of all such organizational documents and proceedings of the Borrower authorizing the transactions herein contemplated. A written opinicm from Borrower s counsel addressing such legal matters as the Lender or its counsel shaH reasonably require. (i) The PledGl6s; (ij) filed financing statements in all jurisdictior\$ necessary to provide Lender a 'first priority I perfected security intert;'J(~t in all ColiatereJ (as defined in the Pledges) which may be perfected by the filing ot financing statements; and (Hi) such other documents as are necessary to create or continue a perfected security interest in favor of the Lender in the Collateral. 07/(/2003 10 :55 FAX 30i 883 2575 S I L'lTER. STAR c(J~m ~011 03 Landlord. Waiver. If any Collateral is located on real property leased by the Borrower, Lender shaH have received a landlord's waiver of lien from each landlord of Borrower, in form and substance satisfactory to Lender. 04 Government Approvals. The Borrower shall have furnished to the Lender true and correct copies of all certifIcates, authorizations and consents, including without limitation the consents referred to in Section 4.13 hereof, necessary for the execution, delivery or performance by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Note and the Pledges. Borrower and Lender acknowledge that written consent of the Rural Utilities Service or the Rural Telephone Bank (collectively the 'jUnited States ) may be necessary for the Pledge by Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc, to be effective. Borrower shall causa Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. to obtain such consent as soon as possible atter closing. Lender acknowledges that such consent need not accommodate or subordinate the prior lien ofthe Rural UtiJities Service and the Rural Telephone Bank to the lien of the Pledge. 05 Representations, Warranties and Material Change. The representations and warranties contained in this Agreement shall be true and correct on the date of the making of each Advance hereunder with the same effect as though such representations and warranties had been made on and as of such date; no Event of Default specified in Section a and no event which, with the lapse of time or the notice and lapse of time specified in Section a would become such an Event of Default, shall have occurred and be continuing or will have occurred after giving effect to the Advance ()n the books of the Borrower; there shall have occurred no material adverse change in the business or condition, financial or otherwise, of the Borrower; and nothing shall have occurred whk:h in the opinion of the Lender materially and adversely affects the Borrower's ability to meet its obligations hereunder. 06 Special Conditions. The Lender and its counsel shall be fully satisfied that the Borrower has complied and will continue to comply with any special conditions identified in Schedule 1 hereto, 07 Requisitions. The Borrower will request Advances in form and substance satisfactory to the Lender. Pursuant to the terms and conditions hereof, the Let1der will wire the proceeds of the requested Advanoe to an account as directed by the Borrower. AFFIRMATIVE COVeNANTS Bmrower covenants and agrees with the Lender that, until all of the Obligations have been paid In 'full, Borrower will: 01 Membership. RemaIn or an affiliate thereof will remain, a member in good standing of the Lender. 02, Financial Books; Financia:! Reports and Other Information. (a) At all times keep, and safely preserve, proper books, reoords and accounts in Wl1ich Iull and true entries win be made of all 0'1 the dealings, business and affairs of the Borrower, in accordance with metrloas of accounting prese;ribed by the RTFC LOANAG Vv'YBO2-A'9OO1 (YERGlNJ) 30026- Oi/OfJ/200a 10:55 FA,,~lOi 383 25i5 SILVER STAR COm!~012 state regulatory, body having jurisdiction over the Borrower, or in the absence of such regulatoiy body or such prescription, by the Federal Communications Commission FCC") or in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. (b) Prepare and furnish Lender not later than sixty (60) days from the six. month period ending June 30 of each year and the tw~lve-month period ending December 31 of each year, or at more frequent intervals when reasonably specified by the Lender, financial and statistical reports on its and any Subsidiaries' condition and operation. The Deoember year-end reports shall include individual financial statements for the Borrower and consolidated and consolidating financial statements fOT the Borrower and each of its Subsidiaries, in such detail as the Lender may reasonably prescribe. (c) Cause to be; prepared and furnished to the Lender, not more than one hundred twenty (120) days after thE! close of each of Borrower s fiscal years, a full and complete report of its and its Subsidiaries' financial condition as of the end of each such fiscal year, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Lender, audited and certified by independent certified public accountants reasonably satisfactory to the Lender and accompanied by a report of such audit in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Lender. (d) Furnish to the Lender such other informa1ion, reports or statements concerning the operations. business affairs and/or financial condition of Borrower as the Lender may reasonably request from time to time, (e) Promptly upon becoming available, information. in form and substance satisfactory to Lender and evidence of any and all changes or modification of licenses, permits, certifications, approvals and the like necessary for Borrower to own or operate its business or a substantial part of its business. 03 Lender Right of Inspection. Permit the Lender, through its representatives, at all times during' normal business hours, to have access to, and the right to inspect and make copies of, any or all books, records and accounts, and any or all invoices, 00 ntracts , le€lSeS, payrolls, canoe led checks, statements and other documents and papers of every kind belonging to or in possession of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries and pertaining to the Borrower s and Its Subsidiaries' property or business. Et04 Financial Ratios. Subject to applicable laws and rules and orders of regulatory bodies, and to events which in the judgment of the Lender are beyond the control of the Borrower, shall 130 operate and manage its business as to achieve an annual DSC of not less than 1 .25 and an annual TI ER of not less than 1.50. 05 Annual Certificate. Within one hundred twen1y (120) days after the close of each calendar year, commencing with the year il1 which the Initial Advanoe hereunder shall have been made, deliver tl) the Lender a written statement signed by the general manager stating that to the best of said person s knowledge , the Borrower has fulfilled all of its Obiigations under this Agreement, the Note and the Pledges throughout such year dr , If there has been €I. default in the fulfillment of any such Obligations specifying each such default known to said person and the nature and status thereof. RTFC LOA NAG WyaO:;".A.~IOO1 (YERGINJi 30026- 07/09/2003 10: 56 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~013 06 Use of Proceeds. Use Advances made hereunder and under the Note only for the purpose identified in Schedule 1 hereto and for the payment of the costs, expenses and fees incident to this Agreement and for no other purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of the Lender. 07 Organizational Identification Number. If the Borrower does not have an organizational identification number and later obtains one, the Borrower will promptly notify the Lender of such organizational identification number. 09 Landlord Waiver. If any Collateral is at any time located or is to be located on real property leased by the Borrower, Borrower shall furnish Lender with a landlord's waiver of lien from each landlord of Borrower, in form and substance satisfactory to Lender 09 Special Affirmative Covenanis. During the term hereof, Lender and its counsel shall be fully satisfied that the Borrower has complied and will continue to comply with any special affirmative covenants identified in Schedule 1 hereto. NEGA TIV5 COVENANTS. Borrower covenants and agrees with the Lender that, until all of the Obligations have been paid in full, Borrower wilt not: 01 Notice. Without giving written notice to the Lender thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of any change: (a) (b) (0) (d) Change the location of Borrower s place of business or, if more than one, it$ chIef executive office. Change the name of Borrower. Change the mailing address of Borrower. Change the organizational identification number 01 Borrower if it has 0118. Consent Without the prior written consent of the Lender~ RT~C LOANAG wyaO2.A-9om (YERGINJ) 30b26- (a.)Control.Alter or permit alteration of oentrol of the Borrower. Control shall be as defined by regulations for telephone compElnies issued by the FCC, . (b)Subsidiaries , Form or acquire any Subsidiaries. (c)Additional Indebtt'Jdness.Borrow or allow any of its Subsidiaries to borrow money en a secured or unsecured basis from any other lender or Incur' any additional $€!oured or unsecured indebtedness; or enteJf into or allow any of its Subsidiaries to enter Into any Leases, unless at that time Borrower meets the Minimum Net Wotih Test; provided howe\let , Borrower and its Subsidiaries may 07/09/2003 10: 56 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR cmm 141 014 grant purchase money secured indebtedness or incur unsecured trade debt or pay other current operating liabilities that arise in the ordinary course of business so long as the aggregate total of such debt does not exceed five percent (5%) of Borrower's consolida1ed total assets. If Borrower meets the Minimum NetWorth Test, then Borrower and its SubsidIarIes may Incur additional indebtedness or enter into Leases without prior written approval of Lender J:!rovided the Borrower meets the Minimum Net Worth Test atter Borrower or its Subsidiaries incur such additional indebtedness or enter into such Leases; provided further however, Borrower must give at least thirty (30) days written notice to Lender prior to Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries incurring any additional indebtedness or entering into such Leases. (d)Oraanizat!onal Changes Change iis type of organization, jurisdiction of organization or legal structure. 03 Dividends and Other Cash Distributions. In anyone calendar yeartwithout the prior written consent of the Lender: (A) declare or pay any dividends or make any other distribution to its stockholders, members or partners with respect to its capital stock; membership interests or partnership interests; (B) purchase, redeem or retire any of its capital stock, membership intere$ts or partnership interests; or (0) pay any management fees or if already paying a. management fee, pay an increase in management fees unless with respect to any of the foregoing (after giving effect to such transaction) (1) (a) Borrower maintains a Current Ratio of not less than 1.25; and (b) Borrower meets 1he Minimum Net Worth Test -or- (2) (a) Borrower maintains a Current Ratio of not (ess than 1.25; (b) Borrower maintains a minimum Net Worth to total assets of not Jess than twenty-five percent (25%) and (0) the payment of such dividend, the making of suoh distribution, or the purchase, redemption or retirement of such stock, membership interest or partnership interest, individually or in the aggregate, does not exceed twenty-five percent (261)/0) of the prior fiscal year-end Cash Margins in anyone fiscal year. In no event may the Borrower make any such distribution or payment when there is unpaid any due installment of principal and/or interest on the Note or if the Borrower is otherwise in material default of any provision of this Agreement or would bein material default hereunder as a result of such distribution or payment Notwithstanding the foragoing, those of the Borrowers that are subsidiaries, may make dividend/distribution payments to their respectivE! parent company without prior RTFC approval. 04. limitations on ContraotsJ Deposits of Funds. Without the prior written consent of the Lender: (a) enter into any contract or contracts (i) for management of its business or any part thereof, (ii) for the operation or maintenance of all or anysubstantial part of its property, (iii) for th~ U$e by others of any aT the Collateral(a~ defined in the Pledges) in excess of $100,000 or (iv) with other companIes; providad however, that such approval shan not be requirecJ for any ocmtraot which in form and substance substantially conforms with contracts in gelleral use in the Borrower ~ industry by companies of size and character similar to Borrower or which substantially conform to contracts which are currently in exiBtence that BDrrLiwer is a party to; or (b) deposit any of its funds, regardles$ of the source thereof, in any account whiDh is not fully insured by the federal government of the United States. RTFC LOANAG ViIY802-A-9001 (YERGIt..JJ) 3002.8. 07/09/2(103 10:57 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~015 Limitations on Loans, Investments and Other Obligations. (a) (i) Purchase or make any commitment to purchase any stock, bonds,notes, debentures or other securities or obligations of or beneficial interest in, (ii) make any other investment in, (Hi) make any loan to, or (iv) guarantee, assume, or otherwisebecome liable for any obligation of, any corporation, association, partnership, jointventure, trust, government or any agency or department thereof, or any other entiiy ofany kind if the aggregate amount of all such purchases, investments, loans andguarantees exceeds the greater of ten percent (10%) of Total Plant or thirty percent(30%) of Net Worth without the prior written consent of the Lender. (b) The following shall not be included in the limitation on purchases,investments, loans and guarantees in (a) above: (i) bonds, notes, debentures, stock, orother securities or obligations issued by or guaranteed by the United States government or any agency or instrumentality thereof; (ij) bonds, notes, debentures, stockcommercial paper, subordinated capital certificates, or other ,security or obligation ofinstitutions whose senior unsecured debt obligations are rated by at least 1Wo nationallyrecognized rating organizations in either or its two highest categories; (iii) investmentsincidental to loans made by Lender; (iv) bonds, notes, debentures, commercial paper or any other security of National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation; and (v) any deposit that is fully insured by tria federal government of the United States. 