HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100914Application.pdf~,~ ~4"~ CenturyLinkrM Idaho PUblic Utin Offce Of th~ ':: Commission R ~ C IE i V i'5tary SEP 16 2010 Boe, Idaho September 10, 20:10 VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL C ts~N :t - to ...di CbS - L - 10':-(;'/'3 Mrs. Jean Jewell Secretary to the Commission Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Wasngton Street Boise, Idaho 83702 RE: Local Interconnection Agreement for Traffc Exchange between CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. d//a CenturyLink and CenturTel of the Gem State, Inc. d//a CentuLink and Eltopia Communications, LLC Dear Mrs. Jewell: CenturyTel ofIdaho, Inc. dlb/aCcnturLink and Centuel of the Gem State~ Inc. d//a CenturyLink (collectively "CeniuryLink") hereby submit for approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") the enclosed Interconnection and Traffc Exchange Agreement ("Agreement") which provides for interconnection and exchange of traffic between CenturLin and Eltopia Communications, LLC ("Eltopia"). This agreement was reached through voluntar negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to SectiQn 252(e) of the Comnunications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of i 996 ("the Act") and the requirements ofIdaho Administrative Code, 31.42.01, Rule 408. Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an agreement reached though voluntar negotiations only if the Commission finds that .. the agreement (or portion thereof) discrimiates against a telecommunications carer not a party to the agreeent, or · the implementation of such agreement or portion is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. CenturyT et respectfuJly submits that the Agreement provides no basis for either of these findings, and therefore requests that the Commission approve the Agreement expedîtiously. First the Agreement does not discriminate against any other telecommunications carier because Centurel has made the terms~ofthe Agrement Centurynk 805 Broadway Ms. Jean JeweU September 10,2010 Page 2 availäble to other carrer. Second, the Agreement is consistent with the public interest as identified in Uie pro-competitive policies ofUie State ofldaho, the Commssion, the U.S. Congress and the Federal Communications Commssion. The Agreement wil enable the local connection to provide service to, and interconnect with, a greater number of telecommi.cations èustomers in Idaho. Expeditious approval ofthis Agreement wil facilitate immediate competition in the telecommunications market. CenturyLink further requests that theCornssion approve ths Agreement withôut a hearng and without allowig the intervention of other parties. Because this Agreeent was reached through voluntar negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearng and does not concern other paries not a par of the negotiations. Expeditious approval would furher the public interest. Enclosed are an original and three copies of ths filing. if you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me pe the infonnation included below. V cry truly yours, G/~.gl4- Jackie Phillps Regional Manager-Carier Relations cc: Will Lee MacHugh, Eltopia Communications, LLC Enclosues CenturyLink™ TRAFIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT By and between CENTURYTEL OF THE GEM STATE, INC. D/B/A CENTURYLINK CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. D/B/A CENTURYLINK AND ELTOPIA COMMUNICATIONS, LLC FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE & REClT ALS .......................................................................................................................................... 3 ARTICLE I: PUROSE, INTENT AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT ................................................................. 4 1.0 PUROSE OF THE AGREEMENT ....................................................,........................................4 2.0 INTENT OF THE AGREEMENT ................................................................................................4 3.0 SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT .................................................................................................. 4 ARTICLE II: DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.0 GENERA RULES ........................................................................................................................ 6 2.0 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE III: GENERA TERMS & CONDITIONS ....................................................................................... 27 I. GENERA TERMS AND CONDITIONS REGARING APPLICATION, EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM AND GOVERNING LAW ........................................................................................................................27 1.0 APPLICATION OF THESE GENERA TERMS & CONDITIONS...................................... 27 2.0 EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM & TERMINATION ..................................................................... 27 3.0 APPLICABLE LAW .................................................................................................................... 30 II. OTHR GENERA TERMS & CONDITIONS ............................................................................................. 31 4.0 AMENDMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 31 5.0 ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................................................................. 31 6.0 ASSURNCE OF PAYMENT ....................................................................................................32 7.0 AUDITS.........................................................................................................................................33 8.0 AUTHORIZATION AND AUTHORITY .................................................................................. 36 9.0 BILLING & P A YMENTSIDISPUTED AMOUNTS ................................................................. 37 10.0 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK............................................................................................39 1 1.0 CAPACITY PLANNING AND FORECASTS........................................................................... 39 12.0 CHANGES IN LAW .................................................................................................................... 40 13.0 CLEC PROFILE .......................................................................................................................... 42 14.0 CONFIENTIAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 42 15.0 CONSENT ....................................................................................................................................44 16.0 CONTACTS BETWEEN THE PARTIES .................................................................................44 17.0 CONTACTS WITH CUSTOMERS ........................................................................................... 44 18.0 COUNTERP ARTS....................................................................................................................... 44 19.0 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.....................................................................44 20.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ........................................................................................................... 44 21.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................. 47 22.0 EXPENSES ...................................................................................................................................47 23.0 FORCE MAJEUR ..................................................................................................................... 47 24.0 FRUD..........................................................................................................................................48 25.0 GOOD FAITH PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................. 48 26.0 HEADINGS .................................................................................................................................. 49 27.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ................................................................................................. 49 28.0 LAW ENFORCEMENT .............................................................................................................. 50 29.0 INTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK............................................................................................ 51 30.0 LIABILITY AN INDEMNIFCATION .................................................................................. 51 31.0 NETWORK MANAGEMENT.................................................................... ................................5532.0 NON-EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES ................................................................................................ 56 Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 1 of 102 33.0 NOTICE OF NETWORK CHAGES ....................................................................................... 56 34.0 NOTICES......................................................................................................................................57 35.0 ORDERING AND MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................... 57 36.0 POINTS OF CONTACT FOR ELTOPIA CUSTOMERS ........................................................ 58 37.0 PUBLICITY AN USE OF TRAEMAR............................................................................ 58 38.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 59 39.0 RELATIONSIDP OF THE PARTIES........................................................................................ 59 40.0 RESERVATION OF RIGHTS............................................................... ..................................... 60 41.0 STANDAR PRACTICES.......................................................................................................... 61 42.0 SUBCONTRACTORS ................................................................................................................. 61 43.0 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS - BINING EFFECT ............................................................. 61 44.0 SURVIAL...................................................................................................................................61 45.0 TAXS ..........................................................................................................................................61 46.0 TBD PRICES ...............................................................................................:................................ 63 47.0 TECHNOLOGY UPGRAES .................................................................................................... 63 48.0 TERRTORY ............................................................................................................................... 63 49.0 THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARES ........................................................................................... 63 50.0 UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES ..................................................................................................64 51.0 USE OF SERVICE ....................................................................................................................... 64 52.0 W AIER....................................................................................................................................... 64 53.0 WITHDRAWAL OF SERVICES ............................................................................................... 64 ARTICLE IV: INTERCONNECTION AN TRASPORT AN TERMINATION OF TRAFIC .............. 65 1.0 SERVICES COVERED BY THIS ARTICLE ................................................................................... 65 2.0 NETWORK INTERCONNECTION METHODS............................................................................. 65 3.0 INTERCONNECTION TRUNKING REQUIREMENTS................................................................ 71 4.0 MUTUAL COMPENSATION FOR TRASPORT, TERMINATION, AND TRASITING OF LOCAL TRAFIC ...................................................................................... 82 5.0 APPLICABILITY OF OTHR RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS .......................................90 ARTICLE V: MAITENANCE ............................................................................................................................ 91 1.0 GENERA MAITENANCE & REPAI REQUIMENTS .............................................. 91 2.0 MAINTENANCE & REPAI PROCEDURS ........................................................................ 91 3.0 ESCALATION PROCEDURS ................................................................................................. 92 4.0 EMERGENCY RESTORATION ............................................................................................... 92 5.0 MISDIRECTED REPAIR CALLS............................................................................................. 92 6.0 PRICING ...................................................................................................................................... 93 ARTICLE VI: ADDITIONAL SERVICES...........................................................................................................94 1.0 NUMBER PORTABILITY .........................................................................................................94 2.0 ACCESS TO POLES, DUCTS~ CONDUITS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAy.................................. 97 3.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PROVIDING INTERCONNECTION AND DATABASE ACCESS FOR 9111E911 SERVICES ................................................................... 97 4.0 DIRECTORY LISTINGS & DIRCTORY DISTRIUTION ................................................ 97 5.0 NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICE.......................................................................................... 98 ARTICLE VII: PRICING..................................................................................................................................... 100 I. GENERA PRICING...................................................................... .......................................... 100 II. INTERCONNECTION PRICING ........................................................................................... 101 SIGNATUR PAGE ..............................................................................................................................................102 Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 2 of102 AGREEMENT PREFACE & RECITALS Thìs Traffc Exchange Agreement (the "Agreement"), ìs by and between CenturTel of the Gem State, Inc. d//a CentuLink, and CenturTel of Idaho, Inc. d//a CentuLìnk, wìth ìts address for puroses of thìs Agreement at 100 CenturLìnk Drive, Monroe, Louìsìana 71203 ("CenturLìnk"), and Eltopia Communicatìons, LLC, ìn ìts capacìty as a certified provìder of local wìrelìne Telecommuncatìons Servìce ("ELTOPIA"), wìth ìts address forthìs Agreement at P.O. Box 240, Eltopìa, Wasmngton 99330 (CentuLìnk and ELTOPIA being referred to collectìvely as the "Parìes" and each ìndìvìdually as a "Pary"). Thìs Agreement covers servìces in the State ofIdao only (the "State"). WHEREAS, ìnterconnectìon between Local Exchange Carers (LECs) ìs necessary and desìrable for the mutual exchange and terminatìon of traffic origìnatìng on each LEC's network; and WHEREAS, the Parìes desìre to exchange such traffc and related sìgnalìng ìn a technìcally and economìcally efficìent maner at defined and mutually agreed upon interconnectìon points; and WHEREAS, the Parìes wìsh to enter into an agreement to ìnterconnect theìr respectìve telecommunìcatìons networks on terms that are faìr and equìtable to both Parìes; and WHEREAS, Sectìon 251 of the Telecommuncatìons Act of 1996 (the "Act") ìmposes specìfic oblìgatìons on LECs wìth respect to the ìnterconnectìon of their networks and access to theìr poles, ducts, conduìts and rights-of-way; NOW, THEREFORE, ìn consìderatìon of the mutual provìsions contaìned hereìn and other good and valuable consìderatìon, the receìpt and sufficìency of whìch are hereby acknowledged, and wìthout waìving any reservatìon of rights set forth hereìn, CentuLìnk and ELTOPIA hereby covenant and agree as follows: Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 3 ofl02 ARTICLE I: PURPOSE, INTENT AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 1.0 PURPOSE OF THE AGREEMENT Pursuant to thìs Agreement, the Parìes wìl extend certaìn arangements to one another wìthi each area ìn wmch they both operate within the State for puroses of ìnterconnectìon and the exchange of Local Traffic between theìr respectìve End User Customers, and for provìdìng recìprocal access to poles, ducts, conduìts and rights-of- way. . Thìs Agreement wìl be submìtted to the State Publìc Servìce or Publìc Utìlìties Commìssìon, as applìcable (the "Commissìon") for approval. The Parìes agree that theìr entr ìnto this Agreement ìs wìthout prejudìce to and does not waìve any posìtìons they may have taken previously, or may take in the futue, in any legìslatìve, regulatory, judìcial or other publìc . foru addressìng any matters, ìncludìng matters related to the same types of arangements and/or matters related to CenturLìnk's rates and cost recovery that may be covered ìn tms Agreement. ELTOPIA agrees to accept these terms and condìtìons wìth CenturLìnk based on tms Agreement as recìprocal where applìcable. 2.0 INTENT OF THE AGREEMENT Whereas Sectìons 251 and 252 of the Telecommuncatìons Act of 1996, as amended from time to time, ìmpose specific oblìgatìons on the Parìes to interconnect with each other's networks and access to certaìn servìces and facìlìtìes, the terms and condìtìons contaìned ìn thìs Agreement are ìntended to set forth the specìfic arangements and servìces by whìch the Parìes wìl discharge theìr respectìve obligatìons under Applìcable Law. Furhermore, to the extent they apply to CenturLìnk's provìsìon of servìces and/or facìlìtìes to ELTOPIA, such terms are ìntended to apply only to the extent requìred by Applìcable Law. CentuLìnk represents and warants that ìt ìs a "rual telephone company" as that term ìs defined ìn the Act, 47 U.S.C. 153. Pursuant to Sectìon 251 (f)(1) ofthe Act, CentuLìnk ìs exempt from Sectìon 251 (c) of the Act. Notwìthstandìng such exemptìon, CentuLìnk has entered ìnto and accepted thìs Agreement for puroses of exchangìng local traffic, as defined hereìn, wìth ELTOPIA. CentuLink's executìon of the Agreement does not ìn any way constìtute a waìver or lìmìtatìon of CenturLìnk's rights under Sectìon 251 (f)(l) or 251 (f)(2) of the Act. Accordingly, CenturyLìnk expressly reserves the right to assert ìts right to an exemptìon or waìver and modìficatìon of Sectìon 251 ( c) of the Act, in response to other requests for ìnterconnection by ELTOPIA or any other carrer. 3.0 SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT The following constìtute pars oftms Agreement: Agreement: Arìcle I: Preface & Recìtals Purose, Intent and Scope of Agreement Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 4 of 102 Arìcle II: Arìcle III: Aricle IV: Defitìons General Terms & Condìtìons Interconnectìon & Transport & Termìnatìon of Traffic (Interconnectìon) Maintenance Addìtìonal Servìces (N; Access to Poles, Ducts, Conduìt & ROWs; 911/E911; Dìrectory Serce & Dìstrbutìon) Arìcle VII: Pricìng Sìgnatue Page Arìcle V: Arìcle VI: The terms and condìtìons set forth ìn the Agreement, together wìth those set fort ìn ìts gìven Arìcles, are integrally and legìtìmately related, and shall govern the provìsion of servìces and/or facìlìties by CenturLìnk to ELTOPIA. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rurl Page 5 of 102 ARTICLE II: DEFINITIONS 1.0 GENERA RULES 1.1 Unless the context clearly ìndìcates otherwise, the definitìons set forth in Sectìon 2 of thìs Arìcle II shall apply to all Arìcles and Appendìces contained in thìs Agreement. A defined term ìntended to convey the meanìng stated ìn tms Arìcle II ìs capìtalìzed when used. 1.2 Addìtìonal definitìons that are specìfic to the matters covered ìn a paricular Arcle, Appendìx or provìsìon may appear in that Aricle, Appendìx or provìsìon. To the extent that there ìs any conflct between a definìtìon set fort ìn tms Arìcle II and any definìtìon ìn a specìfic Arìcle, Appendìx or provìsìon, the definitìon set forth ìn the specìfic Arìcle, Appendìx or provìsìon shall control wìth respect to that Arìcle, Appendìx or provìsion. 1.3 Capìtalìzed terms that are not otherwìse defined ìn thìs Arìcle II or Agreement but are defined ìn the Telecommuncations Act of 1996 ("Act") and/or the orders and rules implementìng the Act shall have the meanìng set forth ìn the Act or ìn such orders and rules. 1.4 Terms used ìn a Tariff shall have the meanngs stated ìn the Tarff or State Price Lìst ìn states where detarffing regulatìon has been ìmplemented. 1.5 Unless the context clearly indìcates otherwìse, any term defined ìn thìs Arìcle II whìch ìs defined or used ìn the sìngular shall ìnclude the plural, and any ter defined ìn tms Arìcle II whìch ìs defined or used in the plural shall ìnclude the sìngular. 1.6 The words "shall" and "wìl" are used ìnterchangeably throughout the Agreement and the use of either ìndìcates a mandatory requìrement. The use of one or the other shall not confer a dìfferent degree of right or oblìgatìon for eìther Pary. 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 Access Service Request (ASR) The Ordering and Bìlìng Foru document desìgnated by CentuLìnk to be used by the Parìes to add, establìsh, change or dìsconnect servìces or trs for the purose of provìding Interconnectìon specìal access and Swìtched Access Servìces. 2.2 Access Tandem Switch A Local Exchange Carer (LEC) swìtchìng system that ìs used to connect and swìtch trnk cìrcuìts between and among the LEC's Central Office network and Interexchange Carrers' networks. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 6 of 102 2.3 "Act" or "the Act" The Communcations Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommuncatìons Act of 1996, and as amended from tìme to tìme and codìfied at 47 U.S.C. §§ 151, et seq. 2.4 Advanced Services "Advanced Servìces" means ìntrastate or ìnterstate wìrelìne Telecommuncatìons Servìces (includìng, but not lìmìted to, ADSL, IDSL, xDSL, Frame Relay and Cell Relay) that rely on packetìzed or Packet Swìtched technology that enable users to origìnate and receìve mgh-qualìty voìce, data, graphics and/or video telecommunicatìons using any technology. 2.5 Mfiliate "Affilìate" shall have the meanìng set forth ìn § 153(1) of the Act. 2.6 Alternate Tandem Provider A thìrd-pary Tandem Provìder. 2.7 Answer Supervision An off-hook supervìsory sìgnaL. 2.8 Applicable Law All effectìve laws, statutes, common law, governental regulatìons, ordìnances, codes, rules, guìdelìnes, orders, permìts and approvals of any governental authority (ìncludìng, wìthout lìmìtatìon, the Commìssìon and the FCC) that apply to the subject matter of this Agreement. 2.9 Intentìonally left blan. 2.10 Automated Message Accounting (AMA) The strcture ìnherent ìn swìtch technology that ìnìtìally records telecommunìcatìon message ìnformatìon. AMA format ìs contaìned ìn the Automated Message Accountìng document, published by Telcordìa Technologìes as GR-11 OO-CORE, whìch defines the ìndustr standard for message recordìng. 2.11 Automatic Location IdentifcationlData Management System (ALIIDMS) The emergency servìces (E-911/911) database containing customer locatìon ìnformatìon (ìncluding name, address, telephone number, and sometìmes, specìal ìnformatìon from the local servìce provìder) used to process subscriber access records ìnto Automatìc Locatìon Identificatìon (ALI) records. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 7 of 102 2.12 "Bil-and-Keep" or "Bil-and-Keep Arrangement" A compensatìon arrangement whereby the Parìes do not render bìls to each other for the termìnatìon of traffic. Under a Bìl-and-Keep Arangement, a Pary termìnates such traffic originating from End Users of the other Pary wìthout explicìtly chargìng the origìnatìng Pary. 2.13 Bil Date The effectìve date for whìch a CenturLìnk servìce ìs bìled and/or ìnvoìced to a customer. The Bìl Date shall be the date one day past the bìlìng cycle close date. The Bìl Date ìs the same date each month for recurng bìls and ìs ìncluded on any such bìl or ìnvoìce. 2.14 Bil Due Date Refers to the date that a bìl or ìnvoìce ìs due and payable. The Bìl Due Date shall be the date thìrty (30) days from the Bill Date. 2.15 Business Day Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm Central Standard or Daylìght Savìngs tìme, except for (1) holìdays observed by the Unìted States governent; (2) days on whìch the non-priority U.S. maìl ìs not delivered; and (3) company holidays on whìch CenturLìnk ìs officìally closed for busìness and except as otherwse specìfically stated or provìded for ìn other documentation ìncorporated into thìs agreement. 2.16 Carrier Identifcation Code (CIC) Four-dìgìt numbers used by End User Customers to reach the servìces of Interexchange Carers (IXCs). 2. i 7 Central Office (CO) A telephone company buìldìng where customer lìnes are joìned to a swìtch or swìtches for connectìon to the PSTN. 2.18 Central Office Switch A swìtch used to provìde Telecommunìcatìons Servìces ìncludìng (1) End Office Swìtches whìch are Class 5 swìtches from whìch end-user Telephone Exchange Servìces are dìrectly connected and offered, and (2) Tandem Office Swìtches whìch are Class 4 swìtches used to connect and swìtch tru circuìts between and among Central Office Swìtches. Central Offce Swìtches may be employed as combìnatìon End Office/Tandem Office Swìtches (combìnation Class 5/Class 4). Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchage Agreement - Rural Page 8 of 102 2.19 CenturyLink Operating Company (CTOC) or CenturyLink The single CentuLìnk Operating Company ìn the State that ìs a Pary to thìs Agreement. 2.20 CenturyLink Service Guide The CenturLìnk Service Guìde ìs a document that contains CentuLìnk's operatìng procedures for servìce ordering, provìsioning, bìlìng, maitenance, trouble reportìng and repaìr for wholesale servìces. Except as specìfically provìded otherwìse ìn ths Agreement, CentuLìnk's processes for servìce ordering, provisìoning, bìling, maìntenance, trouble reporting and repair shall be governed by the CentuyLìnk Servìce Guìde, whìch may be amended from tìme to time by CentuLìnk as needed. 2.21 Certifcate of Operating Authority A certificatìon by the State Commìssìon that ELTOPIA has been authorized to operate wìthin the State as a provìder of local Telephone Exchange Servìces witmn CentuLink's local servìce area; ìn many states thìs certìficatìon ìs known as a Certìficate of Public Convenìence and Necessìty. 2.22 CLEC Profile A CenturLìnk form requìred to be completed and submìtted to CenturyLìnk by any Telecommuncatìons Carer requestìng to ìnterconnect or exchange traffic wìth CentuLìnk's network or the abìlìty to ìnìtìate any order submìssìon to CenturLìnk. Among other thìngs, a Telecommunìcatìon Carer ìs requìred to provìde CentuLink, on the CLEC Profile, the following: ìts Operatìng Company Number (OCN), Company Code (CC), and Customer Carer Name Abbrevìatìon (CCNA). 2.23 CLLI Codes Common Language Locatìon Identìfier Codes. 2.24 Commission The State Publìc Servìce or Publìc Utìlìty Commìssìon, as applìcable. 2.25 Common Channel Signaling (CCS) A mgh-speed, specìalìzed, packet-switched communìcatìons network that ìs separate (out-of-band) from the publìc packet-swìtched and message networks. CCS cares addressed sìgnalìng messages for ìndivìdual tr cìrcuìts and/or database-related servìces between Sìgnalìng Poìnts ìn the CCS network usìng SS7 sìgnalìng protocol. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 9 of102 2.26 Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) A "Local Exchange Carer," as defined ìn § 153(26) of the Act, authorized to provìde Telephone Exchange Serices or Exchange Access servìces ìn competìtìon wìth an ILEC. 2.27 Contract Year A twelve (12) month period durng the term of the Agreement commencìng on the Effectìve Date and eachanìversary thereof. 2.28 Conversation Time The tìme that both Parìes' equìpment ìs used for a completed call, measured from the receìpt of Answer Supervìsìon to the receìpt ofDìsconnect Supervisìon. 2.29 Dedicated Transport A transmissìon path between one of CenturyLìnk's Wìre Centers or swìtches and another of CentuLìnk's Wìre Centers or swìtches wìthìn the same LATA and State. 2.30 Disconnect Supervision An on-hook supervìsory sìgnal end at the completìon of a call. 2.31 Disputed Amounts An amount or any portìon of bìl or ìnvoìce sent to a Pary that the bìled Pary contends, in good faìth, ìs not due and payable. For an amount to qualìfy as a Dìsputed Amount, the bìled Pary must provìde wrtten notìce to the bìllng Pary of the nature and amount of the dìsputed charge(s) usìng the process and tìme period establìshed by the bìlìng Pary. 2.32 DS-l A servìce havìng a total dìgìtal sìgnal speed of 1.544 Mbps. 2.33 DSI Dedicated Transport CenturLìnk ìnteroffice transmìssìon facìlìtìes that have a total dìgital sìgnal speed of 1.544 Mbps and are dedìcated to a parìcular customer or carer. 2.34 DS-3 A servìce havìng a total dìgìtal sìgnal speed of 44.736 Mbps. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 10 of 102 2.35 DS3 Dedicated Transport CentuLìnk ìnteroffice transmìssìon facìlìtìes that have a total digìtal sìgnal speed of 44.736 Mbps and are dedìcated to a parìcular customer or carer. 2.36 E-911 Service An emergency telephone system whìch Ìncludes network swìtchìng, database and CPE elements capable of provìdìng selectìve routing, selectìve transfer, fixed transfer, caller routìng and locatìon informatìon, and/or ALI and ìs used to route 911 calls to a PSAP that uses a customer locatìon database to determine the locatìon to wmch a call should be routed. 2.37 Effective Date The date on wmch the last Pary to thìs Agreement executes the Agreement, unless prior Commìssìon approval ìs requìred ìn order to make the Agreement effectìve between theParìes except that the ìnitìatìon of a new ELTOPIA account, any new provìsìon of servìce or oblìgatìon or any revìsìon to curently exìstìng servìces or oblìgatìons shall not take effect for 60 days to accommodate requìred ìnìtìal processes. If such Commìssìon approval ìs requìred, the Effectìve Date shall be either the date on whìch the Commìssìon deems the Agreement approved or, the date on wmch the Commìssìon deems the Agreement effectìve, whichever the case may be. 2.38 Electronic File Transfer (EFT) A system or process that utìlìzes an electronìc format and protocol to send/receìve data files. 2.39 End Office The telephone company office from whìch the End User receives exchange servìce. 2.40 End Offce Switch A swìtchìng machìne that dìrectly termìnates traffic to and receìves traffc from End Users purchasìng local Telephone Exchange Servìce. A PBX ìs not consìdered an End Office Switch. 