HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221128Application.pdfi';il Eiv ID lJli :lCr' 28 fil{ t0: 05 LUMEN' October L7,2022 Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise,ldaho 837L4 LeN -T- LL-e-\+ Dear Ms. Noriyuki, Pursuant to Commission Order No. 35297, GNR-T-21-10 please find enclosed CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc.'s application for the ldaho Broadband Tax Credit for the year 2021. This application is being submitted for Commission determination that the broadband equipment installed for 2O2l meets the definition of qualified broadband equipment as found in ldaho code 63-30291. 1. Name address of the applicant: CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc. 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, LA7L2O3 Contact Person: Amanda Brown, Director - Tax Phone: 318-330-6327 CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc. is a Telecommunications Carrier 2. tdentify the area or location where the equipment is installed in ldaho. PIease refer to Exhibit 1 (CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc.)for equipment installed in the year 2021. Broadband investment and retirements by year are as follows: YEAR INVESTMENT RETIREMENTS NET INVESTMENT 202L s253,355 (So)s263,356 3. Type of Broadband service offered to the public in ldaho. CenturyTel of ldaho uses terrestrial wire line technology. Various forms of DSL-based equipment are used (ADSL & VDSL in various vintages). Transport is a mix of fiber optic and metallic cable, which typically is also supporting traditional telephony services. Equipment terminals are located in Central Office buildings, remote buildings and in cabinets on concrete pads each serving a neighborhood. lncome Tax Departnent PO Box 9070 Monroe,lA71211 www.lumen.com LUMEN' 4. Provide the lowest transmission rate offered to custome]s, in bits per second, that subscribers to the rclernnt broadband network can receive and send (download and uploadl: The lowest transmiss'ron rate offered to customers is 500,000 bits per second for downloads and 250,000 bits per second for uploads. 5. Provide a speclfic list of equipment types that the application is requesting the Commission to determine is "quallfted broadband equlpment" as deftned in ldaho Code Sectlon 63-3029t. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for the year 2021. 6. lnstellation dates: Pleasc refer to Exhlbit 1 for the year 2021. 7. Perccntage end numbcr of potentia! subscribers: Please refer to Exhibit 2 for the year 2021. 8. Ccrtlffed statcmcnt from applicant: Please See Exhlbit 3. lf you have any questions concerning this filing, please contact me at (318) 330-6327 Sincerely Amanda Brown Senior Director - Tax Encl SeMces nol availablc ewryl,vheG. Business customcl3 only. Lumen may change, csncel or substltute produc{s and seryic$, or vary lhem by scMce area at its sole discretion wifrout notice. @2020 Lumen Tcctyrologiee. Al Rlghtr Reserved. pagc 2 of2 EXHIBIT 1 Equipment Installed In ldaho 202L EXHIBIT 2 ldaho Broadband Subscribers 2g2L dtllrlllof Erfiq,trc.gtonoroxDcrlor ?mTrt: rp nm or rotam^l trScttaB m rc3 DU&t6r.uf3 r cfrrll|tt torlErEI!D 3.3ra l:t gr EID tti 4r$I EIDI trr L'1D a E[t t_tt &l'E B&s t^D 4.ip t[r&m tt arL B t-04 arao .BErttl':arat * frff ta,,.a^aa,ar tllu. tU mil U,lE t,.*. A Uyl.| Unat b t rtslr.t -lB *m Ccrltd ot ld.hc, h. tr|tra 5d. It ra dr.tr t*r dfr b il b ry. a udft u{h tx b fr rdtG.rtmortryTrl ClIp, trte mror&. tI h,snr$adrrfG., iila.o.sr[v h!.m* EBr.nlcrd llot nffiltyt.Lphauttrrb. A{fS.d tU blt ad*r$x,tr.rr6t{r.d tr$o could b. n !t fbird h . to.t ldM dlin EXHIBIT 3 ldaho Broadband Certification 202L IDAHO BROADBAND CERTIFICATION EXHIBIT 3 2021 I hereby, certify that Representatives of CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc. (the applicant) have read the application statutes forthe broadband investment income tax credit and the applicant believes that the subject broadband equipment qualifies for the tax credit under ldaho Code Section 63-30291. SVP GlobalTax