HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030515Loan Extension.pdfGIVENS PURSLEY LLP c VED LAWOFFICES Gary G.Allen FranklinG.Lee Michael C.Orr277North6thStreet.Suite 200 Chrstopher J Beeson David R.Lombardi Kenneth L.Pursley PO Box2720.Boise,Idaho 83701 Lic Boru D.David Lorello,Jr.Bradley V.SneedTELEPHONE:208 388-1200 -«KimberlyD.Maloney H.Barton ThomasFACSIMILE:208 388-1300 chaelC.Creamer John M.Marshall Conley E.WardWEBSITE:www.givenspursley.com Emily MacMaster Durkee KennethR.McClure Robert B.White ThomasE.Dvorak KellyGreene McConnell RoyLewisEiguren Cynthia A.Melillo Raymond D.Givens Timothy P.Fearnside ChristopherH.Meyer James A.McClureJeffreyC.Fereday Kendall L.Miller StephanieC.WestermeierStevenJ.Hippler L.EdwardMiller OFCOUNSEL Direct Dial:(208)388-1219 Karl T.Klein PatrickJ.Miller E-Mail:cew@givenspursley.coni Debora K.Kristensen Judson B.Montgomery John A Iler,LL.M.* Anne C.Kunkel Angela K.Nelson DeborahE.Nelson W.Hugh O'Riordan LicensedrnKentuckyonly May 15,2003 VIA HAND DELIVERY Terri Carlock Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington P.O.Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 Re:Columbine TelephoneCompany,Inc.RTFC $8,400,000 Loan Our File:1534-42 Dear Terri: Per our telephone conversation,this letter confirms our agreement that the deadline for the Commission's decision on Columbine TelephoneCompany's $8,400,000RTFC loan should be extended until May 31,2003. Also,I am enclosing the executed original and four copies of Columbine's Exhibit A inthiscase. If you have any questions,give me a call. Si rel , Conle d CEW/tns Enclosure S:\CLIENTS\l534\42\CEWto Carlock re Commission's decision deadline.DOC RECENED E CERTIFIED COPY OF MINUTES AUTHORI NPM V 17APPLICATIONANDAGREEMENT I,Bonnie E.Hoopes,do hereby certify that:I am the Secretaryof ColumbineTelephoneCompany,Inc.(the "Corporation"). The following is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of a meetingoftheBoardofDirectorsoftheCorporationheldApril30,2003,as they appear in theMinutesBookoftheCorporation,said resolutions duly adopted thereat;the meeting wasdulyandregularlycalledinaccordancewiththebylawsoftheCorporation;the LoanApplicationandAgreement(the "Agreement")to be submitted to Rural TelephoneFinanceCooperative("RTFC")was authorized by the Board of Directors and saidresolutionshavenotbeenmodifiedorrescinded: The Board of Directors of Columbine TelephoneCompany havingbeen advisedbyitscounselthattheCorporationislegallyconstituted,is in compliance with allapplicablestatutory,regulatory and other legal requirementsand is in good standing,andthatanapplicationtobemadetoRTFCforaloananditsapprovalbyRTFC,togetherwiththeexecutionofanagreementasauthorizedbytheBoard,will constitute valid andbindingobligationsoftheCorporation,enforceable by and against the Corporation,inaccordancewiththetermsofthesedocuments; RESOLVED,that the Corporation borrow from the Rural TelephoneFinanceCooperative("RTFC")an amount which shall not exceed in the aggregate$8,400,000 for a term as set forth in the Agreement,and at such interestrate orratesasshallbeprescribedintheAgreementexecutedbyandonbehalfoftheCorporationanddeliveredtoRTFC,the proceeds of such loan to be used forpurposessetforthintheAgreementandconsistentlywiththerequirementsofexistingagreementsandsecuritydocumentsoftheCorporation;and, RESOLVED,that the President of the Corporation be and is hereby authorizedtoexecute,on behalf of the Corporation,an agreement substantiallyin the form oftheAgreementpresentedtothismeeting,to revise and modify said Agreementwithintheamountsoauthorized;and to apply such further documents as may beneedtocomplywithRTFC's requirements;and, RESOLVED,that the President is authorized on behalf of the Corporation torequestandreceivefundspursuanttotheAgreement;and, COLUMRINE TELEPRONE COMPANY CAsic No.COL-T-03- EXIllitrr A RESOLVED,that the appropriate officers are authorized to take all actions theydeemadvisabletocarryoutthepurposeoftheseresolutions. IN WITNESS WH,EREOF,I have hereugderset my hand and affixed the seal oftheCorporation,this 7Ë day of $(Lf ,2003. Secretary COLUMBINE TELEPHONE COMPANY CASE No.COL-T-03- ExmmT A