2.41 "End User" or "End User Customer" Any ìndìvìdual, busìness, assocìatìon, corporatìon, governent agency or entìty other than an Interexchange Carrer (IXC), Competìtìve Access Provìder (CAP) or Commercìal Mobìle Radìo Servìce (CMRS) provìder (also known as a Wìreless Carer) that subscribes to Telecommunicatìons Servìces provìded by eÌther of the Parìes and does not resell ìt to others. As used hereìn, thìs term Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 11 of 102 does not ìnclude any of the Parìes to tms Agreement wìth respect to any ìtem or servce obtaìned under this Agreement. 2.42 Enhanced Service Provider (ESP) A provìder of enhanced servìces as those servìces are defined ìn 47 C.F.R. § 64.702. An Internet Servìce Provìder (ISP) is an Enhanced Servìce Provìder. 2.43 Entrance Facilty Special Access cìrcuìt(s) that connects CentuLìnk's network and ELTOPIA's network or the locatìon of ELTOPIA's equìpment. For example, an Entrance Facìlty ìs transmissìon facìlty that provides telecommunìcatìons between CenturLìnk's swìtches or Wìre Centers and ELTOPIA's switches, Wìre Centers or equìpment locatìons. 2.44 Exchange Access Exchange Access shall have the meanng set forth ìn § 153(16) the Act. 2.45 Exchange Message Interface (EMil An Exchange Message Interface ìs the standard used for the exchange of telecommunìcatìons message informatìon among Telecornuncatìons Carers for bìlable, non-bìlable, sample, settlement, and study data. An Exchange Message Interface (EMI) was formerly known as an Exchange Message Record (EMR). 2.46 Intentionally left blank. 2.47 Facilty All buìldìngs, equìpment, strctures and other ìtems located on asìngle sìte or contìguous or adjacent sìtes owned or operated by the same persons or person as used in Arìcle III. 2.48 FCC The Federal Communìcatìons Commìssìon. 2.49 Foreign Exchange (F Servìce offerings of local exchange carers that are purchased by customers and whìch allow such customers to obtaìn Telephone Exchange Servìce from a mandatory local callìng area other than the mandatory local callìng area in whìch the customer ìs physìcally located. Examples of thìs type of servìce include, but are not limìted to, Foreìgn Exchange Servìce, CENTREX wìth Foreìgn Exchange Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 12 of 102 Telephone Servce Optìon, and ISDN-PRI Out-of-Callìng Scope (both Two-Way and Terminatìng Only). 2.50 Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (lLEC) An "Incumbent Local Exchange Carer" or "ILEC" shall have the meanìng set fort ìn 47 U.S.c. § 251(h). 2.51 Indirect Network Connection A method of Interconnectìon for the exchange of Local Traffic between two Telecommunìcatìons Carers where the networks of such Telecommuncatìons Carers are not directly connected. 2.52 Information Access Specìalized exchange telecommuncatìons services provìsìoned by a . Telecommunìcatìons Carrer ìn an exchange area ìn connectìon wìth the origìnatìon, terminatìon, transmìssìon, swìtchìng, forwardìng or routìng of telecommunìcatìons traffic to or from the facìlìtìes of an Informatìon Servìce Provìder for the provìsìon of an Informatìon Servìce. 2.53 Intentionally Left Blank 2.54 Information Service Provider A provìder of Informatìon Servìce, as that term is defined ìn 47 U.S.C. § 153(20). Informatìon Servìce Provìder ìncludes, but ìs not lìmìted to, Internet Servìce Provìder (ISP). 2.55 Initial Service Order An order submìtted by ELTOPIA to CenturyLìnk ìnitìally ordering a port or other servìce requìred by thìs Agreement. 2.56 Intellectual Propert For puroses of thìs Agreement, "Intellectual Property" means (a) ìnventìons (whether patentable or unpatentable and whether or not reduced to practìce), all ìmprovements thereto, patents, patent applìcatìons and patent dìsclosures, and all reìssuances, contìnuatìons, revìsìons, extensìons and re-examinatìons thereof, (b) trademarks, servìce marks, trade dress, logos, trade names, domaìn names and corporate names, and translations, adaptìons, derivatìons and combìnatìons thereof and goodwìl assocìated therewìth, and all applìcatìons, regìstratìons and renewals ìn connectìon therewìth, (c) copyrghtable works, copyrghts and applìcatìons, regìstratìons and renewals relatìng thereto, (d) mask works and applìcatìons, regìstratìons and renewals relatìng thereto, (e) trade secrets and confidentìal business informatìon (ìncludìng ìdeas, research and development, Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 13 ofl 02 know-how, formulae, composìtìons, manufacturng and productìon processes and technìques, technìcal data, desìgns, drawìngs, specìficatìons, customer and supplìer lìsts, pricìng and cost ìnformatìon, and busìness and marketing plans and . proposals), (f) computer softare (includìng data and related documentatìon), (g) other proprietar rights, and (h) copìes and tangìble embodìments thereof (ìn whatever form or medìum). 2.57 Intellectual Propert Claim For purposes of thìs Agreement, "Intellectual Property Claim" means any actual or threatened claim, actìon or proceeding relatìng to Intellectual Property. 2.58 Interconnection "Interconnectìon" shall have the meanìng set forth ìn 47 U.S.c. § 251(c)(2), and refers, in this Agreement, to the connection between networks for the transmìssìon and routìng of Telephone Exchange Servìce and Exchange Access. This term does not ìnclude the transport and termìnatìon of traffc. 2.59 Interconnection Facilty The physìcal connectìon of separate pìeces of equìpment and transmission facìlìtìes wìthìn, between and among networks, for the transmìssìon and routìng of Telephone Exchange Servìce and Exchange Access. 2.60 Interexchange Carrier (lXC) A carer that provìdes, dìrectly or ìndìrectly, InterLATA or IntraLATA Telephone Toll Servìce. 2.61 InterLATA Toll Traffic Telecommuncatìons traffic between a poìnt located ìn a LATA and a poìnt located outsìde such LATA. 2.62 Internet Service Provider (lSP) An Enhanced Servìce Provìder that provìdes Internet servìces and is defined ìn paragraph 341 of the FCC's FÌrst Report and Order ìn CC Docket No. 97-158. 2.63 IntraLATA Toll Traffc Telecommuncatìons traffc between two locatìons wìthin one LATA where one of the locatìons lìes outsìde of the CenturyLìnk Local Callng Area as defined CenturLink's local exchange Tariff on file wìth the Commìssìon. Optìonal EAS Traffic ìs ìncluded ìn IntraLATA Toll Traffc. 2.64 Intentionally Left Blank Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 14 of 102 2.65 ISDN User Part aSUP) A par of the SS7 protocol that defines call setup messages and call takedown messages. 2.66 ISP-Bound Traffic Traffic that ìs dìrected, eìther dìrectly or ìndìrectly, to or through an Internet servìce provìder (ISP) who ìs physìcally located ìn an exchange witmn the Local Calling Area of the originatìng End User. Traffic dìrected to or through an ISP physìcally located outsìde the Local Callng Area of the originating End User wìll be consìdered Exchange Access traffic. Identìficatìon of such ISP Bound Traffic shall ìnìtìally be accomplìshed usìng the rebuttable presumptìon that Local Traffic exchanged between the Parìes that exceeds a 3:1 ratio of termìnatìng to originatìng traffic ìs ISP Bound Traffic, pursuant to the FCC's Order on Remand and Report and Order, FCC 01-131. CC Dockets No. 96-98 and 99-68, adopted April 18, 2001. ("ISP Remand Order") Eìther Pary may use as the basìs for rebuttìng such presumptìon confirmatìon of assìgned ISP dial-up numbers and receipt of modem tone when a number ìs called or any other mutually agreed to methodology. Should the Partìes be unable to agree on such methodology for rebutting the 3: 1 presumptìon, eìther Par may ìnvoke the dìspute resolutìon provìsion of the Agreement. 2.67 Jointly-Provided Switched Access Service Traffc Traffic where both CenturLìnk's network and ELTOPIA's network are used to origìnate Swìtched Access Servìce traffic by one of the Pary's End User Customers to be delìvered to an Interexchange Carer (IXC) for call completìon, or where both CentuLìnk's network and ELTOPIA's network are used to termnate Swìtched Access Servìce traffic delìvered by an IXC to one of the Pary's End User Customers. 2.68 Line Side Refers to an End Offce Swìtch connectìon that ìs connected to an ordìnar telephone statìon set, ìncludìng the connectìon between a loop termìnatìon at, for example, a main dìstrbutìon frame (MF) and a swìtch lìne card. Lìne sìde connectìons offer only those transmìssìon and sìgnaling features appropriate for the connectìon between an End Office and an ordìnar telephone set, and canot be used for the dìrect connectìon of swìtcmng entìtìes. 2.69 Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) "Local Access and Transport Area" or "LATA" shall have the meanìng set fort ìn § 153(25) of the Act. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 15 of 102 2.70 Local Callng Area (LCA) Local Callng Area (LCA) traffic ìs traffic origìnates and termìnates in the local exchange area, and any mandatory Extended Area Servìce (EAS) exchanges, as defined ìn CenturLìnk's local exchange tarffs. 2.71 Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) "Local Exchange Carrer" or "LEe" shall have the meanìng set forth ìn§ 153(26) of the Act. 2.72 Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) The Telcordìa Technologìes reference customarily used to ìdentìfy NP A-NXX routìng and homìng informatìon, as well as equìpment desìgnatìon. 2.73 Local Traffic For puroses of Arìcle iv of this Agreement, Local Traffc is traffc (excludìng CMRS traffc) that ìs physìcally origìnated and terminated wìth the CentuLin Local Calling Area regardless of the technology used (e.g. TDM, IP~ analog, dìgìtal, etc.) to origìnate or terminate such traffc. Local Traffic does not ìnclude optìonal local callìng (ì.e., optìonal rate packages that permìt the end-user to choose a Local Callìng Area beyond the basìc exchange servìng area for an additìonal fee), referred to hereafter as "optional EAS". 2.74 "Local Interconnection Trunk" or "Local Interconnection Trunk Groups" One-way or two-way trs or tr groups used to car Local Traffic. 2.75 Local Service Request (LSR) The Ordering and Bìlìng Forum document desìgnated by CenturLìnk to be used by the Parìes to establish, add, change or dìsconnect local Telecommunìcatìons Servìces for the purose of provìdìng competitìve local Telecommuncatìons Servìces. Sometìmes referred to as a Servìce Order. 2.76 Loop Facilty Charge An addìtìonal charge applìed to all LSRs when fieldwork ìs required. Loop FacìlìtyCharge ìs applìed on a per LSR basìs. 2.77 Main Distribution Frame (MDF) A dìstrbutìon frame or equìvalent at the Central Office where ports ìnsìde such Central Office connect to an outsìde transmissìon facìlìty. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 16 of 102 2.78 Mass Callng Trunks Mass Callìng Trus are trs desìgned to handle hìgh call volumes for a wìde range of applìcatìons, wìth or WÌthout caller interactìon wìth Interactìve Voìce Response or touch-tone navigatìon. Mass Callng Trus typìcally are assocìated wìth televìsìon or radìo and allow customers to use theìr telephone to express an opìnìon, such as voting on ìnteractìve televìsion shows, publìc opìnion pollng, sureys, ìnformatìon and contests usìng a vìrtal call center. 2.79 Meet Point A Meet Poìnt ìs a poìnt, designated by the Parìes, at which one Pary's responsìbilìty for servìce begìns and the other Pary's responsìbilìty ends. 2.80 "Meet Point Biling (MPB)" or "Meet Point Biling Arrangement" Refers to an arangement whereby two LECs joìntly provìde the transport element ofa Swìtched Access Servìceto one of the LEC's End Offce Swìtches, with each LEC receìvìng an appropriate share of the transport element revenues as defined by the applìcable access tarffs. 2.81 "Mid-Span Fiber Meet" or "Fiber Meet" An Interconnectìon arcmtectue whereby two carers' fiber transmìssìon facìlìtìes meet at a mutually agreed upon point for the mutual exchange of traffic. The "poìnt" of Interconnectìon for puroses of Sectìons 251 (c )(2) and 251 (c )(3) remaìns on the Local Exchange Carer's network. 2.82 Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Biling (ME CAB) Refers to the document prepared by the Bìlìng Commìttee of the Ordering and Bìlìng Foru (OBF), whìch fuctìons under the auspìces of the Carer Lìaison Committee (CLC) of the Allance for Telecommunìcatìons Industr Solutìons (ATIS). The MECAB document, publìshed by Telcordìa Technologìes as Specìal Report SR-BDS-000983, contaìns the recommended guìdelìnes for the bìlìng of an access servìce provìded by two or more LECs, or by one LEC ìn two or more states wìthìn a sìngle LATA. 2.83 Multiple Exchange Carriers Ordering and Design Guidelines for Access Services - Industry Support Interface (MECOD) A document developed by the Ordering/rovìsìoning Commìttee under the auspìces of the Ordering and Bìlìng Foru (OBF), whìch fuctìons under the auspìces of the Carer Lìaìson Commìttee (CLC) of the Allance for Telecommunìcatìons Industr Solutìons (ATIS). The MECOD document, publìshed by Telcordìa Technologìes as Specìal Report SR-STS-002643, establishes methods for processìng orders for access servìce that ìs to be provided by two or more LECs. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 17 of! 02 2.84 National Security Emergency Procedures (NSEP) Federal procedures that apply to Telecommuncatìons Carers that are used to maintaìn a state of readiness or to respond to and manage any event or crisìs that causes or could cause ìnjur or harm to the populatìon, damage to or loss of property, or degrade or threaten the natìonal securty or emergency preparedness of the Unìted States. 2.85 Network Interface Device (NID) A stand-alone Network Element defied as any means of ìnterconnectìng customer premìses wìring to CentuLink's dìstrbutìon plant, such as a cross- connect devìce used for that purose. The NI houses the protector whìch establìshes the demarcatìon point between the loop (ìnclusive of the NID) and the End User Customer's Insìde Wìre pursuant to 47 CFR 68.105. Except ìn.multì- unt tenant propertìes where CenturLìnk owns and maìntaìns control over Insìde Wìre withìn a buìldìng, maìntenance and control of the End User Customer's Inside Wìring (i.e., on the End User Customer's sìde of the NI) ìs under the control of the End User Customer. For puroses of this definitìon, the phrase "End User Customer Access Sìde of the NID" ìs descriptìve and does not convey any ownershìp or usage rìghts. 2.86 911 Service An emergency reporting system to facilìtate the reportìng of emergencìes requiring response by a publìc safety agency whereby a caller can dìal a common number (911) for emergency servìces. Basìc 911 ìs an emergency telephone system whìch automatìcally connects 911 callers to a desìgnated answering poìnt. Call routing ìs determìned by origìnatìng Central Office only. Basìc 911 mayor may not support ANI and/or ALL 2.87 North American Numbering Plan (NANP) The system of telephone numbering employed ìn the Unìted States, Canada, and Carbbean countres that assìgns area codes and sets rules for calls to be routed across these countres. 2.88 Number Portabilty (NP) The abìlìty of users of Telecommunìcatìons Servìces to retain, at the same locatìon, exìsting telecommuncatìons numbers without ìmpaìrment of qualìty, reliabilìty, or convenìence when swìtchìng from one Telecommunìcatìons Carrer to another. 2.89 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) Also sometìmes referred to as an "area code," an NP A ìs the three-dìgìt ìndìcator, whìch ìs defined by the "A", "B", and "c" dìgìts of each 10-dìgìt telephone Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLink Idaho Traffc Exchage Agreement - Rural Page 18 of 102 number wìthn the NAN. Each NP A contaìns 800 possible NX Codes. There are two general categories of NP A: "Geographìc NP As" and "Non-Geographìc NPAs". A Geograpmc NPA is assocìated wìth a defined geographìc area, and all telephone numbers bearng such NP A are assocìated wìth services provìded wìtmn that geographic area. A Non-Geographic NP A, also known as a "Servìce Access Code" or "SAC Code" ìs typically assocìated wìth a specìalìzed Telecommuncatìons Service that may be provìded across multìple geographìc NP A areas. 800, 900, 700, and 888 are examples ofNon-Geograpmc NP As. 2.90 NXX, NXX Code, Central Office Code or CO Code The thee-dìgìt swìtch entity indicator that ìs defined by the "D", "E", and "F" dìgìts of a 10-dìgìt telephone number wìtmn the NAN' Each NXX Code contaìns 10,000 statìon numbers. 2.91 Optional EAS Traffc Optìonal EAS Traffc ìs local callng scope traffc that, under an optìonal rate package chosen by the End User Customer, termìnates at a physìcal locatìon outside of that End User Customer's Local Callng Area or mandatory Extended Area Servìce (EAS). 2.92 "Packet Switching" or "Packet Switched" "Packet Swìtching" or "Packet Swìtched" refers to the routing or forwarding of packets, frames, cells, or other data unìts based on address or other routìng ìnformatìon contained in the packets, frames, cells or other data unts, and the fuctìons that are performed by the dìgìtal subscriber lìne (DSL) access multìplexers, ìncludìng but not lìmited to the abìlìty to terminate an End User Customer's Copper Loop (wmch ìncludes both a low-band voìce chanel and a high-band data chanel, or solely a data chanel); the abìlìty to forward the voìce chanels, ìf present, to a cìrcuìt sWÌtch or multìple cìrcuìt swìtches; the abìlity to extract data unìts from the data chanels on the loops; and the abilìty to combìne data unts from multìple loops onto one or more trs connectìng to a packet swìtch or packet swìtches. 2.93 Party or Parties "Pary" shall mean CentuLink or ELTOPIA dependìng on the context. "Parìes" refers collectìvely to both CentuyLìnkand ELTOPIA. 2.94 Percentage Local Use (PLU) A percentage calculated by dìvìdìng the number of mìnutes of Local Traffic by the total number of mìnutes. The resultìng factor ìs used to determìne the portìon of Local Traffic minutes exchanged vìa Local Interconnectìon Trus. PLU is developed from the measurement of calls in wmch the callng and called parìes Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 19 of 102 are located wìtmn a gìven Local Callng Area or mandatory EAS area as defined ìn CentuLìnk's effective Tarff(s). 2.95 Point of Interconnection (POI) A Poìnt of Interconnectìon (POI) ìs a poìnt ìn the network where the Parìes delìver Interconnection traffic to each other, and also serves as a demarcatìon poìnt between the facilìtìes that each Party ìs responsìble to provìde. The POI also establìshes the ìnterface, the test poìnt, and the operatìonal responsìbìlìty hand-off between ELTOPIA and CenturLìnk for the ìnterconnectìon of theìr respectìve networks. 2.96 Pole Attachment A Pary's use of space on telephone poles belongìng to the other Par for attachment of cables and related facìlìtìes or equipment to provìde servces ìn accordance wìth the terms and condìtìons of tms Agreement. 2.97 Premises Premìses refers to a Party's Central Offices and servìng Wìre Centers; all buìldìngs or sìmìlar strctures owned, leased, or otherwìse controlled by a Pary that house ìts Network Facìlìtìes; all strctures that house a Pary's facilìties on publìc Rìghts-of-Way, ìncludìng but not lìmìted to vaults contaìnìng loop concentrators or sìmìlar structures; and all land owned, leased or otherwse controlled by a Pary that ìs adjacent to these Central Offces, Wìre Centers, buìldìngs and structures. 2.98 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) A facìlty that has been desìgnated to receìve 911 calls and route them to emergency servìces personneL. A PSAP may be desìgnated as Primar or Secondar. Primar PSAPs are facìlìtìes to wmch 911 calls are routed dìrectly from the 911 control office; Secondar PSAPs are facìlìtìes to whìch 911 calls are transferred from a Primary PSAP. 2.99 Rate Center The specific geographìc point and correspondìng geographìc area that ìs assocìated wìth one or more parìcular NP A-NXX Codes that have been assìgned to a LEC for purose ofthe applìcatìon of ìnterstate Tarffs. The geographìc poìnt ìs ìdentìfied by a specìfic Vertìcal and Horizontal (V &H) coordìnate that ìs used to calculate dìstance-sensìtìve End User traffic to/from the parìcular NPA-NXXs assocìated with the specìfic Rate Center. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 20 of 102 2.100 Rating Point The vertical and horizontal ("V &H") coordinates assigned to a Rate Center and assocìated wìth a parìcular telephone number for ratìng puroses. The Rating Poìnt must be in the same LATA as the Routìng Point of the assocìated NPA- NXX as desìgnated ìn the LERG, but need not be in the same location as the Routìng Poìnt. 2.101 Reciprocal Compensation Compensation paìd or provìded under 47 U.S.c. § 251(b)(5). 2.102 Remote End Office Switch A swìtch that directly termìnates traffic to and receìves traffic from End Users of local Telephone Exchange Servìces, but does not have the full features, functìons and capabìlìtìes of an End Office Swìtch. Such features, fuctìons, and capabilìtìes are provìded to a Remote End Office Swìtch via an umbilìcal and a host End Offce. 2.103 "Repeatedly delinquent" As used in Arìcle TIl, "repeatedly delìnquent" shall refer to the faìlure to remìt or pay a bìl under this Agreement wìthn thìrty (30) calendar days after the bìl due date, three (3) or more tìmes during a twelve (12) month period.. 2.104 Right-of-Way (ROW) The right to use the land or other property owned or controlled by another Pary to place poles, conduìts, cables, other strctues and equìpment, or to provìde passage to access such strctues and equìpment. A ROW may ru under, on, or above publìc or private property (includìng air space above publìc or private property) and may ìnclude the right to use dìscrete space ìn buildìngs, buìldìng complexes, or other locatìons. 2.105 Routine Network Modifications A Routìne Network Modificatìon ìs an actìvìty that CenturyLìnk regularly undertakes for ìts own customers. Routìne Network Modificatìons do not ìnclude: the constrctìon of a new loop or new transport; ìnstallation of new aerial or bured cable; splìcing cable at any locatìon other than an exìsting splìce point or at any locatìon where a splìce enclosure ìs not already present; securng permìts, rights-of-way, or buìldìng access arangements; constrctìng and/or placing new manoles, handholes, poles, ducts or conduits; ìnstalling new termìnals or termìnal enclosure (e.g., controlled environmental vaults, huts, or cabìnets); or provìdìng new space or power for requestìng carers; or removìng or reconfigung packetized transmìssìon facìlity. CenturLìnk is not obligated to perform these and other sìmìlar actìvìtìes for ELTOPIA. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuyLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 21 of 102 2.106 Routing Point Denotes a location that a LEC has desìgnated on ìts own network as the homing or routìng poìnt for traffic ìnbound to Telephone Exchange Servìce provìded by the LEC wmch bears a certaìn NP A - NXX desìgnatìon. The Routìng Point is used to calculate aìrlìne mileage measurements for the distance-sensìtìve transport element charges of Swìtched Access Servìces. Pursuant to Telcordìa Technologìes Practìce BR795-100-100, the Routìng Point may be an End Office locatìon, or a "LEC Consortìum Poìnt of Interconnectìon." The Routìng Poìntmust be ìn the same LATA as the assocìated NPA-NX. 2.107 Selective Router (SR) A devìce that routes E911 calls to the appropriate PSAP based on the caller's locatìon. 2.108 Service Affecting . A "Service Affectìng" ìssue or dispute shall mean that such ìssue or dispute, unless resolved, places a Pary's End User Customer ìn ìmmedìate or ìmmìnent risk of not beìng able to use the servìce to which that End User Customer subscribes. 2.109 Service Order See "LSR." 2.110 "Service Switching Point" or "Signal Switching Point" (SSP) A Sìgnalìng Poìnt that can launch queries to databases and receìve/interpret responses used to provìde specìfic customer servìces. 2. i 1 i Signaling Point (SP) A node ìn the CCS network that originates and/or receìves sìgnalìng messages, or transfers sìgnalìng messages from one sìgnalìng lìnk to another, or both. 2.112 Signaling System 7 (SS7) The sìgnalìng protocol, Versìon 7, of the CCS network, based upon American Natìonal Standards Instìtute (ANSI) standards that ìs used to provìde basìc routìng ìnformatìon, call set-up and other call termìnatìon fuctìons. 2.113 Stand-Alone Fiber Loop A facìlity connectìng an End User Customer premìses to the nearest LEC Central Offce that consìsts of a sìngle, unìnterrpted length of optìcal fiber cable. A Stand-Alone Fìber Loop ìs also known as a "home ru" fiber loop. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 22 of 102 2.114 State As used in ths Agreement, "State" shall refer to the state ìn whìch servìces are to be provìded under thìs Agreement. For puroses of this Agreement, "State" shall mean the State of Idaho. 2.115 Subsidiary A corporatìon or other legal entìty that ìs majority owned by a Pary, 2.116 Switched Access Services The offering of transmìssìon and/or swìtching services to Telecommunicatìons Carrers for the purpose of the origìnatìon or termìnatìon of Telephone Toll Servìces. Any traffic that does not meet the definìtìon of Local Traffic wìl be consìdered Swìtched Access Traffic. Swìtched Access Servìces ìnclude: Featue Group A, Featue Group B, Featue Group C, Feature Group D, 500, 700, 800 access and 900 access servces. The term "Swìtched Access Servìce" ìs ìnterchangeable wìth "Swìtched Exchange Access Servìce." 2.117 Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) An optìcal ìnterface standard that allows ìnterworkìng of transmìssìon products from multiple vendors (i.e., mìd-span meets). The base rate ìs 51.84 Mbps (OC/STS-1 and hìgher rates are dìrect multìples of the base rate up to 1.244 Gbps). 2.118 "Tandem" or "Tandem Switch" or "Tandem Office Switch" Tandem means to connect ìn series. A Tandem, Tandem Swìtch or Tandem Office Swìtch connects one tru to another for the purose of exchangìng Local Traffic. It ìs an ìntermedìate (Class 4) swìtch between an origìnatìng telephone call and the final destìnatìon of the call. 2.119 Tariff Any applìcable Federal or state tarff of a Pary, as amended from tìme-to~tìme. 2.120 "TDM" or "TDM Technology" or "Time Division Multiplexing" A method of multiplexìng ìn whìch a common transmìssìon path ìs shared by a number of chanels on a cyclìcal basìs by enablìng each chanel to use the path exclusìvely for a short tìme slot. Thìs technology ìs used to provìsìon tradìtìonal narowband servìces (e.g., voìce, fax, dìal-up Internet access) and hìgh-capacìty servìces lìke DS1and DS3 cìrcuìts. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 23 of 102 2.121 Technically Feasible Interconnectìon and other methods of achievìng Interconnectìonata poìnt ìn the network shall be deemed Techncally Feasible absent techncal or operational concerns that prevent the fulfillment of a request by a Telecommunìcatìons Carer for such Interconnectìon, access or methods. 2.122 Telcordia Technologies A wholly-owned subsìdìar of Scìence Applicatìons Internatìonal Corporatìon (SAlC). The organzatìon conducts research and development projects for ìts owners, ìncluding development of new Telecommuncatìons Servìces. Telcordìa Technologìes also provìdes certaìn centralized technìcal and management servìces for the regìonal ho1dìng companìes and also provìdes generc requìrements for the telecommunìcatìons ìndustr for products, servìces and technologìes. 2.123 Telecommunications "Telecommuncatìons" shall have the meaning set forth ìn § 153(43) ofthe Act. 2.124 Telecommunications Carrier "Telecommunìcatìons Carer" shall have the meanìng set forth ìn § 153(44) of the Act. This definìtìon ìncludes CMRS provìders, IXCs and, to the extent they are actìng as Telecommunìcatìons Carers, companes that provìde both Telecommunìcatìons and Informatìon Servìces. Private mobìle radìo servìce provìders are Telecommunicatìons Carers to the extent they provìde domestic or internatìonal telecommunìcatìons for a fee dìrectly to the publìc. 2.125 Telecommunications Equipment "Telecommunìcatìons Equìpment" shall have the meanng set forth ìn § 153(45) of the Act. 2.126 Telecommunications Service "Telecommunìcatìons Servìce" shall have the meanìng set forth ìn § 153(46) of the Act. 2.127 Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) A procedure established by the Natìonal Communcatìons System Office (NCSO) used by a Telecommunìcatìons Carer to establish prioritìes ìn decìding whìch lìnes and trnks to restore subsequent to an outage. Generally, the mghest priority goes to federal law enforcement and mìlitar usage, wìth local emergency servìces (ìncludìng 911 Servìce) and medìcal facìltìes followìng. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 24 of 102 2.128 Telephone Exchange Service "Telephone Exchange Servìce" shall have the meaning set fort ìn § 153(47) of the Act. '2.129 "Telephone Toll" or "Telephone Toll Service" "Telephone Toll" or "Telephone Toll Servìce" ìs telephone servìce between statìons ìn dìfferent exchange areas. Telephone Toll traffic can be eìther "IntraLATA Toll Traffic" or "InterLATA Toll Traffc" dependìng on whether the originatìng and termìnating poìnts are wìthìn the same LATA. 2.130 Third Party Originating Carrier ELTOPIA, when ìt sends traffic origìnated by ìts End User Customers to CentuLìnk's End User Customers vìa an Alternate Tandem Provìder, or CentuLink, when it sends traffic origìnated by its End User Customers to ELTOPIA's End User Customers vìa an Alternate Tandem Provider. 2.131 Third Part Terminating Carrier CenturLìnk, when traffc ìs termìnated to ìt by ELTOPIA vìa an Alternate Tandem Provìder, or ELTOPIA, when traffic from CentuLìnk ìs terminated to ELTOPIA vìa an Alternatìve Tandem Provider. 2.132 Time and Material Charges Tìme and Materials Charges are charges for non-standard or ìndìvìdual-case-basìs work requested by ELTOPIA. "Tìme" charges are for the cost of labor whìch ìncludes, but ìs not lìmìted to, work preparatìon and actual work. Thìs labor time ìs multìplìed by an applìcable labor rate. "Material" charges are for the cost of ìtems requìred to fulfill the job requìrements. 2.133 Transit Service A swìtcmng and transport functìon wmch allows one Pary to send Transìt Traffic to the other Pary's network through a third-pary's Tandem and/or transport facìlìtìes, or to a third-pary network through the other Party's Tandem and/or transport facìlitìes. 2.134 Transit Traffc Traffic between the Parìes End User Customers that ìs routed utìlìzìng a third- pary Telecommunìcatìons Carer's local and/or Access Tandem Swìtch, or between a Pary's End User Customers and a thìrd-pary Telecommunicatìons Carer's End User Customers (e.g., tmrd-pary CLECs, ILECs) that ìs routed utìlìzìng the other Pary's local and/or Access Tandem Swìtch. Transìt Traffic Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural . Page 25 of 102 does not ìnclude any traffic delìvered to from, or carred by an Interexchange Carer (ixC) at any tìme durng the call 2.135 Trunk Side Refers to a Central Office swìtch connectìon that ìs connected to another swìtchìng entìty, ìncludìng the connectìon between tr termìnatìon at a Tru Side cross-connect panel and a tru card. Trunk sìde connections offer those transmìssion and sìgnaling featues appropriate for the connectìon of swìtchig entìtìes and canot be used for the dìrect connection of ordìnar telephone statìon sets. 2.136 Virtual NXX Traffic NNXX Traffic) As used ìn thìs Agreement, Vìrtual NXX Traffic or VN Traffc ìs defined as calls ìn whìch an ELTOPIA customer ìs assìgned a telephone number with an NX Code (as set forth ìn the LERG) assìgned to a Rate Center that ìs different from the Rate Center associated wìth the Customer's actual physìcal premìse locatìon. 