06 Special Negative Covenants. During the term hereof, Lender and its counl:iel shall be fully satisfied that the' Borrower has complied and will continue tocomply with any special nsGJative covenants Identified in Schedule "' hereto. EVENTS OF DEFAULT The occurrence of any Dne or more of the following events shall constitute anEvant of Default" (a) (b) Rapresentations and Warranties. Any representation or warranty madeherein, in any of the Other Agreements or in any statement, report certificate, opinion, fin anoia I statement or other document furnished or to be furnished in connection with this Agreement or the Other Agreements shall be false or misleading in any material respect. Payment. Failure of Borrower to mafte any of the payment Obligations,including, without limitation, any sum due the Lender under this Agreement or any of the Other Agreements, when and as the same shall become due, whether at the due date thereof, by demand, by acceleration or otherwise. ( D)Other Cov~n~l!1ts. Failure of Borrower to observe or perform any warranty, covenant or condition to be observed or parformed by Borrower under this Agreement or any of the Other Agreements. ( cI)LBgal Existenoe. The Borrower's existence shall terminate under the !t;tW of the state of it::. organization , or Borrower shall forfeit or otilerwise nTFC LOANAG WY802--9001 (YERGINJ) 30026- ILl Oi /09/2003 10: 57 FAX 307 883 2575 (e) (f) (g)SILVER STAR cmm ~(J16 be deprived of Its franchises, permits, easements, consents or licenses required to carry on any material portion of its business. Other Obligations. Default by the Borrower in the payment when due of any money owed by the Borrower. whether principal, interest, premium or otherwise, under any other agreement for borrowing money in an amount in excess of five percent (5%) of total assets, whether or not such borrowing is secured. Bankruptcy. (i) A court shall enter a decree or order far relief with respect to the Borrower, any general partner of Borrower or anysubsidiary or guarantor (if any) in an involuntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, or appointing a. receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodianv trustee sequestrator or similar official, or ordering the winding up or liquidation of its affairs, and such decree or order shall remain unstayed and in effect for a period of sixty (60) consecutive days, or (ii) the Borrower, anygeneral partner of Borrower or any subsidiary or guarantor (if any) shall commence a voluntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, or under any such law, or consent to the appointment or taking of possession by a receiver liquidator, assignee, custodian or trustes, of a substantial part of its property, or make any general assigrlment for the benefit of creditors, (h) Dissolution or liquidation. (i) Other than as provided in subsection (f)above, the dissolution or liquidation of the Borrower, any general partner of Borrower or any subsidiary or guarantor (if any), or (ii) failure by the 8orrower, any general partller of Borrower or any subsidiary or guarantor (if any) promptly to forestall or remove any execution, garnishment or attaohment of such consequence as will impair its ability to continue its business or "fulfill its obligations and such execution, gamishment or attaohrneni shall not be vacated within sixty (eO) days, Final Judgment, A final n(:Jn-appealable judgment in excess of $'100,000shall be entered against Hie Borrower and shall remain unsatisfied or without a stay for a period of' sixty (60) clays. RIGHTS AND REMEDieS 01 Rights and Remedies of ina Lender. Upon the occurrence of an Event ot Default, the Lender may, subject to: (a)thil1y (30) days prior written notioe to Borrower during which time Borrower shall have the opportunity to cure said Event of Default, except with respect to Events of Default pur~uant to Sections 8(a), 8(b), 8(f)(ii) and 8(g)(i) above which shall require 110 notice or demand and shal! have no period to cure; provided, howG\ver. that Borrower shall not be entitled to any sepetrate notioe and opportunity to cure any Event of Default which specifies its OWIi cure period ai:; tor example , the Event of Default specmed in Section B(h): aM flTFC LOAhJAG WV802-A-900'1 (YERGIN, 30026- 1)7/09/2003 10: 58 FAX 307 883 2575 S I L VER STAR COMM ~017 (b)compliance, if required, with the rules and regulations of the FCC and any state public service or utilities commission having jurisdiction; exercise in any jurisdiction in which enforcement hereof is sought, the following rightsand remedies, in addition to all rights and remedies available to the Lender underapplicable law, all such rights and remedies being cumulative and' enforceable alternatively, successively or concurrently: (i) (ii) (Hi) Cease making Advances hereunder. Declare all unpaid principal outstanding on the Note, all accrued and unpaid interest thereon, and all other Obligations to be immediately due and payable and the same shall thereupon become immediately due and payable without presentment, demand, protest or notice of any kind, all of which are hereby expressly waived. Institute any proceeding or proceedings to enforce the Obligations owed to, or any Liens in favor of the Lender. (iv)Pursue all rights and remedies available to the Lender that are contemplated by the Pledges in the manner, upon the conditions, and with the effect provided in the Pledges, including but net limited to a suit for specific performance, injunctive relief or damages. Pursue any other rights and remedies available to the Lender at law or in equity. (v) 02 Cumulative t\iature of Remedies. Nothing herein shall limit the right of the Lender, subject to notloe and right to cure provisions contained herein , to pllrsue allrights and remedies available to a creditor following the occurrence of an Event of Default subject to compliance, if required, with the rules and regulations of the FCC and any state public service or utilities commission having jurisdiction. Each right, power andremedy of the Lender in this Agreement and/or the Other Agreements shall becumulative and concurrent, and recourse to one or more rights or remedies shall not constitute a waiver of any other rigl'it, power or remedy. 03 Costs and Expenses. The Bormwer shall pay to the Lender on demand any and all expenses, includil1g reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements incurred or paid by the Lender in protecting, preseNing or enforcing the Lender's rightshereunder or under the Otl1er Agreements, together with interest thereon at the rate and determined in the manher provided in the Mortgage. Subject to the Mortgage and applicable law, the Lender may apply alJ Collateral and proceeds of all Collateral to the Obligations in any manner that the Lender, in its sole discretion ) deems appropriate, and Borrower will continue to be Hable 'for any deficiency. 04 Late ~ayment Charges. It payment of any prIncipal and/or interest due under the terms of the Note is not received at the office of the Lender in Herndon, Virginia, or as the Lender rna.y otherwise designate to the Borrower, within such time period as the Lender may pr'esr:xibe from time to time in its policies in connection with any late payment charges (such unpaid amount of principal and/or interest beIng herein called the "delinquent amount'! and the period be~linniflg after such due date until RTFO LOANAG WY802.A-9om (YERGINJ) 300.26- 07/09/200.10:58 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COmI ~(J18 payment of the delinquent amount being herein called the "Iate-payment period"), the Borrower will pay to the Lender, in addition to all other amounts due under the terms of the Note, the Pledges, and this Agreement, any late-payment charge as may be fixed by the Lender from time to time, on the delinquent amount for the late-payment period. 05 Lender s Setoff. The Lender shall have the right, in addition to all otherrights and remedies available to it, to setoff and to recover against any or all of the Obligations due to Lender, any monies now and hereafter owing to Borrower by the Lender. Borrower waives all rights of setoff, deduction, recoupment and counterclaim. 10.MISCELLANEOUS 10.01 Performance for Sorrower. Borrower agrees and hereby authorizesthat the Lender may, in its sole discretion , but the Lender shall not be obligated to, advance funds on behalf of Borrower without prior notice to Borrower, in order to insureBorrower's compliance with any material covenant, warranty, representation or agreement of Borrower made in or pursuant to this Agreement or any of the Other Agreements, to preserve or protect any right or interest of the Lender in the Collateral or Linder or pursuant to this Agreement or any of the Other Agreements, including without limitation, the payment of any insurance premiums or taxes and the satisfaction or discharge of any judgment or any Lien upon the Collateral or other property or assets of Borrower; provided, however, that the making of any slIch advance by the Lender shall not constitute s. waiver by the Lender af any Event of Default with respect to which such advance is made nor relieve Borrower of any such Event or Default. Borrower shall pay to the Lender upon demand lZlll such advances made by the Lender with interest thereon at the rate and determined in the manner provided in the Note. All such advances shall be deemed to be included in the Obligations and secured by the security interest granted the lender hereunder to the extent permitted by law. 10.02 Expenses and Filing Fees. Whether or not any of the transactionscontemplated hereby shall be consummated, Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender at Closing or thirty (30) days after the execution and delivery hereof, whichever is earlier all expenses of the Lender in connection with the filing or' recordation of all financing statements and instruments as may be. required by the Lender at the time of, (ir subsequent to, the execution of this Agreement, including, without limitation, all documentary stamps, recordation and transfer taxes and other costs and taxes incident to reoordaticm of any document or instrument in connection herewith. Borrower agrees to save harmless and indemnify the lender from and against any liability resulting fromthe failure to pay any required documentary stamps, recordation and transfer taxesv recording cost(;;, or any other expenses incurred by the Lender in connection with this Agreement. The provisions of this Section 'j 0.02 shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the pEiyment of all other Obligations. 10.03 Waivers by Borrower. Borrower hereby waives, to the extent the same may be waived under applicable law: (a) in the event the Lender seeks to repossessany or all of the Collateral by judicial proceedings, any bond(SJ or demand(s) for pogsession which otherwise rnay be necessary or required; (b) presentment, demanq for payment, protest and notice af t1on~payment and all exemptions; and (c) substitution impairment. exchange or release of any collateral security 'for any of the Obligations. Borrower agrees that the Lender may exercise any or all of its rights and/or remedies FITFC LOAI\lAG WY802..Mlo(rl (YERGINJ) ~(OO26-~( i '1 . , 07/09/2003 10:58 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM 141019 hereunder and under the Other Agreemen1s without resorting to and without regard to security or sources of liability with respect to any of the Obligations. 10.04 Waivers by the Lender. Neither any failure nor any delay on the part of the Lender in exercising any right, power or remedy hereunder or under any of the Other, Agreements shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall a single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. 10.05 Lender s Records. Every statement of account or reconciliation rendered by the Lender to Borrower with respect to any of the Obligations shall be presumed conclusively to be correct and shall constitute an account stated between the Lender and Borrower unless, within ten (10) Business Days atter such statement or reconciliation shall have been mailed, postage prepaid, to Borrower, the lender shall receive written notice of specific objection thereto. 10.06 Modifications, No modification or waiver of any provision of this Agreement, the Note or any of the Other Agreements, and no consent to any departure by Borrower therefrom shall in any event be effective unless the same shall be in writing, and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose for which given. No notice to or demand upon Borrower in any case shall entitle Borrower to any other or further notice or demand in the same, similar or other c:it'CLlmstances. 1CtO7 Notices. All notices, requests and other communications provided for herein including, without limitation, any modificattons of, or waivers, requests or consents under, this Agreement shall be given or made in writing (inoluding, without limitation, by telecopy) and delivered to the intended recipient at the IIAddress for Notices" specified below; Ofv as to any party, at such other address as shall be designated by such party in a notice to each other party. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all such communications shaH be deemed to have been duly given when personally delivered Of, in the case of a. mailed or telecopied notio~, upon receipt, in each case given Dr addressed as provided for herein. The Address for I-.Jotioes of the respective parties is as follows: The Lender: Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative Woodland Park 2201 Cooperative Way Herndon, Virginia 2Qi7-SO25 l\ttention: Loan Officer Fax: 703- 709w6780 The Borrower: The addres8 set forth in Schedule 1 t'U3:reic) 10,08 GOVERNING LAW; SUBMISSION TO JURISmCTIOII!; WAIVER DIP JURY TRlp.I.... RTFC LOANAG WYBO2-A-9001 (1'Er-lGINJ) 30026- Oi/OQ/2003 10: 59 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM 141020 (a) THE PERFORMANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF THIS AGREEMENT AND THE NOTE SHALL BE GOVERNED BY, AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, THE LAWS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA. (b) BORROWER HEREBY SUBMITS TO THE NONEXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THE UNITED STATES COURTS LOCATED IN VIRGINIA AND OF ANY STATE COURT SO LOCATED FOR PURPOSES OF ALL LEGAL PROCEEDINGS ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY. BORROWER IRREVOCABLY WAIVES, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY OBJECTION THAT IT MAY NOW OR HEREAFTER HAVE TO THE ESTABLISHING OF THE VENUE OF ANY SUCH PROOEEDING BROUGHT IN SUCH A COURT AND ANY CLAIM THAT ANY SUCH PROCEEDING HAS BEEN BROUGHT IN AN INCONVENIENT FORUM. (0) EACH OF THE BORROWER AND THE LENDER HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVES, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW , ANY AND ALL RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY LEGAL PROCEEDING ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY. 10.09 Holiday Payments. If any payment to be made by the Borrower hereunder shall become due on a day that is not a Business Day, such payment shall be made on the next sucoeeding Busines$ Day and such extension of time shall be included in computing any interest in respect of such payment. 10. i 0 Consent to Patronage Capital Distributions. The Borrower hereby consents that the amount of any distributions with respect to Borrower s patronage which are made in written notices of allocation (as defined in Section 1388 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (Ii Code ) including any other comparable successor proviSion) and which are received from Lender will be taken into account by Borrower at their stated dollar amounts in the manner provided in Section 1385(a) of the Oode in the taxable year in which such written notices of allocation are received. i 0.11 Right to inspect. The Borrower shall permit representatives of the Lender at any time during normal business hours to iMpact and make abstracts from the books and records pertaining to the Collateral, and permit representatives of the lender to be prasent at Borrower s place of business to receive copies of all communications and remittances relating to the Collateral, all in such manner as the Lender may reasonably require. 10,12 Survival; Successors and p.ssigns. All covenants, agreements, representations and warranties made herein and in the Other Agreements GhaH survive Ciosing and the execution and delivery to the lender of the Note, and shall continue il1 full force and effect until all of the Obligations have been paid in full. Whenever in this Agreement any of the parties hereto is referred to~ such reference shall be deemed to include the successors and assigns of suoh party. All covenants, agreements, representations and warranties by or (In be\lalf of Borrower that are contained in this Agreement and the Other Agreements srlall inure to the benefit of the successors andassigns of the Lender. ATFC LOANAG WYBO2,A-9001 (YERGINJ) 30026.3 .D7/09/200.3 10: 59 FAX 30i 883 2575 (SEAL) Attest: " . (SEAL) Attest: SILVER STAR COMM I4J (121 MOUNTAIN LAND COMMUNICATI By: Title: ~~~... ;Jlr- ~P- 6ecrsu:i.TY RURAL TELEPHONE FINANCE COOPERATIVE By: rsr RTFO LOANAG WY80~.900' (YERGII\lJ) 30026- I 22 Oi /(19/2003 11: 00 FAX 30i 883 25i5 S I L VER STAR COMM 141022 ; . SCHEDULE 1 The j'Commitment~ shall mean $8,333,333.00. The "Pledges" are the pledge and security agreements by and between: ..:1. The Hoopes Telephone Management Limited Partnership and Lender dated as of even date herewith; Teton Communications, Inc. and Lender dated as of even date herewith; and Silver Star Telephone Company) Inc. and Lender dated as of even date herewith. Lender agrees that, even though prior to closing, Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. will be required to deliver to Lender the executed Pledge, stock powers, and the stock certificates being pledged, Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc.'s Pledge shall provide that it will not become effective until Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. obtains any required written consent from the Rural Utilities Service or the Rural Telephone Bank, that the consent may be obtained after closing of the Loan, and that if such consent is denied or is not granted within twelve ("12) months of the date of this Agreement (whichever comes first), Lender has the option, bLlt not the obligation, to require Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. to refinance with Lender the subject Rural Utilities Service or the AuraJ Telephone Bank loan(s) on the same terms and conditions Lender offers on comparable loans. The months relating to the Payment Date are January~ April, July, and October. The method of amortization raferrad to in Section 2.03 shall be based upon either of the t\I\IO methods indicated below (to be selected by Borrower prior to the first Advance): level principal level debt service The amount referred to in Section 2.05 is $833,333.00. The date of Borrower's financial statement re'erred to irl Section 4,06 \s 12/31/02. 