HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200722Amended Tariff No 20-03.pdfJan Noriyuki From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: sltdTrrs CenturyLink' Hazlett, Marla J <Marla.Hazlett@CenturyLink.com> Wednesday, )uly 22,20202,.39 PM Diane Hanian For Notification Today: Amended 1D2020-05-ct Discontinue Prorates 1D2020-06 CT Cat 1 Pgs.pdf Notification/File Date: July 22, 2020 These proposed revisions revise and replace revisions originally submitted on behalf of CenturyTel of ldaho lnc., d/b/a CenturyLink, under Transmittal No. 20-03-ct. That filing proposed the standardization and simplification of discontinuance of service provisions for customer-requested termination of residential service. This amended filing includes exceptions to the proposed discontinuance process and proposes a revised effective date of August14,2020. CenturyLink and Staff have discussed the changes and agree they are appropriate. Please replace pages initially submitted under this Transmittal No. 20{3-ct with the attached. Attached, please find the PDF version of the proposed changes Thank you for your attention. Marla Hazlett Senior Government Operations Analyst 1025 Eldorado Blvd, Broomfield CO, 80021 Room 44A-F2 Marla. Hazlett@centurvl ink.com This communication is the property of CenturyLink and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strlctly prohibited and may be unlawful. lf you have received this communication in error, please immediately notii/ the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. 1 l=,r D0r CenturyTel of Idahor lnc. d/b/a Century Link General Exchange Catalog No. I Issued: 07-22-2020 SECTION 3 Page 5 Release 3 Effective: 08-14-2020 3.2 3. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ESTABLISHMENTAND FURMSHING OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES (Cont,d) CUSTOMER BILLING a. b 3.2.8 a.Bills are due 15 days after postmark date unless otherwise specified and may be paid at the Telephone Company's mail payment center, at any business office, or at any agency authorized to receive such payments. The customer is responsible for all charges in conjunction with the service furnished including collect toll messages which have been accepted at the customer's telephone. Monthly recurring charges are billed in advance and toll charges are billed in arrears. Special billing arrangements may be established for services provided to governmental agencies. Customers shall be billed for services in accordance with established rates for the exchange in which they are located. A 30-day month will be used in computing charges for a fractional part of a month. Retroactive billing adjusfrnents will not be made for a period exceeding three years unless such incorrect billing can be substantiated from available records. Bills for telephone service are normally rendered on a monthly basis. Bills rendered for establishment of services and final bills rendered for discontinuation of business services will be prorated on the basis of a thirty (30) day bilting period. Final bills rendered after customer-requested discontinuance of residential service will not be pro-rated and service will remain available to the customer until the first day of the customer's next billing cycle, except as specified otherwise in Section 3.2.11.e. 3,2.9 MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIOD Except as specified elsewhere in this Catalog, the minimum contract period is one month from the date service or additions to service are established and the minimum charge is the established rate for one month. Special confractual arrangements for special equipment or special assernblies of equipment are developed as required. b. c. d. e. f. (N) I I (N) g. ,l r.,I rir ,,i Transmittal No. 20-03-ct CenturyTel of Idaho,Inc. d/b/a Century Link General Exchange Catalog No. I Issued: 07-22-2020 SECTION 3 PageT Release 3 Effective: 08-14-2020 3.2 3.2.11 3. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHTNG OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES (CONt,d) TERMINATION OF SERVICE AT CUSTOMER REQUEST Contracts for service may be terminated prior to the expiration of the contract period provided advance notice is given to the Telephone Company and upon agreement to pay all charges due for the service fumished, plus any termination charges which might be applicable. Where a contract for service with a one-month minimum period is cancelled before establishment of the service is completed, a charge not to exceed the service charge specified, is applied if all or a portion ofthe facilities have been installed. Additional provisions governing cancellation of applications for Private Line and Special Design Services are specified in Section 4.6. c.No new minimum or termination charge will apply where a new customer takes over the service of the former customer, with the consent of the Telephone Company, for the remaining period, of the contract provided the service is to be furnished at the same location without intemrption and that the new customer assumes all unpaid charges on the original contract. Minimum and termination charges will apply for any service fumished under the original contract which is not retained by the new customer. It is the responsibility of the Company to inform the new customer of all outstanding charges. No minimum or termination charge will apply in the event the service is terminated because of the condemnation, destruction, or damage to property by fire or other cause, beyond the control of the customer. When business service is terminated at the customerts request after the minimum service period or initial contract period has been met, service will be discontinued immediately, and a final bitl will be issued in accordance with Section 3.2.E.f. Residential customers may request termination of residence service at any time, and service will be discontinued on the last day of the customer's billing cycle after the minimum service period has been met. Final charges will be rendered in accordance with Section 3.2.8.f. Residential customers may, however, request immediate disconnection under the following circumstances, and upon customer request final bills will be prorated on the basis of a 30- day billing period: o Military Deployment o Customer vacating premises prior to end of bill cycle date o Death of customero Local number portability requesto f inancial hardship 3.2,12 RESALE OF SERVICES No service can be resold unless the service has been specifically identified as available for resale or authorized by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. a. b. d. e. Transmittal No. 20-03-ct 00