2.137 Website As used ìn tms agreement, Website shall mean: ww.CentuLìnk.com/wholesaleservìces 2.138 Wire Center The locatìon of one or more local swìtchìng systems. A poìnt at wruch End . Users' loops wìthìn a defined geograpmc area converge. Such Local Loops may be served by one (1) or more Central Office Switches wìthìn such premises. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 26 of 102 ARTICLE III: GENERA TERMS & CONDITIONS I. GENERA TERMS & CONDITIONS REGARING APPLICATION, EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM AND GOVERNING LAW 1.0 APPLICATION OF THESE GENERA TERMS & CONDITIONS Except as may otherwìse be set forth ìn a parìcular Arìcle or Appendìx of this Agreement, in whìch case the provìsìons of such Arìcle or Appendìx shall control, these General Terms & Condìtìons apply to all Arìcles and Appendìces oftms Agreement. . 2.0 EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM & TERMINATION 2.1 Effectìve Date. Thìs Agreement wìl be effectìve only upon executìon by both Parìes unless prior Commìssìon approval ìs required, ìn wmch case thìs Agreement shall be effectìve upon Commìssìon approval; except that the ìnitìatìon of a new ELTOPIA account, any new provìsìon of servìce or oblìgatìon or any revision to curently exìstìng servìces or oblìgatìons shall not take effect for 60 days. to accommodate required ìnìtìal processes. The "Effectìve Date" of tms Agreement for all puroses wil be the latest date reflected by the sìgning Parìes. 2.2 Term. Thìs Agreement shall be effectìve as of the Effectìve Date and, unless cancelled or termìnated earlìer ìn accordance wìth the terms hereof, shall contìnue ìn effect untìl two years after the effectìve date (the "Inìtìal Term"). If neìthet Party elects to termìnate'thìs Agreement as of the date of termìnatìon of the Inìtìal Term, ths Agreement shall contìnue ìn force and effect on a month-to-month basìs (each one-month period constìtutìng a "Follow-on Term") unless and untìl cancelled or termìnated as provìded in thìs Agreement. 2.2.1 Notwìthstandìng the above, CentuLìnk at ìts dìscretìon may termate thìs Agreement after twelve consecutìve months of ìnactìvìty on the par of ELTOPIA. Inactìvìty ìs defined as ELTOPIA's faìlure to ìnitìate the requìred pre-ordering actìvìtìes, ELTOPIA's faìlure to submìt any orders pursuant to thìs Agreement's terms or ELTOPIA's failure to origìnate or terminate any Local Traffic pursuant to thìs Agreement's terms. 2.3 Notìce of Termìnatìon. Eìther ELTOPIA or CenturyLìnk may termìnate thìs Agreement effectìve upon the expìratìon of the Inìtìal Term by provìdìng wrtten notìce of termìnatìon ("Notice of Termination") at least nìnety (90) calendar days ìn advance of the applìcable date of termìnatìon. Eìther ELTOPIA or CentuLìnk may termìnate thìs Agreement effectìve upon the expìratìon of a Follow-on Term by provìdìng a wrtten Notìce of Termìnatìonat least tmrty (30) calendar days ìn advance of the applìcable date oftermìnatìon. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 27 of 102 2.4 Effect on Terminatìon of Negotìatìng Successor Agreement. If eìther ELTOPIA orCenturyLìnk provìdes notìce of termìnation pursuant to Sectìon 2.3 and, on or before the notìced date of termìnation,eìther ELTOPIA or CentuLìnk has requested negotìatìon of a new ìnterconnectìon agreement, tms Agreement shall remain ìn effect untìl the earlìer of: (a) the effectìve date of a new ìnterconnectìon agreement between ELTOPIA and CentuLìnk; or, (b) the date 180 calendar days after the date of termìnatìon ìdentìfied ìn the Notìce of Termìnatìon. If a new ìnterconnectìon agreement has not been approved by 180 days after the date of termìnatìon ìdentìfied in the Notìce of Termnatìon, then CenturLìnk and ELTOPIA may mutually agree to contìnue to operate on a month to month basìs under the terms set forth hereìn untìl (a) a new agreement has been approved or (b) untìl ELTOPIA ceases provìdìng servìce ìn CenturLink's exchanges. Should the Parìes not agree to contìnue to operate under the terms set forth herein after 180 days, then the provìsìons of Sectìon 2.5 shall be requìred. The foregoìng shall not apply to the extent that thìs Agreement is otherwìse cancelled or terminated ìn accordance wìth Sectìon 2.6 (Termìnation Upon Default) or Sectìon 2.7 (Termìnatìon Upon Sale). 2.5 Termìnatìon and Post-Termìnatìon Continuatìon of Servìces. If eìther ELTOPIA or CenturyLink provìdes notìce of termìnatìon pursuant to Sectìon 2.3 and, by 11 :59 p.m. Central Tìme on the proposed date of termìnatìon, neìther ELTOPIA nor CenturLìnk has requested negotìatìon of a new ìnterconnectìon agreement, (a) tms Agreement wìl termìnate at 11 :59 p.m. Central Tìme on the terminatìon date identìfied ìn the Notìce of Terminatìon, and (b) the servìces and functions beìng provìded by CentuLìnk under thìs Agreement at the tìme of termìnatìon, ìncludìng the exchange of local traffic, wìl be termated unless the Parìes jointly agree to other continuìng arangements. ELTOPIA may request that such servìces or fuctìons contìnue to be provìded pursuant to (ì) an applicable Tarff(s) if the servìce ìs ìncluded ìn the same; (ìì) other terms and condìtìons made generally available by the Commìssìon to local Telecommuncatìons Servìce provìders, ìf any; or (ììì) terms and condìtìons avaìlable under Sectìon 252(ì) of the Act, ìf elected by ELTOPIA. If ELTOPIA elects to have such servìces or fuctìons contìnue pursuant to terms and condìtìons avaìlable under Sectìon 252(ì) of the Act, the contìnuatìon of such servìces and fuctìons shall be governed by the terms and condìtìons adopted by ELTOPIA under Sectìon 252(ì). Should ELTOPIA fail to follow the terms of tms Sectìon 2.5, **CMRS agrees that ìts terminatìon notice shall be ìnvalìdated and consìdered wìthdrawn and ìt shall continue to be accountable and liable for all ìts oblìgatìons under the terms of tms Agreement. 2.6 Suspensìon or Terminatìon Upon Default. Eìther Pary may suspend or terìnate thìs Agreement, ìn whole or ìn par, ìn the event of a Default (defined below) by the other Party; provided, however, that the non-defaultìng Pary notìfies the defaultìng Pary ìn wrtìng of the Default and the defaultìng Pary does not cure the Default wìthìn thìrty (30) calendar days of receìpt of wrtten notice thereof. Followìng CenturyLìnk's notìce to ELTOPIA of ìts Default, CentuLìnk shall not be requìred to process new servìce orders untìl the Default ìs tìmely cured. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 28 of 102 "Default" ìs defined to ìnclude: (a) A Pary's ìnsolvency or the ìnitìatìon of banptcy or receìversmp proceedìngs by or agaìnst the Pary; or (b) The revocatìon by the Commìssìon of a Pary's Certìficate of Operatìng Authority, or (c) A Pary's vìolatìon of any material ter or conditìon of the Agreement;. or (d) A Pary's refusal or faìlure ìn any material respect properly to perform ìts oblìgatìons under thìs Agreement, ìncludìng but not lìmìted to ìts refusal or faìlure to pay undìsputed charges (pursuant to Sectìon 9) wìthin tmrty (30) calendar days after the bìl date. 2.7 Termìnatìon Upon Sale. Notwìthstanding anything to the contrar contaìned herein, a Pary may terminate tms Agreement as to a specific operating area or portìon thereof ìf such Pary sells or otherwìse transfers the area or portìon thereof to a non-affilìate. The sellng or transferrng Pary shall provìde the other Pary wìth at least sìxty (60) calendar days' prior wrtten notìce of such termìnatìon, wmch shall be effectìve on the date specìfied ìn the notìce. Notwìthstanding terminatìon of thìs Agreement as to a specìfic operatìng area, this Agreement shall remaìn ìn full force and effect ìn the remaìnìng operatìng areas. 2.8 Lìabìlìty Upon Termìnatìon. Termìnatìon of tms Agreement, or any par hereof, for any cause shall not release eìther Pary from any liabìlity (ì) wmch, at the tìme of terminatìon, had already accrued to the other Pary, (ìì) wmch thereafter accrues ìn any respect through any act or omìssìon occurng prior to the termìnatìon, or (ììi) whìch accrues from an oblìgatìon that ìs expressly stated ìn thìs Agreement to surìve termìnatìon. 2.9 Predecessor Agreements. 2.9.1 Except as stated ìn Sectìon 2.9.2 or as otherwìse agreed in wrtìng by the Parìes: any prior interconnectìon agreement between the Parìes for the State of Idaho pursuant to Sectìon 252 of the Act and ìn effect ìmmediately prior to the Effectìve Date is hereby termìnated; and any servìces that were purchased by one Party from the other Part under a prior interconnectìon agreement between the Paries for the State of Idaho pursuant to Sectìon 252 of the Act and ìn effect ìmmedìately prior to the Effectìve Date, shall as of the Effectìve Date be subject to the prices, terms and condìtìons of under thìs Agreement. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 29 of 102 2.9.2 Except as otherwise agreed ìn wrtìng by the Parìes, ìf a servìce purchased by a Pary under a prior ìnterconnectìon agreement between the Parìespursuant to Sectìon 252 of the Act was subject to a contractual commìtment that ìt would be purchased for a period of longer than one month, and such period had not yet expìred as of the Effectìve Date and the service had not been termìnated prior to the Effective Date, to the extent not ìnconsistent wìth thìs Agreement, such commìtment shall remaìn ìn effect and the servìce wìl be the prices, terms and condìtìons of tms Agreement; provìded, that ìf thìs Agreement would materially alter the terms of the commìtment, eìther Pary make elect to cancel the commìtment. 2.9.3 If eìther Pary elects to cancel the commìtment pursuant to the provìso ìn Sectìon 2.9.2, the purchasing Pary shall not be lìable for any termìnatìon charge that would otherwìse have applìed. However, ìf the commìtment was cancelled by the purchasing Pary, the purchasing Pary shall pay the dìfference between the price of the servìce that was actually paìd by the purchasing Pary under the commìtment and the price of the service that would have applìed ìf the commìtment had been to purchase the servce only untìl the tìme that the commìtment was cancelled. 3.0 APPLICABLE LAW 3.1 Applìcable Law. The term Applìcable Law, as used ìn this Agreement, shall mean all effectìve laws, statutes, common law, governental regulatìons, ordinances, codes, rules, guìdelìnes, orders, permts and approvals of any governental authority (ìncludìng, wìthout limìtation, the Commìssion and the FCC) that apply to the subject matter ofthìs Agreement. 3.2 Rule of Constrctìon. The Parìes acknowledge that, except for provisìons ìncorporated hereìn as the result of an arbìtrated decisìon, if any, the terms and conditìons of thìs Agreement have been mutually negotìated, and each Pary has relìed solely on the advìce of ìts own legal counsel ìn acceptìng such negotìated terms and condìtìons. Thìs Agreement shall be fairly ìnterpreted in accordance wìth ìts terms. No rule of constrctìon requìrìng ìnterpretatìon agaìnst the draftìng Pary hereof shall apply ìn the ìnterpretatìon ofthìs Agreement. 3.3 Choìce of Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed ìn accordance with the Act, applìcable federal and (to the extent not ìnconsìstent therewith) domestìc laws of the State where the services are beìng provìded, and shall be subject to the exclusìve jursdìctìonof the cours thereìn. In all cases, choice of law shall be determìned wìthout regard to a local State's conflicts of law provìsions. 3.4 Partìes' Agreement to Comply wìth Applìcable Law. Each Pary shall remaìn ìn complìance wìth Applìcable Law ìn the course of performìng thìs Agreement. EltopiaCommuncations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 30 of 102 3.4.1 Neìther Pary shall be lìable for any delay or failure in performance resultìng from any requirements of Applìcable Law, or acts or faìlures to act of any governental entìty or offcìaL. 3.4.2 Each Pary shall promptly notìfy the other Par ìn wrtìng of any governental actìon that lìmìts, suspends, cancels, wìthdraws, or otherwìse materially affects, the notìfyng Par's abilìty to perform ìts oblìgatìons under tms Agreement. 3.4.3 Each Pary shall be responsìble for obtainìng and keeping ìn effect all FCC, Commìssìon, francmse authority and other regulatory approvals that may be requìred ìn connectìon wìth the performance of its oblìgatìons under ths Agreement. 3.5 Severabìlìty. If any provìsìon ofthìs Agreement ìs held by a court or regulatory agency of competentjursdìctìon to be unenforceable or ìnvalìd under Applìcable Law, such unenforceabilìty or invalìdìty shall not render unenforceable or invalìd any other provisìon of this Agreement, and tms Agreement shall be constred as ìf ìt dìd not contain such unenforceable or ìnvalìd provìsìon; provìded, that ìf the unenforceable or ìnvalìd provìsìon ìs a material provìsìon of thìs Agreement, or the unenforceabìlìty or ìnvalìdìty materially affects the rights or oblìgatìons of a Pary hereunder or the abìlìty of a Pary to perform any material provìsìon of thìs Agreement, the Parìes shall promptly renegotiate ìn good faith and amend ìn wrtìng thìs Agreement ìn order to make such mutually acceptable revìsìons to tms Agreement as may be requìred ìn order to conform the Agreement to Applìcable Law. If such amended terms canot be agreed upon witmn a reasonable period, eìther Pary may, upon wrtten notìce to the other Pary, termìnate tms Agreement wìthout penalty or lìabìlty for such terìnatìon. II. OTHER GENERA TERMS & CONDITIONS 4.0 AMENDMENTS Any amendment, modìficatìon, deletìon or supplement to thìs Agreement must be ìn wrting and sìgned by an authorized representatìve of each Pary. The term "Agreement" shall ìnclude any such future amendments, modìficatìons, deletìons and supplements. 5.0 ASSIGNMENT Any assìgnent, ìn whole or ìn par, by eìther Pary of any right, oblìgatìon, duty or ìnterest arsìng under the Agreement wìthout the written consent of the other Pary shall be null and voìd,except that eìther Pary may assìgn, to the extent consìstent wìth Applìcable Law, all of ìts rights, and delegate ìts oblìgatìons, lìabìlìtìes and dutìes under tms Agreement, eìther ìn whole or in part, to any entìty that ìs, or that was ìmmedìately precedìng such assìgnent, a subsìdìar or Affilìate of that Pary wìthout consent, upon nìnety (90) calendar days' wrtten notìficatìon. The effectìveness of an assìgnent shall be condìtìoned upon the assìgnee's wrtten assumptìon of the rights, oblìgatìons, and dutìes of the assìgnìng Pary, and the other Pary beìng reasonably satìsfied that the Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 31 of 102 assìgnee ìs able to fulfill the assìgnor's obligatìons hereunder. Any attempt to make an assìgnent or delegatìon ìn vìolatìon of thìs sectìon shall constìtute a default of thìs Agreement. 6.0 ASSURACE OF PAYMENT Upon request by CenturLìnk, ELTOPIA shall provìde to CentuyLìnk a deposit for or an adequate assurance of payment of amounts due (or to become due) to CentuLin hereunder. ELTOPIA's failure to provìde such deposìt or assurance of payment to CentuLìnk withìn tmrt (30) calendar days of CentuLink's request for same shall constìtute a default under this Agreement. 6.1 When a Deposìt/Assurance of Payment Is Requìred. Such deposìt or assurance of payment of charges may be requested by CenturLìnk ìf ELTOPIA (a) ìn CenturLìnk's reasonable judgment, at the Effectìve Date or at any tìme thereafter, does not have establìshed credit wìth CenturLìnk, (b) ìn CenturLìnk's reasonable judgment, at the Effectìve Date or at any tìme thereafter, ìs unable to demonstrate that ìt is credìtworthy, (c) fails to tìmely pay a bìl rendered to ELTOPIA by CenturyLink, or (d) admìts ìts ìnabìlìty to pay ìts debts as such debts become due, has commenced a voluntary case (or has had a case commenced agaìnst ìt) under the U.S. Banptcy Code or any other law relatìng to banptcy, ìnsolvency, reorganizatìon, wìndìng~up, composìtìon or adjustment of debts or the lìke, has made an assìgnent for the benefit of credìtors or ìs subj ect to a receìvershìp or sìmìlar proceedìng. 6.2 Calculatìngthe Amount of Deposìt/ Assurance of Payment. Unless otherwse agreed by the Parìes, such deposìt wìl be calculated based on the greater of (1) CentuLìnk's estìmated two-month charges to ELTOPIA (ìncludìng, but not lìmìted to, both recurng and non-recurng charges) usìng ELTOPIA's forecast of ìnterconnectìon facìlìtìes and any other facìlìtìes or servìces to be ordered from CenturyLìnk, or (2) $5,000. If ELTOPIA does not provìde a forecast of ìts facìlìty or servìce demand under tms Agreement, ELTOPIA shall provide, upon CenturLink's request, a deposìt or assurance of payment of charges ìn an amount of$5000. 6.3 Modìfying the Amount of Deposìt Assurance of Payment. CenturyLìnk reserves the right, ìn ìts sole dìscretìon, to modìfy the amount of the deposit or assurance of payment requìred of ELTOPIA ìf ELTOPIA ìs repeatedly delìnquent ìn makg ìts payments, or ELTOPIA is being reconnected after a dìsconnectìon of servìce or dìscontìnuance of the processing of orders by CenturLìnk due to ELTOPIA's prevìous non-payment, or when condìtìons otherwìse justìfy such actìon based on actual bìllng mstory and/or the credìt ratìng of ELTOPIA. "Repeatedly delìnquent" means any payment receìved thìrty (30) calendar days or more after the bìl due date, three (3) or more tìmes durng a twelve (12) month period. CenturLìnk also may requìre an addìtìonal amount of deposìt or assurance of payment at any tìme after the submìssìon of the origìnal deposìt or assurance of payment ìf ELTOPIA's average monthly bìllng exceeds the Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 32 of 102 estìmated two-month bilìng based on ELTOPIA's forecasts referenced ìn Sectìon 6.2 above or if ELTOPIA has faìled to make tìmely payments in accordance wìth Sectìon 9.2. 6.4 Form of Deposìt/ Assurance of Payment. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parìes, the deposit or assurance of payment shall, at CentuLìnk's optìon, consist of (a) a cash security deposìt in U.S. dollars held by CenturLin, or (b) an unconditìonal, ìrrevocable standby letter of credìt namìng CentuyLink as the beneficìar thereof and otherwìse ìn form and substance satìsfactory to CenturLink from a financìal ìnstìtutìon acceptable to CenturLìnk. 6.5 Intentìonally left blank. 6.6 . Interest on Cash Deposit. CentuLink shall pay ìnterest on any such cash deposìt in accordance wìth state requirements for End User deposìts if such exìst 6.7 Drawìng on DeposìtAssurance of Payment. CentuLìnk may (but is not oblìgated to) draw on the letter of credìt or cash deposìt, as applìcable, upon notìce to ELTOPIA ìn respect of any amounts to be paìd by ELTOPIA hereunder that are not paìd wìthìn tmrty (30) calendar days of the date that payment of such amounts ìs requìred by thìs Agreement. 6.8 ELTOPIA's Replenìshment of Deposìt/Assurance of Payment. If CenturLìnk draws on the letter of credìt or cash deposìt, upon request by CentuLìnk, ELTOPIA shall provìde a replacement or supplemental letter of credìt or cash deposìt conformìng to the requìrements of Section 6.2. 6.9 Effect on Other Oblìgatìons. Notwthstandìng anythìng else set forth ìn tms Agreement, ìf CentuLìnk makes a request for a deposìt or assurance of payment in accordance wìth the terms of tms Sectìon 6, then CentuLìnk shall have no oblìgatìon thereafter to perform under this Agreement untìl such tìme as ELTOPIA has provided CentuLin wìth such deposìt or assurance of payment. The fact that a deposìt or a letter of credìt is requested by CentuyLink hereunder sháll in no way relìeve ELTOPIA from complìance wìth the requirements ofthìs Agreement (ìncludìng, but not lìmìted to, any applìcable Tarffs) as to advance payments and tìmely payment for facìlìtìes or servìces, nor constìtute a waìver or modìficatìon of the terms hereìn pertaìnìng to the dìscontìnuance of servìces for nonpayment of any amounts, payment of whìch ìs required by tms Agreement. 7.0 AUDITS 7.1 Biling Audìts. Except as may be otherwìse specìfically provìded ìn tils Agreement, eìther Pary ("Audìtìng Pary") may audìt the other Party's ("Audìted Pary") books, records, documents, facìlìtìes and systems for the purpose of evaluatìng the accuracy of the Audìted Pary's bìls and ìnvoìcìng. Such audìts may be performed once ìn each Contract Year; provìded, however, that audìts may be conducted more frequently (but no more frequently than once ìn each contract quarer) ífthe ìmmedìately preceding audìt found prevìously uncorrected Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLin Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 33 of 102 net ìnaccuracìes ìn bìlìng ìn favor of the Audìtìng Pary having an aggregate value of at least $50,000. For puroses of thìs Sectìon 7.1, "Contract Year" means a twelve (12) month period durg the term of the Agreement commencìng on the Effective Date and each anìversar thereof. 7.1.1 Scope of Audìt. The scope of the audìt shall be limìted to the servìces provìded and/or purchased by the Parìes and the assocìated charges, books, records, data and other documents relating thereto for the period whìch ìs the shorter of (ì) the period subsequent to the last day of the period covered by the audìt wmch was last performed (or ìf no audìt has been performed, the Effectìve Date) and (ìì) the twelve (12) month period immedìately preceding the date the Audìted Pary receìved notìce of such requested audìt. 7.1.2 Audìtors and Commencement of Audìt. The audìt shall be performed by ìndependent certìfied publìc accountants selected and paìd by the Audìtìng Pary. The accountants shall be reasonable competent ìn telecommunìcatìons and be reasonably acceptable to the Audìted Pary. Prior to commencing the audìt, the accountants shall execute an agreement wìth the Audìted Pary ìn a form reasonably acceptable to the Audìted Pary that protects the confidentìalìty of the ìnformatìon dìsc10sed by the Audited Pary to the accountants. The audìt shall take place at a tìme and place agreed upon by the Paries; provìded, that the Audìting Pary may requìre that the audìt commence no later than sìxty (60) calendar days after the Audìting Pary has gìven notìce of the audìt to the Audìted Pary; except that the Audìted Par has the right to extend the 60 days for specìfic resource avaìlabìlìty conflict reasons such as the financìal Year End close of books, ìnformatìon or billing system conversìons ìn progress or schedules to star durìng the audìt or proper commìtment of resources to other audìts or rate cases. In such a case, the Audìted Pary must provìde wrtten certìficatìon of the confìct and the expected resource avaìlabìlìty date. The audìt shall be completed withìn forty-five (45) calendar days after ìts commencement. 7.1.3 Cooperatìon of the Partìes. Each Party shall cooperate fuly ìn any such audìt, provìdìng reasonable access to any and all employees, books, records, documents, facìlìtìes and systems, reasonably necessar to assess the accuracy of the Audìted Pary's bìls. Each audìt shall be conducted on the premìses of the Audìted Pary where the Audìted Pary's records resìde, will take place durng normal business hours and shall comply the Audìted Pary's normal securty procedures. 7.1.4 Audìt Expenses. Audìts shall be performed at the Audìtìng Par's expense, unless the audìt found bìllng errors or inaccuracìes in favor of the Audìting Pary, ìn whìch case the Audìted Pary shall reìmburse the Audìtìng Pary for ìts expense ìn performìng said audìt. There shall be no charge for reasonable access to the Audìted Party's employees, books, Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 34 of 102 records, documents, facìltìes and systems necessar to . assess the accuracy of the Audìted Pary's bils. 7.1.5 Audìt Sumar. Neìther Par shall have access to the data of the other Pary, but shall rely upon sumar results provìded by the audìtor. The Audìted Pary may redact from the books, records and other documents provìded to the audìtor any confidentìal ìnformatìon of the Audìted Pary that reveals the ìdentìty of other customers of the Audìted Pary. Each Pary shall maìntaìn reports, records and data relevant to the bìlìng of any servìces that are the subject matter of thìs Agreement for a period of not less than twenty-four (24) months after creatìon thereof, unless a longer period ìs requìred by Applìcable Law. 7.1.6 Adjustments. Adjustments to the Audìted Pary's charges shall be made to correct errors or omìssìons dìsclosed by an audìt. The performance of adjustments shall be subject to examìnatìon. The Audìted Pary wìl provìde a formal wrtten response to any fidìngs ìn an audit wìthin thìy (30) calendar days of receìpt of any such findìngs. The Audìting Pary ìn tur wìl respond to the Audìted Pary's response wìthi forty-five (45) calendar days ofreceìpt of the Audited Pary's response. 7.1.7 Overcharges or Undercharges. If any audìt confirms any overcharge, then the bìlìng Pary (or the Pary that bìled for servìces at more than the appropriate charge) shall promptly correct any bìling error, includìng refundìng any overpayment by the other Pary ìn the form of a credìt on the ìnvoice for the first full bìlìng cycle after the Parìes have agreed upon the accuracy of the audìt results. If any audìt confirms any undercharge, then the bìled Party (or the Par that was provìded servces at less than the approprìate charge) shall immedìately compensate the bìllng Pary for such undercharge. In each case of overcharge or undercharge, such rectìfyìng credìts and/or payments wìll be subject to ìnterest at the lesser of one and one-half (1 Yí%) percent per month or the hìghest rate of ìnterest that may be charged under Applìcable Law, compounded daìly, for the number of days from the date on whìch such undercharge or overcharge origiated untìl the date on whìch such credìt ìs ìssued or payment ìs made and avaìlable, as the case may be. 7.1.8 Disputes. Any dìsputes concernìng audìt results shall be referred to the Parìes' desìgnated representatìve(s) who have authority to settle the dìspute. If these ìndìvìduals canot resolve the dìspute wìthn thìrty (30) calendar days of the referral, the matter shall be resolved in accordance wìth the procedures set forth ìn Sectìon 20 regardìng dispute resolution. 7.2 Traffic Audìts. On thìrty (30) calendar days' wrtten notìce, each Pary must provìde the other the abìlìty and opportty to conduct an annual audìt to ensure the proper routìng and bìlìng of traffc. CenturLìnk and ELTOPIA shall retaìn records of call detaìl for a mìnÌmum of nìne (9) months from whìch a Percentage Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 35 of 102 Local Use (PLU) and/or Percentage Interstate Use (PIU can be ascertained. The audìt shall be accomplìshed durng normal busìness hours at an office desìgnated by the Pary being audìted. Audìt requests shall not be submìtted more frequently than one (1) time per Contract Year (as defined ìn Section 7.1 above). Audìts shall be performed by a mutually acceptable independent audìtor paìd for by the Pary requestìng the audìt. The PLU and/or Pil shall be adjusted based upon the audìt results and shall apply to the usage for the quarer the audìt was completed, to the usage for the quarer prior to the completìon of the audìt, and to the usage for the two quarers followìng the completìon of the audit. 7.2.1 Percentage Local Use. Upon request of eìtherPary, each Pary wìl report to the other an accurate Percentage Local Usage ("PLU") to determine the amount of Local Traffic minutes to be bìled to the other Pary uness the bìllng Pary ìs able to track Local Traffic usage. For puroses of developìng the PLU, each Pary shall consider every Local Traffic call and every non-Local Traffic call, excludìng Transìt Traffc. Requests to calculate or recalculate PLU shall be made no more frequently than every twelve (12) months. Notwìthstandìng the foregoing, where the termìnatìng Pary has message recording technology that ìdentìfies the jursdìctìon of traffic termìnated as defined ìn ths Agreement, such informatìon shall be utìlìzed to determìne the appropriate Local Traffic usage compensatìon to be paìd, ìf any, ìn lìeu of PLU at the termìnatìng Pary's optìon. 8.0 AUTHORIZATION AND AUTHORITY 8.1 Each person whose sìgnatue appears on thìs Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has authority to bìnd the Party on whose behalf he or she has executed thìs Agreement. Each Pary represents he or she has had the opportty to consult wìth legal counsel of hìs, her or ìts choosìng, and ELTOPIA has not relìed on CentuLìnk's counselor on representatìons by CentuLìnk's personnel not specifically contaied ìn tms Agreement, ìn entering ìnto thìs Agreement. 8.2 CenturyLìnk represents and warants that ìt ìs a corporatìon duly organìzed, valìdly exìsting and ìn good standìng under the laws of the State of Idaho and has full power and authority to execute and delìver tms Agreem.ent and to perform ìts oblìgatìons under thìs Agreement. 8.3 ELTOPIA represents and warants that ìt ìs a lìmìted lìabìlìty company duly organzed, valìdly exìstìng and ìn good standing under the laws of the State of Idaho, and has full power and authority to execute and delìver thìs Agreement and to perform ìts oblìgatìons under thìs Agreement. 8.4 ELTOPIA Certificatìon. Notwìthstanding any other provìsìon ofthìs Agreement, CentuLìnk shall have no oblìgatìon to perform under this Agreement untìl such tìme as ELTOPIA has obtaìned such FCC and Commìssìon authorizatìon(s) as Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 36 of 102 may be requìred by Applìcable Law for conductìng busìness ìn the State as a ELTOPIA. ELTOPIA must represent and warant to CentuLink that ìt ìs a certìfied local provìder of Telephone Exchange Servìce in the State. ELTOPIA wil provide a copy of ìts Certificate of Operatìng Authority or other evìdence of ìts status to CenturLìnk upon request. ELTOPIA shall not place any orders under thìs Agreement until ìt has obtaìned such authorizatìon. ELTOPIA shall provìde proof of such authorization to CentuLìnk upon request. 9.0 BILLING & PAYMENTSIDISPUTED AMOUNTS Except as provìded elsewhere ìn tms Agreement and, where applìcable, ìn conformance wìth Multìple Exchange Carer Access Billng (MECAB) guìdelìnes and Multìple Exchange Carers Ordering and Design Guìdelìnes for Access Servìces- Industr Support Interface (MECOD), ELTOPIA and CenturyLink agree to exchange all ìnformatìon to accurately, reliably, and properly order and bìl for featues, fuctìons and servìces provìded under thìs Agreement. 9.1 Back Bilìng. The Parìes wil bìl each other ìn a tìmely maner. Neìther Pary wil ìnìtìate credìt claìms or bìl the other Party for prevìously unbiled, under- bìled or over-bìled charges for servìces that were provìded more than one (1) year prior to the applìcable bìl date. Each Pary wìl provide prompt notìce of any ìntent to claìm credìts or bìl for charges ìncured more than nìnety (90) calendar days prior. 9.2 Payment. Except as otherwise provìded ìn tils Agreement, payment of amounts bìled for servìces provìded under this Agreement, whether billed on a monthy basis or as otherwìse provìded ìn ths Agreement, shall be due, in immedìately available U.S. fuds, wìthn tilrt (30) calendar days of the Bìl Date ("Bìl Due Date"). If the Bìl Due Date ìs a Satuday, Sunday, or has been desìgnated a ban holìday, payment will be made the next Busìness Day. Payments may be transmìtted by electronìc fuds transfer. Late payment charges, ìf any, wìl be payable in accordance wìth the provìsìons oftms Agreement. 