HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031104Application.pdfRECEIVED FILED 2063 NOY- 4 AM . ':14 VIA CER~~ijI?)Yd~1l~1AIL 7099 3220 0001 8491 3376 UTILITIES COMMISSION PC/. 1 r/ / . October 27, 2003 Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary 472 W. Washington Boise, ID. 83702 c. 11-1-1- (/$-0/ RE:Choctaw Communications , Inc. d/b/a Smoke Signal Communications(ID Request to Cancel Certificates and Tariffs Dear Jean Jewell: Please note that Choctaw Communications, Inc. dba Smoke Signal Communications (ID ("Smoke Signal") is no longer transacting business in the State of Idaho. We do not have any customers in this state at this time. We would like to request that our certificate of convenience and public necessity be cancelled along with all tariffs. Smoke Signal appreciates your attention to this matter. Please contact the undersigned directly with any inquiries regarding this f1ling at telephone number 713-779-0692. . u " " SMOKE SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS 8700 SOUTH GESSNER HOUSTON , TEXAS 77074 713/779.0692 ...,...;;. State of Idaho I~\ CERTIFICATE OF WITHDRAWAL CHOCTAW COMMUNICATIONS, INC. File Number C 128169 I, BEN YSURSA, Secretary of Slate of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that Application for Certificate of Withdrawal from this State; ~a5" been received in this office and is found to conform to law. . ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me bylaw, I issue this Certificate of Withdrawal and attach hereto a duplicate of the Application for such Certificate. Dated: March 10.2003 SECRETARY OF STATE ~"'~ ./search.html?SearchFormstep- . td &S =prill oc earc ormSearchForm DocPrintStepViewDOCIDvalue=CORPAlill/2 211 ~PPLICA TION FOR CERTIFICATE OF WITHDRAWAL (lostructionsonbaCK of application)'1fi;'1"'k;Pii12 , ,., ', '." ,. To the Secretary of Stata of Iq~ho : ~_., ,' . . :.:.; vlATE pur~uant toS~,3o.-1,;152P, IdahQ.Code,the undersi!1ned Corpor8JIIO~E(~sfor a certificate of WIthdrawal from the State of Idaho. and for that purpose submits thefolfOWIngstatement 1. The name of the cOrporation is CHOCTAW COMMUNICATIONS INC. The name which it used in Idaho is CHOCTAW COMMUNIC TIONS INC. 2. It is incqrporated under the laws of "TEXAS 3. Itis nottran~cting business intheStateofidaho. 4. It hereby surrendefsit$ autllority to Mnsact busine$S in said state. YES S. It revokes the authority /jIlts registered agent intheState~oOdahotCiaccept service ofproceS$and consentsthatoservice ofproeesairiany actiof1,suitorptoceeding based upbn anyc:auseof a9ti9o arising. in the State of Idaho dli(lngthe time jtwas authQrized to tran$~ business'therein ffi::iY thereafter oo.madeonllbY registered or certified malltothe corpoJ'ationatthe adQress listedinJtembelow. 6. The, post office addl'eSS to, which process against \I:1ecorporatiCinmaybe ,mailed is 0 SOQTH G~SSNER. flOUS'l'ON, TF;X~$i7014 1. It agrees to notify the Secretary of State of the State of Idaho of any change to the addre$Sinltem6. YES c."""",,""'" , "" , (ifuSol'\g,pr.~i~ao::couI'IIJ S1gnatu . ' ...... '. ..-:- -- '. .... Se'~"O""S"""";'" TyPed Name E."'1'OMMY "THOMAS , '. ' IOOHD"StCtlE1MY 00 STATE . .. ' ~I~ 03/19/289 (iUS.:BB Capacity PRESI DENT .t 'i ~ CI(: 4tSU &1; 113142 ,ttfi:Ml7ft~~ ~ . '1, i ,~~18 = ~~88. FQR:\i1THIIR 'I . e-~ a:: ./search.html?SearchFormste - . td . p- pnn oc&SearchFormSearchForm- DocPrintStepViewDOCI Dvalue1 0/27/C