HomeMy WebLinkAbout19720105First_Amended_Certificate_No_227.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITJE3 C MMiISION IN THE MATTER Ct EHO APPLICATION Ci) OEM STATE UTILITIES CORPORATI 321 FOR CASE ND U1068 LI AUTHRiTY TO AMEND iTS CERTJICATES) OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECE5]T)FIRST AMENDED CERTIfICATE NOS,188 AND 22,)NO 227 ____ IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the presi and lutUre public convenience nd ne..essisy require,and will require the Gem State UtI:ties Z ;sciDn,its saciessirs.and assius, to own,hold,construct o therwise acquire and to maintain and operate a ielepNine system in and suppJy tetephoni rrice Ii cfie residents ot the foltowing described terrtorv uRAND’lLW AND BRUNEAU EXCUANGES Ada County A_i T3S,RlE,Sec:1orsI,234,2,8E. 1H15,NE 1 2 16,NE 1 2 21,23,2Lf,S,NE 12 26,NE ±i 38,N I 36 Alt 0±T3S,R2E,R3E All o±T3S,RUE,Sectins ,5,6,,8,9,i6,L7,l8,±9,2O,2i,8, 29,30 ,3i ,32 ,33 Elmore County All of T3S,R4E,Sections 3,i0,11,22,i7,34 A1 of T4S,R2E,Sections i,2,3,-f,5,NE I b,N 1 LU,±1, 12,i3,L,E 1/2,23,24,25,N 1.2 28 All of T4S,R3E A1I0FT4S,R4E,Sections3,4,5,6,7,8,9,L0,15,16,17,L8,,9, 20,21,22,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 ,3 All of TSS,R3E,Sections 1,2,3,4,5,NE 1 2 9,1D,li,12,13, NE iz 15 Allot TSS,RLE,Seitions 3,L,S,6,7,8,9,I0,JL,12,15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,W 1.2 22,W 1,2 27,28,29,NE 1,2 30,N 1 2 32,N 1/2 J3,NW 1 4 All of T5S,R5E,Sections ,8,9,10,1l,i2,l3,l4,lS,i6,L/,i8, NE 1’2 21,22,N 1i2 23,N 1,2 2 Allot TSS,R6E,Sections ,8,9,±U,±S,I6,17,l8,±9,2u,2I,22. 27,28,29,£i.i2 30,NE 1.2 31,32,33,3 Owyhee County A1IoET3S,R2W,Sections l,8,9,i0,li,2,li,14,18,ib,i7,i9, 2 0 2 1 ,22 ,23 ,2 +,2 5 ,2 6 ,27 ,28 ,29 ,30 ,31 ,2 ,3 3#,35 ,36 All of T3S,R1W All ot T3S,R1E,Sections 6,7,SW 1 2 8,3W 1 2 16,17,18,19, 20,21,SW L4 ?2,27,28,2U,30,LL,32,3,74, SW .1 2 35,3 t 2 36 All of T43,R2W,R1W,R1E Al ot T4S,R2E,Seuton SW 1,2 1,5,2,3 i 2 18,fS,ió, t?,t3,1g,2o,21,WI 2 2t,/,28,29,3U,i, 32 ,“3 ,34,35 , All ol T4S,R2E,Suc ion SI’L 2 All of TSS,R2W,RIW,RIL,H.P All of All of All of All of All of All of All of All of All of All of All of All of All of All of All of and for such purposes to hold,construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate in said territory a telephone system to exercise all rights and nrivileges which have been granted to said Gem State Utilities Corporation,or which may hereafter be pranted to said Gem State Utilities Corporation,its successors and assigns by any franchise or permit conferred or which may be hereafter conferred upon said Gem State Utilities Corpora tion,by the county of Ada or Elmore or Owyhee,any municipality of the State of Idaho or by any political subdivision thereof. This Certificate is predicated upon and issued pur suant to the order of the Commission,the same being Order No. 10538 in the above entitled matter made and entered on this 5th day of January,1972,to which said order reference is hereby made, DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho,this 5th day of January,1972. ATTEST: SECRETARY PRESIDENT ----COMISSIONER CUNMISSIONER Owyhee County (Continued) All of TSS,R3E,Sections 6,7,8,SW 1/2 9,SW 1/2 15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31, 32,33,34,35 ,36 T5S,R4E,Sections E 1/2 22,23,24,25,26,E 1/2 27, SW 1/2 30,31,32,33,34,35,36 T55,R5E,Sections 19,20,SW 1/2 21,25,26,27,28,29, 30,31,32,33,34,35,36 T5S,R6E,Section SW 1/2 31 T6S,R2W,R1W,R1E,R2E,R3E,R’4E,R5E T65,R6E,Sections 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,16 l7 ,18 ,19 ,20, 21,22 ,27 ,28 ,29 ,30,3l,32 ,33 ,34 T7S,R2W,R1W,R1E,R2E,R3E,R4E,R5E,R6E T8S,R1E,R2E,R3E,R4E,R5E,R6E,R7E,R8E,R9E T9S,R1E,R2E,R3E,R4E,R5E,R6E,R7E,R8E,R9E T1OS,R1E,R2E,R3E,R4E,R5E,R6E,R7E,R8E,R9E T11S,R1E,R2E,PIE,P4E,R5E,R6E T12S,R1E,R2E,R3E,R4E,R5E,R6E T13S,R1E,R2E,R3E,R1-fE,R5E,R6E T14S,R1E,R2E,R3E,R4E,R5E,R6E T15S,R1E,R2E,R3E,R4E,R5E,R6E T16S,R1E,R2E,R3E,R4E,PIE,R6E mw