HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080724Revised Tariff.pdfClertech Ms. Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 8: 10 RE: Clertech.Com, Inc.Tariff (Case No. CLE-T-08-01) Dear Ms Jewell: Enclosed please find an original and three (3) copies of Clertech.Com, Inc. Tariff as requested. Should you have any questions or concern regarding this application, please do not hesitate to contact me at (954) 714-8890. Respectfully, ,. ..&f!:~t¡¿Wv Project Manager Enclosures ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 11 Superseding Revision REGULATIONS AND SCHEDULE OF INTRASTATE CHARGES GOVERNING THE PROVISION OF ACCESS SERVICES FOR CONNECTION TO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES WITHIN THE STATE OF IDAHO CLERTECH.COM, INC. TARIFF NO. 4 CLERTECH.COM, INC. Reserves the Right to Offer its Customers a variety of competitive services as deemed appropriate by the Company or similar services as offered by a dominant exchange service provider ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 12 Superseding Revision CHECK SHEET PAGE REVISIONS PAGES REVISION 1 0 34 0 2 0 35 0 3 0 36 0 4 0 37 0 5 0 38 0 6 0 39*3 7 0 39 2 8 0 39 0 9 0 40 0 10 0 41 0 11 0 42 0 12 0 43 0 13 0 44 0 14 0 45 0 15 0 46 0 16 0 46 0 17 0 46 0 18 0 47 0 19 0 48 0 20 0 49 0 21 0 50 0 22 0 51 0 23 0 52 0 23.0 53 0 23.0 54 0 23 0 54 0 23 0 54 0 23 0 54 0 24 0 55 0 25 0 56 0 26 0 57 0 27 0 58 0 28 0 59 0 29 0 60 0 30 0 61 0 31 0 62 0 32 0 63 0 33 0 64 0 65 0 66 0 67 0 68 0 69 0 70 0 71 0 72 0 73 0 74 0 75 0 ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age I 3 Superseding Revision TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................3 EXPlAATION OF SYMBOLS, REFERENCE MARKS, AND ABBREVIATIONS OF TECHNICAL TERMS.................................................................................4 APPLICATION OF TARIFF......................................................................................................5 SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS ..... ................................... ....................... ...................... ...................6 SECTION 2: REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Company....................... ................................................. ...........10 2.2 Prohibited Uses........................................................................................................17 2.3 Obligations of the Customer.....................................................................................18 2.4 Customer Equipment and Channels................................................... ........................25 2.5 Customer Deposits and Advance Payments .......................... .......... ... ............. ..26 2.6 Payments ................................................................................................................28 2.7 Allowances for Interrptions in Serice .................................................................38 2.8 Application of Rates ........................................................................................ .......40 SECTION 3: SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services Description..................................................................................... 44 3.2 Access Service Order............................. ................................. ................ ................ ...46 3.3 Access Rate Categories.............................................. ................................... .......... .54 3.4 Local Termination Services......................................................................................61 3.5 Miscellaneous Services.. ............................... ................................ ............ .... ........... .62 SECTION 4: END USER ACCESS SERVICE 4.1 Genera1............................ .........................................................................................67 4.2 Rates ............................................ ...........................................................................67 SECTION 5: CARRIER ACCESS SERVICES 5.1General.....................................................................................................................68 5.2 Rates.......... ..................................................................................... .........................68 ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 14 Superseding Revision Page SECTION 6: RATES 6.1 Non-Recurrng Charges.........................................................................................69 6.2 Entrance Facility...................... .......... ..................................................................... 70 6.3. Direct Trunked Transport......................................................................................70 6.4 Multiplexing .........................................................................................................Q7 6.5 Tandem Transport ................................................................................................71 6.6 Interconnection Charge ........................................................................................71 6.7 Switching..............................................................................................................71 6.8 Toll Free Data Base Access Service.......................................................................72 6.9 Local Termination Serice ....................................................................................72 6.10 Miscellaneous Services................................. ........................ ..................................73 ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 15 Superseding Revision EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS, REFERENCE MARKS, AND ABBREVIATIONS OF TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN THIS TARFF The following symbols shall be used in this tarff for the purpose indicated below: C To signify a changed regulation. D To signify discontinued rate or regulation. I To signify an increased rate. M To signify a move in the location oftext. N To signify a new rate or regulation. R To signfy a reduced rate. T To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 16 Superseding Revision THIS TARFF CONTAINS THE RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO THE PROVISION OF INTRASTATE ACCESS SERVICES PROVIDED BY CLERTECH.COM, INC, INC. TO CUSTOMERS OF ACCESS SERVICES. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: Pagel7 Superseding Revision SECTION I-DEFININTIONS Certain terms used herein are defined as follows: Access Code denotes a uniform code assigned by the Company to an individual Customer. Access Minutes For the purpose of calculating chargeable usage, the ter "access minutes" denotes customer usage of exchange facilties in the provision of intrastate service. Access Services The Company's intrastate access services offered pursuant to this tariff. Access Tandem A switching system that provides traffic concentration and distrbution fuction for originating and terminating traffc as an intermediate carrier between other switching facilities that originate or terminate calls to or from an End User. Advance Payment Payment required before the star of service. Central Office A local exchange carer company switching system where exchange service station loops are terminated for purposes of interconnection to each other and to trus. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, flORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 18 Superseding Revision Contn'd. Commercial Mobile Radio Service ("CMRS") Cellular and PCS service that originates or terminates on a wireless handset and has calls routed though a Mobile Switching Office ("MTSO"). Common Carer Denotes any certificated individual, parnership, association, joint - stock company, trust, governental entity or corporation engaged for hire in intrastate communcation by wire or radio, between two or more exchanges. Commission The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Company CLERTECH.COM, INC Telecommunications Services, Inc., the issuer of this tarff. Customer The person, firm or corporation that orders service and is responsible for the payment of charges and compliance with the Company's regulations. End User A person or entity that is a subscriber to, or customer of local exchange, exchange access, interexchange, CMRS, or other telecommuncations service provided by CLERTECH.COM, INC or another Exchange Telephone Company or other Carier. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 19 Superseding Revision Contn'd. Exchange Telephone Company Denotes any individual, parnership, association, joint-stock company, trst, or corporation engaged in providing switched communication within an exchange. For puroses of this tarff, a Exchange Telephone Company includes a CMRS provider or a certificated local exchange carier ("LEC"), that mayor may not be legally affiliated with CLERTECH.COM, INC. Intrastate Access Service Provides for a two-point communications path between a Customer's premises or a collocated interconnection location and an end user's premises for originating and terminating intrastate calls. LATA A Local Access and Transport Area established pursuant to the Modification of Final Judgment entered by the United States District Cour for the Distrct of Columbia in Civil Action No. 82-0192; or any other geographic area designated as a LATA in the NATIONAL EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOCIATION, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO.4. Local Switching The CLERTECH.COM, INC network system that perits an End user to make or receive calls that require local exchange access. With respect to each NPA-NXX code prefix assigned to the Company, the location of the Company's "local switching" for purposes of this tarff shall be the point of interconnection associated with an NPA-NXX code. CLERTECH.COM, INC Switching may also include a switch port leased by CLERTECH.COM, INC from another LEC through a commercial or interconnection agreement. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 110 Superseding Revision Recurrng Charges The monthly charges to the Customer for services, facilties, and equipment which continue to apply for the duration of the serice. Serice Commencement Date The first date on which the Company notifies the Customer that the requested service or facility is available for use, unless extended by the Customer's refusal to accept service which does not conform to standards set forth in the Service Order or this tariff, in which case the Serice Commencement Date is the date of the Customer's acceptance. The Company and the Customer may mutually agree on a substitute Service Commencement Date. If the Company does not have an executed Service Order from a Customer, the Service Commencement Date wil be the first date on which the service or facility was used by a Customer. Service Order The request for access services, either written or electronic, executed by the Customer and the Company in the format devised by the Company. Such a request for service by the customer and the acceptance of the request by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the paries as set forth therein and pursuant to this tarff, but the duration of the service is calculated from the Service Commencement Date. Should a Customer use the Company's access serice without an executed Service Order, the Company wil then request the Customer to submit a Service Order. A Customer that uses access services without submitting an actual order wil be presumed to have ordered access services by using said services and charging its End Users for retail serices that could not be provided without the use of access services provided by Clertech.com, inc. Serving Wire Center The wire center from which the customer designated premises would normally obtain dial tone from the Company. Shared Facility A facility or equipment system or subsystem that can be used simultaneously by several Customers ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 CI.ERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Pagel11 Superseding Revision Contn'd. Tru A communications path connecting two switching systems in a network that is used in the establishment of an end to end connection. Tru Group A set of trus which are traffc engineered as a unit for the establishment of connections between switching systems in which all of the communication paths are interchangeable. User A Customer or any other person authorized by the Customer to use service provided under this tariff. Wire Center A building in which one or more Local Switches, used for the provision of Exchange Services, are located. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: P age 112 Superseding Revision 2.1.1 Undertaking of the Company 2.1.1 Scope The Company undertakes to fuish access services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this tariff. 2.1.2 Shortage of Facilities All service is subject to the availability of suitable facilities. The Company reserves the right to limit the length of communications or to discontinue furnshing serices when necessar because of the lack of transmission medium capacity or because of any causes beyond its contro1. 2.1.3 Terms and Conditions (A) Service is provided on the basis of a minimum period of at least one month, 24-hours per day. For the purpose of computing charges in this tariff, a month is considered to have 30 days. (B) Customers may be required to enter into written service orders which shall contain or reference a specific description of the service ordered, the rates to be charged, the duration of the services, and the terms and conditions in this tariff. Customers wil also be required to execute any other documents as may be reasonably requested by the Company. (C) A Customer that uses access serices provided by CLERTECH.COM, INC without submitting an actual order wil be presumed to have ordered access services by using said services and charging its End Users for retail services that could not be provided without use of access services provided by CLERTECH.COM, INC. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 113 Superseding Revision 2.1 Undertaking of the Company (Cont'd) 2.1.3 Terms and Conditions (cont'd) (D) In any action between the parties to enforce any provision of this tariff, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its legal fees and court costs from the non-prevailing pary in addition to other relief a cour may award. 2.1.4 Liability of the Company (A) Except as otherwise stated in this Tariff, the liability of the Company for damages arising out of the fushing of its Services, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, interrptions, delays, or errors, or other defects, representations, or use of these services or arising out of the failure to fuish the service, whether caused by acts or omission, shall be limited to the extension of allowances for interrption as set forth in Section 2.7, except to the extent that applicable agency rules require credits for service interrptions in excess of 24 hours. The extension of such allowances for interrption shall be the sole remedy of Customer and the sole liabilty of the Company. The Company wil not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplar or punitive damages to the Customer as a result of any Company service, equipment or facilities, or any acts or omissions or negligence of the Company's employees or agents. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 114 Superseding Revision 2.1 Undertaking of the Company (Contd) 2.1.4 Liabilty ofthe Company (cont'd) (B) The Company shall not be liable for any delay or failure of performance or equipment due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to: acts of God, fire, flood, explosion or other catastrophes; any law, order, regulation, direction, action, or request of the United States governent, or of any other governent, including state and local governents having or claiming jursdiction over the Company, or of any deparent, agency, commission, bureau, corporation, or other instrentality of anyone or more of these federal, state, or local governents, or of any civil or miltar authority; national emergencies; insurrections; riots; wars; or unavailability of rights-of- way materials. (C) Except for proration of monthly charges as required by the Commission's rules, the Company shall not be liable for (a) any act or omission of any entity fushing to the Company or to the Company's Customers facilities or equipment used for interconnection with Network Serices; or (b) for the acts or omissions of common carers or warehousemen. (D) The Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses due to the fault or negligence of the Customer or due to the failure or malfuction of equipment or facilities provided by the Customer or the Customer's supplier. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: P age 115 Superseding Revision 2.1 Undertaking of the Company (Cont'd) 2.1.4 Liability of the Company (contd) (E) The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to installations it provides for use in an explosive atmosphere. The Customer indemnities and holds the Company harless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any other pary or person(s), and for any loss, damage, or destruction of any propert, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location, or use of any installation so provided. The Company reserves the right to require each Customer to sign an agreement acknowledging acceptance of the provisions of this Section 2 .1.4(E) as a condition precedent to such installations. (F) The Company is not liable for any defacement of or damage to Customer premises resulting from the furnishing of services or equipment on such Premises or the installation or removal thereof, unless such defacement or damage is caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the Company's agents or employees. (0) The Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harless by the Customer against any claim, loss or damage arsing from Customer's use of services, involving claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infrngement of copyright arising from the Customer's own communications. 2.1 Undertaking ofthe Company (Cont'd) ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 116 Superseding Revision 2.1.4 Liability of the Company (cont'd) (H) Except for proration of monthly charges as required by the Commission's rules, the entire liability for any claim, loss, damage or expense from any cause whatsoever shall in no event exceed sums actually paid the Company by the Customer for the specific services in the month in which the event giving rise to the liability occurred. (I) THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRNTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRNTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, EXCEPT THOSE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN. 2.1.5 Claims The Company shall be indemnified and saved harless by the Customer from and against all loss, liability, damage and expense, including reasonable counsel fees, due to claims of libel, slander, or infringement of copyrght in connection with the materal transmitted over the Company's facilities; and any other claim resulting from any act or omission of the Customer or end users of the Customer relating to the use of the Company's services or facilities. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFf Revision: P age 117 Superseding Revision 2.1 Undertaking of the Company (Cont'd) 2.1.6 Provision of Equipment and Facilities (A) Except as otherwise indicated, customer-provided station equipment at the Customer's premises for use in conjunction with this service shall be so constrcted, maintained and operated as to work satisfactorily with the facilities of the Company. (B) The Company shall not be responsible for the installation, operation or maintenance of any Customer-provided communications equipment. Where such equipment is connected to service furnshed pursuant to this tariff, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the fuishing of services under this tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such services in the proper maner. Subject to this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for: (1) the though transmission of signals generated by Customer-provided equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, or (2) the reception of signals by Customer-provided equipment; or (3) network control signaling where such signaling is performed by Customer-provided network control signaling equipment. 2.1.7 Ownership of Facilities Title to all facilities provided in accordance with this tarff remains in the Company, its agents, contractors or suppliers. 2.1.8 Individual Case Basis ("ICB") Arangements CLERTECH.COM, INC may enter into an agreement with an interexchange carer that contains unique terms and conditions, rates and charges for intrastate access services. ICB agreements wil be sumarized and attached to this Tarff where required by applicable law. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: P age 118 Superseding Revision 2.2 Prohibited Uses (A) The services the Company offers shall not be used for any unlawful purose or for any use for which the Customer has not obtained all required governental approvals, authorization, licenses, consents and permits. (B) The Company may require applicants for service who intend to use the Company's offering for resale and/or for shared use to fie a letter with the Company confirming that their use of the Company's offerings complies with relevant laws and regulations, policies, orders, and decisions. (C) The Company may require a Customer to immediately shut down its transmission if such transmission is causing interference to others. (D) A Customer, joint user, or authorized user may not assign, or transfer in any maner, the service or any rights associated with the service without the wrtten consent of the Company, except in the case of an STS provider. For such a provider, notice of transfer should be being to Company as soon as possible. The Company wil permit a Customer to transfer its existing service to another entity if the existing Customer has paid all charges owed to the Company for regulated access services. Such a transfer wil be treated as a disconnection of existing service and installation of new service, and non~recurrng installation charges as stated in this tarff wil apply. 2.3 Obligations of the Customer 2.3.1 Customer Premises Provisions (A) The Customer shall provide the personnel, power and space required to operate all facilities and associated equipment installed on the premises of the Customer. (B) The Customer shall be responsible for providing Company personnel access to premises of the Customer at any reasonable hour for the purpose of testing the facilities or equipment of the Company. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 119 Superseding Revision 2.3.2 Liability of the Customer The Customer wil be liable for damages to the facilities of the Company caused by negligence or wilful acts of its offces, employees, agents or contractors of the Customer where such negligence is not the direct result of the Company's negligence. 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Report Requirements (A) For Feature Group B Switched Access Service(s) for both interstate and intrastate use, the projected percentage of interstate use ("PIU") must be provided by the Customer in a whole number to the Company. The Company wil designate the number obtained by subtracting the projected PIU from 100 (100 - Pil = intrastate percentage) as the projected percentage of intrastate use. When a Customer orders Featue Group B Switched Access Service, the Customer shall state, in its order, the PIU factor for Featue Group B Switched Access Service group ordered. Each quarter thereafter the PIU can be changed by providing a new jursdictional report. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 120 Superseding Revision 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (cont' d) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Report Requirements (cont'd) (A) (Cont'd) For Featue Group D Switched Access Service(s), the Company, where jursdiction can be deterined from the call detail, wil determine the PIU as follows. For either originating or terminating access minutes, the Pil wil be developed on a monthly basis by local switch when the Featue Group D Switched Access Serice access minutes for those types of calls (i.e. either originating or terminating) are measured by dividing the measured interstate access minutes (the access minutes where the callng number is in one state and the called number is in another state) by the total access minutes when the call detail is adequate to determine the appropriate jurisdiction. For terminating access minutes or originated 8XX access minutes, the Customer has the option to provide the Company with a projected Pil factor. Customers who provide a Pil factor shall supply the Company with an interstate percentage of the featue Group D terminating and originating 8XX by state for all minutes that originate or terinate with an End User. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 121 Superseding Revision 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (contd) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Report Requirements (contd) (A) (Contd) For Direct Trunks, the Company, where jurisdiction can be determined from the call detail, wil determine the Pil as follows. For either originating or terminating access minutes, the PIU wil be developed on a monthly basis when the Feature Group D Direct Tru access minutes for those types of calls (i.e. either originating or terminating) are measured by dividing the measured interstate access minutes (the access minutes where the callng number is in one state and the called number is in another state) by the total access minutes routed over the Direct Trus when the call detail is adequate to determine the appropriate jurisdiction. For terminating access minutes or originated 8XX access minutes, the Customer has the option to provide the Company with a projected PIU factor for the Direct Trunks. Customers who provide a PIU factor shall supply the Company with an interstate percentage of the Direct Trunks terminating and originating 8XX by state for all minutes that originate or terminate with an End User. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 122 Superseding Revision 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (cont'd) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Report Requirements (contd) (A) (Contd) Should the Customer not supply a projected 8XX originating and terminating PIU factor for either Feature Group D switched access or Direct Trunks, the Company wil apply a default PIU factor of fift percent (50%) and assess the remaining minutes/facilities under the ters of the applicable state access tariff or wrtten agreement between Customer and Company. The Pil factor wil be used by Company to determine interstate and intrastate rates and charges where Company canot itself determine the jursdiction of the call transiting its network. For purposes of developing the projected interstate percentage, the Customer shall utilize the same considerations as those set fort in Section 2.3.3(B) following. The Company wil designate the number obtained by subtracting the projected interstate percentage for originating and terminating access minutes from 100 (100 -projected interstate percentage = intrastate percentage) as the projected intrastate percentage of use. (B) For puroses of developing the projected PIU, the Customer shall consider every call that enters the Customer's network at a point within the same state as the state where the called station is located to be intrastate and every call that enters the Customer's network at a point in a state different from the state in which the called station is located to be interstate. (C) These whole number percentages wil be used by the Company to apportion the use, rates, and/or nonrecurring charges between interstate and intrastate until a revised report is received. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 CI.ERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: Page 123 Superseding Revision 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (Contd) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Report Requirements (Contd) (D) The projected interstate percentage of use wil be used to determine the charges as follows: The number of access minutes by local switch wil be multiplied by the projected interstate percentage of use to determine the interstate access minutes. (i.e., number of access minutes x projected interstate percentage of use = interstate access minutes). The number of interstate access minutes so determined wil be subtracted from the total number of access minutes (i.e., number of access minutes. interstate access minutes = intrastate access minutes). The intrastate access minutes for the group wil be biled as set fort in the following sections. (E) Effective on the first of Januar, April, July and October of each year, the Customer may update the jursdictional reports that require a projected interstate percentage. The Customer shall forward to the Company, to be received no later than 20 calendar days after the first of each such month, a revised report showing the interstate percentage of use for the past thee months ending the last day of December, March, June and September, respectively, for each service aranged for interstate and intrastate use. Except as set forth in Section 2.3.3(A) preceding where jursdiction can be determined from the recorded message detail, the revised report wil serve as the basis for the next three months biling and wil be effective on the bil date in the following month (i.e., Februar, May, August, and November) for that service. No prorating or back biling wil be done based on the report. If the Customer does not supply the report, the Company wil assume the percentage to be the same as that provided in the last quarterly report. For those cases in which a quarterly report has never been received from the Customer, the Company wil assume that 50% of the traffc is intrastate. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 124 Superseding Revision 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (Cont'd) 2.3.3 Jursdictional Report Requirements (Cont'd) (F) The Customer reported projected interstate percentage of use as set forth in Section 2.3.3(A) preceding wil be used for the apportionment of any monthly rates or nonrecuring charges associated with Featue Groups B or D Switched Access Service until the end of the quarer during which the service was activated. Thereafter, a projected interstate percentage for such apportionment wil be developed quarerly by the Company based on the data used to develop the projected interstate percentage of use as set forth in Section 2.3.3(A) preceding. Where call detail is insufficient to make such a determination, the Customer wil be requested to project a interstate percentage of use to be used by the Company for such apportionment. (G) The Customer shall keep suffcient detail from which the percentage of interstate use can be ascertained and upon request of the Company make the records available for inspection. Such a request wil be initiated by the Company no more than once per year. The Customer shall supply the data within 30 calendar days of the Company request. Once the request is received, the Customer wil have thirty (30) days to supply or otherwise make available data to the Company. If the Customer does not provide the requested data, Company shall apply the 50% default PIU factor to Customer's traffic. If the audit shows a substantial deviation from the Customer's previously reported PIU for the audit period, Company may request call detail records on more than an anual basis from that Customer. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: Page 125 Superseding Revision 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (Contd) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Report Requirements (Contd) (H) The Customer may provide an additional percentage of interstate use for Entrance Facility and Direct Trunked Transport subject to the reporting requirements previously listed in this section. The percentage of interstate use may be provided by state. Should the Customer not provide a percentage of interstate use, the Company wil use the reported Feature Group B or Feature Group D aggregated percentage of interstate use. 2.4 Customer Equipment and Channels 2.4.1 Interconnection of Facilities (A) In order to protect the Company's facilities and personnel and the services furnshed to other Customers by the Company from potentially harful effects, the signals applied to the Company's service shall be such as not to cause damage to the facilities of the Company. Any special interface equipment necessary to achieve the compatibility between facilities of the Company and the chanels or facilities of others shall be provided at the Customer's expense. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL. TARIFF Revision: P age 126 Superseding Revision 2.4 Customer Equipment and Channels (Contd) 2.4.2 Inspections (A) The Company may, upon notification to the Customer, at a reasonable time, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the requirements regarding the equipment and interconnections are being complied with in respect to the installation, operation and maintenance of Customer provided equipment and in the wiring of the connection of Customer chanels to Company-owned facilities. (B) If the protective requirements in connections with Customer-provided equipment are not being complied with, the Company may take such action as necessary to protect its facilities and personnel and wil promptly notify the Customer by registered mail in wrting of the need for protective action. In the event that the Customer fails to advise the Company within 10 days after such notice is received or within the time specified in the notice that corrective action has been taken, the Company may take whatever additional action is deemed necessary, including canceling service, to protect its facilities and personnel from har. The Company wil upon request 24 hours in advance provide Customer with a statement of technical parameters that the Customer's equipment must meet 2.5 Customer Deposits and Advance Payments 2.5.1 Advance Payments To safeguard its interests, the Company may, in its sole discretion, require a Customer to make an advance payment before services and facilities are furnished. The advance payment wil not exceed an amount up to two months of estimated monthly usage charges. In addition, where special constrction is involved, the advance payment may also include an amount equal to the estimated non-recurrng charges for the special constrction and recurrng charges (if any) for a period to be set between the Company and the Customer. The advance payment wil be credited to the Customer's initial bil. An advance payment may be required in addition to a deposit. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 127 Superseding Revision 2.5.2 Deposits (A) To safeguard its interests, the Company may, in its sole discretion, require a Customer to make a deposit to be held as a guarantee for the payment of charges. A deposit does not relieve the Customer of the responsibility for the prompt payment of bils on presentation. The deposit wil not exceed an amount equal to: (1) two month's charges for a service or facility; (2) the charges that would apply for the minimum payment period for a service or facility that has a minimum payment period of more than one (1) month; except that a deposit may include an additional amount in the event that a terination charge is applicable. (B) A deposit may be required in addition to an Advance Payment. (C) When a service or facility is discontinued, the amount of a deposit, if any, wil be applied to the Customer's account and any credit balance remaining wil be refuded. Before the service or facility is discontinued, the Company may, at its option, return the deposit or credit it to the Customer's account. If the amount of the deposit is insufficient to cover the balance due to the Customer's account, the Company retains the right to collect any amounts owing after the deposit has been applied plus any costs related to the collection of any remaining balance. (D) Deposits held wil accrue interest without deductions for any taxes on such deposits. Interest wil accrue on any deposit until the amount escheats to the State pursuant to law. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: Page 128 Superseding Revision 2.6 Payments 2.6.1 Payment for Serice The Customer is responsible for the payment of all charges for facilities and services furnished by the Company to the Customer. Customer must pay CLERTECH.COM, INC for all access services provided regardless of whether Customer submitted an order to CLERTECH.COM, INC to provide such services. (A) Taxes The Customer is responsible for payment of any sales, use, gross receipts, excise, access or other local, state and federal taxes, charges or surcharges (excluding taxes on the Company's net income) imposed on or based upon the provision, sale or use of Network Services, unless prohibited by state of federal regulation. 2.6.2 Billng and Collection of Charges The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges incured by the Customer or other users for services and facilties furnished to the Customer by the Company. (A) Non-recurng charges are due and payable within 30 days after the date of the invoice. (B) The Company shall present invoices for Recurrng Charges monthly to the Customer, in advance of the month in which service is provided, and Recuring Charges shall be due and payable within 30 days after the date of the invoice. When billng is based upon customer usage, usage charges wil be biled monthly for the preceding billng period. (C) When service does not begin on the first day of the month, or end on the last day of the month, the charge for the fraction of the month in which service was furnished will be calculated on a prorate basis. For this purpose, every month is considered to have 30 days. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 129 Superseding Revision (D) Biling ofthe Customer by the Company wil begin on the Service Commencement Date. Upon request, the Service Commencement Date may be postponed by mutual agreement of the paries, or if the service or facility does not conform to standards set forth in this tarff or the Service Order. Biling accrues though and includes the day that the service, circuit, arangement or component is discontinued. (E) If any portion of the payment is received by the Company after the date due, or if any portion of the payment is received by the Company in fuds which are not immediately available upon presentment, then a late payment penalty shall be due to the Company. The late payment penalty shall be the porton of the payment not received by the date due, multiplied by a late factor. The late factor shall be the lesser of: (a) a rate of 0.000590 per day, compounded daily; or (b) the highest interest rate which may be applied under state law for commercial transactions. (F) The Customer wil be assessed a charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) or the maximum peritted by law for a customer, whichever is greater, for each check submitted by the Customer to the Company which a financial institution refuses to honor. (G) Customers have up to 90 days (commencing 5 days after remittance of the bil) to initiate a dispute over charges or to receive credits. Payment by Customer of an invoice without timely initiating a biling dispute shall be deemed an admission by Customer that it used the access services provided, the rates charged were valid, and the biling was correct. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 CI.ERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: P age 130 Superseding Revision 2.6 Payments (Cont'd) 2.6.2 Biling and Collection of Charges (Cont'd) (H) Customer may withhold amounts disputed in good faith until either the Customer is informed that CLERTECH.COM, INC has denied the dispute or 90 days, whichever comes first. Once a biling dispute is denied or a fied dispute remains unesolved after 90 days, Customer must pay the disputed amount to CLERTECH.COM, INC. (I) If service is disconnected by the Company in accordance with Section 2.6.3 following and later restored, restoration of service wil be subject to all applicable installation charges. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS SPACE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIONALLY IN BLANK FOR FUTURE USE ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL. TARifF Revision: P age 131 Superseding Revision 2.6.3 Discontinuance of Service for Cause (A) Upon nonpayment of any amounts owing to the Company, the Company may, pursuant to administrative rules, discontinue or suspend serice without incurring any liability ten (10) days after providing written notice to a customer. Subject to applicable law, CLERTECH.COM, INC may deliver such notice via electronic mail or facsimile. (B) Upon violation of any of the other material terms or conditions for furnishing service the Company may, pursuant to the Commission's rules, discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liabilty. (C) Upon condemnation of any material portion of the facilities used by the Company to provide serice to a Customer or if a casualty renders all or any material portion of such facilities inoperable beyond feasible repair, the Company, by notice to the Customer, may discontinue or suspend service without incurrng any liability. (D) Upon the Customer's insolvency, assignent for the benefit of creditors, filing for banptcy or reorganization, or failing to discharge an involuntary petition within the time permitted by law, the Company may immediately discontinue or suspend service without incurrng any liabilty. (E) Upon any governental prohibition or required alteration of the services to be provided or any violation of an applicable law or regulation, the Company may immediately discontinue or alter service as required without incurrng any liability. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 132 Superseding Revision 2.6.3 Discontinuance of Service for Cause (cont'd) (F) In the event of fraudulent use of the Company's network, the Company may without notice suspend or discontinue service. The Customer wil be liable for all related costs. The Customer wil also be responsible for payment of any reconnection charges. (G) Upon the Company's discontinuance of service to the Customer under Section 2.6.3(A) or 2.6.3(B), the Company, in addition to all other remedies that may be available to the Company at law or in equity or under any other provision of this tarff, may declare all future monthly and other charges which would have been payable by the Customer during the remainder of the term for which such services would have otherwise been provided to the Customer to be immediately due and payable. 2.6.4 Notice to Company for Cancellation of Service Customers desiring to terminate service shall provide Company thirty (30) days wrtten notice of desire to terminate service. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: P age 133 Superseding Revision 2.6 Payments (Contd) 2.6.5 Ordering, Rating and Biling of Access Services Where More Than One Exchange Telephone Company is Involved Meet point biling applies when more than one Exchange Telephone Company is involved in the provision of Access Service. All recurrng and nonrecuring charges for services provided by each Exchange Telephone Company are biled under each company's applicable rates as set fort in Section 2.6.5 (A) following. The Company accepts and adheres to the Ordering and Biling Foru guidelines, Multiple Exchange Carer Access Biling (ME CAB) and Multiple Exchange Carrer Ordering and Design (MECOD). The Company wil handle ordering, rating and biling of Access Services under this tariff where more than one Exchange Telephone Company is involved in the provision of Access Service as follows. (A) For Featue Group Band/or D Switched Access Service, when the first point of switching is not in the same Exchange Telephone Company's terrtory as the Customer premises, the Customer must supply a copy of the order to the Exchange Telephone Company in whose tertory the Customer premises is located and any other Exchange Telephone Company(s) involved in providing the service. Each Exchange Telephone Company wil provide the portion of Local Transport to an interconnection point (IP) with another Exchange Telephone Company, and wil bil the charges in accordance with its Access Service tariff. The rate for the transport elements wil be deterined as set fort in (B) following. All other appropriate charges in each Exchange Telephone Company tariff are applicable. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 , ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 134 Superseding Revision 2.6 Payments (Cont'd) 2.6.5 Ordering, Rating and Biling of Access Services Where More Than One Exchange Telephone Company is Involved (Cont'd) (B) The charge for the Local Transport Facility and Termination rate elements for services provided as set forth in Section 2.6.5 (A) preceding are deterined as follows: (1) Deterine the appropriate Switched Access Local Transport mileage by computing the airline mileage between the two ends of the Local Transport Facility, as defined in 3.3.1 following. Determine the airline mileage for the Local Transport Facility charge using the V &H method as set forth in Section 2.8.2 following. (2) For Featue Groups B or D Switched Access Service, the Local Transport Facility and Termination charges are determined by using the steps set fort in (a) through (c) following for the total Local Transport-Common Switched Transport charges. (a) Multiply: The number of access minutes by the number of airline miles as determined in (1) proceeding by the Company's appropriate Local Transport Facilty per mile per access minute rate by the Company's biling percentage factor. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 135 Superseding Revision 2.6 Paymentårga'd 2.6.50rdering, Rating and Biling of Access Services Where More Than One Exchange Telephone Company is Involved b) Multiply The number of access minutes by the company's appropriate Local Transport Termination per minute rate. The resulting amount is the Company's total Local Transport Termination charge. c) Add: The products of (a) and (b) for the Company's total Local Transport-Common Switched Transport charges. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 136 Superseding Revision 2.6. 5 Ordering, Rating and Biling of Access Services Where More Than One Exchange Telephone Company is Involved (Contd) (C) The interconnection points wil be determined by the Exchange Telephone Companies involved. The biling percentage (BP) factor for the Company for the service between the involved offices wil be listed in NATIONAL EXCHANGE CARIER ASSOCIATION, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO.4. (D) Should any changes be made to the meet point biling arrangements as set forth in Section 2.6.5 (A) proceeding, the Company wil give affected Customers 30 days' notice. (E) Should the Company act as an interediate, non-terinating local exchange carier, Local Transport Termination rates, as determined in Section 2.6.5 (B) preceding, wil not be applied to the meet point biling arangement. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 137 Superseding Revision 2.6 Payments (Contd) 2.6.6 Changes in Service Requested If the Customer makes or requests material changes in circuit engineenng, equipment specifications, serice parameters, premises locations, or otherwise materially modifies any provision of the application for service, the Customer's installation fees shall be adjusted according to the term and conditions set forth in 3.2.3 following, Access Order Modifications. 2.6.7 Customer Overpayment The Company wil pay interest on a Customer overpayment. Customer overpayment shall mean a payment to the Company in excess of the correct charges for service when caused by erroneous biling by the Company. The rate of interest shall be the unadjusted interest rate paid on Customer deposits or the late payment penalty rate, whichever is greater. Interest shall be paid from the date when the Customer overpayment was made, adjusted for any changes in the deposit interest rate or late payment penalty rate, and compounded monthly, until the date when the overpayment is refunded. No interest shall be paid on Customer overpayments that are refuded within thirty (30) days after such overpayment is received by the Company. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 138 Superseding Revision 2.7 Allowances for Interrptions in Service Except as set forth in 2.1.4(B) preceding and 2.7.2 following, interrptions in service, which are not due to the negligence of, or noncompliance with the provisions of this tariff by, the Customer or the operation or malfunction of the facilities, power or equipment provided by the Customer, wil be credited to the Customer as set forth in 2.7.1 for the par of the service that the interrption affects. 2.7.1 Credit for Interrptions (A) A credit allowance wil be made when an interrption occurs because of a failure of any component fushed by the Company under this tariff. An interrption period begins when the Company becomes aware that the service, facility or circuit is interpted and the Customer releases it for testing and repair. An interrption period ends when the service, facility or circuit is operative. If the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, it is considered to be impaired, but not interrpted. (B) For calculating credit allowances, every month is considered to have 30 days. A credit allowance is applied on a pro rate basis against the rates specified hereunder and is dependent upon the length of the interrption. Only those facilities on the interrpted portion of the circuit wil receive a credit. (C) Credit allowances shall be made as follows: (1) For Switched Access Service, no credit shall be allowed for an interrption of less than 24 hours. The customer shall be credited for an interrption of 24 hours or more at the rate of 1/30 of the minimum monthly usage charge for each period of 24 hours or major fraction thereof that the interrption continues. Credit provided pursuant to this section is only provided for facility charges. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 139 Superseding Revision 2.7 Allowances for Interrptions in Services (Cont'd) 2.7.2 Limitations on Allowances No credit allowance wil be made for: (A) interrptions due to the negligence of, or noncompliance with the provisions of this tarff by the Customer, authorized user, joint user, or other common carier receiving the service of the Company; (B) interrptions due to the negligence of any person other than the Company; (C) interptions due to the failure or malfunction of end-user or Customer equipment; (D) interrptions of service during any period in which the Company is not given full and free access to its facilities and equipment for the purpose of investigating and correcting interrptions; (E) interrptions of service durng a period in which the Customer continues to use the service on an impaired basis; (F) interrptions of service durng any period when the Customer has released service to the Company for maintenance puroses or for implementation of a Customer order for a change in service arangements; except that a credit allowance wil apply if the service interrption continues for more than 24 hours after the end of the service period for maintenance; or (G) (reserved for futue use) 2.8 Application of Rates The regulations set fort in this section govern the application of rates for services contained in other sections of this tarff. 2.8.1 Charges Based on Duration of Use Customer traffc to local switches wil be measured by the Company at local switches. Originating and terminating calls wil be measured by the Company to determine the basis for computing chargeable access minutes. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 140 Superseding Revision 2.8 Application of Rates (Contd) For originating calls over Featue Group B or D or Direct Trus, usage measurement begins when the originating Feature Group B or D switch receives the first wink supervisory signal forwarded from the Customer's point of termination. The measurement of originating call usage ends when the originating Feature Group B or D switch receives disconnect supervision from either the originating end user's local switch, indicating the originating end user has disconnected, or the Customer's point of termination, whichever is recognized first by the switch. For terminating calls over Feature Group B or D of Direct Trunks, the measurement of access minutes begins when the terinating Feature Group B or D, or Feature Group D Direct Trunk switch receives answer supervision from the terminating end user's local switch, indicating the terinating end user has answered. The measurement of terinating call usage over Feature Group B or D or Direct Trunk ends when the terinating Featue Group B or D or Direct Tru switch receives disconnect supervision from either the terminating end user's local switch, indicating the terinating end user has disconnected, or the Customer's point of termination, whichever is recognized first by the switch. Access minutes or fractions thereof are accumulated over the biling period for each local switch and are then rounded up to the nearest access minute for each local switch. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 141 Superseding Revision 2.8.2 Rates Based Upon Distance Where the charges for service are specified based upon distance, the following rules apply: (A) Distance between two points is measured as airline distance between the wire centers of the originating and terminating telephone lines. The wire center is a set of geographic coordinates, as referenced in NATIONAL EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOCIATION, INC. TARIFF FCC No.4, associated with each NPA-NXX combination (where NPA is the area code and NXX is the first three digits of a seven-digit telephone number). ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 142 Superseding Revision 2.8 Application of Rates (Cont'd) 2.8.2 Rates Based Upon Distance (Cont'd) (B) The airline distance between any two wire centers is determined as follows: (1) Obtain the "V" and "R" coordinates for each wire center from the above-referenced NECA tariff. (2) Compute the difference between the "V" coordinates of the two wire centers; and the difference between the two "R" coordinates. (3) (4) step (3). (5) Divide the sum of the squares by 1 O. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. Square each difference obtained in step (2) above. Add the square of the "V" difference and the square of the "R" difference obtained in (6) Obtain the square root of the whole number result obtained above. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the airline mileage. (7) Formula = (V1 - V2)' + (R1 - R2)'(square 10 root) SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 CI.ERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: Page 143 Superseding Revision 2.8 Application of Rates (Contd) 2.8.3 Mileage The mileage to be used to determine the Local Transport Facility monthly rates are calculated on the airline distance between the end offce switch where the call carred by Local Transport originates or terminates and the customer's serving wire center. The V &H coordinates method is used to determine mileage. This method is set forth in Section 2.8.2. The Local Transport Facility mileage rates are shown in Section 5.1.3 in terms of per mile per access minute. To determine the rate to be biled, first compute the mileage. Should the calculation result in a fraction of a mile, always round up to the next whole mile before determining the mileage. Then multiply the mileage by the appropriate Local Transport Facility rate. The amount to be biled shall be the product of this calculation (i.e., the number of miles multiplied by the per mile rate) multiplied by the number of access minutes. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARiff Revision: Page 144 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services Description Switched Access Service, which is available to Customers for their use in furnishing services to end users, provides a two-point communications path between a Customer's premises (or a collocated interconnection location) and an End User's premises, with or without another carer providing service directly to the End User. It provides for the use of common terminating, switching and trunking facilities. Switched Access Service provides for the ability to originate calls from an End User's premises to a Customer's premises (or a collocated interconnection location), and to terminate calls from a Customer's premises (or a collocated interconnection location) to an End User's premises in the LATA where it is provided. Switched Access Service must be ordered separately for each LATA in which the customer desires to originate or terminate calls. Company and affected carers may mutually agree to the application of rates different from the rates contained in this tarff. Switched Access Service is provided in the following service categories, which are differentiated by their techncal characteristics and the maner in which an End User or Customer accesses them when originating or terminating calls. 