7, The place of business or, if more than one, Its chief executive otHes as well as the Borrower s mailing B.ddres~ if different ref'erred to in Section 4. i 2 is i 04101 Highway 89/P.O. Box 2261 Freedom, WY 83120. The;, organizational identlffoatioit numbers oT the Borrower re"ferred to in Section 12 are: The Hoopes Telephcme Management Limited Partnership (10); None FlTFC WANAt?! WY802.A.9001 (YERGII-JJ) 30026- 07/09/2003 11: 00 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR cmm i4JO23 Teton Communications, Inc. fWY): OlD 199400294311 Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. 0NY): CID 198000053541 Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. (CO): 19871176888 Mountain Land Communications, LLC (10): CID 199700328397 The government authority referred to in Section 4.13 is: Idaho Public Utility Commission. ' 11. The special conditions referred to in Section 5.06 are as follows: None. The purpose referred to in Section 6.06 is to provide funds to serve as cash collateral for a Welis Fargo premium loan and to purchase sees. 10. 12.The special affirmative covenants referred to in Section 6.10 are as Tollows: Columbine Telephone Company, inc. shall so operate and manage Its business as to achieve, on an unconsolidated basis, an annual DSC of not less than 1. and an annual TIER of not less than 1.50. 13.The special negative covenants referred to in Section 7.06 are as follows: (a) Columbine Telephol1e Company, Inc. shall not borrow money on a secured or unsecured basis from any other lender or incur any additional secured, or unsecured indebtedness; or enter into any Leases, unless at that time Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. meets, on an unconsolidated basis, the Minimum Net Worth Test; QLOvided however, Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. may grant purchase money secured indebtedness or incur unsecured trade debt or pay other current operating Uabilities that arise in the ordinary course of business so long as the aggregate total of such debt does not exceed five percent (5%..) of Columbine Telephone Company, Ino.'a total assets. Columbine Telephone Company, Ino. meats I on an unconsolidated basis, the Minimum Net Worth Test, then Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. may incur additional indebtedness or enter into Leases without prior written approval of Lender provided Columbine Telephone Company, Ino. maets, on an unconsolidated basis, the Minimum Net Worth Test after Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. iI"lours ~ut:h additional indebtedness or enter into such Leases; provided further hCJweverj Columbine Telephone Company, Ino. must give at least thirty (30) days written notice to Lender prior to Columbine Telephone OomrJany, Ino. incurring any additional indebtedness or entering into such Leases. (b) 'Borrower shall not allow Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. to borrow money on 8. secured or unsecured basis from any other lender or incur any additional secured or unsecured indebtedness; or enter into any Leases, unless at that time Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. meets, on an unconsolidated basis , the Minimum Net Worth Test; l'ovided however, Silver Star TelephoM Company, Inc. may ~lrant purchase money secured indebtedness or incur unsecured trade debt or pay other current operating liabilities that arise in the ordinary course of business so long as tbe aggregate total of such debt does nat exceed five percent (5%) of Silver Star T!~lephone Company, Inc.'s total assets. If Columbine Te(ephone Company, Ino. meets, on an unconsolidated ba(;)is, the RTFC lOAhlAG wvaOZ-A-9OOl (VEFiGINJ) 30026--3 Oi/09/2003 11:00 FAX 30i 883 25i5 SILVER STAR COMM 141024 , Minimum Net Worth Tast, then Silver Star Telephone Company, inc. may incur additional indebtedness or enter into Leases without prior written approval of Lender Rrovided Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. meets, on unconsolidated basis, the Minimum Net Worth Test after Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. incurs such additional indebtedness or enter into such Leases; provided further however" Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. must give at least thirty (30) days written notice to Lender prior to Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. incurring any additional indebtedness or entering into such Leases. 14.The address for notices to the Borrower referred to in Section 10.07 is 104101 Highway 89/P.O. Box 226, Freedom, WY 831.20, Attention: General Manager, Fax: 307/883-2575. RTPC LOANAG WV8Q2.A-90D1 (VERGINJ) ~mO26- 07/09/2003 11: 01 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM 141025 10.13 Assignment. The Lender may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement and the Other Agreements without the consent of the Borrower; provided however, that no such assignment shall result in terms or conditions less favorable to Borrower. The Borrower may not assign any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement or the Other Agreements without the prior written consent of the Lender. 10.14 Severability. If any term, provision or condition, or any part thereof, of this Agreement or any of the Other Agreements shall for any reason be found or held invalid or unenforceable by any court or governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or un enforceability shall not affect the remainder of such term, provision or condition nor any other term, provision or condition, and this Agreement, the Note,and the Other Agreements shall survive and be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable term, prov1sian or condition had not been contained therein. 10.15 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different parties hereto on separate counterparts, each of which!when so executed and delivered, shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. 10.16 Headings/Use of Terms. The headings and sub-headings contained in this Agreement are intended to be used for convenience only and do not constitute part of this Agreement. The use of any gender or the neuter herein shall also refer to the other gender or the neuter and the use of the plural shall also refer to the singular, andvice versa. 10.17 Further Assurances. The Borrower will, upon demand of the Lender make, execute , acknowledge and deliver all such further and supplemental indentures of mortgage, deeds of trust, mortgages, financing statements, continuation statements security agreements ancVor any other instruments and conveyances as may reasonably requested by the Lender tD effectuate the intention of this Agreement and to provide fer the securing and payment of the principal of and interest on the Note according to the terms thereof. 10.18 I..e.l"lder Approva1. Wherever prior written approval of Lender is required under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Lender hereby agrees to not unreasonably withhold said approval. 10.19 Merger and Integli'a.ticm. This Agreement and the attached e)(hibits and matters incorporated by reference contain the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the matters covered and the transactions contemplated hereby, and no other agreement. Btatement or prbl11ise made by any party hereto, or by any employee, officer agent or attorney af any party rlsreto , which is not contained herein, shall be valid or binding. 10.20 SchsdulEl i. Agreement. Schedule 1 attached hereto i(;j an integral part of tl1is HTFC LOAf\JAG Wi802"A-9001 (YEA6INJ) 30026. 07/09/2003 11: 01 FAX 30i 383 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~0213 IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed or caused to be executed this Agreement under seal as of the date first above written. (SEA9 ;/; fl THE HOOPES TELEPHONE MANAGEMENT LIMITED PARTNERS~IP , . " . LJ BY:~).R.~~ Title: As Operating Manager of A&M Management, LC., general partner of T oopes one Management L imi ted Partnershi p Attest: Secretary Title: f)2(J".J"1 PeNr (SE.A.L) t0lh~ r ,~l$-, Secreta!)' "", ~ COLUrv1B TELEPHO~ CO, By: ~~~ Title: pf2€.:.r I/) €'"N ~- '' '- - - -" ~ ..... '--:' - ~ . ~(SEfi, ::-: ~: ed(?)~ r, &t"'7i5!c,- Secretary , - RTFCi LOAI~AG WVStJ2.A.90D'l (YERGINJ) 30026-3 2.1 07/09/2003 11: 01 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR C(J~!M ~O27 SECURED PROMISSORY NOTE THE HOOPES TELEPHONE MANAGEMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Idaho Limited PartnershIp. TETON COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a Wyoming corporation , COLUMBINE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC., a Colorado corporation, and MOUNTAIN LAND COMMUNICATIONS. LLC, an Idaho limited liability company Oointly and severally theII Borrower ), for value received, hereby, jointly and severally, promise to pay, without setoff deduction, recoupment or counterclaim, to the order of RURAL TELEPHONE FINANCE COOPERATIVE (the "Payee ), at its office in Herndon, Virginia. or such other location as the Payee may designate to the Borrower, in lawful money of the United States, the principal sum of EIGHT MILLION THREE HUNDRED THIRTY~THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY-THREE DOLLARS ($8,333,333,00), or slich lesser sum of the aggregate unpaid principal amount of all advances made by the Payee pursuant to that certain Loan Agreement dated as of even date herewith by and between the Borrower and the Payee, as it may be amended from time to time (lierein called the "Loan Agreement"), and to pay interest on all amounts remaining unpaid hereunder from the date of each advance in like money, at said office, at the rate and in amounts and payable on the dates pro'Jided in the Loan Agreement together with any other amount payable LInder the Loan Agreement. If not sooner paid, any balance of the principal amount and interest accrued thereon shall be due and payable fifteen (15) years from the date hereof (such date herein called the "Maturity Date $8,333,333.2003 This Note is secured under a Pledge and Security Agreement dated as of even date herewith, by and between The Hoopes Telephone Management Limited Partnership and the Payee, a Pledge and Security Agreement dated as of even date herewith, by and between Teton C(lmrnunioatjol1s, Inc. and the Payee, and a Pledge and Security Agreement dated as of even date herewith, by and between Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, and the Payee, This Note is the Note referred to In, and has been executed and delivered pursuant to, the Loan Agreement. The principal hereof and accrued interest thereon and any other amount due under the Loan Agreement may be declared to be forthwith due and payable in the manner, upon the conditions, and with the effect provided in the Loan Agreement. Tt1e Borrower waives demand, presentment for payment, notice of dishonor, protest, notice of protest and notice of non-payment of this Note and waives the defense of usury. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 'the Borrower has cau(~ed this t\Jote to be signed in its corporate/company name and its corporate/company seal to be: hereunto affixed and to be attested by its duly authorized officers, all as of the day and year first above written, (SEAL) Secretary THE HOOPES TELEPHONE MANAGEMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP II ' " r-" By: .cl7Jtv~rn.- ,- t, ~~ , '..-' Title: As OpeY'ati ng Manager 0 . I-\&M Management. general partner of The Hoopes Telephone Management L i mi ted Pa rtners hi LC. AttHst (')7/09/2003 11: 02 FAX 307 883 2575, " -SILVER STAR COMM , f4L0 28 :~O A::TI Title: P /2E:J" i e: tJ (SEAL) Attest: 19~~ ~ - Secretary .' - -... '.;.,, , :t$EAL) ' .. .' -:;. ' AtteSt ~:;~ , 1: " ' '.. ... ~ " - Secretary , "' .....' ,- ~ :;LU ~f? ~c, Title: fJl2e.JIII?J~Alr " - MOUNTAIN LAND COMMUNICAT-ONS, LLC """ I"'i Ii, /:"? By~ ~-"\.. ~: ~ Title: /h~~ (SEAL) ,.. /V It-A't.----stW.o;t FlTFC Loan No.: WY802w9001 In/lIt!/~lIU3 115:36 FAX :)07 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~(J12 PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT (this "Agre~ment") elated as of 2003, between. SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY. INC., a corporation d thrg nized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Wyoming (the ('Pledgor ), and RUAAL!TELEPHONE FINANCE COOPERATIVE, a South Dakota cooperative association (the "Lender WHEREAS, Pledgor is a wholly~owned subsidiary of The Hoopes Telephone Management Limited Partnership, an Idaho limited partnership ("Borrower WHEREAS, Borrower and the Lender are parties to a Loan Agreement dat~d as of even date herewith (as modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time, the "Loan Agreement"), providing, subject to the terms and conditions thereof, for an extension I of credit to be made by the Lender to Borrower and others in the principal amount of up to $B,333,S$.OQ; WHEREAS, to induce ' Lender to enter into the Loan Agreement, Pledgor has agreed to pledge and grant a security interest in the Collateral (as hereinafter defined) to Lender to secure the payment of the obligations under the Loan Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and for other good! and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby aol(nowledged, the! parties hereto ag rea as follows: SECTION 1. Definitions. To the extent not inconsistent herewith, capitalized terms definad in the Loan Agreement are used herein as defined therein. In addition, as used herein: Basio Documents shal!' mea.n tria Loan Agreement and tile promissory notes issued thereunder. Collateral" shall have the meaning a$cribed thereto in Seotidn 2 hereof. Secured Oblioatlons shall mean collective~y, all obligations to the Lender hereunder and under the Basic Documents. Uniform Commercial Code shall mean the Uniform Commercial Code as in :effect from time to time in the applicable jurisdiction. S~CTION 2. Thl:!: Pledge and $eeurlty interest. As collateral security for the prompt payrnent in full when due (whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) of the Secured Obligations, Pledgor hereby pledges, grants, assigns, transfers, conveys and sets over to the Lender a security interest in aU o'f Pledgor's right , title and interest in the property described in paragraph 1 of Schedule A hereto, whether now owned by Pledgor or hereafter acquired and whether now existing or hereafter coming into existence (all baing collectively referred to herein as Collateral ). Sct1edule A attacfled hereto is an integral part of this Agreement andl oollta,ins both a desoriptkm of and certain representations regardin9 the Collateral. Pledgor coven~nts and agrees RTfC S~CIN$ WY802-9t'.101 (YEAGINJ) 306" 07/0 8/2003 16: 36 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~013 with Lender that Pledgor will not, directly or indirectly, without prior written consent or the Lender, transfer, issue or sell any of the Collateral, or enter Into any agreement whi9h may: result in the transfer, issuance or sale of any ot the Collateral. Pledgor and Pledgee agree and acknowledge that this Pledge shall not become eHective and that no lien shall attach until Pledgor obtains, any required written consent to this Pledge from Rural Utilities Service or the Rural Telephone Bank. Pledgor is obligated to maKe a good faith effort to obtain such consent as soon as possible arid, IT needed, Pledgee shall assist Pledgor in its efforts. Lender acknowledges that such cons~nt need not accommodate or subordinate the prior lien of the Rural Utilities Service and the Rural Telephone Bank to the lien of the Pledge. If such consent is denied or is not granted withil;\ twelve (12) months of the date of this Pledge (whichever comes first), Pledgee has the option, but not the obligation, to require Pledgor to refinance with Pledgee the subject Rural Utilities SaNiee or Rural Telephone Bank loan(s) on the same terms and conditions that Pledgee offers on comparable loans. SECTION 3. Further Assurances; Remedies. In furtherance of the grant lof the pledge and security interest pursuant to Section 2 hereof, Pledgor hereby agrees with the Lender as follows; 01 Delivery and Other Perfection. Pledgor shall: (a) deliver to the Lender, endorsed in blank for transfer or accompbnied by duly executed stock powers or other instruments of assignment and transfers in such form and substance as the Lender may request, and all stock certificates or other securities representing any of the Collateral; (b) give, exeoLlte, deliver, file and/or record any financing statement, notice, instrument, document, agreement or othar papers that may be necessary or desirable (in the judgment of the Lender) to create, preserve, perfect or validate the security interest granted pursuant hereto or to enable the Lender to exercise and enforce its rights Hereunder with respect to such pladge and security interest; and (0) permit representatives of the Lender, upon reasonable notice, at a!ny time during normal business hours to inspect and mal(e abstracts from the books and rec0rds pertaining to the Collateral, and permit representatives of the Lender to be present at Pledgor s place of business to receive copies of all communications and remittances relating to the Collateral, an in such manner as the Lender ma.y require. O2 Othsr Finanoing Statements. Without the prior written consent of the Lender, Pledgor shaH not file or suffer to be on file, or authorize Dr permit to be filed or to be on file, in any jurisdiction, any' financing statement or like instrument with respect to the Collateral in which the Lende!" is not named as the sale secured party for the benefit of the Lender. 