9.3 Late Payment Charges. If any undìsputedamount due on a bilìng statement ìs not receìved by the bìlìng Pary by the Bìl Due Date, the bìlìng Party shall calculate and assess, and the bìled Pary agrees to pay, a late payment charge on the past due balance equal to one and one-half (1 12%) percent per month or the hìghest rate of ìnterest that may be charged under Applìcable Law, compounded daily, for the number of days from the Bil Date untìl the date on whìch such payment ìs made. Such late payment charges shall be ìncluded on the bìllng Party's next statement to the billed Pary. 9.4 Dìsputed Amounts. If any portìon of an amount biled by a Party under thìs Agreement ìs subject to a good faìth dìspute between the Parìes, the bìled Pary shall gìve wrtten notìce to the bìlìng Pary of the amounts ìt dìsputes ("Dìsputed Amounts") and shall ìnclude ìn such notìce the specific details and reasons for dìsputing each ìtem. Such wrtten notìce shall be submitted ìn accordance WÌth Eltopia Communcations, LtC - CentuLin Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement ~ Rural Page 37 of 102 the guìdelìnes for submìttìng bìlìng dìspute claìms set forth ìn CentuLink's CLEC Servìce Guìde. Dìsputed bìlìng claìms shall be submìtted no later than the Bìl Due Date. Faìlure by the bìledPary to file any such claìm before the Bil Due Date means that the total charges biled are due and payable to the bilìng Pary on the due date. The bìled Pary may not wìthhold payment of amounts past the due date pending a later filìng of a dìspute, but must pay all amounts due for whìch ìt has not provìded a written notìce of dìspute on or prior to the Bìl Due Date. If the billed Pary disputes charges after the Bìl Due Date and has not paìd such charges, such charges shall be subject to late payment charges. Both ELTOPIA and CentuLink agree to expedìte the ìnvestìgatìon of any Dìsputed Amounts, promptly provìde all documentatìon regarding the amount dìsputed that ìs reasonably requested by the other Pary, and work ìn good faìth ìn an effort to resolve and settle the dìspute through ìnformal means prior to ìnìtìatìng formal dìspute resolutìon. 9.4.1 If the biled Pary dìsputes any charges and any portìon of the dìspute ìs resolved ìn favor of the bìled Pary, the Pares shall cooperate to ensure that (a) the bìllng Party shall credìt the invoìce of the bìled Party for that portìon of the Dìsputed Amount resolved ìn favor of the bìled Pary, together wìth any late payment charges assessed wìth respect thereto no later than the second Bìl Due Date after the resolutìon of the billìng dìspute. 9.5 Effect of Non-Payment. 9.5.1 If the billed Pary does not remìt payment of all undìsputed charges on a bìl by the Bìl Due Date, the bìlìng Pary may dìscontìnue processìng orders for relevant or lìke services provìded under thìs Agreement on or after the tenth (10th) calendar day following the Bìl Due Date. The bìlìng Pary wìl notify the other Pary ìn wrtìng, vìa emaìl or certified maì1, at least five (5) Calendar Days prior to dìscontinuìng the processing of orders for the relevant servìces. If the bìlìng Pary does not refuse to accept addìtìonal orders for servìce(s) on the date specìfied ìn such notìce, and the bìled Party's non-complìance contìnues, nothìng contaìned hereìn shall preclude the bìling Pary from refusing to accept any or all addìtìonal orders for servìce(s) from the non-complyìng Pary wìthout fuher notìce or from bìllng and collecting the appropriate charges from the bìled Pary. For order processìng to resume, the bìled Party wìl be required to make full payment of all past and curent undisputed charges under tils Agreement for the relevant servìces. Addìtìonally, the biling Pary may requìre a deposìt or assurance of payment (or addìtìonal deposìt or assurance of payment) from the bìled Pary, pursuant to Sectìon 6. hi addìtìon to other remedìes that may be avaì1able at law or equìty, the bìled Pary reserves the right to seek equìtable relìef, ìnc1udìng ìnjunctìve relìef and specìfic performance. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 38 of 102 9.5.2 Notwìthstandìng 9.5.1 above, if the biled Pary does not remìt payment of all undìsputed charges on a bill by the Bill Due Date, the bìling Pary may at ìts optìon disconnect any and all relevant or related serìces provìded under thìs Agreement followìng wrtten notìficatìon to the bìled Pary at least seven (7) Busìness Days prior to dìsconnectìon of the unpaìd servìce(s). Such notìficatìon may be ìncluded ìn a notìficatìon to refuse to accept addìtìonal orders so long as the appropriate dates for each consequence are lìsted thereìn. If the biled Party subsequently pays all of such undìsputed charges and desìres to reconnect any such disconnected servìces, the bìled Pary shall pay the applìcable charge set forth ìn ths Agreement or ìn the applìcable Tariff for reconnecting each servìce dìsconnected pursuant to tms paragraph. In case of such dìsconnectìon, all applìcable undìsputed charges, ìncludìng termìnatìon charges, shall become due and payable. If the bìling Party does not disconnect the bìled Part's servìce( s) on the date specìfied ìn such notìce, and the bìled Party's non-complìance contìnues, nothìng contaìned hereìn shall preclude the bìlìng Pary from dìsconnectìng all servìce( s) of the non- complyìng Pary wìthout further notìce or from bìlìng and collectìng the appropriate charges from the bìled Pary. For reconnectìon of the non. paid servìce to occur, the bìled Pary wìl be requìred to make full payment of all past and current undìsputed charges under thìs Agreement for the relevant servìces. Addìtìonally, the bìllng Party may require a deposìt or assurance of payment (or addìtional deposìt or assurance of payment) from the bìled Pary, pursuant to Sectìon 6. In addìtìon to other remedìes that may be avaìlable at law or equìty, the bìllng Party reserves the right to seek equìtable relìef, ìncludìng ìnjunctìve relìef and specìfic performance. 9.5.3 Notwìthstandìng 9.5.1 and 9.5.2 above, ìf the bìling Pary ìs forced to undertake collectìon efforts for undisputed, defaulted or post-termìnatìon amounts outstandìng, the bìled Pary ìs lìable for reìmbursement to the bìlìng Pary any and all costs assocìated wìth the collectìon of such a debt ìncludìng but not lìmìted to collectìon agency fees and legal fees. 10.0 Intentionally left blank 11.0 CAPACITY PLANNING AND FORECASTS Wìthìn thìrty (30) calendar days from the Effectìve Date of thìs Agreement, or as soon after the Effectìve Date as practìcable, the Parìes agree to meet and develop joìnt planng and forecasting responsìbìlìtìes whìch are applìcable to local servìces, UNs, number portabìlìty and ìnterconnectìon servìces. CentuLìnk may delay processìng ELTOPIA servìce orders should ELTOPIA not perform oblìgatìons as specìfied ìn ths Sectìon. Such responsìbilitìes shall ìnclude but are not lìmìted to the followìng: Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 39 of 102 11.1 The Parìes wìl establìsh periodìc reviews of network and technology plans and will notìfy one another no later than sìx (6) months in advance of changes that would ìmpact eìther Pary's provìsion of servìces. 11.2 ELTOPIA wìl fuìsh to CentuLink informatìon that provìdes for statewìde anual forecasts of order actìvìty, ìn-servìce quantìty forecasts, and facilìty/demand forecasts. If durng the Term of tms Agreement, ELTOPIA desìres to offer servìces ìn a CentuLink local callng area for wmch ELTOPIA has not prevìously submìtteda forecast, ELTOPIA shall submìt a revìsed statewìde anual forecast that ìncorporates the ìnformatìon ìdentìfied above for the new local calling area or a supplemental forecast for such local callng area providìng the ìnformatìon ìdentìfied above. ELTOPIA shall submit such revìsed or supplemental forecast as soon as practìcable, but in no event less than thìrt (30) calendar days before ìt orders servìces and/or facilìtìes under thìs Agreement ìn the new CenturLink local callng area. 11.3 The Parìes wìl develop joint forecastìng responsìbilitìes for traffc exchange over trunk groups and yearly forecasted tru quantitìes as set forth ìn Arìcle IV (Interconnectìon). 11.4 ELTOPIA shall notìfy CentuLìnk promptly of any changes ìn ELTOPIA's busìness or prevaìlìng busìness condìtions that may ìmpact any of ìts forecasts ìn the next forecastìng period more than ten percent (10%) to curent forecasts (increase or decrease). ELTOPIA orders that exceed ìts forecast shall only be filled by CentuLìnk to the extent that requested capacìty ìs Curently Available. 11.5 CenturLink reserves the right to condìtìon the fulfillment of addìtìonal servìce orders on satìsfactory ELTOPIA fill rates ìn prevìously ordered capacìty, or on ELTOPIA payment for all of the addìtìonal capacìty absent satìsfactory fill rates. 11.5.1 Requested or forecasted facìlìty addìtìons not justìfied by traffic fill rates and fill rate trends wìl not be provìsìoned unless ELTOPIA provìdes proof of the needed ìncrease at a specìfic poìnt ìn tìme. All ìnformatìon provìded by ELTOPIA wìl be consìdered confidentìal ìnformatìon under federal law and Agreement terms. 11.6 CenturyLìnk reserves the right to assess ELTOPIA a stranded plant/facìlty or dìscontìnued servìce order charge for capacìty forecast by ELTOPIA but not used by ELTOPIA wìthin sìx (6) months after a forecast period to the extent that CentuLìnk buìlt the p1ant/facìlìty based on ELTOPIA's order. 12.0 CHANGES IN LAW Except as provìded in Sectìon 12.3 below, the terms and condìtìons of thìs Agreement shall be subject to any and all changes ìn Applìcable Law, inc1udìng but not lìmìted to changes to rules and regulatìons that subsequently may be prescribed by any federal, state or local governental authority havìng competent jursdìctìon. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 40 of 102 12.1 Removal of Exìsting Oblìgatìons. Notwthstanding anytmng ìn thìs Agreement to the contrar, ìf, as a result of any legìslatìve, judicìal, regulatory or other governental decìsìon, order, determìnatìon or actìon, or any change ìn Applìcable Law subsequent to the Effectìve Date, CenturLin ìs no longer requìred by Applìcable Law to contìnue to provìde any service, facìlity, payment or benefit otherwìse required to be provided to ELTOPIA under tms Agreement, then CentuLìnk may dìscontinue the provìsìon of any such servìce, facìlity, payment or benefit. CentuLink wil provìde tmrty (30) calendar days prior wrtten notìce to ELTOPIA of any such dìscontìnuatìon of a servìce or facìlty, unless a dìfferent notìce period or dìfferent condìtìons are specìfied by Applicable Law for terminatìon of suchservìce, facìlity, payment or .benefit, ìn whìch event such specìfied period and/or condìtìons shall apply. The Parìes may amend thìs Agreement pursuant to Sectìon 4 to reflect such change ìn Applicable Law. If ELTOPIA dìsputes CenturLìnk's dìscontinuance of such servìce, facì1ìty, payment or benefit, the dìspute resolutìon procedures of Sectìon 20 shall apply, and any consequent changes to the terms of thìs Agreement (ìncludìng billing terms) as a result of such change ìn Applìcable Law shall be retroactìve to the dìscontìnuatìon date set forth ìn CentuLìnk's wrtten notìce to ELTOPIA or the date specìfied by Applìcable Law, whìchever applìes. 12.2 Addìtions to Exìstìng Oblìgations. Notwthstandìng anythig ìn this Agreement to the contrar, ìf, as a result of any legìslatìve, judìcìal, regulatory or other governental decìsìon, order, determìnatìon or actìon, or any change ìn Applìcable Law subsequent to the Effectìve Date, CentuLìnk ìs requìred by such change ìn Applìcable Law to provìde a servìce not already provìded to ELTOPIA under the terms of thìs Agreement, the Parìes agree to add or modìfy, ìn wrting, the affected term(s) and conditìon(s) of tms Agreement to the extent necessar to bring them ìnto complìance wìth such change ìn Applicable Law. The Parìes shall intìate negotiatìons to add or modify such terms upon the wrtten request of a Party. The Parìes agree to negotiate such addìtìonal or modìfied terms and condìtìons wìtmn thìrty (30) calendar days of receìpt of the requesting Par's written request. If the Parìes cannot agree to additìonal or modìfied terms to amend the Agreement, the Parìes shall submìt the dìspute to dìspute resolutìon pursuant to the procedures set forth ìn Sectìon 20. 12.3 Notwìthstandìng Sectìons 12.1 and 12.2, to the extent that the Parìes have agreed to any terms and condìtìons set forth ìn thìs Agreement that do not reflect or fully reflect the extent of the Parìes' respectìve rights and/or oblìgatìons under Applìcable Law for good and valuable consìderatìon through the process of good faìth negotìatìons, a subsequent change ìn Applìcable Law may not be gìven effect ìn ths Agreement, through the amendment process or otherwse, wìthout the mutual consent of both Pares. Any terms reached by the Paries constìtutìng a Voluntar Agreement to whìch thìs Sectìon 12.3 applìes shall be ìdentified as beìng an agreement made "pursuant to Sectìon 12.3" or by language of sìmilar ìmport. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 41 of 102 13.0 CLEC PROFILE 13.1 ELTOPIA shall not place any orders under thìs Agreement untìl ìt has completed and submitted to CentuLìnk a "CLEC Profie," ìn a form provìded by CenturLìnk and, ìf required by CentuLìnk, paìd a deposìt for assurance of payment pursuant to Sectìon 9. Among other thìngs requìred to be lìsted on the CLEC Profile, ELTOPIA wìl provìde to CentuLìnk ìts Operatìng Company Number (OCN), Company Code (CC), and Customer Carer Name Abbreviatìon (CCNA) as described in the CenturyLìnk Servìce Guìde. ELTOPIA wìl document ìts Certìficate of Operatìng Authority on the CLEC Profile and agrees to promptly update thìs CLEC Profile as necessar to reflect ìts curent certìficatìon. 13.2 Certificate of Operatìng Authority. ELTOPIA must represent and warant to CentuLìnk that it ìs a certìfied provìder oflocal Telephone Exchange Service ìn the State. ELTOPIA wìl provìde a copy of ìts Certìficate of Operatìng Authority or other evìdence of ìts status to CenturLìnk upon request. 14.0 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMTION 14.1 Identìficatìon. EÌther Party may dìsclose to the other proprietar or confidentìal customer, technìcal, or busìness ìnformatìon ìn wrtten, grapmc, oral or other tangìble or ìntangìble forms ("Confidentìal Informatìon"). In order for ìnformatìon to be consìdered Confdentìal Informatìon under thìs Agreement, ìt must be marked "Confidentìal" or "Proprietar," or bear a markìng of simìlar ìmport. Orally or vìsually dìsclosed ìnformatìon shall be deemed Confidentìal Informatìon only if contemporaneously ìdentìfied as such and reduced to wrtìng and delìvered to the other Pary wìth a statement or markìng of confidentìalìty withìn thìrt (30) calendar days after oral or vìsual dìsclosure. Notwìthstandìng the foregoìng, pre-orders, and all orders for servìces or UNs placed by ELTOPIA pursuant to tils Agreement, and ìnformatìon that would constìtute Customer Proprietary Network Informatìon (CPNI) of ELTOPIA End User Customers pursuant to the Act and the rules and regulatìons of the FCC, as well as recorded usage ìnformatìon with respect to ELTOPIA End User Customers, whether disclosed by ELTOPIA to CentuLink or otherwìse acquired by CenturLìnk ìn the course of ìts performance under tils Agreement, ìs consìdered Confidentìal Informatìon. 14.2 Handlìng. In order to protect such Confidential Informatìon from ìmproper dìsclosure, each Party agrees: (a) That all Confidentìal Informatìon shall be and shall remain the exclusìve property of the source; (b) To lìmìt access to such Confdentìal Informatìon to authorized employees who have a need to know the Confidentìal Informatìon for performance ofthìs Agreement; Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 42 of 102 (c) To keep such Confidentìal Informatìon confidentìal and to use the same level of care to prevent dìsclosure or unauthorized use of any Confidentìal Informatìon ìt receives as ìt exercìses ìn protecting its own Confidential Informatìon of a sìmìlar nature; (d) Not to copy, publìsh, or dìsclose such Confidential Informatìon to others or authorize anyone else to copy, publìsh, or dìsclose such Confidential Informatìon to others wìthout the prior wrtten approval of the source; (e) To promptly retu any copìes of such Confidentìal Informatìon to the source at ìts request; (f) To use such Confidentìal Informatìon only for puroses of performìng work or servìces described hereunder and for other puroses only upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the Parìes ìn wrtìng; and (g) Subject to the exceptìons ìn Sectìon 14.3 below, ìf the Pary receìving Confidentìal Informatìon wìshes to dìsclose the dìsclosìng Pary's Confidentìal Informatìon to a thìrd-pary, such dìsclosure must be agreed to in wrtìng by the disclosing Pary, and the tmrd-pary must have executed a wrtten agreement of nondìsclosure and nonuse comparable ìn scope to the terms of tms Sectìon. 14.3 Exceptìons. These obligatìons shall not apply to any Confidentìal Informatìon that was legally ìn the recìpìents possessìon prior to receipt from the source, was receìved ìn good faith from a thìrd pary not subject to a confidentìal oblìgatìon to the source, now ìs or later becomes publìcly known through no breach of confdentìal oblìgatìon by the recìpìent, was developed by the recìpìent wìthout the developìng persons havìng access to any of the Confidentìal Informatìon receìved ìn confidence from the source, or that ìs required to be dìsclosed pursuant to subpoena or other legal process ìssued by a cour or administratìve agency having approprìate jursdìctìon; provìded, however, that, subject to Sectìons 28.3 and 28.3.1, the recìpìent shall gìve prior notìce to the source before disclosìng Confidentìal Informatìon and shall reasonably cooperate ìf the source deems ìt necessar to seek protectìve arangements. 14.4 Surìva1. The oblìgatìon of confidentìalìtyand use wìth respect to Confidentìal Informatìon dìsclosed by one Pary to the other shall surìve any termìnatìon of thìs Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of the inìtìal dìsclosure of the Confidentìal Informatìon. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 43 of 102 15.0 CONSENT Except as otherwìse expressly stated ìn this Agreement (ìncludìng, but not lìmited to, where consent, approval, agreement or a sìmìlar actìon ìs stated to be wìtmn a Pary's sole dìscretìon), where consent, approval, mutual agreement or a sìmìlar actìon ìs requìred by any provìsìon of. thìs Agreement, such actìon shall not be uneasonably wìthheld, condìtìoned or delayed. 16.0 CONTACTS BETWEEN THE PARTIES Each Party shall update ìts own contact ìnformatìon and escalatìon lìst and shall provìde such ìnformatìon to the other Pary for puroses of ìnquìries regarding the implementatìon of thìs Agreement. Each Pary shall accept all ìnquìries from the other Pary and provìde a tìmely response. CenturLìnk wìl provìde and maìntaìn ìts contact and escalatìon list in ìts CentuLìnk Servìce Guìde ("Guìde") as amended and updated from tìme to tìme. The Guìde ìs provìded to ELTOPIA on CenturyLìnk's Website, and any updates also wìl be provìded on the Websìte ìn the event such ìnformatìon changes. Informatìon contaìned ìn the Guide wìl include a sìngle contact telephone number for CenturLìnk's CLEC Servìce Center (vìa an 800#) that ELTOPIA may call for all ordering and status ìnquìries and other day-to-day ìnquìries between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holìdays). In addìtìon, the Guìde wìl provide ELTOPIA wìth contact ìnformatìon for the personnel and/or organzatìons wìtmn CenturyLìnk capable of assìsting ELTOPIA wìth ìnquìries regardìng the ordering, provìsìonìng and bìling of ìnterconnectìon servìces. Included in thìs ìnformatìon wìl be the contact informatìon for a person or persons to whom ELTOPIA can escalate ìssues dealing wìth the ìmplementatìon of the Agreement and/or for assìstance ìn resolving dìsputes arsìng under the Agreement. 17.0 CONTACTS WITH CUSTOMERS Except as otherwìse provìded ìn thìs Agreement, ELTOPIA shall provìde the exclusìve ìnterface wìth ELTOPIA's End User Customers. 18.0 COUNTERPARTS Thìs Agreement may be executed ìn two or more counterpars, each of wmch shall be deemed an origìnal and all of whìch together shall constìtute one and the same ìnstrent. 19.0 Intentionally left blank 20.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION The following provìsìons apply to dìspute resolutìon under the Agreement, except that the terms of Sectìon 9 of thìs Arìcle apply to the resolutìon of any bìlìng dìsputes. 20.1 Alternatìve to Lìtìgatìon. Except as provìded under Sectìon 252 of the Act WÌth respect to the approval of ths Agreement by the Commìssìon, the Parìes desìre Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 44 of 102 to resolve disputes arsìng out of or relatìng to tms Agreement wìthout lìtìgatìon. Accordìngly, except for an actìon seekìng a temporar restraìnìng order or an ìnjunctìon related to the purposes of tils Agreement, or sint to compel complìance wìth thìs dìspute resolutìon process, the Partìes agree to use the followìng alternatìve dìspute resolutìon procedures as the sole remedy wìth respect to any controversy or claìm arsìng out of or relatìng to thìs Agreement or ìts breach. 20.2 Negotìatìons. At the wrtten request of a Pary, each Party wìl appoìnt a knowledgeable, responsìble representatìve to meet and negotìate ìn good faìth to resolve any dìspute arsìng out of or relatìng to tms Agreement. The Parìes ìntend that these negotìatìons be conducted in a busìness-to-business fashìon. It shall be left to each Pary to select its own representatìve(s) for such negotiatìons. The locatìon, format, frequency, duration, and conclusìon of these dìscussìons shall be left to the dìscretion of the representatìves. Upon agreement, the representatìves may utìlìze other alternatìve dìspute resolutìon procedures such as medìatìon to assìst ìn the negotìations. Discussìons and correspondence among the representatìvesfor purposes of these negotiatìons shall be treated as confidentìal ìnformatìon developed for puroses of settlement, . exempt from dìscovery, and shall not be admìssìble ìn the arbìtratìon described below or ìn any lawsuìt wìthout the concurence of all Parìes. Documents identìfied ìn or provìded with such communcatìons, whìch are not prepared for purposes of the negotìatìons, are not so exempted and may, ìf otherwìse dìscoverable, be dìscovered or otherwise admssìble, be admìtted ìn evìdence, in the arbìtratìon or lawsuìt. 20.3 Arbitratìon. If the negotìatìons do not resolve the dìspute wìthin sìxty (60) Business Days of the ìnìtìal wrtten request, the dìspute shall be submìtted to bìnding arbìtratìon by a sìngle arbìtrator pursuant to the Commercìal Arbìtratìon Rules of the American Arbìtration Assocìatìon ("AA"), except that the Parìes may select an arbìtrator outsìde American Arbitratìon Assocìatìon rules upon mutual agreement. The arbìtratìon may be submìtted to the Commìssìon upon mutual agreement of the Parìes. If the State Commìssìon ìs selected as the arbìtrator, ìts arbìtratìon rules shall apply. Otherwìse, the rules described ìn par (a) below shall be applìcable. (a) A Pary may demand arbìtratìon ìn accordance wìth the procedures set out ìn the AA rules. Dìscovery shall be controlled by the arbìtrator and shall be permìtted to the extent set out ìn tms section. Each Pary may submit ìn wrtìng to a Pary, and that Pary shall so respond to, a maxìmum of any combìnatìon of thìrty-five (35) of the followìng (none of whìch may have subpars): ìnterrogatories; demands to produce documents; or requests for admìssìon. Each Pary ìs also entitled to take the oral deposìtìon of up to three (3) ìndìvìduals of another Pary. Unless otherwìse mutually agreed by the Parìes, the Pary of the deponent shall select the tìme and 10catìon for each such deposìtìon. (The Pary selecting the tìme and locatìon of a deposìtìon shall do so wìth reasonable Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 45 of 102 accommodatìon of the other Pary's schedule and wìthout causìng the other Pary unduly burdensome travel costs. In any event, it shall be deemed reasonable to select as the location for the deposìtìon the city where the deponent resìdes and/or works.) Each Par shall bear ìts own travel expenses ìncured to parìcìpate ìn such deposìtions. Addìtìonal discovery may be permtted upon mutual agreement of the Parìes. The arbìtratìon hearng shall be commenced wìthin sìxty (60) Busìness Days of the demand for arbìtration. The arbìtratìon shall be held ìn a mutually agreeable cìty. The arbìtrator shall control the schedulìng so as to process the matter expedìtìously. The Parìes may submìt wrtten briefs. The arbìtrator shall rule on the dìspute by ìssuing a wrtten opinion wìthìn thirt (30) Busìness Days after the close of hearngs. The tìmes specìfied ìn thìs sectìon may be extended upon mutual agreement of the Parìes or by the arbitrator upon a showìng of good cause. (b) Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbìtrator, whether ìt be the Commissìon or an AA or other arbìtrator, may be entered ìn any cour havìng jursdìctìon. If post-arbìtratìon enforcement efforts must be undertaken due to a Pary's faìlure to render the award by the date due, the defaultìng Pary wìll reimburse the other Pary any and all costs. assocìated wìth collection of such a debt including but not lìmìted to legal and cour costs. (c) Notwìthstandìng (b) above, a Pary may appeal a judgment provìded that the Pary must place any amounts awarded ìnto an ìnterest- bearng escrow account pendìng the outcome of the appeaL. An appeal fied prior to the date an award ìs due shall not be consìdered a default that trggers. the reìmbursement provìsìon of (b) above so long as the requìred escrow has been made as well. 20.4 Expedìted Arbìtratìon Procedures. If the issue to be resolved through the negotìatìons referenced ìn Sectìon 20.2 ìs alleged to constìtute a Servìce Affectìng dìspute, then the period for resolutìon of the dìspute through negotìatìons before the dìspute ìs to be submìtted to binding arbìtratìon shall be ten (10) Busìness Days. Once a Servìce Affectìng dispute ìs submìtted to arbìtratìon, and if arbìtratìon wìth the Commìssìon ìs not selected, the arbìtratìon shall be conducted pursuant to the expedìted procedures rules of the Commercìal Arbìtratìon Rules of the American Arbìtratìon Assocìatìon (i.e., rules 53 though 57). 20.5 Costs. Except for 20.3 (b) above, each Party shall bear ìts own costs of these procedures. A Pary seekìng dìscovery shall reìmburse the respondìng Pary the reasonable costs of productìon of documents (ìncludìng search time and reproductìon costs). The Partìes shall equally splìt the fees of the arbìtratìon and the arbìtrator. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 46 of 102 20.6 Continuous Servìce. Except where the dìspute pertaìns to techncal feasibìlìty or a lack of facì1tìes, the Parìes shall contìnue providìng services to each other durng the pendency of any dìspute resolutìon procedure, and the Paries shall contìnue to perform theìr obligatìons (ìncludìng makìng payments in accordance wìth Sectìon 9) ìn accordance wìth tms Agreement. However, during the pendency of any dìspute resolutìon procedures, CenturyLìnk reserves the right not to accept new ELTOPIA servìce orders. 21.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT Thìs Agreement constitutes the entìre agreement of the Parìes pertainìng to the subject matter of thìs Agreement and supersedes all prior agreements, negotìatìons, proposals, and representatìons, whether wrtten or oral, and all contemporaneous oral agreements, negotìatìons, proposals, and representatìons concernìng such subject matter. No representatìons, understandìngs, agreements, or warantìes, expressed or ìmplìed, have been made or relìed upon ìn the makng of this Agreement other than those specìfically set forth hereìn. 22.0 EXPENSES 22.1 In performìngunder thìs Agreement, CentuLìnk may be requìred to make expendìtures or otherwìse ìncur costs that are not otherwìse reìmbursed under tms Agreement. In such event, CentuLìnk ìs entìtled to reìmbursement from ELTOPIA for all such costs. For all such costs and expenses, CentuLìnk shall receìve through nonrecurng charges ("NRCs") the actual costs and expenses ìncured, ìnc1udìng labor costs and expenses, overhead and fixed charges, and may ìnclude a reasonable contrbutìon to CentuLink's common costs. If ELTOPIA makes a request that ìnvolves expenditues or costs not otherwìse covered under tms agreement, CentuLìnk wìll provìde a quote to ELTOPIA in a tìmely maner and ELTOPIA must agree to accept the quoted charges prior to CentuLìnk's ìnitìatìon of work. 22.2 Except as specìfically set out ìn thìs Agreement, each Pary shall be solely responsìble for ìts own expenses ìnvolved ìn all actìvìtìes related to the subject of tms Agreement. 23.0 FORCE MAJEURE 23.1 In the event performance of this Agreement, or any oblìgatìon hereunder, ìs eìther dìrectly or ìndìrectly prevented, restrcted, or ìnterfered wìth by reason of fire, flood, earquake or lìke acts of God, wars, terrorism, revolutìon, cìvìl commotìon, explosìon, aCts of publìc enemy, embargo, acts of the governent ìn ìts sovereìgn capacìty, labor dìfficultìes, ìncluding wìthout lìmìtation, strkes, slowdowns, pìcketìng, or boycotts, unavaìlabìlìty of equìpment from. vendor, changes requested by customer, or any other material change of cìrcumstances beyond the reasonable control and wìthout the fault or neglìgence of the Pary affected ("Force Majeure Events"), the Pary affected, upon gìvìg prompt notìce Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 47 of 102 to the other Pary, shall be excused from such performance on a day-to-day basìs to the extent of such prevention, restrctìon, or ìnterference (and the other Pary shall likewìse be excused from pedormance of its obligatìons on a day-to-day basìs until the delay, restrction or interference has ceased); provided however, that the Pary so affected shall use commercìally reasonable efforts to avoìd or remove such causes of nonperformance or Force Majeure Events, and both Parìes shall proceed whenever such causes or Force Majeure Events are removed or cease. 23.2 It ìs expressly agreed that ìnsolvency or financìal distress of a Pary ìs not a Force Majeure Event and ìs not otherwìse subject to thìs Sectìon 23. Notwthstandìng the provìsìons of Section 23.1 above, ìn no case shall a Force Majeure Event excuse eìther Par from an oblìgatìon to pay money as requìred by ths Agreement. 24.3 Notmng in tms Agreement shall requìre the non-performìng Pary to settle any labor dìspute except as the non-performìng Party, ìn its sole dìscretìon, determìnes appropriate. 24.0 FRUD ELTOPIA assumes responsìbìlìty for all fraud assocìated wìth ìts End User Customers and accounts. CenturLìnk wìl cooperate in good faìth but shall bear no responsìbìlty for, nor ìs ìt requìred to ìnvestìgate or make adjustments to, ELTOPIA's account ìn cases of fraud. 25.0 GOOD FAITH PERFORMANCE 25.1 The Parìes shall act ìn good faìth ìn the pedormance of theìr oblìgatìons under thìs Agreement. 