HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220124Application.pdfL. '-i-,tl s . ', i:u r:1! fi. I -?i'i'l ;"1 I I :,_-' . rriri\t^.lr 'i:/ulr-'rr LUMEN' December t5,202L Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise,ldaho 837L4 Dear Ms. Noriyuki,Lf+t -:,- 2-ye I Enclosed is the application of CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc. for the broadband tax credit for the year 2020. This application is being submitted for Commission determination that the broadband equipment installed for 2O2O meets the definition of qualified broadband equipment as found in ldaho code 53-30291. 1. Name address of the applicant: CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc. 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, LA7L2O3 Contact Percon: Amanda Brown, Director - Tax Phone: 3 18-330-6327 CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc. is a Telecommunications Carrier 2. ldentify the area or location where the equipment is installed in tdaho. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for equipment installed in the year 2020. See Exhibit 2 for retirements. Broadband investment and retirements by year are as follows: YEAR INVESTMENT RETIREMENTS NET INVESTMENT 2020 535!,247 /.s8,7871 5342,460 3. Type of Broadband service offered to the public in ldaho. CenturyTel of ldaho uses terrestrial wire line technology. Various forms of DSL-based equipment are used (ADSL & VDSL in various vintages). Transport is a mix of fiber optic and metallic cable, which typically is also supporting traditional telephony services. Equipment terminals are located in Central Office buildings, remote buildings and in cabinets on concrete pads each serving a neighborhood. lncome Tax Departnent PO Box 9070 Monroe, L471211 www.lumen.com LUMEN' 4. Network Transmission rate: Please refer to Exhibit 3 for the year 2O2O. 5. Provide a specific list of equipment types that the application is requesting the Commission to determine is'qualified broadband equipment'as defined in ldaho Code Section 53-3029t. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for the year 2O2O. 6. lnstallation dates: Please refer to Exhibit l for the year 2020. 7. Written description of our Broadband Network including a description of how the installed equipment is an "integral part" of the broadband network: Services are supported by our telecommunications network which consists of voice and data switches (circuit and packet), copper and fiber optic cables and transmission equipment. At central office building and at remote sites, multiplexers and advanced digital switches are controlled by licensed software. Fiber-optic cable is the primary transport media between nodes including interconnection points with other carriers. We continue to enhance and expand our network as broadband enabled technology improves and as customers, new and existing, demand significant additional capacity. 8. Percentage and number of potential subscriberc: Please refer to Exhibit 4 for the year 2020. 9. Certified statement from applicant: Please See Exhibit 5. lf you have any questions concerning this filing, please contact me at (318) 330-6327 Sincerely Amanda Brown Director - Tax Enc! SeMces not available every'where. Bsiness customers only. Lumen may dtange, cancel or substitr.rte products and seMces, or vary them by service area at its sole discretion without notice. @2020 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Resen,ed. pagez ol2 EXHIBIT 1 Equipment lnstalled In ldaho 2020 E[Eriltemrmnmr DPEf,v,,s 3t 415 Etorffiilrre t7rl5 9:t316ilti(rrrc !0121 t0r21 EWFEAruES t7lrr?t?.9t nrmrE3lorutl.C u.N,i. &12 EI{OilEfroTG ,.trt L319&twtBtlrtutY ITEIilCENXE trto 7,W tsrftwro$c 6t39 30.s l1J5'roADmwGEErDxSSl G*?EI r,16 t.216 Eildffitlre t!c9 sr09 HiEtENC rtt m,gE 20trt EXHIBIT 2 Equipment Retirements 2020 EXHIBIT 3 Network Transmission Rates 2020 cEilrunytEt oF rDAr{o, r]{c. IDAHO SROADSAIID CNEO]T IIETIi'ORX INATSMISSIO'{ RATES ilOTE! T083 Wherc LU means lMng Unit. A tMnt Unlt is a rtrcrt addrcss whcru ClnturyT.l of ldahq lnc. mltht send a bill and whcr€ wlrrline plrnt is not far aw!y. Whcre mbps moanr me8ablts pcr second. Thesc arc downlosd rpceds. Upload spa.ds vary. Thrse lrc lv.ilability counts, not subscrlbcrship counts. ID LU.60 mbDs 40 mboc 20mboc l2mbo.,mbo.5mb6 tmbo.1.5mb03 ZlSkbDs Tot l lD EOY 2020 B't58 83 &.?.u t10 N'2'B t0!i.ut EOY 2019 0 355 774 225 2,083 2txt 604 323 92 4,755 EOY 2018 0 160 87 0 2.952 lE2 Lt7 17t 60 4,729 E(,Y 2017 0 0 L,452 0 2,131 156 t12 416 63 4,3tt0 EOYml6 0 0 0 0 t,796 181 123 371 143 4.620 EOY 2015 0 0 0 0 3,752 17E 125 451 138 4,654 EOY 2014 0 0 0 0 3,277 683 188 354 258 4,7ffi EOY20tt 0 0 0 0 3,t069 173 159 684 131 4,515 EOY 201.it 0 0 0 0 3,181 L74 156 L135 132 4,78 EXHIBIT 3 EXHIBIT 4 ldaho Broadband Subscribers 2020 GAmrnvrEtocDAHqm. DllloliOADS T{DGi@tT PGIIS'ITGE IIID ruffi OF FOTHTIAI f,JBCdIGiS ETf: IIt83 Wh.,r U, rtrc$r3 tlulrf t n&. A lMlttllftb.rucrt ddrclBlhcrtccntwyfd of 6.ho, lnc. mlfi rand r blll rnd wlrrc ruircllnc plmt b not ftr ilry. A urorkha Llvlne t nlt lr .n !.ldr!$ ultcrc Cantu yTcl of ld.ho,lnc merclrb a tU fur rome tlDc of ran{e, nd llcccrs.rfly hrtarrlct acarcrvlc and not ncffirilytdc0hqly$nhc. A ryalticd lU lr rl ad4lar ut}lrc DSL{ed $tylca oddd bc proyblonGd ln r thort htcn al ortmc. Durl tuttt ll,|3 Erlloll.rlEU'3 rdIrEutS cilr80 roYtall 5t5a 1.1136 texldut5r$1,7i8 tgr 5rt0 Lfr agr tottota 5,gn /mAo t1*[orrttc 3.0n6 a.a6a cifrffiut5fi6tl,rto EiI a-s1 'llts tortottlua.929 +47 ta EXHIBIT4 EXHIBIT 5 ldaho Broadband Certification 2020 I DAHO BROADBAN D CERTIFICATION EXHIBIT 5 2020 I hereby, certify that Representatives of CenturyTel of ldaho, Inc. (the applicant) have read the application statutes forthe broadband investment income tax credit and the applicant believes that the subject broadband equipment qualifies for the tax credit under ldaho Code Section 63-30291. l.\,t- Douglas A Rhhards SVP GlobalTax D(HIBIT 5