03 praservation of Rights. The Lender shall not be required to take steps necessary to enforce or preserve any rights under any contract, instrument, or agreement included in the Collateral. 04 Rights Regarding CollateraL So long as no Event of Default under thE:) Loal1 Agreement shall ~Iave ocourrt:td and be c:ontinul1191 Pled~10t. shall have the right to e~ercise all of itsRTFO SEOINS WVBO2-900t (YE:~GI~JJ) 30G'19-:~ 07/08/200.'3 16:37 FAX .'307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COUM 19! 014 voting, consensual and other powers af ownership pertaining to the Collateral for all purposes not inconsistent wrth the terms of this Agreement or any of the Basic Doouments, and shall be entitled to receive, spend and otherwise utilize all dividends and other distributions with: respect to the Collateral; r:!rovided however, that PledgOT agrees that it will not vote the Collateral, in any manner that is inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement or any of the Basic Doouments. The Lender shall execLIte and deliver to Pledgor or cause to be executed and delivered to Pledgor. all such proxies, powers' of attorney, dividend checks (duly endorsed to Pledgor), and other orders , and all such instruments, without recourse, as Pledgor may reasonably request for the purpose of enabling it to exercIse its rights and powers which it is entitled to exercise pursuant to this Section 3.04. 05 Events of Default, etc. Upon the occurrence of an Event 01 Default; under the Loan Agreement which has continued beyond any applicable grace period, then, subject to applicable law and approvals, if necessary, of regulatory agencies: (a) the lender shall have all of the rights and remedies with' respect to the Collateral of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code (and to the extent permitted by applicable law, whether or not said Code is in effect in the jurisdiction where the rights and remedies are assarted); (b) the Lender in its discretion may, in its name or in the na~e of Pledgor or otherwise, demand, sue for, collect or receive any money or property at anyltime payable or receivable on account of or in exchange for any of the Collateral, but shkJl. be under no obligation to do so; and (0) the Lender may, upon fifteen (15) business days prior written notice to Pledgor of the time and place, with respect to the Collateral or any part thereof which shall then be or shall thereafter come into the possession, custody or control of the lender or any of its agents, sell or otherwise dispose of aU or any part of such Collateral, at such place or places as the Lender deems best, and for cash or on credit or for future calivery (without thereby assuming any credit risk), at public or prIvate sals, without demand of performance or notice of intention to effect any such disposition or of time or place of sale (exoept such notice as is reqLlired above, or as is required by applicable statute and cannot be waived) and the Lender or anyone else may be the purchaser or recipient of any or all of the Collateral so disposed of at any public sale (or, to the extent permitted by law, at any private sale), and thereafter hold the same Etb$Olutely, trae from any claim or right of whatsoever kind, including any right. or equity of redemption (statutory or otherwise) of Pledgor any such demand, notice or right or equity being hereby expressly waived and: released. Tha proceeds of each collection, sale or other disposition under this Section 3,015 shall be applied in accordance with Section 3.09, 06 Deficiency. If the proceeds of sale, collection or other realization of or upon the CoUateral are insufficient tccover the costs and expenses of such realization and the payment in full of the Secured Obligations, Pledgor shaH remain liable for any and all deficielicy for which Pledgor is obHgated under this Agreement 07 PI'!vate Sate. In exercising its rights and remedies hereunder in the event of default hereunder, the Lender shall incur no liability as C1 result of the sale of the collat' ral ~ or any part RTFC SECII\lS WYBO2.A.9001 (YEFtGI~IJ) 30619~f, )7/(J8/20(J.~ 16: 37 FAX ~83 2575 S I L VER STAR COMM ~(J15 thereof, at any private sale conducted in a oommerciaUy reasonable manner in accordance w;th applicable law. Pledgor hereby waives any claims against the Lender arising by r8a~on of the fact the: the ~rice at which the Col!ateral may ha.~e been sold at such private sale was ,less ~han the price which might have been obtaIned at a. public sale or was less than the aggregate ~mount OT the Secured Obligations, unless the related sa1e was not conducted in a commerciallY reasonable manner in accordance with applicable law. 08 Removals, Etc. Pledgor shall not maintain any of its books and records with respect to the Collateral at any office other than its office as provided on the last page of this lA.greement as of the date hereof or maintain its office or its principal place of business at any other place other than at such location without giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Lender. 09 Application of Proceeds. Except as otherwise herein expressly ' providedl the proceeds of any collection, sale or other realization of all or any part of the Collateral,: and any other cash at the time hald by the Lender Linder this Section 3. shall be applied by the Lender: Fir , to the payment of the costs and expenses of such collection! sale or other realization, including reasonable compensation to the Lender and its agents and counsel, and all expenses, .and advances made Or' incurred by the Lender in connection therewith; Second, to the payment in full of the Secured Obligations described in Section 1hereof; and Finally, to the payment to Pledgor, or its successors or assigns, or as So court of competent jurisdiction may direct, of any surplus then remaining. As used in this Section $. QIoceeds" of Collateral shall mean cash, securities and other property realized with respect to, and distributions in kind of, Collateral, including any thereof! received under any reorganization, liquidation or adjustment of debt of Pledgor or any issuer of or obligor.on any of the Collateral. 1 0 Attorney..ln~Fact. Subject to the Lender having first obtained any required approval from regulatory agencies, without Umiting any rights or powers granted by this AIJreement to the Lender, upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default lunder the Loan Agreement, the Lender is hereby appo;l1ted the attorney~irj-faot of Pledgor for Ithe purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Section :3 and taking any action and executing any instruments which tha Lender may deem lIecessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes hereof, which appointment as attorney~in-fact is irrevocable and coupled with an interest, provided that the Lender shall not take any action pursuant to the authority granted tel it in this Section 3.10 without first notifying Pledgor ill writing thereof. Without limiting thr:-. generality of the foregoing! so long as the Lender shall be entitled under this Section a to make collections in respect of the Collateral, the Lender shall hav€: the right and power to receiva, endorse and collect all checks made payable to the . order of Pledgor representing any dividend, payment or other distribution in respect of the Collateral or any part thereO"f and to give iuH discharge fot' the samE:. SECTION 4.IVi!scsllarU30l!S. FtTFC SECH-lS WY60:;:-A-9DO1 (VERGINJ) 30619-3 07 /O /2003 16: FAX 307 883 2575 S I L VER STAR COMM 141016 01 Initial Financing Statements. Prior to or concurrently with the ~xecution and delivery of this Agreement, Pledgor shall file such financing statements and other docutnents in such offices as the Lender may request to perfect the pledge and security interest granted by thisAgreement. 02 Further Assurances. Pledgor agrees that, from time to time upqn the written request of the Lender, Pledgor will execute and deliver such further documents and do such other aots and things as the Lender may reasonably request in order fully to effect the purposes of this Agreement. 03 No Waiver. No failure on the part of the Lender or any of its agents to! exercise, and no course of dealing with respect to, and no delay in exercising, any right, poW,er or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise b~ the Lender or any of its agents of any right, power or remedy hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. The remedIes herein ~re cumulative and are not exclusive of any remedies provided by law. 04 Expenses. Pledgor agrees to pay to the Lender all out-of-podket expenses (including reasonable expenses for legal services of every kind) of, or incident to, the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement, or performance by the Lender of any obligations of Pledgor with respect to the Collateral which Pledgor has failsd or refused to perform, or : any actual attempted sale, or any exchange, enforcement, coUection, compromise or settlement with respect to any af the Collateral, and for the care of the Collateral and defending or asserting rights and claims of the Lender in respect thereof, by litigation or otherwise and all such expenses shaH be Secured ObUgations to the Lender secured under Section 2 hereof. 05 Taxes. Pledgor agrees to pay before delinquency any tax or othei governmenml charge which is or can become through assessment, distraint or otherwise a lien o~ the Collateral and to pay any tax or other governmental charge which may be levied on tHe transactions hereunder, provided that nothing herein shall require Pledgor to pay any such tax or other governmental charge with respect to which Pledgor is prosecuting in good faith or appeal or ather proceedings shall have been tully bonded or otherwise effectively stayed. 05 Termination. When all Secured Obligations have been paid irl flili and the Loan Agreement shall have termirmted, this Agreement shall terminate, and the Lende~ shall forthwith cause to be assigned, transferred and delivered~ against receipt but without any recourse, warranty or representation whatsoever, any remaining Collateral and money received in respect thereof, to or (In the order of Pledgor. 01 GOVERNING LAW. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERI\lED BY AND CONSTRUED 11\1 ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE COMMONWEALTH' OF' VIRGINIA, PROVIDED THAT AS TO COLLATERAL LOCATED IN AI'-1Y JURISDICTION OTHiER THAN THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, TI-IE LEI\lDER SHALL HAVE ALL THE RIGHTS TO WHICH A SEGURED PARTY UNDER THE LAWS OF SUCH JURISDICTION IS EI-.JTITLED. 08 Noticl.'::s, All noticesv requests and other communications provided for herein including, without limitation, any modificatiom. of, or waivers, requests or c:ons~l1ts under, this RTFC SECIl'JS WYaO2-900"1 (YERGIN, '3()G19. 07/08/2003 16: 38 FAX 3G7 88.3 2575 S I L VER STAR COMM ~017 Agreement shall be given or made in writing (including, without limitation, by telecopy) ~nd delivered to the intended recipient at the "Address for Noticesll specified below; or, as to any jparty, at suchother address as shall be designated by such party In a notIce to each other pa~. Except asotherwJsa provided in this Agreement, all such communications shall be deemed to have been dulygiven when personally delivered or, In the case of a te~eoopied or mailed notice, upbn receipt, ineach case given or addressed as, provided for herein. The Address for Notioes of the respective parties are on the last page of this Agreement. 09 Waivers, etc. The terms of this Agreement may be waived, altered or amended only by an instrument in writing duly executed by Pledgor and the Lender. 10 Headings. The headings and subwheadings contained in this Agreement are intended to be used for convenience only and do not constitute part of this Agreement. ' 11 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of Pledgor, the Lender and each subsequent holder of the Secured Obligations (provided, however, that Pledgor shall not assign or transfer itsrights hereunder without the prior written consent of the Lender). 12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or mora counterparts and all of such counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. ATFC SEOII\fS WYBO2.A-9001 ('I'ERGINJ) 306"'9- 07/08/2003 16:39 FAX .30i 883 2575 S I L VER STAR CClMM ~O18 iN WITNESS WHEREOF; the parties hereto have caused this Agr~~q1ent to be duly exeouted as of the day and year first above written. - ", - ,- ,,:" . - :-'- ~ ~ -. :_;~-:..::~ /:';;. i f3 ,/ ~. , .. ~':: ;:: (SEA!,):::- : , - =~.....~ ....:::-' :-:';. ,;..-.', ;;:;; - ~\::.' ~ ~': -~ -.. -- - ;;~l-' ..." ~ '-' . . .: ...." ,;;;~~ G3 Secretary Pledge land Security " /) SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. 8y:A~~- Title~ ~e..r(neH7 Address:104101 Highway 89 O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 831eo Attention: Generali Manager ' ",- - -. .- -' ,~~, Teleoopy:307/883~2575 " /, _ ($EAL) Telecopy: Woodland Park 2201 CDoperative 'way Herndon, VA 20171-3025 703.709-6775 Address~ RTFe SECINS WYIJO2-I'AIOO'j (YEAGIN, 30619,3 07/08/2003 16: .'39 FAX :)07 883 2575 S I L VER STAR COMM IgjO19 SCHEDULE A TO PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT Coliateratll, as defined and described in Section 2 of the Pledge and Security Agreement, shall be: (2) 1,483 non-voting Shares of Common Stock of Columbine telephone Company, Inc., a Colorado corporation. As of the'date hereof, G)olumbine Telephone Company, Inc. has issued and outstanding 11,483 Shares 01 Common Stock and Zero Shares of Preferred Stock; (b) without affecting any provision prohibiting such action hereunder or under the Basic Documents. in the event of any consolidation or merger in which the pledged company identITied in 1 (a) above is not the surviving company, all shares of each class of the capital stock of the successor corporation formed by or resu!1ing from such consolidation or merger distributed in respect of tria pledged stock described above; (0) all proceeds of and to any of the property described in clauses (a) and (b) above and, to the extent related to any property described in said clauses or above in this clause (c). all books, correspondence, credit files, records, invoicesand other papers; and (d) all dividends on 1he stock described in clauses (a) and ,(b) above, and any other distributions to their stockholders relating to said stock; provided however, that prior to the occurrence of an Event of Default under the Loan Agreement and so long as such Event of Default is not continuing, the Pledgor shall be entitled to receive, spend and otherwise utilize free of the s8cuhty interest granted hereby any and all cash dividends and other distributions with: respect to the pledged stock to thE! extent permitted by the terms and conditions set forth herein and in the Loan Agreement. The Pledgor represents and warrants that the Collateral is owned by the Pledgor free and clear of any perfected lien and that such Collateral is not subject to any restrictions as to transfer, except those specifically disclosed in Seatjon 2 01' this Agreement or as otherwise disclosed in writing to Lander or such as may be imposed by applicable law affecting transfers generally. Pledgor'ofiice, as referred to in Section 3.08 of the Pledge and Security Agreement, i$ looaterj at i 041 01 Highway 89/P .0. Box 226, Freedom, 83120. RTFC SECING WY802..900"i (Yt:RGINJ) 306'19- .' "VI """,.J "'V.'J'J rn."