25.2 Performance Issues. In the spìrit of good faìth and upon request by eìther Pary, the Parìes agree to meet once a month durng the Term of tms Agreement, at mutually agreed upon day and tìme, to dìscuss the performance of the Parìes under thìs Agreement. The requestìng Party should provìde a proposed agenda ìn advance of the meetìng. At each such monthly sessìon the Parìes may discuss: (ì) the admìnìstratìon and maìntenance of the interconnectìons and tr groups provìsìoned under thìs Agreement; (ü) the Parìes' provìsìoning of the servìces and ancìlar functìons provìded under thìs Agreement; (üi) and any areas ìn which such performance may be ìmproved; (ìv) any problems that were encountered durng the preceding month or antìcìpated ìn the upcomìng month; (v) the reason underlyìng any such problem and the effect, if any, that such problem had, has or may have on the performance of the Parìes; and (vi) the specìfic steps taken or proposed to be taken to remedy such problem. In addìtìon to the foregoìng, the Parìes may meet to dìscuss any matters that relate to the performance of thìs Agreement, as may be requested from time to tìme by eìther of the Parìes. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 48 of 102 26.0 HEADINGS The headngs in ths Agreement are ìnserted for convenience and ìdentificatìon only and shall not be consìdered ìn the ìnterpretation ofthìs Agreement. 27.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 27.1 ELTOPIA acknowledges that ìts right under tms Agreement to ìnterconnect with CenturLìnk's network may be subject to or limìted by Intellectual Property rights (ìncludìng, without limitatìon, patent, copyrght, trade secret, trademark, servìce mark, trade name and trade dress rights) and other rights of third parìes. 27.2 ELTOPIA acknowledges that servìces and facìlìties to be provìded by CentuLìnk hereunder may use or incorporate products, servìces or informatìon proprietar to thrd pary vendors and may be subject to or lìmìted by Intellectual Property rights (ìncluding, wìthout lìmìtatìon, patent,copyrìght, trade secret, trademark, servìce mark, trade name and trade dress rights) and other rights of thrd partìes. 27.3 Upon wrtten request by ELTOPIA, CenturyLìnk wìl use commercìally reasonable efforts to procure rights or lìcenses to allow CenturLìnk to use Intellectual Property and other rights of tmrd paries to provìde ìnterconnectìon, UNs, serìces and facìlìtìes to ELTOPIA ("Addìtìonal Rìghts and Lìcenses"). ELTOPIA shall promptly reimburse CenturLink for all costs incured by CenturLìnk and/or CenturLìnk's Afflìates in connectìon with the procurement of Addìtìonal Rìghts and Lìcenses, including wìthout lìmitatìon all softare lìcense fees and/or maintenance fees, or any increase thereof, ìncured by CentuLìnk or any CenturLìnk Affilìate. CenturLìnk shall have the right to obtaìn reasonable assurances of such prompt reìmbursement by ELTOPIA prior to the executìon by CenturLìnk or any CenturLìnk Afflìate of any new agreement or extensìon of any exìstìng agreement relatìng to any Addìtional Rìghts and Lìcenses. In the event ELTOPIA faìls to promptly reìmburse CentuLìnk for any such cost, then, ìn addìtìon to other remedìes avaìlable to CenturyLìnk under tms Agreement, CenturyLìnk shall have no oblìgatìon to provìde to ELTOPIA any product, servìce or facìlìty to whìch such Addìtìonal Rìghts and Lìcenses relate. In the event any product or servìce to whìch the Addìtìonal Rìghts and Lìcenses relate ìs provìded to any careres) other than CentuLìnk, CentuLink's Affilìates and ELTOPIA, CenturLìnk shall reasonably apportìon among ELTOPIA and such non-CentuyLìnk carers, on a prospective basìs only, the costs ìncured by CentuLink and/or ìts Affilìates ìn connectìon wìth the procurement and contìnuatìon of such Addìtìonal Rìghts and Lìcenses; provìded, however, that such apportìonment shall not apply to any prevìously ìncurred costs and shall apply only for the period of such provìsìon to such carrere s). 27.5 Both Parìes agree to promptly ìnform the other of any pendìng or threatened Intellectual Property Claìms of thìrd parìes that may arse ìn the performance of thìs Agreement. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 49 of 102 27.6 For the purposes ofthìs Agreement, any Intellectual Property origìnatìng from or developed by such Pary shall remaìn in the exclusìve ownershìp of that Pary. Notwìthstandìng the exclusìve ownershìp of Intellectual Property origìnated by a Pary, the Party that owns such Intellectual Property wìl not assess a separate fee or charge to the other Party for the use of such Intellectual Property to the extent used ìn the provìsìon of a product or servìce, avaìlable to eìther Party under tils Agreement, that utìlizes such Intellectual Property to fuctìon properly. 27.7 Except as expressly stated ìn thìs Agreement, tms Agreement shall not be constred as grantìng a lìcense wìth respect to any patent, copyrght, trade name, trademark, servìce mark, trade secret or any other Intellectual Property, now or hereafter owned, controlled or lìcensable by eìther Party. Except as expressly provìded ìn thìs Agreement, neìther Pary may use any patent, copyrghtable materials, trademark, trade name, trade secret or other Intellectual Property, of the other Pary except ìn accordance wìth the terms of a separate lìcense agreement between the Parìes grantìng such rights. 27.8 Except as provìded ìn Sectìon 27.3 and/or Sectìon 30.1, neìther Pary shall have any oblìgatìon to defend, ìndemnìfy or hold harless, or acquìre any lìcense or right for the benefit of, or owe any other obligatìon or have any lìabìlìty to, the other Pary or ìts Affilìates or customers based on or arsìng from any thìrd pary claìm allegìng orassertìng that the provìsìon or use of any servìce, facìlìty, arangement, or softare by eìther Pary, or the performance of any servìce or method, eìther alone or ìn conjunctìon wìth the other Pary, constìtutes dìrect, vìcarious or contrbutory ìnfrngement or ìnducement to infrnge, or misuse or mìsappropriatìon of any patent, copyrìght, trademark, trade secret, or any other proprietary or ìntellectual property right of any Pary or thìrd person. Each Pary, however, shall offer to the other reasonable cooperatìon and assìstance ìn the defense of any such claìm. 27.9 NOTWITHSTANING AN OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES AGREE THAT NEITHER PARTY HAS MAE, AN THAT THERE DOES NOT EXIST, AN WARTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, THAT THE USE BY EACH PARTY OF THE OTHER'S SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT GIVE RISE TO A CLAIM OF INRIGEMENT, MISUSE, OR MISAPPROPRITION OF AN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. 28.0 LAW ENFORCEMENT 28.1 Except to the extent not avaìlable ìn connectìon wìth CentuLìnk's operatìon of ìts own busìness, CenturyLìnk shall provìde seven days a week/twenty-four hours a day assìstance to law enforcement persons for emergency traps, assistance ìnvolvìng emergency traces and emergency ìnformatìon retreval on customer ìnvoked CLASS servìces. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 50 ofl02 28.2 Except where prohìbìted by a subpoena, cìvìl ìnvestìgatìve demand, or other legal process as set forth ìn Sectìon 28.3.1, CentuLink agrees to work jointly wìth ELTOPIA in securty matters to support law enforcement agency requìrements for traps, traces, cour orders, etc. ELTOPIA shall be responsìble for and shall be bìled for any charges assocìated wìth providìng such servìces for ELTOPIA's End User Customers. 28.3 Where CentuLink receìves a subpoena from law enforcement, and ìts database search shows that the telephone number ìn questìon ìs not a CentuLink account, CenturLink shall send such ìnformation back to law enforcement, along with the name of the company to whìch such account ìs connected, ìf avaìlable, for fuher processing by law enforcement. 28.3 If a Pary receìves a subpoena, cìvìl ìnvestìgatìve demand, or other legal process (hereìnafter, "subpoena") ìssued by a cour or governental agency havìng appropriate jurisdìctìon, and such subpoena expressly prohibìts the Pary receìvìng the subpoena ("receìvìng Pary") from dìsclosìng the receìpt of the subpoena or the delìvery of a response to the subpoena, such receìving Par shall not be requìred to notìfy the other Pary that it has receìved and/or responded to such subpoena, even ìf the subpoena seeks or the receìvìng Pary's response thereto dìscloses Confidentìal Informatìon of the other Pary or ìts customers. Under such cìrcumstances, the receivìng Pary's dìsclosure to the other Pary of ìts receipt of or delìvery of a response to such a subpoena shall be governed by the requìrements of the subpoena and/or the court, governental agency or law enforcement agency havìng appropriate jursdìctìon. 29.0 Intentionally left blank 30.0 LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 30.1 Indemnificatìon Agaìnst Tmrd-Pary Claìms. Each Pary (the "Indemnìfyng Pary") agrees to ìndemnfy, defend, and hold harless the other Pary (the "Indemnìfied Party") and the other Pary's Subsìdìares, predecessors, successors, Affilìates, and assigns, and all curent and former officers, directors, members, shareholders, agents, contractors and employees of all such persons and entìtìes (collectìvely, wìth Indemnìfied Pary, the "Indemnìtee Group"), from any and all Claìms. "Claìm" means any actìon, cause of actìon, suìt, proceedìng, claìm, or demand of any third pary (and all resultìng judgments, bona fide settlements, penaltìes, damages, losses, liabìlìtìes, costs, and expenses (includìng, but not lìmìted to, reasonable costs and attorneys' fees)), (a) based on allegations that, if tre, would establìsh (ì) the Indemnìfyìng Pary's breach of thìs Agreement; (ìì) the Indemnifyng Pary's mìsrepresentatìon, fraud or other mìsconduct; (ììì) the Indemnìfyìng Pary's neglìgence; (ìv) ìnfrngement by the Indemnìfyìng Pary or by any Indemnìfyng Pary product or servìce of any patent, copyrìght, trademark, servìce mark, trade name, right of publìcìty or privacy, trade secret, or any other proprietary right of any thìrd pary; (v) the Indemnìfyìng Pary's lìabìlty ìn relatìon to any materìal that ìs defamatory or wrongfully dìscloses Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rurl Page 51 of 102 private or personal matters; or (vi) the Indemnìfyng Pary's wrongful use or unauthorized dìsclosure of data; or (b) that arses out of (ì) any act or omissìon of the Indemnìfyìng Part or ìts subcontractors or agents relatìng to the Indemnìfyìng Party's performance or oblìgatìons under tms Agreement; (ii) any act or omissìon of the Indemnìfyng Pary's customer(s) or End User(s); (ìii) the bodìly ìnjur or death of any person, or the loss or disappearance of or damage to the tangìble propert of any person, relatìng to the Indemnifyìng Par's performance or oblìgatìons under ths Agreement; (ìv) the Indemnìfyng Part's desìgn, testìng, manufactung, marketìng, promotìon, advertìsement, dìstributìon, lease or sale of servìces and/or products to ìts customers, or such customers' use, possessìon, or operatìon of those servìces and/or products; or (v) personal ìnjur to or any unemployment compensatìon claìm by one or more of the Indemnìfyng Pary's employees, notwìthstanding any protectìons the Indemnfyìng Pary mìght otherwìse have under applìcable workers' compensatìon or unemployment ìnsurance law, whìch protectìons the Indemnifyìng Pary waìves, as to the Indemnfied Pary and other persons and entities to be indemnified under thìs Sectìon 30.1 (other than applìcable employee claìmant(s)), for puroses ofthìs Sectìon 30.1. "Reasonable costs and attorneys' fees," as used in thìs Sectìon 30.1, ìncludes wìthout lìmìtatìon fees and costs ìncured to ìnterpret or enforce thìs Sectìon 30.1. The Indemnfied Par wìl provìde the Indemnifyng Pary wìth reasonably prompt wrtten notìce of any Claìm. At the Indemnifyìng Pary's expense, the Indemnìfied Pary wìl provìde reasonable cooperatìon to the Indemnìfyìng Pary ìn connectìon wìth the defense or settlement of any Claim. The Indemnìfied Pary may, at ìts expense, employ separate counsel to monitor and particìpate ìn the defense of any Claìm. Notwìthstandìng anytmng to the contrar in thìs Sectìon 30.1, a Pary may not seek ìndemnìficatìon wìth respect to any Claìm by that Pary's customer(s) or End User(s), but rather shall be the Indemnfyng Party wìth respect to all Claìms by ìts customer(s) and End User(s). The Indemnìfyìng Pary agrees to release, ìndemnìfy, defend, and hold harless the Indemnìtee Group and any trnrd-pary provìder or operator of facìlìtìes involved ìn the provìsìon of products, servìces, UNs or facilìtìes under thìs Agreement from all losses, claims, demands, damages, expenses, suìts, or other actìons, or any lìabìlìty whatsoever, ìncludìng, but not limìted to, costs and attorneys' fees, suffered, made, ìnstìtuted, or asserted by the Indemnfyng Pary's End User Customer(s) arsìng from or relating to any products, servìces, UNs or facìlìtìes provìded by or through the Indemnìfied Pary or such trnrd- pary provìder or operator. The Indemnifyìng Pary furter agrees to release, ìndemnfy, defend, and hold harless the Indemnìtee Group from all losses, claìms, demands, damages, expenses, suìts, or other actìons, or any lìabìlty whatsoever, ìncludìng, but not lìmìted to, costs and attorneys' fees, suffered, made, ìnstìtuted, or asserted by any thìrd par agaìnst an IndemnìfiedPary arisìng from or ìn any way related to actual or alleged defamatìon, lìbel, slander, ìnterference wìth or mìsappropriatìon of proprietar or creatìve right, or any other Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 52 of 102 ìnjur to any person or property arsìng out of content transmìtted by the Indemnifyng Party's End User Customer(s). 30.2 Dìsclaìmer of Warantìes. EXCEPT FOR THOSE WARNTIES EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT OR REQUIRD BY STATUTE, EACH PARTY ON BEHALF OF ITSELF AN ITS AFFILIATES AN SUPPLilRS DISCLAIMS ALL W ARTilS AN DUTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMLilD, AS TO THE SERVICES, PRODUCTS AN AN OTHER INORMATION OR MATERILS EXCHANGED BY THE P ARTilS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO AN IMPLilD W ARTilS, DUTIES, OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNSS FOR A PARTICULAR PUROSE, REASONABLE CAR, WORKANLIK EFFORT, RESULTS, LACK OF NEGLIGENCE, OR ACCURCY OR COMPLETENESS OF RESPONSES. EXCEPT FOR THOSE W ARTilS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT OR REQUID BY STATUTE, THERE IS NO WARY OF TITLE, QUilT ENJOYMENT, QUilT POSSESSION, CORRSPONDENCE TO DESCRITION, AUTHORITY, OR NON-INRIGEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES, PRODUCTS, AN ANY OTHER INORMTION OR MATERILS EXCHANGED BY THE PARTilS UNER THIS AGREEMENT. 30.3 Limìtatìon of Lìabìlìty; Dìsclaìmer ofConseguentìal Damages; Exceptìons. 30.3.1 Except as provìded ìn Sectìon 30.3.3, each Pary's lìabìlìty to the other, whether ìn contract, tort or otherwìse, shall be limìted to dìrect damages, whìch shall not exceed the monthly charges, plus any related costs/expenses the other Pary may recover, includìng those under Sectìon 22.1 above, and plus any costs/expenses for whìch the Partìes specìfy reìmbursement ìn tms Agreement for the servìces or facìlìtìes for wmch the claìm of liabìlìty arose. Except as provìded ìn Sectìon 30.3.3, each Pary's lìabìlty to the other durng any Contract Year resultìng from any and all causes wìl not exceed the total of any amounts charged to ELTOPIA by CenturyLink under tms Agreement durng the Contract Year ìn whìch such cause accrues or arses. For puroses of tms Sectìon 30.3.1, the first Contract Year commences on the first day tms Agreement becomes effectìve, and each subsequent Contract Year commences on the day following the annversar of that date. 30.3.2 EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 30.3.3, NEITHER PARTY WILL BE LIALE TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR AN INIRCT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, RELIANCE, OR SPECIA DAMAGES SUFFERED BY SUCH OTHER PARTY (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMGES FOR HAR TO BUSINSS, LOST REVENUS, LOST SAVINGS, OR LOST PROFITS SUFFERED BY SUCH OTHER PARTY), REGARLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRCT, WARTY, STRICT Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 53 ofl02 LIAILITY, OR TORT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE OF AN KI WHTHER ACTIVE OR PASSIVE, AN REGARLESS OF WHETHER THE PARTIES KNW OF THE POSSilILITY THAT SUCH DAMAGES COULD RESULT. Should eìther Party provìde advìce, make recommendations, or supply other analysìs related to the services or facìlìties described in tils Agreement, tms lìmìtatìon of lìabìlìty shall apply to the provìsìon of such advìce, recommendatìons, and analysìs. 30.3.3 Section 30.3.1 and Sectìon 30.3.2 do not apply to the following: Indemnìficatìon under Sectìon 30.1; Breach of any oblìgatìon of confidentìalìty referenced ìn tms Agreement; Vìolatìon of securty procedures; Any breach by ELTOPIA of any provìsion relatìng to ELTOPIA's access to or use of Operatìons Support Systems; Faìlure to properly safeguard, or any mìsuse of, customer data; Statutory damages; Liabìlìty for intentìonal or wìlful mìsconduct; Liabìlìty arsìng under any applìcable CentuyLin Tarff; Lìabilìty arsìng under any ìndemnfication provìsìon contaìned ìn tms Agreement or any separate agreement or tarff related to provisìoning of911Æ91 1 servìces; Each Pary's oblìgatìons under Sectìon 27 oftms Aricle III; Sectìon 30.4.2 and/or Sectìon 30.4.3 ofths Arìcle III; Sectìon 45 ofthìs Arìcle III, and/or Lìabìlìty arsìng under any indemnficatìon provìsìon contaìned ìn a separate agreement or tarff related to provìsìonìng of Directory Lìstìng or Dìrectory Assìstance Servìces. 30.4 Lìabìlìty of CentuyLìnk. In addìtion to the general lìmitatìon of lìabìlìty ìn thìs Sectìon 32, the following shall also lìmìt CenturyLìnk's lìabì1ìty under tms Agreement. 30.4.1 Inapplìcabìlìty of Tarff Lìabilìty. CentuLìnk's general lìabì1ìty, as described ìn ìts local exchange or other Tarffs, does not extend to ELTOPIA, ELTOPIA's End User Customer(s), supplìers, agents, employees, or any other third partìes. Lìabìlìty of CentuLìnk to ELTOPIA resultìng from any and all causes arsìng out of servìces, facìlìtìes, or any other ìtems relatìng to thìs Agreement shall be governed Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 54 of 102 by the lìabìlìty provìsìons contaìned ìn tms Agreement and no other lìabilìty whatsoever shall attach to CentuLìnk. CenturLìnk shall not be lìable for any loss, claìms, lìabìlìty or damages asserted by ELTOPIA, ELTOPIA's End User Customer(s), supplìers, agents, employees, or any other third parìes where ELTOPIA combines or commìngles such components wìth those components provìded by CentuLìnk to ELTOPIA. 30.4.2 ELTOPIA Tariffs or Contracts. ELTOPIA shall, ìn ìts Tarffs or other. contracts .for servìces provìded to ìts End User Customers usìng products, servìces, facìlìtìes obtaìned from CentuLìnk, provìde that ìn no case shall CentuLink be lìable for any ìndirect, incìdental, relìance, specìal, consequentìal or punitìve damages, ìncludìng,but not lìmited to, economìc loss or lost busìness or profits, whether foreseeable or not, and regardless of notìficatìon by ELTOPIA, ELTOPIA's End User Customer(s), supplìers, agents, employees, or any other tmrd parìes of the possìbìlìty of such damages, and ELTOPIA shall indemnìfy, defend and hold harless CenturLìnk and CentuLink's Indemnìtee Group from any and all claìms, demands, causes of actìon and lìabìlìtìes by or to, and based on any reason whatsoever, ELTOPIA, ELTOPIA's End User Customer(s), supplìers, agents, employees, or any other tmrd parìes. Nothìng ìn thìs Agreement shall be deemed to create a thìrd-pary beneficìary relatìonsmp between CentuyLìnk and any of ELTOPIA's End User Customers, supplìers, agents, employees, or any other thrd parìes. 30.4.3 No Lìabilìtv for Errors. CenturLìnk ìs not lìable for mìstakes ìn CentuLìnk's sìgnalìng networks (ìncludìng but not lìmìted to sìgnalìng lìnks and Sìgnaling Transfer Points (STPs) and call-related databases (ìncluding but not lìmìted to the Lìne Informatìon Database (LIDB), Toll Free Callng database, Local Number Portabìlìty database, Advanced Intellgent Network databases, Callng Name database (CNAM), 911/E911 databases, and OS/DA databases). ELTOPIA shall ìndemnfy, defend and hold harless CenturyLìnk and CenturLìnk's Indemntee Group from any and all claìms, demands, causes of actìon and lìabìlìties whatsoever, ìncludìng costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incured on account thereof, by or to ELTOPIA's End User Customer(s), supplìers, agents, employees, or any other tmrd paries based on any reason whatsoever. For puroses of thìs Sectìon 30.4.3, mìstakes shall not ìnclude matters arsìng exclusìvely out of the wìlful mìsconduct of CentuLìnk or ìts employees or agents. 31.0 NETWORK MANAGEMENT 33.1 Cooperatìon. The Parìes wìl work cooperatìvely ìn a commercìally reasonable maner to ìnstall and maìntaìn a relìable network. ELTOPIA and CenturLìnk wìl exchange appropriate ìnformatìon (e.g., network ìnformatìon, maintenance Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 55 of 102 contact numbers, escalatìon procedures, and ìnformatìon requìred to comply WÌth requìrements of law enforcement and natìonal securty agencìes) to acmeve this desìred relìabìlty. In additìon, the Parìes wìl work cooperatìvely ìn a commercially reasonable maner to apply sound network management princìples to allevìate or to prevent traffic congestìon and to mìnìmìze fraud assocìated wìth third number bìled calls, callng card calls, and other servìces related to thìs Agreement. 31.2 Responsìbìlìty for Followìng Standards. ELTOPIA recognizes its responsìbìlty to follow the standards that may be agreed to between the Parìes and to employ characteristìcs and methods of operatìon that wìl not ìnterfere wìth or ìmpair the servìce, network or facìltìes of CenturLìnk or any tmrd parìes connected wìth or ìnvolved dìrectly ìn the network or facìlìtìes of CenturLìnk. 31.3 Interference or Impairment. The characteristìcs and methods of operatìon of any circuits, facìlìtìes or equìpment of ELTOPIA connected to CentuLin's network shall not interfere wìth or ìmpaìr servìce over any cìrcuìts, facìlitìes or equìpment of CenturLink, ìts affilìated compares, or ìts connecting and concurng carrers ìnvolved ìn ìts servìces, cause damage to ìts plant, vìolate any applìcable law or regulatìon regardìng the ìnvasìon of privacy of any communìcatìons cared over CenturyLìnk's facìlìtìes or create hazards to the employees of CentuLìnk or to the publìc (wìth the foregoing hereìnafier beìng collectìvely referred to as an "Impaìrment of Servìce"). If ELTOPIA causes an Impairment ìn Servìce, CentuLìnk shall promptly notìfy ELTOPIA of the natue and locatìon of the problem and that, unless promptly rectìfied, a temporary dìscontìnuance of the use of any circuìt, facìlity or equìpment may be requìred. The Parìes agree to work together to attempt to promptly resolve the Impairment of Servìce. If ELTOPIA ìs unable to promptly remedy the Impaìrment of Servìce, then CenturLìnk may, at ìts optìon, temporarly dìscontìnue the use of the affected cìrcuìt, facìlìty or equìpment untìl the Impaìrment of Servìce ìs remedìed. 31.4 Outage Repaìr Standard. In the event of an outage or trouble ìn any servìce beìng provìded by CenturyLìnk hereunder, ELTOPIA wìl follow CenturyLink's standard procedures for ìsolatìng and clearing the outage or trouble. 32.0 NON-EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES Except as otherwìse expressly provìded in tms Agreement, each of the remedies provìded under thìs Agreement ìs cumulatìve and ìs ìn addìtìon to any other remedìes that may be avaìlable under thìs Agreement or at law or ìn equìty. 33.0 NOTICE OF NETWORK CHANGES If a Pary makes a change ìn the ìnformatìon necessar for the transmìssion and routing of servìces usìng that Party's facìlìtìes or network, or any other change ìn ìts facìlìtìes or network that wìl materially affect the ìnteroperabìlìty of ìts facìlìtìes or network wìth the Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 56 of 102 other Pary's facìltìes or network, the Pary makng the change shall publìsh notìce ofthe change as requìred by 47 C.F.R. §§ 51.325 through 51. 335. 34.0 NOTICES 34.1 Except as otherwìse expressly provìded ìn thìs Agreement, any notìce gìven by one Pary to the other Party under thìs Agreement shall be in wrtìng and shall be deemed to have been receìved as follows: (a) on the date of servìce ìf served personally; (b) on the date thee (3) Busìness Days after maìlìng ìf delivered by Fìrst Class U. S. maìl, postage prepaìd; and (c l on the date stated on the receìpt ìf delivered by certified U.S. maìl, regìstered U.S. maìl, ovemìght courer or express delìvery servìce with next Business Day delivery. Any notìce shall be delivered using one of the alternatìves ìdentìfied above and shall be directed to the applicable street or post office box address ìndìcated in Sectìon 34.2 below or such address as the Pary to be notìfied has desìgnated by gìvìng notice ìn complìance wìth thìs Sectìon. Although E-maìl wil not be used to provìde notìce, the Parìes shall provìde theìr E-mail addresses below to facìlìtate ìnformal communìcatìons. 34.2 Notìces conveyed pursuant to Sectìon 34.1 above shall be delìvered to the followìng addresses of the Parìes: To ELTOPIA: Attentìon: Wìl Lee MacHugh, Vìce Presìdent P.O. Box 240 Eltopìa, Washìngton 99330 Telephone Number: (509) 266-4950 Internet Address: wmachughtêeltopìa.com To CenturLìnk: Attentìon: Director-Contract Management 5454 W. llOth Street Maìlstop - KSOPKJ0201 Overland Park, KS 66211 Telephone Number: (913) 534-2413 or to such other address as eìther Pary shall desìgnate by proper notìce. 35.0 ORDERING 35.1 Ordering and Electronìc Intedace. A web-based ìnterface ìs curently being used for ELTOPIA to order non-access servìces. Unless otherwìse provìded ìn the Arìcles of tms Agreement, ELTOPIA shall use CentuLìnk's web-based Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuyLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 57 of 102 ìnterface to submit orders and requests for maintenance and repaìr of servces, and to engage ìn other pre-ordering, ordering, provìsìoning and dìspute transactìons. Unless otherwìse provìded ìn the Arìcles of ths Agreement, no manual, facsìmìle or emaìl ìnterfaces may be used to submìt any non-access order unless first confirmed wìth and agreed upon by CenturLìnk's CLEC Servìce Group personneL. If CentuLìnk later deploys any enhanced electronìc capabìlty for **CMRS to perform a pre-ordering, ordering, provìsìoning, maìntenance or repaìr transactìon for a servìce offered by CentuLink, CentuLin wìll notìfy **CMRS of such avaìlabìlity and **CMRS shall use such processes as CenturLìnk has made avaìlable for performìng such transactìon(s) to the extent practìcable and the use of any other ìnterface or process wìl be dìscontìnued. 35.2 The Paries agree that orders for servìces under thìs Agreement will not be submìtted or accepted untìl the latter of (a) the completìon of all account set up actìvìtìes ìncludìng but not lìmìted to the submìssìon of the CLEC Profie requìred by Sectìon 13, the submìssìon of applìcable forecasts, the completìon of joìnt plannìng meetìngs, and the creatìon of bìling codes for ELTOPIA; or (b) sìxty (60) Calendar Days after the Effectìve Date of this Agreement; unless the Parìes mutually agree upon a dìfferent date based on the specìfic cìrcumstances ofthe Parìes' relationsmp. 35.3 Untìl CentuLìnk ìmplements ìts planed fully automated ordering and provìsìoning system, the standard provìsìonìng intervals wìl be confirmed for a maxìmum number of fifty (50) ELTOPIA orders (LSR, DSR, Portìng) per day. ELTOPIA understands that orders exceedìng 50 per day may be subject to project management and will be worked on a best effort basìs. 36.0 POINTS OF CONTACT FOR ELTOPIA CUSTOMERS 36.1 ELTOPIA shall be the primar poìnt of contact for ELTOPIA customers. ELTOPIA shall establìsh telephone numbers and maìlìng addresses at which ELTOPIA's End User Customers may communìcate wìth ELTOPIA and shall advìse ELTOPIA End User Customers of these telephone numbers and maìlìng addresses. 36.2 Except as otherwìse agreed to by CentuLìnk, CenturLìnk shall have no oblìgatìon, and may declìne, to accept a communcatìon from a ELTOPIA customer, ìncluding but not lìmìted to issues wìth number ports to ELTOPIA. 37.0 PUBLICITY AND USE OF TRADEMAKS 37.1 Nothìng ìn thìs Agreement shall grant, suggest, or ìmply any authority for one Pary to use the name, trademarks, servìce marks, or trade names of the other for any purose whatsoever. A Pary, ìts Affilìates, and theìr respectìve contractors and agents, shall not use the other Party's trademarks, servìce marks, logos or Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 58 of 102 other proprietar trade dress, ìn connectìon wìth the sale of products or servìces, or ìn any advertìsìng, press releases, publìcìty matters or other promotìonal materials, unless the other Pary has gìven ìts express wrtten consent for such use, whìch consent the other Pary may grant or wìthold in ìts sole dìscretìon. 37.2 Any news release, publìc anouncement, advertìsìng, or any form of publìcìty pertaìning to thìs Agreement, provìsìon of servìces, UNs or facìlìtìes pursuant to ìt, or assocìatìon of the Partìes wìth respect to provìsìon of the servìces described ìn thìs Agreement shall be subject to prior wrtten approval of both CenturLìnk and ELTOPIA. 37.3 Any vìolatìon of this Sectìon 37 shall be consìdered a Default ofthìs Agreement under Sectìon 2.6. 38.0 REFERENCES 38.1 All references to Arìcles, Sectìons, Appendìces and Tables and the lìke shall be deemed to be references to Arìcles, Sectìons, Appendìces and Tables of thìs Agreement unless the context shall otherwìse requìre. 38.2 Except as otherwìse specified, references wìtmn an Arìcle ofthìs Agreement to a Sectìon, Appendix or Table refer to a Sectìon, Appendìx or Table wìthn or a par of that same Arìcle. 38.3 Unless the context shall otherwìse requìre, any reference ìn tms Agreement to a statute, regulatìon, rule, Tarff, technical publìcatìon, guide (ìncludìng CenturLìnk or thìrd-party guides, practìces or handbooks), or publìcatìon of telecommunìcatìons ìndustr admìnistratìve or techncal standards ìs deemed to be a reference to the most recent versìon or edìtìon (ìncludìng any amendments, supplements, addenda or successor) of that statute, regulatìon, rule, Tarff, technical publìcatìon, guìde or publìcatìon of the telecommunìcatìons ìndustr admìnistratìve or technìcal standards that ìs ìn effect. 39.0 RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES 39.1 The relatìonship of the Parìes under thìs Agreement shall be that of independent contractors and nothìng herein shall be construed as creatìng any other relatìonshìp between the Parìes. 39.2 Nothing contaìned ìn tms Agreement shall make eìther Pary the employee of the other, create a parersmp, joint ventue, or other sìmilar relatìonsmp between the Parìes, or grant to eìther Pary a lìcense, francmse, dìstrbutorsmp or simìlar ìnterest. 39.3 Except for provìsìons hereìn expressly authorizìng a Pary to act for another Pary, nothìng ìn thìs Agreement shall constìtute a Pary as a legal representatìve or Agent of the other Pary, nor shall a Party have the right or authority to assume, create or ìncur any lìabìlìty or any oblìgatìon of any kìnd, express or Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 59 of 102 implìed, agaìnst, ìn the name or on behalf of the other Pary unless otherwìse expressly permìtted by such other Pary ìn writing, whìch permìssion may be granted or wìtheld by the other Pary ìn ìts sole dìscretìon. 