HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200114Application.pdfRECEIVED CenturyLink December18,2019 Jean D.Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O.Box 83720 Boise,Idaho83720-0074 Dear Ms.Jewell, Enclosed is the application of CenturyTelof Idaho,Inc.for the broadbandtax credit for the year 2018.This application is beingsubmitted for Commission determination that the broadbandequipmentinstalledfor2018meetsthedefinitionofqualifiedbroadbandequipmentasfoundinIdahocode63-3029I. 1.Nameaddress of the applicant: CenturyTelof idaho,Inc. PO Box 9070 Monroe,LA 71211 Contact Person: Amanda Brown,Director-Tax Phone:318-330-6327 CenturyTelof Idaho,Inc.is a Telecommunications Carrier 2.Identify the area or location where the equipment is installed in idaho.Please refer to Exhibit 1 for equipment installed in the year 2018.See Exhibit 2forretirements. Broadbandinvestment and retirements by year are as follows: YEAR INVESTMENT RETIREMENTS NET INVESTMENT 2018 $758,229 ($18,952)$739,277 income Tax Department PO Box 9070 Monroe,LA 71211 www.centurylink.com 3.Type of Broadbandservice offered to the public in Idaho.CenturyTelof Idaho uses terrestrial wire line technology.Various forms of DSt-based equipmentareused(ADSL &VDSL in various vintages).Transport is a mix of fiber optic and metallic cable,which typically is also supporting traditional telephony services.Equipmentterminals are locatedinCentralOfficebuildings,remote buildings and in cabinets on concrete pads each serving aneighborhood. 4.Network Transmissionrate: Please refer to Exhibit 3 for the year 2018. 5.Providea specific list of equipment types that the application is requesting the Commissiontodetermineis"qualified broadband equipment"as defined in Idaho Code Section 63-30291.Please refer to Exhibit 1 for the year 2018. 6.Installation dates: Please refer to Exhibit 1for the year 2018. 7.Written description of our BroadbandNetwork including a description of how the installedequipmentisan"integral part"of the broadband network:Services are supported by our telecommunications network which consists of voice and dataswitches(circuit and packet),copper and fiber optic cables and transmissionequipment.At centralofficebuildingandatremotesites,multiplexers and advanceddigital switches are controlled bylicensedsoftware.Fiber-optic cable is the primary transport media between nodes includinginterconnectionpointswithothercarriers.We continue to enhance and expand our network asbroadbandenabledtechnologyimprovesandascustomers,new and existing,demandsignificantadditionalcapacity. 8.Percentageand number of potentialsubscribers: Please refer to Exhibit 4 for the year 2018. 9.Certified statement from applicant: Please See Exhibit 5. If you haveany questionsconcerningthis filing,please contact me at (318)330-6327. Sincerely, Amanda Brown Director -Tax Encl EXHIBIT 1 Equipment Installed In Idaho 2018 Ye a r 20 1 8 CO M P ID TO 8 3 Su m of Su m O f Y T D _ T O T AC T EX C H A N G E DE S C R I P T I O N IR DE S C R I P T I O N IN I T I A T I V E DE S C R I P T I O N LE A D O R E NO R T H FO R K SA L M O N Gr a n d To t a l AC C E S S - CA P A C I T Y CO N S T A N T S 11 , 1 6 1 11 , 1 6 1 AC C E S S - MA I N T A I N CO P P E R 17 , 3 2 6 17 , 3 2 6 EN G I N E E R I N G 5,7 4 1 5, 