~ .)ll/ 00.) ':;0/0 ::ilLV.t;1( ::i'l'AR COMM ~ 015/022 PI-EDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT PLEDGE AND SeCURITY AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") dated as of CY~.3....JL 2003, between TETON COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a corporation duly organized~ under the laws of the State of Wyoming (the II Pledgor ), and RURAL TELEPHO~E FINANCE COOPERATIVE, a South Dakota coope:rative association (the "Lender'I ). WHEREAS, Pladgor and the Lender are parties to a Loan Agreement dated a of even date herewith (as modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time, the "Loan IAgreement" providing, subject to the terms and conditions thereof, for an extension of credit to be made by the Lender to Pledgor in the principal amount of up to $8,333,333.00; WHEREAS, to induce Lender to enter into the Loan Agreement, Pledgor ~as ' agreed to pledge and grant a securitv interest in the COllatara! (as hereinafter defined) to Lende to secure t payment of the obligations of Pledgor under the Loan Agreement. NOW~ THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties heretoagree as follows; SECTION 1" Definitions, To the extent not inconsistent herewith, capitalized terms defined in the Loan Agreement are used herein as defined therein. In addition, as use~ herein: Basic Documents'! shall mearl the Loan Agreement and the promissory notes issued thereu nder. Collateral" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section :2 hereof. Seoured Oblioations" shall mean, oollectivelyv all obligations of Pledgor ~b the LenderhereLlnder and under the Basic Documents, Uniform Commercial Code shaH mean the Uniform Commercial Code as in ekact from time to time in the applicable jurisdiction. S~CTION 2. The Pledge and Security Interest. As c?lIatera.! seou rity f~r the prompt payment In full when due (whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) at the Secured Obligations, Pledgor hereby pledges, grantsj assigns, transfers, conveys and se~s over to the lender a security interest in all of Pledgor $: right, title and interest in the propertY described in paragraph 1 of Schedule A h6'reto, whether now owned by Pledgor or hereafter I acquired and whether now existing or hereafter coming into existence (all being collectively referr~d to herein as ColiateraV ). Schedule A attached hereto is an integral part of this J\greement and sontains both a d~scription of and certain r~present~t'ions re ~ar~lng the ~ollatera!' (fledgor c::ovena~ts and agrees With Len~er that Pledg~r will not, d,reo IY Of Indirectly,. without prior written c~ns8nt f th6 l~nder, transfer, Issue or sell any of the Collateral, or enter Into any agri:'!ement WhiCh m result In the transter, issuance or sale of any of tile Collateral.FC SECINS wVaO2-9001 (YERGINJ) 30082- 1.J1/~'Oi'::lIll;j 1.0;1)1) .I\..:jl17 ~~:.s 2575 S I L VER STAR COM~I 141 016/022 SECTION 3, FurJ;her Assurances; Remedies. In furtherance of the grant of the pledge and security interest pursuant to Section 2 hereof, Pledgor hereby agr~es with the Lender as follows: Delivery and Other Periection. Pledgor shall: (a) deliver to the Lender, endorsed in blank for transfer or accompanied by dUly executed stock powers or other instruments of assignment and transfers in such form and substance as the Lender may request, and all stock certificates or other securities representing any of the Collateral; (b) give, execute, deliver, file and/or record any financing statement, notice instrument, document, agreement or other papers that may be necessary or desirable (in the judgment of the Lender) to create, preserve, perfect or validate the security interest granted pursuant hereto or to enable the Lender to exercise and enforce its rights hereunder with respect to such pledge and security interest: and (c) permit representatives of the Lender, upon reasonable notice, at any time during normal business hours to inspect and make abstracts from the books and records partainlng to the Collateral, and permit representatives of the Lender to b$ present at Pledgers place of business to receive copies of all communications and remittat:Jces relating to the Collateral, all in such manner as the Lender may require. 02 Other Financing Statements. Without the prior written consent of the Lender, Pledgor shall not file or suffer to be on file, or authorize or permit to be filed or to be on file, in any , jLlrisdiction, any financing statement or like instrument with respect to the Collateral in which the Lender is not named as the sole secured party for the benefit of the Lender. 03 Preservation of Rights. The Lender shall not be req'uired to tal(e steps necessary to enforce or preserve any rights under any contract, instrument, or agreement included in the Collateral. O4 Rights Regarding conat~ra.1. So long as no Event of Default under the Loan Agreement shall have occurred and be continuing, Pledgor shall have the right to exercise all of it$ voting, consensual and other powers of ownership pertaintng to the Collateral for all purposes not inconsistent with the terme of this Agreement or any of the Basic Documents, and shall be entitled receive, spend and othelWise utii1ze all dividends and other distributions with respect to the Collateral; provided however, that Pledgor agrees that it will not vote the Collateral in any manner that is inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement or any of the Basic Documents. The lender shall execute and deliver to Pledgor or cause to be executed and Idelivered to Pledgor all such proxies, powers of attorney, dividend checks (duly endorsed to Plsdgor), and other orders, and all such instruments, without recourse , as Pledgor may reasonably request for the purpose of enabling it to exercisEI its rights and powers which it is entitled to exercise pursuant tCI this Section 3.04. 05 Events of Defaultj etc, Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default under the Loan Agreement which has continul?d beyond any applicable grace period, then , subject tD applicable law and approvals, if necessary, of regulatory agencies: RTFC BECINS WY602.A.QOO1 (YERGINJ) 300B;',~. I'/'I""';ll~I.) ..0;;:1;:1 rh.'!. ;JlI'c\/j;J ;:1570 SILVER STAR COMM 141 (117/022 (a) the Lender shall have all of the rights and remedies with respect to the Collateral of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code (and to the extentpermitted by applicable law, whether or not said Code is in effect in the jurisdiction where the rights and remedies are asserted); (b) the Lender in its discretion may, in its name or in the name of Pledgor orotherwise, demand, sue for, collect or receive any money or property Cilt any time payable orreceivable on account of or in exchange for any of the Collateral, but shall be under noobligation to do so; and (0) the Lender may. upon fifteen (15) business days prior written notice toPledgor of the time and place, with respect to the Collateral or any part thereof which shall then be or shall thereafter come into the possession, custody dr control of the lender or anyof its agents, sell or otherwise dispose of all or any part of such Collateral, at such place or places as the Lender deems best, and for cash or on credit or for future delivery (withoutthereby assuming any credit risk), at public or private sals, without demand of performance or notice of intention to effect any such disposition or of time or place of sale (except such notice as is required above, or as is required by applicable statute and cannot be waived) and the Lender or anyone else may be the purchaser or recipient of any or all of theCollateral so disposed of at any public sale (or, to the extent permITted by law, at any privatesale), and thereafter hold the same absolutely, fl'sefrom any' claim or right of whatsoever kind, including any right or equity of redemption (statutory or otherwise) of Pledgor any such demand, notice or right or equity being hereby expressly waived and r~leased. Theproceeds of each collection, sale or other disposition under this, Section 3,05 shall be appliedin accordance with Section 3.09. 06 Defiolency. If the proceeds of sale, collection or other realization of or upon theCollateral are insufficient to cover iha costs and expenses of such reali~a.tion and the payment in fullof the Secured Obligations. Pledgor shalt remain liable for any and all deficiency for which Pledgor isobligated under this Agreement. 07 Private Sale. In exercising its rights and remedies hereunder in the event of defaulthereunder; the Lender shall incur no liability as a result of the sate of the Collateral, or any partthereof, at any private sale conducted in a commercially reasonable, manner in accordance withapplicabJe law. Pledgor hereby waives any claims against the lender; arising by reaSOn of the factthat the price at which the Collateral may have been sold at such private sale was less than the price which might have been obtained at a public sale or was less than the aggregate amount of theSecured Obligations, unless the ralated sale was not conducted in a commercially reasonablemanner in accordance with applicable law. 08 . Removs.Is~ Etc. Pledgor shall not maintain any of its books and records with respect to the Collateral at any office other than its office as provided on the last page of this Agreement as 01 the date hereof or maintain its office or its principal place of business at any other place other than at such location without giving thirty (30) days ptior written notice to the Lender. RTFC SECING WY802-A-9001 (YERGtNJ) 80032.-1 .n r ,...... .. ,. "'J .L U . ;JIJ r!\.~ oj ~II 00;; ;::) ::i 1 L VER STAR COMM 141 018/022 09 Application of Proceeds. Except as otherwise herein expressly provided, theproceeds of any collection, sale or other realization of all or any part of the Collateral, and any othercash at the time held by the Lender under this Section 3, shall be applied by the Lender: First, to the payment of the costs and expenses of such collection, sale or otherrealization, including reasonable compensation to the Lender ,and its agents and counsel,and all eXpenses, and advances made or incurred by the lender in connection therewith; Second, to the payment in full of the Secured Obligations described in Section 1hereof; and Finallv, to the payment to Pledgor, or its successors or assigns, or as a court ofcompetent jurisdiction may direct. of any surplus then remaining. As used in this Section 3, proceeds" of Collateral shall mean cash, securities and other propertyrealized with respect to, and distributions in kind of, Collateral, including any thereof received underany reorganization , liquidation or adjustment of debt of Pledgor or any issuer of or obligor on any of the Collateral. 10 Attorney"in-Fact. Subject to the Lender having first ob,tained any required approvalfrom regulatory agencies, without limiting any rights or powers granted by this Agreement to theLender, upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default under the LoanAgreement, the Lender is hereby appointed the attorney-in-fact of Pledgor for the purpose ofcarrying out the provisions of this Section 3 and taking any action and executing any instrumentswhich the Lender may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish !the purposes hereof, whichappointment as attomey-in-faot is irrevocable and coupled with an interest, provided that the Lender shall not take any action pursuant to the authority granted to it in this Section 3.10 without fjrstnotifying Pledgor in writing thereof. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, so long as theLender shall be entitled under this Section 3 to make collections in respect of the Collateral, theLender shall have the right and power to receive, endorse and collect all checks made payable to the order of Pledgor representing any dividend, payment or other distribution in respect of the Collateralor any part thereof and to give full discharge for the same. SECTION 4. Miscellaneous. 01 Initial Financing Statements. Prior to or concurrently with the execution anddelivery of this Agreement, Pledgor shall file such financing statements and other documents in such officet~ as the Lender may request to perfsct the pledge and security interest granted by thisAgreement. 02 Further Assuranaes. Pledgor agrees that, from time to time Llpon the writtenrequest of the Lender, Pledgor will execute and deliver such further dooLiments and do such otheracts and things as the Lender may reasotlably request in order fully to effect the purposes of this Agreement. 03 No Waiver. No failure on trle part of the Lender or any of its agents to exercise, andne course of dealing with respect to, and no delay in exercising. any right, power or remedy ATFO SECING WY802-A-9001 (YERGINJ) 3009:2- .. 1)1" ~IC' ..\'~J.) .LO;;;IO !"i\A ;JlU .'j.'j;j ;':::570 SILVER STAR cmm ~ 019/022 hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise by the Lender any of its agents of any right, power or remedy hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. The remedies herein are cumulative and are not exclusive of any remedies provided by law. 04 Expenses. Pledgor agrees to pay to the Lender all out-at-pocket expenses (including reasonable expenses for legal services of every kind) of, or incident to, the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement, or performance by the Lender of any obligations of Pledgor with respect to the Collateral which Pledgor has failed or refused to perform, or any actual or attempted sale, or any exchange, enforcement, collection, compromise or settlement with respect to any of the Collateral, and tor the care of the Collateral and defending or asserting rights and claims of the Lender in . respect thereof, by litigation or otherwise and all such expenses shall be Secured Obliaations to the Lender secured under Section 2 hereof. .... 05 Taxes.. Pledgor agrees to pay before delinquency any tax or other governmental charge which is or can become 1hrcugh assessment, distraint or otherwise a lien on the Collateral and to pay any tax or other governmental charge which may be levied on the transactions hereunder, provided that nothing herein shall require Pledgor to pay any such tax or other governmental charge with respect to which Pledgor is prosecuting in good faith or appeal or other proceedings shall have been fully bonded or otherwise effectively stayed. 06 Termination. When all Secured Obligations have been paid in full and the Loan Agreement shall have terminated, this Agreement shall terminate, and the Lender shall forthwith cause to be assigned, transferred and delivered, against receipt but withoLit any recourse. warranty or representation whatsoever, any remaining Collateral and money received in respect thereof, to or on the order of Pledgor. 07 GOVERNING LAW. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, PROVIDED THAT AS TO COLLATERAL LOCATED IN ANY JURISDICTION OTHER THAN THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, THE LENDER SHALL HAVE ALL THE RIGHTS TO WHICH A SECURED PARTY UNDER THE LAWS OF SUCH JURISDICTION IS ENTITLED. 08 Notioes. All notices, requests and other communications provided for herein including, without limitation, any modifications of, or waivers, requests or consents under, this Agreement shall be given or made in writing (ir'~cluding, without lirnitation, by telecopy) and delivered to the intended recipient at the "Address for Notices" specified below; or, as to any party, at such other address as shall be designated by such party in a notice to each other party, Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all such communications shall be deemed to have been duly given when personally delivered or, in the case of a telecopied or mailed notice, upon receipt, in each case given or addressed as provided tor herein. The Address for Notioes of the respecrtive parties are on tht=! last page of this Agreement. 09 Waiver's, etc. The terms of this Agreement may be waived, altered or amended only by an instrument in writing duly executed by Pladgor and the Lender. ATFC SECING WYSO2.p,-90(rl (YEAGINJ) 30082- ",-".""..,.".~ "'U.'JI r!1.. ,JI,II OOJ ;:;:)"11:1 ~ILVER STAR COMM 020/022 10 Headings. The headings and sub-headings contained in this Agreement are intended to be used for convenience only and do not constitute part of this Agreement. 11 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of Pledgor, the Lender and each subsequent holder of the Secured Obligations (provided, however, that Pledgor shall not assign or transfer its rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the Lender). 