39.4 Each Pary shall have sole authority and responsibìlìty to mre, fire, compensate, supervìse, and otherwìse control ìts employees, Agents and contractors. Each Pary shall be solely responsìble for payment of any Socìal Security or other taxes that ìt ìs requìred by Applìcable Law to pay ìn conjunctìon wìth ìts employees, Agents and contractors, and for wìthholdìng and remittìng to the applìcable taxing authoritìes any taxes thatìt is requìred by Applìcable Law to collect from ìts employees, ìncludìng but not lìmìted to Socìal Securty, unemployment, workers' compensatìon, dìsabìlìty insurance, and federal and state wìthholdìng. 39.5 Except as provìded by Sectìon 42, the persons provìded by each Pary to perform ìts oblìgatìons hereunder shall be solely that Party's employees and shall be under the sole and exclusive directìon and control of that Pary. They shall not be consìdered employees of the other Pary for any purose. 39.6 Except as otherwìse expressly provìded in thìs Agreement, no Pary undertakes to perform any oblìgatìon of the other Pary, whether regulatory or contractual, or to assume any responsìbìlity for the management of the other Pary's busìness. 39.7 The relatìonsmp of the Parìes under thìs Agreement ìs a non-exclusìve relatìonsmp. 39.8 Each Pary shall indemnìfy the other for any loss, damage, lìabìlìty, claìm, demand, or penalty that may be sustaìned by reason of its faìlure to comply wìth thìs provisìon. 40.0 RESERVATION OF RIGHTS Notwìthstandìng anytmng to the contrar ìn thìs Agreement, neither Party waìves, and each Pary hereby expressly reseres, ìts rights: (a) to appeal or otherwìse seek the reversal of and changes in any arbìtratìon decisìon associated wìth tms Agreement; (b) to challenge the lawfulness of thìs Agreement and any provìsìon of tms Agreement; (c) to seek changes ìn thìs Agreement (ìncludìng, but not lìmìted to, changes ìn rates, charges and the services that must be offered) through changes ìn Applìcable Law; and, (d) to challenge the lawfulness and propriety of, and to seek to change, any Applìcable Law, ìncludìng, but not lìmited to any rule, regulatìon, order or decìsìon of the Commìssìon, the FCC, or a cour of applìcable jursdìctìon. Nothìng ìn thìs Agreement shall be deemed to lìmìt or prejudìce any posìtìon a Pary has taken or may take before the Commissìon, the FCC, any other state or federal regulatory or legìslatìve bodìes, cours of applìcable jurisdìctìon, or ìndustr fora. The provìsìons of thìs Sectìon shall surìve the expìratìon, cancellatìon or termìnatìon ofthìs Agreement. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 60 of 102 41.0 STANDAR PRACTICES 41.1 The Parìes acknowledge that CentuLìnk shall be adoptìng some ìndustr standard practìces and/or establìshìng ìts own standard practìces wìth regard to various requìrements hereunder applìcable for the ELTOPIA ìndustr whìch may be added or ìncorporated by reference ìn the CenturLink Servìce Guide. ELTOPIA agrees that CentuLink may ìmplement such practìces to satìsfy any CenturLìnk oblìgatìons under thìs Agreement. 41.2 All changes to standard practìces wìll be posted on the CentuLìnk Website prior to ìmplementation, with emaìl notìficatìon of such postings. Emaìl notìficatìons dìrectìng ELTOPIA to CentuLìnk's Websìte wìl contaìn, at a mìnimum, the subject of the change posted to the Websìte and a Websìte lìnk to the postìng. Postìng will ìnclude CenturLìnk personnel who may be contacted by ELTOPIA to provìde clarficatìon of the scope of the change and tìmelìne for ìmplementatìon. 42.0 SUBCONTRACTORS A Pary may use a contractor of the Pary (ìncludìng, but not lìmìted to, an Affilìate of the Pary) to perform the Pary's oblìgatìons under tms Agreement; provìded, that a Pary's use of a contractor shall not release the Pary from any duty or lìabìlty to fulfill the Pary's oblìgatìons under thìs Agreement. 43.0 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS - BINDING EFFECT Tms Agreement shall be bindìng on and ìnure to the benefit of the Parìes and theìr respectìve legal successors and permìtted assìgns. 44.0 SURVIVAL The rights, lìabìlìtìes and oblìgatìons of a Party for acts or omìssìons occurg prior to the expìratìon, cancellatìon or termìnation of thìs Agreement, the rights, lìabìlitìes and obligatìons of a Party under any provìsìon of thìs Agreement regarding confidentìal ìnformatìon (includìng but not lìmìted to, Sectìon 14, limìtatìon or exclusìon of lìabìlìty, ìndemnficatìon or defense (ìncludìng, but not lìmited to, Sectìon 30), and the rights, lìabilìtìes and oblìgatìons of a Pary under any provìsìon of tms Agreement whìch by ìts terms or nature ìs ìntended to contìnue beyond or to be performed after the expiration, cancellatìon or termnatìon of thìs Agreement, shall surìve the expìratìon, cancellatìon or termìnatìon oftms Agreement. 45.0 TAXS Any State or local excìse, sales, or use taxes (defined ìn Sectìon 45.1 but excludìng any taxes levìed on ìncome) and fees/regulatory surcharges (defined ìn Sectìon 45.2) resultìng from the performance of tms Agreement shall be borne by the Pary upon whìch the oblìgatìon for payment ìs ìmposed under Applìcable Law, even ìfthe oblìgatìon to collect and remìt same ìs placed upon the other Pary. The collectìng Party shall charge and Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 61 of 102 collect from the oblìgated Pary, and the oblìgated Pary agrees to pay to the collectìng Pary, all applìcable taxes, or fees/regulatory surcharges, except to the extent that the obligated Pary notìfies the collectìng Pary and provìdes to the collectìng Pary appropriate documentatìon as the collectìng Pary reasonably requìres that qualìfies the oblìgated Pary for a full or partìal exemptìon. Any such taxes shall be shown as separate ìtems on applìcable bìling documents between the Parìes. The oblìgated Pary may contest the same ìn good faìth, at ìts own expense, and shall be entìtled to the benefit of any refud or recovery, provìded that such Pary shall not permìt any lìen to exìst on any asset of the other Pary by reason of the contest. The collectìng Pary shall cooperate ìn any such contest by the other Pary. The other Par wìl ìndemnìfy the collecting Pary from any sales or use taxes that may be subsequently levìed on payments by the other Pary to the collectìng Pary. Notwìthstandìng anythìng to the contrar contaìned herein, ELTOPIA ìs responsìble for fushìng tax exempt status ìnformatìon to CenturLìnk at the tìme of the executìon of the Agreement. ELTOPIA ìs also responsìble for fuìsmng any updates or changes in ìts tax exempt status to CenturLink durng the Inìtìal Term of thìs Agreement and any Follow-on Terms and/or extensìons thereof. In addìtìon, ELTOPIA ìs responsìble for submìttìng and/or filìng tax exempt status ìnformatìon to the appropriate regulatory, munìcìpalìty, local governng, and/or legìslatìve body. It ìs expressly understood and agreed that ELTOPIA's representatìons to CenturLìnk concernìng the status of ELTOPIA's claìmed tax exempt status, ìf any, and ìts ìmpact on thìs Sectìon 45 are subject to the ìndemnìficatìon provìsìons of Sectìon 30, whìch, for purposes of thìs Sectìon, serve to ìndemnìfy CenturLìnk. 45.1 Tax. A tax ìs defined as a charge wmch ìs statutorily ìmposed by the federal, State or local jursdictìon and ìs eìther (a) ìmposed on the seller wìth the seller havìng the right or responsìbìlìty to pass the chargee s) on to the purchaser and the seller ìs responsìble for remìttìng the charge(s) to the federal, State or local jursdìctìon or (b) ìmposed on the purchaser wìth the seller havìng an oblìgatìon to collect the charge(s) from the purchaser and remìt the chargee s) to the federal, State or local jursdìctìon. Taxes shall ìnclude but not be lìmìted to: federal excìse tax, State/local sales and use tax, State/local utìlìty user tax, State/local telecommunìcatìon excìse tax, State/local gross receìpts tax, and local school taxes. Taxes shall not ìnclude ìncome, ìncome-Iìke, gross receìpts on the revenue of a CenturLìnk, or property taxes. Taxes shall not ìnclude payroll wìthholdìng taxes unless specìfically requìred by statute or ordinance. 45.2 Fees/Regulatory Surcharges. A fee/regulatory surcharge ìs defined as a charge ìmposed by a regulatory authority, other agency, or resultìng from a contractual oblìgatìon, ìn wmch the seller ìs responsìble or requìred to 1"1"11.:::.,.t tliø fØØ!COll,.,.hfJ'lnø .fn"n thØ '1l1..,."hl"Cl'O'l''n.A thø C'ol1ø.. -Ie' ..ø.ei",n""C'..hl.oVV.L"',,"''' ".L.av .JV"..1i ~LuV.l.LLWõ\. ...Lvi..l.l ..i""yu.iv.l.Iuiivi u.i\, w'.l\. o-V.lJ.V.I 1.0 LVOPV.lJ.OJ.UJ.V for remìttìng the charge to the regulatory authority, other agency, or Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 62 of 102 contractìng pary. Fees/regulatory surcharges shall ìnclude but not be lìmìted to E-911/911, other Nll, franchise fees, and Commìssìon surcharges. 46.0 TBD PRICES 46.1 Certain provìsìons ìn thìs Agreement and ìts Appendìces and/or Attachments may sìirply refer to pricìng princìples or ìdentìfy a rate as "to be determined" or "TBD." If a provìsìon references a specìfic rate element in an Appendix or Attachment and there are no correspondìng prices or rates ìn such Appendìx or Attachment, such price shall be considered "To Be Determìned" (TBD). Wìth respect to all TBD prices, prior to ELTOPIA ordering any such TBD ìtem, the Paries shall meet and confer to establìsh a price. 46.2 In the event the Parìes are unable to agree upon a price for a TBD ìtem, the tarffed rate for the most analogous tarffed product or servìce shall be used as the ìnterim price. Eìther Par may then invoke the dispute resolutìon process set forth ìn Arìcle III to resolve dìsputes regardìng TBD pricìng or the ìnterim price, provìded that such dìspute resolutìon process ìs ìnvoked no later than one (1) year after the applìcable ìnterim price ìs establìshed. Any ìnterim price wìl be subject to a tre-up, not to exceed one (1) year, once a permanent price ìs establìshed. 47.0 TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES Notwìthstandìng any other provìsìon of thìs Agreement, CenturyLìnk shall have the right to deploy, upgrade, mìgrate and maìntaìn ìts network at ìts dìscretìon. Notmng ìn ths Agreement shall lìmìt CenturLìnk's abìlity to modìfy ìts network through the ìncorporation of new equìpment or softare or otherwìse. ELTOPIA shall be solely responsìble for the cost and actìvìtìes assocìated wìth accommodating such changes ìn ìts own network. 48.0 TERRTORY 48.1 Thìs Agreement applìes to the terrtory ìn wmch CentuyLink operates as an Incumbent Local Exchange Carer ("ILEC") ìn the State of Idaho. CenturyLìnk shall be oblìgated to provìde servìces under thìs Agreement only wìthìn this terrtory. 48.2 Notwìthstandìng any other provision of this Agreement, CentuLìnk may termìnate thìs Agreement as to a specìfic operatìng terrtory or portìon thereof pursuant to Sectìon 2.7 ofthìs Arìcle. 49.0 THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARES Except as expressly set forth ìn thìs Agreement, thìs Agreement ìs for the sole benefit of the Paries and theìr permìtted assìgns, and notmng hereìn shall create or be constred to provìde any tmrd-persons (ìncludìng, but not limited to, customers or contractors of a Pary) wìth any rights (ìncludìng, but not lìmìted to, any tmrd-party beneficìar rights) Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 63 of 102 hereunder. Except as expressly set forth ìn thìs Agreement, a Pary shall have no lìabilìty under thìs Agreement to the customers of the other Pary or to any other third person. 50.0 UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES The terms of Sectìon 1 of Arìcle VI apply to the resolutìon of any unauthorized changes regardìng Number Portabìlìty. 51.0 USE OF SERVICE Each Party shall make commercìally reasonable efforts to ensure that ìts End User Customers comply with the provìsìons of thìs Agreement (ìncludìng, but not lìmited to the provìsìons of applìcable Tariffs) applìcable to the use of services purchased by ìt under thìs Agreement. 52.0 WAIVER A failure or delay of eìther Pary to enforce any of the provìsions of tms Agreement, or any right or remedy avaìlable under tms Agreement or at law or ìn equìty, or to requìre performance of any of the provìsìons of thìs Agreement, or to exercìse any optìon whìch ìs provìded under thìs Agreement, shall in no way be constred to be a waìver of such provìsìons, rights, remedies or optìons, and the same shall continue ìn full force and effect. 53.0 WITHDRAWAL OF SERVICES Notwìthstandìng anytmng contaìned ìn tils Agreement, except as otherwìse requìred by Applìcable Law, CenturLìnk may termìnate ìts offering and/or provìsìon of any paricular servìce offering covered by thìs Agreement upon at least thìrty (30) calendar days prior wrtten notìce to ELTOPIA. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 64 of 102 ARTICLE IV: INTERCONNECTION AND TRASPORT AND TERMNATION OF TRAFFIC 1.0 SERVICES COVERED BY THIS ARTICLE 1.1 To the extent required by Applìcable Law and subject to the terms and condìtìons of tils Agreement, ELTOPIA wìll ìnterconnect ìts network wìth CenturLìnk's network for the transmissìon and routing of Telephone Exchange Servìce and Exchange Access. Upon ELTOPIA's request, CentuLìnk wìl provide Interconnectìon at any technìcally feasìble poìnt wìthìn CenturLìnk's network ìn conformìty wìth tms Arìcle iv and Applìcable Law. 1.1.1 Tms Arìcle governs the provìsìon of ìnternetwork facilìtìes (ì.e., physìcal connectìon servìces and facìlìtìes), by CenturLìnk to ELTOPIA or by ELTOPIA to CenturLìnk and the transport and termìnatìon and bìlìng of Local Traffc between CenturLink and ELTOPIA. 2.0 NETWORK INTERCONNECTION METHODS 2.1 Introductìon 2.1.1 Tms Sectìon 2 of Arìcle IV sets fort the ters and condìtìons that Network Interconnectìon Methods (NIMs) are provided between CenturLìnk and ELTOPIA. Network Interconnectìon Methods desìgnates facilìtìes establìshed between the Paries' Networks. Additìonally, ths Sectìon 2 describes the physical archìtecture for Interconnectìon of the Parìes' facìlìtìes and equìpment for the transmìssìon and routìng of Local Traffic and Exchange Access traffic between the respectìve End Users of the Parìes; provìded, however, Interconnectìon may not be used solely for the purose of origìnatìng a Pary's own ìnterexchange traffic. 2.1.2 Network Interconnectìon Methods (Ns) ìnclude, but are not lìmìted to, Leased Facìlìtìes Interconnectìon and Fìber Meet Interconnectìon, as defined ìn Sectìon 2.3 of ths Arìcle, and other methods as mutually agreed to by the Parìes. Truìng requìrements assocìated wìth Interconnectìon are contaìned ìn Sectìon 3 of thìs Arìc1e. 2.1.3 CenturyLìnk shall provìde Interconnectìon for ELTOPIA's facìlìtìes and equìpment for the transmìssìon and routìng of Telephone Exchange Servìce and Exchange Access, at a level of qualìty equal to that whìch Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuyLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 65 of 102 CenturLink provìdes ìtself, a subsidiar, an affilìate, or any other pary to whìch CenturLìnk provìdes Interconnectìon and on rates, terms and condìtions that are just, reasonable and non-discriminatory. 2.2 Physìcal Archìtectue 2.2.1 CentuLìnk's network ìncludes but ìs not lìmìted to End Offce swìtches that serve IntraLATA, InterLATA, Local, and EAS traffic. CenturyLìnk's network archìtectue ìn any gìven local exchange area and/or LATA can var markedly from another local exchange area/LATA. Using one or more of the NIs hereìn, the Parìes wìl agree to a physìcal archìtecture plan for a specìfic Exchange Area. The physìcal archìtecture plan wìl be dìscussed durng the Introductory Call as set forth ìn CenturLin's Servìce Guide and any necessary subsequent network ìnterconnection calls between the Parìes. ELTOPIA and CenturyLìnk agree to Interconnect theìr networks through exìstìng and/or new Interconnection facìlìtìes between ELTOPIA swìtch(es) and CentuLink's End Office(s) and/or tandems. The physìcal architecture plan wìl be ìn accordance wìth Forecastìng and Planng requìrements ìn Sectìon 3.5 of tms Arìcle and, at a mìnìmum, include the locatìon of ELTOPIA's swìtch(es) and CenturyLìnk End Offce swìtch(es) to be ìnterconnected, the facìlìtìes that wìl connect the two networks, the tìmelìnes for completìon of all major tasks, and whìch Pary wìl provìde (be financìally responsìble for) the Interconnectìon facìlitìes. 2.2.2 Poìnts of Interconnectìon (POls): A Point of Interconnection (POI) ìs a poìnt ìn the network where the Paries delìver Local Traffic to each other, and also serves as a demarcatìon poìnt between the facìlìtìes that each Party ìs responsìble to provìde. Requìrements for a Local POI are set fort ìn Section 3.3.2 of this Arìcle. In some cases, multiple POI(s) may be necessary to provìde the best technìcal ìmplementatìon of Interconnectìon requìrements to each End Office wìtmn a CenturyLìnk company's servìce area. 2.2.3 The Parìes agree to meet as often as necessar to negotiate the locatìon and NIM of new POls except that the Parìes agree that POls requìred by the terms of Sectìon 3.2.2 wìl be establìshed. Criteria to be used ìn determinìng POls ìnclude exìstìng facìlity capacìty, locatìon of exìstìng POls, traffic volumes, relatìve costs, futue capacìty needs, etc. Agreement to the locatìon of POls wìl be based on the network archìtecture existìng at the tìme the POI(s) ìs/are negotìated. In the event eìther Pary makes subsequent changes to ìts network arcmtecture, ìncludìng but not limited to trng changes or addìng new swìtches, then the Parìes wìl negotìate new POls ìf requìred. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 66 ofl 02 2.2.4 Each Party ìs responsìble for the facìlìtìes to ìts sìde of the POI(s) and may utìlize any method of Interconnectìon described in this Sectìon 2. Each Pary ìs responsìble for the appropriate sìzing, operation, maìntenance and cost ofthe transport facìlìty to the POI(s). 2.2.5 Eìther Pary, must provìde tmrty (30) days wrtten notìce of any changes to the physìcal arcmtectue plan. 2.2.6 Each Pary ìs solely responsìble for the facìlìtìes that car OS/DA, 911 or mass callìng for theìr respectìve End Users. 2.2.7 Techncal Interfaces Electrcal handoffs at the POI(s) wil be DSI or DS3 as mutually agreed to by the parties. When a DS3 handoff ìs agreed to by the Parìes, each Pary wìl provìde all requìred multìplexìng at theìr respectìve end. Where avaìlable and upon the request of the other Pary, each Pary shall cooperate to ensure that ìts tr groups are configued utìlìzìng the B8ZS Extended Superframe protocol for 64 kbps Clear Chanel Capabìlìty (64CCC) transmìssìon to allow for ISDN ìnteroperabìlìty between the Parìes' respectìve networks. Tru groups configured for 64CCC and carng Cìrcuit Swìtched Data (CSD) ISDN calls shall car the appropriate Trunk Type Modìfier ìn the CLCI-Message code. Tru groups configued for 64CCC and not used to car CSD ISDN calls shall car a different appropriate Trunk Type Modìfier in the CLCI-Message code. 2.3 Methods of Interconnectìon 2.3.1 Leased Facìlty Interconnectìon ("LFI") Where facìlìtìes exìst, eìther Pary may lease facilìtìes from the other Pary pursuant to applìcable tarff, may lease facìlties from a tmrd pary or may constrct or otherwìse self-provìsìon facìlìtìes. 2.3.2 Fìber Meet Interconnectìon Fìber Meet Interconnectìon between CenturLìnk and ELTOPIA can occur at any mutually agreeable, economically and technìcally feasìble poìnt(s) between a CentuLìnk End Office and ELTOPIA's premìses wìtmn the local callng area. ELTOPIA shall request a Fìber Meet Poìnt of Interconnectìon by submìttìng a BFR for the same. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 67 of 102 Where the Parìes ìnterconnect theìr networks pursuant to a Fìber Meet, the Parìes shall joìntly engìneer and operate tils Interconnectìon as a Synchronous Optìcal NETwork (SONET) ring or sìngle poìnt-to-poìnt lìnear SONET system. Admìnistratìve control of the SONET system shall be mutually agreed upon by the Parìes. Only Interconnectìon trus or trs used to provìde ancillar servìces as described ìn Sectìon 3 of tms Arìcle shall be provìsìoned over tils facìlty. Neìther Pary wìl be gìven the IP address or allowed to access the Data Communìcatìons Chanel (DCC) of the other Pary's Fìber Optìc Terinal (FOT). The Fìber Meet wìl be desìgned so that each Party may, as far as ìs technìcally feasìble, ìndependently select the transmìssìon, multìplexìng, and fiber terminating equìpment to be used on ìts sìde of the POI(s). The Parìes wìl work cooperatìvely to acileve equipment and vendor compatìbìlty of the FOT equipment. Requìrements for such Interconnectìon specificatìons wil be defined in joìnt engìneering planìng sessìons between the Parìes. The Parìes may share the ìnvestment of the fiber as mutually agreed. The Parìes wìl use good faìth efforts to develop and agree on these facilìtyaraígements wìtmn nìnety (90) days of the determnatìon by the Parìes that such specìficatìons shall be ìmplemented, and ìn any case, prior to the establìshment of any Fìber Meet arangements between them. Fìber Meet desìgn optìons ìnclude, but are not limìted to, the followìng: Desìgn One: ELTOPIA's fiber cable (four, or some ìntegral multìple thereof, fibers) and CenturLìnk's fiber cable (four, or some integral multìple thereof, fibers) are connected at an economìcally and technìcally feasible poìnt between the ELTOPIA and CenturyLìnk locatìons. Tils Interconnectìon point would be at a mutually agreeable locatìon. Desìgn Two: ELTOPIA wìl provide fiber cable to the last entrance (or CentuLìnk desìgnated) manole at the CentuLìnk End Office swìtch. CentuLìnk shall make all necessary preparatìons to receìve and to allow and enable ELTOPIA to delìver fiber optìc facìlìtìes ìnto that manole. ELTOPIA wìl provìde a sufficìent lengt of Optìcal Fìre Resìstant (OFR) cable for CentuLìnk to pull the fiber cable through the CentuLìnk cable vault and termìnate on the CentuLìnk fiber dìstributìon frame (PDP) ìn CentuLìnk's office. ELTOPIA shall delìver and Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idao Traffc Exchage Agreement - Rural Page 68 of 102 maìntaìn such strands wholly at ìts own expense up to the POI. CentuLìnk shall take the fiber from the manole and termìnate ìt inside CentuLìnk's offce on the FDF at ELTOPIA's expense. In ths case the POI shall be at the CentuLìnk FDF. Desìgn Thee: Both ELTOPIA and CentuLink each provìde two fibers between their locatìons. Thìs desìgn may only be consìdered where exìstìng fibers are avaìlable and there ìs a mutual benefit to both Parìes. CenturyLìnk wìll provìde the fibers assocìated wìth the "workìng" sìde of the system. ELTOPIA wìl provìde the fibers assocìated wìth the "protectìon" sìde of the system. The Parìes wìl work cooperatìvely to terminate each other's fiber in order to provìsìon thìs joìnt SONETring or poìnt-to-poìnt lìnear system. Both Parìes wìl work cooperatively to determìne the appropriate technical handoff for puroses of demarcatìon and fault ìsolatìon. The POI wìl be defined as beìng at the CentuLìnk locatìon. The ELTOPIA locatìon ìncludes FOTs, multìplexìng and fiber requìred to terminate the optìcal sìgnal provìded from CenturLìnk. This locatìon ìs ELTOPIA's responsìbìlìy to provisìon and maìntaìn. The CentuLìnk locatìon includes all CenturLìnk FOTs, multiplexìng and fiber requìred to termìnate the optìcal sìgnal provided from ELTOPIA. Thìs locatìon ìs CentuLìnk's responsìbility to provìsìon and maìntaìn. Pursuant to the mutually agreed upon implementatìon terms of ELTOPIA's Fìber Meet BFR, CentuLìnk and ELTOPIA shall procure, ìnstall, and maìntaìn the agreed-upon FOT equìpment ìn each of theìr locatìons where the Partìes established a Fìber Meet. Capacity shall be suffcìent to provìsìon and maìntaìn all tr groups prescribed by Sectìon 3 of tils Arìcle for the purposes of Interconnectìon. Each Pary shall provìde ìts own, unique source for the synchronized tìmìng of ìts FOT equìpment. At a mìnìmum, each timìng source must be Stratum-3 traceable and canot be provìded over DSO/DS 1 facìlìtìes, vìa Lìne Tìmìng; or vìa a Derived DS 1 off of FOT equìpment. Both Parìes agree to establìsh separate and dìstìnct tìmìng sources that are not derived from the other, and meet the criteria ìdentìfied above. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 69 of 102 ELTOPIA and CenturLìnk wil mutually agree on the capacìty of the FOT(s) to be utìlized based on equìvalent DS1s or DS3s. Each Pary wìll also agree upon the optìcal frequency and wavelength necessary to ìmplement the Interconnectìon. The Parìes wìl develop and agree upon methods for the capacìty planng and management for these facìlìtìes, terms and conditìons for over provìsìonìng facìlìtìes, and the necessary processes to ìmplement facìltìes as ìndìcated below. These methods wìl meet qualìty standards as mutually agreed to by ELTOPIA and CentuLìnk. 2.4 Responsìbilìtìes of the Parìes 2.41 ELTOPIA and CenturLink shall work cooperatìvely to ìnstall and maìntain a reliable network. ELTOPIA and CentuLink shall exchange appropriate ìnformatìon (e.g., maintenance contact numbers, network informatìon, ìnformatìon required to comply with law enforcement and other securty agencìes of the federal and state governent and such other ìnformatìon as the Parìes shall mutually agree) to achieve tms desìred relìability. 2.4.2 ELTOPIA and CentuLìnk wil revìew engìneering requìrements as requìred and establìsh semì-anual forecasts for facìlìtìes utìlìzatìon provìded under thìs Arìcle. 2.4.3 ELTOPIA and CentuLìnk shall: Provìde trained personnel wìth adequate and compatìble test equìpment to work with each other's technìcìans. Notìfy each other when there ìs any change affectìng the servìce requested, includìng the due date. Recognìze that a facìlìty handoff point must be agreed to that establìshes the demarcatìon for maintenance and provìsìoning responsìbilìtìes for each pary on theìr sìde of the POI. 2.5. Joìnt Facìlty Growth Planing 2.5.1 The ìnitial facìltìes deployed for each Interconnectìon shall be agreed to by the Parìes. The following lìsts the criteria and processes needed to satìsfy addìtìonal capacìty requìrements beyond the ìnitìal system. 2.5.2 Criteria: Investment ìs to be minimìzed. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 70 of 102 Facìlitìes wìl be planed for ìn accordance wìth the tr forecasts exchanged between the Paries as described ìn Arìcle III, Section 11 and Arìcle IV, Sectìon 3.5 and are to be deployed ìn accordance wìth the Processes described below. 2.5.3 Processes: In addìtìon to the joìnt tru group forecastìng established ìn Arìcle III, Sectìon 11, discussìons to provìde relìef to existìng facìlìtìes can be ìnitìated by eìther par. Actual system augmentatìons will be inìtìated upon mutual agreement. Both Parìes wìl perform a joint valìdatìon to ensure curent Interconnectìon facìlìtìes and assocìated trs have not been over- provìsìoned. If any facì1ìtìes and/or assocìated trs are over- provìsìoned, they wìl be tured down where appropriate. Tru desìgn blocking criteria described ìn Sectìon 3.6 ofthìs Arìcle wìl be used ìn determinìng tr group sìzìng requìrements and forecasts. If, based on the forecasted equìvalent DS-1 growth, the exìstìng facìlitìes are not projected to exhaust WÌthìn one year, the Pares wìl suspend fuher relief planing on tms Interconnection untìl a date one (1) year prior to the projected exhaust date. If growth patterns change during the suspensìon period, either Pary may re- initìate the joìnt planìng process. Both Parìes wìl negotìate a project servìce date and correspondìng work schedule to constrct relìef facìlties prior to facìlìtìes exhaust. The joìnt planng process/negotìatìons should be completed wìthìn two months of the ìnìtìatìon of such dìscussìon. 3.0 INTERCONNECTION TRUNKING REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Introductìon 3.1.1 Thìs Sectìon 3 of Arìcle IV sets forth terms and condìtìons for Interconnectìon provìded by CentuyLìnk and ELTOPIA. 3.1.2 Thìs Sectìon 3 of Arìcle IV provìdes descriptìons of the trg requìrements between ELTOPIA and CenturyLìnk. All references to ìncomìng and outgoìng trnk groups are from the perspectìve of Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 71 of 102 ELTOPIA. The paragraphs below describe the requìred and optìonal tr groups for local and mass cal1ng. 3.1.3 Local tr groups may only be used to transport traffc between the Paries' End Users pursuant to the terms of tms Aricle. A Pary wìl not origìnate any Local Traffic to the other Pary except vìa the tr group establìshed for the exchange of Local Traffc. 3.2 One Way and Two Way Tru Groups 3.2.1 One-way tr groups for ancìlary servìces (e.g. mass cal1ng) can be establìshed between the Paries. Ancìlary tru groups wìl utilìze Sìgnalìng System 7 (SS7) sìgnaling protocol. Multì-frequency (MF). sìgnaling protocol may only be used where ELTOPIA can demonstrate that ìt ìs not technìcally feasìble to use SS7 or where CentuyLìnk otherwìse agrees to use MF. The origìnatìng Pary wìl have admìnistratìve control of one-way tr groups. 3.2.2 The Partìes agree that separate two-way trnk groups for local, IntraLATA and InterLATA traffc shall be established between a ELTOPIA swìtch and a CenturyLink End Office swìtch pursuant to the terms of this Aricle. Trus wìl utìlìze Sìgnalìng System 7 (SS7) signaling protocol. Multì- frequency (MF) sìgnalìng protocol may only be used where ELTOPIA can demonstrate that it is not techncally feasible to use SS7 or where CenturLìnk otherwìse agrees to use MF. Two-way trnkìng for Local Traffic will be joìntly provìsìoned and maintaìned, wìth each Pary beìng responsible for costs on ìts sìde of the POI. The costs assocìated wìth transportìng Informatìon Access Traffic and/or ISP-Bound Traffc to ELTOPIA shall be the sole responsìbìlìty of ELTOPIA. For administratìve consìstency ELTOPIA wìl have control for the purose of ìssuìng Access Servìce Requests (ASRs) on two-way groups. Eìther Pary wì1 also use ASRs to request changes ìn trìng. Both Parìes reserve the right to ìssue ASRs, ìf so requìred, ìn the normal course ofbusìness. 3.2.3 Notwìthstandìng 3.2 above, the Parìes recognize that certaìn technìcal and bìlìng ìssues may necessìtate the use of one-way trìng for an ìnterim period. If eìther Pary wants to provìsìon its own one-way trs, tms must be agreed to by both Parìes. The Parìes wìl negotìate the appropriate tr configuratìon, whether one-way or two-way gìving consìderatìon to relevant factors, ìncludìng but not lìmìted to, exìstìng network configuratìon, admìnìstratìve ease, any bìl1ng system and/or technìcal lìmìtatìons and network effcìency. Any dìsagreement regardìng appropriate tr configuratìon shall be subject to the dìspute resolutìon process ìn Sectìon 20 of Arìcle III. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 72 of 102 3.2.4 Separate local trk groups may be establìshed based on bìling, sìgnalìng, and network requìrements. The followìng ìs the curent lìst of traffic types that requìre separate trnk groups, unless specìfically stated otherwìse ìn thìs Agreement: 911/E911 trs; Mass Callng Trus, ìf applìcable; and Toll Free Servìce trnks where ELTOPIA provìdes such servìce to ìts customers. 