HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221128Application.pdf,:. ':L ii i',1E U . it,,i ;.i;',r 2g fiil l0: I 3 LUMEN' October t7,2022 'i' ' :i.lt Flill.i(l':" ll-, ,. [.lClii'ilSSILlii Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ldaho 837t4 Dear Ms. Noriyuki,CCrs- T- ,.2-oq Pursuant to Commission Order No. 35297, GNR-T-21-10 please find enclosed CenturyTel of the Gem State, lnc.'s application for the ldaho Broadband Tax Credit for the year 2O2L. This application is being submitted for Commission determination that the broadband equipment installed for 2021meets the definition of qualified broadband equipment as found in ldaho code 63-30291. 1. Name address of the applicant: CenturyTel ofthe Gem State, lnc. 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, LA 71203 Contact Person: Amanda Brown, Director - Tax Accounting Phone: 318-330-5327 CenturyTel of the Gem State, lnc. is a provider of local exchange and broadband telecommunications services in ldaho. 2. ldentify the area or location where the equipment is installed in ldaho. Please refer to Exhibit 1 (CenturyTel of the Gem State, lnc.) for equipment installed in the years 2021. Broadband investment and retirements by year are as follows: YEAR INVESTMENT RETIREMENTS NET INVESTMENT 202t 5792,708 (s0)Stgz,tos 3. Type of Broadband service offered to the public in ldaho. CenturyTel of the Gem States, lnc. uses terrestrial wire line technology. Various forms of DSl-based equipment are used (ADSL & VDSL in various vintages). Transport is a mix of fiber optic and metallic cable, which typically is also supporting traditional telephony services. Equipment terminals are located in Central Office buildings, remote buildings and in cabinets on concrete pads each serving a neighborhood. lncome Tax Departnent PO Box 9070 Monroe, aA71211 www.lumen.com LUMEN' 4. Provide the lowest transmission rate offercd to customerc, in bits pcr sccond, that subscribers to the releyant broadband network can receive and send (download and upload): The lowest transmission rate offered to customers is 500,@0 bits per second for downloads and 250,000 bits per second for uploads. 5. Provide a speclftc list of equipment types that the application is rcqucsting the Commission to dctcrmine is 'qualified broadband equipmenf as defined ln ldaho Codc Sccion C 63-!l029ll3l(bl. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for the years 2021. 6. lnstallation datcs: Please refer to Exhibit 1 for the years 2021. 7. Pcrcentage and numbcr of potential subscribers: Please refer to Exhibit 2 for the year 2021. 8. Ccrtificd statcmcnt from applicant: Please See Exhibit 3. lf you have any questions concerning this filing, please contact me at (318) 330-6327. Sincerely, Amanda Brown Senior Director - Tax Encl SeMces not availabh eveqnilherc. Brriness customers only, Lumen may drange, cancel orrubstitute products and senices, or vary them by service area at b sole disqetion without nolice. @2020 Lumen Tecttnologier. All Rigtrk Rescrved. page2 ol2 EXHIBIT 1 Equipment Installed In ldaho 202L EXHIBIT 2 Idaho Broadband Subscribers 202L CET{ruRYTEI OF THE GEM Sf,ATE, INC. IDAHO BROADBAND CNED|T PERGENTAGE AilD NUMBER OF POTENTIAT SU8SCRIBER!' lD Lus TOTAI [U'S TOTATQUAUFIED LUs r ouAuFrED Lus EOV2@r 2.155 1^:168 sgfi EOY2020 2.103 L.220 5816 EOY2019 2,055 1,203 s99{' EOY20tt 2,W L,t71 s7% EOY 20r'2.L72 1.315 6l/a EOY2015 2,15E 1,414 6X EOY2015 1,991 L,327 67X EOY2014 1.974 1.314 67X EOY2013 1.959 1,315 679x, aot20t2 1,944 1,418 7?X NOTE; hailde numbers lor Tlitg dnd 1747 I{OTE: Where LU means Living Unit. A Living Unit is a street eddrcrs where CenturyTel of the Gem State might send a bill and where wireline plant is not far away. A working tjvinS Unit ls an .ddress where CenturyTel of the Gem State now sends a bill for some type of servlce, not necesgarily internet accesg service and not necessarily telephony seMce. A qurlified [U ls an address where Dsl-based service could be provisioned in a short interval of time. EXHIBIT 3 ldaho Broadband Certification 202L IDAHO BROADBAND CERTIFICATION EXHIB]T 3 202t I hereby, ccrtify that Representatives of CenturyTel of the Gem Statg lnc. (the applicant) have read the application statutes forthe broadband investment income tax credit and the applicant believes that the subject broadband equipment qualifies for the tax credit under ldaho Code Section 63'30291. f.t+^^ DorglaE A. Riehards SVP GlobalTax