12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts and all of such counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same Instrument. Ana SECII\lS WYBO2.9001 (YERGINJ) 30062.1 U I! VOl ~UU J ~O: 01 ~Al 3U7 ~~3 2575 SILVER STAR COMM I4J 021/022 SCHEDULE Ii. TO PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT ColiateraP , as defined and described in Section 2 of "the Pledge and Security Agreement, shall be: (a) 2,500 voting Shares of Common Stock of Columbine Telephone Company, Inc., a Colorado corporation. As of the jdata hereof, Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. has Issued and outstanding 11,483 Shares of Common Stock and Zero Shares of Preferred Stock; (b) 7,500 non-voting Shares of Common Stock lof Columbine Telephone Company, Inc., a Colorado corporation. As of 1he ,date hereof, Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. has issued and outstanding 11,483 Shares of Common Stock and Zero Shares of Preferred Stock; (0) without affecting any provision prohibiting such action hereunder or under the Basic Doouments, in the event of any consolidation or merger in which the pledged company identified in 1 (a) above IS not the surviving company, all shares of each class of the capital stock of the successor corporation formed by or resulting from such consolidation or merger distributed in respect of the pledged stock described above; (d) all proceeds of and to any of the propertY described in clauses (a), (b) and (0) above and, to the s)..1;ent related to any property described in said clauses or above in this clause (d). all books, correspondence. credit files, records, invoices and other papers; and (e) all dividends on the stock described in clauses (a), (b) and (0) above, and any other distributions to their stocl(holders relating to said stock; 0 r,evided Ijowaver that prior to the occurrence of an Event of Default under the Loan Agreement and so long as such Event of Default is not continuing, the Pledgor shall be entitled to receive, spend and othelWise utilize free of the security interest granted hereby any and all cash dividends and other distributions wIth respect to the pledged stock to the extent permitted by the terms and conditions set forth herein and in the Loan Agreement. The Pledgor represents and warrants that the Collateral is owned by the Pledgor frae and clear of any lien or encumbrance and that such Collateral is not subject any restrictions as to traI1$fer, excl3pt those specifically disclosed in writing to Lender or suc~ as may be imposed by applicable law affecting transfers generally, Pledgor s office, as referred to in Section 3.08 of i the Pledge and Security Agreement, is located at 104101 Highway B9/P.' Box 226, Freedom , WY 83120. RTFC BEGINS WY802-A-90di (VERGINJ) 30082- _..~~_.I.I). ::10 rf\.~ ;JU'~1:S;j ':075 SILVER STAR emu!I4J 022/022 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Pledge and Security Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written, Atte ~~ 7: Secretary TETON COMMUNICATIONS, INC. By. Title: ~.J' fib €.~ (SEAL) Address:104101 Highway 89 O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Attention: General Manager , .. ' Telecopy:307/883-2575 RURAL TELEPHONE FINANCE COOPERATIVE By: "'. (~EAL) Tslecopy: Woodland Park 2201 Cooperative Way Herndon, VA 20171-3025 703-709-6776 Address: RTr=C SECINS 802.A-9001 (YERGINJ) 300B2- ~/09/2003 10: 25 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR cmm ~OO7 PleDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENi PLEDGE AND SeCURI1Y AGREEMENT (thil! "Agreement") dated as of 2003, between THE HOOPES TELEPHONE MANAGEMENT LIMITED PART~ partnership duly organized and valJdly existing under the laws of the State of Idaho (the "Pledgor and RURAL TELEPHONE FINANCE COOPERATIVE, a South Dakota cooperative association (the Lender" WHEREAS, Pledgor and the Lender are parties to a Loan Agreement dated as of even date herewith (as modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time, the "Loan AgreementU ) , providingl subject to the terms and conditions thereof, for an extension of credit to be made by the lender to Pledgor in the principal amount of up to $8,333 333.00; . W~IEREAS, to induce Lender to enter into the Loan Agreement, Pledgor has agreed to pledge and grant a security interest in the Qollateral (as hereinafter defined) to Lender to secure the payment of the obligations of Pledgor Linder the Loan Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. Definitions. To the extent not inconsistent herewith, capitalized terms defined in the Loan Agreement are used herein as defined therein. In addition, as used herein: Basic Documents" shall mean the Loan Agreement and the promissory notes issued thereunder. Collateral" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2 hereof. .$ecured Obligations" shall mean, collectively, all obligations of Pledgor to the Lender hereunder and under the Basic Documents. Uniform Commercial Code" shall mean th$ Uniform Commarcial Cede as in effect from time to time in the applicable jurisdiction, seCTION 2.. ThE:!! Pledge and ~ecurity Interest. As collateral security for the prompt payment in full when due (whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) of the Secured Obligations, Pledgor hereby pledges, grants, assigns, transfers, conveys and sets over to the Lender a -security interest in all o.r Pledgors right, title and interest in the property described in paragraph 1 of Schedule A hereto, whether now owned by Pledgor or hereafter acquired and whether now existing or hereafter coming into existence (all being collectively referred to herein as Coliateral ). Schedule A attached t'leretc;) is an integral part of thiB Agreement and contains both a desol'lption of and certain representations regarding the Collateral. Pledgor covenants and agrees with Lender that Pledgor will not, directly or indirectly, without prior written consent of the Lender, RTFO SEeiNG WY802wA.9OO1 (VERGINJ) 3DO6B- Oi/09/2003 10: 26 FAX 30i 883 25i5-'-SILVER STAR COMM I4I 008 transfer, issue or sell any of the Collateral, or enter into any agreement which may result in the transfer, issuance or sale of any of the Collateral. SECTION 3. Further Assurances; Remedies. In furtherance of the grant of the pledge and security interest pursuant to Section 2 hereof, Pledgor hereby agrees with the Lender as follows: Delivery and Other Perfection. Pledgor shall: (8) deliver to the Lender, endorsed in blank for transfer or accompanied by duly executed stock powers or other instruments of assignment and transfers in such form and substance as the Lender may request, and all stock certificates or other securities representing any of the Collateral; (b) give, execute, deliver, file and/or record any financing statement, notice, instrument, document, agreement or other papers that may be necessary or desirable (in the judgment of the Lender) to oreate, preserve, perfect or validate the security interest granted pursuant hereto or to enable the Lender to exercise arid enforce its rights hereunder with respect to such pledge and security interest; and (0) permit representatives of the Lender, upon reasonable notice, at any time during normal business hours to inspect and make abstracts from the books and records pertaining to the Collateral, and permit representatives of the Lender to be present at Pledgor s place of business to receive copies of all communications and remittances relating to the Collateral all in such manner as the Lender may require. 02 Other Financjng Statements. Without the prior written consent of the Lender, P1edgor shall not fila or suffer to be on fHe, or authorize or permit to be filed or to be on fils, in any jurisdiction, any financing statement or like instrument with respect to the Collateral in which the Lander is not named as the sola secured party for the benefit of the Lender. 03 Preservation of Rights. The Lender shall not be required to take steps necessary to enforce or preserve any rights under any contract, instrument, or agreement included in the Collateral. 04 Rights FlagardiTl9 Collateral. So long as no Event of Default under the Loan Agreemeht shall have occurred and be continuing, Pledgor shall have the right to exercise all of its votIng, consensual and otrler powers of ownership pertaining to the Collateral for all purposes not inconsistent with the terms of this ,Ji.greement or any aT ihe Basic Documents, and shall be entitled to receive, spend and otherwise utilize all divldehds and ether distributions with respect to the Collateral; provided however, that Pledgor agrees that it will not vote the Collateral in any manner that is inconsistent with the term:; of this Agreement or any cf the Basic Documents. Tt1e Lender shall execute and deliver to Pledgor or calise to be executed and delivered to Pledgor all such proyjes, powers of attorney, dividend checks (duly endorsed to Pled9ar), and other ordersv and all such instruments, without recourse~ as Pledgor may reasonably request Jar the purpose of enabling it to exercise its rights and powers which it is entitled to exerolss pursuant to this Section 3.04. RTFC SEeiNg wYaO~"A-9001 (VEFIGINJ) SOQt;M 07/:09/2003 10: 26 FA.:\ 307 883 2575 S I L VER STAR COMM ~OO9 05 Events of Default, etc. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default under the Loan Agreement which has continued beyond any applicable grace period, then, subject to ,applicable law and approvals, if necessary, of regulatory agencies: (a) the Lender shall have all of the rights and remedies with respect to the Collateral of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code (and to the extent permitted by applicable law, whether or not said Code is in sHeet in the jurisdiction where the rights and remedies are asserted)j (b) the Lender in its discretion may. in its name or in the name of Pledgor or otherwise, demand, sue for, collect or receive any money or property at any time payable or receivable on account of or in exchange for any of the Collateral, but shall be under no obligation to do 80; and (0) the Lender may, upon fifteen (15) business days prior written notice to Pledgor of the time and place, with respect to the Collateral or any part thereof which shall then be or shaH thereafter come into the possession, custody or control of the lender or any of its agents, sell or otherwise dispose of all or any part of such Collateral, at such place or places as the Lender deems best, and for cash or on credit or for future delivery (without thereby assuming any credit risk), at public or private sale, without demand of performance or notice of intention to eHect any such dispOSition or of time or place of sale (except such notice as is required above, or as is required by applicable statute and cannot be waived) and the Lender or anyone else may be the purchaser or recipient of any or all of the Collateral so disposed of at any public sale (or, to the extent permITted by law, at any private sale), and thereafter hold the same absolutelY, free from any claim or right of whatsoever kind, including any right or equity of redemption (statutory or otherwise) of Pledgor any such demand, notice or right or equity being hereby expressly waived and released, The proceeds of each collection, sale or other disposition under this Section 3.05 shall be applied in accordance with Section 3.09. 06 Deficiency- If the proceeds of sale, collection or other realization of or upon the Collateral are insufficient tD cover the costs and expenses of such realization and the payment in full of the Secured Obligations, Pledgor shall remain liable far any and all deficiency for which Pledgor is obligated under this Agreement. 07 Privat~ Sale. In exercising its rights and remedies hereunder in the event of default hereunder, the Lender shall incur no liability as a result of the sale of the Collateral. or any part 1hereofj at any private sale conducted in a commercially reasonable manner in accordance with applicable law. Pledgor hereby waives any claims against the Lender arising by reason of the fact that the price at which the Collateral may have been sold at such private sale was le$$ than the price- which might have been obtained at a public sale or was less than the aggregate amount oi the Secured Obligations, unless the related saie was not conducted in a commercially reasonable manner in accordance with applicable law. 08 Rsmovals~ e=tc- Pledgor shall not rnaJntaln any of its bOOKS and records with respect to the Collateral at any office other thal'\ its office as provided on the last page at this Agreement as Fr1'FC SECINS WYOO2-A-!;1O0" (YEHGINJ) 30068- --- Oi/09/2003 10: 27 FAX 30i 88 3 25i1-.._-SILVER STAR COMM ~O10 of the date hereof or maintain its office or its principal place of business at any other place other than at such location without giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Lender. 09 Application of Proceeds. Except as otherwise herein expressly provided, the proceeds of any collection, sale or other realization of all or any part of the Collateral, and any other cash at the time held by the Lender under this Section 3, shalt be applied by the Lender. FIrst, to the payment of the costs and expenses of such collection, sale or other realization, including reasonable compensation to the Lender and its agents and counsel, and all expenses, and advances made or incurred by the Lender in connection therewith: Second to the payment in full of the Secured Obligations described in Section hereof; and FinallV, to the payment to Pledgor, or its successors or assigns, or as a court of competent jurisdiction may direct, of any surplus then remaining. As used in this Section 3, "proceeds of Collateral shall mean cash, securities and other property realized with respect to, and distributions in kind of. Collateral, including any thereof received under any reorganization, liquidation or adjustment of debt of Pledgor or any issuer of or obligor on any of the Collateral. 10 Attorney-iri.Fabt. Subject to the Lender having first obtained any required approval from regulatory agencies, without limiting any rights or powers granted by this Agreement to the Lender, upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default under the Loan Agreement~ the Lender is hereby appointed the attorneYMin-fact of Pledgor for the purpose carrying out the provisions of this Section 3 and taking any action and e)(ecuting any instruments which the Lender may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes hereof, which appointment as attorney~in~fact is irrevocable and coupled with an interest, provided that the Lender shall not take any action pursuant to the authority granted to it in this Section 3.10 without first notifying Pledgor in writing thereot. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, so long as the Lender shall be al1titled under this Section 3 to make collectioM in respect of the Collateral, the Lender shall have the right and power to receivet endorse and collect all checks made payable to the order of Pledgor representing any' dividend, payment or ether distribution in respect of the Collateral or any part thereof and to give full discharge for the same. seCTION 4. Miscellaneous. 01 Initial Financir'lg Statements. Prior to or concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement. Pledgor shall tHe such financing statements and otrlsr documents in such offices as the Lender may request to perfect the pledge and security interest granted by this Agreement 4-,02 Further Assurances:. Pledgor agrees that, from time to time upon the written fl'!quest of the Lender , Pled~ICJr will execute and deliver such further documents and do such other act(;~ and things as the Lender may reasonably request in order fully to effect the purposes of this Agreement. RTFG SEon\JS WV802..GOO1 (VeRGlNJ) 3(1068- -- 07/09-.::200 27 FAX 307- 883 2575 SILVER STAR C(l~!?rf I4J 011 03 No Waiver. No faIlure on the part of the Lender or any of its agents to exercise, and no course of dealing with respect tol and no delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereaf; nor shall any single or partial exercise by the Lender or any of its agents of any right, power or remedy hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. The remedies herein are cumulative and are not exclusive of any remedies provided by law, 04 Expenses. Pledgor agrees to pay to the Lender all out-of-pocket expenses (including reasonable expenses for legal services of every kind) of, or incident to, the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement, or performarice by the Lender of any obligations of Pledgor with respect to the Collateral which Pledgor has failed or refused to perform, or any actual or attempted sale, or any exchange, enforcement, collec1ion, compromise or settlement with respect to any of the Collateral, and for the care of the Collateral and defending or asserting rights and claims of the Lender in respect thereof, by litigation or otherwise and allsuoh expenses shall be Secured Obligations to the Lender secured under Section 2 hereof. 