3.3 Dìrect and Indirect Connectìon 3.3.1 Indìrect Network Connectìon Indìrect Network Connectìon ìn ìntended only for de minìmìs traffic assocìated wìth ELTOPIA "start-up" market entr into a CentuLìnk local exchange. Therefore Indìrect Network Interconnectìon wìl be allowed only on routes between CentuLìnk end offices and a ELTOPIA swìtch ìn instances where, and only so long as, none of the triggers set forth ìn Sectìon ofthìs Arìcle have been reached. Indìrect Network Connectìon shall be accomplìshed by delìvery and swìtching of Local Traffic at the Tandem Swìtch servg CentuLìnk's end offce on the traffic route. CenturyLink ìs responsìble for facìlìties and transport between ìts end offce and ìts servìce area boundar for Local Traffc that ìt origìnates to ELTOPIA as well as between ìts servìce area boundary and its end office for Local Traffic that ELTOPIA origìnates to CenturLìnk. ELTOPIA ìs responsìble for facìlitìes and transport between ìts end office and CentuLìnk's servìce area boundar for Local Traffc that ìt origìnates to CenturyLìnk as well as between CentuLink's servìce area boundar and ELTOPIA's end office for Local Traffic that CenturLìnk origìnates to ELTOPIA. Each Pary ìs responsìble for the appropriate sìzìng, operatìon, and maìntenance of ìts portìon of the transport facìltìes described ìn thìs Sectìon The Parìes agree to enter ìnto their own agreements with thid- pary provìders. In the event that ELTOPIA sends traffc though CenturLìnk's network to a tmrd-pary provìder wìth whom ELTOPIA does not have a traffic ìnterexchange agreement, then ELTOPIA agrees to ìndemnfy CenturLìnk for any terminatìon charges rendered by a thìrd-pary provider for such traffic. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 73 of 102 To the extent a Par combines Local Traffic and Joìntly-Provìded Swìtched Access Traffc on a sìngle tr group for ìndìrect delìvery through a tandem, the origìnatìng Pary, at the termìnatìng Pary's request, wìl declare quarerly Percentages of Local Use (PLUs). Such PLUs wìl be verifiable wìth either call summar records utìlìzing Callìng Pary Number (CPN) ìnformatìon for jursdìctìonalìzatìon of traffic or call detaìl samples. Call detaìl or dìrect jursdìctìonalìzatìon using CPN ìnformatìon may be exchanged ìn lìeu of PLU, ìf ìt ìs avaìlable. The termnating Pary should apportìon per mìnute of use (MOU) charges appropriately. Nothìng ìn tms Agreement shall be construed to require CenturLìnk to payor share ìn the costs of transport outsìde ofìts service area. 3.3.2. Dìrect Network Connectìon and Local Poìnt ofInterconnectìon (POD Unless the parìes mutually agree otherwìse, a Dìrect Network Connectìon and a Local POI shall be establìshed upon occurence of any of the triggers set forth ìn Sectìon of thìs Arìcle. In some cases, multìple POI(s) wìl be necessar to provìde the best techncal ìmplementatìon of Interconnectìon requìrements to each End Offce wìthìn a CenturyLìnk's servìce area. A Direct Network Connectìon shall be establìshed by connectìng ELTOPIA's network to CentuLìnk's network at a mutually agreed upon poìnt on CenturLìnk's network wìthìn the CentuLìnk local exchange. The connectìon can be establìshed ìn any of the maners described ìn Sectìon 2 ofthìs Arìcle. Th~ Dìrect Network Connectìon poìnt establìshed ìn Sectìon ofthìs Arìcle shall also be the Local POI. Each pary shall be responsìble for establìshìng and maìntaìnìng all facìlìtìes on ìts sìde of the Local POI. Each Pary ìs responsìble for the appropriate sìzing, operatìon, and maìntenance of the transport facìlty to the POI. Unless the paries agree otherwìse, a Dìrect Network Connectìon and Local POI shall be establìshed upon the occurence of eìther of the followìng: ELTOPIA has begun servìng end users wìthìn a CentuLìnk local exchange, or has assìgned to any end user numbers that are rated to a rate center that ìs wìtmn the local callng area of a CenturLìnk exchange and the Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 74 of 102 resultìng Local Traffic that ìs to be exchanged between the Parìes ìs equal to or greater than a DS-1 tr equìvalency as described ìn Sectìon of this Arìcle. Eìther Pary ìs assessed transiting costs by a tmrd pary and such charges assocìated wìth a sìngle traffic exchange . route exceed $200.00 for one month. A DS-1 tr equìvalency ìs deemed establìshed In any the fol1owìng instances: Traffc studìes of peak busy CCS indìcate that the number of trs necessar to acmeve a .001 Grade of Servìce based upon applicatìon of the Erlang B table ìs equal to or exceeds 24 for three consecutìve months, or for three months of any consecutìve five month period. Combìned two-way traffic between two sìngle switches of each Party reaches 200,000 combined minutes of use per month for two consecutìve months, or for any two months ìn a consecutìve three-month period. At any poìnt where a traffc forecast prepared pursuant to requìrements of Arìc1e Il, Sectìon 11 or Arìcle IV, Sectìon 3.5 ìndìcates that combined two-way traffc between two sìngle swìtches of each Pary wìl exceed 200,000 minutes of use per month. In any ìnstance where ELTOPIA has requested to port a number or numbers assocìated wìth an end user customer and ìt ìs known that local trs prevìously assocìated wìth that customer and those numbers equaled or exceeded 24. In any other ìnstance where ìt can be shown that a customer that ELTOPIA ìs about to serve prevìously had 24 or more local trs assocìated with the servìce that the customer wìl disconnect or has dìsconnected ìn migratìng ìts servìce to ELTOPIA. In any ìnstace where ELTOPIA ìs provìdìng a tandem fuctìon then ELTOPIA must dìrect connect to CentuLìnk pursuant to the terms of tms sectìon. In such as case, ELTOPIA must also record and provìde bìllng records for that traffic transìting ELTOPIA's swìtch and termìnatìng to CenturyLìnk. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 75 of 102 The Paries may mutually agree to establìsh a Dìrect Network Interconnectìon even where none of the condìtìons set forth ìn Sectìon ofthìs Arìcle has occured. All traffic receìved by CenturLink on the direct End Offce tr group from ELTOPIA must termìnate ìn the End Office, ì.e. no Tandem swìtcmng wìl be performed ìn the End Office. All traffic receìved by ELTOPIA on the dìrect End Offce trunk group from CentuLìnk must termìnate ìn the End Office, ì.e., no Tandem swìtchìng wìl be performed ìn the End Office. Where End Office fuctìonalìty ìs provìded ìn a remote End Office of a host/remote configuratìon, the Interconnectìon for that remote End Offce ìs only avaìlable at the host switch unless otherwìse made technically avaìlable by CenturLìnk. The number of dìgìts to be receìved by the termìnating Pary shall conform to standard ìndustr practìces; but ìn no case shall the number of dìgìts be less than seven (7). ELTOPIA and CenturyLink shall, where applìcable, make recìprocally avaìlable, the requìred tr groups to handle different traffic types. ELTOPIA and CentuLìnk wìll support the provìsìonìng of tr groups that car combìned or separate Local Traffc. Notwìthstandìng the above, CenturyLìnk requires separate tru groups from ELTOPIA to origìnate and termìnate Non-Local Traffic calls and to provìde Swìtched Access Servìce to IXCs. To the extent ELTOPIA desìres to have any IXCs origìnate or termnate swìtched access traffic to or from ELTOPIA, usìng joìntly provìded swìtched access facìlìtìes routed though a CenturLìnk access tandem, ìt ìs the responsìbìlìty of ELTOPIA to arange for such IXC to ìssue an ASR to CentuLìnk to dìrect CenturyLìnk to route the traffc. If CenturLìnk does not receìve an ASR from the IXC, CenturyLìnk wìl ìnìtìally route the swìtched access traffic between the IXC and ELTOPIA. If the IXC subsequently ìndìcates that ìt does not want the traffic routed to or from ELTOPIA, CentuLink wìl not route the traffic. Each Pary agrees to route traffic only over the proper jursdìctìonal tr group. Each Pary shall only delìver traffic over the local connectìon tr groups to the other Pary's access tandem for those publìcly-dìalable NXX Codes served by end offces that dìrectly subtend the access tandem or to those wìreless servìce provìders that dìrectly subtend the access tandem. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 76 of 102 Neìther pary shall route Swìtched Access Servìce traffc over local connectìon trs, or Local Traffic over Swìtched Access Servìce trs. 3.4 Tru Groups 3.4.1 The followìng trnk groups shall be used to exchange local traffic between ELTOPIA and CenturLìnk. 3.4.2 Local Interconnectìon Tru Group(s) ìn Each Exchange Direct End Office Truìng The Paries shall establìsh dìrect End Office primar mgh usage Local Interconnectìon tru groups for the exchange of Local traffic where actual or projected traffic demand ìs or wìll be twenty four (24) or more trnks, as described ìn Sectìon oftms Aricle. 3.4.3 Where eìther Pary offers dìrect or ported local servìce to end users, that Pary must maìntain network facìlìtìes (whether owned or leased) used to actìvely provìde, ìn par, local Telecommuncatìons Servìces ìn the geographìc area where servìce ìs offered. 3.4.4 ELTOPIA shall provìde all SS7 sìgnalìng ìnformatìon ìncluding, wìthout lìmìtatìon, charge number and origìnating lìne ìnformatìon (OLI). For termnating FGD, CenturyLìnk wìl pass all SS7 sìgnaling ìnformation ìncluding, wìthout lìmìtation, CPN ìf ìt receìves CPN from FGD carers. All privacy ìndìcators wìl be honored. Where avaìlable, network sìgnalìng ìnformatìon such as transìt network selectìon (TNS) parameter, carer ìdentìficatìon codes (CIC) (CCS platform) and CIC/OZZ ìnformatìon (non-SS7 envìronment) wìl be provìded by ELTOPIA wherever such ìnformatìon ìs needed for call routìng or bìlìng. The Parìes wìl follow all OBF adopted standards pertaìnìng to TNS and CIC/OZZ codes. 3.4.5 Hìgh Volume (HV) / Mass Callng (Choke) Tru Group: If ELTOPIA should acquire a HV/Mass Callng customer, ì.e. an ISP or a radìo statìon, ELTOPIA shall provìde written notìficatìon to CentuLìnk. 3.5 Forecastìng and Plannng Responsìbìlìtìes 3.5.1 ELTOPIA agrees to provìde an ìnìtìal forecast for establìshìng the ìnìtìal Interconnectìon facì1ìtìes pursuant to Arìcle III, Sectìon 11. CentuLink shall revìew thìs forecast, and ìf ìt has any additìonal ìnformatìon that wìll Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLin Idaho Traffic Exchage Agreement - Rural Page 77 of 102 change the forecast shall provìde thìs ìnformatìon to ELTOPIA. The Parìes recognìze that, to the extent mstorical traffic data can be shared between the Parìes, the accuracy of the forecasts wìl ìmprove. ELTOPIA shall provide subsequent forecasts on a semì-anual basìs. ELTOPIA forecasts should include yearly forecasted tr quantìties for all appropriate tru groups described ìn thìs sectìon for a mìnimum of three years. Forecasts shall be non-bindìng on both CentuLìnk and ELTOPIA. CenturyLink shall take ELTOPIA's forecasts ìnto consìderatìon ìn ìts network planìng, and shall exercìse ìts best efforts to have available for tu up the quantìty of interconnectìon trs and facilìtìes forecasted by the ELTOPIA. However, the development and submìssìon of forecasts shall not replace the ordering process ìn place for ìnterconnectìon trs and facilìtìes, and the provìsìon of the forecasted quantìty of ìnterconnectìon trus and facìlìtìes ìs subject both to capacìty exìstìng at the tìme the order ìs submìtted as well as to the demonstrated need based on the fill rate of the exìstìng trs and facìlìtìes. Furhermore, the development and receìpt of forecasts does not ìmply any lìabìlìty for faìlure to perform ìf capacìty ìs not avaìlable for use at the forecasted tìme. 3.5.2 The semì-anual forecasts shall ìnclude: Yearly forecasted tr quantìties (wmch ìnclude measurements that reflect actual, End Office Local Interconnectìon trs, and Tandem subtending Local Interconnectìon End Office equìvalent tr requirements) for a minìmum of three (curent and plus 1 and plus 2) years; and A descriptìon of major network projects antìcìpated for the following sìx (6) months. Major network projects ìnclude trunkng or network rearangements, smfts ìn antìcìpated traffic patterns, orders greater than four (4) DSl's, or other actìvìtìes that are reflected by a signficant ìncrease or decrease ìn tring demand for the following forecastìng period. 3.5.3 The Parìes shall agree on a forecast provìded above to ensure efficìent utìlìzatìon of trnks. Orders for trnks that exceed forecasted quantìties for forecasted locatìons wìl be accommodated as facìlìtìes and/or equìpment becomes available. Partìes shall make all reasonable efforts and cooperate ìn good faìth to develop alternatìve solutions to accommodate orders when facìlìtìes are not avaìlable. 3.5.4 ELTOPIA shall be responsìble for forecastìng two-way tr groups. CentuLìnk shall be responsìble for forecastìng and servìcìng the one- way tr groups termìnatìng to ELTOPIA and ELTOPIA shall be responsìble for forecastìng and servìcìng the one-way tru groups Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 78 of 102 termìnatìng to CentuLìnk, unless otherwìse specìfied ìn thìs sectìon. Standard tru traffic engìneering methods wìl be used by the Parìes. 3.5.5 If forecast quantìtìes are ìn dìspute, the Parìes shall meet, eìther ìn person or vìa conference call, to reconcìle the dìfferences. 3.5.6 Each Pary shall provìde a specified point of contact for planing, forecastìng and tr servìcìng puroses. 3.5.7 CenturyLìnk shall attempt to meet ELTOPIA's requests for ìnterconnectìon usìng Curently A vaìlable facìlitìes and capacity. CenturLìnk shall have no obligatìon to constrct addìtìonal facìlììes or capacìty to meet ELTOPIA's requests for Interconnectìon. However, ìf CenturLìnk refuses a ELTOPIA request due to lack of facìlìtìes or lack of capacìty, ELTOPIA may request to work wìth CenturLìnk to establìsh a constrctìon plan, and ELTOPIA shall bear all costs assocìated wìth engìneering and constrctìng such addìtìonal facìlìtìes or capacìty. 3.5.8 Notwìthstandìng the above, ìf ELTOPIA determìnes to offer local exchange servìce wìthìn a CenturyLìnk area, EAS to a CenturLìnk' area or otherwìse assìgn numbers rated to the CenturyLìnk exchange, ELTOPIA shall provìde thìrty (30) days wrtten notìce to CentuLìnk of the need to establìsh Interconnectìon. Such request shall ìnclude (ì) CLEC's Swìtch address, type, and CLL!; (ìì) CLEC's requested Interconnectìon actìvatìon date; and (ììì) a non-bìndìng forecast ofCLEC's trng and facìlìtìes requìrements. Upon receìpt of CLEC's notìce to ìnterconnect, the Parìesshall schedule a meetìng to negotìate and mutually agree on the network archìtecture (includìng trnkìng) to be documented as dìscussed above. The Interconnectìon actìvatìon date for an Interconnect shall be establìshed based on then-exìstìng work force and load, the scope and complexìty of the requested Interconnectìon and other relevant factors. If ELTOPIA deploys addìtional swìtches after the Effectìve Date or otherwìse wìshes to establìsh Interconnectìon wìth addìtìonal CenturLìnk Central Offices, ELTOPIA shall provìde wrtten notìce to CentuLìnk to establìsh such Interconnectìon. The terms and condìtìons of this Agreement shall apply to such Interconnectìon. If CenturyLìnk deploys addìtìonal End Office swìtches ìn a local exchange after the effectìve date or otherwìse wìshes to establìsh Interconnectìon wìth addìtìonal ELTOPIA Central Offices ìn such local exchange, CentuLìnk shall be entitled, upon wrtten notice to CLEC, to establish such Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 79 of 102 Interconnectìon and the terms and condìtìons of thìs Agreement shall apply to such Interconnectìon. 3.6 Tru Desìgn Blockìng Criteria 3.6.1 In accordance wìth ìndustr traffic engineering standards, tr requìrements for forecastìng and servìcìng shall be based on the blockìng objectìves shown ìn Table 1. Tru requìrements shall be based upon a tìme consìstent average busy season busy hour Erlang B .001 factor. TABLE 1 Tru Group Type Design Blockìng Objectìve Local Dìrect End Office (Primar High)as mutually agreed upon Local Dìrect End Office (Fìnal).01% 3.7 Tru Servcìng 3.7.1 Orders between the Parìes to establìsh, add, change or dìsconnect trs shall be processed by usìng an Access Service Request (ASR). ELTOPIA wìl have adinistratìvecontrol for the purose of ìssuìng ASR's on two- way tr groups. Where one-way trs are used (as dìscussed ìn Sectìon 3.2 of thìs Arcle), CenturLìnk wìl ìssue ASRs for tr groups for traffic that origìnates from CenturLìnk and termìnates to ELTOPIA. The Parìes agree that neìther Party shall alter trnk sìzìng wìthout first conferrng with the other Pary. 3.7.2 Both Parìes wìl joìntly manage the capacìty of Local Interconnectìon Tru Groups. Eìther Pary may send an ASR to the other Pary to trgger changes to the Local Interconnectìon Tru Groups based on capacìty assessment. 3.7.3 Underutìlzatìon: Underutilìzatìon of Interconnectìon trnks and facìlitìes exìsts when provìsìoned capacìty ìs greater than the curent need. Thìs over provisìonìng ìs an ìnefficìent deployment and use of network resources and results ìn unecessar costs. Those sìtuatìons where more capacity exìsts than actual usage requìres wìl be handled ìn the followìng maner: If a tr group ìs under 75 percent (75%) of CCS capacìty on a monthly average basìs, for each month of any three (3) consecutìve months period, eìther Par may request the ìssuance of an order to resìze the tru group, whìch shall be left wìth not less than 25 percent (25%) excess capacìty. In all cases grade of servìce objectìves shall be maìntaìned. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 80 of 102 Eìther Par may send an ASR to the other Pary to trgger changes to the Local Interconnectìon Trunk Groups based on capacìty assessment. Upon receipt of an ASR the receìvìng Pary wìl ìssue an ASR to the other Par wìtmn twenty (20) busìness days after receìpt of the ìnìtìatìng ASR. Upon review of the ASR ìf a Pary does not agree wìth the resìzìng, the Paries wìll schedule a joìnt planìng dìscussìon wìtmn twenty (20) busìness days. The Parìes wìl meet to resolve and mutually agree to the dìsposìtìon of the inìtìatìng ASR. 3.8 ELTOPIA wìl be responsìble for engìneering ìts network on ìts sìde ofthe Poìnt of Interconnectìon (POI). CentuLìnk wìl be responsìble for engìneering ìts network on ìts sìde of the POI. 3.9 Where facilitìes are avaìlable, due dates for the ìnstallatìon of Local Interconnectìon Trus covered by tils sectìon shall be shall be in accordance with the CenturLìnk Servìce Guìde. If eìther ELTOPIA or CenturLìnk ìs unable to or not ready to perform Acceptance Tests, or is unable to accept the Local Interconnectìon Servìce Arangement tr(s) by the due date, the Partìes wìl reschedule a mutually acceptable date. 3.10 Utilizatìon shall be defined as Trus Requìred as a percentage of Trus In Servìce. Trus Requìred shall be determined usìng methods described ìn Section 3.5 of thìs Arìcle usìng Desìgn Blockìng Objectìves stated in Sectìon 3.6 of this Arìcle. 3.10.1 Should ELTOPIA request trng from CenturLìnk ìn excess of the ìndustry traffic engìneering desìgn blocking standard, CenturyLìnk ìs not oblìgated to provide such trng unless ELTOPIA agrees ìn wrtìng to pay for the excess trìng on the CentuLìnk sìde of the POI. 3.11 Tru Data Exchange 3.11.1 Each Pary agrees to servìce tr groups to the foregoìng blockìng criteria ìn a tìmely maner when tr groups exceed measured blockìng thresholds on an average tìme consìstent busy hour for a twenty-one (21) day study period. The Partìes agree that twenty-one (21) days ìs the study period duratìon objectìve. However, a study period on occasìon may be less than twenty-one (21) days but at mìnìmum must be at least three (3) busìness days to be utìlzed for engìneering puroses, although wìth less statìstìcal confidence. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuyLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 81 of 102 3.11.2 Exchange of traffic data enables each Pary to make accurate and ìndependent assessments of tr group servìce levels and requirements. . Parìes agree to establish a timelìne for ìmplementing an exchange of traffic data. Implementatìon shall be wìthìn thee (3) months of the date, or such date as agreed upon, that the tr groups begìn passing lìve traffic. The traffc data to be exchanged wìll be the Origìnating Attempt Peg Count, Usage (measured ìn Hundred Call Seconds), Overflow Peg Count, and Maìntenance Usage (measured ìn Hundred Call Seconds) on a seven (7) day per week, twenty-four (24) hour per day, fifty-two (52) weeks per year basìs. These reports shall be made avaìlable on a semì-anual basìs upon request. Exchange of data on one-way groups ìs optìonaL. 3.12. Network Management 3.12.1 Restrctìve Controls Eìther Pary may use protectìve network traffic management controls such as 7 -digìt and 10-dìgìt code gaps set at appropriate levels on traffic toward each other's network, when requìred, to protect the publìc switched network from congestìon due to facìlìty faìlures, swìtch congestìon, or faìlure or focused overload. ELTOPIA and CentuLink wìl ìmedìately notìfy each other of any protectìve control action planed or executed. 3.12.2 Expansìve Controls Where the capabìlìty exìsts, origìnatìng or terminatìng traffc reroutes may be ìmplemented by eìther Pary to temporarily relìeve network congestìon due to facìlìty faìlures or abnormal callng patterns. Reroutes wìl not be used to CÌrcumvent normal tr servìcìng. Expansìve controls wìl only be used when mutually agreed to by the Partìes. 3.12.3 Temporar Mass Callìng ELTOPIA and CenturLìnk shall cooperate and share pre- planing ìnformation regardìng cross-network call-ìns expected to generate large or focused temporar ìncreases ìn call volumes. 4.0 MUTUAL COMPENSATION FOR TRASPORT, TERMINATION, AND TRASITING OF LOCAL TRAFIC 4.1 Introductìon 4.1.1 This Sectìon 4 of Arìcle IV sets forth terms and condìtìons for mutual compensatìon for transport, termìnatìon, and transìting of Local Traffic, Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 82 of 102 ISP-Bound Traffic, and VNXX Traffc provìded by CentuLìnk and ELTOPIA. 4.2 Transmìssìon and Routìng of Telephone Exchange Servìce Traffic Relevant to Compensatìon 4.2.1 Intentìonally left blan. 4.2.2 Recìprocal compensatìon applìes for transport and termìnatìon of Local Traffc, ISP-Bound Traffic, and VNXX Traffic termìnated by eìther Party's swìtch. The Partìes agree that the jursdìctìon of a call ìs determìned by ìts physìcal origìnatìng and termìnating (end-to-end) poìnts. When an End User originates a call whìch termìnates to an End User physìcally located in the same local callng area and served on the other Pary's swìtch, the origìnatìng Pary shall compensate the termìnatìng Pary for the transport and terminatìon of Local Traffc ìn accordance wìth Sectìon 4.4 of ths Arìcle. For puroses of compensatìon between the Parìes and the abìlìty of the Parìes to appropriately apply theìr toll rates to theìr End User Customers, ELTOPIA shall adopt the Rate Center areas and Rating Points that the Commìssìon has approved for the ILECs. ELTOPIA and CentuLìnk shall comply wìth all relevant industr guìdelìnes and Commìssìon requìrements ìn the assìgnent and use of numbering resources. If ELTOPIA assìgns NP A/s to specific rate centers and assìgns numbers from those NPNNXXs to ELTOPIA End-Users physìcally located outsìde of the rate center to wmch the NP A/ ìs assìgned, CenturLìnk traffc origìnatìng from wìthìn the rate center where the NP NNXX ìs assìgned and termìnatìng to such Vìrtual NXX (VNXX) End-Users at a locatìon outsìde the CenturLìnk origìnatìng rate center, shall be compensated at Bìl and Keep. The termìnatìng carrer wìl be responsìble for the cost of transportìng the call. 4.2.3 ELTOPIA and CenturLìnk agree to termìnate each other's ISP-Bound Traffic on a Bìl and Keep basìs of recìprocal compensatìon. Eltopìa and CenturyLìnk agree to termìnate each other's VNXX Traffic on a Bìl and Keep basìs of recìprocal compensatìon and the termìnatìng carer ìs responsìble for the transport of the call from the local callng area ìn wmch the call origìnates to the Poìnt of Interconnectìon. 4.2.4 When ELTOPIA establìshes servìce ìn a new area, the Parìes' oblìgatìon for recìprocal compensatìon to each other shall commence on the date the Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 83 of 102 Parìes agree that the network ìs complete (Le., each Pary has establìshed ìts originatìng trs as well as any ancìlar fuctìons (~, 9-1-1)) and ìs capable of fully supportìng origiating and termnatìng End Users' (and not a Pary's test) traffic. If there ìs no formal agreement as to the date of network completìon, ìt shall be consìdered complete no later than the date that live traffic first passes though the network. 4.2.5 The compensatìon arangements set forth ìn tms sectìon are not applìcable to (i) Exchange Access traffic, (ìì) traffic originated by one Par on a number ported to ìts network that termìnates to another number ported on that same Pary's network or (ììì) any other type of traffic found to be exempt from recìprocal compensatìon by the FCC or the Commissìon. All Exchange Access traffic and ìntraLATA Toll Traffic shall contìnue to be governed by the terms and condìtìons of applìcable federal and state access tarffs. Optìonal callìng plans, where applìcable, wìl be classìfied as toll traffic. 4.2.6 As set forth in Sectìon of tms Arìcle, IP-Enabled Voìce Traffic shall be assìgned to the correspondìng jursdìctìon for compensatìon puroses, ìf all the sìgnalìng parameters are ìncluded wìth the traffic exchange. Callng Pary Number ("CPN") and Jursdìctìonal Indìcator Parameter ("JIP") of the originatìng IP-Enabled Voìce Traffic shall ìndìcate the geographical locatìon of the actual IP caller locatìon, not the locatìon where the call enters the PSTN. 4.2.7 Private Lìne Servìces ìnclude private lìne-lìke and specìal access services and are not subject to local recìprocal compensatìon. Private Lìne Servìces are defined as dedicated Telecommuncatìons chanels provìded between two poìnts or swìtched among multìple poìnts and are used for voìce, data, audìo or vìdeo transmìssìon. Private Lìne servìces ìnclude, but are not lìmìted to, W ATS access lìnes. 4.2.8 Except as provìded otherwìse ìn tms Agreement, the Parìes understand and agree that eìther Pary, upon ten (10) days notìce to the other Pary, may block any traffic that is ìmproperly routed by the other Pary over any tru groups and/or wmch ìs routed outsìde of the mutual agreement of the Parìes. 4.2.9 Neìther Party shall be oblìgated to compensate the other Pary or any Thìrd Pary for telecommunìcatìons traffic that ìs ìnappropriately routed. 4.3. Responsìbìlìties ofthe Parìes 4.3.1 Each Pary to this Agreement wì1 be responsìble for the accuracy and qualìty of ìts data as submìtted to the respectìve Parìes ìnvolved. It is the responsìbìlity of each Pary to originate and transmìt complete and Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuyLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 84 of 102 unaltered callng party number (CPN), as receìved by anorigìnatìng pary. Each Pary ìs indìvìdually responsìble to provìde facìlìtìes wìtmn ìts network for routìng, transporting, measurng, and bìling traffic from the other Pary's network and for delìvering such traffic to the other Pary's network as referenced ìn Telcordìa Technologìes BOC Notes on LEC Networks and to termìnate the traffic ìt receìves ìn that standard format to the proper address on ìts network. The Parìes are each solely responsìble for particìpatìon ìn and complìance WÌth natìonal network plans, ìncludìng the Telecommuncatìons Servìce Priority (TSP) System for Natìonal Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP). 4.3.2 Each Party ìs responsìble to ìnput requìred data ìnto Routing Data Base Systems (RDBS) and ìnto Telecordìa Technologìes Rating Admìnistratìve Data Systems (example: BRAS) or other appropriate system(s) necessary to update the Local Exchange Routìng Guìde. 4.3.3 Neìther Pary shall use any Interconnectìon, fuctìon, facìlìty, product, network element, or servce provìded under thìs Agreement or any other servìce related thereto or used ìn combìnatìon therewìth ìn any maner that ìnterferes wìth or ìmpaìrs servìce over any facìlìtìes of eìther Pary, ìts affiìated companìes or other connectìng telecommunicatìons carers, prevents any carrer from usìng ìts Telecommuncation Servìce, ìmpaìrs the qualìty or privacy of Telecommunìcatìons Servìce to other carrers or to eìther Pary's End Users, causes hazards to eìther Pary's personnel or the publìc, damage to eìther Pary's or any connectìng carer's facìltìes or equìpment, ìncludìng any malfuctìon of ordering or bìlìng systems or equìpment. Upon such occurence, eìther Party may dìscontinue or refuse servìce for so long as the other Pary is vìolatìng thìs provìsìon. Upon any such vìolatìon, eìther Party shall provìde the other Pary notìce of the vìolatìon at the earlìest practìcable tìme. 4.3.4 Each Party ìs solely responsìble for the servìces ìt provìdes to its End Users and to other Telecommuncatìons Carers. 4.3.5 Where SS7 connectìons exìst, each Pary wìl provìde the other wìth the proper sìgnalìng ìnformatìon (e.g., origìnatìng Callng Pary Number, JIP and destìnatìon called pary number, etc.), to enable each Pary to ìssue bìls ìn a complete and timely fashion. All CCS sìgnalìng parameters wìl be provìded ìncludìng CPN, JIP, Origìnatìng Lìne Informatìon Parameter (OLIP) on calls to 8XX telephone numbers, callìng party category, Charge Number, etc. All privacy indìcators wìl be honored. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 85 of 102 4.4 Local Traffic Compensatìon 4.41 The rates, terms, condìtìons controned herein apply only to the termination of Local Traffic on the Parìes' networks. All applìcable rate elements can be found in Arìcle VII - Pricìng. 4.4.2 The Parìes shall assume that Local Traffc is roughly balanced between the parìes unless traffc studìes indìcate otherwise. Accordìngly, the Parìes agree to use a Bìl-and-Keep Arangement wìth respect to termìnatìon only of Local Traffic. Eìther Pary may ìnìtiate a traffc study no more frequently than once every sìx (6) months. Such traffic study shall examine all Local Traffc. Local Traffic that ìs also ISP-Bound Traffic is excluded from the traffic study. When the actual usage data ìn the study ìndìcates that the Local Traffic termìnated both dìrectly or ìndìrectly by either Pary, excludìng Local Traffc that ìs ISP-Bound Traffic, is more than 60 percent of the total combined terminated mìnutes of both Parìes for three (3) consecutìve months, that Pary may notìfy the other Pary by regìstered letter that mutual compensatìon wìl commence for such Local Traffic, pursuant to the rates set forth ìn Arìcle VII-Pricìng of thìs Agreement. The written notìce must be accompanìed by verifiable ìnformatìon supporting the out-of-balance determìnatìon, except that such informatìon may alternatìvely be sent ìn electronìc format at the notìfyìng Pary's dìscretìon or the receìvìng Party's request. Followìng such notìce, bìlìng shall begìn and contìnue for the duratìon of the Term of thìs Agreement unless the out-of-balance determìnatìon ìs reversed pursuant to the dìspute resolutìon process or subsequent traffc studìes (not more frequent than every 6 months) ìndìcate that the traffic has changed to reflect that neìther Party termìnates more than 60% of the total traffic. . 4.4.3 End Office Termìnatìon Rate The End Office Termìnatìon rate applìes to Local Traffc that ìs delìvered to the Parìes for termìnatìon at an End Office Swìtch. Thìs ìncludes dìrect-routed Local Traffic that termìnates to offices that have combìned Tandem Office Swìtch and End Office Swìtch fuctìons. 