3.1.1FGB Access, which is available to all Customers, provides tr side access to Company end office switches with an associated uniform 950-XX access code for the Customer's use in originating and terminating communications. 3.1.2FGD Access, which is available to all Customers, provides trnk side access to Company local switches with an associated uniform 10XX or 101 XXX access code for the Customer's use in originating and terminating communications. End Users may also originate calls to a selected FGD Access Customer by dialing 1 + NPA-NXX-XX when using the Company's pre subscription service, or by dialing a local or ten-digit number when originating a call using another Exchange Telephone Company's services. 3.1.3Toll Free Data Base Access Service, which is available to all Customers, provides trnk side access to Company local switches in the originating direction only, for the Customer's use in originating calls dialed by an End User to telephone numbers beginning with prefixes associated with toll free calls, such as "800" or "888". SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 145 Superseding Revision 3.1.4 Direct Trunk, which is available to Customers that have direct trunks connected to CLERTECH.COM, INC local switching, provides trnk side access to Company local switches for the sole purpose of originating and terminating interexchange communications with an associated uniform 1 o XX or 101 XX access code for the Customer's use in originating and terminating communications. End Users may also originate calls to a selected Direct Trunk Customer by dialing 1 + NP A- NXX-XXXX when using the Company's presubscription service, or by dialing a local or ten-digit number when originating a call using another Exchange Telephone Company's services. All traffc routed by a Customer over a Direct Trunk facility is subject to applicable access charges. * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS SPACE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIONALLY IN BLANK FOR FUTURE SPACE ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARiff Revision. Page 146 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.2 Access Service Order An Access Service Order is used by the Company to provide a Customer Access Service. When placing an order for Access Service, the Customer shall provide, at a minimum, the following information: 3.2.1 Order Contents (A) For Feature Group B Switched Access Service: When direct routing to a local switch is desired, the Customer shall specify: -the number of trnks, -the local switch -Customer PIU, and -the Local Transport and Local Switching options desired. (g When local switch routing via an access tandem switch operated by another Exchange Telephone Company is desired, the Customer shall specify: -the number of trs, -the access tandem switch, -the Local Transport and Local Switching options desired -Customer PIU, and -an estimate of the amount of traffc to be generated to and/or from each Company local switch subtending another Exchange Telephone Company's access tandem. In addition, the Customer shall also specify for terminating only access, whether the trnks are to be aranged in trnk group arangements or provided as single trus. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 147 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.2 Access Service Order (Contd) 3.2.1 Order Contents (Contd) (B) For Feature Group D Switched Access Service, the Customer shall specify the means by which traffc shall be routed (though a direct tr or a tandem switching facility). When FGD is ordered by specifying the number of trnks and direct routing to an end offce is desired, the customer shall specify: -the Local Switch and-the Local Transport and Local Switching options desired. When FGD is ordered by specifyng the number of trnks and local switch routing via an access tandem operated by another Exchange Telephone Company is desired, the customer shall specify: -the access tandem, -the Local Transport and Local Switching options desired, and -an estimate ofthe amount of traffc to be generated to and/or from each Company local switch subtending another Exchange Telephone Company's access tandem. When a Customer orders FGD in trs, the Customer is responsible to assure that suffcient access facilities have been ordered to handle its traffc. (C) For Toll Free Data Base Access Service, the Customer shall order the service in accordance with the preceding provisions set forth for Feature Group D. (D) For Direct Trunk service, the Customer shall order the service in accordance with the preceding provisions set fort for Feature Group D, and Customer shall order the Direct Trunks from CLERTECH.COM, INC. Customer is responsible for the cost of installng and maintaining the Direct Tru in absence of a wrtten ICB agreement. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 148 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.2.2 Access Order Serice Date CLERTECH.COM, INC shall make available to all customers within a reasonable time of a request a schedule of applicable service dates and any associated relevant information. The schedule shall specify the applicable service date for services and the quantities of serices that can be provided in the applicable service date. CLERTECH.COM, INC wil not accept orders for service dates which exceed the applicable service date by more than six months. Access Services wil be installed during Company business days. If a Customer requests that installation be done outside of scheduled work hours, and the Company agrees to this request, the Company in advance of expediting an order wil provide the Customer an estimate of the anticipated charges calculated at an overtime rate determined by the Company. 3.2.3 Access Order Modifications The Customer may request a modification of its Access Order prior to the service date. The Company wil make every effort to accommodate a requested modification. Any increase in the number of Switched Access Service lines, trunks or busy hour minutes of capacity or CCSA signaling connections wil be treated as a new Access Order (for the increased amount only). ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAl. TARifF Revision: Page 149 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.2 Access Service Order (Contd) 3.2.4 Cancellation of an Access Order (A) A Customer may cancel an Access Order for the installation of service at any time prior to notification by the Company that services available for the Customer's use or prior to the service date, whichever is later. The cancellation date is the date the Company receives written notice from the Customer that the order is to be cancelled. If a Customer or a Customer's end user is unable to accept Access Service within 30 calendar days after the original service date, the Customer has the choice of the following options: -The Access Order shall be cancelled and charges set forth in (B) following wil apply, or Biling for the service wil commence. If no cancellation request is received within the specified 30 calendar days, biling for the service wil commence. In any event, the cancellation date or the date billng is to commence, as applicable, shall be the 31 st day beyond the original serice date of the Access Order. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 150 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.2 Access Service Order (Contd) 3.2.4 Cancellation of an Access Order (Contd) (B)When a customer cancels an Access Order for the installation of service, a Cancellation Charge wil apply as follows: (4) Installation of Switched Access Service facilities is considered to have stared when the Company incurs any cost in connection therewith or in preparation thereof which would not otherwise have been incured. Where the customer cancels an Access Order prior to the star of installation of access facilities, no charges shall apply. Where installation of access facilities has been started prior to the cancellation, the charges specified in (a) or (b) following, whichever is lower, shall apply. A charge equal to the cost incured in such installation, less estimated net salvage. Such charge is determined as detailed in (4) following. The charge for the minimum period of Switched Access Service ordered by the customer. These charges also apply to that portion of facilities cancelled in the case of a parial cancellation, i.e., in the case of a customer requesting a reduction of the number of lines or trs. Charges applicable as specified in (3)(a) preceding include the nonrecoverable cost of equipment and materal ordered, plus the nonrecoverable cost of installation and removal including the costs of engineering, labor, supervisions, transportation, rights-of-way and other associated costs. (1) (2) (3) (a) (b) ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 151 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.2 Access Service Order (Cont'd) 3.2.5 Minimum Perod (A) Unless otherwise specified, the minimum period for which Access Service is provided and for which charges are applicable, is one month. (B) The following changes wil be treated as a discontinuance of the existing service and an installation of a new serice. All associated nonrecurng charges wil apply for the new service. The changes listed below are those which wil be treated as a discontinuance and installation of service and for which a new minimum period wil be established. (1) A move to a different building. (2) A change in type of service. (3) A change in Switched Access Service traffic type. (4) A change in Company-provided Switched Access Service to a Collocated Interconnection arrangement or vice versa. (C) When Access Service is disconnected prior to the expiration of the minimum period, charges are applicable for the balance of the minimum period. The Minimum Perod Charge for monthly biled services wil be determined as follows: For Switched Access Service, the charge for a month or fraction thereof is equal to the applicable minimum monthly charge for the capacity. All applicable nonrecurring charges for the service wil be biled in addition to the Minimum Perod Charge. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 152 Superseding Revision 3.2.6 Nonrecurrng Charges SERV ICE Nonrecurring charges are one-time charges that apply (i.e., installation or change to an existing service). Types of nonrecurrng for a specific work activity AND charges RATE that apply for Switched Access Service are: installation of serice and service DESC rearangements.RIPTIONS (1) Installation of Service 3.2 A Local Transport nonrecurrng installation charge wil applied at the serving wire center for each Entrance Facility and for each direct trunked Access transport line or trnk installed. Additionally, a nonrecurng trunk .êactivation charge wil be applied at each local switch on a per order per Serice local switch basis for each group of 24 Direct Trunked Transport trus or .Lfraction thereof that is activated. A maximum of 24 trunks can be Order activated on a DS 1 facility. 2) Service Rearangements All changes to existing services other than changes involving .2.6 administrative activities only wil be treated as a discontinuance of the existing service and an installation of a new service. The nonrecurrng Non-re charge described in (1) proceeding wil apply for this work activity. Moves that change the physical location of the point of termination are described ~below. Moves within the Same Building When the move is to a new location within the same building, the charge for the move wil be an amount equal to one half of the nonrecurng charge for the capacity affected. There wil be no change in the minimum perod requirements. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 153 Superseding Revision Service Rearrangements (b) Moves to a Different Building Moves to a different building wil be treated as a discontinuance and start of serice and all associated nonrecurring charges wil apply. New minimum period requirements wil be established for the new service. The Customer wil also remain responsible for satisfying all outstanding minimum perod charges for the discontinued service. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 154 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.3 Access Rate Categories 3.3.1 Standard Rate Categories The following rate categories apply to all forms of Switched Access Service, except as stated in 3.3.2: -Carer Common Line -Local Transport -Switching Due to current biling system limitations, biling of certain of the following rate categories may appear on the biling invoice under a similar but not identical term. If the applicable rate category is unclear from the invoice, the corresponding invoice name wil be provided upon request. (A) Carer Common Line Carer Common Line ("CCL") Access Service provides for the use of Company common lines by Customers for access to End Users to furnish intrastate communications service. Carer Common Line Access is provided where the Customer obtains Switched Access Service under this Tariff or ICB agreement. The CCL rate wil be charged where permitted by law. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 155 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.3 Access Rate Categories (cont' d) 3.3.1 Standard Rate Categories (cont'd) (B) Local Transport The Local Transport Rate Category includes five classifications of rate elements: (1) Entrance Facility, (2) Direct Trued Transport, (3) Tandem Switched Transport, (4) Interconnection Charge, and (5) Multiplexing. (1) Entrance Facility The Entrance Facility provides a communications path between a customer designated premises and the CLERTECH.COM, INC switching offce. Two types of Entrance Facility are available: -Voice Grade - voice frequency transmission capability in the nominal range of 300 to 3000 Hz and may be terminated 4wire; -DS 1 - facility capable of transmitting electrical signals at a nominal 1.544 Mbps, with the capability to chanelize up to 24 voice-frequency transmission paths. Non-recurrng charges as set forth in Section 6.1 following apply. One charge, as set fort in Section 6.2 following, applies for each Entrance Facility that is terminated at a customer designated premises. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 156 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.3 Access Rate Categories (cont'd) 3.3.1 Standard Rate Categories (cont'd) (B) Local Transport (cont'd) (2) Local Transport- Direct Trunked Transport The Local Transport-Direct Trued Transport provides the transmission path from the serving wire center of the Customer's premises to a CLERTECH.COM, INC switch. This transmission path is dedicated to the use of a single Customer. Two types of Direct Trued Transport are available: -Voice Grade - voice frequency transmission capability in the nominal range of300 to 3000 Hz and maybe terminated 4wire; -DS 1 - facilty capable of transmitting electrical signals at a nominal 1.544 Mbps, with the capability to chanelize up to 24 voice-frequency transmission paths. The Local Transport-Direct Trunked Transport rate category is comprised of a monthly fixed terination rate and a monthly per mile rate based on the facility provided. The fixed termination rate compensates CLERTECH.COM, INC for its circuit equipment at the ends of the transmission link(s).The per mile rate compensates CLERTECH.COM, INC for the transmission facilities, including interediate transmission circuit equipment, between the end points of the circuit. The Local Transport-Direct Trunked Transport rate is the sum of the fixed rate and the per mile rate. For puroses of determining the per mile rate, mileage shall be measured as airline mileage between the serving wire center of the Customer's premises and the CLERTECH.COM, INC switch or to a non-CLERTECH.COM, INC switch where CLERTECH.COM, INC is an intermediate carer. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL. TARIFF Revision: P age 157 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.3 Access Rate Categories (contd) 3.3.1 Standard Rate Categories (contd) (B) Local Transport (contd) (3) Local Transport-Tandem Transport Tandem Transport provides a communications path between the CLERTECH.COM, INC switching offce and a switching offce of another carrier wherein the call is either transferred to or from the CLERTECH.COM, INC network. Tandem Transport rates consist of a Tandem Transport Termination rate, a Tandem Transport Facility rate, and a Tandem Functionality Switching rate. (a)The Tandem Switched Termination rate is applied on a per access minute basis for all originating and terminating minutes of use routed between the CLERTECH.COM, INC switching offce and a switching office of another carer. This charge wil apply even if the CLERTECH.COM, INC interoffce transmission equipment is collocated in the same building as the switching office to which the traffc is transferred (i.e. mileage is zero). (b) The Tandem Switched Facility rate is applied on a per access minute per mile basis for all originating and terminating minutes of use routed over the interoffce facility connecting the CLERTECH.COM, INC switching offce and the switching office to which the traffc is transferred. (4) Local Transport-Interconnection Charge The Local Transport-Interconnection Charge provides for interconnection with the Company's Switched Access network. This rate element wil be applied to all Switched Access minutes of use (except Local Exchange Access Service) that originate or terminate at a Company Local Switch. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIfF Revision: P age 158 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.3 Access Rate Categories 3.3.1 Standard Rate Categories (B) Local Transport (5) Multiplexing Multiplexing provides the capability of converting the capacity or bandwidth of a facility from a higher level to a lower level or from a lower level to a higher leve1. Multiplexing arangements are associated with the facilty with the higher capacity or bandwidth (e.g., aDS 1 to voice grade multiplexing arangement is associated with the facility using aDS 1 connection). Rates for multiplexing are found in Section 6.4. 1. DS 1 to Voice Grade Multiplexing DS 1 to Voice Grade multiplexing is an arangement that provides a Company multiplexer which converts a DS1 chanel to twenty-four Voice Grade chanels utilizing time division multiplexing. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 159 Superseding Revision (C) Switching 1. Switching -Origination or Termnation. The Switching rate category provides the originating or terminating switching fuctions necessary to complete the transmission of Switched Access communications to and from End Users. The Switching rate category consists of a Switching -Origination and Termination rate element and an Information rate element. The Switching rate element provides for the use of CLERTECH.COM, INC's Switching equipment for purposes of originating or terminating calls, the terminations for the end user common lines terminating in the CLERTECH.COM, INC Switch, and the termination of a call at a Company Intercept operator or recording. 2. Tandem Functionality The Tandem Functionality Switching rate is applied on a per access minute, per switch basis for all access minutes of use switched wherein CLERTECH.COM, INC is an intermediate carrer. The Tandem Functionality Switch rate is applied in lieu of the Switching Origination or Termination rate for an 800 call when the call originates on a CMRS network. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 CL.ERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL. TARIFF Revision: Page 160 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.3 Access Rate Categories (Contd) 3.3.2 Other Rate Categories (A) Toll Free Data Base Access Service Toll Free Data Base Access Service is a service offerng utilizing originating tr side Switched Access Serice. The service provides for the forwarding of end user dialed Toll Free calls to a Company Service Switching Point which wil initiate a query to the data base to perform the Customer identification and delivery fuction. The call is forwarded to the appropriate Customer based on the dialed Toll Free number. Charges for Toll Free Data Base Access Service apply on a per-quer basis and are found in Section 6.8. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 161 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.3.2 Other Rate Categories (cont'd) (B) Intermediate Carer for CMRS Traffic Access Service Intermediate Carier for CMRS Traffic Access Service is a service that provides for the carng of CMRS originated traffc, including 8YY traffic, from a CMRS Mobile Switching Offce ("MTSO") to Company Local Switch and then to an access Customer. Company wil charge for all elements of service that it provides in routing such traffic including the tandem functionality switching rate, all applicable local transport elements, and any 800 database queries. 3.4 Local Termination Service This service provides for the termination of calls to CLERTECH.COM, INC End Users over CLERTECH.COM, INC facilities (including network elements leased from incumbent carers), for those calls that appear to originate within the same local callng area as the area in which they are terminated (i.e., local calls not subject to access charges). CLERTECH.COM, INC wil exchange traffic with other carrers at the per-minute of use rates found in Section 6.9 or, if a LEC charges CLERTECH.COM, INC for providing termination of calls from CLERTECH.COM, INC's end users, the same rate the LEC is charging CLERTECH.COM, INC for the termination of such call, whichever is higher. Rates for Local Termination Service apply on a per minute-of-use basis and depend on whether an end office termination or tandem terination is involved. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 162 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.5 Miscellaneous Services 3.5.1 Presubscription (A) Presubscription is an arangement whereby an end user may select and designate to the Company an interexchange carier ("IC") to access, without an access code, for intrastate interLATA calls, and intrastate intraLATA calls, and interstate interLATA calls subject to the Company's FCC Access Tariff. This IC is referred to as the end user's Primary interexchange Carrier ("PIC"). The end user may select as its PiC the Company, or any other IC that orders originating Feature Group D Switched Access Service at the end office that seres the end user. After the end user's initial selection of a predestinated IC, for any additional change in selection, a non-recurrng charge, as set fort in Section 5.2.1, applies. (B) At the request of a new or existing end user served by a Featue Group D end offce, the Company wil provide a list of ICs the end user may select as its pic. At no additional charge for the initial selection, the customer may choose either of the following options. -Designate an IC as a PIC and dial 10XXX or 101XX to reach other ICs. -Designate that they do not want to be presubscribed to any IC and choose to dial 10XX or 101 XX for all calls to all ICs. New end users subscribing to the Company's Exchange Access Service which do not specify a PIC wil default to the Company as their initial PIC selection. Subsequent to the installation of Exchange Access Service, and after the end user's initial selection of a PIC, for any additional change in selection, a nonrecurng charge as set forth in Section 5.2.1, applies. This charge is biled to the end user that is the subscriber to the Exchange Access Service and applies only for selection of an IC which provides only interstate service. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 163 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.5 Miscellaneous Services (Contd) 3.5.1 Pre subscription (Contd) (C) In the event an end user is incorrectly presubscribed due to misassignment on the par of the Company, no charge shall apply. In the event an end user is incorrectly presubscribed due to misassignment on the par of the Interexchange Carer ("IC"), and the IC is unable to document such an assignment, the Company wil apply the charge to the IC responsible for the misassignment of the end user. The IC wil be assessed two charges, one for the misassignment and another for the correction. The end user wil then be assigned to an IC of the end user's choice. 3.5.2 Biling Name and Address Service CLERTECH.COM, INC wil provide Biling Name and Address Service ("BNA") of subscribers with listed, non-published and unlisted numbers unless the subscriber requests that its BNA not be disclosed. The information wil be provided to Telecommunications Service Providers for the limited puroses of biling a call, order entry, customer service, fraud prevention, and identification of customers who have moved from one location to another. BNA wil be provided on a detailed request basis or on a bulk BNA basis. Bulk BNA includes all BNA in the Exchange Company's records. An initial account set up charge wil apply as set forth in Section 6.10 following. The standard format for the detailed request for provisions of telephone number and billng name and address information wil the CARE (Carer Account Record Exchange) format. If a non-standard format is requested by the Telecommunications Service Provider, a Programming Charge as indicated in 6.10 following wil apply. A Telecommunications Service Provider must order BNA and provide a test data tape at least 30 days prior to delivery of the first order. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 164 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.5 Miscellaneous Services (Contd) 3.5.2 Biling Name and Address Service (contd) Any Telecommunications Service Provider furnished BNA pursuant to this tarff, agrees to abide by all applicable rules, decisions, orders, statutes and laws concerning the disclosure of Biling Name and Address, and further agrees to use the information contained therein only for the purpose of biling for telecommunication services, order entr, customer service, fraud prevention, or identification of customers who have moved from one location to another. BNA wil be provided via magnetic tape or paper format, at the option of the Telecommunications Service Provider at the rates listed in 6.10 following. A per record charge is also applicable for each request. The charges apply to all requests including but not limited to records no found, duplicate requests, invalid requests, and invalid information. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFf Revision: P age 165 Superseding Revision SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.5 Miscellaneous Services (cont'd) 3.5.3 Access Service Biling (A)The customer shall receive its primar access service monthly bils and Customer Service Records ("CSRs") in a standard paper format at no charge. At the option of the customer, primary access service monthly bils and CSRs may be requested on magnetic tape reel or carridge or transmitted by electronic data transmission to the customer's premises, in lieu of the standard paper format at no charge. Upon Company acceptance of an order for electronic data transmission, the Company wil determine the period of time to implement the transmission of such materal on an individual order basis. Customers requesting electronic data transmission are responsible for all recurng and non-recurng charges associated with the data transmission circuit. (B)Additional copies of the customer's monthly bil and/or Customer Service Record ("CSR") may be provided, per request, in a standard paper, magnetic tape reel or magnetic tape carridge format for an additional charge. (1 )Standard Paper Customers requesting additional copies of monthly bils and/or CSRs in a standard paper format are assessed a per request charge for each bil and/or each CSR requested and a per page charge. (2) Magnetic Tape Reel or Cardge Customers requesting additional copies of monthly bils and/or CSRs in a magnetic tape reel or carridge format are assessed a per reel or per cartidge charge. Only one type of magnetic tape (i.e., reel or cartidge) wil be provided per request. This service is only available to customers currently receiving magnetic tape reel or caridge as their primar access services bil format. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 166 Superseding Revision (3) Electronic Text File Via E-mail Customers requesting additional copies of monthly bils and/or CSRs in an electronic text file wil receive via e-mail a document image of the invoice in an electronic text fie format. This option may not be used by a customer more than once in a six month period. Customers wil be assessed a per request charge for each bil and/or each CSR requested in an electronic text fie format. 3.5.4 Wholesale Services Service Order Processing A Wholesale Service Order charge applies to all providers of telecommunications services that assess a non-recuring charge on CLERTECH.COM, INC for the processing of comparable orders submitted by CLERTECH.COM, INC to initiate service. A Requesting Carer may submit an LSR durng regular business hours of CLERTECH.COM, INC. One LSR must be submitted for each retail End User switching from CLERTECH.COM, INC to the Requesting Carrer. CLERTECH.COM, INC wil process an LSR and retu a firm order commitment ("FOC") to the requesting carrer within 48 hours of receipt. A Wholesale Service Order Charge shall be charged for each LSR received, whether accepted as valid or rejected as invalid. LSRs may be rejected for inaccurate, incomplete, or repetitive LSRs. An additional Service Order Charge applies when the Requesting Carier cancels an LSR request. A separate Service Order Supplemental Charge applies when a Requesting Carrer submits an LSR that modifies or supplements the initial LSR. A Requesting Carrier may request expedited processing of the LSR within 24 hours for an additional Expedite Fee. A Forced Expedite Fee applies if the Requesting Carrier converts a retail customer's service before the Firm Order Commitment Date that causes CLERTECH's to expedite its required activities. An additional charge also applies to an LSR Expedite Order that involves a loop disconnect. A full set of Business Rules is available from CLERTECH.COM, INC. ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 167 Superseding Revision SECTION 4 - END USER ACCESS SERVICE END USER ACCESS SERVICE 4.1 General End User Access Service provides for the use of Company common lines by end users and resellers (carrers that purchase subscriber lines for resale) who obtain local exchange serice from the Company under its general/local exchange tarffs. End User Access Service as described in this section consists of End User Common Line (EUCL) charges. 4.2 Rates EUCL charges are contained in CLERTECH.COM, INC's federal access tarff, on fie with the Federal Communications Commission. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 168 Superseding Revision SECTION 5 - CARRIER ACCESS SERVICE CARRIER CESSSERVICE 5.1 General Carier Common Line Charge ("CCLC") is a charge to all Common Carrers accessing CLERTECH.COM, INC switched facilities that applies on an access per-minute-of-use basis. 5.2 Rates CCLC Origination CCLC Termination $0.0113 per minute $0.0113 per minute ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFf Revision: Page 169 Superseding Revision 6.1 Nonrecurng Charges (Al Installation Per Entrance Facility - Voice Grade - DS1 $161.00 $181.00 (B) Installation Direct Trued Transport Per Line or Tru $31.76 (C) Direct Trunked Transport Activation Per 24 trunks or fraction thereof Per Order - End Office $249.00 (D) Access Order Charge, per order $50.00 (E) Service Date Change Charge, per change per order $100.00 (F) Design Change Charge, per change per order $100.00 ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: SECTION 6 - RATES 6.2 Entrance Facility (A) Voice Grade (B) DS1 6.3 Direct Trunked Transport (A) Terination Voice Grade DS1 P age 170 Superseding Revision Monthly Recurring $54.03 $179.13 $24.17 $95.62 (B) Facility - per mile Voice Grade $2.41 DS1 6.4 Multiplexing Per Arangement DS1 to Voice ISSUED July 11, 2008 $19.39 $183.12 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: Page 171 Superseding Revision SECTION 6 - RATES 6.5. Tandem Transport Per Access Minute (A) Tandem Switched Termination $0.00139 (B) Tandem Switched Facility -per mile $0.00008 6.6 Interconnection Charge Per Access Minute $0.013443 6.7 Switching (A) Origination or Termination $0.02266 (B) Tandem Functionality $0.01965 ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: SECTION 6 - RATES Page 172 Superseding Revision 6.8 Toll Free Data Base Access Service Rate Per Query $0.005 Per-Minute Rate 6.9 Local Termination Service (A) End Offce Termnation (B) Tandem Termination ISSUED July 11, 2008 $0.02250 $0.02397 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFf Revision: P age 173 Superseding Revision SECTION 6 - RATES 6.10 Miscellaneous Services (A) Biling Name and Address Service Non-Recurrng Charge Initial Account Set-Up $200.00 Per Request Paper Report Charge Per Report $65.00 Per Record $0.10 Magnetic Tape Report Charge Per Report $80.00 Per Record $0.01 Programing Charge per Hour $ 70.00 ISSUED July 11, 2008 ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARIFF Revision: P age 174 Superseding Revision SECTION 6 - RATES 6.10 Miscellaneous Services (cont d) (B) Access Service Biling Per Request Paper Each bil and/or CSR request $20.00 Per page $0.04 Magnetic Tape Reel Each reel request $40.00 Magnetic Tape Cartdge Each caridge request $40.00 Electronic via E-mail (Text fie format only) Each bil and/or CSR request $20.00 (C) Presubscription Non-Recurring Charge Presubscription -Per Telephone Exchange Service $ 5.00 Line or Tru Unauthorized PiC change $30.00 D) Wholesale Service Order Charge Wholesale Service Order $30.00 Service Order Supplemental Charge $20.00 Expedite Fee $60.00 Forced Expedite Fee $100.00 For Expedite or Forced Expedite Request involving Loop Disconnect, the applicable charge applies in addition to a pass though of any monthly recurrg charges for an unbundled loop charged by the ILEC after Customer conversion to Request carrer serice. ISSUED July 11, 2008 CLERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319 ClERTECH.COM, INC INITIAL TARifF Revision: ISSUED July 11, 2008 P age 175 Superseding Revision ClERTECH.COM, INC, Effective Certification Pending 3500 N. STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FLORIDA 33319