05 Taxes. Pledgor agrees to pay before delinquency any tax or other governmental charge which is or can become through assessment, distraint or otherwise a lien on the Collateral and to pay any tax or othergovemmental charge which may be levied on the transactions hereunder, provided that nothing herein shall require Pledgor to pay any such tax or other governmental charge with respect to which Pledgor is prosecuting in good faith or appeal or other proceedings shall have been fully bonded or othsawise effectively stayed. 06 Termination. When all Secured Obligations have been paid in full and the Loan Agreement shall have terminated, this Agreement shall terminate, and the Lender shall forthwITh cause to be assigned, transferred and delivered, against receipt but without any recourse, warranty or representatiol'\ whatsoever, any remaining Collateral and money received in respect thereof, to or on the order of Pledgor. 07 GOVeRNING LAW. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, PROVIDED THAT AS TO COLLATERAL LOCATED IN ANY JURISDICTION OTHER THAN THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, THE LENDER SHALL HAVE ALL THE RIGHTS TO WHICH A SECURED PART'r' UNDER THE LAWS OF SUCH ~IURISDICTION IS ENTITLED. 08 Notioes. All notices , requests and other communications provided for herein including, without limitation, any modifications of, or waivers, requests or consents under, this Agreement shall be given or made in writing (including, without limitation, by teleoopy) and delivered to the intended recipient at the "Address far N()tiDes" specified below; or, as to any party~ at $uch other address as shall be designated by such party in a notice to each other party. Exoept as otherwise provided in thi$ Agreement, all stich communications shall be deemed to have been duly giv€'.in when personally daliverecl or. in the case t1f a teleoopied or mailed notice, upon receipt, in each caSE: given or addressed as provided for herelli. The Addrass for Notices of the respective parties are on the last page of this Agreement. RTFO seeiNG WYBO2-SOO1 (YEAGII~J) 3006(\..1 Oi/09/2003 10: 27 FAX 30i :183 95i" 'ILVER -- STAR COMM ~012 09 Waivers, etc. The terms of this Agreement may be waived, altered or amended only by an instrument in writing duly executed by Pledgor and the Lender. 4:10 Headings. The headings and sub-headings contained in this Agreement are intended to be used for convenience only and do not constitute part of this Agreement. 11 successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of Pledgor, the Lender and each subsequent holder of the Secured Obligations (provided, however, that Pledgor shall not assign or transfer its rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the Lender). 12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts and aU of such counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. RiFe SECIN$ wYeO~.A.80tl'i. (YERGlbJJ) 30068- 07/(19/2003 10: 28 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR emU!I4J 013 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Pledge and Security Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. THE HOOPES TELEPHONE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MANAGEMENT (SEAL) Operati ng Manager 0 A&M Management, 1(rt\i)x \ . r.. t G~nf'.ral Par.tner of he:iHoopes Telephone M~nagement Limited Partnership AIIeSt I /If Secretary Address:104101 Highway 89 O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Attention: General Manager " .. " Telecopy:307/883~2575 RURAL TELEPHONE FINANCE COOPERATIVE fY~ Treasurer rSEAL) Address:Woodland Park 2201 Cooperative Way Herndon, VA 2017H3025 T elecopy:703~709~6776 RIFe SEOINS WY802-MJOO1 (YERGINJ) 30068"1 /09/2003 10:28 FAX '307 '3 2575 S I L VER STAR GOMM ~014 SCHEDULE A TO PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT Collateral , as defined and described in Section 2 of the Pledge and Security Agreement, shall be: (a.) (i)500 voting Shares of Common Stock of Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc., a Wyoming corporation. As of the date hereof, Silver Star Telephone Company, Ino. has issued and outstanding i 0,000 Shares of Common Stock and No Shares of Preferred Stock; (ii)500 non-voting Shares of Common Stock of Sliver Star Telephone Company, Ino" a Wyoming corporation. As of the date hereof, Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. has issued and outstanding -10,000 Shares of Common Stock and Zero Shares of Preferred Stock; (in)250 voting Shares of Common Stock of Teton Communications, Inc., a Wyoming corporation. As of the date hereof, Teton Communications, Inc. has issued and outstanding 1,000 Shares of Common Stock and Zero Shares of Preferred Stock; (iv)750 non-voting Shares at Common Stock of Teton Communications, Inc., a Wyoming corporation. As of the date hereof, Teton Communications. Ino, has issued and outstanding 000 Shares of Common Stock and Zero Shares of Preferred Stock; and (V)Land100% 01; the membership interests in Mountain Communications, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company (b) without affecting any provision prohibiting such action hereunder or under the Basic Documents, in the event of any consolidation or merger in which the pledged company identified in 1 (a)(i - v) above is not the surviving company. all shares of each class of the capital stock of the successor corporation formecl by or resulting from such consolidation or merger di$tribut~d in respect of the pledged stock described above; (0) aU proceeds ot and to any of the property described in clauses (a) and (b) above and, tl'.) the extent related to any property described in said clauses or above in this claU~ie (0), all bookG, corrsspolldenoe, credit files, records, invoices and other papers; and (d) all di'Jidends on 1"'6 stock and membersrlip interests described in clauses (8.) and (b) above, and any other dlstributione;; to their stockholders or members relating to said stock or tnsmbership interests; pr0vided however, that prior' to the occurrent;e of an Event of Default under the Loan Agreement and so RTFC I:'iECIN$ WV802-t;,90D1 (YERGINJ) 30068- Oi /09/2003 10: 28 FAX 30i 883 ")-..--,...O i...2.-SILVER STAR COMM ~O15" .' . long as such Event of Default Is not continuing, the Pledgor shall be en.titl~d to., receive, spend and othslWise utilize free of the security interest granted hereby any and all cash dividends and other distrIbutIons with respect to the pledged stock and membership interests to the extent permitted by the terms and conditions set forth herein and in the Loan Agreement. The Pledgor represents and warrants that the Collateral is owned by the Pledgor free and clear of any lien or encumbrance and that such Collateral is not subject to any 'restrictions as to transfer, except those specifically disclosed in writing to Lender or such as may be imposed by applicable law affecting transfers generally. Pledgor office. as referred to in Section 3.08 of the Pledge and Security Agreement, is located at 104101 Highway B9/P.O. Box 226~ Freedom, WY 83120. RTFC seCINS VNBO?-.-A-(,10Q1 (VEFlGII'!J) 300EW- 07/08/2003 16: 34 FA..:1 307 883 2575 ~006 The undersigned, the Secretary of SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. (the Company ), a Wyoming corporatIon, hereby certifies to RURAL TELEPHONE 1riNANCE COOPEAATIVE, a South Dakota cooperative association, that I am authorized to execute this Certificate on behalf of the Company and further certifies that: The Company is duly organized, validly existing and in goad standihg under the laws of the state of its organization and there is no per ding or contemplated proceeding for the merger, consolidation, sale af as5ets or business or dissolutIon of the Company; Attached hereto as Attachment 1 is a true, complete and correct cdpy of the resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted on IJune 30 ~~ Such action for the Company W8S .puly, regularly and legally I taken accordance with law and the by-laws of the Company; and said rJsolutlons have not been modified, altered or rescinded and the same are ktill in fullfarce and effect; ! . The fOIlQwin~' persons are duly qualified and acting officers or ~thorizad representatives of the Company~ duly elected or appointed to the offices or authorized to represent the Company in the capacities set forthi opposite their respective names, and ."the signature appearing opposite the name of each person is the genuIne signature: (a) Allen R.Hoopes Ron B. McCue Chad Turner SILVER STAR COMM Certificate as to Resolutions Board of Directors and Incumbency (b) (c) (d) Name Title ~Q~l.~r?i'~~ .#* )uJ' !J~MLA c0 CJ\~ ~. JJn Certificate on behtf of the President Vice. President Vice President Bonnie E. Hoopes Secretary IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, I have execut~d this Company this 30th day of June, 2003. 03) ~ ~, 1: - .Jtn7~ Name: Bonnie E. Hoopes Title: Secretary SlIver"Star Certificate a5 to Resolutions :'1 S:\cIi~lltS\1534\42\SnV~r Star Certificate as to Resolutions GPO'DOC U7/ U~/~UU3 16: 34 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~OO7 Attacijment 1 RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZiNG PLEDGE OF SILVER STAR TELEPHONe COM SHARES RESOLVED, that Silver Star Telephone Company, 'Ino: (the "Company") pledge aJd granta security interest in 1,483 shares of capita! stock of Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. Columbine ) now owned by the Company to Rural Telephone Finance Coo~erativeRTFC") as collateral for a loan to Columbine and other Company Affiliates (the "P~edgein amounts which shall not at anyone time exceed $8,333,333.00 in the aggregate; ! RESOLVED, that Allen R. Hoopes, the President, is hereby authorized on behal~ of theCompany to execute and deliver under its corporate seal , which the Secretary orAssistant Secretary is directed to affix and attest). as many counterparts as ~hall bedeemed advisable . of a Pledge and Security Agreement with RTFC as "pledgee" andrelated Stock Powers, in substantially the farms as presented to the Board of Directdrs; and RESOLVED, that said officer be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to execlte anddeliver in the name of and on behatf of the Company such other documents and ~o takesuch other actions as such person, in his sole ' discretion, shall deem necessary oradvisable to carry out the intent and purpose of the foregoing resolutions lor thetransactions contemplated thereby. . Silv~r Star Certificate as to Resolutions ~ 2 8:\clients\ "534\42\Silver Star Certificate as to Rescl)uiioTls GPOi.DOC 07/08/2003 16: 33 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COM~l ~002 CONSENT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY~ INC. The undersigned being all of the directors of SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC., a Wyoming corporation (the "Company ) do hereby take tre following corporate actions without a meeting in accordance with the general corporatiofllaws ofthe State of Wyoming and the constituent documents of the Corporation: WHEREAS, the Company has been asked by RTFC to pledge and grant a security interest in 1,483 shares of cE!pital stock of Columbine Telephone Co!mpany, Inc. Columbfne ) now owned by the Company to Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative RTFCII) as collateral for a loan to Columbine and other Company Affiliates (the Pledga in amounts which shan not at anyone time exceed $8j 333,33.00 in theaggregate; WHEREAS, the directors believe such Pledge is in th~ best interest of theCompany. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Company pledge :and grant a security interest in 1,483 shares of capital stock of Columbine now owned bythelCompanyto RTFC as collateral for a loan to Columbine and other Company Affiliates (the I Pledge ), in . amounts which shall not at anyone time 'exceed $8,333,333.00 in the aggregate; RESOLVED, that Allen R, I-Ioopes, the President. is hereby authorized I on behalf of , the Company to execute and deliver under , its corporate seal, which the Secretary or Assistant Secretary is directed to a'ffix and sttest, as many counterparts as shall be deemed advisable of a Pledge and Security Agreement with RTFC as "pledgee" and r~!ated Stock Powers, in substantially the forms as presented to the Board of Directors; RESOLVED, that said officer be, and hereby is, authorized and direct~d to execute and deliver in the name of and on behalf of the Company such other document~ and to take SLIGh other actions as such persan~ in his sale discretion , shall deem nscessarYior advisable to carry out the intent and purpose of the foregoing resolutions or the itransactionscorltemplated thereby; and RESOLVED, that alf actions heretofore taken by the authorized agents of the Company, in connection with and in furtheranC8of providing the Pledge are hrreby ratified and confirmed in all respects as acts of the Company. (end oftext) CONSENi R~SOLUTION SilVER STAR TELSPHON!:: COMPANY INC, ~ ' S:\dlenia\H"34\42\8!1ver StEIl' CcnGent of Directors GPD1.tloc 07/08/2003 16: 33 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~OO3 Dated effective the 30th day of June, 2003. Melvin R. Hoopes. Director Stephen R. Hoopes, Director Bradford E. Hoopes, Director Rod 8. Jensen, Director Vince Zimmer, Director Tam Davis, Director Bonnie E. Hoopes. Director Allen R. Hoopee , Director COI\lS!:.NT RESOLUTION SILVER STAR rELEF'HONE COMPANl', II'~C. ~ 2 S;\diehts\1584\1!2\$lIvl'Jl' star Consent or Dlrm:;ttJfS GPO'doc .. ,. ,, Oi/08/2003 16:34 FAX 30i 883 25i5 S I L VER STAR COMM Dated effective the 30 th day of June, 2003. 141004 Melvin R. Hoopes, Director , Director ~mor h~~ Allen R. Hoopes , Dlrecto CONSENT RESOLUTION SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, lNG, - ~ S~\clIent5\1534\42\8nver Star CcJnOlent of Dlrm:tOm GPO'doc UI/UO/~UU~ ~D-~~ ~OJ :A..i ;5 1'( ~"'$ ;; ~:) 7 5 SILVER STAR COMM Certificate as to Resolutions of Board of Directors and Incumbency ~ 006/022 The undersigned, the Secretary of TETON COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (the "Compa~Y'). a Wyoming corporation, hereby certifies to RURAL TELEPHONE FIMANCE CQOPERA TIVE, a South Dakota cooperative association, that I am authorized to execute this Certificate on behalf of the Company and further certifies that The Company is duly organized, valldly existing and in good standing under the laws of the state of its organization and there is no penqing or contemplated proceeding for the merger, consolidation, sale of assets or business or dissolution of the Company; Attached hereto as Attachment 1 is a true, complete and correct copw of the resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted on June 302003; Such action for the Company was duly, regularlY and legally bken - accordance with law and the by-1aws of the Company; and said re~olutions have not been modified, altered or rescinded and the same are still in full force and effect; (a) (b) (0) The fol\owir\~ persons are duly qualified and acting officers or authorized representatives of the Company, duly elected or appointed to the mffices or authorized to represent the Company in the capacities sat forth Iopposite their respective names, and the signature app8aring opposite ths :name of each person is, the genuine signature; (d) Nama Allen R. Hoapes Title Pre~ident Ron B. McCue Vice President Bonnie E. Hoopes Secretary Certificate as to Resolutions (Teton) - S:\client$\'1534\42\T eton Certificate as to Resolutions GPO'I.DGe lJ Ii l'" .: 1I U ;5 J.1j: t) z t'AA. ;5 II I) 13 ;j :: 575 SI~~R ~TAR COMM IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this CerilflOBte on behalf Jf the Company this 30th day of June, 2003. ~(I\~!