4.5 Bìllng for Mutual Compensatìon 4.5.1 Dìrect Interconnectìon Where the Parìes utìlìze Dìrect Interconnectìon for the exchange of traffic between theìr respectìve networks, each Pary wìl calculate termìnatìng ìnterconnectìon mìnutes of use based on standard Automatìc Message Accountìng (AMA) recordìngs made wìthi each Pary's network. These recordìngs are the basìs for Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 86 of 102 each Pary to generate bìls to the other Pary. For purposes of reciprocal compensatìon only, measurement of mìnutes of use over Local Interconnectìon Tru Groups shall be ìn actual conversation seconds. The total conversatìon seconds over each ìndìvìdual Local Interconnection Tru Group will be totaled for the entìre monthly bìl and then rounded to the next whole minute. Where SS7 connectìons exìst between CentuLìnk and ELTOPIA, undentìfied traffic (ì.e. wìthout CPN or JI) wìl be handled in the followìng maner. If the amount of unìdentified traffic ìs less than five percent (5%) of the total traffc, it will be treated as havìng the same jursdìctìonal ratìo as the identified traffic. If the unìdentìfied traffic exceeds five percent (5%) of the total traffic, all the undentified traffic shall be bìled at a rate equal to access charges. The origìnating Pary wìl provìde to the other Pary, upon request, ìnformatìon to demonstrate that Pary's portìon of no~CPN or JIP traffic does not exceed five percent (5%) of the total traffic delìvered. The Parìes will coordìnate and exchange data as necessar to determìne the cause of the CPN or JIP faìlure and to assìst ìts correctìon. 4.5.2 Indìrect Interconnectìon For any traffic exchanged between the Parìes vìa thìrd pary tandems, each Pary shall utìlìze records provìded by the tandem operator to ìnvoìce for traffic termìnatìng on ìts network. The Paries agree to accept the bìling records from the tandem operator as representatìve of the traffic exchanged between the Parìes. To calculate ìntrastate toll access charges, each Pary shall provìde to the other, wìthin twenty (20) calendar days after the end of each quarer (commencìng wìth the first full quarer after the effective date ofthìs Agreement), a PLU (Percent Local Usage) factor. Each company should calculate the PLU factor on a LATA basìs usìng theìr origìnatìng IntraLATA mìnutes of use. The Parìes shall provìde a separate PLU for each CentuyLìnk operatìng company covered under thìs Agreement. The percentage of origìnatìng Local Traffic plus ISP-Bound Traffic to total ìntrastate (Local Traffic, Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 87 of 102 ISP-Bound Traffic, and ìntraLATA toll) origìnatìng traffic would represent the PLU factor. 4.5.3 Audìts of usage assocìated wìth Recìprocal Compensatìon shall be performed as specìfied Arìcle III, Section 7.2. 4.5.4 The Parìes shall be governed by applìcable state and federal rules, practìces, and procedures regardìng the provìsìon and recordìng of billng records. 4.6 Transìt Traffc 4.6.1 All references to CentuLìnk Tandems ìn tils sectìon pertaìn only to those locatìons where CenturyLìnk curently owns a Tandem and where the CenturLìnk End Offices at whìch traffic ìs to be exchanged are actually connected to the CentuyLìnk Tandem. CentuLìnk Tandem servìces are not avaìlab1e 1) at CenturLìnk End Offices or 2) to CenturLìnk End Offices where the End Offices are not connected to a CentuLìnk Tandem. 4.6.2 Where CentuLìnk ìs a tandem owner, Transìt Servìce ìs provìded by CenturyLìnk to ELTOPIA vìa ** CLEC's connectìon to the Tandem to enable the completìon of calls origìnated by or termìnated to another Telecommuncatìons Carer (such as another ELTOPIA, another LEC, or a wireless carer) that ìs connected to the Tandem. To the extent that ELTOPIA's owns an Access Tandem Switch, as desìgnated ìn the LERG, ELTOPIA may also provìde Transìt Servìce to CenturLìnk. 4.6.3 For puroses ofthe Agreement, Transìt Traffic does not ìnclude traffic that ìs cared by Interexchange Carers at any poìnt durng the end-to-end transmìssìon of the communìcatìon. For puroses ofthìs Agreement, traffic cared at any poìnt durng the end-to-end transmìssìon of thecommuncatìon by one or more Interexchange Carers ìs defined as Joìntly-Provìded Swìtched Access Servìce Traffic to wmch Sectìons and ofthìs Arìcle apply. 4.6.4 CenturLìnk wìl accept Transìt Traffic origìnated by ELTOPIA for termìnatìon to another CLEC, another LEC, or wìreless carrer that ìs connected to CenturyLìnk's Access Tandem Swìtch. CentuLìnk wìl also termìnate Transìt Traffic from another CLEC, another LEC, or wìreless carrer that ìs connected to CenturyLìnk's Access Tandem Swìtch to ELTOPIA, subject to the followìng. To the extent technìcally feasìble, the Parìes ìnvolved ìn transportìng Transìt Traffic wìl delìver calls to each ìnvolved network wìth Common Chanel Sìgnalìng (CCS)/Sìgnalìng Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rurl Page 88 of 102 System 7 (SS7) protocol and the appropriate ISUP/TCAP messages to facìlìtate full interoperabìlìty and bilìng fuctìons. The origìnatìng carer ìs responsìble for payment of appropriate rates to the carer provìdìng the Transit Servìce and to the termìnatìng carer. The Parìes agree to enter into traffc exchange agreements wìth thìrd-pary Telecommunìcatìons Carers prior to delìvering traffic to be transìted to thìrd-pary Telecommuncatìons Carers. In the event one Pary origìnates traffic that transits the second Pary's network to reach a thìrd-pary Telecommunicatìons Carer wìth whìch the origìnatìng Pary does not have a traffic exchange agreement, the origìnatìng Pary wìl ìndemnìfy, defend and hold harmless the second Pary against any and all charges levìed by such third-party Telecommunicatìons Carer, includìng anytermìnatìon charges related to such traffc and any attorneys' fees and expenses. In the case of IntraLATA Toll Traffic where CenturLin ìs the desìgnated IntraLATA Toll provìder for existìng LECs, CentuyLìnk wìl be responsìble for payment of appropriate usage rates. Where eìther Pary ìnterconnects and delìvers traffic to the other from thìrd parìes, each Pary shall bìl such thìrd parìes the appropriate charges pursuant to ìts respectìve Tarffs or contractual offerings for such thìrd-pary termìnatìons. The followìng rates shall apply to Transìt Traffic dependìng on the type of traffc beìng transìted: Transìt of Local Traffic: Swìtchìng and transport rates wìl be charged to the origìnatìng Party, as contaìned in Arìcle VII (Pricìng). Transìt of IntraLATA Toll Traffic: A per-mìnute-of-use rate wìl be charged to the origìnatìng Party, as contaìned ìn CenturLin's state access tarff. Transìt of Joìntly-Provìded Swìtched Exchange Access Servìce Traffic: The applìcable Swìtched Access rates wìl be bìled by the Partìes to the IXC based on MECAB guìdelìnes and each Pary's respective FCC and state access Tarffs. 4.6.5 When CenturLìnk receìves an unqueried call from ELTOPIA to a telephone number that has been ported to another local servìce provìder, the transìt rate and LNP dìp charge set forth ìn CenturLìnk's applìcable tarff shall apply. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 89 ofl02 4.7 Bìlìng. 4.7.1 When direct connectìon ìs implemented, CentuLin shall render to ELTOPIA a bìl for dìrect connectìon servìces on a curent basìs. Charges for physìcal facìlìtìes and other non-usage sensìtìve charges shall be bìled ìn advance, except for charges and credìts assocìated wìth the ìnìtìal or final bìls. Usage sensìtìve charges, such as charges for termìnatìon of Local Traffic, shall be bìled ìn arears. 4.7.2 Bilìng Specìficatìons. The Parìes agree that bìlìng requìrements and outputs wìll be consìstent with the Ordering & Bìllng Form (OBF) and also wìth Telcordìa Technologìes Bìlìng Output Specìficatìons (BOS). Usage Measurement: Usage measurement for calls shall begìn when Answer Supervìsìon or equìvalent Sìgnaling System 7 (SS7) message is receìved from the termìnating office and shall end at the tìme of call dìsconnect by the calling or called subscriber, wmchever occurs first. Mìnutes of use (MOU), or fractìons thereof, shall not be rounded upward on a per-call basìs, but wìl be accumulated over the bìlìng period. At the end of the bìlìng period, any remaìnìng fractìon shall be rounded up to the nearest whole minute to arve at total bìlable mìnutes. MOD shall be collected and measured in mìnutes, seconds, and tenths of seconds. 5.0 APPLICABILITY OF OTHER RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS 5.1 Every ìnterconnectìon and servìce provìded hereunder, whether dìrect or ìndìrect, shall be subject to all rates, terms and condìtìons contaìned ìn tils Arìcle and thìs Agreement, whìch are legìtìmately related to such ìnterconnectìon or servìce. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 90 of 102 ARTICLE V: MANTENANCE 1.0 GENERA MANTENANCE & REP AIR REQUIREMENTS CentuLink wìl provide maìntenance and repaìr servìces for all Interconnectìon Facìltìes and trs provìded by CenturLìnk under this Agreement. Such maìntenance and repair servìces provided to ELTOPIA shall be equal ìn qualìty to that whìch CentuLìnk provìdes to ìtself, any subsìdìar, Affilìate or thrd pary. CentuLink agrees to respond to ELTOPIA trouble reports on a non-discriminatory basis consìstent wìth the manner ìn whìch ìt provìdes servìce to ìts own retaìl End User Customers or to any other simìlarly ìnitiated Telecommunicatìons Carer. Notwìthstandìng anyting else ìn thìs Agreement, CenturyLink shall be required to provìde maìntenance and/or repair to ELTOPIA only to the extent requìred by Applìcable Law. 2.0 MANTENANCE & REPAIR PROCEDURES 2.1 CenturLìnk shall not respond to maintenance and/or repaìr calls directly from ELTOPIA's End User Customers. ELTOPIA shall ìnitìate any and all maìntenance and/or repaìrcalls to CenturyLìnk. 2.2 CenturLìnk wìl provìde a sìngle poìnt of contact (SPOC) for all of ELTOPIA's maìntenance and repaìr requìrements under thìs Arìcle (vìa a 1-800 number(s)) that wìl be answered twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Thìs SPOC shall be set forth ìn the CentuLìnk Servìce Guìde. 2.3 On a recìprocal basis, ELTOPIA wìl provìde CentuLìnk wìth an SPOC for all maìntenance and repaìr requìrements under thìs Arìcle (vìa a 1-800 number(s)) that wìll be answered twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. 2.4 ELTOPIA agrees to follow the process and procedures for reportìng and resolvìng cìrcuìt trouble or repaìrs set forth ìn the CentuLìnk Servìce Guìde. Before contactìng CenturyLìnk's Trouble Maìntenance Center (CTMC), ELTOPIA must first conduct trouble ìsolatìon to ensure that the trouble does not origìnate from ELTOPIA's own equìpment or network or the equìpment of ELTOPIA's customer. 2.5 If (a) ELTOPIA reports to CentuLìnk a trouble, (b) ELTOPIA requests a dìspatch, (c) CenturyLìnk dìspatches a technìcian, and (d) such trouble was not caused by CentuLìnk's facìlìtìes or equìpment in whole or ìn par, then ELTOPIA shall pay CentuLìnk a charge set forth ìn CenturyLìnk's local tarff for tìme assocìated wìth saìd dìspatch. In additìon, thìs charge also applìes when the customer contact as desìgnated by ELTOPIA is not avaìlable at the appointed tìme. ELTOPIA accepts responsìbìlìty for ìnìtìal trouble ìsolatìon and provìdìng CenturyLìnk wìth appropriate dìspatch ìnformatìon based on ìts test results. If, as the result of ELTOPIA ìnstrctìons, CentuLìnk ìs erroneously requested to dìspatch to a site on CenturLìnk's company premìses ("dìspatch ìn"), a charge set forth ìn CenturyLìnk's local tariff wìl be assessed per occurrence to Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 91 of 102 ELTOPIA by CentuLìnk. If as the result of ELTOPIA's ìnstrctìons, CentuLink ìs erroneously requested to dìspatch to a sìte outside of CenturLin's company premìses ("dispatch out"), a charge set forth in CenturLink's local tarff wìl be assessed per occurrence to ELTOPIA by CenturLink. 2.5.1 Should no charges applìcable to Section 2.5 above be documented ìn CenturLink's local tarff, then CenturLìnk shall determìne Tìme and Materials charges pursuant to Arìcle VII. 3.0 ESCALATION PROCEDURES 3.1 CenturLink wìl provìde ELTOPIA with wrtten escalatìon procedures for maintenance and repaìr resolutìon to be followed ìf any ìndìvìdual trouble tìcket or tìckets are not resolved ìn an appropriate fasmon. The escalatìon procedures to be provided hereunder shall ìnclude names and telephone numbers of CenturLìnk management personnel who are responsìble for maìntenance and/or repair ìssues. These escalatìon procedures and contact ìnformatìon are set forth ìn the CenturLìnk Servìce Guìde. 3.2 On a recìprocal basìs, ELTOPIA wìl provìde CentuLìnk wìth contact and escalatìon ìnformatìon for coordìnatìon of all maintenance and repaìr ìssues. 4.0 EMERGENCY RESTORATION 4.1 ELTOPIA may contact CenturLìnk ìn order to dìscuss actìvìtìes involvìng the Central Office and ìnter-office network that may ìmpact ELTOPIA End User Customers. 4.1.1 CenturLìnk wìl establìsh an SPOC to provìde ELTOPIA WÌth ìnformatìon relatìng to the status of restoratìon efforts and problem resolutìon during any restoratìon process. 4.1.2 CentuLink shall establìsh methods and procedures for reprovisiomng of all Interconnectìon Facìlìtìes and trs after ìnitìal restoratìon. CenturLìnk agrees that Telecommunìcatìons Servìce Priority ("TSP") servìces for ELTOPIA car equal priority wìth CentuLìnk TSP servces for restoratìon. CentuLìnk wìl follow the guìdelìnes establìshed under the Natìonal Securty Emergency Procedures (NSEP) plan and wìl follow TSP guìdelìnes for restoratìon of emergency servìces ìn as expedìtìous a maner as possìble on a non-dìscrimìnatory basìs to respond to and recover from emergencìes or dìsasters. 5.0 MISDIRECTED REPAIR CALLS 5.1 For mìsdìrected repaìr calls, the Parties wìl provìde theìr respectìve repaìr bureau contact number(s) to each other on a recìprocal basìs and provide the End User Customer the correct contact number. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 92 of 102 5.2 In responding to mìsdìrected calls, neìther Pary shall make dìsparagìng remarks about each other, nor shall they use these calls as a basìs for ìntemal referrals or to solìcìt End User Customers or to market servces. 6.0 PRICING 6.1 Rates and charges for the relevant servìces provìded under ths Aricle are ìncluded ìn Arìcle VII (Pricìng), and such rates and charges shall apply. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 93 of 102 ARTICLE VI: ADDITIONAL SERVICES 1.0 NUMBER PORTABILITY 1. I Definìtìons. For purposes of this Sectìon 1.0 governng number portabìlìty, the followìng definìtìons shall apply: 1.1.1 "Coordìnated Hot Cut (CHC)" - A Coordìnated Hot Cut ìs a combined and sìmultaneous effort between local servìce provìders to perform the completìon of a local servìce request order. 1.1.2 "Donor Party" - The Donor Pary ìs the Pary that ìs receìvìng the number port request and ìs relinquìsmng the ported number. 1.1.3 "Local Routìng Number (LRN)" - A Local Routìng Number ìs a ten (10)- dìgìt number that ìs assigned to the network swìtcmng elements for the routìng of calls ìn the network. 1.1.4 "Permanent Number Portabìlìty" (PNP) is the ìn-place long-term method of provìdìng Number Portabìlìty (N) usìng the LRN method. 1. 1.5 "Recìpìent Pary" - The Recìpìent Partyis the Pary that ìs ìnìtìating the number port request and ìs receìving the ported number. 1.1.6 "Ten-Dìgìt Unconditìonal Trigger Method (TDT)" - TDT ìs an industry- defined PNP solutìon that utìlìzes the ten-dìgìt Local Routìng Number to provìde for an automated process that permits the work at the Recìpìent Pary's swìtch to be done autonomously from the work at the Donor Pary's swìtch resultìng.ìs less downtìme to the end-user. 1.2 Number Portabì1ty (N). 1.2.1 Each Party wìl provìde Local Number Portabìlìty and obtain End User Customer authorizatìon ìn accordance wìth the Act, and applìcable FCC rules, regulatìons and orders 1.2.2 A Pary requestìng a number to be ported must send the other provìdìng Party a Local Servìce Request (LSR). If a Party requests that the other Pary port a number, the Partìes shall follow the "Local Number Portabìlìty Ordering Process" set forth ìn CenturLìnk Servìce Guìde and comply wìth applicable FCC rules, regulatìons and orders. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 94 of 102 The LSR wìl have a requested due date that ìs not less than the standard provìsìonìng ìntervals of four (4) days. Both Parìes agree to provide a Firm Order Confirmatìon (FOC) to the Recìpìent Pary wìthìn 48 hours from the tìme a "clean" LSR ìs receìved. For purposes ofthìs Arìcle, the Parìes wìl use a project management approach for the implementatìon of LSRs for large quantìtìes of ported numbers (ìn excess of 50 per day) or for complex portìng processes. Wìth regard to such managed projects ("projects"), the Parìes may negotìate ìmplementatìon detaìls ìncludìng, but not lìmìted to: Due Date, Cutover Intervals and Tìmes, Coordinatìon of Technìcal Resources, and Completion Notìce. 1.2.3 Local Number Portabìlity (LNP) orders may not be expedìted. 1.2.4 The Pary receìvìng the LSR wìl bìl the servìce order charge set forth in the Pricìng Aricle for each LSR receìved. The Pary wìl bìl the servìce order charge for a LSR, regardless of whether that LSR ìs later supplemented, clarified or cancelled. Notwthstandìng the foregoing, neìther Pary wìl bìl an addìtìonal servìce order charge for supplements to any LSR submìtted to clarfy, correct, change or cancel a prevìously submìtted LSR. 1.2.5 Regardless of the number of Locatìon Routìng Numbers (LRNs) used by a Sprint ìn a LATA, CentuLìnk wìl route traffic destìned for Sprint's End User Customers vìa dìrecttrìng where dìrect trng has been establìshed. In the event that dìrect trng has not been establìshed, such traffic shall be routed vìa a Tandem Swìtch. 1.2.6 When CenturLìnk receìves an unqueried call from Sprint to a telephone number that has been ported to another local servìces provìder, the transìt rate and NP dip charge found ìn the applicable tarìff wìl apply. 1.2.7 Neìther Pary shall be requìred to provìde Number Portabìlity under thìs Agreement for excluded numbers defined by FCC orders or other Applicable Law, as updated from tìme to tìme, ìncludìng but not limited to: 500 NP As; 900 NP As; 950 and 976 NX number servìces; and OCS NXs (i.e., numbers used ìnternally by eìther Pary for ìts own business puroses). The term "Officìal Communìcatìons Servìce (OCS)" means the ìnternal telephone numbers used by CentuLìnk or Sprint. 1.2.8 When a ported telephone number becomes vacant, e.g., the telephone number ìs no longer ìn servìce by the origìnal End User Customer, the ported telephone number wìl snap-back to the LERG-assìgned thousands Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 95 of 102 block holder or the NXX code holder ìf poo1ìng ìs beìng utilìzed ìn the Rate Center. 1.2.9 Each Pary shall become responsìble for the End User Customer's other telecommunìcatìons-related ìtems, e.g., E911, Dìrectory Lìstìngs, Operator Servìces, Line Informatìon Database (LIDR), when ìt ports the end user's telephone number to ìts swìtch. 1.3 Cut-Over Process for Number Porting Orders 1.3.1 TDT Cut-Overs. Where techncally feasìble, both Parìes wìll use PNP-LRN cut- overs, whìch rely upon the Ten-Dìgìt Uncondìtìonal Trigger Method (TDT) for portìng numbers. CentuLìnk wìl update ìts CentuLìnk Servìce Guìde to ìdentìfy the cìrcumstances of whìch ìt ìs aware where use of TDT ìs not technically feasìble. The Donor Pary agrees to set the ten-dìgìt uncondìtìonal trgger by 5 :00 p.m. Central Tìme on the day before the scheduled due date. The Donor Pary agrees to remove the ten-dìgìt uncondìtìonal trgger on the next Busìness Day, no earlìer than 11 :59 a.m., after the scheduled due date for the port and replace wìth a PNP trgger, unless the Recìpìent Pary requests otherwìse by contactìng the Donor Pary and submittìng a supplemental order. 1.3.2 Coordìnated Hot Cuts CCHC). Where the Parìes agree or are required to ìttplement a Coordìnated Hot Cut (CHC) to effectuate a servce cut-over, the Parìes shall follow the process and procedures for such CHCs set fort ìn the CentuLink Servìce Guìde. Pricìng for Number Portabìlìty Coordìnated Hot Cuts CCHCs). When a Recìpìent Pary orders Coordinated Hot Cut (CHC) servìce, the Donor Pary shall charge, and the Recìpìent Party shall pay, the applìcable time, addìtìonal Tìme and Material Charges set forth ìn Arìcle VII (Pricìng). For calculatìng "time" and/or "addìtional tìme" labor charges, the tìme shall begìn when the Donor Party receìves the call from Recìpìent Pary and ends when the Parìes dìsconnect from the call. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 96 of 102 2.0 ACCESS TO POLES, DUCTS, CONDUITS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY 2.1 Vìa Tariff or Separate Agreement To the extent requìred by the Act, ìncludìng the requìrement that a requesting Telecommunìcatìons Carer be a provider of Telecommunicatìons Servìces as defined by 47 U.S.C. § 153(46), CentuyLìnk and ELTOPIA shall each afford to the other access to the poles, ducts, conduìts and rights-of-way (ROWs) that ìt owns or controls on terms, condìtìons and prices comparable to those offered to any other entìty pursuant to each Pary's tarffs and/or standard agreements, or as agreed to by the Parìes and ìn accordance wìth Applìcable Law and regulatìons. Accordìngly, ìf CentuyLìnk or ELTOPIA desìres access to the other Pary's poles, ducts, conduìts or ROWs, the Pary seekìng access shall make such a request ìn wrtìng, and the Parìes shall negotìate the terms and conditìons for such access ìn accordance wìth Applìcable Law. Such terms and condìtìons shall be contaìned ìn separate, stand-alone agreement. 2.2 Pole Attachment & Conduìt Occupancy Agreements ELTOPIA agrees that pole attachment and conduìt occupancy agreements must be executed separately before ìt makes any pole attachments to CenturLìnk's facìlìtìes or uses CentuLìnk's conduìt. Unauthorized pole attachments or unauthorized use of conduìt wìl constìtute a material breach ofthìs Agreement. 3.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PROVIDING INTERCONNECTION AND DATABASE ACCESS FOR 9111E911 SERVICES Where CenturLìnk ìs the 911/E911 servìce provìder ìn a parìcular Rate Center ìn whìch ELTOPIA ìs authorized to provìde Telephone Exchange Servìce, ELTOPIA may connect to the CenturyLìnk 911/E911 Se1ectìve Router (SR) that serves such Rate Centers for the provìsìon of 911/E911 servìces to ìts End User Customers and for access to all subtendìng Publìc Safety Answering Poìnts (PSAPs). CenturyLìnk's provìsìon of such 911/E911 servìces to ELTOPIA shall be governed by the rates, terms and condìtìons set forth ìn CentuLìnk's applìcable Tarff. 4.0 DIRECTORY LISTINGS & DIRECTORY DISTRIBUTION 4.1 Publìshed dìrectory lìstìngs and dìrectory dìstributìon services for ELTOPIA's End User Customers wìl be provìded by CenturyLink to ELTOPIA pursuant to the rates, terms and condìtìons set forth ìn CenturLìnk's applìcable Tarff, where such Tarff ìs available. If no applìcable Tariff ìs avaì1able, CenturLìnk shall provìde such dìrectory lìstìngs and dìrectory dìstrbutìon servìces pursuant to separate Dìrectory Servìce Agreement (DSA) terms between CenturyLìnk and ELTOPIA whìch wìl be attached to thìs Agreement as an Amendment. 4.2 The Parìes acknowledge that CenturLìnk ìs not a Dìrectory Assìstance (DA) provìder. CenturLink provìdes dìrectory lìstìngs ìnformatìon for ìts subscribers to third pary DA provìders to be ìnc1uded ìn the national and local databases Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idao Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 97 of 102 used by such thìrd pary provìders. The Pares agree that to the extent the DA provìder contracted by ELTOPIA for DA servìces to ELTOPIA's subscribers also populates the natìonal DA database, then ELTOPIA's DA lìstìngs have been made avaìlable to CenturyLìnk's subscribers and no fuher effort ìs needed by either Pary. If for any reason, ELTOPIA desìres that CenturLìnk act as a mìddleman conduìt for the placement of ELTOPIA's DA lìstìngs ìn the DA database(s), then CenturLìnk shall provìde such compensable DA lìstìngs servce pursuant to separate DA ters between CenturLìnk and ELTOPIA whìch wìl be attached to tils Agreement as an Amendment. 5.0 NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICE 5.1 CenturLìnk wìl provìde nondìscrimìnatory access to eìther sìde of the Network Interface Devìce (NID). CenturLìnk shall provìde access to the NI under the followìng terms and condìtìons. Rates and charges applìcable to NIDs are set forth ìn Arìcle VII (Pricìng), and such rates and charges shall apply. 5.2 The NI ìs defined as any means of ìnterconnectìon of customer premìses wiring to CenturLìnk's distrbution plant, such as a cross-connect devìce used for that purose. Fundamentally, the NID establìshes the closest access point to the demarcatìon poìnt between the loop (ìnclusìve of the NID) and the End User Customer's ìnsìde wìre. Except ìn multì-unìt tenant propertìes where CentuLìnk owns and maìntaìns control over ìnsìde wìre wìthn a buìldìng, maìntenance and control of the End User Customer's insìde wìring (i.e., on the End User Customer's sìde of the NI) ìs under the control of the End User Customer. Confhcts between telephone servìce provìders for access to the End User's ìnsìde wìre on the End User's sìde of the NID must be resolved by the End User. 5.3 ELTOPIA may obtain access to the NID on CentuLìnk's network sìde or the End User Customer's sìde on a stand-alone basìs to permìt ELTOPIA to connect ìts own loop facìlìtìes to the premìses wìring at any customer locatìon. ELTOPIA may not connect to or otherwìse access the End User Customer sìde of the NID except ìn accordance wìth these terms. Any repaìrs, upgrade and/or rearangements to the NID requested or requìred by ELTOPIA wìl be performed by CenturLìnk based on the Tìme and Material Charges set out ìn Aricle VII (pricìng). CentuyLìnk, at the request of ELTOPIA, wìl dìsconnect the CenturLìnk Local Loop from the NID, at charges reflected ìn Arìcle VII (Pricìng). ELTOPIA may elect todìsconnect CentuLìnk's Local Loop from the NID on the customer's sìde of the NI, but ELTOPIA shall not perform any disconnect on the network sìde of the NI. Under no cìrcumstances, however, shall ELTOPIA connect to either sìde of the NID unless the CentuLìnk network ìs first dìsconnected from the NID as set forth ìn tms Arìcle. 5.4 Wìth respect to multìple dwellng unts or multìple-unt busìness premìses, ELTOPIA shall have the optìon of connectìng dìrectly wìth the End User's Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 98 of 102 premìses wire, or may connect with the End User's premises wire via CenturLìnk's NID. 5.5 CentuLìnk shall be under no oblìgatìon to ìnstall a NID ìn order to enable ELTOPIA to ìnterconnect to such NID, but CentuLìnk shall make avaìlable to ELTOPIA any NI that exìsts at the time ELTOPIA seeks ìnterconnectìons to a NID to serve an End User Customer. The NIs that ELTOPIA uses under thìs Arìcle wìl be exìstìng NIDs already ìnstalled by CentuLink to serve ìts End Users. 5.6 In no case shall ELTOPIA access, remove, dìsconnect or in any other way rearange CentuyLìnk's loop facilìtìes from CentuLìnk's NIDs, enclosures or protectors. In no case shall ELTOPIA attach to, remove or dìsconnect ground wìres from CentuLìnk's NIDs, enclosures or protectors. In no case shall ELTOPIA remove or dìsconnect NID modules, protectors or termìnals from CentuLìnk's NID enclosures. 5.7 ELTOPIA may access the End User Customer's sìde of the NID for the purose of dìsconnectìng and capping off the End User's premìses wiring or removìng the End User's premìses wìring for connectìon to ELTOPIA's own NID WÌthout any charge to ELTOPIA beìng ìncurred. Any other access to the End User Customer's sìde of the NID that involves the ìnsertìon or use of any wìring owned or provided by ELTOPIA ìn a connectìon of any type to the End User premìses wìring or to any NI fuctìonalìty, ìncludìng a NI to NI connectìon, shall be consìdered a bìlable use of the CentuLìnk NI. 5.8 Ordering Processes & Provìsìonìng Intervals. The ordering processes and standard provìsìonìng ìntervals applìcable to NIDs made avaìlable pursuant to thìs Arìcle shall be as set forth ìn the CentuLink Servìce Guìde. Standard provìsìoning ìntervals shall be substantìally the same as the ìntervals under whìch CentuLìnk provìsìons the same servìce to ìtself. Eltopia Communications, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 99 of 102 ARTICLE VII: PRICING I. GENERA PRICING Pre-ordering Non-recurring Charges (NRCs) Account Establìshment Local Servìce Request Charge Per Order Submìtted (includìng Number Portabìlty & NID LSRs) Customer Record Search Per Account Expedìte Request Charge $274.63 $ 15.55 $ 11.75 $150.00 (The following NRCs are ìn addìtìon to other NRCs as applìcable): Coordinated Conversions: iso Central Offce Connectìon Outsìde Facility Connectìon $ 18.61 $ 9.03 $ 8.46 Hot Coordinated Conversion Per Hour: iSO Central Office Connectìon Outsìde Facìlìty Connectìon $ 24.56 $ 36.13 $ 33.84 Applìcatìon ofNRCs Pre-ordering: "CLEC Account Establìshment" ìs a one-tìme charge applìed the first tìme that ELTOPIA orders any servìce "from a CentuLìnk affilìate. "Customer Record Search" applìes when ELTOPIA requests a sumary ofthe servìces curently subscribed to by the End User Customer. "Servìce Order Charge" all for all LSRs (ìncluding Number Portabìlìty and NID LSRs) wìl be applìcable when submìttìng a Local Servìce Request (LSR) for any reason other than for CSR puroses. The Servìce Order Charge covers the admìnìstratìve order processìng costs and ìs not assocìated wìth the recovery of any technìcal or: materials costs that may be recovered through other charges. CenturLìnk wìl bìl the servìce order charge for an LSR regardless ìfthe LSR ìs later supplemented, clarified, or cáncelled. Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLin Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 100 of 102 Custom Handlìng (These NRCs are in addition to any Pre-ordering or Orderig and Provìsìonìng NRCs): "Servìce Order Expedite" applìes ìfELTOPIA requests servìce prior to the standard due date ìntervals. "Coordìnated Hot Cut" applìes when the LSR (Local Servìce Request) requests a Coordìnated Hot Cut - a combined and sìmultaneous effort between CenturLìnk and ELTOPIA to perform the completion of a local servìce request order. "Time and Materials" charges apply for non-standard or ìndìvìdual-case- basìs work requested by ELTOPIA. NI Outsìde Facility Connectìon applìes ìn addìtìon to the iso when ìncremental fieldwork is requìred. II. INTERCONNECTION PRICING Interconnectìon pricìng wìl be applìed as defined and pursuant to the terms ìn Arìcle IV. A. Recìprocal Compensatìon Local Traffc Per MOU TBD ISP-Bound Traffic Bìl & Keep VN Traffic Bìl & Keep B. Tandem Transìt Charge per MOU $0.005 C. Inìtìal Factors: Inìtìal CenturyLìnk Orgìnated Local Traffic Factor 50% Eltopia Communcations, LLC - CentuLink Idaho Traffic Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 10 1 of 102 Eltopia Communications. LLC By: W.1 d. (\ ~ ~ Name: ~.f. \ \ L. Me c. \\.. \ \. Title: Prt'i'. A (. - '\ Date: ~ W":ó 10 SIGNATURE PAGE CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. d//a CenturyLink I"BY:~ Name: Michael R. Hunsucker Title: Director-Contract Management Date: et- "-/0 Eltopia Communications. LLC - Century Link Idaho Traffc Exchange Agreement - Rural Page 102 of 102