7 4 1 FIB E R OP T I C 8, 9 7 9 8, 9 7 9 PO L E RE M E D I A T I O N 22 2 22 2 DS L EX I S T I N G MK T EX P A N S I O N CO P P E R 18 , 3 3 0 18 , 3 3 0 EN G I N E E R I N G 4, 7 8 5 2, 6 1 1 51 , 8 1 2 59 , 2 0 8 FI B E R OP T I C 47 7 , 2 9 8 47 7 , 2 9 8 NE W FE A T U R E S 5, 6 1 9 5, 6 1 9 TR A N S M I S S I O N / D L C 65 , 7 0 3 65 , 7 0 3 DS L GR O W T H CO N S T A N T S 1, 8 9 6 1, 8 9 6 HS I BA N D W I D T H AU G M E N T A T I O N EN G I N E E R I N G 4, 7 0 1 10 , 2 5 0 14 , 9 5 1 TR A N S M I S S I O N / D L C 8, 2 7 6 8, 2 7 6 IP - E T H E R N E T CO R E EN G I N E E R I N G 2, 5 0 8 2, 5 0 8 NA T I O N A L MA R K E T A B L E RE V E N U E - FE D E R A L EN G I N E E R I N G 25 25 NE T W O R K PL A N - SW I T C H I N G EN G I N E E R I N G 48 7 48 7 NE T W O R K RE U A B I U T Y EN G I N E E R I N G 1, 3 8 6 3, 7 8 0 5, 1 6 6 SW I T C H I N G 48 , 6 2 0 48 , 6 2 0 RO A D M O V E S ( C A B L E AN D DL C ' S ) EN G I N E E R I N G 6, 7 1 3 6, 7 1 3 Gr a n d To t a l 24 , 8 4 7 7,3 1 3 72 6 , 0 7 0 75 8 , 2 2 9 EXHIBIT 2 Equipment Retirements 2018 AsofDate 31-Dec-18 city (All) state (All) CoCode TO83 PostDate (All) RptArea (All) Sum of PSC _AMT Account Description 20122120 GrandTotalEXCH_NAME Digital Electronic SwitchingSALMON18,952 18,952GrandTotal18,952 18,952 EXHIBIT 3 Network Transmission Rates 2018 CENTURYTELOF IDAHO,INC. IDAHOBROADBAND CREDIT NETWORK TRANSMISSION RATES QUESTION#4 TO83 ID LUs 40 mbps 20mbps 12mbps 7mbps 5mbps 3mbps 1.5mbps 256kbps Total IDEOY201816088702952182117371604729EOY201701,452 0 2,131 166 112 416 63 4,340EOY20160003,796 181 123 377 143 4,620EOY20150003,752 178 125 461 138 4,654EOY20140003,277 683 188 354 258 4,760EOY20130003,469 173 159 684 131 4,616EOY20120003,181 174 156 1,136 132 4,779 NOTE:Where LU means Living Unit.A Living Unit is a street address where CenturyTel of Idaho,Inc.mightsendabillandwherewirelineplantisnotfaraway.Where mbps means megabits per second.These aredownloadspeeds.Upload speeds vary.These are availability counts,not subscribership counts. EXHIBIT 3 EXHIBIT4 Idaho Broadband Subscribers 2018 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO,INC. IDAHO BROADBANDCREDIT PERCENTAGE AND NUMBER OF POTENTIAL SUBSCRIBERSQUESTION#8 TOS3 to LUs TOTAL LU'S TOTAL QUALIFIED LU'S %qUALIFIED LU'SEOY20185,291 4,729 89%EOY 2017 5,120 4,340 85%EOY2016 5,092 4,620 91% EOY 2015 5,056 4,654 92%EOY 2014 5,026 4,760 95% EOY 2013 4,981 4,485 90%EOY2012 4,929 4,647 94% NOTE:Where LU means Uving Unit.A Uving Unit is a street address where CenturyTel ofIdaho,Inc.might send a bill and where wireline plant is not far away.A working Living Unit is anaddresswhereCenturyTelofIdaho,Inc.now sendsa bill for some type of service,not necessarilyintemetaccessserviceandnotnecessarilytelephonyservice.A qualified LU is an addresswhereDSL-based service could be provisioned in a short interval of time. EXHIBIT4 EXHIBIT 5 Idaho Broadband certification 2018 IDAHO BROADBAND CERTIFICATION EXHIBIT5 2018 i hereby,certify that Representativesof CenturyTelof Idaho,Inc.(the applicant)have readtheapplicationstatutesforthebroadbandinvestmentincometaxcreditandtheapplicantbelievesthatthesubjectbroadbandequipmentqualifiesforthetaxcreditunderIdahoCodeSection63-3029I . Jonathan J.Ro'binsonVPNorthAmericanTax EXHIBIT 5