_ Nc;lme: Bonnie H. Hoopes Title: Secretary certificata as to Resolution$ (Teton) " S:\cllt;':nts\ i 534-\42\Teton CertIficate as to RsGohJ\\OIlS GPO1.DOC ~ OOi /022 1,/ t.I~,/ .:;tHI.l.b:::' ~ r';H17 ~~;.I ~575 SILVER STAR COMM ~ (108/022 Attachment 1 RESOLUTIONS AUTHORiZING BORROWING RESOLVED, that Teton Communications , Inc. (the "Company") borrow from i Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative (IIRTFC") , and that"the Board of Directors hereby authorize borrowings from RTFC, from "time to time in amounts which shall not at any on~ time exceed $8,333,333.00 in the aggregatel ten percent (10%) of which amount shall be used for the purchase of Subordinated Capital Certificates if the Company does not pay for such purchase out of its general funds; RESOLVED. that the proceeds of such borrowings shall be used bylhe Company s~le\y.s specified in the Loan Agreement (as defined be1ow); RESOLVED, that the Company pledge and grant 8 security iflterest to RTFC as cmllateral for the Loan the Company's interest in and to 10 000 shares of capital stock of Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. ("Columbine ); , RESOLVED, that Allen R, Hoopes Is hereby authorized on behalf of the com~any to execute and deliver under its corporate seal, which the Secretary or Assistant Secretary Is directed to affix and attest: (a) as many counierparts as shall b. deemed advisable of. Loan Agkament with RTFC (the "Loan Agreement" ' ' suQstantia!ly in the form presented to the Board of Directors; a Secured Promissory NotEI payable to the order of RTFC in the e~gregate principal amount of $8,333,333.00, bearing such interest as provided for therein and providing for the payment of the indebtedness evidenced thereby .with!n fifteen ('15) years after the dat~ thereof (the I "Note ) , substantially In the farm presented to the Board of Directors; as many counterparts as shan be deemed advisable of a Pledge and Security Agreement with RTFC as pledgee, and related stoc~ Powers, substantially in the forms presented to the Board of Directors; RESOLVED, that said officer be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to e)(~cute- and dsliver in the name of and on behalf of the Company such other documents ElIi1d to take such other actions as such person, in his/har 80le discretion, shaH deem necessary or advisable to carry out the intent and purpose of ,the foregoing resolutiOlli5 or the transactions contemplated thereby; and " (b) (c) RESOLVED, that Allen R. Hoopes is authorized on behalf of the Company to request and receive funds on account of the l\Iote tram time to time, to repay sLich funds in accordance with the Loan Agreement end the Note, and is directed to deposit suol1 funds if a special bank account used to receive advances from the Lender. Certificate 'as to Resolutions (Teton) ~ 3 S:\clisnts\ 1534\42\Teton Certificate as to Resolutions GPOi .DOC "'/"""""",; J.V;;JU t'n..-I. .)~I' 00;) ;:010 ::J1LVER STAR COMM---- _.~ 002/022 CONSENT ReSOLUT'ON OF THE BOARD OF DiReCTORS TETON COMMUNICATiONS, iNC. The undersigned being all of the directors of the board of directors bf Taton Communications, Inc., a Wyoming corporation (the ~Company ) po hereby ~ake the following corporate actions without a meeting in accordance with the general co~poration laws of the State of Wyoming and the constituent documents of the Company: W ~ EREAS, the directors, at a duly called meeting of the directors, have Jven their approval to pursue a loan commitment to provide funding for the restructuring ofthe ownership interests of the Company and its affiliates; and WHEREAS. the directors of the Company have obtained a loan cornmit~ent from Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative (lrRTFC") in the amount of Eight Million Three Hundred Thirty Three Thousend Three Hundred Thirty Three Dollar$ ahd no/100 ($8,333,333.00) (the "Loan ); WHEREAS, the Company has been asked to pledge and grants securi~interestto RTFC (the "Pledge ) as collateral for the Loan the company's inter-est in and 10,000 shares of capital stock of Columbine Telephone Company. Inc. ("C(!)IUmbine ); WHEREAS, the directors believe such Loan and the Pledge is in the bes~ interest of the Company; and WHEREAS, the directors now desires to a prove the Loan and the PIJdga. NOWj THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the cOmpanYbOrrowfrom RTFCJ and tlla~ the directors hereby a~thari2'.e borr?wings from R:TFC, from time to time in amounts whIch shall not at anyone time exceed $8,333,333.00 In the aggregate, ten pe cent ('10%) of which amoun1 shall be llsed,forthe purchase of Subordinated Capital Certificates if the. Company does not pay for such purchase out of its general funds; RESOLVED, that the proceeds of such borrowings shaH be used by ttie Company solely as specified in the Loan Agreement (as defined below); RESOLVED, that the Company pledge and grant a security interest in 1 ,000 shares of capital stock of Columbine) all currently owned by the Company to RTFC as collateral for the Loan; RESOLVED, that Allen R. Hoopes, the President of the compady Ie hereby authorized on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver the following: (a)as many countl3rparts as shall be deemed advisable of a Loan AQweementwith GONSEll.JT REsOLurION TEiON COMMUI~IC;A110N$ ~ ' S:\clisnts\'1534\42\1"etcn Consent of Directors GPOi.doc. .. ' .... - ,..." ,' "'f"",..,.,..) ~V.;)J. rl1.A .'Ut ()OJ ;':011:1......---SILVI?R STAR COMM I4J 003/022 RTFC (the "Loan Agreamentll), substantially in the form presente9 to thedirectors; (b) a Secured Promissory Note payable to the order of ~TFC in the a~gregate principal amount of $8,333,333,00, bearing such interest as proVided for therein and providing for the payment of the indebtedness evidenced thereby within fifteen (15) years after the date thereof (the .' Note ), substanti~\lY in the .form presented to the directors; as many counterparts as shall be deemed advisable pf a Pledge anq Security Agreement with RTFC as pledgee and related Stock Powers, subs$ntially in the forms presented to the directors; REBa L VED, that Allen R. Hoopes. the President of the Company ba. and ~erebY Is, authorized and dir.ected to execute and deliver in the name of and an behalf of thelCompany such other documents ami to take such other actions as such person, In his sole 9iscretion, shall deem necessary or advisable to carry out the intent and purpose of the lforegoing resolutions or the transactions contemplated thereby; and RESOLVED, that al1 actions heretofore taken by the authorized agerts of the Company. in connaction with and in furtherance of the Loan and the Pledge $re hereby ratified and confirmed in all respects as acts of the Company. (c) (end of text) CON9~NT ~ESOLUTIDlo,J TETDI~ COMMUI~lGAiION$ . s:\clle1'lts\'1534\42.\Tatan Caf\ssnt of Directors GPO' ! . coC ' ' UI/UO/~uua lb:51 tAX 307 88 :.I 2575 SILVER STAR COM~! Dated effective the 30 th day of June; 2003. Allen R. Hoopes, Director ~ 004/022 Stephen Hoopes. Director Bradford E. Hoopes, Director Bonnie E. Hoopes, Director CDNSENT R~SOLUr\ON rETOH COMMUI,JICArIOI\!:;; ~ 3 $~\Gliants\'\ 534\42\TatDn Conroent of Dlreolors GPO1.doc - I 1)(/U~/;:lIU;j 115:51 FAX 307 883 2575 .SILVER STAR COM?r!I4J 005/022 Dated effective the 30th day qf June , 2003. Melvin R. Hoopes, Director~K~ Allen R. Hoopes, Director ~~A 0 nie E. Hoopes, Director CONSENT RE:SOLUTI0N TETChl COMMLINIGArIDIIIS - 3 S:\clienh:\'1534-\42\ieton Consent of DlreotrJrs GPO1.tloc Oi /09/ 2003 10: 30 FAX 30i 883 25i5 ~020S I L VER STAR COMM Certificate as to Resolutions of General Partner and Incumbency The undersigned, the Operating Manager of A&M Management LC., the sale General Partner of THE HOOPES TELE?HONE MANAGEMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. an Idaho limited partnership, (the "Partnership ), hereby certifies to RURAL TELEP\10NE FINANCE COOPERATIVE, a South Dakota cooperative association, that I am authorized to execute this Certificate on behalf of the Partnership and further certifies that: (8) (b) The Partnership is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the s-tate of its organization and there is no pending or contemplated proceeding for the merger; consolidation, sale of assets or business or dissolution of the Partnership; ttached hereto 136 Attachment 1 is a true , complete and correct copy of the resolutions of the General Partner of the Partnership adopted on June 3D, 2003; (c)Such action for the Partnership was duly, regularly .and legally taken in accordance with law and the Amended Certificate of Limited Partnership of the Partnership dated January 1. '1998; and said resolutions have not been modified, altered or rescinded and the same are stili in full farce and effect; (d)The following persons are duly qualified and acting officers or authorized representatives of the Partne~ship, duly elected or appointed to the offices or authorized to re:present the Partnership in- the capacities set forth opposite their respective name~, and the signature appearing opposite the name of each person is the ~I~nuin~ ,~ig!)ature: b!ame title ~ignature Melvin R. Hoopes C)perating Manager, A&M-j Management L,C" General CJ)~ ~, ,...;. Partner IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this Certifu:;ate on behalf of the Partnership this 30th clay of June, 2003. A&M MANAGEMENT LC.. a Wyoming limited liability company, General Partner of The Hoopes Telephone Management Limited' Partnsr:ship, an Idaho limited partnership ~tt Name: lelvin..R, Hoopes Title: Jperatilig Manager Certificate a~ to Resolutlor\E:~ (Hoopes) - ' S:\G\ients\'153'n42\Hoop~S Certificate El$ to Resolutions GPD1.DOC Oi /09,'2003 10: 31 FA..'f 30i 883 25i5 S I L VER STAR COMM I4J 021 , , . ' Attachment 1 RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING BORROWING R!;:SOL VED, that The Hoopes Telephone Management Limited Partnership, an Idaho limited partnership (tile "Partnernhip ) borrow from Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative RTFC") , from time to time in amounts which shall not at any one time exceed $8,333,333.00 in the aggregate (the "Loan ), ten percent (10%) of which amount shall be used for the purchase of Subordinated Capita! Certificates if the Partnership does not pay for such purchase out of its general funds; RESOLVED, that the proceeds of such borrowings shall be used by the' Partnership solely as specified in the Loan Agreement (as defined below); RESOLVED, that the Partnersl,ip pledge and grant a securtty ini:erest to RTFC as collateral for the Loan the Partnership s interest in and to (i) 10 000 shares of capital stock of Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. ("Silver Star"); (ii)' 1 ,a" shares of capital stocK of Teton Communications, Inc. ("Teton ); and (in) 100% of the membership interests in and Mountain Land Communications, LLC ("MLC~ RESOLVED, that the Operating Manager OT A&M Management, LC., being the General Partner of the Pa'rtrier$hip is hereby authorized on behalf of the Partnership to execute and. deliver: (a)as many counterparts as shall be deemed advisable of a Loan Agreement with RTFC (the "Loan Agreement"), 5L1bstant1ally irl the form presented tothe partners; (b)a Secured Promissory Nate payable to the order of RTFC in the aggregate prIncipal amount of $8,333,333.00, ~earing such interest as provided for therein and providing for the payment of the indebtedness evidenced thereby within fifteen (15) years after the date thereof (the "Note substantially in thE:: fc:mTt presented to ~he partners; (c) ' ' as many caunterparts as shall be.. ge~i-ned advisable of a Pledge and Security Agreement wrth RTFC 'as pledgee and related Stock and Membership Interest Powers, substantially in t11e forms presented to the partners; RESOLVEDv that Melvin Hoope.s, op~rating manager of the general partner be, and h(3reb~1 IS, authorized and directed to execute and deliver in the name of and on behalf of t~\e Partnership such ot!l~r documents and to take such other actions as such parson, in his sale di$cretiar1, shall deem necessary or advisable to carry out the intent and purpose af the foreg(jing resolutions elf' the transactions contemplated thereby; and RESOLVED, that Melvin R. Hoopes or Allen R. Hoape.s. jointly and/or severally, are authorized an bshelf of thE\ Partnership to request and receive funds on account of the !\Jete fran') time to time, to repay such funds in accord~n,?~ with th~ Loan Agreement and th~ NDte, and is directed to deposit such funds in 8 speda\ bank account used to receive advances from the L~ndel- - - Certificate as to F~e(;)olutidnt, '(Hoopes) - 2. ' , S:\dierrts\1534\42\Hoapes Certffici:.1te as to Re.sollltions'GPO'J..DOC ...." 07/09/2003 10:31 FAX 307 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~022 CONSENT RESOLUTION OF THE GENERAL PARTNER THE HOOPES TELEPHONE MANAGEMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AN IDAHO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP The undersigned being the operating manager of the sole general partner of THE HOOPES TELEPHONE MANAGEMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Idaho limited partnership (the "Partnership ) do hereby take the following actions without a meeting in accordance with the gen eral partnership laws; of the State of Idaho and the constituent documents of the Partnership: WHEREAS, the general partner has given its approval forthe Partnership to pursue a loan commitment to provide funding far the restructuring of the ownership interests of the Partnership and its affiliates; and WHEREAS, the Partnership 1186 obtained a loan commitmentfrom Rural Telephone Finanoe Cooperative ("RTFC") in the amount of Eight Million Three Hundred Thirty Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Three Dollars and no/100 (-$8,333,333.00) (the "Loan ); and WHEREAS, the general partner believes the Loan to be in the best interests ofthePartnership; WHEREAS, the general partner now desires'to,approve the Loan; , , WHEREAS, the Parthership has,been asked to pledge and grant a security interest to RTFC (the "Pledge ) as coHatera! forthe Loan the Partnership s interest in and to (i) 10jOOO sl1ares of capital stacl~ of Silver SterTelaphone Company, Inc. ('I Silver Star"); (ii) 1,000 shares of capita~ stock of Teton Communications. Inc. (IfTeton )~ and (iii) 100% O"r the membership interests irr and to Mountain Land Communications I LLC MLC" VVHEREAS, the general partner believes such Pledge is in the best interest of the Partnership; and WHEREAS. the general partner now de$ires t(\ approva the Pledge. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. thatthe Partnership borrow from RTFC, and that the general partner hereby authorize borrowings from RTFC, from time to time amounts which shall not 8t anyone time exceed $8.333,333,00 in the aggregate I ten percent ('10%) of which amount shaH be used for the purchase of Subordinated Capital Certificates if the Partnership does not pay for Bueh pure:hase out of it$ general funds: RESOLVED, that the proceeds of such borrowings shall be used by the Partnership CONSE!\lT REGOLU"nOI\l HoOI"ES TtlEPHOh!c !\iJANAGEM"I'~i - i :;-;:\t:llents\1534\t1,2\HotJpea Conset'1t of (J;t\nEm'.iI ~'C1rtner GPO"! .DOC 07/09/200~i 10: 31 FAX 30i 883 2575 SILVER STAR COMM ~023 solely as specified in the Loan Agreement (as defined below); RESOLVED, that the PartnershIp pledge 'and gh;mt EI security interest In 10,000 shares of capital stock of Silver Star; (ii) 1,000 shares of capital stock of Teton; and (Hi) 100% of the membership interests in and to MLC, all currently owned by the Partnership to RTFC as collateral for the Loan; RESOLVED, that the Operating Manager of A&M Management, LC., being the general partner of the Partnership is hereby authorized on behalf of the Partnership to execute and deliver the following: (a)85 many counterparts as shall be deemed advisable of a Loan Agreement with RTFC (the IILoan Agreementt'), substantially in the form presented to the partners; (b)a Secured Promissory Note payable to the order of RTFC in the aggregate principal amount of $8,333,333.0G~;"baaring such interest as provided for therein and providing far the payment bfth6 indebtedness evidenced thereby within fifteen (15) years after the date thereof (the "Note ), substantially in the form presented to the partners; (c)as many counterparts as shall be deemed advisable of a Pledge and Security Agreementwith RTFC as pledgee and related Stack and Membership Interest Powers, substantially in the forms presented to the partners; . RESOLVED. that Melvill R. Hoopes, operating manager of the general partner be, and hereby is. authorized and directed to execute and deliver in the name of and on behalf of the Partnership such other documents and to take such other actions 8S such person. in his sole discretion, shall deem necessary or advisable to carry out the intent am.I purpose ofthe foregoing resolutIons or the transactions contemplated thereby; and RESOLVED, that all actions heretofore taken' by the authorized agents of the Partnership, in connection with and in furtherancE;J Eifthe Loan and the Pledge are hereby ratified and confirmed in all respects as acts of the, Partnership. (Elnd of text) COI\!SENT RESOLUTION HOOPES IELEPHONEMAI"/l.Gi::\,'\EI'IT- 2. S:\cliMI:s\'1534\42\Hoopat ConEiant 01 GE;neral PartI'1~r GPOi .DOC ': ". ' Ci/09/2003 10: 32 FAX 30i 883 25i SILVER STAR COMM I4J 024 Dated effective the 30th day of june, 2003. A & M Management, L.C., General Partner elvin R. Hoopes, Opera ing Manager CONSENT RESOLUTION HoopE;:() TEU::~HDNt: !"Jll1.NA(::E.MEi'Ii ~ ::\ S:\r.lients\ 1534\42\Hoopas con~ent of General Palinol" GPO'DOC